May 2014 - Winnegamie Dog Club
May 2014 - Winnegamie Dog Club
October October 2013 October 2013 2013 May 2014 Dog Safety Dog Safety Dog Safety About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. About 4.5 million people are bi en by dogs each year. Great Turnout for April CGG Test, Despite the Bad Weather Almost one in five of those who are bi en, about 885,000, require medical a en en on for dog bite-related injuries; half of Almost one in five of those who are bi en, about 885,000, require medical a on for dog bite-related injuries; half of Almost one in five of those who are bi en, about 885,000, require medical a en on for dog bite-related injuries; half of these are children. these are children. these are children. On Saturday, April 12th, WDC hosted the CGC Test at the Training Center. 28 dog/handler teams participated, and 21 successfully completed all 10 exercises. To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic To reduce the risk of dog bites to children, Teach basic Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the test such a success: safety safety ps and review them regularly: ps and review them regularly: safety ps and review them regularly: Shelby Andrews, Kayla Baudhuin, Kathy Casperson, Pam Conine, Lelia Eldredge, Susan Hayes, Becky & Steve Heiner, Lisa & Apryl Jacobson, Jennifer Kumm, Carol Mason, Linda Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog. Milliren, Susan Osmond, Cheri Paisar, Jan Sartorelli, Abbey Schroeder, Julie Schuh, Dan & Do not run from a dog or scream. Do not run from a dog or scream. Do not run from a dog or scream. Fawn Tauber, Aaron, Volden, Adam Zschaechner & Caoimhe. Remain mo onless (e.g., "be s ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar Remain mo onless (e.g., "be s ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar Remain mo onless (e.g., "be s ll like a tree") when approached by an unfamiliar dog. Thanks for all your help, and I hope to see you in October! If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s ll. ll. If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s -Jolene Johnson, WDC CGC Test If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and be s ll. Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. Do not play with a dog unless supervised by an adult. INSIDE INSIDE INSIDE Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. THIS ISSUE Immediately report stray dogs or dogs displaying unusual behavior to an adult. THIS ISSUE THIS ISSUE Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. Avoid direct eye contact with a dog. Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, ea ng, or caring for puppies. Minutes: September Minutes: September Minutes: September 2 Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Membership Mee ng ng Membership Mee Do not pet a dog without allowing it to see and sniff you first. Membership Mee ng en, immediately report the bite to an adult. If biIf bi en, immediately report the bite to an adult. If bi en, immediately report the bite to an adult. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Membership 3 Membership Membership 2 2 3 3 2 Minutes: April Membership Though we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important Though we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important Though we are all familiar with dogs, do not forget the most important Wins & Achievements Wins & Achievements 4 Wins & Achievements 4 basic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ Meeting basic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ basic safety precau ons. Any dog can bite under the right (or wrong) cir-‐ 3 Membership Upcoming Events Upcoming Events 6 Upcoming Events 6 cumstances. cumstances. cumstances. 3 Upcoming Events MARK YYour OUR CALENDARS Mark Your Calendars Calendars MarkMark Your Calendars 6 4 WDC Volunteer Opportuni Volunteer Opportuni 7 Volunteer Opportuni esUse of Building 7 es esPolicy 4 Wins and Achievements Canine Good Ci zen est 8 Canine Good CiCanine Good Ci zen Test 8 Tzen Test 5 Volunteer Opportunities For full event ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training listing and details, see page 6. All events are For full event lis ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training For full event lis For full event lis ng and details, see page 7. All events are held at the WDC Training 6 Spring Show Information 9 Membership Renewal Membership Renewal Membership Renewal 9 Center unless otherwise noted. Center unless otherwise noted. Center unless otherwise noted. held at the WDC Training Center unless otherwise noted. 7 Yard Permit Application Thursday, October 3 Thursday, October 3 Thursday, October 3 Wall Plaque Wall Plaque 8 Nancy Selgrad-‐ io Wall Plaque 10 Speaker B10 WDC Membership Mee WDC Membership Mee •WDC Membership Mee May ng 1 Monthly ng Mng embership Meeting-‐ Nancy 8 WDC Yard Permit Rules Saturday, October 5 Saturday, October 5 Saturday, October 5 Selgrad, Speaker (see page 8 for details) 9 Class Schedule Upcoming Classes/ Upcoming Classes/ 11 Upcoming Classes/ 11 Winnebago Pet Expo Winnebago Pet Expo Winnebago Pet Expo • May 3 C anine F irst A id C lass Contact Info Contact Info Contact Info Saturday, October 5 Saturday, October 5 Saturday, October 5 •Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am May 18: Spring Show at Winnebago County June News Deadline Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am Ring Steward Volunteer Training10:00 am Fairgrounds Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13 Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13 Saturday-Sunday, October 12-13 Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC •Obedience & Rally Trials at WDC May 18 Ob/Rally Trial at OKC training center Saturday, October 19 Saturday, October 19 Saturday, October 19 Check out tzen Tes he nngew and improved website: Canine Good Ci ng Canine Good Ci Canine Good Ci zen Tes ng zen Tes 4 7 8 9 10 11 November News Deadline November News Deadline Please submit articles by November News Deadline May 15 to cles by Please submit ar cles by Please submit ar Please submit ar cles by October 15 to October 15 toOctober 15 to May 2014 Page 2 MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES-‐ April 3, 2014 Meeting was called to order Secretary’s Report: March’s membership meeting minutes were approved as published in the newsletter. March’s board minutes were read. Treasurers Report: March’s financial report was given. Membership: Prospective new members was introduced and welcomed. It was also mentioned that we would be having the 50/50 raffle with the drawing shortly after the meeting is adjourned. Obedience Classes: Tom Wiesler said that our training classes could use more trainers. If you are interested in helping in any way either talk with him or give the Director of Training, Paul Thiel, a call. CGC: Jolene Johnson asked for help with the CGC test coming up on April 12 here at the training building. The hours for the test are from 9AM until n oon. Talk with her after the meeting if interested in helping. Canine First Aid: Len Hoehne said that the next class will be on May 3 here at the club. It is $35 for members or $45 for non-‐members. If you have any questions Len said he would be happy to answer them after the meeting. Spring Show: Gail V. said our show is coming up on May 18th in Oshkosh, WI at the Sunnyview Expo Center at the fairgrounds. Help will be needed stewarding for the conformation rings and because we are the second day help will be needed to get the show site back to preshow condition after the show is over. Gail sent around a sign-‐up sheet for ring stewards. Books: We have a few of the children’s books the club purchased, “If I ran a Dog Show”, left, so if you know of a place you would like to see one donated talk with Marie and sign where you plan on taking it so we don’t double up on places our books are p laced. Old business: None New Business: Don said that we need membership approval for Dawn Veith to chair our hospitality committee for the club. A motion was made Motion: Approve Dawn Veith as hospitality (club meetings) chair for WDC. Approved Carol Cagle gave a short talk on what barn hunt is and answered some questions from the floor. Cry and brag was conducted Respectfully Submitted; Gail VanDenLangenberg Secretary EXTRA VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY Don’t wait until the end of the year-‐ start earning your volunteer hours now! Building clean-‐up lets you earn your hours by helping your club. Tasks: Metal wainscoting in front and back rooms needs to be washed Men’s and Women’s bathrooms: All walls and metal stalls need washing Contact: Stan: 920-‐722-‐8536 (Home) 920-‐850-‐3927 (Cell) Stan will come out and open the building for you. The club supplies rubber gloves, pails, and soap. As a bonus you can have free coffee and/or soda! May 2014 MEMBERSHIP Page 3 Types of Membership: L=Lifetime H=Household I=Individual J=Junior FIRST MEETING Colleen Adams (I) (I) 1427 Hampshire Court Roselle, IL 60172 Border Collie Kayla Baudhuin (I) 387 Forest View Road Oshkosh, WI 54904 920-‐410-‐5075 Newfoundland David Block & Stephanie Ferguson (H) 211 Washington Avenue Neenah, WI 54956 920-‐558-‐4511 Belgian Malinois Kathleen Isaacson (I) 607 W. Prospect Avenue Appleton, WI 54911 920-‐731-‐5526 German Shepherd Joe Jandacec (I) 706 S. McArthur Street Appleton, WI 54911 920-‐858-‐5831 All American (Mixed) Jennifer Picard & Edwin Zalewski (H) 1373 Wedgewood Lane Neenah, WI 54956 920-‐639-‐7669 Smooth Collie Events Winnegamie Dog Club: • • • May 3: Canine First Aid 5/10: Purple Paw Parade-‐Neenah 6/29: Brat Fry Fundraiser-‐ Festival Foods (Darboy) • 5/16-‐5/18 OKC-‐WDC OB/Rally Trial-‐ Oshkosh 5/17-‐5/18 OKC-‐WDC Spring Show-‐Oshkosh • Oshkosh Kennel Club 2013-‐2014 • • • Friday 5/2: Agility Run-‐Thru Friday 5/30: Obedience and Rally Advanced Run-‐Thru 6/09: CGC Testing at OKC SECOND MEETING Dawn Linski (I) N9627 Golden Way Appleton, WI 54915 920-‐224-‐9490 English Springer Spaniel Susan Hayes (I) N8978 Sugar Maple Way Menasha, WI 54952 920-‐475-‐0451 Golden retriever Victoria Flowers (I) 7614 Morrison Rd Greenleaf, WI 54126 920-‐366-‐6720 Springers, Beagle, Boston Christina & Timothy (TJ) Rappel (H) 59 Bellaire Court Appleton, WI 54911 920-‐213-‐2240 Irish Wolfhound and German Shepherd Membership Changes: Debra Krsnich: changed phone number to 920-‐470-‐0650 May 2014 Page 4 Wins and Achievements New Champion for Stargazn Great Danes!! On April 19th at the Fond du Lac Kennel Club All Breed show Miranda went Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 5 point major and is now CH. Stargazn's Dancin' Away With My Heart. Many thanks to Judge Ms. Diane Anderson for this wonderful win. We'd also like to thank our wonderful friends and handlers John and Jessie Gerszewski . Miranda is CH #2 for Gidget (GCH. Stargazn's Rags To Riches V Sumner) and CH# 27 for Sebastian (BISS CH. Rojon's Ransom Of Red Chief). Had a fabulous Easter with friends at the shows in Fond du Lac April 20. We are thrilled to say that New Champion Miranda (CH. Stargazn's Dancin' Away With My Heart) went Best of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breed (BOS) at the Great Dane Club of Milwaukee, Inc Specialty!!! Many thanks to Judge Ms. Rita J. Biddle Esq. We would also like to thank Natalie Alves for showing our girl in the Breed Ring. She did a fabulous job! WDC Use of Building Policy Recently, the Board was asked to clarify the Club’s policy on the use of the b uilding and the associated fees. Hence, the WDC Use of Building F ee Schedule was created to clarify and update the policy. All members still need to contact Stan prior to using the building to determine if the building is available and to get a key if necessary (including trainers who already may have keys). If a member u ses the building with a non-‐member, it is the responsibility of the member to have the non-‐member sign the waiver form (which is located in the office in the rack behind the d oor). Please put these waivers in the envelope with your fees. All members must sign up on the clip boards located on the bulletin boards in each room. Vacuum when you are done. No one should leave the building worse than the way they found it. Remember, it is a privilege to b e able to use such a nice facility to train our dogs. Reminder, use of the building is to be for training purposes. It is not an exercise yard. No fetch or ball retrieving should be d one in the building. Dress warm in winter and take this activity outside. Please see Page 6 for the WDC Use of Building F ee S chedule. May 2014 October 2013 Page 5 Page 7 Volunteer Opportunities OBEDIENCE/RALLY TRIAL COMMITTEE HELP NEEDED Saturday – Sunday, Contact: October 12 and 13 COMMITTEE HELP NEEDED NURSING HOME VISITS MEETING SNACKS Contact: Earn two hours by attending monthly Pam Siebert Gail VanDenLangenberg meetings and bringing a snack. 920-725-2047 or 740-1222 Contact: Jolene Johnson Prerequisites: Bridget Mercury 920-749-1158 Available Posi ons: • Must be an approved member Chief Ring Steward (Conformation) Meeting Snacks • Your dog must be at least one year old and have bulletin board or sign up on the club Contact (ring stewarding): for Winter Show (January 11, 2014) Earn two hours by attending earned its Canine Good Citizen certificate Carol Mason Conformation Chairperson (will monthly meetings and bringing Dates: First Thursday of the month 920-734-4268 have assistance for fall session) • Receive approval from Pam Siebert (contact Pam to (except June, July & December) a snack Tracking Chairperson schedule an evaluation) Dates: First Thursday of the Also looking for areas in which to track! CLEANING Class Help Needed: Set Up (4-5 people needed) month More help is needed with teaching and Most Fridays Friday, October 11 (3P) (except June, July, & December) Beginning at assis 8:00 ng. It’s a fun way to share your a.m. NURSING HOME VISITS knowledge with students and help them Stewards Help is needed to clean the building. Contact Stan to confirm Contact: train their dog to its full poten al. A CLASS HELP NEEDED Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 Pam Siebert dates/times. Please see Page 2 for m ore cleaning private training session will be held. A stewarding training session will be held More help is needed with Vacuuming a er Obedience classes is opportunities! at WDC prior to the trial (date/time TBD) teaching and assisting. It’s a also needed. This takes about 30-45 Prerequisites: fun w ay t o s hare y our minutes each day. Hours are flexible. If Kitchen (2 people needed) BRAT FRY Must be an approved member interested in helping, contact Deb Zierler knowledge w ith s tudents a nd Saturday and Sunday, October 12-13 Your dog must be at least one year Dates for 2014: at harves help them train their dogs to its (star ng at 8A). Food is already old and have earned its Canine Good • Sunday J une 2 9 prepared; just re-heat, serve and cashier. full potential. A private training Citizen certificate Ring Steward • Saturday July 19 Receive approval from Pam Siebert session will be held. Cleanup (4-5 people needed) • Saturday August 16 (contact Pam to schedule an Vacuuming after Obedience Anyone interested in learning about Sunday, October 13 (star ng about 2-3P) evaluation) Contact Eric Granberg (, 920-‐527-‐0065) or Obedience ring stewarding is invited to classes is also needed. This *see page 5 for nursing home visit dates Julie S trauch (, 9 20-‐ 858-‐7445) for a end a training session on Oct. 5 at takes about 30-‐45 minutes each Other posi ons available! 10:00 in the front room. All the more details. No experience needed; training will be day. Hours are flexible. If mysteries will be explained and all the provided. CLEANING interested in helping, contact fun outlined! Experienced stewards are Most Fridays Paul Thiel at invited to come for a review and to help CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST beginning at 8:00 a.m. BARN HUNT Fmentor newcomers. UN MATCH New members are Saturday, October 19 especially invited to a end. Contact: Friday July 4 9A – 12N Help is needed to clean the building. We will need help with set-‐up on Carol Mason, Chief Steward Thursday July 3 and the Contact: SPRING SHOW Contact Stan to confirm dates/times. Jolene Johnson morning of July 4. We also need help with food and snacks. Volunteers are needed for the 920-749-1158 th Contact: Please contact Marie Murphy (murphyfrodo, spring show on May 18 at the 920-‐Don “Stan” Stanislawski 882-‐0809) for details. Winnebago ons County Available Posi 920-722-8536 or 850-3927 Fairgrounds. Please see page 6 Need 15-20 volunteers from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to for details. help with the CGC tes ng, set up and Gail VanDenLangenberg 920-‐725-‐2047 or 740-‐1222 Contact (set up/clean up/kitchen): takedown. No previous experience needed. Contact: May 2014 Page 6 SPRING SHOW MAY 18, 2014 Winnebago County Fairgrounds, Oshkosh, WI It’s that time of year again to think about our spring show. We need workers and this is a great way to earn your hours and have fun while doing it. Ring Stewards: Conformation: Contact Kim Polasek, at 470-‐1566 or email her at If you have any questions on what is involved, just ask Kim and she will gladly answer them. Hospitality: Becky Reider and Lori Piette are handling the hospitality for both judges and workers on Sunday. Becky’s contact information is-‐ phone: 788-‐6503 or email Gate: Contact Gail Anthony-‐Her number is 731-‐1687. Let’s give her plenty of help. You would be selling catalogs and collecting for parking. Grounds: Tom Wiesler is in charge of this. Because Tom also helps at the obedience trial held at the OKC building he could use help in the morning, early afternoon until he can get to the fairgrounds. He needs help keeping the grounds around the show site picked up-‐both on the grass and in the parking lot. Let’s step up and give Tom a hand. This is a very big job. His contact information is-‐phone 851-‐0338 and email: . Trophy Table: Contact Renee Hoelzel if you will be able to help at the trophy table. Her phone number is 729-‐1239 or email . Your job would be to hand out prizes won and sell catalogs. Red Cross Table: Contact Len Hoehne if you can help out at all during the day, it would be greatly appreciated. You may call him at 427-‐0057 or email him at . Len will be glad to explain to you what needs to be done. Clean-‐Up after the show: It is a really important after the show to get the site back to its pre-‐show condition. Everyone wants to get home after a long day, including WDC USE OF BUILDING me, so helping hands are always welcome. FEE SCHEDULE (from page 3) Gail VanDenLangenberg, Spring Show Chair Phone: 725-‐2047 Cell Phone: 740-‐1222 Email: Obedience/Rally Trials May 18, 2014 Oshkosh Kennel Club This year instead of having our obedience/rally trials at the fairgrounds we will be having them at the Oshkosh Kennel Club which is a few minutes from the fairgrounds. If you can help in any way please contact Gayle Kukulka at 688-‐ 0562 or $5.00/hour per Membership (Single Membership $5.00/hour per person Household Membership $5.00hour per household $10.00/hour per Non-‐member All non-‐members MUST sign a waiver Junior Member Free Each Junior Member MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian Active Trainers Free MUST be training during the current class session May 2014 Page 7 WDC YARD PERMITS A current Yard Permit is required to use the club’s front and back fenced yards. The permits change yearly. ALL CLUB MEMBERS MUST HAVE NEW PERMITS BY MAY 1. Please discard your old permit and place the new one in the clear plas c pocket hanger. Hang it from your rearview mirror while using the yard. If you bike or walk to the club, carry the permit with you. Please keep the pocket hanger for future use. Household Memberships may have two FREE permits. Single memberships may have one FREE permit. Extra permits are $1 each, and extra plastic hangers are $2 each. If your permit is damaged or stolen, replacement permits can be obtained for a $3 fee ($1 for permit and $2 for hanger). If you get a new license plate number, you will need to get a new permit. We need your help – please help enforce the yard-use policy! Look at the yard users’ cars to make sure a current yard permit is displayed. If someone using the yard doesn’t have a permit, please courteously ask them if they are WDC members. If they are not members, tell them the yards are for MEMBERS ONLY and tell them how they can become a WDC member. If someone is abusing the posted rules, give the license plate number and complaint to any board member or Linda Allen. Feedback/concerns/suggestions … contact Linda Allen or any board member. To obtain a yard permit, complete the application below and bring with you to the membership meeting, where Linda or Michael Allen will be on hand to distribute permits, or mail the completed application with a stamped, self-addressed #10 envelope to Linda at the address on the form. Please review and adhere to the yard rules posted on the WDC website YARD PERMIT APPLICATION Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/ZIP: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Type of Membership: Household (2 FREE yard permits; hangers included with new application only) Single (1 FREE parking permit; hanger included with new application only) Number of Yard Permits Needed: _______________ License Plate Numbers: 1st Plate _______________ 2nd Plate _______________ ADDITIONAL YARD PERMITS ($1 for each permit; $2 for each hanger – include check or money order payable to WDC): Number of Extra Yard Permits Needed: _______________ Number of Extra Plastic Hangers Needed: _______________ License Plate Numbers: _______________ _______________ _______________ Bring completed application to a monthly membership meeting or mail with a stamped, self-addressed #10 (business-sized) envelope to: Linda Allen 1730 North Outagamie Street Appleton, WI 54914 Ques ons: Contact Linda at 920-731-4202 May 2014 Page 8 Nancy Selgrad Speaker for the May 1, 2014 Monthly Membership Meeting Veterinary Orthopedic Manipulation (VOM) is singularly the most simple, effective, and safe healing modality in veterinary care to date; it is an affordable and non-‐invasive healing technology that locates areas of the animal’s nervous system that have fallen out of communication, and re-‐establishes neuronal communication and thus induces healing. VOM, combined with cold laser therapy, myo-‐fascial release, and alpha-‐sonic therapy, makes for a complete balance in the animal’s recovery process. Nancy has been a certified VOM practitioner for 9 years. Her interest began when her mare, Starlite, was VOMed. She had had a stroke as a yearling. Her legs and mind no longer were able to communicate. The vet said she would never be safe to ride. A VOM practitioner came to treat a different horse, and Nancy decided to have Starlite, now 4, VOMed. The process worked on Starlite. She went on to have a happy life; learning dressage, a little jumping, and teaching many people how to ride. She was the mother 4 foals and lived to 19 years of age. When Nancy’s children were out of the house, she decided she wanted a new career after 15 years as a horse and riding trainer and settled on being trained to do VOM. She has also been a breeder of Bichons for over 20 years. Outside her human family, animals are her passion, and she feels tremendously blessed to be able to help so many of our four-‐legged friends. Learn more about Nancy and VOM at • WINNEGAMIE DOG CLUB, INC. RULES FOR YARD USAGE One of the benefits of club membership is the use of the yard to run your dogs. Therefore, you must be an APPROVED CLUB MEMBER to enjoy it. • To identify you to other club members, you MUST have a yard pass hanging from your vehicle’s rear view mirror. This can be obtained from WDC’s Yard Pass Chairperson after you are an approved member. If you walk or bicycle to the club, carry the yard pass with you. Club members who see a vehicle without a yard pass are instructed to call the Menasha Police Department. • Picking up after your dog(s) is VERY IMPORTANT. As you’re doing so, don’t hesitate to pick up any that is m issed by someone else. Most likely you like how clean the yard is, and it can only be kept that way through a joint effort from all of us. • If someone else is using the yard when you arrive, be sure to ASK PERMISSION to bring your dog(s) in. Not every dog wants playmates. • If you are using the yard and choose to let your dog(s) play without new playmates, please be aware there is a 15 MINUTE TIME LIMIT from the time the next person arrives. If no one is waiting, feel free to use the yard as long as you like. • For the safety of the dogs and people, please do not use LONG LINES on dogs and refrain from using PRONG COLLARS when dogs are playing with each other. • If the training center is rented out for a day or weekend, the yard will be closed, since BUILDING RENTAL also INCLUDES the exclusive use of the YARD. Dates will be posted before the event in the newsletter and/or on the bulletin board by the yard. • Occasionally the yard is SATURATED WITH WATER, and dogs running and playing will tear up the lawn and could become hurt. During these times (usually in the spring), the yard will be closed. It will be posted on the bulletin board near the entrance and on the website. • By adhering to these rules, we can all be assured that the yard will continue to be a place where we can enjoy some active time with our best friends. October 2013 May 2014 Spring Session Training Classes FALL SESSION Start Dates Monday, November 4 Spring Session Start Dates: 6:00 PM Beginner Obedience (front room) Walk-‐in Registration April 17, 6:00-‐7:00 6:30 PM Beginner Agilityback room) Mail-‐in Registration now open 7:00 PM Puppy Obedience (front room) 7:30 PM Advanced Beginner Agility (back room) April 21, 2014 (Monday) Tuesday, November 5 9:00 AM • 6:00 Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) pm-‐ Beginner Obedience (front room) 10:00 AM Beginner Obedience (back room) • 7:00 Puppy Obedience (front room) pm-‐ Puppy Obedience (front room) 6:00 PM 6:00 PM Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) 7:00 PM Beginner Obedience (front room) April 22, 2014 (Tuesday) 7:00 PM Pre-Novice Obedience (back room) • 9:00 Novice Obedience (back room) am-‐ Puppy Grad Obedience (back room) 8:00 PM • 10:00 am-‐ Beginner Obedience (back room) Wednesday, November 11 • 6:00 Rally Obedience (back room) pm-‐ Puppy Grad Obedience (front room) 9:00 AM 10:00 AM • 6:00 Puppy Obedience (front room) pm-‐ Beginner Obedience (back room) 6:00 PM Beginner Grad Obedience (front room) • 7:00 Rally Obedience (back room) pm-‐ Puppy Obedience (front room) 6:00 PM 7:00 PM • 7:00 Beginner Obedience (back room) pm-‐ Pre-‐Novice Obedience (back room) 7:00 PM Conforma on (front room) • 8:00 pm Novice Obedience (back room) Thursday, November 12 2:00 PM Intermediate/Advanced Agility* (back room) April 23, 2014 (Wednesday) 6:15 PM Intermediate/Advanced Agility* (back room) • 9:00 Open Floor Obedience* (front room) am-‐ Rally Obedience (back room) 7:00 PM • 10:00 am Puppy Obedience (front room) * Drop-in class: $5 per class (free for active WDC members) • 6:00 pm-‐ Rally Obedience (back room) • 7:00 pm-‐ Beginner Grad Obedience (back room) March 19-‐May 7, 2014 (Wednesday) • 7:00 pm-‐ Conformation (front room) April 24, 2014 (Thursday) • 2:00 pm-‐ Intermediate/Advanced Agility (back)* • 6:15 pm-‐ Intermediate/Advanced Agility (back)* • 7:00 pm-‐ Open Floor Obedience (front room)* *Drop-‐in class-‐-‐ $5.00 per class (free for active WDC members) Summer Session will begin in June Page 11 Page 9 Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. Mailing Address P.O. Box 713 Appleton, WI 54912-0713 Telephone 920-731-6800 Website Facebook Training Center 2043 Manitowoc Road Menasha, WI 54952 The WINNEGAMIE DOG CLUB is an all-breed dog club affiliated with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Established in 1958, the WDC exists for the purpose of advancing the cause and welfare of dogs, both the purebred and the mixed-breed variety. OFFICERS President Don “Stan” Stanislawski (722-8536) Vice President Tom Wiesler (851-0338) Secretary Gail VanDenLangenberg (725-2047) Treasurer Marie Murphy (882-0809) BOARD OF DIRECTORS Barb Hoffman (851-3350) Gayle Kukulka (788-0562) Paul Thiel (364-9921) Building Commi ee Don “Stan” Stanislawski (722-8536; cell 850-3927) Dog Club Librarian Melissa Pezzuto (203-1981) Hours Recorder Dianne Henning (984-3237) Newsle er Editor Liz Schleitwiler (608-574-9050) Nursing Home Visits Pam Siebert (470-6634) Sunshine Commi ee Karen Wille (733-6814) Website Bruce Ziesemer (419-5546) Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. P.O. Box 713 Appleton, WI 54912-0713
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