Sundance Akitas - Rocky Mountain Akita Club
Sundance Akitas - Rocky Mountain Akita Club
Newsletter – Jan 2008 “Sundance Akitas” "LONDON" Minda Fujisvs London Bridges “The members of the Rocky Mountain Akita Club would like to thank Stephanie Johnson for all of her hard and dedicated work on our newsletter for the past few years.” “Thanks Stephanie“ & “Sundance Akitas” You Rock “London” !!! News from Debra Fletcher and Akita Agility: Looks like They're a Great team !!! 1) Today January 6, 2008 Dolcenea (UKC CH. Prairie's Beyond Doubt, RN, TT) obtained the final leg needed to finish her novice UKC agility title - UAGI. Earning this title with a first place (200 points out of a possible 200), 4th place (195 points out of a possible 200) and her final qualifying leg with 190 points out of a possible 200. Dolcenea's time on her first run was 33.25 seconds with a standard course time of 59 seconds. Her second run time was 40.1 seconds with a SCT of 59 seconds, and her third run This Girl's HOT !! time was 46.15 seconds with a SCT of 62 seconds. With this final title Dolcenea now qualifies for the Akita Club of America's Versatility/Working certification. Dolcenea is possibly the youngest Akita in history to achieve this Up and Over ! accomplishment. 2) Dolcenea went to her first AKC agility trial at Douglas County Fairgrounds on Saturday held by Columbine State Poodle Club. She took first place in Novice Standard Preferred and obtained her first leg of her AKC Novice agility title. The standard course time was 75 seconds and Dolcenea completed it in a mere 46.67 seconds. Everyone was absolutely amazed! Mom is so proud! Leading the Way Deb “News Flash” This just in (01/27/08): Dolcenea obtained her first Novice Jumpers with Weaves Preferred (AKC PPOC trial) leg today taking 1st place with a time of 28.97 seconds with a standard course time of 41.0 seconds News from Akira Akitas: Gekko Akira One Night Stand obtained CHIC status in 11/07 (OFA: Hips GOOD, Elbows, Patellae and Thyroid NORMAL, and CERF NORMAL 10/07, DNA Registered). & Happy 12th Birthday Daisy! Akira Night and Day, AOM Love, Kathie, Katie and Patrick Timko, Akira Akitas LIFE IN AN AFFEN-KITA HOUSEHOLD By Kathie Timko One could say our household is one of canine extremes, with 2 Akita bitches in the 90 lb range and 2 Affenpinschers in the 6 lb range. For sure, our home is never dull. On the one hand, we have a 12 year old Akita bit senile, forgets where she is, can't hear (as cans of food, this seems to be purposely my dad turning his hearing aid off when he mother out) and is rapidly moving into the Daisy follows me from room to room, making many opportunities to trip over her as bitch that is getting a she hears me open selective, much like wants to tune my incontinence stage. sure that I have as possible. Add in a 2 year old Akita bitch that thinks she's a lapdog (a la the Affens). Whenever you sit down at my house, you must be prepared that 95 lbs of Paris will shortly be in your lap. As she loves stuffed animals and is eager to show off her current treasure, the climbing will include some object dangling from her mouth, inevitably smacking you in the face, dog drool and all. It is clearly her life's mission to un-stuff them and coat the house with their fluffy insides, as she also follows me from room to room with the much abused toy in her mouth, settles down next to Daisy and continues with her dissection of the current object of interest, leaving a trail behind when I move to another room. Now, mix in a 6 lb Affen dog that thinks he rules the house (except where his girlfriend is concerned - in that case, he is decidedly whipped!). A busy, bossy dog, Stitch ensures that the Akitas know where they belong: behind the gate in the family room with him on the other side (from which position he loudly pronounces that he is their superior and they are just dirt beneath his feet), or preferably outside where he can comfortably insult them through the kitchen door. He also ensures that my purse is cleaned out and the entire contents is inspected, chewed on and strewn all over the place. No corner goes un-mined, forcing me on treasure hunts whenever I forget to hang my purse up out of reach. A "show dog" at heart, Stitch provides us with daily entertainment as a result of his non-stop efforts to impress the love of his life, Lilo. Finally, add in a bit of an Affen bitch who firmly believes that she IS a princess and should be treated as such by both the 4 and 2 footed creatures that surround her. This mindset is reinforced by Stitch (who ensures she eats first and protects her from any Akitas that dare to come near while she is dining), 2 Akitas that wait for her to eat (and then provide warm, soft bellies made for cuddling) and 3 humans that provide laps that serve as her throne (and when she is in residence, provide her with belly rubs on demand, as all she has to do is roll on her back and stretch out….Voila! Her belly is rubbed). Lilo loves to lay around, “file her nails,” and observe the antics of her "man," Stitch - be it his efforts to put Daisy and Paris in their place by taking whatever they have away from them or the aforementioned slinging of insults, or his silly habit of running around the room, leaping from couch to chair to hearth, and back again - all in the name of impressing his woman. However, much to my chagrin, 2 weeks ago, Stitch outdid himself in his efforts to impress his woman. I had just completed a short run up to DU, hauling stuff to my son's new digs and thankfully cleaning out old furniture and other items from my house. I took the Affens along for the ride. Since it was just a short 10 mile trip, I opted not to put them in their soft crates and let them snuggle in my son's lap on the way up – a farewell snuggle with Patrick, so to speak. On the return trip, I stopped for gas - a quick stop to get just enough to get me home. I hopped out of the van (literally, as my left leg was in a plaster cast due to recent foot surgery), closed the door, quickly swiped my credit card and pumped the gas. Shivering, I turned around to hop back in and - lo and behold - the door was locked! There was Stitch, paws on the door, mischievously grinning at me through the window, clearly proud of himself and his success in locking me out! Lilo, as expected, was snuggled in the passenger seat, taking full advantage of the soft, warm lining of my coat, observing my facial expression with interest. Mental images of me laughing at the TV commercial where the dog locked the man out of the car flashed through my mind…..not so funny when it really happens to you! So there I was, freezing (it was about 14 degrees), sliding on ice with one leg in a cast and credit card in hand. The keys were firmly ensconced in the ignition and my coat, crutches, purse with my ID, cell phone and AAA card all safely locked in the van. Fantastic. After carefully hopping / sliding across the ice into the gas station, I talked the gentleman behind the counter into letting me use his phone and yellow pages so that I could call AAA. Surprise! Due to the weather, AAA was so busy that the phone wait was a minimum of 30 minutes. So much for my quick trip to DU! The AAA Help Line suggested I take care of my problem on my own and file a claim with AAA later. OK, no problem, can do. Back to a search of the Yellow Pages to find a locksmith in the be there in 20 minutes. I use my credit card to buy a cup of down to wait. An hour later he shows up and 2 minutes later he door unlocked. Joyous reunion with 2 lonely Affens (actually other one kept himself busy by rooting through my purse and all over the inside of the van), some paperwork, more swiping of finally! on my way back home. area. He promises to coffee and settle has the passenger one lonely Affen, the strewing the contents my credit card and, Gas $5, Coffee $1.59, Locksmith $95 - securing my Affens in their bags - PRICELESS! Litter Announcements: Hello From Black Canyon Akitas: **CH Black Canyon Hot Wheels “Carsyn” has been bred to CH Black Canyon Skywalker “Walker” **CH Black Canyon Spirit Moon “Mikah” has been bred to CH TimberSky Rock And Roll “Stoney” Pedigrees and more about Black Canyon Aklitas Litters will be due in early March. For information contact us at or call 970-797-0393 Thanks : Nick &Trudy Fotiades, Loveland Colorado New Additions: Margarette and Gruelt Baker have a new puppy bitch and here's what he had to say: “Mike, I have a new puppy bitch, 3 mo. #40 white with dark head, lots of bone. Gruelt” She sounds like a winner Gruelt and we all can't wait to see her. Editors Corner: I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions and advice. I think we will have some great future newsletters. Right now Cindy Clark is putting together a piece for us on “Macy” America's number one Akita. This should be interesting and a lot of fun. Maya offered some suggestions about RMAC Membership interviews so that we can learn more Here's Gruelt finishing his Boy! about our fellow Akita lovers . Thanks Kathie for the wonderful story and some great pictures it really helped pull the newsletter together. I look forward to your support and contributions to help make these newsletters the best they can be. - Mike What Mouse?
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