Fall - Staunton


Fall - Staunton
Fall ‘14
Beekeeping | Essential Oils | Toddler Open Gym | Homeschool Choir | New York Shopping
Table of Contents
Horticulture Hotline
It’s an Allium!
One of our most commonly asked plant questions over the
last few years begins along the lines of “What’s that big
purple flower you have? You know the one at the Library,
and ya’ll have some in the bed at Statler Blvd near Kathy’s
That interesting “Dr. Seuss plant”, as one child called it, is an
Allium. Now is the time to think about planting them. Alliums
are planted in the fall around the time you would plant other
spring flowering bulbs (Mid October to late November).
Because they are relatives of onions & garlic, Alliums are very
pest resistant. That means deer and rodents will leave them
alone. Alliums require full sun, good drainage and
usually bloom mid May in our area. Flowers
last about 4 weeks and remain interesting even when the
color fades from them. We use a selection of Allium called
‘Ambassador’ but there are many others to choose from in
a variety of sizes & colors; we’re just partial to the big ‘ol
purple ones. Will Alliums come back every year, are they
perennial? Well, sort of. My experience with alliums is if
the site conditions are right and they are happy, you get
about 3-4 years out of them.
Order alliums early for best selection. I would recommend
either Colorblends or Brent & Becky’s Bulbs and usually
place our order in early August. Most good bulb companies
will then delay shipment until October when things cool
off. How much do alliums cost? Well, the good ones are
not cheap. Alliums usually go for about $5-6 per bulb
for the large varieties like Ambassador. But when you
consider that you will get to enjoy it for 3 years, it works
out to $2 per year. Not a bad bargain compared to that
super mocha Frappuccino you just paid way too much for.
Staunton Parks & Recreation
Irene Givens Administrative Building, Montgomery Hall Park
1000 Montgomery Ave, Staunton, VA 24401
(540)332-3945 • staunton.va.us/recreation
Director of Parks and Recreation, Christopher J. Tuttle, tuttlecj@ci.staunton.va.us
Superintendent of Parks, Steve DeVenny, devennysd@ci.staunton.va.us
© 2014
designed by Marc Borzelleca, marcborzelleca.com
Building Codes:
MHP - Montgomery Hall Park; MHPC - Montgomery Hall Park Conference Room
MHPA - Montgomery Hall Park Activity Room; GHPG - Gypsy Hill Park Gym
GHPGC - Gypsy Hill Park Garden Center; NSTC - Nelson Street Teen Center
BTWCC - Booker T. Washington Community Center
classes available for Homeschoolers
See pg 28 for registration info.
Canine Corner...........................................3
Life Organization........................................4
Self Improvement......................................10
Outdoor & Gardening...............................11
Youth & Childcare.....................................13
Music & Dance.........................................16
Eat Drink & Be Merry................................17
Staunton for Stauntonians..........................19
Community Centers...................................26
Sponsorship & Memorial Opportunities.......27
Gypsy Hill Duck Dynasty............................29
Shenandoah Valley Whiskey History...........31
Canine Corner
Dog Behavior and Training
Do you have a dog with issues? Do you have a good
dog and want to help him/her be even BETTER? This
course is designed for anyone looking to have a
harmonious and balanced relationship with their dog.
Jessica Troop of The Balanced Dog LLC will teach the
basics of dog behavior, including how to stop unwanted
behavior and increase desirable behavior. Bring your dog
out of the house and over to Gypsy Hill Park for this fun
class. Meet other doggies and their owners! You will have
the opportunity to address specific concerns during class.
Please bring proof of current vaccinations. Space limited!
Age 10+ but parent/guardian must be present. #5100
GHP 6–7pm, four Wednesdays beginning September 24.
Price: $69/per family. Register by: September 19
Canine Scent Detection
The nose knows! Michelle Carter of Leader of the Pack
Dog Training develops your dog’s natural scenting abilities
through fun and games. By practicing basic search dog
skills, the class builds confidence, burns off physical and
mental energy, and enhances the bond between owner
and dog. No obedience required! Learn at your own
pace. Please call Staunton Parks and Recreation for
registration and details. Age 18+. #5101 6:30–7:30pm,
five Thursdays beginning October 2. Price: $109.
Register by: September 29
Life Organization
Get Organized for the Holidays
If you want to enjoy the holidays with friends and family
instead of dreading them, I have solutions and tips that
guarantee you will have a Happy Thanksgiving, Happy
Holidays and Happy New Year! Kathryn McMillan of
Clutter Conversions has designed this class specifically
to help you overcome the stress of the holidays through
time management and organization techniques. #5102
MHPC 6–8pm, October 1. Price: $20. Register by:
September 26
Where Does the Time Go?
Always in a rush and never enough time for you? Are you
always in a hurry to be somewhere, doing something for
someone else or rushing to get ready in the mornings?
Kathryn McMillan of Clutter Conversions will teach you
basic time management skills to get you through the day,
week, and year. Knowing these skills will help you
achieve the things you want to accomplish heading into
the holidays and New Year! #5103 MHPA 6–8pm,
November 4 and 18. Price: $35. Register by: October 31
It’s all about My Kitchen
Learn how a kitchen should be organized, the various
zones, and meal planning. Kathryn McMillan of Clutter
Conversions will educate participants on how to prepare
enough menus to last you through two months, as well as
grocery lists for each month. Bring a list of your family’s
favorite meals or a couple of your favorite recipes and
cookbooks. #5104 MHPC 6–8pm, October 7 and
October 21. Price: $35. Register by: October 1
Ducks in a Row
The best gift you can leave your loved ones is an
organized estate at your journey’s end. Learn how to
address important matters that can save you and your
family lots of time, money, and extra work. Prior planning
can also save family from discord and disagreements. This
course includes options for preparing a will, organizing
family memorabilia, burial/cremation preferences,
distribution of belongings, financial planning, and much
more! Price includes book, planner, and instruction.
Instructor: Mary Ann Stripling. #5105 MHPC 6–8pm,
three Thursdays beginning October 23. Price: $50.
Register by: October 17
Genealogy: Find
Beginning Genealogy
Genealogy, aka Family History is the second most popular
hobby in America. Join us as we learn the basic foundation
needed to begin searching for your ancestors. Debra
Fischer of Genealogical Appointments will teach beginners
how to fill out a pedigree chart, family group sheets and
research logs to begin your search. Start a lifelong hobby!
Age 18+. #5106 MHPA 11am–noon, four Mondays
beginning October 20. Price: $48. Register by: October 15
Genealogy: Surfing the net at 3am
Learn some of the ins and outs of searching for your
ancestors on the internet. What sites might be free and
what sites need your credit card. Can I find my ancestors
who were living in the old country without having to book
a flight there? Learn the art of saving and printing the
documents that you find. Bring along a laptop, tablet or
USB flash drive. Instructor: Debra Fischer of Genealogical
Appointments. Age 18+. #5107 MHPA 12:30–2:30pm,
November 3. Price: $37. Register by: October 29
I Found This Genealogy Document
Now What?
You have searched many places and while you have
amassed piles of papers are you really dissecting them
for all that they are worth? What are we finding on those
census schedules, vital records and the likes there of?
Debra Fischer of Genealogical Appointments will help you
answer some of those questions and more on how to move
forward from those documents. Bring to the workshop some
records that you have collected and let’s tear them apart.
Age 18+. #5108 MHPA 12:30–2:30pm, November 10.
Price: $37. Register by: November 5
Genealogy: Organize It Now
And the papers keep piling up all over. First on the
desk, then expansion to the kitchen table, finally onto
the floor. Where was that document that I needed? With
this workshop you will be taught how to organize your
masses of paper that you have accumulated. Learn how
to organize your computer area while coordinating it with
your physical file cabinet and your software program.
Bring either your laptop or a flash stick along with either
a pedigree chart or family group sheets. Instructor: Debra
Fischer of Genealogical Appointments. Age 18+. #5109
MHPA 12:30–2:30pm, November 17. Price $37.
Register by: November 12
Hand Dipping Candles
Discover this age old craft using minimal equipment, and
various waxes. The technique is simple, and the results
beautiful. These candles make wonderful Christmas gifts and
will fit in well with your other decorations. Instructor: DeDe
Stroup. #5110 MHPA 6–8:30pm, December 2. Price: $26.
Register by: November 24
Paint: Winter Chickadee 11x14
Paint a beautiful winter chickadee bird on a snow covered
branch with red berries. You will complete an 11x14
canvas oil painting to take home and frame or give as a
gift. This painting class is for beginners or the fun at heart.
All supplies included. Instructor: Diane Ricketson of Paint
4fun. #5111 GHPGC 9:30am-3:30pm, November 1. Price
$54. Register by: October 24
sARTurdays in the Fall
Join us this fall on the second Saturday of every month for
an art project at the Gypsy Hill Park Garden Center. This
class is for all ages and a fun way to get out of the house
and be creative. Instructor: Sandra Carter. 10am-noon at
the Gypsy Hill Park Garden Center. Ages 6+
#5112 October 11: Spooky Gingerbread House
Price: $15. Register by: October 1
#5113 November 8: Mosaic Trays
Price: $15. Register by: October 29
#5114 December 13: Candy Tree
Price: $15. Register by: December 3
You can do it! Create a Life You
Love Through Collage
Tap into your subconscious and achieve your goals through
collage art therapy. Using magazines we will explore
goals you have for your life as well as issues of self-esteem,
& self-acceptance. All materials provided. Students are
encouraged to bring snacks and magazines to share. Join
us for all four sessions or feel free to drop-in on just one.
Instructor: Joy Boardman of Planet Joy. www.facebook.
com/PlanetJoyeaux. #5116 MHPA 4–5:45pm, four classes
on Thursdays starting October 23. Price: 2 hOURs per
each class, or $15 per each class. Please let us know
if you are paying in hOURs: (540) 332-3945.
Register by: October 17
English Paper Piecing: A Hand
Piecing Technique for Quilts and
Join Maureen Gray experienced quilter and Laurie
Gunderson proprietor of Appalachian Piecework for this
fun informative class. Learn how to hand stitch fabrics into
beautiful designs using a paper foundation. What you
create can be used in a quilt, pillow, bag, or any textile you
desire. We will make designs using the popular hexagon
shape, affectionately known as “Hexies”, and discuss other
possibilities. It is recommended that you have some hand
stitching experience. Class will take place at Appalachian
Piecework located at the train station, 38 Middlebrook Ave.
Age 18+. #5117 1–3pm, September 17 and October 1.
Price: $49. Register by: September 10
Beginner’s Pottery
This class will offer students the opportunity to explore their
own creativity in 3D. Each person will make several highfired, functional pieces that can be used or just enjoyed as
art. The basic properties of clay will be covered as well
as the historical significance of pottery. Historical uses of
pottery will be covered. Hand thrown technique will be
used. Beware: once you start pottery you may not be able
to stop! Families, singles, pairs, all welcome. Instructor:
Mary Tuttle whose jewelry can be purchased at the Smith
center and Virginia Made. Age 14+. #5115 NSTC
6–8pm, four Mondays beginning September 22.
Price: $35. Register by: September 17
Tai Chi and Qigong for Good-ness Sake!
Harvard Health Publication called Tai Chi “moving meditation” and wrote of the
“myriad health issues it has been proven to help with”. Tai Chi and/or Qigong
can boost immune function by 50%, increase brain size, reduce depression
and anxiety, and reduce stress by providing powerful stress management tools.
These arts also improve respiratory function, reduce or eliminate chronic pain
issues, dramatically improve balance and dexterity, and much more. It is used in
hospitals, businesses, prisons, schools, and other health aware institutions. Our
classes encompass all levels and we specialize in working with those with health
issues, improving overall health and recovering health! Tai Chi and Qigong is a
wonderful natural health/healing platform! GHPGC.
Tai chi/Qigong Classes: Mondays 1–2pm, Wednesdays 6–7pm (both can be
attended as drop-in class)
Advanced Tai chi/Qigong Classes: Mondays 2–3pm
Class option 1: Attend class one time per week. Price: $48/month
Class option 2: Attend class twice per week. Price: $58/month
Class option 3: Drop-in Mondays at 1pm or Wednesdays at 6pm.
Drop-in price: $15 per class-payable at time of class.
Vinyasa Yoga
A flowing style yoga class linking yoga poses together to bring balance and
harmony to our bodies as we move our bodies with our breath. This type of Yoga
flow features cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility, strength and relaxation.
Leave feeling relaxed and with an overall feeling of well-being. Multi-level class,
please wear comfortable clothes, bring a yoga mat & water. Instructor: Zoe Berg.
MHPA 6–7pm on Mondays, ongoing class. Next 8 week session starts October 6,
or drop in immediately. Price: $38 per 8 weeks. Drop-in Price: $7
Register by: ASAP
Hatha Flow Yoga
A fun mix of traditional & modern styles of Yoga, with a variety of approaches
to the postures and breath. Focusing on peace of mind is emphasized, while
stretching and holding poses within your comfort level. All levels are welcome.
Wear comfortable clothes, bring a yoga mat if possible; some props are
provided. Start any time! Instructor: Elle D’Orado. MHPA 6–7:15pm, on
Wednesdays, ongoing class. Next 8 week session starts October 8.
Price: $38 per 8 weeks. Drop-in price: $7. Register by: ASAP
Gypsy Hill Walking Club
Watch the fall leaves change color and your health
change for the better as you record your miles while
walking in the park. Join our Gypsy Hill walking club and
get out and move. We will meet on Friday mornings at
9am at the bandstand. Participants may walk and record
their miles any time and at their convenience. Participants
are not obligated to come every Friday morning, however
walking and burning calories can be more fun with a
friend. Using the honor system, walkers will record miles
on a formatted slip of paper that can be found at the drop
box by the bandstand. Participants and their miles will be
updated weekly and can be viewed on the Staunton Parks
and Recreation website. At the end of the fall season there
will be a ceremonial final walk and we will award specific
colored t-shirts acknowledging participants’ milestones
and accomplishments. The inaugural walk will be Friday,
September 12 and our final “chilly” walk November 21 at
9am. All ages. #5118 GHP 9am beginning September 12.
Price: $10. Register by: ASAP
Booty Barre
Are you tired of exercising and not seeing results? If
you need a change, Booty Barre may be just for you.
With dedication to the practice and the workout, one
may see a more toned, strengthened, lengthened, and
balanced body. So if you want to work your booty in a
new way then come to the barre to see what you have
been missing. The instructor for this class is Sheree Kiser
and class will be held at her fitness studio Be Well Fitness
behind Terry Court, for ages 15 and older. #5119
6–7pm, beginning Wednesday evenings September 17
and also Wednesday, Friday and Saturday mornings at
9:30am. Price: $60 for 6 punches. Punches can be used
for either Booty Barre or Pilates Mat offered at Be well
Fitness. Punches must be used between the following dates
September 15, 2014 and November 17, 2014.
Please register with Staunton Parks and Recreation.
Pilates Mat
Want a stronger core and want to feel better when you
move? Want to stand taller and perform daily activities
with ease? Pilates Mat class could assist you in reaching
these goals. Come have fun with others who want to
move easier in life. The instructor for this class is Sheree
Kiser and class will be held at her fitness studio Be Well
Fitness behind Terry Court, for ages 15 and older. #5120
6–7pm, Mondays starting September 15. Price: $60 for
6 punches. Punches can be used for either Booty Barre or
Pilates Mat offered at Be well Fitness. Punches must be used
between September 15, 2014 and November 17, 2014.
Please register with Staunton Parks and Recreation.
Baby Wearing Workout Group
Are you a baby wearing Mom or Dad and want
to meet some like-minded folks? Come to
this interest meeting to chat and
determine a time that works best for
everyone to convene in our park
and exercise together. Strollers
also welcome. MHPA 9am,
September 23. Please call to
let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
Morning Warm-ups with Jolene
This on-going class is great for seniors with tired muscles
and as a follow-up for physical therapy. Bring hand
weights, exercise mats and resistant bands. Healthy
eating and diet tips are also shared. Men and women
invited! 50+ Instructor: Jolene Dewey. GHPG 9–10am
on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Price: $32 per 12 classes.
Ongoing class. Register by: ASAP
See pg 28 for registration info.
The Heart is NOT a Pump
What is the heart for? To throb for a crush; to ache when
love’s lost; to tirelessly pump life-giving blood through your
body... But what if the last bit were not true? What if the
heart is NOT a pump!? If not, then what is it? And what does
pump the blood? Come learn the intriguing true tale of the
heart: its true role in the body, what actually does pump your
blood and what vital nutrient assists the body in circulation.
Instructor: Anne Buzzelli of Buzz Nutrition. #5123 MHPC
6–8pm, December 4. Price: $15. Register by: December 1
Amazing Thyroid
Vaccine Information Session:
Asking the Right Questions
Chiropractic Neurologist Andrew Dodge will
present an information-packed lecture to parents
with facts and questions to ask about vaccinations
for their families. This session is neither pro- nor
anti-vaccination, but attempts to be an unbiased
look to allow parents to make informed decisions.
This is the type of information no parent should
be without! #5121 Staunton Library, 7–8:45pm,
November 3. Price: Free. Register by: October 31
Nutrition Before and After
Food choices have a major impact on ‘Team
MomBaby’ long before conception... and the
strong influence continues through breastfeeding!
(And let’s not forget food’s impact on Dad.)
We’ll discuss how to use food to achieve a
healthy, comfortable pregnancy, along with
supplement ideas and preventative blood testing.
Instructor: Anne Buzzelli of Buzz Nutrition.
#5122 MHPA 6–8pm, November 20. Price: $15.
Register by: November 17
Learn about the Thyroid’s link to: weight gain or loss, fatigue,
stress, depression, lack of energy, mental sluggishness, low
body temperature, intolerance to cold, and more! Thyroid
dysfunction can be a hidden cause of neck pain and other
aches and pains. Learn natural ways to help restore healthy
thyroid and endocrine function. Instructor: Don Wetsel, MA,
LAc, and Susanna Wetsel, DC, DABCN of Health TLC. Age
15+. #5124 Staunton Library 7–8:45pm, September 11.
Price: Free, but please let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
Autoimmune Diseases
Fifty years ago, autoimmune conditions were virtually
unknown and unheard of. Now over 100 have been
identified. Many are suffering from devastating symptoms,
often with little hope or promise of improvement. Gain an
understanding of how these diseases develop, and the
importance that lifestyle choices have in their progression
and severity of symptoms. Learn about natural alternatives
that can support your overall health as well as provide relief
from their symptoms. Instructor: Don Wetsel, MA, LAc, and
Susanna Wetsel, DC, DABCN of Health TLC. Age 15+.
#5125 Staunton Library 7–8:45pm, October 23.
Price: Free, but please let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
Introduction to Aromatherapy and
Essential Oil Safety
Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing fields of
complementary healthcare, but what is it really and how do
you use it? Join Hope Staton of Integrative Health Therapies
for an evening to learn about what Aromatherapy is, how
essential oils are processed and how to use them for yourself
and your family safely and effectively. There will also be
an opportunity for you to experience many of the oils for
yourself. Come enjoy the aromatic wonders! #5126 MHPC
6–7:30pm, October 14. Price: Free, but please let us know
you are coming: (540) 332-3945
The Art of Conversation
Have you noticed how other people can make you feel
energized or drained, inspired or apathetic? Much
of that effect may come from their conversation style.
Conversation is about much more than trading words.
It’s how we connect as people and share our ideas
and concerns. From small talk to navigating difficult
conversations, we’ll discuss ways to engage, respect and
enjoy people though our style of conversation. Instructor:
Anne Buzzelli of Buzz Nutrition. #5128 Staunton Library
6–7:30pm, October 22. Price: Free, but please let us know
you are coming: (540)332-3945
Craving Change
“I know what to eat, but I just can’t seem to do it!” Does
this sound like you? If so, your relationship with food might
need some improvement! Craving Change is designed to
do exactly that. It is a workshop series intended to help
you understand why you eat the way you do. Melinda
Martin, RD the “Home Cooked Dietician” will teach you to
identify your personal eating triggers and how to respond
to them appropriately, which can result in a healthier
you! #5129 GHPGC 6:15–8pm, four Tuesdays beginning
September 23. Price: $35 includes a workbook. Register
by: September 17
Labor Support Massage
Bring massage and relaxation to your childbirth!
Learn how massage can help reduce the need for pain
medications, soothe your contractions, and become more
centered. A great supportive class to bring you closer
through your birthing experience. For moms and dads
“to be” and please bring pillows and mats. Perfect for
those in their 3rd trimester. Expectant mothers should
consult with their OBGYN or midwife before taking this
class. Instructor: Tai Blakey NCTMB of Refreshing Effects
Massage Therapy in Harrisonburg. #5130 GHPGC
6–8pm, October 21. Price: $44. Register by: October 17
My Get Up and Go… Got up and
Are you finding less enjoyment in life and feel tired
most of the time? Is it harder to get through your day?
Are you unhappy with how you look and feel? Are you
experiencing increased aches and pains, weight gain
or increased stress from trying to get everything done?
Discover common causes associated with these concerns
and simple changes you can make to improve your health
and recapture your joy in life. Instructor: Don Wetsel, MA,
LAc, and Susanna Wetsel, DC, DABCN of Health TLC.
Age 15+. #5131 Staunton Library 7–8:45pm, November
4. Price: Free, but please let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
Learn Sign Language: Adult Class
This course teaches the basic communication skills
in American Sign Language. Along with an array of
vocabulary, you will also learn specific etiquettes of deaf
culture, such as facial expressions and classifiers. Be
able to develop an expressive language and improve on
receptive abilities. Instructor: Amy Tussing. #5132 MHPA
6–7:30pm, eight Thursdays beginning September 25.
Price: $79. Register by: September 19
Questions, Answers and What You
Need to Know about Your Car
Would you like to know more about your car and
understand the repair industry? Learn how to ask better
questions and have peace of mind when you open your
wallet. Q & A with a mechanic about your car. Instructor:
Richard Clavin. #5133 MHPA 1–3pm, October 18.
Price: $10. Register by: October 10
Getting to know Medicare
Learn the A, B, C’s, & D of Medicare. Rebecca Coss of
Old Dominion Insurance will educate participants about
what Medicare is and what it can do for you. Learn how to
manage your healthcare as well as supplement options.
Learn how to manage prescriptions and make your
healthcare affordable. Age 62+. #5127 MHPC 6–7:30pm,
September 18. Free, but please let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
From Lawn to Lush: How to Start,
Maintain, and Enjoy a Garden
The symbiotic relationship between pollinating insects
and flowers is an amazingly complex evolutionary
adaptation. Working with honeybees is a fascinating
experience that will enlighten your perception of bees,
flowers, the weather, and the environment in which
you live. Join us for information packed sessions
about the honeybee and how to start keeping bees
sustainably. Leave this class with a basic understanding
of beekeeping and enough to know how to begin
keeping bees successfully with a minimum of expense.
Topics will include: apiary site selection, hive types, hive
construction, honeybee biology, physiology, behavior;
disease identification, prevention and treatment; queen
rearing, swarms, hive extraction from buildings, beeswax
and honey collection, and more. All registered students
will receive a free 98 page “Beekeeping Basics”
booklet published by the Pennsylvania State College of
Agricultural Sciences Department and a free one year
membership to the Shenandoah Valley Beekeepers
Association (SVBA), both compliments
of the SVBA. Instructor: Bill Theiss.
#5134 GHPGC 6–8pm, two
Tuesdays and Thursdays starting
September 2. Price: $39.
Register by: August 27
Beginner Disc Golf Class
Learn to play disc golf on one of Virginia’s premier disc
golf courses located at Montgomery Hall Park. Disc
Golf has gained popularity over recent years for several
reasons- it is economical (free to play at Montgomery
Hall Park), allows one to develop their skills, Enjoy the
outdoors, and provides health benefits as a result of
walking the 18 hole course. During the beginner class,
students will learn how to properly identify different types
of discs, how to properly hold and release, and how to
putt & approach. We will discuss course etiquette and
all things disc golf. All ages. Instructor: Colin Butgereit.
#5135 MHP 6:30–8pm, Thursdays September 18 and
September 25. Price: $12 (includes disc to take home).
Register by: September 12.
Join us at the new Virginia School for the Deaf and
the Blind Educational Farm and learn how to turn your
yard into a beautiful and productive vegetable garden!
Whether you want to feed yourself and your family or
simply enjoy working with plants outside, this workshop
series is right for you. Garden Educators Emily Melvin
and Ben Samuelson, from the Allegheny Mountain School,
along with guest instructors, Holly Parker and Sue McKown,
will teach the basics of cultivating a garden amidst the
new and growing VSDB Educational Farm. This will be
a hands-on workshop, where you can get your hands
dirty and actually build a garden. Children are welcome.
Register with Staunton Parks & Recreation.
Composting 101 w/Black Bear
Interested in composting at home, but not sure where
to start? Learn what is compostable and how easy it is
to divert these materials into your own compost bin to
create a nutrient rich soil amendment for your garden or
lawn. This class will include building a cost-effective bin
and everything you need to know to become a backyard
composter. Instructor: Eric Walters with Black Bear
Composting. Visit them at blackbearcomposting.com.
#5137 GHPGC 3–4pm, October 25. Price: $10.
Register by: October 20
Enjoying the Fruits of Your Labor:
Putting the garden to sleep for next year, season
extension, food storage and a harvest potluck—along
with Q&A sharing with the instructors and staff!
#5005 September 20 from 11am–1:30pm. Price: $5
Intermediate Disc Golf Class
Has it been a while since you have played disc golf?
Perhaps you have learned the basics but have hit a wall
in developing your game? Join us for the intermediate
disc golf class at Montgomery Hall Park where you will
spend time polishing up the beginner techniques and then
move on to developing new skills. We will add steps to the
release in order to gain more throwing distance and learn
about different throwing techniques (backhand, forehand,
overhead, etc.). Included in the price of the course will
be a disc for participants to keep after the course. All
ages. Instructor: Colin Butgereit. #5136 MHP 6:30–8pm,
Thursdays October 2 and October 9. Price: $12 (includes
disk to take home). Register by: September 26. *Beginner
disc golfers can continue on to this course for only an
additional $5.
Steven Taetzsch, Recreation Specialist
Toddler Open Gym
Amazing Magic and Illusion
Have you ever wanted to be a magician? Do you like to
entertain your friends and family? This is the class for you!
Join a hands-on interactive environment and discover some
amazing “behind the scenes” magic and illusions. Each
student will learn, create, and have a chance to perform
the great magic that will be taught by Brian Bence. So, if
you are an aspiring magician or just want to learn some
cool magic basics, we hope to see you! Price includes
magic kit. Age: 7-14 but older ages welcome! #5138
GHPGC 6:30–8pm, four Thursdays beginning September 25.
Price: $39. Register by: September 22
Homeschool Choir
Calling all youth to come and sing together! This is a
choir for young voices, especially those outside the public
school system. As we develop our talents we will have
opportunities to perform for the community, including
Christmas carols around the parks and nursing homes
of Staunton. All experience levels welcome. We plan on
growing this choir into a long lasting community program
serving Staunton for years to come. Class will take place
early Friday afternoons and culminate with the Caroling
in the Park event at the bandstand in Gypsy Hill Park
on December 20. Instructor: Justin Bowes, master’s
candidate and graduate assistant at JMU. Justin has
managed five different university choirs in his career,
and has experience as a vocal coach, choral conductor,
and composer. Age: 11+. Younger children please call
if interested and we will hold a children’s choir if there
is enough interest. #5139 BTW 2–3:30pm, beginning
September 19. Price: $65. Register by: ASAP
Teen Comedy Improv
At the Groove Lounge, we have a rule: No judgment,
total acceptance. It’s idealistic, it’s groovy, and it makes
for good comedy. At the heart of our acting method is the
childhood game of make-believe. We use our imaginations
to experience the reality of each scene, and we invite
our audience to join us on that journey. Taught by Emmy
award winning director David Webster and founder of
Groove Cat Comedy. Age group: Teenagers. GHPGC
5–6:30pm, Monday evenings starting in September.
Price: $49/month
Learn Sign Language: for Children
This course teaches the basic communication skills
in American Sign Language. Along with an array of
vocabulary, you will also experience specific etiquettes of
deaf culture, such as facial expressions and classifiers. Be
able to develop an expressive language and improve on
receptive abilities. Ages 6+. Instructor: Renee’ Saraceni.
#5140 MHPA 4–5:30pm, eight Wednesdays beginning
September 24. Price: $79. Register by: September 17
Do Your Children Think Money
Grows on Trees?
There are many ways you can teach your children about
money, but the key to learning is by doing. Join us as we
pass on valuable tools to encourage early goal-setting,
good savings habits, and other valuable lessons. This
class is for parents. Instructor: Sarah Fowler, Edward Jones
Financial advisor. #5141 MHPA 7–8pm, November 11.
Price: FREE. Please call to let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945.
As the weather cools down and the snow begins to fall
we find ourselves cooped up in the house with not many
options to run and play. Join us on Friday mornings this
winter for Toddler Open Gym at the Gypsy Hill Park
Gymnasium. Balls, toys, and games available for the
little ones to play with as well as plenty of open space
for running and being silly. Parent/guardian presence
required. Ongoing class through winter. Ages 1-3. GHPG
9:30–11:30am, Wednesdays beginning November 5.
Price: $3 per child each visit. *This class will not be
available on the last Wednesday of every month
Stretch-n-Grow Fitness Classes
These fitness classes are specifically designed for children
aged 2-12 yrs. The instructor will cover the basics of
exercise: warm-up, endurance, resistance, stretching, and
cooldown. Each class incorporates the use of equipment
(hula-hoops, parachute, noodles, bean bags, etc.) and
music. There will be obstacle courses, relay races,
cardio, endurance training, agility, and sports drills, etc.
Instructors are youth fitness certified. Classes held weekly
on Tuesday afternoons at the Gypsy Hill Park Gymnasium
beginning October 7. Ongoing monthly class.
Session One: 2 year olds from 3–3:20pm
Session Two: 3-5 year olds from 3:25–3:55pm
Session Three: 6-12 year olds from 4–4:30pm
Price: $29/month. Please register ASAP
Baby Spa (Infant Massage)
Infant massage is a wonderful way to communicate with
your baby. Learn nurturing touch techniques to help relieve
discomfort from colic, gas, and constipation. Help ease
your stress by relaxing and unwinding. Please bring
blankets and appropriate baby items. Limited space, so
please register quickly! Instructor: Tai Blakey NCTMB of
Refreshing Effects Massage Therapy in Harrisonburg.
#5142 GHPGC 10–11:30am, four Tuesdays beginning
September 23. Price: $110. Register by: September 19
HEART: Healthy Environmental
Afterschool Recreation Time
The HEART afterschool program is a latchkey program that
provides a home away from home to children of working
parents. Concerns about safety and being home alone
or under-supervised is a good reason to enroll your child
in this program. We have no staff turnover from year to
year giving us confidence that your child’s caregiver is
both qualified and trustworthy. We have known each
member of our child care staff for at least five years
and they have extensive training and experience. They
understand that parents want their children to be kept safe
and feel acceptance and belonging. Most of our staff are
parents and grandparents themselves, which can be very
reassuring given staff maturity is the common denominator
when establishing security and trust in a caregiver
relationship. The HEART program has quite a tradition
with its roots beginning 30 years ago with the first pilot
program at McSwain Elementary School. We have since
branched out to each elementary school in Staunton and
have developed a credible and professional reputation.
This year we are continuing with our enrichment to
enhance what is already provided by the Staunton City
Schools bookmobile activities, contracted creation artist
Sandra Carter and our favorite animated storytellers
Brenda and Diana from the Staunton Public Library.
Registration is now being taken. Afternoon HEART is
$126 per month. Morning HEART is $27 per month, both
together are $140 per month. For any questions regarding
the HEART program, please contact Claire Richardson at
richardsonca@ci.staunton.va.us or (540) 332-3945.
Claire Richardson, Recreation Manager
Starting a Business
If you had to pitch your business idea in 30 seconds to
win over an important customer, could you do it? If you
went in to apply for your business license, would they tell
you to go back a few steps first? Are you ready to turn
your awesome idea into a successful business? This class
will give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to do
all of this and more... and have some fun in the process!
Instructor: Staunton Creative Community Fund #5143
MHPC, 6–7:30pm, September 22. Price: Free, but
please let us know you are coming: (540) 332-3945
Business Plan Basics
Putting together a solid business plan is one of the best
things you can do to ensure a strong foundation and
lasting success for your start-up or existing business.
As part of this class you will walk through all of the
elements that should be included in a strong business
plan, including your business concept, a description
of your products and services, management structure,
marketing plan, financial projections, and more!!!
Instructor: Staunton Creative Community Fund #5144
MHPC 6–7:30pm, October 20. Price: Free, but please
let us know you are coming: (540) 332-3945
Funding Your Business
We will cover not only traditional business loans, but other
exciting funding options, including- Virginia Individual
Development Accounts, which offer a matched-savings
program for up to $6,000; crowdfunding, via platforms
like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, which allows you to raise
money online from friends, families, and the community at
large, and more!! Instructor: Staunton Creative Community
Fund. #5145 MHPC 6–7:30pm, November 10. Price: Free,
but please let us know you are coming: (540) 332-3945
Introduction to Local Investing:
Make Your Money Work for You
and Your Local Community
Ever wonder if there was a way for your traditional 401k,
forgotten retirement accounts from previous employers,
or even personal savings to be better put to work for you
and your local community? In this workshop, we’ll look
at how local communities around the country are using
retirement and investment dollars to strengthen their local
economies. We’ll explore practical, hands-on-ways that
you can gain control over your retirement accounts using
Self-Directed IRAs, as well as local investment options like
small business loans, peer-to-peer lending, investments
in alternative energy, and other examples of how local
residents are democratizing capital in their communities.
All are welcome. MHPC 6–7:30pm, October 16.
Price: 1.5 hOURs
Financial Permaculture Workshop
The principles of permaculture are an inspiring basis
for designing sustainable, renewing, and regenerative
systems. Used around the world to design agricultural
systems that benefit both people and planet, the same
principles can help entrepreneurs design sustainable and
vibrant small businesses. This two-part workshop will give
an overview of permaculture design principles as they
apply to small businesses, and then feature an interactive
session where participants use the principles to brainstorm
and design better business models. Entrepreneurs of all
stripes are welcome to participate. Class will be held in
downtown Staunton’s Maker Space at 222 S. Washington
St. Instructors: Kate Hopkins and Meghan Williamson. ,
6–8pm, September 30 and October 7. Price: 1.5 hOURs.
Register by: September 26
Music & Dance
Want to Know the Banjo?
This class will cover all of the bases when it comes to the banjo. What to do when beginning to play,
the history and origins of this great instrument, and the innovators of the banjo. Discover different
banjo styles and how they relate to different areas in history and their respective region in the US.
Instructor: Cutch Tuttle of “Hound Dog Hill”. #5146 MHPC 6pm-8pm, October 9. Price: $6.
Register by: October 3
“Closet Pickers” Open Bluegrass Jam for Beginner and
Intermediate Players
Have you ever wanted to play bluegrass with other people? Tired of practicing alone? Looking to
meet other musicians to play with? This class will focus on “Jam Etiquette”. Learn the most commonly
played Bluegrass songs, history of the Bluegrass tradition, and listen to the “Masters of Bluegrass”- Earl
Scruggs, Bill Monroe, and Doc Watson. Participants should be able to play a few chords and bring
their own instrument. CD’s and Songbook will be provided. Emphasis will be placed on group playing,
with the instructor providing as much individual attention to each student concerning technique, tips,
and tuning as time will allow. Talk and play with working bluegrass musicians from local Bluegrass
band “Hound Dog Hill” and professional players from the area. Instructor: Cutch Tuttle. #5147
NSTC 1:30–3pm, four Sundays starting November 2. Price: $75. Register by: October 27
Ticknor’s English Country Dance
Learn dances from the 17th & 18th centuries. All experience levels are welcome to attend!
Wear low heel shoes. For details, call coordinator Becky McGovern at 886-9729. GHPGC
7:30–9pm, 2nd/4th Fridays. Price: $2 per class
Intro to Scottish Country Dance
Back by popular demand- Please join the dance! Scottish Country dancing, that is. Participants
will be introduced to the fundamentals of the social dancing of Scotland. It’s the most fun you
can have on 2 feet! No partner or previous dance experience necessary. Soft-soled, flexible
shoes recommended. Instructor: Karen Becker. Age 14+. #5148 GHPGC 6:45–8:45pm,
eight Mondays starting September 15. Price: $30. Register by: September 12
Line Dancing with Sharon (formerly Bimbi Line Dancers)
“Alice Bimbi started this group 23 years ago. The group used to perform at events, nursing homes
etc. When she retired one of her students, Dorothy, took over the class. I joined this group seven years
ago and soon became her substitute teacher. Not long after, I started the advanced class per student’s
request. Dorothy retired when she was 90 years old and I then took over. It is an important lesson
to keep moving and staying active. Dorothy was a perfect example of that. Most of us love to
dance but hate to exercise.” – Sharon Sturdivent. Partners are not needed to join this informal,
social and friendly dance group for adults 55 and wiser! Instructor: Sharon Sturdivent.
11am–12pm, Mondays GHPGC. Price: $10 per brochure
Advanced Line Dance with Sharon
Take those next steps! Class geared for those 45 and wiser! Some line dance experience necessary.
Coordinator: Sharon Sturdivent. 11am–12pm, Thursdays GHPGC. Price: $10 per brochure
Beginner Clogging Lessons for Youth and Adults
Clogging is for the young and young at heart. In this class you will learn the basics of clogging,
a high energy form of dance similar to tap, Irish and Canadian Step Dancing. Dance to
traditional music as well as pop music. Whether you are doing this for fun, exercise, or to
eventually perform, this is where it all begins. Clogging has been known to help lower blood
pressure, increase flexibility, increase lung capacity as well as to help lose weight. For ages 7+.
Instructor: Lisa Johnson. #5149 GHPGC 5–5:45pm, six Wednesdays starting October 1
*option to continue. Price: $36. Register by: ASAP
Superfood Smoothie Workshop
Carmen’s Cuppy Cake Seminar
Start with an introduction to baking cupcakes along with
hands on experience, and discussion of basic cake recipes
and formulas. Learn about icing and practice decorating.
Students may sample various flavors and take some home.
There will be two seasonal sessions, Autumn and Christmas,
with each focusing on the delightful flavors of the season
such as pumpkin and eggnog. All classes are hands on and
delicious! Instructor: Carmen Shenk of the former Jimmy
Andersons Casual Gourmet. MHPK 6–8:30pm.
Price: $36/session
#5150 Autumn cupcakes session, October 30.
Register by: October 24
#5151 Christmas cupcakes session, December 4.
Register by: November 28
Start with an introduction to smoothies, followed by a
demonstration of various kinds of blenders. Participants
have the opportunity to explore a variety of superfood
ingredients. Recipes for green smoothies, fresh yogurt
smoothies, and superfood boost smoothies are provided
along with a reading list for more information. And
finally, a question and answer session to follow. Instructor:
Carmen Shenk of the former Jimmy Andersons Casual
Gourmet. MHPK 6–8pm. Price: $36/session.
#5154 September 17. Register by: September 12
#5155 October 15. Register by: October 10
Juicing Workshop
An introduction to juicing, followed by a demonstration of
various kinds of juicing machines. Have the opportunity
to juice various fruits and vegetables picked from the
farmer’s market that day! Plenty of sampling will take
place. Recipes for juice blends will be provided along with
a reading list for more information. And finally, a question
and answer session rounds out this fun and informative
workshop.Instructor: Carmen Shenk of the former Jimmy
Andersons Casual Gourmet.
MHPK 6–8pm. Price: $36/session
#5152 October 1. Register by: September 26
#5153 October 29. Register by: October 24
Cooking 101 Series
Have you ever wanted to be able to recreate your favorite
restaurant dish or that dish you saw on the Food Network?
Cooking 101 will give you the skills to be a better cook
for yourself, family, and friends…and impress grandma or
even more important your mother-in-law. We will cover the
basics of cooking in a relaxed, educational environment.
Cooking 101 is taught by Chef Marsha Hyatt from
Louisiana with over 20 years of experience. Marsha has
spent many hours as a culinary instructor and currently
runs her own business Shenandoah Meadows Grain Co.
Join us for the entire series or feel free to register for one.
MHPK 6–8:30pm. Price: $39/session or $145 for all four.
Basic Home Brewing: Holiday Edition
Home Brewing, the process of making beer for personal
use, is a rewarding hobby which offers the home brewer
the opportunity to expand and diversify. Beginning in
the brewing hobby, the brewer can produce the majority
of beer types with small investments in equipment and
supplies. As the brewer grows in the hobby, a wide
range of facets become available from which the brewer
may choose to enhance the art of brewing. This course
will provide the participant with the knowledge needed
to make the right choices when embarking in the home
brewing hobby as well as discuss delicious winter and
holiday beers. Receive course materials and get a
first-hand look at ingredients and Shenandoah Valley
Brewing Company’s equipment. Must be 21 and over.
Instructor: Mike Chapple. #5161 Shenandoah Valley
Brewing Company at 17 Middlebrook Avenue, Suite 300.
9am–12pm on November 29 and December 6.
Price: $29. Register by: November 24
Class 1: Culinary Basics
How to begin in the kitchen
Learn knife skills, Mirepoix, basic vegetable soup,
basic French bread, and basic Crème Brule. #5157
October 7. Register by: October 1
Class 2: Culinary Meats
How to Understand and Prepare Meats
Learn to prepare Chicken Piccata, Steak Diane, and Roast
Chicken. #5158 October 14. Register by: October 8
Class 3: Culinary Vegetables
How to prepare Vegetables
Learn to prepare Sautéed Spinach, Corn Maque Choux,
Grilled Vegetable Salad, and Sweet Potato Soufflé. #5159
October 21. Register by: October 15
Class 4: Culinary Desserts
How to prepare Desserts
Learn to prepare Cream Puffs, Chocolate Éclairs,
Chocolate Truffles, and Cheesecake. #5160 October 28.
Register by: October 22
See pg 28 for registration info.
Staunton for Stauntonians
This section was created to promote and encourage participation in local businesses that community members may not
have ever experienced. Come with us to support these fantastic local opportunities in your hometown!
Polyface Self-Guided Tour
About: Polyface, Inc. is a family owned, multigenerational, pasture-based, beyond organic, local-market
farm and informational outreach in Virginia’s Shenandoah
Valley. They produce: Salad Bar Beef, Pigaerator Pork,
Pastured Poultry (Eggs, Broilers, and Turkeys) ForageBased Rabbits, and Forestry Products. Experience the
satisfaction of knowing your food and your farmer,
building community. They are your clean meat connection.
Event: Visit Polyface and enjoy a self-guided tour of the
farm. See what local farming is about and learn about
a local food source. Farm store hours are Mon-Fri
9am–Noon and Saturday 9am-4pm. The farm itself is
open Mon–Sat 9am–4pm for anyone who wants to come
for a self-guided tour of the farm. Price: Free
Camera Heritage Museum
About: The Camera Heritage Museum houses a unique
collection of antique cameras dating from the 19th
century to modern times. They often have both a historical
significance and a provenance that is interesting to
all. There are not many open camera museums since
collections are often private.
Event: See a collection of over 2000 cameras as well
as accessories and photos. The collection is open to the
public so that everyone has an opportunity to view these
historical treasures. The museum is located in downtown
Staunton at 1 West Beverley St. Price: Free
Cellar Ghost Tours at Historic
Montgomery Hall
About: The Ghosts of Staunton Walking Ghost Tours offer a
variety of walking ghost tours of the “Queen City”, Staunton
Virginia. Now entering our 7th season, our tours are fun
for the entire family. Their aim is to provide a quality tour
that blends history and hauntings. They strive to educate,
enlighten, and entertain you with our own unique blend of
the paranormal, science, history, and local legend. Their
guides are paranormal investigators that provide further
insight into the world of the unknown.
Event: During the month of October the cellar ghost tours
of historic Montgomery Hall will run from 7–9pm. Learn
local history of this old estate as you tour the cellar. Space
limited! Reservations required. ghostsofstaunton.com or call
(540) 448-2743. Let Us Haunt You!
Dwell Collective: Portrait Fridays in
About: DWELL COLLECTIVE, known for live painting and
artistic collaborations, has a retail gallery and studio
workspace in the heart of Staunton’s vibrant downtown
located at 18 East Beverley Street. DWELL COLLECTIVE’s
location functions as a place to purchase unique artistic
creations, and also as a working studio, where visitors can
watch art being produced on site.
Event: Friday’s throughout September from 6–9pm come
have a free 10-minute portrait made of yourself, enjoy live
painting, and conversation on creativity and the arts. Free,
but please call to let us know you plan to attend
(540) 332-3945. www.facebook.com/DwellCollective
VSDB 175th Anniversary
About: Celebrating their 175th Anniversary the Virginia
School for the Deaf and Blind (VSDB) is hosting multiple
events this fall. One of the oldest schools in Virginia and
the second of its kind in the world, VSDB was established
by an act of the Virginia General Assembly on March 31,
1838. As the school celebrates its 175 years of continued
excellence in educating deaf and blind children, it remains
at the forefront of educational technology. Please contact
VSDB for all event information.
Event: Time Capsule opening. The time capsule was
placed on November 15, 1989 and states it should be
opened 25 years later. This event will be in front of Main
Hall at 10am on November 14. VSDB will also be a
destination on the Historic Staunton Foundation’s Holiday
House Tours this December. VSDB will be open for tours
on Sunday December 7, 1–5pm and noted architectural
historian, Calder Loth, will present a lecture at VSDB on
Sunday at 2pm focusing on ancient precedents for the
Greek revival character of VSDB’s historic buildings and
its kinship to a wide variety of Greek revival works both
in America and Europe. Please call the Historic Staunton
Foundation for tickets and more information.
RIGHT: Examples of art available for purchase at
Dwell Collective located in downtown Staunton
at 18 E. Beverley Street.
Lil’ Country
Saturday, August 30 from 1–5pm. Join us at Staunton Jams!
Staunton Parks and Recreation will be offering a “Lil’ bit
of Country” for the “lil critters,” while the adults enjoy a
“Lil’ bit of Rock-n-Roll” in downtown Staunton on Beverley
Street. At Lil’ Country, you’ll find mini tractors, arts & crafts
activities, farm activities and more. Staunton Jams will
be rockin’ from 12noon–10pm. FREE EVENT. For more
information about Lil’ Country call: (540) 332-3945. For
more information about Staunton Jams call (540) 332-3867.
African-American Heritage Festival
Saturday, September 13, 10am–5pm
East Beverley Street in Downtown Staunton
A nostalgic, family-friendly street fair, hosted by the
Staunton Performing Arts Center, will offer non-stop
entertainment on two outdoor stages, artisan and food
vendors, roving street performers, drawings, a Wildlife
Center demonstration, and a wine/beer/cider Tasting
Garden on Market Street, and much more. This community
celebration offers exciting activities for the entire family!
Staunton Parks and Recreation Department will be there
providing additional children’s activities. Free! (Tasting
Garden requires a fee). For more information visit www.
stauntonperformingarts.org or call (540)885-3211.
September 20 & 21 from 10am–6pm at the John Moxie
parking lot, Gypsy Hill Park. This annual two-day event
features excellent ethnic and American food, finest quality
arts & crafts, free entertainment and fun. This FREE EVENT
takes place under tents and is handicap accessible!
Illuminate 5K Run/Walk
Saturday, October 18, 8:30pm, Montgomery Hall Park.
Get lit and get fit! Light up the night as you run/walk the
course originating in Montgomery Hall Park and finishing
at the soccer complex with a dance party awaiting your
finish at Illumination Vibration, complete with DJ spinning
the latest dance music and plenty of LED lights and lasers
to light up the sky until 10:30pm. The race is open to all
ages to compete and have fun. Participants are encourage
to get creative with race attire and light themselves up
as much as possible. Prizes will be awarded for the race
and for creativity of attire. Each participant will receive
a special race t-shirt, special LED bracelet, and LED
glasses. Special LED necklaces, bracelets and mohawks
will be available for purchase on a limited bases. Early
registration is $20 per person September 1–October 1,
the price will be $25 between October 2–October 17,
and $30 the day of the race. All competitors must be
checked in by 8pm. Spectators may come to the dance
party for $10, which includes LED bracelet. This will be a
fun event you won’t want to miss!
Field of Deer
The display of decorative holiday deer (part of the 10th
Annual Celebration of Holiday Lights) is placed inside the
fence at the Gypsy Hill Park Pool in honor of someone
living or in memory of a loved one. Registration forms
may be picked up at Staunton Parks & Recreation or
downloaded online at www.celebrationoflights.org and
click on “Field of Deer Application Form”. There is no fee
for displaying deer; however, if you wish to purchase a
plaque for the “Honor Board” with your loved one’s name,
there is a onetime charge of $10/name. Plaque can be
reused the following year. Purchasing a plaque is not
mandatory. Deer will be placed randomly in the pool area
at the discretion of the committee. For more information,
please contact Becky Moomau at (540) 885-4266 or
(540) 649-4318 or bmoomau@gmail.com.
Downtown Trick or Treat
Saturday, October 25. Staunton Downtown Development
Association and Staunton Parks & Recreation and the
Children’s Art Network invite kids to visit the SDDA
Witch to get a list of participating shops
and businesses which will be proving
trick or treat goodies to children in
costumes. Halloween vignettes
will be setup at the Wharf from
10am-noon, bring your camera!
Info: (540) 332-3867 or
identifying your display with your family, organization,
church or business name. For more information on having
a display in the park for 2014, please contact Angel
Cooper, (540) 886-8660 or angelcooper@hotmail.com
OR Douglas Carter, (540)337-3404.
Caroling in the Park
Saturday, December 20, 1–4pm
Listen to the carols of Christmas that bring us the joy
and spirit of the season! Join us at the Gypsy Hill Park
Bandstand for our first annual caroling in the park. Brave
the winter elements and listen to local choirs as they
spread Christmas cheer. Performances by the Staunton
Parks and Recreation homeschool choir, Harrisonburg
Harmonizers, and other local choirs. Warm concessions
available for purchase and cozy bonfires set the
atmosphere. Free, but please bring a canned good to
benefit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank.
Fall Plant Giveaway
Date: To be Determined!
Why? The day of the giveaway depends on the weather
conditions. Usually the giveaway falls in the third week
of October. Watch the Parks & Rec Facebook page,
community access channel, and for flyers around town
announcing the date. We hope to announce the date by
early October. Location: Gypsy Hill Park, at the far end
of the large parking lot for the football stadium & Moxie
field, near the entrance gates to Parks Maintenance Shop.
What will be available: A mix of tropicals, Elephant
Ears, fall garden mums, as well as a few perennials and
assorted leftover plants. How it works: Arrive a bit early!
Plants will be laid out by 4:45pm so you can preview what
is available. At 5pm we will distribute tickets (one per
participant) after ticket distribution we will draw for plants
which will be distributed in lots as winners are drawn. This
will spread the plants to as many participants as possible.
This event is open to everyone. Not everything in the
city flower beds is available at the giveaway. We hold
back a stock of certain plants & bulbs to propagate from.
Questions- Contact Matthew Sensabaugh, City Horticulturist
at (540) 332-3706 ext 4174.
10th Annual Celebration of Holiday
Lights Family and Business Displays
Celebrating 10 years, we anticipate the biggest
and best ever celebration beginning Monday before
Thanksgiving, November 24, from 5–11pm daily through
January 1, 2015. More than 50 brightly lit holiday
scenes will be lighting up Gypsy Hill Park, created by
individuals, organizations, businesses and churches.
Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta County residents
and business owners are invited to join the Celebration
of Holiday Lights by placing a display in Gypsy Hill Park
this holiday season. Registration for display space is just
$25 per display. You are permitted to have a 2’ x 3’ sign
Casta Line Trout Farm Fishing Trip
Join us for a day of fishing at Casta Line Trout farm in
Goshen VA. This trout farm is a great place for children to
catch their first fish as well as an opportunity to CATCH
a LOT of FISH. Pack a lunch and enjoy a picnic around
the trout pond as you fish. Kids can take a break and
ride the trout train. No fishing license required and no limit
to how many you can catch. Participants must keep what
they catch. Please bring money to pay Casta Line Trout
Farm for the fish you catch that day. The price is $4/lb.
and cost includes cleaning your catch. You are responsible
for bringing your own fishing gear, cooler, and bait.
Bringing a folding camping chair is recommended and
there are a few benches around the pond. Space limited!
Saturday, September 27. Depart GHPG at 8:45am, Return
around 2:30pm. Price: $9 (includes transportation only).
Register by: September 19
Potomac Mills Shopping
Caving Interest Group
Calling all cavers, hikers, adventure seekers, and
explorers to come out to Montgomery Hall Park Tuesday,
September 23 from 6pm-7pm to meet and discuss caving
opportunities, and adventures nearby. Meet Mark Hodge
a local caver with the Butler Cave Conservation Society
(BCCS) and learn about caving, equipment, Butler cave,
and some of the caving adventures/projects that he is
involved with. Please call to let us know you are coming:
(540) 332-3945
Caving: Butler Cave
Explore Butler Cave in Williamsville near Monterey. This
will be a guided three hour exploration of one of Virginia’s
longest caves. Butler Cave was discovered in 1958 when
a small crack under a ledge of limestone was dug open.
Spectacular discoveries followed as miles of natural
underground tunnels and chambers were found. Butler Cave
is currently maintained by the Butler Cave Conservation
Society. Participants must be fairly physically fit, this is a
“wild cave” and you will be on hands and knees in some
sections. Participants need to bring the following: 3 sources
of light (no flashlights but a strap light for arm or helmet),
Boots, helmet, gloves, long sleeves and pants or coverall
suit- because you will get dirty, trash bag, shorts or change
of clothes. Limited space! Saturday, October 11. Depart
GHPG at 8am, Return around 5pm. Price: $15.
Register by: October 1
Calling all frugal fashionistas. Join us for a trip to the
bargain hunter’s mecca featuring over 200 of the best
names in retail! Saturday, November 15. Depart
GHPG at 8am. Return around: 8pm. Price: $26
(includes transportation) Register by: November 7
Roanoke Shopping “Twofer”
Let’s venture to Southwest Virginia to experience two
shopping malls in one day. Valley View has a variety
of stores such as Old Navy, Motherhood Maternity and
New York & Company. We’ll then end the day with a
trip to Tanglewood Mall to visit stores such as Evolve,
TJ Maxx and Barnes and Noble. Shop till you drop!
Saturday, November 1. Depart GHPG at 8am, Return
around 8pm. Price: $26 (includes transportation)
Register by: October 27
Bizzare Bazaar
This show has four exhibition buildings filled with
fabulous unique gifts for everyone on your list! A
beautiful holiday marketplace with 500 juried exclusive
exhibitors and more than 100 new exhibitors only seen
at the Bizarre Bazaar. Saturday, Date: December 6. Depart
GHPG at 9am, Return around 6pm. Price: $28. (Includes
transportation & admission). Register by: November 21
New York New York!
Travel to New York City to get your shopping on for
the holiday season. Shop Macy’s, all of Manhattan,
SOHO, and Canal Street; then enjoy the evening
catching a play or sightseeing!Friday, December 5 and
Saturday, December 6. Depart GHPG at 8am on Friday,
return late Saturday evening. Group will be staying in
Manhattan in the heart of New York City. Price: $275
per person, based on double occupancy per room.
Add $135 for single occupancy (includes charter bus
transportation, and hotel accommodations)
See pg 28 for registration info.
Community Centers
Men’s Screen Flag Football
Booker T. Washington Community
7 on 7 screen Flag football. All team rosters and payment must be submitted
with payment. League will begin on September 14. Price: $385 per team.
Register by: September 9
Co-Ed Indoor Futsal League
This league is open to anyone 16+ years and up. Games will be 5 vs. 5 and will
take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings in Gypsy Hill Park Gym. Rosters
are limited to 10 players. Price: $240 per team. Register by: October 12
Co-ed Fall Volleyball
This league will begin in October and run approximately 8 weeks with a
minimum of 10 games played. League will be played on Sunday evenings
at the Gypsy Hill Park Gym. Price: $100 per team. Register by: October 12
Panther Wrestling Club
Sign-ups for the fall session will be held on
September 8 at Booker T. Washington Community
Center. The club accepts ages 5 years old through
12th grade. For information contact club director
Coach Terry Waters at (540) 294-1501 or email
Nelson Street Teen Center
Boys & Girls Club, (540) 213-6559
Gypsy Hill Park Gym
Free Open Gym Cornhole
Open gym cornhole. It’s November and it’s cold, but
it’ll be nice and toasty inside. Please bring your own
cornhole set if you have one. Age 15+. Age groups 15-25
and 25 and over. November 8 and November 15 from
10am–2pm. Price: Free
Gypsy Hill Gym Hours
Monday: Women’s Open Gym 6:30-8:30pm,
Wednesday: Men’s 30+ Open Gym Basketball 7-9pm
Monday through Thursday: After School Open Gym TBA,
Friday & Saturday: When posted or available
Sunday: B-Division Volleyball Open Gym (18+)
Dates and times are subject to change when recreation
leagues and school sports begin. Other times are subject
to change by request and reservation. Gym hours may
also be cancelled due to inclement weather.
Montgomery Hall
Party Bridge Club
For experienced bridge players who are
interested in socialization as well as brushing
up on their game. Party on! Not an
instructional club. MHPC, 1pm-4pm on
Thursdays. Price: $10 per brochure.
James Corbett, Recreation Manager
On-Line Recreation Program Registration!
Visit the city website listed below and click on the online registration button to easily and
conveniently register for our classes, trips and programs. Be sure to enter the corresponding
activity number listed at the end of the program description. The activity number looks like this: #5001.
Since this is a fairly new devised program, which is a 2-step process, bear with us as we work out unknown
kinks in the new system that may occur. Register online at www.staunton.va.us/recreation
Complete the online registration directions above, ONLY through STEP 1. Once you hit submit after STEP 1, you are registered.
NAME ________________________________________________________Year You Were Born_________________________
PHONE AM/PM____________________________________________EMAIL___________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT_____________________________________________________________________________________
$ Price________________
Program/Class/Trip Total (Do not include materials fee) ________________
Adults (Over 55) 10% Discount (excludes trip & special event prices) ________________
Non-City of Staunton Registration Fee add $2.00 per program/class/trip per person________________
Total sent: ________________
The following hold harmless agreement must be signed by all participants or in the
case of a minor, his or her guardian.
Sponsorship & Memorial/Commemoration
Opportunities Available
Our community needs you! Whether you are interested
in being a sponsor of a special event, youth activities,
facility improvement project, musical entertainment, or
sports team, we can customize a sponsorship package
for you. Sponsorships range from in-kind services to a
special event title sponsor. Your sponsorship will assist
us in enhancing programs for our citizens and offer you
the opportunity to make your business known throughout
Staunton. Let your mission coincide with ours! Sponsors
will receive such benefits as being listed in the tri-annual
Recreation Brochure, organization information posted
on the City of Staunton website, signage posted at the
corresponding park (when applicable) and banners
posted at key areas of special events- and more.
This program allows groups and individuals to donate
trees, benches or other park amenities to honor specific
individuals or agencies, or as memorials remembering
loved ones, to be placed on City-owned park land. We
have several options available to suit your needs. Call
(540) 332-3945 today or visit our website for a full listing
of opportunities: www.staunton.va.us/recreation.
ABOVE: Memorial in Gypsy Hill Park for Ray Houser.
Donated by the Lion’s Club.
WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the undersigned in consideration of the permission
granted to it by the City of Staunton to hold harmless the City of Staunton against and
and all liability, loss, damages, cost or expense which it may incur because of such
action, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the said City of Staunton, VA, from
any and all liability, loss, damage, cost or expense which the participant may hereafter incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of said participation in the City of
Staunton, VA. The undersigned agrees to pay the complete exoneration of said City,
any claim made against the City of injury or damages to persons or property caused
by said participation, and to further indemnify and hold harmless said City from any
costs incurred with respect to the defense of any such claim. If said participant is a
minor child under 18 years of age, the signature of a parent or legal guardian shall
constitute the same indemnification as provided above. The Recreation Department
may use photos taken during programs/classes/athletics/trips for advertising and
marketing purposes, contact the Department if you do not want your image used.
Travel Policy
All trips are to be paid in full when signing up unless another specific option is available where a minimum of 50% deposit is required for each person. Once a payment
is received from a patron they are considered to have an official spot on the trip if
there is available space. All patrons understand that there is a no refund policy in
effect unless the Recreation department decides to cancel a trip. It is at the Recreation
department’s discretion on the cancellation of trips and most will be done in a timely
manner. In some extreme cases such as death or serious medical conditions a refund
may be available to a patron of a trip minus any expense the Recreation department
may incur. Name changing fees may occur on trips involving plane flights. In cases
regarding deposits; if the balance isn’t paid by the deadline, patron may lose full
deposit and spot on the trip.
Before registration form is complete, you will be required to sign and date on the line
below that you have read, understand and accept this addition to our registration
process.If registering for a trip, please list EMERGENCY CONTACT (name, address
and phone number):
Walk-in: Irene Givens Admin Building - Montgomery Hall Park
1000 Montgomery Ave - Staunton, VA 24401
Mail-in: Mail your completed registration form & check to:
Staunton Parks & Recreation Department - PO Box 58 - Staunton, VA 24402-0058
www.staunton.va.us/recreation - www.facebook.com/StauntonRecreationParks
Gypsy Hill Park Duck Dynasty:
Let Them Eat Cake
Visiting Gypsy Hill Park is a common tradition for many
in Staunton, and the willow tree has been a recognizable
icon in our community for years. The amenities that can
be found in our park are unique, and we are fortunate to
have a variety of recreational and leisure opportunities
at our doorstep. One of the most popular amenities of
the park is the duck pond which is home to a variety of
waterfowl. Feeding the ducks is usually a part of every
duck pond visit, but unfortunately the problem with this lies
in the food that is being given to the ducks and geese. The
Wildlife Center of Virginia explains more about duck food
and its nutritional components.
Wild ducks and geese feed on a variety of natural foods,
such as wild grains and grasses, aquatic plants, and
invertebrates. When eaten in combination, these foods are
nutritionally balanced and provide everything a wild duck
or goose needs to survive. In contrast, foods commonly fed
to waterfowl in public parks, such as bread, popcorn, and
corn are typically low in protein and essential nutrients
and minerals (such as calcium and phosphorus) and result
in a variety of nutritional disorders. It is very common for
waterfowl to be admitted to wildlife rehabilitation centers
suffering from metabolic bone disease. These birds have
incredibly soft bones and joints that are often malformed
and fractured. These injuries are caused by an overall
calcium deficiency in the body linked to an inappropriate
diet. Calcium also plays a crucial role in the formation
of eggs/offspring, clotting ability, cardiovascular and
neuromuscular function, and a variety of other metabolic
activities. These birds are often so malformed they cannot
fly and thus are dependent on handouts, completing a
vicious circle. Affected birds are typically too weak to
compete for food and defend themselves and are often
the victims of aggressive attacks by other ducks and
geese. Another common presentation is “Angel Wing”,
a condition where flight feathers at the end of the wings
are twisted upwards. “Angel Wing” occurs when the
weight of growing feathers causes rotation
of the wing tip by forces exerted
on the underlying ligaments
and muscles. If caught in
initial stages, waterfowl
suffering from this
condition may be
treated with splints to
guide bone growth
in the correct position.
Although there are several
theories regarding the causes
of “Angel Wing”, some studies
suggest that diets high in protein may be to blame. As
such, well meaning citizens feeding commercial duck,
chicken or turkey rations to avoid the “junk food” may be
unintentionally creating this disorder. Finally, it should be
noted that many bread products expand in water (and
thus the stomach) giving waterfowl an artificial feeling
that they are full. As a result, these birds may not feel
motivated to continue foraging on natural foods of higher
nutritional value.
Feeders containing food appropriate for ducks can be
found around the pond. In addition to this, the gas station
across Churchville Ave sells duck food in small bags.
Other alternatives you may have at home include chopped
up greens like dandelions, pesticide-free kale or collards.
If you are feeling adventurous, and want to provide a
special treat for the ducks, feel free to bring some freeze
dried crickets or mealworms to share
since waterfowl also eat insects.
Please remember the health of our
feathered friends before bringing
a bag of bread to the park.
By Dave McRuer MSc, DVM,
Dipl. ACVPM, Director of
Wildlife Medicine with
contributions from
Claire Richardson,
Recreation Manager.
Let’s Talk Whiskey:
Shenandoah Valley History
Americans are good at rewriting history and here in
the Shenandoah Valley we have conveniently forgotten
how important whiskey was to Augusta and Rockbridge
counties. In fact some of our oldest Presbyterian
churches and at least one of our local colleges owe
a lot to liquor – specifically whiskey! In the 18th and
19th centuries, distilling was carried out by dozens
of individual farmers as part of their routine farm
operation, and as a means of getting their corn and
grain crops to market in a way that could bring them
a profit. Local historian and writer Nancy Sorrells will
present a program on distilling in the Upper Valley at
6pm on November 6 at the Gypsy Hill Park Garden
Center. #5162 Price: $5. Register by: October 30
Staunton Parks & Recreation
Admin Building Montgomery Hall Park • 1000 Montgomery Ave • Staunton, VA 24401 • (540) 332-3945 • staunton.va.us/recreation
“30 Years of Trusted Childcare”