IIII - All India Radio
IIII - All India Radio
1 PRASAR BHARATI (INDIAN'S PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER) OFFICE OF THE ASSIST ANT ENGINEER (ELECT) CIVIL CONSTRUCTION WING, ALL INDIA RADIO THIRUV ANANTHAPURAM-60S 014 r;{tJ NO. AE (E)fTVMfW-21f2012-13f 28/03/2013. Date: ANNEXURE 20A.5.12 INFORM AnON AND INSTRUCTIONS (Applicable The Assistant Engineer FOR CONTRACTORS for inviting (Elect), Trivandrum Sub - Division, invites online Item rate tenders from approved open FOR e- TENDERING tenders) CCW , AIR & TV and eligible contractors on behalf of President of CPWD and those of appropriate M.ES, BSNL, Railway and Kuala State P.\V.D. (B&R) and their allied departments for tendering I :J 0.. Name NIT NO & of work Location r.iJ .•... ~ oo 0 Q) u '"C =: '"C Q) Q) rU S ....• .•... 0 - tIJ Q) U ..•.. /U '0 e-, c: .•..S c: l-< W Last date & time of E 0 submission of tender 0 .....l-<0 cost of Tender Time document, and date e- tender of processing Fee and other opening of tender documents ~ ~ shall be submitted 2 3 4 5 I 7 6 I 8 9 I Providing units I Split AC in Temporary I operation i 1 Q) c, Q) 00 I list of is eligible Period during which EMD, I I ..•.......c:0 I Q) .•... .•... I ! I 0 .•... .•... Z whose registration in PWD for the following work(s): I o of India 32/ AE(£){TVMj 2012-13,dated 28/03/2013 I I I ~nd, providing In 1 MT room. Nurses Neonatal J The tender document to be executed documents IRI ~ CI") ~ room fans and etc I 0 0 0 t-.. room, including I fittings I hospital, I Kollam. I theater t-.. .•.. 00 1..0 •.. 00 l"""I r.n ~ I (/) ~ ~.•... =: 0 :; Up to 03 PM on 08.04.2013. 1""'1 Up to 03.30PM At 4.00 on 10.04.2013. I PM on lO'()4.13 0 at ESI Ezhukone, , consisting of plans, specifications, and the set of terms and conditions the schedule of quantities of the contract can be seen from website www.tenderwizard.comfAIR ,. to be complied free of cost. of various types of items with and other necessary 2 • The enlistment last date of opening of the contractors should be valid on the last date of submission of tender is extended, the enlistment of contractor on the website mentioned of tenders. In case only the should be valid on the priginal date of opening of tenders. Those beforehand. contractors If needed registered they can be imparted website. The intending Earnest not training on online tendering bidder must have valid class-II digital signature Money in the form of Treasury Challan of Demand Deposit at Call Receipt (drawn in favour of Executive Engineer any Scheduled submission Bank shall be scanned Intending authority, and uploaded and original should be deposited bidders which shall is eligible to submit specified Draft or Pay order or Banker's (Elect.), CCW, AIR, Chennai provided website Engineer within authority, Cheque or or Bank Guarantee the period of of tender (Elect.) they have definite of the competent to get registered process as per details available on the to the e- tendering tender are required to submit the bid. in the office of the Assistant be to the satisfaction similar works of magnitude above, proof from the appropriate of having satisfactorily completed below:- Three similar works each of value not less than 40% of estimated cost put to tender or two similar works each of value not less than 50% of the estimated less than 80% of estimated in which the tenders * Conditions estimated One similar work of value not cost put to tender in the last 7 years ending last day of the month previous are invited. applicable cost put to tender or (Scanned copy of work experience to CPWD contractors only, if tenders to the one is to be uploaded) are also open to non-CPWD contractors (For works to cost up to Rs. 15 Crore) For works contractors costing above Rs. 3 Crore but up to Rs.' 15 CroFe, '""hen tenders also, then class II contractors specified for Non CPT;VDContractors. form of Treasury of CPWD shall also be eligible if they satisfy the eligibility (Scanned copy of work e)(perience is to be uploaded) criteria Earnest Money in the Challan or Demand Draft or Pa)' order or Banker's Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt (dra"'/A in favour of Executive and uploaded are open to non CPWD Engineer, CCW', AIR, CHENN1'..I.) or Bank Guarantee to the e tendering of any Scheduled Bank shall be scanned website within the period of tender submission and original should be deposited in office of E)(ecutive Engineer. A part of earnest money is acceptable money or Rs. 20 lakh, whichever in the form of bank guarantee is less, will have to be deposited also. In such -case, 50% of earnest in shape prescribed above, and balance in shape of Bank Guarantee. Interested contractor who wish to participate in the tender has also to make following form of Demand Draft or Pay order or Banker's Cheque of any Scheduled the e tendering (ii) e-Tender Processing Guarantee - to Rs.158.00j-. Drawn in favour of Executive Engineer, CCW, CHENNAI. Fee - Rs.843.00 Challan or Demand of any Scheduled Drawn in favour of "ITI Limited" payable at New Delhi. Draft or Pay order or Banker's Cheque or Deposit at Call Receipt or Bank Bank against EMD, Cost of Tender Document and Cost of Tender Processing Fee shall be placed in single sealed envelope superscripted as "Earnest Money, Cost of Tender Document Processing Fee" with name of work and due date of opening of the bid also mentioned Copy of Enlistment the e-tendering in the website within the period of tender submission: (i) Cost of Tender Document Treasury payments Bank and to be scanned and uploaded Order and certificate of work experience website within the period of tender submission separate envelop marked as "Other Documents". " and Cost of Tender thereon. as required shall be scanned and uploaded and certified copy of each shall be deposited to in a 3 Both the envelopes shall be placed in another envelope with due mention of Name of work, date & time of opening of tenders and to be submitted in the office of Assistant Online tender documents submitted by intending Engineer bidders during the period mentioned above. shall be opened only of that bidder, who's Earnest Money Deposit; Cost of Tender Document and e- Tender Processing Fee and other documents placed in the envelope are found in order. List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of tender Submission: 1. Treasury ChallanfDemand any Scheduled DraftjPay order or Banker's Cheque /Deposit at Call Receipt/Bank Guarantee 2. Demand DraftjPay order or Banker's Cheque of any Scheduled Bank towards cost of Tender Document. 3. Demand DraftjPay order or Banker's Cheque of any Scheduled Bank towards cost of Processing Fee. 4. Enlistment of Bank against EMD. Order of the Contractor. 5. Certificates of Work Experience (if required). 6. Certificate of Registration return if required. Note: Other conditions for Sales Tax / VAT and Service Tax and Acknow~edgement for composite tenders and any special condition Press Notice may be modifie suitably by NIT approving as applicable of up to date filed may also be added and authority. As ngineer (Elect.) For & on behalf of the President Copy forwarded of India to 1. The Executive Engineer (Elect), CCW, AIR, Chennai. ~Director Website. General (E). AIR, 6th floor, NBH, Sansad Marg, New Delhi with a requestto 3. The Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital, Ezhukone Kollam. 4. The Assistant Engineer (Elect) (P), CCW, AIR, Trivandrum 5. Notice Board. 'I " publish in the