2015 Annual Report - Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc.


2015 Annual Report - Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc.
Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc.
Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc. is dedicated to
promoting the personal growth, dignity and acceptance
of people with developmental disabilities in the
Metro-West area.
Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc.
65 Boston Post Road, West, Suite 220
Marlboro, MA 01752
Telephone: (508) 485-4227
Fax: (508) 485-6274
This Annual Report generously funded by
Francis D. Murphy Insurance Company
Message from The Chairman of The Board
Financial Information for FY 2014—2015
Donors for 2014—2015
GMPI In Action
GMPI Staff
GMPI is proud to announce it has been selected as one of the 100 local nonprofits to receive a
grant of $100,000.00 through the Cummings Foundation’s “$100K for 100” program. GMPI was
chosen from more than 350 applicants through a very competitive review process. The Cummings
Foundation awards $10 million dollars each year through its grant program. This philanthropic
initiative primarily supports nonprofits in Massachusetts. It began in 2012 as a pilot program with
60 grants. “$100K for 100” has since announced 100 grants of $100,000.00 each, annually. GMPI
has received the first installment of $25,000.00 and will continue to receive the additional three
installments over the next three years. The money will be used to fund additional programming for
youth and young adults through our Family Support Program.
This past year we have seen a lot of change at GMPI. The opening of our new headquarters; the dedication of the main
conference room in honor of the Forrest Family for their immense support over the years and the opening of the Kid’s Club.
Our new location enables us to expand our offerings to the GMPI community and we are very pleased to be able to do so.
The Board itself is also undergoing changes. We have four members who have served for six years or more and their
terms will expire today. I want to thank Rosalind Baker, Kathy Kane, Erin Delahunty and Kristofer Munroe for their years of
commitment to GMPI. You will always be a part of GMPI and we hope GMPI will always be a part of you too. We have and
will be bringing on new members to continue serving the GMPI organization in any way we can. We have engaged an
outside firm to guide us through a Strategic Planning process as we look to plan out our next three to five year objectives.
We are in the middle of that process now and will share our plans with everyone when we finish up in the February/March
time frame.
The GMPI organization represents the very best of people helping people to help themselves. I’ve said to Carol on
many occasions that this is an organization of angels helping to take care of God’s children. In my mind, there is not a
more noble cause than that and we are very thankful to all our staff and volunteers who help us all to serve others. Thank
you to our individuals too, as they are the ones who bring us together and help to bring out the best in all of us.
Steve Barbera
FY 2015
Client Fees
Client Fees
Special Events
Grants and Contributions
Interest and Other
In-Kind Donations
Residential Services
Family Support
Special Events
Grants and Contributions
Interest and Other
In-Kind Donations
Social and Rec
Admin and Fundraising
Total Revenue
Residential Services
Family Support
Social and Rec
Admin and Fundraising
Total Expenses
Contributors of $10,000.00 and More
The Buckley Group
Ezra Cutting Trust
Cummings Foundation
Francis D. Murphy Insurance Agency
The LeRoy Schecter Foundation
Contributors of $5,000.00 and More
DCU for Kids
Foundation for Metro West
Contributors of $1,000.00 and More
Avidia Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Babcock
Mr. & Mrs. John Cassella
Mr. Aaron Cohen
Embassy Suites Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kremer
Marlborough Brigham Family Trust
Marlborough Savings Bank
MSQ Property LLC
Non Profit Capital Management
Park Lodge Hotel Group
RMA Property Management
Mrs. Lorraine Spinazzola
Ms. Charmaine Stradford
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Varnet
W.R. Berkley Corporation Charitable Foundation
With deep gratitude, we thank all of our supporters and volunteers..it is what helping is all
90’s Nails
99 Restaurant
AAA Southern New England
Alexander, Aronson, Finning
& Co.
Avidia Bank
Bank of America
Mr. Steve Barbera
Barnett Revocable Trust
Bay State Federal Savings
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Belmore
Bose Corporation
Boston Duck Tours
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mrs. Lee Anne Brewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Brigham
Mr. & Mrs. William Brunner
Capital Lease Group
Mr. Daniel Carew
Mrs. Elizabeth Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cavanaugh
Celt Corporation
Mr. Charles Clayton
Mr. Ernie Colacchio
Rev. Diane Cusumano
Dairy Queen
Mr. Richard Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Judson DeCew
Ms. Cheryl Desa
Mr. & Mrs. David Domke
Mr. John Donahue
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donoghue
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Dufresne
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dutt
Elegance Salon & Spa
Embassy Suites Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Ferris
Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzpatrick
Five Guy’s Burgers & Fries
The Forrest Family
Mr. George Fortin
Frugal Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fulham
Ms. Sara Geraghty
Hannaford Supermarkets
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Hanson
Harper’s Time & Attendance
Holly M. Robert & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jackson
Mr. Leonard Jolles
Juniper Farms, J.R.R.B.C. Inc.
Ms. Kathryn Kane
Ms. Mariso Kane
Mr. Richard Kearns
Kennedy’s Food & Spirits
Knight’s Fuel Co.
Mrs. Gayle Koser
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Langelier
Lazer Zone
Lowe’s Variety and Meat Shop
Mr. Kevin Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Maclean
Ms. Lenore Magida
Main Street Café
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mancini
Market Basket
Marlboro Dental Care
Marlboro Fire Fighters Local
Marlboro Lodge No. 1129
Marlborough Nissan
Marlborough Police Command
Marlborough Savings Bank
Ms. Michelle Matthews
Mrs. Patricia McCann
Mr. Peter McGrath
Microsoft Matching Gifts
MSQ Property LLC
Mr. Richard Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Meyers
Ms. Beverly Meiller
Mr. Joseph Moineay
Ms. Carol Mollica
Monitor Clipper Partners, LLC
Mrs. Susanne Morreale-Leeber
Mosher Auto Body
Nahabedian Family, The
Mr. Jay Naparstek
New England Aquarium
Non Profit Capital Management
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Neusner
New England Office Supply
Mrs. Paula Newell
Next to New LLC
Mrs. Bernadette O’Halloran
Park Lodge Hotel Group
Ms. Paula Perro
Price Chopper Supermarkets
Professional Automotive
Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Giles Rae
Regal Cinemas
Holly Robert
Mr. Michael Rodgers
Scannell Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schneider
Ms. Sherry Sherman
Mr. Patrick Snow
St. Mary’s Credit Union
St. Stephen’s Church
Stephen W. Gersh Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Stop & Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stradford
Steven Anthony’s Restaurant
Sudbury Pizza Place
Table Talk Pies
Mrs. Helene Tanenholtz
Tatnuck Bookseller & Café
Therapeutic Massage of Bolton
Trombetta’s Farm
Ms. Elizabeth Turnbull
Tyco Employees Political
Action Committee
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Verni
Ms. Joan Vigeant
Wayside Country Store
Welly’s Restaurant
Winward Associates
Mr. & Mrs. John Withers
W.R. Berkley Corp
Ms. Heather Young
Gina Donahue is quite a proud mom these days. Her 25 year old daughter, Beth
Donahue, is attending her second semester at Mass Bay Community College in
Wellesley. Beth is attending the college through a program called the “Transitional
Scholars Program.” The program is designed to offer a real college experience to
individuals with developmental disabilities. The courses are typical college courses
and students are expected to meet all the necessary requirements to complete the
classes. They are not “watered down” says Gina. The program is typically offered to
those individuals transitioning from high school to work or other day supports
(18 – 22 years old); however, Beth is attending as a post graduate. The program
provides educational coaches who act as liaisons between the program, the college
and the individual. Beth is pioneering a program of Justice Resource Institute, her
vocational provider, in the form of transportation and classroom assistance.
This semester, in addition to working two jobs, (Walgreens in Marlboro and
Marshalls in Westboro), Beth is taking a course in Computers & Technology. Beth
understands that the classes she is taking now will make her more marketable in a
very competitive job climate. Recent job trends tell us that most adults with
developmental disabilities are either unemployed or underemployed, despite their ability or willingness to work in their
communities. Beth, who is a Global Ambassador for Special Olympics, a GMPI Special Olympian, a Zumba instructor, a
regular participant in our Social and Recreation Program and a member of GMPI’s Self Advocates group, is a shining
light of inspiration for others who are thinking about higher education. Beth, who proudly displayed her “Mass Bay”
book bag and school books, said that it “is not easy” but that she is continuing to work and study hard. Beth is also
currently learning travel skills and has already begun to independently travel home from school by train. The sky is the
limit for Beth and we are all so proud of her!
GMPI’s new office space at 65 Boston Post Road is a little busier and livelier these days all because of the GMPI Kids’
Club. Kids’ Club is a new GMPI Family Support program offering after-school activities to children aged 7 to 17. The
club was started back in January, 2015 and currently supports 12 children that attend on a regular basis or on different days
of the week. The club currently runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Trained staff work
on unique and fun opportunities to increase social skills, appropriate peer interactions and functional play.
With few opportunities for children with special needs at typical after school activities, the club fills a much needed
void for the kids who attend. The club provides a social outlet for these children and their siblings. It develops the
members’ social skills, self-esteem and quality of life through structured and unstructured play. Caitlin Fortwengler,
Family and Individual Support Coordinator, feels that, “It is a unique way of building social skills without the children
even realizing it. These kids are building relationships with their peers that have continued beyond the program. It’s really
a wonderful thing to see.”
The program boasts full use of the Family Support room, sensory room, computer lab, and kitchen. The Family Support
room is the largest space where children can do arts and crafts, participate in live music circles or play a variety of games,
including electronics. The sensory room is used to transition children with greater behavioral needs who attend the program
or where the kids can take a break from structured activities if they choose. The computer lab can be used to assist with
homework or to play educational games. The program has been very successful and the hope is to continue to provide
these much needed services.
Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc. Administrative Staff
President & CEO
Carol Manne
Vice President of Developmental
Denise Vojackova-Karami
Director of Human Resources
Jo-Ann Desjardin
Facilities Manager
David LaBossiere
Quality Enhancement Coordinator
Sharon Santello
Director of Social, Recreation
and Transportation
James Karami
Assistant Director of Family Support
Bill Fagan
Director of Family & Individual Support Nanette Goldstein
Activities Coordinator Family Support Caitlin Devaney
Administrative Assistant
Joanne Paris
Administrative Assistant
Chris Mason
Office Assistant
Gabriela Vojackova
Office Assistant
Jennifer Varnet
Office Assistant
Janet Glebus
Christian Berrios
Joseph Coutu
Patricia Durkin
Winshel Felix
Francoise Heli-Pierre
Lisa Johnson
Alyssa King
Paige Lariviere
Pamela McNair
Tom McNair
Elizabeth Muse
Tina Peterson
Dakota Ribeiro
Elizabeth Arslen
Joseph Barrows
Viera Beranek
Cassandra Chaves
Chelsea D’Angelo
Karina Gendron-Galloway
Deoris Jordan
Linda Knapp
Jennifer Lee
Patrice Magloire
John McDonald
Shanna Mesick
Jannipher Mwangi
Irene Nakalyowa
Jessica Nastasia
Gabriel Ngigi
Trizah Njoroge
Jackline Okwiri
Suraj Patel
Amy Rieth
Abundio Rivera
Mary Saffioti
Jesse Udofia
Elizabeth Umutetsi
Veronica Vojackova
Jeffrey Webber
Board of Directors
Steve Barbera
Kristopher Munroe
Michael S. Rodgers
David Domke
Candra Szymanski
Susanne Morreale-Leeber
Rosalind Baker
Deborah Campbell
Erin Delahunty
Kathryn Kane
Cynthia Getchell
David Guarino
Matthew McCook
Sebi Ovesian
Zenaida Buenaventura
Phiona Amankwah
Eric Bedzo
Austin Brown
Aaron Fillman
Wilfred Kimani
Chad Lariviere
Charles Makwaka
Owen McQuaid
Victor Mirabal
Alec Muchmore
Benson Muturi
Kevin Njogu
Kingsley Nunoo
Eugene Oile
Carlton O’Neal
Michelle Young
Darley Artey
Sandra Best
Harriet Hayfron-Benjamin
Kelly Fitchtner
John Kamau
Peter Karanji
Oliver Kiboro
Paul Kilungu
Alex Maina
Lela Madison
Benjamin Maina
Tisha Mbugua
Rachael Nansubuga
Peter Njane
Issac Njoroge
Ruth Njoroge
Elton Pereira
Walter Ross
Akoele Sossavi
Brian Waweru
Vice Chairman
Assistant Treasurer
Assistant Secretary
Sabrina Dickieson
Mariana Logdeser
Rudolf Logdeser
Thomas McNair
Daniel Tucker
Mathew Ward
Peeky Abbott
Christian Baker
Robert Begg
Richard Buckley
Marianne Dicampo
Patty Dixon
Colleen Dorsey
Nycholle Eckert
Colleen Fitzgerald
Melissa Gallo
Jessica Gordon
Elizabeth Gorman
Sue Ellen Landers
Heather Leary
Melissa LeSage
Patricia LeSage
Katerina Marnerakis
Thomas Marshall
Jill Mengel
Ilona Newton
Eric Radzik
Liliana Rodrigues
Deborah Stone
Catherine Upton
Greater Marlboro Programs, Inc.
65 Boston Post Road, West
Suite 220
Marlboro, MA 01752
When Amy Rieth lost her job at the day care center where she had worked for more than 7
years, she was disheartened at the prospect of resume writing, job hunting and interviewing. However, with a little creativity and advocacy, Amy was able to get a job at one of
GMPI’s residential homes as a morning monitor. Amy assists the direct care staff each
weekday morning by walking the residents to their vans. She makes sure that each person
gets safely on their van each morning and also that they have their lunch with them. Amy
works 10 hours each week, Monday through Friday. She really likes her job at Liberty
Street and said that her favorite part of the job is when “you come in the door and everyone
is so happy to see you.” Amy has been working at Liberty Street since July of this year.
Program Director, Rose Santillo, is also happy with her new staff member and commented
that Amy is “a pleasure to have at the house.” Terrific job, Amy! Keep up the good work!