Presentation - Nordic Network


Presentation - Nordic Network
04.06.14 The Nordic Associa3on KATRINE A. ZIESLER KAZ@NORDEN.NO WWW.NORDEN.NO The Nordic associa3ons The Nordic associa3ons are independent, non-­‐party organiza3ons that promote closer Nordic coopera3on between all people – from school children to heads of state. 1 04.06.14 We promote Nordic coopera3on through •  Advocacy work •  Informa3on •  Cultural events •  Educa3onal projects The beginning: •  The Nordic Associa3on was launched in Denmark, Norway and Sweden in 1919. It was later established in Iceland (1922), Finland (1924), the Faroe Islands (1951), Åland (1979), (Greenland 1991) •  Combined the Nordic Associa3ons have approximately 40 000 members 2 04.06.14 The Nordics: •  26 million inhabitants •  Only 6 countries in the world are larger •  The Nordic economies combined = the world’s 10th to 12th largest economy Nordic coopera3on: 3 04.06.14 Over the years: The Nordic associa3on was a proponent for establishing: •  The Nordic council (1952) •  Passport freedom in the Nordic zone (1952) •  Communal labour market (1954 – 60 years ago) •  Social security agreement (1955) •  The Helsinki agreement (1962 – ”The Nordic Cons3tu3on”) 4 04.06.14 Nordic day – March 23rd Three main focus areas •  Infrastructure –  The Scandinavian 8 Million City •  Integra3on –  A United Nordic Federa3on? •  Language –  An important pillar of democra3c coopera3on 5 04.06.14 Infrastructure 6 04.06.14 Demonstrasjonstoget Closer integra3on 7 04.06.14 A United Nordic Federa3on? “The Nordic Region 2030: The five Nordic countries have formed a federal poli3cal en3ty – the United Nordic Federa3on” – G. We'erberg •
2010-­‐583 Language 8 04.06.14 Nordens språkpris the Nordic Language Award •  2010: Fredrik Skavlan •  2011: Timbuktu •  2012: Ghita Nørby •  2013: Vigdís Finnbogadóor Schools and libraries •  420 schools as members •  Our goal: to give all school children in the Nordic countries a “Nordic experience” 9 04.06.14 Nordic experiences Or… 10 04.06.14 Or… Or… 11 04.06.14 Crea3ng mee3ng places 12 04.06.14 Nordisk bibliotekuke -­‐ Nordic library week •  Week 46 – from Monday November 10th Nordic TROLLS Trolljegeren (Troll hunter, 2010) 13 04.06.14 Texts from: –  Áslaug Jónsdóor, Kalle Güetler, Rakel Helmsdal: Monsterbråk –  Tove Jansson: Pappan och havet 1814 14 04.06.14 Celebra3ng the cons3tu3on tends to look like this: The Nordic perspec3ve The events of 1814 marked the start of 200 years of peace among the Nordic neighbors, but it could have gone very differently… 15 04.06.14 1814 – Game of Thrones? 1814 -­‐ A year of Miracles? Three different takes on the poli3cal situa3on of 1814, told by three different characters… 16 04.06.14 The Danish preacher’s wife The young patriot from Bergen 17 04.06.14 The tradesman with close 3es to Sweden …and King Chris3an Frederik 18 04.06.14 Links • 
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