09 September Encounter 2016
09 September Encounter 2016
September 2016 The Pastor’s Pen Whether we’re ready for it or not, summer is almost over. Vacations have come to an end; children have returned to school; autumn’s chill will soon be in the air. With the coming of fall, many of us find our lives settling into a more “normal” – and often fuller – routine. We find ourselves returning to the often busy schedule of the school year. Life at St. Andrew is no exception. September means the startup of programs and activities that were put on hold for the summer. Sunday school, confirmation, choir, Bible studies, the adult forum – all the ministries of the church are once again functioning at full speed. The life of the congregation gets busier. ... a vehicle for helping us to live out our Christian faith. Hopefully, however, the programs and activities are more than just opportunities for us to be busy. Hopefully we see them as opportunities to grow in our relationship with God and to carry out our calling to be God’s servants and witnesses. Our life together as a congregation ought to be a vehicle – a vehicle for helping us to live out our Christian faith. By gathering together for worship and other congregational activities, each of us is enabled to be a more faithful follower of Jesus. Participating in the life of the congregation strengthens and equips us for the tasks God has given us to do. As we begin another year of ministry, I encourage all of us to think seriously and prayerfully about where we can “plug in” to the life of the congregation. Each of us is needed for our congregation to be all that it can be. And each of us can benefit from the support and fellowship that the congregation gives. By God’s grace may this be a year of growth, enrichment and service for us all! Many Activities and Information Inside! • Quilters’ Crossing • Scripture Readings • Treasurer’s Report • ELCA World Hunger • Bible Journaling • Memorial Fund Report • People Power Schedule • STEWARDSHIP • Flu Shots at St. Andrew • Ministry Leaders 2016 • KFC Fall News • New Sermon Series • September Movie Night! • Sunday Morning Adult Forum • Wednesday Morning Bible Study • Women’s Saturday Morning Breakfast Bible Study • September Calendar • Prayer Ventures • Women’s Fellowship 2016-2017 Schedule • For Our Young Readers See you in worship. Pastor Selbo St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com Quilters’ Crossing Scripture Readings for September FALL QUILT RAFFLE OCT 16, 2016 Sunday, September 04, 2016 16th Sunday after Pentecost Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 1 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33 A free raffle ticket will be given for each item or package received -Tickets and drop off will be Oct 9th and 16th - before and after both services. T - SHIRT CHALLENGE Sunday, September 11, 2016 17th Sunday after Pentecost Acts 4:13 Luke 7:36-50 Needed . . . 300 + men’s T-shirts • Size L and XL - slightly used, any color. • Bath size mild bars of soap (i.e. Ivory) • Large safety pins to be used for diaper pins. • Any baby care items from our list below are also welcome and will receive raffle tickets. If items have been or will be dropped off during August, September and before October 9th and 16th, please put your name and phone number on the item and you will also receive your raffle tickets. There will be a box and a QUILTER in the narthex October 9th and 16th to collect donations and to give you your raffle tickets. Other Baby Care items on our list include size 6 – 24 mos. Sleepers, T-shirts, blankets, sweater or jacket, hat, hand towel Sunday, September 18, 2016 18th Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 32:7-14 Psalm 51:1-10 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10 Sunday, September 25, 2016 19th Sunday after Pentecost Amos 8:4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13 Family, Friends, Neighbors would be a good source. If you are into garage sales that would be another source. Treasurer’s Report For July 2016 Income Jul-16 Budget YTD ‘16 YTD Budget Annual Budget REGULAR GIVING $24,098 $19,662 $166,379 $155,257 $272,670 SEASONAL GIVING $- $- $4,546 $6,840 $13,500 DESIGNATED GIVING $1,333 $40 $4,730 $2,440 $4,400 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME $80 $50 $930 $1,700 $3,300 BENEVOLENCE INCOME* $2,231 $2,500 $17,930 $17,500 $30,000 * (Must Be Designated on Envelope) Total Operating Income $27,743 $22,252 $194,514 $183,737 $323,870 Total Expenses $21,815 $25,113 $182,551 $189,862 $323,814 Building Fund Balance:* * (Must Be Designated on Envelope) $59,191 St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com ELCA World Hunger Nearly 800 million people – that’s 1 in 10 people in our world today – are hungry. As members of the ELCA, we are called to respond. We are a church that rolls up our sleeves and gets to work. Working with and through our congregations, in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands Lutheran churches overseas and other partners, ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to reach communities in need. From health clinics to microloans, water wells to animal husbandry, community meals to advocacy, your gifts to ELCA World Hunger make it possible for the ELCA to respond, supporting sustainable solutions that get at the root causes of hunger and poverty. Hunger facts: • 795 million people around the world – that’s 1 in 10 – can’t access the food they need to live active, healthy lives. [1] • 1 billion people live in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 per day. That’s 14.5% of the world’s population. [2] • At some point in 2014, more than 48 million people in the United • States were unsure where their next meal might come from. [3] • 46.7 million Americans were living in poverty in 2014. For a family of four, this means their annual household income was below $23,850. [4] We, at St. Andrew will be participating this fall with an appeal to raise money for a water well. Please watch for further information in upcoming issues of the Encounter and in Sunday announcement sheets in the bulletin. In addition to giving through the congregation, individuals can also give directly to the challenge at www.elca.org/Our-Work/ Relief-and-Development/ELCA-World-Hunger [1] Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2015 [2] The World Bank, 2015 [3] USDA, 2015 [4] US Census Bureau, 2015 Memorial Fund Report MEMORIAL GIFTS RECEIVED Donn & Tana Hamm In memory of Paul Gerjol, Grace Obermeyer & Carlene Fitz-Hugh Joe & Jenny Prescia In memory of Carlene Fitz-Hugh Ann & Gary Burchardt In memory of Carlene Fitz-Hugh Bible Journaling Group Have you heard of Bible journaling? If not, it is a new way to be connected to scripture by using the creative gifts God gave us to worship Him and express our faith. It is also a growing community of brothers and sisters in Christ who are excited to document what God is doing in their lives through writing, coloring and using other hands-on techniques. It might be fun to start a Bible journaling group at St. Andrew--a space for us to gather together, so we can share ideas, be creative and have fun. No artistic skills or experience required--just a desire to share our love for God. If you are interested in being a part of a Bible journaling group or have any questions about it, please contact Kristin Dugenske (847371-1837 or EnglishKris24@gmail. com). If there’s enough interest in starting a group like this, we’ll share more information. Gift/Memorial Fund A memorial gift is a way to let the bereaved family know that people care and wish to remember the deceased in a special way. An honorarium is a way to remember a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation, baptism, etc. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com PEOPLE POWER – 8:30 am – SEPTEMBER 2016 Sunday, September 4 8:30 a.m. Assisting Minister: Stan Sanderson Lay Reader: Kris Bacci Acolyte: Tyler Mann Welcomer: Laurel Caldara Greeter: Tom Girmscheid Ushers: Ed Arroyo, Lew Boyd, Steve Jacobson, Roger Bacci Sound Tech: Tom Girmscheid Nursery Attendant: Phone Receptionist: Anita Pahlman Altar Guild: Judy Boyd __ ___ Counters: Andrea Ammons & Carol Clark Sunday, September 11 8:30 a.m. Assisting Minister: Dave Bender Lay Reader: Harold Hanson Acolyte: Angelina Rizzo Communion Assistant: Tana Hamm Welcome Team: John & Rose Felde Greeters: Bill & Laurie Turner Ushers: Jean Fagerstrom, Steve Jacobson, Gary Schuessler, Lew Boyd Sound Tech: Carl Schoenfield Nursery Attendant: Phone Receptionist: Anita Pahlman Altar Guild: Judy Boyd Counters: Andrea Ammons & Bob Hernquist_ ___ ___ Sunday, September 18 8:30 a.m. Assisting Minister: Judy Boyd Lay Reader: Merv Beyersdorf Acolyte: Jasper Winter Greeter: Laurel Caldara Ushers: Dave Bender, Tom Girmscheid, Steve Jacobson, Vern Potillo Sound Tech: John Bestler Nursery: Phone Receptionist: Altar Guild: Judy Boyd Counters: Andrea Ammons & Julie Kangas__ ___ Sunday, September 25 8:30 a.m. Assisting Minister: Leslie Parriott Lay Reader: Debbie Jacobson Acolyte: Karly Richlinski Welcome Team: John & Rose Felde Greeters: Diane Sanderson & Dee Kratz Ushers: Laurie Ann Bender, Laurel Caldara, Lois Laedtke, Debbie Jacobson Sound Tech: Ray Potillo Nursery: Altar Guild: Judy Boyd Phone Receptionist: Anita Pahlman Counters: Andrea Ammons & Laurie Nielsen___ If you have a schedule problem, or can volunteer, please contact the following: Acolyte: Nancee Erickson Assisting Ministers/Lay Reader/Greeters/Phone Receptionist: Anita Pahlman 847-566-8081 Nursery Attendants (Both Services) Jessica Beyer 847-566-0474 Ushers: Lois Laedtke Sound Tech: Tom Girmscheid 847-814-5401 Counters: Andrea Ammons 847-548-8092 St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com PEOPLE POWER – 10:45 am – SEPTEMBER 2016 Sunday, September 4 Worship Leader: Welcome Team: Greeters: Phone Receptionist: Nursery Attendants: Ushers: Altar Guild: Counters: Sunday, September 11 Worship Leader: Greeters: Phone Receptionist: Nursery Attendants: Ushers: Altar Guild: Counters: Sunday, September 18 Worship Leader: Welcome Team: Greeters: Phone Receptionist: Nursery Attendants: Head Usher: Altar Guild: Counters: Sunday, September 25 Worship Leader: Welcome Team: Greeters: Ushers: Nursery Attendants: Altar Guild: Phone Receptionist: Counters: 10:45 a.m. Jenny Prescia Mivelaz Family Jackie Schmidt and Elissa Towle & Family Anita Pahlman Tom Beyer, Bob Adams, Elissa Towle Judy Boyd Andrea Ammons & Carol Clark 10:45 a.m. Bill List Danny & Cindy Mivelaz Anita Pahlman Tom Beyer, Kari Payne, Tim Mivelaz Judy Boyd Andrea Ammons & Bob Hernquist 10:45 a.m. Jenny Prescia Mivelaz Family God Squad ___ ___ ___ ________ Tom Beyer Judy Boyd Andrea Ammons & Julie Kangas_____________ 10:45 a.m. Jenny Prescia Danny & Cindy Mivelaz Green Family Tom Beyer, Phil & Teresa Maki, Bob Adams Judy Boyd Anita Pahlman Andrea Ammons & Laurie Nielsen If you have a schedule problem or can volunteer please contact the following: Worship Leaders/Lay Reader/Greeters/Phone Receptionist: Nursery Attendants: Ushers: Counters: Anita Pahlman Jessica Beyer Tom Beyer Andrea Ammons 566-8081 566-0474 566-0474 548-8092 St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com ___ STEWARDSHIP – “Is it YOUR WAY OF LIFE?” Over the next few months, please: WATCH AND LISTEN!!!!! How does God want you to be a part of our St. Andrew family and our community? “Gracious God, draw me close to you through the cross of Christ and help me see that I am a gift. Lead me in the direction I should go to work to your Glory.” Amen. Flu Shots at St. Andrew on October 9 Through a partnership between Advocate Health Care and Walgreens Pharmacy, flu shots will be offered at St. Andrew on Sunday morning, October 9, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. There is no cost for the shots. Those wishing to receive a shot are asked to bring their insurance card, although no one will be turned away for lack of insurance coverage. Everyone who is ten years of age or older is eligible. St. Andrew Ministry Leaders 2016 Below are the officers and ministry team liaisons for 2016. You are encouraged to reach out to these people with questions, suggestions, or to volunteer for one of our ministries. Executive Team: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Leslie Parriott Bob Hernquist Dawn Camp Gary Burchardt lparriott@yahoo.com rhernquist@att.net dawn.camp@comcast.net garyburchardt@aol.com Ministry Team Liaisons: Christian Education: Dawn Camp dawn.camp@comcast.net Communication: Bruce Dir bruce@tightheadbrewing.com Evangelism: Bob Burchard burcharddiane@yahoo.com Finance: Bob Hernquist rhernquist@att.net Memorial: Chris Binversie cwbinversie@gmail.com Parish Life:Tim Willemstlhwillems@gmail.com Property: John Bestler jbestler17@aol.com Social Ministry:Lisa Greengreenlisar@aol.com Staff Support:Leslie Parriottlparriott@yahoo.com Stewardship:Keith NegleyNegley.keith@gmail.com Worship and Music: Wendi Kelly wendik825@gmail.com Youth: Corrine McGonagle mcgonaglecorrine@gmail.com St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com KFC Fall News: Sermon Series Movie Night! Along with the book of Titus, the New Testament books of First and Second Timothy are commonly called the Pastoral Epistles. Written by a veteran pastor to his younger colleague, Paul’s letters to Timothy provide a glimpse into some of the issues and challenges that were being faced by the early church. Even though these letters were written over nineteen hundred years ago, they address some of the same issues that followers of Jesus are confronted with today, including the issue of how to remain faithful to God in a world that can easily pull us away from our faith. Beginning on Sunday, September 18, and continuing for the next five Sundays, I will be preaching on selected passages from First and Second Timothy. (These passages are the assigned New Testament Readings for each of these Sundays.) If you would like to be reading ahead, here are the passages that we will be looking at: Sept. 18:... 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sept. 25:... 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Oct. 2:....... 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Oct. 9:....... 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Oct. 16:..... 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5 Oct. 23:..... 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 You are welcome, of course, to read each of the letters all the way through. That would help give you an even deeper understanding of the issues that the writer of the letter is addressing. As always, I appreciate receiving feedback on my sermons. As we spend some time with First and Second Timothy, I would love to hear your questions and observations. Pastor Selbo Registration: The first day of Sunday School begins on September 11! Please don’t forget to register your child for our program that is offered for ages 3 through 5th grade. Pet Blessing (Oct 2): We will be having a Pet Blessing in between services on October 2. Children are invited to bring their pet, picture of their pet and/or a stuffed animal to be blessed on this day. The children will also be working on a fall service project to collect used blankets, towels, paper towels, dog food and toys for a local animal shelter. PADS (Oct 22): KFC families and friends are invited to help set-up at PADS on Sat, Oct 22 from 4-6pm. We will be teaching the kids how to serve the poor by setting up beds, dinner & packing lunches. Halloween Fun & Trunk-Or-Treat (Oct 30): KFC children are encouraged to invite a friend to church this day for some Halloween fun during the Sunday School hour and to stay for our 2nd service. We invite the entire church after 2nd service in the parking lot to participate in our annual Trunk-or-Treat. The kids will go around trick or treating for those that wish to participate by filling their trunks with nut-free candies/snacks for the children. We hope many families join in this fun event for our children! Tina Routledge Food served from 5-6:15 pm, Movie at 6:30 September 17, 2016 Teacher, Grace Wesley, responding to her student Brooke’s question about Jesus and His teachings as they relate to the nonviolent teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi. Grace’s response acknowledges that “the writer of the Gospel of Matthew records Jesus as saying, ‘You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you.” In response to another student’s comment, she adds some additional commentary about those who would die for what they believe. By the end of the day, Grace finds herself facing the wrath of the principal, the school board, and even her union representative. Somehow a text message from another student has turned into a threat from Brooke’s freethinking parents. Offered the chance to apologize for mentioning Jesus in the classroom, Grace refuses, asserting that she had done nothing wrong in answering the question. In short order, she is put on leave without pay and assigned a public defender (Tom) by the teachers’ union to face trial for quoting Scripture in the classroom. First and Second Timothy St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com Sunday Morning Adult Forum We recite the words almost every Sunday in worship: “I believe in God, the Father almighty . . . I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord . . . I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church . . .” But what are really saying when we recite those words? Do we know what the words mean? Beginning September 11 in the Adult Forum, we will be watching and discussing a 17-part DVD series on the Apostles’ Creed. The series features a variety of speakers, including the Lutheran church historian, Martin Marty, and the Anglican New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright. Produced by the Christian History Institute, the series traces the origin of the Apostles’ Creed, placing it in its historical context, and the scholars and theologians discuss each phrase of the Creed, emphasizing its relevance and application to our lives today. You are invited to join us for this extensive and in-depth look at the church’s central statement of faith. The Adult Forum meets upstairs in Nelson Hall each Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:30. Talk to Pastor Selbo if you have questions or would like more information. Wednesday Morning Bible Study For the past year and a half in the Wednesday morning Bible study we have been reading and discussing the Gospel of Luke. (We’ve been in no hurry to get through it!) After taking a break for the summer we resume our study on September 7th. Even if you haven’t been part of this Bible study in the past, you are most welcome to join us. It is in Luke’s Gospel that we hear the stories of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son, that we meet Zacchaeus the tax collector, and that we find the one leper (out of ten) returning to give thanks to Jesus for having healed him. Sometimes called the Gospel to the Gentiles, Luke focuses on Jesus’ ministry to “outsiders.” Luke emphasizes that Jesus is not only the Messiah of Israel, but is also the Savior of the world. Led by Pastor Selbo, the study meets upstairs in Nelson Hall on Wednesday mornings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. No prior knowledge of the Bible is required, just a desire to learn and grow in God’s Word. We would welcome your participation! Women’s Saturday Morning Breakfast Bible Study Opportunity Begins September 24 Women of St. Andrew please join our Saturday small group Bible Study as we begin our 17th year of meeting once a month for breakfast (we take turns hosting), Bible Study and fellowship. We use the Bible Study series published in Gather magazine— which is sponsored by the ELCA. (The annual subscription is $15.) This year’s session has three parts. The Fall Study (September- November) considers “when God isn’t fair.” The first session reviews the story of Jonah and the whale. In December, we will have an advent devotional. January – May is a study of the book of Galatians, which was a favorite of Martin Luther. We meet in Nelson Hall from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. the second Saturday of each month. However, this year due to schedule conflicts we will meet in September on the 4th Saturday, 9/24. In subsequent months, we will return to the second Saturday. Please call Pam Haley at 224-360-2183 for more information. We look forward to welcoming you (and your friends!) to our group! St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com September 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 9 am Quilters 8:30 Traditional 4 5 LABOR DAY 10:45 Contemporary 6:30 pm Early Bird AA WORK CAMP SUNDAY 11 12 6 7 pm Evangelism 10 am Bible Study 7:30 pm Troop 198 8:30 pm Mund. AA 7:00 pm Choir Reh. 13 8 am Men’s Breakfast (Hillside) 8:30 Traditional 6:30 pm Early Bird AA 7 pm Council Mtg 9:40 Adult Forum 9:45 KFC Resumes 7 pm Kirk Players Reh. 10:45 Contemporary 7:30 pm Troop 198 6 PM Head to the 8:30 pm Mund. AA Heart (6-8 graders) 18 8:30 Traditional 9:40 Adult Forum 9:45 KFC 10:45 Contemporary 19 20 7 pm Worship & Music Mtg 6:30 pm Early Bird AA 8:30 Traditional 10:45 Contemporary 6 PM Head to the Heart (H2H) 26 6:30 pm Early Bird AA 27 8 am Men’s Breakfast (Hillside) 7 pm Kirk Players Reh 7:30 Mund. Coin Club 7:30 pm Troop 198 8:30 pm Mund. AA 8 28 10 am Power of Praise Rehearsal (POP) 9 10 am POP Rehearsal 10 7:30 pm Kirk Mtg 15 9 am Quilters Brown Bag Lunch ENCOUNTER 6:30 Lucky Ducks 4-H ARTICLES DUE 7:00 pm Choir Reh. 7 pm Kirk Players 7 pm Women’s Reh. Fellowship 7 pm Troop #198 7 pm Kirk Players Reh 10 am Bible Study 3 5:30 pm Early Bird AA 10 am Bible Study 21 2 5:30 pm Early Bird AA 7:30 pm Kirk Mtg 9 am Quilters 14 7:00 pm Choir Reh. 7 pm Kirk Players Reh. 7:30 pm Troop 198 7 pm Kirk Players Reh 8:30 pm Mund. AA 25 7 Sat 9 am Quilters 9 am Quilters 7:00 pm Choir Reh. 7 pm Kirk Players Reh. 7 pm Kirk Players Reh 23 8:30 am Women’s Breakfast Bible Study 9 am Quilters 5:30 pm Early Bird AA 29 MOVIE NIGHT! 17 “God’s Not Dead #2” 5 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Movie 5:30 pm Early Bird AA 22 7 pm Kirk Players Reh 10 am Bible Study 16 10 am POP Rehearsal 30 5:30 pm Early Bird AA St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com 24 PRAYER VENTURES September 2016 These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the church. Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and mission of this church. 1 We remember in our prayers college and university students, seminarians and leaders studying through the ELCA International Leaders and International Women Leaders programs. We pray the Spirit will guide their studies and discernment and prepare them for lives of service and enriching communities. 2 We turn to God in prayer as we face daily experiences and threats of violence and terror in the world and ask that we not be discouraged or seek vengeance but that God will renew our hope and faith and guide us to solutions that lead to peace, healing and justice rather than deepening hatred and division. 3 We give thanks to God for the season of fall and the ways in which it reminds us of new beginnings, abundant harvests that feed the hungry, anticipation of change and hope. 4 Being a disciple and follower of Jesus is not an easy endeavor. We ask God to strengthen our resolve to follow, no matter the cost, and grant us courageous faith alongside the challenges, doubts and questions we experience. 5 We ask God to bless the labors of those who work to sustain their families and contribute to their communities, and we pray for new opportunities, fair wages and a sense of value for people who are seeking employment. 6 We remember in our prayers, especially during National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, those who live with the darkness of loneliness, isolation of mental illness and question the value of their life. We pray the healing love of God displaces the darkness and that we learn to better recognize the pain of people around us and respond with skillful care and the embrace of community. 7 God knows us and knows our ways and yet shows us mercy and love. We pray that our actions, words and ventures speak clearly of God’s love and presence that others may also know this good news. 8 We remember in our prayers the Rev. Michael Fonner, Leslie Weed-Fonner and Elizabeth Hendrickson, ELCA missionaries serving in Nairobi, Kenya, and ask God to bless their work in parish ministry and communications. 9 ELCA Campus Ministry serves students, faculty and staff at more than 180 colleges and universities and partners with congregations serving 400 campuses nationwide. We pray God will bless their ministries of bearing witness to God’s grace and promoting community, discipleship and service. 10 We pray God will grant those pastors seeking or awaiting new calls or who are discerning their ministry and vocation a special measure of patience, clarity and alertness to the Spirit’s guidance. 11 It is God that seeks us, gathers us in and gives us the gift of new life in Jesus Christ. We give thanks and praise in our prayers for God’s undeserved attentiveness and mercy in our lives. 12 We give thanks for the special work of the Evangelical Lutheran Education Association and for their support of Lutheran educators, ELCA schools and early childhood centers. 13 We remember in our prayers rostered and lay leaders who preach and teach the gospel and pray the Spirit fill them with a love of Scripture, wisdom, an enduring desire to learn and enthusiasm for sharing what God reveals for the world’s sake. 14 Our congregations are blessed with Sunday school teachers and Bible study leaders committed to faith formation, witness and connecting God’s word with daily life. We ask God to help us affirm their faithful service and cultivate their skills. 15 National Hispanic Heritage Month We give thanks for and honor the gifts and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans, and we pray for the growth of ELCA Latino ministries as they share the gospel and serve their neighbors in many different community contexts. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com 16 24 17 25 We give thanks for God’s abundant love and patience with us and for creating in us faith and abilities that enable us—even with our personal flaws, weaknesses and appalling histories—to serve as leaders, workers and witnesses sharing the good news. Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen (died 1179) We remember in our prayers women throughout history who have influenced the church, served as leaders and spiritual guides, and witnessed to the gospel through their faith, service and vision. 18 We ask God, in the midst of our wealth and abundance, to remind us of our neighbors living in poverty, hunger and illness and to not turn from their needs but to love, serve and respect them as our brothers and sisters in Christ, created in God’s image. 19 We remember in our prayers civil servants, legislators and politicians and pray their work, deliberations and decisions consider the diversity of humanity, factors that contribute to communities flourishing and the well-being of people with critical needs. 20 We persist in bringing to God our concerns for peace and reconciliation in the world, especially where wars and violent conflicts continue to cause suffering, destruction and loss of life. 21 We pray for the Moravian Church, a full communion partner with the ELCA, and for the continuing growth of our relationship as together we share the gospel and do God’s work in the world. We remember in our prayers grandparents who surround their grandchildren with love, care, attention, and words and actions that witness to God’s gift of love through Jesus Christ. 26 We ask God to teach us the differences between want and need, between greed and generosity, between self-interest and mutual care. 27 We give thanks for our partners in doing God’s work in the world, especially companion churches in other countries, The Lutheran World Federation, the World Council of Churches and other ecumenical and inter-religious organizations. 28 We pray that we will—in the name of Jesus Christ—stand for justice for the oppressed, work to feed the hungry, welcome strangers as friends and demonstrate unwavering concern for all in need. 29 Conference of Bishops We remember in our prayers our 65 synod bishops gathered in Chicago to discuss our mission in the world and advise our church. We pray the Spirit will guide their efforts and God will grant them strength and wisdom in their work back home with their congregations, leaders and communities. Matthew, apostle and evangelist Matthew grew from being a distrusted tax collector to being a fervent believer in Jesus Christ, follower and public witness. We pray our lives will also be transformed through faith to make us spirited witnesses to God’s powerful love and presence in the world. 30 We remember in our prayers ELCA missionaries serving in Madagascar—Kirsten Laderach, Hannah Kaitschuk, the Rev. Lancelot Themba and Kwena Mkhabela. We pray God will encourage and further their work in theological education, evangelism, interfaith dialogues and the Young Adults in Global Mission program. Worship Attendance for July 22 23 By grace we have been saved through faith. We praise God for this gift of salvation through Jesus Christ and for welcoming us into the body of all believers through our baptism. erome, translator, teacher (died 420) We give thanks to God for people who have gifts of speaking, writing and translating languages for the sake of serving others and sharing God’s word in our diverse world. Date 8:30 10:45 Total 7/3 69 95 164 7/10 73 75 148 7/17 68 68 136 7/24 91 70 161 7/31 73 67 140 St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com Women’s Fellowship 2016-2017 Schedule We have an excellent calendar of events for this Rib: The Heartwarming Story of a Woman of Courage and Devotion by E. Jane Mall (copies will be available at church for $13.00) Have it read by 11/10 for a thoughtful discussion about “Kitty” and how she enhanced Luther’s life with the joys and fullness of family living. upcoming year. Not only will we be having some of our annual activities, we will also be hosting some guest presenters and having a couple of “field trips.” All meetings at the church are @ 7:00 PM on the SECOND Thursday of each month. Please plan on joining us and invite your friends, neighbors and family members. Thursday - December 8 Christmas Caroling to Shut Ins Thursday, September 15 Beatrix Potter Visits Ready for laughs, stories, and memories? What will be in the “unique” gift pile for Bunco this year. This is no skill or talent necessary to play this dice game. Plan ahead to what “white elephant” gifts you might like to donate to this exciting evening. (please note that this is the 3rd Thursday) History Coming Alive again with Paddy Lynn, who is our local storyteller and Kirk Player will share the life story of Beatrix Potter who was a writer, illustrator and conservationist. She is best remembered for her best-selling children’s books, such as The Tale of Peter Rabbit. There will be stories that combine both her love for animals and the English countryside. We have been captured by Paddy Lynn’s portrayals in past years. You won’t want to miss this performance! Thursday - October 13 Debbie’s Floral Shoppe Designs Each Sunday our altar is adorned with a beautiful flower arrangement from Debbie’s Floral Shoppe and this evening we will have the opportunity to learn about flower arranging and how to artistically design beautiful bouquets. Sunday- October 23 - Brunch and Field Trip to Fort Hill Museum We are going on a field trip! After sharing brunch together after the 2nd service (everyone bring a dish to share); we are going to visit Mundelein’s Historical museum. The Fort Hill Museum is celebrating its 60th anniversary (founded in 1956) - let’s visit our town’s local history! The museum functions as an educational connection, highlighting Mundelein and its many exciting points of interest. The small, one-story structure is a former train depot that once served as Mundelein’s stop on the Soo Line Railroad. A train caboose from the late 19th century also sits on the grounds. The museum also features antique furnishings and other items which create a fascinating snapshot of life in the community and from around Lake County. Thursday - November 10 Book Club - Honoring 500 years Martin Luther, Reformation 1517 We have been wanting to have a “Book Club” and what better book to read but about Katherine Luther, the woman behind Martin Luther. Pick up the paperback Kitty, My This is our annual and special tradition that continues to grow each year. We will share Christmas music and cookies with our senior St. Andrew members. This truly gets everyone in the joyous Christmas spirit. Thursday - January 12 - Annual Fun Bunco Night Thursday - February 9 Game Day When was the last time that you had time to just relax and play a board game with friends? Bring your favorite games - cards, board games, dice to share with our group. Maybe you have games from your childhood that you would like to share with others. Maybe you will learn a new game that you have not played before. This should be a fun-filled evening that you will love! Thursday - March 9 Feed My Starving Children - Service Project! Field Trip to Feed My Starving Children, 742 East Park Avenue (176, Libertyville, 6:00 - 7:30 PM (please note earlier time!) Feed My Starving Children® is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to our distribution partners. FMSC meals have reached nearly 70 countries around the world in our history. Thursday - April 13 - Wise Moves, Allison Wilmes Experienced yoga and movement therapist Allison Wilmes will guide us through “chair exercises” to reduce shoulder and neck stiffness and help with suggestions for lower back pain. With simple, targeted movements, she can assist with ideas to reduce pain. What a great idea to prepare us for our spring gardening and outdoor activities. Saturday - April 29 11th Annual Ladies’ Tea 2:00 PM Looking forward to Leslie Goddard’s one-woman show. More details to follow. It will be an amazing event. Save the date! St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com For Our Young Readers St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com St. Andrew Lutheran Church 10 South Lake Street Mundelein, IL 60060 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED “Sharing Christ” - In Faithful Worship - Faithful Giving - Ministry Participation - Daily Living www.standrewmundelein.com Telephone No.: 847-566-8081 Dated Material Do Not Delay All are Welcome... The Sunday Morning Worship Schedule is: Traditional Service: 8:30 a.m. Contemporary Service: 10:45 a.m. St. Andrew Lutheran Church (ELCA) 10 South Lake Street Mundelein, IL 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com Telephone No.: 847-566-8081 Our mission as a congregation is to Share Christ. More specifically, it is to help people come to know Christ, to grow in their relationship with Christ and his Church, and to be equipped to serve and witness in Christ’s name. We would love to have you join us in this mission. St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
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