Company Profile - Al Muslim Group.
Company Profile - Al Muslim Group.
Table of Contents Corporate Viewpoint................................... 03 Our mission & Vision .................................. 03 Message from Managing Director .............04 Message from Executive Director ............ 04 Journey for Excellence ............................... 05 Our business motto ..................................... 05 Quality Control Assurance.......................... 05 Company at a glance ................................... 06 AKM Knit Wear Ltd (Overview) ................. 07 Products & production capacity ................ 07 Machine list of AKM Knit Wear Ltd. ......... 08 Our product gallery & sample section....... 09 Our facilities .................................................. 10 Award & Recognition .................................. 10 Good practices & CSR .................................. 10 Pacific Blue Jeans Ltd................................... 11 Al-Muslim Washing Ltd................................ 13 Research & Development .............................15 Al-Muslim Garments Accessories Ltd........ 19-20 Al-Muslim Yarn Dyeing Ltd.......................... 21-22 P-2 Corporate View Point AL-Muslim Group is one of the most successful garments manufacturers in Bangladesh; a country with great potential in the field of garmentmanufacturing. We provide the highest value products and services possible to our customers. We seek to foster long term relationships with our business partners and provide industry leading benefits and opportunities to our employees. Being one of the front line clothing suppliers in RMG sector in Bangladesh, We assure the perfect blend of quality and efficiency. AL-Muslim Group has passed nearly 2 decades of achievement, aiming to lead the competitive woven-wear organizations of Bangladesh. To extend its position as a world-class manufacturer, we strive to achieve global standards in quality, cost, service and scale of operation. We are focused on using innovative processes, technologies & machines to manufacture the finest products at a reasonable cost. AL-Muslim Group has expanded its capacity, developed a skilled workforce and introduced integrated technologies, to remain globally up-to-date. It is truly an organization with a glorious past and a bright future. Our Mission We are the country’s supreme business entity and producing woven wears is our main business strength. Our mission is to contribute to the greater interest of the people broadly speaking to serve the nation. To satisfy our stated business goal, we ensure Laws and workplace regulations. It is our motto to prioritize the academic qualification and technical expertise to bring the organizational success irrespective of cast, creed colour & race. Our Vision Our corporate vision is to create an outstanding value for customers and other stakeholders. We are committed to produce world class products through our hard labour which can satisfy our customers. P-3 Message from the Managing Director AL-MUSLIM GROUP is one of the renowned sources for topmost overseas buyers to purchase the high quality woven garments from Bangladesh. In the Al-Muslim business park we have a 10 storied woven factory (proposed 11 storied) along with inhouse facilities of Washing, Dyeing, Embroidery, Accessories and Printing. We have the total workforce over 16,000 and hi-tech mechanized production facilities existing in our factory premise. We have the production volume of 2.4 million pieces per month & yearly turnover is $200 million USD. We do not compromise with the quality of the products and we also make sure that shipment is on-time; this is how we have been capable to exert very positive bi-lateral business relationship with the international purchasers. In order to lead our business proficiently, we do follow certain ethics which are considered to be crucial for organizational success and continuous development. Our innovative approach, resource mobilization, sustainable development and unique practice of the corporate culture assisted us to reach the pinnacle position than our business counterpart. Recently my company has been awarded the prestigious BATEXPO award for the second time for playing a vital role in the process of boosting up country’s economy in terms of earning foreign currencies. I believe this distinguished award will inspire me a lot to put endeavor into the organization & continuously building our positive reputation upheld. We also make sure that, all of our employees are having safe workplace with positive atmosphere. Over many years our company along with other sister concerns were incorporated to cater the increasing business demand of the group and working under the umbrella of AlMuslim group towards the achievement of stated corporate objectives. Consequently having said that, I am committed to play a vital role in order to create the opportunity of employment for the people of my country, which can assist us reaching very close to achieve our national dream as well as to cope up with the millennium development goal. Message from the Executive Director The ambition of Al-Muslim Group is to build up as one of the prime RMG exporters of the globe. In the process we are trying to implement all the suggested Code of Conducts, practices or ethics of internationally reputed and professionally certified organization with a view to having corporate governance. Having continuing professional development, high tech equipment, high profile industrial training & skill development, uncompromising quality assurance, and sustainable consistency of determined policies we have accomplished many prestigious awards several times in the last decades. By fulfilling all the required benchmarks we have been able to cope up with USA, UK & EU based customer’s requirements. P-4 Journey for Excellence AL-MUSLIM GROUP started its journey in 1992 – as garments manufacturers – under the leadership of its experienced entrepreneurs, aiming to become the trendsetter it is today. The group launched its RMG business at Malibagh, Dhaka with limited resources. Implementing the perfect business strategy with honesty the group became one of the most trustworthy suppliers to the overseas buyers within short period. After that the group started establishing its different units around the city of Dhaka. The company has gained immense reputation at home and abroad. With a work force over 15000 and advanced mechanized production facilities, the group is continuously performing at the level required to satisfy the demand of the buyer spread over Europe and USA. Innovative business approach, dynamic vision, foresight, sustainability, resource mobilization, advance mechanized production facilities, quality assurance and superior services are the keys for our success and we are determine to continue with the same in the future. Quality Control Assurance “We believe in quality” As our business motto is “We believe in Quality”, we want to ensure 100 % customer satisfaction by producing qualitative products and ensuring top class service. We always prioritize customers’ requirement and their expectation. Through our hard work and innovative approach we are always dedicated to meet customers’ demands which can cope up with the flow of modern era. Quality Policy The aim & objective of A.K.M Knit Wear Ltd is to become one of the prime clothing suppliers of Bangladesh. We focus on continuous improvement in all quality related activities and also very much cordial to prevent the errors regarding production activities. Achieving 100% customers’ satisfaction through producing qualitative products and ensuring qualitative service along with on-time shipment is the key of our continuous business success. We continuously educate & train our employees so that they can perform their tasks in accordance with our established quality standards. We believe that, through periodic review of the quality policy, we can produce top class products which can meet the current demand of the customers. gvb bxwZ G.‡K.Gg bxU Iq¨vi wjt Gi j¶¨ I D‡Ïk¨ n‡jv evsjv‡`‡ki ‡cvkvK wk‡í GKwU kxl© ¯’vbxq ‡cvlvK ißvbxKviK cÖwZôvb wn‡m‡e wb‡R‡`i †K cÖwZwôZ Kiv| Avgiv c‡Y¨i ¸YMZ gvb m¤úwK©Z mKj Kvh©µ‡gi avivevwnK Dbœqb Ges gvb welqK ÎæwU-wePz¨wZ cÖwZ‡iv‡a m‡e©v”P ¸iæZ¡v‡ivc K‡i _vwK| gvbm¤úbœ cY¨ Drcv`b Ges m‡e©v”P ch©v‡qi †mev wbwðZ Ki‡bi cvkvcvwk wbw`©ó mg‡qi g‡a¨B Drcvw`Z c‡Y¨i mieivn wbwðZ Kivi gva¨‡g †µZvi kZfvM mš‘wó AR©b KivB Avgv‡`i avivevwnK e¨emvwqK mvd‡j¨i PvweKvwV| Avgiv wbqwgZfv‡e Avgv‡`i Kgx©‡`i†K wk¶v I cÖwk¶Y w`‡q _vwK hv‡Z K‡i Zviv Avgv‡`i cÖwZwôZ gvb bxwZgvjv AbymiY K‡i Zv‡`i Dci Awc©Z `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Z cv‡i | Avgiv wek¦vm Kwi †h, wbw`©ó mgq AšÍi AšÍi gvb bxwZi ch©v‡jvPbvi gva¨‡gB Avgiv D”P gvbm¤úbœ cY¨ Drcv`b Ki‡Z cvwi hvi gva¨‡g †µZv†`i mgmvgwqK Pvwn`v †gUv‡bv m¤¢e| P-5 Company at a Glance Group Name Name of the Associate Companies Type of business Legal status Year of Establishment Contact Person Corporate Office & Factory : AL-MUSLIM GROUP : A.K.M Knit Wear Ltd. Pacific Blue (Jeans Wear) Ltd. Al-Muslim Washing Ltd. AL-Muslim Garments Accessories Ltd. Al-Muslim Yarn Dyeing Al-Muslim Real Estate Ltd. : Manufacturer and Exporter. : Private Limited Company : 1992 : Md. Abdullah (Managing Director) Md. Kausar Miah (Executive Director) : 14 Gedda, Karnapara, Ulail Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh Bank Details : Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. Local Office 75, Motijheel Commercial Area Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Swift code: IBBLBDDH102 Production Capacity : 24,00,000 (2.4 millions) pcs Woven bottom Garments (Casual & Cargo), Jacket (Normal, Padding & Fancy), Denim Pants & Jackets, Kids-wear etc. Total Production Lines Yearly Turnover Total Manpower : 110 Lines (45 to 65 machines per line) : USD 200 Millions : 16000 Our major customers : EU- H&M, Bestseller, C&A, Celio, Matalan, M&S, TEMA. Total land area : 30 Acres P-6 AKM Knit Wear Ltd. (Over view) This 100% export oriented garment division (an associate company of AL-MUSLIM GROUP) has earned the distinction of having set pace and standard in the Bangladesh garment industry, this company was the first in the country to employ sophisticated equipment and afterwards considered as a benchmark in related fields. This factory is well capable to produce all kinds of woven Garments. OFFICES & FACTORY LOCATION OF FACTORY LOCATION A . K . M K n i t W e ar L t d. THE COMPANY The factory is located (Approx.) 28 KM north-west form Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka. It is only 30 minutes driving distance from the airport. Factory is situated beside Dhaka-Aricha highway which is much closed to the local office of Savar fire service & civil defense. (e.g.: one minute walking distance from our factory) A d d r e ss: H ol d i n g N o- 14 G a d d a K ar na p ar a, U l ai l , S a var , D ha ka P h o n e: ( 880) - 2 7 74 35 98, ( 880- 2 774 15 76 F a x: ( 880) - 2 77 42 824. Monthly Production Capacity TOTAL CAPACITY 24, 00000 pcs (Avg.) 2.4 million Woven Bottoms 14, 00000 p c s Ja c k e t 5,00000 pcs D en i m I t em s 5,00000 pcs The Factory is having 110 sewing production lines & per line having 45 to 65 sewing machines (on average) based on the layout & style. Product % Mens – 60% Ladies – 25% Kids – 15% Variable …….. Export Data: Year – 2011 Year – 2012 Year – 2013 Year – 2014 Year – 2015 14.87 Million Pcs. 17.67 Million Pcs. 20.82Million Pcs. 23 Million Pcs. 24 Million Pcs. Export Locations EU 75% UK 15% Others 10% P-7 The machine list of AKM Knit Wear Ltd. We have installed modern & hi-tech machineries in our factory, for machinery installation we always prioritize the top branded machines like JUKI & TYPICAL. SINGLE NEEDLE (VERTICAL) MODEL/MAKE DDL - 9000 A+ DDL 8700-7 TYPICAL SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINE NORMAL DDL 55530 (JUKI) 290 SET DOUBLE NEEDLE MACHINE (NORMAL) LH3178GU (JUKI) LH-3188GF (JUKI) 350 SET 280 SET MS -126IF/VO-15S 35800-DZ 150 SET 30 SET 380 381 MO3616E-FF6-50H 180 SET 180 SET 570 SET MO -6743 MS 210 E 50 SET 12 SET LBH1790 1903SS-304/MC-59 LOCK 30 80 SET 80 SET 6 SET CURTEX 65 MEB-3200 (JUKI) 6 SET 33 SET MACHINERIES SINGLE NEEDLE MACHINE (AUTO) DOUBLE NEEDLE MACHINE (ANGULAR) TRIPLE NEEDLE FEED OF THE ARM (SPECIAL) TRIPLE NEEDLE FEED OF THE ARM (SPECIAL) TWO NEEDLE CHAIN STITCHING MACHINE THREE NEEDLE CHAIN STITCHING MACHINE OVER LOCK 5 THREAD OVER LOCK 4 THREAD AUTO VELCRO/LABEL ATTACHMENT BUTTON HOLE MACHINE AUTO TRIMING BUTTON STITCH MACHINE (LOCK STITCH) NEEDLE DETECTOR VELCROW CUTTING EYE LET HOLE NEEDLE DETECTOR HAND TYPE FLAT LOCK MACHINE BAR TAK MACHINE (COMPUTERISED) SNAP BUTTON MACHINE AUTO SNAP BUTTON PUNCH MACHINE RECONE MACHINE UNION SPECIAL BUTTOM HEM MACHINE CUTTING MACHINE (8 TO 10” NIFE) KANCHAI SPECIAL BACKRISE 3 NIDDLE (HEAVY) FABRIC INSPECTION MACHINE FUSING MACHINE PATTERN AUTO POLOTER CUTTING SPOT REMOVER MACHINE BUTTON PULL TEST MACHINE O/L 3- THREAD ELASTIC MACHINE PB – BELT MAKING MACHINE (AUTO) AUTO MARKER MACHINE (CAD) STEAM BOILER DIESEL GENERATOR DIESEL GENERATOR GAS GENERATOR QUANTITY 3800 SET 350 SET NH – 25 MFG-7605 100 PCS 70 SET 1900HS-MC-590K PRIME 600 , NS47, YKK MAX 818 240 SET 217 SET 55 SET MOMT40TM MFC7605 18 SET 1 SET KM-KS-AU-V 1404-PMD MH 380 32 SET 250 SET 40 SET 0ST 150 -72 LK-60CM 5 SET 6 SET FB – 30 KG 2 SET 1 SET IMADA MO-752-17-4 2 SET 20 SET 2 SET LECTRA – LS 30/35 10 TON, 3 TON 4 SET 2 SET F.G. WILSON 650 KVA F.G WILSON 220 KVA 1 SET 1 SET 2 SET D 3516A, CATTER PILLER – 1287 KVA AIR COMPRESSOR MACHINE E-30, E-22 BONE POCKET WELTING MACHINE AUTO SPREADING MACHING APW895 NA800/6 BS20443123 3 SET 4 SET 14 SET HS8021 LENGTH 150 F. WIDTH 6 F. 10 SET 7 SET ZIGZAG MACHINE BLIND STITCHING MACHINE CUTTING TABLE DOISTING MACHINE VACUAM TABLE EMBROIDARY MACHINE (9 COLOR 20 HEAD) 2 SET OSIMA CO. OSHIMA CHINA 6 SET 300 SET TAZIMA ,AUTO WIN Total set 12 SET 7990 SET Total sewing machine= 6500 P-8 Our Product Gallery Our sample section. We have a capacity of making 150 pcs samples per day by using lectra software. P-9 FACILITIES THAT WE OFFER FOR OUR CUSTOMERS WE ENSURE HR & COMPLIANCE STANDARED FOLLOWED BY CUSTOMERS’ REQUIREMENT, LOCAL LABOR LAWS & ILO WE HAVE SAMPLE PRODUCING FACILITIES WITH MODERN LECTRA SOFTWARE SYSTEM. WE HAVE OUR OWN LAB SECTION WITH MORDERN MACHINERIES. OUR R & D SECTION IS EQUIPPED WITH HIGH-END TECHNOLOGY & EXPERT DESIGNERS & TECHNICIANS. AUTO CAD (LECTRA) FOR MARKER & PATTERN GRADING. INDUSTRIAL ENGNEERING (WORK STUDY TEAM). OFFICE/CONFERENCE ROOM FACILITIES. GOODS INSPECTION ROOM FACILITIES FOR BUYING QUALITY CONTROLLER. FACILITIES THAT WE OFFER FOR OUR EMPLOYEES WE ENSURE A SAFE & PLEASANT WORKPLACE FOR EACH & EVERY INDIVIDUALS. 42 MEMBERS DEDICATED FIRE FIGHTING TEAM WHO ARE ONLY ASSIGNED TO CARRY OUT FIRE SAFETY TRAINING ACTIVITIES. SEPARATE PRAYER ROOM FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN. DINNING ROOM ALONG WITH PURE DRINKING WATER FACILITIES. MEDICAL & HEALTH SERVICES LED BY TWO MEDICAL OFFICERS (MBBS DOCTORS). NURSING ROOM WITH NECESSATY FACILITIES & HIGHLY EXPERIENCED NURSES. EACH FLOOR IS HAVING 8 EXIT GATES WITH FIRE RESISTANT PUSH-BAR DOORS FOR EASY EVACUATION. ADDRESSABLE FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM IS IN PLACE. NO CHILD LABORS/ FORCE LABOUR. FIRE DRILL PRACTICE (MONTHLY). SALARY STANDARD AS PER BANGLADESH LABOR LAW. CHILD CARE ROOM & TOP CLASS FACILITIES & TRAINED BABY-SITTERS. MATERNITY LEAVE & BENEFIT. FESTIVAL BONUS 2 (Yearly). STIPENDS TO THE MERITORIOUS KIDS OF THE WORKERS. REMUNERATION FOR THE BEST WORKERS BASED ON THE PERFORMANCES. LUNCH ARE PROVIDED TO THE WORKERS WITH FREE OF COST. Few snapshots on our achievement Good practice & CSR The owner is being congratulated by US Ambassador after receiving BATEXPO award. Recognition of noble deeds (rescue works) during RANA PLAZA tragedy. We have 42 members of dedicated firefighting team. Regular training on fire safety by internal & external teams. We provide free lunch to the workers. We provide warm clothing to the poor people during winter. P-10 AL-MUSLIM WASHING LIMITED established in January 2009 with the facility of hi-tech machineries along with having multi-skilled washing experts. This ensures consistent quality which can provide customers satisfaction according to customer’s requirements. We used specialized machines to achieve various dry process effects and specialized detailed design. In strict environmental compliance our facility is equipped with well planned state of the art Integrated Biological Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) 220m3/hr to ensure not to harm ecological environment. OBJECTIVE Our main objective is to ensure 100% qualitative products and to meet all the standard requirements of our invaluable buyers. We focus on establishing a long term business partnership with our customers providing them not only the highest levels of service but also continuously working with them to develop their creativity in terms of developing design according to customers’ requirements. OUR RANGE OF SERVICES WET PROCESSING Acid Wash Bleach-out Wash Enzyme Wash Garment Dyeing Garment Wash Heavy/Enzyme Stone Wash Stone Enzyme Bleach Wash Enzyme Silicon Wash Rubber Ball Wash Resin Finish (Resin Dip) Chemical Spraying (Silicon, Pigment, Resin) DYEING Reactive, Pigment, Direct, Wave, Sulpher, VAT Dyeing etc. DRY PROCESSING Laser Work 3D - Crinkle effects Grinding/Blow out Mending with Stitching Hand Brush Scrunch/Crumple Scraping Tagging Tint Whisker And other special finishes Lager Machine Laser TECHNICAL STRENGTH The plant is equipped with hi-tech machineries & supervised by some experienced and expert Foreign Technical Managers and Operators, QA experts and other organizing personnel. QUALITY ASSURANCE As we always prioritize the products quality, our Quality Assurance Department is having skilled & experienced personnel who are assigned to ensure 100% quality check and screening work based on customer’s quality standard and acceptance prior for final shipment. Heavy Woven Machine PRODUCTION CAPACITY We have vast capacity to produce garments for our invaluable customers. Total Production capacity ranges approximately from 30, 00,000 to 32, 00,000 pieces per month (based on current machine availability). Dyeing Capacity per Month 12, 00,000 to 14, 00,000 pcs. Total Denim production capacity 12, 00,000 to 14, 00,000 pieces monthly. Dry process can accommodate to produce 40,000 to 45,000 pieces of Denim per day depend on different process. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMETAL COMPLIANCE EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT Our Washing Facilities is equipped with Biological Effluent Treatment Facilities based on International Environmental Compliance requirements that can decontaminate the waste water before disposal. We have a group of highly prominent officials work under the banner of ECR (Environment & Chemical Responsible). Few snapshots on our Washing machines, Dryer & R&D zone. WASHING & SAMPLE MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT LIST BAND NAME ORIGIN MODEL MACHINE TYPE CAPACITY (KG) QUANTITY (PCS) REMARKS WET-PROCESS INDUSTRIAL MACHINE STATUS NAGI SHING CHINA NS-2265 WASHING 2265 17 YILMAK TURKEY HBM5024 C WASHING 5024 4 TOLKAR TURKEY TDWE-111 WASHING 111 2 SUT LICK CHINA AIW-800 (S) WASHING 800 12 TONELLO ITALY 420 LW1 WASHING 23 TOTAL WASHING MACHINE 58 NAGI SHING CHINA NS-2542 HYDRO 2542 6 SUT LICK CHINA SHE-42 HYDRO 42 8 SUT LICK CHINA SLH-1500S HYDRO 4 TOTAL HYDRO MACHINE NAGI SHING NAGI SHING YILMAK R TOLKA SUT LICK TRIVEN TA 18 CHINA NS-2330 DRYER 2800 14 STEAM CHINA NS-2800 DRYER 2800 06 GASS TURKEY HNS 4069 DRYER 6000 03 TURKEY TDD-11 DRYER 11 1 CHINA LDS-400 DRYER 400 12 ITALY E-300 DRYER 16 TOTAL DRYER MACHINE TONELLO 52 ITALY OZONE 02 CHINA ACID WASH 02 CHINA DEEP DIVE 01 TOTAL OTHER MACHINES 05 133 WET-PROCESS SAMPLE MACHINE STATUS NAGI SHING CHINA NS-2211 WASHING SUT LICK CHINA AIW-160 (S) WASHING 13 YILMAK TURKEY HBM 575 WASHING 01 YILMICK TURKEY HBM 50 S WASHING 02 2211 TOTAL WASHI8NG MACHINE 06 22 NAGI SHING CHINA NS-2525 HYDRO SUT LICK CHINA SHE-30 HYDRO TOTAL HYDRO MACHINE 70 01 03 04 NAGI SHING CHINA NS-2800 DRYER 01 SUT LICK CHINA LDS-400 DRYER 05 TOTAL DRYER MACHINE TONEL LO TONEL LO 06 ITALY OZONE 01 ITALY OVEN 01 TOTAL OTHER MACHINES 02 TOTAL WET-PROCESS SAMPLE MACHINE STATUS 34 GRAND-TOTAL WET-PROCESS INDUSTRIAL & SAMPLE MACHINE 162 SUMMARY WETT-PROCESS WASHING 58 SAMPLE WASHING 22 TOTAL WASHING MACHINE 80 HYDRO 18 HYDRO 4 HYDRO MACHINE 22 DRYER 52 DRYER 6 DRYER MACHINE 58 OTHER 00 OTHER 02 OTHER 02 GRANDTOTAL 133 GRAND-TOTAL 34 GRAND-TOTAL DRY PROCESS SET UP EQUIPTMENTS WHISKER 20 BOOTHS HAND-BRUSH (PILLOW) 20 BOOTHS HAND-BRUSH (VERTICAL BALLONS) 14 BOOTHS GRINDING BLOW OUT TAGGING PP SPRAY CRUMPLE BY BOHEMIA WRINCKLE BALLON RIGIONAL CRINCKLE IRON PRESS PRESS MACHINE NETTING AUTO SPRAY CRUMPLE BY CLIP OVEN OVEN LASER BRUSHING BALLON 162 15 BENCH M/C 25 PEN GRINDING 17 TAGG M/C (HAND TAGG 30 PERSONS) 17 BOOTHS 34 BALLONS 1 M/C 6 BALLONS 10 BALLONS 15 HEADS 20 HEADS 06 MACHINES 06 MACHINES 05 MACHINES AVERAGE 15000 PCS 2 SET TONELLO (BOX TYPE) 1 CONVEYOR TYPE 3 GFK 40 SET Al-Muslim Garments Accessories Ltd Al-Muslim Garments Accessories Ltd, one of the sister concerns of AL-MUSLIM GROUP is managed by a team of professionals and hi-tech machineries with a work force over 250 and advanced mechanized production facilities, the unit is continuously performing at the level required to satisfy the demand of the buyer. Innovative business approach, dynamic vision, foresight, sustainability, resource mobilization, advance mechanized production facilities, quality assurance and superior services are the keys for our success and we are determine to continue with the same in the future. Main Productions: All kinds of Embroidery works, Twill Tape, Belt, Drawstring & Drawcord, Elastic, Lace, Pigments printing, Rubber printing, Screen Print, Flexo Print, Plastisol Printing on Garments, Label, Varies type of Tape, Varies type of Belt etc. Production Capacity: Production Capacity -Monthly: Particulars Capacity Unit Shift All kinks of Embroidery works 631800 12000 per unit one Twill Tape 936000 Yds One Belt (light & heavy) 247000 Yds One Elastic (Adjustable & Normal)) 572000 Yds One Drawstring / Draw cord 487500 Yds One Garments Printing 520000 Pcs One 2080000 pcs care label Focus Machine. 1040000 pcs Care label China Machine 1820000 pcs Care label Cutting China Machine 3120000 pcs Shade label China Machine 520000 pcs (Garment parts print) 650000 pcs (Conveyer Dryer Machine) 390000 pcs Auto Hit Pressure (Double Plate) 78000 pcs Manual Pressure ( Single Plate) Monthly Working 26 days Factory Area & Facilities: Office room. Prayer room facility Dining room facilities Pure drinking water facility 2 Exit gate No Child Labor Fire drill Practice (Monthly) Salary Standard as per Bangladesh Labor law Free Lunch for all workers Maternity Leave for women workers (As recommendation by law Comply all kinds of applicable law as per compliance standard. Total Factory Space : Printing Unit - 6,000 Squires feet Accessorize Unit -6,000 Squires feet X 2 floor Embroidery Unit - 4,000 Squires feet One Machine Description: Embroidery Section Machine Name Machine Head 6 Head 20 Head 6 Head 20 Head 20 Head Machine QTy Daily Production 01 pcs 8 pcs 01 pcs 01 pcs 01 pcs 850 Pcs 17600 Pcs 850 Pcs 2500 Pcs 2500 Pcs 38 Head 19 pcs 9500 Yds. 128 Head 21 pcs 36000 Yds Do 11 pcs 22000 Yds 4000 to 5000 pcs 9 Head 78 Head 9 pcs 78 pcs 3150 Yds 15600 Yds SCREEN PRINTING UNIT QTY Conveyer Dryer Machine Auto Hit Pressure (Double Plate) Manual Pressure ( Single Plate) 2 set 3 set 1 set Production Capacity (Per Day) 25000 pcs 15000 pcs 3000 pcs Auto Screen Binder Screen Printing Table Flexio Print 1 set Length 60 feet wide 4.5 feet 4 Pcs ( Total 240 feet) QTY Focus Label Machine (Models- Lx2+1) UK Label Machine (China) 01pcs 01 pcs Label Cutter Machine (China) Plate Making Machine (China) Curing Oven Machine (China) 01 pcs 01 pcs 01 pcs Auto win China Auto win China Feiyue China Tajima F.F.G.N. Japan Tajima F.F.G.N. Japan Belt Machine Needle loom Belt Machine Twill tape Needle loom Twill Tape Machine Elastic Section Elastic Machine Jacquard Elastic DRAWSTRING & DRAWCORD UNIT Drawstring Machine (China) Drawstring Machine (Bangla) Normal Stitch Daily Production 20,000 pcs Production Capacity (Per Day) 80,000 pcs Care label 40,000 pcs Care label (5 Hour) 120,000 pcs shade label (3 Hour) Dyes & Chemical Used: TUBASSIST FIX 104 W TUBIFAST AS 3-RH PRINTPERFEKT ALC 60-3 PRINTPERFEKT BLANC 600 PRINTPERFEKT LAC 70 PRINTPERFEKT DC 5 WHITE TUBISCREEN GD 200 Basic Color Bezaprint Yellow 3GT Bezaprint Yellow RR Bezaprint Orange RG Bezaprint Red SGr Bezaprint Red KF Bezaprint Blue RR Bezaprint Blue BT Bezaprint Violet BTN Bezaprint Violet FB Bezaprint Black BDC Bezaprint Brown LL Bezaprint Green BT CHT DYCIN CHT DYCIN 96,000 pcs 8-10 Set 70,000 pcs Al-Muslim Yarn Dyeing Ltd Al-Muslim Yarn Dyeing Ltd is one of the leading Yarn Manufacturers in Bangladesh since 2013 managed by a team of professionals engaged in the business for more than a decade have gained immense reputation at home and abroad. With a work force over 95 and advanced mechanized production facilities, the unit is continuously performing at the level required to satisfy the demand of the buyer.Innovative business approach, dynamic vision, foresight, sustainability, resource mobilization, advance mechanized production facilities, quality assurance and superior services are the keys for our success and we are determine to continue with the same in the future. Main Products: Polyester Sewing Thread Embroidery Thread Filament Embroidery Thread Production Capacity: FANCY YARN PRODUCTS LIST SL/NO. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 DESCRIPTION OF YARN 50% Acrylic(Anti-pilling) 50% Merino Wool 60/2 70% Wool 30% Nylon 50% Acrylic 50% Merino Wool 48/2 100% Nylon 100% Merino Wool (Including Wool mark Certification) 65% Acrylic 35% Nylon (Tape Yarn) 55% Ramie 45% Acrylic 2/30 70 % Acrylic 30% Merino Wool 70% Acrylic 30 % Wool Brush yarn 60% Cotton 40% Acrylic 16s/2 Roving Yarn 100% Acrylic Tube Yarn 1/2.5 100% Acrylic Tube Yarn 1/3.5 Acrylic, Nylon, Spandex (Brush) mossy Yarn 100% Lambs wool 100% Acrylic Mohair Melange 1/4.5 50% Cotton 50% Merino Wool 80% Wool 20% Acrylic 100% Organic Cotton 20/2 100% Organic Cotton 32/2 100% Cotton Melange REMARKS 12 gg 12 gg 12 gg All 12 gg 3 gg 12 gg 5,6,7 gg 12 gg All RODUCTS LIST-REGULAR SL/NO. DESCRIPTION OF YARN REMARKS 01 100% Acrylic 32/2 "SMM" (High Bulky) 3,5,7,G.G. 02 03 04 100% Acrylic 36/2 "SMM" (High Bulky) 100% Acrylic Melange 32/2 "SMM" 100% Acrylic Smiling 1/9 "SMM" 10,12,G.G. All gg Al gg 05 100% Acrylic Chennil 1/3.5 "SMM" 5GG 06 07 08 100% Acrylic Cashmere Like 28/2 100% Acrylic Mohair Like 1/5.5N 100% Acrylic Cotton Like 27/2 All gg 3,5,7 G G 3,5,7,G.G. 09 100% Cotton 20/2 "NE" (Carded) 3,5,7,G.G. 10 100% Cotton 20/2 "NE" (Combed) 3,5,7,G.G. 11 100% Cotton 32/2 "NE" (Combed) 10,12,G.G. 12 85% Acrylic 15% Wool 32/2 3,5,7,G.G. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 70% Acrylic 30% Wool 32/2 60% Cotton 40% Acrylic 30/2 55% Cotton 45% Acrylic 30/2 50% Cotton 50% Acrylic 2/20 "NE" 50% Cotton 50% Acrylic 2/30 "NE" 100% Viscose 2/32 70% Acrlic 30% Nylon 1/19 50% Acrylic 50% Wool 32/2 3,5,7,G.G. 7, 10, 12 G G 3, 5 G G 3,5,7,G.G. 10, 12 G G 12 G.G All gg 3,5, 7 G G Machines & Equipment’s list: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Machine Dyeing Hydro Dryer 9. 10. Soft Winding 11. 12. 13. Hard Winding 14. Type Brand Origin Loading capacity Qty Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing Dyeing Hydro Fongs Fongs Fongs Fongs Fongs Fongs Fongs Heb China China China China China China China China 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 1 RF Dryer Fongs China 500 kgs 260 kgs 130 kgs 50 kgs 7 kgs 3 kgs 0.3 kgs 32 packages/doffing 42 Packages/m³ Soft Winding Soft Winding Hard winding Hard winding Hard winding Fadis Italy 48 Head 1 SSM Switzerland 60 Head 1 Thread master SSM Taiwan 16 Head 4 Switzerland 60 Head 2 Fadis Italy 24 Head 1 1 Remarks 4,000 kgs per day 4,000 kgs per day 4,000 kgs per day 1400 kgs per day 3,000 kgs per day 500 kgs per day 3,000 kgs per day 400 kgs per day Thanks a lot for going through our profile. We would love to welcome you at our business park at your best convenient time. Thanking You Authority AL-Muslim Group