Term 1 2015 Newsletter - Larool Pre


Term 1 2015 Newsletter - Larool Pre
Larool Pre-school
Newsletter Term 1, Week 9, 2015
Larool Pre-school, our community:
a place of laughter and joy, of friends and memories….
News from the Directors Desk
Upcoming Events
March 30
Monday - Easter Raffle Drawn!
March 31
Tuesday - Easter Hunt for Koalas
& Joeys
April 2
Thursday - Easter Hunt for
Wombats & Possums
April 2
Thursday - Last day of term 1
April 20
Monday - First day of term 2
May 1
Friday - Dinosaur Show 1.30pm
May 4
Monday - Dinosaur Show 1.30pm
May 4
During this week, we will have
the wonderful Mother’s Day
May 11
Monday - Photo day for Koalas &
May 15
Friday - Photo day for Wombats
& Possums
Welcome to our first Newsletter for 2015! What a lovely start we have had to
the year. We welcomed many new families and some familiar families back
to our community. The educators have done an amazing job settling in the
new and returning children to the pre-school.
2014 was a wonderful year for Larool. Once again, we provided an
outstanding pre-school environment where we saw children learn, grow and
discover, where friendships were fostered and where families met.
We have had the privilege of working with a supportive management
committee and fundraising committee ‘SPLAT’ who have been a great asset
to our Larool community. Their commitment to our continued growth is very
much appreciated.
We had wonderful support throughout the year from families who spent
time volunteering assisting in the classrooms, rostered on the children’s
library and supporting social and fundraising events.
Our educators continue to use the national Early Years Learning Framework
as a guide to our curriculum planning. Our curriculum is based on play, child
development theory and an understanding of children’s individual learning
reflecting their interests, needs and strengths. The dedication, talent and
boundless care shown by our educators is the magic that assists to transform
your children into the independent, confident and assertive individuals ready
to take the next step in their education.
In 2014 we achieved some major improvements thanks to the fundraising
efforts of the families and SPLAT including:
- painting of the pre-school class rooms
- updating the children’s bathroom
- creating ‘The Hub’ from the old locker room and putting the lockers
in the classrooms
- new outdoor equipment purchased for the children
- new rugs
- update of the children’s borrowing library and a new stand to display
the books.
We also:
- Successfully launched our new and updated website
- Created our philosophy which is a statement of our core values and
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
Throughout the year, you will continue to see improvements and new journeys for Larool.
Events, Performances and Visitors
We are looking forward to a fantastic year of fun, learning and lots of laughter! We have begun to organise a
variety of visitors to come into pre-school and events.
If your child does not attend on the day an event, the performance or visit is scheduled, you are welcome to
bring your child in for the experience as long as you stay with them.
We do try to schedule experiences to cover as many children as possible with a session at the beginning and the
end of the week, as well as varying the days however this is sometimes difficult due to the availability of the
performers and visitors.
AGM and Our New Elected Committees
A big THANK YOU to those families who attended our AGM. It was great to see so many families willing to
volunteer to be on our committees- we are looking forward to a positive and productive year working together.
President – Edwina Watts (Gemma - Koalas)
Jackie Della Vedova (Sarah - Joeys)
Belinda Widdup (Matilda - Wombats)
Kelly McDonald (Eve - Koalas)
Claudine Kimber (Max - Possums)
Chris Hatton (Sam - Joeys)
Damian Smeulders (Eva - Joeys
Stephenie Gouws (Olivia - Possums)
Dane Tierney (Joshua - Koalas)
Jim Dai (Sidney - Wombats)
Co-Presidents – Julie Tierney (Joshua - Koalas) and
Amanda Long (Victoria- Koalas and Harrison - Joeys)
Leigh Bornstein (Sahara - Koalas/Wombats)
Jessica Mayr (Alice - Possums)
Stephanie O’Kane (Annie - Joeys)
Stephenie Gouws (Olivia - Possums)
Judy Elston (Patrick - Joeys/Koalas)
Julia Lehepuu (Jake - Joeys)
Lisa Hatton (Sam - Joeys)
Library Co-ordinator
Carla Brummell (Zara - Possums)
Room Parents
We are seeking a parent from each group to nominate themselves as a Room Parent. The Room Parent
is a vital link between the preschool particularly SPLAT (fundraising committee) and the families in their
group, making sure that information gets out quickly.
It would also be great to unite all the families in their child’s group by arranging park visits after
preschool where children and families can form friendships. You could also arrange coffee mornings,
holiday play dates and dinners for parents as well as support the teachers in their room. It is an
important role and one that is also very rewarding.
Wombats Room Parent: Judy Reilly (Caitlin’s Mum)
We are still looking for a volunteer for the Koala, Joey and Possums group. Please let Monique or your room
Teacher know if you are interested in taking on this important role!
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
We are a nut safe/aware pre-school.
We care for children with severe allergies. Please help us to keep the children
with allergies safe at pre-school.
 no nuts/nut products (including peanut butter/nutella/nut muesli bars
etc are to be brought inside this pre-school)
 please wash your child’s hands on entering the pre-school
 foods containing nuts will be disposed of
It is vital that we have the most up to date information about your child available in our hubworks system. Having
the most up to date information will ensure that we are able to provide your child with the best possible care.
Please check you have entered all the required information including correct contact details, nominated persons
to collect your child, medical information, health concerns and allergies ect.
Hubworks is an online system which means you can access it 24/7! www.laroolps.hubworks.com.au
Log in here!
If you are having any issues logging in or using the system please do not hesitate to email or phone Melinda.
Exuberant and expressive........
Our children are engaging in such wonderful art
experiences and enjoying the open-ended nature of these
creative opportunities, which teach them oh so much.
What a beautiful sight!
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
Larool has its own, well-established library that has an extensive collection of fiction and
nonfiction children's books. Over 40 new titles were added to the library in 2014.
Every week our parent volunteers set up and run the library. Children are invited to visit
the library getting the chance to browse a variety of books and choose a book they would
like to borrow for the week.
The library program is a great way to instil a love of reading and lovely family together
time reading your child’s book with them. The first step to learning to read is to have many
books read to you!
Please make sure you take care of our lovely books! Books need to be returned each week - if your child’s
book is not returned they may not be able to borrow another book until it has been returned. We have a
limited amount of books to service the whole pre-school.
Our 2015 Library Co-ordinators contact: Carla Brummell (Zara - Possums) crbrummell@gmail.com
Our Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
Within our National Regulations of Education and Care there are the National Quality Standards (NQS).
The NQS consists of seven quality areas, each containing standards and elements, that our pre-school is assessed
and rated against. Part of the process is to develop a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). The aim of a QIP is to help
us self-assess our performance in delivering quality education and care, recognise and celebrate our strengths
and assists us to develop a continuous plan for improvement. The QIP also helps the regulatory authorities with
their assessment of the pre-school. Each year we review and update our QIP.
In 2014 we successfully achieved many of our goals including:
 Update our children’s borrowing library to build the literacy links between pre-school and home.
 Development of a planning for children’s learning policy
 Creating our new philosophy
 Update all staffs child protection training
 Implement measures for reducing waste for the pre-school.
 Updating and changing the locker room to create a new learning space for the children
 Organise a Meet and greet night for parents/educators
 Update parent handbook to include a more comprehensive overview of the pre-school
 Families and educators have access to information that supports a shared understanding of the preschools practice through the redevelopment of the website.
Some goals we are currently developing are:
 Exploring Floor books for our programming and planning and using photos to evidence/illustrate learning.
This is based on our staff development day training on by Niki Buchan on 27/1/15
 A 5-year improvement plan consulting educators, children and families including garden/outdoor
improvements, edible garden area and kitchen upgrade.
 Incorporating core projects in to our curriculum. Core projects are based on health, safety, wellbeing and
protective behaviours.
 Building upon and creating interest areas in our outdoor environment using collaborative thinking.
 Increasing newsletter information to include more snippets on:
o Health and safety
o Child development
o Cooking/nutrition
o Information/topic that parents or educators suggest
We would love some input from our families on improvements, strengths of pre-school and goals that we may
include in our QIP for the next 12 months.
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
JOEYS- Mon/Tues
The children in the Joeys class have had a very happy, calm and settled start to the year. They have been
enjoying getting to know the teachers and other children, and finding out about all the fun things we do at
Larool preschool.
We have been starting our days outside. After morning tea, we split up into two groups for Gross Motor
activities, or Music and Movement time. Mrs Hamilton takes the gross motor group outside, and Mrs
Thomas does music inside. Some of the things we have been focusing on in gross motor time are turn taking
games, jumping, ball skills (including throwing, catching and bouncing), and we have played ten pin bowling.
In music and movement, we have done dancing (and used ribbon sticks and scarves while dancing), played
games (eg Punchinello), and used musical instruments. Every day we sing lots of songs, and we also have a
story. After these group times we have a period of inside play time, before lunch, and rest time.
Each day, we write about what has happened in the daybook. This is put on display next to the sign out sheet
for you to look at. This book is for everyone to contribute to. You may have noticed that the children have
been helping by doing drawings in it. We welcome the parents to also make comments in the book, if you
have something to say about what we have done, or if you would like to contribute an idea. We welcome
your input. Next term, we will put out a roster for parent helpers. You are welcome to come in and spend a
morning with us, playing with the children and helping out the teachers with small jobs. Look out for this
roster soon (starting term 2).
Please don’t forget to check the art folders in the classroom each day. Not only do these contain your child’s
beautiful works of art, but also important notes are also put in here at times – so check them regularly
This term, we have started doing some woodwork. We began by using wood glue and decorating pieces of
wood with coloured jewels, which looked beautiful! The next day, we actually used real hammers and nails.
The children were very careful, and no one hurt their fingers. After hammering in the nails, we decorated
them with string. They looked amazing. Thanks to the families who have donated the wood.
Julie Thomas and Lindy Hamilton
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
KOALAS- Mon/Tues/Wed
It’s nearly Easter, where has the term gone? The Koalas have settled in beautifully this term, learning a new daily
routine. Myself and Mrs Yelland are amazed at how much the Joeys from 2014 had grown and matured over the
Christmas break and came back this year eager to continued their learning journey at Larool.
The Koalas have enjoyed starting their day signing in (like Mummy or Daddy), by locating their name on the sign in
sheets and copying/writing the letters in their name. The children are learning literacy skills with this simple
activity- e.g. the letters and their order create meaning; each letter has a particular name and corresponding
sound. The children also attach their face picture to a ‘Who’s Here Today’ chart. This visual chart allows:
 each child to see what friends have arrived at Larool, and those that haven’t
 children to show their parents who their friends are.
Miss Shore recently implemented a weekend/non- kindy day sheet. Thank you parents for regularly contributing
to this sheet and letting us know what your child/family have been doing! This information allows the educators
to plan future activities based on these events and provides opportunities for family input into our curriculum.
This term, the interests of the group have been varied:
 Sensory play- goop
 Colour mixing- shaving cream painting; eye droppers and paper towel
 Creating treasure maps
 Adding water to the sandpit and forming moats
 Collage using different medium- coloured paper/patty pans/dollies/seed pods etc.
 Super Koala Cake shop (in sandpit with cooking trays, mixing bowls etc)
 Taco shop (using playdough and coloured pipe cleaners)
 Interacting in the mud patch
 Circle games- Duck, Duck Goose; Doggie Doggie Where’s Your Bone
A few weeks ago we had Diane and ‘Diva’ attend the centre. Diane educated us about the importance of dog
safety and helped us practice some vital skills when interacting with a family dog or meeting an unknown dog (at
the shops, park etc). Each child was able to ask permission to approach Diva, make a fist and let Diva sniff it and
stand on one side of Diva and pat her back.
Next term we will implement:
 a formal Show n Tell/News roster
 Class pets (soft toys) roster where children take turns to take the pet home for a week and introduce the
pet to the family and your home routine etc
 PALS- a 10 week program aimed at giving the children the necessary social skills to start, extend and
maintain friendships; discuss feelings using appropriate language and to assist in building each child’s self
Just a reminder that if you come to pick up your child after sibling school pickup, could you wait outside or in the
hub until 3.10pm, then come in quietly after Koala quiet relaxation session and the children have put their shoes
on. In recent weeks the Educators have found that the noise level in the room at pick up time is high, thus makes
for an unsettled, loud afternoon. We hope you have a FUN easter break coming up.
Sharon Goodwin, Leminda Yelland, Brooke Shore and Lindy Hamiliton
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
WOMBATS- Wed/Thurs/Fri
The Wombat children have settled into the Wombat room and life at Larool Preschool. The children are
coming to the classroom with a smile on their faces, happily separating from their families and are eager to
explore the learning environment in the room. They are showing interests in what we have planned within
the program, which is great to see and observe.
The children are developing their understanding of the classroom rules and responsibilities necessary for
successful relationships and friendships with peers.
Every day I write a Daily Diary of what has happened in our room during the day. Our day is a busy one.
After spending our morning outside all the children go to the bathroom, wash their hands, and sit on the mat
outside ready for morning tea. We say a rhyme before we start so everyone starts together. Then we go
inside for manipulative activities, construction and art/craft. Our Music and Language groups follow. After
music and language time the children come together as a whole group for News Time. Can we please
request that news/news item is limited to 1 thing. The children then go to the bathroom before having
The last part of the afternoon is spent outside participating in gross motor experiences, which is an
important part of our day. After gross motor skills we go inside to do more manipulative activities,
construction, cognitive and dramatic play, we pack away at 3.10pm for the last story of the day before going
home with parents, nanny’s and grandparents etc...
At preschool we will encourage your child to be independent in their self-help skills such as going to the
toilet themselves (pulling their own pants up, washing their hands etc.), putting their morning tea box/lunch
box away, putting their shoes and socks on (we will do up buckles and laces). Of course we are there to help
them along the way but we will encourage them to have a go themselves and it would be good if you would
do the same at home, as they are capable at this age, but they do need practise!!
If you have any questions about your child or our program please don’t hesitate to talk to us.
Carlene Trainor, Denise Angles and Janelle Morrison
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
We are so happy to report that the children have settled in beautifully and are making new friends quickly.
Developing new friendships can be tricky when starting preschool, but rest assured the teachers are helping
your child to learn the social skills needed to build new positive relationships.
The children have now grasped the routine and are quickly learning the rules of preschool as we move into our
core project on rules. We are learning why rules are important and have come together to brainstorm on what
our Possum Room rules should be. The children came up with a list of what rules they felt were important and
we all wrote our names on it just like a contract! Serious business! The other core projects we have covered so
far are family and friends. If you are yet to bring your family photo in it’s not too late! We are proudly displaying
them on our storeroom door and the children love to look at them.
At gross motor time the children have been working on skills to better balance and climb. During our music
sessions we have been working on concepts such as fast, slow, listening and following directions.
Our goodbye circle time is working beautifully with it giving the children an opportunity to work on some of
those basic academics.
Thank you so much for your support here by arriving at 3.15. It is ensuring there are as few interruptions as
possible during this time allowing the children to concentrate on the task at hand.
You may have noticed our big floor book, which has photos in it displayed at the end of each day. Please be
aware that this book is child orientated with the cutting, sticky taping, drawings and comments all coming from
the children. We apologise for the lack of photos lately, we have had some technical issues.
Please encourage your child at home to have a go at putting their own shoes on. While socks are very tricky at
this age, shoes should be achievable to put on even though they may not be able to do them up. Teach your
child some strategies to help them for example, undo both velcro straps to put your foot in.
Starting next term your child will be taking part in Buddy Report, Possum Job Allocation and Scrapbook time. We
shall inform you further on these at the beginning of term 2 but we are beginning to discuss these new
happenings with the children now.
It has been wonderful getting to know you all and a reminder that if you have something on your mind we
would love to chat with you about it.
Danielle Mantakoul, Leminda Yelland and Brooke Shore
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
If you have not provided us a copy of your child’s immunisation or an
updated immunisation history after their 4 year old immunisations
please do so!
It is a legal requirement that we have a copy for each child or the
appropriate exemptions.
You can obtain a copy online via the link below, have one mailed to you
or pop into your Medicare office and request one.
You can provide us with a hard copy or an emailed copy. We will even
photocopy it for you!
Our environment has seen many changes over the past
few years. We are creating a rich and beautiful learning
environment with materials that respect children’s
learning. Our curriculum promotes rich opportunities for
children to learn and foster valuable educational
Each room has 3 dedicated educators including an early
childhood teacher to support individual learning in small
group and larger group settings. Throughout the day, the
children experience a wide range of play-based activities forming the foundation of learning and preparing your
child for their future learning!
We regularly add photos of experiences, activities and the pre-school environment to our facebook page so
please have a look! Don’t forget to ‘like’ us! www.facebook.com/laroolpreschool
Food and Children!
Reduce, reuse and recycle
Reusable plastic containers, paper bags and
paper lunch wrap work as well as snap lock
bags, freezer bags and plastic wrap.
Let’s all work together to become
environmentally responsible and model
sustainability to our children.
Food and children- sometimes it is not easy. How
much is a serve for a child? What do I pack in their
lunch box? What do I give them for dinner?
More information on healthy eating, meal/lunch ideas
and serving sizes can be found at:
 www.eatforhealth.gov.au
 www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au
 www.raisingchildren.net.au
 www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au
 www.rch.org.au
These websites also have a lot of information on a
variety of interesting topics- worth a look!
I also have lots of information I can provide you - just
pop into the office.
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
Thank you to all the
families for your
Easter raffle
We also had a very
contribution from
Woolworths of
Easter goodies.
We will be drawing
the raffle on
Monday 30th March.
Good Luck.......
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
Larool Pre-schools Vision, Mission, Values and Philosophy!
Our Philosophy
Our Vision:
To offer an excellent preschool educational experience that nurtures and develops the whole child.
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au
Our Mission Statement:
To give our children the best possible start by providing quality learning programs which encourage independent
learning through exploration. We will provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment to dream and grow.
Working in partnership with parents as a community-based, non-profit concern, we will foster a sense of
community and belonging.
Our Values:
Any Feedback?
Finally…. we love to hear your feedback here at the pre-school, the good and not so good. Often there are
questions or concerns that come up, so it’s important that you tell us what’s on your mind. You can call, email,
speak with the Director or your teachers, make an appointment, write a note or drop an anonymous note into our
fee box– we appreciate the time that our families make to give us feedback and we take it all on board.
You can also provide feedback, suggestions and comments regarding our educational program- let your teachers
know! We appreciate all the feedback that we can get - everyone’s input is of immense value.
Please email me or tear off below (pop into the fees box) with any suggestions/comments, information about
the newsletter or things you would like to see in the next issue.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name (optional): ____________________________________________
Suggestions and Comments:
: 12 Larool Crescent, Thornleigh, 2120 : (02) 9481-9136
: laroolpreschool@optusnet.com.au larool-accounts@optusnet.com.au :www.laroolpreschool.com.au