Our partners - Giving to UC Santa Cruz
Our partners - Giving to UC Santa Cruz
our partners UC SANTA CRUZ A progress report on philanthropy of the UC Santa Cruz Foundation, 2008–09 A message from the President For over 140 years, the University of California has given more than one million Californians the opportunity to contribute to the wealth and quality of life in our Golden State. Current financial hurdles facing the state of California challenge the UC system to provide affordable access to this internationally recognized standard of public higher education. Reductions in state support over the past decade—especially severe in recent years—have put the long-term beneficial relationship between UC and the people of California at risk. Private philanthropy has nurtured opportunity at UC Santa Cruz from the start, and this year has been no different. The outpouring of support from alumni, parents, staff and faculty, and our community friends has strengthened this uncommon place. Together we are building a new state-of-the-art library, uncovering the secrets of the universe and the human genome, creating new methods for communicating important ideas, and making a college education a reality for an increasing number of talented students with financial need. Your support has allowed UCSC to provide the same opportunities for today’s students that I experienced as an undergraduate. Your generosity allows UCSC to accomplish its mission of academic excellence. Thank you again for your support of UC Santa Cruz. Gary D. Novack, Ph.D. President, UC Santa Cruz Foundation financial overview Private gifts making a difference With over $30.5 million in private contributions during 2008–09, your support helped make this an outstanding fundraising year for UCSC. Growth of UC Santa Cruz Endowment Trust/Unitrust: 2004–2009 (Millions of dollars) Source of Private Funds: 2008–09 (Total: $30,535,236) Source of Private Funds: 2008–09 (Total: $30,535,236) UC Santa Cruz Endowment Growth: 2004–09 (Millions of dollars) Total Funds Invested 120 Trust/Unitrust Funds 100 UC Regents Endowment (UCSC’s portion) 80 60 40 UC Santa Cruz Foundation Endowment 20 UC Santa Cruz Endowment Performance: 2004–2009 UC Santa Cruz Endowment Performance: 2004–09 (Total percentage return for fiscal year ending June 30) (Total percentage return for fiscal year ending June 30) 25% 20% 15% UC Santa Cruz Foundation Endowment 10% 5% -15% Comparison Performance Value Benchmark return based on the University of California’s Office of the Treasurer’s composite of performance indices. See http://www.ucop.edu/ treasurer/invinfo/ investment_info.html -20% Annual Rate of Inflation 0% -5% 2008–09 2007–08 2006–07 2005–06 2004–05 -10% 2008–09 2007–08 (Total: $30,535,236) 2006–07 Use of Private Funds: 2008–09 Use of Private Funds: 2008–09 (Total: $ 30,535,236) 2005–06 2004–05 0 Annual Giving Total: $2,980,375 Fiscal Year July 1, 2008–June 30, 2009 Source of Annual Gifts Annual Giving Total 2008–09: $2,980,375 UC Santa Cruz Foundation Board of Trustees The UC Santa Cruz Foundation is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization formed in 1974 to support the University of California, Santa Cruz. In close partnership with UCSC’s chancellor, faculty, and staff, the Foundation encourages and accepts private gifts to address critical campus needs not met by state funds. Retiring Foundation Trustees Paul J. Hall The following Foundation trustees retired during the past year. We thank them wholeheartedly for their dedicated service! (Stevenson & Oakes ’83) (Kresge ’73) President (Merrill ’72) Kenneth J. Doctor Kamil H. Hasan (Crown ’85) Narinder S. Kapany (Cowell ’70) Vice President of Regional Affairs Frans M. Lanting Richard F. Moss President, 2005–07 Susan W. Hammer Parliamentarian Betsy Buchalter Adler (Cowell ‘70) Jack Baskin President, 1981–83 Steven G. Blank Stephen A. Bruce (Cowell ‘79) Barbara W. Canfield Harriet L. Deck Mary E. Doyle (Porter ’74) Robert T. Falltrick (Cowell ’69) Kumar Malavalli Donald E. Cooley President, 1989–91 Theresa J. Davis Lawrence D. deGhetaldi (Merrill ’76) Kiran Malhotra James W. Fuller Kristen Marinovic Allan J. Goodman (Graduate Studies ’91) Nion T. McEvoy (Porter ’74) Lawrence A. Moskowitz (Cowell ’74) For Use by Activity Center (Stevenson ’67) Anne Neufeld Levin President, 1991–93 Antonio R. Velasco (Crown ’75) Patrick G. Riley (Cowell ’68) Gordon M. Ringold (Crown ’72) President, 2007–09 Garry A. Spire (Stevenson ’77) Loren A. Steck (Porter ’73) Annual Giving Totals for Past Five2004–09 Years Annual Giving Totals: (Millions of dollars) (Millions of dollars) 2.8 2.4 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.0 2008–09 (Stevenson ’85) Vice President of Board Affairs Anuradha Luther Maitra Sara Bachman Allen Annual Giving Total: $2,980,375 Fiscal Year July 1, 2008–June 30, 2009 For Use by Activity Center 2007–08 Michael P. Graydon Matthew J. Howard 2006–07 (Merrill ’71) Vice President of Academic Affairs 2005–06 Gary D. Novack Theodore C. Goldstein 2004–05 Elected Trustees Source of Gift our partners, 2008–09 Honor Roll of Donors University Benefactors (pages 4–8) are individuals, foundations, businesses, and other organizations that have made cumulative contributions of $50,000 or more over the history of the campus. The 21st Century Club (page 8) acknowledges those who have made deferred gifts or provisions in their estates that will benefit UC Santa Cruz. Alumni Contributors (those who attended UCSC for three or more quarters, pages 8–16) are listed by class year. If listed with a spouse or partner, the UCSC alumnus/a of that class year is listed first. If both are alumni, the listing is followed by *. Parent Contributors (pages 16–24) Friends of the Campus (donors who are not alumni or current parents, pages 24–35). Staff and Faculty Contributors (pages 35–37). Businesses, Foundations, Organizations, and Trusts (pages 37–39) are listed alphabetically. UC Santa Cruz Foundation Trustees currently serving are indicated by †, and former trustees by ‡. Current or former Faculty are indicated by #, and Staff by ◊. Parents are indicated by ∆. Deceased donors are indicated by (d). Between July 1, 2008, and June 30, 2009, more than 14,000 alumni, parents, staff and faculty, individuals and organizations supported UC Santa Cruz with gifts totaling $30.5 million. This Honor Roll of Donors acknowledges those contributors. PHILANTHROPY TRANSFORMING STUDENT LIVES Private support for students more than doubled from the previous year to over $2 million. Funds primarily provide undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships, transforming the lives of students who might not otherwise be able to attend the university. In only its second year, the Parents Fund raised more than $180,000 as families channeled their support toward student activities, scholarships, and other aspects of the student experience. In addition, parents made targeted gifts to support the purchase of specialized equipment for the Film and Digital Media program and to create a fellowship in interdisciplinary environmental research. “In these difficult economic times, the success of our fundraising effort is extraordinary,” said Chancellor George R. Blumenthal. “It reflects the wide-ranging support UC Santa Cruz enjoys and the willingness of a growing number of private donors to help the campus in an era of eroding public funding for the university. We depend on their support to bridge the gap and create opportunity.” For information about supporting UCSC’s exceptional students, contact Kathleen Hughes at (831) 459-4552 or khughes@ucsc.edu. To give online, go to giving.ucsc.edu. University Benefactors Gifts Totaling $5,000,000 or more Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes Baskin# Grateful Dead Productions William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation David and Lucile Packard Foundation Texas Instruments Gifts Totaling $1,000,000 to $4,999,999 American Cancer Society American Chemical Society Anonymous ARCS Foundation AVI CHAI Foundation Elena Baskin (d) Big Sur Land Trust Bridge Information Systems Cadence Design Systems Carnegie Corporation of New York Cisco Systems S. H. Cowell Foundation Digital Equipment Corporation Charles Griffin Farr (d) Charles Griffin Farr Trust Ford Foundation Florence French (d) Goldman Sachs Foundation Gray Whale Ranch Investors and Ranch Properties Alfred Hahn (d) Hewlett-Packard Company Ardis Hyde (d) Philip Hyde (d) Intel Corporation Helen Diller Family Supporting Foundation of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund Walter S. Johnson Foundation Joyce Foundation W. M. Keck Foundation Christian Keesee W. K. Kellogg Foundation Kresge Foundation William Leahy J. M. Long Foundation Joseph M. Long‡ (d) Robert and Eliane Long Kumar† Vijaya Malavalli Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust Adolph and Mary Miller (d) Morgan Family Foundation Kiyoko M. “Kit” Mura-smith (‘75)‡ and John A. Ware National Semiconductor Anne F. Neufeld Levin‡ and Paul Levin Noyce Foundation Bernard Osher Foundation Julie Packard (‘74)‡ and Robert N. Stephens (‘73) PALCO Laboratories Pew Charitable Trust Rockefeller Foundation San Francisco Foundation H. Boyd Seymour Jr. (d) and Deborah G. Seymour H. Boyd Seymour Jr. Trust Silicon Valley Community Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Barbara K. Snader Trust Barbara Snader (d) Spencer Foundation Stupski Family Foundation Sun Microsystems UCSC Alumni Association Harry Warren (d) Brett Weston Archive Gifts $500,000 to $999,999 Agouron Institute Anonymous Morley and Frances Baer (d) Elspeth Bobbs Chevron Oil Field Research Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County Crown Zellerbach Foundation Ellison Medical Foundation Flora Family Foundation Global Solutions for Infectious Diseases Walter and Elise Haas Fund Clarence Heller Charitable Foundation IBM Corporation Intel Corporation James Irvine Foundation William and Susan Irwin (d) Pirkle F. Jones (d) John and James Knight Foundation Jean H. Langenheim# Martha Lauritzen Gloria & Ken Levy Foundation Gary Licker Trust Roberta Lumb (d) John and Catherine MacArthur Foundation Dean McHenry (d) Jane McHenry Charles Merrill Jr. Charles E. Merrill Trust MetLife Foundation MLB Foundation Rebecca and James Morgan Nature Conservancy Bunny Outcalt (d) Peregrine Fund Pew Charitable Trusts Siegfried Puknat (d) Gordon (‘72)† and Tanya Ringold∆ Silicon Valley Overland Robotics Association Spruce Street Foundation Stuart Foundation Symantec Corporation Wachovia Foundation Gifts Totaling $250,000 to $499,999 Agilent Technologies Alias America Corporation Sara B.† and Donald Allen, Jr. Allstate Foundation Anonymous S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Ramesh Bhojwani‡ Ruth Bittman (d) Margaret Bodfish Trust Stephen A. (‘79)† and Mona Bruce Burroughs Corporation Burroughs Wellcome Company George Harlan Campion (d) Columbia Foundation Community Foundation for Monterey County Compton Foundation Donald‡ and Diane Cooley Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County Ethel Hammond Curtis (d) Educational Foundation of America FP International General Signal Thinfilm Company Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Margaret Giberson† and Alan Giberson∆ Art‡ and Carol Graham Michael (‘70)† and Sally Graydon Craig Griswold Raymonde Griswold John Halliday‡ (d) Lou Harrison (d) Hasan Family Foundation Kamil† and Talat Hasan John and Dora Haynes Foundation Robert and Virginia Heinlein (d) Alfred and Ruth Heller IBM International Foundation New York Paul (d) and Anne E. Irwin Japan Foundation Barbara Lee Jorgensen (d) Narinder† and Satinder Kapany David E. Kaun# Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Koret Foundation Landmark Graphics Corporation Estate of Erik M. Lauritzen Erik Lauritzen (d) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Gloria and Ken Levy Henry Luce Foundation Gerena Macgowan Trust March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Nion T. McEvoy (‘74)† Microelectronics Advanced Research Mitsubishi Corporation Network Appliance Paul Newman Charitable Giving Paul Newman (d) Newman’s Own Foundation The Family of Juei-Ming Ong Oracle USA Otter Cove Foundation Pacific Bell Pacific Gas and Electric Company Packard Humanities Institute Rena Perlino (d) Pharmix Corporation Bernice Porter (d) RAMCO Rebele Living Trust Pat (‘88)† and Rowland Rebele Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Katherine Sage (d) Russell Sage Foundation San Francisco Estuary Institute Barbara M. Shields Norman Shields (d) Steve Silberstein Stephen Silberstein Foundation Mary Solari Richard Solari (d) Sony Computer Entertainment America Clement and Jessie Stone Foundation George B. Storer Foundation Sunlight Foundation Mary Thush (d) Clay B. Tousey United Jewish Appeal Federation of Greater New York Wayne and Gladys Valley Foundation Wallace Genetic Foundation Helen and Will Webster Foundation Joanne Woodward Xilinx Corporation Donald and Marion Younger (d) YY Labs Gifts Totaling $100,000 to $249,999 E. Ackerknecht Peter (‘83) and Karen Adams Affymax Research Institute Ahmanson Foundation Alaska SeaLife Center Altera Corporation American Council on Education American Foundation for AIDS Research American Petroleum Institute Amgen Corporation Amoco Production Company Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Anonymous Apple Computer Applied Materials Aramco Services Company ARCO ARCO Foundation Rolf Augustine# Bank of America Foundation Jane Carver Barkley Fund Barry Swenson Builders Beckman Instruments Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation Jessica Bernhardt (‘83) and Ted Goldstein (‘83)† BHP Billiton Estate of Ruth Bittman Boeing Company Robert Bosch LLC BP America Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Joseph F. Bunnett# Sara Bunnett (d) Aline Burkett (d) Burroughs Wellcome Fund The California Endowment California Public Interest Research Group California Wellness Foundation Calmar Optcom Donn and Judy Campion Canon Corporation Ann Capps Alison Keeler Carrillo∆ Barbara Sesnon Cartan (d) Harold Castle Foundation Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust CERES Corporation Bijoy and Joya Chatterjee Chevron Research and Technology Chevron Energy Technology Company Barbara (‘85) and John Chilton Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Christensen Fund Ellen Chu (‘71) CIDA Technology Emily Clark Coast Commercial Bank Community Technology Foundation ConocoPhillips Company Cooley Family Trust Estate of Charles Cowan Cultural Heritage Imaging Charles Dana Foundation Danforth Foundation Jerrold C. Davis Margarete Didden-Ilksen (d) Dow Chemical Company Foundation Jerome‡ and Sylvia Drexler∆ Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Merritt Duncan Trust Yolanda‡ and Chris Dybdahl∆ El Rancho San Benito Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery Dorothy Nadine Emigh (d) Environmental Systems Research Institute Evans and Sutherland Lawrence Ferlinghetti Booth Ferris Foundation Fifth Third Bank First National Bank, San Jose Max Fleischmann Foundation Flintridge Foundation Ford Motor Company Ernest Forssgren Trust Foundation for Global Community Sidney E. Frank Foundation Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation William H. Gates, Sr. J. Paul Getty Trust Global Software Corporation David B. Gold Foundation Elaine Gold Helen Younger Goode W. T. Grant Foundation M.R.C. Greenwood†◊ Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Halliday Foundation Layne Halliday∆ John Halverson (d) Clara-Belle Hamilton (d) Rose Hand (d) Ruth Hare (d) Headstrong Services Heller Charitable and Educational Fund Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Hewlett-Packard Laboratories William Hilton and Elena Delgado George Hitchcock# Elise Hoffman (d) Thelma Hoffman (d) Hoffmann-LaRoche Corporation Emmet Hooper (d) Lee T. Hooper Hal‡◊ and Dottie Hyde Persis Hyde (d) Hyde Family Trust Bruce Hyman InterMune Corporation Island Conservation and Ecology Group Islands Fund Charlotte Jackson (d) Jet Propulsion Laboratory 5 Jim Joseph Foundation The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation David Kashtan William and Marina Kast Marion Kauffman Ewing Foundation Robert Keeler Foundation Ada Howe Kent Foundation David Kirk and Larry Millsap David†◊ and Rachel Kliger Korea Telecom Corporation Kosan Biosciences Robert P. Kraft# Kretschmer Revocable Trust Ernest “Bud” Kretschmer‡ (d) Peter Lambert (‘75) Jean and L. W. Lane Glen# and Marian Langdon David S. Lee Trust David and Cecilia Lee∆ Lighthouse Information Systems Lightwaves 2020 Linguistic Society of America Logic Automation Lucent Technologies Anuradha Luther Maitra† Macmillan, McGraw-Hill School Publishing Company John G. and Billie K. Mahaney Sidhartha Maitra (d) Arjun and Kiran† Malhotra Margoes Foundation MasPar Computer Corporation Dominic# and Karen Massaro Melanie Mayer# Frances McAllister (d) Fredaline and Harry McDonald Richard McGraw Foundation McKnight Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation George Ow and Gail Michaelis-Ow (‘74)‡∆ Monsanto Company Moore Family Foundation MultiGiG Corporation Nanoconduction National Geographic Society National Research Council Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Oki Electric Industry Company Olympus Corporation Organic Farming Research Foundation David Packard (d) Elsa Pardee Foundation Christopher Payne (‘84) Karen Payne Karen and Christopher Payne Foundation Edward and Camille Penhoet Peninsula Community Foundation Peregrine Fund (West Coast) Pergamon Press Jean Pierret and Diane Christensen‡ Quantum Corporation Jesse C. Rabinowitz (d) Henry Renard Repsol Services Company Research Corporation Esther Rice (d) Ted and Adele Right (d) Rockwell International Science Center 6 Barry Ross Samsung Electronics Company Santa Cruz Business and Professional Women’s Club Santa Cruz Seaside Company Paul Schranz Screen Imaging Technology Seagate Technology Semiconductor Research Corporation Porter Sesnon (d) Porter Sesnon Foundation William T. Sesnon, Jr. (d) Sharp Laboratories of America Shell Development Shell Exploration & Production Shell International Exploration Barbara Sheriff (d) Barbara Sheriff Trust William Shields Silicon Graphics Alan Simpkins (d) Phyllis Simpkins Robert and Carol Simpkins Simpson Timber Company Robert†# and Karen Sinsheimer∆ Smith Richardson Foundation Albert Smith‡ (d) M. Brewster# and Deborah Smith Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Solari Charitable Trust Solexant Corporation Claire Sommargren Steve and Phyllis Sooy Southcoast Wilderness Sanctuary Spieker Companies R. Tod‡ and Catherine Spieker Stanford Humanities Center Audrey Stanley# Winifred Steiner Storage Technology Corporation Roger and Isobel Sturgeon Syntex Research System Studies Michael‡# and Eileen◊ Tanner R. Michael Tanner Trust Angus Taylor‡ (d) Tektronix Corporation Telik Corporation John Templeton Foundation Gerald Thompson TOSA Foundation True North Foundation Universities Space Research Association USENIX Association Vanguard Group Vector Laboratories C. M. van Vlierden Trust Wallis Foundation Beth Wallis Washington Mutual Foundation Gloria Hihn Welsh Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Malcolm Williams (d) Jonathan and Jill Winston W. Todd# and Corinne Wipke Dean Witter Foundation Diane Woodcock John Woodward (‘74)‡ and Leslie Lingaas Woodward (‘74) Constance Wright Yellow Chair Foundation Adrienne Zihlman# and Jerry Lowenstein ZMOS Technology Corporation Gifts Totaling $50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Donor 3Com Corporation, Santa Clara Charles (‘72) and Elaine Adams Advanced Micro Devices Agami Systems Glenn Allen, Jr. Ralph Alpert Amber Engineering American Council of Learned Societies American Educational Research Association American Society for Engineering Education Amoco Foundation Eliza (‘75)‡ and Arthur Anderson Linda (‘89)# and William Anderson Anonymous Appleton Foundation Asian Cultural Teachings Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy AT&T Research Laboratories AT&T Bell Laboratories AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Banbury Fund Ron and Christine Barrington Harry Beevers (d) Big Creek Lumber Robert Bisno Olivia Boyce-Abel Jack Bradley and Cathy Richards Daniel Brimm Steve and Shelley Brown Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting Theodore Burke Sidney Byers Charitable Trust Virginia Campbell Trust Barbara W. Canfield† Charles and Cherri Canfield Robert Carroll Anne Jane “Fanny” Carruthers Trust Anita Cary Dennis Cavallari Central Coast Water Quality Preservation CGGVeritas John Chapin (d) Charitable Leadership Foundation Chevron Henry Chu (‘72) and May Chou Alan Cima∆◊ Donald Clark (d) Clearpoint Research Corporation Nell‡ and Lee Cliff∆ Complex Chemicals Corporation Consortium for Ocean Leadership Consulate General of Brazil Catherine R.# and Robert G. Cooper∆ Marion Cope‡ Marion Cope Trust Newton Cope (d) Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation Steve Crouch Richard (‘77)‡ and Alison Crowell Crown Zellerbach Corporation Cure Autism Now Foundation Dehlsen Foundation Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Richard DePofi Helmut Diener Stephen‡ and Christine Domenik Drexler Foundation Elan Pharmaceuticals Elf Exploration Production Lisa Eltinge (‘78) and Jonathan Burton EMD Biosciences Corporation E-MU Systems Jean and Charles Engel Ruth and Samuel Engel (d) Environmental Defense Fund EPIC Design Technology Estate of John Harriman Estate of Robert Strand Eucalyptus Foundation Exxon ExxonMobil Foundation Norval and Mary Fairman Kenneth (‘71)‡ and Moira (‘72) Feingold Jerry Feldman# Financing for Science and Industry Foundation for Deep Ecology Perry French Family Trust Fujitsu Laboratories FutureWei Technologies Galileo Laboratories Aviva Garrett (‘75) and David Doshay (‘82)∆ Genentech Genopsys Corporation Geophysical Development Corporation Geotrace Technologies Mary Geyer and Alan Kawamoto# Glaxo Wellcome Corporation Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund Bob Goode (d) Allan (‘67)‡ and Nan Goodman Google Margaret Gordon#◊ and Alan Ritch# David Graves (‘74)‡ and Elizabeth McKinne Cynthia Grenfell∆ Paul J. Hall (‘72)† Mark and Ann Hamburg Harvard University HCL Technologies America Mark Headley (‘83) and Chris Pehl William Randolph Hearst Foundation Elinor Heller (d) Hierarchical Systems Research Foundation George P. Hitchcock Trust Otto Julius Holmok (d) Human Frontier Science Program Organization Carolyn Hyatt Marcia Landels Hyman‡ (d) Industrial Areas Foundation Integrated Device Technology Integrated Solutions International Human Frontier Science Programs Michael and Grace Jacobs Family Trust Michael and Grace Jacobs Helen Jarman (d) John Jarman Robert Wood Johnson Foundation David Jonson Kativik School Board James and Sylvia Katzman Sylvia and Jim Katzman Foundation Henry P. Kendall Foundation Khan Spire Family Foundation King’s Plaza Shopping Center Kinnetic Laboratories Stanley Kipman (d) Harwood Kolsky# The Koshland Family Jayne Ann Castle Krentz (‘70) and Frank Krentz Edward Landels (d) LandOcean Energy Services Burney LeBoeuf†# and Joanne Reiter (‘74)◊ Sonia Lee Kahn and Philippe Kahn∆ Travis Lee Lee-Kahn Foundation Norman‡ and Mary Kate Lezin Lockheed Martin Lockheed Scholarship Foundation Richard Lounsbery Foundation Makhteshim-Agan, USA George‡ and Linda Malloch Patrick‡# and Gail (‘88) Mantey Bud and Emma McCrary James McDonnell Foundation Douglas and Dana McKellar Jessie Barker McKellar Foundation Mary and Donald McKenzie Lawrence Michels‡ (d) Leta# and Alan Miller∆ Monterey Bay Aquarium Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation Monterey Peninsula Foundation Moores Foundation John and Rebecca Moores Richard and Nancy Morgan Richard (‘85)† and Bettina Moss (‘85) Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Muscular Dystrophy Association n&k Technology Corporation Shiv and Kiran Nadar National Academy of Education National Academy of Sciences National Alliance for Autism Research National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Writing Project NEC Laboratories America Arthur Nelson (d) NetApp New-Land Foundation Newman’s Own Organics Anna Nickel (d) Nokia Phyllis Norris∆ Novellus Systems NVIDIA obaboa Foundation Bernard and Priscilla Oliver (d) Ong Corporation C. Leo Ortiz# and Carolyn Reynolds Ortiz Irene Osterbrock Pacific Mariculture Parallel Computers Alan and Beatrice Parker (d) Norman and Gertrude Pendleton (d) Peregrine Fund Noel Perry Linda Peterson (‘70) Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Plantronics Princeton University Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation Thomas and Margot Pritzker∆ Siegfried Puknat Trust Reddere Foundation Alice Reed (d) David B.‡ and Lynn M. Regan Kanwal and Ann Rekhi Resources Legacy Fund Foundation Karen Rhodes (‘77) and Robert Weiner (‘83)‡ Robert and Edie Rittenhouse RMC Water and Environment Pamela A. Roby# Roche Bioscience Corporation Eliane◊ and Stuart Roe Barbara Rogoff# Rohm and Haas Company Brian Rossman (‘90) Lillian McPherson Rouse (d) Saintsbury Vineyard Salad King Corporation Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group Santa Cruz Sentinel SBC Foundation Craig (‘78) and Amy Schiffer Schwab Charitable Fund Schwab Foundation for Learning Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Science Applications International Corporation Robert Scowcroft and Judith Fried Barbara Jones Sedletzky SEPM Society for Sedimentary Geology SETI Institute Shadowbrook Restaurant Shell Oil Company Foundation June Chavez Silverman (d) SIMA Environmental Fund William and M. B. Rawson Simpkins John B. Simpson‡◊ Odette Sims L. J. and Mary Skaggs Foundation Skoll Foundation Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Society for Marine Mammalogy Spaceport Systems International Speech Technology Laboratory Garry A. Spire (‘77)† and Ramyne Khan Steans Family Foundation Howard Stein Winifred J. Steiner Trust David and Phyllis Stiles Daniel Stolpe Norman H. and Charlotte Strouse (d) Barry Swenson William and Carol Symons (d) Texaco Philanthropic Foundation TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company Kenneth and Ann Thimann (d) Mariel Thorp Trust Amanda Topper (‘75) 2008-09 Giving to UCSC by class year * 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total donation Participation rate $ 225 $7,701 $ 3,180 $ 24,581 $ 56,697 $ 26,024 $ 61,374 $ 35,512 $ 343,874 $ 94,683 $ 40,491 $ 37,604 $ 38,171 $ 70,576 $ 24,659 $ 11,659 $ 26,220 $ 114,254 $ 20,422 $ 32,980 $ 23,261 $ 24,981 $ 33,843 $ 20,694 $ 49,150 $ 18,624 $ 9,645 $ 11,039 $ 10,107 $ 25,450 $ 15,019 $ 8,792 $ 18,540 $ 7,430 $ 21,508 $ 6,489 $ 50,307 $ 5,282 $ 4,940 $ 4,146 $ 10,962 $ 3,392 $ 3,718 $ 275 67% 8% 10% 17% 17% 14% 13% 12% 12% 11% 9% 9% 10% 8% 7% 7% 9% 6% 6% 6% 6% 5% 5% 4% 5% 4% 3% 4% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 4% 3% 1% 1% *Reunion years are highlighted 7 Trianon Press Elsie Triebig (d) Thomas†◊ and Patricia Vani◊ Antonio (‘75)‡ and Isabel Velasco (‘77)*∆ VIA Technologies Victor Technologies Judy L. (‘71)◊ and Carl E.‡# Walsh∆ William and Denise Watkins Gerald Weber (‘80)# and Suzanne Holt Weiss Family Trust Jean and Timothy Weiss∆ Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Foundation Westcliff Foundation Western Geco Albert# and Eleanor (d) Whitford Mary Wickum Ronald J. Wickum (d) Wionics Research Bruce Woolpert (d) Working Partnerships USA Stephen and Jean Wyckoff (d) Wyse Technology Yahoo† Viola Zorn (d) Gloria Zuniga Guillerno Zuniga (d) 21st Century Club Anonymous Charles (‘72) and Elaine Adams Anonymous Rolf Augustine# Marietta Louise (‘71) and Stephen Bartoletti Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes Baskin# Kathy and Richard Beal Martin Birnbach Chip (‘75) and Mary Bissell Marnie Bodek (‘74) and Edwin Moss Rita and Thomas Bottoms Walter (‘74) and Betsy Boyes Betsy Buchalter Adler (‘70)† Joseph F. Bunnett# Wayne (‘72) and Judy Burger Linda Burman-Hall Joan Cook Aleck (‘70) and Nancy Darr Adam Davidow (‘97)◊ and Ondine Vierra Jim (‘79) and Jean Davidson Pamela Davis (‘85) Bill Dickinson (‘68) Sharon Dirnberger◊ David Doden‡ Mary Doden Mary Doyle (‘74)† and David Greenwood Sherwood Dudley# James Duncan Yolanda‡ and Chris Dybdahl∆ Allan Dyson‡◊ and Susan Cooper Mark Engel (‘75)◊ Kenneth (‘71)‡ and Moira (‘72) Feingold* Warren Felt and Dolly Arond∆ Richard Fenno (‘73) and Jan Gillispie Renee Flower (‘79)# and Jim MacKenzie◊ John Gamman (‘74) Deborah and Keith Gardner Aviva Garrett (‘75) and David Doshay (‘82)∆ 8 Lee and Dan Gilbert∆ Allan (‘67)‡ and Nan Goodman Margaret Gordon#◊ and Alan Ritch# William Grant Barbara and Ronald# Grieson Tom Griggs (‘75) Isebill V. Gruhn# and Dale R. Johnson# Paul J. Hall (‘72)† Joan Harrington-Trenbeth Jennifer Hassett (‘76) W. Kevin Hassett (‘76) Elsie Hermann (‘73) George Hitchcock# George Hofford∆ Mark Hofstadter (‘70) and David Zurlin Rusten Hogness (‘93) and Donna Haraway# Kathleen Hughes (‘89)◊ and Kate McGirr# Hal‡◊ and Dottie Hyde Anne E. Irwin Virginia# and George Jansen Helen Johnson Verna Johnston Fred Keeley David Kirk◊ Stephen C. Klein (‘72)‡ David†# and Rachel Kliger Jayne Ann Castle Krentz (‘70) and Frank Krentz Peter Lambert (‘75) Jean H. Langenheim# Nancy Lenz Allison Rubenstein Levy Valerie Lovett Bruce (‘79) and Linda Lymburn George‡ and Linda Malloch Lorraine Margon Donna Maurillo (‘78)∆ Jay D. McEvoy Barbara and Charles McFadden Jane McHenry Charles Merrill Jr. Kathryn Metz# Whitney (‘82) and Richard Miller (‘79)* Penelope Mudd Elizabeth Mullen Kiyoko M. ”Kit” Mura-smith (‘75)‡ Florence Nelson (‘72) Anne F. Neufeld Levin‡ and Paul Levin Gary (‘73)† and Dona Novack Andrew Orlans (‘83) Dan Porter (‘70) Holly Ray (‘76) Pat (‘88)‡ and Rowland Rebele Janet Reed∆ Karen Rhodes (‘77) and Robert Weiner (‘83)*‡ Randal Rogers (‘78) Ilse E. Rowe Michael L. Scharfenstein Carroll Seron Barbara M. Shields Robert Sieker Jeff Skala (‘85) M. Brewster# and Deborah Smith Audrey Stanley# Jean and Jim Stanley Loren Steck (‘73)†# and Annette Yee Geraldine Sweet◊ Marion Taylor# David Thomas# Edward Tighe (‘75) Amanda Topper (‘75) Douglas (‘83) and Anneliese Tucker Blade Underwood◊ Linda Valdes (‘86) and Nicholas Bilardello Marian Wagstaff Bonnie Webb (‘73) and Lee Grisham Patricia Weenolsen (‘82) Melanie McCabe White (‘71) and Frank White Robert L. (‘71)‡# and Bonda L. White Kathy and Dan Wood∆ Constance Wright Alumni Contributors Class of 1966 Lawrence Roselle∆ Class of 1967 Barbara and Gene Bullock-Wilson Lawrence Campbell Robert and Carol Dodge Elaine and Michael Fresco*$ Joseph and Hilary Goldberg Allan!! and Nan Goodman David and Margie Guggenhime Dane and Kathleen+ Hardin* Suzanne and Lawrence Hess Ann M. Hirose Arthur S. Leaffer Vera and Andrew McLean Victor Nee and Brett de Bary John Wilkes# Class of 1968 Bruce Buckingham Bill Dickinson William and Donna Drukker Kathleen◊ and Dane Hardin* Allan and Andrea Harris Maria Tankenson Hodge Cynthia Koenigsberg David Lewis and Liz Sandoval-Lewis*◊ Paul Markowitz and Renee Lancon Arlene Dorn Trowbridge Barry L. and Crispen Walton Natalie and Robert Warren Steve Zoloth Class of 1969 Margaret Rains (Morton) Smith and David Smith Marc H. Aarens Christopher Ames and Carol Blanton* Michael and Margaret Arighi∆ Timothy A. Beard Sharon and Norman Bedell Robert and Nancy Bell* Patricia Bennett and Timothy Parker* Patrick S. Berdge Jill Betz Barbara A. Booth David Brick and Mary Male James W. Brown Ellen Bulf Barbara and David Bunker Philip and Sharon Bushnell* Diane Cohan Richard and Debra Cutts Robert S. D’Intino Sydney and Gary Elliott Robert† and Anne Falltrick Stephanie Fein and David Lakes Alan L. Fisher Michael and Elaine Fresco*∆ Alfred and Masha Gardner∆ Mike and Kathy Gerber* Linda and Keith Hale Gregg Herken and Linda Switzer Cynthia Lance Jones Carol and Kenneth Kasses Jane Kenner and Neil Morse Jeff Kline Margaret Krausse Sonne Lemke Susan and Roberto Lozano Lotte and Alan Marcus Mark Meierding and Linda Lampson∆ Steven E. Mendelson William and Elizabeth Menkin*∆ Cathy and Gary Meyer Christine M. Moffitt James and Michele◊ Mosher Gwen and Jim Neary∆ Stuart and Deborah Oppenheim* Pamela Pierson Jock Reynolds and Suzanne Hellmuth∆ Donald and Shelly Roberts∆ Larry Robinson and Cynthia Kishi Ed Salt Joan† and Don Scott Ted Silveira and Lorraine Sintetos* Carter P. Smith Russell and Melissa Smith Sheryl M. Sparling Ken Stanton and Rivka Greenberg Katherine E. Stoner Davis Straub and Belinda Boulter* Phyllis A.◊ and Bob Strickland Lesley and Erik Svenson Sandy Swirsky and Lyle Merithew∆ Paul Tara and Mary Ann Mc Kinnon-Tara◊ Kathleen and Charles Turner∆ Penny and Robert Weiss Jaclyn P. White Charles and Denise Worth∆ Lani Yoshimura Class of 1970 Clifford A. Bernie∆ Carol Blanton and Christopher Ames* Betsy Buchalter Adler† Raymond Cadei and Toni Moore* Barbara Chatton Scott G. Clayton Stephanie Wood Coleman Richard and Elizabeth Condit* Carl and Misty Cork James Crane and Karla Forsythe Teresa A. Dahlgren Aleck and Nancy Darr Sheila Dillman Cheryl Doering# and Robert Lange Daniel and Nancy Doyle* Steven and Laura Droke Melanie and Robert Ferrando Rhonda G. Fisher Mark R. Giles David Gleason Jeffrey and Sarah Grant Michael† and Sally Graydon Anita Harten-Kroeber# and Karl Kroeber* Tom and Marlene Haskell John and Diane Hickok*∆ Susan and Robert Hughes*∆ Peder and Nancy Jones Carolyn Karnos Roxanne Kellam and Leslie Brandt Carole and Al# Kelley* Linda Lampson and Mark Meierding*∆ Philip and Carol Lingman∆ Judith and John Luce Alexander MacKay and Nancy Van Deusen Norma J. Maraschin Anthony and Nancy Marsh Michael and Alice Masek*∆ Virginia McKinley Maranell McKnew Robert and Marilyn Moore Kathleen and Naohiko Noguchi*∆ Deborah and Stuart Oppenheim* Glenn Oppenheim∆ Linda Peterson Susan P. Bruce and Bertram Bruce Jeffrey Powell◊ Kathleen and Leif Rideout Adrien Rivin∆ Thomas and Emily Rowe Laurence and Lisa Rubenstein* Heloise Schaser-Hughes and Gary Hughes∆ Steven and Alice Schnaidt Peter and Jill Schubart Isabelle◊ and Michael Scott∆ Paul Sherrill and Laurie Bair* Zachary Sklar Peter Solomon∆ Paul M. Sommers Jeffrey and Nancy Sue Anthony Thrall and Barbara Tingey Carl Thune Laurel Trask and Brian Connor∆ Susan C. Turbak David Vaniman and Donna Gary*∆ Linton and Cecilia von Beroldingen* Robin Wakshull and Dennis Rutkin Wendy Watson Verne Weber Stephen A. Weldon◊ Richard Weller Elizabeth and John Whitaker Ronald and Serena Whiting Linda Sloss Woodside and Steven Woodside* Class of 1971 Jack and Nell Aiello*∆ Barbara and Sindo Amago∆ Maureen and Philip Armour Laurie Bair and Paul Sherrill* John Bakalis◊ and Sara Wilbourne◊ Laurel A. Bangs Barbara Beck and Tim Brattin Christine Beckstrom John Beland and Janet Parkins Nancy and Robert Bell* Eileen Blood-Golden and Don Blood Randi Burke-Aguiar and James Aguiar Margaret Butcher Allen Carlson and Deanna Johnson Charlie Channel James P. Cluff Singne and Robert# Coe Elizabeth and Richard Condit* Sandre Cunha Paul and Karen DeLay Anna and John DeVore Daniel and Jennifer Dickerson Ken J.† and Katherine C. Doctor*∆ Michael J. Dorn Karen Dutina∆ Kenneth A.‡ and Moira G. Feingold* Dale Friedman and Joan Bradus John Gibbins and Terry Meyers∆ Douglas A. Goepfert∆ James Graham Scott P. Harman Tom Holsinger and Candace Peterson∆ Gary Holzhausen and Leslie Tau-Holzhausen∆ Paul and Sheri Howe* Robert Irons◊ Bette L. Johnson Robert Johnson and Lauren Gilbert Emily Kaplan Lauren and William Keenan∆ William E. Keig Karl Kroeber and Anita Harten-Kroeber* Jim and Carol Lapsley* Timothy and Barbara Leach Edward and Maryann Lee David Leibowitz and Katherine Young Stewart Lenox and Sakae Fujita# Schon Levy and Michael Fehler Laura I. Luster Alice and Michael Masek*∆ Linda McCoy Elizabeth and William Menkin*∆ Jeffrey and Phyllis Miller Mark and Caprice Moran David Morrison Janet and Dennis Mulshine∆ Kitty Taylor Okamoto Chris E. Petzar Lloyd Price and Katherine Matlack∆ Kristina Quade Cary and Clifford Quayle John and Angela Rickford Kenneth R. Robertson Anne Rosenzweig and James Williams Liz Sandoval◊ and David Lewis* Craig Schaffer Joanne Scherr and Michael Butnik Dougald and Virginia Scott Roz Spafford# and John Isbister# Dianne Suechika and Philip Drell Pam Swift and Robert Ludwig# Susan I. Swift Robert W. Thomas Teri and Price Thomas Edmond Trainor Leah Alis Valencia Maria von Brincken Judy L.◊ and Carl E.‡# Walsh∆ Mike Weber Melanie McCabe White and Frank White Martha Hunt Wilson Martha Wolf Frank Zwart◊ and Julia Armstrong-Zwart◊ Class of 1972 Marc Alexander and C. Campbell Glenn David Bartz Barbara Beerstein and George Badger George T. Bennett Laurie Bennett Anne Beroza and Allen Spirytus Steven and Mary Bignell Tobeylynn Birch and Michael Cowan Andrew Buchwalter Karina and Craig Buck Gabriele Burkard and Bjorn Lambrigtsen David M. Campbell Julie L. Chang Irene Chennell and Mark Steidemann John C. Coffey Patricia Brown Coughlan and Scott Hale Anthony and Victoria de Alcuaz Lee Draper and Thomas Paiva∆ Susanne L. Dyckman Marcia Ehinger∆ Bruce A. Engelbert Thomas English and Vicki Ono* Moira G. and Kenneth A. Feingold*‡ Delores I. Garcia Daniel Goldstein and Jason Lahman Susan and Alan Goldstein Calvin and Lillian Gordon Elinor Hall and Kenneth Venzke Paul J. Hall† Jennie Hartman Donna E. Healey Eric and Gail Heit*◊ Barbara A. Huff and Paul Compton* Randall and Carol Huth Linda Ishihara and Eugene Wing Bruce and Candis Kerns Joan Namahana Kerr Stephen C. Klein‡ Robert and Susan Koeppen Melissa and Larry Kurtz John Laird and John Flores Charles and Arlene Lapin Ruperto and Mary Luntao Martin H. Mackey Lynn Mally and Robert Moeller Marilyn and Dennis Martin Steven and Diana Meckfessel David and Ann Mehr Michael T. Melville Sharon M. Miller Steven◊ and Corinne◊ Miller*∆ Joyce A. Mitchell Florence Nelson and Terence Cuff* Robert and Jennifer Niederman Claire Nitti Fenton Naohiko and Kathleen Noguchi*∆ Janet Parkins and John Beland Alyce and Richard Prudden Gary Racusin and Nancy Moss-Racusin* Walter Rask James and Janet Respess*∆ Jane and Jeff Rhodes John and Rosa Rick∆ Gordon† and Tanya Ringold∆ Lisa Rose◊ and Kenneth Koenig Bill Rota Lisa and Laurence Rubenstein* Robert and Alison Sawyer* Mark and Linda Schaefer* Lee Slaff Debra Spencer and James Rolens* Susan and Thomas Spitz∆ Stephen J. Vincent Cecilia and Linton von Beroldingen* James and Katharyne Waldon Carol Pilz Weisskopf and Gene Weisskopf Jess Whitehill Linda Wilshusen‡ and Rock Pfotenhauer* Dan L. and Elly Wolf David S. Zinn Class of 1973 Paul Baren Gloria and Philip Barker* Jean Gary Barowy David and Marcia Battin*∆ Kevin and Katherine Biddle Donna Blakemore and Erik Sueberkrop∆ Larry C. Blaszczak Belinda Boulter and Davis Straub* Robert and Thelma Brooks Claudia Brown Clair Arthur Carlson Jr. and Pamela Carlson Laura Carrick and Bela Csikesz* Paul Compton and Barbara A. Huff* Jennifer Cook Ellen B. Cooper Katherine C. and Ken J.† Doctor*∆ Nancy and Daniel Doyle* Philip Drell and Dianne Suechika* Sue and Richard Dumller Rossanna and Chris Dybdahl*∆ Rick and Carol Edson* Mitchell and Agnes Feigenberg John and Shirley Finster Douglass J. Forbes Paul T. Fuller∆ Carol Gault∆ B. Charles Glenn John and Ysidra Gutierrez* Neal Halfon and Jessica Laufer James R. Hein Anthony and Louise Huang Craig Ishida and Barbara Telford Kenneth E.◊ and Lizanne W. Jensen* Samuel Johnson and Katherine Moore◊ Rick Jones and Karen Christensen John Keith and Kimlin McDaniel-Keith* Larry C. Kells Ronald M. Kelly Kathleen Kennedy and Charles Disalvo John and Janice King∆ Richard and Pamela Kittler James Laffan and Kate Brooks*∆ Charles and Jennifer Lawson Tim Lawton Frank S. Lloyd Karen E. Lynch◊ 9 Evelyn and Cleveland Mangham Jonathan Marlowe and Toni Fox Demian and Peggy Martin Marcia G. Martin William W. McOmie Suzanne Meyer and Jerry Budin Robin K. Miller Kathy Minerva Laurie Devos Moore Chalon and Sandy Mullins Gregory Nolten and Kathleen Starkey Sloan Nota and Robert McKean Gary† and Dona Novack Karen and John Nyere Patti and Michael Oblath-Johnsrud∆ Ron Olson Linda J. Philipps Suzanne Reed◊ Ziggy Rendler-Bregman and Jesse Bregman*∆ Indira and Saiful Rimkeit Carol Rivin and Thomas Dietterich Michael W. Rodenburger Raymond and Grasiela Rodriquez Jill S. Sakamoto◊ Carolyn Sakauye Alison and Robert Sawyer* Kathryn and Stanley Scott Patty Short Rick and Kate Simpson∆ Jerald and Terry Spodick Richard Stanley and Helen Gibbons* Alice Stasik Loren Steck†# and Annette Yee Robert N. Stephens and Julie Packard‡* Glenn◊ and Anna Stewart Vaughn and Patty Stumpf Kathryn D. Sullivan Rebecca and John Tammen Richard Vasquez◊ and Carmen Robles Glenn Wilhite Dennis and Lee Williams Michael K. Woo‡ Karen Yamashita and Ted Kitada Gary# and Peggy◊ Young Jim Zalinski Class of 1974 Martha and Jim Akrop Alan Allwardt and Jane Reid* William Alschuler Mary Fran and Dane# Archer∆ Maxine H. and Phillip Balma Philip and Gloria Barker* Sandra and Dennis Barnes Marcia and David Battin*∆ Bruce Carroll Baxley Ken and Melinda Block Kate Brooks and James Laffan*∆ Michael Brown and Laura Malakoff Steven R. Brown Rick and Adele Burke Louise and Robert Byer Thomas and Patricia Chiu Jim and Angie◊ Christmann Christopher Connery# and Mary Scott Terence Cuff and Florence Nelson* Robert Daniel 10 Steve◊ and Julia◊ Davenport* Frederick R. Dettmer Martin and Jill Dodd Mary Doyle† and David Greenwood Charles Eadie◊ and Kimberley Cary John and Mary Eagle Shimmering Eagle Carol and Rick Edson* Mary E. Furlong∆ Barry Galef and Ellen Post John Gamman Rosemary Gartner Sally Gibert Beth Gleghorn Gregory and Rose Gonzalez Randall Grahm and Chinshu Huang David W. Graves‡ and Elizabeth McKinne Charlie Haas Deborah and William Hackett Bradford B. Hall Gail◊ and Eric Heit* Nancy and Daniel Hendrix Deborah Sherie Hersh Ellen and Robert Hirth Richard Hogan and Nicole Roger-Hogan Eric and Suzanne Isken* Nancy Lynn Jacobson Mark and Amy Jarman* Susan Jensen∆ Rogers E. Johnson Maryann Jones Joshua and Jeanne Kaplan Tressa and Daniel Kentner Robert# and Michele Kibrick∆ Daniel Klein and Rosanne Skirble Linda Jane Kole Marilyn Sue Lee Paget and William Lenarz Greg Lewis and Gene Taylor Alan and Robin Lilien John Lindley Susan and Michael Litman Victor Mancha Gerry Mandel Gerard and Nancy Mannion∆ Shelly and James Mason Gary and Margaret McDonald∆ Nion T. McEvoy† Gail McGovern and H. Gordon Cox Katherine Jean McHale Allan and Nancy Meyer∆ Gail Michaelis-Ow‡ and George Ow Berkeley Miller and Claudia Lawrence Martha M. Minnich and Kent E. Snyder Lawrence Moskowitz† and Louise Packard Dency and Moira Nelson*∆ Nancy and Henry Niles* Carol and Wilson Pace* Julie Packard‡ and Robert N. Stephens* Lois and Fred Phillips*∆ Rebecca Picard and John Allison Patricia and David Pittsinger Mark and Franca Posner Diane and Gary Ransom* Michael Raymer and Kathleen Lindlan Donna Reid Joanne Reiter and Burney Le Boeuf† David and Barbara Rhoades Josephine Arroyo Rosen Lynne G. and Stuart Rovin Pamela Valek-Sachse Paul David Sawi Cheryl Scott and Stephen Robinson Rachael Spencer and Kevin Rooney Scott and Camelia Sutorius Jeffrey M. Tanzer Christopher Tarp Robert J. Thomas and Rosanna Hertz Kimberley and Bruce Tolley* Heather J. Urquhart Suzanne and Gerald Van Wieren Paul Wagner and Margaret Clark* Charles K. Wake Marjorie Wasek Timothy G. Watts Lawrence and Joanna Weschler Steve M. Wesolowski and Robin J. Fawkes Diana G. Whitesides Priscilla S. Winslow Kathryn Wunderlich and John Mackesey Daniel Zimmerlin and Elizabeth Stern Class of 1975 Patricia Adams and William Manson B. Allen and T. Krueger Eliza‡ and Arthur Anderson Linda Arnold and Edward Hearn Chip and Jan Bates∆ Bernie Bayless Eric M. Berg Donna Forkosh Brown Lerita Coleman Brown Larry Bruguera and Sharon Noguchi* Steven and Barbara Carlson Warner Chabot and Felicia Marcus Margaret Clark and Paul Wagner* Karen A. Cogswell Brooks Collins Melrose Cunanan-Schwartz and Martin Schwartz* Michael Dalby◊ and Genine Scelfo*◊ Debbie Delatour J. Michael Dessert Mark Engel◊ Jane Fabian Feleciana and Steve Feller Margaret S. Fox Aviva Garrett and David Doshay*∆ Donna Gary and David Vaniman*∆ James and Susan Gill Robert J. Glaser Jr. and Christine Glaser John P. Grabbe Mark S. Grossman Cynthia Loraine Guyer John Hamstra and Lori Riven Bryan Harrington Larry Hill and Christine Archer Caryn Hoffman and James Platel∆ Mary Hogan and Eric Newton Suzanne and Eric Isken* Patricia Ito Michael D. James Amy and Mark Jarman* Andres Jimenez∆ Pamela K. and Mark Johansen Peter Lambert Carlisle Landel and Kathleen Lawler James C. Langdell and Danine Cozzens Rud Lawrence Esther and Gerry Levandoski Stephen Lewis Fred Linker and Mary Miller Catherine and Charles MacLellan Thomas Manos and Jody Liddicoat* Kim Louis Marienthal Joel and Shayne Marine Steve Marsh Mike and Renee Marx S. B. Master and James Symons∆ Tim and Heather Matthews Patricia Allison McCrory Martha McGinnis and Donald Wittman#∆ Pamela Mellon Bessie and Harry Miller Barbara K. Mosle Theresa and John Musser* Jim E. Nelson and Catherine Hobley Henry and Nancy Niles* John and Sandora Nishio Cynthia and Lars Nordstrom∆ Roberto and Sandra Ocampo Marilyn Oshiro Wilson and Carol Pace* Beata Panagopoulos Tim and Theresa Phillips* Gary Pischke and Elizabeth Herbert Margaret and Gary McDonald∆ Timothy S. Rattray Janet and James Respess*∆ Gary S. Ribar John and Dianna Robbins Roy and Marsha Rocklin David and Susan Rose David Rosenstein Joanna Miller Runeare Dan and Karen Ryan Steven and Luanne Sacks Charlotte M. Saxon Pete Sheehey James and Margaret Shroyer James and Wendy Skinner Debbie and Craig Stimpson* Edward and Cathi Sweeney* Nancy A. Taylor and David Walker David Bridge Teton-Landis Bruce and Kimberley Tolley* Amanda Topper Robert and Joylene Wagner* Ian and Susan Walton* Robert and Ingrid Wander* Palmer Marie Waters Robert Watten Ruth Pearl Wilson Mary Woodyard and Ronald Inman∆ Joel Young and Deborah Bain* Carl B. Zimm Class of 1976 Robert Fowkes and Roberta Rinearson* Robin M. Akert Deborah Bain and Joel Young* Bill and Kathy Baumann Jesse Bregman and Ziggy RendlerBregman*∆ Sanford A. Britton Edward P. Brow Paul Henry Bryant Arlene Burney and Jimmie Reynolds Tom Burns and Eileen Leary* Elizabeth and Harold Staigle Nichola Carpendale Evelyn Casuga and Jerrold Stabley William Connelly Desne Crossley and Kenneth Hollman Larry deGhetaldi‡ and Lynne Sims Robert and Ingrid Doll∆ Alison and Stephen Dougherty Jane C. Dudley Geoffrey A. Eisenberg Mary Fitzpatrick and David Van Pelt∆ Andy and Maria Flores Kathryn A. Furst and Mark R. Kimmel Robert and Miriam Goldfien∆ Loretta J. Goudie Greg Graalfs Rosemary Hart and Craig Iscoe Glenda Hill James Hinderer Jonathan and Paula◊ Holtz Steven Hopkinson Michael‡# and Greta# Hutchison Charles and Debra Ivons Margaret◊ and Lee# Jaffe Daniel Anthony Jardini Kurt W. Johnson Carolyn Kameya Al# and Carole Kelley* Lisa Kermish Marlene Konnar Nancy and Guido Lamell Barbara Lesser∆ Paul D. Levan Gary M. Licker (d) Joseph C. and Susan Liddicoat Ruth F. Mackay Diane Marvin Scott McCreary and Renee Robin Philip McLeod and Shawn Christianson Kitty and Mike McMahon Elaine Murakami and Frank Brown John and Theresa Musser* Michael O’Hare Mark Orrisch and Jana Clark Marlane and Joel Osman Sandra Lynn Petznick Fred and Lois Phillips*∆ Peter Lewis Pollock Rhonda Press and Larry Ragent∆ Diane Margiotta Roberson Dorothy Birbeck Roessler Larry Rogow Shannon B. and Stuart Rowson Delfin and Rita Ruiz Nancy H. Russell Joseph D. Schleimer Chris Schlies Roberta M. Schnittger Paul and Kristin Seeman Theodore Charles Shorrock Barb Sisson◊ Peggy A. Smith Michael Staley and Susan Jacobs Dick A. Stubendorff Sandra and Van Tenney Debra Ann Thomas Margaret and Richard Topkins* Sharon Rena Ullman Michael and Gail Underwood Fern Van Sant Steve and Kristin Venuti Joylene and Robert Wagner* Peter Wilde and Nadine Nemec Alon Randall Winton David and Alice Xavier*∆ Class of 1977 Martha A. Ainsworth Anonymous Joyce Beattie and Martin Perl Timothy Paul Bennett, D.D.S. Gregor and Surrey Blackburn Christopher and Jill Borgeson* Sarah Bradley and William Jones Diane and Bruce# Bridgeman Dennis and Lisa Britt∆ Lynne Marie Bryan Kathy Bryon Robert and June Cordy Kevin Danaher∆ Anne and James Davenport Kathleen◊ and David Dettman Kim Ephgrave and Tom Rocklin Joanne Farness and Steven Seymour Bill and Audrey Fieberling Kelvin Dean Filer∆ Kathy and Ron Fink∆ Lawrence Ford# and Susan Merritt Frank and Pamela Frazier Peter Gaarn and Nancy Port-Gaarn∆ Sue and Frank Gallagher*∆ G. David and Mary Genochio* Jonathan Gershenzon and Kimberly Falk Keith A. Goldsmith Patricia Goodman and Paul Mamula Laika and John Mann Todd R. Greentree Frederick James Griffith Gail Groves Bonnie and John Hartman Jeff R. Hodos and Lisa Mune Patricia Ellen Howe Laurie King∆ Julius R. and Mary Krevans Susan Lasko and Jeffrey Werner Collise Belansky Levan Jonathan Libby and Katherine Cunningham Jody Liddicoat and Thomas Manos* Bob James Lippi Terry and William‡ Locke-Paddon Linda W. and James M. Lyon Jeffrey and Jenny Maenaga Robert Ray McDuff and Marsha Harris Steven Miyake Martha Jean Moorehouse Stella Moreno and Barbara Ingman Sandor Nagyszalanczy and Ann Gibb◊ Mark Nixon and Patricia Carlino∆ Lisa Norris Margaret O’Halloran Michael Paparian and Catherine Sproul Frank and Jill Perry* Theresa and Tim Phillips* Pamela Portillo Richard Clair Revoir Karen Rhodes and Robert Weiner*‡ Donna Rose Roberts Heather Anne Robinson Jerry Ruiz John Rumel and Kathe Alters Susan Marshall Rush and James Rush L. Kim Saunders Glenn Snyder and Cat Allman* Greg Spiering Garry Spire† and Ramyne Khan Mary and Peter Stauble John Swift Susan K. Takalo Rita P. Tarango Steven Unruhe and Jennifer McGovern Susan Elizabeth Volker Scott and Julie Ward* Randall and Barbara Widelitz* Lisa H. Wright and Greg Jurkowski Class of 1978 Frank and Jennifer Anderson∆ Kathleen and Douglas Anderson∆ Patti and Hugo Arabia∆ Karen Axelsson and Philip Leboit Theodore and Mary Barone Larry D. Bartholomew Melody Ann Baumgartner Richard W. Becker Georganne Benesch and David Condon Jasmine Berke and Scott Roseman*∆ John Bogart Nell and Robert Bonaparte David and Carole Brodsly Karl Anderson Brown Alice and John Carley Cathleen Chandler-Eckhardt and Terry Eckhardt Mark DeAntonio and Polly Estabrook Louise Diamond and Demetria Royals Elsa DieLowin-Albrecht and Christopher Albrecht* David and Leslie Farrington Paul and Colleen Fortis∆ Dana Frank# Megan Gallagher and Bob Taylor Rachel Ginzberg Patty Glatt and Joshua Steinhauer Shirley J. Gould Julie Graef◊ Rosalind Greenstein and Rob Addelson David Heintz and Karin Grobe* Colleen Holmes Douglas Hopkinson and Sara Lively Elise Huffman◊ and Jeffrey Grubb Lygia Maria Ionnitiu Kevin James Mark Jansen and Jolie Krakauer* Lizanne W. and Kenneth E. Jensen* Steven Jung‡ and Lois Barnes∆ Roger L. and Stephanie Jungerman Allan Karp and Lisa Keith Thomas L. and Jerel L. Kellond Cynthia and Todd Kesselman Greg and Liz Krause Grace P. Landel Frans Lanting† and Christine Eckstrom Barbara J. Lawrence and Patrick J. Devine Sally Leete Anna-Lee Farrell Lipman James Lippincott Richard and Cynthia Mahon* Meredith and James Margolis George Martinez Donna Maurillo∆ Susan and John McMurry Roxanne Moger and Richard Kennedy* James and Jill O’Callahan Laura Partch Manuel Pastor# and Elizabeth Hamilton* Mary Patton Nona and Jimmie Pierce Patrick Kevin Pierce Alison and David Polkinhorne Deborah Rennels Salkind and Louis Salkind Paul and Ellen Rosenberg*∆ Barbara J. Ruben Randall K. Rutsch and Kathy Rinehart Jeffry Sackman and Jerolyn Crute Robert Sawyer and Charlotte Barnard Mark Schack Gary and Wynne Schumacher Karen A. Scott Nancy Shine and Jim Stoner Ken M. Simon Paul Francis Skilton Jeff Sloss Gale Snow and James Montgomery Sheila Stewart and Charles Wilson David Stone Justin and Maj StormoGipson* Peter and Donna Thomas Pamela Kleibrink Thompson David Towne and Elaine Reade* David Van Pelt and Mary Fitzpatrick∆ Susan and Ian Walton* Jim and Judy Warner∆ Theresa and Joseph Weeg Todd Werby and Nonie Greene Robert Wilson Lucy Starkweather Winton Jean Walton Wolff Jeanne and Van Wolverton∆ Class of 1979 Kenneth P. Alex Jeanine C. Asche Charles and Carolyn Atkinson Deborah Jane Barker-Shaw Aurora Belarmino Constance and Paul Boulay Peter and Stephanie Brown Stephen A.† and Mona Bruce Debra C. Chaplan James S. Cohen Susan G. Dahlgren and Michael Arenson* Julia◊ and Steve◊ Davenport* Jane Ellis-McNaboe and Gerald McNaboe∆ Frederico G. Espinoza Bruce Falstein Genevieve and Chris Halvorsen Renee Flower# and Jim MacKenzie◊ 11 Dorothy Jane Franks Scott Freshour and Laura Partch* Chris and Eileen Frost∆ Frank and Sue Gallagher*∆ Estela Reyes Garcia Ronald L. Gilliland Martin Ginnett Julie Guthman# and Michael McCormick Sheri and Peter Harris Lou Heine Rita E. Hester Mimi Hills Catherine Humphers Smith and Kent Smith*∆ Megan Johnson Evelyn A. Johnston Gary Kitahata Julie A. Kosterlitz Jolie Krakauer and Mark Jansen* Glenn Alan Kramer Tom Larson Charlene Leung∆ Martin Wayne Lewis Bruce Lieberman and Marlene Meyer Bruce and Linda Lymburn Susan and Craig McKnight Christopher V. Metzler Philip Marshall Miller Ronny T. Miyaoka Anne E. Morse John and Deborah Muth* James Robert Nelson Katherine and Kevin O’Sullivan Christina V. Papp Lynn and Laurence Parker David Paul Andrea Nachama Pearlstein Lad Perenyi and Laureen Suva Adam B. Polson Francisco Ponce Margaret Ann Powers Elaine Reade and David Towne* Brian and Haven Roberge Scott Roseman and Jasmine Berke*∆ Jeff Sacharow and Sara Wasserstrom* Roban Lynn San Miguel Robin Share Mike Shutt and Christy Maccabe∆ Rafael Siqueiros Teresa and Douglas Smith Maj and Justin StormoGipson* Richard Strunin and Marcia Luisi Robert T. and Janet Tanaka John Theibault Cynthia Kong Titius Elia and Jose Trujillo∆ John and Elizabeth Visher* Steven Wallace and Trudy Sonia* David S. Watson John A. Wescoat◊ Chris Wilmoth∆ Tanya Vukovich and Joseph Wittman Faith Ann Zack and Jaap Selman 12 Class of 1980 Christopher Albrecht and Elsa DieLowinAlbrecht* James Alan Andrews Bruce Bannerman Robin Melanie Belkin Jeffrey A. Borchardt Bernard P. Bray Marc and Malia Brown Laurie and John Brumfield Suzanne and Daniel Burgess Shirley and Pedro# Castillo Kathy Chetkovich and Jonathan Franzen Bela Csikesz and Laura Carrick* Steven Deyle Harry and Pam Dougherty Suzanne Easton and John Hoffnagle Robert F. Esswein◊ Paul and Wendy Fajnor* Ken Friedenbach and Liz Alpert David L. Garrison# Ted and Lynette George Susan E. Georgette Helen Gibbons and Richard Stanley* Laurie and Jerry Green Alexander# and Jean Grillo∆ Mary Grindeland and Steven Anderson Amy Katzenstein-Escobar and David Harrington Ann Harvey◊ Laura Herman and Michael Aplet Darlene Y. Houlihan Barry Katz Jorge Klor de Alva Adam V. Levy Linda Locatelli◊ and Gordon Lion Evelyn Lee Margolin Shelley Marks Paul D. Martineau Peter Matthiesen Mary Mc Kinnon-Tara◊ and Paul Tara* Alice Mendez-Xavier and David Xavier*∆ Ted and Nancy Myers* Nancy Norris and Nicholas Littlestone* John E. Purser Ellie Reese Sarah Reynoso and Mark Palley* Tom Ribe and Monique Schoustra Joel D. Roberts Deborah Romer and William Tucker∆ Margaret Rusmore and Scott Bogue* Eric F. Schaller Michael L. Scharfenstein Ronald and Janet Smith* Trudy Sonia and Steven Wallace* Teresa Song Stover Leslie Swaha Elizabeth and John Visher* Abigail and William Waddell Thomas and Chantel Walsh Ron Ward Sara Wasserstrom and Jeff Sacharow* Gerald Weber# and Suzanne Holt Brandon and Yolanda Wisoff Brian Nicholas Zanze Class of 1981 Cat Allman and Glenn Snyder* Cynthia Ashbrook and Jeffrey Smith Martha Brown◊ and Breck Tyler*# Timothy B. Byrne Marty Cagan and Lynn Gallati Linda and Anthony Calciano∆ Patrick Campbell∆ Caroline and Ralph Carney* Valerie Chase◊ and Bobbie Reyes◊ John Christiansen and Marguerite Wilbur Chris Connell∆ Bob and Teri Doolittle* Ron and Charlene Foster Allison◊ and Douglas Garcia*∆ Michael C. Garvey Michael Garwood and Lynne Bisagno* Roberta G. Gordon Richard and Karen Gunderson* Elizabeth Hamilton and Manuel Pastor*# John W. Hart and Lori Price Celia W. Hartman (d) Diana K. Hembree Martin L. Katz Adam and Jill Kaufman Panda Kroll and Kevin Volkan* S. Leslie MacDonald Elizabeth A. McKenzie# Maxine◊ and Barney McNamara Toni Moore and Raymond Cadei* Kathleen Mukai David Thirkield Nesbet Jonah James Vernon Paffhausen Mark Palley and Sarah Reynoso* Dana Priest and William C. Goodfellow Diana Redfern and William Parro* Elizabeth K. and Kevin P. Riggs* Stephen R. Scott Renee and Michael Shepherd Marc L. Sherman and Monica Oldmen Jim F. and Eileen Simpkins Richmond S. Spaulding Pamela and Donald Urfer Vincent M. Valvano Wendy Ellen Weiss Susan◊ and Ward Willats* V. Maureen and David Wilmot Susan Nadine Witebsky Neil Young Class of 1982 Camille Jan Anacabe Elizabeth◊ and Tom Bastasch Margaret L. Becker Lynne Bisagno and Michael Garwood* Craig A. Block Scott Bogue and Margi Rusmore* David and Fay Bohn* Debra Boscoe and Stephen Staub Daniel Braslau Robert and Ulrike Brauneis Kimberly and James Callaway∆ Jennifer and Robert Chaffiotte Dorothy Chen and Byron Han Arnold Christiansen and Sandra Dager William Craig Alan and Barbara Cunningham Gregory and Lynda Cutter Samuel and Deborah de la Cruz Peter Dedlow Traci Des Jardins David Doshay and Aviva Garrett*∆ Hillary Deare Fielding Alice Fishman and Ben Feldman Desiree and Robert Foxworthy Paul and Cindy Geise Robert A.# and Jennifer J. Goldbeck∆ Amy Goldberg-Day and Mark Day Catherine Gong Tom Greene Sarah and John Gustafson* Dennis and Judi Heher Robert and Cynthia High Ann Hubble# and Storey Lamontagne Dorene S. Kastelman Karen E. Katz Suzanne Mary Kayian Patricia Kelly Larse and John Larse Kathleen Langan and Ted Cranford* Rebecca Louise Lockhart Neil Lundberg and Gretchen Shankweiler Paul McPherson and Julie Lightfoot* Joyce Michaelson and Timothy Woods Juliet and Chris Musso Linda and Bruce Nicholson Jim Offel Larry Pageler◊ and Katie Freeman Joseph W. Palca Laura Patton Carole and Lawrence Peiros Jill and Frank Perry* Bob and Bernadette Ramer∆ Emily Reilly and Robert Nahas* Irene Reti◊ Mara and Raymond Roccaforte* Dan and Kathleen Salter* Greg Sanders Traci and Bob Schaible Madge Ruth Kanter Vanessa Sherman and Joseph DeVittorio Douglas and Sherrill Sleeter Janet and Ronald Smith* Atesh Sonneborn and Patrizia Pallaro Julie Spiegler and Gever Tulley Mary A. Stearns Katherine Stern Weaver Gabrielle Stocker∆ Bill Tally Kelly M. Thiemann Alison Towle Dale Clifford Travis David J. Veale Gary L. Veum Ingrid and Robert Wander* Terry M. Weiner Lori Wensley Ward and Susan◊ Willats* Steven and Paula Wyman Class of 1983 Anonymous Susan Arrhenius and Leo McCloskey*∆ Jenelle and David Ball Leonard and Nahoko Barrett Jessica Bernhardt and Ted Goldstein*† Andrew T. Black Steve and Mindy Blechman Stephen Booth Julia Glenn Carter Kimberly Cary and Charles Eadie* Eric Collins and Brenda Hansen Mary Ellen Culley and Scott Smith Beth Erviti Gary W. and Yolanda Finn Kevin Fliege Bonnie Friedmann and John Cunniff Mary and G. David Genochio* Drew and Myra Goodman Herman Gray# and Rosa-Linda Fregoso# John and Sarah Gustafson* Kate Gustavson Mark Headley and Christina Pehl Andrea Fredricka Hesse◊ Vincent Edward Hunt Margot and Paul Jacoby∆ Richard Kennedy and Roxanne Moger* Rosalie A. King Lorna Krkich and Ed Rodrigues Monica Jawn Lake Geoffrey and Sandra Langstaff Julie Lightfoot and Paul McPherson* Doug Liljegren Michael and Debbie Linick Ellen McEwen Jeff W. Moehlenbruck Christopher Nye Edmund Ow Allison Paschke and John Danskin* Byron L. Patterson Jane Reid and Alan Allwardt* Debby J. and Karl Rhoads Robert and Andrea Sabatino* Kathleen and Dan Salter* Genine Scelfo◊ and Michael Dalbey*◊ Lisa E. Schaechter Karl Schaffer and Dorah Rosen Michael Seffinger Greg and Suzi Sellers∆ Gary S. Shameson Cheryl Shanks and David Schaller Beth Hope Shuster Anne and William Skamarock Mark Evan Stephens Sally Stephens Maya M. Suryaraman Richard and Maureen Turman* Daria Walsh and Bruce McNamara* Jeanette Z. Warne Robert Weiner‡ and Karen Rhodes* Karen Hutchinson Wilbur Helen Williams Willie Williams (d) Eric Zigman and Julia Chiapella Claire E. Ernst and Albert P. Bedecarre Christine Fallon Lynn Flink and Dave Roehr Jerry and Kyoko Freeman* Julian and Kristina Grantz* Ruth and Tom Greenwood Karen and Richard Gunderson* John S. Haines Phillip Heskett and Trudi James* Jeremy Higdon Digby Grant Horner Sheri and Paul Howe* William Hoye Kay M. and Todd Judson Edward Keith Gordon Lanser Eileen Leary and Tom Burns* Dart Lindsley Charles Neal and Maria Felix-Neal* Andy H. Madeira Baldo# and Kristen Marinovic*† Gary McCalla Leo McCloskey and Susan Arrhenius*∆ Linda D. McCue Gerhard Metzen Arwen P. Mohun and Erik Rau Terry Montelibano Darryl Moore and Bradley Johnson Nancy L. Morgan Catherine and Daniel Mountjoy* Beverly◊ and Craig Norleen Rock Pfotenhauer and Linda Wilshusen‡* James K. Pick Robyn J. Pignone Cyrus and Mavis Ramezani Lisa M. Ratto Juliana Rebagliati Michael and Willela Robinson Susan and Paul Rockwell* Narciso and Mary Rodriguez∆ Andrea and Robert Sabatino* Marie Samples Kari L. Silverman Maya Linda Slocum∆ Mary Smith-Reynolds and Chris Reynolds Michael S. Suckow Maureen and Richard Turman* Patrick and Beth Walker David Waller Gary Wartels Robert and Madeline Weber∆ Terry Michael Welsh Ben White Wendy Davina Whitson John S. Wimer May Ann Wong Class of 1984 Joy Albright and Frank Souza* William D. Anderson Scott Bagley and Mary Dixon∆ Nancy B. Berglass and Ricky N. Bluthenthal* Ethan and Lara Brown Judith D. Buckner Ralph and Caroline Carney* Barbara and John Chilton Kim Venise Coleman Diane C. Craddock Scott Brookie◊ Frank W. Brown Cynthia Cass and David Wallace* Garrick C. Chang Julia Chiapella and Eric Zigman* Richard Civille Brent and Sylvia Constantz Tracy Miller DiGioia Class of 1985 Alisa Delliquadri and Tom Meuser Daniel P. Driscoll David and Karen Dundes Timothy Ellis◊ and Kristen Prestridge* Jeff Evans and Mary Ballou Kate and Gregory Evard Jonathan and Jennifer Fay Wendy Fiering Anne Fischer (d) Mark and Cathia Fleisher Kyoko◊ and Jerry Freeman* Valerie Fuette Judith Gerber-Hylands and Daniel Hylands Kristina and Julian Grantz* Kate Hawley Whitworth# and Paul Whitworth# Christopher and Nancy Heavey Matthew† and Karen Howard Paul and Jeanette Johnson Robert Everett Johnsrud Kristine Karnos Alexandra Kidd Brett Knupfer David J. Korduner and Joan Krimston Noreen and Tod Likins Marcus Mauro Richard† and Bettina Moss* Daniel and Catherine Mountjoy* John and Susan O’Brien Daryl Odnert and Jennifer Martin Anna M. Osborne Berman David A. Parrs Sarah Rabkin# and Charles Atkinson*# Dave Ream Lynn Renshaw and Neal Langholz Tara Rinaldi Paul and Susan Rockwell* Melitta Rorty and Brande Gentry Pamela A. Salsedo∆ Saarin R. Schwartz and Woody Farlee Kent and Elaine Screechfield Jeff Skala Monica M. Steichen Sharan Street David Wallace and Cynthia Cass* Christine Weir and Sally Arnold* Daniel Weiss and Anne Stewart Steve R. Williamson Jeff and Elissa Wingate Class of 1986 Sally Arnold and Christine Weir* Ricky Bluthenthal and Nancy B. Berglass* Christopher and Holly Bolling Daniel and Angela Braude David S. Brodkey Naomi Brokaw◊ and Brian Moffet◊ Dennis J. Brown Tammy Warner Campson Neil Chin Alison Cook-Sather John Danskin and Allison Paschke* Debbie Davis Brandy Dean Whitney Dixon and Dale Word Sarah Donovan Annette Emery and Patrick Cody Maria Felix-Neal and Charles Neal* David Fouquet Rachel F. and Bruce Harris Jeff Hayden Kristina and Loren Smith Ursula and Derrol Jones Kirk and Jodi Kawagoe Mitzi Kim-Seo Margo# and David Kipps Dahv Kliner and Hope Michelsen Susan and Tom Koontz Nicholas Littlestone and Nancy Norris* Audrey Lyndon and John Williams Kevin E. Meaney Steve Meister Richard Merenbach Alma Sifuentes◊ and Daniel Moreno*◊ Gary A. Moro◊ Trudie Muir Colleen Mulholand and Robert Davis Toh-Miang Ng Brooke Anne Olivares-Laine Michelle Paulus∆ Kristen Prestridge and Timothy Ellis*◊ Steven Quandt Jeannine Rodems and Guntram Wolski Thelma Sass Alan Schneider Scott and Peggy Seltz Michael Shipley Diane Sturgeon◊ and Kevin Foisie◊ Julia E. Sweig George Szudy Margaret Theeuwes Gregory and Marjorie Tupper Linda Valdes and Nicholas Bilardello Anne Wittenberg Peter and Mary Yamashita Frank and Paula Zazueta Class of 1987 Rosalind L. Bennett Kelly Brown and Aimee Spector* Kristin Brown and Mahmoud Abu-Ajamia Juliette Alexandra Carrillo Mark Cassell and Amy Hanauer Kate and Frederick Chen Joe Colletti Nancy Cox-Konopelski◊ and Joseph Konopelski# Karoline A. Delaney Jennifer Denning Curtis Bowen Desilets Mark# and Terry Eastman Leslie J. Evans Jacqueline and Barry Geipel* Jim Gilbert and Susan Orbuch Dennis Hogan Cori Houston◊ and Jeff Traugott Mary James and George Cook William Jardine Donald and Nicki Kerns Grant Marshall Joan McBrien Bruce McNamara and Daria Walsh* Eric Mendelson Andrew Mersmann and Bob Pederson 13 Griselda Mireles Daniel Moreno◊ and Alma Sifuentes*◊ Merlin E. Nygren Francisco Ornelas Laurie Patton and Salem Magarian Mark Piche and Cristina Valdez* Mark K. Reagan John Robinson Peter and Lisa Robinson* Rachel Roth Malcolm Rucker Melissa# and Nigel Sanders-Self∆ Stephen Schwartz and Lynn Hornig Susan Reid Stuart Peter Vrolijk Craig L. Wilkerson Joseph Wirka and MaryJane Kubler Frances and Thomas Wortham Class of 1988 Naomi Andrews# and Daniel Levin Cheryl Barkey# Steven and Lesley Bell* Andrew Block Lisa Brill-Robinson and Peter Robinson* Steven Carter Annette Cristofori Earling Benjamin Elwood and Susie Steinbach Rachel Kay Evans Abigail Dane Faulkner Gary and Margaret Fisher Tracy Jeanne Fullerton Brett Glickman Stephen P. Gruman Jennifer Maya Haan Danielle Hammerman and Jordan Einbinder* Nathaniel D. Henderson Jennifer Heyneman Diane and John Hickok*∆ Robert Irion# and Barry Grigsby* Rise Anne Keller and Douglas Dirks* Jeanne Kislitzin John Leopold◊ and Teresa Buika Leopold◊ H. Phillip Limbacher, Jr. Paula Mahoney Gail and Patrick‡# Mantey Susan Martinez◊ Bonnie and Adam Nevitt* Remelle and Terry Olson Holly V. Peck Richard William Pogge Rachel Pray and Laura Weinstock Charles Alan Pyle Pat S.‡ and Rowland K. Rebele Diana and Dean Reece Joseph Oliver Reed Daniel Roam Chris and Pilar Rose Valerie Ann Ross Jamila Rufaro Timothy Nelson Schott Timothy Delos Schueler Daniel Seeman and Jennifer Lin Marian Sherrin◊ Jeffrey Smedberg Randall Gerson Sommer Carl and Sibylle Steiner David C. Stier 14 Janet Elizabeth Swann Christopher and Tasha Turzo Loetta M. Vann John Zheng-Woo Wang∆ Class of 1989 Madeline Marie Adamczeski Linda# and William Anderson Michael Arenson and Susan G. Dahlgren Anthony Barreiro Lesley and Steven Bell* Edward Blair Joy B. Brawn Douglas Dirks and Rise Anne Keller* Jordan Einbinder and Danielle Hammerman* Nancy◊ and Ron◊ Enomoto Carleton Russell Eyster Richard Gendron and Ruth Thibodeau* Barry Grigsby and Robert Irion*# Kathleen Hughes◊ and Kate McGirr# John Sungsuk Kauh Kevin Keedy◊ and Paul Edwards Richard Kimberly James Kinoshita and Jean Cho* Melinda Kirkpatrick Jonathan and Tiffany Klein Donna Kvamme Rose and Ronald LaMont* Barbara Laurence◊ and James O’Connor# Michael Norman Mann Marilyn Pacheco Mara James and Karen McClenahan* John Michael McConnell Donna Meyers and Roberta Hunter Christine H. Miller◊ Corinne◊ and Steven◊ Miller*∆ Charles and Kerry Mitchell Lincoln Abraham Mitchell Christine R. Mueller Adam and Bonnie Nevitt* Martha Rose Noble Paul E. O’Connor Marilyn and Gary Patton George Rasula and Suzi Wong Margaret and Mark Reed* Maria Guadalupe Rocha◊ Margaret Rose Ronning Elizabeth Emiko Rouan Rachel Ruby and Andrew Day Jeffrery Runner and Javier Bautista David Shuman and Hilary Bryant* Brian Staufenbiel# and Nicole Paiement# Christopher Stave Cynthia Switalski Donald Terry Deborah Tirschwell Bruce Wright Van Allen Nancy Ann Wilcox Erik Zinn and Daleth Foster* Class of 1990 William Thompson Bacon Timothy Best Susie◊ and John Bower Julia Elizabeth Breland Venessa Brown Gregory Canillas Mary Anne Carson Karen and Kurt Christiansen Allison Claire and Teri McKown Jeff and Tara Clark* Robert J. Coontz Andrew T. Dinh Katherine and Matthew Doar Kelly Donahue-Wallace Philip Du Beau and Lora Martin◊ Kristin Dyer and Eric Lechner* Kirk Tyre Edwards Arthur and Pam Evans Joshua T. Fodor Annalee J. Foster Daleth Foster and Erik Zinn* David Allen Frederick Douglas and Allison Garcia*∆◊ Monica Garner-Craig and Garrett Craig Steven A. Gottlieb Mark Gundacker and Suzy Pak* Brian M. Gwinn Mark Thomas Henne Jennifer and Michael Hernandez Catherine Hills Kathleen Hofvendahl-Clark and Kevin Clark∆ Russell D. Jacobson William K. Karwin Chris Kempker Tehya Marie Kopp Donald and Maria Larkin Bao Si Le Deirdre A. Loungway and Charles Miller Teresa Wade Malone and Eric Malone Adam and Leila Moore* Bryce M. Nakagawa Glenn D. Nelson Rafael and Lisa Ortiz William Parro◊ and Diana Redfern* Eric and Laura Reed* Lisa Regul Danielle Reo Steve Richie and Lillian Tsai* Kent Demar Roberts John D. Roevekamp Brian Rossman Ivette Ruiz Anne and Conrad Seales* Valerie Nicole Sheehan Jan Shirchild Mara Elena Simmons Sarah and Morgan Smith Andrew and Jolene Snett Jeffrey H. Stark Deborah Tracy-Proulx# and Timothy Proulx Stephanie Tudor and Konrad Hughen* Cristina Valdez and Mark Piche* Ruby Flores Velarde Brian S. Vina Jennifer and Eric Vuillermet Stephen and Christine Watt Andrew Harris Wolff Diane‡ and Lawrence Wolfsen Class of 1991 Dorcas Noyes Abbott David Wayne Allen Rito Arellano Sarah and Brian Aucoin Emiliano Barron Heather A. Blackmore Fay and David Bohn* Robin Bonner and Britt Rideout Jocelyn A. Willett John C. Browning Phillip Arlington Calhoun Deborah Cardillo and Martin Harriman* Kevan L. Chu Tara and Jeff Clark* Aaron Cole Farnaz Fatemi# and Paul N. Skenazy# Debbie Gordon Rachel E. Goslins Madeleine Heassler Fred G. Hochstaedter# Konrad Hughen and Stephanie Tudor* Laura Ibarra Ronald and Rose LaMont* Shannon and Steven Lee* Kristen† and Baldo Marinovic*# Chris Markham Karen and James McClenahan* Joshua A. Meyer Britten A. Miles◊ Jennifer Beth Miller Cynthia Miranda Daniel Orange# and Bonnie Holmer-Orange* Suzy Pak and Mark Gundacker* Mark and Margaret Reed* Mary Elizabeth Reed Ellen Reiterman Mike Riepe Wolfgang H. Rosenberg and Norma Del Gaudio Elizabeth Ruhland August H. Schilling Conrad and Anne Seales* Dan Sherman Katherine Silverthorne Cathye Smithwick Carla Spencer Daryle and Manuel Talavera William True Breck Tyler# and Martha Brown*◊ Anina Van Alstine Karen and Frank Verprauskus Brian Wampler Greg M. Watson Percival J. Webster Mark Wedel Mia and Jim Whitfield Joseph Melville Wright Class of 1992 Glen K. Ahn James Charles Almeida Bruce Avery and Susan Gundunas∆ Jennifer and Kevin Becker Matthew J. Ciranni Cate Christy Corcoran Tanya DeCell and Carl Roth* Laurie Ann Dederian Joseph and Susanne DeRisi* Peggy Dolgenos and Chris Neklason Amy E. Everitt† Margreta N.J. Gil◊ Paula C. Gomez∆ Jeffrey Louis Greene Shawn David Grunberger Richard Hall and Rachel Leach-Hall Jill Christine Harris McConaughy Jasmin Hastings Carl A. Haverl and Susanna B. Blackwell* Joseph and Badalin Helvink Kimberly and Robert Hinrichs Brett Andrew King Kimberly and Thomas Stein Jonathan and Karen Kupetz Susan Leach◊ Anna and Eric Mathieu Kirk and Diana McIntosh Ralph D. McLemore J. Benjamin and Laura McLoughlin Michel McMahan and Jason Camara* Stuart and Allison Meyler Heather◊ and Paul Egli Leila and Adam Moore* Jeffrey Nolan Susanne J. Obaid Jane Parks-McKay and Tim McKay Tom Pohorsky and Jo Ann Jeffers Rosie Ramirez and Joseph Moreno Brett and Yvette Roeder* Michelle and Ronald Rozman Jan and Robert Rydzewski Heidi Graf Sena Craig Souza Christine and Rod Stacey Madhukar N. Thakur Stacey Rosay Vorous Eric Wager and Deborah Profant* Alexandra Jo Wall Matthew Stephen Zito Class of 1993 Barbara Elaine Alfors Jonathan Anderle Dana and Kenneth Bacher Amy Bailey and Richard Lintermans Sharon Bandy◊ Yvette and Christopher Belisle* Holly N. Boland Lorraine Bryan Leslie Ann Budde Brian and Sally Chess John and Denise Colosi Sara Ewa Danielsen# Michele Daugherty Susanne and Joseph DeRisi* Burton Eubank Patrick R. A. Ford and Marianna Pisano Virginia Leone Gates John and Margaret Glavin Karin Grobe and David Heintz* Rusten Hogness and Donna Haraway# Bradford P. Holden# Eric Jacobson Tasha Marie Koval Eric Lechner and Kristin Close* Chris Lehon and Blythe Todd-Collins Jane Lerner Eric M. Levander Melissa Lucas Margarita Mendez and Juan Garcia Diane (d) and Mark Mesiti-Miller Hannahrose Nevins# and Joshua Adams* Tamu Nolfo Patrick William North◊ Shannon and Lance Peacor Catherine and Nathan Peimann Esther and Hector Real Karen and Christopher Reynolds* Daniel L. Rice Yvette and Brett Roeder* Adam Rosenberg Mark Alan Sabbagh Richard G. Sanchez Eric Lee Sandquist Susan Schneider and Christopher Piggott* Morgan R. Shepherd Sharon and Steve Smith Traci L. Teraoka Jennifer Touchton and Erik Larsen Lynet Uttal David Arthur Van Brink Class of 1994 Joshua Adams and Hannahrose Nevins* Koji and Minako Amakawa Ryan Augustin and Susan Bennell Lisa and Jeffrey Beardeaux Aaron L. Bierman Jennifer Bonnet Laura Brotherton and Daniel Fluss* Hilary and David Shuman* Ellen Chinn and Jonathan Southard Kathleen Connell and Richard Lockie Scott Cooper# Joshua Blue Drews Jamison Dufour Daniel L. Farber Michael Victor Fedoruk Elizabeth Garfinkle John Patrick Hart Sid and Joe Hutchins Ilisa Kessler and Lilla Magee Regina Langhout# and David Streit Adam Loren Bethany Lynne Lund Julia Brown Marrack Damhnait McHugh David B. Mckie Nicole Meinertzhagen James and Tanya Oliver Christopher and Renee Patton* Pablo Reguerin◊ and Rosa Plaza*◊ Carl Roth and Tanya DeCell* Benjamin and Patricia Schneider* Duane Gene Shelton Soren Soe Priya Subramanian Thomas Weitao Sun Sarah Beth Sussman Jerome Weltsch Matthew Dwight Zinn Class of 1995 Dyke# and Gretchen◊ Andreasen* Lucille Ayon and Andres Vilchis Shelley Bates Christopher and Yvette Belisle* Jennifer Suzanne Bethel Mauricio Salvador Beugelmans Jake D. Brutlag Galen R. Carnicelli Kenneth Holden Chang Marty and Kimberly Couret* Philip and Kathy Davis* Thor Egland∆◊ Barbara Garrett Elder Daniel A. Galpin Lisa Kimberley German Kelly Brooke Gibson Debra Lynn Grodt Virginia and Timothy Guhin The Quentin Hancock Fund Dennis◊ and Jennifer Karlinsky Leslie Anne Kendig Donna and Jim Kenney Stephanie Klein and Larry Baer Arlene Kozimbo and Donald Burgett Susan Krivin and David Ohanesian Jana Lynn Krutsinger Steven and Shannon Lee* Laura Liptak Jack Mallory and Peggy Delaney‡# Nathan T. Martell Jamie McGloin-King David Michael Mendelsohn Kirsten M. Menking Rosa Plaza◊ and Pablo Reguerin*◊ Hans and Angela Riemer Susie L. Rose Holly Sommers Sadoff and Paul Sadoff Jose Sanchez◊ and Stephen Hauskins◊ Siv Keng Si Asher Siddiqui Linda Sinkovic and Peter Thompson Huiling Song Aimee Spector and Kelly Brown* Alan Speidel# and Mary Berg∆ Ali and David Stone Ruth Thibodeau and Richard Gendron* Melissa Cathleen Trousdale John Andre Wiederhold Ine Imelma Williams Corinna K. Wu Class of 1996 James and Ramona Aroyan April and Robert Ayala Susanna Blackwell and Carl Haverl* Kimberly and Marty Couret* Betty Jane Cowdery Kathy and Philip Davis* Aimee Laura Eggler Annie Robbins Embree Ashley Fullenwider Jennifer Gonzalez# and Warren Sack# Kristen Miller and Jason Greenlaw Ki M. Jyung Kathleen Margaret Watson∆ Laura McKinney and David Blyn Melissa Campos Devon Eric Pearse Ranko Petroni◊ Eric Howard Potsdam Leslie and Anthony Puckett Mark David Readdie# Scott B. Robinson Bryan J. Shapiro Dawn and John Siemer Andrea Marie Testa-Vought Geoffrey Thornton David Valentine Kerstin Wasson and Bruce Lyon# Class of 1997 Michael Allen Debbie Kay Avila-White David and Debbee Calhoun Rick Chuarta Denise Dallmann Adam Davidow◊ and Ondine Vierra Jason Daniel Dreier Gregory Finney Don and Meg Harlor Darren Robert Huckle Andrew Alan Hurwitz Deborah Irene Jansen Angelique and Eugenio Garcia* Jonathan D. Knight# Michael C. Kock Shawn# and Andrew Kramer Joseph Michael Lambro and Elizabeth Faust Georgia Flora Lampros Amy Lerner and Charles Hill Brenda Elaine Leys Sandra Lopez Dana Nance Mackenzie Thomas C. Marshall# Denali McCullough Montero Mark D. Nockleby Emily Catherine Norton◊ Nathan Perea Jeffrey Rahn and Kelli Cree Littlejohn Jan and Gina Reid Camille and Homero Rey Duane and Iris Strong Laura K. Stupi and Javier D. Santillan* Carol Ruth Taylor Mark Yoshinaka Class of 1998 Gretchen◊ and Dyke# Andreasen* Justin Paul Balas◊ Miguel Angel Canales Kathryn and Christopher Castelli* James Ross Dezendorf Catharine and Peter Eastman Edward and Debra Fischer Michael Greenwald and Kara Hill Olivia Guevara Ruth S. Hilberg# and William R. Doherty# Danielle and Craig Johnson Jim Kass Dana Mariko Kawaoka Catherine and Bryndon LaFollette* Jane Lear and Susan Myers John Madrid Tony L. Madrigal Cynthia and Richard Mahon* Sarah Elizabeth Mansergh Michael C. Murrell James L. Repka Ivan Samuels Jonathan Daniel Sivell◊ Blanca Tapia Smith Justin and Colette Snyder Jonathan Victoria Soriano 15 Barbara Sprenger and Ken Meshke* Sean Marshall Spurr Gwendolyn Edrie Strachan-Davis Dale E. Summer-Busch and Patrick Busch Eric Thorne Margarita and Alan Tolbert Jill Elaine Tuckman Justine Turner Elissa Weintraub Class of 1999 Erin Christine Antunez Manosiz Bhattacharyya and Subhasree Mandal* Ann Blinov Robert Brackett and Suzanne Garcia* Shoshana Brown Sabrina H. Chong Keith Charles Curry Cheryl Davis Laura Fisher DeShawn Aileen Fuller-Gough Annette Faye Gilbertson Justin Daniel Guan Andrew Yijoon Jin Jessica Stevens Lunt Bryn Nelson Roger J. Ortiz Dorth Raphaely◊ Katherine Alexis Riemann◊ Demian M. Saffer Eric Schneider Anna E. Von Gehr◊ Alexander N. Wurmbrand Class of 2000 Karly Janae Abner Anil Ananthaswamy Jon Becker◊ and Deborah Malkin Hilary Beech Lee David Beller Nicole S. Brock Maureen Park Choi Dale and Jimmie Sue Clark Elisabeth Jean Crabtree Michael Bertrand Doss Derek Groff John W. Hein# and Molly V. Meyer* Stefano Mazzoni David Morrell and Kirsten Gruesz# Harley Brauser Orion Patricia and Benjamin Schneider* Kristina Marie Scott Corey Emanuel Stick Robert Szemeredi◊ Jessie Anne Thielen Shannon Elizabeth Warrick Craig Robert Waters Jason Matthew Williams◊ Janet W. Yun Class of 2001 Brandon Arnold Allgood Sukhie Bal◊ Jennard Alatiit Cahatol Elaine Charlton Kathleen Dalesandro Ryan Walter Dean 16 Joe DePage◊ Suzanne Garcia and Robert Brackett* Joshua Andrew Goodley Scott Sherman Humphrey Gregory S. Kirschner Peter Koht and Crystal Birns Bryndon and Catherine LaFollette* Patrick Andrew Lapid Catherine C. Mai Nicholas Alan Marchi Elizabeth Lane Mason Karen A. Menjivar Nora Elise Menkin Erin Avis Odenweller R. Bruce Paton Erik Lane Pearson# Nicole Marie Perez Christopher Gerard Potts Jose Roberto Rios Maya Ouarda Hagege◊ Fiona◊ and Chris Weigant Class of 2002 Valerie Albre Debashis Bhattacharya Peter John Butler Aaron Anthony Casillas Kate L. Dallas Joanna Eskilson Cathy Fogel Nicole Claire Gordon Dustin Grant Harder Luke Nathan Kirley◊ Thomas Jay Lee◊ Julie Ann Macias Stuart Duane Ortiz Nick James Peterson Maricela Ponce Lauren Elisabeth Powe Kristin Cobb and Sameer Sainani Eric Oguz M. Sunalp Carolyn and Steve Swift Mohamud A. Warsame Alec◊ and Claudia Webster April Marie Yee◊ Class of 2003 Alta Aurora Mar Anzalone Gabriel John Bowen# Jennifer Ann Brown Jason Camara and Michel McMahan* Patricia Pak Lee Chan Hannah Portia De La Vega Usiel Delgado Deutron Kebebew Sarah Malashock Stephanie Anne Nicole Margossian Kimlin McDaniel-Keith and John Keith* Molly V. Meyer and John W. Hein* Christina O’Halloran Anselmo Ontiveros Felicia Sheree Pate Kirt Peterson◊ Alexander Pugh Eric Samuel Rowland Derrick Christopher Seeto Jacqui Sovde David M. Templeton Holman B. Tse Eduardo Armando Vaisman Class of 2004 Sam Butler Braff Monica Marie Carney Anita Katherine Ewing Betty Feng Frazier D. Haney Celeste Jimenez William Jones# Edmond Ken Lee Jessica Kate Markowitz David Brian Marshall Nicolette Therese Mueller◊ Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs Sheng Siew Saechao Javier D. Santillan and Laura K. Stupi* Kathleen Breanna Smith Marcela Margarita Solis Peter Stults◊ Madoc Tsang Katrina Martha Vegvary Christopher Adam Webster Class of 2005 Jessica◊ and Ryan Bond Tracy May Remolador Cavero Rex Chung◊ Laura Agatha Corso Jennifer Deanne Dunn Keith Evans Tyler Joseph Freeman Derek and Rose Jones∆ Latisha Kay-Shan Leung◊ Charles Notley Katherina Espinosa Roque Jennifer Lynn Savage Michael Jeffrey Smith Monica G. Wan Class of 2006 Trinidad Jose Arredondo Sarah Burney Kyle Lewis Champlin Jason Yan Peng Chung Gabriel I. Craig Erwin Robert Duran Luis Alberto Elorreaga Jr. Maria Guadalupe Fernandez David Matthew Fix Denise W. Fong Noah Ryan Garrett-Farb◊ Karl John Glaub Weikun Jimmy He Lindsay Elizabeth Hund Helen Setsuko Lawson Gary C. Liu Nicole Meryl Lorre Colleen Theresa McCarty Margo Alexandra Francis Marvin Nim Mauricio Eduardo Orantes Jonathan Joseph Perez Gretta Perlmutter Eric Ansel Reid Rodney Kevin Ridgel Jr. German Rodriguez Jr. Joshua Helme Strater Yih Yun Wang Seth Jamison Whitaker Russell C. Willmon Janette Wong Fletcher Wu Aaron Justin Yip Lawrence Lee You and Deborah Gravitz Nelson Zhang Class of 2007 Jennifer Cutter Brian Stephen Gerstenberger Rebeca Grande Lorenzo Hutton Katherine Jewell Michael Mansfield Taha Rezai Pavit Vora Class of 2008 Max Baumgarten Christopher Charles Bloch Seinjuti Chakraborty Wendy R. Dimas Michael B. Dueck◊ Nathaniel Joseph Edelman Paula Kay Jones Jessica Lynn Markham Aileen Janet Menkin Class of 2009 James Dohrmann Parent Contributors Joel Steven Aaronson Dan and Morgan Abbey Kenneth and Joy Abbott Mariko Abe and William Shannon Carol Abeyta Harry and Laurie Abraham Joan and Stan Abrams Candace and Rene Acevedo Yesan and Gary Ackerman Staci and Mike Aden Deborah and Geoffrey Adey David and Sara Aftergood Martha and Luis Aguilar Louise Aguilar-Higgins and James Higgins Jack and Nell Aiello* Sunday and Ann Aigboboh Mark Akamine Ruben and Lucia Alamo Katherine Alberts Genevieve Alexander Michael and Toby Alexander Miguel and Maria Alfaro Jim Alftad and Roberta Gotfried Kathryn and John T. Allen Avery and Margaret Allen Michael and Margaret Allen Susan and Glenn Allison Agnes Almeida Cecilia Almora-Dowd Dan Altemus and Marie Riehle Susan and Byron Alton Carlos Alvarez and Martha Espelage-Alvarez Luis and Idalia Alvarez Mitchell and Katherine Alvarez Isam and Jacqueline Alyousfi Barbara and Sindo Amago Noreen Ambrose and Mathew Steinle Alpha and Avital Anders Cheri and Lee Anderson David and Eileen Anderson Douglas and Kathleen Anderson Eric Anderson and Cristi Garvey Frank and Jennifer Anderson Fred Anderson Michael and Janet Anderson Russell Anderson and Terri L. Garland# Robert Ryoichi Ando Vince and Jean Anicetti Theresa Gonzales Antonio Patti Appel Patti and Hugo Arabia Douglas Lee Arcamone Mary Fran and Dane Archer# Mary and Alex Arevalo Michael and Margaret Arighi Micheline Arlia Carol and Robert Armstrong Robert and Rochelle Armstrong Guillermina Arredondo Susan Arrhenius and Leo McCloskey* Mary and Anton Arulanantham Eunice and Philip Ashizawa Bill and Christine Ashton JoEllen Ashton Corinna and Simon Au Richard and Marion Auld Bruce Avery and Susan Gundunas Patricia and Gary Avnet David and Randi Avshalomov Marc Axelrod and Elizabeth Gross-Axelrod Jerry and Patricia Azarkman Mihail and Cristiana Baba Roger Bach and Sheila Wickens Isa and Bruce Backley Bergi and Dana Bagdasarian Christine Bagley William and Jean Baker Mariano and Nida Balbuena Lisa and Martin Martino Jeffery and Carol Baldwin Andrew and Debi Balogh Daniel Bambou Teri and Bill Banka Malina and Krystof Bankiewicz Frank Sebastian Barba Nick Barbin Sherry and Steven Bard Linda Bardin Stephen and Margaret Baron Kathy and Lawrence Barr Donald and Judy Barrett Gordon and Linda Barrett Lynette Barretto Sally Barstow and Patrick McKee J. B. and Maureen Barton Chip and Jan Bates Lawrence Batterton David and Marcia Battin* Ryan William Baumann Corby Perkins Baumgarten Aladino and Marcelina Bautista Richard and Susan◊ Beach Dennis Barry Bealick Jesse Bean and Susan Amaral-Bean Karen and Barnaby Beck Shannon Ida Beck Eva Beckman and James Cravens Holly Susan Beckner Christy Beffa Thomas and Lili Beggs Michael and V. Rebecca Beiley Kathleen Beitiks Karen Beler Charleen and Ronald Bell Donnetta Bell Robert and Sue Belluomini Nancy and Paul Belton Beth Benjamin David Bennett Marcia Bennett Morrey and Cynthe Berenjian Debbie Anne Berg Susan Berger Larry and Cayetana Bergeron Jennifer Berina-Buelna and Carlos Buelna Bob and Nancy Berk Jasmine Berke and Scott Roseman* Nancy Berman and Alan Bloch Elaine and James Bernard Claude F. Bernasconi# Timothy and Denice Bernetsky Steve Bernhardt Clifford A. Bernie Phillip Samuel Berry Karen and Angelo Bertagnini Brad Bescos and Marsha Connor Stephen and Jacqueline Bezaire Robert Bezemek Jeffrey and Mabel Bialik Janet and Robert Bianchi Aron Bick Barbara Birabent Elizabeth Davidson Bishop Mary Bishop Xenia and Gary Bixler Kim and Marc Black Mitchell and Judy Blake Donna Blakemore and Erik Sueberkrop Monnie Blesse John Blong and Theresa Woehrle Phyllis and John Blum Robert and Virginia Blumberg Peter Bodenheimer Bryan Dirk Bohman Ronald and Keiko Boles Christie and John Bolitho Rich and Judy Bollinger Alexandru and Mirela Bologa Sebastian and Sharon Bonacio Francisco Bonilla and Aracely Madrid Peter Stevens Bonsignori Laura and Keith Bontrager Gillian and Ian Bossenger Nancy and Roland Pascal Richard Boston Howard and Nancy Bott Leslie and Raleigh Bouffard Stephanie and Richard Bowers Kathy Bowles Kathleen and Terry Bowlin Kristin Bowne Charles and Pierrette Boyd Gail and Robert Boyle Ann Boynton and Vincent Brown Robert and Lynn Brandt Balvinder Singh Brar Scott and Angela Braun Lynn Bredeson Timothy and Rebecca Brennan Rhona and Barry Brenner Diane and Stephen Brett Fred and Sandra Brewer Virginia and Thomas Brewer Maggie and Arthur Bright James Brighton and Franchesca Callejo Leandro and Sofie Briones Lisa and Dennis Britt Barry Broad and Joan Markoff Margaret Elizabeth Brock Barbara◊ and Charles Brogan Shelly and Mark Sutliff Allan Gary Brostrom Alice Brown Marian Brown◊ Kenneth and Marian Brown Scott Brown and Merle McClendon Aleo Brugnara Marcia Bruins Frank Joseph Buchholz Rodney and Nancy Buchser Rusty and Shelly Buck Bruce and Mary Bulkin Susan Bunn Janet Burdick and Scott Miller Martha Burdick Orly and Edward Burg Fred and Joan Burke Wendy and Peter Burman John and Jayne Burns Sandra and Thomas Burns Steven and Barbara Burrall Londell Forte Burris Jim and April Burstedt Lynn Butera Kevin and Cheryl Butler Mimi and Timothy Butler Joan and Stephen Byrne Ian Cairns and Virginia Gladwin George and Rebecca Calandri Linda and Anthony Calciano Constance Caldwell and Sharon McCorkell Anne◊ and William Callahan James Callahan James and Kimberly Callaway Samuel Callaway Lupe and Lucille Callero Alexander and Concepcion Calles Maria Dolores Calvert Coralie Calvet Abby and Scot Campbell Christine and Jeff Campbell Kathy Ann Campbell Patrick Campbell Maria and Antonio Campos Luis Candelaria Erine and Diane Cannata Phil and Miriam Cantor Mary Carbone Nadia Carey Annette and Michael Carlson Audrey Carlson Janine and John Carlson Franklin Carpenter and Marjorie Howard Jeffry and Masako Carpenter Gary and Jan Carr Philip Joseph Carr Bernardo and Carmencita Carrasco Alison Keeler Carrillo Gemma Carrillo-Marquez and Richard Marquez Elizabeth and Richard Carson Jim Carter◊ and Pamela Hunt-Carter◊ Amelia and Jeff Casaretto Paula Casaretto Marshall Case Edna Cash-Dudley and William Dudley-Cash Jose and Cindy Castillo Juan Castro Donald Cathey Marios and Kathy Cavadias Gary Cecchini and Kathleen Mullen Memduh Celebioglu Melissa Cerda Penny and Thomas Chambers Chan Craig Merrill and Deborah Chandler Connie Chang Julie Chang and Eric Sun Lynda and Paul Chao Pierre A. and Florence Chapgier Joanie Char Nancy Charlson Suman and Pardeep Chatkara Rosie Chavarria Doreen and Juan Chavez Martin Chemers‡# and Barbara Goza Chemers◊ Liyuan Chen Nancy and George Chen Weili Chen and Chaohsin Yen Julie Cheng and Kevin Lee Samuel and Lilia Chia Maria Chiavola Sandra Chidambaram Dora J. Chien Maelin Wang and Chau-Chun Chien Gil and Maria Chiguila Kathy Childers Dae and Seon Choi Madeline Choi Wonkyoung and Jerry Choi Gary and Jane Chou Bosco Chow Gary and Eva Choy Barbara Christian Paula and Kelly Christiansen Patrick and Connie Chronis Shu-Na and Ambrose Chu In Hwa and Jackie Chung James and Kristine Cichowski Danielle and John Civitello Linda Civitello-Joy Claire and Chris Clark Gary Clark and Victoria Guagliardo 17 Kevin Clark and Kathleen Hofvendahl-Clark Margot and Keith Clarke Richard and Margaret Clarkson Goldie and John Claus Nell‡ and Lee Cliff Michael Bruce Cline David Clough and Diane Powell Steven and Pamela Coak Lucille and Douglas Cole Lynn Coleman Kellie Collier Bob and Debbie Collins Robert Collins David and Janice Colomb Ronald and Susan Colton Cathy Jean Combs Dawn Comer Russell Comer Catherine R. and Robert G. Cooper David and Mary Cope O. James and Ave Marie Cope Lisa Corbridge Alma and Nelson Cordova Douglas and Barbara Core Glen and Juanita Corso Craig Corson and Ann Stenson Alvaro and Jean Cortes Luz and Richard Cortes Mary and Paul Cosper Ana Fatima Costa Gloria S. Cote Robert and Dina Cotten Bruce and Marcia Couchman Laura Coulter and Barry Bisson Jon and Karen Covello Stephen Duane Covington Patricia and Lawrence Cowles Nancy Cox-Konopelski◊ and Joseph Konopelski# Robert Craig Stephen and Joan Craig Jim Scott Cranna Jim and Jan Creighton Renee Crevelli-Gross and James Gross Phil# and Peggy Crews Linda and Tom Cain Janice L. Crocker Hilary and Kip Crosby Jim and Jenny Crotty Colleen and John Crowley Alexander and Margaret Cruz Rodolfo and Yvonne Cruz Martine Culbertson Joshua and Nancy Culp William Lloyd Cumiford Burt Cummings Dorinne Curry Roger Curtis and Karen Schmidt Smiley and Martha Curtis Gail and Steven Cutter William and Patsy Czabaranek Tina and Michael Dacquisto Trudie Daggett Ronald and Shauna Dahl Chung and Nancy Dai Michael and Carolyn Dal Ferro Catherine Ann D’alessandro James and Shirley Dallas 18 Lisa and Michael Dalton Fred and Gail Damert Kevin Danaher Colleen and Joseph Dane Thuha Dang and Cuong Tran Patricia and Dennis Daniel John and Marilyn Darlington Joseph Darriau Diane and Larry Davidson James and Dori Davidson Diane Kathleen Davies Andrea R. Davis Andrew Allen Davis Gary Davis and Ida Griffin Karla Davis Michael and Susan Davis Paul and Billie Davis Terry Davis‡ and Andrew Weyman Audrey and Michael Dawson Paula and Chandler Dawson Erica Gong Mary De May and Thomas Neylan Andrew and Susan Dean Jeffrey and Threse Deane R. Douglas and Francesca Deaver Thomas Anthony DeBartolo Harriet† and John Deck Dave Edward Degrasse Deborah Dei Rossi Rosemary Delosreyes Dawn Delozier-Blanchet Valerie and Ricardo DeMartino Donna and Phillips Dempsey Richard and Paula Depasquale Evelyn and Joseph Der Devin Derham-Burk and Steven Burk Betty and John# Devalcourt Ivy Devlin Charles DeWald# William DeWolf and Kathy Shepler Avtar and Davinder Dhami Josephine A. Diala Eileen and Don Diamond Nancy DiCenzo Bernard and Susan Diggins Nenette and Ebenezer Dignadice Don and Donna Dillon Mary Dixon and Scott Atkins Bagley Shelly Dixon Edwin and Davichar Dizon James Do and Anh Tran Stefanie Dobrin Maria and Joseph Docouto Ken J.† and Katherine C. Doctor* Margaret and Todd Dods Robert and Ingrid Doll Donna and Mike Dollar Deborah Kathleen Donovan-Niemi Usha and Ravi Donthi Jeff Doran and Catherine Hallahan-Doran Charles Dorsett Nancy and Jack Doty Sharon and James Doubek Susan M. Drabik Catherine and Donald Draper Lee Draper and Thomas Paiva∆ Virginia Draper# William Franklin Draper Lisa and David Dreim Joseph and Deanna Drew Hansel and Sarita D’souza Lisa Duardo Michael and Loretta DuBois Susan and Gary Duck Lisa and Seth Dudley Brian and Debbie Duggan Gayle Dukelow and Rosalyn Zakheim Kelly and Matthew Dulka Julie and David Duncan Reggie and Valerie Duncan Victoria Dunham and Peter Losh Joselyn Dunklee John and Helaine Dunmire Joe and Marie Dunn Khanh and Khai Duong David C. Dupart Nancy and Paul Durighello Karen Dutina Rossanna and Chris Dybdahl* Yolanda‡ and Chris Dybdahl Anne Earl◊ Dale and Anne Easley Jan and Chris Eastes John Echols Lloyd Edelberg and Susan Donner Jean Edwards Kristen and Douglas Edwards Nina Eejima and Chuck Greenfield Richard Egelhofer and Kathy Gies Thor Egland◊ Marcia Ehinger Dana and James Elam Jack and Robbie Elliott Lynn Elliott and Robert Jystad Susan Ellis and Stephen Oliva Jane Ellis-McNaboe and Gerald McNaboe Norman Ellstrand and Tracy Kahn Lori and Jeffery Emch Steven and Christiane Engel Susan and Bradford Englander Leigh English and Sheila Mapes Betsy Erkkila and Lawrence Stuelpnagel Kelly and Albert Escobedo Anahita Esmaili and Paul Neuville Ana B. Espinoza John and Elena Espinoza Ivelisse and Leo Estrada Carl and Daryl Ettner Barbara and Joseph Evans Daniel and Kathie Evans John and Donna Evans Nancy and Jeffrey Evelhoch Gary and Paula Evershed Tony Fahey and Terry Spehar-Fahey Mike Fair Kathryn Falberg Douglas and Louise Falconer Kerry Falk Donald Fareed Wendy Farkas John and Heidi Farkash Helen and Timothy Farmer Karen and Jeff Farmer Farinaz Farsai and Babak Darab James Faulkner Peter and Beth Favero Clifford and Cynthia Feaver Marlene and Dana Fedderson Gary Federico Diane Fedorchak Nicholas and Rosalie Fedoruk Karen and Steven Feitelberg Alan Feldstein Lois Carroll Feller Warren Felt and Dolly Around Gerrie Lee Fenton Henry and Gilly Fenton Bill and Susan Ferguson Diego Fernandez Nathan Ferris and Marsha Zaklan-Ferris Noel Ferris and Parker White Wavalen and Jon Ferro Greg and Jeanie Fidler Jerry and Theresa Field Felicia M. Filer Kelvin Dean Filer Cynthia and Stuart Finder Kathy and Ron Fink William and Cheryl Finney Craig and Denise Firth Randy and Jenifer Fishel David and Jan Fittante Lee and Kent Fitzgerald David and Kimberly Fix Martin and Marianne Flam Dolores Flores Michael and Nina Fluss Kelly Anne Flynn Shelli Foltz Kevin Fong and Virginia Fraire-Fong Sheryl Fontaine David Sydney Fontenot Kimberly and Richard Ford Thomas and Doris Forman Mitchell Forster and Paula Bard Jesse Forthun and Cynthia Chapman Colleen and Paul Fortis Wendy and David Fotland Gary and Sue Ann Fountain Deborah M. Fox Stephen and Michelle Fox Janet and Michael Francescut Alan and Patricia Francis-Lyon Marlene and William Frank Judy Franklin and Phil Jamtaas Francis and Mary Frazier John Frediani Michael and Elaine Fresco* Richard and Tanya Freudenberger Edith Frick Judy Friedman Chris and Eileen Frost Edward E. Frost Seena B. Frost Debbie and Basil Fthenakis Cecilia and Ben Fu Shawn Fuchs Thomas Fujisaka Wade Fulbright and Linda Guthrie Paul T. Fuller Eric and Jeanne Fullerton Wai and Ophelia Fung James Funk Mary E. Furlong Paul Furlong Gary Furney and Lisa Kakehashi John and Debby Fust Peter Gaarn and Nancy Port-Gaarn Nancy and Alberto Galindo Sue and Frank Gallagher* Frank Gallardo Louis Galper Allison◊ and Douglas Garcia* Socorro Garcia Thomas Garcia and Katherine Howells Alicia and Jorge Garcia-Cid Alfred and Masha Gardner Jane Kathryn Gardner Lisa and Ross Garfield Aviva Garrett and David Doshay* Robert# and Jan Garrison Donna Gary and David Vaniman* Anthony Gaudioz Noel and Suzanne Gauk-Roger Carol Gault Cathy Geary Richard and Cynthia Gebhart Esmeralda Geddes Pamela and Richard Gemperle Leonard and Offra Gerstein Martha and David Getchell Asghar Ghassemy Marcel Giacusa and Holly Carter Kay Giannandrea John Gibbins and Terry Meyers Peggy Gibbons Ziaieh Misaghi Gibbs Margaret Giberson† and Alan Giberson Margaret A. Gibson# John Giffin Steven Gilbar and Inge Gatz Kirk and Teri Gilbert Linda and Thomas Gilbert Colleen Gildea Theresa and Richard Giles John and Mary Gill Maurice and Patricia Gillespie Delia Gilligan Diana and Dick Glanville Robert J. Glaser Sr. Ann and Jay Glasser Sean and Janet Gleason David and Janette Glover Stephen and Cynthia Gluck Douglas A. Goepfert Jeffrey Goldbeck Robert A. and Jennifer J. Goldbeck Peter and Diane Goldenring Robert and Miriam Goldfien John and Toni Goldhammer Lewis (d) and Ruth Goldhammer Deborah Goldman Jennifer Goldsmith and Nowell Grossman Laura and Jerardo Gomez Paula C. Gomez Elias and Gloria Gonzalez Margarita and Everardo Gonzalez Maria and Jim Gonzalez Howard and Reka Goode Alan and Bobbie Goodman Margie Jill Goodman Marianna Gordon Paul Gorman Carl and Andrea Gosline Michael and Laurel Gothelf Julianna and Barrie Graham John and Dawn Gram Michele and Peter Grams Lisa Grant Sue Grant Evelyn Grass Carol and Bob Graviano Debra and David Gray Nancy Greaney Craig and Marti Green Stephanie and Michael Green Paul Jerome Greenwald Kay Dianne Greenwood Philip Lawrence Gregory David and Carla Grier Marti Griffen and John Wallen Todd Griffin and Cynthia Mark Jacquelyn Griffith Richard Griffith and Margaret Perham Jeanne and Edward Griffiths Gary B. Griggs Alexander# and Jean Grillo Mark Gripman and Akiyo Kalabaza Jennifer and Kenneth Grossfeld Dale Gruen Frank and Lynda Gruver Nancy Guard Evans Jose Guardado and Carolina Soto Susan and Donald Guest Margaret Guichard Christy and Wayne Guidici Javorka Gunic David and Marina Gushansky Conny Gut Katie and Randy Gutman Charles and Wanda Guttas Brigid Marie Haase Paul and Nancy Hackmeyer Arnon Hadar and Marci McCormick John Hadeler and Aileen Watanabe Ann Hafter Rachel and Joseph Hahner Randy and Regina Hair Lesley Halberg Randy and Emily Hale Rose and William Hale Joe and Marcella Hall Rosa and Julio Hallack June and Ronald Halper George Hamilton and Kathleen Lynaugh Benjamin and Ruth Hammett Dee Dee Hanania and Robert Mendiola Janie and Allen Hansen Miles Hansen Barbara and Edward Hanson Kyle and Melinda Hanson Veronica Hardie John and Claudia Hardin Lorraine Harland and Cole Holcomb Terry and Celia Harms Robin Harp Jane A. Harper Laura and Shep Harper John Harriman (d) Kurt Harrison Ronald and Valerie Harrison Donna and Bruce Hartman Lorraine Hartman Robert Hartmann and Mary Ellen Welsh Leslie Harwood William and Debra Hass Melissa and Edward Haus Amanda Hawes Joseph Gerard Hayes Simon and Deborah Hayes Steve and Nancy Hayes John Hayward and Lynn Wakabayashi Deborah Hebert Jim and Karen Heffern Aidan and Elizabeth Hegarty Marion Heim Jeff and Diane Heimstaedt Susan Wells Heinlein Laura and Richard Heldebrant Judy Ann Hengesbaugh Susan and Gene Henneberg Steven and Sally Henrikson Sharon and Russell Henry Jamie Henson Adrienne S. Herman Valerie Julia Herman Larry Hernandez and Sara Cazares Lilian and Celso Hernandez Michael and Deborah Hernandez Rafael and Maria Hernandez James and Melinda Herrity John and Monica Herron Paul Herstein and Bernadette Laqueur Diane and Philip Hertz Julie Herzog John and Diane Hickok* Bernard and Eleanor◊ Hilberman David Hill and Julie Kastrup Lucie Hinden Jean and Dorrell Hinshaw Yueh Ho and Chang Chan Genevieve Hoare Richard and Mary Hochleutner Don and Hilda Hodges Phyllis Hoffman Harold W. Hofstad Valerie and William Hogan Kimberlee Holder Emelie Kate Holland Jana Hollstien Mary Holmes Tom Holsinger and Candace Peterson Cindy and Arlan Holst Steven and Debra Holtz Gary Holzhausen and Leslie Tau-Holzhausen Suyuan Hong Janice and Stephen Hopcraft Michael John and Katherine Hope Petr Horava and Jitka Horavova John Thomas Horejsi Darryl and Erika Horowitt Edward F.‡ and Marian E. Houghton Betty Rodriguez House Jane Houssiere Peter and Isabel Hoversten Pei Ying Huang and Sam Kwong Nanci Hubby Kathleen Hudson Dana Huff Gary and Suha Huffaker Susan and Robert Hughes* Kenneth Hui and Amanda Kwan Catherine Humphers Smith and Kent Smith* Susan Hung Donna Lee Hungerford Nancy and Richard Hunnicutt Adrienne and Kevin Hunter Douglas and Jin Young Hunter Dan and Nilda Hurley Maria and Richard Hurst John Huston Frank and Elizabeth Huttinger Ken and Shirley Hyatt Thomas and Barbara Hyde Roger Hymen Thomas and Wendy Ichimaru Debra and Bryan Ickes Dale and Deborah Ikeda Vena and Peter Impala Duane W. Ingram Robert and Rose Innes June and Laurence Inokuchi Jim Inscore Rosemary and Alfred Iversen Susan and Richard Jacob Rebecca Jacobsen Frederick Jacobson Russel Jacobus Paul and Margot Jacoby Danielle Jaimez Greg and Donna James Maureen James Paul and Ellen James Rick and Mary James Craig Allen Janakos James and Kathryn Janz Bonnie and Jeff Jenkins Colin and Carrie Jenkins Chris and Lenna Jennings George Jennings Susan Jensen Barry Earl Jernigan Wayne and Hope Jester Wei Jiang Andres Jimenez Mannie and Martha Joel Robert and Robin Johansen Dalene Johnson David and Kelly Johnson Leslie and Stephen Johnson Leslie Johnson Sandra Johnson Rebecca and Craig Johnston Robert Johnstone Larry and Patricia Jones Lucile Jones and Egill Hauksson Melinda Ann Jones Philippa Jane Jones Rose and Derek Jones Tim and Debi Jordan Jeanne and David Jorgensen Abraham and Susan Joseph Angelica and Francis Joseph Jeffery Joseph Kristy Jue and Robert Doig Liz and Jack Jue 19 Phanindra and Chandramathi Jujjavarapu Haera and Henry Jun Donald and Young Jung Jae Young and Il Jean Jung Steven Jung‡ and Lois Barnes Anne Marie Jungerman Robin and Ray Jurado Robert S. Kahrs Nancy and David Kaiser Christine Kalb Barry and Debra Kamel Jean M. Kamps and William A. Hughes Suzanne Kalfsbeek Kanner Don and Sharon Kaplan Emily and Tom Kaplan Hayley and Gregory Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan and Elke Reinhardt Ruth E. Kaplan Stephen and Susan Karon Janet Kassouf and Lawrence Quan Marie Jane Kastner Annelies De Kater and Thomas Schleich Anna and Gary Katsuki Alisa and Howard Katz Lois and Paul Kawata Barney Keaney and Aileen Barr Beatrice Keck and Wayne Haefele Judy and Dale Keedy Lauren and William Keenan Kathy and Guy Kelley Mary J. Kelly Moira Kelly and Seth Kaplan Thomas Kelly and Barbara Woodford Alfred and Elaine Kendrick Mary Kenkel Cynthia Kenneally Denise and Greg Kerfoot Vicki and Jim Riley Amrik Singh Khaira Robert# and Michele Kibrick Kumiko and Tokinori Kidera David and Ann Kight In and Hae Kim Susan and Edward Kim Moira and Robert Kimball George and Flo Kimmerling Kathleen Margaret Watson Christopher and Sheila King John and Janice King Juana King Laurie King Noel King (d) Roger and Jana King William and Shellye Kingsbury John Kirihara Patricia and Robert Kirkaldie Tracey and David Kirkland Dan and Shawn Kish Tim Klass and Karen Klobucher Elise Klein and Lee Harwell Joanne Klein Margaret and Peter Kline Tweed and Gary Kline Sharon and Leslie Klinger Robin and William Knuttel Debbie and Robert Koach Ingrid Ursula Koch Keith and Eileen Koch 20 Terryl and James Kocsis Gwen and Rod Koda Vladimir and Lioudmila Kokoza Lynn Eve Komaromi Deborah and Som Konar Brian and Sandra Konish Del and Dwight Kono Maarten and Kimberly Korringa Diane Kosters and Phil Broemel Martin Matthew Kovacich Kenneth Koyama and Stacie Hiramoto Natalia Kozyreva Katheryn and Chapin Krafft Heidi Kress Yolanda and Tim Kress Cathy and Stewart Kriegstein Grady and Cheryl Kromer Doug Kuepfer Gita and Raghavan Kulashekar Latha Kulavil and Dan Kulavil Steve and Kristina Kulchin Pratima and Anil Kumar Rama and Vijaya Kunapuli Emily Kuo and Liming Lu Samuel and Leslie Kusic Kristin Royce Kwitek Norman La Force and Ming-Li Wang Timothy and Betty La Franchi Thomas and Julia La Grua Joseph and Renee Lacara Lionel and Rosalind Laferriere James Laffan and Kate Brooks* Carol and Phil Laird Atul Lal and Deepa Mathur Henry Lam and Anne Leong-Lam Mimi C. Lam Richard and Peggy Lamb Michael and In Joo Lambert Patricia and Nigel Lambert Charles Landau Matthew Lando Bruce and Nanette Lane Ilene H. Lang Jordan Lang Ann Laning William Larkin Mark and Kathleen Larson Emily and Michael Laskin Stephanie Laszlo and Charles Rath Donald Lathen and Nancy Newman Debbie Lathrop Ernie Lavorini and Elizabeth Doyle Awan and Connie Law Howard and Virginia Law Xiao and David Law Susan Marie Lazear Tracy Le Sandra and Matt Leach Janele Leal Charles and Madeline Leavitt Thomas and Jeanne Lebon Louise Ledeen Ann Lee William and Ardath Lee Choi and Ta Lee Edith Lee John and Junko Lee June Lee and Robert Justice Margaret and Sherwood Lee Maria and Moonho Lee Rosa H. Lee Jane Lee and Chia-Pin Hsiao David Leinweber and Marguerite Moreno Kam and Valerie Leitner Stan Lekach and Julie House Julie and Ronald Lem Don and Paula Lemmer Kathy and Terrence Lennon Marcy Ann Lenzen Martha and Jose Leon Margaret Leonard and Clare Sheils Irene and Louis Leong Barbara Lesser Michael and Karen Lesyna Catherine Leung Charlene Leung Dennis and Cissy Leung Fanny and Simon Leung Barbara Levasseur Oz and Anna Levia Arnold and Colleen Levin Judith and William Levin Howard Levitt and Wendy Scheffers Eileen and Mark Lewis Eugene and Shahnaz Lewis Joan Lewis Kelly J. Lewis Robert and Barbara Lewis Sherri and Mark Lewis Rosilia Leyva Glen Ernesto Lezama George Li and Lynn Chan Minnie and Corry Liang Amadeo and Emilia Libaste Margaret and Parker Libby Thomas and Haydee Licari Allen and Jacqueline Lichtenstein William and Janet Lide David and Geri Lieby Jane and Keh-Hoh Lii John and Teri Likely Anna and William Likens Kevin Lilly Anne Lin Sandra Jeannette Linares Thomas and Barbara Lincoln Patricia and Thomas Linder Ann and David Lindsay Sharon Lindvall John and Nancy Lingemann Carol and Philip Lingman Terry and Connie Lingren Maria and Manuel Linhares Robert and Carmel Linn William and Kathleen Linn Jia-Yuh Liou and Eric Tsai Tammi Litke Moira Little and Gail Riley Robert Little Sara Lively and Douglas Hopkinson Anne Lober Donna M. Lohrmann Quan and Yoko Loi Wai-Bong and Bessie Lok Barry and Sarah Londer Pam London Tracy Long Robin and John Longfield Wanda Long-Thompson and Elshon Aiken Les Mark Lorenzo Eileen and Richard Love Susan and Bryan Lovegren Tom Lowe and Barbara Cordis-Lowe Carolyn and Bruce Lowenthal Joseph and Judith Lowry Regina Lozano Esther and Gary Lucas Kimberly Luciani Mary and Paul Luersen Thomas and Teresa Lunzer Bonnie and Hung Luong Thomas and Carol Lustenader Buu and Denise Luu Jesper Lykke and Linda Brown-Lykke Bruce and Christine Lyon Christy Maccabe and Mike Shutt Janice Macchia Scott and Linda Macdougall Traice Lynn Macfadyen Sally Macintyre and John Melack Sally Frances Mackey Jim and Doree Macrae Percy and Ruben Madamba Jose and Maria Madrid Steve Madwin Magdalena Romero Magana Elizabeth and Jerry Magee Patricia Maglasang Bozonier William and Kathleen Magleby John and Roberta Maguire Ashutosh and Rajyashree Malaviya Fontaine A. Malisos Donal and Joyce Mallonee Leslie and David Malloy Laurie and Daniel Malmgren Dennis and Debra Malone Carol and Robert Mammon Arsenio Mandilag Marc# and Susan Mangel Steven and Nancy Mangel Russell and Peggy Manlapig Charles and Jeri Mann Gerald and Angela Mann Gerard and Nancy Mannion Fe and Elco Maravilla David Marbain Denise Melinda Marco Richard and Sharon Marcus Ingrid Andrea Marfoldi Melvin and Abby Margolis Karl and Randa Marhenke Ronald and Susan Mark Jeffrey and Creda Markham Gary and Sheri Markowitz Lisa and Jay Markowitz Michael Martin Roger Martin and Phyllis Shibata Dilia and Jesus Martinez Margaret Martinez Violet and Robert Martinez Josephine Martino-Beer Tiersa Martin-Porras Carrie H. Masdeo Alice and Michael Masek* Cameron and Mercedeh Mashouf Howard and Nancy Mason Jamie Mason Linda Louise Mason Karen Massetani Pearly Masters Willy Mata Carol and Charles Mathews Fumisake Matsuo and Ruth Smith-Matsuo Richard and Barbara Matsuoka Evelyn Matteucci and Richard Vorpe Elogeanne and Gene Grossman Andrew B. Maurer Donna Maurillo Tom Maxon Ron and Ann Mayo Katherine and John L. Mc Keon Jr. Carolyn and James Mc Manigal Lee and Laura McAmis Melanie McArtor and Tim Williams Brian McCaffrey and Sylvia Yee David and Ellen McCaig Peggy McCallum and Stephen Mayfield Barbara L. McCalment Daniel McCarthy and Theri Todd Thomas and Linda McCoy Christine and Kevin McCracken Elaine and Craig McCreight Ann McCrow◊ and Randy James Lucy McCullough Tim and Cindy McCully Lance and Danille McCune Ernie and Kathy McDaniel John McDermott Patricia McDevitt and Guy Kuntz Fredaline and Harry McDonald Julie and John McEachin Martha McGinnis and Donald Wittman# Ellen and Dennis McGoldrick Gail McGovern and H. Gordon Cox Kim and Rob McGowan Catherine and Mark McHenry Henry and Linda McHenry Johnna McHugh Kim McIntyre Patricia and Thomas McKenna Sandra and Thomas McKenty Diana and Paul McKenzie Bonny and Rich McKinney Janis and Raymond McNally Scott and Katherine McNamara James and Sara McNinch Fred and Roberta McPherson Leroy and Myra McPherson Colin and Susan McRae Robert and Gail Meave Mark Mehlman Mark Meierding and Linda Lampson* Teresa Mejia Sharon and David Mellinger Charles and Kathleen Mendenhall Alice Mendez-Xavier and David Xavier* Ray and Linda Meneely Annette and Lane Menezes William and Elizabeth Menkin* Maria Merino Bob and Sharon Merrill Diane Blacker Merrill Beth Mersch David and Marsha Mesher Allan and Nancy Meyer Debra and John Meyer Kimberly and David Meyer Walter Meyer James Frank Meyers Mark and Julie Meyers Adolfo and Ana Meza Shannon and Paul Micevych Newman Michael and Ellen Hammerle Gail Michaelis-Ow‡ and George Ow Jacob B. and Hila F. Michaelsen Philip and Laura Middlemiss Paul Mielke and Jane Meier Peter and June Mierau Paul G. Miffitt Carolyn and Warren◊ Mikawa David and Cynthia Miller Douglas Miller and Theresa Boyd-Miller George Miller and Kim Myers Janelle Dee Miller Leta and Alan Miller Mary Susan Miller Scott and Judy Miller Steven◊ and Corinne◊ Miller* Anne and David Millican Scott Milliken Anonymous Robert and Julie# Minnis Linda and Michael Minor Cary and Wendy Minovitz Jon and Pat Minsloff Francisco Miqueo and Sandra Ochoa Connie Mitchell and David Tai Gary Mitchell and Patricia Jones Richard and Janet Mitchell William Mitchell and Kathryn Siddle Lori and Jaime Mizrahi Rebecca and Perry Mocciaro Susan and William Mocsny Deborah and Gerard Mogg Nancy Molay and Joe Radoslovich Jorge Molina and Gloria Estolano Susie and John Wilson Mark and Theresa Monday Victoria Hawthorne Monroe Harold and Karmi Monsher Dorothy Montague Ziba and Bahram Javid Harold Mooney and Sherry Gulmon Carolyn Moore Patrick Moore and Lisa Ryder Steven Moore Tammie and James Moore Fred and Kristen Moorehead Patricia Moosbrugger and Robert Kovach Dorene and Berj Moosekian Duke Shawn Moosekian Colleen and Leonides Moreno Dana and Paul Morgan James and Susan Morgan Pamela Faye Morgan Hiroshi and Hiroko Mori Sakae and Fumie Morikawa Sandra Morrash and Mark Levine Kari Morris and Mark Bachman Agnes and Sean Moshiri Shadi and Bahman Mostafazadeh Don and Leanore Motley Peggy and Saleh Mousali Eugene Moy and Susan Sing Marcy and John Moyer Paul and Elizabeth Moyer Joanne and Dean Muench Pete and Janice Mufich Rodger and Jill Muhlbach Robert Mallaney and Elizabeth Allen Andrew and Mary-Jane Muller Dennis and Janet Mulshine John and Donna Mulsow Keith and Jamie-Beth Munro Ann and James Murphy Dennis and Mary-Jo Murphy Mary Celia Murphy Michael and Lisabeth Murphy Yvonne Murray and Kirk Gould Adele Myers Anderson and Dorothy Nabea Laura and Daniel Nachison Patrick and Linda Nagel Joan and Austin Nagel Lois Nagle Timothy and Sharon Nagy Christine Lark Nakazaki Jerry Namba Scott Nanbara Craig Jeffrey Nauman Nadia and Adrian Naum-Stoian Gwen and Jim Neary Esperanza Nee Martin Neft and Niki Dragonetti David and Linda Nelsen Dency and Moira Nelson* Nancy and Paul Nelson Shannon Clay Nelson Glen Nemerow and Laureen Bloomer Mark and Danielle Nespeca Garry Ness and Rose Gong Leo Neufeld Charles and Eileen Neuhauser Danielle S. Newberry Ricney F. Newhouse and Mary F. Newhouse Bob Newsom Linda and Robert Newsom Bao Nguyen and Erickson Yamamoto Dau Van Nguyen Thanh and Qui Nguyen Robert Allen Nice Marcy and Harold Nichol Karen and Stephen Nicholls Melissa and Ken Nicholson Patricia and David Nicklin Alan and Cindy Nicolette David Nied Angela and Bert Niedermeier Karina Johanne Nielsen Victor and Charlotte Niemeyer Elisa and Dominic Nigro Marina and Pat Nims Marcia and Merrill Nisam Mark Nixon and Patricia Carlino Cynthia Noble Vesecky and John Vesecky# Bill Nobles Kathleen and Naohiko Noguchi* Elizabeth Nolan Cynthia and Lars Nordstrom Phyllis Norris Bill R. North Dyan and Michael Norton Tom and Shirley Norton Robert and Katherine Nowak Amy Nugent James Clough Nute Judy and David Nydes William and Evelyn Nyitray Cathrine Oberholtzer Tim and Karen Obert Michael and Patti Oblath-Johnsrud Bobby and Michael O’Brien Moira and John O’Brien Henry Ochnicki Susan and Tim O’Connell Linda Jean O’Connor Natasha and Paul O’Connor Kevin M. O’Day Gary and Elaine Ogawa Mary Ohlson Ann and Brian Okane John Olea Christina Olesten and William Conkle Patricia Oliansky Mary and Jim Olsen Gregory Olson and Rosalind Willis Patricia and Samuel Omaleki Mark O’Neill and Ann Niland Herman and Emily Ooms Glenn Oppenheim Romana and Joseph Orban Wendy and Fred Ordower Judith and Dennis Orellana Rodger and Holly Orman John and Gloria Orme Maria De La Luz Ornelas Marie and Joseph Orr Jose Ortega Margarita and Rocky Ortega Guadalupe Ortiz John and Monica Ortiz Mary and Thomas Ortiz Nancy and Paul Ortiz Rosa Maria Ortiz Norma Osorio John and Lynn Osth Douglas Osugi and Aimee Labate Douglas and Kristen Owen Mary Kay and Dann Oyama Cecelia and Juan Padilla Maria Felix Padilla Silvano and Julie Padoan Kari and Steven Palm Helen Palmer Frank and Judy Palumbo Linda Marks Panaretos Mike and Estrella Pandolfi Rodrigo and Sherri Paniagua Kristina and Thomas Panzer Patrizio Paparello Mia Pare Chris and Jeff Park Jeff and Chris Park Moon and Grace Park Ruth and Paul Parker Pat Parodi 21 Diane and Jon Parro Maureen and James Parton James and Patricia Partridge Roland◊ and Nancy Pascal Shirish and Sandhya Patel Nancy Patterson Steven and Jann Paul David and Marylyn Paulsen Michelle Paulus Denise Pavelko Brad and Susan Pavia Vernice Payne Heather Payne-Whitt Tom Peabody Melinda Pearce and David Gormly John# and Vicki Pearse Jerome and Kathryn Peck Joseph Carl Peck Barbara Peet Terry and Laberta Peet-Lukes Tatiana Ivanova Peeva Laurie Pejuhesh Hayden N. Pelliccia Susan and Stanley Peltzer Charles and Linda Pence Danny and Julie Peoples Clifford Pereira and Patty Roberts-Pereira Mary Teresa Perez Rachel and Bob Perlmutter Herbert and Victoria Perry Jocelyn Ayn Perry Michael Albert Perry James Pesout Tucker and Patricia Peterson Domnita Petri and Neculai Ciotlos John N. Petterson George and Mollie Pettit Kathy Phan and Minh Nguyen Sally Phetteplace and Don Borchert William Phillimore Fred and Lois Phillips* Jim and Cara Phillips Sean and Patricia Pierce Marcia and Fred Pillon Ronald Pipa and Frances Moy Mary Piper and Michael Ortiz Candia and Anastasis Pittarides James Platel and Caryn Hoffman Cecil and Helen Platt Ruth and Allan Pleaner Ryszard and Elia Pochron Nick and Sheila Podgurski Ira# and Kate◊ Pohl Melodie and Jerry Pohorsky Betty and Steven Pomerantz Alice and David Pomeroy John and Patricia Pomidor Margaret and Gary McDonald Rudolph Potenzone and Treva Rusiwicz Robert Poulin Khosrow and Elizabeth Pourat Jack and Sandra Powazek Elizabeth Ann Powell Fred Powell Ginny Powell and Paul McClintick Willye Powell Barbara and Bill Power Richard and Trish Power 22 Charles and Joan Powers Michael and Audrey Powers Linda Prajudha and Peter Chung Trink Praxel and Don Zimmerman Rhonda Press and Larry Ragent Robin Press Sylvia Pressacco and Glenn Haegele Jordan and Lynn Price Lloyd Price and Katherine Matlack Lon H. Price Roger Price Terry Price and Kerry Campbell-Price Catalina Pritchard Myles and Jody Pritchard David and Lucy Proulx Linda Puchalski Janis and John Purcell Francoise Putting and Stephen Blitch Carolyn and Gary Pybas Chris and Joane Quan Mary Ann Quann and Herbert Bivins Laura Query Bettie Quinn Patrick and Tina Rabe Edward and Kathleen Rael Nancy and Franklin Rainwater Deva Rajan Kathleen Rall Bob and Bernadette Ramer Roger Ramey and Marta Tobey Apolonio and Alexandrina Ramirez Jose and Gloria Ramirez Mauricio and Gloria Ramirez Sabrina Ramirez Sandra and Noe Ramirez Lisa Randolph Kathryn Rangus and James M. Hobza Joe and Ann Ranish Mark and Marian Rasmussen John and Evelyn Readdie Joanna and Dennis Reams Debra and Steven Reasor Anne Redman Bruce Redpath Daniel and Martha Reeve Penny and Brian Reeves James Reger Melodye Reger Erin and James Reid William and Michelle Reilly Allan Reiss and Lynne Huffman Robert and Diane Reklis Shanrui Ren and Liang Zhou Henry Renard Ziggy Rendler-Bregman and Jesse Bregman* Mario and Diane Rendon Elizabeth Renfro and Casey Huff Felicisimo Requiro and Janet Weinstein Juan Resendez Alice Rachel Resnick James and Janet Respess* Kristin Rey and Michael Rubel Jock Reynolds and Suzanne Hellmuth Kirk and Donna Reynolds Theresa Reynolds and Charles Vitt Margaret and Richard Rhodes Rocky and Diane Rhodes Gail and James Rich Janeece Richards Steven and Susan Richlin George and Salma Richmond John and Rosa Rick Robert Ridino Robert Riesman Susan Riggs and Carlton Pennypacker Dennis Rihn and Cathleen Watkins Michael and Melissa Riner Gordon† and Tanya Ringold Rebecca Rishell Pam J Ritchie Gail Ritchie Bobeda Esther and Francisco Rivas Adrien Rivin Gary and Cynthia Roach Paul Roark and Karen Harris Sherri and Clifford Robbins Donald and Shelly Roberts Stacey Roberts Jim Robertson Forrest G. Robinson# Leon and Myrna Rochester Tomy and Betty Roddam Cecilia Rodriguez Lynn and Steve Rodriguez Narciso and Mary Rodriguez Robert and Susan Rodriguez Robert and Patricia Rodriguez Irene and Robert Rodrin Hedwige and Ralph Roessler Teressa Rofuli Picklum Roger Paul Rogers Therese Rogers William Rogers Philip and Mary Rogren Mary Rohner and Kenneth Tipon Janis and Joseph Roman Deborah Romer and William Tucker Christine Romo-Munday and Michael Munday Mark and Sarah Roos Tamara and Andrei Roschkowsky Peter Rose Lawrence Roselle Leslie Roseman and Bruce White Christine and Kenneth Rosen Anonymous Paul and Ellen Rosenberg* Adam and Collen Rosenblatt Stan Rosenschein William Rosenzweig Carol Ross and Kenneth Sobieraj Sheryl Ann Ross Ted and Mary Ross Elizabeth and Henry Rossbacher Donald and Diana Rothman Josef and Maggie Rotter Russell and Kristine Rowell Nick# and Ruth Royal Suz Rubel Lydia and Dale Rubin Dorothy Ruby Richard Ruby and Catherine Habiger Kay V. Ruhland Jose and Bernardina Ruiz Rita and Delfin Ruiz Michael Rummel and Anne Fitzgerald John and Enid Rusev Francis Rush and Andrea Green Rush Suzanne and Alex Rush William and Nancy Rushton Cindy and Craig◊ Russo Mary and Lawrence Rustia Noelle and Richard Rutecki Chris and Lee Rutter Paul and Paulette Ryan Rose Ryland James Saarman and Sarah Mannell Xavier Joseph Saenz Stephanie and George Sakioka Jena and David Salado Maria Salcedo and Guillermo Vanegas Irfan and Margaret Salim Julie Salinas Sharon and Ralph Salisbury Margarite Salmond and Phil Ajioka Pamela A. Salsedo David Percy Saltman Samii Hadi Daniel and Marie Sampior Laurel and Sidney Samuels Nancy Sanborn Manuel and Suzanne Sanchez Alan and Gayle Sanders Lynda Sanders and William Lee Melissa# and Nigel Sanders-Self Chris and Lynn Sands Pam and Jeff Santos Ramon and Carmen Santos David and Susan Sargent Alice and Krikor Sarkisian Miryam Sarnat Carol and Chris Satterlee Paul and Karen Sawchenko Donatella Scabini and Robert Knight Jennifer and Ronald Schaefer Heloise Schaser-Hughes and Gary Hughes Debbie and Robert Schikore Alan Schlenger and Susan Lysik Thomas and Brenda Schmida Russell Schmitt and Sally Holbrook Patricia and Thomas Schneck Carol and Howard Schneider Victoria L. Schneider Hans Schnelle and Nancy Miyamoto Ellis and Lisa Schoichet Karen and Kim Schoknecht Doreen and Timothy Schoos Dana and William Schreiner Elaine and Gary Schroth Howard and Miriam Schulman Chip Schulte George Schumer Dennis Schwartz Fred and Helen Schwartz Sharon Schwartz and Ken Jacobs Steven and Claudia Schwartz V. Rita Schwehr Richard and Janet Schwind Elaine and Anthony Scoles Celia and Peter# Scott Isabelle◊ and Michael Scott Roger and June Scott Warren Alan Scott Francine Sdao and John Deshong Alan and Irene Seales Pauline Seales Newton and Susan Seiden Greg and Suzi Sellers Sanjit and Amrita Sengupta Lee and Colleen Sepulveda Harini and Govind Setlur Jennifer Sommer Seyfried Adrian Shandling Margaret Shannon and Peter Talbot Joel Shapiro and Enid Joffe Rosella and Michael Shapiro Steve G. and Carol R. Shapiro D. D. and Abha Sharma Stephen Sharp and Valerie Wallace Kirby Shaw and Xandra Fisher-Shaw Jonathan Shay Kirk Sheehan Caryn Shehi and Michael Stanley Alene and James Sherman Antoinette Catherine Shetler Lynn Shinmoto and Donald Devirian Mike and Ashley Shinozaki Peggy Shockley Alice Sickels Nancy Sideris Yudhvir◊ and Seema Sidhu Maria and Clark Siegel Robert Siegel and Teresa DeBell Jose F. and Virginia Silva Eli Silver‡ and Martha Jordan Svetlana and Michael Simbirsky John and Margie Simmers Curtis and Karen Simmons Mary Jo Simon R. Simonis and Patricia Connell John and Guadalupe Simpson Rick and Kate Simpson Constance Richardson Simson Nagendra and Madhavi Singamsetty Rebecca Lee Singh Robert† and Karen Sinsheimer Steve and Alice Sivell Marjorie and Allen Siverson Michael Haven Skinner Samuel Skootsky and Bernadette Jaeger Judith and Walter Sleeth Maya Linda Slocum Edward and Mieke Smart Mark and Mary Smiley Annette Smith Dana Clare Smith David Wayne Smith Kathryn and Peyton Smith Kevin Smith Kirk Smith (d) Lan Smith Mike and Leslie Smith Nancy and Stephen Smith Karen Smith-Warner and Brett Warner Richard and Barbara Smolen Christopher and Kathy Snyder Amy and John So Irwin and Ceevah Sobel Parminder and Surinder Sohal Richard Sokolov and Paula Carruthers Peter Solomon Laura Mary Solorio Richard and Sylvia Somerville Renee Soppet Gary and Cindy Sorensen Pamela and Neil Sorensen Rich and Leanne Sorensen Daphne Sorro Frances and Thomas Souza Greg and Linda Souza Peter Clark Sownie Henry and Lisa Spangler Bruce and Dianne Spaulding James Spaulding and Catherine Hubbard Thomas and Cynthia Spear Bennett A. Spector Alan Speidel# and Mary Berg Brian Spencer Karima and William Sperling Beverly and Richard Spiker Patrick Spinks Edward and Mary Spire Kim Spitler Susan and Thomas Spitz Julie Anne St. Clair Colleen Stagg Darrell and Lenore Staley Cindy Stameroff Frederick and Nell Stamm Paula Stanfield John and Diane States Bradley and Cynthia Stauffer Judy Lynne Stavely Brian Sherburn Staver Dennis and Brenda Steers Frank Stefan and Shelley Hutsler Judy and Leonard Stein Robert and Carol Stein Zwi Steindler Tom Stern and Laurel Doud Andrew and Bonnie Sterngold Teresa Stetler Anne E. Stevens Marcia Stewart Steve C. and Sharon A. Stewart Nancy and Christopher Stillians Gabrielle Stocker Kathleen and Joseph Strafford Vaughn and Marilyn Stratford Paula Strauss Walter Stringfellow Richard Steven Strobel Peter and Tone Strom Roger W. Strull Kirk and Barbara Stumpf Roque and Elizamina Suba Tom and Betty Sugimoto Gary Weston Sullivan Linda and Timothy Sullivan Ou Ting Sun Janice and John Sung Margaret Sung Angela and Julius Surkis Howard and Neilda Sussman Kathy and Richard Sutherland Naomi Suwa and Gene Matsumoto Heidi Svendsgaard Susan Swagert and Stanley Jefferson Russell and Helen Swanagon Skye Swanson and Myron Grossman Sandy Swirsky and Lyle Merithew Michael Syben Gloria Margarita Sylvia James Symons and S. B. Master Susan◊ and Robert Szemeredi Matthew and Bernadette Szydlowski Steve and Tristan Taggart Bill Taggart and Sylvia Real Wallace and Lucy Tai Greg Talavera Patrick and Kim Tam Denise and Terrill Tanaka Toni Tang and Thomas Yee Lane and Christine Tanner Diane and Michael Tavera Dean Taylor Michael and Leslie Tekstra Richard and Leslie Ternullo Philip and Anahid Terrence Jim and Lynne Terril Curt and Carol Terwilliger Edward† and Marcia Thayer Michael Paul Thelen Mark Charles Thickpenny Al Thoman and Marie Carbonneau Gerald and Jacqueline Thomas Jean and Jerry Thomas Kenneth and Linda Thomas Maria Thomas Noriko and Paul Thomas Teiko Thomas Deborah Thompson Irene and Gregg Thompson Jeffrey and Kathryn Thompson William and Sally Tiffany Steven Tilles James Tipton Wiley Edward Tipton Frida Quizon Tolentino Jim and Irene Tom Shraddha and Subodh Toprani Diana Torlakson Tom Torlakson Henry Torres Glenn and Jan Totten Marsha Townsend Nancie and Todd Townsend Wally and Lois Trabing Julie A. Trahan John and Diana Trapani Laurel Trask and Brian Connor Carolyn and Kenneth Tratner Elisa Kathleen Traub Donna and Richard Treffers Linda Trevor Marty Triano Carol A. Triest Mauricio and Paula Trigueros Gary Michael Tripp Patricia and Bruce Tromberg Elia and Jose Trujillo* Javier and Debbie Trujillo Victorey and Zaidee Tumangan Charles and Kathleen Turner Samael E. and Dianne M. Turner Stanley and Elizabeth Tutton Miyuki Ishii Ueda Dianne and Jeff Ullmann Michael Ungar and Lisa Spiegel Nancy Unger and Don Whitebread James E. Usack Tammie I. Utter Victor and Johna Vacanti Perry and Jayne Valdez Nancy Valencia and Bradley Wells Michael and Karen Valerio Steve Vallarino and Raini Sugg Velia Valle Christine and Michael Valocchi Joshua and Dorit Vampan David Van Pelt and Mary Fitzpatrick Dennie L. Van Tassel Ruth Lynn Vanderwaal Debra and David Van Dommelen Patricia and Robert Varesio Vivian Vargas Ralph Vartabedian and Jeanne Wright Mark and Agnes Vaughn Mardi and Michael Veiluva Joe Vela and Fay Levinson Penelope and Salvador Velazquez Janet Venable and Mac Morris Ronaldo and Cheryll Villena Jennine Vinci Richard and Betty Viscuso Frank and Kathy Vivirito Christine Von Wrangel and Michael Tyler Antonia Vorster Marianne and Rainer Wachalovsky Kathleen Wachs Isabel Wade and Jan Chernoff Herman and Kathy Wage Charlie and Cheryl Wagner Richard and Jeanne Waite Leona Walden Scott Walecka and Martha Seaver Greg and Evelyn Walker Katherine Walker Sharon and Ted Walker Kathleen Wall John and Josie Walsh Judy L.◊ and Carl E.‡# Walsh Patrick and Terry Walsh Stephen and Linda Walsh John and Mary Louise Walter Janet and Henry Walther Stephen and Daisy Walworth Gary and Pat Walz John Zheng-Woo Wang Julia and Thomas Wangler Amanda and Brant Ward Denise and David Ward Thomas and Leslie Ward Ana and John Warner Jim and Judy Warner Timothy Warner and Catherine Collings Carol and William Wass Richard and Phyllis Wasserstrom Jane Wasson Catherine and David Watson Karen and Todd Watson Neil and Cindy Watter Mary Wax Julie and Stephen Webber Carlos and Tekla Weber 23 Edward E. Weber Madeline and Robert Weber Michael and Gail Weber Susan and Gary Weber Brendan and Fred Webster Gary Lee Weddell Randolph and Celia Wedding Hans and Janet Weedon Mary Lou Weidlich Herbert Weingard Margaret and William Weir Linda and Richard Weiss Robert and Rosette Weiss Jean and Timothy Weiss Carol and John Weller Edward and Shirley Wes Sibyl and David Wescoe David West Stephen John Westfold Brian and Danielle Wheatley Kelly and S. White Margaret R. White Robert S. White Robert White and Annette Breingan Donna Whitney John Whitton and Teresa Deshields Isabel and Charles Whyte Lois Widom Bernadette Mary Wieland Robbert Wijtman and Gina Bertolino Leslie and Mel Wild Alan Wilhelm John and Anna Marie Williams Pamela and Hugh Williams Susan Williams-Quinlan and Thomas Quinlan Timothy and Rebecca Willis Chris Wilmoth Lisa Wilmoth Carol Wilson Cathy and Locke Wilson Charles Wilson Elizabeth and James Wilson Quin and Holly Wilson John Winslow Dwight and Aggie Winters Steven Wirth and Katharin Rundus Gregory Wisniewski and Germaine Jones Claire Witherspoon and James Engelman Susan and Charles Wolfe Jeanne and Van Wolverton Dick and Janice Wong Esther Wong and John Shen Jane Wong and Jack Blinzler Jane and Lyman Wong Kathleen and Gordon Woo Cynthia and James Wood Patrick and Barbara Wood Melissa Woodburn and David Pell Nina Woods and Paul Reiser Deborah Woodward and John Boland Mary Woodyard and Ronald Inman Robert Woolley Betsy G. Wootten Jack and Marlene Workman Steven and Laura Workman Charles and Denise Worth Bonnie and Chris Wren Bradley Nobels Wright 24 Linda and Louis Wu Linsley and Anne Wyant Jacqueline Ann Yamaguchi Michael and Martha Yamamoto Jenny and Ray Yang Lucille and Hadi Yap Ella Yashinsky Allen Yasser and Kathleen Fitzgerald Janet and Ross Yasuda Kathleen Yates and Peter Troop Tom Yatsko Hiroshi and Marla Yonamine Man Jong Yoo Earl and Anna Yoshihara Cindy Ann Young Bob and Suzanne Young Susanne Young Kim Mary Younger Lisa Youngworth Francis and Debbie Yu Frank and Shu-Mei Yueh Selina and Erwin Yuen Carol Yuge and Jonathan Ellis Ruth L. Brown Jack Zajac# and Corda Eby Adolfo Zamora Lilia Zamora Wendy and Felix Zamora Douglas and Karen Zanter Evelyn Zara-Brown and Gregory Brown Antonette and Robert Zeiss Fernando Zepeda Judy Ziegler Mark and Trish Ziegler Tanya Zimmer Gary and Janice Zimmerman Albert and Teresa Zobrist Paul Zylka and Lisa Engel Zylka Friends of the Campus Anonymous Herb Aarons Barbara Abel Mary K. Abercrombie Shannon Durham and Larry Abitbol Ruth Abrams Mahmoud Abu-Ajamia and Kristin Brown Christopher Acebo Litsa Acedo William E. Ackerknecht Steve Ackley Tom and Lorna Adamo Audrey Adams Harry Adams Sally Adams Sarah Adams Sally M. Adamson Rob Addelson and Rosalind Greenstein Fred and Arlene Addison Kenneth and Gabrielle Adelman Erin Adler Mary and Barry Adler Helge and Anne Afflerback Prakash Agarwal Nader and Nadia Agha Atul Agrawal James Aguiar and Randi Burke-Aguiar Christine Ahn Sally Ahnger Samantha Albert Shoag and Daniel Shoag Barbara Todd and Ronald Albright Nicole Alcala Elaine and Dan‡ Aldrich Lois Aldwin Hope Alexander Chris Allaman and Angela Molina Theresa J. Allan Tim Alldridge Carole and Thomas Allen Heather Allen and Michael Fyfe JoAnna Allen Kim Allen Linda Allen Rebecca Allen Tim Allen and Pauline James John Allison and Rebecca Picard Geoffrey Alm Victoria Almeida Dan and Lynne Alper Linda Alper Paul Alpers and Carol Christ Ralph Alpert Dan Blunk and Nancy Alstrum Kathe Alters and John Rumel John and Betty Altman Raul Alvarez Jean Alven Minako and Koji Amakawa Elana Andersen Allan C. Anderson Arthur and Eliza Anderson‡ Elizabeth Anderson John and Jenny Anderson Kathleen Anderson Mel Anderson Steven Anderson and Mary Grindeland William and Linda Anderson Richard Andler Kenny Andrews Peter and J. Irma Andrews Richard and Leslie Andrews Cyla Andrus Joseph and Caryn Ansel Ruth and Ernest Antolini Mike Aplet and Laura Herman Irwin Appel Zach Appelman Ginny K. Aragon Christine Archer and Larry Hill Susan Ardisson Carmen Arjona-Ariza and Nathaniel Henderson Gary Armagnac Bruce R. Arnold Ramona and James Aroyan David Arrow Kenneth J. Arrow David Astles and Christine Lajeunesse Galen and Renea Aswegan Anonymous Myrtle Atkinson (d) Russell Atkinson and Mary Orr Dan Atwell Brian and Sarah Aucoin Karl Auerbach and Chris Wellens Lisa and Ernest Auerbach DeDe Aust Nancy Austin and Bill Cawley Vivian Austin Simon R. Avakian Kenneth Averill Beverely and Robert Avery Brian Axel Robert and April Ayala Helen Aylsworth Melody Babica Kenneth and Dana Bacher George Badger and Barbara Beerstein Larry Baer and Stephanie Klein Adu Bagley Rick and Molly Bahr Yong Bai Jeanne M. Bailey Patrice Bailey Albert Baker Fred and B. L. Baker Murali Balasubramaniam David and Jenelle Ball Julia W. Ball Bob and Sarah Balla Howard and Margaret Ballenger Anna Ballotta Mary Ballou and Jeff Evans Phillip and Maxine H. Balma Bruce C. Bangert Marsha Banks Barbara Bannan Steve Bannerman Joanne Banuelos Kareen Bar-Akiva Michael Barakiva Tracey Barba Jane Carver Larry and Joann Barbier William Barclay and Cathy Ann Fogel Brad Barham Steven and Bonnie Barisof Elisabeth Barkacs Susan Barkan Drew Barkley Charlotte Barnard and Robert Sawyer Dennis and Sandra Barnes Mary and Theodore Barone Robert and Michelle Barone Catherine Barr Louise Barr Steven Barr Norma Barragan Nahoko and Leonard Barrett Sharon Barrett Franca Barricelli Ron and Christine Barrington Helen Barrios Caleb Barron Kimberley Barry Celia M. Barss Sally Barstow and Patrick McKee John and Sheila Bartelt Lou and Isabel Bartfield Barbara J. Barthel Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes Baskin# Sandy Bass Anna Basso Beatrice Basso Italo Basso Tom and Elizabeth Bastasch Margaret Bates Wayne Batten Kathy and Bill Baumann Javier Bautista and Jeffrey Runner Kimberly Bautista Anne Bay Samara Bay Kathy and Richard Beal Ralph and Marjory Beal John and Tamara Beale John Beard Jeff and Lisa Beardeaux Eileen Beaudry and Greg Larson Sandra and Michael Beck Trent Beck and Karin Goetter Kathleen Becker Kevin and Jennifer Becker Jessica Beckett Marie and Rex Beckham Marianne Beckwith Albert Bedecarre and Claire Ernst Norman and Sharon Bedell Leonard and Patricia Beevers Robert Begun and Doree Steinmann Lisa Behnke Steve Beitler Denise and Jeffrey Beld Corinna Bellizzi Deborah Bellotti Martha Benedict and David Klemp Sara Benevento Alvin Benjamin Susan Bennell and Ryan Augustin Anne D. Bennett Elizabeth Bennett Andy Bensky Peter Benson and Thomas Savignano Hilary Benton and David Williams# David Berg Donna Berglas-Hess Roger and Elaine Berke Colleen Berlin-Timmons Raymond Bernreuter Steve Bernstein Romayne P. Berry Angelo and Karen Bertagnini Patricia A. Bertino Connie Bertuca Amanda Besaw Polly Bethany Joline Bettendorf Karin and Michael Beumer-Browner Randy Bevis and Vanessa Tollefson◊ Ramesh Bhojwani‡ Sunil Bhojwani Kristen and Jon Bianchi Gardener Bickford Katherine and Kevin Biddle Eric Biderman Mary and Steven Bignell Gina and John Biondi Laurie Birmingham Celeste and Raoul Birnbaum Larry and Carole A. Birndorf Crystal Birns and Peter Koht Daniel and Joyce Birns Sam Bishop and Elena Laborde Maria Bispo Lindy and Robert Bixby Gary and Carolyn Bjorklund Lynn and Michael Black Surrey and Gregor Blackburn Kathy and Ian Blackwood Alexandra Blair Harry and Mary Blanchard Sydney Blankenship Daniel and Muriel Blatt Douglas C. Bleakly Mindy and Steven Blechman Henry and Nancy Bley Peter Blickle Anonymous Melinda and Ken Block Don and Eileen Blood Christine and Kenneth◊ Bloome Betty and Bert Bly David Blyn and Laura McKinney Elspeth Bobbs Jared Bogaard Laura Bogaard Suzie and Chip Bogaard James and Cynthia Bogard Marianna Bogomony Joor and Kari Bol Lucas Bol Holly and Christopher Bolling Christopher Boman Jessica Bomball Kurt E. Bomke Robert and Nell Bonaparte Safiya Bonaventura Ryan and Jessica◊ Bond Anonymous Paulina Borsook Susan Bosso Paul and Constance Boulay Sarah and Stephen◊ Bourdow Teresa and William Bourke Jerry and Kay Bowden John Bowen John and Susie Bower Alice Bowland Olivia Boyce-Abel Patrice Boyle and Enda Brennan◊ Rick Boyle and Violet Boyle Richard and Tess Braden Jeanette Bradfield Jane Bradford Jack Bradley and Cathy Richards Joan Bradus and Dale Friedman Philip Brady and Stewart McDowell Gretchen and Bruce Brandt Jonathan Brandt Leslie Brandt and Roxanne Kellam Mari and Ryan Brandt Thomas Brandt Tim Brattin and Barbara Beck Angela and Daniel Braude Ulrike and Robert Brauneis Edward Bray Catherine Brennan Jan Breslauer Anonymous Anonymous Dale and Charlotte Bridenbaugh Barbara Bridge Loreen and Frank# Bridges Elizabeth and David Brint Louise Brissey Ashley Brister Jeff Brittan Myrna Britton and Roger Anderson‡# James and Enid Brock Heather Brodhead Peter Brodie Linda S. Brodman Roberta Bromberger Ellen Brook Katherine Brooks Thelma and Robert Brooks William Brooks Allan and Muriel Brotsky Shawn and Edward Brow Edward and Patricia Browder Alexander Brown and Vanessa Campbell◊ Cathy Brown Frank Brown and Elaine Murakami James and Dana Brown Lara and Ethan Brown Malia and Marc Brown Stephanie and Peter Brown Susan D. Brown W. Owen Brown Warren Brown Tom and Constance Broz Bertram Bruce and Susan P. Bruce Mona and Stephen A.† Bruce Anne and Kenneth Bruland John and Laurie Brumfield Lise Bruneau Dalla Betta Brunella Richard Brunelli Gerald F. Brush, Jr. Lalla and Rinaldo Brutoco Craig and Karina Buck Martha Buck Rob Buckland Jerry Budin and Suzanne Meyer Daniel and Pamela Buecher Chris Buergi Lisa and Kerry Buffenmyer Debbie Bulger Priscilla and Michael Bull Gene and Barbara Bullock-Wilson Marlene Bumgarner Megan and George Bunch James Bundy David and Barbara Bunker David Bunnett Linda Bunney-Sarhad Lisette Bunting-Perry Caroline Burbach Marcia Burch Gwen Burchett Daniel and Suzanne Burgess Anonymous Bruce Burgett Donald Burgett and Arlene Kozimbo Adele and Rick Burke Carole Burke Theodore Burke Ethel Burnham Pamela Burnham Pete Burnight Nancy and Jim◊ Burns Deborah Burns-Walton and Michael Walton Duffy Busch Patrick Busch and Dale E. Summer-Busch Perdita Butler Michael Butnik and Joanne Scherr Jim Buzard Robert and Louise Byer Scott Byer Margy J. Cacitti Sandy Cademartori Andrew and Marilyn Calciano David and Debbee Calhoun Anne Callaway Jeffrey Callicotte Betsy and George Cameron Broos Campbell Carol Campbell and Ken Rogers Mark W. Campbell Severin Campbell Susan Campbell Barbara W. Canfield† Charles and Cherri Canfield L. M. Canvin Ann Capps Maggy Cara Rex and Elaine Cardinale Rebecca Carey Christopher and Penelope Carless John and Alice Carley Jerome Carlin Barbara and Steven Carlson Ralph Carmichael Katrina Carmony Ceinwen Carney Virgina Carpio A. A. and Ruth Carrillo Pamela Carroll-Sheppard Carl Carter Jim and Melinda Carter James Cartwright Tony and Adrienne Caselli Evelyn and Dante Casolari Dennis and Cheryl Caspe Mark Cassin Claire Castagna and Robert Hatcher Christine Julie Castillo Jennifer and Orry Korb Jon Castor Faye Cates Sam Cates Karl H. and Helga M. Cathrein Alice and Marcus◊ Cato Dan and Cathy Cavanaugh Pat Cavataio Lou and Christi Caviglia Kathleen and Brian Cayton Sheila Cayton Patrick Cearley Pamela Ceglinski Manny Centeno and Ericka Sleight Robert and Jennifer Chaffiotte Ramen and Archana Chakrabarti G. James and Mary Jane Chambers Wesley Chan and Belinda Au 25 Blaire Chandler John and Wilma Chandler Nicholas and Janet Change Justin Char Brenda Chargin Diana Chase and Ernest Hudson June A. and Earl F. Cheit Frederick and Kate Chen Katherine and Eugene Chen Carmen and Michael Chesney Sally and Brian Chess Lawrence F. Chew Silvio Chiba John and Barbara Chilton Eric Chin Debbie Chinn Patricia and Thomas Chiu Christopher Chope Leslie Chow Karen Christensen and Rick Jones Nancy Christensen Alan Christenson Inger Christenson Annette Christensen-Hunt Kurt and Karen Christiansen Neil and Carolyn◊ Christopherson Alan Church Franklin and Kathleen Church Margaret Church Al and Kathy Ciabattoni Sebastian Cianci William‡ and Leila Cilker Gregg Cirielli Ceil Cirillo Bill Clark Emily Clark Emily E. Clark Jana Clark and Mark Orrisch Jimmie Sue and Dale Clark Lorna Clark Michael Clark Michael and Barbara Clark Michael and May Clark Stephen and Denise Clark Thomas S. Clark Christopher Clarke and Carol Doyle Clarke Sam and Sarah Clarkson Adrienne Classen Martha B. Clayton Betsy B. Clebsch Joanne Clever Scot Close and Denise Lee Michael and Janet◊ Cloud Madeline Clyde Carol and Barrie# Coate Peter Cocotas and Kathryn Sucher Barton Coddington William and Cloy Codiga Patrick Cody and Annette Emery Gregg Coffin Bob Cohen and Jane Henderson Susan Cohn Andrew Coile Elizabeth Cole Vallance Cole and Freny Cooper John and Rosemary Coleman Sally Coleman Jessica Coles 26 Cynthia Jean Collier Bud and Rebecca Colligan Catherine Collings and Timothy Warner Joe Collonge Denise and John Colosi Rob Coman Lynn and Mary Lois Comeskey William J. and Mary Comport David Condon and Georganne M. Benesch Chip Conley Gena and John Connelly Brian Connor and Laurel Trask Sylvia and Brent Constantz Craig and Tina Conway Helen Conway George Cook and Mary James Joan Cook Rick Cook Donald‡ and Diane Cooley Neal and Lucie Rossi Coonerty Evert Cooper Judy Cooper and Mike Flagg Seth Cooper Sharon Cooper David Copp April Cordes John Cordes (d) Misty and Carl Cork Flavio and Christine Cornejo J. P. Correa and Jeffrey Kongslie◊ Erica Cosgrove Tami Cosio Tom Cotton Michael Cowan and Tobeylynn Birch Lawrence and Constance Cowper Courtney Lynne Cox Danine Cozzens and James C. Langdell Robert Crabb Richard and Sandra Craib Garrett Craig and Monica Garner-Craig Constance Crawford Diane M. Crawford Malcolm Crawford Kelli Cree and Jeffrey Rahn Corey Creekmur and Teresa Mangum Elizabeth Cronen Ramsey Cronk Gary Crosman Peter Cross John Crow Jerolyn Crute and Jeffry Sackman Andras and Roberta Csaplar Margaret Csaplaros Thomas and Nancy Cuddihy Patricia Cullinan Jenna Culver Gordon and Kay Cumming John Cunniff and Bonnie Friedmann Barbara and Alan Cunningham John Cunningham Robert and Lesley Currier Jamie Lee Curtis and Christopher Guest Lynda and Gregory Cutter Richard and Debra Cutts Sandra Dacosta Sandra Dager and Arnold Christiansen Robert and Barbara Dahlgren Patrick Dalton Robert and Katherine Dalziel Alice Dan Alan Daniel and Kathleen Kenan Amy Daniels Ramin Daniels Peggy and Paul Danielson Randy Danto Karen and Darrell Darling Robert and Elizabeth Darling Betsy (d) and Bob Darrow Jan and Lynn Dash Jane Daugherty James and Anne Davenport Robert David Camille Davids Dan Davids Dori and James Davidson Patience Davidson-Lutz Adrianne Davis Brooke Davis Cheryl L. Davis Eric Davis Eric S. Davis Jerrold C. Davis John Davis Paul and Mary Davis Raymond E. Davis Robert Davis and Colleen Mulholand Robert and Ruby Davis William and Laurie Davis Jessica Davis-Stein Andrew Day and Rachel Ruby Mark Day and Amy Goldberg-Day Victoria and Anthony de Alcuaz Celia and Eugene De Frank Deborah and Samuel de la Cruz John W. Deamer Nina and Michael Deatherage Jerry and Sylvia Deck Eric Bryant Decker Thomas and Sonia Deetz Cristy Deich Norma Del Gaudio and Wolfgang Rosenberg Karen and Paul DeLay Elliot Dembner Alexandra Denman and Benjamin J. Stein Jeffrey Depew and Patricia Hayward George and Patricia Deppe Manoj Desai Jeanie and Anthony DeTomaso David and Kathleen◊ Dettman Karolen Deupree Patrick Devine and Barbara Lawrence Joseph DeVittorio and Vanessa Sherman John and Anna DeVore Ruth Dewey Patrick and Martha Dexter Linda Dezzani Steve DiBartolomeo and Kerry Atchison◊ Daryl V. Dichek Jennifer and Daniel Dickerson Thomas Dietterich and Carol Rivin Joan Dietz Robert Dilts Charles DiSalvo and Kathleen Kennedy Dorothea Ditchfield Hugh and Nancy Ditzler Mary Dixon and Scott Atkins Bagley Ann and John# Dizikes Tri Do Matthew and Katherine Doar Rachel Doblick Debra Dobosz Ted Dobson Joy Dockter Roger D. Dockter Jill and Martin Dodd Carol and Robert Dodge Stephanie and Dave Dodson Randy Doering Frances Dolan Linda K. Dolan Debra Dolsberry Harry Domash Natasha Doner Eileen Donnelly Richard H. Donnelly Dan Donohue Justin Dorfman Robert and Sheri Dorfman Diana Dority Pam and Harry Dougherty Stephen and Alison Dougherty Karen and John Dowdell Laurie Dowling and Michael Woo‡ Dwayne and Linda Downing Gary Downing Bruce A. Dreier Julie Dresdner Susan Dressing Carol Dries Nancy Drinkard Laura and Steven Droke Donna and William Drukker Marilyn Drury-Katillo Shereen D’Souza Jack and Sheila Dubin Emily and Lee Duffus Patrick Dugan R. A. and Sue Dumller Sue Dumller Jennifer Dundas Karen and David Dundes Jim Dunlop and Rebecca Thistlethwaite Ronald Dunn Mary Jo and Fred Dunn-Ruiz Dale Ian Durham Ted and Pat Durkee James Dutra Sandra Dutra Peter Duus Neva Dyer Mary and John Eagle Judith V. Earl Lane Earns Sandi Eason Peter and Catharine Eastman Terry and Mark Eastman# Terry Eckhardt and Cathleen ChandlerEckhardt Christine Eckstrom and Frans Lanting† Dean and Sharon G. Edell Phyllis Edmison Thomas Edwards Tim Eells Carol Eger Peter P. Eggleton Peter Eichorn and Janie Rommel-Eichorn Ronald and Rosemary Eichorn Scott and Ashley Eickhof Nancy and Gerald Eidam Robin and Erik Eidsmo Stanley G. Einhorn Erick and Jill Eklund Charles and Sandra Eldridge Jahnai Eldridge Michael Elich Elaine Elkin Karen Ellfeldt-Venegas Rona Elliot and Roger Brossy Anita Elliott and Robert Taren Gary and Sydney Elliott Rick Elliott Sally Elliott John L. Elman Paul B. Elmore, III Roger Emanuels Jim Emdy Jean and Charles Engel Craig Engen Robin and Douglas Engfer Jean Englade Judy Enos Evelyn Epstein Allen Erickson George Erickson Kristine Eriksen and Paul Lubeck# Ralph Eschenbach Chris and Carol Espinosa Leonel and Maria Espinoza Polly Estabrook and Mark DeAntonio Robert Estes Judy Estrin Michele Estrin’Gelblum Fran Etow and John Livingston Olga E. Euben Cris Evans Pam and Arthur Evans Gregory and Kate Evard Leslie K. Eveland Margaret Exton and Benjamin Lum Andy and Sandy# Faber Carolyn and Lou Fackler Stephen and Madeleine Fackler Marci Faggioli Smith and Fred Smith Richard E. Faggioli Mary and Norval Fairman Kimberly Falk and Jonathan Gershenzon Susanna Falk Anne and Robert Falltrick† Claude T. Fann and Mary R. Allen Walter Fant Flaviana Farau Massimiliano Farau Noah Garrett Farb Jim and Paula Faris Woody Farlee and Saarin Schwartz Alan Farley Hannah J. Farley Dan and Janet Farmer Barbara Farnsworth Barry Farrara and Catherine Thome Maia and John Farrell Richard Farrell Leslie and David Farrington C. Garrison and Ann Fathman Ola Faus Robin J. Fawkes and Steve M. Wesolowski Jennifer and Jonathan Fay Mirta Fay Charlotte Fedane Michael Fehler and Schon Levy Stephen and Renee Fehrman Agnes and Mitchell Feigenberg Dianne Feinstein and Richard Blum Ben Feldman and Alice Fishman Peggy S. Felix Steve and Feleciana Feller Jim and Jane Felton Carolyn Fetler Linda Fiedler Paul Figueroa Michele Finch Ned Finkle Patricia Finlay Yolanda and Gary Finn Robert and Bette Finnigan Shirley and John Finster Geoff Fiorito and Jeffrey Gallagher Genevieve Firestone Gaylynn Firth Margaret and Gary Fisher Miriam A. and Noel H. Fishman Jerry and Millie FitzGerald Caitlin FitzGerald Desmond Fitzgerald Michael and Jennifer Flatte Renelde Flatte Cathia and Mark Fleisher David Fleming and Jeanne Lance◊ Skip and Nancy Fletcher Shelley Flock and David Wilson Dave and Roni Flood John Flores and John Laird Christina Floyd Julie Ann Floyd and E. Scott Royce Nathan Fluegel and Christine Walker◊ Michael Flynn Daniel and Lynda Foley Kirby W. Fong Richard and Kathlee Fontana Mahlon and Joel-Ann Foote Don and Christine Forbus Judy Force Shirley Forsyth Karla Forsythe and James Crane Charlene and Ron Foster Donald and April Foster Philip Foster Hugh Fowler Amanda Fox and Ulysses Hui Toni Fox and Jonathan Marlowe Robert and Desiree Foxworthy John and Betsy Foy Anthony Francis and Jeri Smith Bob Frank David and Iris Frank Robert Frank Marie and James Franklin Janet Franklin-Johnson Mary Ann and Robert Franson Lesley A. Franz Jonathan Franzen and Kathy Chetkovich Dawn-Elin Fraser Marilyn and George Frederickson Susannah Freedman Katie Freeman and Larry Pageler◊ Edward and Helene French Diane Friday Jon Friedenberg Nate Frigard and Jennifer Smith Nora Frimann and Daniel McFadden Adam Frizzell Sarah Frost Sheri Frumkin Carol Fuller Del and Martha Fuller Lawrence and Barbara Fuller Cooper Funk Joan Allen Funk Kate Funk Wynne Furth and Donald Brenneis Cynthia Furze and Joseph Denicola Barbara Gaarde Lawrence and Debra Gable Pamela Gabriel Angela Gaeta Neil Gaeta Timothy Gafney Regenia Gagnier and John Dupre Jeff Galipeaux Lynn Gallati and Marty Cagan Britt Galler George and Katherine Gallucci Robert Galvan Cheryl Ganapol Erik Gandolfi and Margaret I. Janes Lawrence Ganeshalingam Gary Gangnes Carolyn Gannon Martin and Susan Garbowitz Joseph Garcia Juan Garcia and Margarita Mendez Sara Garcia Dee Gardetti Suzanne Garner Dennis Garnhum Pamela Garrett Carol Garvey Margaret Gaston Edna Gaub Richard Gaughan Peter Geckeler David and Patricia Geddes Lauren Gee Judy Geer Todd Geiger Cindy and Paul Geise Steve Geisheker Flavia Geist Joan Gelb Arkady Gendelman Chris Gentle Brande Gentry and Melitta Rorty Carol George Lynette and Ted George Joseph Gerda and Kim Payne Peter Gerety Charles Gerhold Hans and Elizabeth Gerritsen Andrew Gersh Mary Geyer and Alan Kawamoto# Leslie and Kelly Gheen Kathleen Giannandrea Diane Gibson and Lawrence Bazel Michael Rudolf Gideon Craig and Nancy Gieringer Lauren Gilbert and Robert Johnson Robert and Priscilla Gilbert Catharine and James‡# Gill Judy Gill Susan and James Gill Gene Gillette Allen Gilmore Diana Gil-Osorio Margaret E. Ginsburg Allen and Shirley Ginzburg Mark and Judyth Gladden Kelly Gladder Christine and Robert J. Glaser Jr. Judy Glass Leigh Anne Glasson Margaret and John Glavin Linda Gleason Maryon Gledhill Regan Glover Kate Godfrey Anil and Jyoti Godhwani Gautam Godhwani Carol Godsave Elaine Gold Hilary and Joseph Goldberg Samuel Goldberg Richard Goldman Bernard H. Goldner Alan and Susan Goldstein Yuliaya Golubovskaya Dinesh Gomes Vern and Velma Gomes Bob and Denise Gomez Bob and Polly Goode Helen Younger Goode Michael Goode Winston Gooden and Kumeo Shorter-Gooden William C. Goodfellow and Dana Louise Priest Myra and Drew Goodman Nan and Allan† Goodman Raymond and Dorothea Goodrich Kevin and Eileen Goodwin Ann and Jim Gordon Barbara and Mark Gordon Lillian and Calvin Gordon Arlene Gotshalk Allan and Valerie Gott Dean and Sheila Gottehrer Peggy Gotthold Kirk Gould and Yvonne Murray Anonymous Gail Gourley Art‡ and Carol Graham James and Kelley Graham Lois Graham and Ron Suduiko◊ Ted Grand Devin Grant Sarah and Jeffrey Grant Joseph Grapa Frances M. Grate 27 Jane Gray Sally and Michael† Graydon Tony and Sue Graziano Christine and William Green Christine M. Green Doug and Lori Green Jerry and Laurie Green Steven Green Nonie Greene and Todd Werby Shannon and John Greene Jason Greenlaw and Kristin Miller Gregory Greenman David Greenwood and Mary Doyle† Tom and Ruth Greenwood Matthew Madison Gregory Meredith Greiner Sally Grey David Griffiths Robert and Margaret Grim Vince Grimaldi Donald Grimes Barry and Diana L. Grimm Nicole Grinder Craig Griswold Raymonde J. Griswold Suzanne Grodner Dorothea Gross Kelsey Grout Hugh and Jennifer Grubb Jeffrey Grubb and Elise Huffman Whitney Grummon Kurt Grutzmacher‡ Shelby K. Guelich Nick and Celeste Guerrero Margie and David Guggenhime Timothy and Virginia Guhin Diana Guire Steven Guile John and Aldisa Gunnell Aparna Gunupudi Christopher Gurr Madie Gustafson Judith and Jorge Gustavson Clark Hubert Wong Guy Marjorie and Howard# Haber Mel and Mary Haber Mounir Habib Anna Hackenbracht and David Koo# Mary Hackenbracht and Buck Gee William and Deborah Hackett Bill Haerle Deborah Hager Nachison Daniel and Laura Nachison Sterling Haidt Stan Hajduk and Janette Kolar Frank Halasz and Maureen Callanan# Thomas Halderman Debra L. Hale Scott Hale and Patricia Brown Coughlan Anne Halkedis Marvin and Debora Hall Wade Hall Anne Hallinan Kim Hallinan Georgia Hallyburton Joan Halperin Chris and Genevieve Halvorsen Mark and Ann Hamburg 28 Helene Hamilton Michael Hamilton Margarete Hammer Susan† and Philip Hammer Linda M. Hammer-Brown and David H. Brown Virginia and Philippe Hammerness Jeannine Hammersley Amy Hammert Wanda Hamming Krista Hammond Todd Hamner Larry and Denise Hampson Barbara Hamrick Byron Han and Dorothy Chen Amy Hanauer and Mark Cassell Benjamin Herman Hance Mary Hanlan Carin Hanna Kathryn Hannay Paul Hanneman Karl Hanover Bob Hansen Brenda Hansen and Eric Collins Susan Hansen Vera Hansen Harry and Terry Hanson Ruth and Harold Hanson Christopher Harder Shirley Harder Evelyn Harding Stephanie and John Harkness Stephanie Harlan Meg and Don Harlor William and Jill Harmon Jason Harner Richard Harrah James Harrill Joan Mortan Harrington Andrea and Allan Harris Brian Harris Bruce and Rachel F. Harris Marsha Harris and Robert McDuff Peter and Sheri Harris Gladys Hart Melissa Hart and Peter Raimondi# Michele Hart and Kevin Karplus# Richard and Deanne Hart John and Bonnie Hartman Robert Hartman Lawrence Hartsook Dyanne Hartwig and Dave DeGrasse Donald Harvey Janice Harwood Kamil† and Talat Hasan Arthur Haseltine Paul Hashfield and Irene H. Hashfield Reed Hastings and Patty Quillin Anthony Hattey Rebecka Hawkins Scott Hawkins Susan and Charles Hawley Peter and Lynda Haworth Richard Hay Frank and Anne Hayden Cleon Hayes Patricia Haymond and Paul Stone John Degge Hays Wendy Hayward George Headley David and Jackie Heald Edward Hearn and Linda Arnold Tom and Diana Hearn Nancy and Christopher Heavey Lawrence Hecht Tim Heffington and Julie Barrett Heffington◊ Judi and Dennis Heher Paul and Judith Heim Alvaro Heinig Virginia Heinlein (d) Susan Yvonne Heinz Suzanne Heinze Karen Heisler Charlene and Alan Heit Reuben S. Helick Erik Hellman Paul Hellman Peter Hellman Paul Helman Badalin and Joseph Helvink Donna Hemmila Lea Henderson Julie Hendricks Daniel and Nancy Hendrix Paul and Audrenne Henry Richard Henry Alfred and Katherine Herbermann Alice Herbert Elizabeth Herbert and Michael Pischke L. Simant and Patty Herkins◊ Bruce Herman Brian and Patricia A. Herman Fund Michael and Jennifer Hernandez David and Rebecca Herry Rosanna Hertz and Robert J. Thomas Lawrence and Suzanne Hess Sally Hess and Tim Eells Teri and Doug Hessel Ann and Robert Hestand Rhonda Heth Hannah Hickey Cynthia and Robert High Eric and Trish Hildinger Galen H. and Henry R. Hilgard Charles Hill and Amy Lerner Gregory Hill and Kathryn Aberle Kara Hill and Michael Greenwald Kimberly I. Hill Robert and Kimberly Hinrichs Akemi P. Hiraki and Juan T. Rehbock Gary and Margaret Hirshberg Robert and Ellen Hirth Frank M. Hlavaty Molly and Jonathan Kilbourn Joann and David Hobbs C. A. Hobley and Jim E. Nelson Nancy Hobson Virginia Hodge Ted and Linda Hoff Trude Hoffacker Ivette and George Hoffer Dina and Tony Hoffman Inga and George Hoffman John Hoffnagle and Suzanne Easton John Hogg Karen Hokanson Erich and Eileen Holden Thomas Holland and Sandra Burroughs Holland Diane Hollister Kenneth Hollman and Desne Crossley Roy Holman Takeru Honma Lee T. Hooper Stephen Hooper and Sandra Van Wachem Mark Hopkins Tracey Hopkins David and Jane Hopper Stephen and Karen Hornberger Laura Horsch Anonymous Darcy Ann Horton Kari Houck Steve Houlihan Jerry and Carol◊ Houser Ann Howard Karen and Matthew† Howard Carolyn Howarth Sarah Howell Kevin Ching Wen Hsieh Chi-Chao and Lai-Ying Hsiung Chinshu Huang and Randall Grahm Greg Hubbard Sonya Hubenette John Hubner and Jill Wolfson Kennon Hudson Kristi Huelsing Margaret and George Hughes Margaret Hughes Mary Hughes Mayumi Hughes Nicola Hughes William Hulings Sharon Hull Tim Humphreys Timmy Hunt Lara Hunter Roberta Hunter and Donna Meyers Susan Hurrell Jonan Huse Luanne Hutchings Joe and Sid Hutchins Carol and Randall Huth Susan and Edward E. Hutton Amy Huyck Carolyn Hyatt Gary Hyde Daniel Hylands and Judith Gerber-Hylands Bruce Hyman Dave and Colleen Iermini Don Iglesias and Cathy Stefanki-Iglesias Amanda Iles Wendy and Garth Illingworth Marie and Kent Imai John Inamori Barbara Ingman and Stella Moreno David Intersimone Edward Irvin Gary Irving and Nell Newman Paul (d) and Anne E. Irwin Craig Iscoe and Rosemary Hart Stanley E. Iversen Debra and Charles Ivons Margaret Ivy Sridar and Anita Iyengar Robert and Karen Janches David B. Jackson Patricia Jackson and Dayle Parkes Robert and Barbara Jackson Michael and Grace Jacobs Susan Jacobs and Michael Staley Jennifer Jacobsen Asha Jadeja Jayashree Jagannath Debra James Marilyn James Richard and Peggy James Joni L. Janecki George and Virginia# Jansen Jo Ann Jeffers and Andrew Pohorsky Ann C. Jeffrey Lynn Jeffries Dobie and Ann Jenkins Charlotte Jennings Linda Jentz Leonard Jeremy Mark and Pamela K. Johansen Bonita John Lesa and Steve John Donna Johns Bradley Johnson and Darryl Moore Craig and Danielle Johnson Deanna Johnson and Allen Carlson Eric S. Johnson Erik and Judy Johnson Gary N. Johnson Jean and William Johnson Jeanette and Paul Johnson Kevin Johnson Lezlie Johnson Lisa Johnson Lynn Johnson Marilyn Johnson Robin C. Johnson Sue M. Johnson Mark and Roberta Joiner Derrol and Ursula Jones Fredric and Jo Lynne Jones Judith Jones Judy Jones Marvle Jones Nancy and Peder Jones Nancy N. Jones (d) Randolph Jones William Jones and Sarah Bradley William and Joanne Jordan Christian Jorgensen Jasna Jovanovic Todd and Kay M. Judson Gregory Jurkowski and Lisa H. Wright Kenneth and Tracy Justo Stanley D. Kahn Madhu Kakarala Samuel and Leslie Kalinsky Jared Michael Kamel Carol Kane Eveline and Martin Kanes Mia and Steve Kang Gurson Kantor Narinder† and Satinder Kapany Alexander Kaplan Fred Kaplan Jeanne and Joshua Kaplan Marcia and Henry Kaplan Anonymous Jennifer and Dennis Karlinsky Cybrena Karo Bruce Karsh and Janet Leonard Nancy and Paul Kashap Dana and David Kassel Kenneth and Carol Kasses Marina and William Kast Robert E. Kates Alla Katsnelson Elliot Katz Madeline (d) and Michael Kauffman Jill and Adam Kaufman Julie Kaufman Jodi and Kirk Kawagoe David and Sharon Kayser Timothy Keehen Edmund Keeley Michael and Ruth Keeley Frances and Ronald Kehoe Laura Kehoe Arlene Keller Barbara Keller Martin Keller Jerel L. and Thomas L. Kellond David E. Kelly Herbert Kelly Mary Kelly Thomas and Kelly Kelly Christine Kelsey Cindy Kennaugh Francesca Kennedy Jim and Donna Kenney Jerry and James Kenny Dana Kent Daniel and Tressa Kentner Alan Kepner and Nancy Bisio Alison Kern Leslie Kern Candis and Bruce Kerns Nicki and Donald Kerns Zachary Kerns and Jennifer Gray Elizabeth Kerr Todd and Cynthia Kesselman Michael and Martha Kessler Charlie and Maria Keutmann Robert Keynton Javed and Shaheena Khan Ramyne Khan and Garry Spire† Ellen and Ali Khayat Joumana and Jason Kidd Mary Alice Kier Doug and Joy Kilner Ralph and Julie Kimball Ken Kimes and Sandra Ward Ellen B. Kimmel Mark Kimmel and Kathryn Furst Robert Kimsey Emiko Kimura Machiko Kimura Harold Kincaid Abby King and Steven Lovett Richard King Katherine Kinghorn David and Margo Kipps Jeffrey Kirk Ted Kirkiles Cynthia Kishi and Larry Robinson Jeffrey Kishiyama Ted Kitada and Karen Yamashita Heather Kitchen Katherine M. Kitsuse Pamela and Richard Kittler Heather Kiuttu Michael Klaers and Risa Brainin Karin Klarreich Michael S. Klein Richard and Diane Klein Tiffany and Jonathan Klein Penelope Kleinhans Judd Klement and Amy Klement Ann K. Klepikov Clyde Klingenberg Dudley Knight Alex Knowles Heidi and Peter Koehler Kenneth Koenig and Lisa Rose Susan and Robert Koeppen David Koffman Ruth Koffman Martha Kokes Christopher Thomas Konish Merrill Konish Ethel Konopka Bernard Elbaum and Nina Koocher Tom and Susan Koontz Jo Kopp James Kosic Mark and Sherilyn Koss Karen Kotturi Jennifer S. Krach Michele Kraft Andrew and Shawn Kramer Glenn Krasner Jeff Krause and Debbie Wu Dan Kremer Jon Kretzu Mary and Julius R. Krevans Kenneth Krieger Joan Krimston and David J. Korduner Martin and Judy Krovetz T. Krueger and B. Allen Chris Kruk Suzanne Krumbein Todd Kruper MaryJane Kubler and Karl Wirka Patricia L. Kubo Patricia Kulzick Paul Kummer Terruyo Kunibe Karen and Jonathan Kupetz Larry and Melissa Kurtz Joel and Sandy Kurz Robert Kyle Mario La Marche Peter Labrador Jason Lahman and Daniel Goldstein Karen Lahousse David Lakes and Stephenie Fein Harry Lalor William C. and Marlene L. Lamb Guido and Nancy Lamell Mary and Robert Lamm Bob Lamonica Storey Lamontagne and Ann Hubble Kathy Lamothe Barbara Lancaster Renee Lancon and Paul Markowitz Yajaira Y. Landaverde Anna Landaw David and Esther Landhuis Robert Landry Alexis and Richard Landsman Jean and L. W. Lane Monya Lane Frederic Lang Robert Lange and Cheryl Doering Neal Langholz and Lynn Renshaw Sandra and Geoffrey Langstaff Terri Lankford Freda and James Lantz Robert Lapidus Arlene and Charles Lapin Maria and Donald Larkin Vivian Larkins Nicole Laroche Rebecca Laroche John Larse and Patricia Kelly Larse Erik Larsen and Jennifer Touchton Janet Larson (d) Kenneth Larson Paul and Gayle M. Larson Michelle Larson-Sadler Carolyn Lasar and Tressa Baden Thomas A. Lasinkski Thomas and Barbara Lasinski Anne E. Laskey Frances M. Laskey Lesley Lathrop John Latimer Richard Latvala Jessica Laufer and Neal Halfon Martha Lauritzen Jeannine Laverty Barbara Lawler Kathleen Lawler and Carlisle Landel Claudia Lawrence and Berkeley Miller Florence Lawrence Natalia F. Lawrence Jennifer and Charles Lawson Bob and Barbara Lawson Edward Lax Roseann and Ken Layne Patricia and Christopher Le Maistre Shari Suzanne Leach Rachel Leach-Hall and Richard Hall William Leahy R. Brendan Leary and Jean Swanson Don B. Leatherman Philip Leboit and Karen Axelsson Marc Lebourveau Jean Lecocq Sally Ledger Chuck Lee Maria and Moonho Lee Maryann and Edward Lee Raymond Lee Jennifer Leeds Mary Ann Leer and Jules Resnick Enid and Irwin Leff Enid Leff Maria Lemery 29 Greg Lemke William and Paget Lenarz Elaine and Irene Lennox Anonymous Steve Leonard Christie Leong Laurie Leroy Robert A. Leslie Alex Lessard Charles Lester and Joan Norvelle Donna and Robert Lester Fredroca Lester Janice Letson Gerry and Esther Levandoski Janet Lever-Wood and Dan Wood Alan and Judy Levin Daniel Levin and Naomi Andrews Sydney Levin Charles Levine Doug and Pat Levinson Len and Mary Jo Levy Robley Levy Amy Lewis Susan E. Lewis Douglas Ley and Linda Gaudiani Robert and Nancy Ley Nicole Lezin and Russell Kingon Norman‡ and Mary Kate Lezin Chiuyit Lian and John Barsky Douglas and Marilyn Liddicoat Susan and Joseph C. Liddicoat Dottie Lieber Lisa Lieberman Tod and Noreen Likins Jennifer Lin and Daniel Seeman Margaret Linde Harry Lindenbaum Kathleen Lindlan and Michael Raymer James M. and June F. Lindsey Heather Liner Flora Ling and Paul Sturm Debbie and Michael Linick Richard Lintermans and Amy Bailey Gordon Lion and Linda Locatelli Roselyn Lipkis Thomas Lipkis Dawn Lisell Michael and Susan Litman Kathy Littleton Eleanor Littman and Robert Goff Julie Litwin William‡ and Terry Locke-Paddon Gail Lockhart Richard Lockie and Kathleen Connell Linda Locklin Evet Loewen Joe Lofreddo and Elizabeth Abrams Billy Logan Mark R. Logan Peter Logan William Logan Jodi Lombardo Andrea London Rosemary Lonergan Bill Long Robert and Eliane Long John and Denise Loomis Julio Lopez and Ana Lopez-Atienzo 30 Cindy Lopiccolo-Giles Jean E. Lory Donald Louv Claire Love Donna Love Laurie Love Susan Loveless Theresa Lovering-Brown Lauren Lovett Joan Lowden Jerry Lowenstein and Adrienne Zihlman Domenique Lozano Roberto and Susan Lozano Marsha J. Lubow John and Judith Luce Silvia Lucherini Jon Luini Marcia Luisi and Richard Strunin Rebecca Lundberg Randy Lundquist Ngan Ling Lung William B. and Virginia W. Lupfer Lani Luthard Anuradha Luther Maitra† Sean Lydon Linda and Bruce Lymburn Jennifer Ann Lynch Gail Lynn Katrina Louise Lynn Mary Lynn Deborah Lyon James M. and Linda W. Lyon Sara Lyon Christine Lyons Roy Lyons Valerie Maas Nicole Macargel Bruce and Janet MacDonald Gail and Bruce Macdonald Herb Machleder John Mackesey and Kathryn Wunderlich Robby MacLean Charles and Catherine MacLellan Kurt MacLeod Beatrice MacMillan Ali Madbes Thomas Mader and Carla Christensen Sharon and Matthew Madison Christine and Kent Madsen Jenny and Jeffrey Maenaga Salem Magarian and Laurie Patton Lilla Magee and Ilisa Kessler Linda Magee Morgan L. Magid John P. Maguire Sharon Maher Bradley and Marcia Maihack John Maillard Zenowij Majuk Laura Malakoff and Michael Brown Kumar† and Vijaya Malavalli Mary Male and David Brick Sal and Carol Maleti Csaplaros Malgorzata Arjun and Kiran† Malhotra David Malinari Deborah Malkin and Jon Becker Linda and George‡ Malloch Erin Kathleen Malloy Mary and David Malloy Eric and Teresa Wade Malone Melissa Malone Steven Malone John Maloney Paul Mamula and Patricia Goodman Cleveland and Evelyn Mangham Marge Manley John and Laika Mann William Manson and Patricia Adams Thomas Marano Alan and Lotte Marcus Felicia Marcus and Warner Chabot Tom Mardikes Mike and Cynthia Margolin James and Meredith Margolis Melissa Margolis Lorraine and Bruce Margon Brian Maridon Edith Maridon Frank (d) and Edith Maridon Edgar Marin Shayne and Joel Marine Stacy and Rod Markell Colin Todd Mark-Griffin Bill Markle Ron and Meredith Marquez Grant Marr Nancy and Anthony Marsh Jessica Hittle Marshall Allen and Janet Martin Dennis and Marilyn Martin Dianne Martin Gordon and Joann Martin Jennifer Martin and Daryl Odnert Judy Jo Martin Peggy and Demain Martin Susan S. Martin Antonio Martinez Maria Martinez Cheryl Maruyama Michael and Renee Marx C. Whittier Mason Christopher Mason James and Rachelle Mason Katherine Mason Martin and Debra Mason Karen and Dominic Massaro Cynthia and William Mathews Eric and Anna Mathieu Zak Mattas Heather and Timothy Matthews Jo Ann Mattingley Sarah Maxwell Kiki May Mary Jo May Jeffrey Mayer and Tacy Witter John and Claudia Mays Paula Maziar Elisa Mazzaferro John McBain (d) Patti McBain Vicky McBride Evelyn McCabe Edgar McCanless Alice M. McCarley Sam McCarthy Deirdre McCauley Delmar McComb Susan McConkey John McConnel Michael McCormick and Julie Guthman Patrick and Cabell McCormick Kathryn McCown Russell McCutcheon Timothy McDermott Gary and Andrea McDonald Harry and Fredaline McDonald Ken and Teresa McDonald Timothy McDonough Claire McEachern Kathleen McEligot Charles and Barbara McFadden Christopher McFadden Elizabeth and Patrick McFadden Suszi Mcfadden Leslie and Scott McGilvray Duffy McGinn Don McGrain Joseph McGrath Paul McGrath Patricia McGuigan Priscilla McGuire-King and John A. King Dean and Jacquelin McHenry Jane McHenry Diana and Kirk Mcintosh Tim McKay and Jane Parks-McKay Robert McKean and Sloan Nota Allison McKee Barbara McKee Dwight and Jillellen McKee Pamela McKee Douglas and Dana McKellar Della and Keith McKenzie Jane McKenzie and Quinn Comer Mary and Donald McKenzie Michael McKeon and Carolyn Williams Elizabeth McKinne and David W. Graves‡ R. I. and Margaret McKinnon Akinwunmi K. McKinzie Craig and Susan McKnight Teri McKown and Allison Claire Andrew and Vera McLean Laura and J. Benjamin McLoughlin Lucille McLoughlin and Mark Obrien Mike and Kitty McMahon Terri Mahon Lori McMinn John and Susan McMurry Michael Mcnair Louise McNally Barney and Maxine McNamara Roger McNamee Michael E. McNeil and Tamara Scott Tom McNery and Mima Lecocq Bruce and Mary McPherson Bob McPhilllips Patricia E. McQuade Patricia McVeigh and Bill Patterson John and Nancy Mead Zena Meadowsong George and Mary Mechlin Diana and Steven Meckfessel Ann and David Mehr Kavini Mehta Lynn Mello Nicholas Meltzer and Anita Diaz Joy Melvin Walter Melvin Judith Menconi Roy Mendelssohn and Kathy Foley Duane Mensinger and Margaret Moore Nancey Merritt Susan Merritt and Lawrence Ford# Joan Mertz Ken Meshke and Barbara Sprenger Mark Messersmith Penny Metropulos Mary Metzger Thomas J. Meuser and Alisa Delliquadri Gary and Cathy Meyer Jerry Meyer Karin Meyer Marlene Meyer and Bruce Lieberman Michael Meyer Paul Meyerhofer Dorothy T. Myers Allison and Stuart Meyler Yonat Michaelov Joe Michalak and Judith Steen Paul Michel David Michele Hope Michelsen and Dahv Kliner Ken W. Mignosa and Therese A. McCrory Anicka Mihalik (d) Robert Milby Sarah Milder Mary and Albie Miles Nathan Milikowsky Rebecca Milikowsky Shira Milikowsky Alice and Matthew Miller Charles Miller and Deirdre A. Loungway Craig and Dusty Miller Frances and Donald Miller Harry and Bessie Miller J. Michael Miller Joan Miller Judith Milller and Louis Miller Mary Miller and Fred Linker Patricia A. and Robert C. Miller‡ T. Cathy Miller and Pamela Landry Teresa and Keith Miller Joyce Milligan Celiane Milner Derek and Susan Minihane Frank Minuti D. G. Mitchell Kerry and Charles Mitchell Edward Mocarski Robert Moeller and Lynn Mally The Honorable Bill Monning Lance Monosoff Stephanie Montagne Peter Montesano and Ann Lindsey James Montgomery and Gale Snow Jim and Mary Beth Montgomery Michele Moody-Adams and James Adams Alison and James Moore Charles Moore Gregory Moore James Moore Joan L. Moore Marilyn and Robert Moore Richard Moore Sheila Moore Jacob Mor Barbara Moran and Charlie Haas Caprice and Mark Moran A. Morcomb Giovanna Morelli Joseph Moreno and Rosie Ramirez Daniel Morgali and Michelle Anderson Rebecca and James Morgan Ann Morhauser and Steve Munson Neil Morse and Jane Kenner Jerry Mosgrove Thomas Mosgrove Dania Moss William Mosteller Ruth Mota Leanore and Donald Motley Rajeev Motwani (d) Robert Moyer Liza Muhly Bert and Lois Muhly Ann and James Mulally Colleen Mulholand Paul J. and Carmen Mulholand Nancy Mulkey David Mulligan Sandy and Chalon Mullins Candace Muncey Lisa Mune and Jeff Hodos Deborah and William Munno Bob Munsey Yuji Muranaga Catherine Murphy Erin Murphy Jane and Peter Murphy Kathleen and Johnny Musser Rachel Musser Rebecca Musser Chris and Juliet Musso Joanne Muszynski Beth and Ken Myers Susan Myers and Jane Lear Diann Nagami Robert Nahas and Emily Reilly Tahir Naim Molly Nakahara Sheila Namir and Helene Moglen‡ Burton and Marlene Nanus Ernie Nassimbene Matthew Nathanson Mercedes and Juan Navarro Valerie Naylor Chris Neklason and Peggy Dolgenos Pat and John Nellany Charlotte Nelson Deborah Nelson Elisa Nelson Erik Nelson James Nelson and Teri Chanturai Thomas and Lydia Nelson Mark and Sharon Nelson Mark A. Nelson Ross and Cate Nelson Tom Nemcik Nadine Nemec and Peter Wilde Edwin and Lane Nemeth Anthony Nemirovsky Rebecca Nestle Kimberly and Jeff Netzeband Cary Neunzig Glenn P. Nevill Gloria P. Newhouse Ray Newkirk Merrill and Alicia Newman Eric Newton and Mary Hogan Khoa D. Nguyen Kimnhung and Ruc Nguyen Christine Nichol Bruce and Linda Nicholson Cody Nickell Harvey and Judy Nickelson Mark Nicolson Dana and Jeannine Niehaus John D. Nielsen Kenneth and Jean Nikodym Julie Niland Sandora and John Nishio Susan Nissen Hayes and Patricia Noel Lisa Nolan Thomas Nold and Jennifer Denning Willard and Marion Norberg Maya Nordberg Robin Nordli Martin and Susan Nordlof Marisa Nordstrom Craig and Beverly◊ Norleen Caryl North Christine Northup Dona and Gary Novack† Linda Novotny John and Karen Nyere Gail Oakley Lee Oberg Harry and Leslie Oberhelman Bart O’Brien Joseph Groves and Ellen O’Brien Jerold O’Brien Jon O’Brien Susan and John O’Brien Jill and James O’Callahan Sandra and Roberto Ocampo Tim Ocel Ruth Ocheltree Kevin O’Connell Marianne and Thomas O’Connell Thomas O’Connor and Daphne Werth Lois Oda Terri Odom and Bill Berry Zach O’Donnell Chris and Rodney T. Ogawa# Michael O’Grady Pat O’Grady and Elizabeth Falade David Ohanesian and Susan Kriven Patrick O’Hara and Lynne Stoops Tetsuro Okabe Jan and Michael Okimura Monica Oldmen and Marc L. Sherman Ronaldo Oliveira and Karen Yamashita Barbara Oliver Natalie T. Oliver Kirstin Olsen Vernon and Dorothy Olsen Terry Olson and Remelle Olson Thomas C. Olson Marjorie Olson-Holmes Michael O’Malley Fernando Ona Henry Ondunk Bridget O’Neill Jack O’Neill Joar and Michele Opheim Jonathan Orbita Susan Orbuch and Jim Gilbert Robert and Andrea Ordin Florence Orenstein Stephen Orgel Lisa and Thomas O’Rourke Franklin and Susan Orr Mary A. Orr Robert Orrizzi Elizabeth Orser-Cataldi and Richard Orser Gayle and Joseph Ortiz Lisa and Rafael Ortiz Joan R. Osborne Joel and Marlane Osman Irene Osterbrock Miriam Ostroff Kevin and Katherine O’Sullivan Elizabeth O’Toole Nancy Ottenstein William and Erica Ow Lynne Owen Bill and Kathleen Owen Helen Oxley Joe Pacheco Louise Packard and Larry Moskowitz† Daniel and Nancy Paduano Stella Page Kathryn Paisley and Eric Raff Joanna Palacino Sherry L. Palacios Patrizia Pallaro and Atesh Sonneborn Debbie Palmer Wayne Palmer and Earleen Overend Adrienne Papp George Pappas Patricia Paramoure Paul and Katherine Parenti Arlene Park Marlene and William Park Barbara Parker Barbara B. Parker Bradley Gordon Parker Dan Parker Evan Parker and Lloyd Therce Janet Parker Laurence and Lynn Parker Randy Parker Rebecca Parker Thomas and Joy Parker Dennis Parks Mary Parks-Luntao and Ruperto Luntao Susan Parrish Yuri Alexander Parsons Anamarie Pasdar Andrea G. Pastor Annette B. Patch Jerry Patch Praf Patel Suni Patel Pierre Patino 31 Douglas and Dorothy Patrick Robert L. Patten Marjorie and Robert Patterson Gary and Marilyn Patton Marilyn V. Patton Georgie Paulden Larry Paulsen Sarah Paulson Nick Pavlina Brian Payne Larry Payne and Paula Mierau Matthew Vincent Payne Lance and Shannon Peacor Ian Peakes Henry Pearce Larry Pearson Shelly Pearson Peter Pearson and Catherine Mayer Caroline Peck James Peck Sarah and John Peck Margaret Pedersen Soren Pedersen and Linda Miller Bob Pederson and Andrew Mersmann Alan and Mindy Pedlar David and Valerie Peet Chris Pehl and Mark Headley Nathan and Catherine Peimann Larry and Carole Peiros Eric and Carol Pelletier Richard Pemberton and Lisa McCollom Alison Penfield Elizabeth and Michael Penn Beth Penney Marianne Pennington Susan Penny Steven Penrose and Mary Miller Ernest and Esther Penta George and Bonnie Pepper Aide Perez Chuck Perez and Maria Choy◊ Martin Perl and Joyce Beattie Carey Perloff Becky Perry Dennis and Georgia Perry Edith Perry David and Alisa Perticone Geoffry Hooper Peters Sidney and Priscilla Peters Ernie and Cynthia Peterson Phyllis Peterson Steven and Pamela Peterson Susan L. Peterson Thomas and Ann Pettigrew David Pew Eugene and Kathryn Pfeifer Cindy Phaneuf Tammy and Kevin Philbin Genelia Phillips Georgette and Wilbur Phillips Roger and Celeste Phillips Richard and Janice Phister Susan Pier Janice H. Pierce Jimmie and Nona Pierce Jean Pierret and Diane Christensen‡ Edwin and Joan Pierson Marjorie Pietkiewicz 32 Christopher Piggott and Susan Schneider Rita and Karl† Pister Jennifer Lynn Pitino Demetra Pittman David and Patricia Pittsinger Robert W. Piwarzyk Jorge Adrian Plata Max Point Julia Polak Donald Polensky and Flavia Polensky-Geist David and Alison Polkinhorne Justin Quincy Pollard Stephen Pollitt Rick and Robin Polse Juergen Polstorff Raneta Pomeroy Norma Ponce Michael Poppleton David Porchetta Jana Portnow and Jonathan Grossman Robert and Elizabeth Poser Franca and Mark Posner Ellen Post and Barry Galef James Potterton and Maria Mattioli Andrew and Patricia Poulos Hazel Schroeter Powell Joyce Powell Hilary Powers Stephen Pratt and Laurie Smith Carrie Preston Sylvia Previtali Charles R. Price Dennis M. Price Lana Price Lori Price and John W. Hart Mary Prince Peter and Rita Prindle William Procida Casey Protti Timothy Proulx and Deborah Tracy-Proulx Richard and Alyce Prudden Christopher Pruszkowski Anthony and Leslie Puckett Gordon and Teresa Pusser Blake Putney Jenni Putney Clifford and Cary Quayle Charles and Carol Query Autumn Quinn Christine E. Quinn Paula and Robert Quinn Richard Racimora and Patricia Spiegel Marilyn Radisch William Radke Joel Rainwater Elizabeth Ramage Mavis and Cyrus Ramezani Apolonio Ramirez Barbel Ranscht and Christopher Kintner Dileep Rao Richard Josephson and Loretta Rao Rao Suyog Rosemary Raphael Bryan and Varsha Raridon Kevin Rasmussen and Matthew Henry◊ Erik Rau and Arwen P. Mohun William Rawson Michael and Sarah Ray Phillip B. Rayher Randy Rea and Kathy Loughlin Katharine Read Peter Jim Read Hector and Ester Real Rowland K. and Pat S. Rebele‡ Dean and Diana Reece Shauna Reed Steven Reeder Alan Reed-Erickson Burton and Cynthia Rees Dixie G. Rees Timothy Reeve David B.‡ and Lynn M. Regan Candice and Paul Regen Julie Rehmeyer Gina and Littlejohn Jan Reid France and Patrick Reilly Patrick Reilly and Diane Lamotte Carla W. Reiter Steve Rempe Daniel Reres Andrew Brian B. Retodo David Retsky Patricia Rex Homero and Camille Rey Chris Reynolds and Mary Smith-Reynolds Don Reynolds Jimmie Reynolds and Arlene Burney Stephen L. Reynolds Willa Reynolds Carolyn B. Reynolds-Ortiz and Leo Ortiz Barbara and David Rhoades Karl and Debby Rhoads Jeff and Jane Rhodes Joseph A. Ribeiro Raymond and Janis Rice Dave and Shelley Richanbach Maureen and Alfred Richard Darryl and Heather Richman Katharine N. Richman Hugh Richmond Cindy Richter Pamela and William Richter Angela and John Rickford Steve Ridenour Leif and Kathleen Rideout Britt Rideout and Robin Bonner John and Deborah Rider Jane Ridley Angela and Hans Riemer Marilyn and David Rigler Sheila Riley Joseph Rileyportuges Saiful and Indira Rimkeit Kathy Rinehart and Randall Rutsch Linda Ripatti Jerry Ritchey Robert and Edie Rittenhouse Laurie Rivin Joseph Roach and Janice Carlisle Dianna and John Robbins Richard and Susan Robbins Carolyn R. Roberts Frances J. Roberts John Roberts and Sara Kane Tey Roberts Warren G. Roberts Carol Robertson Renee Robin and Scott McCreary Renee and Kent Robinett Randy Robinson Stephen Robinson and Cheryl Scott Willela and Michael Robinson Carmen Robles and Richard Vasquez Harriett Robles Catherine Robson Dale Ann Roche and James Lewis Reve Rocke Edward Rocklin Tom Rocklin and Kim Ephgrave Elio and Joy Rodoni Ed Rodrigues and Lorna Krkich Daniel Rodriguez Robynn Rodriguez Grasiela and Raymond Rodriquez Stuart and Eliane◊ Roe Dave Roehr and Lynn Flink Nancy Roetzer Nicole Roger-Hogan and Richard Hogan Craig and Brenda Rogers Alceu Volpe Rohrsetzer Mark and Sue Rolen Maureen Roll and Paul Thiltgen William Romano Gary Ronay Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer Lou and Joan Rose Pilar and Chris Rose Dorah Rosen and Karl Schaffer Leslie H. Rosen Hans and Eleanor Rosenast Bettina Rosenberg Peter and Bettina Rosenbladt Joanna Rosenblum Jeff and Lisa Rosendale Jeanne Rosenmeier Joyce Rosenthal Mary Jane and Charles Roskosz Jill Williams Ross Beres Barry Ross Deepika Ross Robert R. Ross Nicole Suzanne Rossi Anonymous Patrick Rost Donald and Suzanna◊ Roth Julie Roth Aaron Roudebush Annette Roux Rosemary Rovick Stuart and Lynne G. Rovin Robert and Carol Rowberg Diane Rowe Emily and Tom Rowe Ilse E. Rowe Stuart and Shannon B. Rowson Nathan Roy Yaron Rozenbaum and Andrea Amoedo Ronald and Michelle Rozman Christopher Rubin Lewis Rubin and Barbara Hobbs Kim Rubinstein Mireille Ruck Jim Rumble and Mary Lou Holleman Franklin Rumore James Rush and Susan Marshall Rush Diane Russell Dorothy and James Russell Francesca Russell Lisa Russell and Josh Reilly Dan Rutan and Vickie Lauderbach Robert Rutemoeller and Mary Ittner Dennis Rutkin and Robin Wakshull Jimmie and Charles Rutter Pat Ryall Allison Ryan Karen and Dan Ryan Mike Ryan Robert and Jan Rydzewski Paul Sacco Mark Sachau and Bill Gielow Ed and Norma Sacks Luanne and Steven Sacks Shannon Sadler Paul and Holly Sadoff Marian E. Sadowski Michelle Sain Sameer Sainani and Kristin Cobb Hideko and Tella Sakamoto Eugene Salamin David Salazar Mikael Salazar Nancy and Alan Saldich Randy D. Saldinger and Kevin D. Kelley Susanne Salfen Louis and Deborah Salkind Serena Salomon Larry Samuels Ronald B. Sandidge David Sandlin Marilyn Sandow Eric Sanford Paul and Laura Santana Albert and Mary Sardello Tagui Sarkisian Molly E. Savitz Neil Sawhney Scott Sawyer Jolene S. Scarella Stephanie Schaefer Susan Schaefer and S. Colin Brown Bob and Traci Schaible David Schaller and Cheryl Shanks Edward Schantz Ron Scheinhaus Joshua and Amy Schelhorse Nancy Scheppelmann Eddie and Lori Scher Barbara and Bill Scherer Liesa Schimmelpfennig Fred Schindler Dennis and Robin Schirmer Peter F. Schlenzka Barbara and Jon Schleuning Christine and Christopher Schlies Sandra and R. David Schmaier Johanna Schmid Eric Schmidt and Ellen Primack Richard Schmidt Anne Schmitt Don Schmitz Peggy Schmitz (d) Alice and Steven Schnaidt Anne Schnoebelen Carleen and Paul Schomberg Monique Schoustra and Tom Ribe Richard Schreiber Richard and Stephanie Schriver Jill and Peter Schubart Patricia Schueler Matt Schulz and Patricia Maher Wynne and Gary Schumacher Paul Schuyler Alan Schwartz Lonny and Patricia Schwartz Noreen and Jim Schwartz Steven Schwartz Daniella Schweizer Mark Schynert David Scially Lisa Sclan-Cooper and Laurence Cooper Campbell and Joyce Scott David Scott and Ann Chapin Don and Joan† Scott Ellen C. Scott Lisa M. Scott Mary Scott and Christopher Connery Stanley and Kathryn Scott Virginia and Dougald Scott Robert Scowcroft and Judith Fried Elaine and Kent Screechfield Elizabeth Scull Susan Seaburg and Judith Allen Kristin and Paul Seeman Mary Seever (d) Paul Seever Francoise and Marc Seftel Marva and Andrew Seidl Jedi Seip Veronica Seitchick Daniel and Linda Sekella Mary Selby Jaap Selman and Faith Ann Zack Marti and Larry Selman Peggy and Scott Seltz Ruth L. Selvidge and Philippe Moutarlier Susan Selvidge Bob and Kit Semas Byron Servies Anonymous Mark Seward Dan A. Sewell H. Boyd Seymour Jr. (d) and Deborah G. Seymour Steven Seymour and Joanne Farness Hovav Shacham Jim and Patricia Shand Gretchen Shankweiler and Neil Lundberg Frances Sharkey Meera Sharnoff Bill Shaw and Carolyn Martin-Shaw Alice Sheehan Cathleen Sheehan Chez Sheep Clare Sheils and Margaret Leonard Karen Sheldon Helen and Robert# Shepherd Michael and Renee Shepherd Akiko Sherry David Sherry Suzanne Sheuerman Barbara M. Shields Leigh Shields Jean Shimoguchi Daniel Shoag Alexandra and F. Wells Shoemaker Robert and Joan Shomler Bill and Deborah Shubin Linden Grant Shubin Jeremy Siegel Stephen Siegel John and Dawn Siemer Jim and Marie Sikora David Sikula Steve Silberstein Sandra Sill Ray and Grace Silva-Santella Julia Marie Silvasi Suzanne Silverman Terrie Sima Joe Simitian Tasce Smith and Zack Bongiovanni Kate Connell Simonis Jonathan and Wendy Simons Eileen and Jim F. Simpkins Phyllis Simpkins Robert and Carol Simpkins William and M. B. Rawson Simpkins Diane C. Simpson Lance Sims and Mary Offermann Lynne Sims and Larry deGhetaldi‡ Odette Sims Jeffery Sinclair Anne and Sam (d) Singer H. Hecha Singh Michelle Sinotte Robin and Greg Sirakides Wanda L. Sisnroy and Stephen Pearl William and Anne Skamarock Paula Skinner Wendy and James Skinner Rosanne Skirble and Daniel Klein Mitchell Slade Judy Slattum Sherrill and Douglas Sleeter Molly Slete and Luen Miller Sharon Sloan Anonymous Tanya and Richard Slye◊ Howard Slyter and Marjorie Ginsburg Mathew Donald Smiley Albert T. Smith Alissa Kristine Smith Charles Smith David Smith and Margaret Rains (Morton) Smith Deborah and M. Brewster# Smith Dennis Smith Douglas and Teresa Smith Douglas L. Smith Eric Smith Franklin and Jean Smith George L. Smith Haley Maureen Smith Henry L. Smith James and Jane Smith Jeffrey Smith and Cynthia Ashbrook June Smith Kenneth C. Smith Loren and Kristina Smith Graeme and Maria Smith Scott Smith and Mary Ellen Culley Ted G. Smith William E. Smock Jolene and Andrew Snett Dane R. and Marnie Snow Robert Snow Colette and Justin Snyder Joel Snyder Kent E. Snyder and Martha M. Minnich Matthew Snyder Bruce Soderstrom Susan Sogard Mary Solari Claire Sommargren Lois and Michael Sones Shelley and David Sonnenberg George Sousa David and Mary South Dave Speidel Brian P. Spencer◊ R. Tod‡ and Catherine Spieker David Spilker Allen Spirytus and Anne Beroza Terry and Jerald Spodick Frank Spokas James Spring Catherine Sproul and Michael Paparian Jerrold E. Stabley and Evelyn M. Casuga Rod and Christine Stacey Mary and Jack Stagnaro Jessica Staheli Harold and Elizabeth Staigle Arlene Stamp Alexandra Standing K. Starkey and G. Nolten Kathleen Starmer Rebecca Stashower Stephen Staub and Debra Boscoe Peter and Mary Stauble Thomas and Kimerly Stein Susie Steinbach and Benjamin Elwood Sibylle and Carl Steiner Winifred Steiner Joshua Steinhauer and Patty Glatt Jeff Steitzer Tania Stephanian Roger Stephens Jacci and Tad Sterling Elizabeth Stern and Daniel Zimmerlin Emanuel Stern Anna and Glenn◊ Stewart Anne Stewart and Daniel Weiss Peter and Emily Stewart Elizabeth Stillman Christa Stiner and Ray Garrett Jeffrey L. Stock and Sonya Newlyn Morgan Stock Clare Stocker Laurie Stohl Helena Stolka Daniel Stolpe Elizabeth Stone David and Ali Stone Kathy and Mark Stone Richard Stone Jim Stoner and Nancy Shine 33 Byron and Lee Stookey Tom Stoppard Peter Storer Joanne and Dean Storkan Pamela and Stephen Storrs Dorothy Stowe Claire Strader Lynn Stralem Evelyn Strauss David Streit and Regina Langhout Bob and Phyllis Strickland Morgan Strickland Cheryl and Harald Striepe Bernadine Strik and Neil Bell Iris and Duane Strong Annie Stuart Susan Stuart and David Brundage Desiree Stuart-Alexander Richard and JoAnne Stultz Patricia and Vaughn Stumpf Joseph Sturkey David Styer Becky Suarez Sanjay and Suniti Subhedar Kenneth Sucilla and Marsha Pietkiewicz Nancy and Jeffrey Sue Erik Sueberkrop and Donna Blakemore Bruce Suehiro Barbara Sugimoto Marc Sugiyama Kathryn A. Sullivan Shiori Sumida Rebecca and James Sundberg Niels and Patricia Sundermeyer Julius and Angela Surkis Camelia and Scott Sutorius John and Marion Suttle Kim and Jeff Sutton Richard Sutton Zachary David Sutton Laureen Suva and Lad Perenyi Erik and Lesley Svenson Jeffery and Jennifer◊ Svihus Mary and Thomas Swanson Megan Jean Sweeney Barry Swenson Steve and Carolyn Swift Ann Swinehart Linda Switzer and Gregg Herken Fontaine Syer Albert and Barbara Symes Carolynn Symes A. F. Taccone Barbara and Ronald Taft Elizabeth Taggart Frank Takacs Mark and Patt Takeuchi Harriet Talan Manuel and Daryle Talavera Patricia A. Talbert Jeff Talmadge Richard and Bobbie Talmadge John and Rebecca Tammen Janet and Robert T. Tanaka Nina Tanti and Priscilla Schleich Geoff and Colleen Tate David Tavernetti Bob Taylor and Megan Gallagher 34 Chris Taylor Gene Taylor and Gregory B. Lewis Meredith Taylor Tony Taylor William B. Telfair Barbara Telford and Craig Ishida Sarah and Kip Tellez Leslie and Richard Ternullo Thomas Thacher Neeta Thakur Phyllis and Max Thelen Jeff and Cathie Thermond Sarah Thermond John W. Thiemann Donna and Peter Thomas Nancy Thomas Price and Teri Thomas Richard Thomas Cheryl Thompson Chuck and Bobbie◊ Thompson Francine Thompson Georgia B. Thompson Gerald Thompson Kent Thompson Matthew Thompson Peter Thompson and Linda Sinkovic Rex Thompson Ross Thompson Barbara Thornhill Marc Thorpe Vonda and J. Daniel Tibbitts Jessica Ticus Kevin Tien Michael and Lesley Tierra Marius A. Tijunelis Eric Ting Barbara Tingey and Anthony Thrall Guy Tiphane Donald F. and Maren C. Tirabassi Maria I. Tirabassi Lauren and Thomas Tobin Joseph Toby Andy Todd and Barbara Collins Blythe Todd-Collins and Chris Lehon Peter C. Todebush Alan and Margarita Tolbert Dave Tolchinsky and Dawn Lawson Francis Toldi Adelle and Erwin Tomash Jan Tomlinson Jim and Carol Toney Daniel S. Tong Moony Tong Janice and John Torres Aleksander Totic Clay B. Tousey Laurie Toyama Elizabeth Tracey Bob and Becky Tracy Jeff Traugott and Cori Houston Robert and Marion Trentman-Morelli Clark and Linda Trevor Cathryn Trieu Steve and Laura Trimberger Catherine Trindle Joshua and Deb Troderman Lorin and Jill Troderman Therese Trolan Inga and Anthony# Tromba Gary Trowbridge Roy Trowbridge Anita Trush Steve Tryon Darren Tsai Spencer J. Tu Rachel Tufono Linda Tulett Gever Tulley and Julie Speigler Marjorie and Gregory Tupper James Turk Steve and Anne Turner William and Clara Turner Tasha and Christopher Turzo Edda Tusinac and Herb Finkelman Bernard P. Tutwiler James Tyre Susan Ubbelohde and George Loisos Laura Uddenberg Nicholas Ullett Thomas Urani Donald and Pamela Urfer Stephen Vajk Denise Valencia Jennifer L. Valle Alphons M. Van Adrichem Elizabeth Van Alstine Peter Van Norden Robert VanDale and Nancy L. Bertossa Wendy Vanden Heuvel Lawrence G. VanVelzer Gerald and Suzanne Van Wieren Jon Varese Marc Vartabedian Neela Vaswani and Holter Graham Kristin and Steve Venuti Kenneth Venzke and Elinor Hall Fred and Ginny Vermillion Frank and Karen Verprauskus Michael Vesely Tom and Dee Vetter Ondine Vierra and Adam Davidow◊ Constance Villiers Michelle Violich Ridley Virdeh Denise Vogel Laura Vogt Dion Vokos David Vollmer Edna Vollmer (d) Phoebe Von Reis Grace A. Voss David Vossbrink Nick Vossbrink Eric and Jennifer Vuillermet Barbara Waaland Susanna Waddell William and Abigail Waddell Gwen and David Wade Kathleen and Romesh Wadhwani Maryann Wagner and Carl Barnhart Steven and Carri Wagner William E. Wagy Cecil Wahle Lynn Wakabayashi and John Hayward Heidi Walas Katharyne and James Waldon Bruce and Jenny Walicek Beth and Patrick Walker David Walker and Nancy Taylor Etsuko Walker Jennifer Walker Debra Wallace J. Matt Wallace and Adela Feran Mare Wallace Beth Wallis Helen Wallis Chantel and Thomas Walsh Karen Walters Robynn Conelly and Jerry Walters Bill Walton Crispen and Barry L. Walton Dirk Walvis and Carolyn Dille Chanel Wann-Wilcox Francie Ward Matthew Edward Ward T. Michael Ward Bob Warfield Karen R. Warren Marc and Barbara Warren Robert and Natalie Warren Susan and Michael Warren Mary Warshaw Karen Washington Christopher Wasney Alice Waters Michael and Anne Watkins William and Denise Watkins Don Watson Mark Watson Christine and Stephen Watt Jack and Teresa Watts Michael Weatherford and Ien Sie Jacquelyn Weber Claudia and Alec Webster Rachel Wedeen Joseph and Theresa Weeg Dan and Hortencia Weidman Alice Weigel Linda Weil E. Weinberger J. A. Weinberger Rina and Edward Weingold Jacqueline Weinstock Laura Weinstock and Rachel Pray Kelly Weisberg and George Blumenthal† David Weiss Robert and Penny Weiss John M. Welch Geoffrey R. Wells Keith and Sandra Wells Stuart Wells Ted and Donna Welsh Brennan Philip Wenck Martin and Dana◊ Werdmuller Jeffrey Werner and Susan Lasko Mary and Ritchie Wessling Stephen and Patricia West Jack and Polly Western Gregory Wetzel Diana Wheatley Dennis Wheeler John and Elizabeth Whitaker Doris White and Timothy Price Frank and Melanie White Nicole Whitehead Jim and Mia Whitfield Renee Whiting Serena and Ronald Whiting Gregory Whitley Dorrie E. Whitlock Fred Whitridge Lillian and Kristian Whitsett James E. Whittaker Alan Whittemore Elizabeth Whittenbury Rachel B. Whittenbury Peregrine Whittlesey Timpson and Robert Timpson John Wiechman and Patricia Emard Mary Wieland and Ronnie Lipschutz Marguerite L. Wilbur and John Christiansen Barbara Wilcox Labris Wilendorf and Leigh Gruerreo Gary N. Wilens Steve Wilhelm Joanne Wilhelmsen Carol Wilhelmy Margaret Wilkinson Austin Williams Cindy and Douglas Williams Dan and Kathy Williams Dennis and Olivia Williams Donald Williams Hillis and Peggy Williams Jim Williams and Anne Rosenzweig John C. Williams and Audrey Lyndon Robert Williams Laird Williamson Deborah Willis David and V. Maureen Wilmot Charles Wilson and Sheila Stewart Jill Winegardner Eugene Wing and Linda Ishihara Elissa and Jeff Wingate Marilyn Wingfield Jim Winker Sam and Mary Winklebleck David and Lorna Winn Jonathan and Jill Winston Renee Winter and Paul Roth Michael Winters Corinne and W. Todd Wipke Dorothy Wise Yolanda and Brandon Wisoff Joseph and Tanya Wittman David Wittrock Jonathan and Susan Wittwer Jane Wohlhueter Heidi Wolf Stan and Lois Wolfberg Leonard Wolff Gwendolyn Wolf-Iwanowski Steve Wolfman and Julie Gorshe Lawrence and Diane Wolfsen‡ Pamela Woll Judy Wollowitz Guntram Wolski and Jeannine Rodems Bernice Wong and Ray Brubeck Erin Wong Ken Wong Suzi Wong and George Rasula David Wood and Jennifer Choate Doug Wood Diane Woodcock Nancy Woolf Dale Word and Whitney Dixon Neil F. Worden Michael and Clare Workman Shawne Workman Barbara Worl Henry Woronicz Thomas and Frances Wortham Alice Wright Erika Wright Johnson Jim Wright Ken Wright and David Keller Rick Wright and Tamara Santos Rosh Wright Debbie Wu and Jeff Krause Mark Wu Ellen and Charles Wunder Julie Ann and Frank T. Wyatt Cathy Wylie Paula and Steven Wyman Lori-Ann Wynter Vhihui Xu Adam Yablonski Jay Yamada Rebecca and Steven Yamarik Mary and Peter Yamashita Kelly Yang Ruth and Adam Yarme Annette Yee and Loren Steck†# Nicole and Joel Yellin Linda Yen and James Gstettenbauer Rivka Yerushalmi Thomas Yi Michael Yogg Christiane and Allan Young Danielle Young Katherine Young and David Leibowitz Michael and Joyce Young Paul Young and Carolyn Dever Rosemarie Young Michael Zaballos Kelly Zakis Stephen J. Zaslaw Paula and Frank Zazueta Larry and Barbara Zemansky Steve and Beth Zientek Marcia Zigman George Zimmer Christie and Paul Zimmerman Don Zimmerman and Trink Paxel Joan Zimmerman Lori Zink Bret and Jacqueline Zischke Bob Zoccoli Patti Zoccoli Rita A. Zralek William Zschaler Dan Zulevic and Carol Hunter Ann Zwicker Staff and Faculty Contributors Anonymous Elizabeth Abrams and Joe Lofreddo Nancy E. Abrams and Joel Primack Judith Aissen and James Clifford Dan‡ and Elaine Aldrich David L. Alexander Liz Alpert and Ken Friedenbach Michael Aluffi Jenny and John Anderson Roger Anderson‡ and Myrna Britton Rosemary Anderson Michelle Asire Kerry Atchison and Steve DiBartolomeo Bridget and John Barnes Brandin S. Baron-Nusbaum Virginia Barr Julie Barrett Heffington and Tim Heffington Marco Barricelli Murray and Sheila Baumgarten Rex and Marie Beckham Jonathan and Merike Beecher Ilan and Tammi Benjamin Harry Berger Scott and Candy Berlin Giacomo Bernardi William Berry and Terri Odom Nancy L. Bertossa and Robert VanDale Judy Bilardello Raoul and Celeste Birnbaum Kenneth and Christine Bloome George Blumenthal† and Kelly Weisberg Dan Blunk and Nancy Alstrum Robert Boltje Zack Bongiovanni and Tasce Simon Adam Boothe Stephen and Sarah Bourdow Barry and Emma Jean Bowman Risa Brainin and Michael Klaers Enda Brennan and Patrice Boyle Donald Brenneis and Wynne Furth Elisa R. Breton Bruce and Diane Bridgeman Frank‡ and Loreen Bridges Margaret R. Brose and Hayden White George Brown‡ and Julie Dryden-Brown Kevin M. Browne Kenneth and Anne Bruland David Brundage and Susan Stuart Pamela and Daniel Buecher Teresa Buika Leopold and John Leopold George and Megan Bunch Joseph F. Bunnett Anonymous Henry J. Burnett Jim and Nancy Burns Rosalee Cabrera Maureen Callanan and Frank Halasz Vanessa Campbell and Alexander Brown Luisa Celia Cardoza Emily Carr Dante and Evelyn Casolari Diane Cast Pedro and Shirley Castillo Marcus and Alice Cato Bob Chadwick Lorie Chamberland Richard C. Chambers Maria Choy and Charles Perez Angie and Jim Christmann Carolyn and Neil Christopherson Janet and Michael Cloud Barrie and Carol Coate Robert and Singne Coe Andrea Cohen Sandra Cohen Barbara Collins and Andy Todd Ryan Coonerty James and Kathryn Corby David Wade Crane Faye J. Crosby‡ Ben D. Crow Freda W. Crum Cynthia Cruz Katherine Cunningham and Jonathan Libby Joseph and Susan Curtis David Cuthbert and Kirsten Brandt Robin Dale Nancy Dran D’Angelo Sonia and Thomas Deetz Robert deFreitas Peggy Delaney‡ and Jack Mallory Aaron Delong John and Betty Devalcourt Anita Diaz and Nicholas Meltzer Barbara and Dmitri Dileanis Sharon Dirnberger John and Ann Dizikes David P. Dodson Catherine E. Doe William Doherty and Ruth Hilberg Anonymous Michael and Grace Dooley Peggy Downes Baskin and Jack Baskin† Mary Doyle William and Glendawyn Doyle Ann W. Draper Lee and Emily Duffus Brian Duisenberg Kent H. Eaton Jennifer L. Eckert Kate Edmunds Michael D. Edwards Paul Edwards and Kevin Keedy Paul and Heather Egli Bernard Elbaum and Nina Koocher Jonathan Ellis Ron and Nancy Enomoto Shelly Errington Keivan Esfarjani David Evan Jones Sandy and Andy Faber Lou and Carolyn Fackler John and Maia Farrell John Faulkner David Feldheim and Sofie Salama F. Joel Ferguson Andrew Fisher and Caroline Pomeroy Anna Bosworth Foley Kathy Foley and Roy Mendelssohn Cynthia Freedman Rosa Linda Fregoso and Herman Gray Sakae Fujita and Stewart Lenox Hiroshi Fukurai 35 Glenn Funk Cindy P. Gadye and Sheldon Kamieniecki† Patricia M. Gallagher Alison Galloway‡ Lisa Gardner Ann Gibb and Sandor Nagyszalanczy Diane Gifford-Gonzalez Charles Gilbert Gregory Gilbert and Ingrid Parker James‡ and Catherine Gill Mary B. Givens Robert Goff and Eleanor Littman Walter and Lois Goldfrank Maria Victoria Gonzalez-Pagani and Jorge Hankamer‡ Margaret Gordon and Alan Ritch Sheila and Dean Gottehrer Thomas A. Graves Jody Greene M.R.C. Greenwood† Isebill V. Gruhn and Dale R. Johnson Howard and Marjorie Haber Brent Haddad Debora and Marvin Hall Lillian Hallock Todd Michael Hammonds Craig Haney and Aida Hurtado Harold and Ruth Hanson Donna Haraway and Rusten Hogness Susan F. Harding Adrienne D. Harrell David Harrington and Amy KatzensteinEscobar Alex Gerard Harvey Robert Hatcher and Claire Castagna David and Lu Haussler Anne D. Hayes Lorchen M. Heft Tammy L. Heinsohn Alan and Charlene Heit Shirley Heitschel Matthew Henry and Kevin Rasmussen Patricia and L. Simant Herkins Henry and Galen Hilgard Susan Hillyard David and Darrie Hilyard George Hitchcock George and Inga Hoffman Tony and Dina Hoffman Ted Holman Paula and Jonathan Holtz Henry Hooker and Janine Roeth Carol and Jerry Houser Jocelyn and David Hoy Lai-Ying Hsiung Ernest Hudson and Diana Chase Kelly S. Humphry Kathryn Robin Hutchings Hal‡ and Dottie Hyde Garth and Wendy Illingworth George and Nancy Ingram Lee and Margaret Jaffe Kimberly M. Jannarone Virginia and George Jansen Patricia and Roger Johnson Brian H. Johnston Janet A. Jones John and Jane Jordan 36 William L. Jump† Sara Kane and John Roberts Martin and Eveline Kanes Steve‡ and Mia Kang Kevin Karplus and Michele Hart Thomas Karwin Paul and Nancy Kashap David E. Kaun Alan Kawamoto and Mary Geyer Margaret Keith David Keller Kathleen Kenyon Christine L. King and Mark Neenan Russell Kingon and Nicole Lezin Dave Kirk and Larry Millsap Arnold R. Klemola David† and Rachel Kliger Elise Knittle and Quentin Williams Jeffrey W. Knopf Paul L. Koch John Koene Janette Kolar and Stan Hajduk Harwood Kolsky Jeffrey Kongslie and J. P. Correa David Koo and Anna Hackenbracht Robert P. Kraft Mark Krumholz Raphael Kudela and Sarah Schuster Kudela Bill Ladusaw‡ and Ken Christopher Elizabeth Faust and Joseph Michael Lambro Patrick Reilly and Diane Lamotte Jeanne Louise Lance Edward and Miriam Landesman Maxine Lane Glen and Marian Langdon Jean H. Langenheim Linda Larkin and Harold Widom Gayle M. and Paul Larson Thorne Lay Burney LeBoeuf‡ and Joanne Reiter Christopher and Patricia Le Maistre Andrea Lee Denise Lee and Scot Close Bill Leland Nancy Lenox James Lewis and Dale Roche Bette J. Lindenbaum Ann Lindsey and Peter Montesano Ronnie Lipschutz and Mary Wieland William S. Lockman Marie Logan Michael Loik and Karen Holl Darrell D. E. Long Chip Lord Nancy Loshkajian‡ Kathleen A. Loughlin and Randall Rea Flora Lu Paul Lubeck and Kristine Eriksen Robert Ludwig and Pam Swift Michael Luttrell Bruce Lyon and Kerstin Wasson Patrice Maginnis Patrick‡ and Gail Mantey Bruce and Lorraine Margon Justin Marion Jason Mark Lora Martin and Philip Du Beau Carolyn Martin-Shaw# and Bill Shaw Dominic and Karen Massaro William and Cynthia Mathews Susan Matthews Errol Mauchlan Claire Max Robert McCampbell Michael McCawley Gary and Andrea McDonald Charles McDowell and Linda Werner Felicia McGinty Heidi M. McGough Marcia McNutt Richard D. Meacham Susan H. Melican Larry‡ and Bev Merkley Carol Merrell Kathryn Metz Albie and Mary Miles Robert and Patricia Miller Tyrus Miller and Deanna Shemek Candice Mairead Millhollen Marlene M. Mirassou Helene Moglen‡ and Sheila Namir Wendelin Montciel James and Alison Moore Katherine Moore and Samuel Johnson Sally Morgan Michele and James Mosher William and Gail Mowatt Steven Paul Munno Donna Murphy† Keith Muscutt Peggy Musgrave Paul Nauert Jerry and Jocelyn Nelson Todd Newberry James Newman and Margaret Collins Diane Nichols Jason and Stephanie Nielsen Rodney T. and Chris Ogawa Alverda M. Orlando C. Leo Ortiz and Carolyn Reynolds-Ortiz Daniel Palleros Sarah-Hope Parmeter Lucinda Pease-Alvarez Cheryl Perazzo Pamela and Steven Peterson Thomas and Ann Pettigrew Elizabeth Phegan Primrose Pisares Karl† and Rita Pister Merribeth Platt Cynthia L. Polecritti Timothy E. Price and Doris White Paul and Debora Prokop Mary B. Pudup Carol and Charles Query Perry Alexandra Radford Peter Raimondi and Melissa Hart Frank Ramirez Regina Mireya Ramirez Heidi Rentería Michael Riordan Diane Roberts Ritch Kelly Roberts Pamela A. Roby Constance Rockosi and Bradford Holden Eiko Gloria Rodriguez Mary Joan Rodriguez Eliane and Stuart Roe Barbara Rogoff Susan and Mark Rolen Mary V. Rorty Susan and David Rose Carole Rossi Paul Roth and Renee Winter Suzanna and Donald Roth Kathy Rouhier Michael Runeare Tamara Santos and Rick Wright Danny Scheie Walter and Ruth Schillinger Priscilla Schleich and Nina Tanti Thomas Schleich and Annelies De Kater Zack Schlesinger Susan Schwartz Jean Marie Scott and Carol Tolbert Peter and Celia Scott Bonita Sebastian Kit and Bob Semas Laura Serbus Patricia and Jim Shand Helen Shapiro and Jonathan Fox Buchanan Sharp and Meg Lilienthal B. Sriram Shastry Jerome Shaw Priscilla Shaw Robert and Helen Shepherd Barry Shiller Kirsten Gruesz and David Morrell Mary Silver Bakthan and Saraswathi Singaram Paul Skenazy and Farnaz Fatemi Lisa C. Sloan‡ Richard and Tanya Slye Jennifer and Hugh Grubb Graeme and Maria Smith M. Brewster and Deborah Smith Adam Snook Ava Snyder David and Shelley Sonnenberg Catherine M. Soussloff Jonathan Southard and Ellen Chinn Gloria Spitzer Audrey Stanley Virginia Steel‡ and Douglas Stewart Judith Steen and Joe Michalak Andrea Steiner and David Draper David R. Steinmann Tad and Jacci Sterling Brian and Abigail Stevens Stanley and Carli Ann Stevens Lynne Stoops and Patrick O’Hara Richard Stover and Deborah Bulger Julie E. Stultz Ronald P. Suduiko‡ and Lois Graham Jennifer and Jeffery Svihus David Sweet and Elaine Kihara Lincoln and Lee Taiz Renee Tajima-Pena Patt and Mark Takeuchi Michael‡ and Eileen Tanner Robert Taren and Anita Elliott Marion Taylor Merritt E. Taylor Kip and Sarah Tellez Rebecca Thistlethwaite and Jim Dunlop David Thomas Bobbie and Chuck Thompson Bruce Thompson Stephen Thorsett‡ and Rachel Dewey Vanessa Tollefson and Randy Bevis Anthony and Inga Nikodem Tromba Linda M. Tursi Jaimie Vargas Robert L. Vitale Astrid and Oliver Von Soosten Matthew Webb Wagers Christine Walker and Nathan Fluegel Jerry and Robynn Walters Edward Warburton Michael and Susan Warren Christina Waters and Frank Galuszka Jennifer Welling Gordon Wells Mary Wells Dana and Martin Werdmuller Ritchie and Mary Wessling Annette P. Whelan Michelle Whittingham David Williams and Hilary Benton Suzanne Willis Christopher C. Wilmers James A. Wilson Joel R. Wilson W. Todd and Corinne Wipke Robin Witmore Horn Geri L. Wolff Daniel Wood and Janet Lever-Wood Ellen M. Wood Jennifer M. Wood Timothy Woods and Joyce Michaelson Ru-Shan Wu Xiao-Bi Xie Karen T. Yamashita Huibin Yan Joel and Nicole Yellin Peggy and Gary Young Peter and Christiane Young Patricia J. Zavella Donna K. Zetterquist August Zigon Adrienne Zihlman and Jerry Lowenstein Businesses, Foundations, Organizations, and Trusts American Association of University Women Educational Foundation Abengoa Solar PV Accenture Foundation ACE INA Foundation Acre Gourmet Add-Vision Adobe Systems Aeronet Aetna Foundation Affymax Research Institute Agarwal Foundation Agilent Technologies Ahmanson Foundation AIG Airel Events Akri Corporation Alan Heit, DDS Alan V. Christenson Trust Albert’s Organics Inc. Albion Environmental Alexander and Baldwin Foundation Aloha Island Grille Advanced Micro Devices American Association of University Women American Chemical Society American Council of Learned Societies American Council on Education American Educational Research Association American Heart Association America’s Charities Amgen Foundation Amica Companies Foundation Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Andersen & Associates Annieglass Annual Reviews Anonymous AOH Foundation Appleton Foundation Applied Materials Applied Signal Technology Aptos-Creekside Pet Hospital Aptos Animal Hospital ARCS Foundation Arete Associates Michael J. Arighi & Margaret V. Arighi Trust Arkay Foundation Artwork Conversion Software Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation AVI CHAI Foundation B. Modern Design Bagelry Balance Hydrologics Paul and Betty Baldacci Family Foundation John D. Baldeschwieler and Marlene R. Konnar Foundation Ball Corporation Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Banque de France Foundation Banyan Wines Barkley Fund Barr Foundation Barry Swenson Builders Peggy and Jack Baskin Foundation Bat Conservation International Margaret Pardee Bates Trust Batterton Brokerage Skipper and Corby Baumgarten Trust Bay Area Women’s Sports Initiative Bay Brokerage Company Bay Photo Lab Baymoon.com Beauregard Vineyards Bechtel Group Foundation S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Becker Malkin Family Trust Bed and Biscuits/Groomingdales Benedictine Healing Products Berger-Lewis Accountancy Corporation Berry & Berry BETA Healthcare Group Beverly’s Fabrics Bhojwani Holdings BHP Billiton Big Sur Land Trust Bill Walton Incorporated Mathew and Josephine Birnbaum Foundation Blue Oxen Associates Bodega Bay Institute Boeing Company Bogard Construction Bon Appetit Management Company Bonny Doon Vineyard and Winery Books Are Fun, Ltd. Bookshop Santa Cruz Robert Bosch LLC Research and Technology Center Bosso Williams Boyle Family Trust BP America Bragg Health Foundation Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation Brian and Patricia Herman Fund Brinks Awards & Signs Broadley Vineyards William R. Brooks Trust Brown Bag Bibliophiles Book Club Stephen and Mona Bruce Family Trust Brush Family Foundation Bullock-Wilson Trust Bureau of Geophysical Prospecting Burkert Fluid Control Systems Burroughs Wellcome Company Business Furniture International Buttery Bakery Byington Winery C. Stagnaro Fishing Corporation Cabrillo Aquatics Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Cafe Gratitude Cafe Zazzle Cakes By Veronica Calera Corporation California Community Foundation California Education Round Table California Native Plant Society California Organic Fertilizers California Pajarosa Collaborative Drug Discovery Camp Joy Garden George Harlan Campion Living Trust Candace Muncey Hair Design Capital Group Companies Capitola Book Cafe Carmel By The Sea Garden Club Carnegie Corporation of New York Carried Away Carroll Family Foundation Cartwright, Scruggs, Fulton & Walther Casas, Riley & Simonian Catalyst Soccer Club CDM Cell Biosciences Incorporated Center for Multicultural Cooperation Chameleon Creations Chen Family Trust Chevron Chevron Oil Field Research ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Chez Panisse Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Chiropractic & Sports Therapy Chowhound Cooking Classes Christensen Fund Christiansen Associates Chuck Haugen Conservation Fund Church of Scientology of Santa Cruz William H. Cilker Family Foundation Cisco Systems Citigroup Foundation Martha B. Clayton Trust Clorox Company Foundation Clouds Downtown CMS Design Portraiture Coca-Cola Company Cody Anderson Wasney Architects Coffee Cat of Santa Cruz Columbia Equities Community Technology Foundation Comprehensive Pulmonary & Critical Care Associates Comunidad y Biodiversidad, A.C. CONCUR ConocoPhillips Company Consortium for Ocean Leadership Cooley Family Trust Helen K. and James S. Copley Foundation Corning County Line Harvest Covello and Covello Photography S. H. Cowell Foundation Mary A. Crocker Trust Crow’s Nest Restaurant Cruzio Crystal Springs Uplands School Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Daniells, Phillips, Vaughan & Bock Accountancy Data Domain Davey Del Dios Construction Delisch Dell Direct Giving Campaign Delta Kappa Gamma, Theta Chapter Dental Management Service Inc. Desperately Seeking Chocolate Deupree Family Foundation Diamondki, LLC Digital Roam Inc. Ted Dobson, Incorporated Donnelly Chocolates Dougherty Dental Corporation Draper Consulting Group Dream Inn DreamCatcher Foundation Driscoll Strawberry Associates Drunk Monkeys Pacific Rim Restaurant DuBarry Foundation Duffus Family Trust Dunmire 1986 Trust Dutra Farms Eagle Tech Manufacturing Earl’s Organic Produce Earthbound Farm Earthscapes 37 EASA Architecture EasyMatch Eco Goods Ecolab Incorporated Edison International Edwards Law Firm Kirk T. Edwards Family Trust Elan Pharmaceuticals Ellen Marie Bulf Living Trust Ellison Medical Foundation EMD Biosciences Corporation Emory Total Tennis Enomoto Art Glass Enterprise Rent-A-Car of San Francisco Environmental Law Foundation EPIR Technologies Erik’s DeliCafe Estate of John Harriman Eucalyptus Foundation Daniel & Kathie Evans Trust Expanding Your Horizons Network ExxonMobil Foundation Fairplain Publications Families First Medical Group Fannie Mae Foundation Farallon Foundation Farmers Insurance Group Federated Department Stores Foundation Fidelity Brokerage Services Fieldstone Alliance Finkelman Family Foundation Firstwave Events Flea St. Café Flora Family Foundation Fluor Foundation Food Sales West Ford Foundation Foundation for Global Community Foundational Questions in Physics and Cosmology Institute 4Charity Foundation Fresh Prep Friday Shakespeare Club Friends of Golf Frito Lay Full Janitorial Service Fuller Family Survivors Trust Furthur Foundation FutureWei Technologies Gable Family Trust Gap Foundation Garden Company Gayle’s Bakery and Rosticceria Geico Philanthropic Foundation Genentech General Electric Foundation Geniisis Agents LLC Gensler Corporation Geokinetics Services Corp. Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation Gilead Sciences Glad Fellowship Glanville Associates Glaser Family Foundation Gleason Consulting Group Glenwood Equestrian Center Global Impact GluMetrics 38 Gold Rush Nursery David Gold Foundation Leon and Toby Gold Foundation Greg Gonzalez Pediatrics Jim Gonzalez & Associates Google Reuben & Mollie Gordon Foundation Grand Design Granite Construction Granstrom Masonry, Inc. Grantz and Van Ruler Grateful Dead Productions Greater Cedar Rapids Community Foundation Green Family Trust Green Flash Photography Grunsky, Ebey, Farrar & Howell Half Moon Bay Nursery Hamilton-Swift Hank’s at the Hook Bill Hannon Foundation Harrington Winery Hasan Family Foundation John and Dora Haynes Foundation Hayward Family Foundation Headstrong Services Heath and Lejeune Heather Glass Heather’s Patisserie Heimbinder Family Foundation Heimstaedt Family Trust Robert and Virginia Heinlein Trust Valerie J. Herman Family Trust J. H. Herz Family Foundation Hess Companies John Douglas Hessel Trust William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Hewlett-Packard Company Hierarchical Systems Research Foundation Hilltop Family Medical Group Margaret Cadoux Hirshberg Trust Hitachi America, Ltd. HLW Workspace Solutions, Inc. Hoff Family Trust Hopkins & Carley Hotline Wetsuits Houghton Mifflin Company Estate of William S. Howe, Jr. Hula’s Santa Cruz IBM International Foundation New York Ideas to Go Independent Charities of America Independent Energy Systems Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Intel Foundation Matching Gifts Invitrogen Corporation Islands Fund IUOE Local 12 J H Mos Design Jacobs Farm Michael and Grace Jacobs Family Trust Joni L. Janecki and Associates Jardiniere, LLC Jennifer J. Choate, M.D. Jessup Cellars Jewish Communal Fund Johnny’s Selected Seeds Johnson & Johnson Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Rogers E. Johnson and Associates Jones Family Marital Trust Jim Joseph Foundation Richard F. Josephson Trust Journeyworks Publishing Joyce Foundation JR & Associates Juniper Networks The Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation Kearney Foundation of Soil Science W. M. Keck Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation Kelly, Hockel & Klein Ada Howe Kent Foundation Khan Spire Family Foundation Kimball Foundation Kind and Considerate Fund for the Future King’s Plaza Shopping Center Rose F. and Alice M. Koffend Foundation Korea Foundation Koret Foundation KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation La Mission Restaurant La Rochelle Winery Lacamas Laboratories Ladera Garden Center Friends of John Laird Lamb Living Trust LandOcean Energy Services Frans Lanting Gallery The Last Resort Salon L’Atelier Erik L. Lauritzen 1998 Living Trust Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory John S. and Florence G. Lawrence Foundation Ledyard Company The 2002 Lee Family Trust Les Mars Hotel Max Levin Trust Richard and Emily Levin Foundation Liberty Bank Gary Licker Trust Literary Guillotine Liza Gourds Lockheed Scholarship Foundation Logos Books and Records J. M. Long Foundation Lula’s Chocolates Lundberg Studios M & B, LLC Manatt, Phelps & Phillips Manresa Restaurant Marathon Oil Company March Foundation March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Anonymous Marsh And McLennan Company Mazal Foundation Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute McCrea Foundation McEvoy of Marin McGraw-Hill Companies McHenry Vineyard Dean and Jane McHenry Trust Jessie Barker McKellar Foundation Medtronic Foundation Mended Hearts Mendelson and Mendelson Marjorie Meredith Living Trust Derinda L. Messenger & Associates Metaflows MetLife Foundation Michael’s on Main Microelectronics Advanced Research Anonymous Microsoft Foundation Mill River Foundation Fund Milligan Family Foundation Mint Mission Inn Mission Pie Mitsubishi Corporation Modesto Family Law Center Monterey Bay Aquarium Monterey Peninsula Foundation Moore & Sons Outboard Motors, Inc. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Morgan Family Foundation Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign Mosaic Elements Mountain Community Theater Mulally Family Trust MultiGiG Corporation MyVeryOwnCoach.com Nalith Incorporated National Semiconductor National Semiconductor Foundation Nature Conservancy NetApp New Leaf Community Markets New Natives New York Times New York Times Company Foundation Newman’s Own Foundation Next Space Nexus Geosciences John D. Nielsen Trust Nordic Naturals Northeast Documentation Conservation Center Northrop Grumman Foundation Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation NVIDIA Nydes Properties obaboa Foundation Occidental Petroleum Corporation Ocean Honda John P. O’Hara Trust Oracle USA Organic Farming Research Foundation Original Sin Desserts Bakery Cafe Thomas Ortiz for Hair Otter Cove Foundation Outstanding in the Field Pacific Coast Stage Lighting Pacific Cookie Company Pacific Edge Pacific Gas and Electric Company Pacific Legacy Pacific Square David and Lucile Packard Foundation Stella Page Design Palace Art and Office Supply Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra Passionfish Pearson Education Peerless Coffee and Tea Pelican Ranch Winery Perkin-Elmer Corporation Peterson Family Trust Pettigrew Family Trust Pew Charitable Trust PFF Landscaping PG&E Corporate Foundation PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community Phillips Family Trust Richard W. & Janice E. Phister Family Trust Pilot Group Pizza Fino Pizza My Heart Poppleton’s Port Gaarn Family Trust Pottery Planet Pricewaterhouse Coopers Primary Eyecare Princess Grace Foundation William Procida Incorporated Profitime Corporation Proteus Farm Pure Skin Qualcomm Quest Diagnostics Radiological Associates of Sacramento Medical Group RAM Enterprises RAMCO Raphael Living Trust Raytheon Company Rowland and Patricia Rebele Trust Redtree Properties Redwood Pizzeria Reef Environmental Education Foundation Rempe Construction Renee Whiting Photography Renee’s Garden Repsol Services Company Rhino Entertainment Rigel Ristorante Avanti Riverview Farms Catering and Special Events RMC Water and Environment Carolyn Roberts Family Trust Roche Molecular Diagnostics Roche Bioscience Corporation Mary Joan Rodriguez Trust Romig Engineers Rosendale Nursery Roudon-Smith Winery Saint Martin Place Saintsbury Vineyard Salamandre Wine Cellar David P. Salazar Glass Saltchuk Resources David Saltman Education Trust San Jose Peregrine Falcon Association Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group Santa Cruz County Bank Santa Cruz County Womens Tennis League The Santa Cruz Experience Santa Cruz Hillel Foundation Santa Cruz Masters Aquatics Santa Cruz Medical Clinic Santa Cruz Performing Arts Santa Cruz Pet Resort Santa Cruz Seaside Company Santa Cruz Track Club Saturn Cafe Savory Creations International SBC Foundation Dennis Schirmer Roberta Schnittger Trust Scholars for Peace In The Middle East Charles Schwab Foundation Screen Imaging Technology Seagate Technology Pauline M. Seales Trust Seed Fund L. H. Selman, Limited Sentinel Printers Sentinel Triathlon SETI Institute The SewNSews Shadowbrook Restaurant Shield Stone Pet Hospital Shields Greenhouse Sigma Alpha of Omega Nu Stephen Silberstein Foundation Silicon Valley Product Group Silva-Santella Gardening Silver Mountain Vineyards SIMA Environmental Fund Simply Skin Esthetics Sims Living Trust Walter and Judith Sleeth Foundation Robert and Florence Slinger Fund Alfred P. Sloan Foundation SLV Redemption and Recycling Center Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Soif Wine Bar and Merchants Solari Charitable Trust Solexant Corporation Somagenics Inc. Sones Cellars Sony Computer Entertainment America Soquel Group, LLC Soroptimist International of Santa Cruz Spex Xtraordinary Eyewear Spokesman Bicycles SPX Foundation St. Jude Medical Stanford Humanities Center Stanley E. Iversen Trust StatoilHydro Winifred J. Steiner Trust Stone Brewing Company Elizabeth N. Stone Revocable Trust Clement and Jessie Stone Foundation Stonyfield Farm George B. Storer Foundation Strategic Realty Investors Richard Strunin and Marcia Ann Luisi Living Trust Studio One Design Sun Microsystems Sunburst Farm Sunlight Foundation Surfrider Foundation, Santa Cruz Chapter Sustainable Shelter Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center Robert & Patricia Switzer Foundation SynapseFusion Tanner 2003 Trust R. Michael Tanner Trust Tella Sakamoto Foundation Terra Bella Family Farm TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company Thacher and Thompson Architects Tiedemann Nursery Guy Tiphane Trust Joseph A. Toby Trust Francis P. Torino Foundation TOSA Foundation Toyota Motor Sales, USA Jeff Traugott Guitars Treasure Islands of Santa Cruz True North Foundation Tyco Electronics Corporation Tycoon Apparel LLC UC Santa Cruz Foundation UCSC Alumni Association UCSC Firefighters Association Union Bank of California Foundation United Way Silicon Valley Universal Audio Upper Crust Pizza and Pasta Upstate Medical University Valley Women’s Club The Vault Gallery Ventana Vineyards Venture Quest Kayaking Vera’s Design Veritable Vegetable Verizon Foundation Via Ripatti Designs Vine Hill Winery Vinocruz Violence Research Foundation Visa Givingstation Vista del Mare Vineyards C. M. van Vlierden Trust David and Edna Vollmer Revocable Living Trust Volunteer Centers of Santa Cruz County Wadhwani Foundation Sarah Wall Memorial Trust Wallace Genetic Foundation Wallis Foundation J. Colin Warner Construction Watkins Family Trust Way of Life G. E. Weber Geologic Consultant Helen and Will Webster Foundation Rachel Wedeen Trust Weiss Family Trust Robert and Penny Weiss Trust Wellpoint Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Foundation West Coast Weather Vanes West Marine Products West Park Labs West Side Coffee West Valley College Westcliff Foundation Western Management Group Western National Parks Association Western Truck Fab Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Whole Foods Market William J. Codiga Family Foundation Willow Garage Geo. H. Wilson Corporation Wionics Research Stanley & Lois Wolfberg Revokable Living Trust Wood & Delgado Woodland Gardens LLC Woodstock’s Pizza Woodworm Party Store Wu Family Living Trust Xilinx Corporation Xocai Yahoo! Employee Foundation YY Labs Zayante Vineyards Zimmer Family Foundation Zinn Geology Nolan Zinn and Associates Zoccoli’s Delicatessen 39 To find out more about supporting UC Santa Cruz financially, please contact the following development officers: Annual Giving Adam Goduto (831) 459-2489 agoduto@ucsc.edu Arts R. Darin Hollingsworth (831) 459-2349 darin.hollingsworth@ucsc.edu Ann Gibb Shakespeare Santa Cruz (831) 459-5507 anngibb@ucsc.edu Colleges and Parent Programs Frankie Melvin (831) 459-1770 Friends Groups and Volunteers Physical and Biological Sciences University Relations Katie Hund Jeffrey Kongslie Vice Chancellor (831) 459-4750 khund@ucsc.edu kongslie@ucsc.edu donnam@ucsc.edu Gift Planning Social Sciences Catherine Faris Adam Davidow Jennifer Graham davidow@ucsc.edu jennifergraham@ucsc.edu Humanities Student Affairs Liz Sandoval Kathleen R. Hughes (831) 459-5666 (831) 459-3775 (831) 459-4240 (831) 459-3689 Associate Vice Chancellor, Donor Relations and Development Programs (831) 459-2941 cfaris@ucsc.edu Jennifer Svihus (831) 459-4552 lsand@ucsc.edu khughes@ucsc.edu Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Philanthropy (831) 459-5591 Leadership Giving jsvihus@ucsc.edu Steve Weldon Young Alumni and Students sweldon1@ucsc.edu Shayna Kent (831) 459-3966 Executive Director of Development (831) 459-1376 (831) 459-4713 fmelvin@ucsc.edu (831) 459-1523 Jack Baskin School of Engineering Library skent1@ucsc.edu Stephen Bourdow Astrid von Soosten (831) 459-5870 UC Santa Cruz Foundation sbourdow@soe.ucsc.edu avs@ucsc.edu Ann McCrow (831) 459-4572 Donna Murphy Director (831) 459-1965 aemccrow@ucsc.edu Lynne Stoops lstoops@ucsc.edu University Relations University of California, Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077 (831) 459-2501 (800) 933-7584 (933-SLUG) Fax: (831) 459-3412 Web: giving.ucsc.edu
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