Artificial grass crown green at St. Lawrence recreation ground


Artificial grass crown green at St. Lawrence recreation ground
Artificial grass crown green at
St. Lawrence recreation ground, Biddulph.
Contract No. 2062
Tender Ref. T2014-0016
Performance Specification for
Design & Build Contractors
Property Services
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council,
Moorlands House,
Stockwell Street,
ST13 6HQ
1.0 Introduction. Club Design has been engaged by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council to assist in the delivery of converting existing hard tennis courts to an artificial grass crown bowling green (37m x 37m), together with a bowls pavilion and new car parking at St Lawrence’s recreation ground. As part of this process discussions were held with various stakeholders and with the general public to review requirements and consultation has been positive and resulted in detailed proposals for the new facilities. 2.0 The Site. The site is located adjacent to Congleton Road, Biddulph in a residential area. The tarmacadam courts have not been in use for several years and the surfaces have deteriorated significantly with numerous cracks which have been exploited by vegetation and shrubs. General View of the tennis court 2
Shrubs growing through the tarmacadam surface Breakdown of tarmac surface perimeter of the courts 3
Dilapidated chain link fence (approximately 3m high) surrounds the green. A hawthorn hedge extends along the western and eastern side of the courts. Hedgerow to the east of the courts There are several mature trees (of good landscape value) to the south of the courts. To the north of the courts there is an area of open ground with small area (nominal 10 x 17m) of tarmac. 4
Mature trees to the south of courts Tarmac area adjoining courts and access 5
Access is presently via gates from Congleton Road (A527) which open onto the hard standing area. As part of this project, the access point will change slightly, but this will be done by the main contractor as part of the scheme to construct the pavilion and parking area. 3.0 Proposed Layout. The pavilion contractor will start with an exercise to reduce the levels on the tennis courts and use some of the material under the suspended floor of the building floor slab. The bowling green contractor will therefore be starting with a “level playing field” but will be working on site at the same time as the pavilion contractor. The two contractors will share welfare facilities, which are to be provided by the pavilion contractor. A site set‐up drawing is included in “2062‐06 Tender drawings”. 4.0 Tendering Procedure. One copy of the completed tender must be returned to The Executive Director and Chief Finance Officer of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council using the tender return label provided in the supplier evaluation questionnaire. Tender return envelopes must bear the tender return sticker only and no other distinguishing marks. Tenders must arrive no later than 12 noon on Friday 2nd May 2014. Tenders submitted after this deadline will not be accepted. Tenderers shall note that the Contract Sum is a fixed price. The Contract Price Fluctuations Clause is not included. The Tenderer’s attention is drawn to the need to satisfy himself as to the conditions on site. Copies of utility company plans are included in the tender documents and updated plans will be provided to 6
the successful contractor before works commence on site. All Tenderers are advised that they must not enter into any land or premises for the purpose of carrying out surveys or site investigation works without first obtaining the written approval of the Employer’s Representative and the owners and occupiers of the lands or premises affected by the works. The Employer does not bind itself to accept any design or tender. Contractors tendering do so at their own cost and their tender shall remain open for a period of TWELVE weeks from the due date for submission. The Contractor shall submit all details and drawings necessary for the Employer to make a full appraisal of the submission. Failure to provide adequate information may jeopardise full consideration of the tender. The Contractor must not omit any item or cost from his tender, the omission of which will cause the Works to be incomplete or not fit for purpose. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to include all items necessary for the completeness of the Works as set out in the Employer’s requirement. By submitting a tender the Contractor agrees that should obvious errors in pricing or arithmetical errors be discovered before acceptance of his offer in the Tender Sum Analysis, the errors shall be corrected in accordance with Alternative 2 contained in Section 10 of the NJCC Code of Procedure for Tendering for Design and Build. Site inspection should be carried out by prior arrangement with Club Design Ltd. 5.0 Health and Safety. The Contractor shall carry out the specified and associated works in accordance with all current legislation including the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM) where applicable. The Contractor shall submit a Health and Safety Plan to the CDM Co‐ordinator prior to commencing work. The Contractor shall ensure that his rates are adequate to meet the cost of making all necessary arrangements for the Health and Safety and welfare of all persons affected by the Construction work. As mentioned in section 3, welfare facilities will be provided by the Pavilion Contractor, but the Contractor must satisfy himself that his own operatives are properly cared for and any problems must be immediately identified to the CDM Co‐ordinator. 7
6.0 Project details. PROJECT TITLE & LOCATION The construction of an artificial grass bowling green, surround path and floodlights and ancillary works. The site is located off Congleton Road (A527), Biddulph, Staffordshire, ST8 7RG THE PARTIES Employer STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL Moorlands House Stockwell Street Leek Staffordshire ST13 6HQ Representative – Mrs. Sue Higton, Projects Officer Tel. 01538‐395400 Ext 4209 Email Employer’s Representative CLUB DESIGN LTD 1A Shawclough Road Rochdale OL12 6LG Tel 01706 632600 Fax 01706 648361 Stuart Lever 07815 149259 Email CDM CO‐ORDINATOR CLUB DESIGN LTD 1A Shawclough Road Rochdale OL12 6LG Tel 01706 632600 Fax 01706 648361 Stuart Lever 07815 149259 Email 8
7.0 Work to be Undertaken. The works involve the design and construction of a 37m x 37m artificial grass, floodlit bowling green, complete with gutter and surround path. The employer requires separately priced options for dynamic base and engineered base. The general requirements are: 1. Site clearance and reduced level dig by others. 2. The design and construction of the 37m x 37m artificial green, complete with gutter to approved standard for crown green bowls. 3. Construct 1.8m wide surround path in Marshall Pedesta Natural 600x600 pavings.. 4. Install floodlights to bowling green, including all ducts, wiring, columns, lamps and switchgear. 8.0 General Conditions. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for the preparation of the design and for the construction of the whole project as described in the Employer’s Requirements and as shown on Drawings appended. Any preliminary or preferred scheme detailed in the Employer’s Requirements represents a discharged portion of the design service previously commissioned by the Employer. The Contractor shall use any such scheme indicated as a basis for the development of the undischarged portion of the design. The Contractor shall conform to the mandatory data dimensions indicated in the Employer’s Requirements. Any materials, fixings, foundations or drainage detail included in the Employer’s Requirements are typical only and shall not relieve the Contractor in any way of his design or other responsibilities. 8.1 Access. The Contractor shall maintain the site access including haul routes across the site throughout the duration of the works in a condition to allow for the delivery and removal of plant and the delivery of materials and such traffic across the site. The contractor shall co‐operate fully with the pavilion contractor to ensure that deliveries are made at agreed times and that both sites are able to operate without being compromised by the other. The Contractor shall prepare, maintain and provide markers and warning signs for the site access. Allowance shall be made for the protection of all kerb edgings, tarmac surfaces, concrete paving and existing drains and services. Any damage shall be made good on completion of the works to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Public roads shall be kept clean at all times. 8.2 Temporary Accommodation. Temporary Accommodation will be provided by the pavilion contractor. Co‐operation with the pavilion contractor will be required to ensure that operatives welfare facilities are used at agreed times. Operatives are to leave the welfare facilities in a tidy state after use. 9
8.3 Limitations of working space. The Contractor shall confine his workmen, materials and plant, etc. to the area of the site allocated for his use, including all traffic which shall be confined to designated site roads. This is sown on appended plans. The Contractors parking shall be restricted to the area shown on the appended plans. No persons employed on the works shall trespass upon adjoining land or property and the Contractor shall preclude any rubbish, materials, etc. from being deposited thereon. The Contractor shall indemnify the Employer against any claims or action for damage on account of any trespass or other misconduct of the Contractor’s employees. The Contractor shall allow for protecting and avoiding all damage to adjoining owners’ boundaries. 8.4 Existing Services. Service drawings showing the location of utility apparatus are provided with the tender documents and updated plans will be provided prior to the commencement of work. All information so provided shall be confirmed by on site investigations and liaison with the appropriate authority. Information on any private services that may be present is not available. The Contractor shall be liable for any damage caused to mains services and any claims arising therefrom. Connection of power to the floodlights will be made in the pavilion. Allowance should be made for ducting and wiring back to the pavilion, the siting of all switchgear in the pavilion and any other elements required for the proper functioning of the floodlights. 8.5 Site Inspection. The Contractor is recommended to visit the site before submitting their tender, as no claim due to lack of knowledge that could have been obtained by such a visit will not be entertained. Permission to visit the site may be obtained from the Employer’s Representative. 8.6 Advertisements. All rights of advertising on the site shall be reserved by the Employer and Funding Agencies and the Contractor shall take all necessary measures to ensure that no unauthorised advertising takes place. 8.7 Publicity. No information, either written or verbal, no photography or drawings concerning the Contract shall be supplied by the Contractor to any persons without the written authority of the Employer’s Representative. 8.8 Programme. The Contractor shall, before being given possession of the site, prepare and submit his proposed programme for the execution of the works for comment by the Employer. Thereafter the Contractor shall amend and revise the programme as required by the Conditions of Contract or as requested by the Employer’s Representative. The programme shall be represented on a bar chart showing each primary stage of construction. When updated, this shall show the percentage of works completed up to the date of reporting. 10
8.9 Method Statement. The Contractor shall provide a statement describing their proposed general and detailed arrangements and methods for carrying out the works. The document shall also indicate areas of work that will be sub‐contracted and detail the company that will be employed. The Method Statement shall include details of how all stages of the works will be executed. It should detail procedures to ensure the specified parameters are obtained, the appropriate climatic conditions in which surfacing can be laid, the appropriate Health and Safety requirements and training that personnel will undergo prior to working on site. 8.10 Site Administration. The Contractor shall allow for all necessary site administration, including site meetings, for the proper management and execution of the works. Prior to commencing the works on site the Contractor shall confirm to the Employer’s Representative the name of the person in charge of the site together with brief details of their experience. This person is not to be changed without the prior agreement of the Employer’s Representative, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 8.11 Site Security and Temporary Fencing. The Contractor shall ensure that the works and the site are properly protected and secured at all times, including any works outside the site boundary and that the Employer’s Representative is indemnified against any claim for loss, damage, theft or the like. The Contractor shall provide for situating any temporary buildings and offices and the storing of materials etc. within the site boundaries. On completion of the works all temporary fencing, building materials and equipment shall be removed and the site reinstated to the satisfaction of the Employer’s representative. 8.12 Safety, Health and Welfare. The Contractor shall allow for providing and maintaining all welfare and safety measures to a standard not inferior to that laid down in statutory instruments, rules and orders and subsequent amendments thereto for all workmen employed on the site including the employees of subcontractors. As previously notified, welfare facilities will be provided by the pavilion contractor. The Contractor’s attention is particularly drawn to his obligation under the Health and Safety at Work Act etc., 1974. 8.13 Maintenance of roads etc. The Contractor shall maintain all public and private roads, footpaths, paved areas, boundary walls, hedgerows and fences on or adjacent to the site in their present condition, and on completion, make good any damage arising from the works and reinstate to the satisfaction of the Employer. The Contractor shall keep any public, private and existing roads, drains, footpaths and paving on or adjacent to the site or used by traffic entering or leaving the site in a clean and unobstructed and safe condition to the satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative, the Police and the Local Authority. The Contractor shall use all means to prevent mud or rubbish of any kind being carried on to such roads, footpaths and paving by vehicles belonging to himself or any subcontractor to the reasonable 11
satisfaction of the Employer’s Representative. Where, in spite of such precautions, mud or rubbish is carried on to the roads, footpaths or paving, the Contractor shall immediately clean up such mud or rubbish at his own expense by scraping, brushing and shovelling and remove to tip. Special attention must be given to prevent mud becoming embedded in the road and footpath surfaces. The highway surface shall be hosed or watered using suitable equipment, if so directed by the Employer’s Representative. Compliance with the foregoing will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility for complying with the requirements of any Highway Authority in respect of keeping roads clean. 8.14 Site clearance Upon completion of the works the Contractor shall clear all plant, unused materials, etc. and clean all roads, drains, etc. affected by the works and leave the whole site in a clean and tidy condition acceptable to the Employer’s Representative. 8.15 Statutory regulations Statutory regulations shall be ascertained and the Contractor shall allow for complying with any such regulations or requirements concerning pedestrian or vehicular traffic control, the loading and unloading of or waiting by vehicles on the public highway, site ingress and egress, safety precautions and other matters affecting the works. 8.16 Control of noise and pollution All reasonable steps must be taken by the Contractor to minimise dust nuisance during the works. The Contractor must also employ all reasonable steps to keep noise and vibration produced by his operations to a minimum and shall have regard to the recommendations in BS 5228 as well as The Noise Abatement Act (1960): Noise Control on Construction and Open Sites and all amendments thereto; and the Department of the Environment Advisory Leaflet No. 72 “Noise Control and Building Sites” and such subsequent publications. The Contractor’s attention is also drawn to the provision of Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 with references to the control of noise in relation to any construction works and must comply therewith. The Contractor is recommended to confer with the local Chief Environmental Officer in relation to proposed methods of construction and noise levels. 8.17 Planning consent & building regulations The Council has applied for planning permission for the scheme but planning consent is not expected until June 2014. The application details can be viewed via the Council’s website at under planning reference number SMD‐2014‐
0094. The Contractor is to allow for any necessary liaisons with the relevant planning authority and for complying with any requirements of the planning authority, as advised by the Employer’s Representative. The Contractor shall obtain any necessary statutory formal approvals for the works, as advised by the Employer’s Representative. 12
8.18 The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 Document “2062‐07 Pre‐Construction Information” is provided as a tender document. The Contract will be executed strictly in accordance with the Regulations. The Contractor to be deemed the Principal Contractor is to be confirmed prior to the tender being let. The Contractor shall allow the CDM Co‐ordinator access to the works and afford him every reasonable facility for the performance of his duties. The Contractor shall co‐ordinate with the CDM Co‐ordinator, execute the Health and Safety Plan and contribute as required to the Health and Safety File. 8.19 Ground conditions and site investigation The site is an existing grass recreational area with adjacent tarmac tennis courts. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to satisfy himself as to the completeness of the information provided to ensure he has adequate knowledge of the existing ground and its bearing capacity to allow the required design for the project. On the award of the contract the successful Contractor will have been deemed to have undertaken any additional site investigations they consider necessary and no increase in the tender price or subsequent Contract Sum will be allowed for any costs of resulting unknown conditions. 8.20 Inclement weather The Contractor shall use all reasonable methods to prevent or minimise delays during exceptionally adverse weather. 8.21 Inspections and sampling Where the Contractor has given notice that a particular operation or stage of the works will be ready for inspection by the Employer’s Representative on a specified date and they then find that the works are not complete on that date so that the inspection cannot be carried out or completed necessitating a further visit, any additional cost incurred, including all expenses, will be borne by the Contractor. The Employer’s Representative shall be at liberty to take samples of all materials and to have them tested for compliance with the Contractor’s tender submission and the Employer’s Requirements. The Contractor shall allow for the taking of such samples and the proper recording of the location to which the samples relate, as directed by the Employer’s Representative and detailed in the Employer’s Requirements. Samples for test shall be delivered within 48 hours of being instructed by the Employer’s Representative. Any delay to a scheduled inspection or preparation of a report by the test house arising from the late delivery of the samples for the test or from failure to keep proper records as required, shall not relieve the Contractor from his responsibility with regard to completion within the Contract Period. 8.22 Failure of tests Should any samples or intermediate stages of construction tested be found, in the opinion of the Employer’s Representative, to be unsatisfactory or likely to produce unsound work, the defective material or the consignment which the sample represents shall be removed from the site or suitable corrective action taken, as approved by the Employer’s Representative, to achieve the specified 13
performance outcome. Notwithstanding that, any sample or intermediate work stage, which has been accepted by the Employer’s Representative, may subsequently be rejected if they shall decide that the quality has in any way deteriorated. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, remove and replace all rejected materials, or correct an intermediate work stage shown to be outside specification. Any delays consequential upon the rejection of any sample or work stage shall not in any way relieve the Contractor from his responsibility with regard to completion within the Contract Period. Work corrected or materials replaced for these reasons will be re‐checked or re‐tested by the Employer’s Representative. The additional costs of testing any material replaced for this reason or re‐inspecting any work stage subjected to remedial works shall be recovered from the Contractor by an appropriate deduction from the contract sum. 8.23 Information to be supplied with tender The Contractor’s Proposals shall include all the information listed in Appendices B & D of the Employer’s Requirements. 8.24 Documents to be provided Two sets of as built drawings and maintenance manuals and the Health and Safety File must be submitted to the Employer’s Representative at practical completion Maintenance instructions and warranties must be provided by the Contractor at practical completion. The Contractor must ensure that all copies of reports on works and materials are forwarded to the Employer’s Representative. 8.25 Completion of works and making good Make good all damage caused during the work and reinstate all surfaces, spoil disposal areas, plant, hardstanding, etc. Clean the works thoroughly including the removal of all deposits, rubbish or surplus material. 14
EMPLOYERS REQUIREMENTS. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. 9.0 Bowling Green, Floodlights and Surround Path. The Bowling Green shall be designed to meet the design requirements set out in the publication “Natural Turf for Sport”(2011 revision) by Sport England, which details on pages 33 to 35 the profile of a crown green and the surround ditch. Whilst we accept that the publication refers to the construction of a natural turf green, the radii will apply to this artificial grass green. Adjustment to the stone layer must allow for a crown formation 380mm above the corner levels. Drainage must be allowed for using 100mm lateral drains across the green and a 150mm perimeter drain to connect to an outfall to be identified within 15m of the green. The design of the green must allow for all ducts to carry the wiring for the floodlights, the concrete bases for the floodlight columns and the tarmac surround path. The illustration shown here is taken from the Sport England publication and shows a crown height at 254mm above the corner levels. This is to adjusted on a pro rata basis to show the 380mm crown. 9.1 Quality of Materials and Workmanship Where and to the extent that materials, products and workmanship are not fully specified they are to be: All materials and constructions shall be robust and suitable for use at a public facility. Suitable for the purposes of the works stated in or reasonably to be inferred from the contract documents. In accordance with good building and/or engineering practice, including the relevant provisions of Current British/ European Standards. In accordance with the SAPCA’s Code of Practice for the Construction and Maintenance of Synthetic Turf Sports Pitches published by the Sports and Play Contractors’ Association (SAPCA) and to the satisfaction of the Employers Representative. 9.2 Construction tolerances, setting out, appearance and fit Tolerences will be identified in the tender and are to be agreed with the Employers Representative prior to commencement of works. The setting out construction and juxtaposition of components of the construction shall be such that 15
there is a satisfactory fit at junctions, joints and margins and that the finished work has a well aligned true and regular appearance. 9.3 Sub‐formation and Sub‐base The reduced level dig will be undertaken prior to commencement of the bowling green works by the pavilion contractor and will be left in a level state ready to start the bowling green works. The contractor is to inspect the ground and make any necessary adjustments. Any filling should be carried out in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness and each layer should be compacted before the next is spread. Any soft spots shall be excavated and replaced with imported crushed rock free from detritus material, in accordance with the Department of Transport (DOT) Specification for Highway Works (Class 6F1 or 6F2). The prepared formation shall be trimmed to the tolerance of ±25 mm and have a minimum undrained shear strength of at least 50 kN/m2 or a minimum California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 2 %. The prepared sub‐formation shall be treated with a total weed killer selected to minimise the risk of future weed growth within the construction and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specified application rate. A geotextile membrane shall be laid over the sub‐formation. Joints shall overlap by at least 300 mm. The depth of the sub‐base shall be determined to satisfy the specified design criteria. We have assumed a nominal depth of 200mm of type 3 free draining stone, to be finished and laser graded using 0‐4mm granite. The sub‐base should resist the effects of frost or drought that may be expected to occur in a return cycle of once every 50 years, should provide stability to the finished surface such that in use it shall not move outside the tolerances for surface regularity over a period of 10 years, should have an insitu density of not less than 95 % of the maximum dry density when tested in accordance with BS 1377 Part 4 (2.5 kg method) and the permeability of the finished sub base shall be greater than 500 mm/hr. 9.4 Drainage The Contractor shall design and install a closely spaced system of surface water drains that will: (a) Ensure that all surface water is removed from the green at a rate greater than 100 mm/hr and to ensure that no surface flooding will occur during heavy storms, or the facility will not be lost either through rain at the highest intensity which may be expected to occur once every five years or through continuous rainfall of 50 mm over a 24 hour period. (b) Protect the installation from the effects of ground or surface water from the areas surrounding the green. (c) Ensure no water remains present in the construction so that it may result in a reduction of the load bearing capacity of the sub‐formation or damage to the construction from the actions of frost. (d) The Contractor shall install a closely spaced system of surface water drains. Drainage trenches shall be a minimum of 450 mm deep from subformation level by 300 mm wide. The trenches shall be fitted with 100 mm (minimum diameter) perforated plastic drainage pipe and be backfilled with clean graded round/sub rounded gravel. (e)The drainage system shall be designed so as to ensure that all surface water is removed from the 16
sub base at a rate greater than 750 mm/hr. (f) Perforated drainage pipe shall comply with BS 4962 and be laid to a minimum fall of 0.5 % (1:200). (g) Rodding eyes with cast iron covers shall be installed at each corner of the green. (h) Existing drains damaged or cut through during the construction shall be repaired and reconnected or dealt with as otherwise agreed with the Employers Representative. (i) Connect to the new surface water drainage system to be confirmed on‐site and agreed by the Employers Representative. (j) If an outfall cannot be identified, design and install a soakaway pit in a position to be agreed. 9.5 Macadam binding course and surfacing course The client wishes to be given two options for the construction of the bowling green – one for a dynamic base and one for an engineered base. The surfacing course shall be laid to satisfy the construction tolerances and requirements to be agreed prior to construction start. 9.6 Surfacing requirements Allow for an approved Artificial Grass Surface and underlay / shockpad. 9.7 Surround Path The prepared subformation shall be treated with a total weedkiller selected to minimise the risk of future weed growth within the construction and applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s specified application rate. Supply and install 150mm x 50mm pcc edging kerbs. Supply and lay type 1 sub‐base. A geotextile membrane shall be laid over the sub‐formation. Joints shall overlap by at least 300 mm. Supply and construct 1.8m wide surround path in Marshall Pedesta Natural 600x600 pavings. 9.8 Floodlights. A floodlight scheme has been prepared by Abacus Lighting, ref UKS10039. Details of the proposed lighting columns are included in Appendix A and the proposed lighting flood spill plan is included with the tender drawings. The contractor shall allow for the supply and installation of 4no 10m columns to carry the lamps specified in that design and to ensure that the floodlight spill achieves the lux contours shown in that design. The floodlights are to be connected to the power supply in the pavilion. Allow for all ducts to carry the wiring to the columns from the building. Allow to install the columns as part of the construction of the bowling green. Commissioning of the floodlights will only be possible after the power supply to the pavilion is live, so the contractor will have to allow for a return visit to commission the floodlights. 17
9.9 Reinstatement. On completion of the works the site shall be left in a clean and tidy condition. All damage caused to surrounding areas and surfaces shall be reinstated (including spoil disposal and re‐seeding of all bare areas). All areas immediately abutting the facilities (including paths) shall be cultivated and graded to marry through neatly with the surrounding ground before seeding and maintaining until a grass cover has been achieved. 10. Warranties. The Contractor shall provide written warranties for the work including surfaces, floodlights, switch gear and equipment provided under this contract. Warranties for all surfaces shall state that the properties of the combined surface and foundation construction shall be retained throughout the defects liability period and for a further period as agreed by the Employer and Contractor (in writing) together with any agreed limitations and conditions. The Contractor shall further undertake as part of the warranty that any remedial work or repair necessary under the terms of the warranty will be completed with 28 days of notification in writing by the Employer or Employer’s Representative that remedial work is required and repairs will be carried out with materials identical to the original installation and at such times as may be agreed with the Employer or Employer’s Representative such that the planned programme of activities shall not be affected. 18
The Contractor shall provide the following information with their tender:
 An outline method statement, giving the methods and sequence of construction
 An outline specifications for principal proposed materials and equipment
An outline programme for the construction works in the form of a bar chart showing the main
sequence of the works.
Details of Warranties to be provided.
The Contractor shall provide the following prior to commencement of work on site:
 Documentary evidence and or policy and receipt for insurances which are required to be
taken out by the Contractor.
 Details of any proposed modifications of any existing services, where necessary.
1090‐001 Topographical Survey (available electronically in AutoCAD format on request) 1090‐008g Proposed Site Plan 1090‐010b Drainage & Incoming Services 1090‐011a Proposed lighting flood spill drawing 1090‐031 Site levels 1090‐032a Site setting out 1090‐033 Site set‐up 21
The Tenderer shall enter costs against those items listed below:
Contract Preliminaries (Supervision, access, reinstatement, temporary fencing, accommodation and storage.) Excavation and Groundworks Minor adjustments to levels Disposal of materials on site (to be agreed with ER) Supply and install geotextile membrane (inc weed spray) Drainage Works Excavate for and install 100mm lateral drains Excavate for and install 150mm perimeter drains Construct concrete manhole Junctions Connect to outfall or create soakaway pit Foundations Supply level and compact type 3 sub‐base (200mm) Construct perimeter ditches and blockwork bankings Supply and laser grade granite sub‐surface 0‐4mm granite Bowls Surface Supply and install underlay / shock pad Supply and install approved artificial grass surface Surround Path Supply and install 150mm x 50mm PCC edging kerbs Supply and lay type 1 sub‐base Supply and construct 1.8m wide surround path in Marshall Pedesta Natural 600x600 pavings Re‐instatement of surrounds Grade and seed surrounds Floodlights Install floodlight system as specified TOTAL 22
Assignment of sub-contracting
The Contractor is to state in the following schedule the names of all the sub-contractors that
he will employ on the works and their stated trades.
(Note: The Appendices form part of the Tender)
Artificial grass crown green at St. Lawrence Recreation Ground, Congleton
Road, Biddulph.
Executive Director and Chief Finance Officer
Staffordshire Moorlands District Council,
Moorlands House
Stockwell Street
ST13 6HQ
Having examined the tender documents for the construction of the above-mentioned Works
(and the matters set out in the Appendices hereto), we offer to construct and complete the
whole of the said Works and maintain the Permanent Works in conformity with the said
tender documents for the FIRM PRICE BASIS sum of £. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the Permanent Works comprised in the
Contract within the time stated in the Appendix hereto.
Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender, together with
your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender you may receive.
We are,
Yours faithfully,