TINE BA_04_E_for_pdf
TINE BA_04_E_for_pdf
THE TINE GROUP - ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 10° 20° The Artic Circle 65° 60° Key events in 2004 Contents JANUARY: AUGUST: Establishment of TINE Raw Materials. Established subsidiary in UK, TINE UK Ltd. Key events in 2004 2 TINE’s key figures for 2004 3 Purpose: to ensure a level competitive Foreword 4 playing field for industrial players SEPTEMBER: inside and outside TINE. MMI yet again ranked TINE top in its Vision, mission statement and goals 5 Organisation chart 5 survey. TineMelk Smak is launched FEBRUARY: – a new line of low sugar, flavoured milk. Plant structure – fresh products supply Øst. Report from the Board of Directors 6 Profit and loss statement 10 Balance sheet 11 Consequences: long-term focus on OCTOBER: TINE Meieriet Øst Oslo, Sem and Frya. TINE serves the King and Queen of Norway Jarlsberg® in Singapore. MARCH: Recruitment of women. NOVEMBER: TINE’s goal by 2009: the council shall have The decision to build a new plant at Jæren an owner elected gender representation of is shelved. Report on activities in the TINE Group 14 at least 20%. The dairy companies’ boards The Dairy Companies 18 shall have an owner elected gender repre- DECEMBER: sentation of at least 30%. There shall be at The Norwegian Competition Authority visits least one person of each gender on all TINE to obtain information in connection work committees. with Synnøve Finden’s complaint to the - TINE Meieriet Øst 18 - TINE Meieriet Sør 18 - TINE Meieriet Vest 18 - TINE Midt-Norge 19 TINE’s annual meeting held in Oslo - TINE Meieriet Nord 19 - a constructive meeting with good Norwegian Competition Authority. APRIL: contributions and discussions. Wholly owned subsidiaries MAY: - FellesJuice AS 20 - Ostecompagniet AS 21 - Small People AS 22 research and development, production, - Diplom-Is AS 23 marketing and sale of marine products - Maritex AS 24 - Norseland Inc. 25 Decision that TINE, together with Bremnes Fryseri, will establish a company for the based on farmed salmon. The transport strike had some impact on us and resulted in poorer sales for several TINE’s corporate management 26 Statistics 27 weeks. JUNE: TINE’s head office moved from Breigt. 10 to Oslo Atrium. The annual report was compiled by TINE Communication, TINE BA. Editorial team: Director of Information: Kari Raunedokken Project Manager: Mona Edland JULY: The framework for the new WTO agreement was signed. Great deal of media interest about the consequences for TINE. Number printed: 2 000 Design/layout: Aksent Kommunikasjon AS Photos: TINE Mediebank 2 – KEY EVENTS IN 2004 /THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Source: TINE Mediebank TINE’s key figures 2004 2004 2003 Milk producers — cows’ milk, with delivery over the year 17 976 18 785 Milk producers — goats’ milk, with delivery over the year Dairy cows total Dairy cows per herd Dairy goats total Dairy goats per herd 548 603 278 624 279 287 16.6 15.8 45 522 46 914 80.7 78.3 Output per cow, cow control kg 6 469 6 314 Output per goat, goat control kg 592 576 TINE GROUP, TOTAL 2004 2003 Turnover NOK billion 14.1 13.4 Operating result NOK billion 276 256 Profit (for the year) before tax NOK billion 229 184 Cash flow from operations NOK billion 1 117 -38 Investments NOK billion 864 751 Capital adequacy/equity ratio % 51.6 48.4 Debt-equity ratio Average credit period Turnover TINE BA 0.9 1.0 days 30.7 35.2 NOK billion 17.4 10.8 Average delivery per producer: Dairy delivery: Cows’ milk litres 81 812 78 893 No. of employees: Goats’ milk litres 36 420 32 654 TINE BA people 397 403 Cows’ milk million litres 1 471 1 482 The dairy companies people 4 447 4 371 Goats’ milk million litres 20.0 19.7 Other companies people 705 656 NOK per litre 3.58 3.54 TINE Group, total people 5 549 5 430 Milk price paid to the farmer THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / TINE’s KEY FIGURES 2004 – 3 Trust – a basic commodity We shall continue to build on the sound expertise, willingness to change and innovative power that TINE’s owners represent. These are characteristics that have been developed through a deliberate and long-term focus over almost 125 years. Our vision remains firm: we will be Norway’s most important contributor to value creation! We have dedicated and used a lot of time and energy for the future in 2004. The TINE 2010 strategy document is a result of thorough work by the management, employee representatives, owners and employees. We in TINE are actively working to ensure that there will be a basis for milk production throughout Norway "We shall also in the future. We realise that the restructuring trend within primary production will continue. Our continue to goal is to create profitability for Norwegian milk producers and to safeguard the value Norwegian build on the farmers create and, through our form of ownership, sound to ensure that agriculture and the districts receive the benefits of the value created in the countryside. expertise, We are satisfied with sales in 2004. We have grown in willingness to most categories and for the first time in very many years sales of milk have also grown. The growth Acting CEO Hanne Refsholt. comes from new product varieties and confirms that systematic work on developing new products in new We in TINE believe that the Norwegian people want a packaging solutions is critical to market success. future in which they have their own food culture and A significant proportion of TINE’s turnover also comes their own food industry, which cannot be bought by from products and markets that cannot be defined as foreign interests. We intend to stand as the guarantor the domestic dairy market. We believe this trend will of such a future. change and innovative power that TINE’s employees and continue and contribute to TINE being more robust, which in turn will strengthen its owners, the dairy owners farmers. Hanne Refsholt Because we face a future with a more competative Acting CEO market, including for food products, it is important that the right conditions are put in place to ensure that the industry can develop international competitive power. It is more important than ever that the food industry in Norway stands united in discussions concerning the industry’s framework conditions. TINE will actively work to ensure that the food industry does indeed stand united and promote common points of view in the debate. 4 – FOREWORD / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 represent" TINE’s vision, mission statement and goals OUR VISION: OUR MISSION STATEMENT: "We will be Norway’s most important contributor to value creation" • We shall create social, environmental and financial value. • We shall prove ourselves worthy of trust in all parts of the value chain. • We shall be innovative and offer an abundance of food products and meals. • We shall promote the enjoyment of food and develop Norwegian food culture. • The TINE Group is a cooperatively owned food group which is run efficiently and innovatively, and prioritise quality and the market. • The TINE Group shall provide its members with the best possible financial result and the highest possible volume of milk, in both the short-term and the long-term. OUR GOALS: 1. To give our members the best possible milk price and to be a company with the power to do so in the future. 2. To give our employees a company which focuses on the best and provides opportunities for the majority. 3. To give our customers and consumers value for money. 4. To provide the community with a company which creates sustainable food production. Organisation chart as per 01.01.05 Corporate Management Corporate staff Administration TINE Meieriet Nord BA 8 plants TINE Midt-Norge BA 12 plants TINE Meieriet Vest BA 8 plants TINE Meieriet Sør BA 11 plants TINE Meieriet Øst BA 14 plants Administration Dairy Companies CORPORATE FUNCTIONS: TINE Export TINE Research and Development TINE IT Centre TINE Ingredients TINE Purchasing TINE Communication TINE Logistics TINE Marketing TINE Personnel/Skills TINE Advisory Service - producers TINE Sales, Retail TINE Sales, Catering TINE Economics and Finances TINE Raw Materials* WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARIES WITH DETERMINATING INFLUENCE: Diplom-Is AS FellesJuice AS Maritex AS Norseland Inc. Ostecompagniet AS Small People AS TINE Næringsmiddel AS * Separate division which is separate from both an accounts and administrative point of view. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / TINE’s VISION, MISSION STATEMENT AND GOALS / ORGANISATION CHART – 5 The Board of Directors’ report TINE BA is the parent company in the cooperative The Board of Directors’ work has involved analysing TINE Group, which has its headquarters in Oslo. and assessing various scenarios concerning the Using Norwegian milk, the group processes and future conditions Norwegian milk production and sells milk and dairy products. The Group has five TINE, as one of Norway’s largest and most important regional dairy companies, as well as several food groups, may face. The board will actively wholly and part owned subsidiaries within the work to ensure that milk continues to be produced food industry. The group also has subsidiaries in throughout Norway in the future as well, and that the USA and the UK. no one is in a better position to deliver this milk and process it into important and high value food TINE BA is owned by approximately 18,500 milk products than TINE. At the same time TINE will use producers. The TINE Group has 5,549 employees and its skills and strengths to develop food products an annual turnover of approximately NOK 14.1 billion. other than based on milk. Board of Directors and Acting CEO 2004 From the left: Egil Torland (Region South), Tor Inge Eidesen (Region South), Eva Kaldahl (Region Central Norway), Ola K. Feste (Region West), Marit Bårnes (Region East), Kjell Mjaatvedt (Region West), Jan Ove Holmen - former CEO, Jostein Frøyland, Chairman of the Board (Region South), Ingunn Solaas (Chairman of the Council), Steinar Grimsrud (Region East), Wenche Stuvland Knygh (Region North), Fredmund Sandvik (Region Central Norway), Svein E. Bekken (Region South), Jan Ove Tryggestad (Region West), Terje Falstad (Region Central Norway) and Ole Martin Pettersen – Deputy Chairman (Region North). 6 – THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Good sales For the first time since 1992 we can state that the category "milk" has sold a greater volume than the year before, something the Board of Directors would like to express its satisfaction about. This increase has occurred despite a fall in market share of approximately 1%. We ascribe the good sales to the fact that an increasing number of research reports are documenting the importance of milk and dairy products as important sources of nutrition, and the good work TINE has done on product development, new packaging solutions and successful launches. Sales of cheese have also been very satisfactory, and it is interesting to see that cheese is increasingly becoming a part of day-to-day cooking. TINE would never on its own be able to offer every sort of different cheese the market wants, as the Norwegian market is too small. Given the steadily increasing imports of cheese, the total range of cheeses available in parts of the grocery trade is at a European Source: TINE Mediebank level, and TINE wants to take the lead in developing regulation is very modest. This has been made possible this further through its own volume products and through good prognoses and logistics systems. Milk other producers’ niche products with its subsidiary, production still does not correspond very well to demand Ostecompagniet. for some parts of the year and the greatest disparities can be found in parts of Western Norway north of SALES OF JARLSBERG® exceeded 24,000 tons last year, Haugalandet and the valley districts in Eastern Norway, 2/3 of which was sold outside Norway. We now sell where most milk is produced in the winter half of the Jarlsberg to 12 other countries and sales are doing well year. The Board of Directors is considering new everywhere. The retail price is in the upper bracket in measures to try and rectify this. every country, and in the USA Jarlsberg® is the clear price leader as well as being the most imported cheese within its category. Sales in the USA have experienced Framework conditions formidable growth over the last few years and almost Every industry needs predictable and relatively stable 5,000 tons of the total sales of 11,000 tons were framework conditions in order to be able to make the produced in the USA. Jarlsberg® has consolidated its right decisions for the future. An industry that primarily position as an international cheese brand and in the bases its activities on a raw material that is among the autumn of 2005 we plan to start production in Ireland. freshest and most vital that exists, is no exception in this respect. No one yet knows how the new WTO agreement will affect Norwegian milk production or Well-balanced milk market the processing companies. The Board of Directors, In 2004, 1,520 million litres of cows’ milk were produced however, are of the opinion that the negotiators have in Norway, the same quantity as the previous year, and done a good job on behalf of the Norwegian authorities 20 million litres of goats’ milk, an increase of 25%. in conveying Norway’s positions in the negotiations. TINE processes no less than 97% of all the processed The Board of Directors is also of the opinion that each milk, equal to 1,471 million litres. country has considerable influence when it comes to arriving at solutions that safeguard much of the desired The milk balance, the relationship between production food production in their country. TINE will ask the and the demand in the market, has overall been very authorities to make use of the transitional period (that good this year. Stocks have been driven down to a has been negotiated). minimum and the quantity expended on market THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT – 7 Source: TINE Mediebank "A new Competition Act came into effect on 1st May 2004. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS VIEWS the EU’s developing A NEW MARKET REGULATION system for milk came agricultural policy with concern. Poorer prices for dairy into effect on 01.01.04 and TINE has taken note of it. farmers are leading to an increasing number of farm All the milk delivered by milk producers is now billed closures and larger average farm sizes. The proposed by TINE Raw Materials and all industry players pay the dairy merger between the Danish/Swedish Arla and same price for the milk bought from TINE Raw Materials. Dutch Campina will result in approximately 21,000 According to the Board of Directors this scheme has members with an average delivery of more than 600 tons. functioned as intended. TINE Raw Materials will submit Norwegian membership of the EU with the consequent audited accounts by 1st June for approval by Norway’s EU agricultural policy would result in a restructuring of (State) Agricultural Administration. Deviations from Norwegian milk production that we cannot imagine today. the budget shall be billed directly against the milk producers and will in turn affect the calculation of the With the exception of milk that goes to some farm based target price. cheese factories, all the milk production and processing of milk in Norway is subject to the system of market As a major market player it is important that TINE acts in accordance with the new act." 8 – regulation for the milk sector. The market regulation Market competition system covers the following main areas: Activity that takes place in the market between suppliers • • market regulation • quota scheme • producer oriented subsidies • protection against imports that have been reported and customers is regulated by the Competition Act, price equalisation to the WTO which in turn is administered by the Norwegian Competition Authority. A new Competition Act came into effect on 1st May 2004. As a major market player it is important TINE acts in accordance with the new act. The new act was implemented because Norway is a country with a small population, which gives rise to The various elements of the market regulation system a need for strict legislation so that major suppliers do share a common purpose: to create stability and not attain too much power. In the opinion of the Board predictability in the milk production. We still disagree of Directors it would appear that no attention is being with the requirements being stipulated regarding paid to the fact that major international food companies TINE’s return on capital in the calculation of the target are continuously strengthening their positions in the price. Norwegian market. The Norwegian authorities have to THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 put framework conditions for Norwegian food companies help ensure that the fresh products distribution is socio- in place that allow them to build up international com- economically efficient. petitive power. Approximately 80% of TINE’s sales in Norway are to the grocery trade. As well as being a major supplier, TINE 2010 TINE is also a major purchaser of products and services. AT THE END OF 2004 we could show that most points TINE aims to act ethically and systematically in its of our business strategy, TINE 2005, had been followed business dealings with both its suppliers and customers. up. In the autumn of 2003 we commenced work on the As suppliers we face an increasingly competitive situa- further development of our business strategy. In the tion. There should of course be openness about what years ahead we will face challenges due to changed is going on in the sector, however competition does political framework conditions and tougher competition mean that agreements that have been signed between in our markets. At the same time we have built up an suppliers and customers cannot be made public to organisation over the last few years that is well qualified everyone. to succeed in both established and newer product and market segments. Analysing the challenges and TINE HAS A WIDE RANGE OF PRODUCTS and appro- opportunities was central to the work of the Board of ximately 50 new product lines are added each year. Directors during the spring of 2004. During the It is our impression that consumers are continuously autumn months the results of this work have been hunting for new products that suit precisely them. discussed by the owner organisation. The process of Through our product development we are striving to putting together what is called TINE 2010 was concluded be able to offer something for every palate and for in early 2005. Keywords for our future strategy are: every need. • growth and profitability in the market • strengthened competitive ability • development of and focus on existing business areas • internationalisation • broad political networking IN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ OPINION TINE’s fresh products distribution is efficient and it is also in TINE’s strategic interests to follow the products all the way to the shops. We expect all players in the grocery trade to CEO Jan Ove Holmen resigned on 19.02.2005. Hanne Refsholt has been appointed Acting CEO. Oslo, 23 February 2005 The Board of Directors of TINE BA Jostein Frøyland Chairman of the Board Marit Bårnes Svein E. Bekken Tor Inge Eidesen Terje Falstad Ola K. Feste Eva Kaldahl Wenche Stuvland Knygh Kjell Mjaatvedt Fredmund Sandvik Jan Ove Tryggestad Egil Torland Steinar Grimsrud Ole Martin Pettersen Hanne Refsholt Acting CEO THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ REPORT 9 Profit and loss account In NOK 1,000 TINE GROUP TINE BA 2004 2003 13 234 189 12 498 383 2004 2003 11 525 844 4 974 064 5 620 921 5 632 905 233 866 238 539 17 380 631 10 845 508 5 181 354 5 216 935 10 828 193 4 661 501 OPERATING REVENUES Sales revenue, finished goods 463 105 466 004 Sales revenue, raw materials for processing 398 264 416 865 Other operating revenues 14 095 558 13 381 252 5 181 354 5 216 935 Purchase of raw materials from producer 2 635 948 2 300 614 Purchase of finished goods, packaging, additives, TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING EXPENSES adjuvants, charges, etc 2 424 300 2 344 687 525 550 484 106 9 640 23 051 3 043 190 2 755 448 13 819 982 13 124 841 275 576 256 411 0 0 Staff expenses 234 329 226 244 Ordinary depreciation 163 442 141 719 Write-down fixed operating assets Other operating expenses TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING RESULT 0 5 059 858 047 763 164 17 265 365 11 014 622 115 266 -169 114 154 981 341 773 FINANCIAL INCOME/EXPENSES 0 0 88 388 173 068 4 476 10 297 4 897 3 708 Income on investments in subsidiary companies Interest received from group companies 66 099 95 124 Other financial income 61 029 145 544 834 1 665 1 738 3 212 Value change of market-based financial current assets Loss on investments in associated companies Write-down of financial assets 8 508 1 269 36 103 55 967 135 408 250 583 Other financial expenses 101 842 195 542 -46 155 -72 195 FINANCIAL ITEMS, NET 146 736 335 809 229 421 184 216 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR BEFORE TAX 262 002 166 695 71 918 8 784 47 628 30 988 157 503 175 432 214 374 135 707 104 577 105 147 Taxes PROFIT FOR THE YEAR -1 248 MINORITY INTERESTS’ SHARE 158 751 MAJORITY INTERESTS’ SHARE Transfers: Paid to milk producers 10 – Transferred to/from funds 109 797 30 560 TOTAL TRANSFERRED 214 374 135 707 Net group contributions paid to subsidiaries 175 049 94 075 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Balance sheet In NOK 1,000 TINE GROUP 2004 TINE BA 2003 2004 2003 49 194 24 988 0 0 ASSETS Intangible assets 13 092 0 59 740 5 120 Deferred tax assets Goodwill 4 978 11 906 Other intangible assets 77 810 17 026 TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS 0 0 49 194 24 988 1 307 800 1 223 833 FIXED ASSETS Tangible fixed assets 1 500 235 1 376 760 Land, dwellings, cabins and buildings 1 957 532 1 812 462 Machinery, fixtures, means of transport 3 457 767 3 189 222 TOTAL TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS 142 868 156 933 1 450 668 1 380 766 FINANCIAL ASSETS 0 1 484 0 0 Investments in subsidiary companies 1 018 852 924 134 Loans to group companies 1 600 878 1 895 579 79 930 98 937 Investments in associated companies 51 132 52 897 23 139 30 275 Other shares/units 20 788 29 955 1 026 278 656 376 Pension funds 88 811 61 956 100 998 65 954 Bonds/other long-term receivables 80 035 2 939 TOTAL FINANCIAL ASSETS 2 860 496 2 967 460 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 4 311 164 4 348 226 567 2 798 1 230 345 853 026 4 688 112 4 042 248 CURRENT ASSETS 1 328 363 1 318 172 Stock in hand RECEIVABLES 981 070 1 424 101 0 0 198 835 196 324 1 179 905 1 620 425 95 188 89 857 100 181 215 715 2 703 637 3 244 169 7 469 559 7 303 443 Accounts receivable from customers 458 113 619 272 Accounts receivable from group companies 262 557 1 114 664 Other short-term receivables 139 939 116 283 TOTAL SHORT-TERM RECEIVABLES 860 609 1 850 219 Bonds/Investments in money market securities 19 035 18 219 621 928 0 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1 502 139 1 871 236 TOTAL ASSETS 5 862 497 6 244 450 Bank deposits, cash THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 11 Balance sheet In NOK 1,000 TINE GROUP 2004 TINE BA 2003 2004 2003 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Shareholders’ equity Subscribed equity: 12 250 12 316 Unit/share capital 12 250 12 316 12 250 12 316 TOTAL SUBSCRIBED EQUITY 12 250 12 316 Accrued equity: 3 833 071 3 523 101 Other equity 3 406 316 3 283 473 3 833 071 3 523 101 TOTAL ACCRUED EQUITY 3 406 316 3 283 473 3 535 417 TOTAL EQUITY 6 514 3 851 835 MINORITY INTERESTS’ SHARE 0 0 3 418 566 3 295 789 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Provision for liabilities 184 575 179 607 Pension commitments 28 155 26 869 189 757 49 204 Deferred tax liabilities 0 0 374 332 228 811 28 155 26 869 757 801 840 574 722 197 710 301 TOTAL PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Debts to credit institutions Other long-term liabilities 535 642 491 154 383 151 459 825 1 293 443 1 331 728 TOTAL OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 1 105 348 1 170 126 1 667 775 1 560 539 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 1 133 503 1 196 995 Debts to milk producers 484 683 656 633 Debts to group companies 114 777 31 672 CURRENT LIABILITIES CREDITORS 484 670 656 720 0 0 717 092 526 412 1 201 762 1 183 132 126 820 495 345 11 025 24 527 325 436 311 178 0 0 Creditors 282 120 373 311 TOTAL CREDITORS 881 580 1 061 616 34 697 440 976 8 786 12 761 Debts to credit institutions Tax payable Tax withholdings, duties, holiday allowances, etc Other current liabilities to companies in same group 34 499 43 180 236 562 130 660 284 906 193 305 Other current liabilities 114 304 62 473 748 187 1 024 355 TOTAL OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES 428 848 690 050 1 949 949 2 207 487 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1 310 428 1 751 666 7 469 559 7 303 443 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 5 862 497 6 244 450 Oslo, 23 February 2005 12 – Jostein Frøyland Chairman of the Board Marit Bårnes Svein E. Bekken Tor Inge Eidesen Steinar Grimsrud Terje Falstad Ola K. Feste Eva Kaldahl Wenche Stuvland Knygh Ole Martin Pettersen Kjell Mjaatvedt Fredmund Sandvik Jan Ove Tryggestad Egil Torland Hanne Refsholt Acting CEO ANNUAL ACCOUNTS / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 To the annual general meeting of TINE BA AUDITORÕS REPORT FOR 2004 We have audited the annual accounts of TINE BA for the 2004 financial year, which show a surplus of NOK 214,374,000 for the parent company and a surplus of NOK 157,503,000 for the group. We have also audited the information in the annual report about the annual accounts, the going concern assumption, and the proposed allocation of the surplus. The annual accounts comprise the profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement and notes to the consolidated accounts. The annual accounts and annual report were submitted by the companyÕs board of directors and CEO. Our job is to express an opinion about the annual accounts and other matters pursuant to the provisions of the Auditors Act. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditors Act and auditing standards generally accepted in Norway. Auditing standards generally accepted in Norway require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the annual accounts are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining selected portions of the material that supports the information in the annual accounts, an assessment of the accounting principles used and significant accounting estimates, as well as an assessment of the content and presentation of the annual accounts. To the extent required by auditing standards generally accepted in Norway, an audit also includes a review of the management of the companyÕs financial affairs and its accounting and internal control systems. We believe that our audit provides a proper basis for our opinion. Opinion We believe that ¥ the annual accounts have been submitted in accordance with the law and regulations and express the groupÕs financial position as per 31st December 2004 and the result and cash flow in the financial year in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in Norway ¥ the management has fulfilled its duty to ensure the proper and well-arranged recording and documentation of the accounting information in accordance with the law and accounting practices generally accepted in Norway ¥ the information in the annual report about the annual accounts, the going concern assumption and the proposal for the allocation of the surplus are consistent with the annual accounts and complies with the law and regulations. Oslo, 23rd February 2005 Deloitte Terje Nagell State Authorised Public Accountant THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / ANNUAL ACCOUNTS – 13 Report on activities in the TINE Group Source: TINE Mediebank TINE is the largest Norwegian food company with a turnover dealings so that we earn the trust of consumers. We of more the NOK 14 billion. TINE is and wants to remain an also have to satisfy all the requirements and regulations important contributor to society. This is stressed in our vision: stipulated by the authorities. As the major market player we are, we know that everything we do is closely scrutinised and that we therefore always have to be "We will be Norway’s most important contributor to prepared to document and provide an insight into our value creation" work. WE SHALL: • create social, environmental and financial value • prove ourselves worthy of trust in all parts of the value chain • be innovative and offer an abundance of food products and meals • promote the enjoyment of food and develop Norwegian food culture Main lines As a cooperative organisation TINE’s primary goal is to provide its owners with the best possible price for their raw materials and an organisation with the power to do this in the future as well. 2004 was characterised by difficult framework conditions. That fact that we 14 – TINE competes in a consumer market that largely have managed to pay a milk price to the farmer that features Norwegian players, though major international has on the whole been satisfactory, is mainly due to companies are seeking entry into the Norwegian market. strict controls regarding the utilisation of raw materials A political decision has been made that there will be and production capacities, as well as controlling costs competition in the dairy sector, both in the primary and good sales. chain and the market. This is a reality that TINE acts We know that sales results are critical to future success. in accordance with. TINE’s maxim that we should be We must create growth through new launches and judged by how we serve the consumer is therefore innovations. At the same time efficiency has to be becoming increasingly important. We must deliver the increased in all parts of the chain and costs have to quality we promise and remain honest in our everyday be strictly controlled. REPORT ON ACTIVITIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 TINE and the market As a major food player with a complete value chain, TINE concentrates on both large volume products and NEW LAUNCHES 2004 SMÅFOLK/BABY FOOD: SMÅFOLK dinner jar, 4 and 8 months SMÅFOLK on the go, 8 months more niche oriented products. We want our range of SMÅFOLK porridges, 8 and 12 months products to reflect the diversity of the Norwegian people. SMÅFOLK ready-to-use infant formula, 250 ml carton TINE’s overall range has therefore adapted to the recent YOGHURT: rapid changes we have seen in society. TINE has a total TINE Yoghurt winter fresh of approximately 490 products for the grocery trade. Of these more than 40 are registered brands in the dairy product and juice segments. TINE Yoghurt taste of summer TINE Yoghurt mild natural LITAGO Yoghurt, 8 pack, promotion CHEESE/COOKING: Sans Cottage Cheese with strawberries The market for dairy products is relatively stable. We Sans Cottage Cheese with cherries mainly deliver everyday products that are not noticeably Sans Kesam vanilla affected by fluctuations in the economy. The cost of food accounts for a steadily smaller percentage of people’s Sans Yoghurt 4 pack, 0.1%, (apple/pear, grape/berry) Sans Yoghurt 2 cell pack, 0.1%, (natural and cranberry) Sans Yoghurt Gable Top 1 l 0.1%, (vanilla and citrus) total budgets. At the same time we know that Pizza cheese 80 g Norwegian consumers are becoming increasingly aware Pasta cheese 80 g of the products they choose. The adoption of international eating habits and an intense focus on nutritional content contributed to TINE’s launch of new product lines in Ridder 130 g, slices Port Salut 130 g, slices Nøkkel ost cheese 150 g, slices BIOLA: 2004. Examples of these include: Biola small bottles • Sans: a lifestyle concept that consists of various BEVERAGES: products with reduced sugar, fat and carbohydrates. • TineMelk Smak: a new line of flavoured milk that combines health and taste. The milk contains only 0.7% fat, less than 1% added sugar and extra vitamin D and comes in three different flavours: • Eplejuice Sydtyrol (apple juice) Mana (rosehip/orange, blueberry) TineMelk Smak (flavoured milk: coffee, raspberry, chocolate) LARGE HOUSEHOLDS: Salad cheese cubes, Jarlsberg Cream brown whey cheese, hotel board raspberry, chocolate and coffee. LITAGO BIB Mana: a line of juices that satisfy the consumers’ Peach ice tea BIB need for antioxidants. TINE Gudbrandsdal Cheese, round, 2X2.5 kg ECOLOGICAL PRODUCTS Production of ecological milk also increased in 2004. A total of around 24.3 million TINE DAIRIES’ INCOME litres of ecological milk was delivered to TINE. This is an increase of 17.3% compared with 2003. TINE currently has four ecological products on the market. TINE Skimmed Milk Ecological, TINE Yoghurt Ecological, TINE Low-Fat Sour Cream Ecological and Norvegia Ecological. With the exception of TINE Low-Fat Sour Cream Ecological, sales of ecological products have not developed as we hoped. This resulted in only 25% of the ecological milk being used for ecological products in total in 2004. Low-fat soured cream experienced a very good development in sales and increased by 28% compared with 2003, while the other ecological products experienced stagnation or slight decreases in sales. Around 2% of skimmed milk is now ecological while the corresponding proportion for ecological low-fat sour milk is 7%. Milk 34% Cream/soured cream/ yoghurt 12% Juice/ice tea/water White cheese 5% 30% Butter 2% In order to improve sales the labelling on TINE Yoghurt Brown cheese 5% Ecological was greatly improved in 2004, similarly the Porridges/desserts 3% packaging of Norvegia Ecological was changed to suit Powder products/Feed 3% the market better. During the course of the year a lot of Margarine/ready-to-eat food/imported cheese 5% work was also done to improve TINE’s level of service Other income 1% THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / REPORT ON ACTIVITIES – 15 and increase the range of ecological products. This has SEAFOOD TINE started its seafood endeavours in 2003; resulted in, among other things, Kefir being completely and continued to work and focus on it in 2004. We converted into an ecological product as of February believe that exploiting our expertise in brand building, 2005. product development and food production will generate potential for expansion in the long-term. In addition, In shops where there is a conscious focus on ecological TINE has good logistics and distribution systems. products we have seen that it is not unusual for ecological TINE is focusing on three areas within seafood: products to achieve a market share of between 5 and • marine ingredients: marine oils such as Omega 3 and 10%. Unfortunately the number of shops that offer our marine protein as useful ingredients for other players ecological products has fallen. Therefore in the autumn in the food industry • super fresh products: Marian – fresh fish loins • innovative products: blue/green products – Salma TINE worked to establish separate agreements ("whole chain agreements") with two of the chains to improve – cured salmon the marketing of the ecological products in the shops. We have great expectations concerning the launch of RESEARCH AND INNOVATION TINE’s products, Ecological Kefir in February 2005. processing processes and organisation require more SALES Overall TINE experienced good sales in 2004. We are pleased that for the first time since 1992 we have seen an increase in sales of milk. There are several "Overall TINE onal importance of milk and dairy products. The milk product group has been expanded with TineMelk Smak, which has gained a good foothold in the market. Sales volumes for cheese, cream, soured cream were up on last year, while yoghurt sales experienced a slight fall. by the markets are increasing at the same time as we good sales in organisation and industry. This is why we carry out 2004. Please also refer to the tables at the end of the annual report. research in several key areas: raw materials, product quality, feed and animal health, production efficiency, new products and nutrition. We work with external pleased that Research Institute and the Norwegian University of institutes such as “Matalliansen” (the Norwegian Food Life Sciences), the Norwegian Foundation for Scientific for the first products. have our own ambitions to be competitive, both as an We are Consumers want a simpler life and TINE has noticed this through significantly increased sales of processed concerning quality, efficiency and innovation stipulated experienced reasons for this including the fact that an increasing number of research reports are documenting the nutriti- and more research based knowledge. The requirements time since and Industrial Research, the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, the University of Oslo, and others both at home and abroad. We have also developed 1992 we have collaborations with research circles in new areas such as seen an which the partnership agreement with the Norwegian increase in sales of milk." MARKET SHARES IN VOLUME (grocery stores) – 2003/2004 logistics, brand building and cooperative organisation, of School of Management under the auspices of the Centre for Cooperative Studies is an example. ONGOING PROJECTS: • new products with positive nutritional properties, Biola and Mana • various nutrition projects • marine products • safe and efficient production • financial key figures for meat and dairy production • cost-effective buildings for cattle • bedding for goats 100 80 60 40 International activities Brown cheese 99.6 99.5 93.3 93.5 Yoghurt 17.9 15.8 83.9 83.4 Milk 77.8 74.8 95.1 93.8 20 0 2003 16 – (Hard) Processed Butter White cheese cheese 2004 REPORT ON ACTIVITIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 TINE’s international activities are expanding. Exports of the Jarlsberg® brand continue to dominate, though sales of Ridder®, Snøfrisk and Gudbrandsdal Cheese were also positive in 2004. TINE exported a total of 17,456 tons of cheese in 2004. The USA is still TINE’s largest market. We export 12,000 tons of Jarlsberg® from Norway and this is workforces significantly, while there are some areas where resource savings still has to be realised. The supplemented with 4,000 tons of cheese, which is work continues and future solutions will be assessed in produced at the plant in Ohio. This is so-called "block order to optimise the use of resources. cheese" which goes to the large households market in the USA. Common logistics management Norway has a bilateral cheese agreement with the EU The first operational year in which Movex v.12 was and Europe is still a focus area. In 2004, TINE established implemented throughout TINE confirmed that a totally a subsidiary in the UK, TINE UK Ltd. Test production of integrated business system provides the necessary Jarlsberg® opportunities to improve control and management. in Ireland was carried out all year and the start of actual production is expected at the end of Sound work has been done and important elements of 2005, with deliveries to the European market. operations such as premises in Movex and building up the necessary skills at several production plants have been established. The premise concerning correct and An efficient organisation timely stocks of finished products has been one area of One of the goals which the formation of the group in focus, though there is need for further improvements 2002 was designed to achieve was to increase the regarding this point. Better prognoses that provide a efficiency of the organisation by sharing IT network, basis for need driven product supply and production common work processes and new ICT tools. management are progressing well and are in the A project was set up to realise these benefits, "Benefit process of providing results in the form of more correct Realisation New Management Tools", also known as stocks. Throughout the year we have achieved a the Optima Project. The project covers the following controlled, good utilisation of dairy raw products and administrative tasks: the interaction with other players has gone as planned. The cream balance is under increasing pressure during Sales/order intake the autumn months and will receive special attention in • Logistics/production/purchasing • Economy/accounts • Payroll/personnel • Information and communication technology the future. Source: TINE Mediebank TINE’s ability to deliver to the customers has always been good and in line with plans and agreements. However, we were, naturally enough, affected by the The project will be carried out in four phases: strike at a number of wholesale depots during April/ 1. Analyse and describe current work processes and May and during the autumn some products experienced use of resources 2. Assess alternative solutions and optimum use of resources 3. Propose specific solutions with measures to achieve new goals 4. Implement measures deviations of an extent that affected the overall results. The ability of fresh products distribution to deliver is good as far as the main range is concerned, but there have been some problems with respect to special products. During the year we received the first electronic orders in fresh products distributed activities via a collaborative project with two supermarket chains. The first two phases were completed in 2004. The project In line with developments elsewhere regarding the will propose specific solutions including measures in division of work between the industry and grocery January 2005 and, once these have been considered trade, we receive at times indications that some of by the organisation, decisions will be arrived at and our customers want to increase the volumes in their measures carried out successively in 2005. distribution systems. We have initiated discussions with The analysis shows that some of the expected benefits customers in order to work together on the development from the formation of the group have been realised, of solutions that will preferably be profitable for both though there remain some areas which are expected to parties. be realised in the future. A decrease in the workforce During 2005 we shall intensify the work on common was expected in connection with the formation of the planning for raw materials, purchasing packaging, group within the areas economy/accounts, logistics/ contribution factors and production management in order intake, services for members, payroll/personnel order to achieve the best possible overall capacity and and ICT. Some of the areas are now seeing the effects resource utilisation, while at the same time maintaining of the formation of the group and have reduced their the agreed delivery quality for the market. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / REPORT ON ACTIVITIES – 17 The Dairy Companies Plants as per 31.12.04 TINE Meieriet Øst BA (TMØ) Postboks 113 Kalbakken, 0902 Oslo Office address: Bedriftsvn. 7 Tel: (+47) 22 89 90 00 Fax: (+47) 22 89 90 05 Email: firmapost.tmo@tine.no Managing Director: Stein Øiom Chairman of the Board: Marit Bårnes 1. TMØ Dovre Production: soft cheese with edible rind 2. TMØ Folldal Production: brown cheese 3. TMØ Fosheim Production: liquid milk 4. TMØ Frya Production: liquid milk, cell pack products, fresh cheese 3 9 5 6. TMØ Lom & Skjåk Production: brown cheese 13. TMØ Odal Production: liquid milk 7. TMØ Sem Production: liquid milk 14. TMØ Sarpsborg Production: liquid milk (incl. all joint ventures) 7 Delivery: Employees: 1,562 Plants as per 31.12.04 TINE Meieriet Sør BA (TMS) Postboks 8053 Postterminalen, 4068 Stavanger Office address: Grannesletta Tel: (+47) 51 64 62 00 Fax: (+47) 51 64 62 15 Email: firmapost.tms@tine.no Managing Director: Trond Smeby Chairman of the Board: Tor Inge Eidesen 1. TMS Haugesund Production: liquid milk, cream, eco-milk 2. TMS Sola Production: liquid milk, cream, flavoured milk 3. TMS Voll Production: Norvegia, Jarlsberg, butter, soft cheese spread, whey powder 4. TMS Kleppe Production: Brelett, Omega, Brelett cover packaging, butter, liquid Bremykt, butter and rape oil for Arla Key figures 11 1 2 3 4 65 7 10 9 Active producers: 3 258 (incl. all joint ventures) 8 Delivery: 290.7 mill.l. Employees: 845 TINE Meieriet Vest BA (TMV) 2 3 Key figures 4 5 7 Active producers: 3 968 (incl. all joint ventures) 8 Delivery: Employees: (777 incl. temps) 18 – 252.5 mill.l. 745 7. TMS Vikeså Production: cheddar, mozzarella, brown cheese 8. TMS Kristiansand Production: liquid milk, cream, yoghurt, soured cream, soured cream dressing 9. TMS Setesdal Production: liquid milk, cream, soured cream porridge, Kviteseid butter, Setesdal butter, Ryfylkegome, Brimi butter 6. TMS Nærbø Production: Jarlsberg, Swiss cheese, Norvegia, 11. TMS Haukeli Production: frozen curd, Chevre “Said at a regional meeting: ‘TINE gives the best advice in the country, but they have to be better at telling people that.’" portion packing for white cheese 4. TMV Vik Production: Gamalost, Mylse 5. TMV Voss Production: Norvegia, Dravle 2. TMV Ørsta Production: edams, wellmatured edams, Norvegia F45, Norvegia M10, extra low-fat Norvegia, Saint Paulin, Nordbo, Snøfrisk cream cheese, Snøfrisk white cheese, cream cheese, brown cheese, Søst, Casein, Namdalsgome, Mølsgome, soured cream porridge 6. TMV Bergen Production: liquid milk sweet and curdled products, cream, soured cream, yoghurt, soured cream cell packs, Crème Fraiche, juice 3. TMV Byrkjelo Production: liquid milk sweet and curdled products, white cheese, brown cheese, 8. TMV Sand (Will be closed in June 2005) Production: nøkkel ost cheese THE DAIRY COMPANIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 "Dairy operations in TMØ have been stable and good for most of the dairies, in line with budgets and plans, and with an increase in total production." Kalvegodt, Grisegodt, whey protein powder, demineralised whey powder, cream mix, butter oil 10. TMS Porsgrunn Production: liquid milk, cream, eco-milk 1. TMV Ålesund Production: liquid milk sweet and curdled products, cream, Piano desserts, creams and sauces, UHT long life beverages, Mana 1 12. TMØ Indre Østfold Production: liquid milk 5. TMS Central Depot, Klepp St. Production: grated, sliced and diced, packing, storage Plants as per 31.12.04 Postboks 6030 Postterminalen, 5892 Bergen Office address: Minde allé 10 Tel: (+47) 55 27 48 00 Fax: (+47) 55 27 09 53 Email: firmapost.tmv@tine.no Managing Director: Leif Arne Berge Chairman of the Board: Ola K. Feste 6 11. TMØ Oslo Production: liquid milk, yoghurt, juice 357.8 mill.l. Active producers: 13 11 12 14 10. TMØ Tretten Production: processed cheese, porridge, desserts, sauces, fresh pasta, baby food 4 322 Key figures 4 10 9. TMØ Trysil Production: soft, sharp cheese, cottage cheese 5. TMØ Brumunddal Production: long life liquid milk products, special products, dried milk 8 2 1 6 8. TMØ Tolga Production: ice cream concentrate, casein, butter 7. TMV Hardanger Production: cream cheese, whipped cream cheese, Piano cheesecake, KOS desserts, cream cheese base "The sales team has done good work and we have a sales organisation that functions particularly well in relation to TINE overall." TINE Midt-Norge BA (TMiN) Landbrukssenteret Tunga, 7005 Trondheim Office address: Bromstadvn. 68 Tel: (+47) 73 90 37 00 Fax: (+47) 73 90 37 01 Email: firmapost.tmin@tine.no Managing Director: Stein Aasgaard Chairman of the Board: Fredmund Sandvik Plants as per 31.12.04 1. TMiN Kolvereid Production: Norvegia, eco-cheese, Jarlsberg 2. LFD Depot Namsos Distribution 3. TMiN Verdal Production: Jarlsberg, CWC, Gräddost, WPC 4. TMiN Ørland Production: Norvegia 1 2 4 3 7 10 11 5. TMiN Selbu Production: Normanna, Norzola, Royal Blue, Selbu Blå 6 8 5 9 12 Key figures Active producers: 4 926 (incl. all joint ventures) Delivery: 426,1 mill.l. Employees: 911 TINE Meieriet Nord BA (TMN) Skogvn. 18, 9480 Harstad Tel: (+47) 77 05 80 00 Fax: (+47) 77 05 80 90 Email: firmapost.tmn@tine.no Managing Director: Clement Roaldstveit Chairman of the Board: Ole Martin Pettersen Fredmund Sandvik 1 6. TMiN Tunga Production: sweet/curdled milk, soured cream, cream, Go’morgen, Biola, yoghurt, drinking yoghurt, juice, orders office, distribution Plants as per 31.12.04 2 1. TMN Tana Production: butter, liquid milk, Kesam, soured cream cell packs, Melkeringe, curdled products, distribution 4 5 3 6 2. TMN Alta Production: liquid milk, distribution 7 8 7. TMiN Heimdal Production: grated, sliced and diced cheese, packing, storage 8. TMiN Meldal Production: Bremykt, butter, softer butter 9. TMiN Berkåk Production: dried milk, dried buttermilk 10. TMiN Høgset Production: sweet/curdled milk, cream, Cultura, orders office, distribution 11. TMiN Elnesvågen Production: Jarlsberg, brown cheese, clove cheese 12. TMiN Tresfjord Production: Ridder, Port Salut 6. TMN Bodø Production: liquid milk, distribution 7. TMN Sandnessjøen Production: liquid milk, butter, dried milk, distribution 8. TMN Sømna Production: white cheese 3. TMN Storsteinnes Production: brown cheese, white goats’ cheese, casein, Balsfjord cheese Key figures Active producers: 2 048 (incl. all joint ventures) Delivery: Employees: 163.5 mill.l. 352 4. TINE-Terminalen Tromsø Distribution 5. TMN Harstad Production: liquid milk, juice, soured cream, distribution "We are working in an increasingly borderless TINE. Our region wants to contribute to a holistic logistics function to achieve the best possible profitability." "Northern Norway covers 60% of the country lengthwise but only 10% of the market. Consumers in all parts of Northern Norway want the same good provision as elsewhere in the country." TINE terms • The TINE Group is used to denote the entire group • TINE BA is used to denote the parent company and the remitter’s name for our products • TINE is used in informal contexts to denote the group and/or the parent company • Dairy companies is used to denote TINE Meieriet Nord, TINE Midt-Norge, TINE Meieriet Vest, TINE Meieriet Sør and TINE Meieriet Øst. E.g.: TINE Meieriet Nord, Head Office, Harstad • Plant is used to denote the dairy companies’ production plant. E.g.: TINE Meieriet Sør, Sola • Subsidiaries is used to denote the wholly-owned companies, with the exception of the dairy companies. • Part-owned companies is used to denote subsidiaries with minor shareholdings • The TINE Dairies is used to denote TINE BA and the dairy companies • The dairy co-operative is used to denote the TINE Dairies and TINE’s milk producers • The dairy industry is used to denote overall dairy activities in Norway, i.e. TINE and similar concerns THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / THE DAIRY COMPANIES – 19 Wholly owned subsidiaries FellesJuice AS Postboks 113 Kalbakken, 0902 Oslo Office address: Bedriftsvn. 7 Tel: (+47) 22 89 90 00, Fax: (+47) 22 89 91 73 Managing Director: Stein Øiom Email: stein.oiom@tine.no FellesJuice AS was founded on 01.01.2000, although juice has been produced and sold in dairies since 1969. In 2004, FellesJuice’s turnover amounted to around NOK 600 million. The company employed 3.2 people in 2004. The following new products were launched by FellesJuice in 2004: – Meierienes juice, season’s Sydtyrol Eplejuice (apple juice) 1 litre – Mana: grape, blueberry, chokeberry and cherry 1 litre and 1/3 litre – Mana: rosehip, orange, carrot 1 litre and 1/3 litre – Ice tea 10 litre bag-in-box, peach flavour – Screw top on Meierienes Juice 1 litre – New design and TINE as remitter for all – Meierienes juice and ice tea varieties FellesJuice has strengthened its market position in 2004 and has the following market shares: Volume shares in 2003: 34% in 2004: 36.7% Value shares in 2003: 48% in 2004 51.6% Meierienes juice has a recognition factor of 93% (Source: TNS-Gallup). Chilled juice is increasing at the expense of long life juice. Consumers want quality juice that tastes good and are willing to pay extra for it. MAIN CHALLENGES FOR 2005: • Developing the work on quality further • Strengthening/consolidating our position in chilled juice • Ensuring better supplies of raw materials • Better protection of recipes with raw materials • Developing more juices in the "not from concentrate" category • Further improving the level of service • Developing Mana juice with antioxidants further 20 – SUBSIDIARIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Ostecompagniet AS Postboks 6678 Etterstad, 0609 Oslo Office address: Brynsvn. 12 Tel: (+47) 22 93 88 00, Fax: (+47) 22 36 75 99 Managing Director: Susanne Almestad Email: susanne.almestad@tine.no Ostecompagniet AS was founded in February 2003 and its first fully operational year was 2004. Ostecompagniet AS’ business concept is: 1) to create profitability for its partners and owners, and 2) develop, sell and market Norwegian and imported niche cheese products. Ostecompagniet’s portfolio consists of niche cheeses from TINE, imported cheeses from France, Italy, Denmark and the UK, and cheeses from small-scale Norwegian producers. Ostecompagniet sold approximately NOK 215 million of cheese in 2004. The company has 13 employees. The first six months of the year were affected by the fact that the company was still in a start-up phase. It has been important to sort out good, appropriate routines within logistics, accounting, product quality and sales in order to attain the best overview and flow of goods out to the customers. At the same time it has also been important to focus the attention of the shops on niche cheeses with planned campaigns and activities throughout the year. 12 new imported cheeses were launched in 2004. In the autumn of 2004 partnership agreements were signed with Myrdal Gard and Eiker Gardsysteri, both small-scale producers. This resulted in the launch of 9 products in the small-scale cheeses category to the grocery trade in October 2004. 2005 will see us launch more cheeses from small-scale producers, which will result in this category becoming even more visible in the shops. Ostecompagniet is expecting the niche cheeses segment to grow strongly in 2005 as well. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / SUBSIDIARIES – 21 Wholly owned subsidiaries Small People AS Postboks 25, 0051 Oslo Office address: Christian Frederiks plass 6 Tel: (+47) 22 93 88 00 Managing Director: Fredrik Hannestad Email: fredrik.hannestad@tine.no Although Small People AS was founded on 1 January 1996, the production and sale of its products began in 1999. The company sells baby food in jars, baby cereals and ready-to-use infant formula. Small People AS employed 3.5 people in 2004 and purchases its administrative services from TINE BA. Its products are produced and sold by TINE, and distributed via wholesalers and TINE Dairies. The company’s business office is in Oslo. Small People AS sells its products under the brand name SMÅFOLK (SMALL PEOPLE), and holds a strong number two position in baby food in grocery shops. Sales from shops increased in 2004 and SMÅFOLK has contributed to growth in the segment. The company is still in an initial development phase and has an intense focus on product development. SMÅFOLK was not sold via other channels in 2004. SMÅFOLK is marketed as "Healthy Norwegian food for small tummies". In terms of price, SMÅFOLK is on a par with its competitors, and is perceived by its customers as healthy, Norwegian produced baby food that tastes as good as homemade. Market surveys show that SMÅFOLK is seen as welcome competition in a market that has long been dominated by one supplier. We regard the working environment as good. There were no reports of injuries or accidents in the workplace. One of the company’s goals is to be a workplace in which women and men are fully equal. The company has an embedded policy that aims to ensure that nobody is treated differently due to their gender. 3 of the company’s 4 employees are women. The sector to which the company belongs produces no pollution or discharges that might damage the external environment. 22 – SUBSIDIARIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Diplom-Is AS Postboks 23, 1483 SKYTTA Office address: Brennavn. 10 Tel: (+47) 02001, Fax: (+47) 67 06 66 01 Managing Director: Harald Knutzen Email: harald.knutzen@diplom-is.no Diplom-Is processes agricultural products through the production and marketing of ice cream and other frozen products. The company supplies a full range of ice creams and frozen desserts. Diplom-Is is one of Norwegian bestliked and most recognised trademarks and has several strong brands in its portfolio. As well as producing its own brands the company is licensed to produce ice cream products for Mövenpick for sale in Norway. The company also distributes products for Mars Ice Cream in Scandinavia. Diplom-Is has had a production and distribution partnership with Nestlé in Norway for a long time. Now that Nestlé has decided to close down its ice cream business in Norway as of 2005, Diplom-Is has signed an agreement with Nestlé concerning the continued marketing of some of Nestlé’s products. The 2004 ice cream year was relatively good before and after summer, while the midsummer season was poorer than normal. Despite this Diplom-Is managed to maintain its total market share of approximately 52% in Norway. The market in Denmark fell considerably during 2004, though Diplom-Is increased its market share. The market in Sweden was stagnant and the Swedish company lost some market share. The company has four production sites: Brevik, Rakkestad, 2005. The group is also losing money in Denmark. New Gjelleråsen and Gothenburg. All of the factories were product launches and a stronger focus on profitability is BRC certified in 2004. HAACP analyses were also carried expected to boost the Danish results in 2005. Diplom-Is out. The factories in Norway are also 9001:2000 certified. achieved a surplus in Norway, even though the result Diplom-Is has a Scandinavian strategy and now has its was poorer than expected. The market in Norway was own companies in both Sweden and Denmark. The latter characterised by pressure on margins and strong com- is a sales company, while the company in Sweden also petition. The work on rationalisation and restructuring produces ice cream. will be intensified in Norway in order to meet the goal From a financial point of view, 2004 saw a lot of restruc- of increased profitability. turing in Sweden. After increasing its holding in Triumf Overall the consolidated accounts show a deficit for Glass & Diplom-Is AB to 87.5% as per 1st June, the com- 2004, which is unsatisfactory. Through the measures pany spent the autumn focusing on coordinating and that have been initiated the group aims to show a restructuring operations. The Swedish subsidiary experi- surplus for 2005. enced a significant deficit in 2004, and 2005 will also be characterised by restructuring. A new management team THE MAIN CHALLENGE FOR 2005 will be to significantly is in place in the Swedish company and an improvement increase the group’s profitability. There will continue to in its results is expected in 2005. Systematic restructuring be a strong focus on total quality and innovation in measures have been initiated and will be followed up in accordance with Diplom-Is’ brand strategy. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / SUBSIDIARIES – 23 Wholly owned subsidiaries Maritex AS Havnegata 17, 8600 Sortland Tel: (+47) 76 06 11 00, Fax: (+47) 47 76 11 06 10 Managing Director: Viktor Johnsen Email: vbj@maritex.com Maritex AS has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the TINE Group since October 2003. The company’s main activity is the production of high quality marine oils from cod liver. In 2004, Maritex initiated wide reaching projects to develop biotechnical ingredients based on the raw materials in Lofoten and Vesterålen. The company has 18 employees as per 31.12.2004. The company’s 2004 result was in line with its budget. The turnover was lower than budgeted as the sale of some biotechnical products has taken longer to take off than expected. Maritex is working closely with its customers and expects a growth in turnover for selected products in 2005. In 2004 Maritex AS completed a major expansion of its refinery for the high quality refining of Omega 3 oils. Maritex wants to switch from being a bulk producer of marine oils to being a producer of specialised highly refined oils for the health food and "functional food" segments. This will present new market opportunities. Maritex expects the value created by our marine oils to increase significantly in 2005. Maritex has worked closely with several major customers during 2004 on the development and launch of new products for 2005. Maritex’s chief focus in 2004 was on establishing customer contacts and the selection of products, both of which were successful. 24 – SUBSIDIARIES / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Norseland Inc. 1260 East Main Street Stamford, CT 06902 USA Tel: +1 203-324-5620, Fax: +1 203-325-3189 President & CEO: David M. Brohel Founded in 1978, Norseland Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of TINE BA. Norseland Inc. is responsible for the sale, marketing and distribution of TINE’s cheeses in the USA. Norseland Inc. also has a regional office in Canada that markets TINE BA’s products in Canada. Its main product, Jarlsberg®, has been distributed in the USA since 1965 and in Canada since 1963. As well as TINE’s products, Norseland Inc. represents other high quality European cheese brands. Norseland’s main products are Norwegian-produced Jarlsberg®, Jarlsberg® Lite, Ridder®, Snøfrisk®, Ski-Queen® (brown cheese) and Frozen Curd. In October 2000, the licensed production of Jarlsberg® commenced in Ohio, USA. The cheese has been on sale in the USA together with Jarlsberg® imported from Norway ever since. In 2004 sales reached record heights with total sales of 10,983 tons of Jarlsberg®. This is an increase of 21%. The increase was due to our cooperation with supermarket chains and to increasing the distribution of Jarlsberg® to cover 95% of the 32,000 largest supermarkets. American produced Jarlsberg® accounted for approximately 36% of total sales of Jarlsberg® in 2004. The USA regulates cheese imports via quotas set by the American Department of Agriculture and in 2004 Norseland’s quota amounted to 6,900 tons. It was also a record year for the sale of Norwegian cheese to Canada. Sales amounted to a total of 1,200 tons. 29 people work for Norseland Inc. in the USA. Six regional sales managers ensure national distribution via a network of brokers in grocery stores, large households and owner stores, as well as other distributors. Norseland Inc. employs two people in its regional office in Montreal, Canada. MAIN CHALLENGES FOR 2005: The goal for 2005 will be to increase sales to 12 000 tons. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / SUBSIDIARIES – 25 TINE’s corporate management as per 19.02.05 Bjørg Bruset Group Director • Communication • Organisation Hårek Skotnes Group Director • Logistics • ICT • Purchasing Hanne Refsholt Acting CEO Per Magnus Mæhle Corporate Staff, Director Kjetil Thu Group Director • Economy/Finance • TINE Raw Materials Gunnar Hovland Group Director • Market • Sales (domestic/export) Trond Smeby Managing Director Deputy for Acting CEO TINE Meieriet Sør Group Director • Research and development Stein Aasgaard Managing Director TINE Midt-Norge Group Director • Personnel and Skills Leif Arne Berge Managing Director TINE Meieriet Vest Group Director Clement Roaldstveit Managing Director TINE Meieriet Nord Group Director Stein Øiom Managing Director TINE Meieriet Øst Group Director 26 – CORPORATE MANAGEMENT / THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 Statistics 7. Total exports 1. Production of TINE products (tons) 2003 2004 White cheese 62 358 64 460 White cheese Brown cheese/Soft cheese spread 2003 2004 15 888 15 898 13 069 11 579 CWC 1 579 1 071 Processed cheese 1 489 1 494 Butter 970 607 Butter 8 653 9 400 Casein/milk powder 805 661 Brown cheese 499 480 2. Domestic sales, liquid products (TINE) (in 1,000 litres) Growth Processed cheese 9 7 Other dairy products 3 2 19 753 18 726 Total 2003 2004 2003-2004 467 946 468 609 0.1 % TINE Cream 25 043 25 362 -1.3 % TINE Soured cream 13 296 13 659 -2.7 % 8. Milk utilisation in TINE Dairies TINE Yoghurt 31 542 31 114 -1.4 % (The annual sales figures for solid products form the basis for the segment TINE Milk (all types) distribution) 3. Domestic sales, solid products (TINE) (in tons) Growth 2003 2004 White cheese, total 44 184 45 285 Brown cheese, total 10 426 1 319 Processed cheese, total Butter Desserts TINE Yoghurt, litre TINE Cream/soured cream, litre 2003 2004 2005 mill.l. mill.l. mill.l. 2003-2004 Turnover domestic 10 447 0.2 % Liquid milk (TINE) 568 556 546 540 533 1 239 -6.1 % Deliveries industry/players 121 123 124 122 130 20 21 21 17 17 480 505 500 507 505 Brown cheese (TINE)/casein 15 10 10 10 10 Edible fats 15 15 15 15 15 UHT products 22 22 22 23 23 Special powder products/casein 27 23 17 23 23 Skimmed milk powder (TINE) 35 40 35 41 41 1 1 1 0 0 1.304 1.316 1.291 1.298 1.297 White cheese 178 160 187 185 180 Brown cheese 3 3 3 3 3 30 5 5 5 5 7 179 12 174 4.3 % Cream mix 3.4 % White cheese (TINE) 4. Per capita consumption (TINE-products) TINE Milk, litre 2002 mill.l. 2.5 % 6 886 11 770 2001 mill.l. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 114.71 110.18 106.52 102.33 101.77 6.26 6.40 6.81 6.90 6.76 Returns Total domestic 8.24 8.30 8.39 8.38 8.47 12.25 12.27 12.30 12.27 12.39 1.73 1.53 1.50 1.49 1.55 Cheese (brown, white, imported and processed cheese), kg Butter, kg Turnover exports Special powder products/casein 5. Cheese exports per country (tons) Total exports 211 168 195 193 188 Year 2003 2004 Total 1.515 1.484 1.486 1.491 1.485 Japan 5 496 4 170 Milk deliveries (TINE Dairies) 1.499 1.482 1.481 1.470 1.464 USA 7 181 7 793 Milk from players other than Australia 1 432 1 788 TINE Dairies 5 2 1 21 21 UK 1 249 1 241 Canada 1 103 1 220 Sweden 602 582 9. Average price paid to producers 1995-2004 (NOK per litre) Germany 395 460 (Prices are price paid for milk excl. public subsidies) Denmark 122 120 (Since 01.07.98 the price paid for cows’ and goats’ milk is the same) Other markets Total 396 82 17 975 17 456 4.0 3.5 6. Cheese exports per category (tons) 480 Ridder Frozen Curd Snøfrisk Processed cheese Other cheeses Total 3.58 1 071 499 3.54 1 579 Brown cheese 3.46 CWC 3.33 3 202 3.32 12 227 4 337 3.19 11 094 Norvegia 3.33 Jarlsberg 3.20 2004 3.20 2003 3.13 3.0 Year 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 2.5 2.0 77 65 269 286 98 103 9 7 13 15 17 975 17 456 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2001: In addition, approx. NOK 0.06 was paid from owner’s equity to the producers in Fellesmeieriet, Østfoldmeieriet and Drammen Meieri. 2003: As of 2003 the price paid for milk includes sales tax. 2004: Milk producers have paid in NOK 0.04/litre to build up the PU fund. This has not been taken account of. THE TINE GROUP – ABBREVIATED ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2004 / STATISTICS – 27 ISSN. 0801-9790 70° The A rtic C ircle 20° 10° 65° 60° TINE BA Christian Frederiks plass 6 P.O. Box 25 N-0051 OSLO, Norway Phone: +47 22 93 88 00 www.tine.no
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