Our partners - Giving to UC Santa Cruz


Our partners - Giving to UC Santa Cruz
our partners
A progress report on philanthropy of
the UC Santa Cruz Foundation, 2007–08
What a difference a year makes
Entering my second year as president, I’m astounded by the differences
a year can make. Most notably, we saw the inauguration of Chancellor
George Blumenthal, who honored UCSC’s founders by reminding us that
we were to become a “campus for the next century”—a campus of brilliant
scholars dedicated to educating tomorrow’s leaders and breaking new ground
in their chosen research fields.
It is gratifying to see faculty, students, and staff embarking on bold programs to build the
world’s largest telescope, protect coastal and marine communities, bring health services to underserved populations, and develop storage technology to securely house increasingly complex data
sets. True to the founders’ vision, the continuing emphasis on undergraduate education leads to
a disproportionately high percentage of alumni who pursue graduate and professional degrees
(not to mention, the receipt of Pulitzer, MacArthur, and countless other awards).
These achievements, however, would not have been possible without your support. Gifts to the
campus increased 25 percent last year, and the Foundation is rapidly mobilizing itself to launch
even more ambitious efforts in the coming years. Supporting UCSC’s unique brand of scholarship is testimony to your commitment and passion for seeking excellence amidst the beauty
of the redwoods on the hill. On behalf of the Board, I cannot thank you enough for your
dedication and support. What can we do together to make next year even better?
Gordon Ringold
President, UC Santa Cruz Foundation
financial overview
Private gifts making a difference
With over $31.5 million in private contributions during 2007–08, your
support helped make this the third-highest fundraising year in UCSC history.
Growth of UC Santa Cruz
Endowment Trust/Unitrust: 2003–2008
(Millions of dollars)
Source of Private Funds: 2007–08
(Total: $31,578,095)
Trust/Unitrust Funds
UC Regents Endowment
(UCSC’s portion)
■ Foundations: $15,721,923 (49.8%)
■ Businesses: $5,579,738 (17.7%)
■ Other Individuals: $5,343,227 (16.9%)
■ Other Organizations: $2,587,213 (8.2%)
■ Alumni: $1,446,759 (4.6%)
■ Parents: $858,468 (2.7%)
■ Campus Organizations: $40,768 (0.1%)
Use of Private Funds: 2007–08
Use of31,578,095)
Private Funds: 2007–08
(Total: $31,578,095)
UC Santa Cruz Foundation Endowment
(Millions of dollars)
UC Santa Cruz Endowment Growth: 2003–08
(Total: $31,578,096)
UCSC’s 10 colleges
provide supportive
living-learning communities within the
larger university. The
college endowments are
an important source of
funds for the colleges,
supporting expanded
core courses and special
programs for students.
Source of Private Funds: 2007–08
(as of June 30, 2008)
College Endowments
UC Santa Cruz
2003–2008 2003–08
UC Santa Cruz
(Total percentage return for fiscal year ending June 30)
(Total percentage return for fiscal year ending June 30)
College Eight­—$105,605
Women’s Club, Farm & Garden, Affiliates, Extension,
Sesnon Art Gallery, and other campus galleries.
Annual Rate of Inflation
* Gifts to the University Library, Arboretum, KZSC,
■ Faculty Research: $17,158,464 (54.3%)
■ Other Purposes*: $9,443,296 (29.9%)
■ Instruction: $1,517,280 (4.8%)
■ Campus Improvement: $1,426,874 (4.5%)
■ Student Support: $1,057,564 (3.3%)
■ Department Support: $818,042 (2.6%)
■ Unrestricted: $156,575 (0.5%)
College Ten—$10,220
Comparison Performance
Value Benchmark return
based on the University
of California’s Office of
the Treasurer’s composite
of performance indices.
See http://www.ucop.edu/
College Nine—$10,220
UC Santa Cruz Foundation
Annual Giving Total: $2,373,795
Fiscal Year July 1, 2007–June 30, 2008
Source of Annual Gifts
Annual Giving Total
2007–08: $2,373,795
Source of Gift
UC Santa Cruz Foundation Board of Trustees
The UC Santa Cruz Foundation is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization formed in 1974 to support the University of California, Santa Cruz.
In close partnership with UCSC’s chancellor, faculty, and staff, the
Foundation encourages and accepts private gifts to address critical
campus needs not met by state funds.
Mary E. Doyle
Patrick G. Riley
(Crown ’72)
Robert T. Falltrick
Garry A. Spire
Richard F. Moss
James W. Fuller
Loren A. Steck
Kristen Tibbitts
(Graduate Studies ’91)
Vice President of Regional
Susan W. Hammer
Sara Bachman Allen
Jack Baskin
President, 1981–83
Barbara W. Canfield
Donald E. Cooley
President, 1989–91
Theresa J. Davis
Harriet L. Deck
Larry deGhetaldi
(Merrill ’76)
Kenneth J. Doctor
(Merrill ’71)
(Stevenson & Oakes ’83)
Allan J. Goodman
(Stevenson ’67)
Michael P. Graydon
(Cowell ’70)
(Porter ’73)
(Crown ’75)
Retiring Foundation
(Merrill ’72)
Kamil H. Hasan
Narpat Bhandari
Matthew J. Howard
Ramesh H. Bhojwani
(Crown ’85)
Narinder S. Kapany
Frans M. Lanting
Anne Neufeld Levin
For Use by Activity Center
Antonio R. Velasco
The following Foundation trustees retired during the past year.
We thank them wholeheartedly
for their dedicated service!
Paul J. Hall
For Use by Activity Center
■ Student Affairs: $533,467 (22.5%)
■ PBSci Division: $506,149 (21.3%)
■ Arts Division: $372,492 (15.7%)
■ Chancellor’s Office*: $306,420 (12.9%)
■ Colleges: $219,550 (9.2%)
■ Soc Sci Division: $196,948 (8.3%)
■ Humanities Division: $92,068 (3.9%)
■ Library: $85,430 (3.6%)
■ Engineering: $61,271 (2.6%)
Timothy J. Morgan
(Cowell ‘70)
Leticia Quezada
*Covers campuswide programs including
unrestricted financial aid
(Oakes ‘75)
President, 1991–93
Annual Giving
Giving Totals
for Past2003–08
Five Years
Anuradha Luther Maitra
President, 2005–07
Kumar Malavalli
Kiran Malhotra
Nion T. McEvoy
(Porter ’74)
Lawrence A. Moskowitz
(Cowell ’74)
(Millions of dollars)
(Millions of dollars)
(Kresge ’73)
Vice President of Board Affairs
Theodore C. Goldstein
(Stevenson ’77)
Gary D. Novack
(Cowell ’69)
(Cowell ’68)
(Stevenson ’85)
Vice President of Academic
(Porter ’74)
Gordon M. Ringold
■ Other Individuals: $810,247 (34.1%)
■ Alumni: $558,767 (23.5%)
■ Parents: $447,110 (18.8%)
■ Corporate: $267,737 (11.3%)
■ Other Sources: $192,335 (8.1%)
Giving Total:
Year July
1, 2007–June 30,
2008 (1.1%)
■ Campus
Elected Trustees
our partners, 2007–08
Honor Roll of Donors
University Benefactors
(pages 4–6) are individuals,
foundations, businesses, and
other organizations that have
made cumulative contributions of $50,000 or more over
the history of the campus.
The 21st Century Club (pages
6–7) acknowledges those who
have made deferred gifts or
provisions in their estates that
will benefit UC Santa Cruz.
Alumni Contributors (those
who attended UCSC for three
or more quarters, pages 7–15)
are listed by class year and
giving society (see below). If
listed with a spouse or partner, the UCSC alumnus/a of
that class year is listed first.
If both are alumni, the listings are followed by *.
Between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008, more than 12,000 alumni, parents, individuals,
and organizations supported UC Santa Cruz with gifts totaling $31.6 million, an increase of
25 percent over the previous year. This Honor Roll of Donors acknowledges those contributors.
Through UCSC’s Annual Fund, donors provide crucial ongoing support for their favorite college, department, division, or program, or for the Chancellor’s Fund for Excellence and Parents
Fund, which help meet critical campus needs.
Annual Giving programs at UCSC raised $2.37 million, including nearly $560,000 from alumni
and $447,000 from parents. “We’re especially thrilled to see parents stepping up to support the
campus,” says Adam Goduto, director of development for the Annual Fund. “They’re an integral
part of the UCSC community, and we’ve been working very hard to involve them in meaningful
ways.” Indeed, this year, UCSC instituted the Parents Council, which will provide parents with
an opportunity to raise and direct funds for special projects benefiting students.
Parent Contributors (pages
Individual Contributors (donors
who are not alumni or current
parents, pages 21–29), are listed according to giving society.
Business, Foundation, and
Organization Contributors
(pages 30–31) and Trusts (page
31) are listed alphabetically.
UC Santa Cruz Foundation
Trustees currently serving are
indicated by †, and former
trustees by ‡. Faculty are
indicated by #, and staff by
◊. Alumni are indicated by *,
and Parents by ∆. Deceased
donors are indicated by (d).
Giving Societies recognize the
generosity of our contributors
and accord donor benefits at
various levels. They are:
Annual Donor
($100 to $999)
Chancellor’s Circle
($1,000 to $2,499)
Chancellor’s Associates
($2,500 to $4,999)
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
($5,000 to $9,999)
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
($10,000 or more)
For information about supporting UCSC’s Annual Fund or Colleges, contact Goduto at
(831) 459-2489 or agoduto@ucsc.edu. To give online, go to review.ucsc.edu/giving.
Gifts Totaling $5,000,000 or more
Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes
William and Flora Hewlett
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Gordon and Betty Moore
David and Lucile Packard
Texas Instruments
Gifts Totaling $1,000,000 to
Anonymous Donor
American Cancer Society
American Chemical Society
ARCS Foundation
AVI CHAI Foundation
Elena Baskin (d)
Bridge Information Systems
Cadence Design Systems
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Cisco Systems
S. H. Cowell Foundation
Digital Equipment Corporation
Charles Griffin Farr (d)
Ford Foundation
Florence French (d)
Goldman Sachs Foundation
Gray Whale Ranch Investors and
Ranch Properties
Alfred Hahn (d)
Ardis Hyde (d)
Philip Hyde (d)
Intel Corporation
Helen Diller Family Supporting
Foundation of the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund
Walter Johnson Foundation
Joyce Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation
Christian Keesee
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Kresge Foundation
J. M. Long Foundation
Joseph Long‡ (d)
Robert and Eliane Long
Los Alamos National Security
Kumar† and Vijaya Malavalli
Adolph and Mary Miller (d)
Kiyoko M. “Kit” Mura-smith*‡ and
John A. Ware
National Semiconductor Corporation
Anne F. Neufeld Levin† and Paul Levin
Noyce Foundation
Oregon State University
Bernard Osher Foundation
Julie Packard*‡ and Robert N.
PALCO Laboratories
Pew Charitable Trusts
Rockefeller Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
H. Boyd and Deborah Seymour, Jr.
Silicon Valley Community
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Barbara Snader (d)
Spencer Foundation
Stupski Family Foundation
Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara
UCSC Alumni Association
Harry Warren (d)
Gifts Totaling $500,000 to $999,999
Anonymous Donor
Agouron Institute
Morley and Frances Baer (d)
Elspeth Bobbs and Sheila Armstrong
Anonymous Gifts
Crown Zellerbach Foundation
Flora Family Foundation
Global Solutions for Infectious
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Clarence Heller Charitable
Hewlett-Packard Company,
Palo Alto
IBM Corporation
James Irvine Foundation
William and Susan Irwin (d)
Pirkle Jones and Jennifer McFarland
John and James Knight Foundation
Jean Langenheim#
Roberta Lumb (d)
Thomas Lumb (d)
John and Catherine MacArthur
Dean McHenry (d)
Jane McHenry
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Microsoft Corporation
Rebecca and James Morgan
Nature Conservancy
Newman’s Own, Newman’s Own
Bunny Outcalt (d)
Miller Outcalt (d)
Siegfried Puknat (d)
Gordon*†∆ and Tanya Ringold
Silicon Valley Overland Robotics
Spruce Street Foundation
Stuart Foundation
Symantec Corporation
Wachovia Foundation
Gifts Totaling $250,000 to $499,999
Anonymous Donor
Alias America Corporation
Sara B.† and Donald Allen, Jr.
Allstate Foundation
Ramesh Bhojwani‡
Ruth Bittman (d)
Margaret Bodfish Trust
Stephen* and Mona Bruce
Burroughs Corporation
Burroughs Wellcome Company
California Institute of Technology
Columbia Foundation
Community Foundation for
Monterey County
Compton Foundation
Donald E.† and Diane P. Cooley
Cultural Council of Santa Cruz
Ethel Hammond Curtis (d)
Duke University
Educational Foundation of America
Ellison Medical Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
General Signal Thinfilm Company
Margaret‡ and Alan Giberson∆
Arthur A.‡ and Carol Graham
Michael*† and Sally Graydon
Craig Griswold
Raymonde Griswold
John Halliday‡ (d)
Lou Harrison (d)
Hasan Family Foundation
Kamil† and Talat Hasan
Robert and Virginia Heinlein (d)
Alfred and Ruth Heller
Paul‡ and Anne Irwin
Japan Foundation
Barbara Lee Jorgensen (d)
Narinder† and Satinder Kapany
David Kaun#
Koret Foundation
Landmark Graphics Corporation
Erik Lauritzen (d)
Martha Lauritzen
Gloria and Ken Levy
Henry Luce Foundation
Gerena Macgowan Trust
March of Dimes Birth Defects
MetLife Foundation
Microelectronics Advanced Research
Network Appliance
Paul Newman Charitable Giving
Paul Newman (d) and Joanne
The Family of Juei-Ming Ong
Oracle USA
Pacific Bell
Packard Humanities Institute
Rena Perlino (d)
Pharmix Corporation
Bernice Porter (d)
RAMCO Corporation
Pat*† and Rowland Rebele
Damon Runyon, Walter Winchell
Cancer Research Fund
Katherine Sage (d)
Russell Sage Foundation
San Francisco Estuary Institute
Barbara Shields
Norman Shields (d)
Stephen Silberstein Foundation
Mary and Richard (d) Solari
Clement and Jessie Stone
George B. Storer Foundation
Mary Thush (d)
United Jewish Appeal Federation of
Greater New York
University of California, Berkeley
Wayne and Gladys Valley Foundation
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Xilinx Corporation
Donald and Marion Younger (d)
Gifts Totaling $100,000 to $249,999
William and Mary Ackerknecht (d)
Peter* and Karen Adams
Affymax Research Institute
Agilent Technologies
Ahmanson Foundation
Alaska SeaLife Center
Altera Corporation
American Foundation for AIDS
American Petroleum Institute
Amgen Corporation
Amoco Production Company
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Apple Computer
Aramco Services Company
ARCO Foundation
Rolf Augustine#
Bank of America Foundation
Jane Carver
Barkley Fund
Barry Swenson Builder
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Arnold and Mabel Beckman
Beckman Instruments
Jean Beevers
BHP Billiton
Estate of Ruth Bittman
Boeing Company
BP America
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Joseph Bunnett#
Sara Bunnett (d)
Aline Burkett (d)
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
The California Endowment
California Public Interest Research
California Wellness Foundation
Calmar Optcom
Donn and Judy Campion
Canon Corporation
Alison Keeler Carrillo
Barbara Sesnon Cartan (d)
Harold Castle Foundation
Hugh Stuart Center Charitable Trust
CERES Corporation
Bijoy and Joya Chatterjee
Chevron Research and Technology
Chevron Energy Technology
Barbara* and John Chilton
Christensen Fund
Ellen Chu*
CIDA Technology
Emily Clark
Coast Commercial Bank
Community Technology Foundation
ConocoPhillips Company
Cooley Family Trust
Cultural Heritage Imaging
Charles Dana Foundation
Danforth Foundation
Margarete Didden-Ilksen (d)
Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Jerome‡ and Sylvia Drexler∆
Camille and Henry Dreyfus
Yolanda‡ and Chris Dybdahl∆
El Rancho San Benito
Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery
Dorothy Nadine Emigh (d)
Environmental Systems Research
Evans and Sutherland
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Booth Ferris Foundation
Fifth Third Bank
First National Bank, San Jose
Max Fleischmann Foundation
Flintridge Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Ernest Forssgren Trust
William H. Gates, Sr.
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
J. Paul Getty Trust
Global Software Corporation
W. T. Grant Foundation
M.R.C. Greenwood†#◊
Harry Frank Guggenheim
Layne Halliday
John Halverson (d)
Clara-Belle Hamilton (d)
Rose Hand (d)
George Hare (d)
Ruth Hare (d)
John and Dora Haynes Foundation
Headstrong Services
Heller Charitable and Educational
Hewlett-Packard Company
William Hilton and Elena Delgado
George Hitchcock#
Elise Hoffman (d)
Thelma Hoffman (d)
Hoffmann-LaRoche Corporation
Emmet Hooper (d)
Lee T. Hooper
Hal‡ and Dottie L. Hyde
Persis Hyde (d)
Hyde Family Trust
InterMune Corporation
Island Conservation and Ecology
Islands Fund
Charlotte Jackson (d)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell
David Kashtan
William and Marina Kast
Ewing, Marion, Kauffman
Robert Keeler Foundation
Ada Howe Kent Foundation
David Kirk and Larry Millsap
David†#◊ and Rachel Kliger
Korea Telecom Corporation
Kosan Biosciences
Ernest “Bud” Kretschmer†
Jean Kretschmer (d)
Peter Lambert*
Jean and L. W. Lane
Glen# and Marian Langdon
David and Cecilia Lee∆
Lighthouse Information Systems
Lightwaves 2020
Linguistic Society of America
Logic Automation
Lucent Technologies
Macmillan, McGraw-Hill School
Publishing Company
Anuradha Luther Maitra†
Sidhartha Maitra (d)
Arjun and Kiran† Malhorta
Margoes Foundation
MasPar Computer Corporation
Dominic# and Karen Massaro
Melanie Mayer#
Frances McAllister(d)
Fredaline and Harry McDonald
Richard McGraw Foundation
McKnight Foundation
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
George Ow and Gail*‡∆ MichaelisOw
Mitsubishi Corporation
Monsanto Company
Moore Family Foundation
National Geographic Society
National Research Council
Newman’s Own Foundation
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation
Occidental College Charitable Fund
Oki Electric Industry Company
Olympus Corporation
Organic Farming Research
PG&E Company
David Packard (d)
Elsa Pardee Foundation
Christopher* and Karen Payne
Edward and Camille Penhoet
Peninsula Community Foundation
Pergamon Press
Jean Pierret and Diane Christensen‡
Quantum Corporation
Henry Renard
Research Corporation
Esther Rice (d)
Ted and Adele Right (d)
Rockwell International Science
Samsung Electronics Company
Santa Cruz Business and Professional
Women’s Club
Santa Cruz Operation
Santa Cruz Seaside Company
Paul Schranz
Screen Imaging Technology
Semiconductor Research Corporation
Porter Sesnon (d)
William Sesnon, Jr. (d)
Sharp Laboratories of America
Barbara Sheriff (d)
William Shields
Silicon Graphics
Alan Simpkins (d)
Phyllis Simpkins
Robert and Carol Simpkins
Simpson Timber Company
Robert†# and Karen Sinsheimer∆
Albert Smith‡ (d)
M. Brewster# and Deborah Smith
Smith, Richardson Foundation
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Claire Sommargren
Rebecca Sooy (d)
Steve Sooy
Southcoast Wilderness Sanctuary
R. Tod‡ and Catherine Spieker
Audrey Stanley#
Winifred Steiner
Storage Technology Corporation
Roger and Isobel Sturgeon
Syntex Research
System Studies
Michael‡# and Eileen◊ Tanner
R. Michael Tanner Trust
Angus Taylor‡ (d)
Tektronix Corporation
Telik Corporation
John Templeton Foundation
TOSA Foundation
True North Foundation
Universities Space Research
University of Arizona
USENIX Association
Vanguard Group
Vector Laboratories
Wallis Foundation
Washington Mutual Matching Gifts
Gloria Hihn Welsh
Malcolm Williams (d)
W. Todd# and Corinne Wipke
Dean Witter Foundation
John Woodward*‡ and Leslie
Constance Wright
Yellow Chair Foundation
YY Labs
Adrienne Zihlman# and Jerry
ZMOS Technology Corporation
Gifts Totaling $50,000 to $99,999
Anonymous Donor
3Com Corporation, Santa Clara
Charles* and Elaine Adams
Advanced Micro Devices
Agami Systems
Glenn Allen, Jr.
Amber Engineering
American Council of Learned
American Society for Engineering
Amoco Foundation
Eliza*‡ and Arthur Anderson
Linda*# and William Anderson
Applied Materials
Asian Cultural Teachings
Association of Universities for
Research in Astronomy
AT&T Research Laboratories
AT&T Bell Laboratories
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
Banbury Fund
Harry Beevers (d)
Jessica Bernhardt* and Ted
Big Creek Lumber
Robert Bisno
Robert Bosch Corporation
Daniel Brimm
Steve and Shelley Brown
Theodore Burke
Sidney Byers Charitable Trust
Virginia Campbell Trust
Barbara W. Canfield†
Charles and Cherri Canfield
Ann Capps
Robert Carroll
Anne Jane “Fanny” Carruthers Trust
Anita Cary
Dennis Cavallari
Central Coast Water Quality
John Chapin (d)
Charitable Leadership Foundation
Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation
Henry* and May Chou
Alan Cima
Donald Clark (d)
Clearpoint Research Corporation
Nell‡ and Lee Cliff∆
Complex Chemicals Corporation
Consulate General of Brazil
Catherine# and Robert Cooper∆
Marion Cope‡ (d)
Newton Cope (d)
Corporate Body of the Buddha
Educational Foundation
Steve Crouch
Richard*‡ and Alison Crowell
Crown Zellerbach Corporation
Cure Autism Now Foundation
Dehlsen Foundation
Richard DePofi
Helmut Diener
Stephen‡ and Christine Domenik
Drexler Foundation
Merritt Duncan Trust
E-MU Systems
Elf Exploration Production
Lisa Eltinge* and Jonathan Burton
EMD Biosciences Corporation
Ruth and Samuel Engel (d)
Environmental Defense Fund
EPIC Design Technology
Estate of Robert Strand
ExxonMobil Foundation
Norval and Mary Fairman
Federal Republic of Germany
Kenneth‡ and Moira Feingold*
Jerry Feldman#
Financing for Science and Industry
Foundation for Deep Ecology
Perry French Family Trust
Fujitsu Laboratories
Galileo Laboratories
Genopsys Corporation
Geophysical Development
Georgia Tech Foundation
Geotrace Technologies
Glaxo Wellcome Corporation
David Gold Foundation
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Bob Goode (d)
Helen Goode
Allan*† and Nan Goodman
Margaret Gordon#◊ and Alan Ritch#
David Graves*‡ and Elizabeth
Cynthia Grenfell
Harvard University
HCL Technologies America
Mark Headley* and Chris Pehl
William Randolph Hearst
Elinor Heller (d)
Otto Julius Holmok (d)
Carolyn Hyatt
Bruce Hyman
Marcia Landels Hyman‡ (d)
Industrial Areas Foundation
Integrated Device Technology
Integrated Solutions
International Human Frontier
Science Programs
Michael and Grace Jacobs
Helen Jarman (d)
John Jarman
David Jonson
Kativik School Board
James and Sylvia Katzman
Kearney Foundation of Soil Science
Henry P. Kendall Foundation
Khan Spire Family Foundation
King’s Plaza Shopping Center
Kinnetic Laboratories
Elvera Kipman (d)
Stanley Kipman (d)
Harwood Kolsky#
Koshland Family Foundation
Jayne Castle Krentz* and Frank
Edward Landels (d)
Burney LeBoeuf†# and Joanne
Sonia Lee Kahn∆ and Philippe
Travis Lee
Lee-Kahn Foundation
Norman‡ and Mary Kate Lezin
Lockheed Martin
Lockheed Scholarship Foundation
Richard Lounsbery Foundation
Makhteshim-Agan, USA
George† and Linda Malloch
Patrick‡#◊and Gail (‘88) Mantey
Bud and Emma McCrary
James McDonnell Foundation
Mary and Donald McKenzie
Lawrence Michels‡ (d)
Leta# and Alan Miller∆
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Moores Foundation
John and Rebecca Moores
Richard and Nancy Morgan
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
MultiGiG Corporation
Muscular Dystrophy Association
n&k Technology Corporation
Shiv and Kiran Nadar
National Academy of Education
National Academy of Sciences
National Alliance for Autism
National Fish and Wildlife
National Writing Project
NEC Laboratories America
Arthur Nelson (d)
New-Land Foundation
Anna Nickel (d)
Novellus Systems
Bernard and Priscilla Oliver (d)
Ong Corporation
C. Leo Ortiz# and Carolyn Reynolds
Pacific Mariculture
Parallel Computers
Alan and Beatrice Parker (d)
Norman and Gertrude Pendleton (d)
Peregrine Fund
Noel Perry
Philanthropic Ventures Foundation
Princeton University
Thomas and Margot Pritzker
Reddere Foundation
Alice Reed (d)
David‡ and Lynn Regan
Kanwal and Ann Rekhi
Repsol Services Company
Karen Rhodes* and Robert
Pamela Roby#
Roche Bioscience Corporation
Barbara Rogoff#
Rohm and Haas Company
Lillian McPherson Rouse (d)
Saintsbury Vineyard
Salad King Corporation
Santa Cruz Sentinel
SBC Foundation
Craig* and Amy Schiffer
Schwab Foundation for Learning
Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving
Science Applications International
Robert Scowcroft and Judith Fried
Seagate Technology
Barbara Jones Sedletzky
SEPM Society for Sedimentary
Susan Sesnon Dolkas
SETI Institute
Shadowbrook Restaurant
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Jospeh Silverman (d)
June Chavez Silverman (d)
SIMA Environmental Fund
William and M. B. Rawson Simpkins
John B. Simpson‡◊
L. J. and Mary Skaggs Foundation
Skoll Foundation
Smithsonian Astrophysical
Society for Marine Mammalogy
Solexant Corporation
Spaceport Systems International
Speech Technology Laboratory
Garry A. Spire*† and Ramyne Khan
Stanford Humanities Center
Steans Family Foundation
Howard Stein
David and Phyllis Stiles
Norman H. and Charlotte Strouse (d)
Barry Swenson
William and Carol Symons (d)
Texaco Philanthropic Foundation
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company
Kenneth and Ann Thimann (d)
Mariel Thorp Trust
Amanda Topper*
Trianon Press
Elsie Triebig (d)
Tom† and Patricia Vani◊
Antonio‡ and Isabel Velasco*∆
VIA Technologies
Victor Technologies
Beth Wallis
Judy L.*◊ and Carl E.‡ Walsh#∆
Gerald Weber*# and Suzanne Holt
Jean and Timothy Weiss
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Westcliff Foundation
Western Geco
Albert# and Eleanor Whitford (d)
Ronald (d) and Mary Wickum
Jonathan and Jill Winston
Bruce Woolpert (d)
Mary Woolpert
Working Partnerships USA
Stephen and Jean Wyckoff (d)
Wyse Technology
Viola Zorn (d)
Gloria Zuniga
Guillermo Zuniga (d)
21st Century Club
Charles (‘72) and Elaine Adams
Rolf Augustine#
Frances Baer (d)
Marietta Louise (‘71) and Stephen
Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes
Kathy and Richard Beal
Martin Birnbach
Chip (‘75) and Mary Bissell
Clarissa Blount (d)
Marnie Bodek (‘74) and Edwin Moss
Rita# and Thomas Bottoms
Walter (‘74) and Betsy Boyes
Betsy Buchalter Adler (‘70)
Joseph F. Bunnett#
Sara Bunnett (d)
Wayne (‘72) and Judy Burger
John Chapin (d)
Joan Cook
Aleck (‘70) and Nancy Darr
Adam Davidow (‘97)◊
Jim (‘79) and Jean Davidson
Pamela Davis (‘85)
William Dickinson (‘68)
Sharon Dirnberger◊
David Doden‡
Mary Doden
Mary Doyle (‘74)† and David
Sherwood Dudley#
James Duncan
Yolanda‡ and Chris Dybdahl∆
Allan Dyson‡◊ and Susan Cooper
Mark Engel (‘75)◊
Stanley Farwig (d)
Kenneth (‘71)‡ and Moira (‘72)
Warren Felt and Dolly Arond∆
Richard Fenno (‘73) and Jan Gillispie
Renee Flower (‘79)* and Jim
Barbara Franger (d)
John Gamman (‘74)
Deborah and Keith Gardner
Aviva Garrett (‘75)∆ and David
Doshay (‘82)∆
Lee and Dan Gilbert∆
Allan (‘67)† and Nan Goodman
Margaret Gordon#◊ and Alan Ritch#
William Grant
Tom Griggs (‘75)
Isebill Gruhn# and Dale Johnson#
Charles Hall (d)
Linda Burman-Hall
Paul Hall (‘72)†
John Halliday‡ (d)
Barbara Hammond (d)
James Hammond (d)
Joan Harrington-Trenbeth
Lou Harrison (d)
Jennifer Hassett (‘76)
W. Kevin Hassett (‘76)
Elsie Hermann (‘73)
George Hitchcock#
George Hofford∆
Mark Hofstadter (‘70) and David
Rusten Hogness (‘93) and Donna
William Howe, Jr.
Kathleen Hughes (‘89)◊ and Kate
Hal†◊ and Dottie L. Hyde
Paul‡ and Anne Irwin
Virginia# and George Jansen
Helen Johnson
Verna Johnston
Pirkle Jones and Jennifer McFarland
Fred Keeley
David Kirk◊
Stephen Klein (‘72)‡
David†#◊ and Rachel Kliger
Jayne Castle Krentz (‘70) and Frank
Bud T. Kretschmer†
Peter Lambert (‘75)
Jean Langenheim#
Erik Lauritzen (d)
Nancy Lenz
Allison Rubenstein Levy and Frank
Gary Licker (d)
Valerie Lovett
Bruce (‘79) and Linda Lymburn
George† and Linda Malloch
Zoe Orr Marcus‡ (d)
Donna Maurillo (‘78)∆
Barbara and Charles McFadden
Jane McHenry
Charles Merrill, Jr.
Kathryn Metz#
Whitney (‘82) and Richard
Miller (‘79)
Penelope Mudd
Elizabeth Mullen
Kiyoko M. “Kit” Mura-smith (‘75)‡
Anne F. Neufeld Levin† and Paul
Gary (‘73)† and Dona Novack
Miriam Patchen (d)
Rena Perlino (d)
Dan Porter (‘70)
Christie Rabe (d)
Kevin Rabe
Pat (‘88)‡ and Rowland Rebele
Janet Reed∆
Karen Rhodes (‘77) and Robert
Weiner (‘83)‡
Randal Rogers (‘78)
Michael Scharfenstein
H. Boyd Seymour, Jr.
Barbara M. Shields
Carroll Seron
Robert and Barbara Sieker
Jeff Skala (‘85)
M. Brewster# and Deborah Smith
Barbara Snader (d)
Audrey Stanley#
Jean and Jim Stanley
Loren Steck (‘73)†# and Annette Yee
Geraldine Sweet◊
Angus Taylor‡ (d)
Marion Taylor#◊
David Thomas#
Mary Thush (d)
Edward Tighe (‘75)
Amanda Topper (‘75)
Elsie Triebig (d)
Douglas (‘83) and Anneliese Tucker
Linda Valdes (‘86) and Nicholas
Bonnie Webb (‘73) and Lee Grisham
Melanie (‘71) and Frank White
Robert L.‡# and Bonda L. White
Constance Wright
Class of 1967
Gift Total: $11,466
Participation: 8%
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Allan† and Nan Goodman
Chancellor’s Associates
Robert and Carol Dodge
Chancellor’s Circle
John Wilkes#
Annual Donors
Lawrence Campbell
Julianne and Darryl◊ Chagi
Joseph and Hilary Goldberg
David and Margie Guggenhime
Dane and Kathleen◊ Hardin*
Arthur S. Leaffer
Vera and Andrew McLean
Judith and Jeffrey Milman*
Victor Nee and Brett de Bary
Suzanne Shellaby
Susan and Marvin Young
Class of 1968
Gift Total: $18,480
Participation: 12%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Anne L. Burnham
Chancellor’s Associates
Bill Dickinson
David Lewis* and Liz Sandoval*◊
Annual Donors
Emily and Ronald Axelrod
Alex Bloom
Alys Briggs
Bruce Buckingham
Richard and Karen Chatenever*
Arlene and Michael Cowan∆
Lauren Crux# and Canon Western*
Bruce◊ and Breta Holgers*∆
Janice and James Greene∆
Kathleen◊ and Dane Hardin*
Allan and Andrea Harris
Maria Tankenson Hodge
John A. Maynard
Lesli Min
Evangelina E. Mirande and Alfredo
Patrick G. Riley†∆
Terry and Paul Strotman
Arlene Trowbridge
Barry L. and Crispen Walton
Natalie and Robert Warren
Class of 1969
Gift Total: $17,070
Participation: 15%
Chancellor’s Associates
David Brick and Mary Male
Chancellor’s Circle
Michael and Margaret Arighi∆
Sonne Lemke
Cathy and Gary Meyer
Joan† and Don Scott
Russell and Melissa Smith
Annual Donors
Marc H. Aarens
Timothy A. Beard
Sharon and Norman Bedell
Robert and Nancy Bell*
Patrick S. Berdge
Barbara A. Booth
Jeff Brittan
James and Victoria Brown*
Ellen Bulf
Barbara and David Bunker
Ken Burson
Robert S. D’Intino
James Dice and Emma Hess*
Robert† and Anne Falltrick
Stephanie Fein and David Lakes
Alan L. Fisher
Mike and Kathy Gerber*
Thomas Andrew Gutierrez
Linda and Keith Hale
Breta and Bruce◊ Holgers*∆
Caroline Levenson
Lotte and Alan Marcus
Mark Meierding and Linda
Steven E. Mendelson
Stephan Miller and Terry Dash
Christine M. Moffitt
Margaret Morton Smith and David
James and Michele◊ Mosher
Gwen and Jim Neary∆
Stuart and Deborah Oppenheim*
Richard L. Pearson and Jean Hart
Jock Reynolds and Suzanne
Donald and Shelly Roberts∆
Larry Robinson and Cynthia Kishi
Paul and Kathleen Schoellhamer*
William Scott
Ted Silveira and Lorraine Sintetos*
Carter Smith
Sheryl M. Sparling
Ken Stanton
Gerry Stokes and Amy Coen
Katherine E. Stoner
Lesley and Erik Svenson
Eileen Swirsky and Lyle Merithew∆
Nancy and Dennis Vermette
Barbara D. Vogl
Penny and Robert Weiss
Jaclyn P. White
Class of 1970
Gift Total: $135,282
Participation: 15%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Michael† and Sally Graydon
Jayne Castle Krentz and Frank Krentz
Linda Peterson
Robert Strand (d)
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Phyllis Anderson and Alan
Chancellor’s Associates
Betsy Buchalter Adler
Norma Maraschin
Chancellor’s Circle
Clifford Bernie∆
Scott Clayton
Aleck and Nancy Darr
Robert and Marilyn Moore
Carole and Al# Kelley*
Jeffrey and Nancy Sue
Annual Donors
Susan and Peter Ashley
Raymond Cadei and Toni Moore*
Barbara Chatton
Stephanie Wood Coleman
Richard and Elizabeth Condit*
Carl and Misty Cork
Mark Cozad
James Crane and Karla Forsythe
Dave Crook and Cyndi ChambersCrook
William and Dawnine Dyer*
Melanie and Robert Ferrando
Rhonda Fisher
Michael Fiske
Mark Giles
David Gleason
Jeffrey and Sarah Grant
Pamela Gross
Anita Harten-Kroeber# and Karl
Susan and Robert Hughes*∆
Peder and Nancy Jones
Carolyn Karnos
Linda Lampson and Mark
Louise Lockard
Judith and John Luce
Alexander MacKay
Michael and Alice Masek*∆
Georgia Duffy-Mayon
Virginia McKinley
David and Robin Minor
Timothy‡ and Judy Morgan
Kathleen and Naohiko Noguchi*∆
Don and Joella Olsen*
Deborah and Stuart Oppenheim*
Glenn Oppenheim∆
Eileen Osborne
Pam Myers Phipps and Ronald Phipps
Susan Porter Bruce and Bertram
Kathleen and Leif Rideout
Adrien Rivin∆
Thomas and Emily Rowe
Heloise Schaser-Hughes and Gary
Steven and Alice Schnaidt
Peter and Jill Schubart
Isabelle◊ and Michael Scott∆
Carroll Seron
Peter Silten
Zachary Sklar
Peter Solomon∆
Paul Sommers
Robert Stoner
Donald Thomas∆
Carl Thune
Laurel Trask∆ and Brian Connor∆
Susan Turbak
David Vaniman*∆ and Donna
Robin Wakshull and Dennis Rutkin
Wendy Watson
Verne Weber
Richard Weller
Elizabeth and John Whitaker
Micheal Wine and Barbara Gerber
Linda Sloss Woodside and Steven
Class of 1971
Gift Total: $67,469
Participation: 12%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
John Beland and Janet Parkins*
Ellen Chu
Karen Fant (d)
Chancellor’s Associates
Ken J.† and Katherine C. Doctor*∆
Kenneth A.‡ and Moira G. Feingold*
James Graham
Liz Sandoval*◊ and David Lewis*
Chancellor’s Circle
Lawrence and Carol Cohn
Ann and Jonathan Kirsch*
Timothy and Barbara Leach
Annual Donors
Jack and Nell Aiello*∆
John Bakalis◊ and Sara Wilbourne◊
Bronson Baker
Julie Barker
Nancy and Robert Bell*
Eileen Blood-Golden and Don Blood
Randi Burke-Aguiar and James
Margaret Butcher
Paula Butler
Katherine and Michael Canavan
Allen Carlson and Deanna Johnson
Singne and Robert# Coe
Paul Cofer
Elizabeth and Richard Condit*
Joann Diamond and Kirk Smith
Michael Dorn
David Ehrman* and Thaya DuBois*
Tessa Fischer and Richard Rosen
Dale Friedman and Joan Bradus
Douglas Goepfert∆
Jane Haines
Scott Harman
Sabina Hofmann
Gary Holzhausen and Leslie TauHolzhausen∆
Paul and Sheri Howe*
Robert Irons◊
Bette Johnson
Robert A. Johnson*
Lauren and William Keenan∆
William Keig
Karl Kroeber and Anita# HartenKroeber*
Edward and Maryann Lee
David Leibowitz and Katherine
Allan* and Julie Lindh∆
Vernon Mack
Alice and Michael Masek*∆
Richard Mead
Linda Metaxas
Jeffrey and Phyllis Miller
Mark and Caprice Moran
David Morrison
Janet and Dennis Mulshine∆
Willa Nehlsen
Joella and Don Olsen*
Lloyd Price* and Katherine Matlack*∆
Cary and Clifford Quayle
Steven Raas
Anne Rosenzweig and James
Craig Schaffer
Joanne Scherr and Michael Butnik
Roz Spafford# and John Isbister#
Jeanette Spangle and Alan Walfield
Claudia Sunderland
Susan Swift
Robert Thomas
Teri and Price Thomas
Garret and Charmagne Tollkuhn
Edmond Trainor
Maria von Brincken
Judy L.◊ and Carl E.‡ Walsh#∆
Mike Weber
Martha Wilson
Frank Zwart◊ and Julia ArmstrongZwart◊
Class of 1972
Gift Total: $66,848
Participation: 12%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Paul Hall†
Pamela Jue
Janet Parkins and John Beland*
Gordon†∆ and Tanya Ringold
Chancellor’s Associates
Moira and Kenneth‡ Feingold*
Susan T. and Alan Goldstein
Bruce and Candis Kerns
Stephen Klein‡
Mark and Linda Schaefer*
Chancellor’s Circle
George Bennett
Peter Carpou
Anthony and Victoria de Alcuaz
Lee Draper and Thomas Paiva∆
Joan Namahana Kerr
Robert and Susan Koeppen
John Laird and John Flores
Stefanie Lenway and Tom Murtha
Steven and Diana Meckfessel
Florence Nelson and Terence Cuff*
Walter Rask
Carol Pilz Weisskopf and Gene
Annual Donors
Laura Bennett
Eva Berend∆
Steven and Mary Bignell
Jill Blanchard
Lorin Brennan
Clair Bunton and Steven Elprin
Julie Chang
John Coffey
Patricia Brown Coughlan and Scott
Joseph Di Mercurio
Thaya DuBois* and David Ehrman*
John Dumermuth
Susanne Dyckman
Marcia Ehinger∆
Bruce Engelbert
Thomas English* and Vicki Ono*
Delores Garcia
Juan C. Garcia
Ann Gildersleeve and Steven
Daniel Goldstein
Bob Grindeland and Janet DeDonato
Elinor Hall and Kenneth Venzke
Donna Healey
Eric and Gail◊ Heit*
Randall and Carol Huth
Linda Ishihara and Eugene Wing
Roderick Johnson
Kenneth Kendler and Susan Miller*
Melissa and Larry Kurtz
Rex and Joan Lake
Charles and Arlene Lapin
Paul Lawton and Patty Durkee∆
Ruperto and Mary Luntao
John and Patricia Maddux*
Lynn Mally and Robert Moeller
David and Ann Mehr
Michael Melville
Anne Newman
Robert and Jennifer Niederman
Naohiko and Kathleen Noguchi*∆
Mark Ober
Chang Paik
Alyce# and Richard Prudden
Gary Racusin* and Nancy MossRacusin*
Lisa Rose◊ and Kenneth Koenig
Bill Rota* and Suzanne Reed*
Robert and Alison Sawyer*
Jozseph Schultz
Lee Slaff
Sherril Smith-Scharf and Jeff
Susan and Thomas Spitz∆
Jay and Jacqueline Stephens
Catherine Ann Trejo∆
Stephen Vincent
James and Katharyne Waldon
Judith Weissberg-Ortiz
Linda Wilshusen*‡ and Rock
David Zinn
Class of 1973
Gift Total: $45,450
Participation: 12%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Gary† and Dona Novack
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Kathryn Sullivan
Chancellor’s Associates
Katherine C. and Ken J.† Doctor*∆
Mary Alice Kane
Charles Lawson
George Malkemus
Chancellor’s Circle
Kevin and Katherine Biddle
Bruce Bowen
Carol Gault∆
Tim Lawton
Janet Mason
Joanne and Eugene Scanlan
Patricia Short
Loren Steck†# and Annette Yee
Annual Donors
John and Patricia Ashbaugh
Paul Baren
Jean Barowy
David and Marcia Battin*∆
Robert Benjamin
Donna Blakemore∆ and Erik
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Brook
Robert and Thelma Brooks
Alan Busacca
Stephanie Campbell
Clair and Pamela Carlson
Laura Carrick* and Bela Csikesz*
Caroline Castro
Jim Cochran
Jennifer Cook
Ellen Cooper
Scott Crask
Sue and R.A. Dumller
Rick and Carol Edson*
Douglass Forbes
Ann Fox
Paul Fuller∆
B. Charles Glenn
Don Gonzales
John and Ysidra Gutierrez*
Neal Halfon and Jessica Laufer
Amy Kleinstein*◊ and Gildas
Janice Hansel and Kelly Ward
James Hein
David Hingston
Anthony and Louise Huang
Craig Ishida and Barbara Telford
Kenneth◊ and Lizanne Jensen*
Samuel Johnson and Katherine◊
Rick Jones and Karen Christensen
John Keith* and Kimlin McDanielKeith*
Harry King
Richard and Pamela Kittler
James Laffan* and Kate Brooks*∆
Mimi Lewis
Karen Lynch◊
Evelyn and Cleveland Mangham
Demian and Peggy Martin
Marcia Martin
Suzanne Meyer and Jerry Budin
Robin Miller
Laurie Devos Moore
Chalon and Sandy Mullins
Sloan Nota and Robert McKean
Karen and John Nyere
Joseph Palacios
Suzanne Reed* and William Rota*
Ziggy Rendler-Bregman* and Jesse
Andrew Rice and Christine
Indira and Saiful Rimkeit
Carol Rivin and Thomas Dietterich
Michael Rodenburger
Raymond and Grasiela Rodriquez
Sheila Sakashita
Alison and Robert Sawyer*
Kathleen and Paul Schoellhamer*
Kathryn and Stanley Scott
Russ Scott and Carolyn Villa-Scott
Nikki Silva*# and Charles Prentiss
Richard and Kate Simpson*∆
Kathleen Smith and William Kier
Richard Stanley* and Helen
Alice Stasik
Glenn#◊ and Anna Stewart
David Straub
Rebecca and John Tammen
Terry Teays* and Carol Riggs*
Stephen Tracy
Dana and Kent Whitson
Carol and Stanley# Williamson
Thomas Wright and Pamela Russell
Karen Yamashita* and Ted Kitada
Jim Zalinsk
Class of 1974
Gift Total: $121,782
Participation: 11%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Thomas and Karen Akin
John Gamman
David Graves‡ and Elizabeth
Nion McEvoy†
Gail Michaelis-Ow*‡∆ and George
Julie Packard*‡ and Robert
Rachael Spencer and Kevin Rooney
Jeffrey Tanzer
John Woodward*‡ and Leslie
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
P. Brett Hammond* and Mindy
Charity Kenyon* and Michael
Chancellor’s Associates
Randall Grahm and Chinshu Huang
Lawrence Moskowitz*† and Louise
Chancellor’s Circle
Steven Brown
Terence Cuff* and Florence Nelson*
Mary Doyle*† and David Greenwood
Kathleen Goonan
Robert# and Michele Kibrick∆
Gail McGovern and Gordon Cox∆
Patricia*◊ Morris and Guy Oliver*
Paul Wagner* and Margaret Clark*
Lawrence and Joanna Weschler
Annual Donors
William Alschuler
Maxine and Phillip Balma
Sandra and Dennis Barnes
Marcia and David Battin*∆
Ken and Melinda Block
Marnie Bodek and Edwin Moss
Kate Brooks and James Laffan*∆
Michael Brown and Laura Malakoff
Louise and Robert Byer
Jonathan Clark
Phyllis and Robert Conlan
Dian and Robert James
Terry and Mark Corwin
Robert Daniel
Marc Danziger
Steve and Julia Davenport*◊
Roberto and Teresa de la Rosa
Martin and Jill Dodd
Dawnine and William Dyer*
John and Mary Eagle
Shimmering Eagle
Carol and Rick Edson*
Richard and Susan Farrington
Margaret* and Rodgers Faurot
Mark Forry*# and Frances Hatfield*
Mary Furlong∆
Sally Gibert
Beth Gleghorn
Gregory and Rose Gonzalez
Deborah and William Hackett
Anne and Arthur Hall
Christina Halsey
Gail◊ and Eric Heit*
Nancy and Daniel Hendrix
Ellen and Robert Hirth
June and Edward Hoffman*∆
Eric and Suzanne Isken*
Mark and Amy Jarman*
Gregory and Martha Jay
Susan Jensen and Michael Fleming∆
Maryann Jones
Joshua and Jeanne Kaplan
Daniel Klein and Rosanne Skirble
Paget and William Lenarz
Greg Lewis and Gene Taylor
Alan and Robin Lilien
Susan and Michael Litman
Sarah Mack
Gerry Mandel
Gerard and Nancy Mannion∆
Gary and Margaret McDonald∆
Katherine Jean McHale
Gary Merrill and Donna Becker
Stephen and Ellise Mills
Brian and Ellen Murtha*
Dency and Moira Nelson*∆
Patricia O’Neill
Preston Oade
Lawrence Ouellet
Carol and Wilson Pace*
Jesse Perez
Ruben and Marylou Pina
Mark and Franca Posner
Diane and Gary Ransom*
Michael Raymer and Kathleen
Joanne Reiter#◊ and Burney
Le Boeuf†#
Josephine Rosen
Lynne and Stuart Rovin
Pamela Valek-Sachse
David Sawi
Cheryl Scott and Stephen Robinson
Eldon and Diane Sherwood∆
Pamela Silver and Jeff Way
Dean Silvers
Jeffrey and Dora Solinas*
Lamar Spalding* and Jewell
Scott and Camelia Sutorius
Christopher Tarp
Robert Thomas and Rosanna Hertz
Kimberley and Bruce Tolley*
Jessica Turnley
Charles Wake
Barry Weingast and Susan Cohen
Steve Wesolowski and Robin Fawkes
Kathryn Wunderlich and John
Class of 1975
Gift Total: $95,234
Participation: 10%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Karen Cogswell
Aviva Garrett*∆ and David
Robert and Christine Glaser
Peter Lambert
Robert and Anne Mass
Amanda Topper
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Michael Eaton* and Charity
Mindy Leiterman and Brett
Antonio† and Isabel Velasco*∆
Chancellor’s Associates
Eric Berg
Steven and Barbara Carlson
Cynthia and Lars Nordstrom∆
Leticia Quezada*‡ and Steve Uranga
John and Dianna Robbins
Chancellor’s Circle
Chip C. and Janet Bates∆
Margaret Clark* and Paul Wagner*
Larry Hill and Christine Archer
Barbara Komas* and Gary Sloan*
Martha McGinnis∆ and Donald
Kiyoko M. “Kit” Mura-smith*‡ and
John A. Ware
Marilyn Oshiro
Kristin Richardson
Robert and Ingrid Wander*
Mary Woodyard∆ and Ronald
Annual Donors
Timothy and Patricia Anderson
Linda Arnold and Edward Hearn
Rochelle Bain
Gail Bakker and Robert Husk
Bernie Bayless
Bruce Bevan
Melrose Cunanan-Schwartz* and
Martin Schwartz*
Nancy Edmonson
Mark Engel◊
Jane Fabian
Steven and Janie Fogelson∆
James Fox∆ and Elizabeth Ratner∆
Margaret S. Fox
Robert◊ and Donna Franks
Donna Gary*∆ and David
James and Susan Gill
John Grabbe
Robert Gries and Helen Garvey
Mark Grossman
Laurie Hauer
Caryn Hoffman∆ and James Platel∆
Mary Hogan and Eric Newton
Dale and Lisa Hudson
Suzanne and Eric Isken*
Patricia Ito
Michael James
Amy and Mark Jarman*
Barbara and Redmond Johnston
Donathan Krier
Robert and Lucretia Landau
Carlisle Landel and Kathleen Lawler
James Langdell and Danine Cozzens
Ruddick Lawrence
Esther and Gerry Levandoski
Virginia Lim
Fred Linker and Mary Miller
Catherine and Charles MacLellan
Steven and Cherie Maier
Steve Marsh
Mike and Renee Marx
S. B. Master∆ and James Symons∆
Tim and Heather Matthews
Dorothy and Robert Mayeda
David and Pamela McClellan
Pamela Mellon
Bessie and Harry Miller
Davia Nelson
Wilson and Carol Pace*
Beata Panagopoulos
Gary Pischke and Elizabeth Herbert
Carol Pritchard-Martinez and
Ricardo Martinez*∆
Everett Procter
Gary Ribar
Patricia and John Rich*
Roy and Marsha Rocklin
David and Susan◊ Rose
David Rosenstein
Constance Rutherford
Steven and Luanne Sacks
Jeffrey Scharf* and Sherril SmithScharf*
David Shapiro and Sharon Wheatley
Margaret and James Shroyer
Dom Siababa‡ and Belen Banzon*
James and Wendy Skinner
Glenn Slocum
Paul Tatsuta and Leslie JohnsonTatsuta
Bruce and Kimberley Tolley*
Robert and Joylene Wagner*
Karen Wcislo and Steve Danner
Ruth Wilson
Lambert and Yuri Woo*
William Yedor
Carl Zimm
Class of 1976
Gift Total: $54,261
Participation: 9%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Robert Fowkes and Roberta
Scott McCreary and Renee Robin
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Steven Hopkinson
Joseph and Susan Liddicoat
Chancellor’s Associates
Michael and Gail Underwood
Chancellor’s Circle
Nichola Carpendale
William Connelly
Larry† deGhetaldi and Lynne Sims
Jane Dudley
Mary Fitzpatrick*∆ and David Van
Glenda Hill
Al# and Carole Kelley*
Marlene Konnar
Kitty and Mike McMahon
Christopher and Christine Schiles
Paul and Kristin Seeman
Annual Donors
Deborah Abbott◊ and Rebecca
Robin Akert
Tom Alber and Julie Nye
Wayne Ashley
Bill and Kathy Baumann
Jesse Bregman*∆ and Ziggy
Michael and Camille Brint
Edward Brow
Arlene Burney and Jimmie Reynolds
Tom Burns* and Eileen Leary*
Evelyn Casuga and Jerrold Stabley
Bruce Clark* and Susan Dawkins*
David and Sharon Cohan
Desne Crossley and Kenneth
Catherine Essel
Bill and Penny Fitler*
Andy and Maria Flores
Hilda and Hal Friedman
Greg Graalfs
Steven and Vicky Halpern
Lynelle Harrigan
Rosemary Hart and Craig Iscoe
Edward and June Hoffman*∆
Margaret Ostrander◊ and Lee Jaffe#
Kurt Johnson
Lisa Kermish
Nancy and Guido Lamell
Craig and Robin Lingel∆
Ruth Mackay
Doug MacKinnon
Diane Marvin
James McCormick
Catherine E. McGuire and Michael
R. Smith
Philip McLeod and Shawn
Debra Mellinkoff
Elaine Murakami and Frank Brown
Megan O’Connor
Michael O’Hare
Mark Orrisch and Jana Clark
Marlane and Joel Osman
Susan Pernia
Sandra Petznick
Peter Pollock
Rhonda Press∆ and Lawrence
John and Patricia Rich*
Shannon and Stuart Rowson
Roberta Schnittger
Denise Segura
Theodore Shorrock
Michael Shuler
Peggy Smith
Jeri Stalford
Robert and Kimiko Takagi
Sandra and Van Tenney
Lydia Villarreal
Joylene and Robert Wagner*
Nancy Washburn
Thomas Whitridge
Alon Winton
Yuri and Lambert Woo*
Valorie Wright
David and Alice Xavier*∆
Jonathan Young
Michael Yurow and Rita Abraham
Class of 1977
Gift Total: $56,253
Participation: 9%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Karen Rhodes* and Robert
Garry Spire† and Ramyne Khan
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Steven Phillips∆
Isabel and Antonio† Velasco*∆
Chancellor’s Associates
Robert McDuff and Marsha Harris
Sandor Nagyszalanczy* and Ann
Chancellor’s Circle
Celeste Berg and Mark Kot
John and Patricia Brissenden
Laurie and Noel# King∆
Linda and James Lyon
Martha Moorehouse
Jerry Ruiz
Randall and Barbara Widelitz*
Annual Donors
Walker Abel#
Martha Ainsworth
Dean Alper
Verna Arnest
Timothy Bennett
Gregor and Surrey Blackburn
Louise and Roger Brandt
Diane and Bruce# Bridgeman
Larry and Alison Brown
Lynne Bryan
Katherine Bryon
Ken Clements
Robert and June Cordy
Kathleen◊ and David Dettman
Glenn and Barbara Dorin
James Draznin and Lorely French
Kevin Eisenberg and Mary Hastings
Joanne Farness and Steven Seymour
Judy Fialkow
Audrey and Bill Fieberling
Kelvin Filer∆
Kathy and Ron Fink*∆
Cheryl Fish-Parcham
Clinton Fisher
Lawrence Ford# and Susan Merritt
Peter Gaarn∆ and Nancy PortGaarn∆
Sue and Frank Gallagher*∆
Linda Garrido* and Dana Spradley*
G. David and Mary Genochio*
Keith Goldsmith
Patricia Goodman and Paul Mamula
John and Barbara Harker*∆
Bonnie and John Hartman
Edward Hedgecock
Emma Hess* and James Dice*
Jeff Hodos and Lisa Mune
Anne Huckins
Michael and Barbara Johnson
Julius and Mary Krevans
Wayne and Dena Lamprey
Margaret and Leo‡# Laporte
Susan Lasko and Jeffrey Werner
Terry and William‡ Locke-Paddon
Jeffrey and Jenny Maenaga
Lika and John Mann
Alison Markiewicz∆ and Doug
Patricia Miller
Eric Nee
Mark Nixon and Patricia Carlino
Margaret O’Halloran
Michael Paparian and Catherine
Mark and Laura Priver
Donna Roberts
Michele Roberts
Heather Robinson
Robert Rogers
Rebecca and Terry Ruppel
Susan Marshall Rush and James
Lise Saunders
Terence Schull
Leslie Scott-Cocking and Paul
Richard Sheltren
Gregory Spiering
Jeanne Strayer and Bill Drennen
Susan Takalo
Rita Tarango
Steven Unruhe and Jennifer
Sharon and Dirk Vander Ende*
Susan Volker
Joy and Arthur Wood
Class of 1978
Gift Total: $67,191
Participation: 10%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Jasmine Berke*∆ and Scott
Lucy Starkweather Winton
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Jeffrey Philpott
Chancellor’s Associates
John Bogart
Frans Lanting† and Christine
Daniel and Stephanie Mathews
Sally-Christine Rodgers and Randy
Chancellor’s Circle
Karen Axelsson and Philip Leboit
Jennifer Durham
John Kenner
Julie Kimball◊
Amy Newell
Mary Patton
David Van Pelt*∆ and Mary
Todd Werby and Nonie Greene
Jeanne and Van Wolverton∆
Annual Donors
Patti and Hugo Arabia∆
Kathy Balint
Lawrence Bartholomew
Richard Becker
Georganne Benesch and David
Monica Berson
Steven and Donna Brigham
David and Carole Brodsly
Karl Brown
Lisa Brussell* and Brian Beaudoin*
Alice and John Carley
Bruce Cottrell
Susan Dawkins* and Bruce Clark*
Elsa DieLowin-Albrecht* and
Christopher Albrecht*
George and Cheryl Dymesich
Robert Enkeboll
Dana Frank#
Gregory and Christine Freeman
Megan Gallagher and Bob Taylor
Blair Gifford and Ann Erickson
Rachel Ginzberg
Patty Glatt and Joshua Steinhauer
Shirley Gould
Rosalind Greenstein and Rob
Laura Haigwood*and Chris Van Den
Renee Harding
Lynne Toerne Herb
Colleen Holmes
Douglas Hopkinson∆ and Sara
Elise Huffman◊ and Jeffrey Grubb
Lygia Ionnitiu
Russell and Nancy Ivanhoe
Mark Jansen* and Jolie Krakauer*
Lizanne and Kenneth◊ Jensen*
Roger and Stephanie Jungerman
Cynthia and Todd Kesselman
Gregory and Liz Krause
Gary Ksander
Grace Landel
Joel and Elizabeth Laucher*∆
Barbara Lawrence and Patrick
Sally Leete
Anna-Lee Farrell Lipman
James Lippincott
John and Diane Lorona∆
Meredith and James Margolis
George Martinez
Donna Maurillo
David Mealy and Barbara Stevenson
Robert Mercer
Roxanne Moger* and Richard
James and Jill O’Callahan
Manuel Pastor*# and Elizabeth
Patrick Pierce
Joseph Platin
Alison and David Polkinhorne
Rebeca Rangel
Deborah Rennels Salkind and Louis
Felicia Rice◊
Peter and Rosemary Robinson
Rosalinda Rodriguez
Barbara Ruben
Mary Russell and Michael Picaard
Randall Rutsch and Kathy Rinehart
Mark Schack
Peter Schmale
Gary and Wynne Schumacher
Karen Scott
Nancy Shine and Jim Stoner
Sarita Silverman
Kenneth Simon
Paul Skilton
Jeff and Susan Sloss
Vicki Smith and Stephen Mc Mahon
Gale Snow and James Montgomery
Jim and Lisa Steele
Justin and Maj StormoGipson*
Peter and Donna Thomas
Pamela Kleibrink Thompson
Andrew Turner∆
Christopher Valle-Riestra
Dirk and Sharon Vander Ende*
Theresa and Joseph Weeg
Suzanne Wolbers and Julius Spiegel
Jean Walton Wolff
David and Catherine Young
Frederick Zack
Class of 1979
Gift Total: $84,025
Participation: 8%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Stephen and Mona Bruce
Scott Roseman*∆ and Jasmine
Chancellor’s Associates
Peter Jerram
Bruce and Linda Lymburn
David Watson
Chancellor’s Circle
Kenneth Alex
Harry Fox
Steven Harris
Annual Donors
Cheryl and Richard Armstrong
Brian Beaudoin* and Lisa Brussell*
Constance and Paul Boulay
Thomas Brown and Maureen Hoatlin
Shannon Brownlee*
S. Elliot and Sara Burch
Nancy Carr Gordon# and Jack
Debra Chaplan
Roger Cibella and D. Barron
James Cohen and Karen Murtagh
Constance Cummings∆
Julia and Steve Davenport*◊
Jane Ellis-McNaboe∆ and Gerald
Bruce Falstein
Renee Flower* and Jim MacKenzie◊
Christopher and Eileen Frost∆
Frank and Sue Gallagher*∆
Martin Ginnett
Tracy Green and Alan Siegel
Ruth Gurney
Barbara and John Harker*∆
Sheri and Peter Harris
Lou Ambinder-Heine
Mimi Hills
Evelyn Johnston
James and Renee Jones
Julie Kosterlitz
Jolie Krakauer* and Mark Jansen*
Glenn Kramer
Tom Larson
Elizabeth and Joel Laucher*∆
Janet Stein Lazier and David Lazier
Charlene Leung*∆ and Robert
Martin Lewis
Bruce Lieberman and Marlene
Diane Manning and Eddie Kessler
Susan and Craig McKnight
Dorothy McMath
Christopher Metzler
Philip Miller
Anne Morse
John and Deborah Muth*
James Nelson
Kate and Kevin O’Sullivan
Christina Papp
Pete Parkinson* and Cecilia Udall*
Andrea Pearlstein
Lad Perenyi and Laureen Suva
Francisco Ponce
Robert Reade
Karin and Richard Rollo*
Jeff Sacharow* and Sara
Roban San Miguel
Robin Share
Rafael Siqueiros
Maj and Justin StormoGipson*
Richard Strunin and Marcia Luisi
Robert and Janet Tanaka
John Theibault
Debbie Goldsmith
Steven Wallace* and Trudy Sonia*
Abby Wayne
John Wescoat◊
Chris and Lisa Wilmoth∆
Class of 1980
Gift Total: $22,965
Participation: 7%
Chancellor’s Associates
Kathy Chetkovich and Jonathan
Peter Matthiesen
Leslie Swaha
Chancellor’s Circle
Anonymous Donor
Mary Grindeland and Steven
Michael Scharfenstein
Margaret Sullivan* and Richard
Annual Donors
Thomas Adams
Christopher Albrecht* and Elsa
James Andrews
Bruce Bannerman
Margaret Black
Carolyn Brooks
Marcy Kent Brown and Malia Brown
Laurie and John Brumfield
Susan and Peter Connery*∆
Claudia and David Calderhead*
Tom Clements
Bela Csikesz* and Laura Carrick*
Jan Dierks
Suzanne Easton and John Hoffnagle
Brandel Eiger and Robin Kehoe
Robert Esswein◊
Paul and Wendy Fajnor*
Ken Friedenbach and Liz Alpert#
David Garrison#
Theodore and Lynette George
Susan Georgette
Helen Gibbons* and Richard
Alexander# and Jean Grillo∆
Virginia and Denis Haberkamp
Jewell Hargleroad* and Lamar
Ann Harvey◊
Jose and Hermelinda Hernandez
Jacob and Deborah Herschler
Joy Jeannette
James Jubelirer
Barry Katz
Amy Katzenstein-Escobar and David
Roger Koopmann* and Thomas
Linda Locatelli◊ and Gordon Lion
Evelyn Margolin
Paul Martineau
Alice Mendez-Xavier*∆ and David
Nancy Norris* and Nicholas
Donald and Deborah Peterson
John Purser
Ellie Reese
Sarah Reynoso* and Mark Palley*
Thomas Ribe and Monique
Michael and Patrice Roach
Margaret Rusmore* and Scott
Alison Russell and Walter Wadlow
Kris and Jacob◊ Sidman
Trudy Sonia* and Steven Wallace*
Kathleen and Roland Stoughton*
Marney Stroud
Robert Thunen
Trudi and Robert Trygg
Daniel Waltz
Sara Wasserstrom* and Jeff
Martha Ways and Timothy Lee
Gerald Weber# and Suzanne Holt
Brandon and Yolanda Wisoff
Brian Zanze
Class of 1981
Gift Total: $17,019
Participation: 8%
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Timothy Byrne
Chancellor’s Circle
Lora and John Allanson*
Valerie Chase◊ and Roberta Reyes◊
Corey Salka and Lisa Orlick-Salka
Jim and Eileen Simpkins
Annual Donors
Cynthia Ashbrook and Jeffrey Smith
Alan Bender
Heidi and Robert Black
Susie Bright and Jon Bailiff
James and Elizabeth Brock
David and Claudia Calderhead*
Debra and Kenneth# Cameron
Samuel Cantrell
Caroline and Ralph Carney*
John Christiansen and Marguerite
Ikuyo and Thomas Conant*
Martin and Jessica Crimmins
Lisa Croner and Ira Warrenfelt
Robert and Teresa Doolittle*
Doyne Farmer
Ava Ferguson* and Scott Martinek*
Mary Finnegan
Catherine Sonquist Forest
Ron Foster
Allison◊ and Douglas Garcia*∆
Lisa Garrett
Michael Garvey
Roberta Gordon
Richard and Karen Gunderson*
Elizabeth Hamilton* and Manuel
John Hart and Lori Price
Celia Hartman
Diana Hembree
Adam and Jill Kaufman
Panda Kroll* and Kevin Volkan*
Pamela Lemke
Phyllis Lindamood
S. Leslie MacDonald
Brian and Carolyn McFadden
Elizabeth McKenzie#
E. Katherine Miller
Toni Moore* and Raymond Cadei*
Ellen and Brian Murtha*
David Nesbet
Mark Palley* and Sarah Reynoso*
Elizabeth and Kevin Riggs*
Lisa Rosenthal
Stephen Scott
Renee and Vincent Shepherd
Marc Sherman and Monica Oldmen
Margaret Spencer and Paul Davidson
Dana L. Spradley* and Linda Y.
Adam Teitelbaum
Vincent Valvano
Wendy Weiss
Martin Wensley
Susan◊ and Ward Willats*
Sharon Williams
V. Maureen and David Wilmot
Susan Witebsky
Susanna and Paul Wrangell*◊
Class of 1982
Gift Total: $39,482
Participation: 8%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
David Doshay*∆ and Aviva
Linda and Bruce Nicholson
Gabrielle Stocker∆
Chancellor’s Associates
Peggy and Stephen Dow
Paul and Cindy Geise
Carole and Lawrence Peiros
Irene Reti◊
Chancellor’s Circle
Neil Lundberg and Gretchen
Robert and Bernadette Ramer∆
Robert and Jacqueline Shaw
Richard Spear*◊ and Margaret
Michael and Michelle Suval
Selene and Rene Vega
Ingrid and Robert Wander*
Annual Donors
Belen Banzon and Dom‡ Siababa*
Elizabeth◊ and Tom Bastasch
Craig Block
Scott Bogue* and Margi Rusmore*
David and Fay Bohn*
Robert and Ulrike Brauneis
Joe and Margot Carlisle
Michael and Kim Carpenter
Jennifer and Robert Chaffiotte
Dorothy Y. Chen and Byron Han
John and Mary Childs
Mark and Rebecca Childs
Thomas and Ikuyo Conant*
William Craig
Gregory and Lynda Cutter
Samuel and Deborah de la Cruz
Peter Dedlow
Brian and Sheri Del Core
Richard Denney
Mary Susan Doyle
Alice Fishman and Benjamin
Ellen Fox and William Wright
Desiree and Robert Foxworthy
Megan Franke
Amy Goldberg-Day and Mark Day
Catherine Gong
Sarah and John Gustafson*
Michael Hand* and Anne DaltonHand*
Sara Isenberg◊
Michael Jeung
Karen Katz
Patricia Kelly Larse and John Larse
Jon Lindstrom
Rebecca Lockhart
Ronn Loewenthal
Scott Martinek* and Ava Ferguson*
Susanne Janders McHone
Paul McPherson* and Julie
Jean and Robert Miller
Katharine Minott
Nana Montgomery
Tracy Mues* and Phillip Gregory*
Juliet Ann and Christopher Musso
Blair Newel* and Patrick Bryk*
Lori and Patrick O’Neill∆
Joseph Palca
Joseph Perret
Richard and Karin Rollo*
Daniel Schorr and Ben Rogers
Douglas and Sherrill Sleeter
Atesh Sonneborn and Patrizia
Julie Spiegler and Gever Tulley
Mary Stearns
Katherine Weaver
Kathryn Hundertmark
Kelly Thiemann
Dale Travis
Chris Van Den Bossche* and Laura
Gary Veum
Joan Wactor
Terry Weiner
Lori Wensley
Canon Western* and Lauren Crux*#
Ward and Susan◊ Willats*
Steven and Paula Wyman
Class of 1983
Gift Total: $66,344
Participation: 5%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Jessica Bernhardt* and Ted
Drew and Myra Goodman
Mark Headley and Christina Pehl
Robert Weiner*‡ and Karen
Chancellor’s Associates
Francis Corr
Hilde Schwartz#
Kenneth Averill* and Pamela
Leonard and Nahoko Barrett
Steve and Mindy Blechman
Stephen Booth
Patrick Bryk* and Blair Newel*
Jacqueline Cherry
Edward Coughlin
Charles DalCorobbo
Sandra Davis
Amy and Cyrus Driver
Jill Duerr Berrick and Ken Berrick
Gary and Yolanda Finn
Kevin Fliege
Bonnie Friedmann and John Cunniff
Mary and David Genochio*
John and Sarah Gustafson*
Kate Gustavson
Frederick Gydesen
Gildas# and Amy◊ Hamel*
Olivia and Donald Hand
Vincent Hunt
Jamie Johnson
Richard Kennedy* and Roxanne
Maggie Kraft
Geoffrey and Sandra Langstaff
Julie Lightfoot* and Paul
Douglas Liljegren
Michael and Debbie Linick
John Lupini
Tia Miyamoto
Rocky Offner
Byron Patterson
Robert and Andrea Sabatino*
Lisa Schaechter
Michael Seffinger
Gregory and Suzi Sellers∆
Laurie Shigekuni
Beth Shuster
Anne and William Skamarock
Sally Stephens
Matthew Sundt and Elizabeth
Maya Suryaraman
Theresa Torrent-Ellis
Richard and Maureen Turman*
Anita Valva
Patricia VanGuilder and James
Class of 1984
Gift Total: $18,890
Participation: 7%
Chancellor’s Associates
Baldo*# and Kristen Marinovic*†
Chancellor’s Circle
David and Dixie Lindberg
Edmund Ow
Katrina Perry*∆ and Steven Freer*∆
Chancellor’s Circle
Leilani Ferrari
Gerhard Metzen
Nancy L. Morgan
Michael and Willela Robinson
Annual Donors
Bettina Aptheker#
Susan Arrhenius*∆ and Leo
Annual Donors
Cristina Biegel
Barbara Blau
Marilyn and Preston Brahm
Frank Brown
Jordan Corngold and Susannah
Laura and Frederick Cribbons
Tracy Miller DiGioia
Claire Ernst and Albert Bedecarre
Jerry and Kyoko◊ Freeman*
Patricia Gallagher
Julian and Kristina Grantz*
Claire Griffin
Karen and Richard Gunderson *
Anne Hedges
Audrey Heller
Samuel Hinojosa
Philip and Maureen Houtz
Sheri and Paul Howe*
Mary Ingraham and Walton
Kay and Todd Judson
Steven Katzman
Edward Keith* and Anne Fischer*
Donald Korycansky*# and
Bathsheba Grossman
Mary Kozak
Gordon Lanser
Eileen Leary* and Tom Burns*
Charles Neal* and Maria Felix-Neal*
Laura and James McCabe
Leo McCloskey*∆ and Susan
Lisa McPherson
Terry Montelibano
Darryl Moore and Bradley Johnson
Beverly◊ and Craig Norleen
Barbara O’Rourke
Lisa Peacock
Rock Pfotenhauer‡ and Linda
Robyn Pignone
John Purchase
Susan and Paul Rockwell*
Narciso and Mary Rodriguez∆
Andrea and Robert Sabatino*
Elizabeth Schenk
Lisa Sieverts
Kari Silverman
Martin Sirk
Tony and Debra Sloss*
Mary Smith-Reynolds and Chris
Parke and Claire Snavely
Steven Spengler
Ann Starrs and Jose Marti
Craig Strang* and Persis Karim*#
Michael Suckow
Patrick Teverbaugh
John Thompson
Maureen and Richard Turman*
Christopher van Hasselt
Michelle Vrebalovich-Edelman
Gary Wartels
William Warters and Loraleigh
Robert and Madeline Weber∆
Kenneth Weisner
Benjamin White
Michael Wilson and Maria Kersey
John Wimer
Melanie Wirtanen
May Wong
Debbie Wuliger
Class of 1985
Gift Total: $43,309
Participation: 6%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Matthew† and Karen Howard
Richard† and Bettina Moss*
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Barbara and John Chilton
Chancellor’s Associates
Jeffrey Skala
Chancellor’s Circle
Gregory Allen
David and Karen Dundes
Annual Donors
Kennedy Adams
William Anderson
Cris Bacharach
David and Glenda Baer∆
Nancy Berglass* and Ricky
Susan Briggs
Ralph and Caroline Carney*
Judith Chadderdon
Diane Craddock
Renee Cravens
Tara Crowley◊
Karen Penn De Martinez
Conrad Delury
Jay and Dora Downey
Michael Espey
Jeff Evans and Mary Ballou
Kate and Gregory Evard
Jonathan and Jennifer Fay
Anne Fischer* and Edward Keith*
Mark and Cathia Fleisher
Kyoko◊ and Jerry Freeman*
Valerie Fuette
Kristina and Julian Grantz*
Christopher and Nancy Heavey
Daniel Heller
Sharon and Steve Jaffe
Paul and Jeanette Johnson
Persis Karim*# and Craig Strang*
David Korduner and Joan Krimston
Dane Levens
Noreen and Tod Likins
Evelyn Luluquisen
Elizabeth and Sam Newnham
Mary Nicolini
John and Susan O’Brien*
Daryl Odnert and Jennifer Martin
Anna Osborne Berman
Jyoti Prather (d) and John Robinson
Diane Pruett
Dave Ream
Douglas Rivlin
Paul and Susan Rockwell*
Melitta Rorty and Brande Gentry
Jacqueline Rosen
Kent and Elaine Screechfield
Margaret Shiffrar
Nancy Skinner and Mike Schneegas
Shirley Soldin
Dora and Jeffrey Solinas*
Sharan Street and Broos Campbell
Michael Van Altena
Christine Weir* and Sally Arnold*
Janice West and Mark Leitch
Jeffrey and Elissa Wingate
Tiffany Winslow◊
Class of 1986
Gift Total: $13,883
Participation: 6%
Chancellor’s Associates
Jeffrey Hayden
Chancellor’s Circle
Rick Pettit
Kathryn and Othmar# Tobisch
Annual Donors
Sally Arnold* and Christine Weir*
Ricky Bluthenthal* and Nancy
Christopher and Holly Bolling
Daniel and Angela Braude
Naomi Brokaw* and Brian Moffet*◊
Dennis Brown
Jane Rauch Brown#
Thomas Bullen* and Roger
Tammy Campson
Heather Cline and Annette
Alison Cook-Sather
Pauline and Andrew Darrow
Whitney Dixon and Dale Word
Sarah Donovan
Annette Emery and Patrick Cody
Maria Felix-Neal* and Charles Neal*
David Fouquet
Don and Wendy◊ Genesy
Deborah Ginsburg and David Henry
Ali Golshan and Maryam Jahangany
David and Kimberly Griffith*
Linda Johnson
Ursula and Derrol Jones
April Kane-Johnston
Kirk and Jodi Kawagoe
Mitzi Kim-Seo
Margo and David Kipps
Susan and Tom Koontz
Nicholas Littlestone* and Nancy
Marc Los Huertos#
Victoria Lugo
Steven Lutzky
Mona McGorvin
Kevin E. Meaney
Alma Sifuentes*◊ and Daniel
Gary Moro◊
Colleen Mulholand and Robert Davis
Adolfo Rumbos
Thelma Sass
Alan Schneider
Scott and Peggy Seltz
Michael Shipley
Debra and Tony Sloss*
Julia Sweig
Eliana Temkin and Alan Sprints
Karen Trewartha-Weiner
Gregory and Marjorie Tupper
Aaron Willis and Natalie Weiss
Daniel and Laura Winter
Anne Wittenberg
Frank and Paula Zazueta
Jill and Philip Ziman*
Class of 1987
Gift Total: $29,334
Participation: 6%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Karoline Delaney
Laurie Patton and Salem Magarian
Chancellor’s Associates
Gregory Collingwood
Chancellor’s Circle
Jennifer Brahm
Kristin Brown and Mahmoud AbuAjamia
Peter Vrolijk
Annual Donors
Kimberly Ayers and Michael Vaccaro
Kelly Brown* and Aimee Spector*
Martin Carrillo
Karen and Rick Chatenever*
Carolyn Chirichello
Matthew Crowell* and Jill Wagner*
John Cutting
Curtis Bowen Desilets
Brent Duckor
Mark# and Terry Eastman
Leslie Evans
Jacqueline and Barry Geipel*
Jim Gilbert and Susan Orbuch
Eric Grodberg
Robert Hall and Denise Lee
Dennis Hogan
Corine◊ Houston and Jeff Traugott
Steven Kenney
Donald and Nicki Kerns
Christopher and Lauri Lind-White
Thomas Love
Nina and Pavel# Machotka∆
Ken Manatt
Grant Marshall
Teri and Reginald Mathews
Michael McKay and Susan BrooksMcKay
Griselda Mireles
Daniel Moreno*◊ and Alma
Merlin Nygren
Lawrence O’Hanlon
Kimberly and David Griffith*
Julie and Gerald Oehler
Christopher Norman Parker
Elizabeth Pittenger
John Robinson
Peter Robinson* and Lisa BrillRobinson*
Paul Rollins
Rachel Roth
Anne and James Rowley
Malcolm Rucker
Josephine Ruelas
Melissa# and Nigel Sanders-Self*∆
Elizabeth and Timothy Saunders
Kerry and Neil Shafer-Ray
Joan Tannheimer*◊ and Ken Foster*
Kelly Tyler and James Von Hendy
Ann Watkins and Randy Shepherd
Joseph Wirka and MaryJane Kubler
Nicholas and Lynn◊ Zachreson
Timothy Schott
Timothy Schueler
Michael Seales
Daniel Seeman and Jennifer Lin
Marian Sherrin◊
Lee Sloca
Jeffrey Smedberg
Don Studebaker
Christopher and Tasha Turzo
John Wang
Jennifer Watters
Class of 1988
Chancellor’s Associates
Linda*# and William Anderson
Barry Grigsby* and Robert Irion*#
Rose and Ronald LaMont*
Gift Total: $28,565
Participation: 4%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Pat‡ and Rowland Rebele
Chancellor’s Associates
Robert Irion*# and Barry Grigsby*
Gail* and Patrick‡#◊ Mantey
Chancellor’s Circle
Naomi Andrews# and Daniel Levin
Kenneth and Susan Pergram
Sarah Roeske
Randall Sommer
Annual Donors
Jane Owen Alt and Roger Alt
Steven and Lesley Bell*
Andrew Block
Lisa Brill-Robinson* and Peter
Charlie Crocker and Charity Kahn
Anne Dalton-Hand* and Michael
Benjamin Elwood and Susie
Abigail Faulkner
Michael and Lauren Fennell*
Dara Ferra* and Matthew Hymel*
Tracy Fullerton
Stephen Gruman
Nathaniel Henderson
Jennifer Heyneman
Robert and Gwen Holden
Allynnore Jen
Mark Koenig
John Leopold◊ and Teresa Buika
David Levy
Paula Mahoney
Remelle and Terry Olson
Holly Peck
Richard Pogge
Rachel Pray and Laura Weinstock
Jennifer Ramsdell and David
Diana and Dean Reece
Daniel Roam
Lynda Rogers◊ and Peter McMillan◊
Christopher and Pilar Rose
Class of 1989
Gift Total: $24,352
Participation: 5%
Chancellor’s Circle
Kathleen Hughes◊ and Kate McGirr#
James Kinoshita* and Jean Cho*
Melinda Kirkpatrick
Brian Staufenbiel# and Nicole
Donald Terry
Deborah Tirschwell
Annual Donors
Kyle and Christina Arndt
David Beardon
Kevin Beggs and Dianne Lau
Lesley and Steven Bell*
Susan Bernstein
Edward Blair
Dale Boutiette
Joy Brawn
Alice Chien
Donna and John Cox
Jordan Dey
Roger Dunteman
Christopher Ferrell
Thomas Fowler and Nicole O’Bryan
Laurel and Jim Graziano
Ellen Kane
John Kauh
Kevin Keedy*◊ and Paul Edwards◊
James Kerr
Madison Kilpatrick
Richard Kimberly
Jonathan and Tiffany Klein
Nick and Laura Kopsinis
Donna Kvamme
Barbara Laurence◊ and James
Cynthia LeDoux-Bloom
Victor Lee
Wallace and Vanessa Leland
James and Karen McClenahan*
Bill McClintock
Lawrence and Judith Mennemeier*∆
Christine Miller◊
Charles and Kerry Mitchell
Curt Miyashiro
Christine Mueller
Martha Noble
Theresa Park and Greg Irikura
Marilyn and Gary Patton
John Payne
Karen Platt
Margaret and Mark Reed*
Margaret Ronning
Elizabeth Rouan
Rachel Ruby and Andrew Day
Joan and Robert Ruediger
Ida Shen
David and Hilary Shuman*
Silas Snyder*◊ and Gabriela
David Sonnenschein
Laura Steele Monahan and Brian
Abel Torres
Cecilia Udall* and Pete Parkinson*
Alfred Ung
John Weeks and Sarah Kerley-Weeks
Nancy Wilcox
Xiao Ye
Erik Zinn* and Daleth Foster*
Eugene and Angelica Zweig
Class of 1990
Gift Total: $12,822
Participation: 4%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Deborah Tracy-Proulx# and Timothy
Chancellor’s Associates
Diane‡ and Lawrence Wolfsen
Chancellor’s Circle
Mary Carson
Karen and Kurt Christiansen
Annual Donors
William Adams
James Anderson
Venessa Brown
Anthony Buckman
Shirley Busch
Chukwuweta Chukwudebe
Jeff Cook
Robert Coontz
Douglas and Tamara Dale
Kate DeLaPointe
Andrew Dinh
Kelly Donahue-Wallace
Philip Dubeau and Lora Martin◊
Daleth Foster* and Erik Zinn*
Barbara Freeman
Douglas and Allison◊ Garcia*∆
Brian Gwinn
Karen and Stephen Harrington*
Catherine Hills
Kristin Verlaine Holbrook
William Karwin
Christopher Kempker
Tehya Kopp
Janine Kraus* and Chris Fryer*
Jeanne and Thomas Kucsak
Kalindi Kunis
Christine Lamson
Donald and Maria Larkin
Hana Levin
Teresa and Eric Malone
Glenn Nelson
Jason Olaine
Aurora Pena
Bradley Queen
Eric and Laura Reed*
Danielle Reo
Steven Richie* and Lillian Tsai*
Kent Roberts
Marsha Scott
Sabrina and Jung Shin
Andrew Sigal
Andrew and Jolene Snett
Jeffrey Stark
Pamela Stratton
Jeffrey and Vienna Taylor*
Stephanie Tudor* and Konrad
Brian Vina
Jennifer and Eric Vuillermet
Stephen and Christine Watt
Michael Weinberg and Cindy Larin
Jonathan Willis
Class of 1991
Gift Total: $17,259
Participation: 4%
Chancellor’s Associates
Kristen† and Baldo Marinovic*#
Chancellor’s Circle
Michelle Krumland
Daniel Orange# and Bonnie HolmerOrange*
Dan Sherman
Damon and Aldona Spiegel
Anina Van Alstine
Annual Donors
Ronald and Rose LaMont*
Lisa Antonino
Rito Arellano
Philip Armstrong
Emiliano Barron
Rene Berger
Fay and David Bohn*
Robin Bonner and Britt Rideout
Phillip Calhoun
Deborah Cardillo* and Martin
Aaron Cole
Roberto and Rachel Delgadillo
Christopher Fryer* and Janine
Wade Geisler
Deborah Gordon
Stephen and Karen Harrington*
Frances Hatfield* and Mark Forry*#
Madeleine Heassler
Fred Hochstaedter#
Konrad Hughen* and Stephanie
Laura Ibarra
Kathy Lao
Shannon and Steven Lee*
Stephen Liermann* and Susie Fork*
Karen and James McClenahan*
Joshua Meyer
Britten Miles◊
Jennifer Beth Miller
Steve Parks
Michelle Poirier and Winthorpe
Joan Raymond
Mark and Margaret Reed*
Wolfgang Rosenberg and Norma
Del Gaudio
Mike Rotkin# and Madelyn McCaul◊
Elizabeth Ruhland
August Schilling
Kenneth Simon and Kelly Tyler
Amy and Alan Spanne
Carla Spencer
Jody Steinauer and Mike Richards
Laurie Stevens* and La Dell
Jacqueline Tabb
Daryle and Manuel Talavera
Vienna and Jeffrey Taylor*
Stephen Tripp
William and Elaine True
Heather Trumbower◊
Karen and Frank Verprauskus
Brian Wampler
Andi Wass*◊ and Scott Failor*
Greg Watson
Mia and Jim Whitfield
Veda and Grant Yonehiro
Class of 1992
Gift Total: $13,484
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Associates
Eric Moore
Annual Donors
Janet and Rene Blanquies
Christine Buell and Jose Vargas
La Dell Dangerfield* and Laurie
Thuy Thanh Dao Jensen
Bernard De La Cruz
Paul and Kathryn Dungan
Elaine and William Ernst
Susanne Fork* and Stephen
Bronson Fox
Alissa Gardenhire-Crooks and
Christopher Crooks
Ian Gesundheit
Paula Gomez∆
Richard Hall and Rachel Leach-Hall
Carl Haverl* and Susanna
Laurencio Hernandez
Kimberly and Robert Hinrichs
Allie Jones
John Won Kim
Jonathan and Karen Kupetz
Susan Leach◊
Terrence Lee
Steve Lerner
Kirsten Liske
Yvette MacDonald
Robert Matthews
David McBride
Kirk and Diana McIntosh
Ralph McLemore
J. Benjamin and Laura McLoughlin
Michel McMahan* and Jason
Stuart and Allison Meyler
Sean Montgomery
Jeffrey Nolan
Tracey Ostheimer
Andrew Pohorsky and Jo Ann Jeffers
Rosie Ramirez and Joseph Moreno
Eleanor Randolph
Serena Rivera
David Schroeder
Theodore and Yonga Smith*
Craig Souza
Christine and Rod Stacey
Jonathan Stock
Rodrick Su
Madhukar Thakur
Karen Vernon* and Colleen Clay*
Stacey Vorous
Traci Watson and Tim Appenzeller
Scott Wittenkeller
Matthew Zito
Dan and Marissa Zwelling
Class of 1993
Gift Total: $11,613
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Circle
Emsal Hasan
Rusten Hogness and Donna
Annual Donors
Barbara Alfors
Jonathan Anderle
Dana and Kenneth Bacher
Amy Bailey and Richard Lintermans
Sharon Bandy◊
Barbara Bekins
Winetta Belt
Colleen Clay* and Karen Vernon*
Christine and Dale Coke
Angie and John Dues
Burton Eubank
Patrick Ford and Marianna Pisano
Christine Gemperle-Bacon
Leah Gendler and Steven Weber
Gia Grant
Teresa and Nagi Hanna
Bradford Holden# and Constance
Eric Jacobson
Karla Kelly
Elizabeth Lawrence* and Matt
Chris Lehon and Blythe Todd-Collins
Jane Lerner
Diane and Mark Mesiti-Miller
Tracy Montarti
Hannahrose Nevins*#◊ and Joshua
Shannon and Lance Peacor
Shelley Peery
Jacob Pozharny
Colleen Reichmuth#
Sam Rosenberg
Eric Sandquist
Susan Schneider and Christipher
Karen and Christopher Reynolds*
Sharon and Steve Smith
Larisa and Walter Somsel*
Brandon Svec
Traci Teraoka
Lynet Uttal
David Van Brink
Shari and Mark Weaver
Hillary Wilson◊
Andrea Wood
Bill Woodcock
Class of 1994
Gift Total: $13,627
Participation: 4%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Adrian Kayari
Chancellor’s Circle
Koji and Minako Amakawa
Benjamin and Patricia Schneider*
Aaron Williams
Annual Donors
Whitney Abbott
Erika Adams
Joshua Adams* and Hannahrose
Lisa and Jeffrey Beardeaux
Marla Black∆
Jennifer Bonnet
Jon and Allison Carnero
Anne-Gigi Chan
Scott Cooper#
Jose and Maria Corrales
Pamela Darrow
Jennifer DiSabatino and Greg Cusack
Jamison Dufour
Michael Fedoruk
Joseph Finete
Elizabeth Garfinkle
Christian Geiser
Thomas and Sang Mi Geocaris
Grant and Julie Hahn
Jennifer Hastings and Julio Porro◊
James and Pam Hay
Steve Hodges
Matthew Johnston
Jonathan Kalman
Bethany Lund
Damhnait McHugh
Nicole Meinertzhagen
Gabriel Mintier
Janna Morishima
Christopher and Renee Patton*
Pablo Reguerin*◊ and Rosa Plaza*◊
Benjamin Rogus
Michele Ryan
Melissa Salumbides
John Sharpe
Duane Shelton
Jayson Shmueli
Hilary and David Shuman*
Walter and Larisa Somsel*
Sarah Sussman
Ross Vinstein
Lisa Whitener
Dewey Wong
Alan Yoder and Julie Smith
Class of 1995
Gift Total: $28,791
Participation: 3%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Jonathon Colburn* and Clare
Quentin Hancock#
Chancellor’s Circle
Galen Carnicelli
Dennis*◊ and Jennifer Karlinsky
John Mallory and Margaret
Annual Donors
Leisl Athen
Shelley Bates
Alison Breeze
James Brice
Mary Cabaluna
Charles Carter
JenFu Cheng
Steve Cogorno
Catherine Craddock
Moonyeen and Jerry Danzig
Darryl Davies
Erika Davis
Julio Echeverria
Barbara Elder
Lisa German
Debra Grodt
Daniel and Kimberly Grover
Virginia and Timothy Guhin
Rebecca Kane
Donna and Jim Kenney
Stephanie Klein and Larry Baer
Arlene Kozimbo and Donald Burgett
Susan Krivin and David Ohanesian
Jana Krutsinger
Steven and Shannon Lee*
Laura Liptak
Sarah and Felipe Lora
Sandra Loving
Heather Lussier
Nathan Martell
Gary# and Elizabeth Maushardt
Charles and Julianne McEwen
Jose Mendoza
Thomas Murphy
Rosa Plaza*◊ and Pablo Reguerin*◊
Sondra Ricar
Susie Rose
Edith and Joe Salvatore
Jose Sanchez*◊ and Stephen
Sara Sanders
Asher Siddiqui
Aimee Spector* and Kelly Brown*
Alan Speidel*#∆ and Mary Berg∆
Harold Tobin
John Wiederhold
Dean and Susanne Winkelmann
Corinna Wu
Class of 1996
Gift Total: $14,077
Participation: 3%
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Bryan Shapiro
Chancellor’s Circle
Paul Ausbeck
Ranko Petroni◊
Annual Donors
Vivek Agrawal
Orson Aguilar
Hootan Altafi
James and Ramona Aroyan
Clint and Stacey Atherton
Susanna Blackwell* and Carl
Alan Carr
Aubrey Cool
Matthew Duffy
Annie Embree
Deborah Ferstl and Robert Robinson
Ashley Fullenwider
Jennifer Gonzalez*# and Warren
Kaleo Kaluhiwa
Edward Kehler# and Sara Norwick
Peter Macht◊
Jeremy Marley
Kurt McCormick
Laura McKinney and David Blyn
Matt and Adrienne Morse∆
Rene Ortega and Ivette Becerra
Leslie and Anthony Puckett
Alisa◊ and Ian Schofield
Jeanine and Nichole Soterwood
Birgit Steensen
Andrea Testa-Vought
Sierra Thai-Binh
Geoffrey Thornton
Neil Tigner* and Kate PageLippsmeyer*
Kerstin Wasson and Bruce Lyon#
Frank Wheeler
Vanessa Wilcox
Heidi Williams-Foy and Connor Foy
Class of 1997
Gift Total: $10,274
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Circle
Denise Dallmann
Mark Nockleby
Guy Oliver*◊ and Patricia Morris*
Annual Donors
Michael Allen
Abigail Beck
Jo-Ann Birch
Ruth Bustamante∆ and Mike
Rick Chuarta
Michael Duran and Lisa Sanchez
Scott Failor* and Andi Wass*◊
Julia S. Gervasi Rodriguez and Juan
Gayane Godjoian
Joshua Gray
Don and Meg Harlor
Andrew and Juel Hartmann
Lisa and Chad Hoesing
Deborah Jansen
Mark Kamiya
Amy Lerner and Charles Hill
Robert Lopez#
Dana Mackenzie
Angelica Malagon
Denali McCullough Montero
Kate Page-Lippsmeyer* and Neil
Nathan Perea
Jeffrey Rahn and Kelli Cree
Littlejohn Jan and Gina Reid
Mark Richards
Matthew Rodkey* and Summer
Alicia Silverman and John Guinn
Duane and Iris Strong
Weikai Sun
Caitlyn Toropova
Mark Yoshinaka
Jason Zien
Class of 1998
Gift Total: $12,250
Participation: 3%
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Clare Staveley*◊ and Jonathon
Chancellor’s Associates
Philip Teas
Chancellor’s Circle
Johnny Chen
Annual Donors
Steven Bean
Kristin Bremm
Miguel Canales
Kathryn and Christopher Castelli*
Corin Choppin
James Dezendorf
Catharine and Peter Eastman
Patricia and Avi Eliahu
Edward and Debra Fischer
Michael Gin
Lindsay Gipe
Tanya A. Hampton and Jon Strauss
Lauren Hollander-Van Breems
Linda Hong and Micheal Llorente
Danielle and Craig Johnson
Jim Kass
Dana Kawaoka
Catherine and Bryndon LaFollette*
Summer Lange* and Matthew
Zackary Long*◊ and Sara Beth
John Madrid
Andres Martin
Michael Murrell
Ivan Samuels
Ratnesh Singh
Sarita Siqueiros* and Jeremy
Adrian and Tracie Sosa
Barbara Sprenger* and Ken
Dale Summer-Busch and Patrick
Eric Thorne
Margarita and Alan Tolbert
Jill Tuckman
Bodi and Monice Tunheim
Justine Turner
Jessica Vodak◊
Elissa Weintraub
Brian Wolff
Chela Juliet Zabin and Blu Forman
Class of 1999
Gift Total: $6,613
Participation: 2%
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Robert Brackett* and Suzanne
Chancellor’s Circle
Demian Saffer
Annual Donors
Susannah Bock
David Borlean* and Ligia Borlean
Sara Brooks-Long* and Zackary
Shoshana Brown
Sabrina Chong
Ellen Cochenour
Cheryl Davis
Theodore Dechant
Trisha and Joel Lavarez
Summer Doty
Laura Fisher
Rafael Garcia
Justin Guan* and Grace Ta
Maia and Carl Hampson
Andrew Jin
Sergio Lacayo
Jessica Lunt
Otoniel Morfin
Pamela Moser* and Kenneth
Carrie Nikkel
Matthew Paine
Dorth Raphaely◊
Mark Schrope
Katie Simonton*#◊ and Cynthia
Bryan Steele*◊
Amber Strong
Jessica Sullivan
Class of 2000
Gift Total: $11,828
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Associates
David Morrell* and Kirsten Gruesz#
Chancellor’s Circle
Stefano Mazzoni
Annual Donors
Jennifer and Justin Abbott
Gabriela Alaniz*◊ and Silas
Carey Anderson
John Bailey
Stephen Canby
Jessica Chuang
Melissa Cline#
Patricia Davies
Fernando Delgadillo
Michael Doss
Kristina Franceschi
Barnaby and Erin Fry
Derek Groff
Lee and Esther Halverson
Kristen Hammer
Olof Hellen
Lynn Hunger
Dilara McCauley
Jay Nix#
Nathan Rogers-Madsen
Patricia and Benjamin Schneider*
Kristina Scott
Ethan and Katie Stone*
Elizabeth and John Turner*∆
Craig Waters
Jason Williams◊
Janet Yun
Class of 2001
Gift Total: $10,075
Participation: 2%
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Suzanne Garcia* and Robert
Chancellor’s Circle
Jonah Carson◊
Annual Donors
Jennard Cahatol
Elaine Charlton
Kathleen Dalesandro
Michele David◊
Rebecca Hare
Christine and Steven Hempler
Scott Humphrey
Bryndon and Catherine LaFollette*
Elizabeth Manongdo
Nicholas Marchi
C. David Martin
Angelo Mondragon
R. Bruce Paton
Nicole Perez
Christopher Potts
Sarah Stephens
Katie and Ethan Stone*
Fiona◊ and Chris Weigant
Lise Whitfield#
Class of 2002
Gift Total: $7,853
Participation: 2%
Chancellor’s Associates
Adam Heffernan and Nadia Kholeif
Annual Donors
Zack◊ and Jessica Adam
Eric Barszcz
Ryan Carpenter
Shannon Christian◊
Maribel Cuevas
Bruce Durgan
Joanna Eskilson
Cathy Fogel
Michael Galloway
Emily Larrimer
Katarina Lebaric
Bibiana Mercado
Cindy Mino
Kendall Morgan
Nicholas Peterson
Sarah Rains
Kristin Cobb and Sameer Sainani
Diana Shermoen
Paul Simpson
Lee Smith
Christopher Swanson
Cameron Walker
Mohamud Warsame
April Yee◊
Class of 2003
Gift Total: $8,884
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Circle
Sonia Potts
Samantha Simmons
Annual Donors
Sarah Beauchamp
Thomas Belote
Jennifer Brown
Jason Camara* and Michel
Susan Campbell
Amy Cook
Usiel Delgado
Simone Deocares-Lengyel
Juan Galvez
Carlos Gutierrez
Noah Jackel
Jyllian Kemsley
Johnny Luong
Sarah Malashock
Andy Manliguez
Kimlin McDaniel-Keith* and John
Mark Pang-Fie Ng
Anselmo Ontiveros
Felicia Pate
Kirt Peterson◊
Alexander Pugh
Vincent Rossi
Luke Sauer
Derrick Seeto
Nicole Stricker
David Templeton
Holman Tse
Eduardo Vaisman
Mikael Wargin
Class of 2004
Gift Total: $7,177
Participation: 2%
Annual Donors
Monica Carney
Julie Chao
Anita Ewing
Timothy Frietas
David Gurevich
Anna B. and Eric Hansen
Michael Hendricks
Justin Hogan
Danielle Hutchings
Evan Jaundzems
William Jones#
Daniel Keller
Kent Kurasako
Yu Fei Leung
Barbara Morales-Rossi
Jacqueline Nelson
Andrew Peterson
Lisa Rickert
Carolyn Riggs
Joanna Robles
Sheng Saechao
Jose Salangsang
Kathleen Smith
Marcela Solis
Gregory Stemler
Robbin Stull
Peter Stults◊
Mary Sweeters
Madoc Tsang
Alberto Urias
Katrina Vegvary
Edward Wang
Timothy Wohltmann
Amalia Zacher◊
Class of 2005
Gift Total: $5,335
Participation: 3%
Chancellor’s Circle
Jesse Nelson
Annual Donors
Sarah Apodaca
Laura Corso
Jennifer Dunn
Keith Evans
Kenee and Steve Houser◊
Candra Lancaster
Latisha Leung◊
Jason Nou
Joseph O’Connell
Michael J. Smith
Monica Wan
Cynthia Wong
Jerry Yang
Class of 2006
Gift Total: $5,927
Participation: 3%
Annual Donors
Christina Abel
Trinidad Arredondo
Sarah Burney
Courtney Chung
Gabriel Craig
Christina Davey
Weikun Jimmy He
Gary Liu
Son Nguyen
Travis Pentz
Lindsey Robinson
German Rodriguez
Esther Rojas-Garcia
Erica Schoenberg
Jeremy Thornburg* and Sarita
Veronica Tiangco
Eric Wang
Christopher Wehan
Alissa White
Fletcher Wu
Aaron Yip
Lawrence You and Deborah Gravitz
Nelson Zhang
Wenbo Zhou
Class of 2007
Gift Total: $882
Participation: .6%
Annual Donors
Thuyvan Dao
Robert Evans#
Alyxis Hedrick
Jason Land
Michael Mansfield
Kristin Onorato◊
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
Corby Baumgarten
Phillip Berry
Ruth L. Bittman (d)
Jennifer and John Bost
Alison Carrillo
Alan Cima
Jerome‡ and Sylvia Drexler
Nina Eejima and Chuck Greenfield
Robert J. Glaser, Sr.
John M. Halliday (d)
Layne Halliday
Benjamin and Ruth Hammett
John Harriman (d)
Charles and Madeline Leavitt
Ronald and Sheila Litzinger
Fredaline and Harry McDonald
Henry and Linda McHenry
Leta# and Alan Miller
Marcia A. Moore
Yvonne Murray and Kirk Gould
Phyllis Norris
George Ow and Gail MichaelisOw*‡
Nancy◊ and Roland Pascal
Janet Reed
Henry Renard
Tanya and Gordon*† Ringold
Donald# and Diana Rothman
Richard and Helen Spalding
Gloria Welsh
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Joseph and Deanna Drew
Chancellor’s Associates
Barry and Debra Kamel
Richard and Peggy Lamb
Brian McCaffrey and Sylvia Yee
John and Enid Rusev
Christopher and Wendy Seglem
Chancellor’s Circle
Michael and Toby Alexander
David and Eileen Anderson
Patricia and Gary Avnet
Chip C.* and Jan Bates
Beth Benjamin
Larry and Cayetana Bergeron
Charles and Pierrette Boyd
Kenneth and Marian Brown
William Bryan
Angie and James Chang
Danielle Civitello
Fred and Suzanne Cottrell
H. Gordon Cox and Gail McGovern*
Lauri and Dennis Crane
Phil# and Peggy Crews
Hal and Karlene Dahlmeier
Terry Davis† and Andrew Weyman
Harriet† and John Deck
Nancy DiCenzo
Leslie and John Dorman
Jean Fang and Hanns Kristen
Perla and John Fickenscher
Susan Jensen† and Michael
Fleming (d)
Margarita and Everardo Gonzalez
Carol and Bob Graviano
Louis and Tonia Green
Sandra and John Gregory
Frank and Lynda Gruver
Nancy Guard Evans
Benjamin “Tex” and Claire Hintze
Diane Hollister
Christopher Hooper
Mark and Alta Hull
Roger Hymen
Ronald Inman and Mary Woodyard
Robert and Robin Johansen
Larry and Patricia Jones
Stephen and Susan Karon
Anna and Gary Katsuki
Michele and Robert# Kibrick
Laurie* and Noel# King
Patricia and Robert Kirkaldie
Brian and Sandra Konish
Hanns Kristen and Jean Fang
Grady and Cheryl Kromer
Henry Lam and Anne Leong-Lam
Patricia Langton
Donald Lathen and Nancy Newman
Damon and Rosa Lee
Judith and William Levin
Eileen and Richard Love
Bonnie and Hung Luong
Lisa Mahowald
Jeffrey and Creda Markham
Roderic and Peggy McMahan
Robert and Gail Meave
Narendra Meka
Peter and Ann Meuel
Mark and Julie Meyers
Jon and Pat Minsloff
Nancy and Paul Ortiz
Richard Paisner and Christie Weiner
Tom Paiva and Lee Draper*
Steven and Jann Paul
Ira# and Kate◊ Pohl
Carolyn and Gary Pybas
Bernadette and Robert* Ramer
John and Evelyn Readdie
Russell and Kristine Rowell
Miryam Sarnat
William Sater
Carol and John Schaus
Robert and Donna Schutt
Steven and Claudia Schwartz
Francine Sdao and John Deshong
Jay Settanni and Helen McMillan
Mike and Ashley Shinozaki
Terry and Susanne Shires
Teresa and Don Simpson
Judith and Walter Sleeth
Lan Smith
Steven and Julie Snyder
John Steck
Teresa Stetler
Arleen Torres-Ulrich and Mark Ulrich
Nancy Unger and Don Whitebread
Richard and Diane Watters
Robert and Rosette Weiss
Diane and David White
Robert White and Annette Breingan
Donald Wittman# and Martha
Van and Jeanne* Wolverton
Deborah Yee
Carol Yuge and Jonathan Ellis
Annual Donors
Diane Abadie
Dan and Megan Abbey
Farangis Aberg
Valerie and Keith Abernethy
Carol Abeyta
Harry and Laurie Abraham
Elias and Susan Abuyaghi
Yesan and Gary Ackerman
Susan and Volker Ackermann
Emmanuel and Merlita Adsuara
Nelson and Lydia Agbayani
Serafin Aguilar
Crispin and Elizabeth Alanzalon
Katherine Alberts
Genevieve Alexander
Larry and Helen Alexander
Marilyn Alexander
Jim Alftad and Roberta Gotfried
David Allen
Elizabeth Allen
Tom Allen
Agnes Almeida
Cecilia Almora-Dowd
Susan and Byron Alton
Braulio and Rosa Alvarado
Luis and Idalia Alvarez
Isam and Jacqueline Alyousfi
Noreen Ambrose
Cheri and Lee Anderson
Fred Anderson and Patti Appel
George and Lillian Anderson
Brenda and Conny Andersson
Dennis and Marla Andrews
Alena Angel
Valerie Ansara
Nancy Apallas
Patricia* and Hugo Arabia
Margaret and Michael* Arighi
Robert and Rochelle Armstrong
Wallis Arnold
Susan Arrhenius* and Leo
Eunice and Philip Ashizawa
Bill and Christine Ashton
JoEllen Ashton
Theodore Ashton, Jr.
Michael Austin
Mary and Gregg Avery
Robert and Katherine Ayala
Rebecca and David Ayer
Mihail and Cristiana Baba
Michael and Linda Babcock
Roger Bach and Sheila Wickens
Jo Badger
Glenda and David* Baer
Michael Bagley and Maria Battista
John William Bakaly
Mariano and Nida Balbuena
Jeffery and Carol Baldwin
Robert Ball
Clay and Beverly Ballard
Michael and Debra Bamberger
John and Susan Banister
Teri and William Banka
Linda Bardin
Andrew and Jessica Barker
Lisa Barker
Charles and Vendella Barnett
John Baron
Kathy and Lawrence Barr
Donald and Judy Barrett
Gordon and Linda Barrett
Leann Barron
Barbara Barter
Clifford and Ann Barton
J. B. and Maureen Barton
John and Catherine Bartoo
Lori Basch
Julia Bauer
Liz Bauer
Sally Bauman
Richard and Susan◊ Beach
Jesse Bean and Susan Amaral-Bean
Karen and Barnaby Beck
Kenneth and Cheryl Beck
Anne Beckes
Cynthia Beckley
Holly Beckner
Stephen Beers
Christy Beffa
Thomas and Lili Beggs
Michael and V. Rebecca Beiley
Alfred and Laurie Belanger
Jeffrey L. Belden
Karen Beler
Donnetta Bell
Nancy and Paul Belton
Robert Benedetti and Maria Yurasek
Claude and Carol Benedix
Tyler and Sarah Bensinger
Judythe Benson
Steven Reed Berardino
Gary Berg and Mary Pardl
Mary Berg and Alan Speidel#
Marilyn Bergsma
Bob and Nancy Berk
Scott and Gina Berk
Barbara Berman Snowden
David and Celine Berman
Tim Bernetsky
Steve Bernhardt
Anne Bernstein and Conn Hallinan#
Makram and Enzina Bestowrous
Victoria Betancourt
Yvonne and John Bethe
Robert Bezemek
Jeffrey and Mabel Bialik
Janet and Robert Bianchi
Aron Bick
Rosie Bilandzija
Barbara Birabent
Elizabeth Bishop
Nancy and David Bishop
Jeff and Brenda Bissett
Lisa Blackwell
Emily Blair
Homer and Heather Blalock
Monnie Blesse
John Blong and Theresa Woehrle
Frank and Naomi Bloss
Robert and Virginia Blumberg
Jerry and Mary Ann Boddum
Amanda Bodell
Peter Bodenheimer#
Jean and Deborah Bodylski
Marc Boiarsky
Susan Boiko
Vladimir I. Bojov and Anne
Rich and Judy Bollinger
Kim Borghetti
Christopher Bott
Howard and Nancy Bott
Stephanie and Richard Bowers
Kathy Bowles
Terry Bowlin
Ann Boynton and Vincent Brown
Brad Pavia and Susan Pavia
Joan Bradley
Michael Brady and Kimberly Huselid
Lois and Michael Bramwell
Lynn Bredeson
Kerry Brenes
Timothy and Rebecca Brennan
Rhona and Barry Brenner
Susan Brenner
Diane and Stephen Brett
Fred and Sandra Brewer
Grant and Renee Broadwell
Steven Brockhage
Barbara and Charles Brogan
Steve and Gretchen Bronstein
Susan Brook-Isaacs and Larry Isaacs
Richard and Victoria Brooks
Allan Gary Brostrom
Alice Brown
Amy and Marc Brown
Charles and Maureen Brown
Juliette and Paul Brown
Susan and Gary Brown
Marcia Bruins
Ernest Bryant and Mary
Maureen and Stephen Buchner
Rodney and Nancy Buchser
Edward Buck
Antoinette and Robert Buckner
Al and Jean Buennagel
John Bui
Lieu Bui and Bang Phan
Susan Bunn
Teresa and Erick Burdette
Janet Burdick and Scott Miller
Jeff Burdick and Ginny Burdick
Laurie Burgstahler
Fred and Joan Burke
Karen Burke
Steven and Barbara Burrall
Jim and April Burstedt
Lynn Butera
Mimi and Timothy Butler
Benjamin and Thelma Cabral
Agnes and Josefino Cabrera
Ian Cairns and Virginia Gladwin
Henry and Myrna Cajilog
George and Rebecca Calandri
Anne◊ and William Callahan
James Callahan
Barbara Callas
Samuel Callaway
Alexander and Concepcion Calles
Jerome and Deborah Camero
Abby and Scot Campbell
Fionuala Campion and Timothy
Barbara and Jose Capitan
Michael and Pamela Caplan
Mary Carbone
Alice Carey
Nadia Carey
Rosaura Carlos
Audrey Carlson
Jeffry and Masako Carpenter
Bernardo and Carmencita Carrasco
Mark Carrillo
Susan Carrillo
Gemma Carrillo-Marquez and
Richard Marquez
Joseph and Dianne Carroll
Elizabeth and Richard Carson
David and Noelle Carter
Jim Carter◊ and Pamela HuntCarter◊
Milo Carter
Patricia Carter
Peter Cartwright
Paula Casaretto
John and Melinda Casey
Susan Casey
Don Kaiser Cassity
Jose and Cindy Castillo
Sherry Castro
Jennifer and Brian Cates
Rebecca and James Catterall
Gary Cecchini and Kathleen Mullen
Julia Cedillos
Gove Celio and Elizabeth Ellsworth
Melissa Cerda
Carlos and Sandra Chacon
Betsy and John Chadwick
Connie Chang
Jennifer and Jason Chang
Pierre and Florence Chapgier
Nancy Charlson
Randee and Adam Charton
Suman and Pardeep Chatkara
Martin Chemers‡#◊ and Barbara
Goza Chemers#◊
Chi-Yuan Chen
Liyuan Chen
Shao-Ping Chen and Hiu-Chon Lin
Weili Chen and Chaohsin Yen
Leonard and Ida Cheong
Larisa Cherkasova
Diana Chernofsky
Andrew and Mary Chessin
Gina and Charles Chestnutt
Samuel and Lilia Chia
Maria Chiavola
Sandra Chidambaram
Kathy Childers
Dianne Chilmonczyk and David
Christine Chin
Geoffrey and Patricia Chi
Paul and Rebecca Chin
Mary Alice and Dugald Chisholm
Douglas and Choi-Mei Chiu
Frederick Choate and Karen Nelsen
Dae and Seon Choi
Mark and Karyn Chorpening
Alan and Jane Chow
Bosco Chow
Elizabeth and Rand Christensen
James and Kristine Cichowski
Patricia Clancy
Claire and Chris Clark
Curtis and Margie Clark
David and Julianna Clark
Gary Clark and Victoria Guagliardo
Wanda Claro-Woodruff and Vaughn
Jane Clayton and John Petro
Steven Clayton and Karen Block
James and Cheryl Cleeves
Nell‡ and Lee Cliff
Kiyoe Cline
David Clough and Diane Powell
Brian Clune
Alan Cohen and Nancy Brosnan
Maria Cohen
Mark and Pascale Cohen
Brenda Coleman and Michael
Lynn Coleman
Bob and Debbie Collins
David and Janice Colomb
Francene Colvin and Elliot
Cathy Combs
Dawn and Russel Comer
Celestino and Jennifer Concepcion
Peter Conn and Susan Diez
Susan and Peter Connery*
Brian Connor and Laurel Trask*
Maria and Tony Contreras
Ricardo and Irene Contreras
Michele Cook
Rex Cook and Nicola Cook
Catherine# and Robert Cooper
Renee and Terry Cooper
David# and Mary# Cope
O. James and Ave Cope
Lisa Corbridge
Douglas and Barbara Core
Tracy and Wende Cornelius
Glen and Juanita Corso
Craig Corson and Ann Stenson
Alvaro and Jean Cortes
Luz and Richard Cortes
Laura Coulter and Barry Bisson
Maria and Fernando Covarrubias
Jon and Karen Covello
Michael and Arlene Cowan
Glynis Crabb
Jim Cranna
Colin and Sue Crawford
Gary and Helena Crawford
Renee Crevelli-Gross and James
Janice Crocker
Mary and David Crocker
Christopher Crosby and Mary
Colleen and John Crowley
Alexander and Margaret Cruz
Joel Cruz
Rodolfo and Yvonne Cruz
Cathy Cunnigham
Nicholette and Alvin Cunningham
James and Teri Curtis
John and Sheryl Curtis
Roger Curtis and Karen Schmidt
William and Patsy Czabaranek
Tina and Michael Dacquisto
Ronald and Shauna Dahl
Delia Dailo
Michael and Carolyn Dal Ferro
Norma Dale
Craig Daley
Barbara Dalton
Lisa and Michael Dalton
Fred and Gail Damert
Lorrie Daniel
Patricia and Dennis Daniel
Joseph Darriau
Harry and Norma Dassah
Gina Davidson
Elias Davis and Gail Block
Gary Davis and Ida Griffin
Karla Davis
Usha Davuluri
Kyle Davy and Karen Yencich
Audrey and Michael Dawson
Paula and Chandler Dawson
Luis and Cindy De Castro
Robert and Renayda De La Rosa
Mary De May and Thomas Neylan
Andrew and Susan Dean
Jeffrey and Threse Deane
Thomas Anthony DeBartolo
David DeBus and Denyse Beaudet
Jan Dederick
Ronald and Deniese Degges
Deborah Dei Rossi
Beverly and Ben DeKoven
Divina Del Fierro
Harry Delmer and Deborah Hecht
Rosemary Delosreyes
Valerie and Ricardo DeMartino
Donna and Phillips Dempsey
William Denton
Rena Dentremonte
Tony DePaolo
Devin Derham-Burk and Steven Burk
Mary Dermody
Francisco and Roico Devora
Avtar and Davinder Dhami
Kamala and Chellappa Dhanukodi
Josephine A. Diala
Eileen and Don Diamond
Laura Diehl
Don and Donna Dillon
Carlos and Clarissa Dimacali
Adelaida and Daniel Dinio
Ken M. DiVittorio
Shelly Dixon
Edwin and Davichar Dizon
Stefanie Dobrin
Elena and Nestor Doctor
Lisa Ann Dolan
Kristin Dolen
Gaye and Mark Donovan
Usha and Ravi Donthi
Jeff Doran and Catherine HallahanDoran
Sharon and James Doubek
James Downs
Igor Drizik
Michael and Deborah Drucker
Lisa Duardo
David and Connie Duarte
Andrew Dubin and Jane WheelerDubin
Michael and Loretta DuBois
Karen DuBosky
Susan and Gary Duck
Lisa and Seth Dudley
Peter and Leslie Dufour
Corrine and Dean Dugan
Kelly and Matthew Dulka
Reggie and Valerie Duncan
John and Helaine Dunmire
Joe and Marie Dunn
Murray and Jane Dunn
George and Janet Duong
Olivia Duran
Nancy and Paul Durighello
Patty Durkee and Paul Lawton*
Monique Dykstra
Dale and Anne Easley
Jan and Chris Eastes
Lucius R. Eastman
Andrew and Barbara Eaton
Florencio and Nenita Ebalo
Lloyd Edelberg and Susan Donner
Dennis Edgerley
Sal and Correa Edora
Richard Egelhofer and Kathy Gies
Daniel Einstein and Marsha
Don and Diane Eisenberg
Neil and Hyun Eisenberg
Anthony and Deborah Eistetter
Leslie Elen
Nate and Minky Elias
Beatrice Elliott
Jack and Robbie Elliott
Robert and Cathy Ellis
Jane Ellis-McNaboe* and Gerald
Norman Ellstrand and Tracy Kahn
Luis Engersbach and Maria Del
Bruce Englar and Leslie Singer
Kathy and John Ennesser
Douglas and Joan Enns
Kristy Erwin
Edgar and Ivonne Espinel
Ana Espinoza
Bo and Clarita Estella
Juan and Amelia Estioko
Carl and Daryl Ettner
John and Donna Evans
Margaret and Peter Evans
Patty and Augustine Evans
Gary and Paula Evershed
Irina Eyngorina and Alex Eyngorin
Joyce and Garold Faber
Tracy Fairchild
Kathryn Falberg
Gary and Sandy Falcone
Kerry Falk
Jesse and Yvonne Familara
Catherine◊ and Brian Faris
Wendy Farkas
John and Heidi Farkash
Karen and Jeff Farmer
Karen and Cameron Farrer
James Faulkner
Peter and Beth Favero
Linda Fazio
Robert Feigenbaum
Christina and Theodor Feinstat
Karen and Steven Feitelberg
Dino Fekaris
Richard and Michele Feldman
Rainer and Holly Feldt
Warren Felt and Dolly Arond
Hugh and Tina Ferguson
Steve and Mary Fermi
Ana and Jose Fernandez
Francis Fernandez
Nathan Ferris and Marsha ZaklanFerris
Teresa Ferrusquia
Jerry and Theresa Field
Marta Figueroa
Cindy Filek
William and Cheryl Finney
Craig and Denise Firth
Jan Fish
Randy and Jenifer Fishel
Charles Fisher and Kit-Bacon Gressitt
Lee and Kent Fitzgerald
David and Kimberly Fix
Steven Flannes and Ann
David and Virginia Fleming
Adrian and Maria Flores
Dolores Flores
Fausto and Rita Flores
Maria Flores
Maria V. Flores
Michael and Nina Fluss
Janie and Steven* Fogelson
Marta Folkman
Kevin Fong and Virginia Fraire-Fong
Sheryl Fontaine
Mark and Beth Ford
Roxanne Foster
Wendy and David Fotland
Gary and Sue Ann Fountain
James Fox* and Elizabeth Ratner
Stephen and Michelle Fox
Alan and Patricia Francis-Lyon
Judy Franklin and Phil Jamtaas
David and Roberta Franz
Alice Frausto Kearny and Family
Irma Frausto
Francis and Mary Frazier
John Frediani
Sharon French and Stephan Hecox
Richard and Tanya Freudenberger
Bradley and Julie Frick
David and Patricia Frieband
Tandy and Gernot Friederich
Robert Froehlig
Adrienne and Jack Frost
Christopher* and Eileen Frost
Edward E. Frost
Gabriel and Deborah Fryer-Bohbot
Cecilia and Ben Fu
Shawn Fuchs
Paul and Joan Fuentes
Glenn and Robin Fujinaka
Thomas Fujisaka
Wade Fulbright and Linda Guthrie
Gwen Fuller
Eric and Jeanne Fullerton
Wai and Ophelia Fung
James Funk
Christine and Micheal Fusco
Jim and Patty Fusting
Peter Gaarn* and Nancy Port-Gaarn
Angel and Rosario Gabriel
Phillip and Jo Gadd
Catherine Gaehwiler
Roger and Caroline Gage
Maria and Rodolfo Galang
Joe Gallagher
Sue and Frank Gallagher*
Frank Gallardo
Louis Galper
Sandy Galper
Cynthia and Hubert Gammer
Allison◊ and Douglas Garcia*∆
Lilia and Albert Garcia
Luis Garcia
Lynda Garcia
Rebecca and Ernest Garcia
Thomas Garcia and Katherine
Alicia and Jorge Garcia-Cid
Jack and Jane Garrett
Robert# and Jan Garrison
Noel and Suzanne Gauk-Roger
Jennifer Geballe
Richard and Cynthia Gebhart
Stephen Gehrett and Anne Rockwell
Val and Kris Gelineau
Yury and Lucy Gendelev
Cleto and Darlene Genelza
Michael and Terese Geniella
Jamie Gerard
Hydeh Ghaffari and Richard
Masoumeh Ghobadi and Thomas
Marcel Giacusa and Holly Carter
Margaret Giberson‡ and Alan
Theresa and Richard Giles
Maurice and Patricia Gillespie
Delia Gilligan
Berta Gilman
James and Charlotte Ginn
James and Evelyn Girard
Meg and Larry Gittings
Jack and J. Charmain Giuliani
Diana and Dick Glanville
Heather Glanz
Jim Glanz
Sean and Janet Gleason
Jane Glicksman
Dan and Susan Godina
Carolina Godoy
Connie Goggins
Deborah Goldman
Jennifer Goldsmith and Nowell
Allen and Meg Goldstein
John Gomez
Erica Gong
Alicia and Martin Gonzalez
Maria and Jim Gonzalez
Randall Goodall and Naomi Schiff
Howard and Reka Goode
Margaret Goodman
Doug and Gail Gordon
Barbara Gorman
Paul Gorman
Doug and Carol Gottliebsen
Michael and Linda Gourley
Ron and Jan Grace
Sharon and Robert Grace
Siordia Graciela
Bettina and Robert Graf
John and Dawn Gram
Linda and Kenneth Grand
Nancy Grannis
Gina Grant
Lisa Grant
Sue Grant
Evelyn Grass
Debra and David Gray
Joanne and Mark Gray
Craig and Marti Green
John and Kristin Green
Janice* and James Greene
Teresa Gretsky
Todd Griffin and Cynthia Mark
Jacquelyn Griffith
Richard Griffith and Margaret
Wayne and Ruthie Griffith
Dale Gruen
Nestor Augusto Guadalupe
Jill Guest
Margaret Guichard
Christy and Wayne Guidici
Michel and Patricia Guittet
Adolfo and Elena Gutierrez
Charles and Wanda Guttas
Robert Hacker
Samii Hadi
Ann Hafter
Rachel and Joseph Hahner
Randy and Regina Hair
Lesley Halberg
Joe and Marcella Hall
Matthew and Elizabeth Hall
George Hamilton and Kathleen
Jacqueline and Perry Hampton
Nicola Hanchock and James Moore
Glenn Handler
Valerie Hang and Tsze Tsang
Joseph and Becky Hansen
Miles Hansen
Robert Happy and Charlotte
Dan and Bonnie Hariton
John and Barbara Harker
Jim and Liz Harley
Terry and Celia Harms
Kirk and Terrill Harney
Fred Harper
Laura and Shep Harper
David and Annchen Harris
Jana and William Harrison
Kurt and Marlina Harrison
Ronald and Valerie Harrison
Scott and Misao Harrison
Donna and Bruce Hartman
Lorraine Hartman
Sue and David Hartman
Judy Hartnett
Nina Hartstein
Hazem Hashem
Peter Hasler and Elizabeth Downing
William and Debra Hass
Robert and Shari Hastings◊
Michelle Hauser and Mark Seaman
Chris Hauty and Diane Ward
Caroline and John Havicon
Gail and Doug Hayden
Ralph and Jeannie Hayden
Dayle and Nicholas Hayes
Steve and Nancy Hayes
Vince and Ann Heater
Phyllis and James Heckmann
Jim and Karen Heffern
Kelly Heffern and George Brennan
Aidan and Elizabeth Hegarty
Jeff and Diane Heimstaedt
Suzanne Hellmuth and Jock
Kobkul and Sambath Heng
Don Henize
Darryl and Brenda Henriques
Jack and Katherine Herbig
Adrienne S. Herman
Angelica and Miguel Hernandez
Lilian and Celso Hernandez
Michael and Deborah Hernandez
Samuel and Maria Hernandez
Angelina and Esau Herrera
Elma Herrera
Ethel Herring
Lynne Hersh
Paul Herstein and Bernadette
Bernard and Eleanor Hilberman
Edgar and Leticia Hilbert
David Hill and Julie Kastrup
Kate Hill and Ken Poulton
David and Marita Hillman
Jim and Cheryl Hinton
Tomas and Miriam Hintz
Kathleen Hintze
Oncita Hirata
Susan Hirsch and Joseph Rogoff
Genevieve Hoare
Richard and Mary Hochleutner
Robert and Denise Hoffman
Timothy and Laurel Hogan
Valerie and William Hogan
Kimberlee Holder
Dirk Holkeboer
Lynell and Micheal Hollarman
H. T. Holmes
Mary Holmes∆
Murphy Holmes
Steven and Debra Holtz
Leslie Tau-Holzhausen and Gary
Harry and Angela Hon
Stephen Hoobler
Peter Hood and Chris Worley
Janice and Stephen Hopcraft
Darryl and Erika Horowitt
Christopher and Suzanne Horsley
Tracy Hou
Christopher Hourigan
Jane Houssiere
Nanci Hubby
Joseph and Katherine Hudson
Kathleen Hudson
Wei Huey
Dana Huff
Gary and Suha Huffaker
Norman and Lisa Hulberg
Gary and Karen Humphreys
Michael Hungridge
Richard Hunnicutt and Dorothy
Wendy and Eric Hunt
Adrienne and Kevin Hunter
Dan and Nilda Hurley
Kimberly Huselid and Michael Brady
Greg Hutchins
Connie Hyde
Thomas and Barbara Hyde
Thomas and Wendy Ichimaru
Rosalind Iiams and Richard Nolting
Dale and Deborah Ikeda
Vena and Peter Impala
Clay and Eva Ingram
Robert and Rose Innes
June and Laurence Inokuchi
Jim Inscore
Marc Intermaggio
Ali Iranmanesh
Peter Isakson and Helen Hamman
David and Ronna Ishida
Rosemary and Alfred Iversen
Patricia Iwamura
Chris and Pauline Iwata
Ryuzo and Marcia Izumoto
Kamran and Debbie Jabbari
Karen Jacke
Rebecca Jacobsen
Jacqueline Jacobson
Marcand Karen Jacuzzi
Danielle Jaimez
Rick and Mary James
John and Joan Jamieson
James and Kathryn Janz
John and Patty Jaundzems
Beatriz and Armando Jauregui
Toni Jeffrey
Pam and Henry Jeffries-Archbold
Bonnie and Jeff Jenkins
Chris and Lenna Jennings
George Jennings
Wei Jiang
Jerry and Janet Jimenez
Daniel Joe
Mannie and Martha Joel
Dalene Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Robert Johnstone
Kathleen and Charles Jones
Linda Ray Jones
Philippa Jane Jones
Scott and Anita Jones
Tim and Debi Jordan
Abraham and Susan Joseph
Beth Juachon
Henry Jun
Kyung Jun
Donald and Young Jung
Robin Jurado and Jurado Ray
Ronald and Rachel Kaldor
Jean M. Kamps and William A.
Emily and Tom Kaplan
Jean and David Karlinsky
Alisa and Howard Katz
Jeffrey and Mindy Katz
Deborah Kaufman
Charles and Nancy Kearsley
Judy and Dale Keedy
William and Lauren* Keenan
Kalevi and Karen Kekkonen
Charlotte and Thomas Keller
James and Robin Kelley
Marnie and Mark Kelley
Dennis Kelly
Duffy Kelly
Moira Kelly and Seth Kaplan
Thomas Kelly and Barbara Woodford
Barbara and Neal Kelso
Roger Kemmerle
Stephen Kemp
Mary Kenkel
Katherine and John Abel
Ralph Kerns and Louise CostiganKerns
Janice and Mark Kerr
Thomas Kerrigan and Beth Margolis
Cornelia Kettendorf and Luke
Abdul and Rabia Khan
Michael and Lynne Kidder
Veronica and Joseph Kidushim
Robert Kieffe
David and Ann Kight
Cecilia and David Kim
Chris and John Kim
Moira and Robert Kimball
George and Flo Kimmerling
Juana King
Roger and Jana King
Sandra and James King
John Kirihara
Wendy Hills Kirsten
Peter and Suzanne Kistler
Tim Klass and Karen Klobucher
Tweed and Gary Kline
Keith and Eileen Koch
Vladimir and Lioudmila Kokoza
Deborah and Som Konar
Del and Dwight Kono
Mary Kopmar
Marie and Joseph Koudsi
Kenneth Koyama and Stacie
Frank and Sheila Kozina
Katheryn and Chapin Krafft
James and Debra Kratzer
Robert Kraus
Diane Krause and Jan Snedaker
Barbara Kreiss
Robert and Janet Kropp
Doug Kuepfer
Shu-Chuh and Jhi-Chung Kuo
Richard and Kathryn Kurianowicz
Francisca and Daniel Kurowski
Samuel and Leslie Kusic
Jacqueline and Kevin Kwan
Kenny and Sandy Kwong
Leslie and Janifer Kwong
Tamara and David La Croix
Norman La Force and Ming-Li Wang
Timothy and Betty La Franchi
Thomas and Julia La Grua
Joseph and Renee Lacara
James Laffan* and Kate Brooks*
Donna and John Lagarias
Ray and Ann Lage
Carol and Phil Laird
Barry Lajoie
Steve LaLonde
Isabel Lam
Pamela and Fung Lam
William and Corinne Lambden
Patricia and Nigel Lambert
Deborah and Christopher Lamela
Susan Lamont
Christine Lampert and David Lang
Donna Lance
Charles Landau
Mathew Lando
Lawrence Lanes and Carol
Ilene H. Lang
Jordan Lang
Christopher (d) and Patricia Langton
Ann Laning
Jerry Larsen
Emily and Michael Laskin
Debbie Lathrop
Ernie Lavorini and Elizabeth Doyle
Howard and Virginia Law
Xiao and David Law
Thomas Lawson and Dina Rasor
Pamela and Brian Layfield
Erik and Alison Layman
Tom and Marcia Layman
Susan Lazear
Janele Leal
Ed Leclair
Louise Ledeen
Ade Lee and Siu Lee
Amy Lee
Catalina and Hayoung Lee
Choi and Ta Lee
Cornelia and Huai-Chuan Lee
Edith Lee
Jason Lee
Jeffrey and Jeung Min Lee
Jimmy and Susan Lee
Karen Lee
Stephen and Agnes Lee
Allen and Sandra Leingang
David Leinweber and Marguerite
Deborah Lent
Charlene Leung* and Robert
Dennis and Cissy Leung
Barbara Levasseur
Oz and Anna Levia
Arnold and Colleen Levin
Thomas Lew
Deidre and William Lewis
Eileen and Mark Lewis
Robert and Barbara Lewis
Rosilia Leyva
George Li and Lynn Chan
Jim and Susan Libardi
Margaret and Parker Libby
Allen and Jacqueline Lichtenstein
Janet and William Lide
Louise and Jeffrey Lieb
David and Geri Lieby
Sandi Liederbach
Jane and Keh-Hoh Lii
Dennis and Lorrie Lim
Nick and Winnie Lim
Sun Lim
Kevin and Carol Limbach
Denise Lin
Sandra Jeannette Linares
Thomas and Barbara Lincoln
Robert Lind
Patricia and Thomas Linder
Karin Lindgren
Julie and Allan* Lindh
Ann and David Lindsay
Robin and Craig* Lingel
William and Kathleen Linn
Linda Lippert
Tammi Litke
Ann Litney
Sara Lively and Douglas Hopkinson*
Kay Livesley
Nicholas and Caroline Locke
Cynthia and Kirk Lok
Wai-Bong and Bessie Lok
Pam London
Stuart and Linda London
Robin and John Longfield
Wanda Long-Thompson and Elshon
D. Andrew and Toni Loomis
Teresa Lopez
Cindy Lopiccolo-Giles
Diane and John* Lorona
Noam and Sherry Lotan
Arnold and Carolyn Loveridge
Tom Lowe and Barbara Cordis-Lowe
Lori and Gerald Lowery
Joseph and Judith Lowry
Regina Lozano
Shi Ying Lu and Qisheng Li
Cynthia Lucero
Kimberly Luciani
Priscilla Phan Lui
Sonny and Annika Lundin
Laurel Lyle
Phillip and Yueh-lih Lyman
Pamela and Jarmon Lynch
Julie Lynn
Wanqi Ma
Janice Macchia
Scott and Linda MacDougall
Pavel# and Nina Machotka∆
Jose and Maria Madrid
Judie Madrigal
Victor Madrigal
Steve Madwin
Patricia Maglasang Bozonier
Anthony and Anne Magliul
John and Roberta Maguire
Amir Mahzouf
Marcy Maisel
Denise Malek
Leslie and David Malloy
Linda and Thomas Malvino
Carol and Robert Mammon
Patrick Man
Philip and Margene Mangabat
Charles and Jeri Mann
Seth and Marilyn Manning
Nancy and Gerard* Mannion
Martin and Valerie Mannovich
Elizabeth and Lawrence Manville
Angelita Maravilla
Ronald and Dale Marcikic
Richard and Sharon Marcus
Mark Margolis
Sheila and Mark Marion
Kelly Maris-Weissburg and Barry
Lisa and Jay Markowitz
Flordeliza and Rolando Marquez
Robin Marsh and Peter Rozo
Amina Kim
Robert and Linda Martelli
Gerald and Suella Martin
Nancy Martin
Roger Martin and Phyllis Shibata
Thomas and Joyce Martin
Dilia and Jesus Martinez
Jerry and Susan Martinez
Josephine Martino-Beer
Carlos and Anita Martins
Emiliano and Victoria Mascardo
Carrie Masdeo
Cameron and Mercedeh Mashouf
Elaine Masi
Karen Massetani
Phyllis and Ambrose Masto
Diane and Chuck Mata
Willy Mata
Carol and Charles Mathews
Robert and Nanci Mathison
Amitabh Mathur
Catherine Matsumoto
Fumisake Matsuo and Ruth SmithMatsuo
Richard and Barbara Matsuoka
James and Jeanne Matysiak
Bruce Matzen
Tom Maxon
Linda Mayhall
Mark Mayper
Kasha Maznio and Jason Benlevi
Katherine and John Mc Keon
Carolyn and James Mc Manigal
Lee and Laura McAmis
Melanie McArtor and Tim Williams
Douglas and Naoko McCall
Ken McCall
Daniel McCarthy and Theri Todd
Robin McClain
Leslie and Virginia McClane
Anne McClure
Thomas and Linda McCoy
Carol and James McCrory
Ann McCrow◊ and Randy James
Lucy McCullough
Tim and Cindy McCully
Lance and Danille McCune
John McDermott
Edward and Maria McDevitt
Margaret and Gary McDonald
Peter McDonald
Marie and Bruce McFarland
Ellen and Dennis McGoldrick
Catherine and Mark McHenry
Gregory and Lori McIntosh
Thomas and Patricia McKenna
Stephen and Margaret McKeon
Harry and Susan McLean
Rodger and Leticia McNeill
Leroy and Myra McPherson
Colin and Susan McRae
Karen McRoberts
David and Suzanne McSpadden
John and Jan Meachem
Maria Medellin
Teresita and Ernesto Medina
Tracy Meehan
Kelly and Lynanne Mehlhaff
Mark Mehlman
Kathryn and G. Patrick Meier
Ana Mejia
Adam Mekler
Ellen Melchior and Jim Granahan
Irma Melendez
Margery and Charles Mellentine
Sharon and David Mellinger
Charles and Kathleen Mendenhall
Alice Mendez-Xavier* and David
Corazon Mendoza
Nancy Menne
Judith and Lawrence Mennemeier
Antonio and Stella Mercado
Joel Meresman and Lyn Satterstrom
Ellen and Joseph Merics
Lyle Merithew and Eileen Swirsky
Elizabeth Merkin
Jeanne L. Merrill
William and Cathy Mertz
David and Marsha Mesher
Robert and Phyllis Metz
Kimberly and David Meyer
James Meyers and Kate Heumann
Jacob#◊ and Hila Michaelsen∆
Alex Michue
Peter and June Mierau
Carolyn and Warren◊ Mikawa
Brooke Miller
Chandra and Larry Miller
Daniel Miller and Semadar Barzel
Davey Miller and Leslee Johnson
Douglas Miller and Theresa BoydMiller
Gary and Li Miller
George Miller and Kim Myers
Jacqueline and Harvey Miller
Lance and Sheila Miller
Mary S. Miller#
Susan Miller
Kevin Mills
Robert and Julie# Minnis
Linda and Michael Minor
Francisco Miqueo and Sandra Ochoa
Marvin Miracle
Elizabeth Miranda
Luda Mirzabekov
Connie Mitchell and David Tai
Gary Mitchell and Patricia Jones
Patricia# and Dan Mitchell
Richard and Janet Mitchell
Edward and Susan Mizrahi
Douglas and Robin Modlin
Nancy Molay and Joe Radoslovich
Victoria Monroe
Harold and Karmi Monsher
Carlos and Cecilia Montalvo
Harold Mooney and Sherry Gulmon
Crystal and David Moore
James and Susan Moore
Paul and Debra Moore
Steven Moore
Fred and Kristen Moorehead
Maria Morales
Adriana and Gerardo Moreno
Dana and Paul Morgan
Sakae and Fumie Morikawa
Jeff Morishita and Shinan Kang
Cyndie Morozumi
Sandra Morrash and Mark Levine
Peter and Fredda Morris
Isobel and Andrew Morrish
Adrienne and Matthew* Morse
William Mosgrove and Anne Cook
Elizabeth and Rajesh Motwani
Kent and Megan Mouton
Eugene Moy and Susan Sing
Marcy and John Moyer
Melody Moyer
Rachel Mozesson and Steve Kingon
Patricia and Lance Mucenieks
Pete and Janice Mufich
Rodger and Jill Muhlbach
Brian Muirhead
Linda Mulhal
Patrick Mulholland
Dennis and Janet Mulshine
Charlotte Murphy
Michael and Lisabeth Murphy
Terry Murphy and Elle Hoffnagel
Francie Murray
Adele Myers
Lois Nagle
Timothy and Sharon Nagy
Jean Nakano
Eloise Naman
Peter and Bonnie Namkung
Roselmar Naranja
Ruth and Venki Narayan
Dimitry and Anna Nasledov
Linda and Joe Nation
Rick Navarre
Mike Navarrette and Ruth
Angela and Moeen Navrozally
Randa Nawawi
James and Gwen Neary
Douglas and Patricia Nelson
Nancy and Paul Nelson
Sue Nelson
Glen Nemerow and Laureen
Mark and Danielle Nespeca
Garry Ness and Rose Gong
Charles and Eileen Neuhauser
Deborah A. Newkerk
Dale and Hilda Newkirk
Margaret Newman
Bob Newsom
Linda and Robert Newsom
Tuan Ngo and Chi Nguyen
Finh Nguyen and Lieu Bu
Mai-Anh Nguyen
Mary and Phat Nguyen
Thi Nguyen
Karen and Stephen Nicholls
Janet and Richard Nicholson
Melissa and Ken Nicholson
Garrett Nicol and Marjorie Greene
Angela and Bert Niedermeier
Victor and Charlotte Niemeyer
Marina and Pat Nims
Terry and Brenda Nixon
Cynthia Noble Vesecky and John
Bill Nobles
James and Kathleen Noonan
Tom and Shirley Norton
Donald and Carolyn Novin
Amy Nugent
Cathrine Oberholtzer
Bobby and Michael O’Brien
Gerard and Chantal Obrien
Thomas and Pamela O’Brien
Kevin O’Day
Colleen O’Hara
Janice Olavarri
John Olea
Patricia Oliansky
Gay Oliver-Lilley and Kevin Lilley
Kevin and Ruth O’Loughlin
Mary and Jim Olsen
Sharon and John Olsen
Suzanne and John Omeara
Carol J. O’Neil
Mark O’Neill and Ann Niland
Patrick and Lori* O’Neill
Mina Ontiveros
Roseline Onu
Glenn Oppenheim*
Romana and Joseph Orban
Sadiri and Evangeline Ordinario
Wendy and Fred Ordower
Antony and Amalie Orme
John and Robin Orme
Jose Ortega
Guadalupe Ortiz
John and Monica Ortiz
Thomas Ortiz
Lynn and Timothy Osslund
Douglas Osugi and Aimee Labate
Robert Pacholik and Katherine
Debbi and Brett Pack
James and Dwan Padilla
Jose Padilla
Rene and Mariquita Palileo
Kari and Steven Palm
Helen Palmer
Frank and Judy Palumbo
Frank and Estrella Pandolfi
Rodrigo and Sherri Paniagua
Zeese Papanikolas and Ruth
Hilario and Alma Pipilla
Judy Paraventi
Mia Pare
Inhyuk and Sung Park
Sophia and Peter Park
Steve Parkford
Pat Parodi
Diane and Jon Parro
Peter and Barbara Parrott
Alex and Anna Pascua
Shirish and Sandhya Patel
Jesus and Maria Patino
Pamela and Al Patrick
Linda and Richard* Patterson
Nancy Patterson
Lindsay Patton
David and Marylyn Paulsen
Michelle Paulus
Denise Pavelko
Vernice Payne
John# and Vicki Pearse
Cathleen and Gregory Pecchia
Federico and Kelly Peinado
Brian and Susan Peletta
Susan and Stanley Peltzer
Danny and Julie Peoples
Israel Perel and Beth Melin-Perel
Salvador and Sylvia Perez
Kenneth and Jacqueline Perlmutter
Rachel and Bob Perlmutter
Jocelyn Perry
Kelly Persky
James and Ann Pesout
Rebecca Peters
Cary and Sherri Petersen
Michael and Heidi Peterson
Timothy and Deborah Peterson
Tucker and Patricia Peterson
John Petit
Domnita Petri and Neculai Ciotlos
Bob and Elaine Petro
John N. Petterson
George and Mollie Pettit
Sally Phetteplace and Don Borchert
Steven Phetteplace
William Phillimore
Jim and Cara Phillips
Laurie and Wendell Phillips
Koreen Piazza and Micheal Byrne
Christy Pichel
David and Cheryl Pickman
John and Eucharia Pieraccini
Colleen Pilgrim
Claire and Lee Pinili
Andrea and Ingo Pinnau
Claudia and Irv Piotrkowski
Ronald Pipa and Frances Moy
John and Marian Plastini
James Platel and Caryn Hoffman*
Cecil and Helen Platt
Heidi Platt
Martha Platt
Nick and Sheila Podgurski
Archie and Irene Polanco
Edith Pollock
John and Patricia Pomidor
Kenneth and Pamela Ponting
Klaus and Ellen Porgiz
Elizabeth Ann Porter
Robin Potchka and Danny Lewis
Rudolph Potenzone and Treva
Kim and Andrew Potter
Michael and Rosa Potts
Robert Poulin
Ginny Powell and Paul McClintick
Willye and Fred Powell
John and Gunda Pramuk
Ron and Rebecca Prater
Jordan and Lynn Price
Fred Prinz and Beth Rosen-Prinz
Lee and Heidi Prutton
Doreen Ptak
Janis and John Purcell
James Pyer
Francesco and Nancy Quacinella
Chris and Joane Quan
Laura Query
Laura Quick
Anna and Michael Quine
Tina Rabe
Joe and Francesca Raccanello
Lawrence Ragent and Rhonda
Donald Rainey and Lynn Haddock
Nancy and Franklin Rainwater
Kathleen Rall
C. J. and Carol Ralph
Alcira Ramirez
Jose and Gloria Ramirez
Sabrina Ramirez
Sandra and Noe Ramirez
Trancy and Teodoro Ramirez
Miguel and Martha Ramos
John Rampulla and Manuela Piha
Javier Rangel
Joe and Ann Ranish
Dianna and David Rao
Susan and Charles Rathbun
Stuart Ratner
Ron and Heather Ravani
Sheree and Grogory Ray
Maureen Raynor and Fred Arbegast
Brian and Joan Rea
Joanna and Dennis Reams
Kathy Rector
James D. Reddell
Anne Redman
Bruce Redpath
Sharon Lee Reed
Daniel and Martha Reeve
Malcolm and Sheila Reeve
Sherla Reeves
Melodye and James Reger
Erin and James Reid
William and Michelle Reilly
Allan Reiss and Lynne Huffman
Donald and Barbara Rej
Robert and Diane Reklis
Sandra Relyea
Elizabeth Renfro and Casey Huff
Felicisimo Requiro and Janet
Juan Resendez
Hank and Karen Retford
Bruce Reynolds
Rocky and Diane Rhodes
John and Naomi Rice
George and Salma Richmond
Norman and Betsy Rickles
Timothy and Karen Ricks
Robert Riesman
Susan Riggs and Carlton
Shirley Crawford
Dennis Rihn and Cathleen Watkins
Betsy Riker◊ and David Smith
Debra Riley
Meheret and Vincent Rindone
Rebecca Rishell
Kim Rister
Esther and Francisco Rivas
David and Karen Robbins
Sherri and Clifford Robbins
Beverly and Michael Roberts
Bruce and Shirley Roberts
Shelley and Donald* Roberts
Leon and Myrna Rochester
Margaret Rodda and John Van de
Cecilia Rodriguez
Edmundo and Maria Rodriguez
Jeff and Donna Rodrigez
Michael Rodriguez
Narciso* and Mary-Janice Rodriguez
Robert and Susan Rodriguez
Robert and Patricia Rodriguez
Hedwige and Ralph Roessler
William Rogers
William F. and Helen E. Rogers
Philip and Mary Rogren
Thomas and Dana◊ Rohlf
Annette and Robert Rojas
Raul Rojas
Cholthida and Charlie Rojsutivat
Marcus and Lisa Romano
Rick Romano
Christine Romo-Munday and
Michael Munday
Jody Ronin
Mark and Sarah Roos
Tamara and Andrei Roschkowsky
Jean and Gary Rose
Nancy and Asher Rosen
Ellen Rosenberg
Adam and Collen Rosenblatt
Stan Rosenschein
George Rosenstock
Karen Rosenthal
William Rosenzweig
Carol Ross and Kenneth Sobieraj
John Ross
Joseph and Jane Ross
Kathleen and Jon Rosselle
Lori Rosskopf
John and Rose Roth
Josef and Maggie Rotter
Steve and Sara Rouse
Nick# and Ruth Royal
Lewis Rubin and Paula Binder
Lydia and Dale Rubin
Dorothy Ruby
Daniel and Paula Rudolph
Josefa and Gorgonio Ruezga
Susan Rugtiv
Kay V. Ruhland
Jose and Bernardina Ruiz
Michael Rummel and Anne
Francis Rush and Andrea Green Rush
Michele and Kent Russell
Cindy and Craig◊ Russo
Victor and Maria Russo
Noelle and Richard Rutecki
Chris and Lee Rutter
Aboutaleb Saei and Parvin
Maria Salcedo and Guillermo
Sharon and Ralph Salisbury
Manouchehr Saljoughian and
Peyman Moshrefzadeh
Greg and Kathy Salling
Margarite Salmond and Phil Ajioka
Daniel and Marie Sampior
Bert and Lois Samuels
Nancy Sanborn
Alan and Gayle Sanders
Lynda Sanders and William Lee
Melissa*# and Nigel Sanders-Self
Guillermo and Christina Sandoval
Chris and Lynn Sands
John Sandvig
Donna and Rich Sanfilippo
Edward and Sarah Sangster
William and Cora Saperstein
David and Susan Sargent
Alice and Krikor Sarkisian
Catherine Halsing and Robert
Kathy Sarto
Bruce and Colleen Sass
Timothy and Dawn Sassoon
Donatella Scabini and Robert Knight
Elia and Larry Scettrini
Michael and Mary Schaaf
Carol Schaffner
Heloise Schaser-Hughes* and Gary
Doug and Barbara Schatz
Jean and Richard Schauer
Debbie and Robert Schikore
Joyce and Rex Schildhouse
Alan Schlenger and Susan Lysik
Randa and Gary Schmalfeld
Thomas and Brenda Schmida
Patricia and Thomas Schneck
Carol and Howard Schneider
Marcia and Ken Schneider
Victoria Schneider
Hans Schnelle and Nancy Miyamoto
Patti Schock
Regina and Jonathan Schoetz
Dana and William Schreiner
Howard and Miriam Schulman
Lilian Schulmann
Penny Schultz
Kristin and Edwin Schuman
Edward and Ann Schwabecher
Scott and Patricia Schwartz
V. Rita Schwehr
Elaine and Anthony Scoles
Celia and Peter# Scott
Lori Scott
Michael and Isabelle*◊ Scott
Warren Scott
Alan and Irene Seales
Pauline Seales
William Seaman
Stuart and Nancy Segal
Ann and Thomas Sera
Harini and Govind Setlur
Lina and Eduardo Setti
Maryam Shah-Hosseini
Adrian Shandling
Joel Shapiro and Enid Joffe
Rosella and Michael Shapiro
Steve and Carol Shapiro
D. D. and Abha Sharma
Stephen Sharp and Valerie Wallace
Joseph and Geriann Shaw
Kirby Shaw and Xandra Fisher-Shaw
Kirk Sheehan
Chijow Shein
Cheryl Shelton
Diane and Eldon* Sherwood
Patricia and Richard Sherwood
William and Teri Sherwood
Antoinette Catherine Shetler
Olga Shewfelt
David and Cathleen Shiell
Michael Shiffler
James and Sandra Short
Marcia Shulman and Dana Russell
Alice Sickels
Robert Sickels
Robert Siegel and Teresa DeBell
Jack and Dale Sills
Jose and Virginia Silva
Eli Silver‡# and Martha◊ Jordan∆
David and Janine Simerly
R. Paul and Carole Simkins
Gregory and Ellen Simon
Mary Jo Simon
John and Guadalupe Simpson
Linda Sinatra-Seidner and Jeff
Nagendra and Madhavi Singamsetty
Harvinder and Jasneet Singh
Nikki and Nikhilesh Singh
Ramvatar and Priti Singh
Veenindra Singh
Raymond Singleton
Annie Siu
Joe and Dorothea Skene
Theodore Sklar
Donald and Frances Slebir
Edward and Mieke Smart
Mark and Mary Smiley
Annette Smith
Dana Smith
Jacqueline and Gordon Smith
Kevin Smith
Leonard Smith and Noelle FiliceSmith
Matthew and Aletta Smith
Nancy Smith
Rhoda and Donald Smith
Tracy and Steve Smith
Richard and Barbara Smolen
Barbara and Dave Smoot
Michael Snethlage and Barbara
Irwin and Ceevah Sobel
Philip Soehl and Mary Barron
Mario Solano
Rosandra and Rudy Soleno
Lisa Solinas* and Robert Levin
Peter Solomon*
Laura Solorio
Sylvia Song
Frances and Thomas Souza
Greg and Linda Souza
Sovyak John
Henry and Lisa Spangler
Dave and Diane Sparks
Bruce and Dianne Spaulding
James Spaulding and Catherine
Julia and Paul Spaulding
Thomas and Cynthia Spear
Linda Spencer
Karima and William Sperling
Kim Spitler
Thomas and Susan* Spitz
Gary and Alice Sprague
Phil and Anne Stafford
Colleen Stagg
Jane and Steve Stahl
Darrell and Lori Staley
Mark and Julie Stalzer
Cindy Stameroff
Frederick and Nell Stamm
Elizabeth and Randy Starbuck
Bradley and Cynthia Stauffer
Dennis and Brenda Steers
Frank Stefan and Shelley Hutsler
Judy and Leonard Stein
Robert and Carol Stein
Monica and William Stephens
Wendy and Rick Stephenson
Tom Stern and Laurel Doud
Jaimie Stevens
Marle Stevens and Connie Ayers
Elizabeth Stewart
Marcia Stewart
Steve and Sharon Stewart
Nancy and Christopher Stillians
Wendy Stimson
Richard and Eileen Stolee
Ilya and Elena Stomakhin
Ray and Jan Storch
Peter and Anne Storm
Vaughn and Marilyn Stratford
Paula Strauss
Ruth Stringer
Walter Stringfellow
Richard Strobel
Peter and Tone Strom
Michael and Margaret Struck
Jim Stuhlbarg
Kirk and Barbara Stumpf
Erik Sueberkrop and Donna
Linda and Timothy Sullivan
Terence and Jane Sullivan
James Sumner
Alison Superko
Lukman Suria and Lilianty MuliadiSuria
Dianne Suschil
Michael Susoev
Howard and Neilda Sussman
Kathy and Richard Sutherland
Margarita and Arkadiy Svist
Paul Sweeney and Joann Deutch
Robert Switzer and Elizabeth de
Michael and Marie Symmes
James Symons and S. B. Master*
Robert and Rebecca Szerwo
Matthew and Bernadette Szydlowski
Marian and Ron Tabuchi
Susan Tacata
Steve and Tristan Taggart
Bill Taggart and Sylvia Real
Marc and Marcia Takacs
Greg Talavera
Patrick and Kim Tam
Denise and G.Terrill Tanaka
K. Y. Lee Tapia
Mark Tauzer
Craig Taylor
Delia and John Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Sherryl and Harold Teel
Judy Tengbom
Philip and Anahid Terrence
Curt and Carol Terwilliger
Vitaliy Teryoshin
Edward‡ and Marcia Thayer
Mark and Helayna Thickpenny
Al Thoman and Marie Carbonneau
Donald Thomas*
Jean and Jerry Thomas
Kenneth and Linda Thomas
Marylin Thomas
Noriko and Paul Thomas
Katherine Thomas-Rico and Barry
Deborah Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson
Irene and Gregg Thompson
Lynn Thompson and Hank
Al Thumm
Allen and Shulan Thurm
William and Sally Tiffany
Steven Tilles
Joseph and Lorraine Tipane
James Tipton
Wiley Edward Tipton
Steve and Teresa Tirado
Tony Toh
Aron and Debbie Tomimatsu
Charlie Toms-Ward and Mike Ward
Nida and Osias Torion
Jan and Michael Tormey
Roger Torres
Denise Torrigino
Glenn and Jan Totten
Marsha Townsend
Nancie and Todd Townsend
Wally and Lois Trabing
Amy Trachtenberg and Jeffrey Miller
Mary Beth and Bruce Train
John and Diana Trapani
Carolyn and Kenneth Tratner
Donna and Richard Treffers
Linda Trian
Mauricio and Paula Trigueros
John Triska
Patricia and Bruce Tromberg
Perry Trucco
John True
Javier and Debbie Trujillo
Hau and Hong Truong
James and Sophie Tsao
Mimune Tsukamoto
Richard and Sunnye Tuch
Vicky Tuite
George Turk
John and Elizabeth Turner*
Samael and Dianne Turner
Tracy and Glen Turner
Leah Tussey
Stanley and Elizabeth Tutton
Darlene Tydlaska
Page Tyran
Kathleen Ucinski-Hamilton
Jeffrey and Nancy Uhler
James Usack
Carlos and Lara Valdes
Perry and Jayne Valdez
Cheryl Valencia
Nancy Valencia and Bradley Wells
Michael and Karen Valerio
Steve Vallarino and Raini Sugg
Joshua and Dorit Vampan
Guillermo Vanegas and Maria
Charles and Mindy Vanry
Vivian Vargas
Ralph Vartabedian and Jeanne
Vicki Vaughan
Mark and Agnes Vaughn
Susan Vazquez
Mardi and Michael Veiluva
Penelope and Salvador Velazquez
Silvia and Juan Ventura
Erica and Anthony Vickers
Robert and Susan Victorino
Igor Vilenski
June and Hector Villarreal
Patrice Villars
Jennine Vinci
Richard and Betty Viscuso
Linton and Cecilia Von Beroldingen
Carmen and Dieter Von Puschendorf
Olga and Curtis Vose
Linda Vossler-Swan and Bert Swan
Eugene and Sally Vrana
Marianne and Rainer Wachalovsky
Carol and Daniel Wacker
Isabel Wadsworth
Charlie and Cheryl Wagner
Lillian Walden-Wilkinson
Greg and Evelyn Walker
Katherine Walker
Michael and Cheryl Walker
Jennifer Wallace
Mara and Henry Wallace
Michael Wallen
Karen Walls and William Smith
Carl E.‡ and Judy L.*◊ Walsh#
John and Elizabeth Walsh
Stephen and Linda Walsh
Janet and Henry Walther
Catharine Waltrip
Gary and Pat Walz
Euphemia and Johannes Wang
Paul Wang
Shen Wang
John and Sandy Warren
Ronald Waslohn
Carol and William Wass
Neil and Laurie Wasserman
Richard# and Phyllis Wasserstrom
Mark and Nancy Wathen
Vera Mae Watson
Neil and Cindy Watter
Carrole and Kent Watts
Les Watts
Mary Wax
Fatima and Stephen Weakley
Patrick Weaver
Julie and Stephen Webber
Madeline and Robert* Weber
Susan and Gary Weber
Brendan and Fred Webster
Hans and Janet Weedon
Herbert Weingard
Gina and Randy Welch
Jerry Wells
Paul and Cindy Wen
Elizabeth West-Byrd and William
Stephen Westfold
Susan and Robert Weston
Glen and Tamara Wexler
Jessica and Glenn Wharregard
Donna White
Katherine White
Robert White
Tim and Rita White
Dorrie Whitlock
Donna Whitney
Trina and Fred Whitridge
Mary Whitson
John Whitton and Teresa Deshields
Greg and Betsy Wickstrom
Lois Widom
Leslie and Mel Wild
Charles and Sigrid Wiley
Alan Wilhelm
Chris and Gayle Wilhelm
Greg and Marly Wilkinson
Larry and Judy William
David Williams
Jeanene and Larry Williams
Jennifer and Ronald Williams
Patrick Williams
Scott Williams and Melinda Parker
Suzanne Pfeiffer Williams
Susan Williams-Quinlan and Thomas
Timothy and Rebecca Willis
Louis and Valerie Willsea
Patricia and James Wilmore
Chris* and Lisa Wilmoth
Carol Wilson
Cathy and Locke Wilson
Elizabeth and James Wilson
Patrick Wilson
Quin and Holly Wilson
Suzanne Cobb Wilson
John Winslow
Gregory Wisniewski and Germaine
Claire Witherspoon and James
Stephanie and Stephen Wolff
Dick and Janice Wong
Judi Wong
Nanette Wong
Susie Woo
Patrick and Barbara Wood
George Woodley
Nina Woods and Paul Reiser
Jennifer Woodul and Morgan Wright
Robert Woolley
Jack and Marcene Workman
Wade and Lynn Worsham
Chen Pou Wu
Linda and Louis Wu
Nanci Wyatt
Robert and Kyoko Wynne
Jacqueline Ann Yamaguchi
Gail Yamashita
Han and Chung Yang
Ella Yashinsky
Allen Yasser and Kathleen Fitzgerald
Jennifer and Alan Yee
Linda and Stephen Yee
Ramon and Kelly Yee
Peter Yeung
Hiroshi and Marla Yonamine
Man Jong Yoo
Susanne Young
Kamel and Frances Youssef
Nancy and Chris Youtz
Francis and Debbie Yu
Jean Yuan
Jack Zajac# and Corda Eby
Adolfo Zamora
Lilia Zamora
Virginia Zamudio
Douglas and Karen Zanter
Evelyn Zara-Brown and Gregory
Juanita Zeiler
Antonette and Robert Zeiss
Fernando Zepeda
Jose and Rachel Zepeda
May Zhong and Jackie Wu
Nellie and Chifan Zhu
Judy Ziegler
Tanya Zimmer
Peter Zisko
Gold Chancellor’s Associates
William and Mary Ackerknecht (d)
Karen and Thomas Akin
Ralph Alpert
Myrtle Atkinson (d)
Jack Baskin† and Peggy M. Downes
Jean Beevers
Olivia Boyce-Abel
Jack Bradley and Cathy Richards
Steve and Shelley Brown
Mona and Stephen* Bruce
Barbara W. Canfield†
Ann Capps
Emily Clark
Donald E.† and Diane P. Cooley
Faye J. Crosby‡#
Sandy# and Andy Faber
Lou# and Carolyn Fackler
Charles Gilbert
Christine and Robert* Glaser, Jr.
Elaine Gold
Myra and Drew* Goodman
Margaret Gordon#◊ and Alan Ritch#
Arthur A.‡ and Carol Graham
Sally and Michael*† Graydon
Cynthia Grenfell
Linda Burman-Hall
Russell and Suzanne Hansen
Kamil† and Talat F. Hasan
Gary and Margaret Hirshberg
George Hitchcock#
Natalie A. Hopkins (d)
Thomas Hopkins and Julia DelGado
Karen and Matthew*† Howard
Hal†◊ and Dottie Hyde
Bruce Hyman
Paul‡ and Anne E. Irwin
Pirkle Jones and Jennifer McFarland
Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell
Ramyne Khan and Garry Spire*†
Dave Kirk◊ and Larry Millsap#
David†#◊ and Rachel Kliger
Gerald Kline
Harwood Kolsky#
Erik M. Lauritzen (d)
Martha Lauritzen
Florence Lawrence
John Lawrence (d)
Robert and Eliane Long
Anuradha Luther Maitra†
Bruce and Janet MacDonald
Salem Magarian and Laurie Patton*
Kumar† and Vijaya Malavalli
Arjun and Kiran† Malhorta
Anne and Robert* Mass
Lud and Barbara McCrary
Bud and Emma McCrary
Jane McHenry
Elizabeth McKinne and David
Peter Meehan
Rebecca and James Morgan
Bob Munsey
Bruce and Linda* Nicholson
William Nugent and Mary Wickum
Irene Osterbrock
Christina Pehl and Mark Headley*
Jean Pierret and C. Diane
David‡ and Lynn Regan
Kanwal and Ann Rekhi
Renee Robin and Scott McCreary*
Kevin Rooney and Rachael Spencer*
Robert Scowcroft and Judith Fried
H. Boyd and Deborah Seymour
Cathy◊ and Steve Shender
Phyllis Simpkins
Robert and Carol Simpkins
Diane Simpson
Odette Sims
Audrey Stanley#
Chandler Stauffer
Winifred Steiner
David and Phyllis Stiles
Daniel Stolpe
Barry Swenson
Geoff and Colleen Tate
David Thomas#
Mary Thrush (d)
Adelle and Erwin Tomash
Vijay and Sheena Vaidyanathan
Beth Wallis
Eugene and Bessie Walsh
Jonathan and Jill Winston
Connie Wright
Huibin Yan#
Adrienne Zihlman# and Jerry
Alfred and Ruth Heller
Douglas Hetzler and Suzanne Kerley
Mary Hinz
Lillian Kehler and Kristian Whitsett
Voula and Nicholas Konidaris
Thorne Lay#
Gary Lease (d) and Dorothea
Beverly and Charles Levine
Norman‡ and Mary Kate Lezin
Susan and Joseph* Liddicoat
Dominic# and Karen Massaro
Ed McCurtain
Charles and Barbara McFadden
Dean and Jackie McHenry
Mary and Donald McKenzie
Edward Morrison
Donna Murphy†◊ and Brian
Sweeney (d)
Frances Owens◊ (d)
Patricia and Gregory Raleigh
Robert Rutemoeller and Mary Ittner
David Scially
Richard and Diana Senior
Byron Servies
Susan Seson Salt and Haddon Salt
Tod‡ and Catherine Spieker
Michael‡# and Eileen◊ Tanner
Jan Thompson and Michael Glain
Edda Tusinac
Astrid* and Oliver von Soosten
Candace West#
Joel Wilson◊
W. Todd# and Corinne Wipke
Dorothy Wise
Silver Chancellor’s Associates
Dan and Lynne Alper
Bonnie Bassett
Anne Bay
Marcy Bayne
Suzie and Chip Bogaard
James and Cynthia Bogard
John and Linda Burroughs
John and Barbara* Chilton
Yi-An and Wen-Chung Chou
Norman and Phyllis Cima
Janice Cruz
Karen and Darrell Darling
Raymond Davis
David Deamer#◊ and Olof
Steve DiBartolomeo and Kerry
Kristine Eriksen and Paul Lubeck#
Richard Faggioli
Alan Fahrenbruch and Phyllis
Mary and Norval Fairman
Herb Finkelman
Renelde Flatté
Mary Geyer and Alan Kawamoto#
Arnoldo Gil-Osorio
Bob and Polly Goode
Nan and Allan*† Goodman
Frank Halasz and Maureen Callanan#
Craig Haney# and Aida Hurtado#
Shirley Harder
Chancellor’s Associates
Prakash Agarwal
Sara B.† and Donald Allen
John and Betty Altman
William and Linda*# Anderson
Karl Auerbach and Chris Wellens
James and Anne Bay
Sam Bishop and Elena Laborde
George Blumenthal†#◊ and Kelly
Catherine Brennan
Gerald Brush, Jr.
Joseph Bunnett#
Rae Burke and Regis Kelly
Linda Burnam◊
G. James and Mary Jane Chambers
Bijoy and Joya Chatterjee
Kim Comeaux
J. P. Correa and Jeffrey Kongslie◊
Peggy and Michael Danielson
Lynn and Jan Dash
Jerrold Davis
Dorothea Ditchfield
Carol and Robert* Dodge
Stephen and Peggy* Dow
Lee and Emily Duffus
Christine Eckstrom and Frans†
Anita Elliott and Robert# Taren
Stephen and Madeleine Fackler
Noah Farb
Geoff Fiorito and Jeffrey Gallagher
Jerry and Millie FitzGerald
Jonathan Franzen and Kathy
Cindy and Paul* Geise
Ann Gibb◊ and Sandor
Linda Gleason
Gautam Godhwani
Alan and Susan* Goldstein
David Goodman#
M.R.C. Greenwood†#◊
Mitchell Group
Stephanie and John Harkness
Marsha Harris and Robert McDuff*
Scott Hawkins
Chinshu Huang and Randall Grahm*
Carolyn Hyatt
Fredric and Jo Lynne Jones
Candis and Bruce* Kerns
Nadia Kholeif and Adam Heffernan*
Elise Knittle# and Quentin Williams#
Robert# and Rosalie Kraft
Jean Langenheim#
Mima LeCocq
Nancy Lenz
Charles Levine
Flora Ling and Paul Sturm
Evet Loewen
Sandy and Ann Lydon
Linda and Bruce* Lymburn
Kurt MacLeod
Mary Male and David Brick
Patrick‡#◊ and Gail* Mantey
Stephanie and Daniel* Mathews
Kiki May
Della and Keith McKenzie
Tom McNery
Andrew and Susan Mihalik
Ann Morhauser and Steve Munson
Peggy Musgrave#
Harvey and Judy Nickelson
Joar and Michele Opheim
C. Leo Ortiz# and Carolyn ReynoldsOrtiz
Louise Packard and Larry
Larry and Carole* Peiros
Steven Phillips
Peter and Rita Prindle
Jane Prough
Gordon and Teresa Pusser
Kevin Rasmussen and Matthew
Dixie Rees
Patrick Reilly and Diane Lamotte◊
Randy Repass and Sally-Christine
Darryl and Heather Richman
Pamela and William Richter
Sheila Riley
Jeff and Lisa Rosendale
Dorothy Schaumberg◊
Susan Schwartz#
Kirsten Gruesz# and David Morrell*
John B. Simpson‡◊
Albert Smith
Christa Stiner and Ray Garrett
Pamela and Stephen Storrs
Joseph and Ellen# Suckiel
Pat Thaler
Stephen Thorsett‡# and Rachel
Gail and Michael* Underwood
Steve Uranga and Leticia Quezada*‡
Jack and Teresa Watts
Suzanne and Gerald Weber
Rachel Wedeen
Lawrence and Diane Wolfsen*‡
Chancellor’s Circle
Nancy Abrams# and Joel Primack#
Mahmoud Abu-Ajamia and Kristin
Nicholas Addleman
Page Allison-Roper and Edwin Marty
Minako and Koji* Amakawa
Steven Anderson and Mary
Christine Archer and Larry Hill*
Nancy Austin and Bill Cawley
Marco Barricelli◊
Charles B. Bates
Anil and Sonali Batra
Barbara Beck
Carol F. and Paul Berman
Katherine and Kevin* Biddle
Gina and John Biondi
Martin Birnbach
Gary and Carolyn Bjorklund
Harry and Mary Blanchard
Kenneth◊ and Christine Bloome
Elspeth Bobbs and Sheila Armstrong
Zach Bongiovanni◊ and Tasce Simon
Barry and Emma Jean Bowman#
Patricia and John* Brissenden
William Brooks
William Buckner
Ana Buenrostro
Carole Burke
Theodore Burke
Amanda Calvert
Tere Carrubba
Lou and Christi Caviglia
Nicholas and Janet Change
Constance Chin
Kurt and Karen* Christiansen
Lorna Clark
Christopher Clarke and Carol Doyle
Benjamin Clawson
Carol and Lawrence* Cohn
Vallance Cole and Freny Cooper
Joyce Collins
Philip Collins (d)
Craig and Tina Conway
Rick Cook
Bruce Cooperstein#
Kacie Crane
Kit Crawford
Robin Dale#
Nancy and Aleck* Darr
Sakti and Maya Das
Victoria and Anthony de Alcuaz
Sonia# and Thomas Deetz
Margaret Delaney‡#◊ and Jack
George and Patricia Deppe
Sharon Dirnberger◊
Debra Dobosz
Debra Dolsberry
Robert and Sheri Dorfman
Chris Dorger and Kendra Armer
Leah Dowty
William# and Glendawyn Doyle
Karen and David* Dundes
Freeman and Imme Dyson
Carol Eger
Austin Einhorn
Charles and Sandra Eldridge
Robin and Douglas Engfer
Gary Erickson
Fran Etow and John Livingston
Albert Ezor
John Faulkner#
Christina Ferrigno
Robert and Bette Finnigan
Henrietta Flatté
Stanley Flatté (d)
John Flores and John Laird*
Brook and Thomas Foster
Tom Frankl
Alison Galloway‡#◊
Robert and Priscilla Gilbert
James‡# and Catherine Gill
Allen and Shirley Ginzburg
Tracy and Gary# Glatzmaier
Anil and Jyoti Godhwani
Walter# and Lois Goldfrank
Alissa Goldring
Greg Gomon
Ann and Jim Gordon
Yuji and Midori Goto
Howard Gottlieb
Phillip Gottlieb
Nonie Greene and Todd Werby*
David Greenwood and Mary Doyle*†
Isebill Gruhn# and Dale Johnson#
Marianne Guntow◊
Mark and Ann Hamburg
Susan† and Philip Hammer
Donna Haraway# and Rusten
William and Jill Harmon
Cleon Hayes
Dennis Hearne
Patricia and Brian Herman
Henry# and Galen Hilgard
Charlie Hoeveler
John Hogg
Lee T. Hooper
Richard Hopcraft
Michael Isaacson#◊ and Patricia
Margaret Ivy
Sridar and Anita Iyengar
Betsy and Vladimir Jelisavcic
Nancy Jones (d)
John# and Jane Jordan
Narinder† and Satinder Kapany
Jennifer and Dennis*◊ Karlinsky
Marlene Keeley (d)
Barbara Keller
Alison and Art Kern
Leroy Kerth
Javed and Shaheena Khan
Doug and Joy Kilner
Ellen Kimmel
Christine King◊ and Mark Neenan◊
Ted Kirkiles
Judd and Amy Klement
Arnold Klemola#
Paul Koch#
Susan and Robert* Koeppen
Mark Kot and Celeste Berg*
Bill Ladusaw‡#◊ and Ken
Miriam and Edward Landesman#
Bruce and Maxine Lane
Edward Lax
Barbara and Timothy Leach*
R. Brendan Leary and Jean Swanson
Philip Leboit and Karen Axelsson*
Daniel Levin and Naomi Andrews*#
Dixie and David Lindberg
Patricia Lindgren
Carl Liu
Michael Loik# and Karen Holl#
Nancy Loshkajian‡◊
Theresa Lovering-Brown and Elliot
Neil Lowenbraun and Elizabeth
Marsha Lubow
James and Linda* Lyon
Gwendolyn Marcum
Susan Martin
Gui Mayo
Evelyn McCabe
Kate McGirr# and Kathleen
Mike and Kitty McMahon
Lori McMinn
Diana and Steven* Meckfessel
Gary and Cathy* Meyer
Virginia Miesenhelder
Joyce Milligan
Jim and Mary Beth Montgomery
Gregory Moore
Marilyn and Robert Moore*
Sheila Moore
Rajeev Motwani and Asha Jadeja
Tom Murtha and Stefanie Lenway*
Susan Nolan
Patrick O’Hara and Lynne Stoops◊
Daniel and Carol O’Laughlin
Lisa Orlick-Salka and Corey Salka*
William and Erica Ow
Nicole Paiement# and Brian
Susan and Kenneth* Pergrem
Karl†◊ and Rita Pister
Jill and Todd Prindle
Perry Alexandra Radford
Loretta Rao and Richard Josephson
Rosemary and Brian Raphael
John and Janet Regan
Carla Reiter
Bobbie Reyes◊ and Valerie Chase*◊
Robert Rich
Eugene and Donna Richeson
Robert and Edie Rittenhouse
Carolyn Roberts
Willela and Michael* Robinson
Pamela Roby#
Barbara Rogoff#
Donna Rubin
Ed and Norma Sacks
Nancy and Alan Saldich
Eugene and Joanne* Scanlan
Bruce Scharschmidt and Peggy
Zack Schlesinger#
Barbara and Jon Schleuning
Christine and Christopher* Schlies
John Schwarz
Don and Joan*† Scott
Kristin and Paul* Seeman
Marti and Larry Selman
Gretchen Shankweiler and Neil
Jacqueline and Robert Shaw*
Barbara Shields
Jean Shimoguchi
Robert and Joan Shomler
Laura Simmons
Eileen and Jim* Simpkins
Lynne Sims and Larry deGhetaldi*†
Mitchell Slade
Susan Smiley
Dan Smith
Franklin and Jean Smith
Kirk Smith and Cynthia Mathews
Laura Smith
Melissa and Russell* Smith
Aldona and Damon* Spiegel
Virginia Steel‡◊ and Douglas
Marie Stevens
Richard Stone
Melinda Straub
Sanjay and Suniti Subhedar
Nancy and Jeffrey* Sue
Michelle and Michael* Suval
Jennifer◊ and Jeffery Svihus
Karla Tallerico
Bianca Tarshis
Ira Valdez Tarshis
Marion Taylor#◊
Thomas Thacher
Matthew Thompson
Othmar# and Kathryn* Tobisch
Jim Triplett
Roy Trowbridge
Nikola Turner◊
Marsha Vande Berg and Jim Fuller†
Jon Varese
Rene and Selene* Vega
David and Edna Vollmer
Brad Walsh
John A. Ware and Kiyoko M. “Kit”
Linda Weil
Gene and Carol* Weisskopf
Mary Wells◊
Joanna and Lawrence* Weschler
Stan and Lois Wolfberg
David Wood and Jennifer Choate
Frank and Judith Wylie
James and Margery (d) Wylie
Ivy Yan
Sophia Yanow
Annette Yee and Loren Steck*†#
Rivka Yerushalmi
Bret and Jacqueline Zischke
Victor Guadagno and Pamela
Annual Donors
Leonard Aaron
Justin and Jennifer Abbott
Shannon Durham and Larry Abitbol
Rita Abraham and Michael Yurow*
Elizabeth Abrams# and Joe Lofreddo
Fredrick Abrams
Rachel and Douglas Abrams
Lorne Abramson and Elana
Jessica and Zack*◊ Adam
Audrey Adams
Mike and Barbara Adams
Rob Addelson and Rosalind
Fred and Arlene Addison
James Aguiar and Randi BurkeAguiar*
Anne Agura
Alice Alarcon
Dan‡◊ and Elaine Aldrich
Lois Aldwin
Chris Allaman and Angela Molina
Carole and Thomas Allen
Deborah Allen
Heather Allen and Michael Fyfe
Rosa and Jeffrey Allen
Thomas Allen and Larre Allen
Paul Alpers and Carol Christ
Liz Alpert# and Ken Friedenbach*
Roger Alt and Jane Owen Alt*
Michael Aluffi◊
Jason Amici
Bruce Amos
Elana Andersen
Alicia Anderson
Kathleen Anderson
Patricia and Timothy* Anderson
Rosemary Anderson◊
Tom Anderson and Tamia Marg
Peter and J. Irma Andrews
Richard and Leslie Andrews
Ryan Andrews◊
Barry Antler
Gregory and Margaret Antonoff
Tim Appenzeller and Traci Watson*
Chausette Arenal
Carol Armijo
Julia Armstrong-Zwart◊ and Frank
Christina and Kyle Arndt
Mauna Arnzen
Ramona and James Aroyan*
Tad Artis
Patricia and John* Ashbaugh
Peter and Susan* Ashley
Rod and Mary Atchison
Stacey and Clint* Atherton
Russell Atkinson and Mary Orr
Alison Augustin
Beverely and Robert Avery
Ronald and Emily Axelrod
Jenifer Ayala
Helen Aylsworth
Betty Bachan
Kenneth and Dana Bacher
Larry Baer and Stephanie Klein
Katie and Brian Bagley
Julie Bailey
Patrice Bailey
Jon Bailiff and Susie Bright
Donna Baird-Horne
Pamela Baker
Carolyn Ball#
Joanne Ballinger
Mary Ballou and Jeff Evans*
Barbara Bally
Phillip and Maxine H. Balma
Karen Barad#
Larry and Joann Barbier
William Barclay and Cathy Ann Fogel
John Bargetto
Steven and Bonnie Barisof
Susan Barkan
Anne Barnes
Bridget and John Barnes◊
Dennis and Sandra* Barnes
Gerald Barnett#◊ and Ruth HarrisBarnett#◊
Robert and Michelle Barone
Virginia Barr◊
Julie Barrett Heffington◊ and Tim
Nahoko and Leonard Barrett
Ron and Christine Barrington
D. Barron and R. Cibella
Bartholomew and Sharon Barry
John and Sheila Bartelt
Roger Bass
Tom and Elizabeth◊ Bastasch
Wayne Batten
Kathy and Bill Baumann
Murray# and Sheila Baumgarten
Ralph and Marjory Beal
John Beard
Jeff and Lisa Beardeaux
Eileen Beaudry and Greg Larson
Jim Beauregard
Ivette Becerra and Rene Ortega
Sandra and Michael Beck
Donna Becker and Gary Merrill
J. W. Becker
Kathleen Becker
Susan Becker
Marie and Rex Beckham
Albert Bedecarre and Claire Ernst
Norman and Sharon* Bedell
Robert Begun and Doree Steinmann
Melca and David# Belanger
John C. Benito and Vicki Miller
Peter Benson and Thomas
Carla Bentley◊
Hilary Benton and David# Williams
Mary Bentzen
Maxine Lapin Berg
Harry Berger#
Mark Bering
Justin Berk
Roger and Elaine Berke
Scott and Candy Berlin◊
Colleen Berlin-Timmons
Walter Bernard and Kristine
Giacomo Bernardi#
Kenneth and Jill Berrick
Kimberly S. Best
Karin and Michael Beumer-Browner
Randy Bevis and Vanessa# Tollefson
Banani and Sukanta Bhattacharyya
Keith and Frances Bickford
Scott Biddy and Claudine Bach
Paula Bierce
Mary and Steven Bignell
Madeline Bills
Robert Bills
Patricia and Peter Biocini
Donna Bjorn
Robert and Heidi Black
Simon Black
Surrey and Gregor Blackburn
Madeline and Tim Blackwood
Sharon and Richard Blaine
Cynthia Blake◊ and Katie
Rene and Janet Blanquies
Daniel and Muriel Blatt
Diane and Warren Blaugrund
Ferne Blaugrund
Mindy and Steven Blechman
Kenneth Blenis
Susannah Blinkoff and Jordan
Melinda and Ken Block
Steven Block
Donnella C. Bloebaum
James and Berma Blomquist
James Blomquist and Patricia
Don and Eileen Blood
Dan Blunk◊ and Nancy Alstrum
Betty and Bert Bly
David Blyn and Laura McKinney
Brian Bock
Ted and Carol Bockman
Rosemarie Bodenheimer
Bradley and Karla Bogard
David Boisvert
Janet and Rush Bolender
Holly and Christopher Bolling
Safiya Bonaventura
Robert C. and Claudia H. Booth
James and Sandra Boothe
Elizabeth Borelli
Ligia Borlean and Daniel Avram
Rita# and Thomas Bottoms
Paul and Connie* Boulay
Nina Bouley
Peter Boulton and Mary Beam
Steve◊ and Sarah Bourdow
Gerry and Kay Bowden
Patrice Boyle and Enda◊ Brennan
Roger and Joan Bradfield
Jane Bradford
Joan Bradus and Dale Friedman
James Brady
Philip Brady and Stewart McDowell
Preston and Marilyn* Brahm
Gretchen and Bruce Brandt
Mari and Ryan Brandt
Roger and Louise Brandt
Angela and Daniel Braude
Ulrike and Robert Brauneis
Edward Bray
Larry Brenner
Marvin Brenner
Bruce# and Diane* Bridgeman
Frank‡# and Loreen Bridges
Donna and Steven Brigham
Camille and Michael Brint
Florencio Briones and Ana Maria
Jeff Brittan
Elizabeth and Jim Brock
James and Enid Brock
Emily Brodsky# and Francis Nimmo#
Carole and David Brodsly
Roberta Bromberger
Elizabeth and Jeffrey Brook
Katherine Brooks
Thelma and Robert Brooks
Allan and Muriel Brotsky
Edward and Patricia Browder
Alan and Gwen Brown
Alexander Brown and Vanessa
Alison* and Larry Brown
Frank Brown and Elaine Murakami
George Brown‡#◊ and Julie DrydenBrown◊
James Brown and Rachelle Weiss
Joel and Priscilla Brown
Kevin Brown
Laura and Jess Brown
Malia and Marc Brown
Peter Brown
W. Owen Brown
William and Norma Brown
Gerald Browne
David Brownell
Tom and Constance Broz
Bertram Bruce and Susan P. Bruce
Kenneth# and Anne Bruland
John and Laurie Brumfield
Sandro Brunido
Michael Bryant◊ and Rita Walker◊
Daniel Buckler
Kenny Buckler
James and Cynthia Buckner
Jerry Budin and Suzanne Meyer
Pamela◊ and Daniel Buecher
Teresa Buika Leopold◊ and John
Debbie Bulger
Priscilla and Michael Bull
Sean Bullock◊
Marlene Bumgarner
David and Barbara Bunker
Sara and S. Elliot Burch
Gwen Burchett
Thomas Burger
Donald Burgett* and Arlene
Victor Burgin#
Fritz Burkart
Nick Burkitt
Katie Burnette
Ethel Burnham
Jim◊ and Nancy Burns
Deborah Burns-Walton and Michael
Duffy Busch
Patrick Busch and Dale SummerBusch
John and Jill Bushakra
Michael Butnik and Joanne Scherr
Robert and Louise Byer
Rosalee Cabrera◊
Margy J. Cacitti
Keith and Mary Beth Cahalen
Andrew and Marilyn Calciano
Anne Callaway
Breck and Dario Caloss◊
Kenneth# and Debra* Cameron
Broos Campbell and Sharan Street
John and Heather Campbell
Orfa Campbell◊
Susan Campbell
Michael and Kathering Canavan
Charles L. and Cherri Canfield
Marilyn and Earl Cantlay#
Rosalie Cape
Elizabeth Caraker and Matthew
Michele Caramello
Christopher and Penelope Carless
John and Alice* Carley
Patricia Carlino and Mark Nixon
Margot and Joe Carlisle
Pamela and Clair Arthur Carlson
Deborah Carlton
Paul and Judith Carmichael
Allison and Jon* Carnero
Ceinwen Carney
Jennifer Carole
Joe and Sharon Carollo
Kim and Michael* Carpenter
Kathleen Carroll
Nancy Carroll# and Martine
James Cartwright
Linda Caruthers
Fred and Joan Carvell
Sherry Casasky
Evelyn and Dante Casolari
Henry Cassady
Marjorie Cassel
Karl H. and Helga M. Cathrein
Marcus◊ and Alice Cato
Alfred Cavanaugh
Sheila Cayton
Patrick Cearley
Manny Centeno and Ericka Sleight
Robert and Jennifer Chaffiotte
Darryl◊ and Julianne* Chagi
Ramen and Archana Chakrabarti
Cyndi Chambers-Crook and Dave
Nikolas Chan
Brenda Chargin
John Charlot
Rajarshi Chaudhuri
Tyra Chemers and Joel Chemers
Stuart D. Cheshire
Sonja Chesley and Errol EerNisse
John and Mary Childs
Rebecca and Mark Childs
Eric Chin
Kenny Chin
Robert Chisari
Richard Choi
Phillip Christ
Diana and Alfred Christen
Elsa M. Christen
Jytte Christensen
Karen Christensen and Rick Jones
Karl Christoffersen
Carolyn◊ and Neil Christopherson
John Chwistek
Al and Kathy Ciabattoni
Ceil Cirillo
Jana Clark and Mark Orrisch
Lauri Clark
Michael Clark
Michael and Barbara Clark
Michael and May Clark
Renee Clark
Ron Clark
Thomas S. Clark
Timothy Clark
Martha B. Clayton
Betsy Clebsch
Henry Cleveland
Joanne Clever
Michael and Janet◊ Cloud
Barrie# and Carol Coate
Paul Cocking and Leslie ScottCocking
Clark Codiga
Patrick Cody and Annette Emery
Robert# and Singne* Coe
Gloria and Richard Coen
Sharon Jacobs Cohan and David
Andrea Cohen◊ and Solomon Bundy
Morty and Rebecca Cohen
Bob Cohen and Jane Henderson
Sandra Cohen
Susan Cohen and Barry Weingast
Harriette Cohn
Dale and Christine Coke
Jen L. Colby and John R. Wilcox
Paula and David Cole
Rod Coleman
Russell and Shirley Coleman
Sally Coleman
Ray Collett#
Marjorie Colletta and John Zott
Barbara Collins◊ and Andy Todd
Linda Colville
Lynn and Mary Comeskey
David Condon and Georganne M.
Robert and Phyllis Conlan
George Cook and Mary James*
Simone Cook
Richard Coombs
Neal Connerty and Lucie Rossi
Evert Cooper
Paulette Cooper
June and Robert Cordy
Misty and Carl Cork
Flavio and Christine Cornejo
John M. Cornwall
Maria and Jose Corrales
Janice‡◊ and Gene Corriden
Mark and Terry Corwin
Anthony L. Costa
Tom Cotton
Gregg Courand and Tina Panantin
Lawrence and Constance Cowper
Aileen Cox
Madeline and Kevin Cox
Patricia Cox
Danine Cozzens and James C.
David and Joan Craig
Charles Craik and Nancy Sambol
Bev Crair
John Craver
Richard and Val Lana Crean
Kelli Cree and Jeffrey Rahn*
Corey Creekmur and Teresa Mangum
Alvin and Patricia Crocker
Marjorie J. Crocker
Christopher Crooks and Alissa
Freda Crum◊
Margaret Csapiaros
Jorge Cuellar
Patricia Cullinan
Gordon and Kay Cumming
John Cunniff and Bonnie
Marjorie Cunningham
Greg Cusack and Jennifer DiSabatino
David Cuthbert# and Kirsten Brandt#
Lynda and Gregory* Cutter
Cynthia Dachel
Tim Dagelen
Tamara and Douglas Dale
William and Sharon Dally
Dean Dalton and Terry Trout
Betty Danner
Steve Danner and Karen Wcislo
Jerry and Moonyeen Danzig
Robert and Elizabeth Darling
Andrew and Pauline Darrow
Terry Dash and Stephan Miller
Timothy and Stacey David
Camille Davids
Jenean Davidson
Paul Davidson and Peggy Spencer
Virginia and Edward Davies
Angela Davis#
Eric Davis
Paul Davis
Robert Davis and Colleen Mulholand
Robert and Ruby Davis
Layla Dawson
Andrew Day and Rachel Ruby
Mark Day and Amy Goldberg-Day
Kathleen De Fouw
Celia and Eugene De Frank
Deborah and Samuel de la Cruz
Teresa and Roberto de la Rosa
Francis DeWinter
Justine Dean
Leslie Dean
Wilard Dean
Harmony DeAngelo
Michael R. Deatherage
Jerry and Sylvia Deck
Janet DeDonato and Bob Grindeland
Robert deFreitas◊
Robert Degrasse
Sheri and Brian* Del Core
Norma Del Gaudio and Wolfgang
Jerry and Sheila DeLany
Neil Delfino
Rachel and Roberto Delgadillo
Annette Delgreco
Elliot Dembner
Kamrin Desmond
David and Kathleen*◊ Dettman
Patrick Devine and Barbara
Linda Dezzani
Anita Diaz◊ and Nicholas Meltzer
Philip Dick
Lloyd and Eleanor Dickman
Thomas Dietterich and Carol Rivin
John Dietz
Noel Dietz
Ken Dill and Jolanda Schreurs
Hugh and Nancy Ditzler
Julie Dixon
John# and Ann Dizikes
Roger D. Dockter
Jill and Martin Dodd
Randy Doering
Linda Dolan
Phillip Andrew Dolan
Harry and Carol Dolouzian
Michael# and Grace Dooley
Barbara and Glenn Dorin
Gene Dorsa and Dafne Miller
Priscilla and Raymond Douglass
Safa Dow
Karen and John Dowdell
Dora and Jay Downey
Dwayne and Linda Downing
Russell and Gan Neh Na Downing
Carol E. Downs
Patricia Drake
Ann W. Draper◊
Bruce A. Dreier
Bill Drennen and Jeanne Strayer
Diana and Phillip Drews
Cyrus and Amy J. Driver
Jack and Sheila Dubin
John and Angie Dues
Dan and Monica Dugan
Brian Duisenberg◊
R. A. and Sue Dumller
Kathryn and Paul Dungan
William and Joan Dunn
Curtiss DuRand
Betty Ann Durham
Ted and Pat Durkee
Cheryl and George Dymesich
Kim and Charlie Eadie
Deborah Eads
Mary and John Eagle
Sandi Eason
Peter and Catharine* Eastman
Terry and Mark Eastman
Philippe Eberhard
Randy Eckstein
Margaret Eddy
Dean and Sharon G. Edell
Margery and Richard Edgren
Paul Edwards◊ and Kevin Keedy*◊
Martin and Vibeke Einhorn
Sherry Eisendorf
Erick and Jill Eklund
Larry Elan
Bernard Elbaum# and Nina Koocher
Avi and Patricia Eliahu
Michael Elich
Norman Ellestrand
Arline and David Elliott
Marq Elliott and Marilyn Cahn
Craig and Julie Ellis
Jennifer Ellis#
Stan Elman
Paul B. Elmore, III
Steven Elprin and Claire Bunton*
Roger Emanuels
Jim Emdy
Gretchen Emmons
Gerri Endean
Gerda Endeman
Judy Enos
George Erickson
William and Elaine Ernst
Shelly Errington#
Donna M. Ervin
Paul and Laura Escobosa
Leonel and Maria Espinoza
Karen Estrella
Stephen and Susan Etchison
Olga E. Euben
David Evan Jones#
Allyson Evans
Robert Evans
Gregory and Kate Evard
Brooke T. Ewoldsen
Debra Fabiani
Marci Faggioli Smith and Fred Smith
Michael Fahey
Bruce Fairey
Barbara Fairhurst
Rick Falconer
Anne and Robert† Falltrick
Jim and Paula Faris
Mathew Farrell
Susan and Richard Farrington
Rodgers and Margaret* Faurot
Robin J. Fawkes and Steve M.
Jennifer and Jonathan Fay
Ben Feldman and Alice Fishman
Jeannine Feldman
Margo Felldin
Jim and Jane Felton
Thomas and Claire Fenton
F. Joel Ferguson#
Vernon and Laura Fernandez
Robert and Melanie Ferrando
Mark Ferrari and Cathy Ferrari
M. P. and Denise Ferrigan
Kelly Ferry
Carolyn Fetler
Tom Fewel
Robert Feyer and Marsha Cohen
Terry Fickies
Bill and Audrey Fieberling
Drew and Gwendolyn Field
Michele Finch
Patricia Finlay
Yolanda and Gary W. Finn
Jill Finsen
Frank Fish
Andrew Fisher# and Caroline
Miriam A. and Noel H. Fishman
Penny and Bill* Fitler
Mike Flagg and Judy Cooper
Russ# and Brenda Flegal
Cathia and Mark Fleisher
David Fleming and Jeanne◊ Lance
Hugh Fletcher
Christopher Flick
Louis Florer
Maria and Andy Flores
Christina Floyd
James Foliart
Caren Fondy
Kai Fong
Kirby Fong
Richard and Kathlee Fontana
Don and Christine Forbus
Susan G. Ford◊
Will and Catherine Forest
Blu Forman and Chela Zabin
Shirley Forsyth
Karla Forsythe and James Crane
Kimberlyn Forte
William H. Forthman
Brian E. Foss
Kenneth Foster and Joan
Ellen Fox
Robert and Desiree Foxworthy
Connor Foy and Heidi Williams-Foy
Anthony Francis and Jeri Smith
Allen and Barbara Frank
Donna and Robert*◊ Franks
Marianna and James Franks
Mary Ann and Robert Franson
Lesley Franz
Todd Fraser
Stacie Frederick
Don Fredrickson
Christine and Greg Freeman
John Freiermuth
Edward and Helene French
Lorely French and James Draznin*
David L. Fried
Hal and Hilda Friedman
Larry Friedman and Tom◊ Ellison
Edward Frieman
Erin and Barnaby Fry
Hiroshi Fukurai#
Glenn Funk#
Joan Allen Funk
John and Jane Fusanotti
Marianna Gabriel Mejia and Federico
Cindy P. Gadye◊ and Sheldon
Francine Gaeta
Jeanne Gallo
Robert Galvan
Brian Gant
Martin and Susan Garbowitz
Antonio G. Garcia
Graciela Sarita Garcia
Ana Garcia-Garcia#
Philip and June Gardner
Duane◊ and Irene Garner
Robert Garner
Philip Garofalo
Lisa Garono
Todd Garrett
Don Gartner and Donelle Ehrut
Helen Garvey and Robert Gries
Richard and Lois Garwin
Henry Gaska
George Gaspari#
Edna Gaub
David and Patricia Geddes
Robert Geer
Charlotte Gelfand
Maria Geluz
Robert and Kathleen Genco
Arkady Gendelman
Wendy◊ and Donald* Genesy
Brande Gentry and Melitta Rorty*
Sang Mi and Thomas Geocaris
Lynette and Ted George
Barbara Gerber and Michael Wine
Hans and Elizabeth Gerritsen
Leslie and Kelly Gheen
Diane Gibson and Lawrence Bazel
Diane Gifford-Gonzalez#
Gregory Gilbert# and Ingrid Parker#
Sandy Gilbert
Patricia Gile
Susan and Patrick Gill
Mark and Toni Gillespie
Elisabeth and Max Gitter
Judy Glass
Jaime Gochoco
Carol Godsave
Adam Goduto
Lynda J. Goff‡#◊
Robert Goff# and Eleanor Littman
Roxana Goin
Hilary and Joseph Goldberg
Karla Golden
Marilyn Goldsmith
Terry and Linda Gong
Rose and Gregory Gonzalez
Elizabeth Goode
Raymond and Dorothea Goodrich
Kevin and Eileen Goodwin
Barbara and Mark Gordon
Jack Gordon and Nancy CarrGordon#
Jaimy Gordon
Anna Gosline
Dean and Sheila◊ Gottehrer
Eric Grabiel◊
Dennis Grady
Larry Graff
Sarah and Jeffrey Grant
William Grant
Douglass Graver
Barbara Graves and Bruce Daniels
Daniel Gray
Jim and Laurel Graziano
Christine and William Green
Christine Green
Doug and Lori Green
Jennifer Green
Karen Green
Josephine Greene#
Shannon and John Greene
Gregory Greenman
Megan and C. Chris Grenier
Jean and Alexander*# Grillo∆
Vince Grimaldi
Donald Grimes
Michael and Janelle Grimes
Barry and Diana L. Grimm
Bathsheba Grossman and Donal
James Grove◊
Kimberly and Daniel Grover
Jeffrey Grubb and Elise Huffman*◊
Marsha Gruen
Adele Guerzon◊
Margie and David Guggenhime
Timothy and Virginia Guhin
Pierre Guidetti and Maureen Labro
John Guinn and Alicia Silverman*
David Gulley
Celina Gutierrez
Terri Gyr
Barbara J. Haasis
Marjorie and Howard# Haber
Denis and Virginia Haberkamp
William and Deborah Hackett
James and Linda Hagan
Deborah Hager
Saul and Ruth Haimowitz
Robert Hajosy and Jane Tea-Hajosy
David M. Hale
Keith and Linda Hale
Scott Hale and Patricia Brown
Kathryn and Arthur Halenbeck
Anna Lorene Hall
Arthur and Anne Hall
Stanford and Jacquelyn Hall
Wade Hall
Lillian Hallock◊
Georgia Hallyburton
Joan Halperin
Vicky and Steven Halpern
Esther and Lee Halverson
Virginia and Philippe Hammerness
Todd Hammonds
Carl Hampson and Maia Hampson
Lucy Hampton
Byron Han and Dorothy Chen
Donald and Olivia* Hand
Mary Hanlan
Nagi M. and Teresa C. Hanna
Eric and Anna B. Hansen
Hardy Hansen
Vera Hansen
Charles Hanson
Harry and Terry Hanson
Lee Hanson#
Marvin and Angela Hanson
William and Barbara Happer
Mary Beth Harhen◊
Stephanie Harlan
Meg and Don Harlor
David Harrington# and Amy
Frances Anne Harrington
Andrea and Allan Harris
Coco Harris
Lawrence Harris
Peter and Sheri Harris
Greg Harshaw#
Jean Hart and Richard L. Pearson
Richard and Deanne Hart
John and Bonnie Hartman
Juel and Andrew Hartmann
Arthur Haseltine
Britt and Joseph Haselton
Mary Hastings and Kevin Eisenberg
Stephen Hauskins◊ and Jose
David# and Lu Haussler
Mark and Eleanor Hawkins
Kelly Hawkins
Peter and Lynda Haworth
Pam and James Hay
Chris J. Hayden
Anne Hayes◊
Patricia Haymond and Paul Stone
Madeline Head
George Headley
David and Jackie Heald
Edward Hearn and Linda Arnold
James and Lesley Hearn
Tom and Diana Hearn
Nancy and Christopher Heavey
Elva Hector
Suzanne Heinze
Shirley Heitschel◊
Bonnie L. Hellevig
Steven and Christine Hempler
Dan Henderson
Patricia Henderson
Daniel and Nancy Hendrix
David Henry and Deborah Ginsburg
Paul and Audrenne Henry
Alfred and Katherine Herbermann
Elizabeth Herbert and Michael
Hermelinda and Jose Hernandez
Robert Herrera
Deborah and Jacob Herschler
Rosanna Hertz and Robert J. Thomas
Christopher Hertzog
Donna and Heber Hertzog
Sally Hess and Tim Eells
Ann and Robert Hestand
Stephen M. and Jane E. Heumann
Elaine Heyman
Hannah Hickey
Maria Hickling
Katsumi and Alice Hikido
Charles Hill and Amy Lerner
Susan Hillyard#
Robert and Kimberly Hinrichs
Patti Hiramoto◊ and Wayne Komure
Robert and Ellen Hirth
Barbara L. and James L. Hitchcock
Wendy and Samuel Hitt
Steve G. Hixenbaugh
Frank M. Hlavaty
Stephen and Rebecca Hlebasko
Maureen Hoatlin and Thomas Brown
Russell and Mary Ann Hobbs
Chad and Lisa* Hoesing
Trude Hoffacker
Ivette and George Hoffer
John Hofferlin
George# and Inga Hoffman
John Hoffnagle and Suzanne Easton
Erich and Eileen Holden
Gwen and Robert Holden
Kenneth Hollman and Desne
Darrell Holloway and Alice Stasik
Ted R. Holman#
Joanna S. Holt
Linda Holub and Robert Holub
William S. Hommon
Alayne Meeks Honey
Emily Honig#
Jessica Hooks
Stephen Hooper and Sandra Van
Linda Hopper
Donna Horne
Daniel Horwitch
Jerry and Carol◊ Houser
Steve◊ and Kenee◊ Houser
Maureen and Philip Houtz
Jacqulyn Howard
Sarah Howell
Sherron Hrabko
Kevin Ching Wen Hsieh
Louise and Anthony Huang
Ernest Hudson and Diana Chase
Lisa and Dale Hudson
Michael and Mary-Nona Hudson
Judith Huggins
Peggy Humphries
Phyllis Hunt
Paula Hurwitz
Robert Husk and Gail Bakker
Scott Hutchinson and Constance
Carol and Randall Huth
Karla Hutton
Amy Huyck
Dave and Colleen Iermini
Don Iglesias and Cathy StefankiIglesias
Garth# and Wendy Illingworth
Marie and Kent Imai
Greg Irikura and Theresa Park
Edward Irvin
John Isbister# and Roz Spafford#
Craig Iscoe and Rosemary Hart
Mary Ellen Ittner and Peter Larko
Nancy and Russell* Ivanhoe
Stanley Iversen
Lynn Jackson
Patricia Jackson and Dayle Parkes
Robert and Barbara Jackson
John and Carol Jacobs
Michael and Grace Jacobs
Lee Jaffe# and Margaret Ostrander◊
Steve Jaffe and Sharon Middleman
Maryam Jahangany and Ali Golshan
Jan James
Marilyn James
Robert and Dian James
Robert and Karen Janches
Joni L. Janecki
Virginia# and George Jansen
Martha and Gregory Jay
Jo Ann Jeffers and Andrew Pohorsky
Ann Jeffrey
Helen Jelisavcic
Dobie and Ann Jenkins
Barbara and Michael Jiongo
Henry Joa
Donna Johns
Barbara and Michael* Johnson
Betsy Johnson
Bradley Johnson and Darryl Moore
Craig and Danielle M. Johnson
David Johnson
Deanna Johnson and Allen Carlson
Erik and Judy Johnson
Jean and William Johnson
Jeanette and Paul Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Steven and Jana Johnson
Sue M. Johnson
Leslie Johnson-Tatsuta and Paul
Redmond and Barbara Johnston
William Johnston
Derrol and Ursula* Jones
Helen B. Jones
Judy Jones
Michael Jones
Nancy and Peder* Jones
Randolph Jones
Renee and James Jones
William and Joanne Jordan
Eileen and Gerhard Joseph
Steve Joyce
Todd and Kay M. Judson
William L. Jump†◊
Stephanie and Roger* Jungerman
George Jurickovich (d)
Stanley D. Kahn
Thomas and Sarah Kailath
Matthew B. Kaiser
Samuel and Leslie Kalinsky
Gurson Kantor
Fred Kaplan
Jeanne and Joshua Kaplan
Marcia and Henry Kaplan
Beverly and Alvin Karp
Thomas Karwin◊
S. Paul# and Nancy Kashap
Ronald and Connie Kasper
Robert E. Kates
Robert Katz and Leola Lapides
Madeline and Michael Kauffman
Jill and Adam Kaufman
David Kaun#
Jodi and Kirk Kawagoe
Julie Kazzimir
Ann Kearney◊
Loraleigh Keashly and William C.
Gary Keeley
Michael and Ruth Keeley
Julia E. Kehoe
Robin A. Kehoe and Brandel E. Eiger
Mary and John Kehrer-Schneider
David Keller◊
Jimmy Kelly
Penelope and Peter# Kenez
Jim and Donna Kenney
Dave Keno
Kathleen Kenyon◊
Sarah Kerley-Weeks and John B.
Nicki and Donald Kerns
Maria Kersey and Michael Wilson*
Todd and Cynthia Kesselman
Eddie Kessler and Diane Manning
Joseph Kiang
Joumana and Jason Kidd
William Kier and Kathleen Smith
Douglas Kilduff
Ken Kimes and Sandra Ward
Susan and Brian Kincaid
Abby King and Steven Lovett
Russell Kingon◊ and Nicole Lezin
Patrice and Todd Kinion
Karin Kipphut
David and Margo* Kipps
Naomi Kirschenbaum
Cynthia Kishi and Larry Robinson
Ted Kitada and Karen Yamashita*
Katherine Kitsuse
Pamela and Richard* Kittler
Gary Kittleson
Gretchen L. Kjose
P. M. Klauber
John Klein
Richard and Diane Klein
Tiffany and Jonathan Klein
Penelope Kleinhans
Clyde Klingenberg
Judith Klinman
Alex Knowles
Jane and James Knox
Gordon Kobara
John Koene◊
Kenneth Koenig and Lisa Rose◊
Janette Kolar◊ and Stan Hajduk
Erma Konish
Dayne Kono
Fannie Kono
David Koo# and Anna Hackenbracht
Tom and Susan Koontz
Laura J. Kopsinis and Nicholas
Joanne and David Korz
Melinda Kovats and Duane
Michele Kraft
Nancy Krantz
Liz and Greg Krause
Mary and Julius R. Krevans
Joan Krimston and David J. Korduner
Jennifer Kruse
Thomas and Jeanne Kucsak
Raphael and Sarah Kudela#◊
Elliott Kuhn
Kenneth Kulzick (d)
Patricia Kulzick
Chris Kump
Subroto and Roma Kundu
Karen and Jonathan Kupetz
Larry and Melissa* Kurtz
Andre LaFleur
Carol Laflin
Jason Lahman and Daniel Goldstein
Joan and Rex Lake
David Lakes and Stephenie Fein
Harry Lalor
Annick Lamb
Dave and Pat Lamb
Brett and April Lambert
Guido and Nancy Lamell
Dena and Wayne Lamprey
William and Patricia Lamson
Barbara L. Lancaster
Caleb Land
Lucretia and Robert Landau
David and Esther Landhuis
Kit Landis
Frederic Lang
Glen# and Marian Langdon
Robert Lange and Cheryl Doering#
Adam Langer
Sandra and Geoffrey Langstaff
Arlene and Charles Lapin
Leo‡# and Margaret Laporte
Cindy Larin and Michael J.
Linda Larkin◊ and Harold Widom#
Maria and Donald Larkin
John Larse and Patricia Kelly Larse
Frances M. Laskey
Lesley Lathrop
Dianne Lau and Kevin Beggs
Jessica Laufer and Neal Halfon
Sandra and Glenn Laurence
Katharine and David Laurits
Joel and Trisha Lavarez
Barbara Laver
Gayle and James Lawler
Kathleen Lawler and Carlisle Landel
Pamela Lawrence
Wink Lawrence and Mary Ingraham
David Lazier and Janet Stein Lazier
Burney LeBoeuf†# and Joanne
R. E. Le Levier
Hong Le
Rachel Leach-Hall and Richard Hall
Joe LeBlanc
Jean Lecocq
Denise Lee
Eugene Lee
James and Rella Lee
Jessica Lee
Maryann and Edward* Lee
Timothy J. Lee and Martha H. Ways
Mary Ann Leer and Jules Resnick
Enid Leff
Irwin Leff
Anne and Alfred Leifer
Mark Leitch and Janice West
Jeanne and Patrick Lejeune
Herve LeMansec#
Noma Lemoine
William and Paget Lenarz
Nancy Lenox
Steve Leonard
Charles Lester and Joan Norvelle
Donna and Robert Lester
Gerry and Esther* Levandoski
Janet Lever-Wood and Daniel
Alan and Judy Levin
Ronni Cole Levin
Ivan and Eulalia Lewis
James Lewis# and Dale Roche
John and Betty Lewis
Linda Lewis
Nathan Lewis
Norman Lewis
Susan Lewis
Robert and Nancy Ley
Douglas and Marilyn Liddicoat
Tod and Noreen* Likins
Alan and Robin Lilien
Jennifer Lin* and Daniel Seeman
Sabrina Lin and Robert Vallone
Kathleen Lindlan and Michael
John and Evelyn Lindquist
Lauri and Christopher Lind-White
Heather Liner
Debbie and Michael Linick
John G. Linkletter
Richard Lintermans and Amy Bailey
Gordon Lion and Linda Locatelli*◊
Ronnie Lipschutz# and Mary
Michael and Susan Litman
Roger and Elizabeth Little
Ashlee Livingston
Micheal S. Llorente and Linda Hong
William‡ and Terry* Locke-Paddon
William Lockman#
Jamie Lockwood
Mariano Loera
Jean Logan
Marie Logan◊
Rosemary Lonergan
John and Denise Loomis
E. Esther Lopez
Julio Lopez and Ana Lopez-Atienzo
Felipe and Sarah Lora
Adriana Lorenzana
Donna Love
L. Adair Loveridge
Yan Lu
John and Judith Luce
Rebecca Lundberg
Michael Lussier
Patrick Lynch
Marilyn Lynds and Jim Dismukes
Bruce Lyon# and Kerstin Wasson
Daniel Lyons
Roy Lyons
Kelley Macdonald
Laurie MacFarlane#
Herb Machleder
Charles R. Mack and Nancy E. Mack
Jim MacKenzie◊ and Renee Flower*
John Mackesey and Kathryn
Charles and Catherine* MacLellan
Beatrice MacMillan
Glenn W. MacPherson
Kenneth and Nancy Macy
John and Sue Madden
Thomas Mader and Carla
Matthew Madison
Sharon and Matthew Madison
Jenny and Jeffrey Maenaga
Morgan Magid
John and Elisa Mahoney
Cherie and Steven* Maler
Bradley and Marcia Maihack
Janet Major
Laura Malakoff and Michael Brown
Gordon D. Malarkey
Edward Malloy◊ and Linda Lou
Eric and Teresa Wade Malone
John and Christa Malone
Paul Mamula and Patricia Goodman
Cleveland and Evelyn Mangham
John and Laika Mann
Carol Manning
John Mannix
Deauna Mansfield
Jeanne Manss
Alan and Lotte Marcus
Cynthia Margolin
James and Meredith Margolis
Melissa Margolis
Bruce#◊ and Lorraine Margon
Brian Maridon
Justin Marion# and Jaimie Vargas◊
Robert Marnul and Kelli Rucker
Douglas Marsh
Sandra Marshall
Barbara Marshman
Jose Marti and Ann M. Starrs
Helen H. Martin
Jennifer Martin and Daryl Odnert
Laura Martin◊
Lora Martin◊ and Philip Du Beau*
Peggy and Demain Martin
Sandra Martin and Art Winterling
Krissia Martinez
Zulma Martinez
Renee and Michael Marx
Martin and Debra Mason
Michelle Massie
Doug Matheson
Elenita Q. Mathew
Reginald and Teri Mathews
William# and Cynthia Mathews
Dean Mathiowetz#
Glenn R. and Godelieve Roelants
Agnes and Norman Matsuoka
Heather and Timothy* Matthews
Susan Matthews◊
Elizabeth and Gary*# Maushardt
Lawrence Maxcy◊
Mary Jo May
Robert and Dorothy Mayeda
Jeffrey Mayer and Tacy Witter
John and Claudia Mays
Russell Thomas and L. MazzaroppiThomas
Felicia Mc Ginty◊
Stephen Mc Mahon and Vicki Smith
Peter McAndrews
Lucy McBride
James and Laura* McCabe
Robert McCampbell◊
Edgar McCanless
W. P. McCarthy
Madelyn McCaul◊ and Mike
Michael McCawley◊
Doug# and Marjorie McClellan
Pamela and David McClellan
Delmar McComb
Barbara McCormick
Janet McDaniel and F. Vizza
Jan and George McDonald
Ken and Teresa McDonald
Julianne and Charles McEwen
Carolyn and Brian McFadden
Todd McGehee
Leslie and Scott McGilvray
Priscilla McGuire-King and John
A. King
Diana and Kirk Mcintosh
Robert McKean and Sloan Nota
Richard A. McKee
J. Roslyn Mckendry#
Doug McKinnen and Alison
Phyllis and Tom McKinney
Craig and Susan McKnight
Andrew and Vera* McLean
Laura and J. Benjamin McLoughlin
Lucille McLoughlin
Jerome McMahon, Jr.
Andrew McMartin
Peter McMillan◊ and Lynda
Michael McNeil and Tamara Scott
Marcia McNutt#
Carole McPherson
Moira McQuaid
Pat McVeigh
John and Nancy Mead
Maria Mead
George and Mary Mechlin
Ann and David Mehr
Joy Melvin
David Mendel
Linda Mendez
Raymundo Mendieta
Duane Mensinger and Margaret
William and Elizabeth Merkin
Carol Merrell◊
Susan Merritt and Lawrence Ford#
Ken Meshke and Barbara Sprenger*
Mark and Diane Mesiti-Miller
Marlene Meyer and Bruce
Allison and Stuart Meyler
Lloyd D. Michael and Regina Michael
Lloyd W. and Marian Michael
Meredith Michaels‡◊
Linda A. Mickle
Jeff Micko
Ken W. Mignosa and Therese A.
Alice and Matthew Miller
Craig and Dusty Miller
Harry and Bessie Miller
Mary Miller and Fred Linker
Phyllis and Jeffrey* Miller
Robert and Jean Miller
T. Cathy Miller and Pamela Landry
Tyrus Miller# and Deanna Shemek#
Marco Milletti
Ellise and Stephen Mills
Art and Betty Milton
Jill Milton
Derek and Susan Minihane
Robin and David Minor
Frank Minuti
Samuel Miranda
Alfredo and Evangelina* Mirande
Kerry and Charles Mitchell
Linda Mitchell
Ralph Moceo
Robert Moeller and Lynn Mally
Angela Moffett
Helene Moglen‡# and Sheila Namir
Anthony Molinar
Brian and Laura Monahan
William Monroe
Theodore Monson
Jose Montero
Fleet Montgomery
James Montgomery and Gale Snow
Michele Moody-Adams and James
Anne C. Moore
Charles and Catherine Moore
James# and Alison Moore
Katherine◊ Moore and Samuel
Li Moore
Michael Moore
Paul Moore and Susan BradfordMoore
Richard Moore
Tammie Moore
Michael Mooser
Caprice and Mark Moran
Marta Morello-Frosch#
Charlotte◊ and Joe Moreno
Joseph Moreno and Rosie Ramirez
Judy and Timothy*‡ Morgan
Sally Morgan◊
David Morledge
Daniel Morookian◊
Tom and Erna Morris
Rick and Emily Morris
Ruth and Edward Morrow
Stephanie Morse
John and Judy Mortensen
Michele◊ and James* Mosher
Dania Moss
Edwin Moss and Marnie Bodek*
Patrick Mountain
William and Gail Mowatt#
Lynn Mraz and Bill Kennedy
Penny Mudd
Colleen Mulholand
Paul J. and Carmen Mulholand
Terry Mullen and Lynne Dodds
Sandy and Chalon Mullins
Candace Muncey
William Mundy
Lisa Mune and Jeff Hodos
Walter Munk
Donna and Robert Munoz
Barbara Murphy
Colin Murphy
David and Susan Murphy
Diana Murphy and Dan Dwyer
Keith Muscutt#◊
Kathleen and Johnny Musser
Chris and Julie Musso
Beth and Ken Myers
Rick and Avis Myers
Gladys E. Naman
Anne and Cleve Nash
Carlene Nattress
Robyn Nayyar
Pat and John Nellany
David and Patricia Nelson
Mark and Sharon Nelson
Thomas and Lydia Nelson
Glenn P. Nevill
William New
Gloria P. Newhouse
Randall Ray Newkirk
James Newman◊ and Margaret
Merrill and Alicia Newman
Sam and Liz Newnham
Eric Newton and Mary Hogan*
Dominic Ng
Phuong and Van Nguyen
Paul and Allison Niday
Jason# and Stephanie Nielsen
Kenneth and Jean Nikodym
Nicholas and Corinne Niven
Gay Nix
Hayes and Patricia Noel
Linda E. Nolan
Lisa Nolan
Rebecca Nolan and Julie Watson
Martin and Susan Nordlof
Craig and Beverly◊ Norleen
Penny Norquist
Mike Northrup
Gus and Joy Norton
Edward Kehler# and Sara Norwick
Dorothy Novack
Jolene Nunes
Julie Nye and Tom Alber
John and Karen Nyere
Julie Oak#
Jannette Engel and Don Oakes
Gail Oakley
Terri Oberto
Jerold O’Brien
Jon O’Brien
Susan and John* O’Brien
Nicole O’Bryan and Thomas Fowler
Jill and James O’Callahan
Ruth Ocheltree
Jo O’Connell
Marianne and Thomas O’Connell
James O’Connor# and Barbara
Linda O’Connor
Blair Odo and May Takenaka
William and Joyce Odom
Annette O’Donovan and Heather
Gerald and Julie Oehler
Michael O’Grady
Pat O’Grady and Elizabeth Falade
David Ohanesian and Susan Kriven*
Thomas O’Keefe
Monica Oldmen and Marc L.
Ronaldo Oliveira and Karen
Natalie T. Oliver
Nancy Olney
Erica Olsen and David Mackie
Vernon and Dorothy Olsen
Lisa and Brian Olson
Terry Olson and Remelle Olson
Thomas C. Olson
Susan V. Opotow
Corie and Fane Opperman
Susan Orbuch and Jim Gilbert
Arlene Orens
Florence Orenstein
Alverda Orlando#
Lisa and Thomas O’Rourke
Elizabeth Orser-Cataldi and Richard
Joan R. Osborne
Joel and Marlane Osman
Patrick and Suzanne O’Toole
Bill and Kathleen Owen
Daniel and Nancy Paduano
Kathryn Paisley and Eric Raff
Michael Paisner
Sherry L. Palacios
Daniel Palleros#
Wayne Palmer and Earleen Overend
Carol and Charles Pancheri
Surya Panditi
Sylvia M. and Leon Panetta‡
Barbara Parker
Janet Parker
Katharine and Thomas Parker
Dennis Parks
Mary Parks-Luntao and Ruperto
Mathew Pataky
Annette B. Patch
Robert Patterson
Gary and Marilyn Patton
Marilyn V. Patton
Shelley Patton◊
Alice Pau
Georgie Paulden
Larry Payne and Paula Mierau
Sheila Payne and Paul Ortiz#
Guy Peabody
Lance and Shannon Peacor
Larry Pearson
Peter Pearson and Catherine Mayer
Charles Peddle
Alan and Mindy Pedlar
John Pemberton
Erica Yih-Ming Peng
John Penhune
Beth Penney
Marianne Pennington
Steven Penrose and Mary Miller
Eva Penzes
Tom Pera
Chuck Perez and Maria Choy◊
Francis Perkins
Dennis and Georgia Perry
Nico Peruzzi
Sidney and Priscilla Peters
Carol Peterson
David and Gloria Peterson
Deborah and Donald Peterson
Ernie and Cynthia Peterson
Pamela◊ and Steven Peterson
Thomas# and Ann Pettigrew
Eugene and Kathryn Pfeifer
Barbara Phelps
Kevin Philbin
Roger and Celeste Phillips
Ronald and Pam Phipps
Richard and Janice Phister
Michael Picaard and Mary Russell
Frank Pichay
Winthrop Pickard and Michelle
Drew Pieros
Christopher Piggott and Susan
Jeanette Pilak◊
John Pilvenis
Marylou and Ruben Pina
Walter Pingree and Ann
Charlotte Pinsky
Alan and Clarian Pintacura
Primrose Pisares◊
Roy and Carol Pisetsky
Jennifer Lynn Pitino
Laurence Pitsenberger
Virginia and Mark Planellas
David N. Plank
Janet Platin
Julia Polak
Donald Polensky and Flavia
Daniel Polin and Eileen Gillooly
David and Alison Polkinhorne
Ken Pollock
Rick and Robin Polse
Michael Poppleton
Julio Porro◊ and Jennifer Hastings*
Franca and Mark* Posner
James Potterton and Maria Mattioli
Donald Potts# and Laurel Fox#
Andrew and Patricia Poulos
Hilary Powers
Bernard Pregerson
Charles Prentiss and Nikki*# Silva
Carol Presley
Lori Price and John W. Hart
Terrie and Jeff Price
William Proudfoot#
Timothy Proulx and Deborah TracyProulx*#
Richard and Alyce# Prudden
Anthony and Leslie Puckett
Mary Pumfrey and Doug Mattson
Lori Purvis
Barbara Pusateri
Kathy Pyle
Clifford and Cary Quayle
Karleen Quick
Cathy and Dan Quinn
Maureen P. Quirk and Jeremy
Marilyn Radisch
William Radke
Stefan Raffl
Paul Rafter
Richard Ragany
Sridhar Ramanathan
Daniel and Apolonio Ramirez
Frank Ramirez#
Lynda◊ and Steven Rannals
Martin and Mary Ratner
Michael and Sarah Ray
Norma Ray◊
Dorothy and Bill Reagan
Dean and Diana Reece
Burton and Cynthia Rees
Timothy Reeve
Julie Rehmeyer
Jeffrey and Joni Reicher
Gina and Littlejohn* Reid
France and Patrick Reilly
Michelle Reilly
Carl Reisinger
Bruce Reiss
Sue Renner
Heidi Renteria◊
David Retsky
Chris Reynolds and Mary SmithReynolds
Don Reynolds
Jimmie Reynolds and Arlene Burney
Willa Reynolds
Raymond and Janis Rice
Mike Richards and Jody Steinauer
Primavera Richeson
Leif and Kathleen Rideout
Britt Rideout and Robin Bonner
Amanda Rieux and Vegar Abelsnes
Amy Riha
Saiful and Indira Rimkeit
Robin and William Rinear
Kathy Rinehart and Randall Rutsch
Constance and William Ring
Ronald Ritter
Patrice and Michael Roach
Mark F. Robb
Richard and Susan Robbins
Michelle Roberson
Kelly Roberts◊
Lynn Roberts
Carol Robertson
Perry Robertson
Karen Robey and Mehrdad Reyhani
Robert Robinson and Deborah Ferstl
Rosemary and Peter Robinson
Stephen Robinson and Cheryl Scott*
Marsha and Roy* Rocklin
Constance Rockosi# and Bradford
Peter Alan Rode
Elio and Joy Rodoni
Darcy Rodriguez
Juan Rodriguez and Julia S. Gervasi
Mary Joan Rodriguez
Grasiela and Raymond Rodriquez
Schaefer Roemmele
Natalie Rog
Ben Rogers and Daniel Schorr
Craig and Brenda Rogers
Shine Rogers
Susan# and Mark Rolen
Maureen Roll and Paul Thiltgen
Alexander Roome
Lisa M. Rose◊
Lou and Joan Rose
Michael and Terri Rose
Pilar and Chris Rose
Susan◊ and David Rose
Richard Rosen and Tessa Fischer
David Rosenfeld and Shirley Woo
Charles and Mary Roskosz
Deepika Ross
David and Linda Rossi
Donald and Suzanna◊ Roth
Juliana Rousseau
Stuart and Lynne G. Rovin
Galina Rovner◊
Emily and Tom Rowe
Kenneth Rowell
James and Anne* Rowley
Stuart and Shannon B. Rowson
Nathan Roy
Edith and Morris Rubesin
Donald and Helen Rucker
Russell Rudeseal
Robert and Joan Ruediger
Amanda Ruffo
Patricia Ruiz
Frances Ruiz-Wood◊ and Matthew
Michael Runeare
Terry and Rebecca Ruppel*
James Rush and Susan Marshall
Dorothy and James Russell
Lisa Russell and Josh Reilly
Pamela Russell and Thomas Wright
Dan Rutan and Vickie Lauderbach
Daniel and Fern Ruth
Dennis Rutkin and Robin Wakshull
Edward and Sharon Ryan
Brigitta S. Ryle
Mark Sachau and Bill Gielow
Warren Sack# and Jennifer
Luanne and Steven Sacks
B. J. Sadoff, III
Sameer Sainani and Kristin Cobb
Eugene Salamin
Laurie Salatich◊
David Salazar
Louis and Deborah Salkind
Gavin Salmon
Joe and Edith Salvatore
John Sanchez* and Jennifer Hees
Lisa Sanchez and Michael Duran
Victoria Sanchez-Toledo
Luke and Melissa Sanders-Self
Ronald Sandidge
Eglantina Sandoval
Denise Sangster
Nancy Marsh Sangster
Paul and Laura Santana
Allen Frances Santos
Americo Santos and Motoko Blenis
Ani Sanyal
Albert and Mary Sardello
Bonnie Sartor
Julia Sauer
Timothy and Elizabeth Saunders
Susan Schaefer and S. Colin Brown
Marion Schaffer
Marius Schilder
Walter# and Ruth Schillinger
Fred Schindler
Stuart# and Audrey Schlegel
Carol B. Schmidt
Eric Schmidt and Ellen Primack
Don and Peggy Schmitz
Alice and Steven Schnaidt
Mike Schneegas and Nancy Skinner
Ian and Alisa◊ Schofield
Carleen and Paul Schomberg
Roberta Schott
Monique Schoustra and Tom Ribe
Richard Schreiber
Richard and Stephanie Schriver
Jill and Peter Schubart
Cindy# and William Schuette
Matt Schulz and Patricia Maher
Wynne and Gary Schumacher
David Schurhoff
Lonny and Patricia Schwartz
Robert and Barbara Scott
Campbell and Joyce Scott
Jean Scott◊ and Carol Tolbert◊
Stanley and Kathryn Scott
Elaine and Kent Screechfield
Susan Seaburg and Judith Allen
Bonita Sebastian#◊
Robert Seelig
Mary and Paul Seever
Francoise and Marc Seftel
Marva and Andrew Seidl
Agnes Sekech
Daniel and Linda Sekella
Peggy and Scott Seltz
Matthew Sernaker
John Setchel and Joyce MarionSetchel
Noriko Seto
Dan A. Sewell
Steven Seymour and Joanne Farness
Neil and Kerry Shafer-Ray
Clasina and Whitney Shane
Theodore Shaner
Vipul Sharma
Buchanan Sharp# and Meg
B. Sriram Shastry#
Carolyn# and Bill Shaw
Priscilla Shaw#
George Shea
Karen Sheldon
Nancy Shepard
Helen and Robert# Shepherd
Randy Shepherd and Ann Watkins*
Michael and Renee* Shepherd
Chris Sheppard
Robyn Shiely
Joyce Shimiza
Jung and Sabrina Shin
Zachary Shiner
Marion and Norman Shires
Wells and Sandie Shoemaker
James and Margaret Shroyer
Sophia Shtilman
Beatrice and Kurt Shuler
Christina Shull
Martin Shulman
Jacob◊ and Kris* Sidman
Alan and Tracy Siegel
John Siegel
Fred Siff◊
Jim and Marie Sikora
Gary Silberstein#
Michael Silton and Susan MyerSilton
Ray and Grace Silva-Santella
Mary Silver#
Laura Silverman
Betty and Tom Simmons
Jeffery Sinclair
Sharon Sinderbrand and Leonard
Sam and Anne Singer
Saul Singer
Frank and Diane Siri
Wanda L. Sisnroy and Stephen Pearl
William and Anne Skamarock
Wendy and James Skinner
Rosanne Skirble and Daniel Klein
Laura Slatkin
Sherrill and Douglas Sleeter
Lisa C. Sloan‡#◊
Rosalyn Sloss
Tanya and Richard Slye◊
Alfred M. Smith
Amy Smith
Bruce Smith
David A. Smith and Margaret
(Morton) Smith
David M. Smith#
Douglas L. Smith
Gilbert Smith and Carolyn Stallard
Jeffrey Smith and Cynthia Ashbrook
Jessica Smith
Julie Smith and Alan Yoder
Kirk Smith and Joan Diamond*
Matthew Smith and Lauren Stringer
Michael Smith
Michael R. Smith and Catherine E.
William E. Smock
Claire and Parke Snavely
Jolene and Andrew Snett
Adam Snook◊
Laurence and Susan Snydal
Ava Snyder◊
Kathy Sobel
Dennis Socher
Bruce Soderstrom
Lois and Michael Sones
Pamela M. and Neil L. Sorensen
Tracie and Adrian Sosa
Nichole and Jeanine M. Soterwood
David and Mary South
Alan and Amy Spanne
Jeffrey L. Spear
John and Theanne Specht
Patricia Spencer
John Speyer
Julius Spiegel and Suzanne Wolbers
Charlotte Spitzer
Patty Spooner
Linda Spradley◊
Alan Sprints and Eliana Temkin
Catherine Sproul and Michael
Susan St. Claire
Jerrold E. Stabley and Evelyn M.
Nigel Stacey
Christine* and Roderick Stacey
Mary and Jack Stagnaro
Alexandra Standing
Everett Stanley
Kathleen Starmer
Richard M. Starr
Robert and Martha Stead
Anne Stedler
Lisa and Jim Steele
Susie Steinbach and Benjamin Elwood
Annette Steiner
Joshua Steinhauer and Patty Glatt*
John and Judy Stenovich
Jacqueline and Jay* Stephens
Rebecca Stern
James Stevens
Lou and Betty Stevens
Anna and Glenn*#◊ Stewart
Richard Stiles
Cece Stiner
Loren and Susan Stirling
Eleanor Stitt
Jeffrey Stock and Sonya Newlyn
Kris and Mitch Stockton
Susan Stone
Jim Stoner and Nancy Shine
Byron and Lee Stookey
John and Takako Stormes
Jon Strauss and Tanya Hampton
Iris and Duane Strong
Paul and Terry Strotman
Susan Struck
Desiree Stuart-Alexander
Susan Suchomel
Charles Sullivan
Jeremiah and Sheila Sullivan
Judith Sullivan
Thilaka Sumanawee
Shiori Sumida
Maria Surricchio
Camelia and Scott Sutorius
Laureen Suva and Lad Perenyi*
Erik and Lesley Svenson
Carl Swanson
Garret Swart
Philip and Lori Sweat
Ryan Sweigart
Eric J. and Tamah Swenson
M. Sharon Swigart
Alex and Janet Sydnor◊
Albert and Barbara Symes
Grace H. Ta and Justin D. Guan*
Barbara and Ronald Taft
Lincoln# and Lee◊ Taiz
Renee Tajima-Pena#
Kimiko and Robert Takagi
Allison Takeuchi
Patt◊ and Mark Takeuchi
Harriet Talan
Manuel and Daryle Talavera
Patricia Talbert
James and Bonnie Talluto
Richard and Bobbie Talmadge
John and Rebecca Tammen
Janet and Robert T. Tanaka
Gary Tardiff
Celia Taupin
Rebecca Tavish and Deborah
Ted Tawshunsky
Bob Taylor and Megan Gallagher
Gene Taylor and Gregory B. Lewis
Merritt Taylor#
Barbara Telford and Craig Ishida
Craig Tempey
Teresa Tempkin
Jeff and Cathie Thermond
Donna and Peter* Thomas
Price and Teri Thomas
Bruce Thompson#
Chuck and Bobbie◊ Thompson
Jill and John Thompson#
Kimberly A. Thompson
Rex Thompson
Nan Thorngate
Allen Throckmorton
Brian Thurston
Vonda and J. Daniel Tibbitts
Michael and Lesley Tierra
Sara Tiffany
Joan Timpany
Mezzo Tint
William Tivol
Lauren and Thomas Tobin
Blythe Todd-Collins and Chris Lehon
Alan and Margarita Tolbert
Dave Tolchinsky and Dawn Lawson
Charmagne and Garret Tollkuhn
Yut Wah Tom
Charles Townes
Patrick Tracy and Lynn Twisselman
Bob and Becky Tracy
Heather Traher
Jeff Traugott and Cori Houston*◊
Mark Traugott#
Richard and Nonie Tremaine
Christopher and Marta Tremblay
Robert and Marion Trentman-Morelli
Steve and Laura Trimberger
Gary Trowbridge
Elaine True
Larry Trujillo◊
Robert and Trudi Trygg
Steve Tryon
Debra Tucker
John and Anne Tucker
Gever Tulley and Julie Speigler
Monice and Bodi Tunheim
Marjorie and Gregory Tupper
Daniel Turner
Frederick and Nancy Turner
Steve and Anne Turner
William and Clara Turner
Kelly Tyler and Kenneth Simon
William Ungs
W. J. Unruh
Michael Vaccaro and Kimberly Ayers
Kathryn Valdes
Alphons M. Van Adrichem
Nessa and Donald Van Deventer
Amanda and Paul Van Loan
Elizabeth Van Warmerdam
Tom† and Patricia Vani◊
Donald Vannoy and Anne Newman
Lawrence G. VanVelzer
Jose Vargas and Christine Buell
Ralph Vartabebian
Kenneth Venzke and Elinor Hall
Antonia Verleye
Dennis and Nancy Vermette
Fred and Ginny Vermillion
Frank and Karen* Verprauskus
Fernando and Alice Vigil
Carolyn Villa-Scott and Russ Scott*
Denise Vogel
Tom Vogler# and Mary-Kay Gamel#
James Von Hendy and Kelly Tyler*
Christine von Wrangel and Michael
Gunter and Barbara Vorlop
Eric and Jennifer Vuillermet
Barbara Waaland
Susanna Waddell
Walter Wadlow and Alison Russell
Jill Wagner and Matthew Crowell*
Matthew Walden
Katharyne and James Waldon
Alan Walfield and J. Spangle
Andrew Walker
Russell and Nancy Walker
J. Matt Wallace and Adela Feran
Mare Wallace
Vanessa and Leland Wallace
Helen Wallis
John Wallis
Carl Walter
Jerry◊ and Robynn Walters
Crispen and Barry L. Walton
Stuart and Paula Walzer
Benjamin L. Wan
Kiturah Wang and Alma Friedman
Colin Ward
Kelly Ward and Janice Hansel
Thomas and Leslie Ward
Bob Warfield
Michael# and Susan Warren
Robert and Natalie* Warren
Ira Warrenfelt and Lisa Croner
Slawomir and Barbara Warzocha
Christopher Wasney
Christina Waters#◊ and Frank
Edward and Susan Watson
Kenneth Watson
Christine and Stephen Watt
Jeff Way and Pamela* Silver
Michael Weatherford
Mark and Shari Weaver
Bill Webber
Steven Weber and Leah Gendler
Patricia Webster
Joseph and Theresa Weeg
Dan and Hortencia Weidman
Alice Weigel
Michael M. Weinberg
Steven and Louise Weinberg
J. A. Weinberger (d)
E. N.Weinberger
Pamela Jane Weinberger
Laura Weinstock and Rachel Pray*
David Weiss
Natalie Weiss and Aaron Willis
Robert and Penny* Weiss
Karen and Bruce Weller
Martin and Dana◊ Werdmuller
Jeffrey Werner and Susan Lasko
Stephen and Patricia West
Gregory Wetzel
Sharon Wheatley and David Shapiro
Roy Wheaton
John and Elizabeth Whitaker
John White
Marshall White and Seraph S. White
Jim and Mia Whitfield
Serena Whitridge
Kent and Dana Whitson
Alan Whittemore
Michelle Whittingham◊
Sara Wilbourne◊ and John
Marguerite L. Wilbur and John
Pauline Wiles
Martie Wiley
Carol Wilhelmy
Roberta Wilkins
Ellen Williams
Hillis and Peggy Williams
Jim Williams and Anne Rosenzweig
Jeffrey and Judith Williams
Lee and Rich Williams
Susan#◊ and Thomas Williams
Stanley# and Carol* Williamson
David and V. Maureen* Wilmot
Diane Wilsey
Carlyle and Louise Wilson
Charles and Esther Wilson
Dean Wilson
Kurt and Heidi Wilson
R. Martin Wilson
Richard Wilson
Jill Winegardner
Eugene Wing and Linda Ishihara
Elissa and Jeff Wingate
Laura and Dan Winter
Yolanda and Brandon Wisoff
Jonathan and Susan Wittwer
Juanita Ching Wo
Gerri Wohltmann
Amy and Michel Wolfe
Michael Wolfe
Steve Wolfman
Judy Wollowitz
Bernice Wong and Ray Brubeck
Georgina Wong
Janice and Ken Wong
Li Keng Wong
Margaret Woo
Arthur and Joy Wood
Jennifer M. Wood◊
Dale Word and Whitney Dixon
Michael and Clare Workman
Shawne Workman
Barbara Worl
Zach Worthington
Paul and Susanna Wrangell*◊
Erika Wright
Graham Wright
William Wright and Ellen Fox
Harriet Wrye
Ru-Shan Wu#
Paula and Steven Wyman
Autumn Wynn
Xiao-Bi Xie#
Joanne Yablonsky
Gerald and Julia Yaffee
Jay A. Yamada
Rebecca and Steven Yamarik
Emiko Yamate
Ruth and Adam Yarme
William Yate
Richard Yazbeck
Josie Ybarro
Jane Yett
Grant and Veda Yonehiro
Robert Yonts#
Jin# and Eileen You
Anne N. Young
Beverly and Paul Young
Catherine and David Young
Katherine Young and David
Marvin and Susan Young
Peter# and Christiane Young
Rex Young and Miriam Laube
Jennifer Yun
Lynn◊ and Nicholas* Zachreson
Yvonne Zannis
Stephen J. Zaslaw
Paula and Frank Zazueta
Marta Zelaya
Stephen Zellers and Elise Algernon
Larry and Barbara Zemansky
Michelle Zenda
Doris Zhao
Min Zhu
Donna Ziel
Marcia Zigman
August Zigon◊
Christie and Paul Zimmerman
Bob Zoccoli
Patti Zoccoli
John Zucca and Marina ChiarappaZucca
Angelica and Nick Zweig
Marissa and Dan Zwelling
Foundation, and
Aardvark Letterpress
Stuart R. Abelson Fund
Accenture Foundation
Ackerman Galleries
Advanced Micro Devices
Aegon Transamerica Foundation
Agami Systems
Agarwal Foundation
Agilent Technologies
Agnello Electric
Ahmanson Foundation
Airel Events
Akri Hydrotesting
Alaska SeaLife Center
Allanson Insurance Agency
Allstate Foundation
American Association of University
American Chemical Society
American Educational Research
American Express Foundation
American Takii
Amgen Foundation
Amphion Foundation
Anadarko Petroleum
AOH Foundation
AOL Time Warner
Appleton Foundation
Applied Materials Foundation
Applied Survey Research
ARCS Foundation
Artwork Conversion Software
Association of University Architects
AT&T Foundation
Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
AVI CHAI Foundation
Balance Hydrologics
Balbas and Tiffany
Ball Corporation
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation
Bargetto Winery
Barkley Fund
Barry Swenson Builder
Basic American Foods
Bay Area Council Foundation
Bay Brokerage Company
Bay City Flower Company
Bay Federal Credit Union
Bay Tree Bookstore
Bayless, Hale Advertising Design
BC Tech
Beach Liquors
Bechtel Foundation
S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
Bed and Biscuits, Groomingdales
Berger-Lewis Accountancy
Berry & Berry
BHP Billiton
Big Creek Lumber
Blind Pilot Jewelers
Blink Television Extraordinary
Bodega Bay Institute
Boeing Company
Bogard Construction
Bookshop Santa Cruz
Robert Bosch Corporation
Bosso Williams
Boyce-Abel Associates and Family
Lands Consulting
BP America Foundation
Bridal Veil Fashions
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Brubeck-Wong Realtors
Brush Family Foundation
Buckner, Khouri & Mirkovich
Burgstrom, Kramer Corporation
Burroughs Wellcome Company
Byington Winery
Cabrillo Aquatics
Cabrillo Community College District
Cadence Design Systems
Cafe El Palomar
California Community Foundation
California Council for Humanities
California Certified Organic Farmers
California Culinary Academy
California Education Round Table
Intersegmental Coordinating
California Grey Bears
California Native Plant Society
California Pajarosa
California Strawberry Commission
Call Management Products
Calmar Optcom
Calvert Social Investment
Candace Hair Design
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Carried Away
Carroll Family Foundation
Cars 4 Causes
Casablanca Restaurant
Casas, Riley & Simonian
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Harold K. L. Castle Foundation
Cemex Davenport Cement
Center for Communication Skills
Center for Multicultural Cooperation
Central Coast Running
Chapter ED PEO
Charlie Hong Kong
Chateau Julien Wine Estate
ChevronTexaco Energy Technology
Chicago Mercantile Exchange
Chiropractic & Sports Therapy
Christensen Fund
CIGNA Foundation
Cinnabar Vineyards & Winery
Cisco Foundation
CIT Group Foundation
Claremont Colleges
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Clorox Company Foundation
Clouds Downtown
CMS Design Portraiture
Coast Range Realty Exchange
Coastal Green Frozen Foods
Cody, Anderson, Wasney Architects
Coelho - Ashman Corporation
Colombini Construction
Kim Comeaux Production Services
Commercial Assessment Consultants
Committee to Elect John Laird
ConocoPhillips Company
Countrywide Cares
Covello and Covello Photography
S. H. Cowell Foundation
Creative Images Photography
Crepe Place
Crow’s Nest Restaurant
Cultural Council of Santa Cruz
Cultural Heritage Imaging
Cyclops Electrical Systems
Cypress Semiconductor
Dahlen Construction
Dahlmeier Insurance Agency
Charles A. Dana Foundation
Daniells, Phillips, Vaughan & Bock
Accountancy Corporation
Data Domain
De Mega Electric
Defenders of Wildlife
Del Dios Construction
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
Delta Kappa Gamma, Theta Chapter
Denver Zoological Foundation
Discovery Parks Trust
Draper Consulting Group
DreamCatcher Foundation
Drexler Foundation
Driscoll Strawberry Associates
Duke University
Dura Fence Corporation
DW Architecture◊Design
Earthbound Farm
Eco Goods
Edison International
Elan Pharmaceuticals
Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery
Ellison Medical Foundation
EMD Chemicals
Enterprise Rent-A-Car of San
Environmental Defense Fund
Epic Wines
Erik’s DeliCafe
Expanding Your Horizons Network
Falcon Trading Company
Familia Center
Families First Medical Group
Fannie Mae Foundation
Far West Design & Landscaping
Farallon Foundation
Federated Department Stores
Booth Ferris Foundation
Fifth Third Bank
Financial Caregiver
Finkelman Family Foundation
First Data Western Union Foundation
Firstwave Events
Five Point L. P.
Flipper Fanny’s Cookies, Cakes and
Flora Family Foundation
Fluor Foundation
Ford Motor Company
Fortington Construction
4Charity Foundation
Frame Studio
Marty Franich Ford Company
Sidney E. Frank Foundation
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Full Circle Fund
Gabriella’s Cafe
Gannett Foundation
Gayle’s Bakery and Rosticceria
General Electric Foundation
Gensler Corporation
Georgia Tech Foundation
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
GGT Corporation
GivingExpress Program from
American Express
Glad Fellowship
Glaser Family Foundation
Global Impact
Global Solutions for Infectious
David B. Gold Foundation
Golden State Bulb Growers
Granite Construction
Grantz and Van Ruler
Grunsky, Ebey, Farrar & Howell
Hair by Design
Half Moon Bay Nursery
Hank’s at the Hook
Bill Hannon Foundation
Happy Valley Elementary School
Hartford Insurance Group
Headstrong Services
Heather Glass
J. H. Herz Family Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett
Hewlett-Packard Company
Hierarchical Systems Research
Hilton Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley
Hitachi America, Ltd
Hoffman’s Bakery Cafe
Hong Kong Economic Association
Hotline Wetsuits
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Human Frontier Science Program
Hunter Hill Winery and Vineyard
IBM International Foundation New
Ideas to Go
Intl Fdn for Research in Experimental
Independent Energy Systems
India Joze
Inner Light Ministries
Integrated Logistics Services
International Business Interiors
James Irvine Foundation
Islands Fund
J. and L. Adult Residential Facility
J. M. Fabrication
J. V. Tire and Auto Services
Jack’s Hamburgers
Jacobs Farm
Jamba Juice
Joni L. Janecki and Associates
Japan Patent Office
Jessica Lee Designs
Jewish Communal Fund
JK Group
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Johnson & Johnson
Joint Oceanographic Institutions
Journeyworks Publishing
Joyce Foundation
Juniper Networks Company
Karon Properties
Robert T. Keeler Foundation
Ada Howe Kent Foundation
King’s Village Shopping Center
Rose F. and Alice M. Koffend
Koret Foundation
KPMG Involve Community Campaign
Kwan’s Distributing Company
La Cava Wine Bar
La Playa Hotel
Lakeside Organic Gardens
Lamont Street Grill
Frans Lanting Gallery
Ledyard Company
Robert L. Levine Denistry
Liberty Bank
Lifestyle Culinary Arts
Live Earth Farm
Lockheed Scholarship Foundation
Loma Linda University
Lombardo and Gilles
J. M. Long Foundation
Los Alamos National Security
Lundberg Studios
Lussier Family Partnership
Mackenzies Kandy Kitchen
Madera Framing
Mahlmann & Associates
Manresa Restaurant
March of Dimes Birth Defects
Mastick Senior Center
McGehee Electric
McGraw-Hill Companies
McHenry Vineyard
McKnight Foundation
McRoskey Mattress Company
MDS Analytical Technologies
Medtronic Foundation
Mellon Bank
Merrill Lynch and Company
MetLife Foundation
Michael’s on Main
Microelectronics Advanced Research
Microsoft Corporation
Microsoft Foundation
Milligan Family Foundation
Miramar Fish Grotto
Mission Inn
Mission Linen Supply
Mitsubishi Corporation
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation
Monterey Peninsula College
Monterey Peninsula Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Morgan Family Foundation
Morgan Stanley, Dean Witter
Morgan-Senior Foundation
Mumm Napa
National Collegiate Inventors &
Innovators Alliance
National Research Council
National Semiconductor
Natural Encounters Conservation
Nature Conservancy
NEC Laboratories America
Network Appliance
Network Mortgage Company
New Leaf Community Markets
New Performance
New United Motor Manufacturing
Newcomers Club of Santa Cruz
Newman’s Own Foundation
Newman’s Own Organics, Newman’s
Nexus Geosciences
Nordic Naturals
North County Apparel
North Valley Insurance Agency
Northeast Documentation
Conservation Center
Northrop, Grumman, Litton
Notre Dame High School
Novellus Systems
Obaboa Foundation
Occidental Petroleum Corporation
Ocean Champions
Office Max
Olympus Corporation
Omidyar Network
Oracle USA
Organic Farming Research
Thomas Ortiz for Hair
Bernard Osher Foundation
Outstanding in the Field
Ow Family Properties
Pacific Coast Stage Lighting
Pacific Cookie Company
Pacific Crest Engineering
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Palace Art and Office Supply
Pane Coperto
Paradigm Geophysical Corporation
Patrick James
Peerless Coffee and Tea
Perkin Elmer
Pete’s Meats
Peterson General Contracting
Pfizer Foundation
PG&E Corporation Foundation
Pilgrim’s Pride Foodservice
Play It Again Sports
Pricewaterhouse Coopers
Primary Eyecare
Princeton University
Prindle Management Company
Profitime Corporation
Prudential Foundation
Rabih’s Business Management
RAM Enterprises
Reddere Foundation
Redtree Properties
Regional Parks Foundation
Repsol Services Company
Resources Legacy Foundation
Richwood Meat
Ristorante Avanti
Rojeski Research Engineering and
Rolodex Maintenance
Rosendale Nursery
Rotary Club of Fresno
Rush Inn
Sacramento Archaelogical Society
Safeway Santa Cruz
Russell Sage Foundation
Sakata Seed America
Salamandre Wine Cellar
Saltchuk Resources
San Francisco Succulent and Cactus
San Jose Peregrine Falcon
Sandler Sales Institute
Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group
Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company
Santa Cruz County Aquatics
Santa Cruz County Bank
Santa Cruz Dance Company
Santa Cruz Hillel Foundation
Santa Cruz Masters Aquatics
Santa Cruz Medical Foundation
Santa Cruz Seaside Company
Santa Cruz Track Club
Santa Cruz Westside Animal Hospital
Santana Charitable Foundation
Savory Creations International
SBC Employee Giving, United Way
Hilde L .Schwartz Field Camp
Scitor Corporation
Sea Research Foundation
Seagate Technology
Seed Fund of the Studio for Urban
L. H. Selman, Limited
Sentinel Triathlon
Seymour Center at Long Marine Lab
Shadowbrook Restaurant
Sharp Laboratories of America
Sherwood Builders
Shield Stone Pet Hospital
Shopper’s Corner
Sigma Alpha of Omega Nu
Silva-Santella Gardening
Silver Mountain Vineyards
SIMA Environmental Fund
Slade Gorton & Company
Walter and Judith Sleeth Foundation
Robert and Florence Slinger Fund
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
D. H. Smith Company
Smith Richardson Foundation
Society for Marine Mammalogy
Soif Wine Bar and Merchants
Solexant Corporation
Sones Cellars
Sony Computer Entertainment
Soroptimist International of
Santa Cruz
Southwest Airlines
Spalding Family Foundation
SPCA for Monterey County
Special Hope Foundation
Spex Xtraordinary Eyewear
Spokesman Bicycles
SRS Insurance Services
Steans Family Foundation
W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone
George B. Storer Foundation
Storrs Winery and Vineyards
Stuart Foundation
Studio One Design
Sun Industries
Sun Microsystems Foundation
Sun Microsystems, Menlo Park
Sun Microsystems, Santa Clara
Surf City Growers
Surfrider Foundation
Sustainable Shelter
Swat Energy
Symantec Corporation
Tanaka Design Group
Target Community Relations
Technology Vision Group
John Templeton Foundation
Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Company
Thacher and Thompson Architects
Theatric Support
Tiedemann Nursery
Tiger Martial Arts
Francis P. Torino Foundation
TOSA Foundation
Jeff Traugott Guitars
Treasure Islands of Santa Cruz
Trimberger Family Foundation
Tyco Electronics Corporation
U.S. Sports Camps
UBC&J of America Carpenters Union
Local 2236
UC Santa Cruz Foundation
UCSC Alumni Association
UCSC Firefighters Association
UCSC Women’s Club
Unilever Foodsolutions
United Jewish Appeal Federation of
Greater New York
United Way Silicon Valley
University of Minnesota Press
Valley Women’s Club
Vantage Transports
The Vault Gallery
Vera’s Design
Verizon Foundation
Maria von Brincken Landscape
Garden Design
Wachovia Foundation
Wachovia Securites
Wallace Genetic Foundation
Wallis Foundation
Washington Mutual Foundation
Way of Life
Wellness & Rehabilitation Physical
Wellpoint Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Wendt Industries
Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research
West Coast Weather Vanes
West Marine Products
Westcliff Foundation
Western Geco
Western Truck Fab
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Wilcoxen, Callahan, Montgomery
& Deacon
Geo. H. Wilson Corporation
Wines of Vine Hill
Wionics Research
Wood & Delgado
Woodside Atherton Garden Club
Woodstock’s Pizza
Wylie Properties
Yellow Chair Foundation
Y. Y. Labs
Nolan Zinn and Associates
Zoccoli’s Delicatessen
Trusts and Estates
Bartelt Family Trust
Skipper and Corby Baumgarten Trust
Bensinger Family Trust
Ruth Bernhard Trust
Martha B. Clayton Trust
The Philip Collins Bequest
Russell J. and Dawn B. Comer Trust
Glynis M. Crabb Trust
Dassah Family Trust
Robert W. Dodge Trust
Leah B. Dowty Living Trust
Duffus Family Trust
Merritt S. Duncan Trust
Escobosa Trust
Estate of John Harriman
Estate of Karen M. Fant
Estate of Robert Strand
Olga E. Euben Trust
Perry F. French Family Trust
Garrett-Doshay Living Trust
Haasis Family Trust
Hector Family Trust
Hill-Allison Trust
Margaret Cadoux Hirshberg Trust
Natalie Hopkins Trust
Jones Trust
Richard F. Josephson Trust
Charles A. and Beverly D. Levine
Libby Family Trust
Mackey-Cast Trust
Malavalli Trust
MFC Trust
Moss-Bodek Family Trust
Newsom Family Trust
Patricia E. Oliansky Trust
Robert M. Pacholik Family Trust
Pancheri Family Trust
Papanikolas Fallenbaum Family Trust
Peletta Family Trust
Peterson Family Trust
William D. Phillimore Trust
Port Gaarn Family Trust
Raphael Living Trust
Rowland and Patricia Rebele Trust
Robert A. Riesman Trust
Nancy Marsh Sangster Trust
Roberta Schnittger Trust
Pauline M. Seales Trust
Shires Family Trust
Sims Living Trust
Snydal Family Trust
Spiralis Music Trust
Stanley E. Iversen Trust
Winifred J. Steiner Trust
Stroud Living Trust
Tate Family Trust
Eugene B. Walsh Family Trust
Susan J. and Gary S. Weber Family
Robert and Penny Weiss Trust
Oliver W. Whitby Trust
Carlyle and Louise Wilson Living
R & L Wong Trust
Wu Family Living Trust
To find out more about supporting UC Santa Cruz financially,
please contact the following development officers:
Annual Giving
Adam Goduto
(831) 459-2489
Tad Sterling
(831) 427-2998, ext. 106
Matt Henry
(831) 459-2439
Foundation Relations
Physical and
Biological Sciences
UC Santa Cruz
Diane Cast
Jeffrey Kongslie
Ann McCrow
Gift Planning
Colleges and
Parents Programs
(650) 528-4030, ext. 131
Michael Lorilla
(831) 459-5227
(831) 459-4240
Frankie Melvin
(831) 466-2922
Liz Sandoval
(831) 459-4713
Santa Cruz
Ann Gibb
Jack Baskin
School of Engineering Library
(831) 459-5507
Stephen Bourdow
Astrid von Soosten
(831) 459-5870
Social Sciences
Heidi Renteria
(831) 459-4572
(831) 459-5417
Student Affairs
Kathleen Hughes
(831) 459-4552
(831) 459-1965
University Relations
Donna Murphy
Vice Chancellor
(831) 459-4750
Jennifer Svihus
Associate Vice Chancellor
(831) 459-5591
Lynne Stoops
Executive Director of
(831) 459-1376
University Relations
University of California,
Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077
(831) 459-2501
(800) 933-7584
Fax: (831) 459-3412
Web: giving.ucsc.edu

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