La tienda de Luis - Channel 4 Learning
La tienda de Luis - Channel 4 Learning
Spanish for 9–12 year olds La tienda de Luis Teachers’ Guide LEARNING La tienda de Luis Teachers’ Guide This guide features programme outlines for the series La tienda de Luis, key vocabulary and grammatical points, website listings, illustrated pupil worksheets with cultural references, games and quizzes. The guide also gives general advice to teachers who may lack experience in the techniques and strategies for teaching a foreign language to young children. Contents LEARNING Transcripts for La tienda de Luis programmes are available at Programa 2 Programa 3 Programa 4 Programa 5 2 La nueva ayudante Teachers’ Notes 6 Hoja de trabajo 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Hoja de trabajo 5 8 9 10 11 12 ¡Yo soy el jefe! Teachers’ Notes LEARNING Programa 1 Introduction 13 Hoja de trabajo 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Hoja de trabajo 5 15 16 17 18 19 Una tienda más elegante Teachers’ Notes 20 Hoja de trabajo 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Hoja de trabajo 5 22 23 24 25 26 Quiero ir de excursión Teachers’ Notes 27 Hoja de trabajo 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Hoja de trabajo 5 29 30 31 32 33 La fiesta Teachers’ Notes 34 Hoja de trabajo 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Hoja de trabajo 5 36 37 38 39 40 Map of Spain Map of Spanish speaking countries Answers 41 42 43 Credits We are always pleased to receive constructive comments and suggestions about both the series and support materials. Please write to me at the address below. Anne Fleck Education Officer, 4Learning, PO Box 444, London SW1P 2WD Inside back cover LA TIENDA DE LUIS INTRODUCTION La tienda de Luis is a series of five programmes for young learners of Spanish. It is set in the old town of Oviedo in Asturias in northern Spain and focuses on the shop belonging to Luis, one of the main characters. The programmes introduce Luis, who is starting up a business (a shop in Oviedo), but still has no idea what kind of shop this is going to be. The series also features his aunt Tía María, who comes to visit and insists on staying on to help him run the shop. Also involved are a group of local young people who generally hang about the shop and get involved in adventures around the town with Luis in every episode. In each programme the young people introduce us to an aspect of their lives. The programmes and the accompanying teachers’ guide aim to introduce a wide range of language structures and vocabulary, which give viewers practice in the skills needed at the early stages of 2 language learning: listening for fun and information speaking in a context a structured introduction to reading and writing information about Asturias in Spain and about other countries where Spanish is spoken. The guide is divided into two sections: teachers’ notes to provide key vocabulary and suggestions for activities pupil activity sheets to consolidate language and extend pupils’ knowledge of Spain and Spanish life. The transcripts of the programmes are published on the 4Learning website: Language content Programa 1 La nueva ayudante Personal information; greetings; family members; time on the hour; introducing yourself and others; numbers to 10; shop names; first person present tenses (tengo, soy, voy, creo); question forms (¿dónde?, ¿cuándo?, ¿qué?, ¿cómo?, ¿quién?). We learn about Luis and his aunt, places in Oviedo and the families of the young people in the programme. Programa 2 ¡Yo soy el jefe! Colours; clothes; me gusta/n...; numbers 11–20; adjectives to describe people and clothes; negatives (no hay and no tengo). We learn about shops and shopping in Oviedo and hear the young people talking about the clothes they prefer. Programa 4 Quiero ir de excursión Places in a town; places to visit on trips and holidays; transport; seasons; weather; countries; points of the compass; directions; first, second. We go on a tour of Asturias and we hear about Spanish as a world language. Programa 5 La fiesta Food; instructions and ingredients for cooking a dish; choosing and ordering what to eat; jobs in a café; describing food; days of the week; fiestas. We see Luis and María running a café and visit the end of term party at the young people’s school. Programa 3 Una tienda más elegante Home; rooms; furniture; pets; hobbies; asking people’s opinions; no me gusta/n ... yo prefiero ...; más + adjective; quiero + infinitive; time on the half hour. We visit the centre of Oviedo and hear the children describing their hobbies. 3 Preparatory Work You may wish to update your own knowledge of Spain and Spanish speaking countries before you get your class started on the series of programmes, which focus on Asturias and Oviedo in particular. This guide offers maps of Spain and Spanish-speaking countries. You can also obtain books, videos and other teaching aids from European Schoolbooks: European Schoolbooks Ltd The Runnings Cheltenham GL51 9PQ telephone: +44 (0)1242-245252 fax: +44 (0)1242-224137 email: (for catalogues) The following websites will be of use to you as a teacher, offering a well-organised source of information about Spain, including maps and books you might want to buy: Challenge: ask the children to find the answers to your questions from a few sites on the Internet. (This is good practice for the ‘Internet Challenges’ that appear in the worksheets.) Check out these websites before you issue the challenge: the Internet is in a constant state of change and websites come and go! Also make sure the websites are not blocked by a firewall. Get the children to write up and draw what they find out. Maps: • a small and simple map of Spain: /Esp_peni.jpg • a large, more detailed map of Spain: WORLD/Europe/spain/bigmap.html general information: onomous_Communities/ Asturias/ • a mass of structured information about Spain: spain.htm • the languages of Spain: – this website has good maps – this website is in Spanish Asturias Asturias is a beautiful region but quite unlike the Spain that many children will have visited on holiday. Start with a quiz: make a display area on the classroom wall in the colours of the Spanish flag, and pin up large speech bubbles containing questions like these: Asturias – where is it? 4 Asturias – what are the main cities? The flag: Historic sites of Asturias: Asturias – what is the flag like? Oviedo: AutonomousCommunities/Asturias As soon as the children begin to speak Spanish, introduce them to: Spanish in the world Latin America Spanish is the first language of the following countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela. Language and Culture The Sound of Spanish Like all languages, the Spanish spoken in Spain has its own sound that makes it sound quite different from other languages. The most distinctive of Spanish sounds are: It is widely spoken in some states of the USA: Arizona, California, Florida, New Mexico, Texas, parts of Louisiana and large cities such as New York and Chicago. It is also spoken on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. E the double r, which sounds like a Scottish r the z which sounds like th (as in thin) the v which sounds like b the j which sounds like the ch in loch the g which sounds like the ch in loch before e and i the qu which sounds like k the c which sounds like th before the letters i and e N C In Africa it is an official language of Equatorial Guinea and is also spoken in parts of Morocco. Note also that the h is not pronounced: hermano A Pupils can try saying these words and phrases for fun: Jamón de jabugo La plaza es especial La esperanza Una guitarra Patatas nuevas ¿Qué? Ciento, doce, cinco ➛ F R A small minority speak Spanish in the Philippines. ASTURIAS va Santander Cos Barcelona ta Bra Oviedo Mallorca Madrid Ibiza Formentera P A Ñ A Bla nca S ta E Cos G A L U T P O R Menorca ANDALUCÍA Málaga el a d t s Co Sol 5 LA TIENDA DE LUIS PROGRAMA 1 La nueva ayudante The story Luis is just opening his shop for the first time, pinning up a job advertisement for an assistant, when he meets a group of children. He receives a phone call from his aunt, Tía María, announcing that she’s on her way to Oviedo to visit him. Nothing will stop her, so he asks the children to collect her at the station. Although Luis has given them the wrong information, the children find Tía María. Back at the shop, she tells Luis that she’s staying. She is going to become his assistant. In the course of the programme, we also get to visit the homes of some of the children and meet their families. Learning outcomes the language needed to exchange personal information and greet people numbers 1–10 some shop names some verbs in first person present tense question forms Key vocabulary Greetings: Buenos días/¿Qué tal?/¡Hola!/Hasta luego/¿Cómo estás?/Bien/Así, así/Regular/Muy bien/Adiós/ Buenas tardes/Perdón/Lo siento/Por favor Personal information: ¿Quién eres?/¿Cómo te llamas?/Me llamo .../Soy Luis/ ¿Cuántos años tienes?/Tengo ... años/ Vivo en.../Ésta es mi madre Shop names: una carnicería/una panadería/una tienda de caramelos/una farmacia/la estación/la escuela Verbs: tengo/soy/voy/creo Question forms: ¿dónde?/¿cuándo?/¿qué?/¿cómo?/¿quién? Before viewing Pin sheets of paper – some length-wise and some breadth-wise – on a display area that all the children can see. Some sheets have a large rectangle on them – this is Luis’s shop. Some have an outline of a man’s shape on them – this is Luis. Challenge: form groups of four. Read to them the description of Luis in the introduction and ask them to draw what they think he and his shop look like. They can make their drawings from collage paper, newsprint, wool or other craft materials; they can each draw one part of the shop and a part of Luis and then stick all the bits together to make one big picture. 6 Turn the television away from the class. Get the children to listen to a short dialogue between Tía María and Luis and imagine the scene. Judging by their voices, how old do they think the characters are? How do they know each other? Do they get on with each other? Where are they? Then get children to draw the scene as they imagine it. Ask the children to imagine they were meeting Luis for the first time: what would they say to each other? What would Luis want to know about them? (Suggestions: ask people’s names and ages, where they come from, what they are doing here, etc). Ask the children to make speech bubbles of their suggestions and pin them up on the board. As they watch the programmes, they tick off questions they suggested as they appear in the series. Introduce the topic of names in Spanish, and lead into the top 10 boys’ and girls’ names in Spain: Language and Culture Spanish names Here are some first names you will hear a lot in countries where Spanish is spoken: Male Carlos José Juan Luis Miguel Felipe Antonio Female Isabel Luisa María Sonia Antonia Carmen Ana In Spain and Latin America, a lot of people have more than one first name: José Ramón, María Antonia. It’s also quite common for people to use both their mother’s and their father’s second names: the famous Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez has a first name – Gabriel – followed by his father’s surname – García – and his mother’s surname – Márquez. Make a set of family cards for each pupil that they can use to play happy families in groups later. Make sure the children know the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish before you watch the video. During viewing Watch the first part of the programme which introduces Luis and his shop. Pause the video and let the children decide whether any of their drawings of Luis and the shop are similar to what they see on the screen. Watch the first part as often as you need to and then get the pupils to practise greeting first you and then each other. Then they can ask each other how they are and give different answers. If you have access to a video camera, ask the children to record their conversations. Do Hoja de trabajo 1. Be ready to pause the video during the second part to explain the time phrases that you hear. Do Hoja de trabajo 2. Watch the third part of the video in which the children show us their homes and introduce their families, stopping the video regularly to check comprehension in English. Introduce and practise ways of describing your house: Vivo aquí, en esta casa, número diez. Make sure the house numbers only go up to 10. Play more number games such as bingo and snap; do simple additions and other sums using number cards. Do Hoja de trabajo 3. Ask the children to bring in pictures of their family or get them to make a collage of their family from magazine or catalogue pictures and introduce the people: Ésta es mi madre. Se llama María. Watch the next part of the video and check that the children have spotted Luis’s mistakes when he sends the children to get Tía María. Using a clock, practise time on the hour, making up a daily diary for the class: make cards with times on them in Spanish and pictures of what the class might be doing every couple of hours from 8am to midnight – for example, a las siete could have with it a picture of a young person doing homework. Do Hoja de trabajo 4. The answers to both activities can be found on page 43. Before the video moves on to the last section, ask the children to note three things about the background to ask other people in the class – for example, what colour is the taxi? Afterwards, get the class to ask each other what they have noticed. Do Hoja de trabajo 5. After viewing Once the children have seen the programme in sections and have completed the worksheets, show the whole programme. They can then re-enact certain sections of the programme: reciting the numbers in the time along with Luis saying the Spanish names of the children when they are interviewed on screen saying the kind of house each person lives in as they say it saying numbers as they appear on the screen Make a wall display of a Spanish street with the children. They put on it all the buildings that are mentioned in this programme and add to it as they see each programme. Challenge: Find out ways in which a Spanish street is different from a street here, for example: what colour are the street signs? Which side do the cars go on? What are the street lights like? Where are the postboxes – and what colour are they? All of this information should appear on their wall display. To give more practice in telling the time, get pupils to make their own clock. A paper pin will secure the hands but allow the children to move them. After watching the programme, each group in the class can ‘adopt’ one of the Spanish children and make up a profile of him or her to be added to after each programme. Encourage the class to find out as much as they can about Oviedo and Asturias, using reference books and websites given in the ‘Preparatory Work’ section and making up either scrapbooks or wall displays of what they find out. Ask them to ‘brainstorm’ what they have noticed about Oviedo in each programme. 7 Nombre Hoja de trabajo 1 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 ¿Qué tal? Completa los dibujos. How do the people feel? Complete the drawings. ¡Muy bien, gracias! ¡Regular, gracias! ¡Mal! Actividad 2 ¿Cuántos años tienen? Completa las frases. What are the children’s ages? Count the candles to discover their age! Complete the sentences. Tiene ................................................................................ años. Tiene ................................................................................ año. Tiene ................................................................................ años. Tiene ................................................................................ años. Tiene ................................................................................ años. Tiene ................................................................................ años. s that come from Spanish e a note of food Challenge: have a look round your local supermarket. Mak zuela, Mexico … speaking countries: Spain, Argentina, Cuba, Peru, Vene e a wall display of typical Spanish foods. If you can, get empty food packets or draw them and mak 8 P R O G R A M A 1 : L A N U E VA AY U DA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 2 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Colorea las parejas. Match up each figure inside the shapes with a number word outside, and colour them the same colour. 6 8 4 2 1 10 9 3 7 5 Actividad 2 ¿Cuál es el número del tren? What number is the train? Do the sum and write the answer on the side of the engine. dos + siete Challenge: design your own number frieze in Spanish for a new baby’s nursery. Maybe it could look like this: – cinco + cuatro 3 2 1 uno = dos tres P R O G R A M A 1 : L A N U E VA AY U DA N T E La tienda de Luis 9 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 3 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 ¿Qué hora es? Completa los relojes. What time is it? Put the time on the clocks. 1 Es la una 2 Son las siete 3 Son las cinco 4 Son las cuatro 5 Son las dos 6 Son las diez Actividad 2 Completa los dibujos y las horas. Complete these drawings and fill in the time. 1. Son las .............................................................. 2. Son las ............................................................. 3. Son las ............................................................. 4. Son las ............................................................. Me levanto. Leo un libro. Veo la televisión. Ceno. Internet Challenge: Internet to find out the times people do things in Spain. Spain has a different rhythm of life from Britain. Use the ple: For exam what times do children attend school? when do Spanish people have their meals? when are the news programmes on TV? when do football matches take place? ss this in a group. Can you think why these times are different from ours? Discu 10 P R O G R A M A 1 : L A N U E VA AY U DA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 4 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Manuel, Paco, Ana y Clara hablan de sus familias. Manuel, Paco, Ana and Clara are talking about their families. ¡Hola! Me llamo Clara. Tengo tres hermanas y un hermano. Buenos días. Me llamo Paco y tengo tres hermanos y una hermana. Buenas tardes. Me llamo Manuel. Tengo cinco hermanos pero no tengo hermanas. ¡Hola! Me llamo Ana. Tengo cuatro hermanas pero no tengo hermanos. ¿Verdad o mentira? Lee estas frases. Read the sentences below and answer verdad if the sentence is true and mentira if the sentence is false. 1 Clara tiene tres hermanas y un hermano. ................................................................................................ 2 Paco tiene tres hermanos y una hermana. ................................................................................................ Challenge: 3 Manuel tiene cinco hermanas. ................................................................................................ ask at home if you can bring in some 4 Ana tiene cuatro hermanos. ................................................................................................ Actividad 2 Mi familia. ¿Quién es? My family. Who is this? 1 La madre de mi primo ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 El hermano de mi madre ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 El hijo de mi tío ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 La mujer de mi padre ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 La hija de mi madre y de mi padre ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 La hermana de mi madre ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 La hija de mi tía .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 El marido de mi madre ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 La madre de mi madre ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 El hijo de mi madre y de mi padre ....................................................................................................................................................... old family photographs. Pin them up in the classroom but don’t say who they belong to. Number each photo. See how many the class can identify. For example: Es la tía de Jamie. Afterwards, you can use the photos to make your own family tree. P R O G R A M A 1 : L A N U E VA AY U DA N T E La tienda de Luis 11 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 5 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Juego de cartas Play this card game. Your teacher will give out copies of these cards to members of the class. Find the other members of your family by asking each person: ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? Te llamas Miguel. Tienes 9 años. Tienes dos hermanas, Anita (8) y Conchita (10). Te llamas Conchita. Tienes 10 años. Tienes una hermana, Anita (8) y un hermano, Miguel (9). Te llamas Anita. Tienes 8 años. Tienes una hermana, Conchita (10) y un hermano, Miguel (9). Te llamas Pilar. Tienes 10 años. Tienes dos hermanos José (7) y Pablo (9). Te llamas José. Tienes 7 años. Tienes una hermana, Pilar (10) y un hermano, Pablo (9). Te llamas Pablo. Tienes 9 años. Tienes una hermana, Pilar (10) y un hermano, José (7). Te llamas Nuria. Tienes 6 años. Tienes una hermana Susana (10) y un hermano Paco (9). Te llamas Susana. Tienes 10 años. Tienes una hermana, Nuria (6) y un hermano, Paco (9). Te llamas Paco. Tienes 9 años. Tienes dos hermanas, Nuria (6) y Susana (10). Challenge: birthdays and other holidays? What their e brat cele tries coun king spea nish Spa in le peop do how or in library books. public holidays do they have? Look at a Spanish calendar What do people do that day? One unusual holiday is El día de los Inocentes – when is it? or Google ( search On the Internet, try using the Ask Jeeves ( engines to get information about it. 12 P R O G R A M A 1 : L A N U E VA AY U DA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING LA TIENDA DE LUIS PROGRAMA 2 ¡Yo soy el jefe! The story Luis and María are arguing so much that they are driving customers away and the children can’t settle the arguments. As Luis wanders round Oviedo with a sandwich board advertising the shop, he decides to get himself a uniform and buys one for María too. Back at the shop, María has packed her case and is about to leave, but Luis wants her to stay. The only problem is that, now that they look so smart in their uniforms, the shop looks tatty. The programme ends with María still keen to change the shop and Luis still refusing. Learning outcomes This programme introduces pupils to: colours clothes saying what they like (me gusta/n ...) numbers 11–20 adjectives to describe people and clothes more shop names negatives Key vocabulary Colours: rojo/azul/morado/verde/amarillo/negro/gris/blanco Clothes: una falda/una camisa/un vestido/unos pantalones/unas sandalias/una camiseta/unos vaqueros/el uniforme Words to describe people and clothes: atractivo/insoportable/ serio/elegante/bonito /grande/guapo/tonto Negatives: no hay, no tengo Shops: una frutería/una tienda de muebles/una tienda de ropa/una tienda de juguetes/una librería/una tienda de música Before viewing Revise the numbers 1 to 10 and then teach the numbers 11–20 and practise as follows: play lotto do sums: 5 + (más) 7; 8 – (menos) 4, etc name the number after (después de) 5; before (antes de) 7 make up a survey, get the children to question each other and put the results on the board: how many people have a brother? how many people are wearing red socks? how many windows are open? etc Introduce some of the activities you do at Mental Maths time. Ask the children to make their own colour cards – either squares of coloured cardboard or squares of cardboard with coloured dots on them – and play a range of colour games: Call out a colour and get pupils to hold up the right card. Hold up coloured objects and get pupils to hold up the same coloured card and say the colour. Get pupils to arrange their colour cards on their desk tops and call out different colours very fast. The children have to put their hand on each colour as you say it. Play a memory game: pupils turn their cards face down, memorising where each colour is, or hide them with a bigger sheet of paper, and then call out a colour. Pupils have to remember where each colour is and hold it up for you. Introduce words to describe clothes. Ask children to bring from home a collection of clothes that they think are suitable as a uniform for Luis and María. Ask the children to practise saying the names of items of clothing in Spanish. The clothes can then be used in team games (preferably in the gym!) when pupils race each other to get to an item of clothing that the teacher asks for in Spanish and put it on. Compare the clothes that the children have brought in with the uniforms that Luis and Tía María buy. Display and label them with their Spanish names. After familiarising the class with the words orally and displaying the words on the wall, draw attention to spelling and grammar, especially to the rules governing masculine / feminine and singular / plural rules. Some of the adjectives used in the second part of the programme sound and look very like English. Introduce these words to the class in written form and orally at the same time. Then give them a sheet containing the words to be used as they watch the second part of the programme. 13 During viewing Remind the class that you will be asking them what they learn about the Spanish children from the video. Jumble a set of number cards from 1 to 20 face up in front of the children. As they watch the first part of the video, ask them to find the numbers they hear and to point to them. Do Hoja de trabajo 1. As you move on to the second part of the video, you should warn the children that they will hear the words to describe the people and clothes and should highlight them on the sheet you have given them. Do Hoja de trabajo 2. The class should have their colour cards in front of them while they watch the third part of the video and should turn over each colour as they hear it. Do Hoja de trabajo 3. Ask the class to add the new shops and buildings to their Spanish street. Get them each to make up a character for the street, perhaps a famous person from real life who lives there or a runaway from their favourite TV soap who has moved there. They should draw their character and design an outfit for him or her and name the clothes and their colours in Spanish. This is a good time to start an individual scrapbook contrasting Spain and other countries where Spanish is spoken. Children can get their information from reference books or the Internet. You may want to give them some guidelines: Spain 40 million Peru The number of people who live here is 27 million It is in the continent of The flag is The main cities are Watch the fourth part of the video and have the class say each item of clothing and its colour as they hear it. Do this as often as necessary. Do Hoja de trabajo 4. The main river is There are mountains called In the atlas it looks like this Ask the class to draw two suitcases before they watch the last part of the video. Let them watch this section as often as they need to and draw in the suitcases the clothes that Luis orders for himself and for Tía María. Do Hoja de trabajo 5. After viewing Brainstorm with the class what they have learned about the Spanish children and get them to make notes. 14 FRUTERÍA PANADERÍA CAFETERÍA FARMACIA Direct the children to this website: Here your class can safely send emails to other young people in Spanish speaking countries such as Ecuador and Argentina. If they investigate the Quia website, they will find games and language activities to reinforce their Spanish: TIENDA DE MUEBLES LIBRERÍA JUGUETERÍA Nombre Hoja de trabajo 1 Fecha Actividad 1 ¿Quién es tu actor o tu cantante preferido? Who is your favourite actor or singer? Write his or her name and look in the dictionary for adjectives to describe him or her. ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Look first at the examples: Bueno Maravillosa haRto nAtural Atractivo aDorable tímiDo bOnita iNteligente guaPo elegaNte serIo amistosA deporTivo Trabajador Actividad 2 Subraya la palabra que no va con las otras. Underline the odd word out. 1 2 3 4 5 azul adorable zapatos librería vestido amarillo serio vaqueros hija tienda verde pantalones camiseta sobrino falda tía deportivo camisa madre camisa Make up an odd word out quiz of your own. Actividad 3 Completa las frases. Complete the sentences. Make up some sentences of your own. Luis 20 14 15 Juan 16 12 13 Pedro Rosi Marta Clara ¡Hola! Me llamo Clara. Tengo ........................................................... años. ¡Hola! Me llamo Marta. Tengo ........................................................... años. ¡Hola! Me llamo Rosi. Tengo ........................................................... años. P R O G R A M A 2 : ¡ YO S OY E L J E F E ! La tienda de Luis 15 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 2 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Las tiendas están vacías. Llena los escaparates. Colorea los dibujos. The shops are empty. Fill the shop windows. Colour in the drawings. FRUTERÍA PANADERÍA CAFETERÍA FARMACIA TIENDA DE MUEBLES LIBRERÍA JUGUETERÍA Actividad 2 ¿Qué sabes ya en español? What do you already know in Spanish? There are many Spanish words which are internationally known. How many do you know? Write them in the correct column. Food and Drink tortilla salsa 16 Other siesta guitarra Challenge: what is the name of the money used in Spain before the Euro? What do they use in Chile, Argentina, Peru and other Spanish speaking countries? Try to copy some of the coins and notes to make a wall display. P R O G R A M A 2 : ¡ YO S OY E L J E F E ! La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 3 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Una palabra-serpiente. ¿Puedes encontrar la ropa y los colores? A word snake. Can you find 6 colours and 6 clothes in the snake? Now make up your own word snake. Actividad 2 Colorea los globos Colour in the balloons. rojo verde negro azul morado blanco gris amarillo Challenge: what do Spanish young people wear? Do the clothes cost more or less than here? Is there any kind of national dress in Spain? Find some shopping sites on the Internet and compare what you find. P R O G R A M A 2 : ¡ YO S OY E L J E F E ! La tienda de Luis 17 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 4 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Colorea los vestidos. Practise your numbers 1–10 and your colours. Colour in the clothes. The colours are given at the end. 7 5 6 1 5 8 6 2 2 3 4 7 4 1 3 3 5 7 1 = verde 2 = amarillo 3 = negro 4 = gris 5 = blanco 6 = rosa 7 = morado 8 = azul Actividad 2 Escribe sobre ti. Put a photo or drawing of yourself in the frame. Fill in the boxes and write your own profile. Ejemplo: Me gustan las naranjas. las las los los patatas naranjas caramelos fritas tomates Me gustan ✓ No me gustan mucho Detesto Challenge: el fútbol Me gusta No me gusta mucho Detesto 18 el golf la el bicicleta atletismo football is very popular in Spain, just as it is here. Can you find out the names of the top three teams at the moment? Name some famous players. Do any Spanish footballers play for UK teams? What can you find out about them? And do any British players play in the Spanish premier league? P R O G R A M A 2 : ¡ YO S OY E L J E F E ! La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 5 Fecha Actividad 1 Lee la carta de tu amigo y contesta las preguntas. Read the letter from your penfriend and answer the questions. ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Hola, Me llamo Paco y vivo en Caracas, la capital de Venezuela, en América del Sur. Tengo once años y hablo español. 1. Your penpal’s name is ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………...…. 2. He lives in ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….…………………………….………………..………...... 3. He has …….……………….… brother(s). He has …….………….….… sister(s), who are …….…………….…………………….……………………….……………….……………………….….… years old. Tengo dos hermanas y un hermano. Mis hermanas se llaman Pilar y Ana y mi hermano se llama Luis. Pilar tiene 19 años, Ana tiene 17 años y Luis tiene 20 años. ¿Tienes hermanos o hermanas? Me gusta el fútbol. También me gusta la música. Mi cantante preferido es Enrique Iglesias pero me gusta también Jennifer López. Enrique Iglesias es también el cantante preferido de mi hermana. 4. The sport he likes best is …….……………….……………….……………….……………….…………...… ¿Quién es tu cantante preferido? 5. His favourite singer is …….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….................. Me gusta la ropa azul y verde. ¿Qué color prefieres? 6. His favourite colours are …….……………….……………….……………….……………….………………...... Un saludo, Paco Actividad 2 Escribe una carta a Paco. Contesta sus preguntas. Write a letter to Paco. Answer his questions. ¡Hola! Me llamo ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………...….……………… y vivo en ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………...….……………….……………...….......... Tengo …….……………………… hermano(s) y …….……………….…… hermana(s). Me gusta …….……………….…….......…………. Mi cantante preferido es ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………...…………….……………….……………….……………...…................ Challenge: you can find Keypals – Internet penpals – from Spanish speaking countries for yourself or your class from this site: Be careful! Never give your home address or phone number out on the Internet and only make contact when an adult is around. pero me gusta también ……………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……..... Mis colores preferidos son ……………….……………….……………….……………….………...... Escribe pronto …………….……………….……………….……………….……………….……………...… P R O G R A M A 2 : ¡ YO S OY E L J E F E ! La tienda de Luis 19 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING LA TIENDA DE LUIS PROGRAMA 3 Una tienda más elegante The story Luis and María, in their smart new uniforms, are still arguing about how the shop should look. Luis goes into town with some of the children to try to decide what kind of shop he should have. While he’s away, María and the other children start a ‘Changing Rooms’ make-over. Luis and the children take us round different shops. In the pet shop, they tell us all about their pets. They also show us round the different rooms in their houses. When Luis comes back to the shop, he decides he likes the new paint job – but he still doesn’t know what kind of shop it is! Learning outcomes This programme introduces pupils to: house rooms in a house furniture pets more colours hobbies asking people’s opinions + replying más + adjective verbs + infinitive Key vocabulary House: un piso/una casa/una casa de dos plantas Rooms and parts in a house: un salón/una cocina/ /un dormitorio /un jardín/ una pared/un techo Furniture and ornaments: los muebles/ una silla/un espejo/una mesa/ una cama /los adornos/las cortinas /el cuadro Pets: un perro/un gato/un pájaro/un pez/una serpiente/un canario Colours: marrón/naranja/verde claro/verde oscuro Shops: un supermercado/una pastelería/una pescadería/una tienda de animales/una tienda de vídeos Hobbies: me gustan los juegos electrónicos/me gusta el patinete; yo toco el piano/la flauta; me gusta leer/comprar CDs/comprar vídeos/ir de compras Asking people’s opinions + replying: ¿cuál prefieres?/no me gusta/n ... yo prefiero ... Más + claro/oscuro/atractivo/elegante Verbs + infinitive: quiero/tener que/ir a 20 Before viewing Get the class to make you two sets of flashcards, one for the rooms in a house and one for common items of furniture in each room. Play a variety of flashcard games with the children to practise the vocabulary: say the names on the cards, put them face down on the table and see if pupils can remember which card was which hide the cards behind your back, jumble them up and them hold them up blank side towards the pupils and ask them to guess which one you are looking at hold the cards up one at a time so that you can’t see them and say a name – if you say the right name, pupils say ‘verdad’ but if you say a wrong name they say ‘mentira’. Practise the words for pets in advance: get the class to cut pictures from magazines and make them into a set of flashcards. Add pets your class are likely to have, such as un conejo (rabbit) and un conejillo de indias (guinea pig). Play flashcard games: Pupils repeat the name of the animal on each card. Call pupils out one at a time, show them a card and ask them to mime the animal while the rest of the class guesses which animal they are miming. line five or six pupils up in front of the class, each holding a card which they show and name to the rest of the class. While the class close their eyes, the pupils at the front jumble up the cards. The class try to guess who now has each card. play a memory game: hold up five cards one at a time, saying the Spanish name of the animal as you show it. Then remove one card and say the remaining names. Pupils have to say which animal is missing. Put all the flashcards up on the wall with their Spanish names underneath them. During viewing Pupils have their personal colour cards in front of them. Ask them to put to one side the colours that they hear María and the children pick out to paint the shop. Play the first part of the video several times. Do Hoja de trabajo 1. Catalan, Basque and Galician are important examples of other languages spoken in Spain that may come up as answers to the Challenge section. For the second part of the video, give pupils pictures of the items of furniture named in the video and get them to hold these up as they hear them. Do Hoja de trabajo 2. Play the third part of the video several times and test the class’s recall of what they have seen: how many colours are named? Six or seven? which shop do we see first? which green do the children choose for the walls? light or dark? what colour is the ceiling to be? Green or white? To make these authentic looking, the children can look for pictures of Spanish houses on the Internet or in magazines. They can also consult Spanish speaking people living in their local area if they know any, or families who have holiday homes or time-shares in Spain or anyone who has been to Spain and can give them the information so that they get an idea of what Spanish houses look like. Show the children programmes from Channel 4 such as A Place in the Sun, and magazines such as Bella Casa that show real Spanish homes and gardens. Encourage the children to find out why Spanish homes are designed the way they are: why do they have tiles on the floor instead of carpets? Why do they have shutters or blinds on the windows? Encourage the children to draw three or four hobbies which appear in the video and give their opinion of them: Me gusta leer Harry Potter – ¡es fantástico! No me gusta el piano – ¡es aburrido! Do Hoja de trabajo 3. Allocate to each pupil a hobby that is mentioned in this section of the video: piano, flute, music, reading, going to the shops, CDs, videos. Tell the class to note the number of times the word appears in the fourth section. Do Hoja de trabajo 4. Use the flashcards to let pupils make up a questionnaire on hobbies to ask other classes: ¿Te gustan los juegos electrónicos? ¿Te gusta el patinete? ¿Tocas el piano? ¿Te gusta leer? ¿Te gusta comprar vídeos? ¿Prefieres el cine o la televisión? Language and Culture Ask the class to note any adjectives they hear that tell you that Luis is pleased with the way his shop looks and play the last section. Do Hoja de trabajo 5. As soon as the written word appears on the classroom wall, explain to the class some of the conventions of Spanish writing, such as the tilde (~) over the letter n and the double question and exclamation marks (¿.....? and ¡.....!). Put up examples of these on the classroom wall so that the children get used to seeing them. After viewing The class’s Spanish street now has shops and people but it needs houses and flats where the people can live. Ask the groups in the class to design a block of flats, a small group of houses and some interiors and gardens for the houses and flats to add to their wall display. 21 Nombre Hoja de trabajo 1 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. 1 rojo 2 azul 3 blanco 4 amarillo 5 negro Actividad 1 ¿De qué color son? Colorea las banderas. What colour are these flags? Colour them in. 5 2 4 2 3 1 4 Asturias 2 3 Alemania 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 2 España Costa Rica 1 Francia Actividad 2 Mira la Sopa de Letras. Encuentra los números. Hay doce. Look at the wordsearch. Find the 12 numbers and write them down in order. Make up a puzzle like this for a partner. Challenge: there is a variety of languages and cultures in Spain. Can you find out what they are? Which other languages and cultures do you also find in Britain? Choose one of the ‘other’ languages used in Spain and find out ten words in that language. 22 Escocia M N E S T T E R E O I E I T Q U E R E R I C V T E A E D Q U I N C E A T I R D V N O T C A U T S C S N U C H A D S E S E V T I N S N C O V E I N T D R A E I D C O A R I U N O N C S C N S E D T R T R C O C H O E A R U E C A I C V A D E R S I E T E D U T U H V R C N O H D O S M H O P R O G R A M A 3 : U N A T I E N DA M Á S E L E GA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 2 Fecha Actividad 1 ¿Qué hace Marisa el fin de semana? Marisa is a very active person. What does she do at the weekend? Match the activity with the time. ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Sábado Juego al bádminton a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............….... Voy a casa de mi amigo a ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…. Juego al tenis a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............……….............…...... Voy al cine a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............……….............….................... Voy a la discoteca a …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….............……...... Actividad 2 ¿Te gusta? In Spanish when you ask ‘Do you like ….?’ you use ¿Te gusta …..? for one thing and ¿Te gustan …..? for more than one: For example: ¿Te gusta la música pop? ¿Te gustan estos discos? Sí, me gusta la música pop. No, no me gustan estos discos. Take turns with a partner to ask if he or she likes these things. 1. la limonada 2. el fútbol 3. los deportes 4. el café 5. las discotecas 6. el cine 7. las hamburguesas 8. Robbie Williams Challenge: what do young people in Spain enjoy watching on TV? What sort of programmes do they have? Find the TV programmes and films listed on the Internet. Find programmes that you can also see on your own television and compare the titles with the English titles. P R O G R A M A 3 : U N A T I E N DA M Á S E L E GA N T E La tienda de Luis 23 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 3 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Ésta es la agenda de Felipe: ¿Qué hace cada día después de la escuela? Here is Felipe’s diary. What does he plan to do after school each day? Match the sentences with the pictures. Ejemplo: lunes: tocar el piano con José martes: comprar CDs y vídeos miércoles: jugar al fútbol - leer libros de Harry Potter jueves: ir al cine - tocar la flauta viernes: escuchar la radio - ir de compras sábado: pintar mi dormitorio - tocar la guitarra TIENDA domingo: ir al partido de fútbol – comer en el restaurante con tía Isabel ¡Ahora te toca a ti! ¿Qué quieres hacer? ¿Cuándo? Escribe tu agenda. Now it’s your turn! What would you like to do? And when? Write your own diary. Actividad 2 El juego de los segundos. The seconds game. Prepare a talk to last 15 seconds about your favourite sports and pastimes. You have to speak to your partner for 15 seconds and you get a point for each second. If there’s a pause you can’t continue. Actividad 3 Fichero personal Personal file Collect photos or drawings of your family, pets, and friends. Write up a personal file. Ejemplo: Mi hermana mayor se llama Clara. Tiene veinte años. Es estudiante de música. Mi conejo se llama Pepito. Tiene tres años. 24 P R O G R A M A 3 : U N A T I E N DA M Á S E L E GA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 4 Actividad 1 Pregunta a tus compañeros qué tipos de animales tienen. Do a survey to find out what pets your classmates have. Fecha Ejemplo: Then make up a bar chart or a pie chart to show how many people have no pet, how many have a dog and so on. ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. ¿Tienes animales en casa? Tengo un gato un pez una serpiente un pájaro un conejo un conejillo de indias No tengo animales en casa Actividad 2 ¿Qué animales son? What are these animals? Choose their names from the list on the right and label them. A B C 1 un pez 2 un perro 3 un conejo D E F 4 una serpiente 5 un gato 6 un pájaro Challenge: or sports star. design a pet for your favourite film actor or TV star why this pet is Draw the star and the pet of your choice – and saynte y atractivo elega ideal : Para Robbie Williams – un gato – es P R O G R A M A 3 : U N A T I E N DA M Á S E L E GA N T E La tienda de Luis 25 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 5 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Juego de cartas. Card game Colour in these drawings and then cut them up to make a set of cards. Play games using the cards and saying the words: Snap, Kim’s game, Find the Pairs, Memory. ? X X X Challenge: ta? Where is it played? which activities are the most popular in Spain? What is pelo t equipment do you need? Find out as much as you can about it. How is it played? Wha 26 P R O G R A M A 3 : U N A T I E N DA M Á S E L E GA N T E La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING LA TIENDA DE LUIS PROGRAMA 4 Quiero ir de excursión The story Luis’s shop is now a travel agency. The children want to arrange a day out. Luis takes one group to the mountains and to historic places in the region, while María takes another group to the seaside. We also get a tour of Oviedo and hear about countries around the world where Spanish is spoken. Learning outcomes Ask the children to draw the places in a town that appear in this and the other programmes – un parque, una escuela, various shops such as una farmacia – and practise using these words with the expression hay (there is). This programme introduces pupils to: places in a town places to visit on trips and holidays transport seasons weather countries directions You may also wish to teach more places you can talk about: una oficina de turismo un teatro un estadio de fútbol un castillo un museo un cine una iglesia una biblioteca un ayuntamiento un centro comercial un banco Correos Key vocabulary Places in a town: el parque/el río/la oficina de turismo/el museo/el ayuntamiento Places to visit on trips and holidays: la playa/el mar/ las montañas/la Costa del Sol/la isla de Mallorca Transport: ir en avión/en coche/en tren Seasons: el verano/el otoño/el invierno/la primavera (en verano / en primavera …) Weather: el sol/el calor/el viento/la nieve/buen tiempo/hace sol/ hace calor/hay nubes Countries: España/México/Cuba/las islas del Caribe/Argentina/Colombia/Perú/ Chile/Bolivia/Venezuela/Uruguay/Ecuador Directions: a la izquierda/a la derecha/todo recto First, second: la primera/la segunda The class can now decide where exactly in Spain the street they’ve been planning is located: in a holiday area in the south? In the mountains? In a large city? Get the class to design the town in which the street is located. Then get pupils to conduct a survey of people who have been on holiday in Spain or a Spanish speaking country to find out what their favourite place is for a trip or a holiday. They can make their answers into a wall display or a set of pie charts. Pupils can also contact a tourist office in any location in Spain and ask for information, using the formula below. Estudiamos España y el español en nuestra clase y le agradeceríamos nos enviara información sobre .................................................................................................. De la clase Before viewing Play flashcard games to practise saying weather phrases and then incorporate these into your daily classroom routine. Children can also make their own weather disk with pictures on one side and weather phrases on the other. ........................................................................... Send the letter on school notepaper or by email and make a wall display of the reply and the information you get back. These websites will be useful: tourist offices in Spain: %20tourist%20departments.htm holidays in Spain: Weather disk 27 During viewing For the first part of the video, ask the class to note any means of transport that are mentioned. Do Hoja de trabajo 1. Play the second part of the video as often as you need to. Give pupils a map of the world with the Spanish speaking countries marked on it (see page 42) and get them to tick those named on the video. Spanish is known as ‘Español’ or ‘Castellano’. Do Hoja de trabajo 2. Tell pupils they are going to hear three expressions: left, right and straight ahead (a la izquierda, a la derecha, todo recto). Play this section as often as necessary for the class to extract these expressions. Then let the pupils practise the expressions a la izquierda, a la derecha and todo recto by playing robots: directing each other round the classroom or the playground using only these expressions and ¡alto! (stop!). Do Hoja de trabajo 3. For the fourth section of the video, pupils tick expressions to do with holidays as they hear them: Let pupils practise suggesting things to do : Vamos a nadar – Vamos a jugar al balonvolea – Vamos a hacer surf – Quiero comer un helado. Do Hoja de trabajo 4. After viewing Use the vocabulary in the first section to let pupils make up their own script for an advert for a travel agency. Here is a possible script, taken from the transcript of the programme: ¡Sí, la tienda de Luis es una agencia de viajes! ¡Preparamos excursiones! ¡Preparamos vacaciones! ¡Nosotros podemos ayudarle! ¿Adónde quiere ir de vacaciones? ¡Vamos de excursión! ¿Adónde vamos? ¿A las Islas Canarias? ¿A México? ¿A Cuba? ¿A Argentina? ¿A Ecuador? ¡Vamos! Get pupils in groups to set up a TV advertisement based on this script. They can bring in costumes and props or make them: for example, for Peru a woollen hat/ sweater; for Mexico – a poncho, etc. Pupils can look for suitable music and then perform the advert for each other or record it on cassette or video it. If any of the class are dancers, musicians or singers, they can perform for the advertisement. They can add bits to turn their advertisement into a show: for example a holiday programme in Spanish, using the transcript of this programme, a weather forecast for Spain, a Spanish version of a quiz such as Who wants to be a millionaire?, a Spanish version of Pop Star with Spanish songs, a Spanish version of Big Brother or Blue Peter – in which everything goes wrong. As they watch the final section of the video, pupils note examples of language they hear the children use to describe their trips: ¡calor! ¡gente! ¡estupendo! ¡cansados! ¡largo! ¡tranquilo! ¡divertido! They can consider together the last outing they were on and draw it and write a couple of phrases to describe it: ¡Alton Towers – divertido! Do Hoja de trabajo 5. 28 Their performance can form part of a show for an assembly or for parents’ afternoon or evening produced by the children. Finally, get the class to study their own area and make up a tourist brochure showing what shops and facilities are available, with suitable drawings, opening hours and entry prices. If your school has a website of its own, add a Spanish page, or if you have a partner school in a Spanish speaking country, send the brochure to them. Nombre Hoja de trabajo 1 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 ¿Cómo van los niños? How are the children travelling? What do they say? en autobús en bicicleta Pascual y Marta Luisa y Carmela en tren Gloria y Paco Ramón y María en coche en avión Juan y Clara Ejemplo: Juan y Clara dicen ‘Vamos en coche’ Actividad 2 Encuesta: ¿Qué marca de coche tienen tus profesores/ayudantes/padres? Rellena el cuadro. What kind of cars do your teachers/school helpers/parents have? Complete the table. Nombre Ejemplo Sr. Blanco ¿Qué marca de coche tiene? Clio ¿De qué país es? Francia ¿Cuántos años tiene? Tres años ¿De qué color es? Azul Actividad 3 Travelling around Spain you see lots of signs. Can you find out what these ones mean? Try to find out what they look like, draw them and colour them in. Dirección única No aparcar Challenge: Spanish National Railways are called RENFE. What sort of train is the AVE? Find out as much as you can about it. Se prohíbe la entrada Zona peatonal Se prohíbe fijar carteles P R O G R A M A 4 : Q U I E R O I R D E E XC U R S I Ó N La tienda de Luis 29 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 2 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Spanish is one of the most important languages in the world. It is spoken in more than 20 countries by more than 300 million people. List as many countries as you can and then try to find them on a map of the world. In which parts of the USA are signs often written in both English and Spanish? Why is this? Try to find out which languages were used in Latin America before the Spanish language was brought there in 1492. Do any of them still survive today? Actividad 2 Choose a Latin American country and make up a poster about it – include its capital city, inhabitants, industries, etc. Actividad 3 ¿Quién quiere ser millonario? ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ Make up a quiz about the Spanish speaking world. Each group in the class should put in five questions on topics such as: countries where Spanish is spoken currencies used in Latin America famous Spaniards or Latin Americans the capitals of Spanish speaking countries Spanish food and drink Then set up Who Wants to be a Millionaire with chairs, a host, contestants, an audience, and friends to phone. You can start with easy questions where the answers are only ‘verdad’ or ‘mentira’ and then have questions with a choice of answers. You could have your prize money in euros or in one of the Latin American currencies. 30 P R O G R A M A 4 : Q U I E R O I R D E E XC U R S I Ó N La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 1 ¿Dónde está? Where is it? Match the pictures with the words. 1 Fecha 2 a) La segunda b)a la a la derecha izquierda ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. 3 c) la segunda a la derecha 4 d) todo recto 5 e) a la izquierda Actividad 2 La Bella Durmiente The Sleeping Beauty ¿Puedes ayudar a salvar a la Bella Durmiente? Can you help the prince to rescue the Sleeping Beauty? Write down in Spanish the directions he should follow. Actividad 3 Diseña un juego de mesa con 20 casillas. Design your own board game. It should have 20 squares. Five of the squares should have colours in them. Anyone who lands on these should say the colour in Spanish. Another five should have questions on them about Spanish, such as: ‘How do you spell 20 in Spanish?’ ‘How do you say "I have a dog" in Spanish?’ ‘What is the Spanish for "it’s 2.30"?’ Another five questions should be about countries where Spanish is spoken. The last five could be more difficult, such as: ‘Name six colours in Spanish’ ‘Count from 20 to 1 in Spanish’ ‘Ask 3 questions in Spanish in 20 seconds’. P R O G R A M A 4 : Q U I E R O I R D E E XC U R S I Ó N La tienda de Luis 31 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 4 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 ¿Qué tiempo hace? Escribe una frase debajo de cada televisor. What’s the weather like? Write a forecast under each TV set. .......................................................... En el oeste hace viento En el norte hace calor En el este nieva O En el centro llueve En el sur hay nubes .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... N E S Actividad 2 ¿Qué tiempo hace? Escribe las frases correctas debajo de cada dibujo. What’s the weather like? Write the correct sentence under each picture. ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... ....................................... Llueve Pisa Hace frío Sydney Hace calor 32 en Venecia Hace viento París Hay nubes Londres Challenge: is like in use a Spanish search engine to find out what the weather one of se Choo o. Ovied and rid Gerona, Santander, Málaga, Mad er these places and start a weather diary comparing their weath h. mont a once or week a once k with the weather in your area. Chec P R O G R A M A 4 : Q U I E R O I R D E E XC U R S I Ó N La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 5 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Read this description of Juan’s holidays. Draw pictures to describe what he says. Ejemplo: En verano voy a Torremolinos. Viajo en coche. Hace calor siempre. Paso las vacaciones con mis padres y mi hermana. Me gustan las playas en Torremolinos. Practico deportes acuáticos. Mi hermana toma el sol y lee un libro. Nadamos en el mar. ¡Hace calor! Compramos helados. Actividad 2 Subraya la palabra que no va con las otras. Underline the word that doesn’t go with the others. 1 2 3 4 5 Málaga verano teatro nieve balonvolea Bilbao otoño gato lluvia vela Barcelona viernes cine calor rugby Buenos Aires primavera escuela frío fútbol P R O G R A M A 4 : Q U I E R O I R D E E XC U R S I Ó N La tienda de Luis 33 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING LA TIENDA DE LUIS PROGRAMA 5 La fiesta The story Luis has found running a travel agency too tiring and has turned the shop into a café. He insists on cooking while Tía María waits on tables and minds the till. Of course, his cooking is a disaster and he has to allow his aunt to teach him. It’s María’s birthday and Luis and the children use his new baking skills to make her a cake and prepare her a terrific party. They all finish the day at the Oviedo fiesta. Learning outcomes This programme introduces pupils to: food and drink instructions and ingredients for cooking a dish choosing and ordering what to eat exclamations jobs in a café days of the week fiestas Key vocabulary food: la carne/el pescado/las ensaladas/los postres/una tortilla/una cebolla/ los huevos/las patatas/el aceite/la sal/un bocadillo/un yogur/ la harina/ el azúcar/ la mantequilla/un pastel de/fresa, manzana / el chocolate/las patatas fritas/el pan/las aceitunas/el chorizo/el queso/el jamón/la bebida/la comida instructions and ingredients for cooking a dish: coge la fuente/pon/mide/ añade/mézclalo choosing and ordering what to eat: ¿qué vamos a tomar?/ ¿quieres un bocadillo? exclamations: ¡socorro!/ ¡que aproveche! ¡qué fácil!/ ¡qué pinta!/¡qué olor!/¡qué asco!/¡qué bonito!/¡qué sorpresa! jobs in a café: un camarero/una camarera/un cocinero games vocabulary: empiezo yo/me toca a mí primero/eso no vale/ haces trampa /yo gano days of the week: lunes/martes/miércoles/jueves/viernes/ sábado/domingo fiestas: el cumpleaños/una fiesta sorpresa/la fiesta de fin de curso/un desfile/fuegos artificiales Before viewing 34 This is an opportunity to investigate Spanish food and drink with your class. You could incorporate sections of this programme into your class’s ‘healthy eating’ topic for the term. The children can carry out any of the following activities to build up a picture of what people in Spanish speaking countries eat and drink: go back to the list the children made in Programme 2 Hoja de trabajo 2 and list all the words to do with food that the children already know. ask pupils to check at home for any Spanish food their families may have in the cupboard or may have tasted while abroad. invite a parent who is a Spanish speaker or a Spanish assistant from a secondary school to visit the class and describe breakfast/lunch/dinner in a Spanish speaking family. send e-mails and letters to schools in Spanish speaking countries to ask about food and drink there. Once pupils have a picture of eating and drinking habits in Spanish speaking countries. ask them to make a comparison between habits there and at home. Compare the times when people eat, the kind of food they eat, what they drink with their meals, etc. Consider why certain foods are more common in Spanish speaking countries than they are here and appreciate the effect that climate and natural resources have on diet. Teach pupils days of the week. Get the class to make desk calendars and have them display and say the day and date every day. Make a wall calendar of all their birthdays – and yours! – and celebrate the birthdays by putting up a birthday note: ¡Feliz cumpleaños! on each person’s birthday. Put out a display of plastic foods and drinks, empty bottles and packets and label them in Spanish. Teach pupils to ask for the items, saying for example Quiero azúcar, por favor. They should also get to know: Gracias. Language and Culture Challenge: find out about shopping in Spain. Find out when shops are open and – very important from the point of view of tourists – if there are days of the week when shops are closed. Before viewing, ask the children to divide up all the food and drinks amongst themselves and make flashcards. They make small drawings of the foods above. You can make these into a prompt sheet for them as they watch the video. During viewing Ask children in groups to pick out certain exclamations as they occur during the video, particularly those connected with food and drink: ¡Que aproveche! Enjoy your meal! ¡Qué pinta! This looks good! ¡Qué olor! What a smell! ¡Huele bien! This smells good! ¡Qué asco! Yuk! ¡Qué bonito! This is lovely! ¡Está malísima! This is disgusting! They can use these to practise speaking activities later. As the class watches the first part of the video, they work out with you why Luis has given up the travel agency and what his ambition is now. Play this first section again and ask them to tick the foods they hear on their prompt sheet. Do Hoja de trabajo 1. Before the class watches the second section of the video, ask them to predict what’s going to happen when Luis cooks a tortilla for the children. Ask them to predict what words they will hear if Luis’s cooking is a success. (Está bueno/¡estupendo! etc) Do Hoja de trabajo 2. As the class watch the third section of the video, ask them to recite the days of the week as they hear them in the video. Do Hoja de trabajo 3. Use the prompt sheet of foods again and get pupils to tick off the party foods as they hear them mentioned in the fourth section of the video. Do Hoja de trabajo 4. As you show the final part of the video, ask pupils to consider how the series is likely to end: will Tía María stay on? Will Luis give up the shop? Do Hoja de trabajo 5. After viewing Find a simple recipe for a Spanish dish and try making it with the class. A group of children can make the dish ‘live’ while other pupils video their efforts and the reactions of other people when they try it! Form groups of three or four to practise ordering food in a café, using: ¿Qué vamos a tomar? ¿Quieres una tortilla? Sí, quiero una tortilla, etc. They can then give their opinion of the food, using the phrases they have picked out of the video. Ask them to keep a food and drink diary for a week, entering in Spanish everything they consume and describing it to each other: lunes: sopa, pescado … To round off your study of Spain and Spanish speaking countries, you can set your class tasks to work on in groups: One group can work on the topic of food, looking at websites that specialise in Spanish dishes: Another group can study Christmas and other festivals in Spain. Pupils can be set the task of finding out: Why do all Spanish children love Los Reyes Magos? Why is the festival of 6 January so important for Spanish children? What is the tradition of the ‘12 grapes’? These websites will help: (letter to Father Christmas) 35 Nombre Hoja de trabajo 1 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Ejemplo: ¿La comida en España es diferente? Un amigo español describe las comidas en su casa. Dibuja lo que come durante un día típico. A Spanish friend has written to describe what the food in his home is like. Draw what he eats in a normal day. Put clocks with the correct time for the meals beside your drawings. Para el desayuno, a las siete de la mañana, no tomo mucho, sólo un vaso de leche y cereales. A las dos y media para la comida principal del día tomo, de primer plato, sopa. De segundo, un bistec, ensalada y patatas fritas y para postre, fruta. En mi casa la cena es a las nueve de la noche y hay por ejemplo, tortilla, pescado con ensalada y pan y, para postre, queso o helado. Ahora describe tus comidas típicas en una carta a un amigo español. Now describe your typical meals in a letter to a Spanish friend. Contesta Adivino Actividad 2 Adivina primero si estas comidas le gustan a tu compañero. Entonces, pregunta ¿Te gusta el jamón? o ¿Te gustan los plátanos? Guess first if your partner likes to eat these foods. Then ask him or her and check your answers. ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗ El jamón Las manzanas Las aceitunas El yogur Los plátanos El chorizo Los huevos El pescado Las patatas fritas Actividad 3 Elige el color que va con cada objeto. Match the items with the colours. La mantequilla es El chocolate es Las fresas son Las manzanas son El vino es La ensalada es 36 rojas verde amarilla verdes marrón blanco Challenge: begin your own class recipe book in Spanish. Word process your book, if possible, adding drawings or Clipart. Do an Internet search with the word ‘receta’. P R O G R A M A 5 : L A F I E S TA La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 2 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Tortilla de patata. This is a recipe for Spanish omelette, a well-known Spanish dish. First match the sentences to the pictures. Use a dictionary for any words you don’t know. Then put the sentences in the right order for the recipe. A B C D E F G H I 1. Bate dos huevos 2. Corta las patatas en trozos pequeños 3. Da la vuelta y fríe por el otro lado 4. Echa la mezcla en la sartén 5. Fríe la tortilla por un lado 6. Fríe las patatas en aceite 7. Mezcla las patatas y los huevos en una fuente 8. Pela dos patatas grandes 9. Añade sal a las patatas y los huevos Challenge: Platos Típicos. just as we have Yorkshire pudding and Scotch Eggs, many parts of Spain and the Spanish speaking countries have their own specialities. Where would you find gazpacho and what is it? What are guacamole and paella? Try to find as many typical dishes as you can. P R O G R A M A 5 : L A F I E S TA La tienda de Luis 37 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 3 Fecha .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 Obra de teatro: completa las frases y haced teatro en grupos de cinco. Play: finish off the sentences and act out the play in groups of five. Carry on the story as far as you can. El camarero / la camarera: El padre: La madre: El hijo: La hija: El hijo: La hija: El camarero / la camarera: Actividad 2 Pon los platos en la parte correcta de la carta. Put the dishes in the correct section of the menu. El camarero La camarera El padre La madre El hijo La hija Buenos días, señora, señor. ¿Qué quieres? Quiero comer ……………………………………………………..………….. . ¿Y los niños? Mamá, quiero ……………………………………………………..………….. con ……………………………………………………..………….. . Yo también. Mamá, tengo sed. Quiero beber ……………………………………………………..………….. . No me gusta ……………………………………………………..………….. . Quiero ……………………………………………………..………….. . Papá, no tengo ……………………………………………………..………….. . ¡Oh, perdón! ……………………………………………………..………….. . ¡Que aproveche! Ensalada de gambas Fruta del tiempo Queso Paella Gazpacho Helado Bistec Melón con jamón Pollo al ajillo La carta Primero Segundo Postre ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… ……………………………………………………..…… Actividad 3 ¿Verdad o mentira? True or False? AQUAPARK V M 1. The gardens are open every day. 2. You can swim at 18h. 3. The Music Museum is open every morning. 4. You can go to the Aquapark at 20.30. 5. The baker’s is open on Thursday afternoon. 6. The Roman ruins are closed on Monday morning. 38 ............................................................................................ JARDINES Panaderi´a Cerrado lunes Cerrado martes Cerrado viernes por la tarde MUSEO DE MÚSICA PISCINA Abierto 10 a 13.30 y 15 a 18. El Teatro Romano Abierto de 11 a 14 y 17 a 20 Abierto 9.00 a 21.00 Cerrado domingo Cerrado lunes por la mañana sin interrupción Abierto 11 a 14 y 17 a 20 Abierto 9 a 17 P R O G R A M A 5 : L A F I E S TA La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 4 Fecha ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. Actividad 1 La fiesta sorpresa. Read this story about a surprise party. Draw the events. Luis prepara un pastel de cumpleaños. Todo el mundo llega a la tienda a las tres de la tarde. Hay patatas fritas, pan y Sobre otra mesa hay chorizo, aceitunas sobre una mesa. tortilla, queso y jamón. Van a beber Coca-Cola y Fanta. T ía María mira el pastel de Luis y los niños cantan ‘Feliz cumpleaños con 40 velas. Cumpleaños’. Actividad 2 Un juego en grupos de cuatro personas. A game for groups of four. T ía María está muy contenta. 1 2 queso Each person in turn throws a dice in order to decorate a pizza. For example: you throw a one – you can put on the cheese; you throw a two – you can put on the chorizo. Careful! You should only speak in Spanish AND be polite. For example, ‘¡Un tres! Queso, por favor.’ chorizo 3 tomates 4 5 champiñones aceitunas 6 jamón P R O G R A M A 5 : L A F I E S TA La tienda de Luis 39 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Nombre Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 1 1 2 3 4 5 Subraya la palabra que no va con las otras. Underline the word that doesn’t fit with the others. Fecha tortilla sidra sopa flan café ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................. vino vino blanco consomé helado vino tinto Actividad 2 paella cerveza gambas pastel agua mineral pescado jamón gazpacho pan limonada ¡Mi cumpleaños es el miércoles próximo! Tengo once años. Mis amigos Manuel y Paco vienen a mi casa. Juan te envió un e-mail. Completa los espacios en inglés. Juan has sent you an e-mail from Spain telling you how he spends his birthday. Fill in the blanks in the English version that follows, so you can explain to your friends what he does. Cuando hace buen tiempo comemos en el jardín. Tomamos limonada, Coca-Cola, bocadillos, chocolate y muchos helados. Me gustan mucho estas cosas. ¡Después jugamos al fútbol! 1 His birthday is on ………………………………..………………..……………….... . Cuando lueve comemos en casa y 2 He is ………………………………..………………..……………….... years old. jugamos con la computadora. 3 His friends ………………………………..………………..……………….... and ………………………………..………………..………………... . are coming to his house. 4 If the weather is ………………………………..………………..……………….... they will eat in the ………………………………..………………..……………….... , with ………………………………..………………..……………….... , ………………………………..………………..……………….... , ………………………………..………………..……………….... , ………………………………..………………..……………….... and lots of ………………………………..………………..……………….... . 5 He ………………………………..………………..……………….... all these things. 6 Then they will play ………………………………..………………..……………….... . 7 If it is ………………………………..………………..……………….... , they will eat in the ………………………………..………………..…………….... and play with the …………………………..………………............. . Actividad 3 Sopa de letras. Word search. Translate the words for food and drink into Spanish. The Spanish words are hidden in the wordsearch on the right. Find them and score them out. 40 Challenge: design a menu for a Spanish café. Try to make it in the shape of something that you can eat or drink in a Spanish café. M Q U T A A V A T R A A P E C U H U E M A T V T S N T A E U V S I D R A T E U C A F E A N P G R P A N S G D O A T U A T T C R S U D P A T A T A P E S C A D O E R U Q V E I Y Q U M S N I Q I E L T H E N Q T V E U H V LL E N T A E R U V E O T C T E T H U E V O S V U C L E R T U S I O O P N Fish Desserts Eggs Oil Cheese Water Tea Coffee Potato Cake / tart Bread Cider P R O G R A M A 5 : L A F I E S TA La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING A I C N A R F ➛ A N D O R R A ASTURIAS va Santander Cos Barcelona ta Bra Oviedo Mallorca Madrid P A Ñ Formentera A Bla nca S ta E Ibiza Cos A L G U T P O R Menorca ANDALUCÍA Málaga Cos ta ol S l de M A P : S PA I N La tienda de Luis 41 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Spanish speaking countries os ña a p Es ad E s tn i d o s U M éx Cuba ic República Dominicana o Guatemala El Salvador Costa Rica Panamá Honduras Nicaragua Puerto Rico Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Perú Bolivia Arg Chile Uruguay ent ina Paraguay 42 M A P : S PA N I S H S P E A K I N G C O U N T R I E S La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Answers Programa 1 Programa 2 Programa 3 Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 2 Tiene nueve años. Tiene un año. Tiene dos años. Tiene seis años. Tiene cinco años. Tiene ocho años. Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 2 Tía, pantalones, zapatos, librería, tienda Hoja de trabajo 2 Actividad 1 Juego al bádminton a las diez Voy a casa de mi amigo a las once Juego al tenis a la una Voy al cine a a las cuatro Voy a la discoteca a las siete Programa 1 Hoja de trabajo 2 Actividad 2 8 – ocho Programa 1 Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 2 1 Son las siete 2 Son las cinco 3 Son las ocho 4 Son las nueve Programa 2 Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 1 Sandalias, rojas, camisa, morada, pantalones, azules, vestido, azul, falda, amarilla, camiseta, negra Hoja de trabajo 2 Actividad 2 ¿Te gusta la limonada ? ¿Te gusta el fútbol? ¿Te gustan los deportes? ¿Te gusta el café? ¿Te gustan las discotecas? Programa 2 Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 1 Your penpal’s name is Paco He lives in Venezuela He has one brother. He has two sisters, ¿Te gusta el cine? ¿Te gustan las hamburguesas? ¿Te gusta Robbie Williams? who are 19 and 17 years old. The sport he likes best is football His favourite singer is Enrique Iglesias Programa 3 His favourite colours are blue and green Programa 1 Programa 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Actividad 1 Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 2 1 verdad 2 verdad 3 mentira 4 mentira Programa 3 Hoja de trabajo 4 Actividad 2 A-5 B-2 M N E S T T E R E O I Q U E R E R I Q U I E I T C V T E A E D N C E A T I C-3 D-6 E-1 R D V N O F-4 T C A U T S C S N U C H A D Programa 1 Hoja de trabajo 4 Actividad 2 1 tía 2 tío 3 primo 4 madre 5 hermana 6 tía 7 prima 8 padre 9 abuela 10 hermano S E S E V T I N C O V E I D R A E I O A R I N S C O C H O N T E A R U E C D C A I C V A D E U N O R S I E T E D N C S C N S U T U H V R C N E T D T R R O H H O D O S M Programa 4 Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 1 Juan y Clara dicen ‘Vamos en coche’. Pascual y Marta dicen ‘Vamos en avión’. Ramón y María dicen ‘Vamos en tren’. Luisa y Carmela dicen ‘Vamos en autobús’. Gloria y Paco dicen ‘Vamos en bicicleta’. ANSWERS La tienda de Luis 43 © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Programa 4 Programa 5 Programa 5 Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 3 One way No parking Hoja de trabajo 1 Actividad 3 Amarilla, marrón, rojas, verdes, blanco, Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 1 Vino, jamón, gambas, pan, vino tinto No entry Pedestrian area No bill posting Programa 4 Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 1 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-e 5-c Programa 4 Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 2 Todo recto La segunda a la derecha Todo recto La tercera a la derecha Todo recto La segundo a la izquierda Y Todo recto verde Programa 5 Programa 5 Hoja de trabajo 2 Actividad 1 Match: A-3 B-7 C-8 D-1 E-6 F-5 G-2 H-4 I-9 Order of sentences for recipe: 8–2–6–1–7–9–4–5–3 Programa 5 Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 2 Primero: ensalada de gambas; gazpacho; melón con jamón Segundo: paella; bistec; pollo al ajillo Postre: fruta del tiempo; queso; helado Programa 4 Hoja de trabajo 4 Actividad 2 Hace frío en Paris Hay nubes en Sydney Llueve en Venecia Hace calor en Pisa Hace viento en Londres Programa 4 Programa 5 Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 2 1 Wednesday 2 11 years old 3 Manuel, Paco 4 good, garden, lemonade, Coca-Cola, sandwiches – chocolate and ice cream 5 likes 6 football 7 raining, house, computer Programa 5 Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 3 M P S T P T Q E N U C T T U A A H E A U U V E V A M S T A E A C E I T E T L U N R S Y H N E E C S S C Q E T T R A G U A U A H T F D D D M Q E U U E O P O S T R E S A A A E N V U V I N T T R I E V O O R T A V D P U A U Q U E S O R G A T Q I H O V P A T A R A V V T U N I T P E E L N LL C C Hoja de trabajo 3 Actividad 3 1 mentira 2 verdad 3 mentira 4 mentira 5 verdad 6 verdad Hoja de trabajo 5 Actividad 2 Buenos Aires, viernes, gato, calor, vela 44 ANSWERS La tienda de Luis © 2 0 0 2 C H A N N E L FO U R T E L E V I S I O N C O R P O R AT I O N LEARNING Credits La tienda de Luis was produced for Channel 4 by Lomond Productions Limited Producer/director: Alistair Scott The Teachers’ Guide was written by Jean Nisbet and Margaret Smith Edited by Mary Ellwood, Anne Fleck and Rosa María Martín Illustrated by Sarah Dempsey Designed by CornerHouse Design Project managed by Huw Jones Printed by Thanet Press Limited La tienda de Luis Spanish for 9–12 year olds La tienda de Luis is a series of five programmes for young learners of Spanish. It is set in the old town of Oviedo, in the Spanish region of Asturias, where Luis opens a new shop with the help of his aunt Tía María. Luis is not an experienced shopkeeper and his endeavours to establish the business often come to grief – frequently resulting in a humorous combination of melodrama and chaos. The story themes link to key vocabulary areas such as family relationships, greetings, numbers, days, time, colours, the home, directions, weather and food. The programmes are entirely in Spanish, at a language level suitable for children who are just starting to learn the language. 4Learning, PO Box 400, Wetherby, LS23 7LG © 2002 Channel Four Television Corporation Product code: 221511 LEARNING