wadokai karate - FEW Federation European Wadokai
wadokai karate - FEW Federation European Wadokai
FEDERATION EUROPEAN WADOKAI PRESENTS WADOKAI KARATE SPECIAL EDITION collectors item #1 to celebrate the hosting of the 40th FEW CHAMPIONSHIP held in PORTUGAL 2013 A.J. van Dijk has produced this first Special Edition for FEW Federation European Wadokai to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the FEW European Wadokai Championship. This year (2013) the Championship will be held in Portugal. Wadokai Portugal, a member of FEW organised the event in collaboration with Wadokai England, also a FEW member country. A.J. van Dijk, the current FEW General Secretary and President & Chief Instuctor of Wadokai Holland, has produced this book on behalf of Wadokai Holland for FEW in collaboration with Aiwakai featuring the 1st and 2nd technical advisor of FEW, Sakagami and Nukina sensei. All photos are taken and edited by A.J. van Dijk at the Annual Wadokai Karate Summer Camp 2013, held in Holland the last week of July 2013. The content of this book will give you a general understanding of the techniques presented. This 54 page Special Edition collectors item contains: • 6 Ido Kihon • Pinan Shodan • Pinan Nidan • Pinan Sandan • Pinan Yondan • Pinan Godan • Kihon Kumite 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 • 5 Kihon Kumite Ohyo • 5 Tanto Dori FEW FEDERATION EUROPEAN WADOKAI SPECIAL EDITION VOL. 1 “40TH ANNIVERSARY FEW EUROPEAN WADOKAI CHAMPIONSHIP” WWW.FEWKARATE.COM INFO@FEWKARATE.COM © A.J. VAN DIJK Contents ABOUT FEW FEW Federation European Wadokai p. 4 FEW Boardp. 4 FEW Technical Advisorsp. 4 A message from the General Secretaryp. 5 History of Wadoryu Karate p. 6 1st Technical Advisor: K. Sakagamip. 8 2nd Technical Advisor: N. Nukinap. 11 KARATE TECHNIQUES Ido Kihon: Junzukip. 16 Ido Kihon: Gyakuzukip. 17 Ido Kihon: Junzuki no tsukkomip. 18 Ido Kihon: Gyakuzuki no tsukkomip. 19 Ido Kihon: Tobikomizukip. 20 Ido Kihon: Tobikomi Nagashizukip. 21 Kata: Pinan Shodanp. 24 Kata: Pinan Nidanp. 26 Kata: Pinan Sandanp. 28 Kata: Pinan Yondanp. 30 Kata: Pinan Godanp. 32 Kihon Kumite: Ipponmep. 36 Kihon Kumite: Ipponme Ohyop. 37 Kihon Kumite: Nihonmep. 38 Kihon Kumite: Nihonme Ohyop. 39 Kihon Kumite: Sanbonmep. 40 Kihon Kumite: Sanbonme Ohyop. 41 Kihon Kumite: Yonhonmep. 42 Kihon Kumite: Yonhonme Ohyop. 43 Kihon Kumite: Gohonmep. 44 Kihon Kumite: Gohonme Ohyop. 45 Tanto dori: Hiki tate dorip. 48 Tanto dori: Kote nage dori p. 49 Tanto dori: Tsuki age & Zu dori combination p. 50 Tanto dori: Ude garami dorip. 52 Other related products recommended by FEW p. 53 3 INTRODUCTION FEW Federation European Wadokai Federation European Wadokai is an organisation which follows, practices and teaches the Karate formed by JKF Wadokai in Japan. Federation of European Wadokai (F.E.W.), was founded in 1972. The name of our style is Wadoryu and has its origin in Shindo Yoshinryu Jujutsu and is therefore one of the most genuine Japanese forms of karate. Most other styles originate from Okinawa and have less influence from Japanese martial arts. For the purpose of bringing together all the main karate styles, the Japan Karatedo Federation (JKF) was founded in 1964. FEW Board 2012 - 2016 Chairman 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President General Secretary Treasurer M. Gai ITALY P. May UK F. Saalfeld PORTUGAL A.J. van Dijk HOLLAND T. Leinfors SWEDEN FEW Technical Advisors 4 1st Technical Advisor 2nd Technical Advisor K. Sakagami UK N. Nukina ROMANIA INTRODUCTION A message from the General Secretary Dear reader, My name is A.J. van Dijk, I am a student of the late Naoki Ishikawa sensei. After Ishikawa sensei’s passing in 2008, I had the almost impossible task to continue my sensei’s work together with his son and my friend, Hiroki Ishikawa. We have been supported by Nukina sensei to persevere through these difficult times and to develop my karate and our dojo. On Ishikawa sensei’s request as well as by careful choice we are now also together with Sakagami sensei and Peter May sensei who both support us. I am grateful for their guidance. Last year, during the 2012 FEW Championship held in Italy, I was recommended and appointed to General Secretary of FEW for the period to come. This also allowed me to restart wat Ishikawa sensei left behind regarding Wadokai Holland. With the support and effort of Sakagami sensei, Peter May sensei and of course Nukina sensei I got the opportunity to grow technically within Wado and got the opportunity to develop myself as the FEW General Secretary and President and Chief Instructor of Wadokai Holland. With patience and effort, Wadokai Holland should be growing under my guidance that is driven “through passion and soul” as Nukina sensei wrote in the foreword of my book “Wado no Michi”. I hope that my sincere enthusiasm for Wado Karate will help Wadokai Holland to grow and naturally I wish for the same thing to happen within our FEW. I have the energy and enthusiasm to make the development of Wado within Wadokai Holland and FEW one of my priorities in life and as the General Secretary I hope that all FEW members will support me in making this happen. I have a lot of ideas on what we can do with and for FEW, to become more organised and connected, produce interesting products and host great events all with the ultimate goal to make FEW a strong family. As some of you who know me might have guessed, I made this small book with the assistance of Sakagami sensei and Nukina sensei, who are featured in the pictures that I took during Summer Camp 2013 in Holland. FEW members, this book is just the start, let’s take FEW to a higher level together! I wish for all organisers, officials, coaches and players to enjoy the 40th FEW Championship and in case you managed to get your hands on a copy of this book a lot of fun reading and checking out the techniques that are presented in this 1st volume. Best regards, A.J. van Dijk General Secretary of FEW Federation European Wadokai President & Chief Instructor of Wadokai Holland 5 移 動 基 本 IDO KIHON IDO KIHON Gyakuzuki Meaning of gyakuzuki: Gyaku means opposite or reverse. It basically means that in case of a left stance, the right hand is used. In case of a right stance, the left hand is used. Name of the stance: Zenkutsu dachi or Gyakuzuki dachi. Zenkutsu means to bend forward. Because there are several zenkutsu dachi the specific name of this stance is Gyakuzuki dachi. Important points: Move through seichusen and open the body slightly in the process to prepare for gyakuzuki. This is called tame wo tsukuru which basically means to store your power, wait and hold until you release. This could be compared to a bow and arrow where the arrow is pulled back in a large movement. This is the preparation for releasing the arrow, this is tame wo tsukuru. As you release and direct the energy, rotate your hips and throw the fist away. 17 形 KATA KATA Pinan Sandan Twist the body to the left into mami neko ashi dachi. Step up to have heisoku dachi and execute morote uke. Twist body to the right and execute jodan soto uke. Follow with morote uke twice, this is soto uke and gedan barai. 28 Twist to the left in mami neko ashi dachi, follow with nukite in junzuki dachi. Continuously, do mawatte as you push your hip forward instead of leaning with your upper body. Move to the left in shiko dachi as you counter attack with tettsui uchi followed by junzuki. KIHON KUMITE 基 本 組 手 KIHON KUMITE Sanbonme Both take migi hanmi gamae. Ukemi executes tobikomizuki, Torimi executes nagashi jodan soto uke. Ukemi follows with left maegeri, Torimi changes centre line slightly to the left towards the inside of Ukemi’s maegeri as he does irimi. Simultaneously, Torimi attacks with both nakadaka ipponken in the inside of the thigh and to solar plexus. Solar plexus is called suigetsu in Japanese. 40 KIHON KUMITE Sanbonme Ohyo This Ohyo of Kihon Kumite Sanbonme uses the concept of the centre line shift and changes the direction from forward to backwards or perhaps sideward depending on the opponent. As Torimi changes centre line to avoid maegeri, he executes uraken to the inside of the thigh at the same time. Continuously Torimi closes the gap and repeatedly attacks as he applies kuzushi on the left shoulder and inside of the left thigh. 41 TANTO DORI 短 刀 捕 り TANTO DORI Hiki tate dori After taking kamae, Ukemi attacks with tsuki. Torimi moves back into a diagonal and executes uchi uke. Torimi feels that he has to reply immediately with uraken due to the distance before he executes enpi. 48 Torimi controls Ukemi by pulling (hiki) with his right arm while extending his left arm applying pressure from below the chin as he stands up (tate) and finalises with and arm lock. Other related products recommended by FEW WADO NO MICHI A.J. van Dijk 512 A4 page Wado Karate Book 50+ technical articles, 70+ Kihon and applications 10 Ido Kihon, 15 Kata & Kaisetsu & 64 Kumite all provided with in depth explanations N. Nukina sensei on the author and this book: “Since my first meeting with him, he has evolved into a karateka with techniques and knowledge that few in Europe possess. Even though your karate practice may not reach completion within your lifetime, this book will without doubt enlighten the way to improve your karate.” BUDO KARATE Masahiro Yanagawa 160 pages containing in depth explanations on the Budo Karate of Yanagawa sensei. K. Sakagami sensei on Yanagawa sensei: “One thing I have learned, as long as you train with Yanagawa sensei concepts of Budo Karate, you do not loose your effectiveness. In otherwords your striking and kicking power does not diminish (with age) in fact it improves. When this happens it revitalizes your dream, your aims and your goals.” WADOKAI DVD K. Sakagami These 3 DVDs cover all there is to know for you on Wadokai Karate. Sakagami sensei explaines the movements and the principles behind the movements. It is as if attaining one of his interesting seminars. Please visit FEWkarate.com or ask your sensei or governing body where to order these quality products! 53 Finally I hope you have enjoyed this special edition made to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the FEW European Wadokai Championship, held in Portugal 2013. Please use this special edition as a reference to improve your knowlegde on the art of Wadoryu Karate and to motivate yourself to gain more progress through practise. I would like to thank all listed below for their efforts that made this production possible. Teachings, advisory and contribution • N. Ishikawa sensei † • K. Sakagami sensei • P. May sensei • N. Nukina sensei Written content, editing and layout • A.J. van Dijk Publisher • PrintSupport4U - www.printsupport4u.nl Special thanks to the loyal members of Ishikawa Dojo & Wadokai Holland. Best regards, A.J. van Dijk General Secretary of FEW Federation European Wadokai President & Chief Instructor of Wadokai Holland FEW FEDERATION EUROPEAN WADOKAI SPECIAL EDITION VOL. 1 “40TH ANNIVERSARY FEW EUROPEAN WADOKAI CHAMPIONSHIP” WWW.FEWKARATE.COM INFO@FEWKARATE.COM