communicator - Cretin


communicator - Cretin
Cretin-Derham Hall
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
& the Brothers of the Christian Schools
Volume XXVI • Number 2
• December 2013
Lanes for Friendship
he Highland Friendship Club (HFC) asked Cretin-Derham Hall
students for their t-shirt design ideas for the 7th Annual Lanes for
Friendship event held at Saxon Lanes on November 9, 2013. Junior Sam Halseth was the winner of the contest with her retro design. As
the winner, she and three of her friends were invited to attend the event
as HFC’s VIP’s. Sam also had her photo taken with Twins All-Star Joe
Mauer ’01, who is an HFC Ambassador.
“It was exciting to see the fresh, new idea that Sam created for us,” said
Heather Harmer, Executive Director of HFC. “We love working with
CDH students and hope this is just the beginning of students providing
design ideas for our t-shirts.”
Lanes for Friendship is the largest fundraiser for HFC, which provides year-round classes and activities for its members. HFC serves teens
through adults with disabilities to provide a range of opportunities to
develop skills, meet friends, and make connections in the community.
Joe Mauer and Sam Halseth
Judge Cleary Sworn in at Cretin-Derham Hall
udge Edward J. Cleary ‘70 was sworn in as chief
judge of the Minnesota Court of Appeals during a
ceremony held at Cretin-Derham Hall on November 4, 2013. Judge Cleary opted to have the investiture
ceremony at CDH so as to recognize the tremendous
influence his alma mater has had on him, both personally and professionally.
The investiture ceremony served as an educational
opportunity for students at Cretin-Derham Hall. More
than 100 students were in attendance, in addition to 22
justices from the Minnesota Court of Appeals and the
Minnesota Supreme Court. Speakers included Judge
Cleary and law clerks Lance Bonner ’06 and Elizabeth
Shields Keating ’95. They addressed various topics,
including the Minnesota Judicial Branch, and the legal
profession in general, and they took questions from
students in the audience.
Elizabeth Shields Keating ’95, Judge Edward Cleary ’70, and Lance
Bonner ’06
President’s Letter
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students of CDH,
As I write this, I am looking
back on some of the saddest days
in my 24-years at Cretin-Derham
Hall. CDH has lost three wonderful young men: ninth grader Mac
Greeman, junior Max Lowell, and
senior Ben Mueller. We have all
struggled to make sense of their
tragic deaths.
In the midst of this terrible grief,
the Spirit of God has been among
us. God’s presence has been manifested in faculty/staff members as
they work with students and with
one another to help cope with these
tragedies. God’s presence is with
our students as they seek to care and
comfort one another. God’s presence
is there as the Parents’ Association
gives so generously of their time and
God’s presence has been with
us at prayer services held for Mac,
Max, and Ben. And God’s presence
was felt at the wakes and beautiful
funeral services that were held for
Our school community is heartbroken. Yet, in our sadness—and
because of these young men—we
have gained an even greater understanding of the manifestation of
God in our lives, the preciousness of
life, and how important the values
of community and faith really are. I
have never been prouder to be part
of the CDH community.
I ask that you continue to keep
the Greeman, Mueller, and Lowell
families in your prayers. May God
grant them comfort, strength, and
Richard R. Engler
Mark Your Calendars for 12th Annual
Empty Bowls Benefit
Students at Cretin-Derham Hall,
working with faculty, staff, alumni/ae,
parents, area schools, artisans, businesses and civic organizations, will
be hosting the 12th Annual Empty
Bowls Benefit on February 12, 2014.
Guests will be invited to purchase
a ceramic bowl, handmade by local
artisans and CDH art students, and
then enjoy a simple meal of soup and
bread. Donations of soup and bread
are provided from local restaurants
around the Twin Cities area.
All proceeds from the event will
be donated to the Heifer Project,
an international organization
whose goal is to end world hunger
by providing livestock and seed to
families in developing countries
so that the families may become
The event is open to the public.
For more information, please call
campus minister Peter Gleich at
CDH Finishes
First on Give to
the Max Day!
Cretin-Derham Hall won the
top prize of $10,000 in the annual
Give to the Max Day in Minnesota., the sponsor of the
event, offered prize money to the
top three nonprofits that raised the
most money during the 24-hour period on November 14, 2013. CDH
received online donations from 839
donors totaling $548,192!
The purpose of the event is to
encourage donations to schools and
nonprofits in an effort to improve
the quality of life for all Minnesotans. More than 52,000 people
donated $17,145,280 to 4,437 organizations statewide.
“The Cretin-Derham Hall community, in addition to loving a challenge, is also committed to ensuring
that our school can continue to provide an excellent Catholic education
to young people for generations to
come,” said President Dick Engler.
“We are sincerely grateful to everyone who showed their support for
CDH on Give to the Max Day.”
CDH Day at
Spring Training
Cretin-Derham Hall will be hosting the 6th Annual CDH Day at
Spring Training in Fort Myers, FL, in
March 2014, at the Minnesota Twins
Spring Training Complex. All are
welcome. Watch the CDH website
for more information. Questions can
be directed to Hayley Berrisford ’06
at 651-696-3382, hberrisford@c-dh.
Faculty/Staff Corner
Halloween, CDH Style
CDH welcomes Peggy Van Wyk, a counselor with the St. Paul Public Schools, who is
serving as guidance counselor Jenny Vinck’s
long term sub while Jenny is out on maternity leave. Peggy spent many years as a math
teacher with SPPS before being hired as a
counselor. She is in the office on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The Annual Br. Martel Fall
Cleanup Day
The Annual Br. Martel Fall Cleanup, sponsored by
the Cretin-Derham Hall Alumni/ae Association, was
held on November 2, 2013. Dozens of current CDH
students and alumni/ae fanned out across the Mac/
Groveland and Highland neighborhoods assisting
people with their fall cleanup chores. The entire group
met back at CDH later that day for pizza. A big thank
you to the CDH Alumni/ae Association Board and
the CDH Student Council for making this annual
event so successful!
More than a few faculty/staff members donned
costumes on Thursday, October 31, in observance of
Halloween. Pictured, l to r, are Jessie Botello, Kirsten
Hoogenakker, Montse LaVelle, Selena Efthimiou,
Scott Fairweather, Jenny Markert, Joe Moss, Jen
Androsky, Joyce Nordby, Sylvia Hoffstrom, Mike
Steineman, and Angie Keske.
Students pitch in at the 2013 Br. Martel Cleanup Day.
The CDH Admissions Office
welcomes any and all 8th graders
to shadow at Cretin-Derham Hall
for a day. If you have a daughter
or son, or know of a family that
is interested in Cretin-Derham
Hall, please contact Admissions
Director Tony Leseman, 651696-3302,
School tours are also available for
families. Contact the Admissions
Office to schedule your visit today.
To apply online or to find out
more, go to the Admissions link
on the CDH website at http://
Ofrendas Displayed in the CDH
Library Media Center
In Mexico, El Día de los
Muertos falls on All Soul’s Day. It
is a day to think about and honor
those who have died. The Mexicans believe that the souls of the
departed return to visit on this
special day.
To foster this cultural tradition, Spanish teachers Srta. Becki
Medellin, Sra. Patty Murray, and
Sra. Suzanne Zobitz, collaborated and created an assignment
for their 138 students. Students
created a traditional ofrenda, or
artifacts box, to honor an individual of their choice. They also
described in Spanish who the
individual was and the meaning of
the symbols in their ofrenda. All
classes visited the LMC to view
and listen to the ofrenda descriptions. Students and faculty not
a part of the Spanish class appreciated the creativity and work
reflected in the projects.
Katie Johnson
LMC Staff Member
Seniors Kathryn Bugasch and Dan Swanson viewed the ofrendas created by Nicole
Biagi and Alexandra Gajeski.
Yearbook Information
The 2014 Gemini yearbooks are
now on sale! The cost of a yearbook is $65. There are two ways to
order: 1) Go to jostensyearbooks.
com and order online; or 2) Send
your order with your student’s
name and grade to school (c/o
yearbook advisor Toni Sternhagen). Checks should be made out
to CDH.
Have any photos that you’d
like to share with the yearbook
staff? Now it’s easier than ever.
Go to and search
for Cretin-Derham Hall. Register with an email and upload
your photos to our ReplayIt
site. There are smartphone
apps available as well!
Scenes from Activities Day
In September 2013,
student leaders from the
40+ co-curricular activities
at Cretin-Derham Hall
promoted their clubs and
activities to fellow students
at the annual Activities Day
event held in the auxiliary
gym in the James and Julie
Woulfe Activity Center.
Respect Life
SPAFF and Celebrate My Drive Results!
Thank you CDH community for
supporting SPAFF and Celebrate
My Drive! State Farm won’t have the
voting results until December, but we
do have great results from SPAFF to
share with you!!
We made the SPAFF goal with
a final total of $175,405.00!! Your
support underlines Cretin-Derham
Hall’s deep tradition of caring and
commitment and builds on the everimproving and growing programs,
which benefit the students and families of CDH.
We are most grateful to our
SPAFF sponsors; they truly made a
difference in our success!
Driver’s Education – Brad Manor
Scooterville, MN
Bruegger’s Bagels
The following are the big winners.
$2500.00 - Larrissa Kisch Family
Kymco Silver Scooter w/helmet - Betty Swords
$1000.00 - Sue and Dan Rypka
$500.00 - Karon Cysne
$250.00 - Jane Miley
Student Quota Raffle
Kymco Red Scooter w/helmet - Sam Swanson
SPAFF Reserved Parking Space - Sam Gowen
Bruegger’s Lunch for a Month - Nick Jones
Students in the News
Senior Stephen Maxam (center) joins an illustrious group of
Americans, including astronaut Neil
Armstrong, former U. S. President
Gerald Ford, and film producer
Steven Spielberg, to earn the Boy
Scouts of America’s highest honor:
Eagle Scout. Only 2% of Boy Scouts
achieve this distinction. For his
final project to earn his Eagle Scout
Badge, Stephen designed, built, and
organized student and adult workers to help build much-needed wood
shelving in the CDH Theater Department’s Scene Shop.
Top Sellers:
1. Corbin Casalenda
2. Jennifer Kleason
3. Nick Woessner
4. Alexis Peltier
5. Eve Crabbe
6. Quinn Schaper
7. Kalay Kotasek
8. Nick Lewis
9. Dan Swanson
10. Sam Swanson
Top Classes:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Robison/PMurray
Nousis/Br. M. Rivers
Parents’ Association News
The annual Mother-Daughter
Luncheon was held on Sunday, November 10, 2013, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in St. Paul. More than 600
people enjoyed delicious food, great
company, and arti­san boutique shopping, as well as a slideshow of CDH
seniors with their mothers/guardians.
Thank you to chairs Beth Leonidas,
Vicky Van Roy, Dana Bruce, Katie
Shaw and the Parents’ Association for
hosting this wonderful event.
The Father-Daughter Dinner
Dance is a fun-filled evening held at
the Crowne Plaza hotel in downtown
St. Paul. This event is sure to be a
party you won’t want to miss! Mark
your calendar for Saturday, January
25, 2014. All CDH girls and their
fathers/guardians are welcome and
encouraged to attend. The social hour
gets under way at 6:00 p.m., along
with father-daughter photos, dinner at 7:00 p.m., and dancing until
11:00 p.m. The celebration at the
Crowne Plaza costs $30 per person,
which includes dinner and entertainment for the evening. Watch for the
invitation in the mail and on the
CDH website. Reservations are due
by January 10, 2014. If you have any
questions, please contact either Susan
The CDH Parents’ Association extends
its sincerest condolences to the families
of junior Max Lowell and senior Ben
Mueller. Max died on November
10, 2013, and Ben died on November
11, 2013. Among the Association’s
support, and in a partnership with the
CDH Lunch Ladies, volunteers helped
prepare more than 1,000 bag lunches
for students to take with them as they
traveled to Max’s funeral, which was
held on Wednesday, November 13, at
noon. Ben’s funeral was held after school
hours on Friday, November 15. All of
us in the CDH community continue to
keep the Mueller and Lowell families in
our prayers.
612-810-5073, or Ronda Rottjakob,, 651-687-0801.
Autumn Harvest Feast
The faculty and staff of Cretin-Derham Hall wish to thank the Parents’
Association for the wonderful breakfast and lunch buffets that were served at
the Faculty/Staff Appreciation Autumn Harvest Feast on November 20, 2013.
This school simply would not be the same without the care and commitment of
our parents, and we are forever grateful. Volunteer servers at this event included
(l to r) Katie Stewart, Michelle Kleason, Kim Kirmeier, Melissa Kestner, and
Mary Pat Ingwell.
Heard in the Halls
The Band had a great fall with several great performances. The Wind
Ensemble performed at the Cretin
Alumni Banquet, the JROTC Diamond Promotions, and the Fall Open
House. The Jazz Band and String
Ensemble also performed at the
November Open House. The Band
supported athletic teams with several
pep band appearances. There’s always
more great music to learn, and the
process of working together to gel as
an ensemble is a valuable experience!
The winter months will include
preparing for the upcoming Christmas Concert on December 18,
the Open House on January 9, the
Suburban East Conference (SEC)
Music Festival on February 3, and the
Winter Concert on February 26.
Notes of Interest:
• Besides sharing some great
holiday music at the Christmas
Concert on December 18, the
Band will also be selling World’s
Finest Chocolate.
• Honor Band attendees this fall
included sophomore Sadie Hennen (tenor sax) at Gustavus, and
senior Amanda Tenhoff (trumpet) and junior Maddie Reilly
(flute) at St. Olaf.
• Several band members provided
the pit for the Theater Department’s production of The
Drowsy Chaperone: seniors Justin Cook (alto sax), Adam Klein
(trombone), Graham Kaluzny
(percussion), and juniors Maria
Neuzil (clarinet) and Brandon
Steer (cornet).
• World’s Finest Chocolate is on
sale through December 20. Sale
items include caramel, almond,
crisp, dark or plain milk chocolate bars for $1.00 each and
boxes of mint melt-a-ways for
$2.00. See any band member or
call the Band Office to get your
chocolate fix at 651-696-3314.
• The Bandcake Breakfast in October was a great success, and we
raised a lot of funds for the Band
Trip to Orlando, FL, scheduled
for March 6-10, 2014. We
thank everyone who came and
supported the cause and hope
you had as much fun as we had!
Donna Novey
Band Instructor
Following a successful appearance
on the Basilica of St. Mary’s Missa
Choralis Series in October 2013,
the choirs have moved on to other
events and preparing for Christmas. On October 26 four students
particpated in the American Choral
Directors’ Association of Minnesota
Men’s & Women’s Choir Festival at
Saint John’s University. The students
involved were senior Carolyn Pohl,
juniors Anna Kalkman and Kalay
Kotasek, and 9th grader John Modl.
December is a fun but busy time
for the choirs here at CDH.
Both SweeTones and Albert Street
Voices will be spending some of their
time performing for various community groups and events in December.
Anyone interested in having either or
both of these dynamic performance
ensembles sing for their group, either
this Christmas Season or later in the
year, can contact the Choir Department for more information.
On December 18 the Select Treble
Choir and Vocal Arts Ensemble will
join with the CDH bands to present their annual Christmas Concert.
The choirs’ portion of the program
will include a wide variety of music,
from traditional carols to tranquil
contemporary masterpieces to rousing
The Wind Ensemble performed at the November Open House at CDH.
multicultural Christmas celebrations
and many things in between. There
should be something for everyone.
The concert is in the Field House of
the James and Julie Woulfe Activity
Center at 7:00 p.m. and is free and
open to the public. We hope to see
many of you there!
On December 20 the choirs will
host their annual Christmas Dinner.
At this enjoyable event the audience enjoys a buffet dinner while
being entertained by all of the choral ensembles, as well as individual
students, duets, and other small
groups. As has become tradition,
this year’s performance will feature
the two ensembles that make up the
Pop Singers program – Albert Street
Voices and SweeTones. In addition
to the performance and meal there is
a silent auction. The proceeds from
the event go to financial assistance
for students traveling with the choir
on our semi-annual tours. Tickets are
still available through December 15
by calling 651-696-3315 or emailing
Chris Jacobson
Director of Choral Music
“It does what a musical is supposed
to do: it takes you to another world.
And it gives you a little tune to carry
with in your head, you know? A little
something to help you escape from
the dreary horrors of the real world.
A little something for when you are
feeling blue. You know?” The Drowsy
Chaperone, final monologue.
Never have words in a musical
meant as much as those from our fall
play performance at Cretin-Derham
Hall on November 11, 2013. This has
been a tremendously sad and difficult
fall season, but we believe the arts are
one way for people to help with the
Heard in the Halls
Junior Laura Dellis and senior Tony
Palomo performed in The Drowsy
healing process. We hope the Theater
Department can be a refuge to those
who need it.
Audience numbers for The Drowsy
Chaperone were outstanding. Three
sold out performances made this a
record-breaking fall. My favorite and
the most consistent comment about
the performance was, “We could not
believe that this was a high school
Our second fall production, A
Journey to the World’s Edge, toured
to local junior high schools and two
performances were staged for the
CDH community. The poignant Irish
folk tale was cleverly staged through
shadows and theatrical ensemble
use. The student audience connected
deeply with the main character,
Brigid Shawn O’Grady, and her journey to find self-esteem and courage.
Congratulations to the cast and crew
of both productions. The positive
reactions toward the Theater Department have never felt so strong.
We are now moving into the
Christmas season, which brings us to
the children’s show! Thirty students
were cast in the beloved children’s
classic, The Phantom Tollbooth, and
they are well on their way to creating magic. The main character, Milo
(played by Jeremy Nuque), is bored
and thinks everything is a waste of
time until he falls asleep and meets
Tock ( Johnny Stang), who rescues
him and takes him to a magical world
of words and numbers. Sounds fun?
It is. So kick off the holiday season
by bringing your child or someone
you love to this delightful show.
Performances run December 11 – 15,
Wednesday – Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
and Saturday and Sunday at 2:00
p.m. If you are looking for a great
gift, we have just the ticket!
Merry Christmas!
Katie Kreitzer
Theater Instructor
From the College Counselors
The FAFSA form (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for the
2014-2015 school year is available
online at The FAFSA
can be filed after January 1, 2014,
for your student entering college in
the fall of 2014. Very limited paper
applications are available by calling
the Federal Student Aid Information
Center toll-free at 1-800-4-FEDAID. Filing electronically is highly
encouraged as your information can
be processed much more quickly.
CDH seniors can find private
scholarship information on their
Naviance Family Connection accounts. Once a student has logged
Heard in the Halls
in, click on the “colleges” tab, scroll
down to “scholarships & money,” and
click on “scholarship list” to find the
most updated list. All of the private
scholarships that we have been made
aware of will appear here, and students can get all the information they
need to apply in one spot. You can
also do a search of a national scholarship database by clicking on “national
scholarship search.” Please remember
to check these resources throughout
the winter and spring as they are
continually updated.
On January 16 all junior students
will attend Jumpstart Your Future,
a day-long series of workshops and
speakers to help students get ready
for the college search process and to
begin formulating post-high school
plans. This required school day will
give students the chance to hear from
college admissions professionals on a
wide variety of topics. A corresponding program for parents/guardians of
junior students will be held on January 22, at 7:00 p.m. While parents/
guardians who have been through
this before are welcome to attend,
this evening is designed for those
who are beginning the college search
process for the first time. Watch for
more information and invitations via
email. Post-high planning meetings
with junior families will begin in early
February and information and scheduling instructions will be emailed to
you after the first of the year.
Results from the October testing
for sophomores and juniors (PLAN
or PSAT) will be mailed home on or
about the first of the New Year.
Joan O’Connell
Leslie Connelly
The first few months of the school
year have been great for the cadets
of the Raider Brigade. Here are the
highlights so far:
The cadets conducted the 96th
Annual Fall Review on September
25, 2013. This event celebrates the
full integration of the 9th grade class
into the Corps of Cadets following
a period of drill instruction headed
by the instructors and seniors. The
weather was fantastic, and our cadets
looked superb. Our Reviewing Officer was LTC Darrell Bascom, the
Professor of Military Science at St.
John’s University. His words were
well received and very appropriate
for our cadets. We were joined by a
large crowd of alums, family, friends,
and faculty. Langston Wesson was
the Host, Alex Umphress served as
the Commander of Troops, Carolyn
Pohl was the Adjutant, and Matthew
Sheehan narrated the ceremony and
parade. Our three battalions, led by
Cullen Hallman, Roxanna Lozoya,
and Adam Klein, looked sharp. The
Brother Alphonsus Martel Leadership Scholarships for early achievement by 9th graders were presented to
cadets Bridget Adams, Riley Domler, and Thurgood Wesson. Cadets
Mitchell O’Brien, Allison Rudolph,
Brandon Jackson, Kendell Thompson, and Frank Kimlinger received
the Outstanding Drill Cadet Awards.
Senior Alyssa Trejo’s entry in the
Voice of Democracy Essay Contest
sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars on the question of “Why
I am Optimistic About Our Nation’s
Future” has gone forward for judging
at the regional level. She will compete
for scholarships worth up to $30,000.
Students of the Month
from the first trimester included 9th
graders Kendell Thompson and
Molissa Scott; sophomores Ben-
jamin Cohen and Lenny Gerten;
juniors Thomas Konetschka and
Nick Walters; and senior Ed Penson.
These students are great examples of
dedication to JROTC and CDH.
Our co-curricular organizations
remain a unique and fun way to experience JROTC. The Color Guard
has presented at numerous football
games and other events to include the
Cretin Banquet and Diamond Promotions. The members of the Crack
Drill Team continue to practice and
will be performing demonstrations
throughout the year. The Honor
Guard has been very visible with
school and alumni/ae functions. The
Rifle Team’s season has started and
will compete in multiple competitions
this year.
The big event of the trimester was
the presentation of Diamond Rank
to our seniors. This year’s competition was extremely difficult. Here are
those who earned the honor to lead
the Corps for the rest of the year:
Brigade S1 (Personnel):
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Carolyn
Brigade S2 (Information)
Cadet Major Adam Klein
Brigade S4 (Logistics)
Cadet Major Joseph Warec
Brigade S5 (Communication)
Cadet Major Alisha Engelbrekt
Executive Officer, 1st Battalion
Cadet Major Thomas Wrede
1st Battalion S-3
Cadet Major Cullen Hallman
Executive Officer, 2nd Battalion
Cadet Major Roxanna Lozoya
Heard in the Halls
any questions about these or other
military education opportunities, feel
free to visit the JROTC Office, or
call us at 651-696-3350. The application cycle for juniors begins in March
We appreciate the support of our
community and always have room for
more members. You can join at any
time during the school year.
JROTC Department
The JROTC Diamond Officers
Executive Officer, 3rd Battalion
Cadet Major Blake Banham
3rd Battalion S-3
Cadet Major Jacob Mellor
Brigade S3 (Operations and Training)
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Alex
Commander, 1st Battalion
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel John
Gainer Jr.
Commander, 2nd Battalion
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Langston Wesson
Commander, 3rd Battalion
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Charles
Brigade Executive Officer
Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Woessner
Brigade Commander
Cadet Colonel Alyssa Trejo
Thirty-five cadets presented at the
CDH Open House in early November to show prospective 9th graders
and their parents JROTC in action.
The Raider Brigade depends upon a
strong 9th grade enrollment to sustain
our school’s important traditions,
variety of activities, and service to the
On November 8, four cadets,
Wynonna Garcia, Jake Lacina, Jack
Fitzpatrick, and Thomas Konetschka, participated in the West Point
Student Leadership Seminar hosted
by the West Point Society of Minnesota and Mounds View Community
Center. Participants learned about
challenges facing students and the
ways to lead their communities to
better choices.
At this writing, our Diamond
Dining-In is scheduled for December
6. This is a great formal occasion for
the cadets and all who attend to have
a great time.
For those interested in applying to
the United States Service Academies,
the deadline for seniors has passed.
There is still time to seek Four-Year
ROTC Scholarships. If you have
Over the past few years you may
have noticed a few Cretin-Derham
Hall contests webcasted. A webcast
is a recording of a game with commentary and online accessibility. This
is great opportunity for alumni/ae and
family members who are unable to
come to the game to watch the game
remotely. The CDH Athletic Department has access to equipment and
technical expertise to webcast more
events in the future, but student or
adult help is needed with commentary, filming, and general assistance.
Please contact the Athletic Office
if you are interesting in participating in webcasting or contact me at, 651-696-3310.
On November 14, 2013, three
seniors signed National Letters of
Intent to play intercollegiate athletics. Four-year varsity outside hitter,
senior Heather Sawchuk, will play
volleyball at California State University – San Bernadino. Four-year
varsity center, senior Jordyn Alt, will
play women’s basketball at Denver
University. Two-time MSHSL State
Champ, senior Cecilia Kuenster,
will play women’s golf at University
of Minnesota – Twin Cities. Other
sports, such as football, track, and
Heard in the Halls
soccer, have signings in February.
The last signing date of the year is in
mid-April for those students who will
be playing Division I or II NCAA or
NAIA athletics.
The Girls Swim and Dive team
finished 6th in SEC competition, with
the JV team winning the Conference
Meet in early November. In Sections,
CDH finished in 5th place, with one
individual and a relay team going
on to compete at State. Senior Leah
Leonidas, junior Maddy Strong and
sophomores Ashley Christensen and
Maddie Kehoe broke a school record
with a time of 1:50.98 and advanced
to State in the 200 Medley Relay. At
State, the team finished 23rd out of 25
teams, and Maddie Kehoe finished
28th out of 34 competitors. The Volleyball team finished
the 2013 Conference season tied
with Roseville as co-champions.
Each team finished in the Conference with an 8-1 record to share the
SEC title. In the quarterfinal round,
CDH hosted Tartan, winning a hard
fought game five and surviving 15-13
to gain the semi-final match with
Roseville. CDH won the first set,
25-13, against Roseville, then lost
momentum and ultimately the match,
3-1. The team will say goodbye to
nine seniors who will be graduating this school year, two of whom
have been four-year starters: captains
Hannah Gibbemeyer and Heather
Sawchuk. Remaining seniors are
captain Alex Gajeski, Anne Johnson, Amber Muetzel, Annie Ryan,
Carrie Schafer, Kelly Cullen and
Taylor Baskfield. Alex Gajeski and
Anne Johnson earned Academic AllState honors, and seniors Hannah
Gibbemeyer, Heather Sawchuk, and
sophomore Chole Dousette earned
All-Conference honors.
From left: Celia Kuenster, Heather Sawchuk, and Jordyn Alt all signed National
Letters of Intent.
The Girls Tennis team made great
strides during the year. The girls
were very open to instruction and
showed tremendous improvement
in skills, strategy, and competitiveness. Sophomore Molly Hynes
earned All-Conference honors, with
seniors Kennedy Minea and Devon
Robinson, and junior Celia Carlisano earning Honorable Mention
honors. The team compiled a 3.85
G.P.A., which ranked among the
highest in the state. Seniors Kennedy
Minea, Devon Robinson and Lucy
Anfinson earned Academic All-State
The Boys Cross Country team
had a lot of work to do to maintain
their position in the Conference and
Section after the graduation of four
of its top five runners. Led by senior
Jacob McDermott, who placed 2nd in
the Suburban East Conference, 1st in
Section 4AA, and 4th in the Minnesota State Meet, the boys finished
4th in the Conference and 3rd in the
Section. McDermott has continued
his season to run in the Footlocker
and Nike Cross Regional races after
the MSHSL season has ended. The
Girls Cross Country team continued
to run well this season, finishing in
the middle of the pack at Sections.
After a 1-2 start to the football
season, the Raider Football team
ran off a string of six straight wins,
including a 41-0 rematch victory over
Stillwater in the quarterfinals of Sections. The 2013 season then came to
a sudden end in the following week
at Sections, with a tough 14-12 loss
to Lakeville North in the Section
crossover game. The Raiders ended
up tied for 2nd in the Suburban East
Conference with a 6-2 Conference
record and 7-3 overall.
The Girls Hockey team has 13
returning letter winners who have
worked hard to improve in the offseason. The team is led by four seniors:
Natalie Kelly, Angela Messer,
Giselle Rogers, and Rachel Seibel.
There is a strong good group of new
players who look to build on the success that the returning players have
built. The Raiders hope to compete
for championships in the Suburban
East Conference, the Eden Prairie
Mid-Winter Meltdown, and Section
4AA. The Alpine Ski team, led by senior
captains Peter Nicholson and Stephen Maxam, and junior Lucy Franzen, is excited for the race season that
will begin in mid-December at Wild
Mountain with most of the races in
January. Come on out to see what all
the excitement is about! Watch for
a great season and great skiing from
junior Warren St. George, Lucy
Franzen, and the rest of the team.
The Competition Dance team is
working hard to continue its streak of
moving up the ladder at Section competition. The team will be dancing to
Howl and Ruby Blue in jazz competition and a Great Gatsby mix for kick
competition. They will be competing
in three SEC meets and four invitationals over the course of the season.
The competition dates and times, as
well as other details, can be found on
the competition dance team website.
Follow the Athletics link.
The Wrestling team is looking
forward to building on the successes
of last season. With 13 returning
letter-winners, there will be a strong
core for the team to build around.
Participation has been steadily increasing, and this season is no different, with several newcomers looking
to make their mark. There will be
several individuals who should be in
the mix to earn individual berths to
the State Tournament in March. The
team is led by senior captains Casey
Bulmer and Noah Kelliher, and juniors Matthew Boncich and Mason
Boys Hockey began tryouts for
Varsity and JV teams on November
11. The team returns a nice group of
letterman, including All-Conference
players, senior defenseman Derek
Olmschenk and junior goalie Trent
Jancze. Olmschenk is a returning
captain and three-year letter winner. The Raiders are the defending
Suburban East Conference champi-
ons. The Raiders home rink is at the
Charles Schultz Highland Arena. The Girls Basketball team returns
11 letter winners, eight of whom
are seniors. The senior leadership
core of Jordyn Alt, Jenna Kleason,
Anne Johnson, Kelly Cullen, Amber
Muetzel, Maggie Johnson, Katie
Leininger and Mirabelle Berthoumieux hope to challenge SEC
Teams for a top half of the Conference finish. Juniors Meghan Vosbeek
and Kayla Salmen, and sophomore
Jackie Radford will also contribute
at the varsity level. New this year, the
team moves into Section 3AA for
playoffs, with Eastview, Eagan, and
Park as the main competitors. The
Section realignment will now be the
same for the girls and the boys.
The Gymnastics team has many
returning members, including state
competitors, senior Becca Wilcox
and sophomore Jessie Griener. The
team is looking very strong. The first
meet is scheduled at Forest Lake in
early December.
The Boys Basketball team returns
seven letter winners on the varsity
squad. The team is led by senior
George Hottinger and juniors Joe
Rosga, Sam Neumann, and Donnell Gresham. The team has a strong
mix of junior and seniors, including
seniors Stevie Moman, Michael
Hannon, and Michael Tipping, junior Frank Delaney, and sophomore
Brian Lankford-Johnson.
The Boys Swimming and Diving team is looking to get back to
its winning ways this winter. Led by
senior captains Arthur Dobbs, Tony
Palomo, and junior Frankie Zobitz,
the team will have a lot of work to
do with the addition of Eagan to the
Section. As always, thank you for your continued support of Raider athletics!
Upcoming Events:
Boys Basketball will
host an Alumni Night
on Jan 17, 2014 versus
Roseville High School
at 7:15 PM. All former
Cretin-Derham Hall and
Cretin basketball players
will have free admission
on Alumni Night. A
reception will follow
after the game. Please
contact Coach Jerry
Kline for more details at
Girls Basketball will host
an Alumnae Night on
December 20, 2013 versus
Mounds View at 7:15
PM. All former CretinDerham Hall and Derham
Hall basketball players
will have free admission
on Alumnae Night. A
reception will follow
after the game. Please
contact Jodi LoebleinLecker for more details at
Jodi Loblein-Lecker
Athletic Director
Student of the Month
September 2013
Jordan Ammons
Laurel Anderson
Molly Bauchle
Kathleen Boland
Margaret Brudney
Nick Burns
Emmanuel Cabasug
Jack Calkins
Sydney Chaffin
Benjamin Cohen
Laura Dellis
Spencer Dotseth
Logan English
Matthew Ernst
Rachel Farah
Sean Farrell
John Fox
Anthony Fumuso
Meaghan Gernes
Leonard Gerten
Maria Gleason
Catarina Gomez
Elizabeth Gray
Katherine Guttery
Clara Hearst
Sarah Hennen
Erinn Jambor
Graham Kaluzny
Monica Keis
Emily Kinne
Madeline Lee
Roxanna Lozoya Naomi Main
Casey Malone-Povolny
Jordan McDonnell
Rebecca McDonnell
Logan McQuillan
Austin Miller
Kennedy Minea
Alex Mongin
Eric Mueller
Maria Neuzil
Maria Neuzil
Paul Nussbaum
Nathan Odahl
Nicholas Onomiya
Grace Ornberg Eduardo Peris
Jensen Pierce
Rosabella Pitera
Amanda Reding
English 10-Honors
U.S. History
English 10-Honors
U.S. Literature-Honors
U.S. History
CDH Band
CDH Band
Dance/Movement for Theater
Select Treble Choir
English 10-Honors
U.S. Literature/Composition
Algebra 2/Trig-Advanced
Video Making 9/10
Composition 9/10
Spanish 2
Values Symposium
CDH Band
U.S. Literature/Comp-Honors
Algebra 1-Advanced
Dance/Movement for Theater
Values Symposium
CDH Band
CDH Band
CDH Band
U.S. Literature/Comp-Honors
CDH Band
Independent Study-Drawing
Dance/Movement for Theater
CDH Band
U.S. Literature-College Prep
Video Making 9/10
Dance/Movement for Theater
Video Making 9/10
English 10-Honors
Accounting I-Advanced
CDH Band
Dance/Movement for Theater
CDH Band
English 10-Honors
U.S. Literature-Honors
Video Making 9/10
U.S. Literature/Composition
Dance/Movement for Theater
Video Making 9/10
U.S. Literature/Comp-Honors
Molissa Scott
Claire Shaw
Annica Sierra
Noah Spencer
Kathryn Stafford
Brandon Steer
Amanda Tenhoff
Kendell Thompson
Michelle Trumble
Marina Tschida
Ella Vasquez
Brian Veenstra
Thomas Wrede
Video Making 9/10
Dance/Movement for Theater
CDH Summer Comm. Show
English 10-Honors
U.S. Literature-Honors
CDH Band
CDH Band
Values Symposium
Accounting I-Advanced
CDH Band
German 4-Honors
Cretin-Derham Hall
550 South Albert Street
St. Paul, MN 55116
Advent Day of Reconciliation
Late Start
Music Department’s Christmas Concert
Christmas in the Commons
Choir Christmas Dinner/Auction
Christmas Break
Silver Belle Ball
School Resumes
Senior Retreats
CDH Open House
First Friday Mass & Eucharistic Adoration;
Pax Christi Chapel
Senior Retreats
Jumpstart Your Future Day
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Celebration
Habitat for Humanity
CDH Placement Test
No School; Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Post-High School Planning Meeting
Parent/Teacher Conferences
No School; Teacher Comp Day
Father/Daughter Dinner Dance
No School; Teacher In-Service
For a more detailed and updated calendar,
please visit our website.
10th & 11th Grade Registration
Senior Retreats
7-10 8
SEC Music Festival
10th & 11th Grade Registration
9th Grade Registration
Parents’ Association Board Meeting
Orientation for PSEO Program
Sophomore Class Retreat
First Friday Mass & Eucharistic Adoration;
Pax Christi Chapel
Lillian Theater: The Bluest Eye
Camden Justice Trip
ACT Testing
Close Up Trip
Justice Week
Empty Bowls
Lillian Theater: The Bluest Eye
Toss for Justice
No School; Presidents Day
Lillian Theater; Improv
Father/Son Banquet
Lillian Theater: Band Winter Concert
Military Ball