St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Catholic Church
THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD JANUARY 6, 2013 St. Joseph Catholic Church Welcome to St. Joseph Church! ¡Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de San José! 1722 North Starr Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 WEEKEND MASSES Misas Fin de Semana SATURDAY 5:00 pm English SUNDAY 9:00 am English SUNDAY 11:30 am English DOMINGO 1:30 pm Español SUNDAY 5:00 pm Life Teen WEEKDAY MASSES Misas entre Semana MONDAY 6:30 am TUESDAY 8:30 am WEDNESDAY 6:00 pm JUEVES en Español 7:00 pm THURSDAY 6:45 am FRIDAY 8:30 am Liturgy of the Hours RECONCILIATION SATURDAY / SÁBADO 3:30 pm Confesiones WEDNESDAY / MIÉRCOLES 5:00 pm THURSDAY / JUEVES 6:00 pm deeper relationship with God Uniendo diferentes culturas y acercándonos a una relación más profunda con Dios Fr. John K. Antony, Pastor Deacon Bud Baldwin Deacon Mike Henry Deacon Marcelino Vazquez Embracing our many cultures and bringing each member into EPIPHANY OF THE LORD EPIPHANÍA DEL SEÑOR WELCOME TO ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH NEW PARISHIONERS Please register online at or fill out a manila registration card (found in the front hallway) and hand it to an usher PHONE NUMBERS-EXT. BELOW CHURCH SCHOOL FAX WEBSITE (479) 442-0890 (479) 442-4554 (479) 442-7887 OFFICE HOURS BAPTISM We ask for registration and faithful attendance. Please contact the church office for more information. RECONCILIATION ■ Wednesdays 5:00 p.m. ■ Thursdays 6:00 p.m. ■ Saturdays 3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. BULLETIN DEADLINE Friday noon the week before publication Deadlines before holidays vary MARRIAGE Church & School Staff ♦ Pastor Rev. John K. Antony ♦ Priest, Retired Rev. Larry Heimsoth ♦ Deacon Dc. Bud Baldwin ♦ Deacon Dc. Mike Henry ♦ Deacon Dc. Marcelino Vazquez ♦ School Principal Marcia Diamond x207 ♦ Office Manager Barbara Lupton x206 ♦ Church Operations Paul Warren x201 ♦ Music Dr. Scott Dewese x341 ♦ Religious Education Suzanne Krumpelman x241 ♦ Asst. Religious Education Maria Vazquez x242 ♦ Adult Faith Formation Beth McClinton x221 ♦ Youth Ministry Kevin Good x150 ♦ Parish Life & Hispanic Ministry Lucy Morlet x203 ♦ Finance Manager Cheryl Floyd x204 ♦ Office Manager Lydia Worden x202 ♦ Administrative Assistant Teresa Ryan x205 ♦ Event Coordinator Skip Frein ♦ Receptionist Guadalupe (Lupe) Lopez x212 ♦ Sacristan Shannon Keever x244 ♦ Custodians Barbara Wragg, Eliot Wragg, Jessica Navarro 2 x200 Please contact the church office six months in advance MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the office manager to arrange for a Sunday visit from an Extraordinary Minister of Communion ANOINTING OF THE SICK In the event of an emergency, call the church office (442-0890) and activate the emergency paging system (phone menu option #5) For non-emergencies, please call during office hours to make arrangements JANUARY 6, 2013 ENERO 6, 2013 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD BEHOLD, THE LORD, THE MIGHTY ONE, HAS COME; AND KINGSHIP IS IN HIS GRASP, AND POWER AND DOMINION. CF. MALACHI 3:1 All nations are invited to sing the Lord’s praises (1,Ps) for they have been called to hear the good news (2) and worship the long awaited Messiah and King (3) with the gift of their lives. FIRST READING — ISAIAH 60: 1-6 Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The Lord shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you. RESPONSORIAL PSALM — PSALM 84 Lord, every nation on earth will adore you. SECOND READING — 1 JOHN 3:1-2 The Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel. GOSPEL — MATTHEW 2:1-12 Magi from the east arrived, looking for the newborn king of the Jews. T REASURE S T FROM OUR RADITIONS Monday of this week is Christmas Day in Russia and in much of the Orthodox world. This curious difference in schedule has a lot to do with how calendars have been developed and changed over the years. In the year 45 B.C. Julius Ceasar gave the empire his Julian Calendar, with the winter solstice on January 6. This put an end to a system in which officials called “pontiffs” were able to tweak the calendar by adding extra days in as needed. He invented two new months at that time, December and January; and in order to correct the mess the pontiffs had made, forced a year of 445 days on the empire in what he named “The Last Year of Confusion.” The new months varied in number of days according to a complex schedule, but the calendar was still off by nearly twelve minutes a year, and lost a full day every 130 years. Pope Gregory XIII reformed the calendar in 1583, but not everyone appreciated his efforts. England held out for two hundred years. The year 1700 was a leap year in England, but not in France; they were eleven days apart! George Washington was really born on February 11; when the Gregorian calendar was finally adopted in the English colonies shortly before the Revolution, he had to move his birthday to February 22. Now the calendars are thirteen days apart, which accounts for Russia’s Julian calendar Christmas. And Caesar thought he had brought confusion to an end! James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. O GOD, who on this day revealed your Only Begotten Son to the nations by the guidance of a star, grant in your mercy that we, who know you already by faith, may be brought to behold the beauty of your sublime glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. FINDING GOD The splendid magi, all sparkle and dash and solemnity, march right up off the pages of Matthew’s Gospel and into our churches today. Matthew alone tells us this grand and seductive story so that we might see the light and know that the child these magi visited is the fulfillment of prophecy, the king of the world that stretches to the magi’s home country and beyond, right down the ages to us. We too see and understand anew. Like the magi, our patron saints for this day, we see in the newborn child the king of the universe and light of the world. Like the magi, we find in ourselves a new faith and a new life. Like them, we return to our home by a new route. We are asked to come away from this festive season ourselves renewed and awake to the presence of God among us. We are asked to find God where God is to be found, to be attentive and surprised and ready to bow down in adoration and to offer our gifts . Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 3 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD WEEKLY EVENTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 5 St. John Neumann 3:30 PM Reconciliation Confessional 5:00 PM MASS Pauline Boerner SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 EPIPHANY 9:00 AM MASS Rita Ferrell 10:00 AM Coffee & Donuts Corry Hall 10:15 AM AM Religious Education as assigned 11:30 AM MASS Sunny & Leo Charboneau 1:00 PM Legion of Mary Curia Rm 225 1:30 PM MASS IN SPANISH All the People 2:00 PM Natural Family Planning: Oloffson Rm 266 Rm 152 3:00 PM CYM Life Night 3:00 PM PM Religious Education as assigned 5:00 PM LIFE TEEN MASS Fr. Larry’s Intention MONDAY, JANUARY 7 St. Raymond of Peñafort 6:30 AM MASS Dc. Tom & Sharon Pohlmeier (SI) Rm 225 10:00 AM Bible Timeline Study 5:30 PM Legion of Mary Rm 225 6:00 PM RCIC Rm 253 6:30 PM Matthew Bible Study Rm 225 6:30 PM Spiritual Growth (Spanish) Rm 229 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8 Christmas Weekday 8:30 AM MASS Anthony J. Siebenmorgen Rm 262 1:00 PM Parish Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Baptismal Prep Library 6:00 PM School Finance Rm 225 7:00 PM RCIA Spanish Rm 254 7:00 PM Gregorian Schola Rm 225 7:00 PM RCIA Corry Hall/Nursery 8:00 PM Men’s Basketball Activity Center WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9 Christmas Weekday 8:30 AM School Board Rm 262 5:00 PM Reconciliation Confessional 6:30 PM Wed. Religious Ed as assigned 6:00 PM MASS Fr. John’s Intentions 6:00 PM Exposition & Adoration until 9:00 PM Rm 152 7:00 PM CYM-Loft 7:00 PM Rushing Waters Prayer Group Rm 225 7:00 PM Small Faith-A. Johnson Rm 153 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10 Christmas Weekday 6:45 AM Liturgy of the Hours Chapel Center 10:00 AM Matthew Bible Study as assigned 3:30 PM Little Servants of Mary Rm 225 6:00 PM Reconciliation Confessional 6:30 PM Bible Timeline Study Rm 253 7:00 PM MASS IN SPANISH Fr. John’s Intentions 7:00 PM Women’s Fellowship Bunko Rm 225 FRIDAY JANUARY 11 Christmas Weekday 8:30 AM MASS Martha Molina (SI) 9:15 AM Friday Adoration until 9:00 PM Devotional Chapel 5:30 PM Charismatic Prayer (Spanish) Rms 225,250,251 7:00 PM CYM Edge Night Corry Hall SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 8:00 AM LITS: Life in the Spirit Seminar as assigned 2:00 PM Convalidation Chapel Center 3:30 PM Reconciliation Confessional 5:00 PM MASS Louis, Rodney, & Jimmy Alpe SUNDAY, JANUARY 13 THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD 9:00 AM MASS Roy Coleman Sr. 10:15 AM AM Religious Education as assigned 11:30 AM MASS Rafael Merida Fr. John’s Intentions 1:30 PM MASS IN SPANISH 3:00 PM PM Religious Education as assigned 5:00 PM LIFE TEEN MASS All the People 6:00 PM Just Dessert Peralo Home 4 EPIPHANÍA DEL SEÑOR ALWAYS IN OUR PRAYERS John & Bette Beckmann, George Franks, Jennifer Hall, Les Harris, Tom January, Rita Keever, Kathryn Lookadoo, Janice Bartholomew Montgomery, and Travis Steelman PLEASE PRAY FOR Faith Anderson, Mary Louise Baier, Amanda Berens, James Berens, Shelly Bohack, Pam Brewer, Sue O’Brien Brockway, James & Christine Carow, Mickey Cooper, Donna Davis, Margaret DeLao, Anna Deppe, Roy Drain, Phil Gialluisi, Michael Gesn, Alex Gibson, Billy Henderson, Lorna James, Dc. Robert Johnson, Rachael Kirk, John W. Krim, Stephen Krim, Coleen Lucas, Dorothy Meuleners, Aaron Michaels, Debbie Miller, John Moll, Bettye Moon, Robert Ouchark, Pendergraff Family, Ronnie Pope, Michael Reding, Susan Reed, John Sanders, Barbara Springer, Adiela Villegas, Donna Vollmer, Jamie Warren, Dr. Rita Zelei, and all parishioners, friends and family facing disease or suffering. AND OUR MILITARY SSgt. Timothy Brake, USMC, and AMN Joshua Zarbaugh, USAF. Please email Lydia at or call 442-0890 x202 to add a name to the bulletin prayer list. Names in the “PLEASE PRAY FOR” section go off the list after four Sundays. If you would like a name to remain longer, please just call. PHONE PRAYER TREE If you have an urgent prayer request, please call: • Ann Covey at 575-9497 • Claudette Warren at 442-7965 • or Rosa Maria Diaz (Spanish) at 502-8564. “JUST DESSERT” A DVD/bible study group for married couples “Just Dessert” meets once a month on a Sunday. We meet for dessert, watch a DVD and break up into small groups to discuss. This is a great group to join if you want to meet other couples in the parish or don't have the time to do an indepth bible study. It is also a time to spend with your spouse discussing your faith. Spring Semester Study Conversion: Following the Call of Christ By Father Robert Barron Examine the stories of figures from the Bible who changed in response to God’s call. Come discuss how to discern God’s call in your own life. Dates: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 5 Time: 6:00-8:00 p.m. Location: Tony and Brenda Peralo’s house For more information or to register please contact: Brenda Peralo or 479-442-3605. JANUARY 6, 2013 ENERO 6, 2013 PARISH MEETINGS & EVENTS THE SCHOOL FINANCE COMMITTEE will meet Tuesday, January 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the Parish Life Room (Room 225). BAPTISMAL PREPARATION FOR PARENTS will be Tuesday, January 8, at 6:00 p.m. in the Library with Deacon Bud Baldwin. Please call Lydia at 442-0890 x202 to register. SCHOOL BOARD will meet Wednesday, January 9, at 8:30 a.m. in Room 262. FINANCE COUNCIL will meet Tuesday, January 15, at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. PARISH COUNCIL will meet on Tuesday, January 29, at 6:30 p.m. the Room 262. SAVE THE DATE The 5th Annual FX Run is scheduled for April 27, 2013! Mark your calendar and get your running shoes on to get ready! You can register online this year at: Also, if you are looking for a GREAT ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY, consider being a sponsor for the FX Run. You can find the sponsorship form and more details on the St. Joseph's Website at: Thank you for investing in our Youth, the future leaders of our community! CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION FOR CHILDREN AND AGING—CFCA I have extended an invitation to Rev. Jerry Beat to come to our parish on the weekend of January 19-20. Rev. Jerry Beat will speak to you about the work being done by Christian Foundation for Children and Aging, and how this provides a trustworthy way to actively participate in the social outreach of the Catholic church and answer the Gospel call to serve the poor. CFCA is a lay Catholic organization that has served more than 600,000 children, youth, and elderly in 22 developing countries since 1981—empowering them to make more choices in their lives, live with dignity, and reach their potential. CFCA’s unique sponsorship program is highly personalized. It matches a child, youth, or aging person at a project overseas with a sponsor in the U.S. who cares about and encourages them. For about a dollar a day, a sponsor helps to provide much-needed nourishing food, medical and dental care, the chance for a child to go to school, livelihood programs for families, and much more. All of these efforts are directed at affirming the dignity of every person in their local community. Please join me in welcoming Rev. Jerry Beat to our parish. Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ, Rev. John K. Antony Pastor St. Joseph Women’s Bible Study REDISCOVERING CATHOLICISM Saint Joseph’s Ministry of Mothers Sharing Group (MOMS) is a Catholic bible/book study for women of all ages. This group provides women with the opportunity to grow in their faith with others who have similar values and beliefs. Spring Study: Rediscovering Catholicism: A Spiritual guide to Living with Passion and Purpose by Mathew Kelly • Are you happy? • What is God’s dream for your life? • What does it mean to walk with God in the modern world? This study will take us on an adventure of life-changing proportions. Beginning with our common yearning for happiness, Kelly reveals the essence of authentic Catholic spiritually whiles addressing some of the most important questions we face today both as individuals and as a Church. Spring Semester: Meeting Day: Time: Supply fee: Location: January 16- May 1, 2013 Wednesdays 9:00-11:00 a.m. $5.00; Books are available at church for a $5.00 donation Saint Joseph’s Catholic Church Parish Life Room Childcare is provided for a small fee. Registration Deadline: January 9, 2013 To register or for more information contact: Brenda Peralo or 442-3605. ST. JOSEPH PARISH FATHER/DAUGHTER DANCE Save the Date: Feb. 2, 2013 Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m. Location: DeBriyn Family Life Center DJ, pictures, refreshments and FUN!! Registration It is nearly time to register for next school year! St. Joseph offers all the academic subjects that public school students have, as well as phys. ed., music, technology, art, library and Spanish. Middle school students also have Latin! What is most important is that they also have religion as part of the regular curriculum. Students have Mass two days a week, morning prayer all together three days a week, religion instruction, and morals and values reinforced throughout the curriculum. St. Joseph Catholic School begins registration the first week of February for current families, the second week of February for newly entering Catholic families and the third week of February for all interested families. Registrations are taken on a first come-first served basis until classes are full. If you have a PreK child, a Kindergartener not currently in our PreK program or you are looking to register your children who are currently in other schools in the area, please give us a call at 442-4554 to schedule a tour and have questions answered. We look forward to hearing from you! 5 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD EPIPHANÍA DEL SEÑOR We had a December 27 print deadline for this bulletin. At that time the December 23 and 30 Stewardship and Building Fund numbers were not yet available. We’ll be caught up in next week’s bulletin. General Stewardship 9-Dec. 16-Dec. Drafts & Cards Dec. to Date Weekly Goal 23,971.00 23,971.00 Weekly Totals 16,334.35 19,709.17 Surplus/Shortage Building Loan Activity Monthly Goal November Total Surplus/Shortage Remaining Loan Balance 71,913.00 61,685.57 -10,227.43 27,500.00 33,572.56 6,072.56 497,385.92 SERVING THIS WEEK 5:00 PM—SATURDAY, Greeters Ushers Servers Lectors EMCs Barbara Moore (next week Michele Sutton) TBA NEXT WEEK TBA Rick Sorrell, Frank Flurry (next week Patrick McCoy, Alicia Minden) Joe Betz, Sharon Busteed, Dick Lloyd, Brandon Long, Michael MacDonald, Pat McGee EMCs TO THE SICK—SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 Beth Ann Booth, Hope & Phillip Fredrich, Brandon Long, Pat McGee, Regina Stowe, Jack Wright READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Mon: 1 Jn 3:22 — 4:6; Sat: Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 Tues: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Sun: Mk 6:34-44 Wed: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72: 1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thu: 1 Jn 4:19 — 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Fri: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10 or Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30; Acts 10:34-38 or Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 ST. JOE PERSONALS QUALITY 99 MERCURY VILLAGER MINI-VAN: Nice Family Van, Estate model, loaded, leather interior, good condition, runs great. $3000 OBO. 479-236-8536 PAST DUE BOOTCAMP: Examine God’s word about earning, saving, spending, giving; lower stress; learn how credit works; discuss insurance and more. Jan. 19 seminar 8:30-3PM by Christian Coach/Speaker, Joshua B. Jones. $99 before Dec. 18. FMI 479-310-0639 or HANDYMEN: Fencing, masonry, roofing, mowing, leaf removal, carpentry, and many other jobs. Parishioner father and son, Jose Ibarra Sr. (479-502-4994 Spanish) and Jose Ibarra Jr.(479-502-8169 English & Spanish). Free estimates. EMCs TO THE SICK— NEXT SUNDAY GO! CALENDARS & GAMES: Come visit us at the NWA Mass in the JC Penney Wing! Parishioners, Phyllis & Frank Head, 479-582-1175. 9:00 AM—SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 PARISHIONER HOUSE CLEANING: Quality service, affordable prices, flexible schedule. Can bring cleaning supplies or use yours. Available mornings Monday-Thursday. Call Juanita at 479-466-0579. Don Brown, Jean Dawson, Todd DeBriyn, Meagan McCall, Betty Rowe, Kathleen Steinert Greeters Ushers Servers Lectors EMCs D & M Genge (next week L & D Cole) TBA NEXT WEEK TBA Anita Parisi, Adam Parisi (next week Joe Beffa, Mark Rechtin) Joe Beffa, Don Brown, Maureen W. Farrell, Hope Fredrich, Phillip Fredrich, Virginia Hardgraves, Allen Hauenstein, Michael Huber 11:30 AM—SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 Greeters Ushers Servers Lectors EMCs Jack Otten (next week J & T Dushan) TBA NEXT WEEK TBA Mark Wilburn, Greg Dumond (next week Tony Raben, Mike Flynn) Julie Crawford, Terry Dushan, Lorraine Giczkowski, Jackie Kellogg, Vaughn Knight, Kathleen McCall DON’T FORGET TO STAY CURRENT ON VIRTUS UPDATES 6 IS YOUR HOUSE INSULATED? TU CASA ESTA INSULADA? ANGEL’S INSULATION does Fiberglass, Batt (attics), Cellulose, Crawl spaces, etc. Insured—Free estimates. 10 years experience. Call Raul at 479-459-9625 or Marcela at 479799-5866. ARTUR’S LANDSCAPING: New installations on flower beds, decorative mulch, fences, decks, ponds, carpet and wood flooring. Extreme projects like electrical, plumbing, concrete, walkways, patios and fireplaces etc. Please Call (479) 4447784 or (479) 422-1093 or email Free estimates commercial & residential. We are insured. COMPUTER SERVICES 25+ years experience. Don't pay more. If your COMPUTER is RUNNING SLOW or has simply STOPPED WORKING, let me check it for you. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY, on-site service, remote support, VIRUS, MALWARE & SPYWARE REMOVAL, wired & wireless networking. Software / hardware installation, upgrades & REPAIRS (PCs, LAPTOPs, APPLE). Call EDWIN 479-799-9692. Microsoft, Network+ & A+ Certified. JANUARY 6, 2013 ENERO 6, 2013 7 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD EPIPHANÍA DEL SEÑOR CALENDARIO PARROQUIAL INFORMACIÓN SACRAMENTAL ¡FELIZ AÑO 2013! DOMINGO 6 DE ENERO LA EPIFANÍA DEL SEÑOR 9:00 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 10:15 A.M. CLASES EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 11:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 12:30 P.M. LIDERAZGO CARISMÁTICO 1:30 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) 3:00 P.M. CLASES EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 3:00 P.M. GRUPO JUVENIL 9° AL 12° GRADOS 2:30 P.M. CRECIMIENTOS 5:00 P.M. MISA JÓVENES LUNES 7 DE ENERO 6:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 5:30 P.M. LEGIÓN DE MARÍA (INGLÉS) 6:30 P.M. CRECIMIENTOS (ESPAÑOL) MARTES 8 DE ENERO 8:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 7:00 P.M. RICA (ESPAÑOL) MIÉRCOLES 9 DE ENERO 6:45-9:00 P.M. ADORACIÓN SANTÍSIMO 6:00 P.M. LEGIÓN DE MARÍA (INGLÉS) 5:00 P.M. NO HAY CONFESIONES 6:00 P.M. NO HAY MISA (INGLÉS) JUEVES 10 DE ENERO 6:00 P.M. CONFESIONES 7:00 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) VIERNES 11 DE ENERO 8:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 9:20 A.M. CONFESIONES PRIMER VIERNES DE MES 7:00 P.M. GRUPO DE ORACIÓN “SAN JUAN BAUTISTA” SÁBADO 12 DE ENERO 9:00 A.M.—11:00 P.M. RETIRO DE VIDA EN EL ESPÍRITU SANTO (INGLÉS) 2:00 P.M. BODA SILVESTRE FLORES & ARACELY ABREGO 3:30 P.M. CONFESIONES 5:00 P.M. MISA (INGLÉS) DOMINGO 13 DE ENERO EL BAUTISMO DEL SEÑOR 9:00 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 10:15 A.M. CLASES EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 11:30 A.M. MISA (INGLÉS) 12:30 P.M. LIDERAZGO CARISMÁTICO 1:30 P.M. MISA (ESPAÑOL) 3:00 P.M. CLASES EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA 3:00 P.M. GRUPO JUVENIL 9° AL 12° GRADOS 2:30 P.M. CRECIMIENTOS 5:00 P.M. MISA JÓVENES 8 BAUTISMO Favor de llamar con, al menos, tres meses de anticipación. LA CLASE PRE-BAUTISMAL ES UNA VEZ AL MES, por lo que les pedimos hagan sus preparativos con tiempo. Para ser padrino, es necesario que: Haya cumplido 16 años, sea CATÓLICO, esté Bautizado, Confirmado, reciba el Sacramento de la Reconciliación con regularidad; asista a Misa los domingos y Fiestas de Guardar, y comulgue. Los padrinos deberán llevar una vida congruente con la fe y la misión que van a asumir (vivir en gracia). Si son casados, deberán estar casados por la Iglesia Católica (favor de traer el Certificado de Matrimonio Religioso, no civil). Sin son solteros, deberán vivir en gracia y presentar los Certificados de 1° Comunión y Confirmación. CONFESIONES Miércoles, 5:00 p.m. Jueves, 6:00 p.m. y Sábados, 3:30 p.m. PRIMERA CONFESIÓN Y PRIMERA COMUNIÓN Las inscripciones para las clases de Educación Religiosa para niños y jóvenes ya están cerradas para el ciclo escolar 2012-2013. Para mayores informes, favor de llamar a Suzanne Krumpelman (inglés) ó María Vázquez (español) al 442-0890 ext. 242. MATRIMONIO Favor de llamar a las oficinas parroquiales con, al menos, seis meses de anticipación. UNCIÓN DE LOS ENFERMOS En caso de una EMERGENCIA DE VIDA Ó MUERTE, favor de llamar a las oficinas parroquiales al 442-0890 y activar el SISTEMA DE EMERGENCIA, marcando el número 5. Si no es una emergencia, y desea que un sacerdote vaya a darle la unción de los enfermos, le suplicamos que llame en horas de oficina, de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 4 p.m. COMUNIÓN A LOS ENFERMOS Si desea que llevemos la Comunión a un ser querido enfermo a casa ó al hospital, llamar a las oficinas parroquiales. ANULACIÓN MATRIMONIAL Para informes de cómo obtener una Anulación Matrimonial, favor de comunicarse con Marelisa Colberg (español) al 387-7987. XV AÑOS Favor de llamar a las oficinas parroquiales. No XV en Cuaresma. LISTA Y CADENA DE ORACIÓN Si desea incluir el nombre de un familiar en nuestra lista de oración del boletín, favor de llamar a la parroquia. MISAS EN ESPAÑOL DOMINGOS: 1:30 P.M. Y JUEVES, 7:00 P.M. ¿QUIERES SERVIR? La Parroquia te necesita ¡Cristo necesita de tus manos, de tu tiempo, de tu amor! Si te sientes llamado a participar, llama a Lucy Morlet at 442-0890. JANUARY 6, 2013 LAS TRADICIONES La Rosca de Reyes La tradición mexicana nos invita a compartir la "Rosca de Reyes", costumbre también llena de significados importantes: • El pan en forma de rosca evoca a Dios Eterno, que no tiene principio ni fin. • Las frutas dulces con que se decora nos recuerdan la gracia que Jesús nos trae. • El muñequito escondido entre la masa representa al Niño Jesús que todos debemos buscar, quien lo encuentra se llena de tanto gozo que desea compartirlo con todos, por lo que promete una fiesta el próximo día dos de febrero, día de la "Candelaria" (luz) o Presentación del Señor. La candelaria Si encontraste el "muñequito" de la Rosca de Reyes, que representa al Niño Jesús, en este día 2 de febrero, haces una fiesta para compartir con los demás esa gran alegría. Jesús, la "Luz del Mundo", participa de esa luz a cada bautizado por lo que el cristiano tiene el deber de "iluminar" a los demás con la luz de Cristo. Simeón dijo de Jesús que es "Luz para iluminar a todos los pueblos" (Lc 2, 32). En el siglo V se comenzaron a usar las veladoras para subrayar esas palabras del profeta, dándole más colorido a la celebración, por esto la tradición llama a la fiesta de la Presentación del Señor "Día de la Candelaria". Esta fiesta se celebra 40 días después del nacimiento de Jesús, cuando María y José, cumpliendo con la doble prescripción de Moisés, acuden al templo a presentar al Niño Jesús, para ofrecerlo a Dios y llevar ofrendas por la purificación de la Madre. Cada fiesta que los cristianos celebramos nos debe llevar a un compromiso, en este caso, hemos de recordar las palabras de Jesús: "Ustedes son luz para el mundo. No se puede esconder una ciudad edificada sobre un cerro. No se enciende una lámpara para esconderla en un tiesto, sino para ponerla en un candelero a fin de que alumbre a todos los de la casa Así pues, debe brillar su luz ante los hombres, para que vean sus buenas obras y glorifiquen al Padre de ustedes que está en los cielos". (Mt. 5, 14-16) ENERO 6, 2013 SUENAN LAS CAMPANAS POR SU BODA!!! FELICIDADES POR SU DECISIÓN DE CONTRAER MATRIMONIO POR LA IGLESIA!!!! Lo primero que necesitan hacer para comenzar el proceso de su Boda, es llamar a la parroquia para hacer una cita con el Padre Juan. En la entrevista, él les indicará el proceso a seguir. Uno de los requisitos para llevar a cabo su Boda es la preparación pre-Matrimonial. Aquí en la Iglesia de San José, contamos con el retiro anual “VIVIENDO SU MATRIMONIO COMO SACRAMENTO” que se llevará a cabo el sábado 23 de marzo del 2013 de 8 a.m. a 8 p.m. Este retiro les ayudarán a comprender las responsabilidades de un Matrimonio Sacramental, así como los valores espirituales de un Matrimonio Cristiano. Además, aprenderán técnicas y métodos que les ayudarán en su matrimonio, a reflexionar en sí mismos, y a apreciar más a su pareja. El retiro tiene un costo de $50 por pareja e incluye materiales de trabajo, desayuno continental y lunch. PLANIFICACIÓN NATURAL DE LA FAMILIA El Señor Obispo Anthony Taylor, ha pedido que se implemente la Planificación Natural de la Familia como un componente necesario de preparación PRE -MATRIMONIAL. El curso consta de 4 clases, que será impartido por Manuel y Daniela Sánchez en las siguientes fechas: Viernes 15 de Febrero, 2013. 5:30 - 8:30 pm Viernes 1 de Marzo, 2013. 5:30 - 8:30 pm Viernes 29 de Marzo, 2013. 5:30 - 8:30 pm Viernes 26 de Abril, 2013. 5:30 - 8:30 pm COSTO $55/por pareja por las cuatro clases Para mayor información o para registrarse a la clase favor de comunicarse con Daniela Sánchez al 236-7115. 9 EPIPHANY OF THE LORD EPIPHANÍA DEL SEÑOR La Epifanía del Señor Los Reyes Magos representan a todos aquellos que buscan, sin cansarse, la luz de Dios, siguen sus señales y, cuando encuentran a Jesucristo, luz de los hombres, le ofrecen con alegría todo lo que tienen. Los Reyes Magos dejaron su patria, casa, comodidades, familia, para adorar al Niño Dios. Perseveraron a pesar de las dificultades que se les presentaron. Era un camino largo, difícil, incómodo, cansado. El seguir a Dios implica sacrificio, pero cuando se trata de Dios cualquier esfuerzo y trabajo vale la pena. Los Reyes Magos tuvieron fe en Dios. Creyeron aunque no veían, aunque no entendían. Quizá ellos pensaban encontrar a Dios en un palacio, lleno de riquezas y no fue así, sino que lo encontraron en un pesebre y así lo adoraron y le entregaron sus regalos: Oro: que se les da a los reyes, ya que Jesús ha venido de parte de Dios, como Rey del mundo, para traer la justicia y la paz a todos los pueblos; Incienso: que se le da a Dios, ya que Jesús es el Hijo de Dios hecho hombre; Mirra: que se untaba a los hombres escogidos, ya que adoraron a Jesús como Hombre entre los hombres. Reflexionemos… ¿qué regalo le voy a dar a Jesús este año que comienza?; ¿qué puedo cambiar para ser mejor?; ¿siento gozo en mi corazón porque Dios me ama?; ¿tengo fe en Dios?; ¿sé vivir en la pobreza?; ¿soy generoso (con mi tiempo, con mi persona, con los demás)?; ¿suelo perseverar en mi vida espiritual a pesar de las dificultades que se me presentan?; ¿obedezco a Dios con prontitud? ¿Cuándo brilla nuestra estrella? Para unos, en la niñez; para otros en la adolescencia, en la edad adulta, o en la ancianidad. Cualquier hora es buena para que brille como a los magos, la estrella del Señor. Muchos son los llamados y pocos los elegidos, pero Dios quiere que todos se salven y a todos da los medios necesarios para salvarse y santificarse con el fulgor de la Estrella, que nos lleva a Él y que es Él mismo. ¡FELIZ DÍA DE REYES! 10 MEDICAL ALARM PROTECTING CATHOLIC SENIORS NATIONWIDE $19.95*/Mo. - Holiday Special Toll Free: 1-877-801-8608 ✓ 25+ Yrs. in Business ✓ Lifetime Warranty ✓ Made in the USA ✓ Dr. Recommended ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ✓ Monitored in the USA ✓ Price Guarantee ✓ A+ Rated with BBB ✓ Tax Deductible* ✓ Waterproof Button *First three months only *Check with your accountant Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Jesus A to Z Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS A colorful Catholic ABC What We Can Offer You and Your Business: book for kids and families! 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