Boy Scouts Honor MDDS “Denver`s Top Dentists” Listing
Boy Scouts Honor MDDS “Denver`s Top Dentists” Listing
May/June 2008 Volume 12, Issue 5 Articulator C O NNE C T I N G M DDS M E M B E R S W I T H LO C A L NE W S A ND I N F O R M AT I O N F O R O U R P R O F ESS I O N I n s i d e : Reflections 2 MDDS/9Health Fair 2 MOLARS Dental Golf Championship 3 Finance 5 Transitions 6 Risk Management 7 Beyond the Call 7 MDDS New Members 8 Practice Management 9 Practice Pearls 9 Calendar of Events 10 Classifieds 11 MDDS Annual Meeting & Society Dinner Don’t miss the 111th Annual Meeting & Society Dinner — May 8, 2008 Metropolitan Denver Dental Society 3690 South Yosemite Street Suite 200 Denver, Colorado 80237 PAI D DENVER CO PERMIT 2882 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage See page 3 for details. “Denver’s Top Dentists” Listing Because of the highly principled standards of the dental profession, whenever a source claims to “know the best” or “to be the best” in dentistry, it raises ethical questions and often results in controversy. As we know, because dental care is a highly personalized health service, the decisive factors for selecting a dentist vary from patient to patient. For some the “best” dentist is the one who’s closest to home or the one who comes highly recommended by friends or family. To others, technical excellence or chair-side manner are the most desired attributes. It is as simple as this: different things matter to different people and the implication that someone is “the best or the top” can be a precarious leap. Denver’s local 5280 Magazine will feature a “Denver’s Top Dentists” listing in its June 2008 issue. 5280 Magazine is the largest local magazine published in Colorado with a total distribution of more than 80,000 (impressive by national standards). The popular magazine last published a “Denver’s Top Dentists” listing in its August 2004 issue. We sat down with 5280 Deputy Editor Cara McDonald to discuss the upcoming feature in an effort to clarify how this listing was generated. MDDS: How are dentists selected for the list? 5280: Our intention is to provide a service to our readers and our theory is that medical professionals are best qualified to judge other medical professionals. We don’t pick the docs —Denver dentists do through an organization called topDentists, which has over 15 years in combined experience by its two co-owners putting together peer-review referral guides in the legal, dental and medical fields. Using this experience along with the input of several prominent dentists in the US, they have created a selection process that has been refined over previous superlative guides. Dentists must be voted in strictly by their peers, and virtually every dentist is given an opportunity to participate. The listings cannot be purchased, and no payment is required to be listed. The nomination pool of dentists consists of all dentists listed online with the American Dental Association. Respondents are asked to put aside any personal bias or political motivations and to use only their knowledge of their peers’ work when evaluating the other nominees. Boy Scouts Honor MDDS The Denver Boy Scouts Area Council has selected the MDDS/CDA Careers in Dentistry Explorer Post 296 program as the 2008 recipient of the William H. Spurgeon III Award. This award is presented to organizations at both the local and national level for service in support of the Learning for Life/Exploring program and is the highest honor a participating organization can receive. Learning for Life, a division of Boy Scouts of America, is a career awareness and character education program that works with schools and businesses throughout the metro Denver area. It is the mission of Learning for Life to enable young people to become responsible individuals by teaching positive character traits, career development, leadership and life skills so they can make ethical choices and achieve their full potential. Through partnerships with local schools and businesses, Learning for Life is able to offer students the opportunity to investigate careers while learning about themselves. Exploring is an integral part of the Learning for Life career education program. It is a co-ed program developed for youth who are 14 (and have completed the eighth grade) to 20 years old. Exploring is a worksite based program designed to give students hands-on opportunities to explore their career interests as they make decisions about their futures. Most posts meet once or twice a month to hear speakers, participate in activities related to their career interests and build relationships with professionals in the given industry. Under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Garza and Dr. Jeffery Hurst, and with the support of numerous volunteers, the 2007/08 Careers in Dentistry Continued on page 4 Voters are asked to individually evaluate the practitioners on their ballot with whose work they are familiar. Once the balloting is completed, the scores are compiled and then averaged. The numerical average required for inclusion varies depending on the average for all the nominees within the specialty and the geographic area. Voting characteristics and comments are taken into consideration while making decisions. Past awards a dentist has received and status in various dental academies can play a factor in the decision. Once the decisions have been finalized, the included dentists are checked against state dental boards for disciplinary actions and to make sure they have an active license and are in good standing with the board. Continued on page 6 SAVE THE DATE for the MOLARS Dental Golf Championship in 2008 — September 12 The MOLARS is full of surprises. Each player can purchase a SUPERTICKET, which includes entry into Hole-InOne events for fabulous prizes, a $100,000.00 Shoot-Out contest, mulligans and a chance to win a vacation trip to Mexico. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Smile Again Program. See page 3 for details. R eflections MDDS Articulator The Way We Live Now: Conversation in the Dental Office By Matt Dunn, Editor “To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our mind is conversation. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives.” — Michel de Montaigne Sitting in the chair at the barber shop the other morning, wearing a blue smock with a tight neck-band, I noticed my barber and I had to work a little harder at our usual leisurely conversation. We encountered newfound interference, in the form of a television screen blaring forth from the center of the shop. Raising our voices a notch, we managed to discuss some sports, some politics, some updates on our respective families. Glancing left and right, I noticed most of the other patrons weren’t having too much to say as they absorbed the morning newscast. Scissors were moving, mandibles were not. It was to be a day of catching up on things — sundry tasks, errands and appointments. Standing in line at the bank, I counted two TV screens along the pathway towards the tellers, and two others anchored elsewhere across the lobby, all flashing headline news. Again, except for a customer on a cell phone, I didn’t observe anyone actually talking. Later on, moving through the aisles of a big box chain store, I noticed I was seldom out of reach of a flat-panel screen transmitting snappy music and promotional messaging. Then, stepping into a sandwich shop, I had to chuckle over a red-lettered sign that encouraged patrons to get off of their cell phones while ordering their sandwiches. A routine day in America — a series of banal observations. But threaded together, perhaps they beg the provoking question: What is the state of conversation in America today? As our lives become more surrounded by the virtual, ever more infiltrated by portable media devices, by endless flat-panels and sound systems, with increasing opportunities to email and text message and generally avoid face-to-face dialogue — are we obliged to count such as social progress? Moreover, in this sea of virtuality, where does dentistry fit in? I like to think that dentistry remains one of the last bastions of genuine communication in American life today. No matter how much technology may have changed our lives, the dental office is still a place where people can have real conversations, and where they may find themselves looking forward to them beforehand, and feeling good about them afterwards. Though we may suffuse our operatories with computer monitors and our reception areas with satellite sound, there is still no getting around the fundamental fact that there must be direct, personal communication with our patients — often over comparatively lengthy periods of time. Patients cannot multitask their way through an appointment, and neither can we. Meanwhile, there’s no such thing as ersatz dentistry. I aver that these are good tidings, and that they can make for some of the most rewarding moments in our lives as practitioners. Though the lion’s share of our discussion with patients will tend to be about oral health considerations, there will generally be time left over for free-ranging, open-ended, spontaneous conversation. As we get to know our patients, they get to know us. When Dick Cavett once asked Jack Paar about the secrets of his successful television talk show, Paar said: “Don’t make it an interview, kid. Make it a conversation.” Paar, the forbear to Johnny Carson, was known to be a great listener and practitioner of the art of conversation. In days gone by the “art of conversation” formed a part of our educational curricula, and the character attribute of being a “good conversationalist” was regarded as a worthy aspiration. It was assumed that it took some study, that it wasn’t an altogether natural process to arrive at the polished result. It involved the proper blend of give and take, politeness and raillery, humor and empathy. Though conversation as an art may now be in decline in America — as Stephen Miller persuasively argues in his recent book titled Conversation — we dentists are in a position where conversation must necessarily occupy a portion of our daily activity, and where we may take advantage of what Jonathan Swift called “the greatest, the most lasting and the most innocent, as well as useful pleasure of life.” I’ve found that during some of the longer dental procedures, when a thread of conversation has developed and advanced around the treatment room, some patients have surprised themselves by realizing they’ve actually had a good time at the dental office. I never cease to be amazed at how well patients can talk through the impedimenta of four-handed dentistry. Towards the end of a procedure, when we find we’re still conversing, we may be assured that all has gone well. And we know we can pick up where we left off at the next appointment. Concerned about the limiting sphere of social interaction in modern society, philosopher Michael Oakeshott has addressed the need “to rescue conversation.” Surrounded as we are by multifarious obstacles to conversation, the dental profession may be partaking in just such an effort. On whatever fractional scale, as we work to rescue teeth in our daily lives, we may also, without necessarily realizing it, be working to rescue conversation. A healthy enterprise, on many levels — and something that will never become another faceless errand in the American routine. Editor Dr. Matt Dunn Managing Editor Michelle Cunningham Communications Committee Dr. Matt Dunn, Chair Dr. Gary Belanger Dr. Michael Bellon Dr. Paul Bottone Dr. Douglas Carver Dr. Mike Diorio Dr. Erik Hekkert Dr. Jeffery Hurst Dr. Greg Ingalls Dr. Erik Mathys Dr. Deborah Michael Dr. Kenneth Peters Dr. Christine Theroux MDDS Executive Committee President Terry L. Brewick, DDS President-elect Troy A. Fox, DDS Vice President Michael J. Scheidt, DDS, MS Secretary George G. Gatseos, DDS Treasurer Charles S. Danna, DDS Executive Director Terri Gilpin Graphic Design Zullo Design Printing Dilley Printing The Articulator is published bi-monthly by the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society and distributed to MDDS members as a direct benefit of membership. Editorial Policy All statements of opinion and of supposed fact are published under the authority of the authors, including editorials, letters and book reviews. They are not to be accepted as the views and/or opinions of the MDDS. The Articulator encourages letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit and publish under the discretion of the editor. Advertising Policy All matters pertaining to advertising should be addressed to advertising sales manager, Advertising Sales Department at MDDS, 3690 S. Yosemite St., Suite 200, Denver, CO 80237, (303) 488-9700. All advertising appearing in the Articulator must comply with official published advertising standards of the American Dental Association. The publication of an advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement or approval by the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society. A copy of the advertising standards may be obtained upon request through MDDS. Inquiries may be addressed to: Metropolitan Denver Dental Society 3690 S. Yosemite St., Suite 200 Denver, CO 80237-1827 Phone: (303) 488-9700 Fax: (303) 488-0177 ©2008 Metropolitan Denver Dental Society The 2008 MDDS/9Health Fair Partnership We wish to send special thanks to our 2008 9Health Fair volunteers for offering oral health screenings April 12–20. It was another great year, with 58% more dental professionals volunteering than needed to fulfill MDDS’s contractual commitment. Thanks to you, the 9Health Fair was successful in raising awareness for oral health and its corresponding role in overall health. Look for more information about this event in the August/ September 2008 issue of the Articulator Magazine. MDDS is also heavily involved in the 9Health Fair’s In the Classroom program. The In the Classroom program is offered at no charge to any school in Colorado. With the guidance and support of the 9Health Fair and organizations like MDDS, students coordinate health screenings and educational learning centers 2 M DDS Articulator for their peers. The student health fair program has been in existence since 1982, growing to reach nearly 25,000 students each year. These events provide students with opportunities to learn more about their own health, safety issues, teen medical trends and the benefits and consequences of choices they make. Since July 2007, a total of 56 schools have received educational information and dental hygiene product samples from MDDS. Thirty-nine member dentists and 17 educators/charitable program coordinators have taken advantage of this benefit. We estimate that 10,356 individuals have received supplies and education so far this year. Contact (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270 if you would like to participate in the 9HF In the Classroom program. Ernesto, a student at Kearney Middle School in Commerce City, enjoyed his school’s first annual 9Heath Fair in December. His favorite activity was learning to floss! You’re Invited to the 2008 MOLARS Block off your schedule on Friday, September 12, 2008 and join the current field of the MOLARS Dental Golf Championship. This special occasion benefits the Metro Denver Dental Foundation’s (MDDF) Smile Again Program. Join us and you will be doing a service to individuals with great potential. The Smile Again Program affords deserving individuals who “That MOLARS tournament have overcome domestic abuse with was the most enjoyable and cost-free dental care. Dentistry exciting golf event I have plays an influential role in ever participated in. I’d really assisting in the overall health, empowerment and transforrecommend that you consider mation of these survivors. We adding it to your schedule. Scott believe a smile is worth a thousand Whitney hosts an event with words. Thanks to the generosity prizes for everyone, good food, of our program’s supporters and volunteers, smiles once deemed camaraderie, fun and benefits beyond repair, damaged by abuse to the Smile Again Program of and neglect, are telling a new story MDDS. I was a little nervous on — the story of health and dental #18 when I had the chance to win impact. Dr. Scott Whitney, MDDS $100,000! It was just good fun. member endodontist and Smile Don’t miss it. I encourage you all Again volunteer, has established to become part of this tradition.” what is fast becoming a favorite tradition for those who enjoy golfing — Dr. David Klekamp and giving something back. He will present the third annual tournament at The Ridge at Castle Pines North Golf Course. Get your golf game ready for the premier golf major of the dental profession, the MOLARS Dental Golf Championship. The Foundation is proud to support* this event and Dr. Scott Whitney for his generous community spirit, and hope you will do the same. If you have any questions or to request registration information please call (303) 397-ROOT (7668) or send an email to or simply return the registration form enclosed in this publication. Don’t hesitate, space is limited! Upcoming CE & Events 2008 111th Annual Meeting & Society Dinner Installation of 2008/2009 Officers and Board Members Generously Sponsored by: United Western Bank, Henry Schein Dental and 3M ESPE Please join us at the Mount Vernon Country Club on May 8, 2008, for an enjoyable evening honoring our incoming president, Dr. Troy Fox. Highlighting the evening will be an awards ceremony honoring your colleagues who are recognized for their outstanding community service and Society volunteerism. date: Thursday, May 8, 2008 time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. PriCE: $59 per attendee LOCATION: Mount Vernon Country Club, Golden Coming in Fall 2008... Elective Cosmetic Dentistry for Adolescents and Young Adults Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Administration Training Behavior Management Strategies in Pediatric Dentistry with Special Consideration of Medical Immobilization CPR & AED Training, a Two-year Certification Transitioning Dentists Exchange Beginning Digital Photo 1 MDDS is an ADA CERP and AGD PACE recognized provider. *Society/Foundation support partnerships are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be in alignment with the mission, vision and/or current applied strategic plan of the Society. Support applications are available at Contact MDDS for more Info or to Register (303) 488-9700 or w w w.m dds dent i s t .c om ™ Mark your calendar for the 2009 Rocky Mountain Dental Convention! January 15–17, 2009 Visit for a preliminary list of speakers including: Everyone is a winner at the MOLARS. Dr. Stephen Stein, MDDS member oral surgeon and Smile Again volunteer, won the Best Dressed Award in 2007. Charlie Luther, defending tournament champion, has bragging rights for four more months. Will he be dethroned in 2008? Maurice Salama n Henry Gremillion n Marvin Berman n Mel Hawkins n The CDA Prepares for COMOM #2 in Larimer County in July The Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM) is a portable 100-chair dental clinic, complete with a sterilization department, central supply area and Nomad x-ray units. With one successful COMOM event accomplished last year, the Colorado Dental Association is moving on to the second COMOM with full force. On July 17-20, 2008, COMOM will take place at The Ranch (part of the Larimer County Fairgrounds) in Loveland. Registration is open at COMOM is staffed solely by volunteer dentists, hygienists, assistants, lab technicians, students, nurses and community volunteers. COMOM offers two days of dental treatment to uninsured, low-income children, adults and the elderly on a first-come, first-served basis. Call (303) 740-6900 for more information. Jeff Blank n Anthony DiAngelis n John Molinari n HOSTED BY MDDS is an ADA CERP and AGD PACE recognized provider. May/June 2008 3 Dental Emergencies Happen on Holidays, Too EVENINGS & WEEKEND URGENT CARE Dental 911 will be open 8-5 on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. A licensed, experienced dentist will be in the ofce to take care of your patients so you can relax and enjoy your holidays. We will send you a report and any radiographs taken. Open Sundays, too!! 4200 E. 8th Avenue, Denver 303-393-9911 This is not a franchise; Dental 911 is owner- operated and staffed by general dentists and residents of specialty programs. All are licensed by the state of Colorado. Career Center Looking for a new associate, hygienist, assistant or front office manager? Seeking a new position or opportunity within the dental profession? Connect with whoever and whatever you need FREE OF CHARGE! Post job openings or search for new job opportunities. Your Practice Management Solution! Boy Scouts Honor MDDS Continued from page 1 Explorer Post 296 program exceeded expectations, with 132 students taking part in this year’s activities — increasing last year’s participation by 69%. We are very pleased to announce that two of our dental Explorers have been accepted to the University of Colorado Denver School of Dental Medicine — Class of 2012. The William H. Spurgeon III Award is the third award to be received by the program. In 2007, the program received the ADA Golden Apple Award in the Open Category and, in 2006, received the Colorado Healthcare Communicator’s Bronze Leaf Award. We would like to acknowledge and thank our 2007/08 program volunteers. Without their support we could not provide a program of this caliber. Project Leaders: Dr. Jennifer Garza Dr. Jeffery Hurst Dr. Debbie Michael Dentists: Dr. Fred Adleson Dr. Betty Barr Dr. Nelle Barr Dr. Helena Becker Dr. Landon Blatter Dr. Jan Buckstein Dr. Charles Danna Dr. Mike Diorio Dr. Doug Heller Dr. Anil Idiculla Dr. Barry Keogh Dr. Randy Kluender Dr. Kim Marshall Dr. Rhett Murray Dr. James Pearce Dr. Ken Peters Dr. Michael Poulos Dr. Michael Scheidt Dr. Peter Shelley Dr. James N. Sutherland Dr. Heather Stamm Dr. Sean Whalen Dr. Cassy Wiggins In-office Mentors: Dr. Tyler Karlin Dr. Jeff Lodl Dr. David Micklin Dr. Pamela Day-Walsh CU Dental Students: Kari Amick Heidi Cicon Tricia Fiore Sara Howe Ryan Klumb Sara Nazeri Madeline Saunders Adam Stutts Terrance Wolbaum Student Leaders (past Explorer participants who returned to help): Stacie Monroe Sydney Slifka Hygienists: Ann Carlson Stephanie Harrison CCD Hygiene Students: Jana Apple Jennifer Hawkins Julie Treyger Tina Wake Dental Assistants: Libby Euell Jasmin Hernandez Laura Perzinski Kelly Russell Jenna Sommers Lab Techs: Frank Garza Rick Peebles Front Office: Lissa Hood Shelly Walters Others: Lance Carl, College in Colorado SSG Luis DeJesus, US Army MAJ Paul Dickenson, US Army SSG Gregory Kraft, US Army Ray Potter, GC America Brian White, Biolase The staff of Children’s Dentistry in Westminster 2007/08 Careers in Dentistry Explorer Post 296 Call Lynda Kizer Today! 303.794.6642 Defined Business Analysis! Increased Productivity and Profits! Prophies at Children’s Dentistry Making mouthguards with Dr. Jen Garza Tooth extraction with Dr. Michael Scheidt Ortho Night with Dr. Cassy Wiggins Leadership Coaching! Teams that Manage Up! Remarkable Patient Surveys! “Serving Colorado Dentists Since 1994” 4 M DDS Articulator F inance Market Confidence in 2008 By Lawrence E. Howes, MBA, CFP® “Now that Congress has passed the President’s financial stimulus package, all is fine and the stock market will recover.” One of these days I am going to say something really cuddly and simplistic like this – just to paint a complex subject with a very simple brush. The truth is, the enactment of spending programs (read financial stimulus package here) just signed by the President, is testimony that the government believes helping the consumer spend as much money as possible, whenever possible, is a sure way to get the rest of the vast and mysterious financial marketplace to feel better and more secure. Sort of a legislative Band-Aid, if you will, and in many respects this legislation has the right idea. The spending habits of the US consumer really are the deciding factor in the health of the US economy. Right now the markets have already “priced in” a recession for 2008, and the Federal Reserve, in an effort to keep it from happening, is slashing rates as fast as they can. That is their job. Whether we have a recession or not is unimportant now given these price levels. The big ongoing debate is the timeframe that will be needed to recover the damage already inflicted on our stock portfolios. The most optimistic perspective is that maybe the worst is over and we might see a recovery by summer. The pessimistic view is that a recession is underway already and the stock market has another 15% to go before we see the bottom. Either way, I am clearly more optimistic at this writing because nothing suggests that the economy is grinding to a halt. I believe that the popular drivers most frequently cited in the media for our economic woes — sub-prime mortgages, lousy housing market, the trade deficit, the weak dollar, the writers’ strike, whatever — are all small potatoes compared to the “Big Dog” out there — consumer spending. Some of these other factors I mentioned can reduce our economic growth 1% to 2%, but it is how spending holds up in the next several months that is the real bell ringer. After all, consumer spending is 70% of this economy. Household income is still holding steady and as a result many people are out making trips to the stores. That’s good. Consumers have dusted off their trusty credit cards because their line-of-credit is not as deep a well as it used to be and it is no surprise that more debt is accumulating. The underlying data that I see shows spending is slowing, not stopping or turning negative. As much as I would like, this is not a good time for a philosophical discussion on the wisdom of spending versus saving, because I simply recommend spending now and saving later. After all, we have an economy to support. ! !% %!! ! !%" # !! " ! # !$$$ $ NOTICE Delta Dental Plan of Colorado will be filling two dentist trustee positions effective January 1, 2009. Qualifications for this position include independence (from academia, retired, etc.), a strong business background, geographic diversity (located outside the Denver Metro area), ethnic and gender diversity and specialty diversity. If you are interested in submitting your resume for consideration, please contact Sally Connors via e-mail at Lawrence E. Howes, MBA, CFP®, is a principal at Sharkey, Howes & Javer, Inc., a Denver-based, FEE-ONLY, financial planning and investment management firm and a supporter of the Colorado Dental Association. Visit us at or call for more information at (303) 639-5100. Become a Leader in Your Local Dental Community MDDS created the Dental Community Exchanges to assist member dentists in building dynamic relationships with their professional neighbors. The goal of the program is to stimulate ongoing professional growth through localized networking meetings. Each exchange brings together dentists in an informal atmosphere to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between those who understand the unique challenges presented in individual communities. Every MDDS member has been assigned to one of the following regions based on their practice address: n Jefferson County (Lakewood, Golden, Arvada, Wheat Ridge, Evergreen, mountain cities) n Aurora / Centennial n North Metro Denver (Broomfield, Brighton, Westminster, Thornton, Northglenn) n Denver n South Metro Denver (Castle Rock, Parker, Lone Tree, Elizabeth) n Highlands Ranch, Littleton, Englewood Establishing strong and effective Dental Community Exchanges requires dedicated leaders working together to organize and guide each meeting. Currently, MDDS has a small group of exceptional area liaisons, but we are in need of more. If you are interested in becoming more involved in your Society and cultivating connections, volunteer as your region’s liaison and become a leader in your local dental community. As a region liaison you will organize meetings based on the needs of your members, facilitate discussions and be the primary contact between your region and the MDDS leadership. To volunteer for this program, or for more information, please contact (303) 488-9700, ext. 3271 or May/June 2008 5 Transitions “Denver’s Top Dentist” Listing Honore d MDDS: Does that make it one big popularity contest? MDDS member periodontist, Dr. Erik Mathys, received the Rookie of the Year Award at the recent Seattle Study Club (SSC) Symposium in Hawaii. Dr. Mathys is the director of the Colorado Academy of Excellence in Dentistry (CAed) South Denver affiliate of the Seattle Study Club and received this national award for a new study club with the greatest potential to live up to SSC ideals. SSC is an international organization consisting of over 200 dental study clubs, with the goal of cultivating excellence in comprehensive dentistry. CAed is currently in its second academic year. MDDS member and pediatric dentist, Dr. Betty Barr, was named the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry’s (UKCD) Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. In 1997, Dr. Barr created and funded the Vincent A. Barr Visiting Professorship in honor of her father, a leader in the establishment of UKCD as part of the AB Chandler Medical Center. Each year, experts in their field are invited to come to the College and lecture to students, faculty and alumni. Dr. Barr was also instrumental in starting the campaign to create the John Mink Endowed Chair in Pediatric Dentistry, and she continues to be a supporter of various projects at the College. Dr. Clifford S. Litvak was recently installed as international president of Alpha Omega International Dental Fraternity in Tel Aviv, Israel, during the organization’s annual convention. AO is an international dental fraternity that was founded in 1907 to combat antiSemitism in dental schools. That mission has evolved over the years and AO, while proud to be the “Voice of the Jew” in dentistry, has now become an educational, philanthropic and fraternal organization that is an active advocate for tolerance of all people throughout the dental community. Alpha Omega now has over 5,000 members in 27 countries throughout the world. AO has been a passion of Dr. Litvak’s since dental school, when he helped establish the Beta Iota student chapter at CU in 1980. He is honored to have been the faculty advisor for Beta Iota for the past 26 years. He has served in every office at the local alumni level and continues to be active on the Denver chapter’s board of directors. Internationally, he has served in many positions and is honored to have recently been installed as international president. Tell us your news! We encourage members to submit news items about them-selves or colleagues for publication in the Articulator Magazine. Please share information on job changes, marriages, children, awards, community service projects, appointments and honors. Contact (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270 or anytime! 6 M DDS Articulator Continued from page 1 5280: In many respects, yes. We hope that doctors will give careful, responsible answers; but there’s little we can do to stop them from recommending their buddies. Using the list is a lot like going to your doctor and asking for a referral. The difference is we’re asking a lot more doctors than most people ever have a chance to. The more doctors who participate, the less chance that any one person’s aspirations will win out. MDDS: How do you respond to the claim that only doctors who advertise with 5280 make it? 5280: The list is completely unaffected by which doctors advertise in the magazine. Doctors sometimes choose to advertise after they’ve been chosen for the list, but how much or if and when doctors choose to advertise are not taken into consideration, as the voting is completed and the list is compiled long before any advertising is sold for the issue. MDDS: How would you respond to the following question: “I thought my doc was a good dentist, but she’s not on the list. What does that mean?” 5280: My answer would be “Nothing; she probably is a good doctor.” The selection of doctors by peer review can leave many excellent people off the list. Because longtime, well known doctors have the advantage of name recognition, the list may favor that kind of doctor. However, that in no way means a dentist isn’t qualified and completely competent. Of course, there are many fine dentists who are not included in this representative list. It is intended as a sampling of the great body of talent in the field of dentistry, and a place for potential patients to begin their search. A dentist’s inclusion on our list is based on the subjective judgments of his or her fellow dentists. While it is true that the lists may at times disproportionately reward visibility or popularity, we remain confident that our polling methodology largely corrects for any biases and that these lists continue to represent the most reliable, accurate and useful list of dentists available anywhere. For more information or for a copy of the article please do not hesitate to contact MDDS at (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270. You may direct questions to topDentists at (706) 421-4057 or 5280 Magazine at (303) 832-5280. We would like to hear from you… Are “Top Dentists” listings helpful or harmful to the public? To the profession? Send your thoughts to, fax (303) 488-0177 or call (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270. EDITORS NOTE: MDDS was not approached by 5280 Magazine or topDentists to participate in the survey or to review membership standings or credentials. MDDS in no way contributed to or endorses this list. R isk Management Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan By Leon Vanderploeg You may not be concerned that HIPAA requires a disaster recovery plan. You probably believe the odds of a disaster affecting your practice are low, but disasters are not just a hurricane or a tornado. By definition, a business disaster is “any event that creates an inability to provide critical business functions.” 1 A leaky roof above your server, a computer virus or an accidental deletion of data could qualify as disasters. Beyond HIPAA, why bother with a disaster recover plan? Consider the purpose of the plan — “to minimize loss and ensure continuity of critical business functions”. 2 A good plan provides four major benefits: n It analyzes risks, institutes controls and reduces the likelihood of a disaster. n It reduces time and costs of getting back to business. n It restores your cash flow sooner. n If a disaster occurs, your stress and anxiety levels will be greatly reduced. Step 1 – Gather information about your systems: n What you have — hardware, software and data. n Where you acquired it. n Who will help in the event of a disaster? n When — which pieces are most critical and must be recovered more quickly? For example, scheduling is probably more critical than intra-oral photos. You See patients nearly every day. See technology changing just as fast Want relationships you can trust. Need help with all cases, simple and complex. Want help Fast. You need a partner. You can count on for expertise. Someone who adds value. A true MVP. As a part of this, you also need to evaluate risks to your systems and institute appropriate controls and mitigations. There are many examples (e.g., virus protection), but the ultimate mitigation is this: You must protect your data. You can buy new hardware and programs, but you cannot buy your data. Your schedules, patient records, finances, etc. are yours and yours alone. No one can sell you a replacement for your data! Protecting your data means reliable backups (including off-site copies). Reliable backups means a restore will succeed. If you choose a do-it-yourself approach, error and event logs must be reviewed daily, errors must be resolved and restores must be tested regularly. Step 2 – Develop recovery strategies This step defines the step-by-step sequence of events you will follow to recover your systems. It must contain sufficient detail, defining who, what, where, when and how the plan will be executed. An important (and often overlooked) consideration in this step is the media (CDs) to reinstall your software. Copies of your installation software must also be stored off-site. Developing a plan can reduce anxiety. You can know you’re prepared if the worst should happen. , 1 2 Disaster Recovery Institute International Leon Vanderploeg is president of Business Data Protection LLC, a local firm assisting dental practices with disaster recovery planning and professionally managed backup services. Phone (720) 922-7900, or email Beyond the Call Dr. Damien Mulvany, recipient of the 2006 MDDS Outstanding Contributions to the Dental Profession Award, visited Ethiopia in October 2007. This was his fourth trip to Africa with International Medical Relief as part of a medical team that served hundreds of patients per day. During his two-week trip, he witnessed oral cases that are not traditionally seen here in the US including: enormous calculus build up, one youth with six incisors and other challenging cases. International Medical Relief is a nonprofit organization that provides healthcare to underserved and vulnerable people around the world. Contact (970) 635-0110 for more information. Mike Young & Mac Perry 303-671-0903 14100 E Evans Ave, Aurora CO, 800114 CDA Endorsed Agency Why should you choose COPIC Financial for your insurance needs? p Recommendations based on research and performance (we're not tied to any insurance or investment company) p A “big picture” approach to your finances–we’ll look at your situation from every angle to determine the best products and services for you. p Possible discounted premiums for CDA members. p We’ll help you transition comfortably throughout the stages of your life and career. 3 p All of the above! Wendy Heckman, CIC, AAI, RPLU, AIC, ARM; Director Kristin Heylmun ! ! ! Property and casualty insurance Workers' compensation ERISA, fidelity, and fiduciary bonds Carolyn Samuelson ! ! Long-term care planning services Long-term care insurance– 10% discount for CDA members. Mike Edwards ! ! ! Disability income–20% CDA discount Disability business overhead expense–10% discount plus association simplified issue (no medical tests). Life insurance (720) 858-6280 (800) 421-1834 May/June 2008 7 MDDS New Members The Denver Implant Study Club (D.I.S.C.), now in its sixth year, was originally developed by Dr. Aldo Leopardi, Prosthodontist, of Greenwood Village, Colorado, and was launched in February of 2003. The primary objective of the club is to empower general dentists, specialists and their offices in building their implant practices through prosthodontically driven dental implant continuing education. D.I.S.C. encompasses a series of lectures featuring actual clinical scenarios that are applicable to the majority of dental implant systems available. The study club is designed for general dentists who seek to incorporate restorative implant services into their practices in order to ultimately benefit their patients. Traditionally, implant companies drive most dental implant continuing educational programs. These courses are often surgically driven and/or biased, with little restorative real world information for the general practitioner to take to his or her practice. D.I.S.C. has emerged as the credible, worthwhile alternative to those traditional courses. Part of the success of the study club can be attributed to the independence of the program. Our sponsoring implant companies are required to adhere to a strict education protocol. Educational topics must be scientifically based and clinically relevant with minimal product endorsement. Under these guidelines, we invite several implant companies to participate each year. As a result of this independent, restoratively driven approach, the information offered is current and valid with minimal bias. Each participant leaves the program with valuable knowledge that they can readily implement into their dental practices. Attendance at D.I.S.C. lectures is on the rise. Topics covered in 2007 included: • Pre-Surgical Prosthetic Planning for Immediate Load: Current Technologies • Surgical Site Preparation for Enhanced Implant Restorative Treatment Outcomes • Computer Milling: The Digital Age in Implant Dentistry • Surgical and Restorative Challenges and Complications in Implant Dentistry • Visions of Where We Are and Where We Are Going with Implant Dentistry • Principles of Attachment Selection for Implant Supported Overdentures The 2008 schedule is very exciting. We have a great lineup of presenters and topics: Treatment Planning of Adjacent and Multiple Implants in the Aesthetic Zone. Dr. Jaime Lozada, Prosthodontist, Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry, Center for Implant Dentistry, Loma Linda, California Zimmer Dental Hard and Soft Tissue Considerations for Enhanced Aesthetic Treatment Outcomes in Implant Dentistry. Dr. Douglas Mahn, Periodontist, Manassas, Virginia Lifecore Dental February 7, 2008 April 24, 2008 July 10, 2008 Immediate Loading: Taking it to the Next Level. August 28, 2008 Predictable Provisionalization of Immediately Placed Single or Multiple Implants. Featuring the “Ankylos® Dental Implant System” and Associated Restorative Techniques. October 2, 2008 Treatment of Complications and Prosthetic Challenges in Implant Dentistry. November 13, 2008 Dr. Braden M. Stauts, Prosthodontist, Boise, Idaho BIOMET 3i Dr. Barry Goldenberg, Prosthodontist, St. Louis, Missouri Dentsply Tulsa Dental Specialties Dr. Aldo Leopardi, Prosthodontist, Greenwood Village, Colorado BioHorizon Capacity is limited. A complimentary light dinner is served at 5:30 PM, and the lecture is from 6:00 to 8:30 PM. ADG credits are also available (2.5 hours). Attendance fees for 2008 are waived due to corporate sponsorship. 8 Feedback from Participants: Cheers, Aldo “Good job! You put on an amazing program.” The Denver Implant Study Club (D.I.S.C.) “Aldo and his team are top-notch! He goes the extra mile to reach out to the local GP community!” M DDS Articulator Dr. Matthew Bunchman General Practice Dr. Andy W. Lee General Practice Englewood Dr. Galen D. Miller Orthodontics Dr. Hoang Nguyen Orthodontics, Periodontics Dr. Patrick T. Wilson Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Frederick C. Last General Practice Highlands Ranch Dr. Anna Burger General Practice Lakewood Dr. Jennifer K. Lee General Practice Commerce City Dr. Ethan E. Kerns General Practice Dr. Eva-Marie Poulson Public Health Dentistry Denver Dr. Nathan M. Heubner General Practice Resident Dr. Roopindar Kattaura General Practice Dr. Ronald Van Wechel General Practice Littleton Dr. Christopher Elson General Practice Dr. Curtis Lee General Practice Parker Dr. Andrey Nazarov Orthodontics Dr. Yun-Kyoung Kwon General Practice Dr. Carl Sakamaki General Practice Resident Dr. William Paini General Practice MDDS offers associate membership to ADA members who do not fall within our component’s geographical boundaries. We wish to recognize our current associate members for their support and we appreciate their participation in our organization. Please contact (303) 488-9700, ext. 3272 for information on associate membership. Arizona Kansas Dr. Jamie Just General Practice Tucson Dr. Stewart L. Crow General Practice Independence Colorado Springs I look forward to seeing you there. Dr. Eugene Brooks General Practice Dr. James B. Etling General Practice Dr. Arnold Cullum Garden City Prosthodontics “Great lectures! Nice to see surgical and restorative aspects linked together.” Aldo Leopardi, DDS, MS Prosthodontist Practice Limited to Implant, Fixed, Removable and Aesthetic Dentistry 7400 East Crestline Circle, Suite 235 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Evergreen Colorado The implant companies represented above are strong supporters of this educational forum. Without their ongoing participation, this study club would not be possible. For details, visit, or contact Dr. Leopardi’s office directly at (720) 488-7677. Aurora MDDS Associate Members Integrating Dental Implant Restorations into your Everyday Practice: Parameters for Success. Featuring the new “Bone Level Implant” line and SLActive™ Surface. Dr. Thomas Ding, Prosthodontist, Dallas, Texas Straumann It is our great pleasure to welcome new members who have joined MDDS from November 1, 2007 to March 18, 2008. We are proud to have over 1,500 member dentists supporting organized dentistry in Denver. As a Member Services Committee initiative, we will be listing our new members in upcoming issues of the Articulator Magazine. Please join us in welcoming the following new members to our dental community: “Great opportunity for training and CEs.” Dr. Milton R. Holloway General Practice Dr. Todd Southall Beloit General Practice Gunnison Wyoming Dr. Rand Redfern Dr. Neil J. Zespy General Practice General Practice Colorado Springs Casper Join a Committee and Shape Your Profession MDDS strives to ensure that it is meeting the wants and needs of its membership. As we grow and change, it is imperative that we have capable and interested committee members to lead us in the strategic achievement of our objectives and guide us towards our goals. Please consider making a difference in your association by participating on a committee. Call (303) 488-9700, ext. 3272 for a list of opportunities. Articulator ad.qxd:Layout 1 1/22/08 3:33 PM Page 1 P ractice Management Appointment Cancellation Guidelines By Janet Steward EDITOR’S NOTE: The MDDS Business of Dentistry 101 Course Series was designed to help the more recently established dentist acquire the business knowledge they may not have received while in dental school. Our goal was to guide the attendees in becoming better business owners, bosses and leaders in their own practices. Following is some helpful advice from our series presenter, Janet Steward of Steward QuantumLeap Dental Practice Consulting, on a topic of discussion at the March 2008 event. Your office’s policy on appointment cancellation guidelines should be discussed with every new patient during their initial visit. The policy should be reiterated with a no-show “problem” patient during their next appointment (not over the phone). You can simply say, “Have we discussed our appointment guidelines yet? We ask our patients for 48 hours cancellation notice. This allows us to see another patient in need that may be waiting.” After having that conversation with the no-show or short-notice cancellation patient, the next conversation goes like this: “As we discussed on November 5th, it’s important that we know 48 hours in advance if you need to make a change to your appointment. Can we count on that from you next time?” Three strikes and they’re sidelined — but really nicely: “You have a very busy schedule and we certainly understand. Why don’t I put you on our short call list and, if we have any unexpected changes in schedule, we’ll give you a call and if you’re free you can come right over.” Many offices charge a missed appointment fee, much to the shock and dismay of some patients. I am aware of an instance where a patient threatened to sue the doctor over the matter of a $30 fee. Missed appointment fees are completely legal. The patient made the appointment, at which time a contract was formed (implied from the fact that the appointment was made). The contract provided that the dentist would be ready, willing and able to work on their teeth during the appointment time, and they agreed to pay. Most professionals who charge for missed appointments don’t charge full rate, but it’s an accepted practice to charge something. Collection of missed appointment fees is another story. Here is a creative suggestion from an MDDS Board member that could help with this and position your practice in a very positive way. Consider making it your policy to donate all or a percentage of broken appointment fees to your favorite dental charity. Clearly display this policy in your waiting room and include it in your discussions with new and no-show patients. Put Some Real Teeth Into Your Entire Financial Plan With 10 years of experience in medical management and 18 years in the financial services industry, Rick Lerner, CFP® understands the challenges you face as a dental care professional. Rick offers a comprehensive array of services including, investment management, business and retirement planning, risk management, and personal financial planning. Partner With the Financial Planner Who Knows Both Health Care and Wealth Care Independent Firm Corporate Supporter of the Metropolitan Denver Dental Society Call Rick today for your personalized prescription for fiscal well-being. 303-394-2332 • Richard.Lerner @ • Securities and investment advisory services offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.® Member FINRA/SIPC, an independent broker/dealer. Janet Steward, president of Steward QuantumLeap Dental Consulting, has worked with hundreds of dental practices nationwide. For more information, she may be reached at (970) 207-0776 or P ractice Pearls The Pro Bono No-Show Your time is so valuable. It can be especially disheartening when you are volunteering your time to a patient from a charitable organization — and they no show for their scheduled appointment. When dealing with underserved populations in your office, the appointment failure rate ranges from moderate to high for a number of reasons including fear, transportation reliability and lapses in memory. Dr. Ted C. Johnson and his team at Johnson Dental, long-time volunteers of many local dental charitable programs, have developed a strategy to reduce the risk of the “pro bono no-show.” When they accept a patient, the first appointment is scheduled with the dental assistant for x-rays only. If the patient no shows on the first appointment, a reasonably short amount of time is lost in comparison to a 1.5-hour doctor evaluation appointment. After the x-rays are taken, the patient is scheduled for a prophylaxis appointment with the hygienist. At that point, Dr. Johnson and his staff are able to assess patient (or caregiver) commitment to and understanding of the dental care provided and their ability to maintain appointments. The third appointment is scheduled with the doctor. The treatment plan is established and is most often carried through to completion. This system has worked well for Johnson Dental in reducing the risk of patient non-compliance and has increased their rewards in the sense that they are able to give back in a more efficient manner. They have discovered that this process also helps the patient to become comfortable and familiar with the office and eases them into the progression of treatment. Special thanks to Johnson Dental for sharing this practice pearl with us. Do you have an idea to share with your colleagues? If so, please contact (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270 or May/June 2008 9 Calendar of Events May 2008 May 3 Metro Denver Dental Foundation Spring Cleaning, After Taxes Record Shredding Extravaganza Drop-Off Day MDDS Headquarters Parking Lot 8 a.m. to noon (303) 488-9700, ext. 3270 All proceeds benefit the MDDF Smile Again Program June 2008 June 12–15 Colorado Dental Association 122nd Annual Session Vail Cascade Resort and Spa Vail, Colorado (303) 740-6900 or July 2008 July 10 May 4–7 American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons 29th Annual Scientific Conference & Exhibition Kansas City, Missouri May 6–10 American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry 24th Annual Scientific Session New Orleans, Louisiana May 8 Metro Denver Dental Society 111th Annual Meeting & Society Dinner 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Mount Vernon Country Club Golden, Colorado (303) 488-9700 or May 14 University of Colorado School of Dentistry Crown and Bridge, Occlusion and Esthetic Dentistry Presented by: Dr. H. Eugene Brooks Aurora, Colorado (800) 736-1911 or Denver Implant Study Club Integrating Dental Implant Restorations into your Everyday Practice – Parameters for Success Presented by: Dr. Thomas Ding 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. MDDS Headquarters Denver, Colorado Dr. Aldo Leopardi, (720) 488-7677 July 17–20 M DDS Articulator Diversity in Dentistry Achieving New Heights Colorado Dental Association Colorado Mission of Mercy (COMOM) The Ranch (Larimer County Fairgrounds and Event Complex) Loveland, Colorado (303) 740-6900 or (800) 343-3010 August 2008 August 28 June 12-15, 2008 Vail Cascade Resort Vail, CO Enjoy 3 days of CE, recreation for the entire family and one of Colorado’s most beautiful mountain towns and premiere resorts! 303.740.6900 • 800.343.3010 • Denver Implant Study Club Immediate Loading – Taking it to the Next Level Presented by: Dr. Braden M. Stauts 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. MDDS Headquarters Denver, Colorado Dr. Aldo Leopardi, (720) 488-7677 Visit to view a comprehensive listing of dental CE and events. 10 Colorado Dental Association 122nd Annual Session Featured Speakers: Dr. Sonia Leziy Dr. Brahm Miller Dr. Fred Margolis Dr. Brad Potter Classifieds Submissions should be received, in writing, no later than June 17, 2008 to appear in our next issue. MDDS makes no claim, stated or implied, as to the quality of goods and services or the accuracy of the following ads. FOR SALE: Statim 5000 autoclave (excellent condition), Rinn x-ray duplicator, MicroCab, Triad 2000 curing system and vacuum former. Call (303) 399-7166. PART-TIME DENTIST NEEDED: Are your recently retired and looking for something to do one or two days a week/ month? The Colorado Foundation of Dentistry for the Handicapped (CFDH) needs a part-time dentist to provide dentistry at nursing homes and to treat homebound people. Competitive salary. Please call (303) 534-5360 or fax resume to (303) 534-5290 or e-mail to DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE: South Lakewood, Colorado. Producing $1M with excellent patient base. 5+1 treatment rooms, beautiful shared dental suite, private office, lab on premises, great staff, no other opportunity can compare! Call Susan Spear (303) 973-2147 or ORASCOPTIC TELESCOPES: Originally $1,200. Will sell $400. Call (303) 674-6240. SPACE AVAILABLE FOR PEDIATRIC DENTIST IN SOUTHLANDS AREA: Available spring 2009. Building ownership, next to schools. Biggest growth potential in the Denver area. Please direct all questions to Alisa @ (720) 217-1944 or ammswo@ DENTAL SPACE: 1,492/sq. ft. for Lease. Reception, Business Office, Dr.’s Office, 3 Ops (4th area plumbed), Lab and Breakroom. Beautiful sunny windows with view all the way around (except Lab). Existing Dentist is upgrading to larger space in the complex and is leaving all dental cabinets, lights, etc. $1,865/mo. + Exp. Call (303) 459-2926 or (970) 618-8833 (cell). DENTIST AVAILABLE: Temporary or permanent. Full- or part-time. Semi-retired Creighton dentist. Strong work ethic. Dependable. Maintain or grow your practice. Terms negotiable! (303) 278-9120. SOUTHLANDS MALL AREA: Welcoming new dentist into our all specialty practice, in the areas of periodontics, pedodontics, orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry and implants. Several scenario’s available from associate to a satellite office location. Beautiful new office in an affluent growing area just west of last year’s Parade of Homes location. Must see office great satellite location 5 high schools within a 3 mile radius. Email or call Karen @ (303) 400-4865 DENTIST: Perfect Teeth is seeking senior Dentists in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico with a compensation range of $90,000 to $200,000+. Successful private or group experience required. Benefits package. Also seeking Associate Dentists with a compensation range of $75,000 to $95,000. Specialist opportunities also available for part and full-time Ortho, Endo, Oral Surgery, Pedo and Perio with exceptional compensation. Call Dr. Mark Birner at (303) 691-0680, email at or visit HYGIENISTS: Great part- and full-time career opportunities. Large multi-practice group offering flexible work schedule and excellent compensation/benefits package. Call Sonja at (303) 285-6022 for more information. DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE: Lakewood, Colorado. Purchase Price $270K Producing around $400K on a part-time basis. Nice location and facility. Dentist wants to stay on with the transition and work in a reverse role as an associate. Great satellite and expansion practice. Call Susan Spear @ (303) 973-2147 or PRACTICE SALES, ASSOCIATE FOR SALE: ImageMax X-Ray Film Processor. $2,000.00 O.B.O. Saves money on cleaning products and chemistry. No more lost films. No roller marks or artifacts. No more cleaning rollers, belts or tracks. Solves your X-ray processing problems by moving the chemistry not the film. Please call (303) 791-3232 with interest or questions. METRO DENVER/BOULDER: Orthodontist, Pedodontist and Oral Surgeon needed for specialty practice. Referrals from eight general healthcare network practices. No managed care. Please fax your CV and letter of introduction to (303) 443-0073 or email to PRACTICE FOR SALE: Lone Tree, Colo. New equipment, three ops plumbed for five more. Call Larry Chatterley (303) 795-8800 or go to ASSOCIATE BUY-IN: Hotchkiss, Colo. Very busy practice with six ops. Book out five months. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to PRACTICE FOR SALE: Littleton, Colo. Grossing over 400,000/yr. in 2007. New facility and new equipment. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. ASSOCIATE BUY-OUT: Woodland Park, Colo. Very modern facility with six ops. Call Larry Chatterley at (303)795-8800 or go to PRACTICE: Denver, Colo. (Near DTC.) Five ops. Grossing over $600,000/yr. New equipment, modern facility. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www.ctc-associates. com. PRACTICE: Fort Collins, Colo. Three ops. Grossing $20,000 per month. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. Susan A. Spear Practice Transition Consultant Licensed Colorado Broker Transition Consulting for Dental Professionals When you need the best! “Susan Spear masterfully engineered the sale of my dental practice and my entry into the world of part time dentistry as an independent contractor. Her counseling and coaching assured both of us that I was ready for the change. A consummate, caring professional with incredible standards barely begins to sum up the qualifications of this one-of-a-kind dental practice broker. The proper choice of a broker is critical and Susan is a choice you would never regret.” — Dr. Gary Blumenschein, Family General Dentist ENDO PRACTICE FOR SALE: Denver, Colorado area. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to PRACTICE: SE Aurora, Colo. Grossing $400,000 with three ops. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. “We enjoyed working with Susan and appreciated her insightful approach to the whole process of purchasing another orthodontic practice to round out my business. She also spent time with both teams in answering their questions and supporting their concerns. She was a reliable sounding board for all of the issues that came up while transitioning two practices into one.” — Dr. Keith Kohrs, Specialist in Orthodontics PRACTICE: Cortez area. Grossing $120,000 with two ops. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to Selling Your Practice, Buying a Practice, Creating an Associateship or Partnership? PRACTICE: NW Colorado Springs, Colo. Four ops., new equipment. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. PRACTICE: Sterling, Colo. Grossing $300,000, 50% overhead, lots of patients. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to Now You Have a Choice! Contact Susan Spear Today! 30 3. 97 3 . 21 4 7 PRACTICE: Delta, Colo. Acquire the build- ing and the practice for $220,000. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. ORTHODONTIC PRACTICE: Littleton, Colo. and Grand Junction, Colo. Call Larry Chatterley at (303) 795-8800 or go to www. SELLER/BUYER SERVICES: If you would like more information on how to buy, sell or associate in a practice, please check our website, call CTC Associates at (303) 795-8800. DENTAL PRACTICE FOR SALE: Southwestern College Town, Colorado! Owner with stay on for up to six months to help new dentist! Dental Condo part of the sale! Fee-for-Service Restorative Practice! This practice opportunity is all about life style! Owner dentist nets $226K, 4 days per week with 70 days off per year! 4 opts, digital x-ray, state-of-art facility. Enjoy mountain living with hiking, fishing, hunting, skiing, and more! Town has its own airport! High producing practice in a small town atmosphere! Call Susan Spear @(303) 973-2147 or susan@ Dentist NEEDED: Part-time position for a dentist in Tri-County Health Department Senior Dental Program for low-income seniors (age 55 years and older). in Arapahoe County. Tri-County Health Department (TCHD) provides dental care including diagnostic, preventative, restorative, periodontal and prosthetic services. Perform an array of general dentistry services for seniors including exams, x-rays, cleanings, fillings, extractions, bridges, crowns and dentures. Dentist provides indirect supervision of staff and participates in program planning and evaluation, development of policies, procedures and standards of care. Requires a DDS or DMD from an approved school of dentistry. Course work in geriatrics is preferred, as is experience in public health. Current Colorado license to practice dentistry in the State of Colorado. Current driver’s license. Own vehicle for on the job transportation. Mileage reimbursement provided. Applications may be accessed at www.tchd. org, job openings/Human Resources, or you may call Lynn Trefren, (303) 363-3042 for more information. DENTAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Dentists, Hygienists, non-professional volunteers wanted to treat children in India, Nepal, Vietnam and Guatemala. Make a difference while traveling to exotic places. or (303) 858.8857. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Total Oral Prevention Strategies (TOPS) program’s goal is to prevent or reduce incidence of new tooth decay in preschool children. Initially targeted at Denver’s most vulnerable, a successful TOPS program may one day help children in other Colorado locations. Modest levels of volunteer support can assure that the Total Oral Prevention Strategies (TOPS) program can achieve its goal. Opportunities exist to serve on the TOPS Board of Directors, to provide hands-on dental care or to provide tax-deductible financial support. Please contact Dr. Major Tappan for details on how to become a part of the TOPS mission, (303) 394-0231 or A HAPPY STAFF??? Consider making your staff happy by freeing up storage space and saving them from sorting through hundreds of forceps and old boxes of supplies that you are never, ever are going to use. Instead, do a good deed by donating your UNUSED equipment and supplies to PROJECT CURE. We help set up dental clinics all around the world. For info or pickup, call Dr. A. at (303) 877-7804. TIRED OF THE “BUSINESS” OF DENTISTRY? Well-established metro Denver area practice seeking general dentist for associate position. Fee for service only practice. 3 years experience or GPR required. For more information, please contact Malcolm E. Boone II, DDS, MS, at (303) 388-1661 or (303) 451-1111 for details or fax CV to (303) 451-7238. TRANSITIONS: Do you want to sell your practice or transition it to an associate knowing you have the right buyer? Are you looking for a future partnership with the “right” person? Do you need help deciding how to begin? Let Susan Spear at SAS Transitions help you find the answers! Transition Planning with options! Call Susan today (303) 973-2147 or SPACE FOR LEASE: Let the light shine in! Floor to ceiling windows are the highlight of this perfect ortho or pedo space in Centennial. Grow your practice at the busy intersection of Arapahoe & Colorado, across from Newton Middle School and approximately one mile from the new Streets at Southglenn development. Take advantage of the foot traffic from a general dentist in the same building. Approx. 1,500 sq. ft. plumbed for 5 open bay operatories. Tenant finish negotiable. Contact Irene at (303) 587-5300 or email OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE: Up to 3 operatories available to rent in an upscale general practitioner’s office in Aurora. FURNISHED with patient operatory chairs, storage, Panorex and x-ray units. Exceptional opportunity for a satellite office. Excellent location with easy highway access in high traffic area. Free patient parking onsite. Please call Dr. Jonathan Rones at (303) 743-7662 or (303) 341-6961. Are Your Staffing Needs Not Being Met? Our qualified hygienists, assistants, EDDAs and front office personnel are ready and eager to be a part of your team when you need them. Whether it’s just one day or for vacations, maternity leave and even permanent employment, MEDployee Staffing is here for you. All temporaries are our employees; therefore, all employee taxes, professional, unemployment and worker’s compensation insurances are covered. We take care of all the payroll burden, so you can take care of your patients and practice. Call MEDployee Staffing TODAY at (303) 745-0770 or visit us at PRACTICES: COLORADO AND NEARBY STATES: Aurora, Boulder, Cherry Creek, Colorado Springs, Crested Butte, Denver, Eagle, Edwards, Lakewood, Louisville, Pueblo, Central Mountains, Colorado Southern, Colorado Southwest, Mountain Resort, Dillon, Winter Park, AZ, NV, SD, WY, IA, NE-Scottsbluff. Specialties CO: Oral Surgery practice; See for details or call ADS Precise Consultants: Peter Mirabito, DDS or Jed Esposito, MBA at (303) 759-8425. ASSOCIATES WANTED: COLORADO- Positions leading to Buy-in: Colorado Springs, Denver (Spanish speaking a must), Parker, Oral Surgery. Nearby States: Casper, WYBrand new state of the art facility; ADS Precise Consultants: Peter Mirabito, DDS or Jed Esposito, MBA at (303) 759-8425. HIGHLANDS RANCH DENTAL FACILITY FOR LEASE: Approx. 1,100 square foot turn-key dental facility available for lease. Great location in Highlands Ranch with 4 built out operation rooms. Other locations and opportunities are available metro wide. Please contact David Fried (303) 489-0888 or for more information. May/June 2008 11 We have never been big believers of one size fits all...especially when it comes to financing ® United Western Bank specializes in dental practice business needs. When it comes time to finance your project nobody is better at putting together a customized package to suit your practice. Whether you are starting from the ground up, expanding or acquiring, our lenders will make sure you receive the best financing for your project. Please contact: Annemarie E. Murphy Vice President Healthcare Finance 1-888-606-6226 ® Or visit our website:
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