ACRT Senate Select Committee Submission Recent Nauru
ACRT Senate Select Committee Submission Recent Nauru
AustralianChurches Ref ugeeTaskforce 209 Gertrude Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 0428 399 739 1E1 ta t . .e_ omit. An initiative supported by / National Council of Churches in Australia Select Committee on the Recent Allegations relating to Conditions and Circumstances at the Regional Processing Centre in Nauru PO Box 6100 Parliament House Australia ACT 2600 27.4.15 Dear Sir/Madam The Australian Churches' Refugee Taskforce is an initiative supported by the National Council of Churches in Australia, and the Steering Committee is comprised of 22 leaders who represent nine Christian churches and three ecumenical bodies. The Taskforce has a further 540 Christian entities who are network members. This submission addresses lb, lc,ld and if of the Terms of Reference, and asks the Select Committee to: A. investigate the neglect and abuse outlined in 13 letters sent to the Taskforce by asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru last year. In particular, the Taskforce asks the Select Committee to respond to the alleged rape of a single mother (allegedly witnessed by two people) that is described in Letter no.8. This letter pertains to an asylum seeker who remains in detention, whilst the alleged perpetrator has been released into the Nauruan community on a Nauruan refugee visa. This rape and the so-called investigation are described in paragraphs 3.16 to 3.24 of The Moss Review, which found that "the Nauruan Police Force investigation continues". B. investigate and respond to all of the examples of abuse and neglect contained in the letters, which can be summarised as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. inadequate access by children and parents to drinking and bathing water, coupled with filthy bathrooms, which leads in turn to infections which, especially in women, can lead to infertility; expired and rotten food given to children and the other detainees, causing gastroenteritis; children and pregnant women describe the cuts and "burning" of their feet, and joint pain, due to the viciousness of the hot gravel and rocks they are forced to walk on due to inadequate footwear; children who are "hunger-striking" — the letters describe three children and four adults who have sewn their lips together; severe and acute weight loss; children who have significant untreated health issues, including those illnesses related to exposure to phosphate dust; absence of support for children with behavioural problems, and the degree to which this long-term detention contributes and causes behavioural disorders in children; a joint letter outlining an intent to die rather than being sent to Cambodia; seven children who have tried to commit suicide; fourteen adults who have tried to commit suicide; heat stress/exhaustion; infestations in the tents of rodents, spiders and other vermin; inability of disabled asylum seeker parents to care for their children and lack of support for the disabled; intent to suicide in the form of a Last Will and Testament; and pleas for help to be provided to the pregnant women who are detained in the camps. C. the Taskforce also calls on the Select Committee to recommend urgent interim measures to be implemented in the Nauruan context to protect women and children — both asylum seekers in the OPC and refugees in Nauru from more of the abuse that was described in the Moss Review and which has previously been communicated to the Government of the day in a plethora of reports. In support of this submission, please find attached: 1.our letter sent to The President of Nauru, HE Baron Waqa, via the Consul General Mrs Chitra Jeremiah; 2.the response from the Nauruan Department of Justice and Border Control; and 3. translations of 13 letters from asylum seekers and refugees in Nauru, received by the Taskforce on 21st October, 2013 (the Taskforce also has copies of the original letters). Please note that as soon as the attached letters were received, the Executive Officer of the Taskforce made several telephone calls to a range of senior DIBP staff in Canberra with requests to meet, and to alert them of the dangers being faced by women and children in Nauru. Several requests were also made to relevant staff such as the Acting Assistant Secretary for Offshore Operations, Ms Kylie Scholten, to ask for a meeting to discuss the need for urgent protection measures to be taken. All of these requests were refused. Therefore, representation was made to the President of Nauru, the Australian Prime Minster and the Secretary of the DIBP. The response from the DIBP was then to ask that the Taskforce forward the letters to Mr Moss. Unfortunately, no urgent or interim measures were recommended by the Moss Review to protect women and children from the abuse he uncovered, and conditions in Nauru remain largely unchanged. Concurrently, the Government is continuing to send young children and women to Nauru. Therefore, we are submitting these letters to this Select Committee, and ask that you respond to all of the allegations described and most urgently to ensure that conduct a professional criminal investigation is conducted into the rape and subsequent response by the Nauruan Centre Management and staff, and the response by the DIBP and AFP. Yours sincerely Sister Brigid Arthur Rev'd Peter Catt Chair Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce Vice-Chair Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce Page 2 of 2 AustralianChurches RefugeeTaskforce 209 Gertrude Street Fitzroy VIC 3065 . .. tite / An initiative supported by National Council of Churches in Australia 0428 399 739 IE HE Baron Waqa MP President of Nauru Via Mrs Chitra JEREMIAH Consul-General Level 3, 99 Creek Street Brisbane Qld 4000 5th November, 2014 Re: Letters from Nauru expressing intent to suicide and allegations of unprosecuted rape. Your Excellency We are writing to seek your assistance to prevent women, men and children in your care from taking action to harm themselves. On the 215t October, 2014, the Taskforce received 13 letters from women, children and male asylum seekers in the Nauruan detention camps, and from asylum seekers whom your Government has found to be refugees and who are now living in Nauru. One of these letters was in the form of a woman's Last Will and Testament. These letters had been informally translated but we now have the originals, in their home languages, and we are now in the process of having these professionally translated. Many of the letters contain an intent to suicide. We immediately notified the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) in Australia of the grave concern that we hold for those in detention and who have been released, as we believe that most of the issues raised in the letters are common to many other asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru. I have made repeated requests to meet senior staff at the DIBP here in Australia but have not yet been granted this request. We don't yet have permission from the authors to send the original letters to the Australian Department of Immigration (DIBP) - there's basically no faith that actions taken by the DIBP will not worsen the misery being experienced by those who wrote them. Instead, we have undertaken to send you an account of the issues raised in the letters, to avoid compromising those who wrote seeking help. The issues raised in the letters include the following grave concerns: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the alleged rape of a single mother (allegedly witnessed by two people) and the subsequent release, without charge, into the Nauruan community of the man who allegedly perpetrated the rape after having a positive Refugee Status Determination; inadequate access by children and parents to drinking and bathing water, coupled with filthy bathrooms, which leads in turn to infections which, especially in women, can lead to infertility; expired and rotten food given to children and the other detainees, causing gastroenteritis; children and pregnant women describe the cuts and "burning" of their feet, and joint pain, due to the viciousness of the hot gravel and rocks they are forced to walk on due to inadequate footwear; children who are "hunger-striking" — the letters describe three children and four adults who have sewn their lips together; severe and acute weight loss; children who have significant untreated health issues, including those illnesses related to exposure to phosphate dust; The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce is an initiative supported by the National Council of Churches in Australia, and the Steering Committee is comprised of 22 leaders who represent nine Christian churches and three ecumenical bodies. The Taskforce has a further 513 Christian entities who are network members. See 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. absence of support for children with behavioural problems, and the degree to which this long-term detention contributes and causes behavioural disorders in children; a joint letter outlining an intent to die rather than being sent to Cambodia; seven children who have tried to commit suicide; fourteen adults who have tried to commit suicide; heat stress/exhaustion; infestations in the tents of rodents, spiders and other vermin; inability of disabled asylum seeker parents to care for their children and lack of support for the disabled; intent to suicide in the form of a Last Will and Testament; and pleas for help to be provided to the pregnant women who are detained in the camps. We believe that most of the issues listed above are already being raised by staff at the Nauruan detention centre camps and refugee accommodation through the appropriate channels on a daily basis. You will also be aware that refugees within the Nauruan community are increasingly frightened, subjected to threats and actual violence: men expressing fear and inability to do basic daily tasks, and some women and children being too scared to leave their accommodation. The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, which comprises 513 member entities, beseech you Sir, to close the detention centres and send the asylum seekers and refugees back to Australia for processing and resettling, as per Australia's international obligations. I am sending a copy of this letter to the Australian Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, as they are responsible for sending those seeking asylum in Australia to Nauru. In addition we are sending a copy to Save the Children - as a courtesy - given that SCA is the contracted service provider to the DIBP for the welfare and education services of those who wrote the letters. May I most respectfully request that you please contact me before the close of business this Friday 7th November? My contact details are below. Yours sincerely The Very Rev'd Dr Peter Catt Chair Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce Mobile: + 61 404 052 494 Email: Cc: Prime Minister of Australia, The Hon. Tony Abbott MP Mr Michael Pezzullo, Secretary, Department of Immigration and Border Protection Mr Paul Ronalds, CEO, Save the Children Page 2 of 2 vuo• REPUBLIC OF NAURU OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY FOR JUSTICE AND BORDER CONTROL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE AND BORDER CONTROL 13th November, 2014 The Very Reverend Dr Peter Catt Australian Churches (Refugee Taskforce) 209 Gertrude Street Fitzroy VICTORIA 3065 Dear Rev Catt, Re: Allegations regarding the conditions of asylum seekers Thank you for your letter dated 5th November 2014 which is acknowledged. I have been directed by His Excellency the President of Nauru, Hon. Baron Waqa M.P. to respond to your letter. Having caused investigations to be conducted, I am to advise that there is no credible evidence that any of the allegations contained in your letter have any substance. Please be assured that no effort is being spared to ensure that all asylum seekers at the Regional Processing Centres (RPC) are being humanely cared for to the highest possible standards. The Government of Nauru is very conscious of its responsibilities and is discharging its obligations at the RPC according to international humanitarian law to the best of its abilities. It takes those obligations seriously. It will remain vigilant about the conditions under which the asylum seekers are being kept and will not hesitate to hold the relevant authorities accountable should basic minimum standards not be respected. Yours sin cerel Graham Leung Acting Secretary Department of Justice and Border Control &c, 11(m s s 5) IA • .-A-k(i S tA6R) Co-ftiv•Ck&A .\cNive ale (-A-)i 'Qv) NoLuvu r Cikrr•-e_Y\j\-Ak6 Co-d1/4"-r Cot-Ar\ CQx-A-Lp sSSe eA r- Lk) e--tA \f\e_Cc Kter0 sc7 Akt, SO it\ c-1,Y\c) ( A oi--1 Tke s i de e-f-÷ejS ofNc) CA. 1 0- eat/7_ cte) cA-YNCI v-(6 cy-0•\01E- S ockess k00,3 ..u..kKc Axi6 soy. ka,ot sIrtsct,_/t ay.o,k Nekve....)uS stre s L GLA skAfien;,i f GIL tO0 GDc, LA Is f-c,,tt,e4,-- cu,ok cAct_ e_ ?ecorte cJJC ) Nckkikru\ O c..A.)*-YxeSSeS S 0 IA. "reAlit 19‘"" \ i‘r1 sc"€--'Yk- 0N AA-La S be\ c.1,-,eck ok\-cA cSkkrhCe- 9 .1_ de kAir LA) LL)t,..0 or csL,IcAress;+^j ? _Ake sSc e C±A e c. \-\A4De cc)r LA) G-o w r,Sse 04\c), wo 5 e Jo-A' jcor c kAal\-?2,6 s (r\V1 A_Vmost 0 e )o,0 Co To A e-f)•-0-1L) 0.0 so n --t*e 3U• C-0 V\CNCA \De. ale c-t-A Ae_g,-a veAt c),V Ff-t. C ot eAfe-rbc4 \%e_ TEM AA e , k 4M,,a4A. \t9 u‘.1 01 /4-A6 eA-Nak 1-c,e o( TL öoL ke ok-Ske.1 -tea yo,v ,e) o r 1 (A+ -ro Te- \\ Le) cAA 1 01 0 ic \ 0 ,a2) VI TO r€SpOnrc s yo--LIA v\ot ? okyvpmil bo,a1 koLipp.Q4A to Wlek° S ke_ NOLU10C;0 scAAcA fl e ) LbS trjj So/0-e f- ut.)M J-f co roit-1.0 LA_A- Lo re) 0 -11-e_o Lo.s \DA- 0.1 ktA"-- 1A.42. S a eic. bo.c.k \D Jute. Cxr\ uk) oxe 0 Fil e u:or il CI AV &Lae 1 s , o/SL e,J/74- 2 AO TI/3 - 0 /6 cv.7"4 ( afli SoA c,%;74.- I- ID _AttAbei,s If iiUe-o/ -"CeO/Lf c4cza 1 1- 039 a40/03E 7 ;IL /9J/ / 7-2- XaczyS h e_kov, za_ev ,rud Q kce 6z,,Loi 2 3 &e4a ,f_s cid — dce-evis-l-- and -.el sofrt 3c curz-ei of-Ve /1,1_ j ai-e k e,re_ y 3 04 0,80 aud pc, ad, ,x_id filed I2, 5 c ide ,htd _site Lucks' 'flu i. woks ou;', C_C) /1"- rit)61.e_AA Ok.s G‘. Fck,,LO d oo, oto t cep\ sl'c'te4-- ov\ok I-v.9_ me ?CT v\e, To oite._ s\A‘c_ic›Ae, 1,ecatcS 0 cx.AA e-kcx.Akst.2-.4 c(Aak s ot-re.P-0( vctivat sserGti61 ec:k_S t 0/-2- coy\ Si oer /2 StAt cicke \AS F-e c,f0AG1 kW" rebia/ul • .tz s c.),11 for ,} ci T.f.) „au se)Acid ti,e fAiket- /10-1 ./rjotte-f-, ibiktI daLIknoto iiiI Attsbaoci x lectapj A,r e ro op,f7 AeokAlefl yie,v 77",S &tatVecr-/ ( Bible S'e/77e4 re servant to do (9014 j ood ,4LAt1cv,t,eS is God /yew 7-4,0a/iced _ pc)Atayi s- Ve-r:Se ef ) to e kwe olivcjs i-esfe4._l-fd It•e_. law e-ve cuid we dealt- , eve-re //evil, tuvr brevk 4,-1 „, It-e ictzu . f ave s ktme. knew brkttA pri sortird . ere . ië _still ,he&z./-1 re..5pec V coLu.?Yrd t. 60•SC10.0 , yeAss00 0 emit Acedo.a Oft gale ,1 c,1Le ç p.jC ¢ ,xcum /ve 0 to s e s 0,1Ae s,c,nd Li kekd ktio-tfzia r e sa Ik uSiparid ,1* La,,e c jov iGtg iii Aify feawl jec.,1 rit de,,m 7-42,7` 117010 e dad> catty tt cvd be7 totem .5 763/Ae hez,44--1- s f to toco-/-40.,;vt tiere is ,ecte rkej ex/eCt pefle are .Str'end, wo.voril /61- -s it deige,7; TG Do ,Tx., je‘44- 014(iyee tenI e rb 6474- kin 1 Sc,,clai:116;.i /10 S 71k anol 4t. iL6 -Li GijoJ CtiCetki Ae-a ptwed '? rj jc u cad(' Ike -1A LycLir ti// (az& To L;-, s s dauy.ref'L/ be-e" a.. hr ‘.-a_t LG. czza.i e-121e It, r ache , rev 1ZotAep& , 2IJ d/i 4.ucti tipte :UCaIMD kr o0(/‘ 7g- ,z• ',61 Apr hA Ze;ve 7 Tee/t/ p6-Ce- , /7):7(.<;.- frea. r'ime i)e,tJ 01,9Y r1ts4 fAit:7 0'17 ed de k c-iy (Ica. - • • • A.t.)tti iakci-/c2 c-;_c...). 0 e Afy 41/ /4L /5 /Lae 4.z, /74 . &orR 77.2_, ce.) A4we beei7 le.,f-S?vtd Wawa ( - reif .L.51kd i K a o A-41 5 4e/ 714 af - frf-;( I17 . 777 ho,kie ,,ag e_ rev° IL /et Ael9 d kuA 71,6,,f ?A s der emd Z ‘0,fre eAf L J' eaws-, IX. /ors "ezad-- trzi 171"e -5.sw''E. Cc) i61-c-t' king .0. a icide "teea1-- 4 40tdi'Cefped a4.1 - Ica( -e a.b e_ 7e3 pleet_2 e rwo iJ ciked, a,77.6 ( a, .1 jeg--14 Ao r c'<- 7ax7 kds,./,‘ e0e,7 aelj /de ;,2- 4nelZ • ty 7-24-k5)- ,436 c_i_S cz,td 2. _Z oca, Apr f\la-v41.A CotAditio 5 eoL is vt cW€ Cir 5 TlregsAO.AA aA6 2 rkok.xr s C--co , sc,o,rutel C-cpr cie\f,cokirR-vl c t*c...At tc7 LAJ rcAl"a'l o 0_,kAb LA,b- ,,,Ico.1--Ok-S cmj i/VCSSeS, 0-V\-Of p'eaTie. f--1‘ tr\t- _ CE' c„kyi‘u-E jes Lt‘ Citre-LA SS u-ve. s cokwel.1 c61 .A.,02(A1-cd S rou Oto•Ay 030 ite3 1R-6 cv,"01 cLit2)2n) 1 rvt C eS ct-; lokrtA" rcu L.(c) Ce-4A e ,:z..t.(ACcx.--t Co-ve -CRA42 or ren cr,z-ci rp 1-e-tvn k o iNA .o.S1 cujSo c7f----meAA r 0-1(1,2 Ak2)-rre.4-S ) C , WpOtei c:LAA °Lye. rt6v\ca 1-0 60..L.Lu:vi- ckJ , se s.}tki\O-A10 h OW CI"; t °" su‘ V-exl -fro 1 -rr,424.y PS r06€---1 Gore worC-1 ":1 cal Se-4-1C) Lk St he-Irv° tA_S afkrso/ Co (A01,-.‘,1 1O Qk ° A, ee-v\ Olen Q., Sodae-1-0,-AP-S V.0.)4e_ to wcLz ID\ i•c,k ci„; Lare4,, • )01/(4 Dr \06 p\c,spka-e cAlv\cl 004/. c_L) ANA', u-111\t) owe ow\91 J•ke_ ai c t--;c) AA OU,V -f-OJ y tcrc c.-COY ge Ni tC".0-v, c)...41\ ¼ JWJ S f‘o Cs6 F( I V 0..0 001 N o k r.e_re (‘-1,0re V \AO lev‘t) h VO -)LS oi y e ss,' v e , oary:7A )Y.,,9 \fie -V, e_c VV s Tc7 op.a ave. 04' Q_ cluzip tresSecA ; J\A-ce4A vs) \Noosie cno cxr\eA e 1 -V, w1/4,2- c:44-42 VD-eeY\ Scat- cur\4;\ Ytc atA21\ r\42,VVOUS u 6,L,t 0_11 -tke ps cl,\0\o3isi-s 0-ve çuA okov-Y 1-ell- p.4.0 p )42.. e_GLciti 0 v\ to S -e-vere ; (_, -11, -461' 01,0_, Cf rCu,..AA sl-cLy-\ Ces -\--1 \) ck.k 0IND \ Y e -to w-cAAAK 0 V \ n c-diE c1,2,101A,-.2.v\ 6v_Lo,--v,.-S42_, --r-LQ. ;‘,. s Juor\-% s pina4A01, y.„, c...1..) QC-Lill Ckej CUej hiWrE•12'1 , 1/4.1-V 1E — 4 cciAle, anal p u--T- Tkt 1 rewe) ir\to -tk. 4,r- )1/1 -t- 1)) P2_ / tAr Lalue 1,)--0FQ-i-b • et coriz. tievt. an\c;V -i-- oiAs ootn cx.„0X 1-e j oko vLr. u3 /4-\cke-r si- tAat . e kOLur- he ceir-re, v\ otif j ue-ve,ra otAQ.Q -•,,o.ve_ cco-krAA \J gLow-e-reQ) t_L) ,,k10,1<e-c OP - pea:, pt,e so..A.Ue <,00,uok) uf+ cv..Sitf••1),a.iJe.vv_.Are. kel;k_t ..,(1044(2 it" coo hi tavJAO\ 42-2. MO St 170 bQ WorS Y\ f-ect 00 vot irosA c_ („ \j's 66 '1Y\QS 6 ee-t-\ ot-02 dosec) c-A°A P\e kc")%j e- doli„es kouiNd Tee" e-ICS k;UVLQ- \De-e--0 ro oUJ f -.S €51).)11) Lips 1-0 (7k."\ek ,e cct,u,S•Q_ 1-( ClUiLuAlritt) C-Yr±(1t1 c e ke-r.2 sll cA 'cc : Got, cA c.A .e• dn. f-- rfi. eieleAct -30\6y s4an 3te cwd 04,-OW 6 uf- rb -Fro,u -(../ r‘.0 1A42 re.,970pels "1-0 .A.Alkdr\ CArkh "e-A erxC.1 ck,ChSt- d.„;14,4 bc,i1 C3t-Kcie_ 1\4;)CX_o 01\0 c C.1.‹ roo•d\ S erf\et c_at,i‘t s e_91) s F IcQ4" 7-___C"r S , srt—e w 0 ,k.X.42-til 9-11 b o-1 0 LLS cenA.01 f-C-- kAs ourvi yi I rs loo CVe us A,Cipals 0"A „uuduraere4-.. ci, \eitytAik 1"'e ckio•-iE-1,-1 aid\ air ok W le\D it q AiveNkto-A tAicurS • •• roC`,e3e OkcicAnel-CAA S S Sn \ keia cucze.._ ef--c_kVe6 tso OcY 10:Acol irs cit e $ ---1*.es-e. cikAAck co. r e.7c -et) e LQ-110 cA,r‘cA SS;01,) 1-0 LJ LAY OW( CY; Lte Alovt..S \A\ ke-g-f oh' n_Serrer) CeS cmcv e)in Dear Australian Government Cruel, crime and discrimination against the asylum seekers and refugees in Nauru is increasingly grow up every everyday by means of signing new deals, approbating unfair rules and sending threat messages. We don't really understand why such a powerful government is treating such obstinately with the people who were obedient, gentle and patient more than any others. This is fifteen months that we are under siege of harmful attack from Australian government and our only reaction was to be patient. We were patient when they sent us to Nauru like a criminal. We were patient when they dumped us in those tents like rubbish. We were patient when they treated us like animals. We were patient when they didn't give us water for days. We were patient in more than other million occasions towards their cruelty and unfairness but as we take an step back they take ten steps forward cruelly. Australian Government has driven this people to the point that they feel like they have reached the end. They feel like they have nothing to lose. They want the Australian governments to know that they can send us to Cambodia but only our dead bodies. They need to kill us first and they proved they would. The Australian government is happy to convert Nauru to Manus Island and the people are ready to sacrifice their lives to protect their families. What the refugees demands is not something great or special. They want justice, equality and fair treatment. We were in the same boats with the other refugees in other Australian detention centres and we have been intimidated more than the other and were the most peaceful, gentle people towards all the cruelty and oppression that the Australian government did with the asylum seekers so we have the right to ask for justice and equality. Please listen to us. Please comprehend us. We beg your compassion and Ruth. Thank you Nauru refugees 29/09/14 _45 On/ C2/. 11r) pv19 JP2 1L ap9ytni oyd lo 114/2-/ s s - 1 7Y35 5 IA .1-1-sidli '°1 Pr-a Trai--f-"vba CY 1414172C1 157 1.,/775- • _IL- 5/ 9Z- q4*--tA'1611 '1-191!--P -a')---evy 5--rxer) :741ff (I-a -\-ty Qi4. .t r An), -a--r°A-al C24 riC) a rvey ti 14-eajolry, e D/6/orac/ 76-uro_irawy2 "as (21 5 koAr, j-1,<( ifeure, 5-3,ry.ti-wryo5- 4-vai- x7 ti-a/}0, 5 ' I'V 217)797Y0 )11.°4-11, " ))1070YIE ..rArv -10 5'4(21 /7(my ptio 4-1; 1p95- -10 us-a ci 3/roy -w 7 d= °12 '40Tvr_p 5- -11Y)9 wicjo 5 7 7) fy/h-r-49-3 S -fay irro-,24/c-ip -D.ra vtcx/v/ Ssrn27 ( 41-'0-Div/P2 vo aya/va arrpt,224--erapt127 1.21-4-2 c3A-aV noi-- ( 4Ds• b!froel ry..p/ Olt 55-?/1/22 74Yre /1/ alaa W '1 s 4/;,,4,1 vcini- Cc) lir le'rel Av..._04.c24L4C evial jS 4.2. itx3 ec-t lett c.) d ate/ ,ec;4-- 71-Mtt /%1V_CA-214-1.)10 SOtfke."7 0-1/re._ cva&-L14.4.- conddia C/iYioi s L-v‘e,IS Veg- / Do° aid s .1.s/ce4a Nei 72,-.2-4-e_ s Ito IS Vev) bad (1-occ,-,1 s iccd i1 i Ar9atis eid-c,--1 carwl bti-sj v al( per citabtion S kwe Stead depvess.ed IVe-to efitjtcasted esfe-eicki /111 ZXW1FctIOvk 6?1el 614'w Akaae /7,272 andejoctie. jeettoee.."-S 8 catt-tzt./-iifv -Ft^0-1t- go.Ue Lc-ir St- uNiI 1-t/N ge_04,-- old 2 1- b e 6k. sc(icioie S- -rrout'e- ACV' LA evc„51,; id te/he cucle S ac-t1 pitIe,aik Ive. poccoki.-- b(ci. a I l '(j6k Fw re-6044 Ifol'az_ j staia ai .eaftoy 6 114-4 a40/ _s, erAkyie_Ss Z3 tk-e.,(A ( 3 (71-- 7L4e.--a 6ve-rd h)00-S a..i( ?eerie aski a-vtd 4.e,ve 3e71- be /6w-a Tkeid due,uakt5te _s-1 ,4)e-G) / to 3105 0,0 3 iv c2Md / cpeet- CCel-ta ofrte. ciAd iti5UP7Gto t\f0 . 77^-v ,f/v hAi--/- /4-e_ $ cc/10 f A., ke-p-e_ iAciaded (As ! / ri_e_ccs€ ke.Ar ju,sfits ( e cv-a. F-i-rf co 1,--cnikt opek ei)ce /1")("17k. /4 Afore we- Ivive. 1--62 li/e s v 7 "7 viJ C,U01--j C-61/ ..S jr. prope-4- ,Uatt /?;tJ Co/A62(11-6 /1 Akthu-74 a.(7 helk ri-ea,r(044 PR ex"-€ exie n Suci, ot.. bad 777 V is " cA. Agterie. airiek-age 746114.s. Aca e5r/u‘kS ei2e1V itot,tSterS i22 /i7 Ae rxvi jcered isia/d _X" ez.ns fdd _112 127 IL1caika_ J7K ke/'ec pvcess A- rd ar 6,/(2 awe 127 it&eirot ,s-c2J Aavve be-eon bv:nd :7,6(71PL) VerS YA v or ;4. 76-yL-74 boive, 7K-e. balWeett a-5&4/)CIS e;fkt--cdel /it sI 1 Ate in cra cf)/;(- 5 *. L. // 7-&_/s o, - Ito I 3. 1e_ egL/7&1-(17Q-0/ a j j,.7-btp-7` fra,/-ls ALE lb _s/)id /es , ../eActi-v/L0/ A0,11 , 7c) 0 crLc Ift_ Sr / 1 . -e 0 I-- ; tfrie_s_se_S o &Lie- , Z o s Vi•IS ;tee/ 7"--0 1k2 dc7or al/id _ /* -17 - S 11-0 41.e.- ofhc, 'edlci 5 a/ye cetilf — /z2( 2-.;‹,etkod7e77 t7eS ct_tt 4(1-5 7:?7 Waitek- be,zt P-.5) Cko k.) o I- Aplay ci4t91 a,5 6c&T 714E.A,( d /int .7-,r//e _seidocAc till 7LJ ,act_bq hafeel vae , &c,ezas e c-As jrAst -to& prAciocji:5-1- kon,064(Aoriou,i-) e to 16aL S c (de ,,cdv t& C7/.W-I 7L. hea,/ aybccd- C-:°11)Iczi;Aeri 6e_A2k-e. c‘O ee kx,ceici ct s afin oancei aef-e-h,7.-‘0A-1 czd ai s Issc{e CO op 7L1 . x S lb/ Sej OA Two u'z IL em-e7-1 r fijkt, 74.9 c y( Scf Raj rk o 4e c(16-4-Th I Oefl- vR,t ,e / SiSted ve- ./ s ,y1 AA e L., r C cftiS 4e ve _L j ?4,4 Lej - X CLS 1604000t . Ze_e_01 ea-171-ig 3 dajs cc/ q, To 6, i A,o.11e- A r he cayAie sacie/t Sot trok/e.,Z e-rv-c-13 c7fr1 orke re"- e..//) t- N 77cy LSte+- 9 cut( ,c7,- 1 ) flf 3 ) kxve e arfrreyted ketcl cw-d b -GO "_77( s &L24,4-ej, be e,i7 . Ape., Co-1) r 3 4O I coAce/tion 11s/aplai „a/to/ a.,Me."--to Al ccetnA 61.) di/X-/calA S kwe. got /0 s 0A- --)b coif .e s , //-t 1-ke-1-11 /Zet<ta/e kl-ve kert I itng and rt. 7 01- 4--4J / V -Le,,mit oucA 'etto doAx cat.1-3 j em / ed ovc- 77--; s 7 ess 7 /71-1-7 C cs,cal „ft,/ b 1-0 7 ALA-8,be /i5rem e-e7 '7`71.4, S c7( c_o ftd; r;or) P1/ cd k i-owe 1 s cork X.62. rtc,-/ks 6.9-it ,A6_ 6,. is- (deo,v- — /d 1 / 0 62//r7i/ed 7- c-076/ ;2,1 ;s/ard we do (7 escireJ y ot . cicio;(01 Ac,2 „Lc] ov / 0Js(te 74, hQ 40Qa Co--a113 6?indti 1e;-.7t- Ji c‹Jit‘, iffe_e&Pit , r0,(1 14-€ A-e-vt CLS e- . I 3 CA c2ries c,if9 • arid A.eao-/i /-Ae Sea-, Ao,ei /diexAo evep doZt ,e/1060 I czoi' anderstafd 0,0"-d. tvX,e_„7 oF . .A/teetA..)1 wexte-i- Irve,a Areal' close./ Xs 71 3ce4es c74Je4 dk.ST/Ce, ? rec.' (Lei) FY--e AkA.Lck fr hzekem ce `? ? An • 9 j d o/c-4,-w oPie )3 (e44-j tied cu"r I atuf- scoo s 6-rv / 0 g3 P9 / e v corrived -1e2 CI-rf'St-Vok.S /arid ctiLFe0_1/ Asq.0 cuay- c:oord cad V'iC i 30 / s 1-ke L1 avist.wksi so/7/ /cao I s iotiu Agui I. fa 415erc..Aiy v'-_S, belei-Le ev:2-vk tagQtAei--. J cacdcZA:t- gketv;ty scem,cs /To _s s 3 a.) cdde , see-,)/v :649 ro je_ A-1y ca&kpeti=7-,(27i-s f ...c 3 o/ 0 9 17,0 121 " ,_, -c Sc-tS j Ai 1 ID E erieLS , 74-/ S ; S 8c 1,z,o,‹;),1 72JJ.1 ;1 cy c(,t. Aave. 77--e pletze and d11-7-7'caif co/cid/17011 S e-6/Xeiee dcw,L,)- waid- To „Lie,-.Ae 80 vt I Ike j'oti_ -ID 1-Se-fl pafiwit] iie-e91- (Ape-AL Z j'aSt- Ai- pe chs1 , fi.a.A.A. r e 21-0 s7kra 0J i-ex-Ae ra. (jou AA e CGt pf-V 111 rn a_60a1 jaut czi/I 1-,;y-77t,3_5-e. Pray ei-S oiti 6 e-rViCS i4d- ( you- ILove doo e 1-- o r eLS. - 1‘ <e I-0 1 i 01 _i doo,f e_66(..40 aitd a-?-/- 01/11-/ calt sit-'t L-Ke Lvve. ,6e so ,teamy ro /tto/d-A- layey)adLy 46/ s fet41/464/ wie,/ 601/6 4 7/ ,piar se,ve_r dovt.e._• j irt 1_1k2/ 04, ac,S /e9-3 tiiV; Pi/ in Le_c_etzej ,c ,51Ne_ doe_s 10-c; /1 f-;çr AS pro,jin) -44- little be. cx. S &LS/C.: (you{ re) /3ii-7 :74e-4.) /C-0 /J o c.4) -48 preflaS- (7)).1/A tb c() Ltve -/kc _ r0- it&-ett Liza/b .1- '17 1 , , 60c , ids .eyr/l iai-vAe TL 1, 2t_5 /61 /1_ 4A / t7fr2y jek S 't7 • Ce /re it_ef2.42i rt_c_c_z I Ae_ A)) 7-A_e_ je sus r wc.f. . '5 41)/d1e3-s ATE oftcd jiPci,_ce Ditto goo, iy pax,- 7*--;ef7cts da,25k,.ng, 31--r I /Y-Te_ SaSk sk j (ks I5 s - eeJe gr6kciou5 pi-e e.ine pri-j do(A Aope 01- ca Apse>4-4--;/-j 5 *Nod" de96,- A/- J eve_ /Lie eeet7( Ctdewd" iv/ erl 01 e c24-1-0 tyoCt — p7di ei-j- cold str -0"20 ce,id jes(,6 e-c/e peca ii, yra-8i 74771 de.scd zzhakel,s(i-d;-1 e s .074 )9`7*W1 and 0 /- Lope Li oitio Acokt e5 (.6 A--,Aert • / Ner "Cgi,_ NrseArvt ya,..-.24.17t- ,ItA.- wt a kY, (-140,- ra-443.-A3 ec i-v"‘" HaTaw, z_t 2 it o t9AN skaAA- uIvui36, 140, is ic let5.-0uvtk *, AwsTrAaisc. cr.zAcri a ci' 1 1k 11:0 ow., sT fri o e- is ). L., v.tcv?, I v+P;1 ch,1 pS Fk- L Sccc.orrt"--6 + S GC-tiA . aT P TS IAA S *7.'0,GS p c7%ip‘ .14" çI ette•rTtf.C.A142,-S V7Dt C.E - bc42-16 1--va"\ C;',"N l'cotadzk. So Lori 1 -7-s ex p ; e_ • CIAAA, Itiavv- 1 S"-- 6-4.4, Iv&pp e _cL A-,,,, ü i rk4 TiIT - Pv21-s".`'"f AtIPPA-1 beectu0S--.. f-- Eft iTt%0‘,N lt" \ikto) Wa Lo-5S S ArlyfcA,A1-‘,/4_ 41,1-0 Cps att-mro.d1-ewt:'K tAlse- 14e- 9 otg-v- poof-e4r- ev‘wy--_v ...1_11,0A44._ Peer Sl-Eu=46 v../ 97) 0_42' e tot ‘N•crelh ••%- VeNta.4.44.. 1"- t--Ar3 f-coAD ‘" arc- s-Q_ • 42,10 3- avva 1 -011.0215 11,40,"e.- •e.4;_Ale4••• cr_Car C...1.4.1t1s___01441Y14fin-7 "." esaA_ -cah.olLi,..b v\vric glitscp 0dc c"*".'1/4 or:Wv-4,-1. WA- rgt "KZ" 1lsirt,e.,te4A8 o_a 9A-tre,r P1.C1-112, 026_,% li-r-r=st.-CievA It L_fif p S1--rtlt-.0.- TE eDe.A› czc) s ColotiALO 1,2.oLszs,e 0,1-t jn (SISC16-44to --fiefisCV:r_04.11 tv7r1C4Cdt- 1... o_ip_ifgoz.s170 To ciz td,r\e,, ad Tift.-cvete-Aicit* ivitst %vs ink A01_, karizu stt. 321,- wr CaLA -t-4-ttb 4a4kl ecl- AtAectirigA. ; 42-4, 8 b friagr Lv.a_ cLi., INior — a.- avrit s-trot L.2,1 a v.„, T-VC1 v ic a l V SziL PizA-;sG -Loose_ e.AA2,..-•o PPr h" 7L-..17 -itv."-Q. ofp.y%;;t),".cssUtt- ctLi•Ari.,•21 1 cpttTi To 7,0A. c4-4,2, I ko.,A i kta-s 0,14d PVIA,Q,k% 3:4„,e4A, Pit tf,adt UP.e- r WAR' ...aim MIR 1 eiriciat 1j4 4:trt-co b - 0,0 LA) Spc tA'D 1;f-o cQ5 kNAP-e• Bc4,-e6/0-% so,, Obd besaAA--.z--.1 Ca-r- 6Q,cv,r -to Se C siAch 1DaA LI41 -.0r•3 01:.Av‘ f-rov.-- v- 04- ic>o,'W iD-ta b14v2-K TLe-- Itve-C 1,10. ‘). 0 P-- -revvst &U \0L0QAMN,v-h. cha/ Efic--airs no t,1(2 itt..e. Stuptcl 414,K.42A- e.414slettl) 1.1_ v. CI- StNev.e aArva To as a i -rat,c-e._) ta.4A, vto 4w4 (ALA$51-1".r! ,faiFtiav- rvvt›,,--Ms yoz -to O oyvvolk 3 A.k r% "4t1- -rvada_ Gt.0 SThis C.kti 0 L,1 •Ckif1/4/ A. So LA7r- I 4-Lk's €8 f- Pawk PY3Sok.‘1 cr9v71- 1 ck-t.e 7cim..dO 11,APA -s (42- c(4... a vvoity...z., ‘ Choms‘,-.1_ Co k"71-,1 I) WI 11" CA. CL (2 liCLRA1 T. It.e.trls tuxA, yoø. tri"10- 1,.."06oit "ro ci 1-07r4d2-8,4_,_ pA.42,44 %AA-C. t SLAIi• vs=3,-6 Q s /AlU ed cz,Ftze-,- 74.4.,1-SC-ett • o-o -1K.41.1 u e: Owlvctaice_TAN+.1,-,:vf...-1-; 0, to brcatinit /et • - S1^-tAr Prt)02--SSI."- it e1WM".4-b ;"iT to-oci 430,c:4;1-co,-, lAWY-cle-v•eAt- Seat- v\--,....71So .0.11-4_4r- ba-S14 -rc,• ak,‘,1 0click cvv.cA tpe,,p1.-- 16" f‘CLAA4rut_ PMG .00-+14 : 1A-er /44A141-bY-15TEse— et: (IN-14 cr. LooLA-v- CLA.4_,,•15 Stoort a t'VeA,/ Slav LL IrCLOS ;t psx, ff_e- 0.41/ t--r f- _to eS• 80V.L_ S Z944424,- tAikt IA- CV-Lkk do 1Lc S VV•44--- PCAN-42... LAW:1414r ST;24.-8 lt"271- kyDitA r CO LL'61-"Pli \Nis:N-1,a CcA.A.4.Ctvi. .04.4 414 tok- GovamtA..v.A7riS toLA,- a_ 41'd:4'0Y m_tvl berv,42. • r?-11 6,e- s Lateir vaziag>. d 0, b;--re,4. avri vu.4.-To .p.oris:r-tv. GOe.o2, -SAP tc:i o Goci 0A4. S42.4.-- 0,4 Nji,,-3,-.4?-vs eAvr,"si----62.0:xvs-q.. aicl 44t.01.2Arz I. s •elya)s tcAfr 0,1-4 Cow- A2.4-5iOk ptv ar o bts . GC117•41AvveNit leinASSA, VS4,, 9-6) 1.4L'SS .4W i 30 -We. rsja-bi LSiavA ii LeIeK 14 ; I Low' exp/otfo. s/71se, 1.(4 el wouiai 't 4Ow L,,i Mcb€ /1 NI Chuirzt . Agt.ra( aqK CAJ;14044 71- air 0,1524 ./ 10/1er Thrribtg,, her/ cueollivvi oprvt cud • weptlitA{ \Ifl 764 en Hot4-- bcaa-se., cf dein4 r 4- clitoryfdlinsaS 4). 13-e_ (,nrey",_ oci Me_ 0.1,2-eik ()pita' C410Cieel5 anoe ‘Aariext5 cliseatSess bocgrao 4-0 61-Se- -ge._ 044 corn '5 °F31ei>615 tto 011-e-• .-ttte_ So YktOuliPe • 14- 'Siat1e () sô' j5 f 7141,1 • 4-trt (ck0601./icyl. laxce, 0 -1-eed-s amot1-4( 71 41,t Wc'ar& deiri -/f°04 teinte{ Is. avirT perso,i_ piots.kc 4-ern s (at 2 9. ot /Lae becclAse fae. Clota. wofrieivs c)( -Sti a4 /477 ii1 CeaAer CL6Le- )i° An.)Me Tssugs tzkcA aktoe-{en p(o4s71z_ -/e471-s to* -kg bi file -5'/.0tg 4bl:3 e c rnpaa9e 14 W&J 1 f here -frikt woji, fa/S pi to 51)14 i Cukdk COc5e.._ P1057t Of 114- 1063 0 0 f{e/n4 KA9z 0/ a iii2(w eenrs revied-;ort , ;5 -4a-ft breck.A'rt92 No azete...4-0 wedia/c corz9e;s7/iepits fang Se4o1,6 - f- fegtib1i411-- c,,,t9•( 0 nkj. No i's tQ/.0 v(21 loozz 7s - -17te ic One a 54.e_ bCn6 S e , AL ireatiot .5064,5 • /.0 oTe. -14.04d 5,-e co 4hair otript 03;iheyi- co44, 61154steS5 cvd irtst 4 9.e0Ole, Di lali ci`ps v._te(r peop(e. -10 owt. ilket ',A 03 5 41,eiri se -titovi- dom.p(eYei Neclic A- • be owtse. c4j 44e IS e,01,rs cWyds cirtoi C rm otetote tw people s II-4 /4,01 Scuckskrt 1001404r ovhs2-e .7L0 4457104ot /0{ - cxsa i, lam seekexzs evid a morri-i can be4 s ;to co VA 4.1icd- 40 010,5e niati c ç e -seve4 0,7e 7 unalec ismote4e- 40 4,ackill nods 4,10L 7M:5 news -501)70-s • co/trait 1 1Lec - 7;(046 5--eViA5 w447- ibcoe QweetoresssePL Neel 1.7,120-e A/2"r 1.-47s otPer surciVe- "Hair w'v, 15 gslhAry) se42Aprs *s-144e- be counts A•mc pop kt..0 1 ) 1)4111'71 -AL .aSpe crovtt I +k 40- °Ft eCortat *045 s kim seeke‘s ctwri4 OM 0/ F A aOlaZo4 c paippLe 7 % O / 510 rig-ItAPol / owip-e Q vrt O4 boot ilaele co mper4ve 4_0 hoe_ maii ‘98 1 el Alabok pxe ca; otpl eep44.1 th1 (i 145 0/ _-/-1.; 5: 15 4-1,Lod-Pft. oteloe. /WM --ri">e/VIA MOrt (=Wit Mire • MI be. 'kilt_ r-vi Jet Pisod 11dry 77 '4° rf) -7141 4!nicra 77/. s 0 JI:101 S trnw ropvisv i7f 70).nff 7 'i-° %%H. itc) -zumppy) Q& wrvtfti c p-Aq rivlo wo 'am - ).14. v - 1ti 11/9 54') 1L °to grit Iv* ?ider°d 7 Yolx`v LIfriovrti ;top -a1005 pooci sv-wisyr -ph/ ! -h41t/2 itnxto /Po '2;MQ "a44 2.aaac5 d 26'A1sl sr7 -1.,aayrpot S.77 i csmo rvo ev05. 1Vk1 w,„ -? to 701oci 701) at /crxtipo . 13 to 1101/ s,! }.101/AA ;AeA 11 -ate, nzune, Zelle /5 desa5 God/ ELakch Aiouvr.. rro poritician AustraLioL, 1-1611,0 tnj rictAie, i6 EilaAet t /Axmv6 .z ti arid, 23 detlY , Z leave. cotiriLvj hccoxse 01e ,60 encuj prolDkfkIts . luotv cts,va AictLiru, 0.460 6 ;S tve_ek.5 sit/Ice, of cirr:ivatctecc& a („k.4y) 1,e, 9 5;ck veri- inefljcat probietns ha_d‹.. ouivt (evdri of 2, wer,k5 2. vieck paitA before iictc/1 c1.5 : hack, p1,95!)Crtrc)Pd •v 3. 1-4 ceroricte. 4. bre,a5t. probtern S. bl.cxci..d,6r- prokoi4 6. for3Eb -ral1v1es5 7. dzpress;11) ( 10 Sal) uh-r-or - LLAV ckte9 oAtickpressiv fart 4o- vej cifij ik rns 3roAp caticLA 501ve, yyj Medical) prcbietris toiL it now • move, Ihati of lo movrals 11 have. ail, Litis problems 194, -lh!y cLd 4Solvc,641) eve.51, c-6 ,9 gel sicker illam of ( yest_zrdaj • al-50 CAtld chant scive, all.ncativ1ct;o6artc y 6 rvtovrilis fitnat9 -flAej. ASeitcl, iteio Nawu, al -010144 5c.t ic icLe, p lease, p ect 56 1 t ,30“ J fte_l-f far Z. irme.5.;becGui_se, kleiP - colt don licktic, es€,Jboacti tlEcivcij 14j liedper in here catct, no 16141(33tme rt..I 90(Ar lea-tail/1j , 2".." 0 - fi 1/1 rt, licrth;