Concord High School - Brandywine School District


Concord High School - Brandywine School District
Fall 2013
Concord High School
Compassion • Responsibility • Integrity • Self-control • Respect • Perseverance
Important Dates
Wed., Nov. 13
1st MP Report Cards
distributed. 9th & 10th
GR DCAS Scores Distributed to Students.
Thurs., Nov. 14
Choice Open House From
6:30—8 PM
Wed., Nov. 27
Inservice Day (Schools
closed, Offices Open)
Thurs., Nov.28
Thanksgiving Holiday,
Schools and Office Closed
Fri., Nov. 29
Dec. 5, 6, 7
(Thu,, Fri., &
Wed., Dec. 11
Wed., Dec. 11
Thanksgiving Holiday,
Schools and Office Closed
Fall Play
Arsenic & Old Lace at 7
PM in the Auditorium
Chorale Concert 7 PM in
the Auditorium
Dear Students and Parents,
The winter season is the time to stop and appreciate all of our blessings. With that in mind, I
would like to thank all of our Concord families for all that you do in supporting your children
and their education at Concord High School. Your participation and interest in our events
sends a strong message about the strong partnerships we have developed between home and
school. I cannot say enough about our awesome students and dedicated staff. They make great
things happen at Concord High School. Thank you.
First marking period report cards and 9th and 10th grade fall DCAS score reports were sent
home on November 13th with your child. Please review them with your child and help them
set academic goals for the second marking period. The second marking period is Nov. 4
through Jan. 24th. Concord continues to stress academics. Our expectations are clear—do your
best in whatever you do. We encourage our students to reach for the stars. Please continue to
check the Home Access System to monitor your child‘s progress. If you need sign-on information, please contact our Guidance Office at 475-3950.
2nd MP Interim Ends
Pancake Breakfast
7:30—11 AM in the Cafeteria
Band concert 7 PM in the
Tues., Dec. 17
2nd MP Interims DistribThurs., Dec. 19
Prof. Dev. Day-School
Mon., Dec. 23
Closed, Offices Open
Tues., Dec. 24 Winter Break-Schools
thru Tues., Dec. Closed, Office Open Ex31
cept for Dec. 24th & 26th
Sat., Dec. 14
Wed., Jan 1
Principal’s Message
New Year’s Day—School
and Offices Closed
School Reopens
Full Day
Martin Luther King, JR
Mon., Jan. 20 Holiday-School and Offices Closed
Mid-Term Exams,, GR 9—
Tues., Jan. 21
12 (half days for students
thru Fri., Jan 24
GR 9-12 only)
The second marking period has a lot of important dates, particularly for seniors. Please check
our website for upcoming events. We are celebrating College Application Month in November. We will be doing special activities all month long. We have set aside November 18 and
November 19 to assist any senior individually with the college application process. Please contact your child‘s counselor for more information about the college application process. All
students should be making a plan for life after Concord High School, no matter what grade they
are in.
Thank you for all your help keeping traffic flowing during the morning drop off by pulling all
the way down the lane when dropping off your child in the morning. With close to 200 cars
each morning, something as simple as dropping off at the second door makes a big difference. Thank you.
Thurs., Jan 2
Fr., Jan 24
2nd MP Ends
Fri., Jan 31
2nd MP Report Cards
Please feel free to contact me at 475-3951 or e-mail me at if you
have any questions or concerns.
Anne Lambert
Concord High School ............................
Home Access Center .............................
Sports Schedules ...................................
Brandywine School District ..................
Parent Resource Center .........................—Under Site Shortcuts, click on Parent Center
School Store ..........................................
Fall 2013
Page 2
any health issues or changes in phone numbers.
The hearing and vision screenings on 10th graders are complete. The
The Brandywine School District's Student Code of Conduct is 9th grade postural screenings will be done soon during gym class.
available online: You can find it Parents will be notified if further evaluations are needed.
in Site Shortcuts on the District's homepage and also on our Please encourage your student to eat breakfast and get plenty of rest.
This makes a difference in their ability to focus and learn. Also, if
school's homepage
your child does not feel well, they need to come to the nurse to be
evaluated. All calls to parents/guardians should be made from the
nurse‘s office. If your child is sick, they need to stay home until
their fever is gone and they are feeling better.
As a parent of a student in the Brandywine School District,
If you have any questions or concerns, please don‘t hesitate to conyou have the right to know the professional qualifications of tact me at or call 475-3965.
the classroom teachers who provide instruction to your child. ____________________________________________________
Federal law allows you to request certain information regardNEW FOR 2013-2014 SCHOOL
ing Delaware licensing and certification requirements; the
teachers’ major areas of study and advanced degrees, and
the qualifications of our paraprofessionals. This information
can be accessed through the Delaware Department of Educa9TH GRADERS:
tion website address:
Starting with the 2013-2014 school year, all entering 9th graders
must have a health exam which was completed within the last 2
years. Documentation must be received by the nurse within 30 days
from the start of school. The following forms are acceptable and
HAC allows you to view your child's grades, assignments, and available on the CHS website:
attendance. The website is: https:/ A
letter was sent home with your child the first week of school Click on Nurse‘s Office > Nurse‘s Forms and use either of these
with your username and password. Please email your stuforms:
dent’s guidance counselor for assistance.
* Delaware School Health Exam Form
* DIAA Sports Physical Form – this must be used if your child inEmail address:
Student’s Counselor
tends to participate in sports at Concord
Last Name
You may also use the Physical Form provided by your doctor.
Greg Mitchell
Patsy PipkinPerry **
Andrea Harding
Leah Heckles
Are you a member of the Wellness Center?
Join now so you may access services if needed.
Consent forms available in school and on the school
Services include:
 physicals
 treatment of minor injuries/illnesses
 diagnostic testing
 counseling
 nutritional counseling
Please call if you have any questions 302- 477-3960
The nurse‘s office has been busy so far this year making sure all
students are up to date on their immunizations, physicals, and have
turned in their emergency cards. Please keep the nurse informed of
All students must have an Emergency/Health card on file. This year
the cards are yellow and were sent home with your child during the
1st week of school. This card lets the nurse know whether or not
your child can be given any medication such as Tylenol and other
vital information including contact phone numbers. Please make
every effort to have this card returned to the nurse as soon as possible.
National Honor Society (NHS) offers free tutoring every Tuesday
and Wednesday from 2:20—3:30 in room DD228. Drop in, no signup needed – get help with your Math homework, get help reviewing for a test, or practice your Spanish. This free tutoring is every
Tuesday and Wednesday in DD228.
Online Payment System: To prepay or view your child's lunch
account on line, you must first establish an account by visiting (please have your child‘s student
ID number available). For new users, once you created an account,
you can pay for meals, receive low balance messages and/or review
your child's purchases. To learn more about the new online payment system, please visit
Meal Charges:
School Nutrition will allow your child to charge one meal. Howev-
Fall 2013
Page 3
er, if your child owes the school lunch program $2.00 or more, he/she the last door helps to alleviate traffic back-ups on Ebright and
will receive a cheese sandwich meal until the debt is paid off.
Naamans Road. Please be considerate of each other.
If you have any questions regarding your child‘s lunch account or
eligibility for free or reduced priced meals, please call 302-529-3110
x 228 or fax: 302-529-3120.
SICK CHILD — If your child becomes ill during the school day,
he/she should report to the Nurse’s office. If your child needs
to go home, the nurse will contact you and your child will be
waiting for you in the main office. School Nurses
maintain records of illnesses and it is important that this
procedure be followed. Students are discouraged from calling
parents/guardians directly when they are ill. This circumvents
the system, skews records, and causes unnecessary classroom
Please do not park in the fire lane. At a recent inspection by
the Delaware Fire Marshall’s office, we were reminded that it
is illegal to park in Fire Lanes.
Ms. Blasucci welcomes you to the library
The library hours are:
Monday-Friday: 6:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Students are encouraged to use the library before and after school if
they need a quiet place to study; lunch passes are also available.
The Concord High School chapter of the
Science National Honor Society (SNHS) allows our top, most serious science students
to pursue opportunities for learning science
outside the regular classroom and to take
science to the community. It encourages
students not only to pursue their interest in
science here at Concord, but to also actively involve themselves in
DAILY MORNING ANNOUNCEMENTS are posted on the Conscience in the community. Concord’s SNHS chapter was the first
cord High School website. Go to: chapter of SNHS established in the state of Delaware and the only
concord and click on News.
one for many years. It is still one of only two chapters in Delaware.
has forgotten his/her homework, lunch money, permission
slip, etc., you may bring it to the main office. Please make arrangements for your child to come to the main office between
classes so that his/her classroom is not interrupted. We do
not page during the day unless there is an emergency.
EARLY DISMISSALS — Parents are encouraged to schedule
appointments outside of normal school hours whenever
possible. However, if your child has an appointment during
school hours, please follow this procedure to ensure your
child is ready and waiting for you at the appointed time and
classroom disruptions are kept to a minimum.
Give your child a note to be handed in to the Main Office first
thing in the morning with the date and time your child needs
to be excused early. This note should have the child’s first and
last names, time of dismissal, reason, and your daytime phone
number. All early dismissals are confirmed by phone.
The child will be given a pass that allows him/her to meet
you out front. If you follow this procedure, you do not need to
come into the school to sign out your child. If you have a last
minute appointment, the Attendance Office will need one of
the following authorizations from you:
 Come in in person to pick-up your child
 Send a fax to 529-3094
 Send an email to:
(You can also go to the CHS Website > Site shortcuts >
CHS Attendance)
are not permitted to leave without proper permission.
DROPPING OFF YOUR CHILD — Please pull your vehicle all the
way down to the last door by the POOL door. This door
opens into the back hallway of our school. Pulling down to
SNHS sponsors science club meetings which are open to all Concord
students who have an interest in science. At these lunch meetings
which are held two to three times a week, students lead discussions
about scientific topics and advancements that are of interest to
them. Some of the topics discussed in these meetings include space
travel, stem-cell research, dark matter, nanotechnology, and alternative fuel sources. SNHS members reach out into the community by
volunteering at the Hagley Museum’s Annual Invention Convention
in January and presenting science demonstrations at Lancashire's
Science Expo in March. This year SNHS members hope to be able to
present scientific demonstrations for children in elementary school
Officers for the 2013-2014 year are: Kirsten Woolpert (president),
Zack Pendley (vice president), Quan Bui (secretary), Lan Tomasi
(treasurer), Shally Gastelu (outreach), and Dan DelCollo
(historian). Other returning seniors are David Buzdygon, Thang Dao,
Michael Krueger, Cory Lousenberg, Nkechi Oksu-Lawrence, Christine
Ni, Ian Powers, Eric Rouviere, Morga Shinwari, Emily Wong.
An induction ceremony was held on November 5 to officially welcome all new SNHS members in the senior and junior class. This
year’s inductees are:
Seniors: Ching Chen, Amanda Hetrick, Fatima Tantuco, Spencer Walker, Katelyn Watkins.
Juniors: Nicholas Ackley, Sarah Birmingham, Margo Donlin, Amy Lin,
Breanna Maffei, James Mauk, Maneesha Movva, Vincent Onorato,
Bethany Vanderloo, George Vukojevic.
Fall 2013
The Concord Interact Club and the
Rotary Club of Brandywine Hundred are hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, December 14 in
the Concord High School cafeteria
from 7:30 am until 11:00 am. Proceeds benefit the Interact Scholarship Fund. Tickets are being sold in
advance by Interact Club members,
or they may be purchased at the
door. Tickets are $8.00
Please support the Concord Interact Club and join us!
Page 4
October was Anti-bullying Month. Concord had several activities. We celebrated Unity Day-Unite Against Bullying by Wearing
Orange on October 9th. Students had the opportunity to attend a Courageous Conversation about bullying and to purchase bracelets. Students read morning announcements about their personal experiences
with bullying. It was a huge success. Our motto is: Raiders Don‘t
Bully; Bullying Stops Here!
Elderberry Wine, Anyone…?
Up for a little murder, mayhem and madcap fun? Then pass
up the elderberry wine but come out and enjoy Concord Players‘ Arsenic & Old Lace, the opening production for its 2013-2014 season.
When you put two maiden aunts, three estranged brothers, four cops
and thirteen dead bodies all in one show, you know you‘re in for a
good time. And the Concord Players‘ revival of this 1941 show is not
to be missed.
Arsenic is a lively, black comedy filled with twisted, slapstick humor and all brought to life wonderfully by an incredible cast
and crew of 28 students. Included in the cast are Bevan Fields, Michael Crowley, Jenna Glazier, Matt Morris, Zack Langrehr and Domenic Lutz. Also featured are Melissa Kennard, Vinnie Onorato,
Joey Johnson, Sarah Kelso, Aidan McDermott, Nick Faginilli, Malik
Ervin and Noah Fawks .
The story revolves around two spinster sisters who comfort
elderly gentlemen with kind words and a glass of arsenic-laced elderberry wine. The mayhem begins when their nephew Mortimer discovers what they‘ve been doing and what his brother is really digging in
the basement. The show is filled with enough zany characters to fill
an asylum.
Let us take you back to 1940s Brooklyn for be a night of
high-octane fun staged by a group that has won four national awards
for set design and construction.
Arsenic will run December 5th, 6th and 7th in the Concord
High School auditorium and begin at 7 pm each night. Tickets are on
sale now. Just $6 for students and senior citizens, $9 for adults. Call
the school at 475-3951 to order your tickets or get them at the door.
And keep an eye out for our spring show, Shrek The Musical; it‘s easy to keep up with us on Facebook at
What is College Application Month?
College Application Month (CAM) is a national effort with the goal
of providing every graduating high school senior the opportunity to
apply to college. Building on the success of last year‘s pilot, Delaware has designated the entire month of November as College Application Month (CAM), and the program has been expanded to reach 20
schools across the state. All three of our BSD high schools are participating. Concord High School‗s College Application Days will be on
November 18 and 19.
•Why CAM Matters
As you may know, recent statistics show that 59% of jobs in Delaware in the next five years will require a college degree. We must
ensure that our young adults are prepared to enter the workforce and
are qualified for the positions available in our state. There is urgency
in the state of Delaware to better prepare our students by equipping
them with the tools they need to realize their college capabilities and
beginning this process at a young age. While the initiatives to correct
this deficit are diverse, Delaware‘s CAM is a key component in setting Delaware students up for success in the future. Both Governor
Jack Markell and Secretary of Education Murphy support Delaware‘s
CAM, as it aims to broaden the reach across the state in helping students further their education past high school. They have declared
November ―Delaware College Application Month.‖
Concord High School’s College Application Month
Concord will be celebrating and highlighting the college application
process throughout the month.
-The Admission Game is coming back on Thursday, November 7th at
the PS DuPont Middle School Auditorium @ 7 pm – ALL BSD high
school families are invited.
The Concord Cheerleaders were proudly sporting PINK during -The Counseling Department invites Concord‘s students and staff to
the month of October. In addition to pink bows, pink pom
participate in College Day on Friday, November 8, 2013. Students
poms and pink shoe laces, the girls created a banner showing and staff are encouraged to wear a shirt or sweater representing a coltheir support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. They sold lege. In addition, some of Concord‘s staff will act as college ambassadors over their lunch period. As a college ambassador, teachers will
stickers for $1.00 that were placed on the banner honoring
answer questions and talk to students about their college experience
people who have battled cancer. All proceeds collected will be during their lunch period in the cafeteria.
sent to the Helen Graham Center. There’s still plenty of room - College Trivia game week will be held November 12th-15th. Each
on the banner! See Mrs. Amis in room C113 for more info.
morning there will be a trivia question for the students. There will be
prizes in the Counseling Department for those students with the cor-
Fall 2013
rect answer.
-On November 14th our AVID students will be attending Delaware
State University and our Achiever‘s Academy is headed to Harvard
University for college tours.
- On November 18 & 19, the Counseling Department and a few community volunteers have set aside time to assist students with applying to college if they haven‘t applied already. Delaware Technical
and Community College, Wilmington University, Wesley College,
and North Carolina Wesleyan College are waiving their application
fees for these days. If you are interested in participating in this
event, please sign up in the counseling office as soon as possible.
-On November 22nd, there will be a group picture. The students who
have applied to any 2 or 4-year college, the military, or a trade
school by this date will be invited to take part in the ―I Applied‖ picture for the yearbook. Our goal is to have every senior in this photo.
If your child has not had their senior meeting to discuss his/her postsecondary options, please encourage them to do so today!
Other Upcoming Events:
• A College & Career Fair hosted by the Mt Pleasant HS PTSA will
be held on Thursday, November 21st at the MPHS Cafeteria @ 7 pm
A Financial Workshop on Wednesday, December 4th at the
MPHS Library
Mark your calendars for the 3rd Part of this 5 part series:
S.T.E.M. Vision of a Future Classroom. On Monday, December
9th at 6:30 pm at the Talley Middle School Auditorium. This is a
district-wide invite and educational opportunity for families to learn
more about the BSD curriculum.
VISIT the BSD Parent Resource Center TODAY!
Our goal is to help families understand the important role
they play as part of the educational team. The Parent Resource Center is located at Claymont Elementary School, 3401
Green Street, Room C122, Claymont, DE 19703. Please visit
our website at:, click on Parents, and click on BSB Parent Center. Contact: Marisa Wilson, (302)792-3847. Upcoming Events:
Thurs., Nov. 21
6:15 pm—7:15 pm
Setting Our Kids Up for Success
We need your assistance. Many of our seniors have yet to
make an appointment with their counselor to plan for their
future. College application deadlines are fast approaching. Please encourage your child to make an appointment
ASAP. Students need to understand the application process
and their options for next year prior to applying therefore a
meeting with their counselor is required.
From the WDEL Website on October 16, 2013:
Concord's Panchak - WDEL Female HS Athlete of the Week
By Sean Greene
Concord middle blocker Emily Panchak is this week's WDEL
M&T Bank Female High School Athlete of the Week.
The junior recorded 15 kills and 14 blocks in a key conference
victory over A.I. DuPont last Wednesday.
Page 5
Emily is in her third year starting with Concord, and says her
biggest improvement has been in a skill not measured in kills
or digs.
"Definitely my confidence. As a freshman being on varsity, it's
very intimidating. You don't know what to say or when to say
something. As you get older the more you get to know more
skill wise, but my confidence has definitely increased."
Emily keeps a busy sports schedule, playing club volleyball
along with basketball and soccer for the Raiders. How do the
other sports help her on the volleyball court?
"In basketball, jumping for rebounding, and hitting I use my
legs to get high off the ground. In soccer, I use my legs a lot to
kick and throw-ins help my arms."
Emily had a scary moment last year during soccer season
where she suffered a concussion, and learned how damaging
they can be.
"I wanted to right back in. That's everyone's main instinct to
go back in the game and help your team. Once I realized I
couldn't remember (the incident), when she asked 'when did
we leave school?' and I couldn't remember it really freaked
me out. Of course I started crying because everyone's going
to be freaked out."
What's her advice to someone who suffers a concussion?
"Don't go right back in, you don't want to prolong an injury."
Thankfully Emily is feeling well and hopes to lead the Raiders
back to the Final Four this season.
With the upcoming season rapidly approaching, there is a
high level of excitement for the Concord Girls Basketball
team. With the return of the whole team from last season,
along with our injured point guard, there is a lot of high expectation. The girls team finished last season with an exciting,
and closely fought 3 point loss to the eventual state champion St. Elizabeth’s. After returning to school , they pledged to
come to this season with a renewed desire to compete on a
higher level.
That started with a fall league team that finished 7-2 at Neumann University Fall League.
This season’s team will be led by seniors Tiannya Gibbs
(returning from season-ending injury last year), Alexa Venuto,
Taylor Azer (2nd Team All-Conference), and Meghan Doogan
(1st Team All-Conference, 2nd Team All-State). As well as, returning starter, junior Emily Panchak, and Nisa Pulliam, along
with Brittany McLean, and Holly Panchak ( sat out last season
for surgery). The team also expects to get help from some up
and coming JV players; Tiara Mitchell, Bria Melvin,
and Ainje Hines.
Fall 2013
All athletes must have a DIAA Sports Physical on file with the school
nurse to practice and play. Sports Physicals are available through
The Wellness Center. Call 477-3960 to schedule an appointment.
Winter Sports
Ice Hockey
Page 6
Enroll in Take Charge of Education and designate CHS
Start shopping with your REDcard.
To register you card, go to:
This summer we received a check for $338.00 from Giant Food.
Thank very much to all who participate!
To register these cards go to the eScrip program at:
With over one billion users, Facebook acts as an online social
media site to allow people to connect with old friends, foreign
friends, and of course, close friends. But how popular are
Concord seniors on Facebook? The amount of friends that
seniors have ranges greatly. The student with the largest
amount of friends has 2090 friends. However, quadruple digits are not always the case. 71.4% of seniors have less that
1000 Facebook friends. The lowest number of friends is 207.
The Concord Ice Hockey team is gearing up with pre-season practicOn average, Concord seniors have about 823 Facebook
es. Our first official game and start of the 2013-14 season was Nofriends.
vember 9th. All games are held at The Pond Ice Arena in Newark. There is nothing better for a team than having a cheering sec- Written by:
tion at their game; we invite you, your families and friends to come Andrew DiNunno
Michael Krueger
out to our games and enjoy the sport of ice hockey. You will find
the schedule on the Concord website. Our coaches thank all those Greg Dorsey
Congratulations to the Varsity Volleyball team for finishing 123 in the regular season and upsetting higher ranked A.I.duPont
in the first round of the State Tournament 3-0. Also congratulations for beating Ursuline for the first time in 20 years!
Thank you to all the fans for their support throughout the season! Go Raiders!
who support the team and we look forward to seeing you at our
Concord Ice Hockey games. Go Raiders!
Go to and register for this valuable fundraiser.
, and an assist in a 1-1 tie with Wilmington
Concord High School Code is: 210044
Christian. 10/16/12
Please enroll by linking your MVP card(s) to Concord High School at You must register every school year. If you do not
The following staff members joined the Concord family
already have an MVP card, you can sign up for it at this site. Every
this year. We are very happy to have them.
time you shop and present your MPV card the amount you spend on
Lauren Giza
qualified items is automatically credited to Concord High School. All
Food Lion products are considered qualifying items.
Target donates a percentage of your purchases whenever you use
your REDcardSM.
With the help of Target’s REDcardSM* holders, Target has donated
more than $273 million to K-12 schools since 1997. Discover how
schools benefit from our signature program — and how you can get
involved. How the Program Works
You shop, your favorite K-12 school benefits. It's that simple. And
your REDcardSM makes it possible.
Here's how to participate:
Go to Scroll
down to Take Charge of Education and enroll. It’s that simple! Sign
up today and specify CHS as your school.
Apply and get approved for a REDcard.
Scott Klabunde
Marissa Vennie
Athletic Trainer
Wendy Gladfelter
Mary O’Connell
Tom Sabatino
JoAnn Singleton
We wish them many relaxing and fulfilling retirement years.
They have earned it!
Yearbooks are currently being sold for $85 until February 2,
2014. Order your yearbook at or in school;
order forms are available in the main office. Please make checks
Fall 2013
payable to Concord High School. If you would like to personalize
your yearbook, you must place your order by January 8 th. The price
will go up in February, so please order now!!
You can still purchase a RECOGNITION AD (AKA ‗Baby Patron
Ad‘) in the 2014 yearbook. Senior RECOGNITION ADS are a special way of capturing the moment and recognizing your child‘s accomplishments. Space is limited, so buy yours soon. You can pick
up an order form in the main office or go to
to complete the process online. If you own a business, please consider placing a business ad in the yearbook. Business ads will be made
through the yearbook advisor, Jennifer Deininger. Please contact her
for special pricing at There is no
better way to advertise than in a yearbook for a school of over 1000
students, staff, and family members. Yearbook business ads last a
lifetime, unlike other ads which get thrown away after they are
read. Don‘t delay!! Order your yearbook now before the price goes
up in February. Visit to place your 2014 CHS
yearbook order or to create your RECOGNITION AD online.
At Concord High School, we believe that the involvement of
parents in their children's educational experience is highly
beneficial. Raider Nation is the primary conduit for parents to
become involved here at Concord and we strongly encourage
all parents to join. The Raider Nation email group is a replacement for a traditional PTSA organization. Our Primary focus is
to gather e-mail addresses in order to send regular updates
about what is going on at Concord High School. It is our objective to assist parents, students, staff and administration with
projects as needed. There is no membership fee, nor will we
attempt to do mass fundraisers.
If you would like to become a member of Raider Nation please
complete the Online Raider Nation Signup.
You can also submit a paper copy by clicking on the Sign-up
Form which will open a Word document (Microsoft Word 2007
or higher).
You can contact Raider Nation at
Page 7
been an Atlantic Coast Championship finalist for the last 9
years and for the 6th straight year the band has
scored high enough to medal at this event.
Their finalist trophy and bronze metal plaque
are now on display in the main office. Nice
Concert Dates—Curtain at 7PM
Vocal 7PM (all are mandatory for students)
Winter Performance: Wed., December 11, 2013
Spring Performance: Tues., March 11, 2014
Pops Concert: Tues., May 6, 2014
Instrumental/Band Dates—Curtain at 7PM
(all are mandatory performances for band students)
Winter Performance: Tues. December 17, 2013 Tues.,
Spring Performance: March 18, 2014
SPECIAL PERFORMANCE: Sat., March 22, 2014
5:00pm at University of Delaware (wind ensemble)
Pops Concert: Tues. May 13, 2014 Sun., June 1, 2014
Commencement at University of Delaware Sun., June 1
(wind ensemble, string ensemble and concert band)
There will also be ―Stringfest” Sat., Feb., 8, 2014 for the
String Ensemble
Music students are currently participating in several fundraisers to help fund their trip to Disney and to also build
funds for items the band/chorus groups will need. Fundraising will include our annual poinsettia sale. Look for a
music student to place you order SOON! Delivery will be
early December.
On June 12, 2013, 17 students and 2 chaperones left Concord High School for an adventurous three weeks in Torgau,
Germany, the second half of last year‘s student exchange.
The Fall Marching Band banquet was held November 12 Eleven of those students (Rachel Bailey, Amy Corradino, Emat 6:00pm. Now is the time to focus on more music. For ma Detwiler, Shannon Dowling, Kelly Harlan, Estlin Mathews,
all music lovers there will plenty of concerts to attend and Carmen Matthews, Elizabeth Procak, Amira Shaer, Sarah
Stone, Madeline Zehr) haled from CHS. Even before reaching
The Marching Band season is fast coming to an end. At- Torgau, the group had ascended the more than 500 steps to the
top of the Monument to Battle of Nations just outside of Leiplantic Coast Championship‘s were held November 3,
zig which commemorates the defeat of Napoleon in 1813 two
hundred years ago this month! In Torgau, each was greeted by
the host family and began three weeks at the Johann Walter
The Golden Raiders Marching Band finished their competitive
Gymnasium, the school which Martin Luther chose for his son
season on Saturday, November 3rd at the Atlantic Coast
in the 16th century. The students participated in many English
Championships at Hershey Stadium. The golden Raiders have classes and the last day of classes for seniors, went on several
fieldtrips, visited an elementary school while studying the difference between American and German culture and schools.
The fieldtrips took the students to Leipzig, Dresden, the capital
of Saxony, Berlin and Weimar. On the weekends and afternoons, the families showed their students different sites and
Fall 2013
Page 8
aspects of German culture including family gatherings, barbecues and trips to places near and far, some as far away as the Baltic
Sea, Prague, Italy and Monaco. Each stay was a unique experience which could not be compared.
Join us for our meeting on Nov. 19 at 7 PM in the Raider Room if you would like to participate in this year‘s exchange.
If interested, contact Dr. Karen Purdy at or 475-3951, but wait too long or you will miss out on the
The School Store is open for business before and after school each day. Items for sale range from regular school items - notebooks, pencils, pens, paper, rulers, etc. - to novelty items designed to promote school spirit. We have new clothing items this
year, including yoga pants, junior-fit tees and book bags. Get yours today! The store is located just outside the cafeteria. The
School Store accepts cash and personal checks. (payable to Concord High School)
School Store
Concord’s School Store is now online !!! Visit us at
Distinguished Honors
9th Grade
Distinguished Honors
10th Grade
Distinguished Honors
12th Grade
Caleigh L Bauer
Brooke Ashley Bolling
Abigail Michele Casalvera
Kristen Chou
Sam Anh Dao
Justin J Digiovanni
Hannah R Goodman
Noah Adam Haines
Shayla Lauryn Hatchett
Nathan K Joseph
Meera Kripalu
Eli Daniel McIlvaine
Dhruv Mohnot
Tatiana Sergeevna Nesterova
Polly Ni
Alisha Mae Oldham
Samantha J Orr
Jordan Elizabeth Peel
Gabrielle Elayna Portincasa
Caroline Mayberry Procak
Daniel Taber Smith
Lillian E Taylor
Sarah K Wojcik
Marisa Elizabeth Adinolfi
Nicholas Anthony Adinolfi
Dawson Lee Fox
Annie Lee
Katherine Sandra Macturk
Julia Elizabeth Olivastro
Holly Jake Panchak
Christina Grace Partridge
Madison Paige Steele
Brittany A Stinson
Shaylyn N White
Jordan Elizabeth Borkland
Quan Minh Bui
David A Buzdygon
Gabriella Ann Casares
Darian S Chan
Samantha Zutz Cummings
Katherine Walsh Davis
Mariano Di Gabriele
Abbey Lynn Ellis
Todd Chandler Evans
Alicia Jiuann Ferrara
Cassandra K Forwood
Graham Ethan Haines
Kelly E Harlan
Kelley Danice Holland
Rachael M Jennelly
Krista Koyste
Emily R Mathews
Kyle Steven Parks
Zachary Reeves Shroff Pendley
Miles Robinson
Eric T Rouviere
Matthew Everett Streck
Jonathan Wylie Sypher JR
Rylee Emelia Trotter
Spencer Roman Walker
Kirsten Marie Woolpert
Kerry Lange Zeager
Matthew Robert Zehr
Distinguished Honors
11th Grade
Sarah Birmingham
Madeline Grace Davis
Margo Caroline Donlin
Alexandra Noelle George
Delhia D George
John P Leahan
Amy Lin
Courtney Ann Mitchell
Afolarin Anuoluwapoju Olayemi
Emily F Panchak
Richard John Quinney
Shane Sutherland
Natalie Susan Teichman
Brandon Michael Williams
Honor Roll
9th Grade
Jordan B Al-Amin
Cierra B Alleyne
Bryan M Anderson
Damon D Anderson
Allison Joan Anthony
Matthew Peter Arrabal
Alec Michael Augustine
Hope Babinger
Vincent Darnell Black JR
Marisa Blanco
Kaylee Patricia Brady
Chaya M Bragg
Jessica Loren Brockson
Meccah Lynn Caulk
Alex T Chacko
Olivia Christine Christy
Joshua M Clark
Matthew J Cohen
Ryan G Connelly
Brooke R Cooper
Sarah Emily Cornog
Ryan James Cummings
Vijetha Dantuluri
Rowan Gregory Davis
Regina M Donato
Garett Riley Dorsey
Sarah E Dowling
Natalie L Duplanti
Luis Daniel Echevarria Jr
Jamie Elliott
Jaysen T. Ellison
Heather E Evans
Robert Dylan Farnan
Fall 2013
Ryan C Fisher
Joclynn J Fogelman
Steven James Forwood
Alyson Ann Fox
Nicholas J Frazee
Alma Nicole Gillis
Josiah Kamaehu Goode
Breanna A Grant
Michael Greco
Sarah E Hannig
Amelie Harpey
Justin D Harris
Charlotte Heffernan
Faith N Johnson
Shelly F Johnson
Haleigh Lyn Killen
Daniel Chihyun Kim
Arnise Renee King
Breanna Korenkiewicz
Mathew J Krueger
Grace A Lardear
Anna Jeanne Leahan
Justin Q Lewis
Owen Dugan Linkhorst
Justin M Long
Avairy Alexis Luckanish
Payton Q Luckanish
Jessica A Lugo
Giavonna Amor Marquez
Anya Marie Marshall
Jessica Guadalupe Amairani Martinez Gomez
Dylan Paul McAllister
Joseph M McHugh
Caitlin V Mensah
Shelby Lynn Moore
Reilly E Mulligan
Meghan Alexis Murray
Lauren Elizabeth Naumann
Ashley E Newman
Dianna Ni
Roberto Javier Pacheco
Matthew J Parrish
Yash K Patel
Yashashri R Pendse
Jake Pfander
Joseph Conner Piha
Steven Pineiro Jr
Elizabeth Ann Piotti
Jarred R Politarhos
Gianna R Rapposelli
Tavia Lynn Robinson
Marimar Rodriguez
Alex W Russo
Matias S Saavedra Silva
Matthew William Schell
Sabrina Selim
Erica Seraiva
Devin T Sharkey
Horah K Shinwari
Samuel A Skammer
Grace C Slate
Elena Smentkowski
Trevor Valentine Spina
Michael Thom Spitaleri
Joshua Samuel Stone
Sandra M Trigoso
Joseph N Weeks
Jaelin R Whittaker
Kelsey M Wiley
Victoria Lynn Will
David J Wilson
Brandon Ming Wong
Sydney Morgan Woodson
Michael Anthony Zullo
Honor Roll
10th Grade
Abigail E Akrong
Dekenasia M Anderson
Katherine Blatz
Ryan Stephen Brady
Shaynie Madison Brown
Juliana Marie Cannuli
Eric S Carr
Jeff Chan
Aliya Cohen
G Savith Collure
Dylan John Connell
Justin Tyler Cooper
Christopher J Dewey
Carly A Dill
Cody B Dixon
Julianne Duko
Christopher Lee Durgin
Brenden C Eaton
Jean Filo
Dakota L Fox
Sophia Ann Friedeborn
Jacob M Gladfelter
Jenna Glazier
Grant Reed Grier
Benedict Halter III
Alyssa N Harpster
Rhian Paige Harris
Caralee Henry
Veronica Hill
Eric James Holden
Devlan T Horner
Valerie P Howard
Carson Richard Hughes
Hadiya Dawn Jolly
Brenda J Juarez
Nathan Michael Jupiter
Brody Lee Kennedy
Waqar Khaliq
Dmytro Kobylyanskyi
Komal Kumar
Crystal Lam
Chloe A Lambert
Katie L Leary
Gerald Letnianczyn
Brittany Taylor Lyons
Madeline Colleen Marconi
John Bernard Marshall
Jonathan Matsuura
Andrew J McCloskey
Taylor Leigh McKinney
John Duncan McRae
Tiara Nicole Mitchell
Taylor Huy Nguyen
Christina Jean Olivastro
Sierra Michelle Plath
Maryse N Pokropski
Giovanni M Pollock
Paige Elise Rawheiser
Thomas Bonsall Reece III
Page 9
Julia P Rosenblatt
Emily Jean Ross
Jordan Leah Rubenstein
Dallas Ryan Russell
Joshua A Sanchez
Alyssa Marie Schweizer
Cailin Elizabeth Shallow
K'hala Karyn Simpson
Michael John Slemko
Anthony Clark Smentkowski
Elana H Solomon
Abigail J Spor
Ahbai Na'ila Steward
Kalloyan K Stoyanov
Reginald E Surpris
Aanye' Imani L Tate
Ariona J'Asia Thornton
Turner J Trotter
Gerasimos Christoforos Veneris
John Vo
Ryan D Walsh
Courtney Lynn Warner
Robert J White
Briana Whittle
Matthew Whittle JR
Justin McKinley Wilson
Jordan M Woolpert
Honor Roll
11th Grade
Jared Ryan Alpaugh
Morgan Bishop
Craig Anthony Brady JR
Sean M Brady
Paige E Burkert
Tracy Cao
Michael J Cauley
Jordan Cohen
Melissa Amanda Cohen
Austin Coughenour
Christopher Coulston
Lauren E Cox
Seray Mia Crescenzo
Jacob Cronauer
Delaney A Cross
Abigail Joy Dischert
Francesca N Donithan
Nicholas Roth Dorsey
Shannon L Dowling
Tighe Rohan Dunlavey
Binta Mariama Edwards
Heather L Estle
Nicholas A Fagnilli
Matthew Fanelli
Bevan Rose Fields
Natalie Foschi
Abigail C Frey
Jessica Ann Fyock
Gary Grant Gaynor
Tyler A Glaccum
Daniel T Gourdier
Jessica B Gustilo
Kyle M Haberman
Shawn Anthony Harris
Michael Henretty
Elise Herkimer
Mohamed Ibrahim
Joseph Harvey Johnson
Fall 2013
Christopher L. Kelly
Melissa Lauren Kennard
Kelsey Koyste
Linda Liu
Breanna Maffei
Rick Malloy
Jade Nicole Marsh
Carmen Renee Matthews
James Mauk
Brannon C McHugh
Hannah Grace McIlvaine
Joseph Francis Meck
Bria Nashea Melvin
Alex Mikalajczyk
Dana J Miller
Jamie Lee Musacchio
Vincent M Onorato
Abriana O'Tanyi-Pellegrino
Lauren Marie Palermo
Sarah Pellegrino
Dylan M Phillips
Brendan Terence Pie'
Elizabeth Catherine Procak
Carl Ramsey
Aliya Ranjber
Lena Ravenell
Lea Lorraine Rees
Christopher M Rifon
Corinne Rydgren
Stephanie Rydgren
Casey Leigh Seiple
Merwah Kamal Shinwari
Rowan Taylor Short
Riley E Slate
Ashley M Steinbrecher
Sarah Elizabeth Stone
Ashlee Stritzinger
Celina Tang
Donald J Thommes
Brooke E Timanus
Rachel E Timanus
Thao-Quyen Olivia Truong
Sara Van Duyne
Cassidy Welch
Morgan S Wright
Kara Paige Zaback
Madeline Elizabeth Zehr
Allison R Zell
Honor Roll
12th Grade
Ekovi Amenounve
John Morgan Augustine
Taylor Ann Azer
Halle Patricia Bachman
Craig Hannon Barker
Alexander Mark Barone
John Diggs Beatson
Alexandra Bezilla
Morgan E Brandenberger
Adrianna Brooks
Anthony K Butler
MacKenzie D Caldwell
Ryan Patrick Cassidy
William Price Chapman
Everett Myles Christmas
Joseph Deane Coffin
Joseph Douglas Cooper
Amy Corradino
Michael James Crowley
Patrick James Crowley
Brandi Alyse Culp
Thang Anh Dao
Elijah Keith Davis
Jennifer Christin DeFriece
Daniel Steven Delcollo
Annelyse Diakogeorgiou
Allison Christine Dicicco
Xena Marie DiFrancesco
Christina F Dimino
Jacqueline Dimino
Simon Dinh
Andrew John DiNunno
Justin Micheal Dixon
Meghan Elizabeth Doogan
Gregory Scott Dorsey JR
Rhiannon Adele Downey
Malik Rondo Ervin
Samuel Noah Fawks
John Anthony Fiorella
Stephanie Floyd
Stefanie Andrea Friedeborn
Alexandra Fuller
Jonathan Peter Fullerton
Matthew Earl Fullerton
Kerra Shaylyn Galloway
Shally Gastelu
Alexandria Gendrachi
Tiyanna S Gibbs
Melissa Rose Glazar
Grace B Glenn
Megan E Gordy
Madison Greco
Jessie Anne Grimes
Coskun Gunaydin
Jalonda Hardy
Lauren N Hardy
Gabriel Albert Harley
Brianna C Harris
Jonathan Paul Harris
Emily S Harrison
Joshua T Hartnett
Alexandria Nicole Hatchett
Qua'mere D Hawkins
Elizabeth K Heiks
Amanda Christine Hetrick
Joshua Ryan Hill
Alison Michelle Hood
Boris Huang
Kiana L Jenkins
Briannah Joy Kelley
Sarah E Kelso
Mylezia Taylor King
Aaron Maxwell Klein
Kari Ann Klock
Kathryn Krause
Michael G Krueger
Kathleen Kupchick
Brook Hunter Langille
Zackary Langrehr
Page 10
Matthew Vernon Lawton
Susan J Lee
Cory Alexander Lousenberg
Nicola Rose Marra
Bruce Edward Maule JR
Kaylie Marie Mawhinney
Cooper J McAllister
Kerry C McCloskey III
Abraham David McIlvaine
Paige Erin McKinney
Ryan James McLaughlin
Shane McLaughlin
Demetrius J McLean
Matthew L Mellette
Mayana Toni Miah
Samantha Susan Minakowski
Catherine Ann Mooney
Alexis Nicole Moore
Evan Patrick Moser
Joshua Henry Nachlis
Katrina Michelle Nestore
Christine Ni
Shea Lynne O'Keefe
Nkechi Bianca Okwu-Lawrence
Christian Andres Orellana
Patricia Page
Sarah Elizabeth Parrish
Sydney Lynn Pearson
Jared Michael Pierce
Alexandra Marie Portincasa
Keyon Christopher Powell
Thomas Luke Ragone
Natalie Rose Rawheiser
Arianna J Rivera
Alexa Marie Rosenblatt
Gabriel Michael Rossi
Olivia Sherwin
Bleau Ashley Simmons
Holly M Skalski
Sara Emily Skammer
Thomas J Slemko
Kelley Marie Smith
Marc David Solomon
Rebecca Danielle Starr
Ryan Edward-Charles Steward
Jessica Streck
Fatima Orbeta Tantuco
Khalil Saleem Tinch
Lan Joann Hannigan Tomasi
Eric Christopher Tommer
Taylor M. Toy
Elizabeth A Trachtman
Paul Truckley
Amanda Maxine Tyson
Nicholas Alexander Valent
Alexa Grace Venuto
Katelyn A Watkins
Thomas Ivron Welch
Kenisha Whye
Zachary Edward Wilbank
Chelsi Ranae Williams
Shayla Marie Wilson
Emily Ming Wong
Christina M Worth
Hannah Jean Young
Fall 2013
Page 11
The Concord Sports Boosters is an all-volunteer organization whose single purpose is to help raise money to support ALL
of our High School Sports Teams. We contributed funds last year for:
-nets for the Baseball Team
-new backboards of the Gymnasium for all to enjoy
-T-shirts for the Volleyball Teams division win
-helped send the Crew Team to the Charles Regatta
-weight bars for the weight room that ALL sports teams use -the Lacrosse Team received new helmets
-a camera was purchased for the Golf Team
-several Sports Banquets were supported
If your Student Athlete participates in any of the following Sports, please join in helping us support them.
Fall Sports:
Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey, Cross Country, Crew and Cheerleading
Winter Sports: Basketball, Hockey, Indoor Track, Swimming, Wrestling and Cheerleading
Spring Sports: Baseball, Softball, Golf, Crew, Lacrosse, Soccer, Tennis and Track & Field
We need each Sports team to have a Team Representative and parents to volunteer a little of your time to help our kids.
If you are interested, please contact any of our Board Members or your Son/Daughter’s Coach.
This year we will be manning the Concession Stand at Football games. Multiple Board positions will be coming up at the end of this year and
we are in need of parents to help us keep this organization running smoothly for years to come. New fundraising ideas are always welcome!
President: Paul Bauer
VP: Terri Premeaux
Treasurer: Lynn Aldinolfi half)
Concessions : Holly Johnson
Secretary: Maureen Linkhorst
Treasurer: Catherine Savastana ((1st half)
Membership: Susan Zupan
 _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Concord Sports Booster Club Membership Form 2013—2014
(Make check payable to Concord Sports Boosters)
Student 1 Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: ______
Anticipated Sports Participation: Fall ___________ Winter ____________ Spring ___________
Student 2 Name: __________________________________________________ Grade: ______
Anticipated Sports Participation: Fall ___________ Winter ____________ Spring ___________
Home Telephone: _______________Adult/Faculty Membership Name____________________
__$2 per Student
__$3 Faculty __$5 Adult __$10 Family __$20 Patron
__$75 Benefactor (includes a T-shirt) Size: ___
__$50 Sponsor
__$100 Most Valuable Raider (includes a male cut polo shirt) Size:___
CFOM Membership Form 2012—2013
(Please return form to Concord High School Main Office)
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ______________________________________Email Address: __________________________________________________
Student name: _____________________________________Grade & Music Activities: _________________________________________
____ Student/Senior $5
_____ Alumni $15 _____Benefactor $30 _____ Family $50 ____ Maestro $75.00**
Brandywine School District
(Concord High School)
1311 Brandywine Blvd.
Wilmington, DE 19809
Raider Pride
Concord High School
2501 Ebright Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
Principal: Anne Lambert
To the Concord Family/Resident at:
Phone (302) 475-3951
Fax (302) 529-3094
We’re on the web at:
Sports events times and locations are
available at:
The Concord Way
· Responsibility · Integrity · Self-control · Respect · Perseverance