Inside - Village of Mundelein
Inside - Village of Mundelein
:ƵŶĞϮϬϭϮ sŽůƵŵĞϮϴEŽ͘ηϭϬϱ !"#$%&'(!)''"*)( Inside !"#$%&$$'()% Electrical Aggregation Lowers Rate .... 2 Zoning Ordinance ................................ 2 Fire Department Blood Drive............... 3 Police Department Events .................... 4 Property Maintenance .......................... 5 <ĞŶŶĞƚŚ,͘<ĞƐƐůĞƌ I hope you share my enthusiasm that this is a great time to live in Mundelein. I don’t mean to overlook the struggling global and national economies, or to minimize the hardships that many of us are experiencing, but it is always important to pause and reflect on the bigger picture. I find reasons to be optimistic about Mundelein’s future. New Events at Community Days ......... 6 Roadwork Program .............................. 8 Community Days Schedule ........... 9 - 11 Community Days Sponsors ................ 12 Water Quality Report .................. 13 - 16 New Village Map ............................... 17 Summer Concert Series ...................... 18 Arts Festival ....................................... 18 Commission Opportunities ................ 18 Save the Date ..................................... 19 sŝůůĂŐĞŽĨDƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ ϰϰϬĂƐƚ,ĂǁůĞLJ^ƚƌĞĞƚ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ͕/ůůŝŶŽŝƐϲϬϬϲϬ WŚŽŶĞ͗ϴϰϳͲϵϰϵͲϯϮϬϬ &Ădž͗ϴϰϳͲϵϰϵͲϬϭϰϯ ͲŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛŵƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ͘ŽƌŐ tĞďƐŝƚĞ͗ǁǁǁ͘ŵƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ͘ŽƌŐ sŝůůĂŐĞ,Ăůů,ŽƵƌƐ͗DͲ& ϴ͗ϬϬĂ͘ŵ͘Ͳϱ͗ϬϬƉ͘ŵ͘ This summer is full of fun, affordable community events that attract many visitors to our community, including, the Farmers Market, at the corner of Park and Seymour Streets every Friday from now until October; Park-onPark, downtown, on the 2nd Wednesdays on the month from May thru September; Summer concerts in the gazebo Sundays from 5:30 p.m. to 7 pm, starting June 24th; Mundelein Days, and the Mundelein Arts Festival, September 8th and 9th in Kracklauer Park. The 1st Mundelein Craft Beer festival which was held on June 9th attracted nearly 1,000 visitors and over 20 craft beer producers. These types of events make Mundelein a destination for visitors and give us an opportunity to highlight our community. In addition, a number of our local business such as Medline Industries, Ruprecht Company, Utopia Inc., Larsen Manufacturing, Gorman Foods, and Schwake Stone, are expanding their facilities and adding employees. We also have a few successful residential construction projects like Grand Dominion and Tall Grass Ridge, still moving forward and plans are in the works to add a second building to the Cardinal Square project on Anthony Street, behind the Post Office. Our downtown redevelopment project south of Hawley is on schedule. Construction of public improvements will begin this Fall. If you haven’t driven down Hawley lately, please drive by, the construction fence is down, the site is graded and seeded. You get a great sense of the potential of this important property to Mundelein’s future. Concept plans are being developed for this mixed-use development and will be posted on-line soon. This summer you will see bike path construction on Midlothian Road, sidewalk improvements on Rt. 45, Street improvements, and water system improvements. Yes, we are moving forward, rooted in the past and reaching for the future. ůĞĐƚƌŝĐĂůŐŐƌĞŐĂƚŝŽŶ>ŽǁĞƌƐZĂƚĞ O n May 14, 2012, the Village executed a two year electricity supply contract with First Energy Solutions Corp. as part of the Municipal Aggregation approved by voters on March 20, 2012. First Energy Solutions is an experienced energy supplier with electricity generation capacity. This contract provides Mundelein residents with a significant reduction on the price of electricity. The new rate under the aggregation program will be 4.77 cents per kWh, which is a savings of 44% percent off the June 1, 2012 ComEd rate of 8.5 cents per kWh. Customers may choose a 100% green power option for the slightly higher rate of 4.86 cents per kWh. The average residential home uses about 9,000 kWh per year; the average customer will see a cost reduction of $353.00 per year (at the 4.77 cents per kWh rate). If during the term of the contract, the ComEd electricity rate should fall below 4.77 cents/kWh First Energy will match the ComEd price or switch customers to ComEd at no charge. All residential and small commercial accounts will automatically be switched to the lower rate unless they have already changed their ComEd electric account to alternate electricity supplier or are in the Residential Real-Time Pricing (RRTP) program. If you have switched to an alternate supplier, you may still join Village of Mundelein’s electric aggregation program. There is no fee to join with First Energy, but you should check with your current alternate supplier before switching to determine whether you would be subject to an early termination fee from that supplier and whether the savings would be worth the cost to switch. Those residents who decide to switch from an alternate supplier, should contact First Energy at 866-636-3749 to join the Village of Mundelein electric aggregation program. Should you decide to wait until your current contract expires, you can still join the Village’s program with First Energy at that time. Opt-out letters will be mailed soon. You will receive a letter from First Energy on Village of Mundelein letterhead advising you of what to do. A link to the draft of the letter is on the home page of the Village website. The letter gives you two options: Option 1 “Do Nothing and Save”. By doing nothing you are automatically enrolled in the program. Option 2 “Opt-out By Returning the Form”. If you do not want to participate in the Village’s aggregation program, you must return the form. You will continue to be billed at the ComEd rate of 8.5 cents per kWh. If you have already switched to a different energy supplier (other than ComEd), you should not receive a letter. Residents will continue to receive one bill from ComEd which will include the electric supply charges from First Energy. ComEd will continue to charge for delivering electricity. The cost of the supply portion of your ComEd bill will drop significantly. This is a result of Illinois’ deregulated energy market and new technologies that have lowered the cost of producing electricity. For a more complete summary of questions and answers see the Aggregation article on the home page of the Village website. Ϯ · Zoning Ordinance Update T he Village will soon be adopting the long awaited Zoning Ordinance update. The Zoning Ordinance governs all residential, commercial and industrial development. The Village Board has reviewed and discussed the draft document. Items of interest in the proposed ordinance include: 1) New zoning districts such as the Downtown, Mixed-Use Lakefront, and Mixed-Use Industrial Districts; 2) A change to general use categories instead of specific permitted and special uses (although some uses are still specified); 3) Regulations for sustainable and green energy practices; 4) Adjustments to lot size, bulk, and density; and 5) Changes to the zoning approval process. Following the Village Board review, the document will be revised to incorporate the Board’s changes into a draft final ordinance. A public hearing before the Plan Commission is tentatively planned for 7:00 p.m., July 25th, at Fire Station Headquarters. The Plan Commission, will then make a recommendation to the Village Board for adoption or adoption with revisions. The public hearing will provide residents and business owners with an opportunity to ask questions and make comments. Comments will be used to make additional revisions where warranted. Notifications with the exact date and time will be sent out in several formats: 1) Mailing letters to property owners of record; 2) Posting a notice in the Daily Herald; 3) Posting agendas at the Village Hall and Fire Station 1; and 4) Posting notification on the website no later than 15 days prior to the public hearing date. Call Planning Development at 847949-3282 with any questions. &ŝƌĞĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ Energy-Saving Bulb Dangers M any of us are working to create a “greener” environment and promote energy savings by using the new Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (CFL’s). Compared to their incandescent counterpart CFL’s consume 25% to 33% less power and have a longer service life of 8 to 15 times longer. CFL bulbs do not have any greater fire danger in comparison to incandescent bulbs. As the CFL begins to fail from age, the ballast is designed to fail at the same time. According to Underwriter Laboratories, CFL’s will dim over time and when they fail they may produce a popping sound, may emit an odor and possibly some light smoke, but this is normal. There is a resister that works with the small ballast at the base of the bulb that controls the failure like a circuit breaker. If broken CFL bulbs can emit a small amount of mercury. Caution in the disposal of a broken bulb should be taken to reduce the chance of expose to mercury. Follow these safety precautions when disposing of a broken CFL bulb. • • • Clear the room of children and any pets to take care of broken glass. • Put on protective gloves, use a small broom or brush with a dust pan, dispose of debris and put it into a plastic bag. • • DO NOT throw the plastic bag into the ordinary trash. • For questions or concerns when a bulb fails, contact the Fire Department at 949-3260. Ventilate the room for 15 minutes. DO NOT clean the debris with a vacuum cleaner. This will spread the mercury through the filter system in the vacuum and into the air and contaminate the vacuum cleaner. Disposal is available at various locations throughout our area for locations, visit Attention Mundelein Residents A company called the Firefighters Burn Fund has been soliciting funds for an undisclosed burn camp for children. There is a burn camp in the Lake County area that is professionally run by the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance. But this company is not affiliated with that camp. Fightersfighers Burn Fund is fraudulently seeking donations. The Illinois Fire Chiefs Association and other local groups are working with the Attorney General’s Office to pursue this fraudulent activity. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Mundelein Fire Department at 847-949-3260. ! YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE E very three seconds someone needs blood. During the summer months the need for blood in the Chicago increases. Please join us on Saturday, July 7th. Summer Blood Drive 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fire Department 1000 N. Midlothian Road. Remember by donating just one unit of blood, it can save the lives of three (3) people; what better way can you think of to help someone? Donating blood is safe and simple. The entire process, from registration to refreshments, takes approximately one hour. Strict procedures for every step of the process ensure the safety of the donor and of the blood supply. Every measure is taken so that the donation is safe for the donor and recipient. Keep track of your cholesterol, iron, temperature, pulse and blood pressure readings online, confidentially, after your first donation. When you successfully donate three times within the calendar year, you will be eligible for the Advanced Wellness Check. This lipid profile test will provide you with comprehensive cholesterol information, such as HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. · ϯ WŽůŝĐĞĞƉĂƌƚŵĞŶƚ Ruse Burglaries Beware of individuals posing as workers offering to do landscaping, roofing, gutter cleaning, tuck pointing, blacktopping or cement work on driveways, trench digging, etc. Sometimes the scam team ask to enter the resident’s house, while the owner is occupied another offender steals personal belongings. In another variation of the scam, the scam team does not perform services they are paid for or appear to perform the work, often causing damage to the person’s home, and then charge an exorbitant fee. They will usually have a prepared presentation and talk fast in an attempt to confuse the resident. Be leery of door-to-door salespeople telling you that you need a new roof or repair work on your house. Most will urge you to have the work done on the same day and ask for cash up front. Get a second opinion from a trusted professional before having any work done! Remember to play it safe! The Village of Mundelein and utility companies issue all of its employees a photo identification cards that they carry when on duty (ask to see this identification from anyone that comes to your door). If they claim to be a Police Officer, ask to see their badge. If anything seems suspicious, call the Police by dialing 911. Let the Police verify the subject’s identity. If they are there on legitimate business, they will wait for the Police to arrive. Neighborhood Watch The Police Department is setting up Neighborhood Watch Meetings for the summer and fall months. Please call 847-968-4600 and ask for the Crime Prevention Office, if you are interested in hosting or attending these meetings. Code Red Alerts If you would like to be notified about emergency situations or critical community alerts please sign up for code red alerts at and click on the Code Red link at the top left-hand corner of the page. If you do not have internet access and/or need assistance with your enrollment, call 847-968-4600 and ask for the Telecommunications Center. Yellow Dot First Responder Alert The Yellow Dot Program is a program run through the Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Safety which is designed to alert first responders of detailed medical and health information about occupants of a vehicle. The instructions are simple and are included in the packet of information that can be picked up at the Police Department. For more information on this program visit ! Annual “Cops-n-Bobbers” Fishing Derby - Saturday, July 7th from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Derby will be located at Maurice Noll Park for participants ages 5 to 13. Prizes will be awarded. Children should bring their fishing poles and must be accompanied by a parent or adult. Food and non-alcoholic beverages are allowed, so feel free to bring a picnic lunch. For more information, contact Officer Kathleen Smith at 847-968-4600. Women’s Self Defense Class Offered If you are interested in joining the Police Department’s next Women’s Self Defense Class which begins on July 17, 2012, please call 847-968-3770 to register or for more information. National Night Out - Tuesday, August 7, 2012 starting at 6:30 p.m. Seymour and Courtland Come with your family, friends and neighbors to show your support against crime. Help us raise awareness and don’t forget your flashlight for the Crime Walk. ϰ · Lawn Care Maintenance(of(Vacant(Properties( M undelein, like many other communities has its fair share of properties that unfortunately have fallen into foreclosure proceedings. While many people think foreclosure means that the bank has taken the property back, that is incorrect. The bank or loan institution is the holder of a note (contract) which stipulates the loan rate and payment schedule. The property itself is the collateral for that loan. In order for the bank to “take” the property, the property needs to go through the very lengthy legal foreclosure process and then ultimately, a Sheriff’s sale. Currently, that legal process can take up to two years. In the meantime, the property may sit vacant and may not be properly maintained. It is in a sort of “legal limbo”. The Building Department spends a great deal of time locating and notifying the owners of code violations. Many times, the Village in unsuccessful in those pursuits and must cure the violations with its own resources in order to maintain the good appearance of our community. If the Village needs to provide these services, steps are taken to seek reimbursement for those costs, including filing liens on the property. If there appears to be a vacant or foreclosed property in your neighborhood, please contact the Building Department with the address of the property at 847949-3283 or e-mail us at R esidents are reminded of the Village Ordinance that requires grass and weeds to be maintained less than eight inches in height. Keeping the grass and weeds maintained does a lot for the overall look of the community. To report a property that appears to have long grass, or is not being maintained, please contact the Building Department. Building can be reached at 847-949-3283 or via email at An inspector will be dispatched to follow up on the possible violation. If it is determined the property is in violation, a notice will be sent out to the property owner. Please understand that the Village is required by law to provide a notice of a violation before any corrective action can be pursued. MUNDELEIN’S FIRST AND ONLY OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINIC! Expert Ophthalmology diagnosis and treatments Specializing in medical and surgical treatment of eye diseases including: diabetes, cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration Q Q Emily Velotta, MD 333 E IL Route 83, Suite 106, Mundelein On the corner of Townline Rd (Rte.60) ( ) and Route 83 Most medical insurances accepted! 847-566-5300 6-5300 Dr. Velotta is on staff at Advocate Condell, Northwestern Lake Forest and Advocate Good Shepherd Hospitals. This space available. For a price quote call George Velazquez at 1-800-950-9952tExt. 2631 Email: ©2012 FOR AD INFO CALL GEORGE VELAZQUEZ 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, MUNDELEIN, IL A (pg12) 4C 31-01189 06-05-2011 09:42:17 ! Downtown Events Park on park The 12th Annual Park on Park Cruise Nights are in full swing this summer on the 2nd Wednesday of each month through September. The event takes place rain or shine from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., located at Park Street and Seymour Avenue. Don’t forget to bring non-perishable goods for “Food Pantry Night” on Wednesday, August 8th. Farmers Market Every Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. through October 12th, located at Park Street and Seymour Avenue. Special Events include July 6th - Kids Day Free fire truck rides July 20th - Healthy Living Advocate Condell Medical Center and hearing tests courtesy of the Mundelein Lions Club July 27 and August 24 Master Gardener Q &A August 3 - Back to School Advocate Condell Medical Center August 10 - National Farmers Market Week Celebration Hayrides August 17th - Cooking Demo by the Ruprecht Company The Mundelein Days schedule is a little different this year since the 4th of July falls on a Wednesday. We start off with the Beauty Pageants on June 25th - 27th at Mundelein High School. The Mundelein Munch, carnival and main events will take place between Thursday, June 28th and Sunday, July 1st (see pages 9-11 for the full schedule of events). There will be a 2-day break before we return on July 4th with award-winning country rock band Slambama in concert from 7 to 9:30 p.m. followed by fireworks. On July 4th, food will be provided by Bill’s Pizza and Taco & Burrito Express. Dairy Queen and Maggie Moo’s will also be serving ice cream. The following events are new at this year at the festival. “Burger Bout”, Saturday June 30th, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. A hamburger cooking challenge sponsored by the Fire Department. Participants must be registered in advance and need to bring their own grill and burgers for the competition. Registration forms can be found under the Mundelein Community Days section at Registrations are due to the Fire Department by June 25th. Judges will select the best burger based on taste, presentation, and creativity. The burger recipes of the top 3 winners will be featured at Hitz Pizza & Sports Bar, Blue 60, and Luke’s for 1 month, July 1st - July 30th. World hacky sack champion, Andy Linder will perform on Friday, June 29th from 6 to 8 p.m. There is a new race course for this year’s Freedom Classic 5K Run/Walk which takes place on Saturday, June 30th. Pre-registration for this event is encouraged. Register online at or in person at the Mundelein Park District, 1401 N. Midlothian Road. You will notice a new layout to the Munch entrance this year, we have redesigned the beer garden and will be featuring Miller beer products plus Mundelein’s own Tighthead craft beers. We think the new design will be more welcoming and attractive. August 31st - Backyard Patch Featuring Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Free fire truck rides on Old #2 are back this year, after a 2 year hiatus: Friday, June 29th from 4 to 8 p.m., Saturday, June 30th from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, July 1st from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. September 7—10,000 Steps to Heart Health - Presented by Advocate Condell Medical Center New to this year’s Health and Wellness Expo on July 1st are free classes in Yoga, Zumba and Tai Chi. Preregistration is suggested but not required. Arts Festival September 8th and 9th Featuring 45 high quality artists ϲ !"#$%&%'#()*++"#',-(./-0( · Please make plans to attend the Mundelein Community Days, best small-town festival in the heart of Lake County. There is something fun for everyone at Mundelein Community Days. %BWJE#FDLFS0XOFS /JTTBO*OàOJUJ.BTUFS5FDIOJDJBO r Fax 4IPQ!.FJOFLFOFU *MMJOPJT"JS5FBN5FTUJOH$FOUFSCZBQQU 5PXOMJOF3E .VOEFMFJO*- (Between Rts 60 & 83 in Patriots Plaza) CHERISHED CHILDREN Early Learning Center, Inc. Licensed: Ages 6 wks. - 12 yrs. 406 Washington Blvd, Mundelein, IL (847) 566-1471 MUNDELEIN TIRE Kelsey & Jo Woody’s SERVICE, INC. Orthodontics &Complete Auto Care Tree Service Tom Fisher 379 N. Seymour Mundelein Owner 847-217-8654 ATTORNEYS AT LAW PHONE: 847.775.7700 WWW.CSMITHLAW.COM (847) 949-5110 This space available. For a price quote call George Velazquez at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2631 ONE NORTH COUNTY STREET WAUKEGAN, IL 60085 847-362-55455 900 N. Lake St. Ste. 104 Complete Tree Service ice (847) 970-3000 Mundelein, IL 60060 10% DISCOUNT Email: !!!"#$%&$%'()"*$$+,"-./"0"1)%2$2"3455,6"78 9:;<=>:<?:@@"0"9:;<!:A<!@!@"0"BB:<>;B<;99@ Ray Ladewig 847-566-5644 *Ask about our Senior, Military, or Teacher Discount! We do Pickup & Delivery Sales, Service & Parts for Mowers, Tractors, Bicycles, Snow Blowers & all Gas Powered Equipment &)BXMFZ4USFFUr.VOEFMFJO*- A ABSOLUTE APPLIANCE REPAIR Fast, Reliable, Affordable $15 OFF t#JSUIEBZ1BSUJFTt$PSQPSBUF1BSUJFTt-FBHVFT t$PSQPSBUF1BSUJFTt#JMMJBSETt$PTNJD#PXMJOH any appliance repair Bowl For $1.99 With First Game FREE Mundelein, IL 60060 Expires 02-15-2013 847-949-4011 4-BLF4UIUUQMBLFTJEFMBOFTOFU #POEFEt*OTVSFEt8FMM5SVTUFE Se Habla Español McMahonServices.Com 6%XWWHU¿HOG5G0XQGHOHLQ 8F/FWFS4QSBZ*U0O 8F#SVTI*U0O 5HVWRUDWLRQ6HUYLFHV)LUH6PRNH:DWHU0ROG /LFHQVHG(OHFWULFLDQ5HPRGHOLQJ5RRP$GGLWLRQV $BMM5PEBZ'PS:PVS2VPUF 847-980-6036 t.VOEFMFJO*- TAYLOR RENTAL CENTER BRAULIO LAWN MAINTENANCE, INC. Can Do all Your Summer Lawn Maintenance WINTER SNOW REMOVAL, SALTING & EXCAVATING Home Owners Contractors Party Planners Complete Landscaping Design * Brick Concrete Paving Brick & Concrete Driveways, Patios Etc. * Retaining Walls Seeding & Sodding * Free Estimates * Fully Insured Full-Service Lawn Care * Commercial * Residential 946 S. Lake Street 847-949-0500 Mundelein, IL 60060 * 847.970.9368 BOSTON PLUMBING, INC. 4FSWJDFr*OTUBMMBUJPO "MM5ZQFTPG1MVNCJOH Support Our Advertisers $BMM%BOPS.JLF Check the ads on this page -JD*- before you check the yellow pages. Automotive Repair and 24 Hour Towing Service )BCMBNPT&TQBOPM Todd Fisher MGN Lock - Key & Safes, Inc. President An II Residential Mortgage Licensee nmls#2580 An A+ Rated Better Business Bureau Company 333 E. IL Rte. 83, Suite 206 Mundelein, IL 60060 Phone 847-837-5303 ©2012 - 24 Hour Emergency Service Bonded & Insured Commercial - Residential - Automotive Locks - Keys - Safes - Sales & Service HOURS: (M-F) 9-5 (Sat) 9-2 &)BXMFZ4Ur.VOEFMFJO*MMJOPJT Ph: (847) 949-0603 Fax: (847) 949-9144 Email: FOR AD INFO CALL GEORGE VELAZQUEZ Website: 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM DG HARDSCAPES & DESIGNS, INC. Office: 847.949.9200 / Cell: 847.307.9873 OUTDOOR LIVING ENVIRONMENTS Installation & Design Commercial/Residential/Fully Insured r#SJDL1BUJPTr%SJWFXBZTr8BMLXBZTr'JSF1JUTr4FBU8BMMTr/BUVSBM4UPOF r0VUEPPS,JUDIFOTr'JSFQMBDFTr3FUBJOJOH8BMMTr3FQBJST r1SPQFSUZ.BJOUFOBODFr-BOETDBQJOHr4FFEr4PEr1MBOUJOHTr5SFFT r4ISVCTr1FSFOOJBMTr4QSJOH'BMM$MFBOVQTr.VMDIr1POETr-JHIUJOH VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, MUNDELEIN, IL B (pg. 7) 4C 31-01189 06-05-2011 09:42:17 Roadwork Program This year’s road improvement program will be focused in the Cambridge Country and Cambridge West subdivisions, concentrating on rehabilitation of the concrete roads. Targeted streets for improvements are: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Huntington Drive (Ballantrae-Butterfield) Knightsbridge Drive (Huntington-Windsor) Knightsbridge Court (Knightsbridge-end) Regent Drive (Southport-Barlow) Southport Road (Ansley-Compton) Windsor Place (Knightsbridge-Huntington) This project includes full depth concrete roadway patching and milling with asphalt overlay, sidewalk replacement, and minor storm sewer system improvements. The project is scheduled for completion by the end of September, including parkway restoration. If you have any questions about the details of the project or notice deficiencies during construction, please contract Public Works and Engineering at (847) 949-3220. Street Light Repairs There are over 1,500 street lights in the Village corporate limits some are maintained by the Village others by ComEd. In most cases, residents can assist the Public Works Department by reporting problems. If you notice lights that are not functioning by not coming on at night or lights that remain on during the day, please contact the Public Works and Engineering Department by phone at 847-949-3270 or by initiating a Request for Service Request located on left side of Village’s website homepage. Village lights are coach style lights on concrete or metal poles. If the street light is on a wooden pole, it is a ComEd street light. Upon notification, the Village will advise ComEd of the outage. Even though the street light is not the responsibility of the Village, please notify Public Works so that we may notify ComEd of the outage. Individuals may also use the ComEd Request for Streetlight Repair website. Logon to, select Customer Service, then Service Request and click on Street Light Maintenance. The Public Works and Engineering Department is committed to ensuring the safety of our right-of-way and the proper maintenance of Village-owned streetlights. To that end, the Village is implementing an LED pilot project related to Village streetlights. If successful, the Village will begin to implement and LED replacement program Village-wide as early as Summer 2013. Electronics Recycling - $5! 3ϰϰϬ͘ƌLJƐƚĂů^ƚƌĞĞƚ" &ϴĂ͘ŵ͘ƚŽϯƉ͘ŵ͕͘DŽŶĚĂLJͲ&ƌŝĚĂLJ͘ · !!!"#$%&"'(! Water Conservation !" #$ !$ $! "$ % ! tĂƚĞƌŝŶŐ ŝƐ ƉĞƌŵŝƚƚĞĚ ďĞƚǁĞĞŶ ϱ Ă͘ŵ͘ĂŶĚϭϬĂ͘ŵ͕͘ŽƌϲƉ͘ŵ͘ĂŶĚϭϭ Ɖ͘ŵ͘ ĂƐƚ ŽĨ ZŽƵƚĞ ϰϱ ŽŶ ĞǀĞŶ ĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌĚĂLJƐ͕tĞƐƚŽĨZŽƵƚĞϰϱŽŶ ŽĚĚĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌĚĂLJƐ͘ ! &$ ' $ $$ (( " ! ) ! $ " #$ ! ! $$$ " ! Mosquito Control ! #$ * $ + ' , " ' !! ' $ ! ,$ ' " - $ $' ! $ $ $ , $ . / 01 1222"#$ $ !$" ! 3$$$ ! , * 4* ! " &Žƌ ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞĚ ŶŽƚŝĨŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ͕ĐĂůůƚŚĞDŽƐƋƵŝƚŽ,ŽƚͲ ůŝŶĞ͕ϭͲϴϬϬͲϵϰϮͲϮϱϱϱ͘ 2012 MUNDELEIN COMMUNITY DAYS Presented by the Mundelein Community Days Commission Monday, June 25 ♦ 7:30 p.m. - Miss Mundelein Pageant (Mundelein High School) Tuesday, June 26 ♦ 7:30 p.m. - Junior Miss Mundelein Pageant (Mundelein High School) Wednesday, June 27 ♦ 7:00 p.m. - Little Miss Mundelein Pageant (Mundelein High School) Admission to pageants is $4.00 per person, $2.00 for children under 12 Thursday, June 28 ♦ 12 Noon - Mundelein Munch (Santa Maria Meadow - Beer Garden closes at 10:30 p.m.) ♦ 12 - 4 p.m. - Youth Bands (Main Stage) ♦ 4 - 5 p.m. - Mundelein Park District Dance Program (Gazebo) ♦ 4:30 p.m.- Introduction of Mundelein Pageant Queens (Main Stage) ♦ 5 - 7 p.m. - RoughHouse Blues (Main Stage - Sponsored by Weston Solutions) ♦ 5 - 11 p.m. - Carnival (Seymour and Courtland - Sponsored by American Legion Post 867) Special ticket prices: 10 tickets for $ 15, sale ends at 10:30 p.m. ♦ 8 - 11 p.m. - Expo ‘76 (Main Stage - Sponsored by Pulte Group) Friday, June 29 ♦ 12 Noon - Mundelein Munch (Santa Maria Meadow - Beer Garden closes at 10:30 p.m.) ♦ 12 Noon - 12:45 p.m. “Chicago” Mike Beck (Main Stage) ♦ 1 - 1:45 p.m. - Uncle Zesty & The Bootknockers ( Main Stage) ♦ 2 - 2:45 p.m. - Rachel Marie ( Main Stage) ♦ 3:30 p.m. - “King of the Wing” (hosted by H & H Productions) ♦ 4 p.m. - “Mundelein Food Wars” Best Pizza (hosted by H & H Productions) ♦ 4 - 8 p.m. - Fire Truck Rides (Seymour - near tennis courts at Kracklauer Park) ♦ 5 - 7 p.m. - Samadhi Vibe (Main Stage - Sponsored by Kloss Distributing) ♦ 5 - 11 p.m. - Carnival (Seymour and Courtland - Sponsored by American Legion Post 867) ♦ 6 - 8 p.m. - Andy Linder, Footbag (Hacky Sack) World Champion & World Record Holder ♦ 8 - 11 p.m. - Wedding Banned (Main Stage - Sponsored by CN Canadian National Railway) Official Sponsor of Mundelein Community Days Distributed by Kloss Distributors · 2012 MUNDELEIN COMMUNITY DAYS Saturday, June 30 ♦ 8 a.m. - Mundelein Park District’s Freedom Classic 5K Run/Walk and 1/2 Mile Youth Run (Race starts at 1401 N. Midlothian Road) ♦ 9 a.m. - Pet Parade & Cute Pet Tricks (Park & Seymour - Sponsored by McDonald’s and the Pet Factory) ♦ 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Arts & Crafts Fair (north end of Kracklauer Park - hosted by the Mundelein Jaycees) ♦ 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - “Gear Up - Get Ready” Citizen Preparedness Team ♦ 9:45 a.m. - 25th Annual Patriotic Celebration hosted & sponsored by the Historical Society of Fort Hill Country Keynote Speaker: Chief Raymond Rose, Innovation by Pastor Mark Selbo Featuring: Former Mayor Marilyn Sindles, Captain Randall John Lynch, Lake County Navy League President Joe Neal, President and Museum Curator Dottie Watson, VFW Post 7191, American Legion 867, Navy Quartet, “Brass Ambassadors” Quintet, Chain of Lakes Model A Car Club, 1925 Stoughton Fire Truck, popcorn and refreshments. Museum is open to 4:00 p.m. ♦ 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Car Show (Santa Maria - West Parking Lot) ♦ 10 a.m. - Senior Horseshoe Tournament (Crystal St. & Lincoln Ave.) ♦ 12 Noon - Mundelein Munch (Santa Maria Meadow - Beer Garden closes at 10:30 p.m.) ♦ 12 Noon - 3 p.m. - Bingo ( Main Stage - hosted by Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish) ♦ 1 p.m. - Horseshoe Tournament (Crystal St. & Lincoln Ave. - hosted by John & Evelyn Diebold) ♦ 1 - 2 p.m. - Steve Belliveau, Magician (near Arts & Crafts Fair) ♦ 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. - SRACLC Beanbag Toss ( Gazebo - hosted by the Special Recreation Association of CLC) ♦ 2 - 8 p.m. - Fire Truck Rides (Seymour - near tennis courts at Kracklauer Park) ♦ 2 - 11 p.m. Carnival (Seymour and Courtland - Sponsored by American Legion Post 867) ♦ 2 p.m. - Watermelon Eating Contest (Gazebo area - hosted by the LMV Kiwanis Club) ♦ 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - “Burger Bout” Grilling Competition (hosted by Mundelein Fire Department) ♦ 3 p.m. - “Bags” Tournament (Kracklauer Park - $5 entry fee, Registration from 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.) Hosted by the Mundelein Park District, Sponsored by Consumers Credit Union ♦ 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. - Facepainting (Gazebo) ♦ 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. - ESPN Deportes Radio Station (Main Entrance) ♦ 3. p.m. - 5 p.m. - Mariachi Morelos (Sponsored by Taco & Burrito Express) ♦ 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. - Pony Rides (Crystal St. - Sponsored by Bill’ Pizza & Pub and MacLean Fogg Company) ♦ 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. - Rockin Fenderskirts (Main Stage - Sponsored by Garden Fresh and Party Fantasy) ♦ 8 p.m - 11 p.m. - Suburban Cowboys (Main Stage - Sponsored by Groot Industries) · 2012 MUNDELEIN COMMUNITY DAYS Sunday, july 1 ♦ 8 a.m. - Noon - Health & Wellness Expo (Gazebo - Sponsored by Smith & LaLuzerne, Ltd. and College of Lake County—Southlake Campus) ♦ 8 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - Pancake Breakfast (Santa Maria Meadow - hosted Mundelein Fire Association) ♦ 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Arts & Crafts Fair (north end of Kracklauer Park - hosted by the Mundelein Jaycees) ♦ 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. - “Gear up - Get Ready” Citizen Preparedness Team ♦ Noon - Mundelein Munch (Santa Maria Meadow - Beer Garden closes at 9:30 p.m.) ♦ Noon - 3 p.m. Bingo ( Main Stage - hosted by Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish) ♦ 2 p.m. - Mundelein Community Days Parade (Hawley Street from Prospect to Mundelein High School) ♦ 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. Carnival (Seymour and Courtland - Sponsored by American Legion Post 867) Special ticket prices for 2 to 5 p.m.: 10 tickets for $ 15, sale ends at 4:30 p.m. ♦ 4 p.m. - Jason Kollum, Juggler/Stiltwalker (Festival grounds) ♦ 4 p.m. - McNulty Irish Dances (Gazebo) ♦ 4 p.m - 8 p.m. - Fire Truck Rides (Seymour - near tennis courts at Kracklauer Park) ♦ 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. - The Mosquitos (Main Stage) ♦ 7 - 10 p.m. - Sundance (Main Stage - Sponsored by Ruprecht Company6 Wednesday, july 4 ♦ 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - Slamabama Concert (Main Stage) ♦ 9:30 p.m. - Fireworks (Rain Date July 5th) · MUNDELEIN COMMUNITY DAYS SPONSORS The Mundelein Community Days Commission hopes you will support our sponsors, their generous donations make this festival possible. platnium sponsors ($1,500 +) gold sponsors ($1,000 +) CN Garden Fresh Market & Party Fantasy Groot Industries, Inc. Pulte Homes Ruprecht Company Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Bill’s Pizza & Pub College of Lake County—Southlake Campus Consumers Credit Union Gewalt-Hamilton Associates, Inc. MacLean Fogg Company McDonald’s of Mundelein Northside Community Bank Pet Factory, Inc. Smith & LaLuzerne, Ltd. silver sponsors ($500 +) Ace Hardware Advocate Condell Medical Center AT&T Cahill Heating, A/C & Electric Service, Inc. Dover Straits Farr Associates Hollister Incorporated Kinnucan Company Mega Group Mundelein Crossings, LLC Mundelein Animal Hospital Mundelein Foot & Ankle Center Taco & Burrito Express The Home Depot Special thanks to: American Legion #867, LMV Kiwanis Club, H & H Productions, John & Evelyn Diebold, Santa Maria Del Popolo Parish, SRACLC, Mundelein Park District, Mundelein Jaycees, Pine Meadow Golf Club, Century 21 Marketplace, Consumers Credit Union, GLMV Chamber of Commerce, Mundelein Community Connection, Mundelein Community Women’s Club, O Salon & Spa, McNulty Irish Dancers, Tighthead Brewing Company, Betty Hurmis, Marilla Milner, Karen Bost, Barb Lovsin, Tricia Sample, Jennifer Hay, Virginia Biegel, Gary Gunther, Vern Lappe, Rob Horton, Dick Hegerle Mundelein Community Days Commission: Alex Marx, Chairman Margaret Resnick Wally Frasier Richard Rothmann Shah Quaiyoom Bill Rekus Walter Szatkowski Mike Flynn bronze sponsors ($100 +) Accelerated Rehabilation Centers Accounting Freedom Ltd. Action Fence Adult & Pediatric Orthopedics, S.C. American Mobile Staging, Inc. Azteca Restaurant, Inc. Best Car Care II BMO Harris Bank Burlington Coat Factory Casey Landscaping, Inc. Dixon Engineering Doctors Battaglia, Blasis & Ottaviano Fairhaven Auto Clinic Fairhaven Medical Supply Flowerama Gale Street Inn Golf Zone Hydraulic Services & Repairs, Inc. Identify Fitness, LLC Jay’s Liquor J.E. Hoffman Company Joel Fiorelli State Farm Insurance Agency John Lucente’s Barber Shop Kristan Funeral Home Meineke Car Care Center Mundelein Automotive Mundelein Community Bank Muntz Industries Northfield Block Company · Northstar Pickle Company Osaka Sushi Probuilt Professional Lighting RHMG Engineers, Inc. Ron’s Mundelein Hobbies Rust-Oleum Corporation Shear Paradise Pet Salon & Spa Skinner Amusements Smile Maker Dental Center Sysmex America, Inc. Tacos El Norte The Carpet Corner Dear Water Customer, ͕ ͕͗ǡ͖͔͕͕Ǥ Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ̵ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ͛͘͜Ǧ͘͝͝Ǧ͖͗͛͗ǡ ͛͘͜Ǧ ͖͙͝Ǧ͛͛͜͜ǡ ǤǤ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ɟ Ǥï ɟ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǯǤǦ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ! ! ! ǯǫ ǫ ǡ ȋȌǡ ǡǤ ǣ ǡ ͕͔ ǡ Ǥ ȋȌǤǦ ǡ ǣ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ! ǫ ǯǤ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥǡ Ǥ Ǧǡǡ Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ Ǧ Ǥǡ ! ǫ ǡǤǤ ȋȌ Ǥ Ǥ Ǧ ȋ ȌǤ Ǧ Ǧ ǤǤ ȋȌǤ Ǥ Ǥ · !"#$%&'()*#$'+%,-./-)0+1%#&'%2-)0+%30%-)&%+&30430(%5#$'&6% = ! 232'&' " 3" >' $ = " " 0!" B " % & B" B ,23< ,23 '" Level Detected Range of Levels Detected MCLG MCL Violation? Sample Date Primary Compound Sources Alpha Emitters (pCi/l) 2.6 Single Sample 0 15 No 11/12/08 Decay of natural deposits Arsenic (ppb) 0.97 0.80 - 0.97 0 10 No 7/20/11 Erosion of natural deposits, runoff Barium (ppm) 0.022 0.021 – 0.022 2 2 No 9/12/11 Erosion of natural deposits, runoff, metal refinery discharge Beta/Photon Emitters (mrem/yr) 3.9 Single Sample 0 50 No 11/12/08 Decay of natural deposits Bromate (ppb) 1.3 <1 – 1.3 0 10 No 5/20/11 By-product of disinfection Chlorine (ppm) 0.6 0.5 – 0.7 4 4 No Daily Chromium, Total (ppb) 2.8 0.2 – 2.8 100 100 No 4/19/11 Combined Radium 226/228 (pCi/l) 1.6 Single Sample 0 5 No 11/12/08 Decay of natural deposits Fluoride (ppm) 0. 96 0.80 – 0.96 4 4 No 8/1/11 Added for dental health 37 <15 – 37 50 50 No 7/20/11 Erosion of natural deposits, runoff Nitrate (mg/L) 0.56 0.01 – 0.56 10 10 No 2/14/11 Naturally occurring Sodium (ppm) 8.6 6.8 – 8.6 None None No 2/14/11 Erosion of natural deposits, runoff Total Haloacetic acids 1.5 1.0 – 1.5 None 60 No Quarterly! By-product of chorine disinfection Total Trihalomethanes 20 8 - 24 None 80 No Quarterly! By-product of chlorine disinfection Turbidity (% acceptable) 100% 100% None 0.3 TT No 12/31/11 Lake sediment, soil runoff Turbidity (NTU) 0.07 0.02 - 0.07 None 1 TT No 12/31/11 Lake sediment, soil runoff Compound (Units) Manganese (ppb) (ppb) (ppb) Added for disinfection Erosion of natural deposits, runoff, metal refinery discharge Compound (Units) Level Detected # Sites Over Action Level MCLG MCL Violation? Sample Date Primary Compound Sources Copper (ppm) 0.309 0 1.3 1.3 No 06/2012 Household plumbing corrosion Bacteria Highest % of Positives MCLG MCL Violation? Sample Date Primary Compound Sources Coliform 2.3 0 No Weekly Naturally present in the environment Fecal/E. coli 0 0 5% per month 0% per month No Weekly Naturally present in the environment · Abbreviation Definition Action Level MCL MCLG Action Level is the level that triggers special treatment or other required actions by a water supply. Maximum Contaminant Level is the highest level allowed by EPA in drinking water. Maximum Contaminant Level Goal is the level of a contaminant below which there is no known or expected health risk. NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units. Turbidity is a measure of water clarity. pCi/l pico Curies per liter. EPA considers 50 pCi/L to be a level of concern for beta particles. pos/month The maximum number of positive samples collected in a calendar month. ppb Parts-per-billion is also referred to as micrograms per liter (µg/L). Equivalent to one ounce in 7,350,000 gallons of water. ppm Parts per-million is also referred to as milligrams per liter (mg/L). Equivalent to one ounce in 7,350 gallons of water.! TT Treatment Technique refers to a required process intended to reduce contaminant level drinking water.! % " " # 8"D >' 232'&' " " ,23 , " $ D " # " $ , # C% " > ') 9C% >': % $& + #-#.F#./0 = " $ " ' " " " # $ "2 ; ! • • " # ' 232'&' $ " " ! $ B • • • , " # "$ D # # > # 1 " # * " " · D >' < 3 $ > ' 3 $ , $ " $ 232'&'@ $ $ " $@ 8+" BA % % 9A%%: # Keep our rivers and lakes clean. 232'&'@ $ A%% # Never flush or pour unused > *" medications 3 $, & 1" " " $ > !%& ' 3 $ 2 3 $ # " & " G 8 B Violation Type CCR ADEQUACY/ AVAILABILITY/CONTENT Violation Begin Violation End 07/01/2011 · $$ " " D " ( $ $ 8 B % $ & + #-# .F#./0YYYGRCIQXUCHGYCVGTNGCF % " $ # D # # " +D!H'D% $# $ " " $ C% >' 2 2 922: $2 # " C% >'% $# & + #-#.F#./0 ! = 1 , = 232'&' & 232'&'" # " $ "> ! 232'&' Violation Explanation We failed to provide to you, our drinking water customers, an annual report that adequately informed you about the quality of our drinking water and the risks from exposure to contaminants detected in our drinking water. Last year we failed to include the statement of “How can lead get into the drinking water”. This year’s report includes this statement. There were no other violations in 2011. s ign up to receive email updates of the Business Newsletter, the Village Newsletter, and periodic E-news announcements on the Village website. Click on “ENewsletter Sign Up Here” at the top of the front page. Then choose which communication you would like to receive. Electronic mailing lists are not distributed outside the Village and are only used for Village communications. If you choose to receive the Village Newsletter electronically, you will still receive a paper copy in the mail because the Newsletter is mailed “Bulk Rate Third Class” to Postal Service Customers. It is not individually addressed. You can choose to “unsubscribe” from the Enews at anytime. I t may be old-fashioned, but some people still like, and actually use, paper maps. In the era of Mapquest, GPS, and mobile maps there is still a place of the traditional fold-out map. Every couple of years the Village updates the Village map to reflect annexations, street changes, etc. The map is a project of the Village’s Economic Development Commission. It is published by Village Profile, Inc. and is paid for through advertising. Maps are sent to all new residents and businesses. Copies are available to the general public at the Village Hall. New this year, is an on-line link to the Mundelein map on the Village website, under “Economic Development”. Public Works Requests for things like tree trimming in the right-of-way, fire hydrant problems, sidewalk and pothole repair, etc. can be reported by clicking on “Request for Service” located on the Village’s website home page. If it an urgent matter, call Public Works 847-949-3270 during normal business or Police nonemergency 847-968-4600 at any other time. Support Our Advertisers 'SBOL.BIBS#SBODI.BOBHFS Check the ads on this page t Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee t NMLS# 229689 before you check the yellow pages. /-BLF4U.VOEFMFJO*-847-970-9446 MOHR PLUMBING, INC. MUNDELEIN, IL Since 1991 Free Estimates RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL LICENSED & BONDED 847-918-7720 OELERICH Vital Relief Chiropractic Heating & Air Conditioning Service on All Models Your Local Contractor Dr. Matthew Klestinski, D.C., M.A. Allergy Season is Here! Stuffy nose? Itchy or watery eyes? Rashes? We can help! t Humidifiers t Duct Work t Air Cleaners t Water Heaters t Boilers t Blown- In Insulation t Hi-Efficiency Furnaces & Air Conditioners (847) 566-7900 Country Night Club 847-949-0858 At the corner of Rt. 176 & 83 SERVICES INCLUDE: in a Now cation! Lo W E N 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS 4)*/(-&r800%r'-"5 3&4*%&/5*"-$0..&3$*"3&1"*341&$*"-*454 4".&%":3&410/4& Advanced Allergy Therapeutics Chiropractic Adjustments Bemer 3000 Treatments Vital Relief Chiropractic Mundelein Professional Building /-BLF4USFFUTU'MPPSt.VOEFMFJO*- 847-204-6998 10% OFF ROOM Mundelein Automotive, Inc. Serving the Mundelein area Since 1976 t5VOF6QTt#SBLFTt.VGnFSTt4IPDLTt5SBOTNJTTJPOT t&NJTTJPO3FQBJSTt"MJHONFOUT.PSF Mon-Thur (Space Available) 15% OFF ROOM Fri-Sun (Space Available) (847) 949-1480 t'3&&8*'*t'-"54$3&&/574 t'3&&$0/5*/&/5"-#3&",'"45 1950 S. Lake St., Mundelein, IL (847) 949-8842 ©2012 15 E. Maple, (Rt. 176 & Seymour) FOR AD INFO CALL GEORGE VELAZQUEZ 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, MUNDELEIN, IL C (pge. 5) 4C 31-01189 06-05-2011 09:42:17 September 8th and 9th Summer Concerts—Kracklauer Park ! Concerts held on Sundays, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. June 24th Shout Section Big Band (Jazz, Rock, Swing) Kracklauer Park T his year’s Mundelein Fine Arts Festival, a high quality juried shows, will feature 45 artists in this high quality, juried show. If your business could use a lovely piece of original art for your lobby or conference room, you may want to consider being a Purchase Award Sponsor. Purchase Award Sponsors agree to purchase a piece of artwork from the festival. Businesses making purchases of $100 or more are recognized at the festival on a colorful ribbon with the name of their business prominently featured and proudly displayed by the vendor of your choice. Purchase Award Sponsors are recognized on the festival website and your promotional business materials are distributed at the event. For more information contact Mundelein Community Connection at 847-970-9235 or visit ! July 8th Midnight (Blues/Jazz) July 15th Buckley Road Band July 22nd Henhouse Prowlers (Bluegrass) July 29th Bandoleros (Latin) Aug. 5th Lake Shore Symphony (rain location santa maria parish center) Aug. 12th MHS Jazz Band !"#!$%&&'()#*%+,#!-%&.$/## #$+)- $$ $ 7-.86 !9.8$/%"" ! 91$%"" # !$ : $"9' !: 1 $ " Grants fund Lighting Retrofit T he Village has received granting funding to retrofit all Village facilities in need with new fluorescent bulbs and ballasts. In the wake of recent legislation eliminating the production of T12 bulbs and ballasts in the upcoming years, the Village is seeking to modernize its facilities to a more energy efficient technology. This project will replace the existing T12 bulbs and ballasts with new T8 bulbs and ballasts that are more energy efficient and have a longer life cycle. The project will be funded in part by two separate grants. The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation and the DCEO Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program. This retrofit will allow the Village to reduce its energy usage by more than 12, 000 kWh per year throughout the older buildings such as the Village Hall, Public Works, Wastewater Treatment and Water Pump facilities. These upgrades will be implemented with no cost to the taxpayers of Mundelein. The Village is able to leverage funding from these two grant sources, thereby eliminating the cost share for the Village. The project is expected to be completed by late September. (Country) · ŽĂƌĚΘŽŵŵŝƐƐŝŽŶ sĂĐĂŶĐŝĞƐ T here are currently vacancies on the Human Relations Commission, Economic Development Commission and the Plan Commission, as well as the Fire and Police Pension Boards. For a description of the duties, meeting times, etc. visit and click on Boards and Commissions. To apply for one of the vacancies please complete the Application for Appointment on the website and send it to Mayor Kenneth Kessler, Village of Mundelein, 440 E. Hawley Street, Mundelein, IL 60060. Contact 847-949-3223 with any questions. !"#$%&'$%("&$% :ƵŶĞϭ dŚƌƵ KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϮ :ƵŶĞϮϯ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶ&ĂƌŵĞƌƐDĂƌŬĞƚ ǀĞƌLJ&ƌŝĚĂLJĨƌŽŵϯWDƚŽϳWD ^tĐŽƌŶĞƌŽĨWĂƌŬĂŶĚ^ĞLJŵŽƵƌ :ƵŶĞϮϯ 'ĂƌĚĞŶtĂůŬ :ƵŶĞϮϱʹϮϳ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶWĂŐĞĂŶƚƐ !!!!! ! ! W,KEEhDZ^ ;ůůĂƌĞĂĐŽĚĞƐĂƌĞϴϰϳƵŶůĞƐƐ ŽƚŚĞƌǁŝƐĞŶŽƚĞĚͿ !! tĂŬĞŽĂƌĚŽŵƉĞƚŝƚŝŽŶͲŝĂŵŽŶĚ>ĂŬĞ :ƵŶĞϮϴͲ:ƵůLJϭ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂLJƐ :ƵůLJϰ ŽŶĐĞƌƚΘ&ŝƌĞǁŽƌŬƐ :ƵůLJϳ WŽůŝĐĞĞƉƚ͘<ŝĚƐ͛&ŝƐŚŝŶŐĞƌďLJ :ƵůLJϳ &ŝƌĞĞƉƚ͘ůŽŽĚƌŝǀĞ :ƵůLJϭϭ WĂƌŬŽŶWĂƌŬ :ƵůLJϭϯΘϭϰ &ƌŝĞŶĚƐŽĨ&ƌĞŵŽŶƚ>ŝďƌĂƌLJŽŽŬ^ĂůĞ! ƵŐƵƐƚϳ EĂƚŝŽŶĂůEŝŐŚƚKƵƚ! ƵŐƵƐƚϴ WĂƌŬŽŶWĂƌŬ ƵŐƵƐƚϵͲϭϭ &ƌŝĞŶĚƐŽĨ&ƌĞŵŽŶƚ>ŝďƌĂƌLJŽŽŬ^ĂůĞ ! ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϴΘϵ DƵŶĚĞůĞŝŶƌƚƐ&ĞƐƚŝǀĂů ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϭϮ WĂƌŬŽŶWĂƌŬ! ! tdZ/>>WzDEd^!1$$$" ! Ύs/>>'KZ $$$ 8%"" ! ΎW>EKDD/^^/KE $3$$ 8%"" ! ΎWWZEZs/tKDD/^^/KE $# $$8%"" ! Ύ,hDEZ>d/KE^KDD/^^/KE ;3$$ %<"" ! KEKD/s>KWDEdKDD/^^/KE ;$#$$ $8%<""$ 5 11.)$ ! =$ $;,.)$ $ -"* $!$ !$;!$"9 $* !" >&"$' ; 9* 9 ! $* ? 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MAPLE AVENUE MUNDELEIN, IL 60060 Joel E Fiorelli, Agent President’s Club 83 E. Division St. Mundelein, IL Bus 847 566 0122 )"#-".04&41"µ024 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Northwest corner of Midlothian and Route 176 847-837-1110 Proudly serving the community Sirviendo orgullosamente la comunidad latina 300'*/(4*%*/((655&34 Edward A. Schulz, D.P.M. Board Certified American Board of Podiatric Surgery Condell Medical Building 550 North Midlothian, Suite 100 Mundelein, Illinois 60060 847-566-9030 Condell Medical Building 1170 East Belvidere, Suite 203 Grayslake, Illinois 60030 847-543-4300 ©2012 FOR AD INFO CALL GEORGE VELAZQUEZ r5FBSPGGT3FSPPGT r3FQBJST"MM5ZQFT r7FOUJMBUJPO4PMVUJPOT r$BSQFOUSZ"MM5ZQFT Installations Inc. r)BJMBOE8JOE&YQFSUT No job too big or small! r'BNJMZ0XOFE 219 W. Maple Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060 Tel: (847) 566-8020 Fax: (847) 566-8044 Family Owned & Operated $BMM'PS.POUIMZ4QFDJBMT Celebrating Our 25th Year! Serving Mundelein and the Surrounding Communities 5IPVTBOE)PVTFIPMETPG+PC&YQFSJFODF We are an “Owens Corning Preferred Contractor” 847-949-9180 845 E Orchard Ave, Mundelein 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM VILLAGE OF MUNDELEIN, MUNDELEIN, IL D (pg. 9) 4C 31-01189 06-05-2011 09:42:17
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