File - Chula Vista Quilters Guild
File - Chula Vista Quilters Guild
C h u l a V i s ta Q u i lt e r s G u i l d Quilt Talk Page CELEBRATING OUR 32ND YEAR! Quilt Talk Newsletter Date: March, 2016 Volume 32, Issue 7 ELECTED OFFICERS President Laurel Maloney 619-421-5078 1st VP: Program Shirley McGuire 619-267-8622 2nd VP: Newsletter Karen Buckingham 619-421-8177 Secretary Susan Bellis 619-426-4424 Treasurer Karyn Slade 619-425-5639 President Emeritus Kathy Cadwell 619-216-3840 TABLE OF CONTENTS Programs 2 Treasurer’s Report 2 Monthly Refreshments 3 Block of the Month 3 New Dates for Quilt Show 3 Fat Quarter Raffle 3 El Camino Quilters Quilt Show 3 Retreat Information 4 Directory News 4 Door Prizes 4 Guild Photos 5 Quilt Show Sign-ups 6 Door Prizes 6 Quilt Show Entry Form 6 Shopping Mall 7 Hello fellow quilters, Well that was a fun and different meeting last month. Thanks to all the teachers in the round-a-bout quilt demo and to Shirley McGuire for setting that up for us. On to business. If you haven’t seen the opportunity quilt yet, it will be on display at our March meeting. Brenda Moore will be sending around a sign-up sheet of quilt guilds in the area so if you want to show off our beautiful opportunity quilt please sign up for the guild of your choice or any other event. Brenda Moore will be at the meeting to pass out more tickets if needed and to collect the stubs to put in the collection box. Our quilt show is coming up fast and Sherry Smiley is putting the finishing touches on all the activities. Putting the quilt show together is a major feat so if you want to help please let Sherry know. Melody Cernitz is working on the next upcoming elections so if you want to run for an office let her know. We are still looking for a new program chair to take Shirley McGuire’s place. Again the quilt show is just around the corner so I hope you are putting the finishing touches on your beautiful 2016 entries and filling out those forms. Looking forward to seeing you all, Laurel Maloney CVQG President Volume 32, Issue 7 Q Qu u ii ll tt T Ta a ll k k CHAIRMANSHIPS Programs Block of the Month Mary Anna Carr 670-7466 Nona Fontenot 420-2944 421-1583 Door Prizes Burma Dunn Fat Quarter Raffle Judy Mcay 421-5998 585-9260 422-8793 Historian Desiree Joyner Librarian Jean Armer Membership/Guild Pins Jeri Nolfi-Brown 425-2361 Opportunity Quilt 2016/2017 Maureen Waterhouse 422-6220 Ticket sales 2015/16 Opportunity Quilt Brenda Moore 575-1543 Cuddle Quilt Pat Doege Page22 Page 425-3996 424-7028 T-Shirts March 10th: Quilt in a Day w/ Eleanor Burns 10am-2pm. Initially we had planned to share an outing with Kaleidoscope Guild to see Eleanor Burns presentation on March 4th, but we were only given 20 spaces. Since there was such a big demand I have rescheduled so we could have our own date and all 40-50 slots. Our new date is Thursday March 10th 10-2. The price is still $20 to include a lunch from Panera's. If you have any dietary requirements i.e. vegetarian or gluten free, let me know. I have to send in our requirements 1 week in advance. If this new date does not work for you and you have already paid for your seat, I will refund at the February meeting. If you didn't get a seat and want one, see me at the February meeting with your $20. We will carpool and leave around 9 am on March 10th. March: - speaker will feature Anelie Belden who specializes in Modern Dresden Plates that are split, spin and use Jelly Rolls (2 1/2" strips). April: will feature award winning Linda Anderson, who's award winning art quilts have been featured in many juried quilt shows and quilting magazines. May: Kaufman Challenge Road Show June: Installation of Guild Officers and Pot Luck - Shirley McGuire 50/50 Drawing Louise Meeks Retreat 2015 Nancy Higgins Treasurer’s Report 475-7615 Refreshments Chair(s) Melda Lewis 479-0780 New Member Hostesses Melody Cernitz 427-1102 957-3240 Challenges Jan Mellinger 2016 Quilt Show Chair Sherry Smiley 540-3155 Parliamentarian Melody Cernitz 427-1102 Report will be in next month’s newsletter. Q Qu u ii ll tt T Ta a ll k k Monthly Refreshments Joanne Clayton Patricia Ludi Jean Armer Dan Meeks A big thank you to the following members who volunteered to bring goodies for our meeting this month. -Melda Lewis, Refreshment Chair Page33 Page Fat Quarter Raffle Bring a fat quarter to the meeting, add it to the pile, and take a chance on winning them all! January - Reds February - Greens March - Flowers and Showers April - Stars May - Beach-y June - Red, White and Blue July - Summer August - No meeting September - Halloween October - Fall Colors November - Christmas Dec - Your choice! Block of the Month Ladies it's not to late to join the block of the month. Just let Nona or I know. I will have everything ready for you at the next meeting. Also we hope you are planning to enter last years block of the months quilt in our up and coming quilt show. -Mary Anna & Nona May 20 and 21st. We will not conflict with the Del Mar show….more show news to follow. -Sherry Smiley, Quilt Show Chair Piece by Piece El Camino Quilters Quilt Show Friday and Sat. April 15-16 - 10am-4:30pm QLN Conference Center 1938 Avenida del Oro, Oceanside CA Cuddle Quilts 2015 was a great year. Our quilters created the enormous total of 110 quilts. WOW!!!!! Give yourselves a hand. Your quilts are comforting 15 vetrans at the Veterans Village; 11 patients at Fredericka Care Center; 15 are with members of CAST; 15 mothers at Birthline; and 15 babies of Gently Hugged. All organizations here in Chula Vista. We also extended our gifts to Door of Hope; Polinski Children's Center; and Children's Hospital. We have a big jump on this year. We have received 22 tops. We have lots of pre-cut kits; plus lots of fabric and pre-cut squares thanks to our friends who donated their stashes. If you prefer to have larger pieces to start from, let me know. I can definitely help you out. There is also many larger pieces for backs and binding. I currently have a bolt of batting as well. Keep on quilting, and thanks for all your good work. Pat Doege & Maureen Waterhouse Quilt Talk Page 4 Our next RETREAT is from Friday, Nov. 4th to Sunday the 6th Directory News The retreat center has raised the rates again. Double occupancy is now $277, single is $377 and triple is $247. An updated directory is being produced by Nancy Higgins. If you want your cell phone number included, please let her know. At the February Guild Meeting, it was voted not to have door prizes. -Nancy Higgins, Retreat Chairman DOOR PRIZES JANUARY 2016 BURMA DUNN DOOR PRIZE DONATED BY Wine & Wallet Bag Pattern, 3 FQ’s, ID Neck WON BY Rosie’s Calico Cupboard Quilt Shop Jeri Nolfi Brown Donna Sheridan Joy Schlarb Donna Sheridan Burma Dunn Circle Scissors Cheryl Williams Louise Meeks 5. Flip-N-Cut Magic Templates Cheryl Williams Kathy Davies 6. Clearly Perfect Angles Kari Carr, New Leaf Stitches Jean Armer 7. Winter Blossoms Pattern Kari Carr, New Leaf Stitches Shirley Fenner 8. Shawl Sentiment Pattern & Kit Kari Carr, New Leaf Stitches Dan Meeks 1. Pouch.& Project Bag Fran’s Jacket Pattern 2. Innovations Pattern Quilter’s Garden Surprise Pattern 3. An Every Day Bag Pattern 4. DOOR PRIZES FEBRUARY 2016 BURMA DUNN DOOR PRIZE DONATED BY WON BY 1. Craft Iron Holder Insulated Guild Boutique Dan Meeks 2. Clover Iron Holder Insulated Guild Boutique Jean Armer 3. The Frosters’ Pattern Donna Sheridan Melda Lewis 4. Sweet Valentine & Bootiful Friend Pattern Donna Sheridan Joann Clayton 5. San Diego Scenes Fabric, Charm Squares, Pot of Posies Pattern & Project Bag Rosie’s Calico Cupboard 6. Batik Charm Squares Quilt Shop Anonymous Burma Dunn Kathy Cadwell Quilt Talk Susan Bellis teaching “Recovery Bag” Technique Page 5 Laurel Maloney teaching YO-YOs Shirley Fenner teaching “Double Sided Border” Method Shirley McGuire teaching “Back over Front” Method Look at all these Valentines made in the Wednesday Morning Quilt Class Quilt Talk Page 6 QUILT SHOW SIGN-UPS The 2016 Quilt Show is just around the corner now! At the March meeting sign-up sheets will be going around. Everyone’s assistance is needed to make this show a winning show! With that said, there will be sign-ups for the following areas: Boutique, Opportunity Quilts and Gift Basket Sales, White Glove, Up-Stair Monitor and Tickets at the door. These positions are broken down for each day in time frames of 10-12, 12-2 and 2-4. In addition to these positions, we will need someone to provide lunch on Friday and Saturday, not necessarily the same person and folks that can help with picking up the Show Supplies on Wednesday, March 18, Set up on Thursday, March 19 and taking Supplies back to Storage on March 21st after the show. We are also looking for anyone that may have a set of Walkie-Talkies that can be borrowed for the show. This is your show ladies and I encourage all of you to participate in presenting our best to the public. Please be prepared to sign up for one or better yet, several jobs. We need you! If you know you will not be at the March meeting but know you can fill a position, please email me at: I will add you to the sheet! And, don’t forget to submit your quilt entry forms by April 30. (see attached) Thank You! Time to Rev Up for the Boutique! Hard to believe it, but it’s time to start making stuff for this year’s boutique! For our new members, these are items that you can sell at the boutique booth at our May show. You make the item, tie or pin on a cardboard price tag labelled with your boutique number and your price (write each one 100 twice on the tag, see the sample below), and bring it to the booth on show set-up day, Thursday $3.00 19 May not later than 1000 am. (Please note that this year our guild meeting is not the day before set-up, so you won’t be able to drop off your items at the meeting.) If you 100 can’t come by on set-up day, please give them to a friend to drop off. Here’s an example of how your tag should look with your number and price written on it twice: $3.00 At the end of the show, I’ll tote up all the figures. The guild will take 15% and you’ll get a check in about a week for the remaining 85% of the price of all the items that you sold. Please, let’s restrict guild items to things that you’ve made or jewelry, no white elephants! If we don’t have a white elephant booth this year, I will take fabric. Here’s a current list of all the boutique numbers that are assigned. If you need a number, please e-mail me at 100 CVQG 110 Higgins 120 Mendoza 130 Rodriguez 140 Jaco 101 Yamauchi 111 Smiley 121 Fenner 131 McG/Wat 141 Clayton 102 Flipse 112 Whittaker 122 Lambert 132 Furtado 103 Fontenont 113 Waterhouse 123 Parker 133 Reynolds 104 Cadwell 114 Dunn 124 Dobbertine 134 Carr 105 Brosche 115 Schlarb 125 Slade 135 Lewis 106 Bellis 116 Simpson 126 Word 136 Moore 107 Colvin 117 Joyner 127 Barlau 137 Davies 108 McGuire 118 Schicker 128 Best 138 Ludi 109 McKay 119 Acord 129 Beaver 139 Cernitz Quilt Talk Page 7 CHULA VISTA QUILTERS’ GUILD ANNUAL QUILT SHOW May 20 and 21, 2016 COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH ENTRY DEADLINE: APRIL 30, 2016 **** PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY **** ONLY PRINTED FORMS WILL BE ACCEPTED **** OWNER: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ MAKER (if not owner): ____________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL: ________________________________________________________________ Guild Member: Yes ( ) No ( ) * *Non guild members must pay a $5 entry fee based on space available Circle One: Small Quilt (under 75”), Large Quilt (over 75”), Wall Hanging (under 40”), Wearable, Other or Challenge SIZE OF ENTRY: (Height X Width) _______ X _______ PRICE (only if for sale): ____________________________________ TITLE OF ENTRY: _______________________________________________________________________________________ MAIN COLOR/PATTERN USED: ____________________________________________________________________________ Hand Pieced Hand Appliquéd CIRCLE ALL APPLICABLE AREAS Machine Pieced Machine Embroidered Hand Quilted Original Design Machine Appliquéd Machine Quilted Miniature Challenge Other Please give a brief description of your entry. Describe something in its construction that you have not done before or that was very challenging for you to do. Continue on back side of entry form if necessary. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Entry forms are due by April 30, 2016. 2. Mail or bring your entry form to Nancy Higgins, 5764 Roanoke St, San Diego, CA 92139-3426. Nancy’s phone number is (619) 475-7615 and her e-mail is . 3. All entries must be completely finished. 4. ALL QUILTS MUST HAVE A SLEEVE. 5. Bring your entries to Judy Colvin, 589 Manzanita St., Chula Vista, 91911 from 12 noon – 5 PM on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 Judy’s phone number is (619) 216-4339. Delivery and pick up of quilt must be as per schedule. 6. All entries must be picked up Saturday, May 21, between 4:30 and 5:00 PM. NO QUILTS WILL BE RELEASED BEFORE THIS TIME, OR WITHOUT A SIGNED RELEASE FORM. 7. Picture taking will be permitted. 8. Entries made by non-guild members are not eligible for guild awards. Honorable Mention may be awarded. 9. Insurance is the sole responsibility of the entrant. CVQG assumes no liability for the quilts. CVQG will take every precaution to protect your items. Hostesses are on the premises throughout the duration of the show. Quilt Talk The Shopping Mall Wednesday Quilt Class: Winter 2016 This term will be 10 weeks long featuring a single, double and triple Irish Chain pieced quilt (three free patterns), a zipper brooch, a pieced quilt by Sharon Vail, a fashion item, mini quilts for Valentines and St. Patty’s and if we have time…..self or friend portraits. Enjoy all projects or join us any time during the term. When: Wednesday, - January 6th – March 9th, 9AM-Noon Where: Community Congregational Church Lounge Price: $45 if paid in advance or $5 per week For Information: Contact Shirley McGuire smcguire6@ or 619-267-622 Page 8 Quilt Talk Page 9 CHULA VISTA QUILTERS GUILD CELEBRATING OUR 29TH YEAR! P.O. Box 120897 Chula Vista, CA 91912 Upcoming Board Meeting TBD All members are welcome at board meetings. REMEMBER TO BRING ____ Name Tag ______ DUES ____ $ for Block of the Month _____ Guest or New Member _____ $ for 50/50 drawing _____ Fat Quarter– Flowers and Showers MEETING LOCATION Guild meets the Second Wednesday each month at: Community Congregational Church Meeting Room 276 ‘F’ St. Chula Vista, CA 91910 (Enter at the back near the intersection of Church and Center Streets) Social Starts at 6:00 pm Meeting begins at 6:30 pm Program begins at 7:00 pm