in downtown - Notre Dame High School


in downtown - Notre Dame High School
San Jose
2011-2012 Report of Giving
in downtown
Learning to
Impact the
Letter from the Principal
hen I read the State of Women and Girls 2012 Report compiled by the County of Santa
Clara Office of Women’s Policy*, which looks at education, economics and health issues
for the women in our county today, I was struck by this introduction:
In spite of the progress made for women since the passage of the Nineteenth
Amendment granting them the right to vote in the U.S., women today
continue to face challenges that affect their ability to move forward and achieve
full equality in society. Antiquated notions of gender roles, bias fueled by
the oversexualization of women and girls in the media, and an overall lack of
knowledge about women’s growing economic and political power continue to
hinder efforts to advance women and girls today.
As the educational leader of Notre Dame San Jose, I inherit a legacy and responsibility to
engage with these challenges. Our institution has been at the forefront of addressing these
concerns since 1851. We were here, at 2nd and Reed, in the era after the passage of the 19th
amendment that afforded women the right to vote in 1921, making sure that a Notre Dame
education equipped students with the skills and knowledge needed for their future. Decades
later, we still recognize the important role that our students will play as future leaders in our
country and beyond. As the recent report outlines, however, there is still work to be done.
To this end, we are proud of our program, which calls students to recognize the contributions
of women across time, cultures and industries, and then to become women of impact
themselves. From our integrated ninth grade Woman’s Place Project to our twelfth grade
Young Women’s Advocacy Summit and out into
the community through the Women of Impact
luncheon, we make space to celebrate women
who create, serve, and advance.
In this annual report issue, we not only thank
the donors who make this important work
possible, we highlight the work of Notre
Dame women among us who are changing the
landscape for others.
My hope is that you are both thanked and
inspired to continue to support us.
In Notre Dame,
Mary Beth Riley
2011 Women of Impact Honoree
Lily Sanchez ’51 Tenes
Lifelong Volunteer and Community Advocate
* Yo u c a n r e a d t h e S t a t e o f Wo m e n a n d G i r l s 2 0 1 2 R e p o r t o n l i n e a t
h t t p : / / w w w. s c c g o v. o r g / s i t e s / o w p / P a g e s / O f f i c e - o f - Wo m e n % 2 7 s - P o l i c y. a s p x
Impacting the Future - One Student at a Time
n 1941, a little girl named Nonie
graduated from St. Clare’s in
Santa Clara. Her dream was to go
on to Notre Dame High School,
but money was tight and what little
money her single mother had went
towards her brother’s education. It
didn’t stop the intelligent and creative
young woman, who would go on to
graduate from Lincoln High School,
but it did instill in her a desire to
make sure her daughters, if she ever
had any, would have the best Catholic
education possible.
Nonie ultimately married Aldo
Quilici and, together, they raised
five little girls and a son. Four
of the girls would graduate from
Notre Dame. To supplement Aldo’s
salary from IBM, and ensure her
daughters’ education, Nonie worked
at McDonald’s. Both parents spent
countless hours volunteering at Notre
Dame from 1964 when their oldest
daughter, Christine ‘68, attended
until 1980, long after their youngest,
Mary ‘75, had graduated.
Mary credits her own commitment
to Catholic education to the
dedication she witnessed every day in
her parents. “They wholeheartedly
believed in the Sisters’ ability to
nurture and develop women of
“The Notre Dame experience, both
back when I was there and now, is
at once an incubator and a cyclone,”
said Aumack in addressing more
than 400 attendees at the 2012
Women of Impact luncheon where
she was honored. “It is a safe and
nurturing place that challenges you
to make your mark. Perhaps most
importantly, we learn at Notre Dame
that our impact should be targeted,
channeled in ways that reflect the
Gospel values on which St. Julie built
the great footprint of the Sisters of
Notre Dame. It’s not just a great
school, it’s a great Catholic school
and the girls
leave with the
stamp of our
from the
Eucharist and
defining our
social values.”
attend Our Lady
of Grace Nativity
School. The
concept is simple
- a circle of thirty
women committed
to giving $50
per month for
four years. The
outcome - four
years of a Notre
Dame education
for one young
woman who then becomes the
‘center’ of the circle and the ‘thirtyfirst’ woman. The money generated
by each group
of women will
cover the costs
associated with
high school
including tuition,
books, uniforms
and other fees.
Following her
from the
world as vice
president of
distribution at Hewlett Packard,
she devoted her time and energy to
philanthropy, serving on the board
of Catholic Charities and with the
Caritas Society before joining The
Catholic Community Foundation
as executive director. The Catholic
Community Foundation develops,
acquires and distributes funds that
serve to strengthen the Catholic
community, matching donor intent
with unmet needs.
Women is a
great example
of compound
shares Mary.
Although simple, the idea that
together we can accomplish so much
more than individually is powerful.
“We have no idea the breadth of the
ripples caused by our actions.”
Mary is also co-founder, with Maria
Bellafronto, of her own charitable
endeavor, ThirtyOne Women, a
group dedicated to making a Notre
Dame education available to girls
from very low income families who
ThirtyOne Women is currently
funding the education of two young
women from the Class of 2016,
Yasmen Lopez and Michelle Ramirez
and the third ‘circle’ is well on its way
to completion. Mary can already see
the beginning of philanthropic ripples
of her actions, having been told by
Michelle, “I don’t know exactly what
I’ll do after school but I know I’ll join
the circle.”
Notre Dame’s ‘Thirty-first’ Women
Ever since I started middle school, I wanted to see myself
somewhere where I could proudly say I had worked hard to get.
That somewhere was Notre Dame. It is such a privilege to attend
Notre Dame because I know that I will be able to pursue my dream
career — nursing. Knowing that as a nurse, I can save someone’s
life creates a deeper determination when I am doing homework or
studying. In the future when I am asked what brought me so far in
life, my answer will always be “Notre Dame.”
Yasmen Lopez, Class of 2016
I come from a very fun, encouraging, and humble family. My mother has
always told me that I can achieve anything I set my mind to, and my dad has
always taught me to never give up on my goals. As I get older, I admire both
of them more, because I strongly believe that if it was not for them, I would not
be where I am right now. The fact that I can wake up every morning, and walk
that one block to the place I now call my school, is a true blessing. Receiving
help from these amazing thirty women made me realize more than ever before
how important it is for me to give back and help people like me with their goals.
Michelle Ramirez , Class of 2016
Impacting the Global Community - Nicole Moore, English Teacher
n the summer of 2012, I
accompanied Carl Wilkens, author
of this year’s ND Reads book I’m
Not Leaving, and a small group of
teachers to Rwanda to study the
genocide - 100 days in the spring of
1994 during which at least 500,000
people were brutally murdered. The
genocide ended with the successful
takeover of the government by the
Rwandan Patriotic Force (RPF)
whose leader, Paul Kagame, became
president. Rwanda is unique among
post-conflict nations in its insistence
on fixing its problems from the inside
instead of relying on international aid.
The prevailing sentiment amongst
Rwandans is that they alone created
the genocide, and so they alone should
correct the injustices in their country.
Most of the individuals and groups
who committed acts of genocide were
tried in communal trials known as the
Gacaca proceedings, which allowed
for large numbers of people to be tried
at once, thus speeding up the justice
process, which concluded
in July of 2012. Rwanda does not
believe in capital punishment, and
did not have the resources to build
the number of prisons necessary
to house the genocidaires, so a
restorative justice program known
as TIG (Travail d’Intérêt Général)
was implemented to both rebuild
broken infrastructure, such as roads
and schools, as well as punish those
responsible for acts of genocide.
By and large, the people of Rwanda
are moving forward, forgiving, but
never forgetting, the 1994 genocide.
The culture of Rwanda is one where
the good of the community is often
considered above the good of the
individual, enabling the country to
move forward.
Notre Dame’s curriculum is built on
a framework of education for justice
and leadership and the choice of I’m
Not Leaving as this year’s ND Reads
provides an excellent launching point
for freshman, and serves as additional
curriculum material for sophomores,
juniors and seniors. Spending time in
Rwanda deepened my understanding
of the issues leading up to this tragedy
and helped me to, in turn, educate
my fellow teachers about Rwanda.
Integrating Carl’s book, I’m Not
Leaving, into the curriculum at all
grade levels allows for discussion
about peace and social justice issues,
as well as concepts of equality and the
importance of being upstanders in a
community, rather than bystanders.
The Rwanda of today teaches lessons
in sustainability through programs
such as ecotourism and livestock
sharing, in which one person
purchases a pregnant animal and
gives the baby to a neighbor who does
the same for a third neighbor. These
lessons help our Notre Dame students
understand the global community of
which they are a part.
I feel very blessed to work at Notre
Dame San Jose, as this school not
only honors and appreciates my efforts
to travel and create curriculum, but
also fosters opportunities to bring
the world to our students and our
students to the rest of the world.
Each year, since 2007, Notre Dame High School selects a book that
highlights an issue connected to the school’s mission and programs.
Parents and community members are then invited to join students, faculty
and staff in reading the book. Throughout the year various activities
allow the community to deepen their understanding of the issue and
share their thoughts both inside and outside the classroom. Watch for an
announcement of our 2013 ND Reads book and join the discussion at Notre Dame.
2012-2013 — I’m Not Leaving
by Carl Wilkens
2009-2010 — Three Cups of Tea
by Greg Mortenson
2011-2012 — Enrique’s Journey
by Sonia Nazario
2008-2009 — The Distant Land of My Father
by Bo Caldwell
2010-2011 — A Thousand Splendid Suns
by Khaled Hosseini
2007-2008 — Funny in Farsi
by Firoozeh Dumas
Learning to Impact the World - Alyssa Vu ‘13
his summer, thanks to the
generosity of a Notre Dame
family of donors, I was given the
opportunity to travel to the country
of my heritage on the Mary Beth
International Travel Scholarship.
My parents were refugees who left
Vietnam to escape social injustice
and have told me many stories,
which became real during my trip to
Pleiku. There are two major ethnic
groups: nguoi dan toc (indigenous
Vietnamese) and nguoi kinh (ethnic
Vietnamese). The indigenous
Vietnamese have been discriminated
against and have fewer rights and
opportunities than the ethnic
Vietnamese do, which has caused a
lot of tension.
Every day, I witnessed the restrictions
on basic human rights. For example,
I was not able to freely share my
blog because my thoughts might
affect the school’s ability to do their
work. Brother Quan, the principal
at Truong Vinh Ky (TVK), a grade
school located in the rural city
of Pleiku, Vietnam, told me that
it is difficult to provide services
because Communists are suspicious
of the Church disrupting “peace,”
attempting to convert people to
Catholicism, or stirring up antiCommunist sentiment. Because
Catholic groups provide many
services to poor people in Vietnam,
they are highly censored and are
carefully watched.
Everyone is born with basic human
rights, and these rights are not being
respected in Vietnam. I recently took
a class on peace and social justice
at Notre Dame, and it made me
fully aware of the world around me.
During the trip, I was able to connect
class concepts to the injustices I faced,
such as poverty. Whenever I was able
to explore Pleiku on my own, I was
able to compare their lifestyle with
life in America. It has made me more
grateful for the gifts and blessings I
have received. I value the significance
of accessible education and the right
of speech more because I witnessed
the difficulties in Pleiku. As I
encountered these injustices, I knew I
had to do something to help.
When I returned to the U.S., I
was determined to fight for social
justice and be an advocate for the
voiceless. I was able to share my
work in Vietnam and the challenges
that Vietnam and other third
world countries face with my peers.
Through these activities, I hope to
motivate my community to advocate
for people experiencing global social
Through this experience I discovered
my ability to take action and make
a difference. Spending my summer
serving in a foreign country by
myself, and working to break down
language and cultural barriers, was
challenging, and I was sometimes
afraid, but I found the courage to do
something extraordinary.
I am honored to be a descendent of
Vietnamese refugees. The experience
that my parents encountered
when they were escaping from
Communism has inspired me to work
for those who could not leave and
who do not have the rights that they
deserve. I have a duty to give back to
the country that helped raise me and
became a part of me. As a Vietnamese
daughter, I have to take pride in my
culture and help my Vietnamese
community to thrive. I am proud to
be a Vietnamese youth who advocates
for social justice in her local and
global community.
Changing Lives in Vietnam - An Tam Vu, Chemistry Teacher
he challenges facing the people
of Vietnam are extensive,
including a lack of adequate medical
care, transportation and housing. I
grew up in Vietnam and witnessed
the hardships first-hand. Although I
find teaching a variety of Chemistry
classes at Notre Dame very rewarding,
I am also passionate about making
a difference in the lives of the
Vietnamese people through the nonprofit organization I co-founded in
2001, Extend Your Heart (EYH).
EYH’s main mission is to find
sponsors to fund scholarships for the
poor children in Vietnam so they can
go to school or college. We also have
a Bike Program (providing bicycles
for the students so they can bike to
schools) and support four Preschools
of Love run by the Sisters in Vietnam.
A trip to Vietnam last summer
motivated us to start a new program,
rebuilding three houses for three
families. We are currently finishing
our first house, which is 4 x 6 meters,
for about $1,000. The house will
provide a decent place to live for one
of our sponsored students. He lives
with only his father since his mother
left when he was young.
In the past year, EYH has:
Provided educational scholarships
for 245 students in six locations.
Provided meals, bunk beds and
a music player for four of their
Preschools of Love.
Purchased ten bicycles for
sponsored students to travel to
Rebuilt three houses for three
If you would like to learn more about
Extend Your Heart, please visit their
website at
Manley Hall Turns Ten! - Marylou Schoone, Sr. Development Associate
hen I began as principal of
Notre Dame High School
in June of 1998, a feasibility study
had been completed, campaign
counsel had been hired, and we
needed to “hit the ground running”
with a capital campaign to raise
funds to replace Notre Dame’s
“administration building.” Twothirds of this building was closed – a
combination of age and the 1989
earthquake. The one-third still in
use housed the library, science labs,
about half of the classrooms needed
at that time, and administrative
offices. Not to be successful in this
campaign would mean that Notre
Dame High School – a then 145
year old high school noted for its
excellence in education for young
women – would have to close. This
possibility was unthinkable for an
institution that began its legacy
in the Santa Clara Valley along
with Santa Clara University and
Bellarmine College Preparatory in
1851. The indomitable spirit of
Notre Dame was not to be denied.
Four years later, on October 19,
2002, Manley Hall was dedicated –
and how our hearts rejoiced that day
in downtown San Jose, in the center
of Santa Clara Valley – the “valley of
the heart’s delight.”
On the occasion of its tenth
anniversary, it is with a spirit of
gratefulness and celebration that
we want to thank all those who
contributed to the realization
and achievement of Manley Hall,
which stands as a grand testament
to the undaunted will, dedication,
generosity, tenacity, and plain old
hard work of a community of people
who recognized the distinctive
mission and product of a Notre
Dame education and a commitment
to secure its future. In our original
and ongoing gratitude, we hope
that we have given each of you due
appreciation for the “creation” of
Manley Hall. On this occasion, we
would like to put our hands together
once again to thank three lead
donors to the campaign for Manley
Hall. The trust and generosity of
these supporters gave us the capital
to be successful in our venture – I
like to think of them as Notre
Dame’s “venture capitalists.” So
a huge round of applause goes to
Cindy and Mike Manley (Jessica ’99
and Christine ’03); The Mary Stuart
Rogers Foundation; and Cindy
Gavin ’70 Pond and Randy Pond.
Simply and profoundly, THANK
Manley Hall has been an
unquestionable “game-changer” for
Notre Dame High School San Jose.
Our student body has been at
capacity since the fall of 2001.
The completion of Manley Hall
confirmed Notre Dame’s presence
in its urban landscape – a location
rich in opportunities that provide
for extended classroom experiences.
While ushering in a cutting edge
approach to technology and sporting
state-of-the art science classrooms,
Manley Hall’s design vowed to
hold fast to the tradition and
eloquence that was present in the
historic building it replaced. Its
blend of tradition and innovation
gives visual expression to Notre
Dame’s vision to step into the 21st
century with renewed confidence
and commitment to its mission to
“teach young women what they need
to know for life” – a mission that
demands continual dialogue with a
changing world.
The community spirit, focus and
generosity that produced Manley
Hall will be called upon again as we
carry the Notre Dame legacy into
the future. We look forward to the
future campus plan that will come
from the Master Planning process
now underway. We will keep you
Academic Snapshot
SAT Scores - Class of 2012
Notre Dame Students Mean
588 Critical Reading
574 Mathematics
599 Writing
National Mean
496 Critical Reading
517 Mathematics
488 Writing
Advanced Placement Program
May 2012: 253 students took a total of 500 tests with 85% scoring 3 or higher
May 2011: 222 students took a total of 416 tests with 82% scoring 3 or higher
May 2010: 227 students took a total of 447 tests with 83% scoring 3 or higher
Notre Dame’s Advanced Placement Passing Rate for May 2012
English Language 98%
English Literature 100%
Biology 76%
Calculus AB 93%
Psychology 96%
Spanish Literature 93%
World History 97%
Calculus BC 89%
French 100%
College Acceptance (not a complete listing)
West Coast
Arizona State University
University of California:
Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Barbara
Santa Cruz
California Polytechnic State University,
San Luis Obispo
Chapman University
Gonzaga University
Harvey Mudd College
Lewis and Clark College
Loyola Marymount University
Oregon State University
Pitzer College
Reed College
Saint Mary’s College of California
San Jose State University
Santa Clara University
Seattle University
Sonoma State University
Stanford University
University of Oregon
University of the Pacific
University of Puget Sound
University of Redlands
University of San Francisco
University of Southern California
University of Washington
Willamette University
Between Coasts
Beloit College
Colorado College
Creighton University
DePaul University
Macalester College
Marquette University
Miami University of Ohio
Montana State University, Bozeman
Northwestern University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Tulane University
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Michigan
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Washington University in St. Louis
Xavier University
East Coast
Boston College
Brown University
Fordham University
Georgetown University
Harvard University
New York University
Princeton University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Vanderbilt University
Wellesley College
Yale University
2011-12 School Population
Notre Dame embraces an ethnically
diverse student population of 620
students. Slightly more than half of
the students come from homes in
which a language other than English
is spoken.
38% 22%
Asian Indian
African American
Native American
Pacific Islander
Financial Highlights
Revenue & Expenses
TOTAL EXPENSES 2011-12 $9,910,984
School Program
General & Administration 13%
Tuition Assistance
REVENUE 2011-12
Annual Fund
Tuition Assistance/
Scholarships 21%
Other Giifts
Honor Roll of Donors
1851 Legacy Society
Notre Dame’s 1851 Legacy Society has
been named in honor of the Sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur who founded
Notre Dame High School San Jose in
1851. The 1851 Society is designed to
recognize, honor and pay tribute to all
donors who include Notre Dame San
Jose in their estate plans.
Margaret Nicora Bellany †
Michaela Brody and Paul Benke
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Mary and Gene Campion
Donald Carroll and Mary Jo Avilla ’58 Carroll
Gina M. Cassinelli
Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq.
Josephine and Thomas † Dunkin
Joan Leahy ’47 Egan
Mary Birmngham ’56 Emery, J.D. †
Sue and Charles Foltz
Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ’58 Gargone
Richard Harris and Rosanne Battaion ’74 Harris
Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ’63 Herrick
Helen and Stuart Kane
William Krivan and Teresa Schaub ’60 Krivan
Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo
Diane F. Malane ’65
Lucinda and Charles Manley
Catherine McCosker ’35 †
Virginia McCosker ’32 †
Pauline Ruiz ’30 Mieuli †
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin
Eva Prudhomme ’39 Orton
M.C. Pardini
Helen Cribari ’26 Pettit †
Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond
Patricia Puentes ’79
Rod Rodrigues and Gay Leal ’47 † Rodrigues
Elizabeth M. Ryan ’31 †
Bobbie Sanfilippo †
Kathleen and Mark Santora
Marylou Schoone
Abby † and John Sobrato
Patricia Hayes ’74 Stuart
Kathy Yates and Peter Troop
Debra and Dan Weed
Bernadette and Daniel Yang
Lifetime Giving
$1,000,000 and above
Lucinda and Charles Manley
Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond
Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation
$250,000 - $449,999
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Comerica Bank - California
The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation
William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin
Philip S. Sanfilippo Trust
Abby † and John Sobrato
$100,000 - $249,999
Anonymous (3)
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach, The Blach
Family Foundation
Gina M. Cassinelli
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery, J.D. †
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo
The William and Inez Mabie Family
Normandin Chrysler Jeep
Rita Pursley ’57 Pacheco
Henry Schiro † and Shirlee DiNapoli ’46 Schiro
E. Laurence Schott † and Joanne Hayes ’55 Schott
Stephen Schott and Patricia Sunseri ’58 Schott
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Barry Swenson Builder
Kathy Yates and Peter Troop
The Valley Foundation
$50,000 -$99,999
Dennis Ahearn and Michelle Cantando ’57 Ahearn
Florence and Louis Boitano †
Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
Debra and James Del Biaggio
Deloitte Services, LP
2011-2012 at Notre Dame
Honor Roll of Donors
Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
Bobbe and Glen † George
Robert Half International, Inc.
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Patti and Mark Kussman
Patricia Perrucci ’47 Melehan †
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Peter Muller and Kathleen O’Shea ’65 Muller
Gene Ravizza and Dianne Schott ’48 Ravizza
Bobbie Sanfilippo †
The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
D.H. Smith Co., Inc.
Larue † and Paul Teilh
Theresa and John Vidal
Debra and Dan Weed
Wells Fargo Bank - San Jose Main
Mabel B. Wright Education Fund
$25,000 - $49,999
Rodney Andrade and Anne Gavin ’68
Agnes Azevedo
Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Victor Bruni †
Cecilia and Carl Bucher
California Province of the Society of
Carol and Michael Crow
Catherine and John † Fumia, Sr.
Patty and Reed Hastings
Paul Nakada and Christine Hoang-Nakada ’86
Sheau-Yin and Peter Hsia
Thomas Lackovic and Colette Quement ’50 Lackovic
Jim McCoy and Lore LeDoux ’58 McCoy
Marie and Robert † Plimley
Jean and Michael Quinn
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Norma and Lorenzo Rios
Estate of Genevieve Ross
Marylou Schoone
Genevieve Serpa ’37 †
Christine Ferguson ’28 Snow †
Jim Viso and Vincee Amaral ’50 † Viso
Richard Zlatunich and Rosaleen Badami ’56 Zlatunich
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (3)
George Bellamy and Salvatrice Chimento ’34 Bellamy
Margaret Bellany Trust
Jack Boyd † and Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
Richard Caputo and Janet Seidl ’49
Jim Collins and Ellen Jorgensen ’63 Collins
Elsie Culver
W.E. Harding Co., Inc.
Florence Heafy Charitable Trust
Loreen and Dan Huddleston
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program
Komes Foundation
Jane Carrera ’35 Levitt †
Marie Henriques ’39 Madruga †
Metro-A-Trust Fund
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mina Chow and Michael Ng
Patricia Puentes ’79
Nancy and Roger Pyle
Rod Rodrigues and Gay Leal ’47 † Rodrigues
Karen Rogge
Elizabeth M. Ryan ’31 †
Diocese of San Jose
Sharks Foundation
Debbie and Bryan Stolle
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank San Francisco
Raymond White and Joan Trombatore ’51 White
Bernadette and Daniel Yang
Honor Roll of Donors
Namur Recognition for
Perpetual Support
10 years or more of consistent annual
15 years and above
Barbara Ferrari ’57 Azevedo
Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ‘43 Banker
Minor Barton and Bernadette Gurries ‘43 Barton †
Edward Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini
Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach
Margaret Rehm ’45 Brown
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53
Rob Wells and Eva Condron-Wells ‘89
Michael Cully
Diane and Theodore Danen
Norine De Gregori ‘65
Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ‘65
Ben Dinapoli and Patricia Fraga ‘55
Thomas Farrell and Anne Doeltz ‘67 Farrell
Rebecca Kulpa ‘74 Fernandez
Victoria A. Ferrara ‘69
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ‘55 Filice
Irene and Jim Floyd
Mary F. Fortune, Ed.D. ‘77
Anna Fox ‘89
Marlene Luchessi ’51 Furtado
Joseph Gallo and Maria Lena Trione ‘62
Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ‘58
Alice Towne ‘42 Garvin
Loreene Pardini ’59 Giansiracusa
Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr.
Anna Marie Baumann ’44 Gruber
Mark Hames and Joanne Banker ‘64
Douglas Harper, M.D. and Barbara Levin ‘58 Harper
Jacob Hendryx and Annmarie Voss ’74 Hendryx
Reid Isaksen and Mary Berryessa ‘68
Geraldine Zaro ‘46 Johnson
Ray Kodres and Elizabeth Connor ‘65
Andrew Larson and Kristine Ferrari ’85
Robert Long and Valerie Belli ’59 Long
Laura Musso ‘53 Mann
John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ‘61
Carol J. McKillip ‘65
Lynda Sanfilippo ‘61 Moudakas
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ‘43 Nannini
Frank Nicoletti and Donna Nicoletti ‘59
James O’Brien and Consuelo Foster ‘50
Daniel O’Donnell and Patricia McKenzie ‘50 O’Donnell
Eva Prudhomme ‘39 Orton
Judith Pursley ’59 Pace
Rita Pursley ‘57 Pacheco
Ann Marie Piro ‘58
Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
David Rinde and Saundra Badalamente ‘64 Rinde
John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt
Marylou Schoone
Clifford Shaw and Cynthia Moraes ‘91
Mary Catherine Sherican ‘71
Gail M. Skinner ‘72
Maxine S. Smrekar ‘42
Target - Take Charge of Education
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard
Nancy A. Welch
Nancy and Larry Zurbrick
Endowment Funds
General Endowment Fund
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery, J.D. †
Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ’63
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Linda and Mark Lozano
Marylou Schoone
Debra and Dan Weed
Ann P. Blach Scholarship Endowment Fund
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach, The Blach Family
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53
Bruni Endowment for Scholarships
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53
Normandin Scholarship Endowment
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ’52
10 years and above
Dennis Cigan and Judith Sepeda ‘60 Cigan
Comerica Bank - California
Barbara Frick ‘56 Donnelly
Cheryl and John Harrah
Edward Jelich and Charlotte Jennings ’35
Thomas Lackovic and Colette Quement
‘50 Lackovic
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ‘52
Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst
Janet Fumia ’59 Schultz
Margaret and Raymond Thiercof
Donna M. Woodcock ‘63
Annual Giving
Saint Julie Society
$100,000 and above
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery, J.D. †
Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond
Cuvilly Circle
$25,000 - $99,999
The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert
The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
Abby † and John Sobrato
Ora Et Labora Circle
$10,000 - $24,999
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
The Blach Family Foundation, Rooney
Pfaff ’56 Blach
Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin
Rita Pursley ’57 Pacheco
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Sisters of Notre Dame Generalate - MA
Charmaine and Dan Warmenhoven
Bernadette and Daniel Yang
Regent’s Circle
$5,000 - $9,999
Apple Matching Gifts Program
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Comerica Bank - California
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli Foundation
Nadine Douglass ’46
Junior Blessing
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Mary and Jack Keenan
Jack B. Keenan, Inc.
Elizabeth and Dragan Milanovich
Helen Dietz and David Mimeles
Roberta and Robert Moore
Peter Muller and Kathleen O’Shea ’65
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Rowena Dodson and Roger Rosner
Marylou Schoone
Katherine and Steven Sharp
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Province Fund
Sonitrol Security
Barbara and Jaime Tolentino
Laura and Stephen Trimberger
Principal’s Circle
$2,500 - $4,999
Anonymous (3)
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Cornelia and Terence Barton
Minh Le and Terry Branch
Elizabeth and Brian Cabral
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Anne and James Cashman
Gina M. Cassinelli
Carla and Brian Crowley
Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick
Beverley and George Dunn
Janice Fox
Melinda George ’77
Mary and Mark Gruber
Marcella and Gary Gulmon
Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees
Helen and Stuart Kane
Carolyn and Chris Koehle
Marianne Mai, O.D. and Hugh Mai, M.D.
Gwen and Robert Nakamae
Monica and Paul Pashby
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Deborah and Michael Regalbuto
Lori and Nathan Saito
Dick Scanlan and Carolan Glans ’54 Scanlan
Priti and Divyesh Shah
Monica and Douglas Silkwood
TOSA Foundation
Theresa and John Vidal
Bonnie and Troy Ward
Debra and Dan Weed
Jennifer and T. James Woods
O’Connor Club
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (4)
Adobe Systems, Inc. - Matching Gifts
Elise and Thomas Ajawara
Katherine and Ed Almazol
Denise and Jeffrey Alvord
Lisa and Steven Anderson
Karyn † and Robert Barr, D.D.S.
Emo Biagini † and Anne Mary Grimaldi ’49 Biagini
Jack Boyd and Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
John Bracco, Jr.
Carol Hack and Rod Broome
Michaela Brody
California Emerging Technology Fund
Richard Caputo and Janet Seidl ’49 Caputo
Christine Carbone ’73
Citti’s Florist - Campbell
Class of 1962
Elisabeth K. Coddington
Rita Cortez and Fred Sharkey
Evelyn Crane-Oliver
Annual Giving
Jennifer and James Crotty, M.D.
Norine De Gregori ’65
Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond
Frank Dorsa and Marilyn Orlando ’60 Dorsa
Shalini Venkatesh and William
Annette and Frank Eldredge
Ernst & Young, LLP
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Sue and Charles Foltz
Jill and Steven Foster
Anna Fox ’89
Josie and Geoffrey Fox
Sara Woodhull and Craig Fuget
Laura Fujikawa and Leonid Gelman
Barbara and Paul Gentzkow
Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd
Google Matching Gifts Program
Robert J. Grassilli
Sue Grover
Kelly and Douglas Hansen
Amy and Ray Huang
Loreen and Dan Huddleston
IBM International Foundation
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to
Education Program
Intel Volunteer Grant Program
Corazon and Michael Kalt
Yoko Tsuchiya and John Kao, M.D.
Rita Barton ’62 Karr
Margaret Doyle and Uwe Kerkhoff
Robin and Ken Koenig
William Krivan and Teresa Schaub ’60
Patti and Mark Kussman
Lisa and Alex Laymon
Winnie Tsoi and Frank Lee
Alison and James Lee
Sharon and Brooks Leman
Joan and Ronald Mackin
Manvinder and Charanbir Mahal
Anne and Sean McMahon
Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras
Jeanette and Randall Nagashima
Mai-Tram and Paul Nguyen
Barry Olsen
Margot Olsen
Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal
Romana and Joseph Orban
Peter Pabst, S.J.
Elizabeth Pabst-Wanless
Francesca and Harrison Paist
Whitney and Michael Parker
Christine and Gary Pashby
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
Nirit Peer
Susan and Daniel Pyne
Laura and Richter Rafey
Barbara Eggleston and Richard Rawson
Mary Beth and William Reames
Michele and Mark Richards
Roche Matching Gifts and Employee
Volunteer Programs
Carmen and D. Rex Rousselot
Philip S. Sanfilippo Trust
Save Mart Supermarkets
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D.
E. Laurence Schott † and Joanne Hayes ’55
Schwab Charitable Fund
Deborah and Craig Shaffer
Mary and Job Simon
Vivian and Tim Takeda
Rosie and Martin Tattersall
Larue † and Paul Teilh
Margaret and Raymond Thiercof
Sonia and David Tomkins
Kathy Yates and Peter Troop
Pam and Myron Von Raesfeld
Walmart - Corporate Offices
Melanie Hanssen and Thomas Wrappe
$500 - $999
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous ’68
Linda and Edmond Abrahamians
Lisa Martin ’74 Adamson
Dennis Ahearn and Michelle Cantando ’57
Antonio Alvarez and Elizabeth Alvarez ’76
Bridgit McGarry and John Amarillas
Marianne Ambrosini ’78
Carol Bartz and William Marr
Shirley and John Bracco, Sr.
Laurie Brennan
Ruth Burson and Terence Ryan
Diane and Walter Carney, M.A.I.
Loret Carbone ’67
Patricia Gardner and Pete Carrillo
Xochitl Cazador ’92
Ruth Chen and Shiao-Chung Chang
Hilda and Sarko Cherekdjian
Rose Manimtim-Chua and Henry Chua
Gina and Aaron Colton
Pattie and Dave Cortese
Mary Liz Cortese
Eden and P. Allen Cronce
Megan and Mike DiGiulio
Ben Dinapoli and Patricia Fraga ’55
Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq.
Sheryl O’Hara ’74 Driskell
Lisa and Walter Duflock
Marilyn and Robert Edling
Golf Tournament
Annual Giving
Elizabeth Goodley and Ruben Espinosa
Thomas Farrell and Anne Doeltz ’67 Farrell
Robert Forster and Mary Lou Allen ’43
Marissa and Reynaldo Gacad
Denise A. Garcia ’89
Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ’58
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation - Matching
Gifts Program
Teresa and Nagi Hanna
Brigitte and Christopher Heiser
Denise and Marcos Herrera
Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ’63
Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation
Tammie and Brian Hoshino
Susan and George Kay
Shahneela Rahman and Altaful Khan
Diane M. King ’02
Yuko and Andrew Kirk
Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert
KT Foundation Matching Gift Program
Lucia and Kuen Lam
Tobie and Marc LaRocca
Ruth and Joseph Lawrence
Martha and Sam Lazarakis
Lexus - Stevens Creek
Los Gatos Roofing
Delila Linda and Jose Luna
Leann Cherkasky-Makhni and Deepinder
Lucinda and Charles Manley
Karen and David Meckstroth
Tammi and Randell Miyahara
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Rhonda and Pat Munnerlyn
Lynn Le and Huong Nguyen
Catherine and David Pandori
Noel Pearman and Eugenia Isaacson ’55
Sheryl and Ron Pelzel
Freshman Family
Phyllis Stewart-Pires and Craig Pires
Rusheeka and Ruwan Punchihewa
Gene Ravizza and Dianne Schott ’48
Donald Rocha
Heidi Rolfson and Patrick Goddi
Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ’85
Bernadette and William Ryan
Saint Victor School
Deanna and Pete Scanlan
Joanna and Neal Schirle
Christina and Scott Seaman
Leland Seimas and Bernice Ferrara ’61
Cynthia Bojorquez and Gary Serda
Clifford Shaw and Cynthia Moraes ’91
Janice and Daniel Stachowiak
Sabitha Sukumar and Sukumar
Marianne and Edward Suriaga
Target - Take Charge of Education
Andrea and Joseph Thomas
Nick Tikvica, Jr. and Marilyn Holthouse ’50 † Tikvica
Thuy and Dzung Tran
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard
John Turco and Teresa Polk ’50 Turco
Meena Sathappan and Sathappan
Malathi and Premnath Viswanath
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
The Waite Family
Lisa Gonzales ’85 White
Pam and David Wilder
Jan Carlson-Williams and Robert Williams
Colleen and John Winchester III
The Randall A. Wolf Family Foundation
Marion and Robert Yager
Karina and Leonid Yavorkovsky, M.D.
Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka
Tomas Zazueta and Kathryn Heagerty ’87
$100 and above
Anonymous (2)
Cheryl and Thomas Ajluni
Jacqueline and Frank Albin
Harold Alphonse and Patricia Romanello
’53 Alphonse
Alum Rock Riding Academy
Miriam and Michael Alvarado
Lisa and Peter Antunes
Rosemary Arce ’74
Leslie and Gregg Arioto
Stephanie and Charles Armiger
Douglass Aumack and Mary Quilici ’75
Nishma and Kamal Avlani
Tanuja and Dinesh Bahal
Margaret Chiappe ’64 Bailey
Carole and Jose Balcells
Rachelle and Louis Baldock, Jr.
Lindsi and Sean Baldwin
Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Kirsten Bridges and Ivor Barber
Nila and Nitinkumar Barot
Christina G. Barrese
Stella J. Barreto
Barbara and John Barros
Virginia and Richard Bartone
Linda L. Batton
Maricris A. Belisario ’88
Marianna Belli
Arizza Marie V. Benitez ’12
Maria and Laureano Benitez, Jr.
Nanette Larsen and Richard Best
David Bicknell
Claudia and Brian Bizer
Maribelle and Teddy Bobila
Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst
Annual Giving
Yvonne J. Bondi, S.N.D. ’53
Elizabeth and Malcolm Bordelon
Jane Frommer, Ph.D. and Stephen Boyer
Carolyn Cipolla ’49 Brashear
Robert T. Brownstein
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ’65
Elaine M. Bruni, M.F.T., P.P.S.C. ’66
Marlene and Jorge † Buccat
Karen and Brian Bunton
Deanna Burneikis ’93
Roschelle and David Burwell
Mary Louise Caldwell
Mary and Gene Campion
Stephen Caracciolo and Caroline Perrotti ’67 Caracciolo
Donald Carroll and Mary Jo Avilla ’58
Vern Caruz and Janel Angulo ’91 Caruz
Steven J. Casad
Noel and Jim Castellanos
Maria and Victor Castro
Diego Certa and Mary South ’68 Certa
John Chargin and Alvira De Maria ’64
James Chargin, M.D. and Patricia Murphy ’51 Chargin
Kitty and William Chen
Mary Jo Chesnut
Barbara and Matthew Cheung
Alice and George Chiala
Chun-Nei Ho and Yuen-Ching Choy
Carmen and Ulysses Chua, Sr.
M. Helen and Michael Ciesinski
Maureen and Colin † Clark
Michele Coddington ’11
Nicole Coddington ’09
Gretchen Schmitt ’52 Cody
Maxine Lannin ’43 Cohen
Lorraine and Joseph Combs
Hannah S. Comiskey
Alison L. Commiciotto ’98
Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese ’76 Compitello
Vickie and Ira Cook, Jr.
Christine A. Cooke
Sharon and Carl Cookson
Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ’51
Alicia and Darrell Cortez
Elizabeth and Bradley Cox
Joanne and Patrick Crinion
Carol and J.J. Crowley, Jr.
Jocelyn and Joseph Cu, M.D.
Margaret and Frank Cucuzza
Gerald Cunningham and Joanne Filice ’58
Jerry Dacy and Roxanda Orenczuk ’61
Sharen N. Dains
Claudia Lohnes and Philip Damberg
Daniel Dan and Susan Haas ’65 Dan
Diane and Theodore Danen
Teya Topuria and Mikhail Daraselia
J. Esther and Michel Dareau
Maureen O’Reilly ’67 De Bolt
Magdalena Carrasco and Kevin de Leon
Falguni and Hiren Desai
Joseph DiSalvo and Christine Martino ’69
Sheri and Willie Dizon
Barbara Frick ’56 Donnelly
Anna E. Donovan ’06
Deanna and Mike Dorner
Charlotte Doudell ’68
Kevin Iadonato and Megan Doyle ’95
Thomas P. Duncanson
Barbara and Jeffrey Eagle
Messalina and Renato Eleazar
William Eskew and Rosalie Pusateri ’57
Fabienne M. Esparza
Maria Mendonca and Robert Espinoza
Victoria and Mark Evashenk
FamilyWorks Estate Planning
Iara Barcelos and Paul Farinha
Fawkes Travel, Inc.
Paul B. Feasby
Susan and Mark Fernandez
William Ferrari and Pamela Aldridge ’60
Joan and Frank Fiscalini
Daniel Fitzgerald and Judith Kayser ’61
Matthew Foley and Kathleen Geraci ’76
Marie and Joseph Fontana
Joan Kuklinski ’48 Franck
Shirley and Scott Fuller
Susan A. Fuller
Paula and William Furniss
Anuradha and Ravindra Gade
Patricia Kelly ’44 Gallaugher
Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat
Joseph Gallo and Maria Lena Trione ’62
Susana Garcia
Bobbe and Glen † George
Carol and John Ghiselli
George Giacomini and Denise Smith ’65
Martha Giannini ’60
Gigamat Technologies
Richard Gilberg and Evelyn Gilley ’55
Ana Melara and Gary Glenn, O.D.
Global Impact
Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr.
Sara and Gideon Goldstein
Mary Gottschalk
Barbara Greco
Joseph Greco
Fall Play Shakespeare Abridged
Annual Giving
Elizabeth Griffin
Cynthia and Julian Guillermo
Nicole and Martin Gunther
Shalini and Kamal Gupta
Neha and Naresh Gupta
Ann and Sigurd Hadland
Katie and Christopher Hall
Mark Hames and Joanne Banker ’64
Liza and Steven Hanks
Douglas Harper, M.D. and Barbara Levin ’58 Harper
Cheryl and John Harrah
Noreen and Miles Harrington III
Richard Harris and Rosanne Battaion ’74
Shari and Chet Hastings
Thomas Hastings and Patricia Sullivan ’57
Tara Hastings ’89
Rebecca and Eric Hayton
Rebecca Uribe-Hefley and Steven Hefley
Rosemary Fama and Robert Hendershott
John Hernandez and Josephine Picazo ’53
Karen and Vern † Herr
Eileen Hoefler
Deb and Richard Hof
Monica Hojda ’69
Christina and John Hopkins
Carole and John Hopkins, Sr.
Paul Hough, Sr. and Katherine Bosso ’63
Marie and Reginald Howard
Juei Sheng Sheu and Wen Hui Huang
Hsiu-Hui and Yu Edward Huang
Fei and Andy Hui
Sean Hurley and Heather Pedigo ’92
Powder Puff
In Support of Yancolo, our Sister
Community in El Salvador
Mary Jo and Patrick Ignoffo
Ann Smith and Peeyush Jain
Maria and Paul James
Marek Jeziorek
Lydia and Ronald Jimenez, M.D.
Regina and Christopher Johnson
Geraldine Zaro ’46 Johnson
Anne and Paul Johnson
Elizabeth and Russell Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Timothy Johnson
Judy Joseph
Mary and Leonard Jusinski
Michael Kacirek and Christine Leman ’99
Behnaz and Hassan Karraby
Rebecca and Zulqarnain Khan
Jennifer Young ’98 King
Frank Kotey and Darlene Young ’52 Kotey
Carol Kramer
Barbara Williamson and Robert Krause
Desta and Steven Krong
Catherine T. Kuebler
Thomas Lackovic and Colette Quement
’50 Lackovic
Michele and Thomas LaFollette
Sharon Parsons ’63 Lane
Carmen and Lawrence Larsen
Mary Laier and Mark Law
Judy Lee and Victor Lee
Elaine and Al Lepiane
Ruth and Andrew Lief
Valerie Loboa-Hallmark ’61
Neetu and Rajkishor Lohia
Los Altos Peace Officers Association
Linda and Mark Lozano
Aileen Lu ’04
Thomas Lukes † and Jeanne Cauhape ’44
Mary and Paul Lukes
Elizabeth and Felipe Luna
Dawn E. Malter
Michael W. Malter
Rev. Anthony J. Mancuso
Rosalinda and Faro Mandreza
Barbara Marchini-Ellis and Ford Ellis, Jr.
Jack Marsh and Elizabeth Cody ’47 Marsh
Wendy Lian and Michael Martin
Joy and Kenneth Matsumoto
Monica May
Mary McCormick
Sydney Tiedt and Sheila McGann Tiedt ’61
Delphine Frisco-McGill and Francis McGill
Carol J. McKillip ’65
Mary McLane
Patrick McLoughlin and Stephanie Benke ’02 McLoughlin
Licinia McMorrow ’00
Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D.
Nickell and Joe Melo
Tulin Melton
Christine and Manuel Mendible
Jinobeva Mendoza
Linda M. Meneses
S. Lynn Taylor and David Merchant
Carolyn and Darrell Mervau
Floyd Meyer and Maryellen Artana ’45
Susan and Peter Michels
Joseph Milazzo and Joycelyn Spingola ’44
Esther Trejo-Milioto and Paul Milioto
Isauro D. Militante
Beth and John Miller
Virginia Cottone and Lisa Miller ’82
Annual Giving
Colleen and Kenneth Mizuki
Allan Mootz and E. Ann Wade ’60 Mootz
Alejandro Moreno
Evelyn Moreno
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Lynda Sanfilippo ’61 Moudakas
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Elizabeth and Daniel Muller
Susan Munne
Annamarie and Edward Murphy
Catherine Shearley and Stephen Murphy
Deepika Nabar and Nabar Aniruddha
Tom Nagengast † and Carol Rankin ’50
Dalia and Hatem Naguib
Ramon Marquez III and Nina Nejah ’00
Patty Rauch and Gary Neustadter
Hoai Cao and Eric Nguyen
Nancy and Thanh Nguyen
Chi Phan and Vinh Nguyen
Frank Nicoletti and Donna Nicoletti ’59
Caren Normandin
Anissa and Scott Noteboom
James O’Brien and Consuelo Foster ’50
William O’Brien and Judith Ferrari ’60
Benjamin Zulueta and Gladys Ochangco ’87
Katherine A. O’Doherty
Daniel O’Donnell and Patricia McKenzie ’50 O’Donnell
Mary and Patrick O’Meara
Afkham Ansari and Reza Omid
Valerie and Tim Orsley
Eva Prudhomme ’39 Orton
Stephanie and Jeff Ota
Alison Otewalt-Nissen and Michael Nissen
Adriana and Gustavo Oviedo
Terry Frugoli and Geralynn Patellaro ’74
Sharon and Thomas Peterson
Margaret and James Petkiewicz
Ann Marie Piro ’58
Carol and John Pluff
Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy
Patricia Ponce and Carlos Ponce-Martinez
Anna Marie and Hector Porras
Michael Pozzi and Rosemarie Fasano ’63
Patricia Puentes ’79
Toni and Mark Pullin
Kathleen and Martin Quiazon
Maria and Armando Quesada
Barbara A. Quigley ’71
Janet Rath
Janet and Richard Rathmann
Norman Ravizza and Mary Anne Lorentz ’63 Ravizza
William Romano, Jr. and Donna McGann ’55 Romano
Wendy and Kenneth Ronsse
Ruth and Barnett Rosenblum
Patricia D. Ross
Angelle and Jeremy Rovinske
Diann and John Ryan
Desiree Salguero
Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ’51
SanDisk Corporation Matching Gift
Maria G. Sanidad ’05
Lynne Wingrove and Flavio Scarra
Trudy and Douglas Schenk
John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ’42
Kathleen and Patrick Schneider
Karen and Raymond Schuler
Maria and Joseph Sciamanna
Mary Ellen Cauhape ’40 Sciarini
Lisa and Brian Seifert
Catherine Sharer de Gocobachi and Paulo
Lisa and Frank Siegenthaler
John Simmons and Rose Pierro ’63
Caitlin Sims ’11
Eileen and Kelly Sims
Melissa and Thomas Sims
Toni and Cory Sindelar
Arlene Pang-Sit and Kahing Sit
Gail M. Skinner ’72
Christine Oberholzer ’94 Skizas
Nanette and Paul Skjerven
Mary and Jeffrey Smoker
Maxine S. Smrekar ’42
The Society of Financial Service
Professionals - San Jose
Belinda Soriano
Ed Soriano
Raylene and James Steffenson
Mary Jane and Judd Stiff
Michelle and Louis Stone-Collonge
Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco
Wendy Sun, C.P.A.
Frank Sunseri
Synopsys Philanthropic Matching
Natalie and Kris Tachibana
Mary S. Takaichi
Flordeliz and Carlos Tanedo
Yolanda and Rick Tawfik
Sandra K. Teeple
Tellabs Giving
Patricia and R. Alexander Tennant
Helen Phan and Phi Thai
Mary and Henry Thornton
Rosemarie and James Tice
Ngoc Thanh and Minh Van Tien
Gail and Bruce Tifft
Brian Tighe † and Louise Budros ’45 Tighe
Maureen Elliott and Eugene Toomey
Louis Towner † and Joyce Steiner ’50
Nancy and Stephen Trinh
Virginia and Thang Trinh
Tea Party
Annual Giving
Richard Tucci and Delphine McEachern ’56 Tucci
Mary Ann Little and Nicholas Turner, Jr.
Deborah M. Uharriet ’68
Vicki Harrison and Peter Ullmann
Himabindu and Sreenivas Vaddi
Rosanna and Victor Valladares
Leticia and Nelson Vargas
Anthony B. Varni
Peter Vigna and Jennifer Dains ’88 Vigna
Marjorie and Joel Visaya
John Warren, M.D. and Silvana Volpe, M.D. ’73
Susan M. Votaw
Dung Nguyen and Van Vu
Mary and John Walker
Mary Wallis and Rod Bagg
Joanne and Andrew Wang
Flora and Patrick Wei
Efrat Weisfield
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Western Digital
Christopher Westover and Barbara Ramos ’62 Westover
Tania and Jon Wilcox
Catherine and Donald Williams
Maureen and Richard Williams
Barbara Williamson and Robert Krause
Beth Conley and William Wilson
Alice L. Yavorsky
Leslie and Tom Yedwab
Margaret and Albert Zappelli
Kristine and Walter Zavoli
Mona Chow and Yufei Zhang
Fall Sports
Don Zoccoli, Sr. and Pauline Martino ’44
Nancy and Larry Zurbrick
Friends of Notre Dame
up to $99
Anonymous (2)
Omega Taleon-Abaya and Ralph Abaya
Patricia and Antonio Aceves
Edward Alario and Carol Rose ’56 Alario
John Albers
Wendy D. Albert
Alyssa J. Andrion ’12
Diane and Michael Andrion
Sheila M. Ansted
Josephine J. Anzalone ’52
David Appling and Caroline McKenzie ’50
Cindy J. Arce ’12
Maria and Victor Arce
Leo Artana † and Angela Besio Artana ’44
Angela and George Arzate
Theresa and Joseph Atherton
Brigida Atienza
Taqwa Surapati and Aldrin Aviananda
Chelo and Carlos Avitia
E. Baciocco and Kathleen O’Toole ’58
Roberta C. Baker
Beverly and Arthur Bakos
Mary Swihart ’72 Baptista
Sophia I. Barba ’12
Carmen Barba-Barcena and Francisco
Lori and Brian Bartel
Kathryn Bartel ’13
Patricia Nannini ’76 Bartholic
Minor Barton and Bernadette Gurries ’43
Barton †
Michalina Bazurto-Greene and Oscar
Mary Christi Becerra
Hector Benitez and Joan Ouano ’91
Edward Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ’49 Bertaccini
Deana and Robert Blackburn
Marie Andrade ’57 Brasil
Maria I. Breaux ’12
Jim Buck and Jacqueline Mieuli ’59 Buck
Mary and Ronald Cabanayan
Arlene and Medardo Cabebe
Ronald Cachopo and Patricia Romani ’57
Lourdes and Raymond Calande
Laura Cargile
Charlotte and Kenneth Carlson
Donald Carpenter and Carmel Giacalone ’49 Carpenter
Katherine Milias ’57 Casey
Ivy M. Casuga
Central Coast Section - C.I.F.
Leticia Chaidez
Rosario Chaidez
Hui Hui Chang
Margarita and Rogelio Chavoya
Amy and Yung-Cheng Chen
Gary Christensen and Angele Mesters ’70
Yvette Marie E. Chua ’12
Dennis Cigan and Judith Sepeda ’60 Cigan
Kristi Nocito ’79 Cintas
Peter Cleaveland and Lynette Rodrigues ’60 Cleaveland
Annual Giving
Martha and George Colla
Domini Collins and Brian Milton
Frank Corica and Eleanor Ferrari ’45 Corica
John Corpos and Emily Bernabe ’63
Elizabeth Cortez
Jaymi Cowan ’14
Megan E. Crane ’12
Irene and Tony Cuevas
Michael Cully
Katelyn Daley ’08
Esmelita R. Damba
Mayra A. De Anda ’15
Jan McCutcheon and Jaime De Los Rios
Evelyn and Roger † Dean
Richard Delameter, Ret. and Mary Ann
Connor ’62 Delameter
Frank Della Maggiora
Eran DeSilva and Brad Craycroft
Anne and Dudley Desler
Blake Diep
Emma Dixon ’14
Allison Donahue ’11
Ellen Donlin
Diane Doughty
Mary and James Drennan
Luann and Patrick Dugan
Eugene Dyer † and Zina Lou Hathaway ’50 Dyer
Nicole and Ed Dziuba
Donald Edwards † and Barbara Calvo ’56
Katherine Elston ’10
John Elston and Lucinda Castillo ’79 Elston
John Emrick and Jane Platt ’62 Emrick
Samantha H. J. Evans ’12
Sara E. Evans ’12
Lidia and Jose Farinha
Lyn and Robert Fenchuk
Rebecca Kulpa ’74 Fernandez
Larry Knuston and Mary Lu Ferrara ’68
Victoria A. Ferrara ’69
Peter Filice † and Mary Lou DeBona ’42
Karen Meier and Steven Fisher
A. J. Fleming and Monica Leong ’95
Alejandra Flores-Ruiz ’14
Rebecca M. Fontanilla ’12
Mary F. Fortune, Ed.D. ’77
Claudia M. French ’68
Michael Gaeta and Michelle Santillan ’85
Mykal K. Gaeta ’12
Heidi and Paul Gallagher
Joseph Garcia and Mary Munoz ’56 Garcia
Sonia Garcia
Natalie and Edward Gardner
Alice Towne ’42 Garvin
Carmen and Gerald Gates
Hollie A. Ghiselli
Timothy Glaze and Kathleen Orlando ’70
Eileen and Mark Goldman
Vanessa Gonzalez
John Gravendyk and Ellen Heahey ’47
Hannah Grenberg ’60 Grilli
Melissa Passehl and Peter Groeneveld
Cora Jo Gussenhoven ’66
Nora and Salvador Gutierrez
Lorene R. Halford ’12
Paula and Richard Halford
Bonnie Hamilton
Caroline Handschuh ’97
Robert Hanson and Jennifer Cobillas ’92
Emily Harrington ’10
Katherine Harrington ’07
Jamsheed Hayatghaib
Alan C. Haygood
Mary and Thomas Helmers
Paulina Hernandez ’15
Paula Erazo and Louis Herrera
Debra Krutul-Hicks and Arthur Hicks II
Carmen and Glenn Hill
Quynh-Chi D. Ho ’11
Annie Nguyen and Peter Hoang
Felice Holtz ’13
John Howseman
Erin and Robert Howseman
Ashley Hudson ’11
Carly Hudson ’09
Janis and Russell Hughes
Natasha and Michael Hyndman
Reid Isaksen and Mary Berryessa ’68
Anna Isis-Brown ’04
Catherine M. James ’12
Sheema and Muhammad Faisal Jeddy
Clarissa Jovellanos ’13
Karen M. Judge
Noreen and Michael Kakalec
Patricia G. Kallio
Joanne and Charles Kao
Richard Kern and Geraldine Brancato ’51
Natalie J. Kerr
Rebecca Hendricks and Theodore Key
Nureen E. Khadr ’12
Aamna Khan ’13
Mariam R. Khan ’12
Catherine and Michael Kilcrease
Youkeung and Chunsup Kim
Andrea Artana ’56 Kirsch
Ray Kodres and Elizabeth Connor ’65
Lenore and Harold Koppel
Elvia and Paul Kowalski
Peter R. Kramer
Christmas Blessings
Annual Giving
Theresa Metevia-Krent and Daniel Krent
Denise Krogen
Kathryn Kuszmar
Susan D. Kuszmar
Margaret Lai
Richard Lake and Cynthia Berry ’56 Lake
Nandita and Tapan Lala
Laura Lang ’11
Laurin LaRocca ’10
Stephanie LaRocca ’08
Karen and James Le
Mariana and Randall Leberknight
Betty W. Lee
Grace Lee and Hans Lui
Hayley M. Lee Powell ’15
Virginia Williams and Douglas Lepiane
Wanda and Mark Levy
Laura and Michael Lien
Kenneth Linhares and Loretta Rinaldo ’72
Thomas Lloyd and Alicia Ambrosini ’02
Marijoe and Victor LoBue
Homer Lohr and Jacqueline Bessiere ’48
Xerna Lorenzo ’14
Judy Lucero-Prior
Jeanne and Charles Luckhardt, Jr.
Angeles and Juan Luna
Lisa and Steven Lynch
Michelle A. Macalintal
Charles Maciel and Mary Alvernaz ’41
Diana Torres ’56 Maddox
Marilyn and Shaun Manglaylay
Laura Musso ’53 Mann
Cecilia and Daniel Martin
Yolanda Martinez
Women of Impact
James Palmer and Maria Norma MartinezPalmer, , Ed.D. ’75
Barbara Matasci, S.N.D. ’52
Steve Maultsby and Jill Ferrari ’81
Julie Haakinson ’57 Mazurek
John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ’61
Kate and John McMahon
Carmen Medina
Ana and Mario Mendoza
Grace Mene-Meregillano and Gary
Donna Miguelgorry ’52
Chris Milionis and Annette Ditto ’60
Jill and Chuck Miller
Nancy Mitchell
Stephanie Yamada and Rodny Mitsuuchi
Victor Morales and Pilar Jaime ’70
Dorothy and Richard Moriarity
Donna Klapperich ’57 Morin
Mary Cahalan ’48 Morris
Christine Mugnolo ’97
Karen Duffey ’63 Mullaly
Michele Anne Murphy, P.B.V.M.
Sophia A. Musgrove ’15
Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ’43 Nannini
Emily L. Nguyen ’12
Hannah B. Nguyen ’12
Bayard D. Nielsen
Robert Nino and Kathleen Coyle ’42 Nino
James Noether and Katherine Terranova ’62 Noether
Albert Nuti and Dorothy Musso ’50 Nuti
Frank O’Brien and Janice Frost ’42 O’Brien
Monica Ocampo ’13
Dorothy Doheny ’49 O’Connor
Ramin G. Omid
One World Designs
Isabelita P. Orantia
Sylvia Ramirez and Richard Ornelas
Bertha and David Orozco
Erica E. Ortega ’06
Elpidia Balderrama and Marcos Ortiz
Nancy O’Shea, S.N.D. ’61
Helen Mirrione ’63 Ostrander
Irma and Ramon Pagan
Eleanor Palacios ’67
Joan Panella, S.N.D.
Katrina Pasao ’12
Eugene Pashby
Milton Pavlina and Carolyn Menard ’51
Margaret and Richard Perrin
Deirdre M. Petkiewicz ’12
Russell Pflughaupt
Frances R. Pinheiro
Thomas Pothen Kandathil
Jerry Powell and Genevieve Brennan ’54
Gus Pozzi and Estelle Gay ’42 † Pozzi
Renee P. Prescilla ’12
Marissa Quinones ’13
Kelly M. Rafey ’12
Shruti Rajagopal ’13
Rachelle Raudes ’12
Kristen Reames ’14
Maeve Riley ’02
Patrizia M. Rin ’12
David Rinde and Saundra Badalamente ’64 Rinde
Stacy Roberts
Lydia Robles
Helen M. Rocha
Maria Pinedo and Isauro Rodriguez
Victoria L. Rodriguez ’12
Annual Giving
Maria Valera Roknaldin and Farzam
Hannah Rosenblum ’12
Anna Mae Rubino ’50
Sal Rubino and Rebecca Lozzio ’62 Rubino
Marta and Agustin Ruiz
Malou Gutierrez-Ruiz and Joe Ruiz
Maria Monina F. Rusk
Meghan E. Ryall, M.D. ’95
Elaine and Patrick Ryall
Mielynne Salinas ’14
Jirla Jem C. Salvador ’12
Aurora Saucedo
Lynn Scerbak ’14
Paul Schifano and Mary Ann Niggemann ’51 Schifano
Gurveen K. Sekhon ’12
Angelica R. Serda ’12
Carroll and George Shannon
Jordan Sher
Barbara Simmons
Jay Sondheim and Shirley Bigongiari ’51
Space Systems/Loral
Kathleen and George Stagi
Aileen and Timothy Stephens
Arti Nigam and Baskaran Subramaniam
Jeanne Sullivan, S.N.D. ’47
Charisse Tanedo ’14
Cecilia and Robert Tarrant
Elaine and Thomas Taylor
Cynthia and David Temesi
Danielle N. Tran ’12
Tricia K. Tran ’12
James Treese and Marianne Compagno ’56 Treese
Cecilia Tuma ’12
Wani Tunggal
Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ’42
Alex Uribe
Shihying and Edward Uytingco
Prerana Vaddi ’12
Karen and Michael Van der Zweep
Keerthi S. Vedantam ’14
Erica Vega
Christie Vianson
Danielle M. Vidal ’07
Lauren Vidal ’00
Elena Vizcarra
An Tam Vu
Catherine Waldron, S.N.D. ’63
Robert Warburton and Leslie Blake ’47
Karen and Guy Ward
Kathleen Cote ’67 Whitcomb
Kathleen and Jay Williams, Jr.
Tammy Willman
Jim Wilson † and Loretta Solari ’56
Nancy and Roger Wong
Donna M. Woodcock ’63
Edmund Woods and Barbara Gullo ’52
Woods, M.A.
Roger Woodward
Allie Wrappe ’13
Dee S. Wu
Frances and David Yamada
Michael M. Yamada
Judith M. Yarbrough
Lisa and Albert Yi
Janet S. Yu
Elaine and Jerry Yu
Jessica A. Yutrzenka ’12
Marilyn Pestarino ’49 Zecher, J.D.
Natalie P. Zeitman
Linda Zermeno-Rahmer
Vilma and Ruben Zeta
Xiangdong Zhan
Crab Fest
Parent Partners
Parent Pledge Program — A Commitment to Excellence
We, at Notre Dame High School,
are grateful to those families listed
below who have chosen to partner
with us in the educational mission
of their daughter by participating
in our Parent Pledge Program for
the 2012-13 school year. These
families have made a commitment to
support their daughter’s education
at Notre Dame with a charitable gift
above and beyond tuition. Their
collective generosity remains a vote
of confidence in our efforts to attract
and retain the very best faculty,
provide the very best in programs
and services for our students, and
remain at the forefront of integrating
technology into the curriculum. Our
“Parent Partners” partner with us in
our commitment to excellence in all
Anonymous (2)
Gloria and Edgar Abarca
Michiru and Makoto Abe
LiLinda Ghazian and Ebrahim Abedifard
Cristina and Benjamin Abiba, Jr.
Vani and Jeffrey Aboud
Linda and Edmond Abrahamians
Patricia and Antonio Aceves
Lori Wilson and James Adkins, Jr.
Shellie and James Aguilar
Marwa and Hatem Ahmed
Elise and Thomas Ajawara
Cheryl and Thomas Ajluni
Catalina Garcia and Saul Albarran
Jacqueline and Frank Albin
Mystery Clue Game
Rosa and Raul Aldama
Ada Luz and Walter Alvarenga
Bonnie and Jessy Alvarez
Rosa Alvarez
Denise and Jeffrey Alvord
Lisa and Steven Anderson
Ameena and Shahid Ansari
Jamileth and Mario Araya
Maria and Victor Arce
Rossana and Jeffrey Armstrong, Ph.D.
Liberty and Nelson Arquiza
Milagros and Manuel Arredondo
Meladele P. Arzaga
Banafsheh Sheikholeslami and Hossein
Lorraine Garcia and James Asuncion
Theresa and Joseph Atherton
Tanuja and Dinesh Bahal
Jessielyn and John † Balidio
Jessica Velasquez and Fred Ballesteros
Padmaja and Ramesh Banda
Nila and Nitinkumar Barot
Karyn † and Robert Barr, D.D.S.
Monserrat Barrita
Barbara and John Barros
Lori and Brian Bartel
Shami Ahuja and Suresh Basireddy
Michalina Bazurto-Greene and Oscar
Andrea Beasley-Jolly
Azucena and Donato Bentajado
Rosalinda Olmos-Benyshek and Keith
Risa Bernasconi
Nanette Larsen and Richard Best
David Bicknell
Claudia and Brian Bizer
Deana and Robert Blackburn
Maribelle and Teddy Bobila
Catherine Parrot-Bocca and Michael
Mary and Patrick Boursier
Ruth and Joe Brewster
Carol Hack and Rod Broome
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Kristina Alaniz and Stephen Burich
Cecille and Ricsie Cabales
Maria Lopez and Aldo Caballero
Mary and Ronald Cabanayan
Arlene and Medardo Cabebe
Elizabeth and Brian Cabral
Maria Esther Cabrera
Laura and Israel Canjura, Jr.
Lorie and Ingemar Carlsson
Joanabel and Emmanuel Cepe
Esperanza and Cornelio Chaidez
Yolanda and Ron Chavez
Margarita and Rogelio Chavoya
Margaret and Benjamin Chen
Hilda and Sarko Cherekdjian
Barbara and Matthew Cheung
Allison Anders and Michal Chmielewski
Alice Ng and Stan Chow
Huyen Vu and Trinh Chu
Jane Foltz and Robert Colhour
Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese
’76 Compitello
Andrea and Mark Connell
Cheriline and Alvin Constantino
Sharon and Keith Cooper, D.D.S.
Lan Trang and Brian Cordeiro
Susana and Roberto Cordero
Pattie and Dave Cortese
Elizabeth Cortez
Victoria Cortez
Tamara and Pietro Costa
Dolores Cota
Jack Cowan
Elizabeth and Bradley Cox
Joanne and Patrick Crinion
Eden and P. Allen Cronce
Carla and Brian Crowley
Winter Sports
Parent Partners
Jocelyn and Joseph Cu, M.D.
Irene and Tony Cuevas
Kaili Shen and Zheng Cui
Christine and Bryan Curtis
Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick
Claudia Lohnes and Philip Damberg
Giao Bui and Quang Dang
Susan and Dean Dapkus
Naveen and Shahid Daredia
Patricia and Leopoldo De la Torre
Jan McCutcheon and Jaime De Los Rios
Stacey and George DeOliveira
Fred Diaz
Kathryn and Peter Diemer
Megan and Mike DiGiulio
Thao Nguyen and Anthony Do
Anna and Donovan Dolojan
Cindy and James Doyle
Joanna and Barry Drogy
Chetana and Suresh Duddi
Lisa and Walter Duflock
Linda and Kevin Dullea
Beverley and George Dunn
Barbara and Jeffrey Eagle
Trudy and Michael Ehlenberger
Messalina and Renato Eleazar
Melba Epili
Andrea Espino
Elizabeth Goodley and Ruben Espinosa
Maria Mendonca and Robert Espinoza
Enos Esquivel
Evelyne and Randall Fahey
Iara Barcelos and Paul Farinha
Diana and Carl Farsai
Shahin and Abdulsultan Fazal
Susan and Mark Fernandez
Kimberly and Kurt Flammer
Maria Flores
Frances and James Francisco
Ann and Anthony Fuell
Sara Woodhull and Craig Fuget
Lilyn and Sindolfo Gacayan
Anuradha and Ravindra Gade
Michael Gaeta and Michelle Santillan ’85
Rafael Galdamez
Emelita and Raul Gali
Patricia Parada and Francisco Gallego
Ana Lili and Juan Garcia
Mildred and Ruben Garcia
Norma and Steve Geraci
Hollie A. Ghiselli
Sam Gibino and Julie Santana ’70 Gibino
Ana Melara and Gary Glenn, O.D.
Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd
Angela Suarez and Heladio Gonzales
Varalakshmi and Sreenivasulu
Jennifer Graber, M.D. and Kevin Graber,
Barbara Greco
Joseph Greco
Mary and Mark Gruber
Laura and David Grybos
Andrea Guido
Marcella and Gary Gulmon
Nicole and Martin Gunther
Shalini and Kamal Gupta
Neha and Naresh Gupta
Taru and Sanjiv Gupta
Nandani and Gulu Gurbuxani
Nora and Salvador Gutierrez
Patricia and Salvador Gutierrez
Marisela Cuevas and Rodolfo Guzman
Bonnie Hamilton
Liza and Steven Hanks
Ruma and Mohammad Haque
Angela and Kenneth Hart
Jeannie M. Hatalsky
Garland L. Hawkins, Jr.
Rebecca and Eric Hayton
Brigitte and Christopher Heiser
Rosemary Fama and Robert Hendershott
Ida and Peter Henscheid
Anacleta and Joe Hernandez
Paula Erazo and Louis Herrera
Annie Nguyen and Peter Hoang
Jayne Hoffman, D.D.S. and Neal †
Hoffman, D.D.S.
Rachel Goss and Jack Holm
Christina and John Hopkins
Lisa Sinizer and Rick Hopkins
Tammie and Brian Hoshino
Khanh Nguyet Tran and Quang Hua
Amy and Ray Huang
Hsiu-Hui and Yu Edward Huang
Loreen and Dan Huddleston
Lorelei and Colin Ilas, D.M.D.
Gabriela and Guillermo Jaime
Ann Smith and Peeyush Jain
Shruti and Upesh Jain
Aleta and Arun Jaiswal
Michelle Jaramillo
Sheema and Muhammad Faisal Jeddy
Regina and Christopher Johnson
Suena and Scott Johnson
Reuben Juni
Noreen and Michael Kakalec
Helen and Stuart Kane
Yoko Tsuchiya and John Kao, M.D.
Nisreen and Munawar Karimjee
Behnaz and Hassan Karraby
Rajani Shailender and Shailender Karur
Zeina and Jamil Kawa
Natasha and Atif Kazmi
Susan and Tim Kehl
Erin and Steve Keller
Margaret Doyle and Uwe Kerkhoff
Shahneela Rahman and Altaful Khan
Erum and Imran Khan
Laleta and Kevin Khan
Rabia and Mahmood Khan
Rebecca and Zulqarnain Khan
Donor Reception
Parent Partners
Catherine and Michael Kilcrease
Yuko and Andrew Kirk
Sushma Kumari and Sandeep Kishore
Lynn and Brian Kling
Molly and Chris Knox
Carolyn and Chris Koehle
Rhonda and John Kost
Carol Kramer
Theresa Metevia-Krent and Daniel Krent
Sukhwinder Kuar
Sailaja and Dilip Kuchibhatla
David Kumar
Connie and Marcel La Roque
Michele and Thomas LaFollette
Nandita and Tapan Lala
Lucia and Kuen Lam
Karen and Jerry Lane
Lily Cao and Mau Lao
Carmen and Lawrence Larsen
Karen and James Le
Tracy and Tay Le
Betty W. Lee
Winnie Tsoi and Frank Lee
Alison and James Lee
Elaine and Thad Leingang
Shelly and Michael Leis
Ruth and Andrew Lief
Laura and Michael Lien
Lori and Alex Limberis
Fonny and Edy Liongosari
Leslie Liu
Neetu and Rajkishor Lohia
Imelda and Luis Lopez
Rosalinda Lopez
Woman’s Place
Rina and Felix Lorenzo
Linda and Mark Lozano
Elizabeth and Felipe Luna
Alexis Macaranas
MaryBeth and John Macedo
Marilou and Jose Madriaga
Marianne Mai, O.D. and Hugh Mai, M.D.
Van Nguyen and Tim Mai
Leann Cherkasky-Makhni and Deepinder
Cory and Ariel Mallari
Arundhati and Satya Mallya
Dawn E. Malter
Michael W. Malter
Rosalinda and Faro Mandreza
Jina and Michael Mangaoang
Miriam and Guillermo Marquez
Cecilia and Daniel Martin
Wendy Lian and Michael Martin
Laura Holtz and Allen Martinez
Irma and Jorge Martinez
Rosemarie and Raymond Martinez, Jr.
Deidre Savino and Edwin Maurer
Delphine Frisco-McGill and Francis McGill
Maria and Gustavo Medina
Bina and Naresh Mehta
Veronica Melendez
Mary A. Mello
Nickell and Joe Melo
Ana and Mario Mendoza
Michelle Meraz
Grace Mene-Meregillano and Gary
Natalia and Roel Meregillano
Dorothy and Kent Merlic
Edith and Rodrigo Meza
Susan and Peter Michels
Esther Trejo-Milioto and Paul Milioto
Luiza and Angel Milla
Rebecca Westrick Miller and Daniel Miller
Hugo Miller
Frances and Martin Miller
Tammi and Randell Miyahara
Colleen and Kenneth Mizuki
Ramona and Hadi Moezizi
Louise Hwang and Mark Mondry
Caroline Montojo
Evelyn and Alejandro Moreno
Stacy and Scott Morey
Jennifer and Christopher Morris
Shabnam Oreizi and Parviz Mostafavi
Colette and Tom Mount
Myra and Brad Mountz
Maria Luz and Alberto Movilla
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Elsa and Michael Murdter
Annamarie and Edward Murphy
Eva and Timothy Musgrove
Anuradha and Shubhabrata Nag
Gwen and Robert Nakamae
Taleen and Hagop Nazarian
Hemalatha and Ramakrishna Nekkanti
Vi Ton-Ngo and Evin Ngo
Huynhmai and Brian Nguyen
Hoai Cao and Eric Nguyen
Linh and Hung Nguyen
Vivian Pham and John Nguyen
Mai Nguyen
Parent Partners
Anne and Minh Nguyen
Mai-Tram and Paul Nguyen
Kimnhung and Ruc Nguyen
Chi Phan and Vinh Nguyen
Alison Otewalt-Nissen and Michael Nissen
Vilma Nuestro and Bryce Way
Maria Garcia and Ricardo Nunez
Bernadette and Ramon Ocampo, D.D.S.
Katherine A. O’Doherty
Michele and John Oldham
Katherine Oliver
Anne and Cliff Ologbosele
Margot Olsen
Beth Schwartz and Owen O’Malley
Afkham Ansari and Reza Omid
Valerie and Tim Orsley
Rufina and Mere Ortega
Elpidia Balderrama and Marcos Ortiz
Irma and Ramon Pagan
Francesca and Harrison Paist
Mary and Sunil Palamuttam
Samina and Mohammad Faruq Palla
Christine and Gary Pashby
Monica and Avkash Patel
Nita and Harish Patel
Chirag Amin and Himanshu Patel
Marlen and Kenneth Pedneault
Nirit Peer
Eustolia Peinado
Jeannette Perez
Elena Leyva and Manuel Perez
Anh Ngoc Pham
Phyllis Stewart-Pires and Craig Pires
Carol and John Pluff
Ellen and Frank Polito
Patricia Ponce and Carlos Ponce-Martinez
Reeta and Chandrika Prasad
Martha and Alvaro Quinones
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Jeanette and Neri Quintilla
Jeffrey Ramirez
Kim and Antonio Ramos, Jr.
Deborah and Michael Regalbuto
Uduak Osom-Richardson and John
Fangyun and Rainer Richter
Lisa Mitchell and Robert Ricketson
Vincent Robinson
Olga and Gerardo Rodriguez
Maria Pinedo and Isauro Rodriguez
Leslie Rodriguez
Jennifer and Samuel Rodriguez
Veronica Rodriguez ’77
Agnes Romero
Yolanda Alvarez and Guillermo Romero
Irma and Enrique Romo
Susana Romo
Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ’85
Carmen and D. Rex Rousselot
Malou Gutierrez-Ruiz and Joe Ruiz
Lan and Lorne Rundquist
Bernadette and William Ryan
Nhan Ta and James Sa
Lori and Nathan Saito
Oralia and Efigenio Salas
Desiree Salguero
Benilyn Martin-Salinas and Mike Salinas
Monica and Mike Salinas
Margierose and Constante Sanchez
Alejandra and Jose Sanchez
Mary and Mark Sanchez
William Santillana and Concepcion
Mosqueda ’92 Santillana
Cindy and Joel Santos
Uzma and Suhail Sardar
Aurora Saucedo
Deanna and Pete Scanlan
Lynne Wingrove and Flavio Scarra
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D.
Laura and Charles Schemmel
Trudy and Douglas Schenk
Joanna and Neal Schirle
Kathleen and Patrick Schneider
Cynthia and William Schord
Lesley and Eric Schwertley
Maria and Joseph Sciamanna
Lisa and Brian Seifert
Deborah and Craig Shaffer
Priti and Divyesh Shah
Shehnaz Khan and Ahsan Shaikh
Bijayee and Devendra Shrestha
Anees and Nazeer Siddiqee
Lisa and Frank Siegenthaler
Rose and Ramon Sigua
Melissa and Thomas Sims
Toni and Cory Sindelar
Gurjit Kaur and Daljit Singh
Arlene Pang-Sit and Kahing Sit
Nanette and Paul Skjerven
Mary and Jeffrey Smoker
Olga and Valery Sokolsky
Cynthia and Michael Sorci
Belinda Soriano
Ed Soriano
Agnes and Geoffrey Spence
Thomas Spielbauer
Lalitha and Kishore Srinivasan
Michelle and Louis Stone-Collonge
Arti Nigam and Baskaran Subramaniam
Hemamalini and Ramaswami
Sabitha Sukumar and Sukumar
Wendy and Paul Sura
Marianne and Edward Suriaga
Ha Lam and Andrew Ta
Natalie and Kris Tachibana
Angelica Chavez and Martin Tafolla
Vivian and Tim Takeda
Flordeliz and Carlos Tanedo
Teri and Thomas Tanner
Rosie and Martin Tattersall
Parent Partners
Yolanda and Rick Tawfik
Elaine and Thomas Taylor
Zhaklin and Ninos Ternian
Elaine and Walter Tersigni
Ngoc Thanh and Minh Van Tien
Tess Tolentino
Kathryn and Manuel Torres
Jessica Rose-Tracy and John Tracy
Loan Tran
Diane Huynh and Tien Tran
Linh Nguyen, D.D.S. and Tuong Tran
Aricka Krier and Ut Tran
Nancy and Stephen Trinh
Diane and Ben Tripousis
Valerie and Carlo Trovato
Angelica Pham and Stephen Truong
Christina and Odysseas Tsatalos
Mary Ann Little and Nicholas Turner, Jr.
Shihying and Edward Uytingco
Trishla Mansukhani and Raj Vakil
Rosanna and Victor Valladares
Kavitha and Sai Vedantam
Meena Sathappan and Sathappan
Carolyn and David Verdugo
Maria Estrada Perez and Manuel Verduzco
Peter Vigna and Jennifer Dains ’88 Vigna
Marjorie and Joel Visaya
Malathi and Premnath Viswanath
Pam and Myron Von Raesfeld
Mau Doan and Cao Vu
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Brenda and Matthew Wagoner
Susan and Henry Walaszcyyk
Mary and John Walker
Jennifer and David Wampler
Class of 1962
Bonnie and Troy Ward
Nancy and Gerald Watanabe, D.D.S.
Sandra and William Watkins
Vilma Nuestro and Bryce Way
Flora and Patrick Wei
Lisa and Torayle Wells
Lina Lee and John Whelan
Ryan R. Wight
Pam and David Wilder
Catherine and Donald Williams
Maureen and Richard Williams
Beth Conley and William Wilson
Sara Pinkel and Casey Wimsatt
Colleen and John Winchester III
Jennifer and T. James Woods
Melanie Hanssen and Thomas Wrappe
Dee S. Wu
Virginia and Tain-Yule Wu
Marion and Robert Yager
LeeAnn and Wayne Yasukawa
Karina and Leonid Yavorkovsky, M.D.
Hong Ren and Homing Yip
Dylis and Steve Young
Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka
Fredric Zagala
Leslie Zambo and Vern Cleary
Charmaine and Rafael Zamora
Jonene and Chuck Zanger
Vilma and Ruben Zeta
Xiangdong Zhan
Jean Zhou and Jerry Zhang
Mona Chow and Yufei Zhang
Alumnae Class Giving
Eva Prudhomme Orton
Joan Kuklinski Franck
Jacqueline Bessiere Lohr
Mary Cahalan Morris
Dianne Schott Ravizza
Mary Ellen Cauhape Sciarini
Mary Alvernaz Maciel
Mary Lou DeBona Filice
Alice Towne Garvin
Kathleen Coyle Nino
Janice Frost O’Brien
Marie Zaro Schmitt
Maxine Smrekar
Connie Minardi Turner
Dorothy Ucovich Banker
Bernadette Gurries Barton †
Maxine Lannin Cohen
Mary Lou Allen Forster
Jane Cuneo Nannini
Angela Besio Artana
Patricia Kelly Gallaugher
Jeanne Cauhape Lukes
Joycelyn Spingola Milazzo
Pauline Martino Zoccoli
Eleanor Ferrari Corica
Maryellen Artana Meyer
Louise Budros Tighe
Nadine Douglass
Geraldine Zaro Johnson
Nina Bruno Boyd
Ellen Heahey Gravendyk
Elizabeth Cody Marsh
Jeanne Sullivan, S.N.D.
Leslie Blake Warburton
Genevieve Brennan Powell
Carolan Glans Scanlan
Josephine Pisturino Bertaccini
Anne Mary Grimaldi Biagini
Carolyn Cipolla Brashear
Janet Seidl Caputo
Carmel Giacalone Carpenter
Dorothy Doheny O’Connor
Marilyn Pestarino Zecher, J.D.
Caroline McKenzie Appling
Zina Lou Hathaway Dyer
Colette Quement Lackovic
Carol Rankin Nagengast
Dorothy Musso Nuti
Consuelo Foster O’Brien
Patricia McKenzie O’Donnell
Anna Mae Rubino
Joyce Steiner Towner
Teresa Polk Turco
Patricia Murphy Chargin
Amelia Lippolis Corral
Geraldine Brancato Kern
Carolyn Menard Pavlina
Jeannette Francis Sandberg
Mary Ann Niggemann Schifano
Shirley Bigongiari Sondheim
Josephine Anzalone
Gretchen Schmitt Cody
Darlene Young Kotey
Barbara Matasci, S.N.D.
Donna Miguelgorry
Margaret Gretz Normandin
Barbara Gullo Woods, M.A.
Patricia Romanello Alphonse
Yvonne Bondi, S.N.D.
Class of 2002
Suzanne Donovan Cortese
Josephine Picazo Hernandez
Laura Musso Mann
Patricia Fraga Dinapoli
Patricia Maher Filice
Evelyn Gilley Gilberg
Eugenia Isaacson Pearman
Donna McGann Romano
Joanne Hayes Schott
Carol Rose Alario
Ann Pfaff Blach
Barbara Frick Donnelly
Barbara Calvo Edwards
Mary Munoz Garcia
Andrea Artana Kirsch
Cynthia Berry Lake
Laura Aceves Liccardo
Diana Torres Maddox
Marianne Compagno Treese
Delphine McEachern Tucci
Loretta Solari Wilson
Michelle Cantando Ahearn
Marie Andrade Brasil
Patricia Romani Cachopo
Katherine Milias Casey
Rosalie Pusateri Eskew
Patricia Sullivan Hastings
Julie Haakinson Mazurek
Donna Klapperich Morin
Rita Pursley Pacheco
Kathleen O’Toole Baciocco
Mary Jo Avilla Carroll
Joanne Filice Cunningham
Julianna Barcelona Gargone
Barbara Levin Harper
Ann Marie Piro
Alumnae Class Giving
Jacqueline Mieuli Buck
Donna Nicoletti Nicoletti
Judith Sepeda Cigan
Lynette Rodrigues Cleaveland
Marilyn Orlando Dorsa
Pamela Aldridge Ferrari
Martha Fiannini
Hannah Grenberg Grilli
Teresa Schaub Krivan
Annette Ditto Milionis
Ann Wade Mootz
Judith Ferrari O’Brien
Roxanda Orenczuk Dacy
Judith Kayser Fitzgerald
Valerie Loboa-Hallmark
Mary Ann Kelly McCarthy
Sheila McGann Tiedt
Lynda Sanfilippo Moudakas
Nancy O’Shea, S.N.D.
Bernice Ferrara Seimas
Frances Campbell Allen
Shirley Viehweger Anderson
Barbara Naughton Banks-Norton
Carole Hurd Barcellos
Carol Glynn Beattie
Joyce Baehm Beckner
Patricia Anne Murphy Boynton
Mary Beth Ybarra Bradley
Monica Mello Bumb
Elaine Baker Burns
Carol Butler
Linda Soares Campbell
Josephine Piazza Chisholm
Patricia Murphy Crowder
Mary Anne Santone Dazel
Mary Ann Connor Delameter
Carole Casalegno Dell’Agostino
Marianne Turner DeMarco
Susan Joergler Duarte
Eleanor Elrod
May Reunion Mass
Jane Platt Emrick
Maria Lena Trione Gallo
Celeste Tiernan Gisla
Erin Scott Glysson
Linda Compagno Gordon
Bonnie VanSickle Helfter
Carmelita Sanchez Hiatt
Patricia Slater Hutchison
Michele Roonan Jaeger
Ann Boland Jones
Rita Barton Karr
Diane Ferreira Kline
Lee Ann Barberi Knobel
Kathleen Ravizza Kowal
Carrie Condran LaBriola
Marilyn Rose Lancaster
Carol Paradiso Lema
Gail Ferreira MacLachlan
Starlet Einberger Malone
Florence Krueger Marchand
Mary Mazur
Mary Jo Chargin McDermott
Diane Erickson McQuillen
Mary Lee Schirle Meusel
Eileen Finke Mignosa
Susan Vargas Murphy
Katherine Terranova Noether
Pauline Lepera Price
Connie Machado Proctor
Victoria Gaitan Reed
Maria Vonesky Rogers
Dona Osborne Rossetta
Rebecca Lozzio Rubino
Geraldine Lucas Salamatian
Lorene Kralyevich Scott
Jennifer Finkas Sparacino
Maureen Facchino Stickler
Valerie Vertin Stout
Joan Thomas Tramel
Joyce Chiri Vernali
Frances Brady Vodden
Kathleen Silva Vodden
Helene Cauhape Vossoughi
Carol Wodzienski Webb
Nancy Calvelli Wempe
Barbara Ramos Westover
Mary Castro Wilson
Carolyn Perry Winter
Emily Bernabe Corpos
Arlene Pieracci Herrick
Katherine Bosso Hough
Sharon Parsons Lane
Karen Duffey Mullaly
Rosemarie Fasano Pozzi
Mary Anne Lorentz Ravizza
Rose Pierro Simmons
Catherine Waldron, S.N.D.
Donna Woodcock
Margaret Chiappe Bailey
Alvira De Maria Chargin
Joanne Banker Hames
Saundra Badalamente Rinde
Patricia Rubino Brunetti
Susan Haas Dan
Norine De Gregori
Patricia Feasby Diamond
Denise Smith Giacomini
Elizabeth Connor Kodres
Carol McKillip
Kathleen O’Shea Muller
Elaine Bruni, M.F.T.
Cora Jo Cussenhoven
Caroline Perrotti Caracciolo
Loret Carbone
Maureen O’Reilly De Bolt
Anne Doeltz Farrell
Eleanor Palacios
Kathleen Cote Whitcomb
Mary South Certa
Charlotte Doudell
Alumnae Class Giving
Mary Lu Ferrara
Claudia French
Mary Berryessa Isaksen
Deborah Uharriet
Kristi Nocito Cintas
Lucinda Castillo Elston
Patricia Puentes
Jill Ferrari Maultsby
Christine Martino DiSalvo
Victoria Ferrara
Monica Hojda
Angele Mesters Christensen
Julie Santana Gibino
Kathleen Orlando Glaze
Pilar Jaime Morales
Cynthia Gavin Pond
Lisa Miller
Michelle Santillan Gaeta
Paulette Kempe Roseberry
Lisa Gonzales White
Christine Leman Kacirek
Licinia McMorrow
Nina Nejah
Lauren Vidal
Diane King-Mendoza
Alicia Ambrosini Lloyd
Stephanie Benke McLoughlin
Maeve Riley
Anna Isis-Brown
Aileen Lu
Barbara Quigley
Gladys Ochangco
Kathryn Heagerty Zazueta
Mary Swihart Baptista
Loretta Rinaldo Linhares
Gail Skinner
Maricris Belisario
Jennifer Dains Vigna
Christine Carbone
Silvana Volpe, M.D.
Anna Fox
Denise Garcia
Tara Hastings
Lisa Martin Adamson
Rosemary Arce
Sheryl O’Hara Driskell
Rebecca Kulpa Fernandez
Rosanne Battaion Harris
Geralynn Patellaro
Joan Ouano Benitez
Janel Angulo Caruz
Cynthia Moraes Shaw
Katelyn Daley
Stephanie LaRocca
Mary Quilici Aumack
Maria Norma Martinez-Palmer, Ed.D.
Elizabeth Alvarez Alvarez
Patricia Nannini Bartholic
Rosanne Cortese Compitello
Kathleen Geraci Foley
Mary Fortune, Ed.D.
Melinda George
Wendy Cole Robinson †
Veronica Rodriguez
Marianne Ambrosini
Xochitl Cazador
Jennifer Cobillas Hanson
Heather Pedigo Hurley
Concepcion Mosqueda Santillana
Maria Sanidad
Anna Donovan
Erica Ortega
Katherine Harrington
Dianielle Vidal
Nicole Coddington
Carley Hudson
Katherine Elston
Emily Harrington
Laurin LaRocca
Deanna Burneikis
Michele Coddington
Allison Donahue
Quynh-Chi Ho
Ashley Hudson
Caitlin Sims
Christine Oberholzer Skizas
Megan Doyle
Monica Leong Fleming
Meghan Ryall, M.D.
Caroline Handschuh
Christine Mugnolo
Yvette Marie Chua
Catherine James
Emily Nguyen
Alison Commiciotto
Jennifer Young King
ThirtyOne Women
ThirtyOne Women is a group
passionate about the value of Catholic
education and committed to making it
available to girls from very low-income
Gina M. Cassinelli
Rosemary Quilici
Hannah S. Comiskey
Anna Quinones
Alison L. Commiciotto ’98
Dianne Schott ’48 Ravizza
Jacqueline Courtney
Mary Beth Riley
Evelyn Crane-Oliver
Marylou Schoone
Each group of ThirtyOne women
consists of 30 women committing to
cover the cost for one girl from Our
Lady of Grace Nativity School (OLG)
to attend Notre Dame High School
for four years. This will cover tuition,
books, and fees for all four years.
One girl from OLG will, through her
experience at NDSJ, become the thirtyfirst woman.
Eran DeSilva Craycroft
Joanne Hayes ’55 Schott
Helen Dietz
Mary Lou Strong
Christine Martino ’69 DiSalvo
Andrea Thomas
Marilyn Edling
Deborah Uharriet ’68
Susan Flach
Toni von Dohren
Denise A. Garcia ’89
Susan M. Votaw
Patricia Gardner
Virginia (Ginny) Waite
Barbara Gentzkow
Charmaine Warmenhoven
Melinda George ’77
Debra Weed
Anonymous (2)
Noelle (Bobbe) George
Kathryn Heagerty ’87 Zazueta
Loreen Huddleston
Anonymous ’68
Caitlin Amarillas ’06
Meaghan Amarillas ’09
Mary Quilici ’75 Aumack
Maria Bellafronto
Laurie Brennan
Michaela Brody
Mary Ellen Nolan ’53 Bruni
Ruth Burson Ryan
Christine Carbone ’73
Loret Carbone ’67
Susan Carter
Anne Cashman
Eleanor Cassinelli
Young Women’s
Advocacy Summit
Mary Keenan
Jennifer Young ’98 King
D’Arcy Kirkland
Kathryn Kuszmar
Joan Mackin
Stephanie Benke ’02 McLoughlin
Tammi Miyahara
Kathleen O’Shea ’65 Muller
Susan Munne
Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin
Elizabeth Pabst-Wanless
Sheryl Pelzel
Maria Quesada
Tribute Gifts
In Memory of...
Frank Ambrosini
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Gene Carvalho and Philip Amend
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
Henri Robert Anderson
Elaine and Patrick Ryall
Eletta Marie Baldacci
Martha Giannini ’60
Bernadette Gurries ’43 Barton
Robert Warburton and Leslie Blake ’47
Deno and James Bassoni
Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ’63
Jeanne Benoit ’40 Baysinger
Diane and Theodore Danen
Pamela Fox ’61 Bogle
Janice Fox
Mary Patricia McEnery ’58 Canepa
E. Baciocco and Kathleen O’Toole ’58
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ’61
William Cusick
Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery, J.D.
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
Martha and George Colla
Bobbe and Glen † George
Mary and Thomas Helmers
Richard Lake and Cynthia Berry ’56 Lake
Domini Collins and Brian Milton
William Romano, Jr. and Donna McGann ’55 Romano
Marylou Schoone
Carroll and George Shannon
James Treese and Marianne Compagno ’56 Treese
Anthony B. Varni
Sr. Mary Emmanuel
Stella J. Barreto
Douglas Frost
Cheryl and John Harrah
Marian Gregory
Richard Kern and Geraldine Brancato ’51
Allison Lawrence ’04
Mary and Henry Thornton
Rene Lepiane
Elaine and Al Lepiane
Jerry Powell and Genevieve Brennan ’54
Jane Romano ’44 Lockwood
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Marylou Schoone
Marie Henriques ’39 Madruga
John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ’61
Colleen R. Maher ’47
Timothy Glaze and Kathleen Orlando ’70
Kathleen Norris ’31 Malovos
Allan Mootz and Ann Wade ’60 Mootz
Mary Richard ’31 Miller
Mary Jo Chesnut
Neil Miner
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
Carment Pelayo Norona
William Eskew and Rosalie Pusateri ’57
Dan O’Doherty
Katherine A. O’Doherty
Josephine Panatonni mother of Joyce
Panattoni ’63
Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker
Chu Ying Pang
Arlene Pang-Sit and Kahing Sit
Dolores Pardini, S.N.D. ’56
Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D.
Joan Panella, S.N.D.
Marylou Schoone
Sr. Mary Ann Pelkman
Stella J. Barreto
Yvonne Badano ’57 Pine
Marion and Robert Yager
Estelle Gay ’42 Pozzi
Michael Pozzi and Rosemarie Fasano Pozzi
Donna Heney ’54 Redher
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ’42 Schmitt
Eldora V. Rewak
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Sr. Marie Robert
Cora Jo Gussenhoven ’66
Tribute Gifts
In Memory of... (cont.)
In Honor of…
Mary Coffey ’55 Simoni
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Chelsey Beck ’12 and Sarah Beck ’15
Sharen N. Dains
Sister Mary of the Visitation
Marilyn Pestarino ’49 Zecher, J.D.
John Bracco, Jr.
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Carol Badalemente ’61 Szczepaniak
David Rinde and Saundra Badalamente ’64 Rinde
Kelsey Caldwell ’12
Mary Louise Caldwell
Marilyn Holthouse ’50 Tikvica
Nick Tikvica, Jr. and Marilyn Holthouse ’50 † Tikvica
Lupe Jaime ’69 Torres
Victor Morales and Pilar Jaime ’70
Katherine and Raymond Weinzler
Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick
Dolores Gretz ’45 Winans
Marylou Schoone
Emily Lippolis ’51 Corral
Mary and James Drennan
Frank Doyle
The Society of Financial Service
Professionals – San Jose
Beverley Dunn
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Santina Ferraris
Shirley and John Bracco, Sr.
Nancy Fox’ 59 Thayer, Jennifer Fox ’69 and
Judith Fox ’69 Correia
Janice Fox
Susi Garcia
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Camille Cetali ’60 Goodwin-Fouts
William Krivan and Teresa Schaub ’60
Allan Mootz and Anne Wade ’60 Mootz
Alejandra Haro ’15
Alan C. Haygood
Brigitte Heiser
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Lisa Ignotto ’12
Susan A. Fuller
Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin for a
Merry Christmas
Caren Normandin
Diana Regalbuto ’13 and Julie
Regalbuto ’15
Deborah and Michael Regalbuto
Mary Beth Riley
Shari and Chet Hastings
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Maeve Riley ’02
Heidi Rolfson
Quynh-Chi D. Ho ’11
Lilia Sanchez ’51 Tenes
Diane Doughty
Thomas P. Duncanson
Marylou Schoone
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Jan Tupaj-Farthing
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Institutional & Matching Gifts
Businesses, Corporations
& Foundations
Alum Rock Riding Academy
Berliner Cohen, Attorneys at Law
Blach Construction
Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach, The Blach Family
California Emerging Technology Fund
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Citti’s Florist - Campbell
Comerica Bank - California
J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli Foundation
Los Altos Peace Officers Association
Los Gatos Roofing
Matching Gift Companies
Marianne Mai, O.D.
Adobe Systems, Inc. - Matching Gifts
Moreno & Associates, Inc.
Apple Matching Gifts Program
One World Designs
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation - Matching
Gifts Program
Pacific West Security, Inc.
Roger Rosner and Rowena Dodson Family
Global Impact
Google Matching Gifts Program
Philip S. Sanfilippo Trust
IBM International Foundation
Save Mart Supermarkets
Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to
Education Program
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Province Fund
Intel Volunteer Grant Program
KT Foundation Matching Gift Program
Sisters of Notre Dame Generalate - MA
Motorola Solutions Foundation
FamilyWorks Estate Planning
The Society of Financial Service
Professionals - San Jose
Roche Matching Gifts and Employee
Volunteer Programs
Fawkes Travel, Inc.
Sonitrol Security
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Space Systems/Loral
SanDisk Corporation Matching Gift
The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert
TL Electric
Expert Drywall Systems, Inc.
Gigamat Technologies
Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust
W.E. Harding Co., Inc.
Hedge Trackers, LLC
Heritage Bank of Commerce
Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation
TOSA Foundation
Walmart - Corporate Offices
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
Synopsys Philanthropic Matching
Target - Take Charge of Education
Tellabs Giving
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Western Digital
The Randall A. Wolf Family Foundation
Howell Electric, Inc.
Jack B. Keenan, Inc.
Landmark Builders
Lexus - Stevens Creek
Event Supporters
Golf Tournament
Anonymous (2)
Ricardo P. Ablaza
Linda and Edmond Abrahamians
Lisa Martin ’74 Adamson
Dennis Ahearn and Michelle Cantando ’57
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Leslie and Gregg Arioto
NDSJ - Athletics Parents
Lindsi and Sean Baldwin
Karyn † and Robert Barr, D.D.S.
Daniel J. Barreras
Virginia and Richard Bartone
Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach
Blach Construction
Margie and Michael Blach
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ’65
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Anne and James Cashman
Gina M. Cassinelli
Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Steven M. Clossick
Lorraine and Joseph Combs
Carla and Brian Crowley
Nora and John Dahl
Deborah De La Rosa ’69
Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65
Sandra and David Dilling
Sheri and Willie Dizon
Paul Dominguez
Galen G. Ducey
Lisa and Walter Duflock
Beverley and George Dunn
Aaron Eegle
Randy Elder
Expert Drywall Systems, Inc.
FACTS Nelnet Business Solutions, Inc.
Edmundo Fagundes and Annette Medina
’69 Fagundes
Spirit Week
Michael J. Feasby
Paul B. Feasby
Thomas Feasby
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Norma and Steve Geraci
Linda Herrmann and Robert Godar
Robert J. Grassilli
Brian K. Greene
Lani and Steve Haddock
James Hagar
W.E. Harding Co., Inc.
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Gregory Hom
Carole and John Hopkins, Sr.
Christina and John Hopkins
Howell Electric, Inc.
Loreen and Dan Huddleston
Randall Hughes
Janis and Russell Hughes
Imagine That, Inc.
Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees
Paul Isaacson
Roohina and Arif Janjua
Helen and Stuart Kane
Rebecca Hendricks and Theodore Key
Patti and Mark Kussman
Landmark Builders
Annette and Mark Laranjo
Lexus - Stevens Creek
Ruth and Andrew Lief
Laura and Michael Lien
Mark Lodewyk
Josh Lyngar
Michael Maniglia
Carmen Martinez
Rosemarie and Raymond Martinez, Jr.
Nickell and Joe Melo
William E. Menkmeller
Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras
Moreno & Associates, Inc.
Myra and Brad Mountz
Rachel and James Nelson
Alison Otewalt-Nissen and Michael Nissen
Bernadette and Ramon Ocampo, D.D.S.
Barry Olsen
Pacific West Security, Inc.
Catherine and David Pandori
Eugene Pashby
Christine and Gary Pashby
Monica and Paul Pashby
Sharon and Thomas Peterson
Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy
John J. Pruss
Timothy Ramsay
Mary and Cliff Reese
Robin and Denny Riley
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Shelley Roth
Saint Lawrence Elementary and Middle
Virginia and Ray Sajor
Deanna and Pete Scanlan
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak,
Marylou Schoone
Christina and Scott Seaman
Cynthia Bojorquez and Gary Serda
Melissa and Thomas Sims
NDSJ - Tennis Team Parents
Gail and Bruce Tifft
Shawn Tifft
TL Electric
Barbara and Jaime Tolentino
Diane and Ben Tripousis
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard
Leticia and Nelson Vargas
Christine and David Walker
Nancy and Gerald Watanabe, D.D.S.
Paul Wilson
Bryan Winter
Marianne and Jonathan Wolf
Amy Wright and Emerick Woods
Jennifer and T. James Woods
Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka
Event Supporters
Women of Impact
Elise and Thomas Ajawara
Cheryl and Thomas Ajluni
Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat
Almaden Country School
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Katherine and Ed Almazol
Antonio Alvarez and Elizabeth Alvarez ’76
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Josephine J. Anzalone ’52
Stephanie and Charles Armiger
Lenore Arnold
Joseph Arrigo † and Philomena Pizzo ’42
Chelo and Carlos Avitia
Iara Barcelos and Paul Farinha
Christina G. Barrese
Cornelia and Terence Barton
Carol Bartz and William Marr
Linda L. Batton
Paul Costello and Rita Beamish ’70
Mary Christi Becerra
Bella Casa Consignment
Bellarmine College Preparatory
Berliner Cohen, Attorneys at Law
Blach Construction
Sylvia Blanch and Emmanuel Del Prado
Jack Boyd † and Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
Michaela Brody
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53
Elizabeth and Brian Cabral
California Emerging Technology Fund
Christine Carbone ’73
Diane and Walter Carney, M.A.I.
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Noel and Jim Castellanos
Maria and Victor Castro
Janet Chance
Margarita and Rogelio Chavoya
Hilda and Sarko Cherekdjian
Alice and George Chiala
Judy and Edward Chirco
Gary Christensen and Angele Mesters ’70
Elisabeth K. Coddington
Gina and Aaron Colton
Lorraine and Joseph Combs
Comerica Bank - California
Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese
’76 Compitello
Arlene Zarou-Cooperman and Jack
Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ’51
Carla and Brian Crowley
Kari and Matthew Crowley
Linda Cunha-Ricchio and Frank Ricchio
Rowell David
Anne and Dudley Desler
Helen Dietz and David Mimeles
Dena and Clark Donahue
Frank Dorsa and Marilyn Orlando ’60
Diane Doughty
Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq.
Sheryl O’Hara ’74 Driskell
Thomas P. Duncanson
Beverley and George Dunn
Edmundo Fagundes and Annette Medina
’69 Fagundes
FamilyWorks Estate Planning
Pat Ferrari Culhane
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Fjorn Scandinavian
Sue and Charles Foltz
Janice Fox
Shirley and Scott Fuller
Judy and Robert Gadbois
Denise A. Garcia ’89
Patricia Gardner and Pete Carrillo
Tim Gill
Patricia Pedro ’51 Girard
Sara and Gideon Goldstein
Ron Gonzales
Jennifer Graber, M.D. and Kevin Graber,
Carol Hack and Rod Broome
Liza and Steven Hanks
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Hedge Trackers, LLC
Deb and Richard Hof
Jayne Hoffman, D.D.S. and Neal †
Hoffman, D.D.S.
Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation
Paul Hough, Sr. and Katherine Bosso ’63
Marie and Reginald Howard
Colin S. Ilas, D.D.S.
Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees
Jose Jimenez and Josephine Jimenez ’48
Regina and Christopher Johnson
Bernice and Noel Kane
Yoko Tsuchiya and John Kao, M.D.
Susan and George Kay
Jack B. Keenan, Inc.
Richard Kern and Geraldine Brancato ’51
Catherine and Michael Kilcrease
Yuko and Andrew Kirk
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Carolyn and Chris Koehle
Heda Koh, D.D.S.
William Krivan and Teresa Schaub ’60
Margaret Lai
Sara Langone
Martha and Sam Lazarakis
Dominic Leone and Mary Pizzo ’48 Leone
Christine Lindsley
Mark Lohbeck
Spring Sports
Event Supporters
Ronald Lohbeck
Jeanne and Charles Luckhardt, Jr.
Elizabeth and Felipe Luna
Marianne Mai, O.D. and Hugh Mai, M.D.
Rev. Anthony J. Mancuso
Lucinda and Charles Manley
Cecilia and Juan Miguel Mantecon
Barbara Marchini-Ellis and Ford Ellis, Jr.
Nancy Free ’59 Martin
Mercy Martinez
Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd
Mary McLane
Karen and David Meckstroth
Linda M. Meneses
Roberta and Robert Moore
Allan Mootz and Ann Wade ’60 Mootz
Colette and Tom Mount
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Rhonda and Pat Munnerlyn
Brenda and John Muro
Margaret Nabors
Marie and Francisco Narvaez
Jennifer and Christopher Novak
William O’Brien and Judith Ferrari ’60
Celeste and Mark Oda
Esther Oda
Katherine Oliver
One World Designs
Katherine and Jeff Orloff
Catherine and David Pandori
Arlene Pang-Sit and Kahing Sit
Maria Pappas
Whitney and Michael Parker
Melissa Passehl and Peter Groeneveld
Terry Frugoli and Geralynn Patellaro ’74
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
Nirit Peer
Richard Pfeiffer and Sally Picazo ’51
Frances R. Pinheiro
Holy Week Liturgy
Rusheeka and Ruwan Punchihewa
Nancy and Roger Pyle
Susan and Daniel Pyne
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Mary Beth and William Reames
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Carol Rivera
Cecilia Robb
Donald Rocha
Patricia D. Ross
Carmen and D. Rex Rousselot
Diann and John Ryan
Bernadette and William Ryan
Saggau & Derollo, LLC
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School
Saint John Vianney School
Lori and Nathan Saito
Anna Sanchez
Sanchez Enterprises
Mary and Mark Sanchez
Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ’51
Meena Sathappan and Sathappan
Dick Scanlan and Carolan Glans ’54
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D.
Marylou Schoone
Lisa and Brian Seifert
Deborah and Craig Shaffer
Priti and Divyesh Shah
Nancy Shearer
Lisa and Frank Siegenthaler
Barbara Simmons
Andrew T. Sinsigalli
Nanette and Paul Skjerven
Sonitrol Security
Kathleen Steigauf
Phyllis Stewart-Pires and Craig Pires
Mary Jane and Judd Stiff
Michelle and Louis Stone-Collonge
Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco
Kevin Stuteville
Susan, Stylist for the Stars
Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal
Melissa A. Tamayo
Cynthia and David Temesi
Diana Tenes
Rudolph C. Tenes
Patricia and R. Alexander Tennant
Maureen Elliott and Eugene Toomey
TOSA Foundation
Ellen and Ray Turner
Himabindu and Sreenivas Vaddi
Theresa and John Vidal
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Charmaine and Dan Warmenhoven
Debra and Dan Weed
Efrat Weisfield
Tania and Jon Wilcox
Tammy Willman
Jennifer and T. James Woods
Marion and Robert Yager
Bernadette and Daniel Yang
Karina and Leonid Yavorkovsky, M.D.
Tomas Zazueta and Kathryn Heagerty ’87
Nancy and Larry Zurbrick
Crab Fest Supporters
Laurie and Chuck Abate
Lisa Martin ’74 Adamson
Pamela Alford
Alum Rock Riding Academy
Antonio Alvarez and Elizabeth Alvarez ’76
Clara and Frank Amarillas
Lisa and Steven Anderson
Helen Ansted and William Harrington
Carmen Araya
Jamileth and Mario Araya
Leslie and Gregg Arioto
Event Supporters
Margaret and Daniel Aspiras
Carmen Barba-Barcena and Francisco
Cornelia and Terence Barton
Edward Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ’49 Bertaccini
Karen and Thomas Billmaier
John Bracco, Jr.
Carolyn Cipolla ’49 Brashear
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53
Colleen Burson-Ryan ’07
Mary and Ronald Cabanayan
Elizabeth and Brian Cabral
Mary Louise Caldwell
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
Lisa and Antonino Cartelli
Anne and James Cashman
Jose Cavazos, Jr. and Eloise Filarca ’69
Hilda and Sarko Cherekdjian
Crystal Chow
Mary Lou and George Clough
Ellen and Jim Collins
Lorraine and Joseph Combs
Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ’51
Alicia and Darrell Cortez
Rita Cortez and Fred Sharkey
Elizabeth and Bradley Cox
Carla and Brian Crowley
Diane and Theodore Danen
Jeanne and Henry Dapkus
Sheri and Willie Dizon
Lisa and Walter Duflock
Beverley and George Dunn
Barbara Edgin
Edmundo Fagundes and Annette Medina ’69 Fagundes
Charlen Fong and Marc Petersen
Lynne and Thomas Gerula
Ana Melara Glenn and Gary Glenn, O.D.
Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd
Nicole Gorin ’00
Anne Greene
Sue Grover
Marcella and Gary Gulmon
Noreen and Miles Harrington III
Eileen Hoefler
C.M. and R.T. Hoge
Christina and John Hopkins
Michael Hornbuckle and Lisa Allison ’87
Tammie and Brian Hoshino
Margaret Jasper
Lee Ann Howard ’74 Kaupp
Diane King
Pat and James King
Robert Kirby and Leanne Patellaro ’76
Leanne and Robert Kirby
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert
Carol Kramer
Denise Krogen
Tracey and Jacinto Laney
Laura and Michael Lien
Mary Ellen and Nick Livak
Joseph LoBue
Marijoe and Victor LoBue
Los Altos Peace Officers Association
Los Gatos Roofing
Marianne Mai, O.D. and Hugh Mai, M.D.
Dawn E. Malter
Lucinda and Charles Manley
Carmen Martinez
Steve Maultsby and Jill Ferrari ’81
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D.
M. Christina Mayo
Mary McCormick
Dale Ann McMahon
Theresa Metevia-Krent and Daniel Krent
Anne and Bill Mobley
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Janet and Jim Nachtigal
Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ’43 Nannini
Angela Nardi Brocato
Patty Rauch and Gary Neustadter
Kay Orangi
Stephanie and Jeff Ota
Francesca and Harrison Paist
Catherine and David Pandori
Eugene Pashby
Christine and Gary Pashby
Monica and Paul Pashby
Terry Frugoli and Geralynn Patellaro ’74
Janis Patellaro ’70
Alexis and Neil Petersen
Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy
Delina and Eric Pulliam
Laura and Richter Rafey
Tamara and Michael Ranker
Norman Ravizza and Mary Anne Lorentz ’63 Ravizza
Victoria Gaitan ’62 Reed
Deborah and Michael Regalbuto
Stephanie Regeng
Bob Rewak
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Janice and Joe Rommel
Irma and Enrique Romo
Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ’85
Carmen and D. Rex Rousselot
Lori and Nathan Saito
Claudia Salazar
Desiree Salguero
Spring Fling
Spring Play
Suessical the Musical
Event Supporters
Deanna and Pete Scanlan
Janie and Stephen Scanlan
Trudy and Douglas Schenk
Marylou Schoone
Karen and Raymond Schuler
Katherine and Steven Sharp
Barbara Simmons
Linda Gaitan ’69 Smith
Michelle and Louis Stone-Collonge
Wendy and Paul Sura
Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal
Natalie and Kris Tachibana
Elaine and Walter Tersigni
Laura and Stephen Trimberger
Diane and Ben Tripousis
Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard
Johnny M. Underwood
Karen and Michael Van der Zweep
Theresa and John Vidal
Lauren Vidal ’00
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Susan and Henry Walaszcyyk
Miki and Stephen Wallace
Lisa and James Walstrum, Jr.
Debra and Dan Weed
Maureen and Richard Williams
The Randall A. Wolf Family Foundation
Jennifer and T. James Woods
Marion and Robert Yager
Bernadette and Daniel Yang
Karina and Leonid Yavorkovsky, M.D.
Graduation Events
Auction & Dinner
Linda and Edmond Abrahamians
AEIS - Advanced Estate & Insurance
Elise and Thomas Ajawara
Mary and Stephen Almassy
Katherine and Ed Almazol
Denise and Jeffrey Alvord
Bridgit McGarry and John Amarillas
Joanie Andrews
Stephanie and Charles Armiger
Douglass Aumack and Mary Quilici ’75
Tanuja and Dinesh Bahal
Lindsi and Sean Baldwin
Cornelia and Terence Barton
Maria and Eric Bellafronto
Bellarmine College Preparatory - Mothers
Guild Fashion Show
Berliner Cohen, Attorneys at Law
Ramandeep Bola and Jennifer Simmons ’00 Bola
Jack Boyd and Nina Bruno ’47 Boyd
John Bracco, Jr.
Shirley and John Bracco, Sr.
Michaela Brody
Carol Hack and Rod Broome
Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé
Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ’53
Karen and Brian Bunton
Deanna Burneikis ’93
Arlene and Medardo Cabebe
Christine Carbone ’73
Loret Carbone ’67
Carden Academy of Santa Clara
Anne and James Cashman
Gina M. Cassinelli
Catala Club - Santa Clara University
Xochitl Cazador ’92
Rose Manimtim-Chua and Henry Chua
Angie Cocke
Lorraine and Joseph Combs
Comerica Bank - California
Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese
’76 Compitello
Andrea and Mark Connell
Sharon and Carl Cookson
Arlene Zarou-Cooperman and Jack
Pattie and Dave Cortese
Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese
Alicia and Darrell Cortez
Joe Courtright and Maya Quesada ’04
Brad Cox Architect, Inc.
Elizabeth and Bradley Cox
Jennifer and James Crotty, M.D.
Margaret and Frank Cucuzza
Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick
Claudia Lohnes and Philip Damberg
Sandra De La Torre
Sheri and Willie Dizon
Deanna and Mike Dorner
Kevin Iadonato and Megan Doyle ’95
Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq.
Lisa and Walter Duflock
Beverley and George Dunn
Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ’55 Filice
Joan and Frank Fiscalini
Janice Fox
Delia and Patrick Gallegos
Susana Garcia
Event Supporters
Garden City Construction
Bobbe and Glen † George
Carol and John Ghiselli
The Girls’ Middle School
Elizabeth Goodley and Ruben Espinosa
Google Matching Gifts Program
Mary Gottschalk
Carol Hack and Rod Broome
Rozsa and Walter Harding
Noreen and Miles Harrington III
Brigitte and Christopher Heiser
Deb and Richard Hof
Lisa Sinizer and Rick Hopkins
Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees
Ann Smith and Peeyush Jain
Maria and Paul James
Regina and Christopher Johnson
Judy Joseph
Noreen and Michael Kakalec
Mary and Jack Keenan
Jack B. Keenan, Inc.
Anne Kieran
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
Desta and Steven Krong
Patti and Mark Kussman
Matthew Kussman
Carmen and Lawrence Larsen
Lisa and Alex Laymon
Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ’56 Liccardo
Councilmember Sam T. Liccardo
Ruth and Andrew Lief
Marijoe and Victor LoBue
Joan and Ronald Mackin
Marianne Mai, O.D.
Joy and Kenneth Matsumoto
Anne and Sean McMahon
Tulin Melton
Elizabeth and Dragan Milanovich
Helen Dietz and David Mimeles
Tammi and Randell Miyahara
Colleen and Kenneth Mizuki
Roberta and Robert Moore
Shabnam Oreizi and Parviz Mostafavi
Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo
Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla
Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ’52
Katherine A. O’Doherty
Old Orchard School
Margot Olsen
Ellen J. Orcutt
Peter Pabst, S.J.
Catherine and David Pandori
Whitney and Michael Parker
The Party Helpers
Monica and Paul Pashby
Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter
Noel Pearman and Genie Isaacson ’55
Sheryl and Ron Pelzel
Charlen Fong and Marc Petersen
Carol and John Pluff
Kathleen and Martin Quiazon
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Laura and Richter Rafey
Joseph Ranney and Debbie Pfeiffer ’76
Joseph W. Rideau, D.D.S.
Mary Beth and Philip Riley
Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ’85
Meghan E. Ryall, M.D. ’95
Saint Victor School
Lori and Nathan Saito
San Jose State University
Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ’51
Maria G. Sanidad ’05
Deanna and Pete Scanlan
Janie and Stephen Scanlan
Kathleen and Patrick Schneider
Marylou Schoone
Deborah and Craig Shaffer
Priti and Divyesh Shah
Katherine and Steven Sharp
Lisa and Frank Siegenthaler
Joseph Simmons and Laura Libby ’74
Sonitrol Security
Frank Sunseri
Tina and Paul Sunseri
NDSJ - Swim Team Parents
Vivian and Tim Takeda
Laura and Stephen Trimberger
Mary Ann Little and Nicholas Turner, Jr.
Deborah M. Uharriet ’68
Kaz Uyesugi, D.D.S., Inc.
Theresa and John Vidal
Kathy and Joe Vyvijal
Mary and John Walker
West Valley-Mission College
Jennifer and T. James Woods
Nancy and Larry Zurbrick
Gifts in Kind
231 Ellsworth Restaurant
300 San Jose
Jacqueline and Frank Albin
Alum Rock Riding Academy
Amber India Restaurant
American Conservatory Theatre (ACT)
Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria
Lisa and Steven Anderson
Aquarium of the Bay
Asian Art Museum
Atlantis Casino Resort & Spa
Badalmente Sausage Company
BAE Systems - Ground Systems Division
Ballet San Jose
Kirsten Bridges and Ivor Barber
Bayonette and Blackhorse Golf
Bear Valley Mountain Resort
Bella Mia Restaurant
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
BEST Physical Therapy
Betsy’s Restaurant
Black Bear Diner
Blackberry Farm Golf Course
The Blues Jeans Bar
Bobbin’s Nest Studio
Boot Barn
Boston Market #1126
Andre Boudin Bakeries
The Brin Wojcicki Foundation
Broadway by the Bay
Byington Vineyard & Winery
Barbara Olivo ‘70 Cagle
Andrea and Patrick Caldwell
California Pizza Kitchen
Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos
Carmel Bach Festival
Mary Carter
Anne and James Cashman
Castellanos Family Vineyards
Noel and Jim Castellanos
The Cheesecake Factory
The Children’s Discovery Museum
Class of 2012 College
Children’s Musical Theater San Jose
Chili’s - Gilroy
Chili’s - Morgan Hill
Citti’s Florist - Campbell
Clarity Medical Spa
Classic Car Wash
Claudia’s Art Studio
Cloverleaf Family Bowl
Colton Inn
Concannon Vineyard
Cooper-Garrod Vineyards
Costco Wholesale - Santa Clara
Costco Wholesale - Senter
Carla and Brian Crowley
CuriOdyssey at Coyote Point
Custom Pad and Partition, Inc.
Dave & Buster’s of Milpitas
Deja & Company
Details Clothing Company
Disneyland Resort
Domenico Wines
Donsuemor, Inc.
Douglas Fairbairn Photography
Beverley and George Dunn
El Camino Youth Symphony
Messalina and Renato Eleazar
Elevation Ten Winery
Emile’s Restaurant
Entrees Unlimited
Madeleine G. Evans ‘12
Notre Dame High School - Faculty
Falcon Roofing
Thomas Fallon Photography
Famous Dave’s - Gilroy
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Flames
Sue and Charles Foltz
Janice Fox
Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too
Frankie’s Awards
Genesis Photography
Gilroy Express Wash
Gilroy Gardens
Golfsmith Golf & Tennis - San Jose
Google, Inc.
California’s Great America
Marcella and Gary Gulmon
Habana Cuba Restaurant
Halleck Vineyard
Happy Hollow Park & Zoo
Harbin Hot Springs
Dolce Hotels and Resorts - Hayes Mansion
Heller Jewelers
Hilton San Jose and Towers
Eileen Hoefler
Holder’s Country Inn
Horse Harmony
Tammie and Brian Hoshino
Hydration Coffee & Tea
Icing on the Cake
Il Fornaio Restaurant
In-N-Out Burger
Jamba Juice - Morgan Hill
James & Masako Hair Studio
JCC Silicon Valley
Johnny Rockets - San Jose
John’s of Willow Glen
Carolyn Jung
Donna Kato
Law Offices of Martin King
D’Arcy and James Kirkland
The Kleid Group
Kohl Photography
Carol Kramer
KS Real Estate
Sailaja and Dilip Kuchibhatla
Patti and Mark Kussman
Kyoto Palace
La Concha Spa Salon
La Lune Suclee
Landmark Builders
Las Positas Golf Course
Alison and James Lee
Gifts in Kind
Clareann and Tim Long
Los Lagos Golf Course
Lululemon Athletica
Lunardi’s Markets
Manchester Financial
Marriott - San Jose
Mason & Mickens Financial Services
Massage Envy
Mega Byte Pizza Company
Men’s Wearhouse
Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras
Merry Mart Uniforms
Mexico Lindo
Mi Pueblo Foods
Beth and John Miller
Mimi’s Cafe - Gilroy
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Morgan Hill Bowl
The Mountain Winery
Naturals Boutique Spa
Rachel and James Nelson
Neto Sausage Company, Inc.
New York Style Sausage Company
Nob Hill Foods - Gilroy
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Oakland Athletics
The Old Spaghetti Factory
Olive Garden - Milpitas
Orchard Supply Hardware
Original Joe’s
Palo Alto Hills Golf and Country Club
Palo Alto Philharmonic
Panera Bread
Peju Province Winery
Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst
Pet Food Express - Oakland
Margaret and James Petkiewicz
Dr. Phil Show
Philz Coffee
Pier 39
Pizza My Heart
Planet Beauty
Planet Granite
Poor House Bistro
Psycho Donuts
Anna and Ernest Quinones
Race Street Foods
Raging Waters
Red Robin
Joanne Rees
Ridge Vineyards, Inc.
Roma Bakery
Rose Garden Auto Care
Sachs Day Spa
Salas Janitorial Service
Salon De la Vie
Sam’s Downtown Feed
San Francisco 49ers
San Jose Chamber Orchestra
San Jose Earthquakes
San Jose Giants
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
San Jose Municipal Golf Course
San Jose Museum of Art
San Jose Sharks
San Juan Oaks Golf Club
Santa Clara University Alumni Association
Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers
Santa Teresa Golf Club
Dick Scanlan and Carolan Glans ‘54
Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D.
Charles M. Schlossman
Ann and Greg Scileppi
Cynthia Bojorquez and Gary Serda
Shadowbrook/Crows Nest Restaurants
Sharks Ice at San Jose
Sign-A-Rama, USA - San Jose
Silver Creek Valley Country Club
Silver Legacy
Sports Authority - Gilroy
Sports Authority - San Jose
Sports Authority - Sunnyvale
Stanford Shopping Center
Starbucks Coffee - Lincoln
State Farm - Francesca Delisle
Stems Floral Boutique
Streamline Limosine
Sugar Bowl Corporation
Summerwinds Nursery
Frank Sunseri
Sunseri Salon
Sushi Nara
Sweet Tomatoes
Symphony Silicon Valley
Target - Morgan Hill
Tea Traditions
The Tech Museum of Innovation
Theatreworks Silicon Valley
TL Electric
Togo’s Restaurant
Tomato Thyme
Tova Day Spa - Fairmont Hotel
Tractor Supply
Trader Joe’s - San Jose
Tude’s School of Dance
Una Mas Mexican Grill - Blossom Hill
Wente Family Estates
Whatnots & Dodads
Whitehawk Ranch Golf Club
The Willow Glen Collective
WRB Construction
Yard House Restaurants
Steve Yvaska
Zanotto’s Family Markets – South 2nd
Zanotto’s Grocery – Naglee Avenue
In Memoriam - from July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
Marie Guardino ’39 Amaral
wife of Joseph Amaral
Karyn Barr
wife of Robert Barr, D.D.S.
mother of Alexandra Barr ’15
Julie Bettencourt ’62
Jorge Buccat
husband of Marlene Buccat
father of Mios Buccat ’12
Martha Cabral ’62
Mark Cali
Mary McEnery ’58 Canepa
sister of Maggie McEnery ’55
sister of Tom McEnery
sister-in-law of Patti Trinchero ’61
Marie Alves ’53 Carvalho †
wife of Eugene Carvalho
sister of Elaine Alves ’54 Bastian
Charlotte Pacheco ’52 Cimino
Gloria Cava ’44 De Vincenzi, P.N., C.M.A.,
Mary Birmingham ’56 Emery, J.D.
daughter to Contance and Paul †
sister of Paul Birmingham
aunt of Sarah Birmingham
wife of John F. Emery †
Diane Rieder ’51 Fries
wife of Frank Fries †
mother of Lynette McDonald
mother of Lorie Konecny
Camille Cetani ’60 Goodwin-Fouts
daughter of Mary and Frank † Cetane
wife of Charles Fouts
mother of Michael Goodwin
mother of Steve Goodwin
mother of Thomas Goodwin
Kathleen Jorge ’62
Louise Saso ’42
Jane Romano ’44 Lockwood
sister of Wilma Romano ’35 Blinn †
Mary Coffey ’55 Simoni
Rose LaBarbera ’31 Macaluso
wife of Anthony Macaluso †
sister of Angeleina LaBarbera ’36 Keys †
Aileen Donohue, S.N.D.
Dorothy Von Raesfeld ’39 Musso
grandmother of Courtney Von Raesfeld ’15
Diane Bonoccorso ’62 Easterday
Nancy O’Rourke ’60 Moore
Marietta Bittel ’62 Pace
Ben Padgett
husband of Catherine Gairaud ’44 Padgett †
great-uncle of Catherine B. Padgett
Josephine Panattoni
mother of Joyce Panattoni ’63 Barker
Dolores Pardini, S.N.D. ’56
sister of Loreen Pardini ’56 Giansiracusa
sister of Daniel J. Pardini, M.M. ’59
sister of Richard Pardini
sister of Daniel Pardini
daughter of Ernesta and Elmo Pardini †
Wendy Cole ’77 Robinson
mother of Kiera Robinson ’16
mother of Erica Robinson
wife of Vincent Robinson
daughter of Nelba Robinson
sister of Sandy Robinson
Judy Drolz’62 Howard
Margaret Sellers ’26 McEnery
mother of Bengie McEnery ’53 Dowling
mother of Mary McEnery ’58 Canepa †
Nora Lee Dorsa ’73
daughter of Daniel Dorsa and Leona
Cucciare ’47 Dorsa †
niece of Ann Cucciare ’44 Galedrige
McGrath †
niece of Yolanda Cucciare ’73 Porter †
Donna Heney ’54 Rehder
wife of John Rehder
mother of Katy Rehder ’79 Carrillo
mother of Mary Frances “Fran” Rehder ’78
Hector Rojas
husband of Ximena Zurita
father of Andrea Rojas-Zurita ’10
Roger Dean
husband of Evelyn Dean
father of Carol Mathias ’70 Hummel
father of Cheryl Mathias ’68 Ohlson
Kathryn Taucher ’46 Dorrity
Yvonne Badano ’57 Pine
wife of v. Ronald Pine, J.D.
sister of Arlene Badano ’65 Casolary
Matilda Baumann ’46 Sordello
sister of Maryrose Baumann ’54 Wall
sister of Cecilia Baumann ’42 Wilde
sister of Ann Marie Baumann ’44 Gruba
wife of Raymond Baumann
Maureen McGann ’62 Sowa
Mary Thorton
aunt of Alison Lawrence ’04 †
aunt of Leslie Lawrence ’99 Donoho
sister-in-law of Joseph Lawrence
sister of Ruth Lawrence
Joyce Perry ’46 Tuchscherer
wife of Todd Tuchscherer
Claire Carmel Bayless ’41 Venables
wife of Donald Venables †
mother of John Venables
mother of Ann Venables
mother of Joseph Venables
mother of Paul Venables
mother of Michael Venables
Dolores Gretz ’45 Winans
sister of Margaret Gretz ’52 Normandin
sister of Barbara Gretz ’56 Prosper
sister-in-law of Lon Normandin
sister-in-law of Victor Prosper
aunt of Caren Normandin
Giving to Notre Dame
1851 Legacy Society
The 1851 Legacy Society recognizes
those individuals who have named
Notre Dame High School with a
bequest in their will, or with life
income gifts or named endowment
Lifetime Giving
Lifetime giving includes gifts of real
estate, cash, securities or closely held
Endowment Giving
Endowment gifts are carefully
invested and managed for growth.
The restricted principal is preserved in
perpetuity and the interest earnings
are used to provide scholarships or to
support programs, depending on your
wishes. Options include establishing a
donor-named fund or contributing to
existing endowments for scholarships
or programs.
Annual Giving
Donations to the Annual Fund
campaign make up the difference
between tuition income and
operational costs. Annual giving
supports a balanced operating
budget while also making regular
investments in overall facilities,
academic programs, technology and
co-curricular programs.
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer matching
gift programs. Check with your
human resources office to see if your
company participates or contact
Notre Dame’s Development Office for
Tribute Gifts
Remember a family member or friend
by making a gift to Notre Dame in her
or his honor or memory.
Special Events
Notre Dame hosts four major
fundraising events annually: a golf
tournament, the Women of Impact
luncheon, a crab fest and a spring
event. Underwriting sponsorships
and attendance at these events raises
funds for tuition assistance and the
operating budget.
For More Information
For more information or if you have
questions, contact Executive Director
of Advancement Elizabeth Fox, at
Gifts to Notre Dame High School are
tax deductible as allowed by law.
Mission Statement
Notre Dame High School, in the heart of downtown San Jose since 1851, provides young women an exemplary Catholic and college preparatory education. We do so in the spiritual legacy of Saint Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Sisters
of Notre Dame de Namur, embracing the gift of God’s goodness to support the personal journey of each student. This
journey occurs in a uniquely compassionate community with meaningful and integrated learning programs that foster
intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, reflection, social awareness and responsibility, and the discovery of each young
woman’s voice and leadership capabilities.
We bring to life the values stated in The Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community.
u We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good.
u We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person.
u We educate for and act on behalf of justice and peace in the world.
u We commit ourselves to community service.
u We embrace the gift of diversity.
u We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve.
u We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life.
We honor Saint Julie’s wisdom to “Teach them what they need to know for life.”
2012 Notre Dame Board of Directors
Janice Fox, Chair
Terry Barton (Kelsey ’13, Petra ’09)
Yvonne Bondi, S.N.D. ’53
Helen Dietz (Hannah ’12, Sydney ’09)
Nancy Doyle (Megan ’95)
Claudia Galvan
D’Arcy Kirkland (Madeleine ’12, Jen ’10)
Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D.
Karen Meckstroth
Kathleen O’Shea ’65 Muller
Ruwan Punchihewa (Kayla ’11)
Divyesh Shah (Marai ’14, Manali ’10)
Steve Trimberger (Pamela ’09, Lisa ’07)
John Vidal (Danielle ’07, Andrea ’02, Lauren ’00)
596 South Second Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Ora et Labora
2011-2012 Report of Giving

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