Strategic Management


Strategic Management
Strategic Management
One Team.
Infinite Solutions.
Stantec's Strategic Management
team combines business, financial,
technical, and operational knowledge
to develop solutions for our clients'
capital project challenges
One Team. Infinite Solutions.
Health Research Architects Ltd.
Stantec provides professional design and consulting
services in planning, engineering, architecture, surveying,
and project management. We support public and private
sector clients in a diverse range of markets, at every stage,
from initial concept and financial feasibility to project
completion and beyond. Our services are offered through
more than 6,500 employees, distibuted evenly in Canada
and the United States, operating out of over 100 locations.
Stantec provides clients with comprehensive, fully
integrated services in the areas of planning, design,
and operations, creating project synergies and cost
savings unique in the industry. We think outside of the box
to provide innovative and sustainable ideas for building
systems. Our designs have won numerous sustainable
design awards. We have grown to be a leader in the
green design field and our goal is to continue to provide
clients with fresh ideas in green building design.
Strategic Management
Our Strategic Management team serves as trusted
advisors to clients, helping them navigate through
strategic investment decisions on the development,
expansion, modernization, acquisition or disposal of
land, infrastructure, and facilities that are critical to their
core business.
Strategic Management provides advisory services in the
areas of:
By combining business, financial and implementation
skills with Stantec’s diverse technical expertise, Stantec
provides the expertise to define the project scope, assess
the technical feasibility and financial viability of capital
investments, and be accountable for project delivery.
Clients use these services together or separately at key
stages of a project. Equally important to the advisory
services we provide prior to capital approval are
Stantec’s project management, design and operations
services after project approval.
• Project Development
• Project Evaluation
• Project Implementation
We have provided advisory services for over $10 Billion
in land, infrastructure, and facility projects. Success
stories come from a diverse array of capital projects,
including land development, buildings, water and
wastewater facilities, transportation infrastructure, and
industrial plants.
Your Business Case and Request is the best fund raising proposal I have seen for
clarity, telling detail, appearance and conviction. Well done!
- John W. Jacobsen
President, White Oak Associates Inc.
Musson Cattell Mackey Partnership, Downs/Archambault & Partners, and LMN Architects
Project Stages
Advisory Services
Strategic Management Advisory Services
Strategic Management offers clients a broad range of
advisory services at any of the following project stages:
Client Strategy
• client strategy
Project Development
• business concept and project scope
• financial viability and technical feasibility
• capital expenditure approval
• project implementation
Business Concept &
Project Scope
We provide advisory services for the following areas:
Project Development
Viability & Technical
Capex Approval &
Project Evaluation
Project Implementation
Strategic Management provides dedicated project leadership
to support senior management in client organizations with
strategic initiatives that rely upon land, infrastructure, and
facilities to advance their core business. We take a business
approach and use our industry technical knowledge to
advise clients on whether they are doing the right projects.
We focus on identifying and developing the optimal strategy
to support the clients’ vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
Key strategies can involve acquiring existing assets, building
new, modernization, expansion, disposition, partnership
arrangements, and outsourcing.
Project Evaluation
We combine business, financial, technical, and
operational knowledge to develop comprehensive
business cases and feasibility studies for capital
projects. These services cover key areas such as:
needs analysis, market research, programming,
capital funding, operating models, cash flow, and risk
Project Implementation
We help clients structure, procure, and implement
capital projects given their specific requirements
and risk tolerance. Implementation options range
from traditional design-bid-build contracts, to designbuild-operate, to sophisticated P3s (Public-Private
Partnerships) that bring private financing, operations,
and ownership to infrastructure and facility projects.
Providing project
development, evaluation,
and implementation
services for infrastructure
and facility projects
Strategic Management Services
Strategic Planning
A big-picture approach to infrastructure and facilities planning
can ease decision-making by clarifying priorities. We facilitate
workshop sessions and bring subject matter experts with a
broad range of business, financial, technical, and project
delivery expertise to determine how current and proposed land,
infrastructure, and facility assets support an organization's vision,
mission, major goals, and program objectives.
Market Research
By combining market research methodology and practical
business experience, we develop effective research programs
to deliver actionable results. With expertise in quantitative and
qualitative research, Stantec’s consultants couple primary and
secondary research with advanced statistical analysis to provide
insightful, intelligent and actionable information.
Economic Impact Analysis
Economic development is a critical factor in a community’s
quality of life. It is directly linked to other aspects of community
development including land use, transportation, housing, and
infrastructure planning. Local governments employ a variety of
marketing, policy, infrastructure support, real estate development,
and financial tools to foster economic development in their
communities. Stantec has worked with many groups in identifying
new economic opportunities, assessing the economic impact of
potential projects and programs, and developing new policies to
facilitate economic growth.
Risk Assessment
Understanding risk is critical to making capital investment
and operational decisions. We establish a risk register to
identify, analyze, and manage risk. Using qualitative and
quantitative methods, we evaluate risks related to demand,
revenue generation, financial structure, design and construction,
government regulations, and the environment. We advise clients
on risk management options including retaining, monitoring,
eliminating, transferring, or sharing risk.
Business Cases
We combine business, financial, technical, and
operational knowledge to develop comprehensive
business cases for capital projects. We specify the
terms and conditions for the project to be financially
viable, technically feasible, and how the project should
be implemented to manage risks related to scope,
cost, and delivery date.
Feasibility Studies
Both public and private sector clients require a
thorough analysis of strategic alternatives and their
related business and operational impacts, capital
and operating costs, and quantitative and qualitative
Strategic Planning
Market Research
Economic Impact Analysis
Risk Identification & Evaluation
Business Case
Ownership & Operations Models
Partnership Arrangements
Stantec helps clients identify specific potential partners
and assess proponent expressions of interest and
proposals by working with them to identify and apply
evaluation criteria. We assist in final negotiations with
the preferred partner, establish a mutually satisfying
contract that outlines responsibilities, and include a fair
and effective process to deal with issues.
Feasibility Study
Partnership Arrangements
benefits before committing time and money to the
development of new infrastructure and facility projects.
We help clients understand which alternative is
preferred and why.
Financial Analysis
Value for Money Analysis
Life Cycle Value Assessment
Procurement Models & Processes
Project Implementation Plan
Ownership and Operations Models
As clients continue to focus on their core business and the
delivery of programs and services, new ownership and
operating models have emerged and been implemented for
proposed infrastructure and facility assets. Public private
partnership agreements, industry service corporations, lease
versus purchase agreements, outsourcing agreements, and
joint use operating agreements provide new sources of
capital, operating expertise, and potential efficiencies. We
advise clients on the costs and benefits of these alternatives,
and consult with industry experts on alternative governance
Financial Analysis
Financial viability is evaluated with a thorough analysis of
costs and benefits, typically including revenues, operating
costs, lifecycle costs, capital costs, sustaining capital, and
residual value. We prepare pro-forma cash flows and
compare these against financial performance metrics to
determine the terms and conditions for project viability.
Investment risk is assessed by examining alternatives and
completing sensitivity analyses of key variables.
Value for Money Analysis
Alternate delivery models, ranging from outsourcing of noncore services to sophisticated public and private partnerships
involving financing and operations, can deliver value for
money to owners and end users. A value for money analysis
is used to determine whether the total cost of services for
alternate delivery models, including capital, operations and
maintenance, capital renewal, residual value, and ancillary
services is less than traditional project delivery.
Life Cycle Value Assessment
Life cycle value assessment is a comprehensive
analysis, often referred to as the triple bottom
line. It accounts for environmental and social
criteria in addition to an economic criterion. It
provides a clear methodology for evaluating
and prioritizing infrastructure investment
alternatives using sustainability principles. Life
cycle costing provides a financial measure of
all costs including physical, environmental, and
social costs and benefits. Environmental and
social characteristics are evaluated against
established standards to determine compliance.
Procurement Models and Processes
We help clients evaluate and choose between
various project delivery models, from traditional
design-bid-build to finance-design-build-ownoperate-transfer, and all models in between.
The implementation planning process includes
the development of Request for Proposal (RFP)
documents, proposal evaluation, and support
through the negotiation and award process.
Project Implementation Plan
Stantec helps clients understand and manage
capital project challenges and risks related to
scope, cost, and delivery date by preparing
a Project Implementation Plan. The Project
Implementation Plan addresses project
governance, project status, project objectives,
project definition and project parameters,
implementation strategies, and project controls.
Why Stantec
Stantec Understands Capital Projects
We recognize that major capital projects are often a major
undertaking for our clients. But for Stantec, major capital
projects are our business. Strategic Management brings
value by helping clients understand the intricacies of capital
project development, enabling them to identify early the most
feasible and viable way to invest in their futures.
Stantec Provides Support While Clients Focus On Strategy
and Operations for Their Core Business
While capital projects are essential to an organization’s
long-term success, they often prove disruptive to day-to-day
core business operations. Our senior consultants help clients
to accelerate strategic projects while they focus on their core
business with the peace of mind that comes from making the
best possible decision regarding their capital investments.
Stantec Offers Cost-Effective Service
Strategic Management advisory services are critical to
decision making, yet relatively low cost in the overall capital
budget. Furthermore, because Stantec provides business,
financial, and technical expertise in one team, we can
move fast, enabling our clients to make timely and informed
decisions with input from all relevant experts, saving clients
time and money.
Stantec Provides Objective Advice
Strategic Management services provide clients with
independent, third party advice for their capital expenditures
Stantec Addresses the Triple Bottom Line
Our Strategic Management processes and tools enable
clients to account for economic, environmental, and social
values in planning their capital projects. Our aim at all
times is to provide life cycle solutions that are value-added,
sustainable, and community focused.
Global Customer Base
Stantec provides professional design and consulting services in planning, engineering, architecture, surveying, and
project management for projects throughout Canada, the United States, and internationally. We support public and
private sector clients in a diverse range of markets, at every stage, from initial concept and financial feasibility to
project completion and beyond.
Our Strategic Management team has provided advisory services in project development, project evaluation, and
project implementation for over $10 billion in infrastructure and facilities projects in the following sectors:
• Municipal
• Attractions, Arts & Entertainment
• Post-Secondary
• Community Institutional
• Power
• Corporate / Office
• Residential
• Education
• Retail / Commercial
• Environmental
• Solid Waste
• Food & Beverage
• Sports, Recreation & Leisure
• Government
• Transportation
• Healthcare
• Urban Land
• Industrial
• Wastewater
• Information Technology
• Water
• Airports & Aviation
For specific assistance from our Strategic Management team, please contact:
Gerry Devine
Edmonton, Alberta
(780) 917-7036
David Angelo
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 229-4000
Jim Keil
Portland, Maine
(207) 797-9926
Ben Popadiuk
Calgary, Alberta
(403) 716-1453
Or visit
Mark Loeffler
Palm Desert, California
(760) 346-9844
Donald Wyse
Boston, Massachusetts
(617) 305-4181