Eagles Express 10
Eagles Express 10
EAGLES EXPRESS A publication of Camden Station Elementary entucky Crestwood, K O C T . 2 0 1 2 M O N T H LY N E W S L E T T E R TIME FOR FALL! Camden Station’s Mission... Through research-based instruction, students will become effective communicators and critical thinkers, who have a solid foundation in leadership, literacy and technology, and can work creatively in both independent and collaborative situations. As a Camden Station Eagle, I… Solve problems Own my learning Achieve goals Respect others und! t school aro ...at the bes “Are you SOARing?” Pri n ci pa l p oin t s ... from Mr. Stu Martin ello Camden Eagles! I hope everyone is enjoying the Fall festivities, and spending some quality time with friends and family. I would like to talk this month about the saying we’ve all heard from our parents or grandparents at some point. How many times did you hear, “Kids have changed so much these days. They just don’t…”? You can fill in the blank there about how kids don’t have respect, don’t have a good work ethic, etc. And this isn’t new thinking on the parts of adults. You can look back through the centuries and find multiple quotes from famous leaders and teachers who fear for the future of their society, because of the inadequacies of the youth. H Do cultures change over time? Yes. Does each generation bring something new to the table, when it comes to social norms? Yes. Are these changes good? I’m not even going to answer that question during this election year! Here at Camden, we’ve been asking the previous question to ourselves lately. “What’s up with the kids these days?!?” We have noticed a slight shift in our student behavior and interaction. We began to notice hints of these changes about halfway through last year, and they have been progressing ever since. Do we have great kids at Camden? Absolutely! Respect for one another has always been a top (continued on page 2) Increase in Tardiness... We have had a large number of students being tardy over the past 2 weeks. By Board Policy, students are to be in their classrooms by 7:50. This means that if you are arriving at 7:50, or later, your child is tardy, and you MUST park your vehicle and walk them inside to sign them in. Thank you for helping us with this attendance issue. priority at Camden. Our kids have been very impressive with this quality. Lately, however, we have seen that we are addressing this issue with our students on a more frequent basis. Spotting the issue is the easy task. Finding out why it’s happening and where it’s originating, however, is the difficult part. Some of the behaviors we have been noticing lately range from unkind words, to unsportsmanlike behavior, to not respecting the authority of the adult and the expectations. When we work with these students, in our efforts to help them make the right choices, there are some common trends that we just can’t ignore. Two commonalities really stand out when it comes to our students and negative behavior; the media they are exposed to, and the interaction with others at home. I’m continually surprised at the television shows our elementaryaged students watch. Our students have no problem quoting adult “reality” shows, MA-14 shows like Family Guy, etc. But even if your child is not watching adult programming, take a look at the children’s shows they are watching. Just because it’s on Disney, Nickelodeon, or ABC Family, doesn’t mean it’s appropriate. Pay attention to how children talk to one another on the shows they watch, how they talk to their parents, or how they treat educators and law enforcement officials. Disrespectful, and sometime bullying, behavior are presented as the norm on some children’s programming. Most “Reality” television sends a very dysfunctional message to children about what their own reality should be. Many professional athletes do not send a positive message about teamwork and sportsmanship. Whether you know it or not, your kids are watching all these things, and soaking it up like a sponge. We know they’re watching it… they tell us! It’s so important that you pay attention to what your child is watching, and then having conversations with them when disrespectful behaviors are modeled for them. The taunting you see from a professional athlete on the field might be entertaining for fans to watch, but it certainly isn’t when you see it directed at another child in the classroom. I could write in great length about social media on television, computers and hand-held mobile devices. Please know this has a tremendous effect on young minds and is affecting their social interactions as they are forming lifelong habits. Social media has become more interactive (2-way), and has changed dramatically over the past 10-15 years. Progressing technology has allowed children to socialize in a completely different way, too. So, we may not be old fogies when we say kids are different these days. There may be some truth to it! Please be diligent in censoring your child’s TV watching, social networking, etc. The other correlation with behavior we’re seeing is the interaction our students are having at home. Many times, when I ask a student why they chose a negative behavior, and where they’ve seen that before, they tell me about the interactions between siblings, cousins or parents at home. We all have disagreements with our family members, but please remember that little eyes and ears are present. What is modeled for them at home, as “normal” behavior, has a tremendous impact on them and their own life-long social behavior. What is learned from birth to 10 years-old, is very hard to unlearn. That’s why it’s so important to be sure we’re modeling positive behaviors for our kids, and problem solving skills that actually solve the problem, not make it worse. Sorry for the lengthy letter, but this is a topic we think is very important, and needed to be brought up. We do have good kids at Camden, and that’s why it’s difficult for us to see them slowly losing their respect for one another. When you see someone being “ugly” on the TV or computer screen, please take the time to talk with your child about why that type of behavior doesn’t solve problems, and only hurts yourself and others. Then, as the parent, you can make the choice as to whether your child watches that program again. Thank you for reading. Please know that we will always continue to help our students understand the importance of being a good citizen, while we help them be life-long learners! Stu Martin, Principal Counselor’s Corner ...a monthly update from Mrs. Ford As human beings, we are o1en afraid or uncomfortable of people or situa8ons in which we do not understand or see as different from us. O1en, our first response is to make fun of or joke about those people or situa8ons. It is important that as parents we teach our children to open themselves up to people or situa8ons that are different. Teaching Tolerance is a magazine and website resource that I o1en use to get ideas on teaching children how to respect others. The 8ps listed below discuss ways that you, as parent, can help your child embrace diversity. Model it 1. . Talking to your child about the importance of embracing difference and trea0ng others with respect is essen0al, but it's not enough. Your ac0ons, both subtle and overt, are what she will emulate. 2. Acknowledge difference. Rather than teaching children that we are all the same, acknowledge the many ways people are different, and emphasize some of the posi0ve aspects of our differences – language diversity and various music and cooking styles, for example. Likewise, be honest about instances, historical and current, when people have been mistreated because of their differences. Encourage your child to talk about what makes him different, and discuss ways that may have helped or hurt him at 0mes. AIer that, finding similari0es becomes even more powerful, crea0ng a sense of common ground. Challenge intolerance. 3. If your child says or does something indica0ng bias or prejudice, don't meet the ac0on with silence. Silence indicates acceptance, and a simple command – "Don't say that" – is not enough. First try to find the root of the ac0on or comment: "What made you say that about Sam?" Then, explain why the ac0on or comment was unacceptable. Visit my website at www.camdensta0oncounselor.weebly.com 4. Look for everyday ac0vi0es that can serve as springboards for discussion. School-‐age children respond beWer to lessons that involve real-‐life examples than to ar0ficial or staged discussions about issues. For example, if you're watching TV together, talk about why certain groups oIen are portrayed in stereotypical roles. Seize teachable moments. Emphasize the positive. 5. Just as you should challenge your child's ac0ons if they indicate bias or prejudice, it's important to praise him for behavior that shows respect and empathy for others. Catch your child trea0ng people kindly, let her know you no0ced and discuss why it's a desirable behavior. It looks like Mr. Mar0n and Mrs. Ford will be dus0ng off the kickballs. Congratula0ons Eagles! You reached our highest goal of $18,000 and the reward of a school wide kickball tournament. Not only did we meet our top goal we exceeded it. As of today you have raised over $18,844 for Camden in the 2012 Walk A Thon. Our Eagles can really soar. We have some great school wide fun in store for everyone, including an extra recess period, a PJ Day, a Hat Day and the long awaited Kickball Tournament. PTA News What a wonderful day we had for our Walk A Thon, and as always the track was lined with family friends and fans of our students cheering them on as they ran, danced and jogged to the music. Thank you to everyone who gave their 0me to help our teachers and staff host another fun and successful day. A big thank you also goes out to all the families and students at Camden that put in all the hard work to raise money for our school and help us meet our goals. Thank you also to the our local businesses that donated items for our Walk A Thon including Quest Outdoors, Swaggs Running Store, and Game Stop. Way to Go Eagles ! Quest Outdoors Gi- Card Winners: Lap Winners K Logan O7man ( 9 ) Mrs. Bebelaar 1 Jack Sullivan ( 9 ) Ms. Osborn **** Tied with Jackson Korowin from Ms Sanders 2 Ryan Woosley (11) Ms Dziedzic **** Tied with Grant Hamilton, Betsy Huckaby, and Natalie Beard 3 Kyle Elsbury (12) Ms. Murphy **** Tied with Abagail Buchanan, Jada Bayless, Jackson Graves, Grayson Klehr, Marissa Loster, Hannah OGara 4 Ryan Ennis (14) Ms. Lowe **** Tied with Chase Houlihan, Miles McGinnis 5 Timothy Stragand (15) Ms. Garre7 167 Reached the $50 level and above and will receive a 2012 Original Camden Sta]on Walk A Thon T Shirt 80 Reached the $80 and above level School Prize Levels Reached: Newscast winners: K Chloe Hardesty (Ms. Townley) 15,000 Extra Recess 16,000 PJ Day 17,000 Hat Day 18,000 Kickball Tournament 1 Nicholas Pearl ( Ms. Osborn) 2 Haley Byrd ( Ms. Arthur ) 3 Ronnie Simpson (Ms. Sraj) 4 Sam Pucke7 (Ms. Allen) 5 Madison Bosa (Ms. Pfeifer) Grand Total Raised as of today: $18,885 Class Pizza Party Winners K Ms Townley $1,320 1 Ms Moberly $1,305 2 Ms Dziedzic $1,005 *** 3 Ms. Sraj $1,755 (school winner, special cra-/ ac]vity) 4 Ms. Larkin $1,090 5 Ms. Pfeifer $1,199 iPod Shuffle Winners: K Connor Wood Ms. Bebelaar 1 Landon Olgine Ms. Sanders 2 Elliot Ford Ms. Dziedzic 3 Jessi Taylor Ms. Sraj 4 Riley Trimble Ms. Larkin 5 Trevor Butler Ms. Pfeifer Runner Up iPad 1st Gen: Addison Welsh Grand Prize Winners iPad 2nd Gen: Ethan DeVasier n e d Cam Fall l a v i t Fes Prices - One ticket is $.50 Games with prizes = one ticket per game Games with no prizes = free Inflatable = one ticket per turn Pumpkin painting = $4.00 Balloon Animal = one ticket per animal Steve-o Magician = one ticket for show (2 shows at 5:00 & 6:00 in gym BEST DEAL: Wristbands $10 (includes unlimited games, inflatable, magician & pumpkin) FOOD! * Domino’s - selling pizza for $1.50/slice * Visit the Kona’s Shaved Ice Truck (Camden Station PTA gets 25% of sales from vendors!) Morning Breakfa! We have noticed many of our car riders arriving after 7:45, and then needing to eat breakfast. This causes students to miss out on classroom instruction that starts at 7:50. If you are expecting your child to eat breakfast at school, please drop them off between 7:30 and 7:35. If you plan on dropping them off later, please provide breakfast at home for your child. "ank y#. October Promotions New Customers can use promo code: newfive to save $5 off $25 Existing Customers watch your email for special coupon codes for products! Free Broccoli when purchasing $40 or more of Market Day products! Free Chicken Steaks when purchasing $90 or more online and using the promo code: OCTBONUS Everyone who orders gets a free PB&J Gramwich Bar! October is a qualifiying month for the frequent buyer bag giveaway for December! Order Cutoff date is Friday, October 12th...go to marketday.com to order Pick up Date is Wednesday, October 17th from 4:30-5:30 pm PTA MEMBERSHIP & STUDENT DIRECTORY FORMS This is a reminder that we need the pink PTA Membership form and money as well as the green Student Directory form and money sent in as soon as possible. Our goal is to have the Student Directory completed by our Fall Carnival on October 13th but we need your forms turned in ASAP to make it happen! Thanks for your help! 2012-2013 PTA CARDS We have decided not to send the PTA Membership Cards out this year unless you specifically request one. In the past the cards have been good for discounts and other various perks but that is no longer the case. However, the cards do show your personal PTA number that would only be used in instances of voting at the national level. If you would still like to receive your card I am more than happy to send it to you. Please send me an e-mail requesting your card at beth_westbrook@yahoo.com and I will send it right away. Thanks! After School & Fall Break Openings: We still have a few open spots in all grades. If you are looking for someone to watch your child during Fall Break look to Eagles Nest! We open at 7:00 am and close at 6:00 pm. If you should have any questions please call Pat Maurer at 241-3411. Extra Activities: Camden Childcare & TENNIS 6 weeks Tennis Session After School Activities Starting October 8th through November 19th Grades K - 5th grade Time: 2:30 - 3:15 pm Location: Eagles's Nest and No Equipment Necessary Cost: $60 Minimum 8 students You do not have to be in Eagles Nest to join, this is for everyone! Contact: Karen Draper with USTA at Draper@sta.usta.com or 502-533-0204 Kickin' It Tae Kwon Do 8 weeks Tae Kwon Do Starting October 30th through December 17th Grades K - 5th grade Time: 2:30 - 3:00 pm Location: Eagles's Nest Cost: $80 with a $25 registration fee Free Uniform New students welcome You do not have to be in Eagles Nest to join, this is for everyone! Contact: Taryn Noll cnoll@bellsouth.net or call 502-265-5060 Did you know that nearly one out of every two 10-13 year olds own a cell phone? Many children under 10 even have their own cell phone. Many also have an ipod touch, DS or ipad with internet connection. Kids today are very connected at a much younger age. Ever wonder about all of the different social media that your children are visiting? Facebook, twitter, foursquare, youTube, Xanga, friendster, Chat Roulette, to name just a few. Texting is also extremely popular. This trend is not going anywhere. Children younger and younger are getting on sites that they don't understand. Parents, it's time we get educated, equipped, empowered and engaged in this digital world--for their protection and for the sake of being able to communicate with our children. Join Mary Beth Uberti, a certified Life Coach with Operation: PARENT, as she visits today's social media. Mark your calendars for Tuesday, October 16th, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon or from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Cost of the seminar is $10.00. You may register online at operationparent.org or by calling 502-245-7154. Seminar will be held at our Middletown location at 13029 Middletown Industrial Blvd. As always, you may visit our website to learn about parenting classes that are offered throughout the year. OPERATION: PARENT National School lunch week is October 15-19. Our Theme this year is ‘School LunchWhat’s Cooking?’ We would like this opportunity to showcase our new, healthier options served to students. We are hosting ‘Take Your Parents to Lunch Week’. The school with the highest participation (the most lunches purchased for the week) will win a school assembly featuring the Power Panther, spokes character for the USDA Eat Smart, Play Hard Campaign. The assembly for Power Panther in action! the winning school will take place in November. October 15– K and 5th October 16– 1st and 4th OUTRAGEOUS OCTOBER CAMDEN CAFE TAKE YOUR PARENTS TO LUNCH WEEK October 17– 2nd October 18– 3rd October 19– No School CAMDEN CAFÉ NUTRITION STAFF Assistant Manager Michelle Browning Mara Montgomery Manager Vickey Lisenby Blanche Pate World school milk day SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Special points of interest: Briefly highlight your point of interest here. Briefly highlight your point of interest here. Briefly highlight your point of interest here. Briefly highlight your point of interest here. Holly McDevitt Upcoming events & menu changes Tuesday November 13/ Thanksgiving Meal: Sliced Turkey with gravy/Mashed Potatoes with gravy option/ Seasoned Broccoli/Mandarin Oranges/Cranberry sauce/W/ G roll/Cake with icing Tuesday November 20: w/white icing Martin Madness (Mr. Martin’s Birthday. Just a few of his favorite things. Things in the works: MUSIC Corn Dog/French Fries/Baked Beans/Mac & Cheese/Bananas/ Birthday Cake! (chocolate cake MONDAY: play music in the cafeteria at breakfast and lunch. EAGLES LANDING: We hide an eagle statue in the cafeteria. Everyone who comes in to purchase a lunch has a chance to find the eagle and choose a prize at the Café Treasure Chest. Fall 2012-2013 Menu Camden1Station Week1Of: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Daily&Options&Include:&Featured&Entrée,&Smucker's&Uncrustable&w/cheesestick,&LowFat&Yogurt&&&Graham&Crackers 10/15/12 10/16/12 10/17/12 10/18/12 8/20/12 Chicken1Nuggets,1WG Hamburger1w/fixings: Chef's1Salad 9/17/12 Green1Beans Nacho1Grande,1WG1Chips 1Lettuce,1Tomato,Pickles Carrots1with1Dip Cheese1or1Pepperoni w/Salsa,1Sour1Cream 10/15/12 Mashed1Sweets Applesauce Orange1Wedges Cobb1Corn Spanish1Rice 11/29/12 Chilled1Pears Baked1Fries Soft1Pretzel1Stick Romaine1Garden1Salad Broccoli1w/dip 12/17/12 Apple1Slices W/G1Chocolate1Chip1 Shape1Up1Juice1Bar Mandarin1Oranges Sliced1Peaches 1/21/13 Cookie 8/27/12 Fresh1Banana 10/29/12 10/30/12 10/19/12 Papa1Johns1Pizza:1choice1of Jello1with1topping 11/1/12 11/2/12 11/3/12 Fish1Bites Build1a1Bag1Lunch Oriental1Chicken Homemade1Soup1w/ 10/29/12 Romaine1Garden1Salad Steamed1Broccoli Cherry1tomato/carrot1cup Steamed1Brown1Rice Cheesy1Breadstick 11/26/12 Glazed1Carrots Macaroni1&1Cheese Frozen1Fruit1Cup Creamy1Carrot1&1Raisin Romaine1Garden1Salad 12/31/12 Oven1Toasted1Breadstick Cole1Slaw Fresh1Banana Salad Sweet1Potato1Puffs Apple1Slices Chocolate1chip1Cookie Pineapple1Chunks Shape1up1Juice1Bar 9/24/12 Spaghetti/1Meatballs Fresh1Grapes Asst. Milk is offered Daily with Each Meal. Extra Milk: $.50 Lunch Prices: Student: $1.85 Reduced: $.40 Adult: $3.00 Extra Entrée: $1.75 Fresh1Melon1Chunks 9/3/12 11/5/12 11/6/12 11/7/12 11/8/12 11/9/12 10/1/12 Pizza1Pocket Oven1Baked1Lasagna Oven1Baked1Chicken Papa1Johns1Pizza:1choice1of Bare1Burrito1Bowl1w/Salsa 11/5/12 Green1Beans Romaine1Garden1Salad Applesauce Cheese1or1Pepperoni Shredded1Lettuce,1Cheese 12/3/12 Tiny1Red1Potatoes Seasoned1Peas Roasted1Zucchini1&1Squash Baby1Carrots1w/1Dip Sour1Cream1&1Salsa Orange1Wedges Mandarin1Oranges Mashed1Potato Romaine1Garden1Salad Refried1Beans/Spanish1Rice W/G1Sugar1Cookie Apple1Slices WG1Roll Peaches Pineapple Fresh1Banana 9/10/12 10/8/12 10/9/12 LF1Cake 10/10/12 10/11/12 10/12/12 Turkey1Roast Build1a1Bag1Lunch Eggs1&1Sausage Boneless1Breaded1Pork1Chop 11/12/12 Colossal1Baked1Fry Mashed1Potato/Brown1Gravy Cherry1tomato/carrot1cup WG1Cereal Baked1Beans 12/10/12 Green1Beans Seasoned1Broccoli Frozen1Fruit1Cup Perk1Me1Up1Potato Applesauce Mandarin1Oranges Fresh1Banana Baked1Apples Glazed1Carrots 10/8/12 Big1Daddy/s1Pizza1WG Pears Grapes Monday WG1Roll Sugar1Cookie Assorted1Juice1Cup 1Cookie Build&a&Bag&Day:&A&choice&of&Entrée,&Turkey,&Ham,&Smuckers&PB&&&Jw/cheese&stick,&or&yogurt&w/graham&cracker.& 10/15%11/5 Muffin1&1Cheesestick Monday Lunch inc. choice of: 1 Entrée 3 Sides Milk 10/8)%10/29 Bagel1with1Jelly Tuesday 10/16%11%6 Biscuit1Sausage1Jelly Tuesday 10/9%10/30 Mini1Cinnamon1Rolld Fall Breakfast Wednesday 10/17%11/7 Thursday Mini1Waffles Wednesday 10/18%11/8 Friday Egg1&1Cheese1Biscuit 10/10%10/31 Sausage1Pancake1on1stick Thursday 10/19^11/9 Daily&Breakfast&Options: Featured&Entrée,&or& Friday 10/12%11/02 Cereal&&&Graham&Cracker Donut1with1Graham1Cracker Choice&of:&Assorted&Juice& or&Fruit&and&Milk Donut1with1Graham1Cracker 10/11%11/01 Biscuit1with1Chicken1Star Student Breakfast: $1.10Adult Breakfast $1.50 Reduced Breakfast: $.30 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!! HEALTH SCREENINGS NOV. 1, 2012 It is once again time for health screenings for Camden Station! I need about 6 volunteers who are willing to help. It is really very easy (and painless!!)! I would need you to show up at approximately 7:50 am on Nov. 1st- and we are usually done before lunch! You do not need to know what to do, someone is there to help us!! Please contact me, Debbie Arnold, if interested at arnold.debbie@hotmail.com or 777-0006 Thank you in advance for your help!!! 10-8-12 11-2-12 Book Fair open 7:30 - 3:00 Mad Science 2:30 - 3:30 thru 10-12-12 11-5-12 10-9-12 4/5 Grade Chorus 2:30 - 4:00 Cross Country practice for 3rd - 5th graders 11-6-12 Septa Meeting 7:00 PM NO SCHOOL 10-11-12 11-8-12 Cross Country practice for 3rd - 5th graders 4th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 4th grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Bricks 4 Kids 2:30 - 3:30 Bricks 4 Kids 2:30 - 3:30 Mega Cheer 4:15 - 5:15 Mega Cheer 4:15 - 5:15 Cross Country Awards & Pizza Night 6:30 Domino's Dough Raiser Night - 7:30 10-12-12 Domino's Dough Raiser Night Mad Science 2:30 - 3:30 11-9-12 5th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Mad Science 2:30 - 3:30 10-13-12 5th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Cross Country Meet 3rd - 5th graders only 11-12-12 Camden Fall Festival 4:00 - 7:00 4/5 Grade Chorus 2:30 - 4:00 Book Fair open 4:00 - 7:00 11-14-12 10-15-12 EARLY RELEASE DAY Cross Country practice 3rd - 5th graders only Market Day Pick up 4/5th grade Chorus 2:30 - 4:00 10-16-12 Cross Country practice 3rd - 5th graders only 10-17-12 5th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Market Day Pick up 4:30 Gustavos Family Food Night 10-18-12 Last Cross Country practice 3rd - 5th graders only 4th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Bricks 4 Kids 2:30 - 3:30 Mega Cheer 4:15 - 5:15 Domino's Dough Raiser Night Have something you would like 10-19-12 thru 10-26-12 FALL BREAK NO SCHOOL entered in the Eagles Express? 10-27-12 Call Rachael at 422-3717 or send an email to Cross Country State Meet 3rd - 5th graders only rachaelroy@mac.com. 10-29-12 4/5 grade Chorus 2:30 - 4:00 10-30-12 Skating Party @ Champs 10-31-12 Reflection Contest Entries Due For more information about what’s going on at Kindergarten Field Trip 8:30 - 1:00 Camden, visit www.camdenstationpta.com. Gallrein Farm 5th Grade Climbing Club 2:45 - 3:45 Want updates throughout the month? If you aren’t 11-1-12 already on the Camden PTA’s email list, call Camden 4th Grade Climbing Club 2:34 - 3:45 Bricks 4 Kids 2:30 - 3:30 Station at 241-1271 and ask to be added. Mega Cheer 4:14 - 5:15