article - From Start Through Finish ® — We`re your single
article - From Start Through Finish ® — We`re your single
\t t\\ \tt af R&D Formulatelrrnovation inthe to compete canleverage theirownstrengths Smallcompanies market.tsyAdarn Kleiner" functional beverage veryone loves a good David and Goliath story, especially when David wins. In the US market for functional beverages,which market research firm Mintel now values at US89.B billion, big multinational companies like Coke and Pepsi have jumped into the functional game, yet one could argue that the category started with a few enterprising Davids-Gatorade and Red Bull could be called the first truly functional liquids. With the success of the functional category, the big soft drink companies are now active players in the enhanced water market and Coke continues to buy once upstart innovators like glac6au vitaminwater andFuze. With consumers now demanding beverages with real, specific iunctional health benefits and competition increasing, it can be challeng,ing for the Davids, which often have fewer resources and smaller budgets, to stay in the game. How can smaller beverage companies continue to stay innovative and formulate a functional beverage that slays consumers' growing thirst for something more than just satisfyinS recommended daily doses of vitamins? Betserape World posed the question to a panel of industry insiders, some of them Davids in their own right. Go With What You Know: Function Drinks founder Alex Hughes got his formal education in medicine, and he continues to do rounds at the UCLA Medical Center. Function's line of elixirs-including Night Life, a new offering designed to profrom his curiosity about how to mote sexual health-sprung pharmaceuticals the he and his white-coat leverage some of practice in the of medicine. cohorts employ "We [Function Drinks] are constantly evaluating the mainstream scientific literature," Hu$hes says. The Function Drinks line started with Urban Detox, which contains N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) and prickly pear fruit extract to rid lun!,s and sinuses of the harmful effects of airborne pollution, and the line has been expanded to now 2OO8 62_BEVERAGE WORTD_JUNE include bevera$es that boost the ( Go FAST wasfoundedby a immunesystem,reducestressand ij:;11::Jji*3}""j,i:o ** extremeenthusiasts. ramp up metabolism. Ardea Beverage Co. founder Joe Heron also levera!,ed experience in healthcare to create his functional beverage line, Nutrisoda. Prior to startin$ Ardea, Heron held an executive position with Novartis Medical Nutrition. "He really knew his nutrients and vitamins and minerals and herbs and amino acids," says Maile Buker, vice president of marketing and strate!,y for Ardea. "So when he started mixin!, this stuff up, literally in his basement, he was really on to something." Nutrisoda has established itself in the functional market as a brand willing to experiment with new and innovative in$redients to offer meaningful health benefits. For instance, Calm was formulated with Essentra, an ingredient derived from Ashwagandha root extract, an Indian herb regarded for thousands of years as a natural tonic that produces a calminS effect. Nutrisoda Renew was the first carbonated drink to offer a full gram of dietary fiber. Pepsi Americas, Inc. acquired Ardea back in2006. Go Fast Energy Drink founder Troy Widgery also leaned on expertise from outside the bevera!,e industry to launch his beverage company. Before starting Go Fast, he competed as a BA/ERAGEWORII'.COI'I < NUTRISODA offers meaningfu levetsof nutrients to target ey; heatth (Vision),digestiveheatth (Renew)and stressrelief (Calm). professional skydiver. "I never thought of anythin$ other than doing an energy drink," says Widgery, who worked with a team of specialists to create the perf'ect blend of ingredients, taste and pertormance. MakeSurethe DrinkWorks:For a drink to succeed, it has to taste $ood-obviously. But when formulating a functional bevera$e, taste is not the first consideration. The first thing that has to be talked about is who's your target market and what sort of tar$et functionality are you looking for, according to Chet Rao, food scientist turned sales and marketing manager for I{ormel Specialty Products, which markets Eterna omega-3 fish oils, a patented form of omega-3 that's tasteless and odorless for inclusion in food and beverages. "If your ultimate consumer is drinkin$ it, and it's not doing anything for them, what $ood is it?" Rao asks. "It's kind of going in the opposite way of traditionally how thin$s are done, because when you're makin$ a nutriceutical claill":', that's the focal point. You're then taking all these in$redients and developing a product around it." So, start with functionality. Task your product developwhat amountsment team to identify which nutrients-at actually deliver the functionality. Then it's a process of trial and error with the nutrients to develop a taste profile, appearance and mouth feel that sustain a meanin$ful level of the functionality. In the fall, Ardea will launch a product focused on eye health called Vision. The core functionality of the product will come from the plant extract lutein. "A lot of research shows this certain level per day has an association with reduced eye health issues," says Kate Ratliff of the product development and in$redient supply company, Pro-Liquitech International, which works with Ardea on its product development. "So we make sure we have a significant amount versus just a splash of lutein. It's actually an amount that carl add up over the day and $ive you the health benefits that you're looking for." Echoes Go Fast's Widgery, "A lot of bevera$es are developed where companies just pixie dust. Every in$redient we put in for a reason, and a quantity that makes an impact." Marry Development and Mark€tlng: Ratliff says her company's collaboration with Ardea $oes beyond what one mi$ht consider typical for an ingredient supplier. "We don't work in isolation," she says. "Ardea really leans on us to be their fuIl R&D partner, and in that we serve as sort of a department in their company ftom a mentality standpoint." BEVERAGEWORTD.COM DR&n .. understanding of clinically proven science, physiology and health and wellness evolves, so will our products," Hu$hes says. As an example, he points to recent updates to Function's t.i }l+md re lnEr{illFit tM M G IFcixF44eryEFffii tffiffiffiffi to carve out a niche market segment. "The marketing person will know what they can market, and product development product sourcing costs. Never Stop lnnovating: trvery bottle in the Function Drinks line includes a small icon: created by physicians. Hughes says he constantly reads medical journals not only to keep up with his specialty, but also to guide innovation. "We make a promise to our customers that as our prof'essional "i +:;::iid Hormel's Rao suE*lests such collaboration between product development and marketing can be vital for smaller companies trying will know what they can effectively make or not," he says. Rao also su6[i,estssmaller companies should consider opportunities to co-brand with ingredient suppliers. "The advantage for me is I'm getting more visibility for my brand," Rao says. "The advantage for the small company is the abilitl' to levera$e our scientific expertise." Not to mention the potential to lower ,tt..,|;, : - ""i.:' ::ii.ii:l ...,r':il::igt1l*ili:.., Light Weight platform, introduced ( FUNcrloN's tineof drinks justoverayearago. ;."lli'l?:Til1,ffi:i::- "We worked in the lab for a year to perfect a highly functional yet improved EGCG (epigallocatechin $allate) tincture and g1'mnema extract," Hu$hes says. "It was a lot of hard work, but our customers appreciate it." Go Fast's Widgery says his team also continues to tinker. For example, two years after launchin!, Go Fast, they added ribose to the formula to help sustain the ener$y boost. A year later, they introduced Go Fast Light, which has 100 fewer calories. "We're never satisfied with sayin$, 'That's $ood enou$h,"' Widgery says. "Ninety-nine percent of the people don't have the persistence." lBwl (Pro-Liquitech) o horrnelin$