Summer 2015 - Saint Henry School


Summer 2015 - Saint Henry School
A Fond Farewell to Father Mike
by: Sister Ann Hyacinth,
his year has been a joy
filled year, but tinged with
a bit of sadness knowing it
would be Father Mike’s last
year as our pastor. Words
seem inadequate to express
our love and gratitude to
Father Mike for his years of
selfless service to the Saint
Henry families as pastor. His
dedication to Catholic education and his encouragement
and support of all of us are
unique and distinctive marks
of his priestly charism. Over
the years he has served others
and treated each person with
great dignity as a child of
God. Father’s steadfast and
humble manner have drawn
people closer to the God he
loves and serves.
On the last day of school
after our last school Mass we
presented Father Mike with a
few gifts of remembrance.
The gifts included three
albums of the children’s notes
of love and appreciation that
simply and beautifully
brought to light Father’s pastoral gifts, a framed all school
picture complete with a
“thank you and we love you”
banner as well as a quilt of
school memories, which
includes images from the 11
school Faith Rallies.
As we reflect on the life of
Father Mike Johnston we are
able to picture a priestly witness to fatherhood. Father
Mike reflects and witnesses to
the qualities of a good father:
faithful, loving, humble, kind,
strong, understanding, forgiving, joyful, compassionate,
patient, gentle in correction,
steadfast, etc…We are grateful that God gave us a loving
pastor willing to daily lay
down his life for his sheep!
May Saint Henry, our
patron, always intercede for
Father and may God bless
him for being an extraordinary pastor in the living out
of his priestly life.
All are welcome to
attend a reception for Father
Mike after the 11:00 mass on
July 26th. n
From the Principal’s Desk
Dear Friends of Saint Henry School,
It is hard to believe we have
reached the end of another
school year. As we close out this
year, in particular, I am grateful
to Father Mike Johnston, our
Pastor, for his love, support, and
pastoral care of the faculty, staff,
and children of Saint Henry
School and for his love of the
priesthood for the past 44 years!
Father Mike is retiring on August
1, 2015 after 24 years of service
to the Saint Henry families. We
want to express our love and gratitude for his unwavering love and
dedication to all of us. At the same time we want to welcome
our new Pastor, Father Mark Beckman. Father Beckman
begins August 1st at Saint Henry.
On another note, the academic year proved again to be a
unique experience of our community filled with the spirit of its
patron – the faithful, generous, and compassionate Saint
Henry. The consistent and willing support of the families of
Saint Henry Parish and School in time, treasure, and talent
was once again manifest in the daily events and activities of
our year and I am grateful to all our good stewards!
As I reflect on the 2014-2015 school year, I am struck by
the personal growth and achievements of so many of our students. The success of our year cannot be measured by new programs, projects, student or faculty accolades, test scores, etc…,
but by the small personal victories each of us experienced to
grow in personal holiness. Most of these victories no one but
our Lord will know we have achieved! Let us cherish the precious gift that is Saint Henry and the many ways God is using
the Saint Henry community for His good. As Saint Henry
School strives to be a “God Enlighten Space”, it is important
to take time to reflect on the many ways God is active in our
living mission of forming students in academic integrity, prayer,
and service to others. God reveals to us through the circumstances of daily life that He is working through us in a supernatural way, and that we are a part of something much larger
than ourselves. This year provided ample opportunity for the
Saint Henry Tiger spirit to increase in its capacity to grow closer to God and one another. This edition of the Pinnacle affords
us the opportunity to highlight a few of these moments.
Let us keep our eyes fixed on the exciting future of Saint
Henry School and reflect often on the treasure it is to so many.
The buildings and other material items are only a vehicle to
help us achieve the real goal – to teach Christ. All the meetings, lessons, equipment, books, technology, etc… ought to be
directed toward this end. It is a good time to be a Saint
Henry Tiger!!
Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of
our children. They are the reason we do what we do!
Farewell to Faculty
he Saint Henry School
faculty, staff, and students
were lucky to have had Sister
Rose Miriam and Sister Ann
Dominic with us for the past
2 years. We wish both Sisters
the best of luck in their future
teaching endeavors. God
Sister Rose Miriam, 2nd
grade, has been reassigned to
teach in Mt. Carmel, Indiana.
Sister Ann Dominic, 8th
Sister Rose
Sister Ann
grade Religion, has been reassigned to teach at John Paul
the Great High School in
Virginia. n
Witnesses of the Week
itness of the Week is a program where fellow students,
faculty, and parents nominate students who exhibit
examples of Christ-like behavior. Each week one student from
Pre-k through 4th and one student from 5th through 8th are
selected. Witness of the Week for the 2nd half of the 20142015 school year are:
Ryder Scoutten
Sean Houck
Adam Gild
Jillian Monroe
Toby Mullen
Rachel Thompson
Sevier Moore
Ben Emerson
Matthew Hisrich
Mason Smitherman 3-Donlon
Laney Scott
Brice Perkerson
Alexa Ammerman
Eli Jordan
Maggie Smith
Andrew Brown
Kate Hoots
Maddie Gilliland
Julia Hinson
Reece Rayhab
Lucas Daggs
Ava Mays
Addison Warhoover K-Millican
Molly Sheridan
Ella Spitzer
Gracyn Preston
Nick Chargualaf
Kate Hisrich
Kolby Meadows
PJ Bujdos
Katy Peterson K-Vaillancourt
Adair Brockus
Sean Houck
Davis Booth
Clare Dalske
Drew Perenich
Mission Statement
Saint Henry Catholic School strives to build God’s kingdom
through prayer, academic integrity, and service to others.
School Motto
Educating for Life, Guided by Christ
Sincerely in Christ,
Sister Ann Hyacinth Genow, O.P.
2 • Pinnacle • Summer 2015
Calling all Alumni
We’d like to hear what’s new with our SHS Alums!
Email your news to:
Great Things Ahead for Math
by: Debby Kiser,
Assistant Principal
n the fall of 2014, Saint
Henry Catholic School completed the AdvancED self-study
accreditation process. The selfstudy identified both Powerful
Practices and Improvement
Priorities. Catholic identity,
school safety, and continuous
improvement were recognized
as Powerful Practices.
Stakeholder communication,
individual student needs and
the mathematics program were
seen as Improvement Priorities.
Faculty members developed
action plans to address each
Improvement Priority. These
action plans are and will be
implemented as part of the
next phase of the accreditation
Each action plan is comprised of a goal and strategies
to achieve that goal. One of
the strategies included in the
action plan to address the
mathematics program is to seek
out and engage an expert in
mathematics education to
serve as a consultant to faculty
as they work to complete the
math action plan.
Finding a highly qualified
individual with an understanding of the mission and vision
of Saint Henry School could
have proven to be a difficult
task. However, a lucky turn of
events led to the identification
of an individual with a great fit
for the job. That individual is
not only a highly qualified
educator who already works as
a part time consultant, but is a
Catholic school educator and
alumnae of Saint Henry
Catholic School and Saint
Cecilia Academy. That individual is Dr. Jeanne Rast.
Dr. Rast holds a Bachelor
of Arts in Mathematics degree
from the University of the
South. At Georgia State
University, Dr. Rast earned a
Master of Education in
Mathematics degree, a
Specialist in Education in
Mathematics degree, and a
Doctor of Philosophy in
Mathematics Education degree.
Dr. Rast has been teaching
for over 30 years. She has
taught students from PreK
through college level. For the
last 20 years Dr. Rast has been
teaching mathematics and science at Saint John the
Evangelist Catholic School in
Hapeville, Georgia. In addition to teaching, Dr. Rast has
served as a coach and mentor
for mathematics teachers, has
written and facilitated professional development workshops,
and has worked as a textbook
editor. In 2012, Dr. Rast was
honored by the National
Science Foundation and
received the Presidential Award
for Excellence in Mathematics
and Science Teaching.
Finding such a highly qualified person to collaborate with
the faculty as they study and
examine the school mathematics program is an exciting and
energizing prospect for the
future work of the school.
Sister Ann Hyacinth met
with Dr. Rast several times in
the fall of 2014 to begin the
process of collaboration and
data analysis. Miss Griffith
and Mr. O’Hara went to St.
John the Evangelist School in
the spring semester of this
school year. The purpose of
their visit was to discuss
mathematics instruction and
observe in classrooms. The
goal of their trip was accomplished as they were able to
discuss mathematics instruction with Dr. Rast and
observe her and other faculty
as they were teaching. On
June 1st Dr. Rast continued
her work at Saint Henry
School with a presentation to
the faculty on their in-service
day. The day began as Dr.
Rast explained to the full faculty her analysis of the past
three years’ Iowa Assessment
mathematics scores. As the
rest of the day unfolded, Dr.
Rast met with all mathematics teachers as well as smaller
grade level groups. Faculty
were enthusiastic about the
information they received
from Dr. Rast and are looking
forward to including many of
the strategies discussed in
their instruction in the coming school year.
The work begun this
spring will continue as Dr.
Rast meets with faculty in the
fall of the 2015-2016 school
year. Great things are ahead
for math! n
NEW 5 Day PreK Program
Beginning August 2015 Saint Henry School will be adding a 5 day PreK program
in addition to the existing M/W/F and T/Th programs.
Call 615.352.1328 for more information.
Pinnacle • Summer 2015 • 3
8th Grade Students Make Rube Goldberg Machines
by: Tawnya Zeller,
Science Teacher
tudents in the 8th grade
were asked to make Rube
Goldberg Machines. Rube
Goldberg was a cartoonist who
achieved fame by creating cartoons showing complicated
inventions used to accomplish
seemingly simple tasks.
Students were asked to build a
machine with their group that
placed a ball in a cup, or when
turned on raised a flag. These
complex machines had to
include at least six simple
machines: three lever classes,
three different types of pulleys,
inclined planes, screws, wedges,
and wheel and axels. After creating the machine, students
brought their machines to
school to share with their peers
and with the school community. The younger children
enjoyed watching the
machines run and the older
students were already dreaming
of ways to make their machines
even more elaborate than the
ones they were viewing.
One of the best learning
stations of the event allowed
some of the 8th graders to help
younger children build their
own version of Rube Goldberg
machines. All-in-all, it was a
great experience and one that
rising 6th and 7th graders are
looking forward to in the next
year or two. n
powered hammer. Great waves
of laughter follow Pecos Bill
on his adventures with his
horse Widow Maker! All
throughout the program, the
actors build up the suspense
about what in the world Sally
Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind
will do if she can sneak in her
story and unleash it upon the
unsuspecting audience of third
through sixth grade students!
Finally after a full day of
singing and acting, which was
only 1 hour of Saint Henry
time, the “little kids” clean up
the attic, tuck away the magic
pot, and promise to return
another day to finish telling
their stories. n
Telling Tall Tales
by: Debbie Butner
hat do you get when
you mix eight energetic,
imaginative kids and an old
attic full of dusty boxes and
castoffs? Why, lots of fun of
course! That’s exactly what
was dished up by Saint Henry
School alumnae Jessica
Gregory (SHS ’07) and a
troop of theater majors from
Middle Tennessee State
University performing classic
American Tall Tales. In
preparation for a two week
tour across England and
Ireland, the show, under
Jessica’s direction, traveled to
schools all across the region
bringing to life unforgettable,
superhuman characters such as
Johnny Appleseed, Mike Fink,
John Henry, Annie Christmas,
Pecos Bill, and Slue Foot Sue.
Imagine eight college kids
who can magically transform
into little kids with big imaginations running through the
4 • Pinnacle • Summer 2015
Jessica Gregory
Fellowship Hall, cutting in and
out of the audience looking for
Johnny Appleseed’s beat up
old pot! Once the pot is
placed precariously on his
head, Johnny has the magic to
bring to life all of the other
characters. Shouts and cheers
of encouragement from the
audience spur John Henry to
hammer in the final spike to
win the contest with the steam
by: Mary Beth Green,
Art Instructor
ortfolio” 2015 is an
exhibition of Art
Elective students’ works.
Twenty-one seventh and
eighth grade students presented their work completed over
the course of the year. Each
student was asked to develop a
body of work around a theme
or a medium. This year’s
show included work done in
mosaics, acrylics, stained glass,
encaustics, mixed media, and
sculpture. Along with each
student’s body of work, the
artist wrote a statement outlining their thoughts about
their progress and process.
The opening, held on May 16,
2015 at the school, was wellattended by family and friends
of the artists. I believe the
best part of the evening is see-
ing these budding artists talking about their work.
During the opening the following eighth grade students
were inducted into the Fra
Angelico Art Honor Society:
Becky Catalano, Madison
Cole, Kate Connor, Meg
Connor, Jonathan Guerra,
Gabi Larkin, Maddie McGrath,
Jake O’Rear, Meredith Remke,
and Felix Wilson. n
Emily Fair: Sunflower, Encaustics
3rd Place Middle Tennessee Regional
Student Art Exhibition 7th grade
Kate Connor: Loki, Cut paper relief
1st Place Middle Tennessee Regional Student Art Exhibition 8th grade
Ryan Skinner: Mercury, Oil Painting
Isabella Kelly: Blessed Mar,
Clay Hand Building
Morgan Anderson: The Power, Graphite
Becky Catalano: The Hummingbird,
Stain glass
Clare Cordell: The Perfect Pair,
Mosaic Mixed Media Glass and Tile
Addy Williams: Flounder,
Pinnacle • Summer 2015 • 5
Current Saint Henry
Citizenship Award: 1st grade –
Mia Boyd, Sadie Ford, Sean
Dailey; 2nd grade – Charlotte
Strickmaker, Molly Kate
Dixon; 3rd grade – Simone
Dela Merced, Julie Hinson,
Madeline Foster; 4th grade –
Dreher, Lucy Sheridan; 5th
grade – Nicholas Erwin, Meg
Killian, Anna Krog; 6th grade
– Thomas Tatro, Joanna
Jones, Ryan Prim; 7th grade –
Clare Cordell, Addy Williams,
Sam Skelley; 8th grade – Anna
Donnelly, Karoline Feldman,
Grace Kelley
Effort Award: 4th grade - Cora
Funk, Claudia Andrews,
Drew Emerson; 5th grade –
Reed Severson, McKenzie
McCarter; 6th grade – Elle
Beierlein, Ceci Cioffi, Taylr
Thomason; 7th grade –
Alyssa Schrage, Collin
Haugh, Elise Durelli; 8th
grade – Elizabeth Cordell &
Aidan O’Dwyer
Perfect Attendance: 3rd grade
– Michael Golczynski; 4th
grade – James Thomas
Schmidt; 5th grade – Margaret
Gilles, Meg Killian, Anna
Krog; 6th grade – Andrew
Nelson; 7th grade – Aubrey
Leersnyder; 8th grade – Kaki
Schmidt & Ian Vaillancourt
Christian Student Award: This
award is given to an 8th grade
student who is kind and respectful to classmates and teachers Abigail Emberson & Lucas
Tiger Award: Most outstanding
8th grade students which include
conduct, effort, school spirit,
cooperation, personality, &
involvement in school activities –
Roma Weil & Luke Beaty
Academic Excellence Award:
This award is given to 8th grade
students who achieve a 90% or
high on a 100% scale during their
6th – 8th grade years as well as
earning an 85% or high in math or
reading on the Iowa Basic Skills
Test in 6th & 7th grade – Garrett
Andrews, Kate Connor, Meg
Connor, Daniel Cooley,
6 • Pinnacle • Summer 2015
Durelli, Emi Erwin, Isaac
Gdowski, Ian Johnston, Raegan
Jordan, Aidan Labadie, Sophia
Liberatore, Lucy Norfleet,
Perkerson, Emma Ramming,
Sheridan, Anne Louise Tatro,
Caitlin Vincent, David Ward,
Nicholas Watson, Roma Weil,
Erin Weiland, Sydney West
Distinguished Honors – All
Grading Periods (All A’s): 5th
grade – Max Buenahora, Ashley
Tirrill Brantley Golczynski,
Amelia Johnston, Jaidan Keifer,
Caroline Plasko, Jackson Weil,
Gloria Carter, Nhi-ha Le,
Gavin Watson; 6th grade – Will
Foster, Minsaw Kwak; 7th grade
– Drew Cobble, Clare Cordell,
Bella Ford, Isabella Kelly, MyLan Le, Chris Muller, Abagail
Ohmer, Dominic Allocco, Peter
Faulkner, Collin Haugh, Ashley
Long, Abigail Marshall, Ben
O’Brien, Sam Prentice, Will
Rosenblatt, Zoie Diaz, Chelsea
Dongas, Elise Durelli, Aubrey
Leersnyder, Sam Skelley; 8th
grade – Becky Catalano, Kate
Connor, Meg Connor, Ian
Johnston, Sophia Liberatore,
Vincent, Greta Von Haefen,
Nicholas Watson, Roma Weil
Academic Honors – All Grading
Periods (A’s & B’s): 5th grade –
Donnals, Ian Durelli, Margaret
Gilles, Alexandra Liberatore,
Ella Martini, Stephen Meier,
Olivia Prentice, Hayden Spence,
Owen Strickmaker, Marie
Allocco, Abby Bujdos, Ben
Emerson, Emma Clare Hagey,
Eli Jordan, Meg Killian, Ben
Marchetti, Connor Nute, Will
Shoemaker, Anna Terry, Lauren
Wittig, Simon Buenahora,
Maura Dailey, Ryan Knoch,
Anna Krog, Amanda Ohmer,
Brice Perkerson, Casey Smith;
6th grade – Elle Beierlein,
Victoria Donato, Spencer Isaac,
Luke Mryncza, Drew Perenich,
Gracyn Preston, Lauren Riggs,
Aidan Scott, Thomas Tatro,
Simon Curley, Parker Erdman,
Ben Gregg, Brett Kaley, Claire
Sheppard, Zach Turner, Bradie
West, Jacob Dean, Stella
Harrison, Josh Pfeifer, Henry
Stearns, Rachel Thompson,
Nathan Wanucha; 7th grade –
Grant Andrews, McKenna
Braeuner, Luke Gdowski, Adam
Gild, Jed Jordan, Paul Killian,
Schrage, Aaron Spahic, Sasha
Wahl, Emily Fair, Kate Hoots,
Mary Cate Slandzicki, Xavier
Matthew Zito, Felix Curley,
Shoemaker, Kiara Tirado; 8th
grade – Garrett Andrews, Luke
Beaty, Daniel Cooley, Elizabeth
Cordell, Ava Durelli, Abigail
Emberson, Emi Erwin, Isaac
Gdowski, Reagan Jordan, Aidan
Labadie, Lucy Norfleet, Aidan
O’Dwyer, Allie Perkerson,
Emma Ramming, Charlie
Sheridan, Lizzy Sturgeon, Anne
Louise Tatro, David Ward,
Sydney West
Highest Class Average: 4th Grade
(4Elder) - Mathematics: James
Hinson, English: James Hinson,
Science: James Hinson, Social
Studies: James Hinson, Spelling:
Luke Beierlein, Religion: Claire
Mathematics: Alton Wirth,
Spelling: Alton Wirth, Science:
Nicholas Shields, English:
Becker Smith, Reading: Megan
Dreher, Religion: (3-Way Tie)
Erdman, Luc Oelhafen, Social
Studies: Matt Yvon; (4Coode) Social Studies: Kate McDonnell,
Mathematics: Kate McDonnell,
Kate McDonnell,
English: Kate McDonnell,
Reading: Madden Hansen,
Madden Hansen,
Religion: Lucy Sheridan; 5th
Grade (5Butner) – Mathematics:
Studies: Ashley Tirrill, Spelling:
Ashley Tirrill, Science: Ella
Martini, English: Ella Martini,
Religion: Ella Martini, Reading:
Max Buenahora; (5-Welsh) Mathematics: Jackson Weil,
Social Studies: Amelia Johnston,
Science: Brantley Golczynski,
Religion: Brantley Golczynski,
Mia Smitherman,
English: Caroline Plasko; (5Sister) - Mathematics: Gavin
Watson, Social Studies: Gavin
Watson, Spelling: (Tie) Nhi-ha
Le & Gavin Watson, Science:
Nhi-ha Le, Reading: (Tie) Gloria
Carter & Nhi-ha Le, English:
Gloria Carter, Religion: (4-Way
Tie) Maura Dailey, Ryan Knoch,
Anna Krog, Amanda Ohmer;
Mathematics: Will Foster, Social
Studies: Will Foster, Reading:
Will Foster, Science:
Foster, Religion: Will Foster,
English: Gracyn Preston; (6Griffith) - Mathematics: Brett
Kaley, Science: Simon Curley,
Reading: Minsaw Kwak, Social
Studies: Ashley Cain, Religion:
Parker Erdman, English: Parker
Erdman; (6-Hobbs) - English:
Nathan Wanucha, Mathematics:
Nathan Wanucha, Science:
Stella Harrison, Reading: Stella
Harrison, Social Studies: Stella
Harrison, Religion: Stella
Harrison; 7th Grade (7-Long) Social Studies: (3 Tied): Bella
Ford, Isabella Kelly, & My-Lan
Le, Mathematics: Bella Ford,
Science: My-Lan Le, Literature:
My-Lan Le, English: McKenna
Braeuner, Religion: Chris
Muller; (7-Smith) - Social
Studies: (2 Tied): Kate Hoots &
Dominic Allocco, English:
Dominic Allocco, Science: Peter
Faulkner, Literature: Collin
Haugh; (7-Zeller) - Social
Studies: (2 Tied): Felix Curley &
Aubrey Leersnyder, English:
Chelsea Dongas, Math: Chelsea
Dongas, Science: Chelsea
Dongas, Religion: Zoie Diaz,
Literature: Shelby Mryncza; 8th
Grade – Religion: Kate Connor
& Aidan O’Dwyer, Literature:
Caitlin Vincent & Ian Johnston,
English: Jacqueline Ryan & Ian
Johnson, Algebra: Caitlin
Vincent & Charles Sheridan,
Social Studies: Jacqueline Ryan
& Garrett Andrews, Science:
Roma Weil & Aidan Labadie
Highest Scholastic Average: Given
to 8th grade students with the highest average in all core academic
classes (each receives a $500 scholarship from H&S) – Jacqueline
Ryan & Ian Johnston
St. Cecilia Scholarships: The
Kathleen Dyer Abbey Scholarship –
Ava Durelli; The Warwich
Scholarship – Kaitlyn Cheatham;
The James J. Wieck Scholarship –
Morgan Erdman
Recognition - The following students receive certificates for participating in the Father Ryan Math
Day: 6th Grade - Ben Gregg &
Minsaw Kwak; 7th Grade -
Dominic Allocco & Paul
Killian, Isaac Gdowski,
Phillip Rogers, Jackie Ryan
& Caitlin Vincent
Saint Cecilia Math Is 4 Girls The following students receive
certificates for participating in the
Saint Cecilia’s Math Is 4 Girls:
6th Grade - Elle Beierlein &
Olivia Zimberg; 7th Grade Chelsea Dongas, Kate Hoots,
& Shelby Mryncza; 8th grade
- Sophia Liberatore, Jackie
Ryan & Caitlin Vincent
Art Awards: 4th Grade - Trip
Scoutten, Claudia Andrews,
Addie O’Brien; 5th Grade Merritt Hanemann, Tommy
Gdowski, Mia Smitherman,
Nhi-ha Le; 6th Grade - Gracyn
Preston, Minsaw Kwak,
Elizabeth Glasser; 7th Grade Isabella Kelly, Emily Fair,
Ryan Skinner; 8th grade –
Madison McGrath & Felix
Computer Awards: 4th Grade Cora Funk, Olivia Prim,
Simon Gild & Grace
McMillen; 5th Grade Nicholas Erwin, Amelia
Johnston, Anna Krog; 6th
Grade - Laiton Wold, Ashley
Cain, Isaac Vaillancourt; 7th
Grade - Isabella Kelly, Peter
Faulkner, Chelsea Dongas;
8th Grade – Sophia Liberatore
& Garrett Andrews
Music Awards: 4th Grade Max Fisher, Kelsey Sawyer,
Clare Dalske; 5th Grade
Handbells - Ashley Tirrill,
Nicholas Erwin; 5th Grade
Band - Anna Krog, Sevier
Moore; 6th Grade Music Elizabeth Glasser, Josh
Pfeifer; 6th Grade Band - Elle
Beierlein, Andrew Nelson;
7th Grade Band - McKenna
Braeuner, John Shoemaker;
7th Grade Choir - Isabella
Ford, Christopher Muller;
8th Grade Band – Ava Durelli
& Ian Johnston; 8th Grade
Choir – Abigail Emberson &
Aidan O’Dwyer
Spanish Awards: 4th Grade Luke Beierlein, Payton
Erwin, Grace Feltner; 5th
Grade - Max Buenahora,
Emma Claire Hagey, Gavin
Watson; 6th Grade - Gracyn
Preston, Minsaw Kwak,
Nathan Wanucha; 7th Grade
- My-Lan Le, Collin Haugh,
Aubrey Leersnyder; 8th
Grade – Jacqueline Ryan &
Aidan O’Dwyer
Accelerated Reader Awards: These
awards go to the boy and the girl with
the highest number of AR points for
their grade in grades 1-7 excluding
the overall winners. The grade level
awards will be followed by the awards
to the boy and the girl with the overall highest number of points in the
whole school. 1st Grade - Connor
Cahill 63.3 points, Mia Keller
42.1 points; 2nd Grade - Brady
Bauer 119.4 points, Eleanor
Hancock 257.6 points; 3rd Grade
- Gabriel Rollins 547.3 points,
Madeline Foster 522.0 points; 4th
Grade - Gabe Fisher 370.6 points,
Claire Maxwell 520.2 points; 5th
Grade - Merritt Hanemann 368.0
points, Ella Martini 295.8 points;
6th Grade - Simon Curley 673.3
points, Ashley Cain 469.3 points;
7th Grade - Felix Curley 1140.6
points, Zoie Diaz 452.1 points;
8th Grade – Ava Durelli 418.6
points, Ian Vaillancourt 581.6
Overall Winners: Boy Overall
Winner: Ben Curley (4-Elder)
1537.2 points (The most points
ever achieved at Saint Henry),
Girl Overall Winner: Olivia Kate
Skelley (4-Coode) 525 points
Accelerated Math Awards: These
awards go to the boy and the girl
in each grade with the highest
number of objectives mastered.
4th Grade - James Hinson 163
objectives mastered, Clare
Maxwell 132 objectives mastered; 5th Grade - Jackson Weil
124 objectives mastered, Meg
Killian & Amelia Johnston 114
objectives mastered; 6th Grade Spencer Isaac 168 objectives
mastered, Minsaw Kwak &
Lauren Riggs 172 objectives
mastered; 7th Grade - Dominic
Allocco 65 objectives mastered,
Bella Ford 78 objectives mastered; 8th Grade – Jacqueline
Ryan 94 mastered, Phillip
Rogers 73 mastered; Overall Kate McDonnell in 4th grade
with 339 objectives mastered
Math Olympiad for the Middle
School Division 8th Grade: A
certificate of participation is given to
the following team members participated in Math Olympiad – Garrett
Andrews, Ian Johnston, Aidan
Labadie, Gabriela Larkin, Sophia
Liberatore & Caitlin Vincent
A participation certificate and
Math Olympiad patch is awarded
to the top 50% of all students in
the middle school division:
Daniel Cooley, Phillip Rogers,
In addition, Phillip Rogers
received a Math Olympiad trophy as the Saint Henry 7th &
8th grade team member with the
highest individual score.
Math Olympiad for the Middle
School Division 7th Grade: A
certificate of participation is given to
the following team members participated in Math Olympiad - Clare
Cordell, Isabella Kelly, Chelsea
Dongas, Abagail Ohmer, Bella
A participation certificate and
Math Olympiad patch is awarded
to the top 50% of all students in
the middle school division: MyLan Le
Math Olympiad for Elementary
Division 6th Grade: A participation certificate and Math Olympiad
patch is awarded to the top 50% of
all students in the elementary school
division - Stella Harrison,
Heather Rogers, Jacob Dean,
Drew Perenich, Olivia Zimberg,
Ben Gregg, Minsaw Kwak, Elle
In addition, Elle Beierlein
received a Math Olympiad trophy as Saint Henry 6th grade
team member with the highest
individual score.
Science Olympiad: These Students
Medaled in the Regional and/or
State Tournament: The following
students medaled in the Regional
and/or State Science Olympiad
Tournament. Grant Andrews 4th
in Entomology, Zoie Diaz 2nd in
Anatomy & Physiology & 3rd in
Write It Do It, Chelsea Dongas
2nd in Anatomy & Physiology,
2nd in Elastic Launch Glider, &
4th in Entomology at Regionals
AND 6th in Anatomy &
Physiology at State, Rafe Larkin
3rd in Can’t Judge a Powder, MyLan Le 3rd in Picture This, 3rd in
Write It Do It, & 4th in Solar
Systems, Sophia Saavedra 2nd in
Elastic Launch Glider & 3rd in
Picture This, Garrett Andrews
2nd in Bio Process Lab & 4th in
Entomology, Ian Boer 2nd in
Fossils, Becky Catalano 3rd in
Can’t Judge a Powder, Kaki
Catalano 3rd in Anatomy &
Physiology, Daniel Cooley 1st in
Crime Busters, 4th in Bottle
Rockets, 4th in Robo-Cross
AND placed 5th in Robo-Cross
at State, Lucas Daggs 2nd in
Wheeled Vehicle, 2nd in BioProcess Lab & 1st in Crime
Busters, Ava Durelli 3rd in
Picture This, Ian Johnston 2nd
in Road Scholar, 4th in RoboCross AND 5th in Robo-Cross
at State, Aidan Labadie 2nd
in Fossils & 2nd in Road
Scholar, Sophia Liberatore
2nd in Wheeled Vehicle, Ian
Vaillancourt 4th in Bottle
Rockets & 4th in Solar
Systems, Felix Wilson 3rd in
Anatomy & Physiology
Identification Program (Duke
TIP): State Recognition –
Dominic Allocco, McKenna
Braeuner, Luke Gdowski,
My-Lan Le, Shelby Mryncza,
Chris Muller, Sam Skelley,
Sasha Wahl
Invention Convention at
MTSU: Makes Life Easier
Category: 3rd place Cool Dog
– Alexandra Liberatore; 2nd
place Static Magic – Emma
Nguyen, Lyndsey Perdue &
Molly Hagey; 2st place
Mailbox Drawer – Stella
Perazzini, Emma Ford &
Madeline Ford.
Category: 3rd place Cardboard
Sports – Drew Emerson, Max
Fisher & William McGrady;
2nd place Card Collapse –
Patrick Tatro, James Hinson,
Miles Erwin & Trip Scoutten;
1st place Drop Ball – Nicholas
Shields, Becker Smith & Leo
Father Ryan Math Day: 3rd
Place in 7th grade Word
Problems – Dominic Allocco;
1st place in 8th grade Word
Problems – Phillip Rogers
Forensic Championship Meet:
The Saint Henry Team took
2nd place overall. Their one
act play, “Annie”, ranked 5th
in the category with Mary
Jean Moles named as Best
Actor. 1st place Audition –
Elle Beierlein; 1st place Duet
Improv – Lillian Hertzog &
Isabella Kelly; 3rd in Duet
Acting – Olivia Zimberg &
Chris Muller; 1st in Dramatic
Interpretation – McKenna
Braeuner; 2nd in Humorous
Interpretation – Sam Skelley;
2nd in Mime – Ben Gregg;
5th in Original Oratory –
Phillip Lewis; 6th in Prose –
Frank Perazzini; 3rd in
Impromptu – Adam Gild; 6th
in Storytelling – Mary Jean
Knights of Columbus Free
Throw Competition: 1st
place – Morgan Anderson (22
out of 25 shots)
Pinnacle • Summer 2015 • 7
Saint Henry Alumni at
Father Ryan High
Salutatorian: Victoria Correa
Father James Black Award for
Excellence: Nominee Joseph Hoots
Inductees – Zoe Booth,
Hallie Braeuner, Mia
Brown, Ayers Callahan,
Frank Chytil, Jonathan
Conricode, Logan Crocker,
Olivia Cunningham, Kade
Foster, Brendan Haugh,
Joseph Hoots, Emily
Kendall, James Killian,
Caroline Long, Christina
Long, Ryan Lynch,
Elizabeth Marshall,
Samantha Oliphant, Tyler
Preston, Noah Seethaler,
Patricia Sprader, Emily
Spychalski, Hannah Turner,
Isabel Wilson
National Merit Commended
Student: Victoria Correa
Colonna Club Award:
Victoria Correa
Bertie Strobel Award: Maddie
Academic Medals: English I –
Hallie Braeuner; Fine Arts
AP 3D Design – Bryan
Honors Chamber Choir –
Maddy Brocato; Musical
Theatre – Maddie Sampson
Music Theory 1 – Catherine
Little; AP Latin – Cody
Oliphant; Spanish 3.0 – John
AP Physics 1 – Peter Connor
Special Awards: 2015
Governor’s School: Arts –
Elisabeth Seethaler;
Engineering – Peter Connor;
Colonna Club Award –
Victoria Correa; Sewanee
Club Award – Daria Foster
Perfect Reading Score (ACT):
Will Braeuner, Peter Connor,
Cody Oliphant
Perfect English Score (ACT):
Daria Foster, Alec Hopkirk
Perfect Math Score (ACT):
Peter Connor
Perfect Science Score (ACT):
Peter Connor; Victoria
Correa, Juan Jose Rodriguez
Cum Laude – Seniors who are in
the top 20% of class and Juniors
who are in top 10%. Students
must also take at least one
Advanced Placement class and
minimum scores of 26 on ACT,
1200 on the SAT or 180 on
PSAT: Class of 2015: Deming
Callahan, Victoria Correa,
Natalie Davis, Alec Hopkirk,
Cody Oliphant,
Madeline Polson, Juan Jose
Rodriguez, Michael Saavedra
Class of 2016: Will Braeuner,
Peter Connor, Daria Foster
Cardinal Newman Association –
recognizes students with an ACT
of 30 or higher or SAT of 1320 or
higher as of April 15, 2015: Will
Braeuner, Peter Connor, Daria
Foster, Danielle Hunt,
Elisabeth Seethaler,
Jacob Wilson, Victoria Correa,
Alec Hopkirk, Joseph Masla,
Cody Oliphant, Madeline
Polson, Juan Jose Rodriguez,
Emily Rosata, Mark Roushdi,
Michael Saavedra
Bellevue Exchange Club Award:
Cody Oliphant
Father Ryan Choirs: Mid-State
and All-State Chorus – Maddie
Mid-State & All-State alternate - Jackson Dougherty,
Alec Hopkirk
St. Vincent de Paul Service
Society – recognizes students who
have demonstrated a commitment
to service during their high school
career: Ashley Lang, Cody
Honor Roll – recognizes seniors on
the Honor Roll every quarter:
Deming Callahan, Victoria
Correa, Natalie Davis, Alec
Hopkirk, Cody Oliphant, Juan
Jose Rodriguez, Maddie
Saint Henry Alumni at
St. Cecilia Academy
AP Scholars: Maddie Keller
Jefferson Book Award: Maddie
Colonna Club Literary Award:
Kristin Farr
The School for the Arts: Music
(Vocal) – Zoe Dongas
National Honor Society Class of
2015 – Maddie Keller
Four-Year Honor Roll: Maddie
All-Year Principal’s List: Maddie
Keller, Dana Morcillo, Sara
Saavedra, Natalie Zimberg,
Zoe Dongas, Caitlin Cain
All-Year Honor Roll: Sydney
Bogard, Emily Sika, Eva
Leersnyder, Cameron
Sheppard, Paige Bogard,
Teesha Brown, Millie Kohl,
Marianna Rollins, Lucy
Tanner, Mary Kate Wirth
Academic Medals & Outstanding
Performance Awards: English
(English Rhetoric &
Composition) Emily Sika,
English (Journalism) - Alexis
Phillips; Mathematics
(Geometry Honors) – Zoe
Mathematics (College Algebra) Alexis Phillips; Science
(Chemistry Honors) – Zoe
Science (Anatomy & Physiology
2) - Maddie Keller; Social
Studies (AP Psychology) –
Service to Others
8 • Pinnacle • Summer 2015
Natalie Zimberg
World Languages (Latin 3) –
Natalie Zimberg; Fine Arts
(Intermediate Speech &
Drama) – Cameron Sheppard
Fine Arts (Advanced Chorus) Zoe Dongas; Computer
Technology (Academic
Applications) – Taylor Roach
Theatre Awards: Best Actress –
Mary Hailey Derrick (in To
Kill A Mockingbird);
Techie of the Year – Emily
Congressional Art Contest: First
Place (9th Grade Printmaking)
– Lucy Tanner
Student Collection Art Award:
Emily Neeley (“Feeling the
Catholic Campaign for Human
Development Art Contest
2015: Second Place (Painting)
– Kaitlyn Fair
Chorus Awards: MTVA Honors
Choir – Zoe Dongas; MTVA
All-State Honors Choir – Zoe
Rising Star Award – Hannah
Service Awards: St. Catherine of
Siena Service Award – Dana
Dominican Cross Awards:
Rosemary McGrady, Zoe
Dongas, Virginia Conners,
Dana Morcillo
Outstanding Student Leadership
Award: Grace Roushdi, Junior
All-Year Perfect Attendance:
Kaitlyn Fair, Eva Leersnyder,
Taylor Roach, Margaret
Cragon, Natalie Zimberg
Saint Henry Alumni at
Saint Henry Alumni at
Pope John Paul II
Faculty List (A’s in 7 of 8 classes):
Freshman - Ethan Ingram
Sports Season
by: Margaret Hagey,
Asst. Athletic Director
t’s hard to believe another
year of Tiger Sports has
to an end!
Saint Henry School is fortunate to have several great
volunteers to lead our Tigers
in athletics. This year, we had
about 200 students playing
basketball. Our Junior High
teams brought home a few trophies this year. The two JV
teams played each other in
the Championship game and
did not disappoint the crowd.
After double overtime, Coach
Prentice’s team eked out a win
by one point over Coach
Dobson’s team. Our Varsity
boys came in second in the
tournament while the Varsity
girls won the championship
game to be first in the tournament as well as first in the
regular season.
Our 5/6th grade girls fielded three very full volleyball
teams. Many of the girls had
never played before and made
great improvement over the
season. We look forward to
seeing the rising 7th graders
playing in the fall with the
Junior High teams.
Spring time also means
soccer at Saint Henry School.
We had both an all girls’ and
an all boys’ team playing this
year. Both teams did well,
often in very cold or wet
Saint Henry had both a
JV soccer team and Varsity
soccer team this year. The JV
team worked hard and never
gave up while maintaining a
positive attitude through the
season. The Varsity team
earned two titles this season
with achieving first in the
regular season as well as first
in the DAC tournament.
We are grateful to our parent, family, and friend volunteers who give so generously
of their time and talent to
coach our students. Without
them, there would be no
Saint Henry Athletics! We
are gearing up for next year
and look forward to more
Tiger sports! n
Donuts with Daddy/Muffins with Mommy
by: Susie Gilles, Pre-K Teacher
ach year parents are honored in a special way by the
Pre-k Tiger Cubs. Dads are
celebrated in the month of
March with an invitation to
attend “Donuts with Daddy.”
The children prepare for the
big day by practicing being
good hosts and introducing
their daddy to their teachers
and friends. They make special drawings for their dad as
well. When the big day
arrives, the excitement builds
as the unsuspecting dads fill
the room and soon find out
that the “Tiger Cub Barber
Shop” has opened just for
them! The children take turns
escorting their dads to the
back of the classroom, under
the barber pole of course, to a
special chair. Dads’ clothes are
covered, just in case, and they
anxiously await their “shave.”
The children fill their hands
with shaving cream and gently
rub the shaving cream on their
father’s face. Some have a little better aim than others!
Smiles fill the room as the
children see their daddies covered with shaving cream and
dads see the joy in their child’s
face. It is hard not to smile
when you see all the fathers
with shaving cream on their
cheeks, chins, noses and even
on a few bald heads! The
Tiger Cubs use craft sticks to
“shave” off all the shaving
cream. The children and dads
enjoyed playing games on the
floor, snuggling with a book
and eating donuts, of course!
Mothers are invited in May
to “Muffins with Mommy”.
This is a special day of pampering at the Tiger Cub Art Show
and Spa. Mothers are treated
like royalty for the morning as
they enjoy looking at the art in
the art gallery, eating muffins
and enjoying a relaxing pedicure in the spa. The Tiger
Cubs spend the month of April
preparing the art gallery by
learning about different artists
and trying out their style.
They lie on the floor and paint
under the table like
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel.
They use a pencil eraser to
paint tiny dots just like
Georges Seurat’s Pointillism.
Outside they spatter paint on
large paper while listening to
jazz music like Jackson Pollock.
All their beautiful art is on display for moms to enjoy. The
highlight of the morning is the
special pedicure in the Tiger
Cub Spa. The children massage their mother’s legs with
scented lotion then ever so
delicately; they paint nail polish on their mother’s toes. The
mothers sit back, relax and
enjoy the moment with their
Tiger Cub. Beautiful memories are made on these special
days in Pre-k. n
Pinnacle • Summer 2015 • 9
Alumni corner
SHS Welcomes Class of 1965
by: Jimmy Wilson, SHS ‘65
n Friday, May 1st memO
bers of the SHS Class of
1965 were welcomed by Sister
Ann Hyacinth, Principal, to
the school as they kicked off
the celebration of their 50th
Reunion. The members of this
class have the distinction of
being first graders when the
school initially opened in
1956 a year before the church
was completed. The alumni
were treated to a lunch of
spaghetti and famous SHS
rolls which was followed by a
visit to the Spirit Store and a
tour of the school and church
conducted by current 8th
graders Ava Durelli and Felix
Wilson. As the toured continued they reminisced about former teachers, classmates and
special events like First
Communion, Confirmation,
Vocation Day and Graduation.
The festivities continued
that evening with a SHS
Trivia Night at Jackalope
Brewery followed by dinner at
Urban Grub Restaurant. The
Class of 1965 concluded their
reunion on Saturday evening
at Jimmy and Sarah Wilson’s
home, Oak Hall, for a country
supper and a memorial service
for their five deceased class-
mates conducted by fellow
class members, Deacons Jim
Holzmer and Joe Holzmer. In
all, 24 of 32 students in the
1965 graduation photo attended one or more of the reunion
functions. The SHS Class of
1965 also presented Sister
with a class gift to purchase a
statue for the school courtyard
in honor of Pastor Father
Seiner and Principal Sister
Jane Dominic who served at
Saint Henry during their eight
years as students. n
SHS Class of 1985 Goes Back to the Future
by: Ellen Sevier, Class of 1985
1985 – the year “Back
the Future” and “Born in
topped their
respective charts. We were
about to graduate from eighth
grade and (we thought) we
ruled the school. It was cool to
wear a Father Ryan jacket,
even if we were going to a different high school in the fall.
Our class trip was to Sea
World, Epcot, Disney World
and Cape Canaveral (an itinerary over which most classes
would salivate). And at graduation, we sang “We Are the
World” – maybe a tad bit narcissistic, but, according to our
graduation booklet’s “Last Will
and Testament” section, many
of us believed we were destined
to live the glamorous life.
Thirty years later, on May
10 • Pinnacle • Summer 2015
30, 2015, about a third of the
class met at Becka Hill
Rosenblatt’s house to reminisce, see how our present lives
matched up to our last will and
testament wishes, and to do a
little (upright) breakdancing.
We were thrilled to have some
of our SHS teachers join us,
including: Carol Topley (5th
grade); Terri Griffith and Tillie
Moore (6th grade); Jim
Griffith (8th grade) and his
wife, Gina (we missed having
her for 3rd grade); and Mary
Ann Ward (phys. ed.). People
came from as far north as
Minneapolis and as far south as
Miami, and it was all thanks to
an idea hatched by classmates,
Donna Walker Olson, Hugh
Nash and Asher Levine. We
toasted to those who couldn’t
make it, remembered those
who we’ve lost too soon and
had Sr. Mary Cecilia (Ellie)
Goodrum lead a prayer for us
all. And even though things
may not have turned out the
way we expected them to as we
lined up on the church steps to
take our graduation class photo
and dream of what was to
come, it’s still heartwarming to
know the experiences we
shared as classmates back then
created a bond that lasts to this
day. We’re still so proud to be
Saint Henry Tigers. n
Home and School News
By: Kimmi Spence,
H&S President
he new year could not
arrive soon enough. We
knew 2015 was going to be a
great year for Saint Henry
During the last week of
January we celebrated Catholic
Schools Week and we couldn't
wait to show our appreciation
to our teachers and faculty for
their dedication to our children! The week was concluded
with Faith Rally, which always
brings us all closer to God, the
children of Saint Henry and
each other.
In February, the Derrick
and McGrady Families hosted
Family Faith Night. We used
the Divine Mercy Chaplet to
prepare our hearts for Lent and
we made a Novena craft. We
were also very blessed to have
their children lead in singing
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
As winter turned to spring
our thoughts and work turned
to preparing for our biggest
fundraiser, the Auction!!!
“Sequins and Spurs” was set to
be a night that no one would
want to miss. Our chairs,
Jackie Booth, Hillary Klein,
and Erika Vinett had been
hard at work for months and
they did not disappoint the
300 guests in attendance. On
April 25th, the Fellowship
Hall was transformed into a
classy barn complete with a
Selfie Saloon, DJ, the always
popular Wine Wall, beautifully
decorated tables with glittered
mason jars filled with big sunflowers and of course all of the
wonderful items up for auction.
The food was catered by
Saint Henry's own, Laurel
Williams, and it was outstanding!!!
Although many items were
sold online before that night,
the live auction was a huge
success. It was because of our
sponsors, contributors, and all
of our committees and volunteers that we were able to
raise almost $80,000!!!
In May, the Dalske Family
hosted our final Family Faith
Night of the year. Our dinner
was provided by the always
wonderful Hunt Brothers, who
donates pizza so generously to
so many Saint Henry events!!!
The Dalske's helped us
make Holy cards with pictures
of Mary and special prayers for
not only May, but everyday
prayers. Everyone had a wonderful night.
We would like to say a special Thank You to our room
mothers for all of their hard
work throughout the year.
They organize the food for
Grandparents’ Day and the
class parties, ensures there are
enough volunteers for cafeteria
duty each day and at events
such as Field Day, they help put
together picture CDs for individual classes and scrapbooks,
and most importantly they help
our teachers with any outside
2015-2016 Calendar
First day of school ..............August 12
11:30 dismissal
Fall break ..........................October 7-9
Thanksgiving ......................November 25-27
Christmas...........................December 18, 11:30 dismissal
December 21-January 1
Return January 4, 2016
Winter break......................February 12-15
Spring/Easter break............March 24, 11:30 dismissal
March 25-April 1
Last day of school...............May 26, 10:30 dismissal
help they need to keep our
children happy. Thank You!
We would like to take this
opportunity to thank all Board
Members, Committee Chairs,
Room Mothers, Committee
members and volunteers who
have helped all year!!! We
could not have had such a
successful year without your
continued willingness to
always help in big, small, and
every way possible. Saint
Henry School is amazing
because of each of you!!! We
also want to thank all of the
teachers, faculty, staff, Mrs.
Kiser and Sister Ann
Hyacinth for their constant
support of us all year. We
appreciate their hard work
and dedication to their education and helping to ensure
they follow God and always
put Him first.
We also want to thank
Father Mike Johnston for
being such a wonderful Priest
for Saint Henry Church and
School throughout the last 24
years. Thank You for all you
have done for each of us and
our children.
We are truly blessed to
have had this opportunity to
be your Home and School
Presidents this year!!! We have
enjoyed every moment and feel
blessed beyond measure!!! n
Committee Chairs:
-Welcome Committee-Amy
Remke (Elects: Kim
Derrick and Jennifer
-Hospitality Committee- Dina
Kraus and Missy Ryan
(Elects: Joy Hinson and
Cindy Cioffi)
-Spirit Shop- Lisa Johnson
and Heather Boyd
-5K Chairs- Linda Schrage
and Connie Lopez (Elects:
Gianna Thacker)
-Spring Party/Auction ChairsJackie Booth, Hillary
Klein and Erika Vinett
(Elects: Beth Holzapfel
and Vicki Smith)
-Room Mom Liaison- Carolyn
Johns (Elect: Missy Ryan)
Officers of Home and School:
-Presidents- Ryan and Kimmi
Spence (Elects: Amanda
Dragan and Carolyn
-Treasurer- Kathy Greer
-Secretary- Dottie Oelhafen
-Information CoordinatorAmanda Dragan (Elect:
Kimmi Spence)
We invite you to invest in the future of Saint Henry School. Please
consider giving to the 2014-2015 Annual Development Drive as
this year we have a unique opportunity for our Annual
Development Drive given to us by Dr. Ron McDow, a Saint Henry
parishioner. Dr. McDow has pledged, through the McDow
Foundation, up to $100,000 in a challenge to parents, faculty,
staff, parishioners, and friends to give to the school’s 2014-2015
Annual Development Drive. He made this dollar for dollar challenge to raise awareness of the importance of the Annual
Development Drive and encourage participation. The matching
funds will help off-set the cost of ongoing projects and future additional educational equipment and facility upgrades.
Please help us by going to our website at
You can donate through Online Giving by clicking the donate button on our home page or download the pledge
card from our SHS support tab on the website.
Thank you for your support.
Scan this QR code to download the Saint
Henry School website to your smart phone.
Pinnacle • Summer 2015 • 11
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A Surprise Visit
by: Donna Braniff,
Jr. High Teacher
n March 27, 2015, the
seventh and eighth grade
elective students were surprised by a visit from two former students who are enrolled
in the Air Force Academy.
John Hagey and Luke Strebel,
home for spring break, paid an
unscheduled visit to Saint
Henry School to speak to the
Junior High students about
the Air Force Academy and
their classes and responsibilities at the Academy. The
Saint Henry students were
enthralled by the tales of early
classes, numerous physical
practice sessions, induction
into military training, and the
continued visits to Mass and
prayer life. Our former stu-
In Memory
Luke Strebel and John Hagey
dents, John and Luke, projected themselves as strong young
adults who advised the Saint
Henry students to take their
studies seriously and to con-
tinue in their faith. Saint
Henry School is proud of
these two young men and we
wish them well as they serve
our country. n
Mrs. Martha Cook, secretary
to the Principal for 27 years
(1979-2006) passed away
April 6, 2015. God bless
and keep you.