at home in amstelveen


at home in amstelveen
at home
in amstelveen
Your choice to come and live in Amstelveen is an excellent
­decision! Amstelveen has a lot to offer. ‘Quality of life’ is an
­essential element in Amstelveen.
introduc tie
Our town has many green areas including several beautiful
­(botanical) gardens. The town boasts numerous o
­ rganisations
and facilities in the field of art, culture, sports, education and
entertainment. These include the Cobra Museum, the Jan van
der Togt Museum, the P60 poppodium, the theatre and the
central library in the ‘Stadshart’. Worth visiting.
Besides this, it is a joy to shop in Amstelveen. First of all it has the
fabulous ‘Stadshart’ shopping centre, with a great variety of
shops. The town square has an organic market on Tuesday
­mornings and a regular market on Fridays. Amstelveen also had
several local shopping centres where you can shop for your
day-to-day requirements.
Amstelveen is a mainly safe town accommodating 85.000
­inhabitants bordering Amsterdam. Currently 15% of the inhabitants are expats from all parts of the world. Among them are
many expats from Asia. For the expats are special facilities like
an International School, special shops and restaurants as well
as special medical care. Amstelveen has a large number of
­international companies within its boundaries, that have selected
Amstelveen to establish their operation, because of strategically
beneficial location and the accessibility close to Schiphol Airport.
Amstelveen is a partner in ‘amsterdam inbusiness’, the single
contact point to help international companies ­establish and
maintain operations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. This
association assists companies with any questions they may
have in relation to their investment. ‘amsterdam inbusiness’ is a
cooperation between Amsterdam and its surrounding cities:
Almere, Haarlemmermeer and Amstelveen and works directly
together with the Dutch Foreign Investment Agency to give the
best service to foreign companies and their expats
We compiled this guide in English for all of our international
inhabitants, which provides all the information you need to settle
down quickly in your new hometown.
We will welcome any comments and suggestions on your part
to this guide.
Welcome in Amstelveen!
Mrs. M.M. van ’t Veld M.A.
Mayor City of Amstelveen
1 . Amstelveen: Quality of life
2. Town Hall
- Driving licence 3
- Parking licence 5
-Notification of child birth
3. Police and fire department
4. Public transport 8
5. Education
6. Environment
7. Tourist information
8. Medical matters 15
9. Taxes and insurance 16
10. Culture
11. Sports
12. Housing
13. Shopping
15. amsterdam inbusiness
16. To summarise
Useful addresses
August 2014
1 Amstelveen: Quality of life
The municipality of Amstelveen is one of the medium-sized
Amstelveen provides a wide range of excellent educational
municipalities in the Netherlands. Amstelveen’s strategic
facilities at both primary and secondary levels. The International
­location in relation to Amsterdam and Schiphol airport forms
School of Amsterdam, the Korean School and the Japanese
an important part of its identity. The combination of a
kindergarten are also essential assets. In combination with
­pleasant housing and living climate has been the primary
the universities in the vicinity and the higher professional
­factor encouraging (international) businesses, creative and
­education institutes in Amsterdam, an appealing and com-
financial services to settle in Amstelveen. Housing in Amstel-
prehensive educational package is provided. Amstelveen
veen is of a very high quality and the price/quality ratio
has several aspects that mark it out from similar municipalities
is reasonable. Strategic location and quality of life are the
in our country.
elements that form the basis of Amstelveen’s appeal.
The Indians are the largest non-Dutch nationality group residing
The ‘Stadshart’ is the cultural and retail centre and plays a
in Amstelveen, followed by the Japanese, ­British, Chinese,
­vital role in Amstelveen’s image. It is home to a nationally
Germans, Americans and other Asians and West Europeans.
­commended library, the P60 poppodium, a well-known pop
Employment in Amstelveen is concentrated in high-quality
music centre, a theatre and the famous Cobra Museum of
business services, such as IT-companies, accountancy firms
Modern Art. ‘Quality of life’ is Amstelveen’s slogan and it
and advertising companies. The annual increase in the number
is a town where it is a joy to live and work.
of posts available primarily involves this sector.
The number of unemployed people in Amstelveen is relatively
Amstelveen is proud of its many green areas. The town is
low. Many foreign companies, the majority of which are from
­famous for the Amsterdamse Bos, the botanical gardens,
the USA and Japan, have established themselves in Amstel-
peat lakes and its large and the small “Poel”. The well-main-
veen. You can find more information on housing elsewhere in
tained public green spaces are highly valued both by the
this guide. The population of Amstelveen is fairly affluent
inhabitants and the business community. The town has
compared to the rest of the Netherlands with the average
­sufficient sports facilities for a variety of sports at all levels and
disposable income both per inhabitant and per household
actively encourages participation in top level sport. Hockey
being considerably higher than the national average.
and volleyball are particularly popular.
The municipality of Amstelveen publishes an annual booklet
containing recent facts and figures on numerous subjects in
both Dutch and English and this can be obtained from the
Department of Public Affairs.
2 Town Hall
Amstelveen consists of 35 people and the largest
Upon ­arrival in Amstelveen, please contact the ‘Immi-
­political party is the VVD (People’s Party for Freedom
gration desk’ located at the Town Hall as soon as possible.
and Democracy). In Amstelveen the executive board is
They will supply you with all information you need regarding
made up of the mayor and four aldermen, each with
registration. Brochures on several subjects can be
their own portfolios. The municipality of Amstelveen
­obtained from the Information Shop in the Town Hall or
employs 800 officials, shared out among six service
you can have one forwarded to your home. If you would
­departments and, as a new resident of Amstelveen, it
like to apply for a folder or receive further information
may be useful for you to become acquainted with the
please call information number +31(0)20-540 49 11. You
services offered by the d
­ epartment of Civil Affairs.
can also contact this number to make an appointment
for a meeting. It is important that you are aware of the
There are many reasons why residents of Amstelveen
fact that, for many matters, you are required to bring
may turn to the municipality’s Civil Affairs department
other documents in addition to your passport. This
situated on the ground floor of the Town Hall, at Laan
­information can be obtained via the information tele­phone
Nieuwer-Amstel 1. These include, for example, the regi-
number and on
stration of a birth, an application for benefits, information
Experience has shown that many foreign residents of
about rented houses and rent subsidy and the registration
Amstelveen wish to have information on driving licences
of a marriage or partnership agreement. Besides this,
and parking licences. You can find extensive information
you may also wish to register with the job centre or the
on these two subjects below.
temporary employment agency established here.
Although the Town Hall accommodates many different
services and products you will soon find your way
the Netherlands must comply with certain, specific
Driving licence Drivers of motor vehicles in
around. Upon entering the Town Hall, you must first
regulations. A minimum of third party insurance is
check in with the central desk where you will be provided
­Obligatory for your car or motorbike, the vehicle must
with information or referred to the department that will
be registered and the driver must hold a valid driving
be able to help you further. In order to reduce waiting
­licence (the driver must be aged 18 or above). Should
times, it is also possible to make an appointment in
you wish to receive further information on the require-
advance. Please feel free to use this service! It will
ments for owning/using and driving motor vehicles in
definitely save you time. The two most significant
the Netherlands, please contact the Road Transport
departments are The Public Information & Services
Department (RDW), on 0900-0739. The requirements of
­Office and the Work, Income and Care office.
a valid driving licence are explained below.
There are two categories:
Exchanging a foreign driver’s licence
1. International driver. This is a person who does not live
In certain cases you can exchange the driving licence
in the Netherlands but uses a motor vehicle in the country.
that you received outside the Netherlands for a Dutch
This includes tourists and salesmen.
driving licence. This is only possible if you are registered
2. Residents of the Netherlands. A person is considered
to live in the Netherlands when his usual place of
as a resident of the Netherlands and have a valid residence permit.
­residence is in the Netherlands. The usual place of
residence is the place where you live for at least 185
When is exchanging possible?
days per year. If you reside for less than 185 days in
A driving licence issued in one of the countries of the EU
the Netherlands, you are regarded as an international
or EFTA can be exchanged for a Dutch driving licence.
driver and you must be able to provide an international
To check if a driving licence from your country can be
driving licence if your licence is inspected. Your
exchanged, please check the RDW website for the most
­embassy can supply more information on this.
up to date information:
Not possible to exchange your driving licence?
When you are establishing yourself in the Netherlands,
If it is not possible for you to exchange your driving
you can use the driving licence issued in your home
­licence, you must take a standard theory and practical
country for a transitional period of 185 days from the
driving test at the CBR. Check for more information
moment you arrive in the Netherlands. After this, you
CBR: (0900) 0210.
must have a Dutch driving licence. If you are staying
­longer, your driving licence must be changed during the
Have you lost your driver’s licence?
transition period. This is only possible for the catego-
The procedure for reporting a driver’s licence that has
ries; IB, passenger car and motorbike of more than 400
gone missing or has been lost (no crime involved) has
cc. The conditions for changing the licence are as
been simplified. The “Documents” desk in the town hall
­follows: You must reside in the Netherlands and hold a
can be visited directly, where a form needs to be filled
valid residence permit. Your own driving licence must
out (Loss Statement). This form is also used to state the
be valid at the moment you make your application. The
reason for a new driver’s licence. Once your identity has
driving licence must have been issued during a period
been established pursuant to a proof of identity, you
of one full year in which you lived in your home country
may immediately apply and pay for a new driver’s licence.
for at least 185 days.
Has your driver’s licence been stolen?
If your driver’s licence has been stolen you must report
the theft to the police before you apply for a new
­driver’s licence at the town hall. When you submit your
application for a new document, you must hand in the
police report.
How to report a loss?
A loss can be reported personally at the “Documents”
desk by appointment Opening hours of the desk are
Monday-Wednesday 8.30-15.30 hours Thursday 8.3019.30 hours and Friday 8.30-12.30 hours. If you wish to
make an appointment to report a loss, you can make an
appointment at once at the City Hall by telephone,
please call +31(0)20-540 49 11.
Please remember to bring the required documents!
Resident’s parking licence
Additional administration costs related to a loss amount
In order to be eligible for a resident’s licence, foreign resi-
to € 29,70 (2014). These costs come on top of the regular
dents must be listed on the municipal register. This can be
costs of the driver’s licence € 38,45 (2014). The regular
done through the ­foreigners’ registration department.
costs for an urgent application for your driver’s licence
You cannot apply for a resident’s licence until you have
are € 68,15 (2014)
­registered. You must have a car prior to registration as the
registration number of the car must be stated on the
Delivery time
­resident’s licence (a maximum of two registration numbers
The standard delivery time for a new document is five
per address is allowed on the licence).
workdays. If you are unable to submit another proof of
identity, the delivery time is about eight workdays for
Temporarily workers
verification purposes. If your urgent application is sub-
Many foreign residents only work temporarily (for several
mitted before 2 pm, your driver’s licence can be collected
months) in a company in the Netherlands. They reside here
the next day before 10 am.
legally, but are not registered with the municipal register. If
this situation applies to you, the following special rule is
Background Information
effective. You may be eligible for a resident’s licence pro-
Once the police report or the Loss Statement has been
vided that no one else is r­ egistered on the municipal regis-
draw up, the lost or stolen driver’s licence is no longer
ter at the (temporary) r­esidential address. You must be
valid, and must be handed in to the municipality if it
able to provide the ­property/rent contract of your house,
should be found or retrieved.
your proof of ­identification and a registration certificate
for your motor vehicle. If you do not own the vehicle, you
Parking licences In some areas of Amstelveen, in
must also show a lease contract or a statement saying that
the so-called parking regulation areas, there are special
you, the a
­ pplicant, have the exclusive use of the vehicle in
rules for parking. There are two types of licences: the
resident’s and visitor’s licence.
General information
-The resident’s licence is issued for a maximum period of one year.
-The area where your house is located, is also the area to which the
resident’s licence applies.
No more than two resident’s licences will be supplied for each
­individual house. An individual house is a house that has its own
­access, where the inhabitant can live and not depend on essential
facilities outside the house.
The digital resident’s licence can be obtained via the website or applied at the public information
desk at the town hall. If you would like another person to collect the
licence for you, you must provide them with the aforementioned
­documents as well as an authorisation (in writing) signed. The person
collecting the licence must also show some form of identification.
Visitor’s parking licence When you live in a so called parking
regulation area no more then one visitor’s licence is supplied for
each house. The licence is only supplied to individuals (not companies).
The arrangement for the visitor’s parking licence does not apply to
all the parking regulation areas. In some cases, a visitor’s licence will
only be issued where no resident’s licence has been issued. Please
check which streets this applies to at the Public Information department. Upon arrival, the visitor has 10 minutes to collect the visitor’s
licence from the person he is visiting and buy a parking slip
In areas where the visitor’s licence is linked to the resident’s licence,
this slip applies to the same area as the resident’s licence and the
period of validity is also the same. You may also obtain this licence
from the Public Information department at the Town Hall on presentation of valid proof of identity. In the areas where this licence is
­linked to a resident’s licence, this l­icence must also be shown. You
may have the visitor’s licence ­collected by someone else but this is
only possible upon presentation of your resident’s licence, a letter of
permission from the resident and a copy of your identification
Notification of child birth If your child is born in the Netherlands you are obliged to register the birth in the municipality where
the child is born. Registration has to take place within three days
after the birth. If it is not possible to register the birth within three
days you have to contact Population Affairs Department in the
­municipality of Amstelveen. What do you need for the registration?
• valid proof of identification
• marriage certificate
politie & brandweer
3 Police and fire department
Amstelveen has two police stations, one in the northern and one in the southern part of the
town. The district teams work from these precincts for the respective town districts. The
precinct bordering the heart of the town can be found at Gerard Doulaan 2 and is open 24
hours a day. The Zetterij 6 precinct is open every day from 7.00 - 23.00. For non-emergency
matters you can reach the police department on their general telephone number; 0900-8844.
Although Amstelveen is a relatively safe town with a burglary percentage below the national
average, you are recommended to check your house for security. The special police ­burglary
prevention team (0900-8844) will be happy to provide you with advice. The Dutch police
comply strictly with traffic regulations and frequently check the maximum speed. Driving a
car while under the influence of alcohol is considered a criminal offence and involves a heavy
penalty. Please refer to the Public Prosecutor’s website ( for
more information on traffic fines in the Netherlands.
Amstelveen has its own fire brigade, based at Oranjebaan 1. In the event of an emergency,
the fire department and the police can be reached 24 hours a day on emergency number
112. The fire department can provide you with advice about fire prevention. You can visit the
fire department building, where various folders on fire safety are available. Alternatively,
you can ask the fire department for advice by calling +31(0)20-555 66 66. The fire department will always advise you to have smoke alarms fitted in your house, as
smoke alarms can save lives.
openbaar ver voer
4 Public transport
The municipality of Amstelveen has a well established,
Where to buy the OV-chip card In Amstelveen
intricate public transport system. Virtually all the housing
you can buy disposable or anonymous cards from an
in Amstelveen can be reached public transport.
automat on an urban-rail stop (at the platform). These
Main public transport directions exist between:
automats always have the possibility to load extra money
- Amstelveen and the city of Amsterdam by urban rail
on your card. Using credit cards is not possible. You can
and bus (urban rail line 5 or 51*, bus line 170/172/174**)
pay contant (coins and notes). At the Amstelveen bus
- Amstelveen and Schiphol Airport (fast and frequent
station (in the corner) there is a selling point with counter
bus connection with bus line 300).
and automat, called ‘Breaxx’. At Breaxx you can also
­order a personal card. Another counter which provides
Amstelveen’s bus station, situated to the west of the
all chipcard-facilities is to be found in the railway station
city centre, is the central hub for most public transport
‘Amsterdam Zuid’, this counter is called ‘GVB Tickets
bus lines. There are tram stops and the express tram to
and info’. Some tobacco shops or supermarkets in
the east of the city centre.
­Amstelveen have also simple automats to recharge your
OV Chipkaart, but here it is only possible to pay with
For more information about any public transport in the
‘PIN’ (no credit cards or cash).
Amstelveen area go to
On you can see where a loading
point in your neighbourhood is available. For more
OV- chip card You can use the OV-chip card at the
­information on the OV-chip card please call 0900 - 0980
public transport. When getting on/off a bus or tram you
or (English version available).
need to check in/out at the card readers. At the end of
the ride the fare will be automatically deducted from
For more information about any public transport in
your OV-chip card.
the Netherlands you can call the information line on
0900-9292 or you can go to
The nearest train stations are WTC and Schiphol. The
two stations provide excellent national and international
train connections. Tickets can be bought from the desk
at the station or from a machine where you can pay with
coins or a credit card. Unlike the situation in some other
countries, taxis cannot be hailed in the streets. A taxi
must be booked by telephone or you can catch one at a
taxi stand.
From Zuid/WTC station you can travel by train taxi to
any destination in Amstelveen. The ticket for the train
taxi can be purchased from the desks at the train stations
and at the ticket machines that are located in the stations
5 Education
Bilingual child care
For children from 0- 4 years of
age, Hestia offers bilingual child care, in English and
Dutch. Hestia Child Care is located at Carmenlaan 1 in
For children in the Netherlands education is compulsory
Amstelveen. For more information please contact
from the age of five. This also applies to children with
­Hestia at +31(0)20-345 93 91, e-mail: info@hestiakinder­
non-Dutch nationality who are living in the Netherlands. or see
There are various forms of education, including so-called ‘public’ schools (which are non-denominational) and
For children from 4 - 12 years of age, extracurricular and
denominational schools. Parents have a free choice with
after-school care centres are available. These care centres
respect to the form of education they choose for their
can be used outside school hours, when your child has
children. Registration takes place at the schools concerned
a free morning or afternoon and also during the school
and the addresses can be obtained from the Town Hall.
holidays. You can also use the aforementioned Amstelveen KinderRijk for this type of day care. Another
form of day care is so-called ‘host parent care’. Host
­parent care is day care in a family situation for children
from birth up to the age at which primary education
commences for the child. This type of day care can be
­arranged for at least five hours per week. If you would
like to organise this please contact the host parent
­mediation office, which can be reached from Monday to
Friday, from 12.00 - 13.30 on +31(0)20-426 08 88.
There is also a list of the agency addresses in the back
of this guide, where you will also find the address of the
Amstelveen Baby-sitting Centre.
The International school of Amsterdam (ISA),
established in Amstelveen, is a school where international
education is provided. The ISA was founded in 1964 to ­cater
for the educational needs of the children of the international
community living in and around Amstelveen. The ISA is a
Child care For children from 0 – 4 years of age, day
non-sectarian, non-profit making, co-educational day
care for 9 hours or more can be arranged on working
school for students up to Grade 13 (aged 3 to 18). The
days. Applications can be made at the Registration and
academic programme is based upon the International
Placement office at the Amstelveen KinderRijk organi-
Baccalaureate Programme and has been especially created
sation The office is open from Monday to Friday, from
for students who will be studying for several years in the
9.00 - 12.00 and can be contacted by telephone on
Netherlands before returning home or who will complete
+31(0)20-426 08 88. The KinderRijk office can supply
their education in one or more international schools.
you with all the relevant i­nformation on subsidies and
The language of instruction is English. The school is accre-
day care (or part-day care). In order to access this you
dited by the New England Association of Schools and Col-
need to register with Plaatsingsbureau Peuterspeelzalen
leges (NEASC) and the European Council of International
Amstelveen on ­Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from
Schools (ECIS). The school’s ­
purpose–built campus is
9.00 - 12.00. This group can also be reached by telephone
­located in a quiet, residential area of Amstelveen, just
on ­number +31(0)20-643 28 44. In order to familiarise
minutes from the centre of Amsterdam and Schiphol
your child with education (between the ages two to
­Amsterdam Airport by car and public transport. For further
four), you may want to bring your child to a playgroup,
information please take a look at the school’s w
­ ebsite at
where your child can stay from 09.00 - 12.00 (for a or apply for a brochure at or call
­minimum of two visits per week).
+ 31(0)20- 347 11 11.
Adult education
In Amsterdam there are two important
universities; The Vrije Universiteit (VU) and the Universiteit van
Amsterdam (UVA). Both universities offer a range education in
­English and international studies and have a great deal of inter­
national contacts. There are several Higher Education institutions
in Amsterdam that also offer international studies.
The Volksuniversiteit Amstelland foundation
is an
­institute for adult education that is (partly) subsidized by the town
council. As a foundation, the Volksuniversiteit is non profit-making
and its lectures and courses are open to anyone. The Volksuniversiteit
is located at the Stadsplein 97. A large variety of courses, lessons
and lectures are provided in well-equipped classrooms. The increasingly
The British School of Amsterdam
founded in 1978, is an
inter­national character of Amstelveen is reflected in the teaching
­independent, co-educational day school offering education in English
staff, with 11 different nationalities, as well as the non-Dutch students.
to children of all nationalities, between the ages of 2 and 14. They
More than 300 people are enrolled each year with 70 different
­provide a traditional curriculum based on the British National Curriculum.
For further information please take a look at the school´s website at or contact the Principal on +31(0)20-679 78 40.
Dutch language course Civic integration is compulsory if you
wish to obtain a permanent residence permit. You will need to have
Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)
a sufficient commend of the Dutch language in order to fulfil the
Is a community based international school for students aged 4-19.
­integration requirements. A test for this purpose, State Examination
The language of instruction is English. AICS is subsidised by the
NT2, has been drawn up to test the level achieved. A diploma
Dutch Government this enables them to offer a low-cost alternative
will serve as a proof that you have a sufficient command of the
while maintaining the high quality of the education they provide.
Dutch language. For more information please visit the website:
AICS offers the International Primary Curriculum, the IB Middle
www.­ At the volksuniversiteit Amstelland there is a
Years Programme and the International Baccalaureate Programme.
course open for all expats working and living in the Amsterdam
AICS located in a quiet residential area which is a few minutes walk
­Metropolitan Area available to prepare you for the State Examina-
from all major transport facilities, next to the World Trade Center
tion NT2. For all information regarding course, procedure for
(WTC). Students receive Dutch language and culture lessons.
­admission and rates, please call +31(0)20- 545 14 24 or visit the
Non-native speakers receive extra English lessons. AICS is associated
­website: www.­­
with a day-care centre on the premises which also offers afterschool care. They strive to be a community where learning is at
Music and dance school
the heart of everything they do. For More information please
and dance, you can turn to the Amstelveen Music and Dance School
­contact Amsterdam International Community School, telephone:
on Stadsplein 99. For further information on the possibilities that
+31(0)20-577 12 40 or visit
this school provides, please contact the school by telephone from
If you should wish to practise ­music
Monday to Friday 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 16.00 and 17.00 - 21.30.
Korean School of Amsterdam aims to provide Korean ­children
+31(0)20-647 14 57 or via their website: www.muziekschoolamstel-
and adolescents living in the Netherlands a learning environment
where acquiring a broad international perspective is possible while
maintaining their sentiment for national dignity. As more and more
Environmental education
non-Koreans are becoming interested in the Korean culture and
know the animals at the children’s farm Elsenhove. The adventure
language, the school is growing to be more culturally diverse,
playground, the many animal houses, pastures and green spaces are
­becoming a center of cultural interactions between Koreans, Dutch
all worth a visit. The farm regularly organises a range of activities and
people and students of many other nationalities. The Korean School
access is free. Opening hours: Tue-Sat 10.00 - 17.00 and Sundays
of Amsterdam is located at the Keizer Karel College, Elegast 5,
from 14.00 - 17.00.
Both young and old can get to
1185AA, Amstelveen. For more information
6 Environment
Amstelveen highly values a good environment and subsequently has many parks, water
­gardens and green areas. Care for the environment in and around the house is also part of
the pursuit of an attractive environment. To this end, the municipality of Amstelveen
­conducts a system of separate waste collection. Blue refuse (paper), green refuse (vegetable,
fruit and garden waste) and “other” refuse are collected in 3 separate containers. ‘Other’
does not include glass, batteries, paper and textiles. For this purpose there are special
­containers located throughout the town. On a regular basis plastic refusal is collected. Small
chemical waste, bulky refuse, electrical appliances, construction work refuse and wood can
be left at the municipal refuse station on the industrial side of Legmeer, Grutterij 26, or can
you can have it collected from your home by calling the refuse collection department
+31(0)20-540 49 11. There will be a charge for collection at home. For information about the
waste collection schedule in your neighbourhood, please call +31 ())20-540 49 11.
toeris teninformatie
7 Tourist information
The main tourist organisation in the Netherlands is the
Flower Auction Aalsmeer Aalsmeer, a village next
ANWB. The name ANWB is an abbreviation for the
to Amstelveen, is world famous for the Flower Auction
Dutch Touring Club, a long established organisation
Flora Holland. For an unforgettable experience take a
which focuses on anything related to mobility, with the
behind-the-scenes look at the trading centre and auction
emphasis on car usage. This organisation provides
process, while admiring the thousands of cars bursting with
­tourists with an extensive package of information and
flowers. Set out early on a self-guided tour and catch the
services that may be of use to you. Opening hours are:
acution at its busiest. Set your own pace as you follow
Monday 11.00 - 18.00, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
signs ­explaining all aspects of Flora Holland (in various
09.30 to 18.00. Thursday 09.30 - 21.00 and Saturday
­languages). For more information and opening hours
09.30 to 17.00. Below you will find some of the services
please visit the website:
Hoticulture Garden Museum Historical Aalsmeer
The ANWB will be pleased to provide you with
In the busy Randstad Historical Garden is an oasis of
information on tourism and recreation throughout
calm! Along the 450 meter long garden path, visitors
the N
­ etherlands. You can receive information by
will find an extensive collection of scented and some­
­telephone +31(0)20-441 55 45 or look at the website
times youth sentiment calling plants and flowers. Part of
it is during the opening hours for sale at the ­Garden
Shop. Moreover, within the Historic Garden n
­ umerous
The ANWB can arrange all kinds of trips for you. A
buildings that give a good impression of the process
holiday package on Texel, a tour of the Amsterdam
Aalsmeer growers wielded in ancient times.
canals and day trips by touring car to London or Paris.
There is a permanent (and often changing) exhibition.
You can also book a complete holiday abroad with the
The indoor corridor provides an excellent opportunity
ANWB. You can also book a complete holiday abroad
for the reception of groups . In the saleroom regularly
with the ANWB.
fashioned auction sessions held at the original Jugend-
Hotel rooms throughout the Netherlands can be booked
stil auction clock from 1930. For more information and
at ANWB and practical hotel guides are also available. The
opening hours visit the website:
ANWB can also offer you advice on bed and breakfast in
private homes. The full travel agency service can be
reached on +31(0)20-441 55 45. Further to the service
mentioned above, the ANWB can also assist you with
renting cars or a touring car and help you obtain a
­telephone card to be used in card phone booths. The
ANWB shop in the centre of the town is also worth visiting
as you can browse around and find out what services and
products this organisation can provide you with. You can
find the ANWB shop at the Thomas Cookstraat 1 in
medische informatie
8 Medical matters
Amstelveen has excellent medical provisions. First line
Medical care in the Netherlands is not free of charge.
healthcare includes doctors and dentists and registra-
­Depending on income, a citizen is compulsorily insured in
tion at a practice is required in order to access medical
the National Health Service. In your case, you or your
care. For the purposes of registration, one General
­company will usually take out a health insurance policy.
Practitioner (GP) will cover a limited area of the town
You will often be asked to prove that you hold such an
and once the GPs practice has registered the maximum
­insurance when healthcare is being provided. Medication
number of patients, he/she may be unable to take on
prescribed by a GP or specialist which has to be collected
any more. In this case, the doctor will refer you to the
from a pharmacy, must be paid for directly to the p
­ harmacy.
nearest established colleague practitioner. Dentists, on
You will then be provided with an invoice which you can
the other hand, have no geographical restriction with
subsequently charge on to your insurance company.
regard to providing a service. The GP provides the most
elementary medical care and if they are unable to treat
Within the Amstelveen Hospital Amstelland there are also
you, you will be referred to a specialist.
supporting desks for Indian and Japanese expats.
These desks aim to support Indian and Japanese expats
Hospitals and First Aid Service The Amstelveen
with their health and medical concerns, and to guide them
hospital Amstelland includes most of the general
to the appropriate department and medical practices:
­specialities. For emergency aid you can refer to the
India Desk:
­Amstelland hospital seven days a week from 08.00 -
22.00 hrs. For emergency aid beyond these hours,
you can refer to the nearby ­
Amsterdam (University)
Japan Desk:
­hospitals; the AMC and VU medical centre.
Contact: +31(0)20-755 71 46
belas tingen & verzekeringen
9 Taxes and insurance
Public authorities need resources to be able to carry out
With regard to the collection of (household) refuse, the
certain tasks. In the Netherlands, the implementation of
refuse collection charges are levied on the user of a
government tasks takes place on several levels and all of
house. Sewage charges are also levied for connection
these levels have their own resources. It is important for
to the sewage system. The owner of a property will
you to know that public authorities in the Netherlands
­receive an annual assessment indicating how much they
consist of three levels, i.e., the state, the provinces and
are required to pay for these services. Waste water must
the municipalities. The state receives its income from
be purified before it is disposed of in surface water the
sources such as income tax and the VAT everybody
Netherlands, this is the task of a specific Dutch public
must pay on the purchase of products. The main source
authority called the Polder Board. Purification in
of income for the province is the surcharge on motor
­Amstelveen is carried out by the Water Management
vehicle tax, also called ownership tax. In ­addition to
and Sewage Department (Waternet) of Amsterdam,
payments from the state, the municipalities receive
who impose an annual pollution tax on residents and
taxes from their residents and companies based in their
local companies. This Department also collects the
areas. Most of the income is received as a c­ onsequence
­Polder Board charges. The Polder Board ensures that
of property tax. This tax is levied according to the value of
the water in the polders maintains the required level
a property and is imposed on the owner and user of the
and, for this, a certain amount is charged to the principal
house on an annual basis. The owner or tenant of the
occupier of each household on an annual basis. This is
house receives an assessment each year stating how
called the residents assessment. Since the owners of
much tax is due to the munici­pality. The municipality
the land and buildings situated in the polder also benefit
then uses the taxes it collects for various services inclu-
from a good water system, they are also required to
ding maintaining streets and public parks and funding
make a contribution. This is called the polder tax. This
institutions such as the library.
tax too, is levied according to the value of the property.
Should you have any questions about local taxes, please
contact the municipality’s tax department on +31(0)20540 49 11 (Opening hours from Monday to F
­ riday 08.30
- 12.30.) Residents of the Netherlands are covered by a
national social security system which includes schemes to
compensate for loss of income as a result of illness or
unemployment as well as an old age pension scheme
and surviving relative benefit scheme. Most children are
­entitled to child benefit and a student loan or grant. You
and the other members of your family may be insured
under one or more of these social security schemes ven
if you are living or working in the Netherlands on a
­temporary basis. Dutch old age pension (AOW) is a
­basic pension for people aged 65 or over. If you are­
covered by the AOW scheme, you will accrue 2% of the
full pension amount for every year that you have lived or
worked in the ­Netherlands on a legal basis after your
15th birthday. If you move to another country, you will
still keep the years of entitlement you have accrued in
the Netherlands. The amount of your old age pension
will be c­ alculated when you turn 65. Subject to certain
­conditions, you may also receive a Dutch pension if
you are living in a country other than the Netherlands.
Dutch child benefit (AKW) is paid as a contribution
­towards the cost of supporting a child under the age of
18. This benefit is paid at the end of every quarter. If you
live in Amstelveen, you can submit an application for
child benefit to the office of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank in Leiden. This office will assess your entitlement
to child benefit. You can find more information about
AOW pension and AKW child benefit including addresses and telephone numbers on the website at www.svb.
nl. The information on the website is also available in
English. Information about other Dutch social security
schemes and the Dutch tax system can also be found at and respectively.
10 Culture
Amstelveen has several cultural institutions that are
­definitely worth visiting.
Cobra Museum of Modern Art for modern art has a range
of exhibitions of post 1946 modern art. The museum also
shows a permanent collection of works from the Cobra
group. The museum is open Tuesday to Sunday from
11.00 to 17.00 and is located at Sandbergplein 1-3.
Additional ­information can be found on website:
Museum Jan van der Togt at Dorpsstraat 50 also has
various exhibitions of contemporary art. Here, you will find
beautiful collection including modern glass art and works
from artists such as Sam Francis, Agam, Kanters, César,
Zadkin and ­Verschoor. The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday from 13.00 to 17.00. Please contact the
­museum +31(0)20-641 57 54 for more information or go to
Amstelland Art Library offers you the possibility to rent
­contemporary art. The Amstelland Art Library on Stadsplein
103 has an extensive art collection from contemporary,
­expressive artists. For more information on the possibilities
and opening times, please contact the Art Library on
+31(0)20-645 23 33 or
Schouwburg Amstelveen offers plenty of dance, theatre
and music. The Schouwburg Amstelveen, Stadsplein 100
consists of a cinema hall, a conference room and a theatre
bar as well as the theatre itself. For more information you can
contact the theatre on +31(0)20-547 51 75 or visit the
theatre website: The
website also provides details about the programmes.
Amstelveen public library is the place where books and
­magazines can be borrowed at low costs. The library has
three branches in Amstelveen (main branch is Stadsplein
102) offering books in Dutch and foreign languages. In order
to be able to utilise the library resources, you must first
­become a member.
Information can be obtained on +31(0)20-641 41 26 or
visit the website
11 Sports
Amstelveen offers a comprehensive range of sports.
on playing the game for fun, and enjoying all the social
The possibilities range from football to bridge and Line
aspects that go along with it. For more information
dancing to volleyball. Sports are often played on a club
please visit ACC Cricket Club formed in
basis and you may be required to register before
1921, is a friendly, social and successful club, based in
the Amsterdam/Amstelveen area. They have 3 pitches
possible. All Sports and Special Sports are the two
available at the week-end but only one during the
­largest fitness centres in Amstelveen. The municipality
week since they share the grounds with a golf club.
guide, ­available from the information desk at the Town
ACC Club completely open club, with a thriving social
Hall +31(0)20-540 49 11, provides a list of all the sports
scene, They continually welcome new members, whether
clubs and ­facilities in Amstelveen.
seeking high quality Sunday league cricket or the
­gentler delights of a Saturday afternoon friendly, there
Worth mentioning, are the facilities provided by the
is a team for every­one. For more information please
Meerkamp swimming pool. Swimming lanes, aqua-­
aerobics, children’s swimming lessons and recreational
swimming are just some of the options offered by the
Go center The European Go Cultural Centre (EGCC)
swimming pool on the Van der Hooplaan. The swimming
is a non-profit organization with the aim of spreading go
pool is within easy reach by public transport and has
in Europe and to inform the public in Europe about the
ample parking facilities. For more information visit the
existence, background and rules of the ancient game of
Go. They work closely with the European Go Federation
and organizing tournements en courses. In cooperation
Stichting Amstelveens Sportbedrijf (SAS) (Amstelveen
with most national associations they have developed
sports management foundation) is a non-profit organi-
and produced promotion and teaching material, which
sation implementing municipal policies with regard to
is available in seventeen European languages. The
sport and games. SAS deals with matters including:
­building where the EGCC is situated is owned by the
• management and rental of sports accommodation
Nihon Ki-in and loaned to the Foundation Nihon Ki-in
• development and execution of programmes encou­
European Go Cultural Centre to be used as a place to
raging participation in sport by people of any age
play go. For more information about the European Go
• swimming lessons and water activities
center in Amstelveen please visit
For more information please contact Amstelveens
Sportbedrijf +31(0)20-3473450 or send an email to
offers you a wonderful area of more than 25 acres where
If you wish to play golf Golfcentre Amsteldijk
you can enjoy everything golf has to offer in a natural
Cricket There are two cricketclubs based in Amstel-
setting. For more information visit the website:
veen. VRA Cricketclub and ACC Cricketclub. Dutch Indoorgolf offers you a great
VRA Cricket club is situated in the Amsterdam Forest
indoor golf facility. For more information please visit
and has a rich history in the cricketing spheres within
their website:
Holland. As you would have seen by their recent exploits
in the Cricket World Cup, Dutch cricket is played with
Water sports
passion and commitment but also highlights the best
­Amstelveen consists of a large number of lakes called
aspect of amateur cricket - to enjoy it. VRA takes their
the “Westeinderplassen”. They form one of the biggest
cricket seriously (as they have several current Internationals
lakes of the Netherlands. Join a quided tour or sail on a
and the first team became national champion seven
“Westeinder” or a small boat. For more information
times in the last ten years) but also place large emphasis
please visit the website:
Aalsmeer a municipality next to
12 Housing
Amstelveen’s favourable position, between Schiphol and Amsterdam, means that living there is very popular. You may
choose to either buy or rent a variety of housing ranging from apartments and single-family dwellings to luxury villas.
If you wish to buy a house, the following information will be important. Apart from a few exceptions, Amstelveen has
no restrictions on settling in the area. Anybody can buy a house in Amstelveen but, as you are not yet familiar with the
local situation, it would be advisable to use the services of an estate agent. A local estate agent knows the local housing
market i­nside and out and can advise you on price, location, construction and various other matters that are important
when considering a purchase. The addition of ‘buyer’s costs’ to the house prices means that 10% in additional
costs should be added to the price of the property. These costs cover tax, agent, notary and financing. With respect
to financing the house, expert mortgage consultants can help and advise you on the options with regard to financing
the house you want.
If you will be residing in Amstelveen temporarily, you may be interested in renting a house. Amstelveen has a huge
range of rented houses within its boundaries. Most of these houses are only available to residents and people working
in Amstelveen or the surrounding area. There are a large number of specialised rental firms l­ocated in Amstelveen who
can help you find a suitable property.
The rental period for such a house is usually a minimum of one year. For executives and business people who stay
here for a shorter period it is also possible to rent a fully furnished and serviced apartment at the Htel company. For more
information go to
13 Shopping
Every quarter of Amstelveen has a shopping centre
Absolutely British Here you can buy all your
where your daily shopping requirements can be met. In
­favourite British food and find every thing you need for
addition to this, there is the large main shopping centre
a littel taste of home with the largest British Expat grocer in
(Stadshart) in the centre of Amstelveen where you will
the Netherlands at the Eleanor Rooseveltlaan 102 - 104
find a total of about 180 shops that sell just about every­
in Amstelveen. Tel. +31(0)20 6736061.,
thing you need. Besides the smaller shops, the larger
department stores are also located here, including
V&D, Hema and Bijenkorf. There are many (paid) ­parking
Indian food store There are two Indian food stores
facilities both at the district shopping centres and at the
in Amstelveen (Kashmir food store) at the Lindenlaan
main shopping centre. The shops are open from­ 376 - 380. 1185 NM AMSTELVEEN.( www.kashmiri­
Monday to Saturday during the day and most of the and Spicestore, Karel Doornmanweg 6,
­supermarkets open from 08.00 to 20.00. Shops at the
1181 WE Amstelveen. ( Both selling
stadshart are open every Sunday from 12.00- 18.00.
various products, food and groceries. Throughout
On the Stadsplein near the main shopping centre there
­Amstelveen there are several Indian restaurants.
is a market every Friday. This market offers a huge range
of products including fish mongers who specialise in ­foreign
Kingsalmarkt Delicatessen This is a great delica-
fish products. Every Tuesday there is a “organic” market
tessen in Amstelveen which was established in 1963.
at the stadshart. Many foreign residents have found
The supermarket is well known because of its range of
their way to this ­market to sample the products on offer.
American, British and Japanese products. It can be
found at Rembrandtweg 617-635, Amstelveen.
There are plenty of banks and post offices throughout
Amstelveen. The post office in the main shopping centre
Mom ‘n’ Kitchen This is a Korean Tokoshop in the
is located at the AKO bookshop at the opposite of the
shopping center Kostverlorenhof in Amstelveen. It is
supermarket. There are more post offices located within
not only a small Korean shop specialised in Korean and
a shop in other shopping centres. If you receive mail
Japanese products but also a nice place to get a delicious
­addressed to somebody else, please write on the enve-
lunch. At Mom’s ’n Kitchen you can buy food and
lope “VERKEERD BEZORGD” and put it in one of the
non food products. The shop can be reached at
orange letter boxes, situated throughout the municipality.
tel. +31 (0)20-345 29 88 or visit their website:
14 Expatcenter
The Expatcenter cuts the red tape for internationals in the Amsterdam Area The Expatcenter
EU citizens working for a company which has the official
Amsterdam Area provides a one-stop-shop service for
their municipal registration.
sponsor status with the IND can visit the Expatcenter for
international companies and their highly skilled migrant
employees. The Expatcenter is a joint initiative of the
The Expatcenter’s Partnership programme also connects
cities of Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Almere, Haarlem-
expats with local expat-related service providers in the
mermeer, Hilversum and Velsen, along with the Immi-
Amsterdam Area. A full list of the Expatcenter’s trusted
gration and Naturalisation Service (IND) and the Tax Office.
partners can be found on the website
The Expatcenter Amsterdam was the first of its kind in
the Netherlands, and was created to better meet the
The Expatcenter’s knowledgeable team is ready and
needs of international companies in the Amsterdam
able to answer questions, provide information and offer
Area. Since its opening in 2008, the Expatcenter has
assistance to expats across a wide range of topics.
proved to be very successful with hundreds of international companies making use of the streamlined proce-
Contact us:
dures and more than 30,000 expats (as of June 2014)
have visited the office at the WTC for registration.
+31 (0)20 254 7999
satisfaction survey, companies and their employees ranked
Or visit us at:
World Trade Center Amsterdam
the services provided by the Expatcenter at 8.2 out of
F-Tower, second floor
10 for “Overall Satisfaction”, a clear indication that the
Strawinskylaan 39
Expatcenter continues to meet both its corporate and
1077 XW Amsterdam
expat clients’ needs and expectations.
The collective efforts have paid off; in the 2013 client
Opening hours:
Monday-Friday 09.00-17.00
Simplifying the process Via the Expatcenter procedure
employers are allowed to initiate the registration for a
residence permit prior to their new employee’s arrival in
the country. This allows highly skilled migrants (and
their family members) to complete several important
formalities in a single visit to the Expatcenter.
Expats are able, in one appointment, to collect their
residence permit and simultaneously complete the
­necessary registration with their municipality. As a result,
they will also receive their citizen service number (BSN),
allowing them to open a Dutch bank account, amongst
other things. An early IND approval (in the form of a sticker)
is available for companies who would like their expat
employees to start working within two weeks after
­initiating the application with the IND. Applications for
the 30% ruling can also be made via the Expatcenter.
The Expatcenter also provides services for EU citizens.
amsterdam inbusiness
15 amsterdam inbusiness
This organisation deals with business operations in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and will assist you
with any questions you have relating to your investment. They work directly with the Netherlands Foreign
Investment Agency. If you are considering setting up a business in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area they
can organise tailormade programmes for you. They can help solve problems associated with setting up a
business in an unfamiliar environment and can also introduce individuals to agencies that may prove useful.
They can also put you in touch with other individuals in rganisations that have already established themselves in the area. Via the new expatcenter, they provide services in relation to employee matters such as
work and residential permits, both for company staff and their families. All of the services are free of charge,
confidential and without obligation. The intention is that a relationship between a company and amsterdam
inbusiness will continue over the long term. In the same way that companies focus on current customers as
their greatest opportunity for increasing sales, they direct the lion’s share of economic development staff
and resources toward supporting and nurturing firms that are already established in the city and the region.
amsterdam inbusiness is a cooperation between Amsterdam, Almere, Haarlemmermeer and Amstelveen.
They have staff who specialise in various countries and sectors and there are direct representatives in every
Amstelveen Office: Laan Nieuwer Amstel 1, 1182 JR Amstelveen, +31(0)20-540 44 23
Director/Asian companies, Mrs C. de Kemp, +31(0)20-540 44 23,
Senior area manager US/EMEA Mrs. J. Zoutendijk, +31 (20)-5404827,
16 To summarise
We have tried to provide you with information relating to matters you will have to deal with as
a new resident of Amstelveen. If you have any further questions, please contact the Town Hall
on +31(0)20-540 911. This department can also be reached by email on
Useful addresses
website / e-mail
Municipality of Amstelveen Laan Nieuwer-Amstel 1
P.O. Box 4
1180 BA Amstelveen
+31(0)20-540 49 11
Municipality of Amstelveen
Civil Affairs
Laan Nieuwer-Amstel 1
1182 JR Amstelveen
+31(0)20-540 49 11
Municipality of Amstelveen
Laan Nieuwer-Amstel 1
+31(0)20-540 44 23
Economic Affairs
1182 JR Amstelveen
amsterdam inbusiness
Laan Nieuwer-Amstel 1
+31(0)20-540 44 23
1182 JR Amstelveen
+31(0)20-540 48 27
Emergency number
(police/fire department/ambulance)
Police Station north
Gerard Doulaan 2
1181 WS Amstelveen
Police Station south
Zetterij 6
1187 XR Amstelveen
Burglary Prevention Team
Fire Department
Oranjebaan 1
+31(0)20-555 66 66
1183 NN Amstelveen
Waste station
Grutterij 26
1185 ZW Amstelveen
+31(0)20-540 49 11
Expatcenter WTC Amterdam, F-Tower +31(0)20-254 79 99
Strawinskylaan 1 (1st floor)
1077 XW Amsterdam
website / e-mail
Travellers information
Thomas Cookstraat 1
1181 ZS Amstelveen
+31(0)20-441 55 45
Driver and Vehicle Licencing Centre (CBR)
West-Noord Region
P.O. Box. 58001
1040 HA Amstelveen
State Transport Industries
Department (RDW)
P.O. Box 30.000
9640 RA Veendam
Public Prosecutor traffic
belangrijke & handige adressen
website / e-mail
Amsterdam International
Community School
Prinses Irenestraat 59
1077 WV Amsterdam
+31(0)20-577 12 40
British School of Amsterdam
Anthonie van Dijckstraat 1
1077 ME Amsterdam
+31(0)20-679 78 40
International School of
Sportlaan 45
P.O. Box 920
1180 AX Amstelveen
+31(0)20-347 11 11
Japanese School
Karel Klinkenbergstraat 137 +31(0)20-611 81 36
1061 AL Amsterdam
Japanese Kindergarten
Tulip Gakuen School
Schweizerlaan 2-6
1187 JD Amstelveen
+31(0)20-661 51 82
Korean School Foundation
Elegast 5
1185 AA Amstelveen
+31(0) 20-641 62 82
Volksuniversiteit Amstelland
Stadsplein 97
1181 ZA Amstelveen
+31(0)20-545 14 24
Universiteit van Amsterdam Binnengasthuisstraat 9 1012 ZA Amsterdam
+31(0)20-525 33 33
Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1105 1081 HV Amsterdam
+31(0)20-598 98 98
Hestia Child Care
Carmenlaan 1
1183 SN Amstelveen
+31(0)20-345 93 91
KinderRijk P.O Box 2027
1180 EA Amstelveen
+31(0)20-426 08 88
Host parent agency P.O. Box 2027
1180 EA Amstelveen
+31(0)20-426 08 88
International Schools:
Child Care:
Useful addresses
website / e-mail
Amstelveen Music and Dance School
Stadsplein 99
1181 ZM Amstelveen
+31(0)20-647 14 57
Kinderboerderij Elsenhove Bankrasweg 1
1183 TP Amstelveen
+31(0)20-496 39 97
website / e-mail
ACC Cricketclub
Aanloop 3
1183 SZ Amstelveen
+31(0)20-647 55 13
VRA Cricket Club
Nieuwe Kalfjeslaan 21b
+31(0)20-641 85 25
1182 AA Amstelveen
Go center
Schokland 14 1181 HV Amstelveen
+31(0)20-645 55 55
Golfcentrum Amsteldijk
Afslag 1
1186 VG Amstelveen
+31(0)20-303 05 10
Dutch Indoorgolf
Langs de Werf 7
+31(0)20-426 07 50
1185 XT Amstelveen
Van der Hooplaan 239
1185 LN Amstelveen
Other educational organisations:
De Meerkamp
+31(0)20-547 58 59
Medical matters
Ziekenhuis Amstelland
Laan v/d Helende Meesters 8 +31(0)20-755 70 00
1186 AM Amstelveen
• India Desk: • Japan Desk: +31(0)20-755 71 46
website / e-mail
AMC Academisch
Medisch Centrum
Meibergdreef 9
1105 AZ Amsterdam-ZO
+31(0)20-566 91 11
VU medisch centrum
De Boelelaan 1117
1081 HV Amstelveen
+31(0)20-444 36 36
belangrijke & handige adressen
Tax and insurance
addresses telephone
website / e-mail
Sociale Verzekeringsbank
website / e-mail
Cobra Museum of Modern Art
Sandbergplein 1-3
1181 ZX Amstelveen
+31(0)20-547 50 50
Jan van der Togt Museum
Dorpsstraat 50
1182 JE Amstelveen
+31(0)20-641 57 54
Amstelveen Theatre
Stadsplein 100
1181 ZM Amstelveen +31(0)20-547 51 75
reservations: +31(0)20-547 51 30
Amstelland Art Library
Stadsplein 103
1181 ZM Amstelveen
+31(0)20-645 23 33
Central Library Amstelveen
Stadsplein 102
1180 ZM Amstelveen
+31(0)20-641 41 26
Westwijk Library
Westwijkplein 1
1187 LS Amstelveen
+31(0)20-647 59 60
Text: gemeente Amstelveen
Design: Colours of Eden | grafische vormgeving | Amstelveen
August 2014 | ©gemeente Amstelveen