TENDER SCHEDULE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sl. No 1 1 Construction of Compound Wall at Girls Hostel EMRS Pungar. Name of the Work : Name of the Block Estimated Cost Tender Value E.M.D. Required No of Item Class of Contractor Cost of Tender Paper Period of Completion Description : Semiliguda : Rs. 10,71,500/: Rs. 1060115.00 : Rs. 10,600/: 12 (Twelve) Items Only : "D" & "C" : Rs. 6,300/- (Rs.6,000/- + VAT-Rs.300/: 3(Three) Calendar Months Quantity Unit Rate Amount 2 Earth work in excavation of foundation in hard soil in foundation within 50M initially lead and 1.50M initially lifts including rough dressing and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layer not exceeding 0.03Mtr in depth & levelling bed etc complete as directed by the Engineer-in-Charges. 2 C.C. of proportion (1:3:6) in foundation and floors using 4cm (3/2”) size Clean hard black crusher broken granite metal of approved quality from approved quarry including hosting lowering and laying in layers not exceeding 15cm (6”) thick to the required level, ramming watering and curing etc complete including all cost, conveyance, taxes and royalties of materials and labour with T&P required for the work, but excluding cost of Centering and Shuttering for Mass Concrete etc complete. 3 Random Rubble stone masonry in cement mortar (1:6) in foundation and plinth with hard black granite stone of not less than 0.025 cum approved size and quality and from approved quarry including splays cutting circular moulding & similar such type of work and curing etc complete as per direction of Engineerin-Charges. 3 149.71 Cum One 4 Cum Rs. 5 91.40 Rs. 6 13683.00 29.83 Cum One Cum Rs. 3687.94 Rs. 110011.00 109.85 Cum One Cum Rs. 2366.55 Rs. 259966.00 4 Well Brunt Clamp Brunt Brick Masonry work in Cement Mortar (1:6) in Superstructure using W.B.C.B. brick of 9” size having crushing strength not less than 35 Kg per Sq. Cm. including splays cutting, circular molding, chamfering and corbelling, watering and curing etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charges. Ground Floor Super Structure 5 R.C.C. Work of M-20 grade with 20mm and down grade black hard granite crusher broken chips of 150mm cubes at 28days using minimum quality of cement as per clause 003.5 of IRC – 21 – 1987 and IS – 456 – 1987 with clean crusher broken hard granite chips of 20mm. to 10mm including watering and curing, Centering and Shuttering for R.C.C. Work, Cost, conveyance, tax and royalty of all materials and labour with T&P required for the work etc complete. Column Base Column Super Structure 6 Supplying fitting and placing uncoated HYSD Bar reinforcement complete as per drawing and technical specification and placing in proper position as required for R.C.C. Work including cost, conveyance, taxes of Steel and cost of binding wire 18 to 20 gauge and labour with T&P required for the work etc complete in all respect in all floors as per direction of Engineer-in-Charges. 7 Cement Plaster in cement motor finished smooth to brick walls/ stone work after raking out joints cleaning & finishing the plaster surface smooth including watering and curing, Scaffolding screening sand etc complete with cost, conveyance, taxes and royalties of all materials and labour with T&P required for the work etc complete in all respect in all floors as per direction of Engineer-in-Charges. Ground Floor A) 12mm Plaster in C.M. (1:6) 127.99 Cum One Cum Rs. 3127.94 Rs. 400345.00 1.05 1.40 Cum Cum One One Cum Cum Rs. 6086.20 Rs. Rs. 9728.32 Rs. 6391.00 13620.00 3.50 Qntl. One Qntl. Rs. 6229.68 Rs. 21804.00 595.84 Sqm One Sqm 50348.00 Rs. 84.50 Rs. 8 9 10 11 B) 16mm Plaster in C.M. (1:6) C) 20 mm thick C.P in C.M. (1:6) to Stone work surface Labour Charges for fitting and fixing of M.S. Door, Window, Grill Gate and Grills including all cost of Labour with T&P required for the work etc complete.with cost of all materials, labour, conveyance, taxes , T&P etc. complete as per the direction of Engineering -in-charge. Ground Floor Manufacturing and Supplying of M.S. Door, Window, Ventilator and Grill Gate made up all round angular frame size 35x35x5mm, Door and Window angular frame size 25x25x3/5mm with 20 gage C.R. Sheet supporting flat size 25x8mm and 18x5mm including fitting of clamp, hinges, tower bolt, aldrops including all cost, conveyance tax of materials and labour with T&P required for the work etc complete Ground Floor C.C. (1:2:4) using 12mmsize C.B.H.G. chips of approved quality and free from whethered skins and foreign materials including mixing the materials and laying the concrete in layers not exceeding 0.15m in depth to required level, watering and curing, ramming, finishing etc. with all lead and lifts and delifts and cost, conveyance, tax and royalty of all materials etc. complete in all respect as directed by the E.I.C. Ground Floor Painting Two Coats (Plastic Enamel Paint) with any approved shade on New Door and windows over a coat of Primer/Red Oxide Paint including all cost, conveyance, tax of materials and labour with T&P required for the work etc complete. 595.84 234.00 Sqm Sqm One One Sqm Sqm Rs. Rs. 116.65 Rs. 128.28 Rs. 69504.00 30018.00 6.30 Sqm One Sqm Rs. 70.10 Rs. 442.00 kg One kg Rs. 71.07 Rs. 14328.00 7.80 Cum One Cum Rs. 4902.52 Rs. 38240.00 6.30 Sqm One Sqm Rs. 201.60 105.28 Rs. 663.00 12 Providing & Painiting with two coats to the entire outside surface with Water proofingcement paint of any approved made to the outer surface after scarping and cleaning the surface including all cost of materials, scaffolding, labour, watering & curing T & P etc complete as per direction of Engineer-in- charge. 1425.68 Sqm One Sqm Rs. 21.57 Rs. Rs. 30752.00 1060115.00 (Rupees Ten Lakhs Sixty Thousand One Hundred Fifteen )only My / Our Quoted Rate is __________________% (________________________________________ __________ ___Percent (In Words)) less than/ equal to / more than the tendered cost. Signature of the Contractor. Project Administrator, I.T.D.A, Koraput. Terms and Conditions 1. The bidders has to deposit Rs 10,000/- towards cost of the tender paper and 4% VAT (non refundable) in a separate cover mentioning “cost of bidding document down loaded from the internet”. 2. Tender documents for the individual work may be obtained from the office of the PA, ITDA, Koraput on payment of cost (non refundable) of the tender paper in shape of cash/bank draft/bankers cheque drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput. 3. The tender papers received after the stipulated DATE & time will not be considered. No tender papers will be received by hand or by courier service. The tender papers shall be opened on 04.03.15 at 4.00 PM onwards in the office chamber of PA, ITDA, Koraput in presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives having written authorization for the purpose. 4. The following documents should be furnished along with the tender papers failing which the tender is liable for rejection. a) EMD duly pledged in favour of PA, ITDA, Koraput. b) Attested copy of the contractor Registration certificate. c) Attested copy of PAN card/VAT clearance certificate d) An affidavit in support of the authenticity of the documents including EMD should be attached with the tender paper. e) The Engineering contractor desirous of availing exemption of EMD should submit an affidavit to the effect that he has not availed exemption of EMD facility more than three times in the current financial year. f) SC/ST Contractor desirous of availing preference should submit an affidavit in support of caste certificate and attested copy of recent caste certificate(issued within last one year) otherwise their tender will be liable for rejection. 5. Bids must be accompanied with EMD as specified above in shape of TDR deposit receipt of schedule bank/Kissan Vikas Patra/National Saving certificate/Post office time deposit duly pledged in favour of Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput 6. Performance security shall be deposited by the tenderer at time of dropping, if the tenderer quoted their rate less than the tender value. They should deposit the less amount i.e. difference between the net quoted amount by the tenderer and the tender value specified in shape of post office time deposit pass book/KVP/NAC/Term deposit of any schedule bank duly pledged in favour of PA, ITDA, Koraput otherwise the tender paper may be rejected. 7. The bidders who have earlier participated in the tender process of this ITDA but backed out or not responded for drawl of agreement during the financial year 201011, 2011-12 and 2012-13 causing abnormal delay in finalization of tenders are not allowed to participate in this tender. If any such bidder participates in this tender his case will be summarily rejected. 8. Contractors whose agreements have been rescinded and work order(s) cancelled due to their inefficiency in completing the awarded projects of this ITDA from 01.04.2010, they are not allowed to participate in this tender process. 9. The tenderer quoting their rates less exceeding 7.5% of the tender value have to submit their item wise analysis of rates in support of their quoted rates.. 10. The detailed list of successful bidders against each work will be displayed in the notice board. The successful bidders have to collect the letter of acceptance from the office of the undersigned within seven days from the date of declaration of list of successful bidders on the notice board in order to avoid postal delay for early execution of the work. No further claim will be entertained for non receipt of the acceptance letter. 11. The EMD amount is to be forfeited if the tenderer backs out from the offer of acceptance of tender by the competent authority. 12. The successful tenderer will have to submit the detailed work programme for timely completion of the work. 13. The cover containing the tender paper should be super scribed at the top “Tender work for ITDA Koraput” only. The name of the work should not be mentioned. 14. The tender papers will be received through Registered Post/Speed Post only. No tender pepers will be received by hand or by courier service. The undersigned will not be held responsible for any delay in postal service 15. In case of shortfall of any required documents, the tender paper is liable for rejection. 16. Since the works are time bound programme, the tenderer have to complete the same within the stipulated period of time of completion. Those who are unable to complete the work within the specified time, penalty up to 10% will be imposed. 17. The tenderer has to show his original documents (Contractor license, PAN card, VAT clearance certificate, caste certificate in case of SC/ST/ Engineering contractor license for engineering contractor etc.) at the time of opening of the tender papers. 18. If the rate quoted by the bidder is less than 15 % of the tendered amount, then such a bid shall be rejected and the tender shall be finalized basing on merits of rest bids. But if more than one bid is quoted at 14.00% (decimals up to two numbers will be taken for all practical purpose) less than the estimated cost, the tender accepting authority will finalize the tender through a transparent lottery system, where all bidders/ their authorized representatives, the concerned Executive Engineer and DAO will remain present. 19. The authority reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/Project Administrator, ITDA Koraput. OFFICE OF THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR I.T.D.A., KORAPUT TENDER CALL NOTICE NO.________________ DETAILED TENDER CALL NOTICE WITH SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Name of work tendered for ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Estimated Amount Rs. ______________________________________________ Name of the Tenderer ______________________________________________ Date of receipt of Tender ______________________________________________ OFFICE OF THE PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR I.T.D.A., KORAPUT DETAILED TENDER CALL NOTICE 1. Sealed tenders on plain papers to be eventually drawn in P.W.D. form No. F-2 will be received up to on ______________________ by the PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR, I.T.D.A., KORAPUT for the work from ________________ and above class contractors and will be opened on the same day by the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized agents. The amount of the estimate is approximately Rs. _____________________ 2. The tenderers should please note that the work will have to be completed within ________________ months commencing from the date of issue of work order. Tenderers are required to submit detail programme of works along with the tender which they consider necessary keeping in view of the Clause 2 of the P.W.D. Form No.F-2 without these programmes of works, the tender will be considered defective, Authority for acceptance of tenders would rest over the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput. 3. Tenders other than those who have made deposits with the Chief Engineer (R&B), Orissa are required to pay earnest money @ 1% of estimated amount either in shape of N.S.C. or Postal Time Deposit Pass Book minimum for one to the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput, otherwise their tender will not be considered. The E.M.D. furnished without fulfilling the above conditions and not as per the terms and conditions of para 272 of G.D.F.R. will not be considered. The earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers on application as per the terms and conditions laid down in O.P.W.D. Code and the same will be retained in case of the successful tenderers and will not carry any interest. 4. The plan and the specification for the work can be seen at the office of the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput during the working hours and days. Complaints at a future date that the plan and specification have not been seen can not be entertained. The Contractor may obtain a set of tender documents for the work from the Office of the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput on payment of Rs. _________________ (Rupees _________________________________________________ ) for the tender papers. This amount is not refundable. Tender must be submitted in a sealed cover, the name of the tenderer and the name of the work being noted on the cover. (b) All other information can be obtained on applications to the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput. 5. The Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders received without assigning any reasons thereof. 6. The tenderer whose tender is selected for acceptance and who has no fixed deposits with the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput a period of seven days upon written intimation being given to him of acceptance of his tender make an initial security deposit of 1% (One percent) of the tendered amount so that the earnest money and security deposit will be 2% of the tendered amount as shown in clause 3 above and sign the agreement in the P.W.D. Form No.F-2 (Schedule XLV No.61) for the fulfillment of the contract in the office of the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput. This security deposit, together with the earnest money and the amount withheld according, to the provisions of F-2 agreement shall be retained as security deposit for the due fulfillment of this contract. Failure to enter into the required agreement, and to make the security deposit as above shall entail forfeiture of the earnest money. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security money is deposited. The written agreement to be entered into between the Contractor and the Government shall be deemed to be incomplete until the agreement, has first been signed by the contractor and then by the proper officers authorized to enter into the contract on behalf of the Govt. The Department will accept the security deposit in the form of National Saving Certificate, Postal Time Deposit Pass Book duly pledged to the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput and in no other form. In case of the tenderers who have made fixed deposits, action will be taken to degrade them if they decline to sign the agreement within the period as in above case. 7. The rate should be quoted in words and figures and the units in words otherwise the tender will be liable for rejection. In case of discrepancy between words and figures the words shall prevail and in case of discrepancy between unit rate and totals, the unit rate shall prevail. The rates should be quoted in Rupees and paise, but not in Rupees and annas. Tender should also show the totals of each item and grand total of the tender. The tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures, over writing or conversion of figures. Corrections where unavoidable should be made by scoring out, initiating, dating and rewriting. 8. The Contractors will be responsible for payment of all royalties or other charges for quarrying materials. All local taxes inclusive of State Sales Tax, Income Tax, Ferry & Tollage charges, Octroi taxes are to be paid by the contractor. 9. The tender may not, at the descretion of the competent authority be considered unless accompanied by attested copies of Sales Tax clearance certificate, Income tax clearance certificate, non-assessment certificate as the case may be and the original certificate produced before the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Koraput at the time of opening of tender. 10. If the contractor removes any materials or stocks so supplied to him from the site of work with a view to disposing of the same dishonestly, he should, in addition to any other liabilities, Civil or criminal arising out of the contract be liable to pay a penalty equivalent to five times the price of the materials or stock according to the stipulated rates and the penalty so imposed shall be recovered from any sum that may than or at any time thereafter become due to the contractor or from his security or from the proceeds of sales thereof. 11. The contractor should be fully liable to indemnify the Department for payment of any compensation under Workmen Compensation Act. VIII of 1923 on account of the workmen being employed by him and the full amount of compensation paid will be recovered from the contractor. 12. Every tenderer must examine the Detailed Specification of Orissa before submitting his tender. The right is reserved without impairing the contract to make such increase or decrease in the quantities or items of work mentioned in the schedule attached to the tender notice as may be considered necessary to complete the work fully and satisfactorily. Such increase or decrease shall in no case invalidate the contract or rates. It shall be definitely understood that the Government do not accept any responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the quantities shown in the schedule. The schedule is liable to alteration by omission, or additions and such omission or deductions shall in no case invalidate the contract and no extra monetary compensation will be entertained. 13. The following materials will be supplied by the Department to the contractor at P.W.D. Godown at the rates inclusive of storage charges as noted against each. After issue it will be the contractor’s responsibility for safe custody and up-keep of materials. He has also to bear all incidental charges such as transportation, storage handling and return of empty cement bags and empty paint drums at the issuing stores. His rate quoted for the work is to be inclusive of all such charges. (a) Cement in gunny bags at the rate of Rs._______________ (Rupees ____________ _________________________) only per quintal excluding cost of empty gunny bags. (b) Paints Rs._____________ ( Rupees _____________________________ ) only, per litre excluding cost of containers. (c) M.S. rods will be supplied at the rate of Rs. ______________ (Rupees _________ __________________________ ) only per quintal. (d) The steel will be supplied at the rate of Rs.________________ (Rupees ________ __________________________ ) only per quintal. (e) Departmental shutters will be supplied at the store yard at free of cost. 14. All the materials which are to be supplied from the P.W.D. stores will be as per the availability of stock and the contractor will have to bear charges of straightening, cutting, jointing, welding, cranking & hooking etc. of M.S. rods or tor steel to required size. No cut pieces of M.S. rods, M.S. angles, Tees & joists etc. will be accepted back as surplus and all these will be the contractor’s property. After issue from the P.W.D. stores the materials will be under the custody of the contractor and the contractor will be responsible for its safety and damage during storage. 15. Empty cement bags empty paint drums, empty wheat or rice bags etc. are to be returned in good and serviceable conditions, at the issuing stores failing which Rs.______________ (Rupees __________________________________ ) and at the rate of Rs._____________ (Rupees ______________________________ ) only will be recovered per bag per drum respectively from the contractor. 16. All reinforced cement work should conform to Orissa. Detailed Standard Specification and should be of M.150 (equivalent to proportion of 1:2:4) having minimum compressive strength of 150 Cm² with 6 mm to 18mm size hard black broken granite chips (18mm size not to exceed 25%). 17. Shuttering and centering shall be with seasoned sal wood planks, the inside of which shall be lined with suitable sheeting and make leak proof and water tight or alternatively steel shuttering and centering may be used. 18. The selected contractor may take delivery of departmental supply of materials according to his need for the work issued by the Sub-divisional officer in-charge, of the work. The contractor shall make all arrangements of materials, but not cost for raising shed for the storage of materials and pay of watchmen etc. will be borne by the Department. These are to be borne by the contractor. The Department is not responsible for considering the theft of materials at site. It is the contractor’s risk. Under any such plea if the contractor stops the work, he shall have to pay the full penalty as per clause of the F-2 contract. 19. For the purpose of jurisdiction in the event of dispute, if any, contract should be deemed to have entered into within the State of Orissa and it is agreed that neither party to the contract nor the agreement will be competent to bring a suite in regard to the matters covered by this contract at any place outside the State of Orissa. 20. After the work is finished all surplus materials and debris are to be removed by the contractor and preliminary works such as vats, mixing platform etc. are to be dismantled and all the materials removed from the site. The ground upto 15 M (50 ft.) wide from the building should be cleared and dressed. No extra payment will be made to the contractor on this account. The rate quoted should be inclusive of all these items. 21. The contractor shall not interfere with the execution of water supply of electrical fittings arrangement and any other works entrusted to any other agency by the department at any time during the progress of the work. 22. Department will have the right to inspect the scaffolding and centering made for the work and can reject partly of fully such structures if found defective in their opinion. 23. The contractor will have to arrange for water supply for all works and make sanitary arrangements at his own cost for his labour camps. Contractor has to arrange adequate lighting arrangements for night work whenever necessary at his own cost. 24. Bailing out water from the foundation either rainwater or sub-soil water if necessary should be, borne by the contractor. No payment will be made for bench marks, level pillars, profiles and benching and leveling the ground where required. The rate quoted shall be for finished items of work inclusive of these items of work. 25. All the quantities mentioned in the schedule are combined for ground floor and multifloors, in case of multistoried buildings, the rates should be through for the same. 26. Cement concrete in roof slab, beams etc. wherever prescribed by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be machine mixed and vibrated and the contractor should arrange his own concrete mixers, vibrators, pumps etc. for the purpose. 27. It should be clearly understood that no claims, whatsoever, will be entertained. 28. Tenderer shall have to abide by the C.P.W.D. Safety Code rule introduced by the Government of India, Ministry of works, Housing and supply in their standing orders No.44 to 50 dated 25.11.1957 which can be seen in the Office of the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput during working hours and on working days. 29. The tenderers are required to abide by the Fair wage clause, as introduced by the Government of Orissa, Works Department No.CA VIIIR 18/52-25 dt.26.02.55 and about the non payment or less payment of his wages as per minimum wages act, the Project Administrator will have the right to investigate and if the contractor is found to be in default, the Project Administrator, ITDA, may recover such amount from the dues of the contractor and pay the due amount to such labourer directly under intimation to the Local Labour Officer and the Governemnt and the decision of the Executive Engineer, will be final and binding on the contractor. 30. (a) If the contractor quotes abnormal low rates in items and the Department decides to accept his tender, then the Department would have the discretion of withholding, the differential cost between such highly low items and schedule of rates from their payment due against other item till such low rated items are completed. (b) The Department will not be responsible if there is any delay in receipt of tender documents of the intending contractors sent by the Department through Registered Post and similarly if the tender documents sent by the intending contractor through ‘Registered Post’ do not reach the concerned – Division by the appointed date and time. Their offer will not be considered on any account, even if the tender documents were dispatched by the intending tenderer before the due date. 31. The department will have the right to supply at any time in the interest of work any departmental materials to be used in the work, in addition to those mentioned in the clause No.13 and the contract or shall use such materials without any controversy or dispute on that account. The rates of such materials will be at the stock issue rates fixed by the department plus storages charges or market rates whichever is higher. 32. The contractor will be responsible for the loss or damage if any, of departmental materials supplied to him under clause 13 & 31 during execution of the work due to reasons what-soever and the cost of such materials will be recovered from him at the prevailing stock issue rate plus storage charges or market rates whichever is higher. 33. The contractor should arrange at his own cost necessary tools and plants, machines concrete mixers and other machineries such as pumps etc. required for the efficient execution of the work and the rates quoted should be inclusive of the running charges of such and cost of consumables. 34. The contractor will have to submit the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput monthly return of labour both skilled and un-skilled employed by him on the work. 35. The tenderers are required to go through each clause of P.W.D. Form No.F-2 carefully in addition to clauses mentioned here in before tendering. 36. No. part of the contract shall be sublet without written permission of the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput or transfer be made by power of attorney authorizing others to receive payment on the contractor’s behalf. 37. No. tender documents will be sold to the tenderers on the date of opening of tender. 38. If further necessary information is required, Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput Division will furnish such, but it must be clearly understood that the tenders must be received in order and according to instructions. 39. Cement shall be used by bags and weight or one cubic meter of cement being taken as 14 42 Quintals. 40. In the event of any delay due to Department in the supply of departmental materials or supply of detailed structural designs for unavoidable reasons, reasonable extension of time will be granted on the application of the contractor. But no claim for monetary compensation will be entertained under any such circumstances for which a no claim undertaking has to be furnished, by the contractor in the application for extension of time submitted by him. 41. No Contractor will be permitted to furnish their tenders in their own manuscript papers. 42. Every tenderer is expected before quoting his rates to inspect the site of proposed work. He should also inspect the quarries and satisfy himself about the quality, availability of materials, medical aids, labour and food stuff etc. and the rates may be inclusive of all those items. In every case the materials must comply with the relevant specification and samples of stones, metals and chips to be used deposited in sealed bags or dully labeled nothing the name of quarry under dated initials by the tenderer for approval of the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput. 43. Government will not, however, after acceptance of contract rate pay any extra charge for lead or for any other reason in case the contractors is found later on to have misjudged the materials available. 44. All fittings for doors and windows supplied by the contractor should be of best quality and should be got approve by the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput before they are used on the work. 45. The tenders containing extraneous condition not covered by the tender call notice are liable for rejection. 46. The contractor shall have to furnish a certificate along with the tender to the effect that he is not related to any officers of ITDA of the rank of Asst. Engineer and above any officer of the rank of Assistant Secretary and above of the work department. 47. All the tenders received will remain valid for a period of ninety days from the date of receipt of tenders. The period of validity, however, can also, be extended if agreed to by the Department and the contractor. 48. After completion of the work the contractor shall arrange at his own cost all requisite equipment for testing the building if found necessary and the entire cost of such test will be borne by the contractor. 49. Tenderers are required to submit a list of works in their hand in the prescribed proforma enclosed herewith. 50. Letters etc. found in the tender box raising or lowering the rates of dealing with any point in connection with the tender with the tender will got be considered. 51. All reinforced cement concrete works like lintels column beam, chajja, roof slab and other such works should be finished smooth and no extra charges for plastering shall be paid by the department. 52. Tenderers may at their opinion quote reasonable rates for each item of work carefully so that the rate for one item should not be unworkably low and other too high. 53. The contractor shall employ one or more Engineering Graduate or Diploma Engineers as apprentices at his own cost for works costing Rs.2.50 lakhs or more. The apprentices will be selected by the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput. The stipend to be paid to the apprentices should not be less than Rs.200/- and Rs.150/- per month in case of graduate Engineers & Diploma Engineers respectively. The period of employment will commence within one month of the date of the work order and will last till the date when 90% of work is completed. Number of apprentices employed should be fixed by Chief Engineer in any manner so that the total expenditure does not exceed 1% of the tendered cost of the work (vide Works & Transport Department No.67811 Dt.12.8.67). 54. No claim for carriage of water and any damages due to natural calamities earth quake, Civil commotion, stike etc. what so ever and due to any hindrance which is beyond the control of the department and which could have been avoided by human efforts will be accepted by the departments and the contractor will bear all the expenses due to such hindrances. 55. The tenderer shall the cost of various incidental, sundries and contain agencies necessitated by the work falling within the following of similar category. a) Rent, royalties and other charges of materials, octroi duties all other taxes including sales tax, ferry/toils, conveyance charges and both cost on account of land and building including temporary building required by the tenderer for collection of materials storage housing of staff or other by the tenderer for purpose of the work. No rent will however be payable to Government for temporary occupation of land owned by Government at the site of the work. b) Labourers camp or hut necessary to a suitable scale including conservancy and sanitary arrangements therein to the satisfaction of the local health authorities. c) Suitable water supply including pipe water supply whenever available for the staff and the labour as well as for the work. d) Fees and dues levied by the municipal canal or water supply authorities. e) Suitable equipments and wearing apparatus for labour engaged in risky operations. f) Suitable fencing, barriers, signals including paraffin and electric signals where necessary for works and approaches in order to protect the public and employees from accidents. g) Compensation including cost of any suit for injury to persons or property due to neglect of any major precautions also sums which may become payable due to operation of workmen compensation act. h) The contractor has to arrange adequate lighting arrangements for night work wherever necessary at his own cost. 56. Measurement of earth work in road embankment will be borne by section measurement, after the earth is well consolidated and rolled with hand or power road roller or sheep foot roller and no extra payment will be made for the jungle clearance for taking earth from the borrow areas. Earth work from cutting will economically be utilised in filling. 57. The stacks of road metal and gravel will be measured in boxes of size 1.5 m X 1.5 m X 0.5 m which will be taken as 1.5 m X 1.5 m X 0.44 m = 1 cum. The solling stones will be measured in suitable stacking with deduction for voids @ 1/6 of volumes or more depending on the looseness of stacking which would be determined on actual observations and deducted. 58. If there, is any damage to the work due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone or any other cases during the course of execution of work or up to six months after completion of work or any imperfections become apparent to the work within six months from the date of final certificate of completion of work which could have been avoided by human efforts the contractor shall make good of all such damages at his own cost with no extra cost to the department. No claims, what so ever, in this regard will be entertained. 59. Concrete and reinforced concrete specimens will be tested in Government test house at Alipore or control and Research Laboratory at Bhubaneswar. Cost of testing all specimens and samples shall be borne by the Contractor. 60. The machineries if available may be issued at the direction of the Department to the Contractor on hire subject to the condition that the Contractor executes in advance an agreement with the Engineer-in-Charge at the rates (Statement enclosed) as per CE (R)s’ No.26416, dated 31.03.89 to the Secy. To Govt. Works Department effective from 1.4.88 and as per, Works Dept. instruction vide No.26278 dated 1.1.1988. 61. The Contractor has to sign the terms and conditions for hiring the machinery supplied along with the tender and return to the department along with the tender papers which also forms a part of the tender documents. The Contractor has to arrange his own consumable to make and run the P.R.R. at his cost and with no extra cost to the department. In addition to these any damages the machinery and repairs necessary should be paid by the contractor. The roller shall be returned to the department in good working conditions without any charges. 62. In this event of any delay in the supply of departmental road roller for unavoidable reasons extension of time will be granted on the application of the contractor but no claim for compensation will be entertained under any circumstances for which the contractor has to furnish an undertaking to the effect while applying for extension of time. 63. Concrete of strength below 85% of the required strength (as determined by actual tests) shall not be accepted. 64. List of tools and plant in possession of contractor is to be furnished. 65. It is the responsibility of the contractor to procure and store explosives required for blasting operations. Department may, however, render necessary possible help for the procuring explosive license. 66. The Orissa Construction Corporation Ltd. will be allowed a price preference upto 3% on the lowest quotation or tender as laid down in Works and Transport Department resolution No.285 dt.17.4.74. 67. 2% (Two percent) of gross amount of the bill will be deducted towards income tax from the contractors bills. 68. The contractor will have to make his own arrangement to make necessary diversion road on private land for which arranging such land by the side of the bridge & culverts and the rental charges for such private land shall be borne by the contractor including its proper maintenance, lighting arrangements during night time, signaling during day time and barricading etc. till the bridge or culvert is opened to the traffic. No extra rates will be paid to the contractor for the above rental charges etc. His rates in the tender for other items shall include the arrangement of land rent charge for the land, maintenance, lighting, removal of such temporary road crust from the private land and to bring the land to its original condition etc. complete. 69. The contractor has to arrange the samples of materials required for execution to be got tested and approved by the department before taking of the work and during the course of execution as and when required from time to time. All such sarrples are to be tested at Government test House, Alipore or at Control and Research Laboratory, Bhubaneswar at the cost of the contractor with no extra cost to the department. 70. Where it will be found necessary by the department, the officer-in-Charge of the work shall maintain an order book at the site of the work with pages serially numbered. Order regarding the work wherever necessary are to be entered in this book by the P.W.D. officerin-charge over their dated signatures and duly noted by the contractor or his authorized agent, over their dated signatures, Orders entered in this book and noted by the contractor’s agent shall be considered to have been duly given to the contractor for the following instructions of the department. The order book shall be the property of the P.W.D. and shall not be removed from the site of work without the written permission of the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput. 71. The contractor shall requisition a claim book from the date of commencement of the work from the department and shall maintain in proper P.W.D. from with pages serially numbered in order to record items of work which are not covered by this contract and are claimable as extra. Claims shall be entered regularly in this book under the dated signature of the contractor or his duly authorized agents at the end of each month. A certificate should also be furnished along with these claims to the effect that beyond this claim entered in the book the contractor has got no other claims upto date. If in any month there are no claims to record, certificate to that effect should be furnished by the contractor in the claim book. Each claim must be definite and should be given as far as possible the quantities as well as the total amount claimed. The claim book must be submitted regularly to the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput by 10/15th day of each month far his orders. Claims not made in this manner or the claim books not maintained from commencement. The work are liable to be summarily REJECTED. ‘The claim book is the property of the P.W.D. and shall be finally surrendered by the contractor to the Project Administrator, ITDA, Koraput after completion of the work or before rescission of the contract by the department which ever is earlier for record. 72. Over and above to this conditions the terms and conditions and rules and regulations as laid down in Orissa detailed Standard Specifications and Orissa P.W.D. code are also binding on the part of this contract. 73. The C.B. Bricks will have to be manufactured, supplied by the contractor and such rate of manufacture, supply and conveyance etc. are to be included in the item rates for well burnt C.B. Brick masonary. The contractor should ensure that the C.B. Bricks so supplied and utilised in the work shall conform to relevant I.S.I. specifications and will have compressive strength of not less then 50 Kg/CM². Bricks of lesser strength will not be accepted. 74. Under no circumstances interest is chargeable for the dues or additional dues, if any payable for the work. 75. The tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of the site and locality of the work about the quality and availability of the required quantity of materials including medical aid, labour and food stuffs etc, and that the rates quoted by him in the tender will be adequate to complete the work according to the specifications and conditions attached there to and that he had taken into account all conditions and difficulties that may be encountered during the progress and to have quoted labour rates and materials rates which shall include cost of material with taxes, octroi, and other duties leads lifts loading and unloading, freight for materials and all other charges necessary for the completion of work to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge of the work and his authorized subordinates. After acceptance of the contract, Govt. will not pay any extra charges, for any reason in case the contractor is found later on to have misjudged the conditions as regards availability of materials, labour or any other factors. 76. It should be understood clearly that no claims, what-so-ever, will be entertained in regards to extra items of works or extra quantity of any items besides estimated amount. A written order must be obtained from the responsible officer of P.W.D. and rates settled for the extra items of works or extra quantity of any item or work according to clause 11 of F2 contract. The rates for any item not covered in the agreement will be arrived on derivation from the rate of same class of item of work with any different specification provided in the agreement with addition or substraction of corresponding cost of materials. In case no rate can be derived from the agreement. The same will be arrived or derived from the schedule of rates in vogue at the time of actual execution of that item of work. 77. a) “If during the progress of the work the price of any material incorporated in the work (not being materials supplied from the Engineer-in-charges store in accordance with clause there of increases or decreases as a result of increase or decrease in the Average wholesale Price Index (all Commodities), and the contractor there upon necessarily and properly pays in respect of the materials (incorporated in the work) such increased or decreased price, then he shall be entitled to reimbursement or liable to refund, quarterly, as the case may be, such an amount as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference of 75% in between the Average Wholesale price Index (All commodities) which is operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the quarter in which the tender was opened, as per the formula indicated below. Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in the price of materials :Vm = 0.75 X PM X R X (i – i0) 100 i0 Vm = Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to change in the price of materials. R - The value of work done in rupees during the quarter under consideration. i0 - The Average Wholesale Price Index (all commodities) for the quarter in which the tender was opened as published in ____________________). i - The Average Wholesale Price Index (all commodities) for the quarter under consideration. Pm - Percentage of material Component (Specified in Schedule of analysis) of the item. b) Similarly, if during the progress of work, the wage of labour increase or decrease as a result of increase or decreases in the Average Consumer’s Price Index for industrial workers (Wholesale Price), and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays in respect of labour engaged on execution of the work such increased or decreased wages, then he shall be entitled to reimbursement or liable to refund quarterly as the case the may be such, an amount as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference in between the Average Consumer’s Price Index for industrial workers (wholesale price) which is operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for the quarter in which the tender was opened, as per the formula indicated below. Formula to calculate the increase or decrease in the cost of labour :VI = 0.75 X PI X R X (i – i0) 100 i0 VI - Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration due to change in the rates of labour. R - The value of work done in rupees during the quarter under consideration. i0 - The Average Consumer’s Price Index for industrial workers (Wholesale price for the quarter in which the tender was opened (as published in _____________________________ ). PI - Percentage of labour component as per Sub-Clause of this clause. c) Similarly, if during the progress of work, the price of Petrol, Oil and lubricants (Diesel oil being the representative item for price adjustment) increases or decreases as a result of the price fixed there for by the Government of India, and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such increased or decreased price towards Petrol, Oil and lubricants used on execution of the work, then he shall be entitled to reimbursement or liable to refund, quarterly as the case may be such an amount, as shall be equivalent to the plus or minus difference in between the price of P.O.L. which is operating for the quarter under consideration and that operated for quarter in which the tender was opened as per the formula indicated below : KI = 0.75 X K X R (D2 - D1 ) 100 KI = D1 Increase or decrease in the cost of work during the quarter under consideration changes in the price of P.O.L. R = The value of work done in Rupees during the quarter under consideration. D1 = Average price per litre of diesel oil which is fixed by the Government of India during the quarter in which the tender was opened. D2 = Average price per litre of diesel oil which is fixed during the quarter under consideration. K2 = Percentage of P.O.L. component as per the sub-clause of this issue. b) The following shall be the percentage of materials. Labour and P.O.L. component for reimbursement / refund on variation in the price of material, labour and P.O.L. as per Sub-Clause (a), (b) and (c) of this clause Category of Works. Contractor's supply. Sl. % of Material % of Labour % of Departmental P.O.L. supply of materials. 1 2 IRRIGATION WORKS : a) Structural works b) Earth work, canal work, Embankment work etc. (R & B) WORKS : a) Bridge Works b) Road works c) Building works 3 4 5 6 20% 20% 30% 60% 5% 5% 45% 15% 20% 45% 30% 30% 40% 30% 5% 5% 5% 45% 10% 35% (Where brick is supplied by the Department, it should be 20% instead of 30%) Reimbursement / Refund on variation in price of materials, labour and P.O.L. as per Sub Clauses (a) (b) and (c) of this clause shall be applicable only in respect of contract of one year or more provided that the work has been carried out within the stipulated time or extension there of as are not attributable to contractor. However where the original contractual period is less than one year but subsequently it has been validity extended and period becomes one year or more escalation clause shall be applicable only for the balance portion of work to be executed beyond one year provided the delay is not attributable to the Contractor. (f) The Contractor shall for the purpose of Sub-clause (a), (b) and (c) of this clause keep such books of account and other documents as are necessary to show that the amount of increase claimed or reduction available and shall allow inspection of the same by duly authorized representative of Govt. and further, shall at the request of the Engineer-in-charge furnish, verified in such a manner as the Engineer-in-charge may require any document kept and such other information as the Engineer-in-charge may require. The contractor shall within a reasonable time of his becoming aware of any alteration in the price of such material, wages of labour and or P.O.L. give notice there of to the Engineer-in-charge starting that the same given pursuant to the condition together with an information relating thereto which he may be in a position of supply. 78 . In rule T.A. of P.W.D. Contractor Registration Rules 1967 and letter No.1606 dt.17.1.1986 of Works Department. 79. Crache-Cum-Balwadi facilities for the children of women labourers as per C.D. and R.R. Department notification No.10784, dt.15.11.84 as communicated in Chief Engineer, R & B’s Memo No.73933, date 11.12.84 are to be provided at the contractor’s cost. 80. Sales Tax and T.O.T. on departmental materials as well as other materials will be borne by the Contractor. 81. The contractor has to conduct necessary soil exploration testing of founding strata. Borrow area, obtain other data, testing etc. at his own cost which should be inclusive of the offer. 82. In the event of any particular item(s) of work for which the contractor has quoted rate(s) which are grossly below the corresponding estimated rates (or CSR) for that particulars item, the difference between the amount according to the estimated or CSR rates and the grossly under quoted rate for quantity of work to be executed by the contractor shall be kept withheld from the payment due to the contractor shall be kept withheld from the payment due to the Contractor until such time as the execution of the said item(s) of work is/ are completed in all respect by the contractor to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 83. Number of tests as, specified in IRC/ MOST/IS specification required for the construction of roads/ bridges/ buildings or any structural works will be conducted in any Govt. laboratory test house/ departmental – laboratories/ reputed materials testing laboratory as to be decided by the Engineer-in-Charges including expenditure for collection/ transportation of samples/ specimen etc. will be borne by the contractor. The collection of samples and testing are to be conducted both prior to execution and during execution as may be directed by Engineer-in-Charge and on both the counts the cost shall be borne by the contractor. 84. Providing that in cases of tender relating to externally aided project any other works of special nature where the state Government are required to prescribe conditions of deposit of E.M.D. and I.S.D. in such cases the fixed deposit holders will not be entitled for exemption and they will have to deposit necessary E.M.D. and I.S.D. 85. The contractor shall make his own arrangements to procure steel and cement from approved manufactures at his own cost in case the department is unable to provide the necessary quantities of such materials at any point of time and no claim shall be entertained in this regard. 86. The contractor shall do trial boring at each abutment and pier point and get the soil tested at his own cost prior to commencement of work. 87. Before issue of the departmental materials, the contractor shall furnish bank guarantee of any of the nationalized Bank for a sum equal to the cost of materials. The bank guarantee should be valid for the entire period of agreement. The same may be refunded to the contractor only after the materials supplied to him are fully utilised in the works and cost thereof recovered from his bill(s) in full or if the materials are party utilised the unutilized materials are returned by him to the department in full and in good condition and receipt thereof duly acknowledged by the concerned departmental officer. NEW CLAUSE : “Special class contractor shall employ under him one Graduate Engineer and two diploma holders belonging to the state of Orissa. Like wise ‘A’ Class contractor shall employ under him one Graduate Engineer or two diploma holders belonging to state of Orissa. Such class of contractors executing civil works, electrical works etc. shall employ under them the technical staff as specified above belonging to the respective disciplines for supervisions of their works. The contractor shall pay to the Engineer personnel monthly emoluments which shall not be less than the emoluments of the personal of equivalent qualification employed under the State Government of Orissa. The Chief Engineer, Roads, Orissa may, however, assist the contractor with names of such unemployed Graduate Engineers and Diploma Holders, if such help is sought for by the contractor. The names of such Engineering personnel appointed by the Contractors should be intimated to the tender receiving authority alongwith the tender. Each bill of the special class or ‘A’ Class contractor shall be accompanied by an employment roll of the Engineering personnel together with a certificate or the Graduate Engineer or Diploma holder so employed by the contractor to the effect that the work executed as per the bill has been supervised and measured by him/ them”. N.N. Clause No.13,14,18,31, 40, 61, 62, 66,71,77,87 stands cancelled. AMENDMENT (In the standard F2 – Contract form by clubbing together. The existing clauses 2 and 3 vide Works Department No. Codes – 3/2000/3734 dated 26.2.2000). COMPENSATION FOR DELAY :Clause – 2 (a) : The time allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall be strictly observed by the contractor and shall be reckoned from the date, on which the written order to commence work is given to the contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated period of the contract, be carried on with all due diligence (time being deemed to be of essence of the contract on the part of the contractor) and the contractor shall pay as compensation on amount equal to ½ percent on the estimated cost, if the whole work as shown by the tender for every day that the work remains uncommenced, or unfinished after the proper dates (The work should not be considered finished until such date as the Executive Engineer shall certify as the date on which the work is finished after necessary rectification of defects as pointed out by the Executive Engineer or his authorized agents, are fully complied with by the contractor to the Executive Engineers satisfaction). And further, to ensure good progress during the execution of the work the contractor shall be bound in all cases in which the time allowed for any work exceeds one month; to complete one fourth of the whole of the work before one fourth of the whole time allowed under the contract has elapsed; one half of the work, before one half of such time has elapsed, and three fourth of work before three fourths of such time has elapsed, in the events of the contractor failing to comply with the condition, he shall be liable to pay as compensation an amount equal to one – third percent on the said estimated cost of the whole work for everyday that the due quantity of work remains incomplete. Provided always that the entire amount of compensation to be paid under the provisions of this clause shall not exceed 10 percent on the estimated cost of the work as shown in the tender. b) If there are possibilities of exceeding this compensation amount as mentioned in clause (a) 10% of the estimated cost, or in any case in which under any clause or clauses of this contract, the contractor shall have rendered himself liable to pay compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit in the hands of Government (Whether paid in one sum or deducted by instalments) the Executive Engineer on behalf of the Governor of Orissa, shall have power to adopt any of the following courses, as he may deem best suited to the interest of the Government. i) To rescind the contract (of which rescission notice on writing to the contractor under the hand of the Executive Engineer shall be conclusive evidence) and in which case, the security deposit of the contractor shall stand forfeited, and be absolutely at the disposal of Government. ii) To employ labour paid by the Public Works Department and to supply materials to carry out the work or any part of the work, debiting the contractor with the cost of the labour and the price of the materials (of the amount of which the cost and price certificate of the Executive Engineer shall be final and conclusive against the contractor) and crediting him with the value of the work done, in all respects in the same manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of his contract; the certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the value of the work done shall be final and conclusive against the contractor. iii) To measure up the work of the contractor and to make such part of the contract as shall be unexecuted out of his hands and to give it to another contractor to complete in which case any expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which have been paid to the original contractor if the whole work had been executed by him (of the amount of which excess the certificate in writing of the Executive Engineer shall be final and conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the original contractor and may be deducted from any money due to him by Government under the contract or otherwise or from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or a sufficient part thereof. In the event of any of the above courses being adopted by the Executive Engineer the contractor shall have no claim compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or procured any materials, or entered into any engagements, or made any advances on account of or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case the contract shall be rescinded under the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum of for any work thereto for actually performed under this contract, unless and until the Executive Engineer shall have certified in writing the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only be entitled to be paid the value so certified. iv) Security deposit of the contractor shall be refunded only six months after the date of completion of the work provided the final bill has been paid and defects, if any rectified. 2. The existing Clause – 4 and subsequent clauses shall be re-numbered accordingly e.g. existing clause – 4 be re-numbered as clause – 3, clause – 5, shall be re-numbered as clause so on. 3. This above amendment shall take effect from the date of issue of the order. 4. This has been concurred in by the Law Department in their U.O.R. No.599 – L dated 28.4.99 and the Finance Department in their U.O.R. No.329-WF-I dated 18.05.99. CERTIFICATE OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE I/We do hereby declare that the following works have been executed by me / us in the past. Sl. No. Particulars of works already executed. Approximate amount of each work. 1 2 3 Name of Dept. under which the works were executed. 4 Period of Whether the works commencement were completed in and period of stipulated period. complemention. 5 6 I/ We also note that non-submission of this certificate will render my/ our tender liable for rejection. Signature of the tenderer Date : CERTIFICATE OF TOOLS AND PLANTS I/ We do hereby certified that the following tools and plants, machineries and vehicles are in my/ our possession in working orders. i) ii) iii) iv) v) I/ We also note that, non-submission of this certificate will render my/ our tender liable for rejection. Signature of the tenderer Date : CERTIFICATE OF NO RELATIONSHIP I/ We hereby certify I/ We _____________________________________ am/ are not related to any officer of P.W.D. of the rank of Assistant Engineer and above and any officer of the rank of Assistant Secretary and above in the Works Department. I am also aware that if the facts subsequently proved to be false my/ our contract will be rescinded with forfeiture of E.M.D. and total security deposit and I/We shall be liable to make good the loss or damage resulting from such cancellation. I/ We also note that, non-submission of this certificate will tender my/ our tender liable for rejection. Signature of the tenderer Date : CERTIFICATE OF LIST OF WORKS IN HAND I/ We do hereby certify that at present the following works are my/ our hand. Sl. No. Particulars of works now in hand. 1 2 Amount of each Period in which the Approximate value of Department under work. work is stipulated work done against which the work is to be completed each work on the being taken up. (in months) date of submission of tender. 3 4 5 6 I/ We also note that non-submission of this certificate will render my/ our tender liable for rejection. Signature of the tenderer Date :