ROCKY MOUNTAIN AKITA CLUB NEWS Volume 1, Issue 1 “Akitas With Altitude” 4th Quarter 2008 CH Samkita’s Handsome Stranger AOM, ROMP Inside Inside This Issue About The Cover….. Advertising...... Brags & Cries….. Calendar of Events…. Carting/Therapy….. CFDC Report…. 5 6 5 7 2 4 Delta Society…. Dragon Boat Event… Litterbox….. Meeting News…. President’s Message…. Rescue News….. 2 3 5 3 3 5 Newsletter 1 Carting and Therapy Dogs Unconvential Activities for Akitas – YES WE CAN!!! RMAC Akitas Certified In August 2008 Maya Ananda’s two Akitas, CH Cold Mountain Above The Clouds “Cirrus,” and CH Cold Mountain Among The Stars “Hoshi,” were certified by the Delta Society as Therapy Dogs. Cirrus distinguished himself by achieving certification for “complex” situations. These are situations that can have unpredictable scenarios; any form of therapy situation, such as with the developmentally disabled, prison visits, and those involving many people, so the dog must be extremely stable. Hoshi achieved her certification for “predictable” situations, which will allow her to visit schools, nursing homes and hospitals, to name a few. Another female bred by Maya, Journey (owned by Jill Nickerson) will be evaluated next month for therapy work. Delta Society Pet Partner Training Workshops Where to look for information Larimer Animal-People Partnership (LAPP) offers Delta Society Pet Partner Training Workshops occasionally throughout the year. Workshops are generally one 9-hour day of training. Registration fees cover training, materials, food and beverages for the day. If you would like more information regarding the workshop or evaluations, please see the Delta Society Website at The next workshop is a 2-day workshop scheduled for November 1-2, 2008. Online registration (and payment) will be available by the end of September. See the website at Maya has also been participating in carting with Cirrus and Hoshi, pictured below. Most of these events are organized by the local Rottweiler and Bernese Mountain Dog clubs. Events are held on a fairly regular basis. If you would like information about the next carting event, Maya has contact information. Newsletter 2 September Meeting News 2009 Officers and Board Member Election and other topics of interest Guest Speaker The September RMAC meeting was hosted by Richard and Karen Shaw on September 13, 2008, and was well attended by RMAC members. Highlighting the meeting was guest speaker Linda Hart, Colorado Federation of Dog Clubs (CFDC), an organization of dog fanciers who have formed this alliance to better fight breed specific and mandatory spay/neuter legislations that are threatening dog owners and breeders nationwide. Ms. Hart provided information on CFDC’s activities to date this year. Please refer to page 4 for those updates. Annual Election of Officers/Board Members One of the most important tasks at the Annual Meeting is the election of new officers and board members for the coming fiscal year. Nominations were previously announced via the meeting minutes on RMAC Yahoo Group. No new nominations were received from the floor. The nominated slate was approved as follows: Dragon Boat Festival RMAC Members Participate Spear-headed by member Kathie Timko, several members of RMAC participated in the annual Dragon Boat Festival, a Denver-area event that highlights and celebrates Asian-Pacific culture and heritage. RMAC displayed traditional Japanese items in their booth, along with Akitarelated educational materials. The booth was extremely popular with visitors to the festival, and although there was a prohibition against having dogs actually present during the event, RMAC participants had the welcome opportunity to present our dogs in a favorable light. This was also an opportunity to speak against Breed Specific Legislation and how it impacts ordinary citizens and their rights to own animals. Because of the popularity of the RMAC booth, the organizers of the event have indicated that RMAC will be invited to return for next year’s festival. Richard Shaw – President (2 yr term) Cynthia Hutt – Vice President (1 yr term) Patti Dolezal – Treasurer (1 yr term) Karen Shaw – Secretary (2 year term) Gruelt Baker, Donna White – Board (2 yr) Kathy Tubb – Board (1 year term) The position of Newsletter Editor was resigned and vacant. Trudy Fotiades volunteered for this task. The position of Historian has been filled by Jan Hammond, however she has not been able to recover the Club’s historical property from the prior Historian. The club decided this will be the focus of renewed efforts. AKC Club Requirements Various educational and outreach requirements must be annually satisfied to remain in good standing as an AKC licensed club. Among other activities, this year RMAC has held a specialty show, participated in the Dragon Boat festival, hosted “Dancing With Dogs” and cart-pulling exhibitions, all of which serve to meet our 2008 requirements for continued AKC licensing. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ………… RMAC Menbers, I thank you for the opportunity to serve as your RMAC President for the next 2 years. This Club has come a long way and accomplished a great deal in the last almost 30 years of existence. It's hard to believe, but we must be the oldest or close to it of all ACA Clubs out there. We need to pull our individual interests and skills together to educate ourselves and the general public about our breed and being responsible dog owners. This will help in our fight against all the Anti Dog/Animal Legislation and the AR activists’ agenda. So enjoy the activities you participate in with your Akita. Get involved, volunteer when and where you can, and have a great 2009. Rich Shaw Newsletter 3 CFDC activities on behalf of member clubs in 2008 State - We had 4 bills dealing with dogs or dog related issues this year on the state level. One other bill that had hidden animal rights verbiage concerning public schools was also opposed and killed. HB1308- Concerning treatment that may result in harm to certain animals The most dangerous of the bills for 08'. Actively opposed in each and every hearing until the bill was finally gutted by the author, and became a bill concerning rabies vaccinations statewide at 3 year intervals. We went neutral at that point. Passed as amended. HB1042-Animal Massage Practitioners This was to exempt people from the veterinary practice act who have earned a degree in animal massage. Neutral position. Passed. HB1185- Spay/Neuter Shelter Dogs/Cats This bill affected animals in licensed shelters and rescues only. We went from opposed position to one of support, with amendments. For details go to the website. Bill passed. HB1149- Concerning providing an alternative educational choice to the dissection of an animals in a public school classroom. This bill would have allowed HSUS and PET A to teach a class in our schools at our expense. It died quickly but we were ready to actively oppose it on every front. Englewood -Participated in a two year Dangerous Dog Task Force and revision of the Englewood animal laws. They had started out wanting a breed ban, and through efforts of the CFDC and a board member who is a resident, we helped turn it around to probably one of the best animal ordinances in the state. We will be using it as an example to other cities of how cooperation and use of the expertise of the dog community can help resolve problems in a better way. Arapahoe Countv -The County was considering changes to its animal zoning ordinances based on a couple of complaints. The Federation worked with the county zoning department to identify the problems and make recommendations on how to resolve them without changes existing laws. Our input was very much appreciated and the Federation has been added as an expert contact for any future problems that may come up. No changes were made to existing laws because of that input and cooperation. Colorado Pet Fair -The Federation had an education booth at a large pet fair in April. It was held at the Merchandise Mart off 58th and 1-25, and attracted major crowds of general public looking to learn more about dogs and pets. We handed out information from AKC on responsible pet ownership, as well as information about local dog groups and answered questions. We feel this might be a great project for all of the dog clubs in Colorado to support since public education as to who we are as a dog community, rather than letting the animal rights groups define us, is critical to our future. There were only two breed clubs represented besides the CFDC booth. The rest were rescues or commercial booths. We do need to promote public education! Revision of the Federation Bv-laws -The Board is currently reviewing and making much needed updates to the by-laws. This hasn't been done since the group was formed. We are also considering adding several new Board positions so we can have a larger base for input from clubs, and more people to get projects done. The proposed changes will be presented to the member clubs for approval this fall. New Website Launched -We found a new webmaster and had a new and much improved CFDC website created. Address is http://codoafederation.ora We are also in the process of getting an e-mail notification list going. Representatives of each club, as well as designated officers may join the list. It will be by invitation only so the list remains secure for legislative alerts. The list is at Request to be added to the group and you will receive an approval e-mail. Other actions - Had two representatives at a two day Colorado Animal Law Conference to listen as well as counter the animal rights representatives at this conference. It was a successful event and we were able to educate as well as counter the animal rights arguments before the attorneys attending. We also made some contacts at the conference that will be useful in the future. Support in fighting BSL -Currently assisting an Am Staff owner in Aurora work with the city attorney to get her dog back home. Her house was broken into and one of her two pet Am Staffs was either taken out or escaped during the attempted robbery. Both dogs have been registered at $225 each with that city for the past 6 years with no problems. The city is saying since Buster was picked up that they won't allow her to bring him back into the city. She is charged with misdemeanor dangerous dog at large and other charges, which could cause her to lose her job handling securities. She also has health problems which are being aggravated by the stress of this situation. A CFDC representative when with her to the meeting with the city attorney and let them know we are supporting her argument that the dog was out only because of this robbery. The dog was picked up on the same block it lived. She has locks and 6' chain link porch fencing. The only way the dog could have gotten out is if it was taken out by whoever broke into the home. A decision from Aurora is pending. We will post the full story on the website as soon as that decision is made. If you have any questions please contact Linda Hart, CFDC Secretary ROCKY MTN AKITA CLUB 4 Rescue News About The Cover… CH Samkita’s Handsome Stranger, AOM ROMP “Handsome” is shown here after winning Best Veteran in Veteran Sweepstakes at the 2008 Akita Club of America National Specialty, owner handled by Jan Hammond, Crazy Bear Akitas. He showed beautifully and had huge support from the audience. Thanks to all for the wonderful comments about Handsome. Long time Breeder/judge Susan Duncan was very impressed with his type and soundness. Handsome is passing along his soundness and sweet temperament to his “kids.” Kris (Wacenske) Procopio has a litter of 6 new Handsome puppies in Spokane WA at and Handsome has been bred to Kathie Timko’s lovely girl Takka. Jan says, “We are not only very pleased with Handsome’s history of very nice National wins but also the superb quality of his offspring.” Brags and Cries Good News and Sad News to Share *Stephanie Johnson’s male, Minda Sundance Shiver Me Timbers, “Forrest” won his 12-18 month class at the Akita National Specialty. Forrest also went Best Opposite Sex to Senior in the Sweepstakes event. *Nick and Trudy Fotiades’ puppies, Black Canyon March Madness, “Mandy,” and Black Canyon Avalanche, “Ava,” went 1st and 3rd in the 6-9 month puppy bitch class at the ACA National Specialty. Mandy also went WB/BOW/BOS and Ava took RWB at the Grand Junction show on September 20th. On October 18th, Mandy took WB for a 3 point major from Bred-By class at the Rapid City KC show. And on October 19th, Ava took the 3 point major from puppy class and also went BOS over a special. Both girls have just turned 7 months old. Richard and Karen Shaw’s Veteran Bitch, CH Kiowa Chyna at Dune, “Chyna,”placed 2nd in the 7-9 Yr Veteran class and also placed 2nd in Brood Bitch with her produce Zakk and Aria, at the Akita National Specialty. Zakk was also shown in Stud Dog class with his sire, CH Kumite’s Arctic Blast of Shekinah, where “Blaster” won the class. Colorado Akitas in Need RMAC recently learned of Riley, a 10-year old neutered male who was owner-surrendered to the Humane Society of Boulder because of the owner’s relocation to a smaller residence. According to the Behavior and Health Supervisor at the shelter, Riley has a wonderful history with people and especially children. He is overweight and hard of hearing. Riley needs a home to spend his remaining days in. Maya Ananda has received word about a 4-yr old female in Greeley, named Hika, who needs re-homing due to divorce and ensuing financial problems. Hika is affectionate with people, especially children, and lived in harmony with the other family dog, a female pug. She was charged with biting a neighbor child but found “not guilty” as she was in her own yard, there were no witnesses to the allegation and an animal psychologist found her to be non-aggressive. Yone is a purebred, intact male in Casper, Wyoming. Yone’s owner was arrested and he was being cared for by a female friend. Unfortunately, Yone killed her pet Chihuahua and injured another small dog in the household. She subsequently called Metro Animal Control to confiscate Yone. He’s been at the shelter for over a month and has lost a lot of weight. He measures approximately 25” to 26” and weighs only about 75 pounds at this time. Yone is available to be pulled by rescue, but will have to have a foster home to go to. Transport can be arranged. Shelter personnel have evaluated him as being adoptable to a home with no small animals. He seldom barks, is very docile, walks well on lead. LITTERBOX Multi BISS CH Dream Hi's You Don't Know Jack (Jack) and CH Dune's Angel Of Music At Stargate (Aria). Litter confirmed by ultrasound; due November 25, 2008. Both are OFA-Good & CERF current. Contact Rich/Karen Shaw and Carrie Holgate for more information. ROCKY MTN AKITA CLUB 5 RMAC Newsletter Information Contact information By Trudy Fotiades, Editor President - Richard Shaw VP - Cynthia Hutt Treasurer - Patti Dolezal Secretary - Karen Shaw Newsletter - Trudy Fotiades This issue marks the rebirth of the Rocky Mountain Akita Club Newsletter. The editor will strive to make this publication as newsworthy and stylish as those of the past. We hope to have some quarterly features that engage the membership. We will invite participation from outside the club and will distribute the newsletter to other interested breed clubs. Articles, pictures and other items of interest can be emailed to the editor at ADVERTISING RATES Cover ……….......$25 for photo & text Inside Pages…… $15 for 1 photo & text Business Card……$ 5 per issue; $18 per year Brags & Cries…….free for members Litterbox…………$5 (free for members) Breed club, includes other clubs’ events RMAC Holiday Party (catered) White Elephant Gift Exchange December 13, 2008 1 :0 0 p m Home of Bob & Donna White Colorado Springs ROCKY MTN AKITA CLUB 6 Calendar of Events Upcoming Dates To Remember LEGEND: Conformation/Obed/Rally Agility November 1 – 2 Valencia Valley Kennel Club Heritage Park Los Lunas, NM November 2 Arapahoe Kennel Club A/OA Match Arapahoe CO Fairgrounds Aurora, CO November 4 ELECTION DAY **Exercise your most important privilege** November 8 - 9 Flatirons Kennel Club Boulder CO Fairgrounds November 8 – 9 Southern Colorado Kennel Club shows Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo , CO November 15 - 16 Mile High Agility Club of Boulder Jefferson CO Fairgrounds Golden, CO November 15 – 16 Council Bluffs Kennel Club Lancaster Event Center Lincoln, NE November 27 THANKSGIVING DAY November 28 - 30 Southern Colorado Agility Club Latigo Trails Equestrian Ctr Elbert, CO December 13 RMAC HOLIDAY PARTY Bob & Donna White’s December 13 – 14 AKC Eukanuba Invitational CONFORMATION Long Beach, CA December 13 – 14 AKC Eukanuba Invitational Long Beach, CA ROCKY MTN AKITA CLUB 7 Longmont, CO Colorado Springs, CO