THE CARAVANER - Lazy Daze Caravan Club
The Caravaner Welcome to Perris Lake Recreation Area Stories from the Past January 2015 In 2004 Rosemary Webb had a dream. With the 50th anniversary of the Lazy Daze Caravan Club coming up in 2006, such a great event shouldn’t be overlooked. What started out to be a great dream soon turned into many disappointing experiences. Durango, Colorado was the first place selected , visualizing that this would be the very best place in the whole country. Officials in Durango would not work with her and set forth so many restrictions that it made her dream into a nightmare. In desperation she started looking for another place. If it had not been such a strong desire, most people would have given up, but not Rosemary. She contacted Cheyenne, Wyoming and the rest of the story is history. Cheyenne had very easy access from all points in the country. Rosemary brought in Frances and Bob Smith for their input and emotional support, and a lot of people got involved with their ideas, such as a Pet Parade and donations of products for bucket raffles, souvenirs, and many more. Cheyenne went way out of their way to do everything to make her dream come true. The event was very monetarily successful and generated enough revenue to subsidize later events, such as a band at Live Oak at the Christmas caravan. Enough about prelude. Don Nelson promoted a trip to a railroad shop used to house and restore train engines of the past, and see a round house. Steve Newton took time out from running the Lazy Daze factory to appear and address us with input of the future, as well as others giving seminars and demonstrations. We had a chili feed, and a pancake breakfast put on by the Kiwanis, and we had outstanding entertainment every evening, much of it by caravaners. One moment gave the club a comical moment when John Balk flunked P.R. A local came into camp and ran across John and asked him, “What is this event?” John’s reply was that this is a cult, the red rigs are all of the swingers. One very important highlight was when Rosemary contacted Janet, which was her main contact with the city, to see if she could arrange to get an airplane to take Rosemary up to take some pictures of the rodeo grounds where we were camped. Janet showed up with a professional photographer and they took off with Janet as the pilot. Back on the ground, Rosemary tried to compensate Janet, or at least pay for the gas. Janet would not hear of this. Later we were in town at the Train Museum, and a lady working there noticed our name badges, as so many others had done, and asked if we were having a good time. I mentioned the experience of Janet piloting the plane so our wagonmaster could get some aerial pictures. The lady replied, “Oh, did she finally get her pilot’s license?” I did not share this fact with Rosemary until she had a chance to unwind from all her anxieties from the events. We have been in the club since 1981, and this trip was definitely the highlight. We owe a lot to Rosemary, Don and her crew. Thank you for the very best event that could ever happen in a caravan club. Vern Tutterrow Lazy Daze Caravaner 1 Brown Bags with Barbara Berggreen Toys for Tots The Past Tents thank everyone who donated to the “Toys-For-Tots” collection at Live Oak. The Marines were very appreciative of the plethora of Toys (approx 200 !!) Also the Past Tents arranged for the Christmas tree to be delivered to a Church to be given to a needy family. The mystery of last years Christmas tree disposition was solved – learning that the tree, with ornaments, was transported & given to a needy & appreciative family in the Temecula area. Gene Caulfield 2 Lazy Daze Caravaner Goodwill Ambassador Report WE SALUTE YOU Host Tent Volunteers For December Bill Arthur Backscratchers Betty Boschma Jon & Loni Calhoun Bob & Di Filler Carol Harter Andrea Karrow Don & Carol Kratzer Bob & LuAnne Lowe No-Mads Ken & Linda Palmer Ruben & Jenny Pasillas Claude & Carol Potts Jim & Marilyn Ramey Tom & Nancy Riley Roadrunners Bob Schmahl Herb Schulte Eliot & Toni Shimer Frances Smith Larry & Sharon Turner Vern & Charlene Tutterrow Art Vorbeck Jack & Jeannette Walker Lazy Daze Caravaner Firesider, DARLENE JOHNSON #2380 recently suffered a stroke. She seems to be recovering nicely as she won the Len Philippi Washer Toss Tournament at Live Oak. Firesider, PAM MADDOX #2282 recently lost her father. Firesider, DON ROE #2094 passed away on November 8th. BILL SAUNDERS #1438, former Wagonmaster passed away November 20th. Drifter, BILL CROSS #2463 recently had shoulder surgery. Mona Shaner 3 Washer Toss Champions First Place: Bob Karrow Darlene Johnson Second Place: Marlin Zabel LuAnne Lowe 4 Lazy Daze Caravaner live oak craft sale Items for Home and RV — Photos by Carole Hurley Lazy Daze Caravaner 5 Painted turtle Another great year for our Lazy Daze Team Turtle supplying the afghans and Turtle pillows so loved by the kids at camp. Past Tents gettin’ down. Music and laughter were heard throughout Live Oak on Saturday night. Everyone had a really good time. Rock and roll music was provided by my iPad and bluetooth amplifier. Bob Karrow 6 Lazy Daze Caravaner Don Nelson Caravaner of The Year Congratulations to our 2014 Caravaner of the Year recipients! Both Marlin and Mona have put in many long hours of service to the Lazy Daze Caravan Club. Lazy Daze Caravaner YEAR 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1989 1990 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 LAST Fleming Wine Matthews Saunders Kudell Barger Cash Lawrence VonSoosten Graham Williams Wass Boschma Moore Bevington Creath Holliday Reeder Johnson Wayne Widmer Greene Alford Edgecomb Tutterrow Fletcher Nelson No-Mads Joe Filler Mailliard Smith LaPorte Berggreen Gibbs Tanner Hurley Wayne Zabel Shaner FIRST Don Jack Jim Bill & Yvonne Carolyn John & Marlene George & Dorothy Frank & Marion Ron Bob & Beulah Lyle & Helen Roland & Edythe Frank & Betty Earl & Florence Florence Roy& Helen Bob & Darlyne George & Rose Marie Herb Bill Ed Gordon Bill Harry & Lurlie Vern & Charlene Joe & Jane Don & Bobbie Terry & Lucy Bob & Di John Frances & Bob Donna Barbara Joe and Laureta Terry David Bob & Joanne Marlin Mona 7 Peggy Zabel (The Pegster) These are some of the things that were discussed at our Women’s Only meeting at Live Oak. Apps for travel **Allstays camping app: I was told about this app by Charlene Tutterrow. For the “pro” version, I paid $10. Well worth the price. These are just a few things on the app. Go to the web site and see if this app is for you. �Over 28,000 campgrounds: (US & Canada) �Private �National & State Forests �National & State Parks �County/City Parks �BLM �Army Corps �Military famcamps �KOA, Good Sam, Escapees, Passport America, 1000 Trails, ROD, RPI, AOR, Coast to Coast, Elks, Walmarts **Gas Buddy – (free app) GasBuddy lets you search for Gas Prices by city, state, zip code, with listings for all cities in the USA and Canada. Updated in real-‐time. Two websites that help determine book series in order. The goal of this website is to list the series of every book in order of the character or series (Jack Reacher). The web site attempts to provide you with both the publication order of the books written, as well as the chronological order of the books. It’s doesn’t have every author or every book out there but they add new ones every day. You can search by series, authors, new series, non-‐fiction, etc. When you put an authors name into the search and the list of their books are displayed, you can click on the columns for sorting. You can also purchase a book from the lists. 8 Lazy Daze Caravaner Caravan Anniversaries 25th Caravan — Jon & Loni Calhoun Herb Johnson II I want to thank everyone for a very special warm retirement send off and all your help during the year. The Costco gift card that will come in handy wasn’t necessary as I did it out of Love for the Caravan Club and the Members THANK YOU ALL. Happy Healthy New Year. 175th Caravan — Bob and Margot Kody 2015 Board Members 2015 Board in place. From left to right: Dave Nordstrom; Membership, Marlin Zabel; Records, David Hurley; Carvaner/Website, Sharon Turner; Secretary, Charlene Tutterrow; Treasurer, Al Granger; Vice Chairman and Bob Filler; Chairman Lazy Daze Caravaner Thank you Jack Walker for the Christmas Songs and Sermon at the Church of the Lazy Daze 9 DEATH VALLEY NEWS 2014! by Frances Smith Bob and I arrived in Death Valley on Sunday the 21st and Terry and Lucy Joe arrived the next day to bring in Christmas. I must say we had gorgeous weather until about 2 AM on Christmas morning. We rocked and rolled in our rigs all day. At that time we heard a noise and thought the lid blew off our fire pot and when we opened our door it was someone’s bucket blowing by, oh well back to bed. On Christmas day the four of us went to the breakfast buffet across the street. I forgot to mention the night before we went to the Furnace Creek Ranch “grand parade” on Christmas Eve. It is very short but fun to see what the different departments of the Ranch create. We had a few rigs to come in on the 26th and then the majority came in on the 27th. Of course soup night was GREAT and it is the most favorite of a lot of us. Twenty of us went to Sunday Brunch at the Furnace Creek Inn and the food was good but not as good as last year. At least none of us had to get up and make breakfast and lunch. We held our washer toss tournament on Monday since we heard the weather was going to be cold. First place winners were Dave Nordstrom and Millie Reiner and second place went to Art Vorbeck and Christine Nordstrom. (Where did Dave sleep that night?) In the evenings we sat around our fire pots and heaters and chatted among ourselves. A few people came over to say how they liked our fire pots and heaters. The people missing in our group picture are Terry and Lucy Joe, George and Rosie Reeder and George and Sharon Assenelli. On the 31st ten of us went for breakfast at the Inn and afterwards some went back to their rigs and some went for little drives. We were told that we would see snow if we went to the 2000 foot level and we did and no snow and then we went to Dante’s View and still no snow. That night we brought in the New Year in two rigs. Rosemary Webb did her annual chorizo and egg breakfast New Year’s morning and everything was delicious and of course Mimosas. All in all we had a great time. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU! Frances Smith, Death Valley Desperado 10 Lazy Daze Caravaner Death Valley Desperados Death Valley Photos by Christine Nordstrom Lazy Daze Caravaner 11 Death Valley Desperados at Sunset Camp, Furnace Creek Washer Toss at Sunset Camp Tournament Winners New Years Eve was celebrated in two rigs. Oh baby it’s cold outside! Dante’s View was cold and windy 12 Original Death Valley Desperados Lazy Daze Caravaner Terry’s Tech Talk Tech Talk Article 89 Removing the Escape Hatch January, 2015 If your Lazy Daze has an Entertainment Center or if your Lazy Daze is 2012 or newer, you will not have an “Escape Hatch” above the cab over bed. In 2012, as best I can determine, Lazy Daze replaced the Escape Hatch with a FanTastic Fan. The plastic Escape Hatch on my 2001 Lazy Daze Rear Bath was showing signs of cracking so I replaced the cover with a heavier fiberglass cover. That is another story. This Article will just deal with removing and reinstalling the cover. Step 1: Insert a pen or similar object into the Red Plastic Escape Hatch Latch as shown to the right. This will save you countless trips down from the roof if you are working alone. Step 1 - Keep the Latch from Latching. Step 2: Remove the two screws on the front of the hatch as shown in the picture to the right and then remove the similar two screws on the back of the hatch. This will “free” the hatch from the cranking mechanism. Step 2 - Free the hatch from the crank Step 3: Slide the Hatch out of the hinge. The hinge mechanism is two horizontal circular tubes that slide inside one another. Each tube has a slot to allow for raising the hatch. Look at the setup very carefully before you slide the cover out. If you put it back together by interlocking the slots, you are doing it wrong and the hinge will pop apart when you close the hatch. This drove me crazy until I could see how it went together on another rig. The two tubes slide inside one another. Step 3 - Slide the Hatch to free it. Techsnoz, the “Tech Talk” website. Check it out at: Terry Tanner Rig #2779 Lazy Daze Caravaner 13 From the Editor The deadline for articles is the Sunday following each Caravan. Thank you for your continuing support in the production of the Caravaner. David Hurley Rig #229 2910 S. Archibald Ave. Suite A #546 Ontario, CA 91761-7358 Mark & Debbie Baker — San Marcos, CA ? EMERGENCY ? Call on CB Channel 30 CODE RED: FIRE/GAS LEAK CODE BLUE: MEDICAL PLEASE Do Not Use the CB Until The ALL CLEAR Is Sounded Our decorating team for Live Oak Picking and Grining at the General Meeting 14 Lazy Daze Caravaner
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