File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
JULY 2011 Page 1 of 9 Mark your Calendars!! Special Events: July 21 - Monthly Meeting Dutch Heritage August 18 - Monthly Meeting Dutch Heritage Sept. 19 - Monthly Meeting Dutch Heritage In This Issue: PG 1: Presisdent’s Message PG 2: ASCE Suncoast Branch Scholarship Recipients West Point Bridge State Competition Info PG 3: Sub-Committee Contacts Civil Times SunCoast Branch News July 2011 President’s Message from Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. Happy 4th of July! Hopefully you will enjoy a long weekend with friends/family or just simply relaxing! This month we have a couple of things to look forward to and we are asking you to start thinking about the future of your ASCE SunCoast Branch leadership. October will be the final days of my term as the President and Amjid Hussain, P.E. will be your next President. We will have a vacancy in the Treasurer Position, so if you are interested in becoming one of the branch’s next leaders, please let us know. This month is the Florida Section’s ASCE Annual Conference! Registration is almost closed, so if you have not signed up, what are you waiting for? This year the conference is July 14 – 16 at the Renaissance Resort at World Golf Village in St Augustine, Florida. There are a wide range of presentations, a couple of which are from our local area. Molly Williams, P.E. of Stantec, and Adnan Javed, P.E. of the Sarasota County plan to present on the “Stormwater Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (SWIRP) Projects Priority System”; and Adnan and Julie Karleskint, P.E. of Hazen and Sawyer, plan to present on “Asset Management and Managing Aging Stormwater Infrastructure”. Lebarge Sponsor Ad PG 4: ASCE Conference Information PG 5: SAVE THE DATE PG 6: Lebarge Sponsor Ad Career Corner PG 7: SPONSOR PAGE PG 8: July Meeting Information Upcoming Meeting Information Also this month we have our monthly luncheon at the Dutch Heritage. Our guest speaker is from TBARTA and the topic is “TBARTA: A Connected Region for Our Future”. Please RSVP to our Secretary, Melanie Smith, E.I. at or call 941-907-6900. Our SunCoast Branch year ends September 30th, 2011 with an induction of the new officers in October. We would like to celebrate the end of the year with a BBQ at the Oscar Scherer State Park! SAVE THE DATE FOR September 24, 2011! The BBQ will be open to your family and friends. Watch out for more details in the coming months. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to email us at We would love to hear from you! Sincerely, Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. ASCE SunCoast President JULY 2011 Page 2 of 9 ASCE Suncoast Branch Sponsored Events WEST POINT BRIDGE STATE FINALS State Finalists in two divisions will compete in a 1-1/2-hour design competition using the West Point Bridge Software. Divisions are for 6th-8thgraders or 9th-12thgraders. PRIZES (each Division): 1stPlace: $1000 cash 2ndPlace: $300 cash 3rdPlace: $200 cash WHEN: 8:30 to 11:00 am – Friday July 15, 2011 WHERE: Renaissance World Golf Village Resort 500 South Legacy Trail St. Augustine, Florida 32092 Please contact Amjid Hussain for any questions on West Point Bridge Finals: ASCE SUNCOAST BRANCH SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Current Civil Engineering Student: Anatoliy Olimpiuk has worked and is currently a CAD designer with WilsonMiller Stantec for the past 4 years, and is currently in pursuit of a Civil Engineering Degree from the University of South Florida. Anatoliy lives in North Port with his wife and two young children and spends the little free time he has volunteering at his church. ASCE Suncoast Branch is proud to present Anatoliy with $1000 scholarship to assist in gaining his Civil Engineering Degree! Graduating Senior: Tyler McDuffie of Riverview High School IB Program has been accepted into the UF Civil Engineering program. His exceptional academic abilities while maintaining a part-time job and volunteering his time in Nicaragua for the past 7 years gave great argument to the scholarship committee to grant him the assistance of a $500 college scholarship! Graduating Senior: Bret Moreau of North Port High School showed exceptional interest in the Civil Engineering Community through internship with the City of North Port Engineering Department as well as exceptional academic performance while maintaining many extracurricular activities and part-time jobs. We generally only award one graduating high school senior, but Bret showed such promise, we will be awarding him with $250 to assist him on his journey to becoming a Civil Engineer! JULY 2011 Page 3 of 9 SUNCOAST BRANCH SUB-COMMITTEES Please join a Sub-committee today! Scholarship Committee: Please contact Tim Foushee at for more information Outreach Program Committee: Please contact Paula R. Wiggins at for more information Toothpick Bridge Committee: Please contact Chris Sharek at for more information West Point Bridge Committee: Please contact Paula Wiggins at for more information Florida Section Science and Engineering Fair Committee: Please contact Adnan Javed at for more information Calling all ASCE Suncoast Branch Members, we would love for anyone interested in volunteering their time to contact any of the members listed above, or Kim, Melanie, Amjid or Sonya (contact info on page 8)!! LeBarge Diamond Sponsor JULY 2011 Page 4 of 9 ATTENTION!!! ASCE ANNUAL FLORIDA SECTION CONFERENCE When: July 15-16, 2011 Where: St Augustine, Fl Registration is now OPEN! Click here to register. Call the hotel now at 800-266-9432 to reserve your room. Guestrooms are available for $99 per night. Be sure to mention the name of our block: American Society of Civil Engineers, Florida Section to get the special room pricing. This special pricing expires on June 20, 2011. This year's keynote speaker will be Rep. Lake Ray, R-District 17. As in years past, registrants will be able to attend technical sessions that will give them the required 8 hours of professional development hour (PDH). Laws & Rules will be held on Saturday, July 16th and it will conclude the conference. The full registratrion member rate is $425 and non-member rate is $500 - until June 18, 2011. After June 18th, the member rate is $475 and the non-member rate is $550. ATTENTION ASCE 141st ANNUAL CIVIL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE When: October 20-22, 2011 Where: Memphis, Tennessee Join fellow engineers October 20-22, 2011 to discuss issues surrounding Sustainable Infrastructure – Civil Engineering Solutions. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, what could be more timely and crucial to the area than focusing on the sustainability of the infrastructure in the city and around the globe? With sessions on the recent disaster in Japan and how to fight for funding to maintain critical infrastructure, learn the vital role engineers like you play in keeping the world together and discover what more can be done. Sign up on Friday and be sure to take part in this essential conference. ASCE SEMINAR/WORKSHOPS Tech Div. Geotechnical Structural Structural Management FULL DATE August 25-26, 2011 September 1416, 2011 September 2123, 2011 September 2223, 2011 CITY/STATE SEMINAR/WORKSHOP Atlanta, GA Earth Retaining Structures Selection, Design, Construction and Inspection: Now in an LRFD Design Platform Atlanta, GA Structural Design of Buildings and Industrial Facilities for Blast Loads and Accidental Chemical Explosions Atlanta, GA Structural Vibration Analysis, Design and Troubleshooting Orlando, FL Project Management JULY 2011 Page 5 of 9 FL-ASCE 2011 Annual Meeting Technical Sessions Schedule Time Section Topic Speaker 8 am to 9 am Water Resources Integration and Optimization in Decision Support Analysis for Watershed Management RABBANI 8 am to 9 am Transportation Mobile LiDAR Data Collection for Transportation Projects WALDEMER/ Stoughton 8 am to 9 am Structures Moving From Prescriptive to Performance-Based Concrete PRIOLO/ WESTCOTT 8 am to 9 am Geotech Channel Improvements within the Sandalwood Canal (Jacksonville, FL) MCGREGOR/ PAPPAS 8 am to 9 am Management Asset Management and Managing Aging Stormwater Infrastructure JAVED/KARLESKINT/PORTER 9 am to 10 am Water Resources Automated Water Quality Project PrioritizationTool to Address TMDLs NOVI/ EARHARDT 9 am to 10 am Transportation Use of Recycled Aggregate Systems as Unbound Base Layers ASHTIANI/SAEED/ HAMMONS 2ND 9 am to 10 am Geotech Compaction Grouted Micropiles at SR-408, Orlando, Florida GARBIN The Rehabilitation of the Bridge of Lions Jack Haynes, RS&H JAXPORT and the Need for Infrastructure Investment MILLER/PROTOR/ DORTCH/HAYE Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproduct Stage 2 Requirements DUNKELBERGER Spall Repair in Rigid Pavements: Can Faster Be Better? HAMMONS/ SAEED 10 am to 11 am Geotech Soil Relaxation in Driven Pile Foundations into Dense Sands: Reality or Myth? OWEIS/CHAMPION/KREPSIK 10 am to 11 am Structures Field Evaluation of Rigid Pavement Repairs Using Precast Concrete Panels ASHTIANI/SAEED/ HAMMONS JEA’s Total Water Management Plan (TWMP) Robert Kermitz 9 am to 10 am Structures 9 am to 10 am Management 10 am to 11 am Water Resources 10 am to 11 am Transportation 10 am to 11 am Management 2 pm to 3 pm Water Resources Stormwater Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program (SWIRP) Projects Priority System WILLIAMS/JAVED 2 pm to 3 pm Geotech Deep Mix Method Used for the Ground Improvement at LPV-111 East Back Levee Improvement Project LEONI/SCHMUTZLER 2 pm to 3 pm Structures ASCE Wind Load Ron Cook 2 pm to 3 pm Management Diverse Projects: Overview of Jacksonville District Programs ORNELLA/ WEATHERBY Saturday 8 am - 12 pm Laws & Rules Laws & Rules HAYDEN/BAYO JULY 2011 Page 6 of 9 SAVE THE DATE!!!! ASCE SUNCOAST 2011 “TURNING OVER A NEW LEAF” END OF SUMMER FUN!! OSCAR SCHERER PARK BBQ POTLUCK SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2011 More details coming soon!! JULY 2011 Page 7 of 9 LeBarge Diamond Sponsor Career Corner: Members seeking Job Opportunities Members Helping Members Know of a member who is seeking employment? Ask them to send a paragraph “resume” and we will post it here or refer any job leads privately. You can help by just forwarding an opportunity to your branch officers to pass on to qualified colleagues looking for work. Don’t delete the next email from Monster, HotJobs, or Career Builder; pass a prospect to a worthy member! ANTONIO RENADA Graduating with a GPA of 3.71 May 2011 from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and a minor in Business. Intern experience for two summers for Birdsall Services Group and Mil-Pro, Inc. in New Jersey. Extremely involved, Past President of the Delta Chi Fraternity, Current President of the Chi Epsilon Engineering Honor Society. Please contact Melanie D. Smith @ for Mr. Renada’s resume. Engineering Construction Environmental Architecture PBS&J is now Atkins! PBS&J is proud to assume the name of our new parent company, Atkins! We are now part of the world’s 11th largest design consultant firm and are excited to lead the North American region. We look forward to giving you the same great local service that you’ve come to expect, but with the ability now to bring you best practices from around the world and even more resources and technical capabilities. Sustainability and innovative design Clean water. A basic necessity that we can’t live without but often take for granted. From our earliest days, PBS&J has partnered with clients to develop and maintain safe and adequate water supplies. Planning today for your peace of mind tomorrow. • Alternative disinfection processes • Aquifer storage and recovery • Asset management • Cathodic protection/corrosion control • CMOM compliance assistance • Collection and distribution • Facilities planning • Groundwater hydrology • Hydraulic modeling • Instrumentation and controls • Large diameter pipeline design • Membrane technology • Operations and maintenance services • Rate and impact analysis • Regulatory compliance • Risk management evaluations 800.477.7275 JULY 2011 Page 9 of 9 2010 – 2011 SunCoast Branch Executive Board President Sonya Fronckowiak, P.E. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 (941) 907-6900 ASCE Lunch Meeting: JUNE 2011 Where: Dutch Heritage When: July 21, 2011 Vice-President Amjid Hussain P.E. Sarasota County 1001 Sarasota center Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34240 Ph: (941) 861-0750 Fax: (941) 861-0770 Secretary Melanie Delehanty Smith, E.I. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 (941) 907-6900 Treasurer Kim B. Clayback, P.E. Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd. Suite 307 Sarasota, Florida 34234 Phone: (941) 358-1440 x 1609 Webmaster D. Scott McKenna, P.E. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Pkwy. E. Sarasota, Florida 34240 (941) 907-6900 Speaker: TBARTA Rep Topic: TBARTA: A connected Region for our future How much: $15 RSVP: Date Speaker Topic 8/17/11 Robert Lewis Sarasota County Permitting 101 9/19/11 Mike Maholtz Sarasota/Manatee/Charlotte Long Range Transportation Plan (SMC 2035 LRTP) 10/17/11 Available Contact Amjid Hussain, P.E. at Directions to Troyer's Dutch Heritage (3713 Bahia Vista Street) Take I-75 South to Exit 207, Bee Ridge Road, and head west toward McIntosh Road. Turn Right onto McIntosh Road, head north to Bahia Vista Street. Turn Left onto Bahia Vista Street, and the Troyer's Dutch Heritage restaurant is at 3713 Bahia Vista Street, on the right after you cross the railroad tracks. Please contact Melanie Smith if there are any questions regarding directions to Dutch Heritage SunCoast Branch c/o Melanie Delehanty Smith, E.I. WilsonMiller Stantec 6900 Professional Parkway East, Sarasota, FL 34240 THE SUNCOAST BRANCH NEWSLETTER IS NOW ONLY DISTRIBUTED ELECTRONICALLY. IF YOU KNOW OF A MEMBER THAT DOES NOT RECEIVE THE NEWSLETTER AND WOULD LIKE TO, PLEASE HAVE THEM CONTACT THE BRANCH SECRETARY.
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File - ASCE SunCoast Branch
and adequate water supplies. Planning today for your peace of mind tomorrow.
• Alternative disinfection processes
• Aquifer storage and recovery
• Asset management
• Cathodic protection/corrosion c...