Harvest Festival event is Sat., August 13


Harvest Festival event is Sat., August 13
Readlyn Chronicle
Volume 9, No. 7, Compiled by
Readlyn Community Club — Designed/Printed by Horizon Publishing Co., Jesup, IA, July 27, 2016
Harvest Festival event is Sat., August 13
The PTOS (Preserving the Old Stuff)
organization will demonstrate the way
harvesting was completed many years ago
on Saturday, August 13 at the Poor Farm,
1951 Larrabee Ave beginning at 9:30 a.m.
In addition to the demonstrations listed
below, come and see the large display of
antique tractors and farm machinery.
This is only a short drive for anyone to
witness the threshing of oats, shredding of
corn, sawing wood, and shelling corn the
way it was done fifty to one-hundred years
ago. The PTOS members have planted
and harvested the oats and corn, and will
demonstrate the separation of oats and
straw using old threshing machines and
the shredding of corn. All of these demonstrations will take place between 9:30 a.m.
and noon. At 1 p.m. a Kiddie Tractor Pull
conducted by the Wapsie Valley and Waverly Shell Rock FFA will be held for chil-
dren 10 and under. During the day, tractor
rides will also be given to children ages 5
to 10 years old.
An Ice Cream Social will also take
place during the day, homemade pie with
ice cream and lots of other food will be
served from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The Poor Farm
board members will give hourly tours of
the building where residents lived on what
was known as the Bremer County Home,
or earlier was thought of as the Poor Farm.
There is no admission charge for this
event, however donations will be accepted. Everyone is invited, bring the whole
family and enjoy a day back in history.
With your generous donations and commitment to our
community – we raised $10,630.00! RTC Communications Board
of Directors has decided to match the $10,630.00 – making a total
of $21,260.00.
Royalty crowned — The
There have also been generous donations from Businesses and
Bremer County Fair Association is pleased
to announce Emilie Spratt as the 2016
Phase 1 of the project $’s has been met.
Bremer County Fair Queen She is the
daughter of Timothy and Christine Spratt
is the reigning 2016 Dairy Princess
The City Council has decided to proceed with Phase 2, which She
and is sponsored by the Bremer County
Dairy Promoters. Emilie is a 2016 gradis the additional TOYS (equipment) needed to complete the
uate of Waverly-Shell Rock High School
where she was active in cross-country,
Splash Pad.
track, NEXUS, FFA and 4-H. This fall she
plans on attending Des Moines Area ComAn additional $22,000.00 will be needed - so please do
munity College where she will study to
become a veterinary technician. Emilie's
court was also named Sunday night at the
not quit now. Continue to donate to this great project for our
Center Inn in Readlyn. The court includes:
Erin Moeller, Tripoli - 1st Runner-up; Aubry
community and future fun for our children!
Bienemann, Plainfield 2nd Runner-up, and CalOn behalf of the City of Readlyn and RTC Communications,
lie Yearous, Sumner
- Miss Congeniality.
THANK YOU for your commitment to our GREAT COMMUNITY.
Home of
857 Friendly People
One Old Grump
Page 2
Readlyn Chronicle
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Miss Readlyn
By Dan Wedemeier
By Charlie Albrecht
By Dayten Wittenburg
Great job everyone!!!!! Thank you for all your contributions to the
splash pad! We made our goal of $10,000 and we actually went over
by $600!
RTC Communications had committed to the $10,000 and has decided
to match the entire amount of the donations, for a total matching funds
of $10,600.00. A great big THANK YOU to the telephone company and
their board! We also had several businesses contribute, which helped out
greatly and is very much appreciated.
At this time, I think that total is around $12,000. The City of Readlyn
was also awarded a few grants. They were from the Readlyn Community
Foundation and the Bremer County Foundation which totaled approximately $7,700. Thank you very much to those groups also!
The City of Readlyn is on schedule to have the splash pad installed
this Sept. and is planning on doing BOTH phase 1 and 2 at the same
time. The total for both phases is around $180,000. The city has set aside
$130,000 for this project and, with what has been raised, I believe we are
still about $10,000 short, so we will continue to look for more donations
to the project.
If you haven't had a chance to make a contribution - there is still time!
Just stop in at City Hall and Lois will be glad to take your donation!
Thanks again to everyone! It is truly amazing, what we can do if we all
work together.
At our recent council meeting we talked about possible locations
that would be available for another sand volleyball court and if we need
another tennis/basketball court. The tennis/basketball court at the ball
diamond park and the two sand volleyball courts will be the location of
the new 60 foot by 80 foot splash pad. If you have thoughts or ideas of
a good possible location for a new volleyball court please let a council
person, Lois, Barney, Jim or myself know. We look forward to hearing
your suggestions/ideas.
The Quarter Avenue and Lobeck Avenue project is going well and is
ahead of schedule, even with the couple of rain days included. The City
has upgraded some storm water drainage areas with some tile line and
also added some new sidewalks, where needed. I continue to monitor
the project daily to work out any problems that may arise. We have seen
some unneeded traffic on that street that makes it dangerous for the guys
working. If you can go another way please do so. For those of you that it
affects directly, we appreciate your patience. It won't be too much longer
and it will be much better when the project is done. If you have problems
or concerns please contact me or Lois at City Hall and let us know.
Our recycling efforts are going great - we seem to recycle more every
month. Please help the guys out by sorting and throwing your items in
the garbage. Also, remember that we do not recycle styrofoam at this
facility. I was at the Recycling Center the other day with Jim and Barney
and they had to pick out of the cardboard dumpster ten bags of newspapers. Please do not mix the cardboard and newspapers together. We
have a box inside the building for your newspapers. Thanks for all your
recycling efforts! Please continue to increase your recycling efforts. Always consider recycling as you are getting rid of your items/garbage. If
you’re not sure about what we all recycle, please just call City Hall and
ask Lois, she will be glad to help explain it to you.
Thanks for now - Have a great summer!
Dan Wedemeier, Mayor
It’s important to choose the right partner when bringing
your corn to market. Flint Hills Resources buys 230 million
bushels of corn each year to make ethanol, livestock feed
What a humbling experience when MC Ed Traeger read
my name as the 2016 Readlyn Grump. A big thank-you to
Craig and John for being candidates and I believe either
of them would have made a fantastic Grump. Also, a big
thank-you to Ron Kohagen for his commitment for serving as the 2015 Grump and all the Grumps before him.
During my first month as the Readlyn Grump, I organized past Grumps and we attended the Fairbank Days parade. Burton Thies donated the use of his trailer, several of
us helped decorate, we included the “Grump Bust” on the
trailer for everyone to see, and we had a good time. We
are planning on attending parades in Tripoli and Denver
also. I enjoyed serving ice cream at the Historical Society’s Open House on Sunday night, July 10. I believe the
attendance was good, and I had the opportunity to meet
lots of new citizens that I had not met previously. What a
privilege it was to work with Miss Readlyn, Dayten Wittenburg. I know we are going to spend time at several
events during the next year and I’m really looking forward to it.
It is truly awesome to be the Grump in this wonderful small town where so many citizens are involved in
contributing to making it a better community. We’ve
seen the bike trail, beautification committee and many
others working to improve what we have. Now it is the
“Splash Pad.” Everyone has the opportunity to contribute
and bring something special to this small town. I can’t
wait until I see the first child enjoying this new facility. It
should make everyone smile and proud to be a part of it.
The Grump family has been really busy as all six children, spouses and 15 grandchildren spent a few days at
home over the 4th of July weekend. Twenty-nine of us
attended church services on Sunday morning together for
no other reason than to worship and thank the Lord for the
opportunity to spend time together.
I’d like to ask a special favor of you all: The Denver
PTOS (Preserving the Old Stuff) are having a Harvest
Festival on Saturday, August 13 at the Poor Farm located
at 1951 Larrabee Ave. They have threshing oats, shredding corn, sawing wood, shelling corn, tractor rides and
a Kiddie Pedal Pull, plus an old fashion ice cream social,
and tours of the Old County Home. Please attend and enjoy some old-time history.
Let’s all enjoy the great weather we have, the Bremer
County Fair, Tripoli Days, Denver Days, State Fair and
other events being held over the next month. Until next
time, “God Bless.”
I would first like to do a little bit of a rewind and say
thank you to everyone who helped make Readlyn Days
possible this year! Thank you to the Readlyn Community Club, the Kids in the Park volunteers, Readlyn Days
sponsors, and everyone else who contributed in any way.
I would also like to say a big thank you to Kim Brown
who owns “Inspired” for sponsoring me to give me the
chance to run for Miss Readlyn. The ladies in Inspired
never fail to make me smile whenever I visit. They have
given me so much support, and I have also received so
much support from individuals that I never knew before.
I have had such an amazing experience so far and I owe it
all to the community members of Readlyn. I cannot thank
everyone enough for their support and compassion. I am
so lucky to grow up in such a caring environment. The
town of Readlyn has definitely impacted the person that I
am today and for that I am grateful for.
I also want to extend congratulations to amazing Miss
Readlyn candidates, Lakin Joerger and Sammy Rohlfsen.
They are great representatives for the town of Readlyn
as well and should not go unrecognized. You will see all
of us throughout the year at events representing Readlyn
Now to fast forward to the present time, so far as part
of my Miss Readlyn duties I have been able to participate
in the Fairbank Days and the Waverly Heritage Days parade. I also got the opportunity to help serve ice cream
at the Historical Museum in Readlyn. There was a great
turnout with some delicious ice cream! I got to meet
many residents of Readlyn with the help of the Grump,
Charlie Albrecht. I think he may know the whole town of
Readlyn! :) On Sunday, July 17 I also got the chance to
run for the Bremer County Fair Queen with the sponsorship of the Readlyn Community Club. A big thank you
goes out to the Community Club for their sponsorship because without them I would not get that opportunity. I am
super excited about the Bremer County Fair this year! My
house has been bustling with the anticipation of fair and
my brother and I trying to finish our 4-H projects daily.
Be sure to come check out the Bremer County Fair from
July 24 through July 30! There are lots of opportunities to
have fun at the fair for your whole family!
I have enjoyed getting to meet so many wonderful people through being Miss Readlyn so far and I can’t wait to
meet many more! Thank you to everyone for your support! Make the most of every day! :)
Dayten Wittenburg, Miss Readlyn
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Readlyn Chronicle
Page 3
Readlyn Community Happenings
Sharon Kay Eick
Sharon Kay Eick, age 74, of Tripoli,
Iowa, died on June 22, 2016, in Waterloo
with her loving husband at her side.
Sharon was born August 28, 1941, the
daughter of Emil and Myrtle “Peg” (Enloe) Leistikow in Waterloo. She grew up
on a farm near Readlyn and was baptized
and confirmed at Zion Lutheran Church.
She graduated in 1959 from Readlyn High
School and attended Wartburg College.
On September 25, 1960, Sharon was
united in marriage to Eugene Ray Eick
at Zion Lutheran and to this union five
children were born. Sharon and Eugene
lived and farmed near Frederika. Sharon worked at Bantam for a couple of
years, was a 4-H club leader, judged at the
Bremer County Fair, and served in numerous women’s church groups. She enjoyed
playing cards, traveling, fishing, and flower gardening. Most important of all, she
cherished time spent with friends and family, especially her grandchildren and their
activities. Their home, and also property
by the Cedar River, were gathering places
for many family reunions.
Sharon is survived by her husband, Eugene, four children Terry (Kelly) Eick of
Plainfield, Tammy (Anthony) Hegel of
Federal Way, Washington, Tracey Eick
of Novi, Michigan, and Tina (Dana Richardson) Eick of West Des Moines; seven
grandchildren: Nathan and Natalie Eick,
Ryan Hegel, Jared and Rachel Casaccia,
and Katie and Emmy Richardson; siblings Ronnie (Judy) Leistikow, David
(Elisabeth) Leistikow, Becky (John) Leverington, Bev (Ron) Herman and many
nieces, nephews and cousins. She was preceded in death by her parents, infant sister
Shirley, and infant son Todd.
Visitation was held on Sunday, June 26
at Kaiser Corson Funeral Home in Waverly from 3 to 6 p.m. The funeral service was
held at 10:30 a.m. Monday, June 27, at St.
John Western Douglas Lutheran Church in
rural Plainfield. Memorials may be directed to St. John Western Douglas or Bremer
County 4-H.
Kaiser Corson Funeral Home in Waverly assisted the family.
Velma Matthias/85th birthday
Celebrate Velma (Seegers Harms) Matthias’s 85th birthday with a card shower.
Cards may be sent to her at PO Box 241,
Frederika, IA 50631.
She was born to Louis and Amanda Seegers, August 3, 1931. Velma is the mother
of Logen (Robin) Harms, Mike (Mary)
Harms, the late Kent Harms, Dave (Linda)
Harms and Ann (Larry Piehl) Harms. She
has 12 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
She is the stepmother to Harvey (Susan) Matthias, Linda Netski, the late Leslie Matthias, Richard Matthias, Marlene
(Daryl) Kuhlmann, Lois (Jim) Peters
and Ellen (Randy) Althouse. The Matthias family includes 16 grandchildren, 24
great-grandchildren and one great-greatgrandchild.
The Readlyn High School graduating class of 1951 celebrated their 65th
class reunion riding on a float in the Grump Days parade in Readlyn. Thirteen members
out of a class of 22 enjoyed renewing their friendships. Pictured are, back row, left to
right, Mary Steinbeck Bennett, Wayne Kuethe, Dolores Schmidt Burke, Harold Wehling,
Roland Schmidt, Ron Wolff, Burton Boevers; front row, Carol Huebner Huck, Evonne
Hartman Meyers, Delores Oltrogge Boevers, Julene Sundermeyer Anhalt, and Elaine
Strottmann Teisinger.
Thurs., July 28 - Book Talk, 7 pm
at the Library.
Tues., Aug. 2 - Visiting Nurses Foot
Clinic at the Library. Call 319-2356201 for an appointment.
VFW Post #5661 meeting at Readlyn Telephone Company.
Tues., Aug. 9 - VFW Auxiliary
meeting at the Library.
Sat., Aug. 13 - Harvest Festival at
Poor Farm, 9:30 AM-2 PM.
Wed., Aug. 17 - Senior Citizens
lunch & cards, 11:30 am at the Center
Thurs., Aug. 18 - 5 PM deadline for
Chronicle articles.
Thurs., Aug. 25 - Book Talk, 7 pm
at the Library.
Wed., Aug 31 - Merry Elders lunch
& cards, 11:30 am at Inspired.
Twenty-five descendants of the Henry
and Ida Tietz family got together with Joe
and Marjorie Pleggenkule of Phoenix,
AZ at the Tripoli Bowling Alley for lunch
on June 30, 2016. Cousins in attendance
were from Sumner, Tripoli, Pocahontas,
Reinbeck, Readlyn, Decorah, Mason
City, Waterloo, Cedar Falls and Fayette.
Thank You
I wish to thank everyone for the
cards, visits, and phone calls for
my knee surgery.
Also, thanks to Pastor Lund for
coming to visit me in the hospital.
Your thoughts and prayers were
greatly appreciated.
Don Billhorn
Velma Matthias
Tietz Family
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Page 4
Readlyn Chronicle
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Linda McCarty
Barb Sowers
Nancy Lockard
Memorial Cash Donation
In Memory of Marlys Riley
Judy & Virgil Kuhlmann
Joseph & Constance Chapman
In Memory of Phyllis Wedemeier
Robert & Barbara Meyer
In Memory of John Biermann
Robert & Barbara Meyer
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
10 Cloverfield Lane
$ 5.00
Finding Phil
In Memory of Kenneth Frisch
Wayne & Sue Buss and
Eric & Mandi Buss
In Memory of Sharon Eick
Roger & Marlys Deterding
Leon & Mary Heineman
Memorial Book Donations
In Memory of Ellen Mollenbeck
“I Love Mom” by Camilla de la Bedoyere from
Don and Mary Lou Billhorn.
In Memory of Kenneth Frisch
“Every Little Thing” adapted by Cedelia Marley,
and “Elliot Gets Lost” by David Lowery from
the Farmer’s Co-op Readlyn/Shell Rock.
Re: Donations
Donations have enriched the Readlyn Community Library's collection throughout the years.
Through donors, the library has added materials
which could not have been purchased otherwise.
Donations to the Readlyn Community Library
are lasting gifts to our community and for all
who use the library.
Thank you for your generosity
A nurse from the Visiting Nurses Association
comes to the library on the first Tuesday of each
month for basic nail care, health assessments,
teaching and referrals for seniors who need assistance with foot care. The cost is $20.
Call 319-235-6201 for an appointment.
...and join us for updates and
Summer Reading Program
Thank you to all of those who participated
this year. Even though the Program events are
over for the summer, we are continually getting
new books for all age levels. It is a fact that
students who read during summer vacation retain more of the previous year’s education.
Your Mark…..Get Set…..
New DVDs this month
What’s new at the
Julian Fellowes, the author of Downtown Abbey gives us a
new historical fiction novel, “Belgravia”. On the evening of
15 June, 1815, the great and the good of British Society have
gathered in Brussels at what is to become one of the most
tragic parties in history - the Duchess of Richmond's ball. For
this is the eve of the Battle of Waterloo, and many of the
handsome young men attending the ball will find themselves,
the very next day, on the battlefield. For Sophia Trenchard,
the young and beautiful daughter of Wellington's chief supplier, the night will change everything. But it is only twenty-five
years later when the upwardly mobile Trenchards move into
the fashionable new area of Belgravia, that the true repercussions of that moment will be felt. For in this new world, where
the aristocracy rub shoulders with the emerging nouveau
riche, there are those who would prefer the secrets of the past
to remain buried.
Janet Evanovich, author of the blockbuster Stephanie Plum
novels, and Lee Goldberg, writer for the Monk television
show, team up once again in their rollicking, New York Times
bestselling Fox and O'Hare series! In “The Pursuit” Nicolas
Fox, international con man, thief, and one of the top ten fugitives on the FBI's most-wanted list, has been kidnapped from
a beachfront retreat in Hawaii. What the kidnapper doesn't
know is that Nick Fox has been secretly working for the FBI.
It isn't long before Nick's covert partner, Special Agent Kate
O'Hare, is in hot pursuit of the crook who stole her con man.
Check this out for a good summer read.
“Deep Blue” is our newest offering by author Randy
Wayne White. Doc Ford has long lived a double life. This
time, it may finally have caught up to him. The electrifying
new thriller from the New York Times-bestselling author. "I'll
make an example of someone close to you." On a moonless
night on Sanibel Island, Florida, marine biologist Marion
"Doc" Ford carefully watches a video of a hooded man executing three hostages. The man is an American working with
ISIS, and in the next few days, it'll be Ford's job, as part of his
shadowy second life, to make sure he never kills anybody else
again. But a lot can go wrong in a few days, and Ford has no
way of knowing that not only will the operation prove to be a
lot more complicated than he has anticipated, but that he'll end
up bringing those complications back with him to the small
community of boaters, guides, lovers, and friends in Dinkin's
Bay, where he's long made his home. Someone has taken
Ford's actions very personally, and now no one there is safe least of all, Ford himself. "White continues to provide thinking readers with action-packed thrillers that are also thoughtful and informative," writes Bookreporter.com. "By the end,
you won't be able to read fast enough." Better get started now"
Lisa and Francesca Scottoline are back with another collection of warm and witty stories. “I’ve Got Sand in All the
Wrong Places” will strike a chord with every woman. This
six book series is among the best reviewed humor books published today and has been compared to the late greats, Erma
Bombeck and Nora Ephron. You will identify with these tales
and fall in love with them and fierce (grand) Mother Mary.
This seventh volume will not disappoint as it hits the humorous and poignant note that fans have come to expect from the
mother-daughter duo. You can’t find a better beach read this
Kung Fu Panda 3
Miracles From Heaven
Readlyn Reads
The book for the July
28th meeting will be “The Good Earth” by
Pearl S. Buck. Although sixty years have
passed since this novel won the Pulitzer Prize,
it has retained its popularity and become one of
the great modern classics. Maybe now is a
good time to read or reread this marvelous
book! And join us for good some good conversations.
Do You Have A
Collection to Share?
The library display case is
in need of collections to
admire for September and
beyond. Would you please
share your treasures with
The Green Library Project Recycling
Program continues to be successful.
Thanks to our loyal patrons who drop off
their empty print cartridges and old cell
phones, our project earns a helpful sum to
supplement the library budget. Please
continue to contribute to our recycling
effort. There is a collection box conveniently located in the library entryway. All
brands of printer cartridges and cell
phones are gratefully accepted.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Readlyn Chronicle
Page 5
After the Readlyn parade on June 18, some of the tractors of the PTOS Club (Preserving the Old Stuff) of Denver displayed their tractors which were bought from the former
Matthias Implement (International Products) in Readlyn (the sign, above left, is from that
dealer). The owners of the tractors and year purchased are Burton Boevers 1939, Jim
Happle 1955, Dan Schuldt 1955, Mark Zell 1957, Dean Brandt 1957, Lyle Schneider
1959, John Banzhaf 1963, Jim Happle 1965.
Shown above, left to right, are John Banzhaf, Jim Happle, Ron Adams, Dean Brandt,
and Lowell Brandt.
5th Annual PTO’s
Harvest Festival
August 13, 2016 • 9:30 AM-2:00 PM
at the Poor Farm — 1951 Larrabee Ave., Waverly, IA
Some of the owners and admirers of old tractors paused for a photo following the
Grump Days parade, including, left to right, Craig Boevers, Dan Schuldt, Mark Zell, Larry
Schweer, and Clint Place.
Sunrise Catering
Jim Collins
PO Box 190
• Full Service Catering
Readlyn, IA 50668
• Weddings
• Special Events
(319) 279-4089
• Company Picnics
(319) 961-8610
Tripoli Dollar Plus
232 South Main Street
Tripoli, IA 50676
Just 3 1/2 miles north of the Junction of Hwy. 3 & 63
Threshing Oats
Shredding Corn
Sawing Wood
Shelling Corn
Free Tractor Rides,
Ages 5-10 Years
Tractors and Fun
Ice Cream Social
Driving lessons,
ages 5-10 years
Homemade pie
Ice Cream
Rhubarb Lemonade
Kiddie Pedal Pull
1:00 PM
Free entry
Kids ages 10 and under
Prizes awarded
• 9:30 AM-12 PM Equipment demonstrations, antique farm machinery displays
• 10 AM-2 PM Lunch available
• 1 PM Kiddie Pedal Pull
• Hourly tours of the main building
Page 6
Readlyn Chronicle
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Wapsie Valley Future Farmers of America
Officers attend District Chapter Officer Leadership Training
By Natalie Risse, Chapter Reporter
On June 8, Wapsie Valley FFA chapter
officers traveled to Hawkeye Community
College in Waterloo to participate in the
Northeast District Chapter Officer Leadership Training, (COLT), Conference.
There, they were taken through five workshops that were centered around the duties
of their office, managing time, connecting
with chapter sponsors, working with different personalities on a team, and managing social media. President Jacob Hammitt, Vice President Jacob Joerger, Secretary Dayten Wittenburg, Treasurer Lakin
Joreger, and Sentinel Erika Jeanes spent
the morning going through the officer and
personal development sessions. Reporter
Natalie Risse spent the morning facilitating sessions as the Northeast District Secretary, and member Jarod Bodensteiner
also facilitated as the former Southwest
Subdistrict Vice President.
The COLT conference is held to help
newly elected chapter officers throughout the district learn the responsibilities
of their office, and also help them grow in
other general aspects of their life, such as
time management and working with oth-
er personalities. “I really enjoyed COLT
because it helped not only officers from
our chapter, but other local chapters grow
in their leadership abilities,” said Dayten
Wittenburg. “It also allowed them to prepare further for their upcoming year as a
chapter officer.” Overall, the Wapsie Valley FFA chapter officers greatly benefited
from attending the conference.
Natalie Risse, Jacob Hammitt, Dayten Wittenburg, Lakin Joerger, Erika Jeanes, and
Jacob Joerger attend the Northeast District COLT Conference.
Oran Mutual Telephone makes major
contribution to greenhouse remodel
Erika Jeanes participates in a session at
the Northeast District COLT Conference.
Wapsie Valley FFA member
builds for the future in D.C.
By Natalie Risse, Chapter Reporter
This summer brought an opportunity
for a Wapsie Valley FFA member as she
joined FFA members from across the nation in Washington D.C. at WLC (Washington Leadership Conference) for five
days. Natalie Risse spent five days learning how to live a servant life by doing
what she could, with what she had, where
she was. Each day was spent touring much
of the nation’s capital city and attending
sessions in the hotel, where she learned a
great deal about diversity, poverty, leadership, and the importance of service. In
addition, she had the opportunity to visit
with Iowa senators Joni Ernst and Chuck
Grassley. “The trip to DC not only showed
me how incredibly lucky I am, but also
showed how I can improve my community. My eyes were opened to the diversity throughout the world in our sessions,”
explained Natalie Risse. “I learned, grew,
and saw how I could do more where I am.
I have high hopes for my Living to Serve
project, and I can’t wait to implement it
into the community.” While at the conference members were encouraged to develop a service plan that they could bring
back to improve the communities they live
in. Risse is currently developing a plan in
cooperation with the chapter officer team
to implement at Wapsie Valley which will
be revealed in the future!
By Natalie Risse, Chapter Reporter
The Friends of the Wapsie Valley FFA
received $10,000 from the Aureon Charity
Grant. The Oran Mutual Telephone Company, (OMTC), graciously sponsored this
grant for the Friends of the Wapsie Valley
FFA to apply.
The Aureon Charity Grant is awarded
to projects committed to the betterment of
local Iowan communities. Aureon is the
new name for the Iowa Network Services
that created the grant program in 1993 to
increase service and support to rural independent telecommunications companies
and the communities they serve. The Aureon Charity Grant is awarded quarterly,
and over the course of twelve years, Aureon has donated over $850,000 to local
communities and surrounding areas.
The Wapsie Valley FFA and the Friends
of the Wapsie Valley FFA would like to
extend a sincere thank you to the Oran
Mutual Telephone Company for sponsoring the grant application to Aureon.
Bryce Kleitsch, (center), accepts the donation check from OMTC representatives Joe
Craig, (left), and Barb Gruetzmacher, (right).
Natalie Risse, (far right), met with Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley with other Iowa FFA
members from Boone and Charles City.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Readlyn Chronicle
Page 7
Wapsie Valley FFA participates in Readlyn town celebration
By Natalie Risse, Chapter Reporter
On June 17 and 18, Wapsie Valley FFA members kept busy by being active in Grump
Days, the annual Readlyn town celebration. Members served a meal during the golf
tournament on Friday and hosted a pedal pull later that evening. The pedal pull results
are found below along with the gracious sponsor of each trophy. The Miss Readlyn candidates were escorted by members of the chapter as well. On Saturday, members drove
tractors in the parade and grilled ribeyes and hamburgers during the late morning and
afternoon. The Bremer County Beef Producers provided the grill for this event.
Pedal Pull Results:
Age 0-4 Girls:
1st - Makenna Boevers (Trophy sponsored by Kuhlmann Service & Repair)
2nd - Kaylee Beatty (Trophy sponsored by Kuhlmann Service & Repair)
3rd - Brooke Schutte (Trophy sponsored by Kuhlmann Service & Repair)
Age 5-6 Girls:
1st - Sadie Hogan (Trophy sponsored by L&L Ag Repair)
2nd - Whitney Destival (Trophy sponsored by L&L Ag Repair)
3rd - Talley Adair (Trophy sponsored by L&L Ag Repair)
4th - Amy Schutte (Trophy sponsored by Spahn & Rose and Wolff’s Service)
Age 7-8 Girls:
1st - Carly Hesse (Trophy sponsored by Farmer’s Cooperative)
2nd - Maya Barnes (Trophy sponsored by Farmer’s Cooperative)
3rd - Janey Putney (Trophy sponsored by Farmer’s Cooperative)
4th - Ava Meyer (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Mutual Insurance)
Age 9-10 Girls:
1st - Madison Hinrichs (Trophy sponsored by Sunrise Catering)
2nd - Jayden (Trophy sponsored by Sunrise Catering)
3rd - Meredith Russell (Trophy sponsored by Sunrise Catering)
Age 0-4 Boys:
1st - Brody Baker (Trophy sponsored by Schuldt Repair)
2nd - Dylan Matthias (Trophy sponsored by Schuldt Repair)
3rd - Drew Destival (Trophy sponsored by Schuldt Repair)
Age 5-6 Boys:
1st - Jase Jones (Trophy sponsored by Quality Distributors)
2nd - Gavin Heinemann (Trophy sponsored by Quality Distributors)
3rd - Cole Munk (Trophy sponsored by Quality Distributors)
4th - Mikey Lofstuen (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Mutual Insurance and Readlyn Telephone
Age 7-8 Boys:
1st - Mason Hinrichs (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Savings Bank)
2nd - Caleb Hogan (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Savings Bank)
3rd - Cody Koepke (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Savings Bank)
4th - Zach Boevers (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Veterinary Associates)
Age 9-10 Boys:
1st - Jackson Adair (Trophy sponsored by Readlyn Telephone Company)
2nd - Braden Strottmann (Trophy sponsored by Wolff’s Service)
3rd - Daniel Platte (Trophy sponsored by Spahn & Rose)
Waverly Family Dentistry
Dr. Alan Young
1404 3rd Street SW, Waverly, IA
Ben Schmitz escorted Dayten Wittenburg, Trystan Lampe escorted Lakin Joerger, Jacob Hammitt escorted Sammy Rohlfsen, and
Landen Kuhlmann escorted Kassidy Kuhlmann.
We are DRIVEN to help you SUCCEED
Providing: Auto/Home, Farm, Commercial and Trucking For-Hire coverages to our clients.
143 E. Main St. Suite F, Denver, IA 50622
319-238-7775 • 877-418-3090 (Toll Free)
Triple S Prairie Seeding LLC
For all your land management needs!
Grant Grober guides Caleb Hogan as he participated in the pull.
B.S. Conservation Management
11313 Terrace Ave.
Clarksville, IA 50619
Cell (319) 269-9517
Wapsie Valley FFA members grilled on Saturday afternoon.
Page 8
Readlyn Chronicle
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
FFA members of Wapsie Valley partake in Fairbank Days
By Natalie Risse, Chapter Reporter
On June 23, 24, and 25, members of the
Wapsie Valley FFA chapter assisted in a
variety of activities in the Fairbank town
celebration. During the mini triathlon
on June 23, members grilled ribeyes and
hamburgers. The following day, the Wapsie FFA hosted a pedal pull for the youth.
The results are listed below. On the final
day of celebration, members grilled once
again in the afternoon. The Wapsie Valley
FFA would like to thank the community
for their outstanding support for the FFA
in conducting their activities.
Pedal Pull Results:
Age 0-4 Girls:
1st - Brynne Trotter, Center Point
Age 5-6 Girls:
1st - Kiersten TeBockhorst, Oelwein
Age 7-8 Girls:
1st - Kalley Voy, Fairbank
2nd - Ela Adamson, Fairbank
3rd - MaKenna TeBockhorst, Oelwein
4th - Allison Bovey, Jesup
Age 9-10 Girls:
1st - Hailey Wehling, Readlyn
2nd - Peyton Curley, Fairbank
3rd - Kaliya Lampe, Readlyn
Age 0-4 Boys:
1st - Griffin Miller, Readlyn
Age 5-6 Boys:
1st - Charlie Adamson, Fairbank
2nd - Briley Davie, Fairbank
Age 7-8 Boys:
1st - Andrew Wehling, Readlyn
2nd - Krayton Zimmermann, Fairbank
3rd - Destry Piene, Fairbank
4th - Greysen Miller, Readlyn
5th - Hunter Curley, Fairbank
Age 9-10 Boys:
1st - Garrett Miller, Readlyn
2nd - Brock Kleitsch, Fairbank
3rd - Kanen Decker, Fairbank
4th - Jack Jans, Fairbank
5th - Brody Kleitsch, Fairbank
Members displayed restored tractors and Wapsie Gift of Grain Wagon in the Fairbank
Business Spotlight
Laydon’s Port-a-Pots sold to
Cedar Valley Portables, LLC
FFA member, Blake Rechkemmer, guides Andrew Wehling as he pulls to first place.
We have a simple policy
and philosophy here. We
take care of our customers.
Phone: 319-404-2677
1509 Horton Road
Fax: 319-352-0277
Waverly, IA 50677
E-mail: bob@tiedtdrainage.com
Farm, Commercial & Residential Drainage • Septic Systems
Time of Transfer Inspector
There is a new business in your area.
Mike and Brenda Mahoney, new owners
of Cedar Valley Portables, LLC will take
over the reins of the former Laydon's Porta-Pots on July 1, 2016. Gary Laydon has
served the surrounding communities' portable toilet needs for the past 15 years and
has built his business on providing clean,
affordable units. He has chosen to retire,
and has sold his route truck, trailer and
portable toilets to Mike and Brenda. They
will continue to provide the same service
customers have relied on while working
with Gary.
Cedar Valley Portables will be based in
the Nashua area where Mike and Brenda
have lived most of their 35 married years.
They have four married children and six
grandchildren who all live within the state.
Mike has worked in Waverly for CUNA
Mutual, owned and operated the family dairy farm north of Nashua, and most
recently worked at Flint Hills Resources
of Shell Rock in grains receiving. Mike's
goal there was to build great customer re-
lationships and create the best experience
possible for the customer. Mike will bring
that same enthusiasm and work ethic to
his new business.
Brenda will provide support to Mike in
this new business as she has for him in the
past. Brenda was a very important part of
the family dairy operation: milking cows,
doing daily calf chores, and performing all
the bookkeeping. When the children were
grown, Brenda attended NIACC where
she received a business degree. She was
employed by GMT Corporation in Waverly for over 9 years, but is now employed at
ATEK Metal Technologies in New Hampton.
Portable toilets are a common and necessary fixture at city celebrations, construction sites, and outdoor events. When
planning your next event, consider Cedar Valley Portables if you want prompt
friendly service, and clean portable toilets.
Mike will do his part to help you achieve
those goals. Phone: (319) 535-3456 or cedarvalleyportables@gmail.com
Farmers Coop
223 E. 1st Street • Readlyn, IA
Phone 319-279-3396
Email: readcoop@netins.net
The Wapsie Valley boys baseball team picked up 2 decisive wins in the Dunkerton
Tournament to capture the championship. They beat host Dunkerton 30-1 in the opening
round, then hoisted the trophy with a 20-3 win over Clarksville.
Dillon Law Office, PC
Patrick B. Dillon
209 East 1st Street, Sumner • patdillon@50674law.com
General practice including but not limited to:
Agricultural law • Taxation & Tax Preparation
• Estate Planning • Bankruptcy
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Readlyn Chronicle
Page 9
Wapsie Valley wrestling team participates in Luther College Camp
DECORAH, Iowa—The Wapsie Valley
High School wrestling team participated in the
2016 Luther College Team Wrestling Camp in
Decorah, Iowa.
The 2016 Luther wrestling camps, directed
by Luther Head Wrestling Coach Dave Mitchell, have grown into some of the largest and
most recognized athletic camps in the Midwest. There are six wrestling camps on Luther's campus each summer that include more
than 1,000 wrestlers and 150 coaches.
Recent clinicians have included several
Olympian, NCAA champion and All-Ameri-
can wrestlers, including Cael Sanderson, Brandon Slay and Brent Metcalf.
Campers at the 2016 camps participated in
team building activities, intensive "Train Like
a Norseman" sessions, technique sessions and
live wrestling sessions. The camp closed with
an individual tournament.
Sean Banger, Donny Schmit and Kaleb
Krall, members of the Warriors wrestling team,
earned Wrestler of the Day honors from Luther
camp counselor John Pint.
John Pint served as the Wapsie Valley Camp
Coach, providing wrestlers with written and
verbal feedback throughout the camp.
The Wapsie Valley wrestling team is
coached by Danny Adams, Brian Krall, Johnny
Kleitsch and Isaac Happel. This is the seventh
year that the Warriors have attended Luther's
Team Wrestling Camp.
For more information about the Luther
wrestling program, visit http://sports.luther.
edu/men/wrestling/index.html, and for information on upcoming camps visit http://www.
The Auxiliary to the Wayne Teisinger
V.F.W. Post #5661 met July 12, 2016 at
the Readlyn Library meeting room with
eight members present. The minutes and
treasurer's reports were read and accepted.
General orders and chairmen reports were
read by all for June and July as June meeting was canceled due to bad weather.
Volunteer hours were turned in and sent
in for May. It was reported that it was a
nice Memorial Day service and a very
good turnout and also at the noon potluck
at the Library.
Charlie and Wilda Albrecht, Ellen
Thies and Verdeen Pavelec went to the
State V.F.W. and Auxiliary Convention in
Dubuque at the Grand Harbor Hotel. We
took 873 pop tabs, seven cardboard paper
towel rolls and 10 toilet tissue rolls. The
Auxiliary got three awards from Veterans and Family Support: a certificate and
$5.00 in Category A for best promoted
poppy program; a certificate and $5.00
for best promoted and donated to National
Home; and $10.00 for best promotion of
poppy display for the poppy tree. Treasurer Ellen Thies was recognized for serving
more than 35 years.
A motion was made by Darlene Peters
and seconded by Wilda Albrecht to pay
the bills. Carried.
The Auxiliary received $10.00 from
District for their poppy display. More
canceled stamps were brought to send to
veterans. We were happy to elect Delores
Ungs as a new member.
A motion was made by Darlene Peters and seconded by Wilda Albrecht to
adjourn. Carried. Closed with a prayer.
Hostess was Arlyce Heideman.
Warriors wrestlers at camp — Front row, left to right: Brandon Cox, Donny Schmit, Nathan Hyde, Conner Brandt, Riley Little, Conner
Jones, Jason Even, Kaleb Krall and Ryan Adams. Back row, left to right: Jackson Nading, Mitchell Christensen, Reese Welcher, Coach
Isaac Happel, Colin Schrader, Abe Kemps, Ben Weepie, Peyton Brown, Sean Banger, Coach Danny Adams and Counselor John Pint.
The Ed and Louisa Pavelec family reunion was held on Sunday, July 10, 2016,
at the Readlyn City Park, with a noon
potluck. Twenty-eight members attended
from Waterloo, Readlyn, Tripoli, Cedar
Falls, Cedar Rapids, Clear Lake and New
Jeff Kuhrt traveled the longest distance
from Clear Lake. The youngest attendee
was Elijah Pavelec, two-month-old son of
Craig and Jamie Pavelec of Tripoli. The
oldest was LaVera Pavelec, 82 of Waterloo. Host was LaVera Pavelec of Waterloo.
Snelling Construction
New Construction
Concrete Work our Specialty
20 Years of Experience
309 Railroad Ave., Tripoli, IA
319.290.0256 • 319.882.3498
Business Spotlight
Ben and Jaci Hogan start
new insurance agency
As a new sponsor for the Readlyn
Chronicle, Ben and Jaci Hogan are thrilled
to promote their new independent insurance agency – TruServe Insurance Group.
In June of this year they opened a
small office in the Main St. Plaza located in Denver, IA. While the new office in
Denver has been great, they hope to open
a location in their hometown of Readlyn
sometime in the future.
The Hogans are excited to offer Home
& Auto, Farm, Commercial and Trucking
For-Hire coverages through their agency.
Their mission statement states that “TruServe Insurance Group is committed to
providing business owners and individuals with quality insurance products that
are competitively priced while also meeting each individual’s insurance needs. We
are DRIVEN to deliver more than expected in terms of service, industry education,
usability and a trusting relationship; em-
powering our clients to succeed in their
line of business.”
They look forward to working with anyone who comes to them with an insurance
need and, as Ben said, “We want to provide you with better coverage and better
rates while also upgrading your customer
service experience – it’s a win-win.”
If you would like to get a quote you can
stop in at 143 E Main St. Suite F; Denver, IA, call 1-319-238-7775 or email
ben@truserveins.com. Also, follow them
on Facebook and Snapchat (handle - truserveins) or check out their website at
A statement from Ben and Jaci: “We
look forward to working with the people
of this community and working together
to bring value to the community of Readlyn. There is nothing better than building a
business and working with your neighbors
in a town that you love.”
Page 10
Readlyn Chronicle
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Striving and Thriving
The Impact of Frequencies and
Essential Oils
Learn how alive Essential oils really are and how that energy
promotes for us the ability to strive and thrive.
August 15, 7 pm - Readlyn Library
CrawDaddy Outdoors, LC
Darrin Siefken, Owner
207 East Bremer Avenue
Thank You
for making the trail possible!
You are cordially invited to:
Tripoli’s Sweet Water Trail Ribbon Cutting
Saturday, August 6 at 11:30 AM
Sweet Water Welcome Center, 100 N. Main St., Tripoli, IA
Please plan to attend!
Farmers Coop Service & Repair
now offers
air conditioning
for cars and trucks
Give us a call!
Ag Resources
Bob Tiedt Drainage
1509 Horton Rd., Waverly
(319) 404-2677
R&R Drainage LLC
Randy and Linda Bast, Jesup, Iowa
(319) 239-6455
Farmers Co-op
223 E. 1st St. • (319) 279-3396
Readlyn Farm Automation Co.
Burton Thies • (319) 279-3332;
(319) 279-3521
Farmers Savings Bank
103 3rd St., Frederika, IA 50631
(319) 275-4301
Readlyn Vet. Association
2636 230th St. • (319) 279-3867
Fettkether Fertilizer Co. LLC
7634 N. Ordway Rd., Dunkerton, IA
(319) 822-2482 or Cell (319) 404-0064
Rock On Wheels
Roger Wheeler (319) 404-0407
Randy Wheeler (319) 231-3859
Innovative Ag Services
319 W. 1st St., Oran (319) 638-7551
Smidt Crop Management, Inc.
Thomas B. Smidt, President
303 North 2nd St. PO Box 594, Greene
(641) 823-4817 or cell (641) 330-6717
Liddle-Ebert Ltd. - Randy & Dee Liddle
Farm Drainage
1196 Hilton Ave., Plainfield, IA 50666
(319) 275-4528 (319) 231-5590
Monsanto Dekalb/Asgrow Dave Wheeler, 8234 E. Marquis Rd.,
Fairbank, IA (319) 230-1029
Mycogen Seeds - Nick Tiedt
2546 Viking Ave. Fairbank, IA 50629
Nick Tiedt (319) 559-0374
Cal Kuker (319) 961-8431
Precision Planting - Mike Heineman
2919 270th St. • (319) 279-3136
PRime Ag Services - Channel Seedsmen
Brian Pottebaum (515) 290-4098
Steve Rathe (319) 269-8083
Quality Distributors, Inc. - Brian Meyer
101 Main St. • (319) 279-3555
Spring Center Farm
Pioneer - Dean Buhr
2034 Vintage Ave., Sumner, IA 50674
(563) 578-8104 • (319) 240-2432
Stine/LG Seeds - Greg Matthias
2765 270th St. • (319) 279-3811
Stokes Welding - 412 7th St.,
Janesville • (319) 987-2801
Cell: (319) 230-7770
Triple S Prairie Seeding LLC
11313 Terrace Ave., Clarksville
(319) 269-9517
Weeds On Fire Custom Application
LLC - Dan Wedemeier, Owner
Dan at (319) 269-6753
Elton at (319) 231-5104
Wittenburg Truck Line, Inc.
117 Malone Ave. • (319) 279-3371
Attorneys and Realtors
Dillon Law, P.C. - Patrick B. Dillon
Attorney at Law
209 E. 1st Street
Sumner, IA 50674
(563) 578-01850
Fax: (563) 578-1312
Stumme & Epley Law Office,
Lawrence A. Stumme Jr. &
Ethan D. Epley, Attorneys
171 E. Main, Denver, IA 50622
Phone: (319) 984-5479
Foundation Realtors - Louie
Hartman, Agent, Readlyn (319) 239-0533
Dick Harms, Broker (319) 882-3223
Building and
Joe Leehey Broker Associate
(319) 415-7349
3510 Kimball Ave., Waterloo, IA 50702
Tel: (319) 234-5000 Fax: (319) 291-7000
Crystal Heating Plumbing
and Excavation
1210 W. Bremer Ave., Waverly
Kurt R. Leistikow - Attorney at Law
4817 University Ave. STE. D
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 553-3400
Auto Sales and
Del’s Auto Repair Inc.
2308 Piedmont Ave. • (319) 279-3785
Larry’s Skelly Inc.
430 E. 1st St. • (319) 279-3307
Wolff’s Service
229 Main St. • (319) 279-3721
Farmers Coop Service & Repair
2640 230th St. • (319) 279-3436
Denver Heating & Cooling
120 Transit St., Denver
Edgeton Hardware & Repair
5104 Main St., Oran
(319) 638-7206
Meyer Construction
1781 Viking Ave., Sumner, IA
(888) 578-5985 Or: (319) 231-9022
Snelling Construction
309 Railroad Ave., Tripoli
319.290.0256, 319.882.3498
Spahn & Rose Lumber Co.
125 W. 1st St. • (319) 279-3301
Become a
Become a sponsor and have your business recognized on this
page! Email ReadlynChronicle@gmail.com,
or call Ron Leistikow at (319) 279-3548.
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Readlyn Chronicle
your local
The Denver, Readlyn, Tripoli and
Frederika firefighters are pulling together
to gather can tabs (soup, cat food, pop and
beer tabs) for the 2016 Firefighters Convention taking place in Waverly. Tabs are
donated to the UI Burn Treatment Center.
As you fill your containers, turn them in
to any of the following:
Jen Happel in the Denver area.
Nancy Kleitsch in the Readlyn area.
Ann Harms in Tripoli and Frederika.
Sonya Semelroth in the Frederika area.
Or at any of the four listed fire stations.
Turn in the tabs between now and September 1, 2016.
The goal is to make a huge donation by
joining forces as the Crane Creek Firefighters. The Crane Creek Firefighters
would like to need a dump truck to deliver
their containers of tabs, so start collecting
for the cause today!
Family Needs
Dentist Richard H. Rettig
224 S. Main St., Tripoli, IA
(319) 332-3555
Denver Drug and Photo
340 S. State St., Denver
(319) 984-5691 • (800) 974-5691
Kaiser-Corson Funeral Home
205 Highland Ave. • (319) 279-3551
Quarter Ave. Storage
2310 Quarter Ave.
(319) 240-1122
Readlyn Chiropractic Clinic
307 Main St.
(319) 279-3877
Readlyn Community Library
309 Main St., PO Box 249
(319) 279-3432
Readlyn Savings Bank
141 Main St. • (319) 279-3321
RTC Communications
121 Main St. • (319) 279-3375
232 S. Main St. • (319) 882-3134
Waverly Family Dentistry,
Alan Young, DDS
1404 3rd Street SW, Waverly, IA
Food and
Center Inn & Fire House Bar & Grill
209 Main St. Box 141
(319) 279-3839
Fairbank Food Center
Dolan & Kristi Burreson
102 4th St. N., Fairbank
(319) 635-2139
Inspired Luncheonette
314 Main St.
(319) 279-3051
Sunrise Catering
226 Main St.
(319) 279-4089
Hair and
Page 11
Lawrence A. Stumme Jr. & Ethan D. Epley
171 E. Main, Box 50
Denver, Iowa 50622
Phone: (319) 984-5479
Dreams Hair Studio
224 Kalman Ave.
(319) 279-4060
Farm Bureau - David C. Matthias
Office: (319) 352-3667
Home: (319) 279-3545
L&L Ag Repair
2220 Reed Ave.
(319) 279-3363
Mane Event Family Hair Salon
269 Main Street, Readlyn
Salon: 319-279-3060
Becky South ~ 319-464-2614
Farm Bureau - Jim Peters
Office (563) 578-8054
Office (319) 352-3667
Home (319) 279-3266
Nick’s Repair - 211 Malone Ave.,
Readlyn, IA - (319) 279-3517 or
(319) 269-5604 - Service & repair
of small engines & outdoor power
Landscaping &
Readlyn Mutual Ins. Association
234 Main St. • (319) 279-3893
Reiter Repair LLC
3501 East Cedar Wapsie Rd.,
319-279-3876 • Cell 319-231-2452
The Accel Group
Waverly • Cedar Falls • Denver
(800) 369-3525
Tiedt Nursery
2419 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly
(319) 352-0418
Have your business recognized
on this page! Call Ron Leistikow at
279-3548, or stop by the library.
RA Machine
2504 230th St. • (319) 279-3161
TruServe Insurance Group
143 E. Main St. Suite F, Denver, IA
Schuldt Repair
2261 Reed Ave. • (319) 279-3539
Specialty Businesses
Massage Therapy & Reiki
Sheila Rosengarten, LMT, RMT
136 Main St, Readlyn, IA (319)290-3392
Buhrow’s Floors N’ More
240 South State St., Denver, IA
(319) 984-5301 • (866) 984-5301
Cedar Valley Portables, LLC
(319) 535-3456 or
CrawDaddy Outdoors, LC
Owner: Darrin Siefken
107 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly
(319) 352-9129
Doc’s Knife Works
Denver, Iowa
(319) 984-6396
First National Bank
(319) 352-1340
Flint Hills Resources
Fairbank 319-635-9404
Shell Rock 319-885-2012
The Jig & Fly Shop and
Gary’s Wood & Craft
Garylee Thurm
405 5th St. Place, Readlyn
(319) 279-3228
KC Plumbing & Heating
800 7th Ave. SW, Tripoli
Parkview Assisted Living
Fairbank, Iowa
(319) 635-2585
The Printery
215 W. Bremer Ave., Waverly
Herman’s Kitchen & Bath Design
130 W. Fayette St., Denver, IA
Quality Accounting
Personal Income Tax
Todd Kuethe or Paul Bristow
1002 Broadway, Waterloo, IA 50703
(319) 234-2813
Love and Lace
220 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly, IA
(319) 352-0243
Tastefully Simple - Lisa Oberle
(319) 279-3297
Myers Polaris
304 E. Main, Fairbank, IA
(319) 635-2311 • (888) 282-9992
Tenenbaum’s Jewelry
219 E. Bremer Ave., Waverly
Newy’s Wireless Communications US Cellular - Jeff Neuendorf
1022 Skyler St. PO Box 681, Denver, IA
(319) 240-7150
Panther Lanes
502 7th Ave. SW, Tripoli, IA
(319) 882-3753
Wapsie Pines
Danny Moulds, Owner
1916 State St., Cedar Falls, IA
(319) 277-9400
Wapsie Ridge Golf Course
2652 Vine Ave., Fairbank • (319) 638-4653
Page 12
Readlyn Chronicle
Pearls of Wisdom
By Pastor Matthew Moss
Immanuel Lutheran Church and St. Paul Lutheran Church
Politics and a
Pure Conscience
Should a Christian vote according to
his Christian beliefs –or– should he seek
to set them aside while voting? I thought
about writing on this for October since
that is closer to the November elections.
However, after I make my case here, we
will need to take time to consider who and
what we can and cannot vote for while
maintaining a pure conscience…so here it
is with plenty of time to examine carefully what we will do when November rolls
This discussion must begin with the First
Amendment to the Bill of Rights. Calling
this “the separation of Church and State”
is very misleading. You will hear people
in the months to come invoking this quote
as they ask you to leave your religious beliefs out of your voting decisions. Voting
as a Christian, they will say, is “imposing”
your beliefs on everyone else. Yet none of
this is in the First Amendment. The First
Amendment says that Congress “shall
make no law respecting an establishment
of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise
I am not Congress. You are not Congress. We are “the People,” voting citizens. Voting according to my consciencewhich is undeniably shaped by my religious beliefs- in no way establishes one
state religion. Neither is it “imposing” my
beliefs on the whole of society. Voting according to my individual conscience is expressing my personal position as a citizen
of this state and nation. In fact, voting for
what I believe is true and morally right is
part of the very free exercise that the First
Amendment protects!
My Christian faith includes the belief
that God is God of the whole world, not
just my human heart and private conscience. My God, being a real and living
God, has communicated His will clearly
in Holy Scripture. As a Christian, His will
is binding on my whole life, not just in the
privacy of my home and church. Asking
me to drop my religious convictions when
I enter the voting booth is asking me to
ignore and even deny the very source of
my moral principles – a living God who
requires an account for all I say and do.
Holy Scripture has informed my faith
and has shaped my conscience to believe
it is wrong to lie. So as I exercise this
Helping Hands
Clothing Closet
2029 Viking Ave.
Hwy. V56 - Sumner
Hours: Tuesdays, 9-11 AM
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM
First Saturday of the month 9-11 AM
Brief application required;
providing FREE clothing to those in need
belief in my daily life- as a husband, as a
pastor, and as a citizen- I should not lie. I
should not call what is right “wrong” and
I should not call what is good “evil” (and
vice versa). My Christian faith has shaped
my conscience to believe that it is wrong:
to endorse evil; to let the helpless be taken advantage of; and to allow the murder
of unborn children (to give just a few examples). Asking me (or any Christian) to
pretend I am not a Christian while I vote
on these matters is to ask me not to exercise my religion for that time of day. Even
worse, it is asking me to deny my God and
violate my conscience.
Will any candidate, party, or platform
embrace all the morals my religion requires of me? No. In this way, every vote
that is cast and election that is held will
require me to choose between two evils to
some extent. To that reality we may rejoice that we are justified by grace through
faith in Christ Jesus. We may vote for the
least of all possible evils, receiving His
forgiveness for even that much. What
we may not do is vote against our consciences, voting for greater evils because
we have suspended our Christian faith. So
vote with your conscience, while trusting
in Christ to forgive.
$2 Maid-rites
$1.25 Hamburgers
$1.50 Tacos
$2 Tenderloins
Summer Hours:
Saturday 1pm-close
Sunday 4 pm-close
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Send news of your club, organization or
church to the Readlyn Chronicle at:
Quality Distributors, Inc.
Distributors of
P.O. Box 332
101 Main Street
Readlyn, IA 50668
Liquid F rtilizers
Bus. 800-817-6843
Cell 319-269-3941
Fax: 319-279-3380
Email - qualdist@netins.net
Fertilizer & Chemical Sales, Soil Testing & Custom Application
Fairbank, Iowa
Looking for people who are young at heart and wanting to let
someone else deal with the day to day. Bring your home to our home.
Stop in for a tour anytime.
Check us out on Facebook, or our website
www.fairbankparkviewassistedliving.com, or contact us at
319.635.2585, email: parkviewassistedliving@gmail.com
Immanuel Lutheran Church
2683 Quail Avenue
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3977
Pastor Matthew Moss
Bible Class/Sunday School 9 AM
Worship 10 AM
Russell & Jessica Novak
Hwy. 93 W, Tripoli • 319-882-3753
His Hands
Food Pantry
5002 Main Street
Hours: Tuesdays, 5-8 PM
Fridays 9 AM-12 Noon
Brief application required
Currently serving Readlyn, Sumner,
Fairbank and Oran area residents
Farmers Savings Bank
103 3rd St., Frederika, IA 50631
(319) 275-4301
St. Matthew Lutheran
2649 230th Street
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3758
Pastor Mark Lund
Divine Service 8:30 AM
Fellowship 9:30 AM
Sunday School 8:45 AM
St. Paul Lutheran Church
120 West 4th Street
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3961
Pastor Matthew Moss
Worship 8:30 AM
Bible Class 7 PM
Zion Lutheran Church
240 Elmer Avenue
Readlyn, IA 50668
(319) 279-3643
Pastor Mark Lund
Sunday School 8:45 AM
Divine Service 10 a.m.
Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays
Ruth Circle 1st Thursday 1:30 p.m.
Evening Circle 1st Thursday 7 p.m.