January 17, 2016


January 17, 2016
St. Mark Church
2609 E 19th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11235
St. Margaret Mary Church
Ocean Ave. & Oriental Blvd.
Manhattan Beach NY
Mass Schedule:
Mass Schedule:
Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Mass
Sunday: 8:00, 9:30,11:00 AM,
12:30 PM
Weekdays: 8:30 AM
Holy Days: 7;30 PM Vigil Mass
8:00, 10:00 AM
Sunday: 11:00 AM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM
Phone: 718-891-3100
Pastor: Rev. Robert V. Mucci
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Sergiy Emanuel
Parochial Vicar: Rev. Ebenezer K. Abban
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. Gerard J. Arella
In Residence: Rev. Joseph P. Quigley
Miraculous Medal Novena every Wednesday after the
8:30 AM Mass
Litany of the Sacred Heart every First Friday 8:20 AM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every First Friday
from Noon to 3PM
Fourth Sunday of each month at 2:00 PM.
Required Baptism classes take place on the third Sunday
of each month at 9:30 AM in the Rectory Conference
Room. Call the Rectory during office hours to make an
appointment with a priest two (2) months prior to the
Please make arrangements by calling the Rectory at least
6 months in advance. Please log on to www.pre-cana.org
for complete information about marriage preparation in
the diocese, according to diocesan regulations.
Anointing of the Sick:
First Saturday of the month at the 8:30 AM Mass.
Confessions: Saturdays, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.
Appointment to see a Priest:
If you desire an appointment to meet with a priest, please
call the parish office. Office hours are Monday through
Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Parish Office:
Ms. Angela Scannapieco
Ms. Jacqueline Biagioni
St. Mark School:
Mrs. Carol Donnelly, Principal
Mrs. Lori Ryan, Secretary
St. Mark Religious Education:
Ms. Jo Ann Pino
Youth Ministry Coordinator:
Mr. Michael Davis
St. Mark Choir:
Mr. Patrick Marvello, Director of Music
St. Vincent De Paul Group:
Mr. Tom Scalese, President
Ms. Jean Hogan, Vice President
Homebound Ministry:
Ms. Maureen Genoversa, Coordinator
Ministers of Hospitality:
Mr. Tom Scalese
Extraordinary Ministers
of the Eucharist:
Mr. Edgar Perez, Coordinator
Ms. Stephanie Rizzo, Coordinator
Rosary Society:
Ms. Kathy Fackovec, President
Mrs. Maria Mansuroglu, Vice President 718-332-3843
Golden Age Society:
Mrs. Joan Belt, President
Ms. Josephine Bonnano, Vice President 718-934-2650
“With God all things are possible”
St. Mark Church
Saturday, Jan 16
5:00 PM Charles & Madeline
Sunday, Jan 17
8:00 AM Rosmary Bahan
9:30 AM Louis Torres (ann.)
11:00 AM The People of the Parish
12:30 PM Pete Kunik (birthday)
Monday, Jan 18
8:30 AM Grace DeMarco (birthday)
Tuesday, Jan 19
8:30 AM Adoph Bartoli
Wednesday, Jan 20 St. Fabian
8:30 AM Joseph Mulhern
Thursday, Jan 21 St. Agnes
8:30 AM Giovanni Lombombarda
Friday, Jan 22
8:30 AM Angelo & Vincenzo Linarello
January 17, 2016
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
By making extraordinary wine for a
wedding, Jesus demonstrates how we,
baptized members of the Church, are made
extraordinary for the heavenly feast
through His grace.
Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 96:3
1 Corinthians 12:4-21
John 2:1-11
Please pray for the sick:
Fr. Joseph Quigley, Maria Calise, Rachel Marin,
Antonia Galli, Linda DeFrancesco, Georgette
Scalese, Joseph John Buccheri, Sally Frances
Buccheri, & Diane Camacho
who is in need of a kidney donor.
Saturday, Jan 23 St. Vincent
8:30 AM Sally Frances Buccheri
5:00 PM Patricia Kruzykowski
St. Margaret Mary
Sunday, Jan 17
11:00 AM In Thanksgiving
Wednesday, Jan 20
9:00 AM
Sunday, Jan 24
11:00 AM Luigi Gallo
Miraculous Medal Novena
Wednesday after the 9:00 AM Mass
Homebound in Manhattan Beach:
If you or someone you know would like to have a
Eucharistic Minister visit and administer Holy
Communion; please call Gilda at 718-769-1312.
Also, please advise Gilda of any sick parishioner who
wishes to be included in the Prayer of the Faithful
at Sunday Mass.
In observance of the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
the rectory office will be closed
on Monday January 18th.
Gifts to honor a loved one; living or
deceased, are available
(bread & wine, candles or flowers).
Please contact the parish office
for information.
There are Mass dates available in January
and February for both St. Mark and
St. Margaret Mary.
Pastor’s Column January 9-10, 2016
When I was growing up, there was a popular brand of frozen pizza called Mama Celeste. It was named
for "Mama" Celeste Lizio, an Italian cook born in 1908 in San Angelo, Italy who emigrated to America with her
husband Anthony in the 1920’s. A robust woman who never lost the accent of her native land, Lizio also acted as
a television spokeswoman for the pizzas that were sold in boxes bearing her picture and name. With her arms
spread wide she would proudly proclaim the word “Abbondanza", which is Italian for “Abundance". And while
no self-respecting Italian from Brooklyn would ever stoop to eat a frozen pizza, Italians certainly do know what
abundance is all about.
Our Gospel this weekend is a vehicle for expressing the great abundance of God’s gifts, most especially
his mercy and love. The scene is a village wedding feast at Cana in Galilee. Now we like to think that nobody
does weddings as big as we do here in Brooklyn, but the truth of the matter is that a wedding feast in Palestine
was really a notable occasion that would go on for days. In a life where there was much poverty and constant
hard work, this week of festivity and joy was one of the supreme occasions. But during the wedding feast the
wine ran short. For a Jewish feast, wine was essential. “Without wine,” the Rabbis said, “there is no joy.”
Hospitality is a sacred duty in that part of the world. For the wine to run short at a wedding would be a terrible
humiliation for the bride and bridegroom. So Mary came to Jesus and simply said to him, “They have no wine.”
And despite Jesus’ somewhat enigmatic reply, Mary confidently told the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.”
Jesus then asked the servers to fill six stone water jars that were there for ceremonial washings, each
holding twenty to thirty gallons, with water. And St. John tells us, “They filled them to the brim.” Do the math.
Six jars times thirty gallons equals one hundred eighty gallons of water which Jesus transforms into wine. That is
a lot of wine. And not just any wine, but the best wine. As the headwaiter told the bridegroom after he tasted the
water that had become wine, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an
inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.”
Just as Jesus transformed water into an abundance of wine at that wedding feast at Cana in Galilee two
thousand years ago, just as he once fed five thousand men with five loaves and two fish and had twelve wicker
baskets of leftovers, just as he transformed bread and wine into his own body and blood at the Last Supper and
does so again and again at every Mass, so he stands ready to transform you and fill you with an abundance of his
divine mercy, love, and graces, if only you follow those same instructions that Mary gave to the servers:
“Do whatever he tells you.” And do not be afraid to enlist Mary’s help to ask for and receive those graces, for she
remains the intercessor par excellence. Mary’s prayers to God are so effective because they are a Mother’s
prayers. So go to Mama Mary, who though not Italian will offer you her outstretched arms and like
Mama Celeste say, “Abbondanza!”
– Fr. Bob
Sunday Collection: January 10, 2016
St. Mark Church
1st Collection: $3,354.00
2nd Collection:$997.00
Attendance: 564
Envelopes Returned: 139
St Margaret Mary Church
1st Collection: $410.00
2nd Collection: $96.00
Attendance: 34
Envelopes Returned: 13
Novena For The Unborn
A period of prayer, penance, and pilgrimage,
January 17-25, 2015, will mark the anniversary of the
1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade,
which legalized abortion throughout pregnancy. The
“9 Days for Life” novena encourages nationwide
solidarity in prayer for daily intentions, including for
couples experiencing infertility, those mourning the
loss of a child through abortion, children in need of
adoptive homes, and for an end to abortion and use of
the death penalty. Resources for the novena are
available in numerous ways, including an app.
The initiative is part of the 2014-15 Respect Life
Program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
(USCCB) with the theme “Each of Us is a Masterpiece
of God’s Creation,” which is adapted from the words of
Pope Francis’ 2013 Day for Life greeting. In addition to
the prayer intentions, each day of the program raises
awareness on issues such as domestic violence, postabortion healing, pornography addiction, and
end-of-life matters.
“Pope Francis reminds us constantly of the loving
concern Christians have for all people at any stage of
life who’ve been cast aside or forgotten by society,”
said Cardinal Sean O’Malley, archbishop of Boston
and chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life
Activities. “The 9 Days for Life novena offers a chance
to join in prayer and solidarity with the unborn, victims
of violence, those suffering from addiction, & those
whose hearts ache to be part of a family.”
There are four ways to participate in the program
for both English and Spanish speakers: subscriptions
to daily content through email or text messages; the
“9Days for Life” app; and downloadable print materials.
Content will also be shared via a Facebook event
(accessible from www.facebook.com/peopleoflife) and
other social media with the hashtag #9daysforlife.
Catholics are also encouraged to participate in
local events such as Masses, blessings for pro-life
pilgrims, or a parish holy hour for reparation and
healing for all affected by abortion.
More information is available at www.9daysforlife.com
and www.usccb.org/respectlife.
Upcoming Events
St. Mark & St. Margaret Mary
Annual Mardi Gras Celebration
Saturday February 6, 2016
See the flyer for details!
If you would like to be on the planning
committee for this event please call the
rectory office.
St. Vincent De Paul
Monthly Food Collection
Jan 16 & 17
We are collecting canned & dry non perishable
items (please check expiration dates).
Monetary donations are always gratefully
accepted. Thank you for your continued,
outstanding support!
The St. Vincent de Paul Group is unable to
accept any clothing donations until
further notice.
A Diocesan Pilgrimage with
Bishop DiMarzio
The Holy Doors of Rome, Assisi
and The Holy Land
In the Year of Mercy
Italy Portion: September 15-23, 2016
Optional Holy Land Extension
September 23-29,2016
For a Brochure:
Susan: 1-800-842-4842
Office of Faith Formation
Office Hours:
January proves to be an exciting month
because we are preparing to celebrate
Catholic Schools Week at the beginning of
February. We have many events planned
and more information will follow
over the next few weeks.
Catholic Schools Week is an annual national
observance that celebrates our pride in the
quality of education and faith formation
nurtured in Catholic Schools. This year our
theme encompasses several concepts that are
at the heart of a Catholic education.
First, Catholic schools are communities – small
families - members of the larger community
of home, church, city and the nation. Faith,
knowledge and service are three measures
by which any Catholic school can and
should be judged.
Event dates will be listed soon!
We look forward to celebrating with you.
Monday: 1:00-5:00
Wednesday: 9:00–2:00
Thursday: 9:00-2:00
Sunday, January 17 is Martin Luther King
weekend—no classes.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults:
On Sunday, January 31, 2016
at the 12:30 Mass, we are
celebrating the Rite of
Acceptance into the Order of
Catechumens. We will welcome
Julian Cleland, Christopher
Monzon, Jaqueline Cuamatzi, and Joseph
Lopopolo Christopher and Joseph are preparing for
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Julian and
Jaqueline are preparing for Confirmation
and Eucharist.
They will be introduced to the parish community
with their sponsors, as they embrace the word of
our Lord and accept His Cross. In the following
months, these adults will be preparing for their full
initiation into the Christian faith at this year’s Easter
Vigil. Please continue to keep them in
your prayers.
A sponsor is a witness to those, adult or child,
preparing to receive the Sacrament of
Confirmation, and to those entering into full
initiation of Christian life through the RCIA process.
Through these sacraments the candidates and
elect are strengthened by the power of the
Holy Spirit, made a true witness of Christ in word
and deed, and invited more deeply into the life of
the Church.
The sponsor’s most significant role is to be a role
model of such witness and unifying love. If you are
a practicing Catholic who has received the
sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and
Confirmation (known as the Sacraments of
Initiation) you can be a sponsor.
A sponsor has to be 16 years of age or older
and a parent cannot be a sponsor for their own
child. If you are interested in being a sponsor for
someone who might need one, please contact
Ms. Pino at 718-769-6311 or leave a message for
her at the rectory 718-891-3100.
Church Name and Address
524650: St. Mark R. C. Church
2609 E. 19 St., Brooklyn, NY 11235
718 891-3100
Contact Person
Angela Scannapieco
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Sunday Date of PublicaƟon
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