EMSB Chorale Newsletter December 2014
EMSB Chorale Newsletter December 2014
EMSB Chorale Newsletter December 2014 35th Season of Glorious Music-Making Website: www.emsbchorale.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/EMSB-Chorale/114688218639366 CONGRATULATIONS to all! Wow! What a concert on December 13 at Mountainside! The bravos are still coming in. It takes much focus and stamina to deliver a good performance and I want to commend you all for rising to the occasion. My thanks to Marie-Eve and Anne-Marie for their wonderful work, and to all the parents who helped out in many ways (bake sale, risers, chaperoning, last-minute vest-fitting, etc. ). We also had first-class musical guests and I have thanked them on everyone’s behalf. We can also be proud that we helped to raise $2,009 for the Salvation Army’s work for the needy. Of course, we still have lots to work on but it has been a great first semester and you have all come a long way. The people from Sony Pictures and Promo Avenue who offered the Annie passes were extremely impressed. If you went to the screening on Sunday, let me know how it was! Concert CDs Thank you for your orders. These will be distributed in January as soon as I receive them. Our recording engineer tells me I can place the order on Dec. 20, so I can still take your order until then. Send me an-email saying you would like to place an order and then drop off or mail your payment to my attention at the EMSB, 6000 Fielding, #244B, Montreal, QC H3X 1T4 ASAP. See form on last page. Concert DVDs Eric Lavoie and Peter Matulina once again generously took the time to film at the concert and will be making a DVD (also available in Blu-Ray format). Orders for these can be placed now or at our first rehearsal on Jan. 10. See coupon at the end of this newsletter. All the money goes to our choir fund. Thank you, Eric and Peter!! Music Return Juniors Choristers: You may keep your fall package or put it in the recycling bin, since these are photocopies of the originals that are in our music library. When you return in January, you will receive music in an envelope like the seniors do, and will have to learn to care for it and return it at the end of the year. Please make sure you have your binder with you on January 10. Senior Choristers: On January 10, please return all music except for Plant a Tree, which will we perform in the spring, and Harmonia Mundi for those to whom I gave a copy in the fall. Please have your binder with you. All choristers: If you have any unreturned music from previous years, please bring it in! Upcoming Winter & Spring Highlights As part of this newsletter you will find the Winter/Spring Schedules for Juniors and Seniors. You will also get separate copies with your new music in January to put in your binder and to put up on your family calendar. Here are some of our upcoming highlights: ♪ Rehearsals resume Saturday, January 10, same times as usual, i.e. 9 a.m. for the Seniors and 10:45 a.m. for the Juniors. If you have siblings or friends who want to audition, please bring them along. We could accept a few new members in the New Year. If I know in advance, I will be able to prepare music for them! ♪ Winter Camp: For winter camp, we go away with everyone to the Camp musical des Laurentides in St-Adolphe d’Howard. The info, schedule and registration form is being sent along with this newsletter. Deadline to register: January 17. ♪ Earth Hour Concert and Maison symphonique: The Choeur des enfants de Montréal has invited the Senior Chorale to take part in an Earth Hour Concert at Christ Church Cathedral on March 28. The next day (March 29), the Seniors will make a return guest appearance in the foyer of the Maison symphonique before the Orchestre Métropolitain’s concert (to which we will be invited to attend). ♪ Junior Festival: Once again, the Junior Chorale will participate in a benefit concert at Mountainside United Church on April 18 with several other choirs and the Con Brio wind band from FACE. A great opportunity to meet other musicians and hone our spring concert repertoire! Chaperones for Winter Camp Because space is at a premium and because of the cost involved to the choir, we need to confirm eight (six women and two men) chaperones for winter camp well ahead of time. At winter camp, there is no cooking or washing dishes involved because the camp has its own cafeteria and chef. Chaperones do help prepare and serve snacks, but mostly help the choristers go up and down the hill from the accommodations to the rehearsal hall, and make sure they adhere to the schedule, prepare for bed, sleep, etc. Chaperones must be available for the entire weekend. Please contact Pat or Hena Kon as soon as possible if you would like to volunteer. (hk.writeon@gmail.com) Children’s Art Tax Credit Choir fees paid in 2014 are eligible for the federal government’s Children’s Art Tax Credit. If you would like the appropriate receipt for your tax return, please let me know (with an e-mail message) and I will issue these in the new year. Questions? Call Pat Abbott at (514) 483-7200, ext. 7234 or write pabbott@emsb.qc.ca Pat’s EMSB office hours: usually Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons At other times, you can reach me at home: (514) 351-3541 / abbottpat@uniserve.com Please note that I am out almost every evening in rehearsal. It is easier to reach me during the daytime. Pat’s Holiday schedule: at the EMSB until Dec. 19, at home Dec. 20 to Jan. 4, and back in the office Jan. 5. Thanks for a great first semester. Happy Holidays to All! To quote the song… “Father, mother, daughter, son, each a treasure be… God bless us everyone.” See you on January 10, 2015! ***************************************************************************** WINTER /SPRING 2015 SCHEDULES Correct as of December 16, 2014 Junior Chorale Schedule Junior Chorale Rehearsals: Saturdays from 10:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Westmount Park School Auditorium — 15 Park Place January Jan. 10 Jan. 17 Jan. 24 Jan. 30-31 Rehearsals resume Regular rehearsal NOTE: Winter camp registrations due Regular rehearsal Winter camp at Camp musical des Laurentides, St-Adolphe d’Howard February Feb. 1 Feb. 7 Feb. 14 Winter Camp at Camp musical des Laurentides, St-Adolphe d’Howard Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal (Junior Schedule continued) Feb. 21 Feb. 28 Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal March Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Extended rehearsal (10 a.m.to noon - rehearse with Seniors from 10-11 a.m.) Regular rehearsal April Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 18 NO REHEARSAL – EASTER /PASSOVER BREAK Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Choirs for Kids Benefit Concert for Sun Youth at Mountainside United Church Workshop/rehearsal at 3 p.m., pizza supper on site, concert at 7 p.m. with other junior and adult choirs and the FACE Con Brio Stage Band Apr. 25 Extended rehearsal 10 a.m.to noon Apr. 28 (Tues.) EXTRA rehearsal at Westmount Park School – 7 to 8 p.m. May SPECIAL NOTE: There will be two performances of the Spring Gala Concert this year. May 2 Sat. Dress rehearsal 9 a.m. to noon at Oscar Peterson Hall Spring Gala (1st performance) - 7:30 p.m. – Choristers arrive for 6:30 p.m. May 3 Sun. Spring Gala (2nd performance) – 2:00 p.m. – Choristers arrive for 1:00 p.m. June 5 Fri. Annual Awards Banquet for all – 6000 Fielding (EMSB Admin. Building) 6 to 9:30 p.m. Senior Chorale Schedule Senior Chorale Rehearsals: Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. AND Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. - Westmount Park School Auditorium — 15 Park Place January Jan. 10 Sat. Jan. 13 Tues. Jan. 17 Sat. Jan. 20 Tues. Jan. 24 Sat. Jan. 27 Tues. Jan. 30-31 Rehearsals resume Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal NOTE: Winter camp registrations due Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Winter Camp at Camp musical des Laurentides, St-Adolphe d’Howard February Feb. 1 Feb. 3 Tues. Feb. 7 Sat. Feb. 10 Tues. Feb. 14 Sat. Feb. 17 Tues. Winter Camp at Camp musical des Laurentides, St-Adolphe d’Howard Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal (Senior Chorale schedule continued) Feb. 21 Sat. Feb. 24 Tues. Feb. 28 Sat. Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal March Mar. 3 Tues. March Break – NO REHEARSAL Mar. 7 Sat. Regular rehearsal Mar. 10 Tues. Regular rehearsal Mar. 14 Sat. Mar. 17 Tues. Mar. 21 Sat. Mar. 24 Tues. Mar. 28 Sat. Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Extended rehearsal 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (10-11 with Juniors) Regular rehearsal 1. Regular rehearsal in the morning 2. Earth Hour Concert in the evening at Christ Church Cathedral (downtown) Arrival: 6 p.m. for rehearsal and sound checks – Concert at 8:30 p.m. (will end 9:30 p.m.) Mar. 29 Sun. Short Performance in Maison symphonique foyer at 2:30 p.m. (we are invited to attend the Orchestre Métropolitain concert at 3 p.m.) – Arrival: 1:30 p.m. Mar. 31 Tues. Regular rehearsal April Apr. 4 Sat. Apr. 7 Tues. Apr. 11 Sat. Apr. 14 Tues. Apr. 18 Sat. Apr. 21 Tues. Apr. 25 Sat. Apr. 28 Tues. NO REHEARSAL – EASTER/PASSOVER BREAK Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Extended rehearsal 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (10-11 with Juniors) Extended rehearsal 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (7-8 p.m. with Juniors) May SPECIAL NOTE: There will be two performances of the Spring Gala Concert this year. May 2 Sat. Dress rehearsal 9 a.m. to noon at Oscar Peterson Hall Spring Gala (1st performance) - arrival 6:30 p.m. – concert at 7:30 p.m. May 3 Sun. Spring Gala (2nd performance) – arrival at 1:00 – concert at 2:00 p.m. May 5 Tues. May 9 Sat. May 12 Tues. May 16 Sat. May 19 Tues. May 23 Sat. May 26 Tues. May 30 Sat. Regular rehearsals continue for May 30 concert with Flûte Alors! Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal NO REHEARSAL – VICTORIA DAY WEEKEND Regular rehearsal Regular rehearsal Rehearsal with Flûte Alors! – 7 to 9 p.m. at Westmount Park School Afternoon dress rehearsal at Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours (Old Montreal) Time to be confirmed – PLEASE KEEP YOUR MORNING FREE IN CASE WE NEED THE EXTRA REHEARSAL TIME EVENING CONCERT with Flûte Alors! at Notre-Dame-du-Bon-Secours (Old Montreal) Arrival : 6 :30 p.m for 7 :30 p.m. concert June 5 Fri. Annual Awards Banquet – 6000 Fielding (EMSB Admin. Building) 6 to 9:30 p.m. EMSB CHORALE Holiday Concert CD Order Form Last chance to order!!! December 13 Concert at Mountainside United Church Chorister’s Name: ___________________________________________________ I would like to order: _______ CD(s) of the Dec. 13 concert @ $15 TOTAL: PAYMENT Enclosed = _________ _________ cheque ___ cash ___ Signature: ________________________________ Make cheque out to: EMSB. Please note your child’s name and mention CD on the cheque. Thanks! CDs will be distributed in January. LAST CHANCE TO ORDER: by Dec. 19 Send Pat an e-mail to pabbott@emsb.qc.ca or abbottpat@uniserve.com then mail-in or drop-off payment to: Pat Abbott, EMSB Chorale, 6000 Fielding, Montreal, QC H3X 1T4 ***************************************************** EMSB CHORALE - Holiday Concert DVD/Blu-Ray Order Form December 13, 2014 Concert at Mountainside United Church Chorister’s Name: ___________________________________________________ I would like to order: _______ DVD(s) @ $20 = _________ _______ Blu-Ray(s) @ $20 = _________ TOTAL: PAYMENT Enclosed _________ cheque ___ cash ___ Make cheque out to: EMSB. Please note your child’s name and mention DVD on the cheque. Thanks! PLEASE GIVE/SEND TO PAT ABBOTT NO LATER THAN January 10 IN AN ENVELOPE (recycled envelopes are fine!) - DVDs/Blu-Rays will be distributed later in January. Mail-in/drop-off address: Pat Abbott, EMSB Chorale, 6000 Fielding, Montreal, QC H3X 1T4