THE CARAVANER - Lazy Daze Caravan Club
The Caravaner Welcome to Perris Lake Recreation Area Live Oak Hosting Recap by the Past Tents Gang January 2014 Chattering teeth and the roar of rig furnaces alternately drowned each other out as the hardy souls in 102 rigs braved the arctic nights at the Live Oak Caravan, Dec. 4 through 8. That count included 6 first timers and 8 guests. An excellent turnout. Hosted by the Past Tents, this year’s theme was “Santa’s Workshop.” Toys and craft tools placed around the host tent helped create the North Pole atmosphere. A Christmas tree was set up in the Pavilion and, after being started with some light strings and decorations, was completed with ornaments provided by Caravan members. The result was a beautiful tree which, following the conclusion of the meeting, was disassembled to be transported to a needy family. Thanks to everyone who helped both our Caravan and a deserving family enjoy a brighter holiday. Our generosity went further, as a splendid turnout for the Toys-For-Tots provided a mountain of gifts to be donated to the Marine Corps program for distribution to underprivileged children. Kudos to all for providing a little joy to these kids. And thank you to Gene and Sally Caulfield for making all the arrangements and transporting the toys. Thank-you’s also are in order to the many Past-Tents and other Caravaners who provided a cornucopia of prizes for the morning announcements. They were so nice it’s a wonder they were relinquished by the covetous announcers Jon & Loni Calhoun. The annual Craft Faire appeared to be a great success, with lucky Caravaners snatching up perfect handmade gifts for the holidays. The diverse and top-quality talents of our many craftspersons were evident in the wide array of “arty” and practical objects being sold. This sale saved the bacon for more than a few shoppers who needed gift ideas. Barbara Berggreen had us all looking “left” and “right” until our necks hurt with another hilarious episode of her eponymous characters. Brown bags flew back and forth until some poor souls squawked a plea for a slowdown to get their wits together. When the saga ended and the bags were opened, there were as many grins as puzzled looks as the players contemplated their prizes. The Len Philippi Memorial Championship Washer Toss Tournament provided single-elimination high drama as some favorites saw relatively early exits and unknown plonkers lucked their way forward. Congratulations to the victors and to all those who competed. And, of course, thank you John Mailliard for continuing to shoulder the burden of organizing this highlight event time and again. Saturday night brought death by calories as everyone’s favorite meal was set out: the all-camp dessert buffet. Thanks to Rene Wade and Nancy/Stephen Zippler/Bourgholtzer for spearheading the table decorations. Everything looked festive, and the desserts were plentiful and varied. Some attendees, spied with second platefuls, apparently were making this the main meal of the evening! Yumm. Finally, thanks to the C.B. Broadcast by Professor Edward Newton & his rendition of War of the Worlds , we all learned just where John Mailliard really hails from. Long way from home John..!! Lazy Daze Caravaner 1 Brown Bags with Barbara Berggreen The Outbacks enjoyed a fine Ham Dinner at Live Oak Camp. Looks to me like they had a wonderful time despite the cold weather. 2 Lazy Daze Caravaner Goodwill Ambassador Report Our club lost three of our members in the month of November: No Mad, ED CAREY #2113 was getting ready for bed and just passed on. WE SALUTE YOU Host Tent Volunteers For December Bill Aurthur Betty Boschma John & Zoe Caires Jon Calhoun Jim & Ann Cook Mary Sue Ferrell Joe & Jane Fletcher Herb & Connie Johnson III Herb & Darlene Johnson Jr. Bob & Margot Kody Don & Carol Kratzer Sara Lauderdale Bob & LuAnne Lowe Allen & Sue Mercer Carl & Jean Orr Ken & Linda Palmer Past Tents Irene Paulin Claude & Carol Potts Jim & Marilyn Ramey George & Rosie Reeder Tom Riley Ruben & Jenny Pasillas Mike & Margaret Skinner Bill & Frances Surbrook Joan Taylor Laura Techentin Vern & Charlene Tutterrow Oscar Wittrock Lazy Daze Caravaner Drifter, HERB CODDINGTON #2505 with MARION and a daughter holding his hands, he slipped away peacefully on the 19th. Another No Mad, ROD MORTENSON #2483 was suffering with Pneumonia and Parkinson’s when he passed on the 29th. Back Scratcher, ZOE CAIRES #2851 is recovering from carpal tunnel surgery. Yet again another No Mad, JEANNETTE WALKER #2999 is recovering from her corrective Cuban surgery when she fell and broke her left femur. It seems the Cubans used a right leg rod in her left leg. They also used one screw when they should have used three screws. Firesider, BOB SCHMAHL #2329 is recovering from his knee surgery which was performed on December 17th. Mona Shaner 3 Washer Toss Champions Number One! First Place: Marlin Zabel Verona McCutcheon Second Place: Bob Wayne Carol Kratzer 4 Lazy Daze Caravaner live oak swapmeet Items for Home and RV — Photos by Frances Smith Lazy Daze Caravaner 5 Painted turtle Our Lazy Daze Team Turtle is well on its way to resupplying the afghans and Turtle pillows so loved by the kids at camp. Cleaning and restoring is well on its way and the 2014 Camp Season is going to happen (provided not more fires) Special thanks go to Laura Techentin and Zoe Caires for the many many pillows they so thoughtfully made. Loni Calhoun and her mother spend quality time knitting an afghan together for Painted Turtle campers. Thank you everyone for your support and coming by to say hello at the Craft Show at Live Oak. Jane Farwell 6 Lazy Daze Caravaner Toys For Tots Thanks to all the Lazy Dazers for the all the wonderful gifts to the Toys For Tots program. Your contributions gave a lot of joy to less fortunate children. Lazy Daze Caravaner 7 Caravaner of The Year We are proud to be recognized as Caravanners of the Year. Being recognized as Caravanners of the Year also means that the Safety Team has value and importance in our Caravan Club. Our safety team volunteers come to meetings, train in CPR and learn about the AED, ect. Volunteers know that they may never have to use this training, but each volunteer wants to be ready and able if ever an emergency arises. This is a sign of their dedication. Bob and I will not be at the January caravan. Steve Tivy our wonderful weather man will have double duty because he will have the AED, blood pressure cuff, first aid kit, and our first aid flag. The first aid box is for everyone to use. Some items have expiration dates on them and have to be replaced, and if not used is a waste. So feel free to use anything in the first aid box at any time during our caravans. Joanne Wayne, Chairman, Safety Team 8 YEAR 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1989 1990 1991 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 LAST Fleming Wine Matthews Saunders Kudell Barger Cash Lawrence VonSoosten Graham Williams Wass Boschma Moore Bevington Creath Holliday Reeder Johnson Wayne Widmer Greene Alford Edgecomb Tutterrow Fletcher Nelson No-Mads Joe Filler Mailliard Smith LaPorte Berggreen Gibbs Tanner Hurley Wayne FIRST Don Jack Jim Bill & Yvonne Carolyn John & Marlene George & Dorothy Frank & Marion Ron Bob & Beulah Lyle & Helen Roland & Edythe Frank & Betty Earl & Florence Florence Roy& Helen Bob & Darlyne George & Rose Marie Herb Bill Ed Gordon Bill Harry & Lurlie Vern & Charlene Joe & Jane Don & Bobbie Terry & Lucy Bob & Di John Frances & Bob Donna Barbara Joe and Laureta Terry David Bob & Joanne Lazy Daze Caravaner Kristin Lambert — Sodotna, AK Ron & Mary Tribbett — Dixon, CA Sara Lauderdale — Santa Barbara, CA Calicia Hardin — WestPort, MA Virginia Free — Madison, SD Bill & Jane Lynch — Mission Viejo, CA Lazy Daze Caravaner 9 Caravan Anniversaries 50th Caravan — Larry and Sharon Turner Marlin and Peggy Zabel Thank you for all your work and the Caravans we all enjoyed during your service. 2014 Board Members 75th Caravan — Bob and LuAnne Lowe The adventures continue with a new Board in place. From left to right: Marlin Zabel; Statistician, Herb Johnson II; Chairman, John Maillaird; Membership Officer, Charlene Tutterrow; Treasurer, Sharon Turner; Secretary, Bob Filler; Vice Chairman, and David Hurley (not shown); Website and Caravaner Editor 300th Caravan — Norm Martin 10 Lazy Daze Caravaner DEATH VALLEY NEWS 2013! by Francis Smith We arrived on the 22nd and the Joe’s beat us by one day and oh what a gorgeous day it was. A little later in the day two #2048’s arrived. Now guess who has more than one Lazy Daze, if you guessed the Nordstrom’s you win nothing, sorry about that. We all settled in and talked for a while and decided to have an early evening. On Christmas Day some of us went to Artist’s Drive and waited for sunset to get our fabulous pictures, believe that if you want. We came back to camp and had our Christmas dinner. As we were sitting around talking with everyone who had arrived after Christmas several of us had a wild life experience. There were four coyotes and three of them chased the one away from their territory, can’t believe how fast they are. That is the first time any of us experienced that happening. Later that evening we sat around our fire pot and looked at the brilliant stars in the sky. I know you hear us saying this every year but the weather was fantastic. It was in the high 60’s and low 70’s. Only one night around midnight did the wind come up and we had gusts of wind that hit 36 MPH. Thanks goodness Dave and Christine got up and put everyone’s chairs away, our heroes. Other for the windy night you couldn’t ask for better weather. Of course we had our normal happy hours and dinners. We went on Sunday to Furnace Creek Inn for brunch and needless to say we didn’t come back to camp hungry. On the 31st we had our annual washer toss tournament. Our winners were Art Vorbeck and Mona Shaner with Bob Smith and Millie Reiner coming in second. That evening was our largest and longest happy hour and the food was delicious. After it got dark Rosemary made our toast for the New Year. There were four hardy souls who made it to midnight and after. Remember you just missed a great time! Francis Smith, Death Valley Desperado Lazy Daze Caravaner 11 12 Lazy Daze Caravaner Tech Talk Article 80 Terry’s Tech Talk Cab Seat Belt Failure January, 2014 The cab passenger side seatbelt on my 2001 Lazy Daze Rear Bath would not latch. It appears that the red release button is somehow jammed. I tried lubricating it with WD-40 and exercising the button but it was hopelessly jammed. I went on-line and searched for seatbelt replacement parts to no avail. I looked in my Owner’s Manual and at my official Ford Service Manual on CD without finding a reference. I tried to carefully remove the plastic cover along side the seat but the hidden plastic attachment tabs easily broke. Once the cover was off, the seat belt assembly was easily removed by unscrewing the single bolt that held it in place. I found the wiring harness under the seat and separated the plastic wiring connector. As always, none of the individual parts are serviceable. The assembly is shown below: I went to and found a diagram for the cab captain’s chair and found the part number 61202. The site does not directly take orders so I had to go to a Ford Dealer Parts Department to order it and then go back to pick up the part. The cost was $181 before sales tax. The part is rather interesting as the horizontal pipe section contains a pyrotechnic device that is triggered by the air bag system in a collision. The device explodes and pulls on the cable tightening the seat belt when activated. The instructions say not to try and diagnose the seat belt device with an electrical tester as it could set off the explosive charge. The technical description for the part is a seat belt pretensioner. Driving with the device disconnected caused the yellow seat belt/air bag idiot light to be on. It is comforting to know that I have an explosive device attached to my seat. Techsnoz, the “Tech Talk” website. Check it out at: Terry Tanner Rig #2779 Lazy Daze Caravaner 13 Around the Camp From the Editor The deadline for articles is the Sunday following each Caravan. Thank you for your continuing support in the production of the Caravaner. David Hurley Rig #229 2910 S. Archibald Ave. Suite A #546 Ontario, CA 91761-7358 Which one is Santa? ? EMERGENCY ? Call on CB Channel 30 CODE RED: FIRE/GAS LEAK CODE BLUE: MEDICAL PLEASE Do Not Use the CB Until The ALL CLEAR Is Sounded I would say it was a little cold at Live Oak according to this photo shot by Bob Filler Where Are We Submitted by Gary & Jean Phillips — Rig# 2750 14 Lazy Daze Caravaner
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