03 March Encounter 2015


03 March Encounter 2015
March 2015
The Pastor’s Pen
Have you noticed that over the past
several months we seem to have become a more
praying congregation? Prayer has always been
an important part of our life here at St. Andrew,
but lately it seems like we have entered even
more deeply into this spiritual discipline. Prayer seems to have
become more central to our life together.
Last year, for example – once in the spring and once in the
fall – our adult spirituality team sponsored two Saturday prayer
retreats. At the retreats we learned about prayer, we talked about
prayer, but more importantly, we also spent a significant amount of
time in prayer. Both silently and out loud, we spent a good part of
each retreat engaging in conversation with God.
Also, last fall was the sermon series I preached on the
Lord’s Prayer. Over a period of nine Sundays we considered the
meaning of the words that we speak so frequently: “Our Father,
who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
... we speak, . . .” On those same Sundays the Lord’s
Prayer was also the focus of our Sunday
God listens, morning adult forum.
God speaks,
we listen.
Beginning on Sunday, March 1, we’ll
be doing another series on prayer in the
adult forum. “The Four Acts of Prayer”
is a video presentation featuring Walt
Wangerin, Jr. Pastor Wangerin describes prayer as a four-part
conversation between us and God: we speak, God listens, God
speaks, we listen. Through the use of stories from his own life,
Wangerin will help us deepen our understanding of what this
conversation with God is about.
And now, in addition to all of the other ways we have been
emphasizing prayer, our congregation-wide study during the season
of Lent is “Unbinding Your Heart.” One of the key components of
“Unbinding Your Heart” is prayer. There is the 40-day individual
prayer journal that many of us are following. There is the praying
that happens in the weekly small group meetings. There is the
prayer wall in the church narthex where people are invited to post
prayer requests. And there is a team of people who are committed
Continued on page 2
Our Wednesday evening Lenten
services are preceded by a soup
supper downstairs in Johnson
Hall at 6:00 p.m. The suppers are
a great opportunity to visit with
fellow parishioners while enjoying
a variety of soups.
Simply bring a pot
of soup or a loaf of
bread. Drinks, dishes
and silverware are
provided. A congregational hymnsing begins in the sanctuary at 6:45.
In Concert at
St. Andrew
Sunday March 22 at 4 PM
The Concert Choir and Symphonic
Band of Trinity International
University of Deerfield, IL will
present a concert at St. Andrew
on Sunday, March 22, at 4:00
p.m. Please invite your friends and
neighbors to this special music
event in the life of our church. Continued on page 4
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
The Pastor’s Pen
Continued from page one
to praying for our congregation throughout the six weeks of Lent. Prayer
is indeed becoming a more central activity here at St. Andrew!
No matter where you are in your own prayer life – whether
having conversation with God is something you do frequently, or whether
it happens only rarely – I encourage you to see our congregation’s
growing emphasis on prayer as an opportunity. It’s an opportunity for
you to deepen both your understanding and your practice of prayer.
And by deepening your practice of prayer, you will be deepening your
relationship with the God to whom you are praying. I hope you will let
prayer be an important part of your Lenten journey.
God’s blessings be with you as we journey together toward the cross and
the resurrection!
Pastor Selbo
Quilters Crossing
Another challenging winter, but this year not
so much snow but bitter cold. The quilters
seem to thrive on this kind of weather since
they faithfully continue to assemble quilts for
Lutheran World Relief. Some of the regular
Thursday morning quilters were unable to
get there, but they then did work on quilts at
home. We can’t let those in need be in want of
our quilts. We have been blessed with many quilting
items from various sources including many
members of St. Andrew congregation.
Altar Guild
Setting the Lord’s table
We are still looking for a few
good volunteers.
As the name implies, the
primary responsibility of the Altar
Guild is to prepare the altar for
worship. This usually happens on
Saturday mornings, and includes
putting on the cloth hangings that
match the color of the church
season, filling the candles with oil,
picking up altar flowers from the
florist, setting out the necessary
baptismal items when there is to be
a baptism, and preparing for Holy
If you are interested in serving
on the Altar Guild, or would like to
know more about what it involves,
talk to Tana Hamm, our Altar
Coordinator (tanahamm@comcast.
net), or to Anita Pahlman, our Parish Administrator. Volunteering
with the Altar Guild is a great way
to assist with what is the central
activity in our congregational life –
weekly worship.
I would be happy to talk with
you in person if you have questions about this, or about any other
of the worship practices at St.
Pastor Selbo
Thank you all so very much.
We can always use more Thursday morning helpers; especially since a few
of our regulars are presently temporarily unable to do so because of health
Judy, Shirley and Diane
Continued on page 3
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
March 8th
Savings Time Begins
March 8th,
remember to move your
clocks forward 1 hr.
Actual time begins
at 2:00 AM
Sunday morning.
(Spring Forward /
Fall Back)
Unbinding Your Heart
It is not too late to join in!
We would love to have you take
part in one of these small group
experiences. You can share in
the group with no pressure to
“do” anything other than read
each week’s chapter, do the daily
prayer exercises and attend six
meetings. At prayer times, we will
be encouraged to pray in whatever
way that is comfortable for each
of us. The group meetings are
intended to put us at ease with one
another, our faith, and with God.
For those that were part of our
fall experience, don’t worry, the
prayer exercises will be new and
Call the church office or stop by to
sign-up or ask questions, express
interest and request group meeting
days and times. You will be able
to pick up a copy of Unbinding
Your Heart. We’d love to have
you with us!
If you have questions about this
all-church study, please contact
Kari Payne, Leslie Parriott, Danny
Mivelaz, Anita Pahlman or John &
Wendi Kelly.
If you have good calculator and
balancing skills and can volunteer
1-1 1/2 hrs per month on Sunday
after second service, we could
use your talents as a Counter. If
interested, please contact Andrea
Ammons - 847/548-8092
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
In Concert at St. Andrew
Sunday March 22 at 4:00
Trinity International
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Concert Choir and Symphonic Band of Trinity
International University of Deerfield IL will present
a concert at St. Andrew on Sunday March 22 at 4:00
p.m. Please invite your friends and neighbors to this
special music event in the life of our church. Scripture Readings
for March
March 1 2nd Sunday in Lent
Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16
Psalm 22:23–31
Romans 4:13–25
Mark 8:31–38
March 8 3rd Sunday in Lent
Exodus 20:1–17
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 1:18–25
John 2:13–22
March 15 4th Sunday in Lent
Numbers 21:4–9
Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22
Ephesians 2:1–10
John 3:14–21
March 22 5th Sunday in Lent
Jeremiah 31:31–34
Psalm 51:1–12
Hebrews 5:5–10
John 12:20–33
March 29 Sunday of the Passion
/ Palm Sunday
Isaiah 50:4–9a
Psalm 31:9–16
Philippians 2:5–11
Mark 14:1—15:47
for January
Date 8:30 10:45 Total
92 100
1/18 89 112 201
1/25 80
85 165
1/25 Annual Meeting
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
VBS 2015
Vacation Bible School
You’re Invited (It’s FREE)
June 15th - June 19th
9 - 12 p.m.
Ages 3 to 11
It is hard to think about Summer when it is so cold outside, but it is time to get pumped up
for Vacation Bible School. We are very excited about this year’s theme: Everest: Conquering
Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. This year campers will learn lessons of God’s power
to provide, comfort, heal, forgive, and love us forever through some exciting Glacier Games,
Mountaintop Trips, Kidvid cinema, Imagination Stations, Bible Expedition, Camp Music, and
Summit Celebrations!
Please contact me, Sarah Letts at 847-254-9687 or SmilinLetts@aol.com to volunteer.
Registration will start soon.
Order Your Easter Lily
Once again, you have the opportunity to help
beautify our sanctuary for Easter.
All members and friends are invited
to place a lily(ies) in celebration of
the Resurrection of our Lord.
The cost is $15.00. Plants may be
taken home by the donor after
the last service of worship on
Easter day.
The form to the right, together
with your cash or check, may
be placed on an offering plate
or mailed to the church office.
We cannot guarantee that forms received after
March 25th will be listed in the Easter bulletins.
I wish to place _________ Easter Lily(ies) for Easter.
In Honor of _____________________________________
In Memory of ___________________________________
In Thanksgiving for _______________________________
Name: _________________________________________
Envelope # ______________________________________
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
STEWARDSHIP - Our Way of Life
Over the past couple years, the
Stewardship Team has attempted
to make everyone aware that
stewardship should be an integral
part of all our lives without
even having to think about it! Stewardship is taking care of all
God has given us – we started
out thinking stewardship should
be “A Way of Life” for us all. Moving forward we stressed that
stewardship should be sharing
what we have with those around us
and making it “Our Way of Life.”
We now want to take that idea one
step further and help everyone
feel stewardship as part of your
individual daily activity and in
your heart, with God’s help and
prayer leading you, to make it
“Your Way of Life!” If anyone
has anything to share with the
Congregation on how stewardship
is part of your life, please let Anita
know or contact Lyn Hayes. We
would be happy to print, “your
How do you want to be
remembered? What do you want
your legacy to be? Please consider
the following:
“The House We Live In” –
author unknown
An elderly carpenter was ready
to retire. He told his employer of
his plans to live a more leisurely
life with his wife enjoying his
extended family. He would miss
the paycheck, but he wanted to
The contractor was sorry to see his
good worker and friend of so many
years go, and asked if he could
build just one more house as a
personal favor. The carpenter said
yes, but his heart was not in it. He
resorted to shoddy workmanship
and used inferior materials. It
was an unfortunate way to end his
When the carpenter finished his
work and the builder came to
inspect the house, the contractor
handed the front-door key to the
carpenter. “This is your house,” he
said. “It is my gift to you for your
years of hard work”.
If he had only known!
So it is with us if we build our
lives giving our least instead of our
best. With a shock we awake one
day to look at the situation we have
created and find that we are living
in the house we built.
In your daily life pray that you use
your time, talent and resources
wisely so you can say, “I have
been a faithful steward of God’s
gifts” and stewardship is now “my
way of life!”
Open, O Lord, the eyes of all
people to behold thy gracious hand
in all thy works, that, rejoicing in
thy whole creation, they may honor
thee with their substance and be
faithful stewards of thy bounty. –
The Book of Common Prayer
Gift and Memorial Donations
Donations given in
memory of Marge Rubjerg
St. Andrew Quilters
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Willems
Mr. and Mrs. William Maki
Leslie Parriott
Mr. and Mrs. David Holden
Myrna Wells
Lisa and Tim Willems
Donations given in
memory of Ken Hersted
Myrna Wells
Donations given in
memory of Charles Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Don Lueck
Pat Novak
The church gift/memorial fund is
established for the purpose of receiving and holding money given to the
church in memory or honor of someone or to honor a special occasion.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
PEOPLE POWER – 8:30 A.M. – MARCH 2015
Sunday, March 1
Assisting Minister:
Welcome Team:
Sound Tech:
Nursery Attendant:
Phone Receptionist:
Altar Guild:
Sunday, March 8
Assisting Minister:
Welcome Team:
Sound Tech:
Nursery Attendant:
Phone Receptionist:
Altar Guild:
Sunday, March 15
Assisting Minister:
Welcome Team:
Sound Tech:
Phone Receptionist:
Altar Guild:
Sunday, March 22
Assisting Minister:
Welcome Team:
Sound Tech:
Altar Guild:
Phone Receptionist:
Sunday, March 29
Assisting Minister:
Sound Tech:
Altar Guild:
Phone Receptionist:
8:30 a.m.
Stan Sanderson
Lay Reader:
Christian Kostner & Becca Nielsen
George & Laurel Caldara
Tom Girmscheid & Family
Roger Bacci, Lew Boyd, Steve Jacobson,
Tom Girmscheid
Kris Bacci
Ruth Duran
Teresa Maki
Andrea Ammons & Carol Clark__
8:30 a.m.
Dave Bender
Lay Reader:
Debbie Jacobson
Wyatt Milne & Hailey Negley
John & Rose Felde
Bill & Laurie Turner
Jean Fagerstrom, Marion Collins, Gary Schuessler, Lew Boyd
Carl Schoenfield
Emily Haley
Ruth Duran
Teresa Maki
Laurie Nielsen & Bob Hernquist ___
8:30 a.m.
Judy Boyd
Lay Reader:
Teresa Maki
Ian Winter & Luke Colon
George & Laurel Caldara
Bacci Family
Dave Bender, Tom Girmscheid, Donn Hamm, Vern Potillo
Ray Potillo
Emily Haley
Ruth Duran
Teresa Maki
Andrea Ammons & Linda Porres__
8:30 a.m.
Al Hitzke
Lay Reader:
Kayleigh Day
Claire Schoenfield & Ava Hitzke
John & Rose Felde
Diane Sanderson & Dee Kratz
Laurie Ann Bender, Laurel Caldara, Lois Laedtke, Debbie Jacobson
John Bestler
Emily Haley
Teresa Maki
Ruth Duran
Laurie Nielsen & Julie Kangas___
8:30 a.m.
Passion of Our Lord / Palm Sunday
Leslie Parriott
Lay Reader:
Merv Beyersdorf
Emma Dziekanski & Kaylee Belletynee
Laurel & George Caldara
Kris Bacci, Samantha Martinez, Ellen Van Zeeland, Myrna Wells
John Bestler
Emily Haley
Teresa Maki
Ruth Duran
Andrea Ammons & Kathy MacDougall___
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
PEOPLE POWER – 10:45 A.M. – MARCH 2015
Sunday, March 1
10:45 a.m.
Worship Leader:
Jenny Prescia
Welcome Team:
Mivelaz Family
Jackie Schmidt and Elissa Towle & Family
Tom Beyer, Bob Adams, Elissa Towle, Tami Shubin
Phone Receptionist:
Ruth Duran
Nursery Attendant:
Corrine McGonagle
Altar Guild:
Teresa Maki
Andrea Ammons & Carol Clark___
Sunday, March 8
10:45 a.m.
Worship Leader:
Al Hitzke
Lay Reader:
Tim Willems
Welcome Team:
Mivelaz Family
Tom Beyer, Kari & Karlie Payne, Tim Mivelaz
Phone Receptionist:
Ruth Duran
Nursery Attendants:
Emily Haley
Altar Guild:
Teresa Maki
Laurie Nielsen_& Bob Hernquist
Sunday, March 15
10:45 a.m.
Worship Leader:
Bill List
God Squad & Wendy Buthman
Tom Beyer, Samantha Hamil, Tim Willems, Bob Adams
Phone Receptionist:
Ruth Duran
Nursery Attendant:
Emily Haley
Altar Guild:
Teresa Maki
Andrea Ammons & Linda Porres__
Sunday, March 22
10:45 a.m.
Worship Leader:
Jenny Prescia
Welcome Team:
Mivelaz Family
Chris Ihlenburg
Tom Beyer, Scott Wiesner, Phil & Dan Maki
Phone Receptionist:
Ruth Duran
Nursery Attendant:
Emily Haley
Altar Guild:
Teresa Maki
Laurie Nielsen & Julie Kangas_
Sunday, March 29
10:45 a.m.
Passion of Our Lord / Palm Sunday
Worship Leader:
Jenny Prescia
Mivelaz Family
Tom Beyer, Bob Adams
Phone Receptionist:
Ruth Duran
Nursery Attendant:
Emily Haley
Altar Guild:
Teresa Maki
Andrea Ammons & Kathy MacDougall_
If you have a schedule problem or can volunteer please contact the following:
Worship Leaders/Lay Reader/Greeters/Phone Receptionist:
Nursery Attendants:
Anita Pahlman
Deb Hensgen
Tom Beyer
Andrea Ammons
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
KFC News
Thank you to all the families that helped to serve at PADS at Messiah
Lutheran Church on Saturday January 24th. We had over 10 families join
us! The kids helped to decorate placemats, lunch bags, pack lunches, set
up dinner tables & sleeping arrangements. It was a humbling experience
and a great way to teach the children on how they can serve others. Our next service date is
March 28th/ March 29th
Also, another huge thank you to all the families who helped our KFC
children raise items to be donated to PADS. They collected men’s socks,
T-shirts, hats, gloves, scarves & toiletries.
5th Grade Families
(SAVE THE DATE!) First Communion Retreat - March 14th
First Communion - March 15th
As we begin preparing them for their First Communion, they are invited
to a retreat at the church on Saturday, March 14th (breakfast & lunch are
included). This is an important event and the next Sunday (March 15th) is
their First Communion. Family and friends are encouraged to be present
for this important milestone in the children’s faith journey. We will have
cake and refreshments afterward.
PADS at Messiah
Lutheran Church on
Saturday, January 24th
Every fourth Saturday of the
month. For more information look
to the Sunday bulletin, the Social
Ministry table in the Narthex, or
Laurie Turner
(volunteer coordinator)
at turnerlaurie24@gmail.com ,
Vern Potillo
(food coordinator)
at salrman@hotmail.com ,
Call the church office,
or contact
Tom Girmscheid at
or 847-814-5401.
PADS Lake County is a social
agency providing immediate,
critical care for our community’s
homeless citizens.
How can you help? There are
many ways to get involved. From
volunteering your time, providing food or money, or even using
a special talent you may have.
Whether you have 2-3 hours occasionally or you have more time
to serve on our team, your time is
one of the most precious gifts you
can give.
Check Us Out
on the Web
St. Andrew Web site,
anywhere, any time.
Hear the sermons and more!
Look at the St. Andrew web-site
( w w w. s t a n d re w m u n d e l e i n .
c o m ) and keep in touch!
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
Church Council Highlights Visitation to a Shut-In?
The church council met on Tuesday evening,
February 10. Highlights of the meeting include:
Council officers were elected:
President: ....................Wendi Kelly
Vice President: ............Leslie Parriott
Secretary: ....................Dawn Camp
Treasurer: ...................Gary Burchardt
Ministry Team Liaisons were assigned:
Christian Education:...Dawn Camp
Communication:...........Becky Patrick
Evangelism:..................Danny Mivelaz
Finance:.........................Bob Hernquist
Memorial:.....................Kris Bacci
Parish Life:...................Leslie Parriott
Property:.......................John Bestler
Social Ministry:............Chris Binversie
Staff Support:...............Wendi Kelly
Stewardship:.................Tim Willems
Worship and Music:.....Sherri Wohlgemuth
Youth:............................Bruce Dir
The annual council retreat is scheduled
for Friday evening and Saturday morning,
April 10-11.
St. Andrew has a list of our members that are shut-ins
and/or nursing home residents. Many of these members are in the Mundelein area and would enjoy a visit.
If you can give a little time and friendship please pick
up a list from church (on the prayer book table), email
or call the church office.
Thank you
Who Cares Anyway?
St. Andrew Cares !
St. Andrew Cares is a special assistance
fund administered by Pastor Selbo and
used to help people in need. If you
would like to make a contribution to
this fund, give a gas card or a gift certificate from a
food store of your choice. These are also a great way
to help.
Thank you for your generosity!
Give Electronically!
The next council meeting is scheduled
for Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 p.m. Council meetings are open to the congregation.
Council minutes are posted on the church
bulletin board in the narthex.
Did you know that St. Andrew offers
the option to give electronically?
Contact our financial secretary,
Samantha Martinez, at 847-514-9893
or samantha.martinez.93@hotmail.com
for more details.
Treasurer’s Report for January, 2015
Jan. 2015
Annual Budget
$19,302 $40 $100 $533 $2,791 $22,564 $70 $60 $- $2,250 $284,120
( * Must Be Designated on Envelope )
Total Operating Income
$22,766 $24,944 $337,705
Total Expenses
$33,421 $36,521 $337,338
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
March 2015
These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the
global, social and outreach ministries of the church.
Thank you for your continued prayers for the life and
mission of this church.
Second Sunday in Lent As followers of Christ,
we pray for a growing understanding of what it
means to deny ourselves, take up the cross and
follow in today’s world.
Give thanks, especially during Women’s History
Month, for the gifts, service and contributions of
women of all ages in the ELCA, society and the
We pray for the work of the Evangelical
Lutheran Deaf Association and deaf ministries
of the ELCA, especially during National Deaf
History Month.
We are a church together. Remember in your
prayers the congregations, ministries and leaders
of the Alaska, New Jersey and Metropolitan
Chicago synods of the ELCA.
We pray for the Spirit’s wisdom and guidance
during the ELCA Conference of Bishops’
discussions, decisions and work on our behalf.
Remember youth of color throughout the
ELCA who are preparing in this summer’s
Multicultural Youth Leadership Event in Detroit.
We offer prayers of affirmation for the ELCA’s
support of Church World Service for legal
services for unaccompanied and migrant
children in Miami.
Third Sunday in Lent In our prayers, we ask
for courage and faith to proclaim the saving
work of God revealed in weakness, humiliation
and death on the cross.
We give thanks for the declining number of new
Ebola cases and the progress of recovery work
being done in West Africa, especially in Liberia
and Sierra Leone.
10 As we continue to learn how to live as children
of God, we ask for God’s help in discerning
where and how to follow and serve.
11 We pray for the success of Always Being
Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA in
helping provide women leaders from our global
companion churches with scholarships and
educational opportunities.
12 We pray for the ELCA and our interfaith
partners dedicated to ending anti-Muslim
sentiment by strengthening the voice of freedom
and peace in the United States and globally.
13 We pray that our Lenten reflections and
conversations lead us to a clearer sense of our
identity, our mission and our calling to proclaim
the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be agents of
God’s love in the world.
14 In this time of so much conflict, violence and
injustice, especially in Ukraine, the Middle East
and North Africa, we pray for God’s Spirit to
guide and further all work of reconciliation,
peace and healing.
15 Fourth Sunday in Lent We pray that we will
be led by the light of Christ in this world, from
hopelessness to hope, from death to life eternal.
16 We remember our baptism daily, our dying to sin
and rising to new life through faith in Christ’s
sacrificial love.
17 St. Patrick’s Day For all the saints and
those who have inspired our faith, served as
courageous examples and guided us in life, we
give thanks.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
18 In this year of celebrating the 45th anniversary
of the ordination of women in the Lutheran
church and ELCA, give thanks to God for the
faithful service and leadership of our sisters in
19 We are a church together. Remember in your
27 We remember in our prayers the ministry of the
Women of the ELCA, gathering women of all
ages for service, study, advocacy and fellowship.
28 There are 340 ELCA new-start ministries
under development in the United States and the
Caribbean. We pray for the work of their local
leaders, directors for evangelical mission and
prayers the congregations, ministries and leaders
of the Upper Susquehanna, Southwestern Texas
and Northwestern Minnesota synods of the
29 Passion/Palm Sunday On this day we
creation and pray that we may exercise care and
responsibility with all that God has entrusted to
30 While walking in the shadow of Jesus’ suffering
20 On this first day of spring, we give thanks for
21 We pray for Lutheran Disaster Response and
remember in our prayers the vulnerability and
humility of Jesus, leading to his death for our
sake – the world’s sake.
and death, we pray that we not forget that this
journey leads us to resurrection and new life.
their work with Lutheran Social Services of New
York to provide shelters and legal services to
unaccompanied children from Central America
now in the New York City area.
31 César Chávez Day We pray that we may be
troubling death of Jesus we may see the very
real love and promises of God.
This resource may be copied and shared among members and friends of the congregations of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church in America. Contact info@elca.org for
additional information. Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, 8765 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631.
Telephone: 800-638-3522, ext. 2458.
22 Fifth Sunday in Lent We pray that in the
23 We pray for the United Methodist Church, an
ELCA full communion partner, and for the
continuing growth of our relationship as together
we share the gospel and serve in the world.
advocates for and treat fairly people who plant,
tend, harvest and prepare food for the daily
sustenance of all people.
24 We give thanks and encouragement for
volunteers – faithful servants – who work
in underserved neighborhoods, help provide
disaster relief, build congregations and serve on
outdoor ministry staffs.
25 Annunciation of Our Lord As the angel
Gabriel announced the coming birth of Jesus
long ago, we pray that our words and actions
may announce Jesus’ saving presence in the
world today.
26 Nine young adults are serving in Southern Africa
with the ELCA Young Adults Global Mission
program. Remember them in their journey of
service, witness and self-reflection.
Editor’s Notes:
Information to share?
Thank-yous, articles, notes, stories or pictures, please email to:
Please put ENCOUNTER in the
subject header.
Next Due Date will Be
Sunday, March 15th
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
For Our Young Readers
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
10 South Lake Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
“Sharing Christ”
- In Faithful Worship
- Faithful Giving
- Ministry Participation
- Daily Living
Telephone No.: 847-566-8081
Dated Material
Do Not Delay
All are Welcome...
The Sunday Morning
Worship Schedule is:
Traditional Service:
8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Service:
10:45 a.m.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church (ELCA)
10 South Lake Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Telephone No.: 847-566-8081
Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins
on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday (April 4th). Lent
comes from the Anglo Saxon word lencten, which means “spring.”
The forty days represents the time Jesus spent in the wilderness,
enduring the temptation of Satan and preparing to begin his ministry.
Our mission as a congregation is to Share Christ. More
specifically, it is to help people come to know Christ, to
grow in their relationship with Christ and his Church,
and to be equipped to serve and witness in Christ’s name.
We would love to have you join us in this mission.
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Mundelein Illinois 60060 www.standrewmundelein.com