The Week at a Glance - Corpus Christi Parish


The Week at a Glance - Corpus Christi Parish
Week of August 31, 2014
Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
The Pastor's Musings
on Evil Unleashed in our World
Dear Family in the Lord,
The terms “overwhelming” or “devastating” don't carry the weight
needed to express what has been experienced as evil has been unleashed in
such abominable ways, and, what adds to the pain is that the torture, killing,
and violence, done to so many innocents, is being done in so many instances in
the name of God!
At the very heart of the creation story, and thus at the heart of what it
means to be a child of God – whether Christian, Moslem, or Jew – is the foundation of human dignity: that we are all made in the image and likeness of
God. When we distort that image by our own sinfulness and acts of disregard
for human dignity, we offend the Creator Himself. When we fail to see His
image in one another, we fail to give Him the honor that is due to the Lord and
Giver of Life.
We are experiencing in many ways a diabolical spirit, unleashed and
flourishing, that brings hatred, discord, violence, and the ways of death into the
fabric of ordinary lives and innocent captives of Satan's tyranny. The abomination reaches new heights as we hear claims that all is done as response to
eradicating “infidels” with the claim that such action is the work of the
“faithful” on the side of God.
While the extremes of recent events in Iraq, Syria, and other parts of the
Middle East fill us with horror, they need to lead us to look around as well to
see how we too, who claim to be people of faith, can build walls, isolate individuals, and place conditions on love and forgiveness. This world-wide exposition of the power of the Evil One must lead each of us to reflection, conversion,
and deeper commitment to being more authentically the “image and likeness of
God” and those who see His face in every face.
Pope John Paul II, when explaining his reason for wanting to study for
the priesthood in the midst of the experience of the reign of terror and death
that surrounded him with the German, and later Russian, invasion of his homeland, was a simple yet profound statement: "An abyss of hatred and darkness
can only be countered by an abyss of love and light." He saw his vocation as a
way to launch that offensive. I ask myself, in light of all that overwhelms us
today, what is to be my renewal, my authentic response in faith?
In our own country we are hearing of “Black Masses” being brought
into public forums. This blasphemy and sacrilege attack the very presence of
the Lord Himself and unleash the powers of evil in ways that many are totally
unaware of. Even the “curious” can be most negatively affected by this evil
affront to the Lord Himself. You will note that we will be offering an October
enrichment program to unwrap this so we can counter ignorance with deeper
understanding, and make reparation by renewed reverence. I’d like to commend, as I mentioned last Sunday, Archbishop Paul Coakley for his clear stand
and quick actions when the Black Mass was to be offered in Oklahoma City.
As a result of his plea and the lawsuit that was put forth to clarify the
understanding of the Eucharist, the consecrated host that had been taken and
was to be used in this act of sacrilege was returned to him, and the plans for the
satanic ritual cancelled.
And so, we pray. We keep informed. We raise our voices for support
and help for those in dire need. We offer what we are able to do to help in
relief efforts. On the weekend of September 14, we will have free will offering
baskets out to support the tremendous work being undertaken by Catholic
Relief Services. Much insight into the atrocities in the Middle East have come
from those serving on the front lines as part of CRS efforts.
Whether in the big picture, or in our parish, in our home or in our heart,
the words recently spoken by Pope Francis sum up how we can counter such
darkness and evil: "...Most of all God's people need us to bear witness to the
mercy and tenderness of the Lord, which warms the heart, rekindles hope, and
attracts people to the good."
May God help us to see our part in this and then to act on what is
revealed to us in the depth of our heart! Let’s all be mindful in our prayers of
all in military service and their families who are living in deep concern these
days with so many volatile spots all over the world.
In His Love,
The Week at a Glance
Monday, September 1
Labor Day – Parish Office Closed
Tuesday, September 2
Bible Study (in Spanish) – 5:00 PM (EDPC LL)
Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98
Wednesday, September 3
Prayer Cenacle – 2:00 PM (SC C)
Baptism Prep Class – 6:30 PM (EDPC LL)
K of C Mtg – 7:00 PM (IC H)
Thursday, September 4
Exposition/Adoration – 8:30 AM-12 PM (SC)
Catechist Meeting – 6:30 PM (SJ H)
Televised Parish Mass – 7 PM, Channel 98
Friday, September 5
Breakfast Group – 8:30 AM (SC H)
First Friday Devotion – 8:30 AM (SC C)
Italian Class – 7:00 PM (EDPC LL)
Saturday, September 6
Men’s Spirituality Grp – 7:00 AM (SC)
First Saturday Devotion – 8:30 AM (SC C)
Rosary – 3:30 PM (IC C)
Poland Pilgrimage Potluck – 5:30 PM (SC H)
Sunday, September 7
Televised Parish Mass – 10 AM, Channel 98
Children’s Choir Practice – Noon (IC C)
Choir Practice Spanish Mass – 1:30 PM (SC)
Spanish Mass – 2:00 PM (SC C)
Liturgy of the Word for Children
Children’s Dismissal has enriched the faith of
many of our youngest parishioners. It takes place
during the 8:30 AM Mass at IC, and during the 10:30
AM Mass at SJ. After the opening prayer, Fr. Gary
calls the children into the sanctuary for a blessing.
The children are then led to the lower level of the
church for prayers, songs, and other activities linked
to the Gospel reading of the day. Children return to
their parents in the church during the Offertory.
Dismissal during Mass for kids in 2nd grade and
below will begin on September 21. We are so
excited to have this opportunity for children to hear
about God's word at their level! But we need more
dismissal leaders and assistants in order to keep
providing this great activity!
Parents, Teens,
Grandparents?? All materials are provided and all
questions answered! Please contact Suzy Gagnon at or 603-969-4632 if you are
able to help!
August 31, 2014
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Intentions For Holy Mass
SEP 1 Feria (weekday)
8:00AM SC Edward Podbielski and James Grolemund,
by Sylvia and Al Stewart Jr.
SEP 2 Feria
8:00AM SC Rev. Raymond Desjardins,
by Don & Sonya Desjardins
Wednesday SEP 3 St. Gregory the Great
8:00AM SC M. Therese L’Ecuyer, by her Family
SEP 4 Feria
8:00AM SC Sr. Bernadette, by the Maloney Family
SEP 5 Blesses Teresa of Calcutta
8:00AM SC Amedeo Iannuzzo, by Mary Verna & Family
SEP 6 Feria
8:00AM SC Jeremiah Quirk, by Kathleen A Morrissey
23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
4:00PM IC Mario & Pat Semprini, by their Family
8:30AM IC
10:30AM SJ
2:00PM SC
4:00PM SJ
SEP 7 23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Diane Gionet Halliday, by her Family
Rosalie Focosi, by Mary Verna & Family
in Spanish
Celebrant’s Intention
Pro Populo (For our Parish Family)
Our Reflection
Of God’s Generosity To Us!
Weekend of August 23/24, 2014
$ 9,596.55
$ 1,792.63
$ 11,389.18
Last weekend 304 envelope users
contributed 84 % of our income.
Poor Box Donations
Hispanic Festival
$ 390.25
$ 1,453.00
We are happy to announce that our new parish website
is now up and live!!!! The new site is the result of
many months of preparation, and we hope you will
visit and check it out. Many thanks to parishioner Paul
Ringuette for donating his time and expertise with this
project, and to Corpus Christi staff members Norm
Houle, Carol Jacques-Dow, and Mary Kay Linscott for
their tireless efforts over the course of the changeover.
The new url link is
Please remember to reset your "favorite" or "bookmark" setting to the new url.
Do you know someone who may want to explore our Catholic
faith? A friend, relative, spouse, neighbor? Maybe they were
never baptized, or baptized in a Protestant church, or baptized
Catholic but never brought up in the faith, perhaps never
received First Communion and/or Confirmation. The RCIA
process (The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) may be of
interest! Invite them to come, offer to come with them, this
Tuesday night, September 2nd, for an informal info night
starting at 6:30 PM at Vianney House, our parish rectory.
Simply ring the bell at the front door of 98 Summer Street.
No obligation… come and see!
Welcome, New Parishioners!
Occasional guests become frequent visitors, and then many
“visitors” decide to call Corpus Christi home! We are happy
to extend the hand and heart of Christian fellowship to so
many who are discovering our parish as a place to be
nourished in faith, supported on the journey, and in which to
invest their God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure! We
want to officially extend a hearty welcome to the folks who
have recently registered (since Easter) and “made it official”!
The newest members of our growing parish family include:
Damien Carter & Jennifer Fudala
Mary Castle
Elyse Donnelly
Hans & Jaimie Foss Ellison, and Cape
Sr. Francanne Etringer
John Formella
David Gutierrez
David & Badrunessa Hampson, and David
Gregory & Marcia Hansen, and David
Gregg & Kristin Harding, Ava and Jack
Peter & Gail Johnson, and Andrew
Ron & Sally Juozokas
Gregory & Elizabeth LaCamera
Leonard & Margaret McAuliffe
John & Sarah Poisson, Emma and Matthew
Sean & Kelly Sieper, and Benjamin
John & Neethu Thomas Varghese, and Ryan
Rose Burke
Edward & Lisa Cairns
James & Lauren Kongmany, and Natalie
Bob Deschene
Joanne & Bryan Rowe
Want To Join The Parish?
If you've been attending Mass here for a while and are considering membership, please know that we would be happy to have
you make our parish family yours! Start by introducing yourself
to Fr. Gary after Mass so he can connect names and faces. Then,
visit, call Mary Kay in our office, or ask
Fr. G for a registration form to fill out for our Census and you'll
be “officially in”! Invite others you know who may have no
parish family, or who have fallen away from practice of the faith,
to come along with you some Sunday, introduce them, and extend
an invitation to keep “checking us out” ...who knows, they may
join many others in “coming home” to Corpus Christi Parish and
become one more of the “many parts in the one Body of Christ”
that we are called to be!
August 31, 2014
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Parish News
NEW! Parish Suppers Meeting
Thanks to all who called and expressed a willingness to
help in one way or another to make it possible for us to offer a
variety of Parish Suppers this year. These are great opportunities for good food at family-friendly prices and some good
fellowship! Whether you want to help sell tickets, set up/
clean up, cook, serve, or shop… there’s something for everyone who wants to help! An Organizational Meeting will take
place this Thursday, September 4th, at 6:30 PM in our St.
Catherine Church Hall. We look forward to getting together
with all who called in and expressed interest, and we invite
anyone who didn’t get a chance to but wants to help, to join us
on Thursday. Our first endeavor will be the Harvest Supper
on Saturday, October 18th.
NEW! Who Can You Invite?
Elsewhere in today’s bulletin you’ll see the reminder of
our Parish Mission, which we get underway one week from
tomorrow! This will be a tremendous faith-lifting opportunity! In a spirit of hospitality, outreach and evangelization…
who can you invite to come with you?? Don’t let a great
opportunity to share some eye-opening and soul-stirring good
news about our Catholic faith pass you by! September 8-11 at
7:00 PM nightly in our IC Church – come to any or to all four!
NEW! Parking at Immaculate Conception
Every once in a while we hear “Oh, I didn’t realize that!”
when we mention the LARGE parking lot that is available for
our use at the bottom of Summer Street, on the corner across
from the Masons, where Summer becomes Miller! It’s just a
short stroll up the street! With the Parish Mission coming, we
just thought it would be good to remind everyone, or, bring it
up to some for the first time?
NEW! School is Off & Running!
Thanks to everybody who pitched in in any way, with
such enthusiasm and energy, and helped in getting it all together and making the various aspects of the kickoff of our St.
Patrick School 146th academic year all that it was! If you
drop in to visit at our Immaculate Conception Church, you
can’t help but smile at the sights and sounds that let you know
our school is alive and well! Watch the bulletin for glimpses
into the great things that are happening at our school! Let’s be
sure to be united in our commitment to lift up its efforts in our
daily prayers! Come and drop in for some time of adoration
as we inaugurate our monthly First Friday Nocturnal adoration
in our school’s St. John Paul II chapel this Friday. Mass at
7PM, then adoration opportunity until 12Midnight. (Use the
former convent entrance on Austin Street.)
NEW! Pilgrimage Pot Luck
On September 22nd, our parish pilgrims will depart for “A
Journey to the Home & Heart of St John Paul II,” a ten-day
pilgrimage and retreat in Poland. We will gather for food and
fellowship and to get our documents and discuss last-minute
details at 5:30 PM next Saturday, September 6th, in the hall
at St. Catherine.
NEW! Thank You!
Many thanks to parishioner Paul Ringuette, owner of
ebrand studios, for his pro bono work and donation of our new
website (! If you ever need web
development or social media management done, please give
Paul a call at 978-884-9193, and let him know you heard of
him here.
NEW! 20/20 Raffle – Last Call!
Our next 20/20 Raffle series will begin soon! Twenty
dollars gets you twenty weeks of chances at weekly drawings
and then BONUS drawings at the end! It’s a great way to help
support the ongoing ministry of our parish and, perhaps, have
a little “extra” spending money come your way! Tickets will
be on sale after Masses, or you can drop by the office. Thanks
to all who continue to support this effort!
NEW! Children’s Choir
Children who sang with the Children’s Choir last season,
and those interested in joining us for the upcoming year, are
invited to their first rehearsal on Sunday, September 7th,
from 12:00 to 1:00 PM at Immaculate Conception Church.
All children in grades 1 – 8 are invited to attend. The children
will be singing once a month at the 8:30 AM Mass.
NEW! Prayer Cenacle Resumes This Week
Looking to expand your prayer life? Come and recite the
Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet every Wednesday at
2:00 PM in St. Catherine Church. Everyone is welcome!
NEW! Summer Fellowship Thanks!
In response to the requests of parishioners who attend the
10:30 Sunday Mass, we continued to provide coffee, donuts,
and fellowship throughout the summer months. This social
time was well-attended! Many thanks to those who made it
possible: Frank Sheehan, Rita Sheehan, Nancy Kerrigan,
Kevin Kerrigan, Rosemarie House, Jackie Pitts, Christine
DeFord, and Rose Cronk.
NEW! Baptism Preparation Class
Parents preparing to have their child baptized must attend
a special class, which is held monthly at the Eileen Daly
Pastoral Center. The next class will be held on Wednesday,
September 3rd, at 6:30 PM. Please call first to register with
Brenda Stinson at 603-436-4555.
NEW! Preschool Ministry
Bring your little ones to our once-a-month, drop-in
sessions for children ages 2½ to 5 (pre-K). Parents stay
throughout the sessions to enjoy helping their children learn
about Jesus and our Faith. There will be stories, songs,
fingerplays, coloring, and a craft to make and take home.
Sessions take place on Sundays at St. Patrick School from
10:00 to 11:00 AM. Drop in for one session, some sessions,
or for all! Pre-registration is NOT required. The calendar
with session dates is on our website. The first session will be
September 21, and the theme will be "God's Beautiful
World." For more information, please contact Suzy Gagnon at
436-7586 or
August 31, 2014
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Nationally-known author & speaker
Fr. Larry Richards is coming!
Weekly Adoration Day
On September 11th, we will resume Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament from 8:30 AM until 7:00 PM each Thursday. This
weekly opportunity to come before Jesus in the Most Blessed
Sacrament for adoration takes place in our St. Catherine Church.
The Blessed Sacrament will simply be returned to the tabernacle
at the end of the day, without Benediction, for the first few weeks
due to Parish Mission, other events, and the Parish Pilgrimage.
We will resume weekly Devotions and Benediction at 7:00 PM
on Thursday, October 9th, as we begin October Rosary for Life.
First Friday Devotion Beginning!
This Friday, we will begin to offer a new monthly opportunity to
set aside time for adoration and reparation in observance of the
First Friday of each month. This devotion will include Holy
Mass at 7:00 PM, followed by Exposition and Litany of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus, then opportunity for adoration will be
ongoing until 12 Midnight. It will be held in our new St. John
Paul II Chapel, located in the former convent attached to our St.
Patrick School. Entrance is on Austin Street. Those present will
be invited to pray Compline (Night Prayer) together as we prepare to close the evening at 11:50 PM. Nocturnal Adoration is
meant to be a response to the Lord’s request to His disciples on
that night when, after instituting the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
at the Last Supper, He invited them to “stay awake and keep
watch with Me” as He went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Thanks to all who signed up to be scheduled adorers, thus allowing this to be offered for all, by being assured of ongoing
presence before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. Since this
devotion will be hosted in the chapel of our school, we ask that
those who come begin their prayer time with a few minutes of
intercession for our school, its mission, students, faculty, and
staff. Let’s make this a monthly “powerhouse of prayer” that can
reap abundant graces for the mission of our Catholic School!
Sign Up For Adorers
As has been mentioned, when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed
for adoration, there is a need to be assured of someone continually before the Lord in adoration. To achieve this end, we like to
have at least three people committed as “scheduled adorers” to
each hour during times of adoration. We are grateful to all who
can make this weekly “appointment” with Jesus and, by doing so,
make it possible to offer a long period of time when everyone,
including those who may not be able to commit to a weekly time,
can still drop in and catch some one-on-one time with the Lord.
Sign up lists are out in our churches this weekend for time slots
open for scheduled adorers – both weekly (Thursdays from 9AM
to 7PM) and monthly on First Fridays (8PM to Midnight). Is this
a service you can render to the Lord and His people? Please take
the time to consider and sign up! After the weekend, the list will
remain out all week in the back of our St. Catherine Church only.
It’s simple: PRINT your name and phone number clearly near the
hour you can commit to. You will be called by the overseer
captain of that time of the day and they will give you their phone
number. In cases when you are unable to be at your time on any
particular week, simply call them and leave the message, and they
will be sure the others will be there so that the Blessed Sacrament
is not left unattended.
Corpus Christi Parish Mission
September 8 – 11
7:00 – 9:00 PM
Immaculate Conception Church
Monday night: God’s Loving Prayer
The theme for this night is to talk about God’s love
and our need to respond to this love by putting Him
first in our lives.
Tuesday night: Mass – Love of Others
This talk is part of the Mass and will focus on the
need to love others, especially our families, and the
importance of telling them that we love them.
Wednesday night: Passion of Christ and the need
for Confession
The theme for this night is repentance and the need
to go to confession. The night includes an intense
passion talk followed by a detailed examination of
conscience. Confession will be available.
Thursday night: Adoration and Healing
The theme for this night is the Eucharist. We will
have adoration followed by a healing service.
You won’t want to miss this! Bring Friends!
Come to any or all of these enlightening sessions!
For information, call the parish office at 436-4555
Traveling Vocation Icon
This week, Diane Binger & Family will receive
the Icon of Christ the Eternal High Priest into
their home and intercede in a special way for our
seminarians, for those discerning, and for many
vocations to rise up from our community.
August 31, 2014
Corpus Christi Parish
Portsmouth, NH
Adult Faith Enrichment
NEW! The Bible Timeline ~ Last Call!
Join us for The Bible Timeline beginning on Tuesday,
September 16th, at St. James Hall from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and
continuing on Tuesdays for 24 weeks. For details, call Brenda
436-4555 or visit:
programs/ catholic-bible-study/adult-bible-study/ timeline.
Please detach the bottom portion and return to Brenda
Stinson at Corpus Christi with payment by September 8th.
Tuesday PM Bible Timeline Study Kit $38
$38 X ____(# of study sets) = $_____
NEW! Unwrapping the Mass
It’s the greatest prayer we have, we can offer no greater, than
offering Jesus Himself to the Father as we unite at Holy Mass,
yet, often times it can be taken for granted, routinely entered into,
and, unfortunately, many fail to truly understand the depth of this
great gift! Recently, we’ve heard much about the great abomination of the “Black Mass.” Some treat this lightly. It is not! This
is a deeply evil attack against the most sacred mystery of faith,
and it can unleash great evil over those who enter into it or take it
all lightly in “curiosity.” There are many other “new age” and
various other practices (Ouija boards, tarot cards, etc.) that are
taken lightly, but open up the “dabblers” to great evil. So, with
all this being the case, we invite you to come and explore more
about the reality of Evil as things of Satan are entered into, and
the great reality of abundant grace in the Mass. A four-part series
will be presented in our parish on Wednesdays in October (8,
15, 22, & 29). We will start with Mass at 6:30 PM, followed by
presentation at 7:00 PM. The final session will be an Instructional Mass, during which there will be pauses at various points to
explain/reflect on what we are doing. Save the dates!
NEW! The Imitation Of Christ
Beginning Wednesday, September 24th, we are happy to
offer once again our Lectio Divina sessions, using selected one
page chapters from The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis,
with the hope that it will whet your appetite to delve into its deep
treasures. This classic meditation on the spiritual life has inspired
readers from St. Thomas More and St. Ignatius Loyola to Thomas
Merton and Pope John Paul II. The sessions will be facilitated by
John Betournay, who offered this reflection series during the past
year. The series will be offered on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month, with two options to choose from:
• Mornings at 9:00 AM in St. James Hall
• Evenings at 7:00 PM in St. James Hall
You need to register by September 14th in order to enable
us to order books. If you have a copy, bring yours, if not, please
enclose $4.00 with your registration slip (below) and drop it off at
the office or in the collection (marked “Imitation of Christ”).
Sign Me Up for “The Imitation Of Christ” Series!
Enclosed is $4 for book ____ I have a copy/will bring it ______
____________________ Phone #: _______________
Preferred Session: Wednesday
AM ______ PM ______
1st Annual Car Boot Sale!
Saturday, September 13 ~ 8:00AM – 1:00PM
St. James Church
to Benefit Corpus Christi’s Youth Ministries
We will be accepting donations on September 10 & 11
from 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon, or call for a pick up!
Donation items wanted: Vintage, Prints, Lamps, Home
Décor, Small Furniture, Jewelry, Sporting Goods,
Antiques, Books, Fresh Garden Produce. Please no electronics, clothing, overstuffed furniture or Christmas items.
Spaces will also be available in the parking lot for $20.
You can sell your own items out of your car boot/trunk at
this prime location and keep your profit – 35 spaces will
be available. Call for your space today!
Help us make this sale an annual event for our Youth
Ministries. For more information or if you would like to
help, please contact Maureen Boyd at 603-498-6641 or
Mary Kay in the parish office at 603-436-4555.
Community Postings
NEW! Dominican Laity Meeting
The Dominican Laity will meet Sunday, September 14th,
following the Rosary at 2:30 PM in St. James Church.
Refreshments to follow. Question? Call Helen, 431-4425.
NEW! Interested in being a Cub Scout?
Attention Boys in Grades 1-5? Are you interested in cub
scouts? Come try it! There will be an informational meeting at
the North Church Parish House on Tuesday, September 16, at
6:30 PM. Our first Pack Meeting is on Friday, September 26, at
7:00 PM. FMI:
NEW! Divorce Support Group
Divorced? The Catholic's Divorce Survival Guide 12week group begins 8 September 2014 at 6:30 PM in the dining
room of the Parish Center at St. Raphael Church, Kittery ME.
Cost of $15 per person includes a "Personal Survival Guide,"
refreshments and all materials for twelve weeks. Find comfort
and counsel consistent with Catholic teachings. Sorry, no
childcare available. FMI/to register, contact Frank at 207363-8208 or or
NEW! Save These Dates!
33 Days to Morning Glory, consecration to Jesus through
Mary, will be presented at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Alton.
The first introduction meeting is Thursday, September 4th,
followed by weekly meetings on Tuesdays, September 9, 16,
23, 30, and October 7th. All meetings will be 9 – 10 30 AM.
For more information, call 603-875-5311 or 603-515-4108.