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here - Pickups Limited – Orange County Chapter
Orange County Chapter
The Official Publication of Orange County Pickups Limited
November - December 2007
Cruisin for a Cure...
Saturday, September 22
by Chris Travers
Outside of an event like our own
F-100 Western Nationals, there are
few other events that carry the importance that the Cruisn’ for a Cure.
Besides the fact that this is the #1
one day event anywhere and that
their cause is totally worth while and
valid, it’s plain and simple the best.
Where else can we have our own
reserved parking within a sea of
almost 3,000 vehicles?
This year we actually began our involvement with the event the
Thursday before at the stuffing party.
What a party it was. Debi
Baker hosted the work party
like always at her home.
Besides lots of work, we met
a great bunch of hard working people and has a car
show to boot!
With the work finished, it was
time to think show and shine.
But would the weather be
continued page 4
with us?
9th Annual Cruisin’ For A Cure - The World’s Largest Single Day Car Show!
SHOW INFO: Date: Sat. Sept 27, 2008 - Location: O.C. Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa CA
Debbie Baker (949) 752-5115 Ext 10 -
The Pres Says...important stuff
I was asked by the editor for some information on Pickups Limited’s National Council so here goes. Way back 39
years ago Pickups Limited was one Chapter; Orange County. News of all the fun we were having spread quickly
which fed the growth of the Club to a total of seven Chapters. The first Chapter to form was San Diego then
quickly the other Chapters started, all being governed by one Constitution. Because of the distance from each
other it was decided to form a Council of Chapters called the National Council to meet once every other month to
facilitate this growing Club. The name National Council came about (as I remember it) when Lee Hill and others
had visions of Pickups Limited having Chapters throughout the United States. That has not happened yet but that’s not to say it can’t
considering the growth we have had over the past two years.
The first meetings were held by-monthly (but now meet 4 times a year) and mostly reported on upcoming Club and Chapter events and to
approve Chapter by-laws with each Chapter having their own. Back in those days, most by-laws were about the same as they are today.
Each Chapter can do just about what they want as long as it does not infringe on the Club Constitution.
As time went by, other things were included into the scope of the Council like the need for liability insurance, nonprofit status, The North
South Run, a News Letter etc. It was a place to air out grievance and to promote the Club. The reason for National Council dues is to
pay for the insurance and in the past to produce a News Letter. You can imagine the fun a newsletter was pre-computer. Because of
communication obstacles of getting the articles to the editor on time (things never change) and the cost of mailing, the News Letter it
fell by the wayside. The dues are also used to purchase Club plaques and presentation plaques, 10, 20, 30 and 35 year. Each Chapter
is charged for the plaques they use. The North South Run is now run by committee with most of the profit going to charity with National
Council funding used for start up money each year.
The National Council is currently working on changes to the Constitution and a new design for the plaque. These purposed changes are:
a. Name…
b. Purpose…Paragraph 2………………To encourage popular acceptance of the 1953-56 1/2 ton pick-up and panel trucks
as unusual and classic motor vehicles (EXCLUDING ALL OTHER STYLES OF 1953-56 F-100 TRUCKS,
a. Name…
b. Purpose…Paragraph 2………………To encourage popular acceptance of the1953 to 1956 1/2 ton pick-up and panel
trucks as unusual and classic motor vehicles(Including 1948 F-1 through 1966 F-100, Step sides, Long (8’), Short (6’)
Beds, and Flat Beds). Each Chapter may exclude any year or model 1948 F-1 through 1966 F-100, Step sides,
Long (8’), Short (6’) Beds, and Flat Beds) except 1953 to 1956 1/2 ton pick-up and panel trucks.
12. …Council Shall
f.Have the responsibility to adopt forms of insignia, publications and any other device which is representative of
the CLUB, subject to approval by two-thirds (2/3) of the club membership.
f.Have the responsibility to adopt forms of insignia, publication and any other device which is representative of
the CLUB, subject to approval by two thirds (2/3) of the Club. Each Chapter may choose to adapt a Jacket
and T-Shirt unique to their chapter as an alternative to a standardized club Jacket and T-Shirt on approval of
National Council.
4. Meetings
a. Regular meetings shall occur at least twice a month. If either of these meetings falls on a holiday,
the Secretary must notify the general membership at the previous meeting.
a. Regular meeting may occur at least once per month. If meeting falls on a holiday, the Secretary
must notify the general membership at the previous meeting.
There are several more proposed changes but the ones above are the big ones. I hope this answers some of the questions many of you
have had about the National Council and helps you to understand the process. National Council is an important part of this Club. If there
is anything else that you want to know, just ask and I will do my best to get the answers. Keep on trucking, Jeff
It’s Your Club!
Its election time for all chapters, and I wanted to talk about
stepping up and getting involved. I’ve been VP of the OC
Chapter for 2 years now. By the time you read this I might be on
my 3rd. But if I am not, I will not just set back on cruise control.
I will stay involved with my club. There are many ways to be
active and help your chapter grow.
One of the best ways is to get out there with your trucks and
meet people at the shows and cruise nights. The first year
I joined the club I met many truckers and invite them to a
meeting. Some are members today others are good friends who
hang with the club at events.
Another other way is to help with things you might not normally
get involved with. Last year I was the 2007 Chairman for the F-100 Western Nationals and
learned a ton. The event was a success not because of me but because of the men and women
who did step up to the plate.
During your next meeting if something is needed or a position is open take that chance and raise
your hand or accept that position, you will learn something new and help your chapter grow in
See ya!
• John Force Cruise Night
• PUL Xmas party
• John Force Holiday Car Show
Orange County Pickups Limited - a chapter of Pickups Limited of So. California
PRESIDENT- Jeff Hornsby -
SECRETARY- Larry Lopez -
SGT. AT ARMS - Ron Jacobs -
WEBMASTER- Dale Beverley -
Orange County Chapter
Copyright ©2007
Pickups Limited Orange
County Chapter. All Rights
Reserved. Nothing whole or
in part may be used,
republished or copied
without the written consent
of Pickups Limited Orange
County Chapter.
Cruisin for a Cure.- from page 1
Even with the car numbers at 1/2 and
spectators at 1/2, we still had over 2,000
The answer to that question
cars, trucks, etc., and gave the Jonsson
would be a big fat NO! ImagCancer Center over $100K, tested 962
ine, with our area suffering
men, 9% of them (90 guys PLUS 13 had
from the worst drought in
suspicious DRE’s), so we saved another
100+++ men with our FREE prostate canmemory (and as I write this
up in flames too) we decide to cer screenings!!!! Despite the rain, people
have a storm in early Septem- would come up to me and say “my car has
never been in the rain, or has not been in
the rain for 25 years, and yet, because of
you and your cause, we are here!!!” so that
There were EZ-Ups that were tells it all, We are getting our message out
destroyed and cars that need- that Cruisin’ For A Cure is about saving
ed to be dried off that had
lives, About 150 volunteers that help the
day before the show and the day of the
not seen water in years, but
show, It was great waiting for the 1902
guess what? It was still fun.
firesteamer and the horses to officially start
the show (after 2 hours of rain), Everyone
We were joined by a group
waits for the “official opening ceremonies
from San Diego as well as
and singing of the national anthem by
our buddy Bill DeGaine and
Casey Simpson” to officially start cruisin’.
any other F-100 folks we
Even with the off and on rain for the first
could round up. Jeff Hornsby few hours of the morning, the day turned
out beautiful, even though it has NOT
arranged for a great lunch
rained on that date for 31 years!!!!! I was
complete with cookies (my
favorite) for everybody. So we a wreck, but everyone seemed to have a
great time.
all huddled under the tents,
Many of our 270 vendors are used to travcruised when we could and
eling the country so they were all prepared
fed each other some of the
for the rain and it did not bother them in the
biggest lines of BS that you
least. A special thank you to Meguiar’s,
could imagine...all day long.
AAA of Southern California, NADAGuides.
I love this club!
com, Downs, Firestone, Magnaflow and
more than 260 more vendors for all of their
help and support of our event. We look forward to a dry and better year next year on
9/27/08 at the O.C. Fairgrounds in Costa
Jerry Fialowski who goes by “Ski” was the
proud winner of the 32 Downs Dearborn
Deuce. Jerry only bought a few tickets
because he just lost his best friend to prostate cancer, so this car will stay in his family
forever and
have an extra special
‘Cruisin’ For A Cure™’... About The Show
Cruisin’ For A Cure is the world’s largest one day charity custom/
classic auto show with over 3400 vehicles on display, over 200
vendors and exhibitors, and a mile and 1/2 cruise route.
Cruisin’ For A Cure is a registered non-profit California organization. All of the individuals that organize the show, handle show
day logistics, and generally help make this event a success, are
doing this voluntarily in addition to their “day jobs”. Unlike many
other automotive fundraising events, none of the money goes to
a car club, promoter, or ”administrative overhead”…. There are
Thus, you can be assured that your donation goes directly to
prostate cancer research. That is why we have all participants
make their entry check out to the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center.
We simply log in the vehicle information for the show and forward
the check to the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center.
Prostate Cancer will strike over 189,000 men this year alone. Of
these men, over 31,000 will die. That’s one man every 12½ minutes! Husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers… many cases it
could have been prevented with regular precautionary checkups.
We men tend to figure, “it won’t happen to me” or, “ well, I’m busy
now, but I’ll check into it later.” Later could be too late. After all,
don’t we regularly do tune ups and other precautionary work on
our cars in the hope of preventing major repairs later? Your body
deserves no less. And the truth is, the testing is painless, not embarrassing, and could save your life. Just ask any of the guys you
will see at the show wearing the blue “Survivors” shirts. They will
tell it to you straight.
Please take the free PSA test at the show!
A simple PSA test, while not the complete answer, will indicate if
there is the possibility of a problem. While you are at the Cruise,
please visit the large medical motor coach and take advantage of
this free test. It is a simple, painless blood test.
This year, over 900 men were tested at the Cruise. Of these,
52 were discovered to have a high count and instructed to see
their doctor for further testing. Over the past several years, upon
further testing, 14 men were found to have the disease, sent to
the hospital, and received the medical attention that saved their
Now you know why we do this show!
Ross Kroenert
V.P., Cruisin’ For A Cure
Hornsby Receives
Hiram Award...
by Ed Oe
On October
2, 2007 our
own Jeffery
received the
Hiram Award,
which is one
of the highest
honors you
can achieve as a Freemason.
There were many of Jeff’s OC PUL buddies in attendance. Most of us spend most of our time after club
meetings talking trucks and don’t get too involved with
other matters outside of truck stuff. I’ve only known
Jeff now for 2.5 years and never really talked much
about this side of his life. I found this to be very interesting and could see the pride on Jeff’s face when he
was given this award for his good deeds.
Congratulations Jeff!! From all your buddies at PUL.
*Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that arose from
obscure origins (theorized to be anywhere from the time of
the building of King Solomon’s Temple to the mid-1600s).
Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world,
and has millions of members. The various forms all share
moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases,
a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.
For many years, Freemasons have followed these Three
Great Principles:
• Brotherly Love - Every true Freemason will show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and behave with
kindness and understanding to his fellow creatures.
• Relief - Freemasons are taught to practice charity, and to
care, not only for their own, but also for the community as
a whole, both by charitable giving, and by voluntary efforts
and works as individuals.
• Truth - Freemasons strive for truth, requiring high moral
standards and aiming to achieve them in their own lives.
Freemasons believe that these principles represent a way
of achieving higher standards in life.
*From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
18th Annual Belmont Shore Show...
Long Beach, CA - Sunday September 9th ... by Chris Travers
Why would anybody want to get out of a perfectly good bed
at O’Dark-30 on a summer Sunday? How about to go to a car
show...but not just any show. This would be the Famous Belmont Shore car show brought to you by the Bay City Rodders.
This show not only has another of our “to die for” street downtown settings, it is just a few blocks from the ocean in Long
With over 700 vehicles to
load in, you need to get started early and with a group like
Pickups Limited that wants
to part together, that means
real early. Donna, Marian,
and Karen were great sports
by showing up with their main
squeeze guys Ron, Gene and
Ron while Dusty, Ed, Jeff,
Don and me went stag with
our ladies staying home for
their beauty sleep.
After the sun finally rose, we
began to wipe off the damp
ocean air with Don bringing
out his battery powered duster for the final touches on his
ride. This show is more than
a show and shine with tons of
special interest rides including a Foster Farms Plymouth
Belvedere complete with the
two chickens and all of their
junk food, which began to
look good after a while. The
Rat Rod lovers had plenty
to see too including a 30’s
something whatchamacallit
complete with plenty of custom touches and rust.
Bottom line as always was
a great time with great cars
at a great place topped off
by great people. Can you tell
that I had a good time?
Blue Ridge F-100 Fun Run & Picnic...
by Steve & Autumn Neiheisel
Pat Ford & Don Jacks teamed up again after 27 years to host the Blue Ridge F-100 Fun Run & Picnic. It
was held the weekend of Sept 29th. The host hotel was the Brookwood Inn in Statesville Virginia, which
reminded us of Elk City Days Inn (all that went on ‘06 Super Tour will remember that!!) but it was close to
Pat’s house and the owners/managers were super nice. Pat’s old friend, truck builder Wayne Dean and
his son Squire were there too. It was real nice to see all of them again along with Tim Lincoln and his
family from Florida after the good time we had with them in
California at the Western Nationals. We sure missed seeing Pee Wee as he wasn’t able to make it this
It all started Friday afternoon with a cookout at Pat & Jan’s
house for the early arrivals. As you can see in the pictures he’s
spent a lot of time recreating an old country store and garage
out back, with a Fifty’s Diner in the basement of his house. This
was really something to see! Good food and lots of BS. It was
good to have time to actually get to know people you’ve seen
at the Super Nationals for years but never had the chance to
talk to.
We all met at Brookwood Inn Saturday morning. The police
stopped traffic as we rolled out of the parking lot so we all had
an easy time getting on route 77. There was a good turnout
of about 40 trucks - from Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. We had Charlotte traffic
backed up for as far as you could see and Pat did a really good job of leading. He kept it slow so all
could stay together. We then headed north on route 77 for about 60 miles to the
Virginia Welcome Center for a pit stop and then off to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It
was beautiful. We always thought the Smoky Mountains were something but the
Parkway might have them beat. Squire was in charge of going ahead to put up
bright F-100 sign at all turns, just in case some us couldn’t follow Pat’s directions!
Everyone brought picnic lunches for our stop at the Cumberland Knob picnic area.
We had about 1-1/2 hrs to eat & BS, and then everybody headed back out on the
Parkway. Pictures don’t begin to show it but what a sight to look back and see all
those old trucks in a line! We headed back to route 77 and Statesville on what Pat
said was old moonshine running roads. It was a 200 mile round trip altogether. All
of us that weren’t leaving till Sunday went back to Pat & Jan’s for pizza and more
bench racing.
Thanks to them for lots of “Southern Hospitality”. You couldn’t have asked for a better weekend with perfect weather and great people! We are looking forward to next
year’s event as it sounds like they’ll be doing it again. If any of you could make it
would really be worth it!!
Just Ducky Car Show...
Sunday, October 7, 2007
by Ed Oe
The day started out with Rich, Jeff and I meeting at Denny’s on
the 55 Freeway at Lincoln. Then we headed to meet up with Dan
and Ron near the Sand Canyon exit off I-5 and off to the show.
On our travels had a few mishaps of a mechanical nature but
nothing was too big to handle and we were quickly on our way.
Once at the show the, OC Chapter was greeted with open arms
and given top parking spots. Trucks were quickly parked and
hoods titled in show position. Territories were marked off and
chairs were placed. There was a good selection of Hot Rods with
plenty of awards with some nice sponsors. Coffee and donuts
were in order as we roamed the show grounds taking in the
The wind kicked up a bit and easy ups were taken
down before any damage occurred. The Pickups
Limited crew headed into the water park for a
bite to eat with lunch proved by In-N-Out and other
food vendors. Rich and Dan took home awards
and all had a good time. We considered ducking
into the V.I.D. (Very Important Duck) Reception
in the private African Queen section of the park.
That’s where they had some great entertainment
plus fabulous food served by some of Orange
County’s finest restaurants, but In-N-Out was just too hard to
pass up.
The car show held in conjunction with Children’s Bureau’s
signature special event, the Mighty Rubber Ducky Derby, a fun,
family-oriented event. More than 200 classic cars gathered in
the parking lot at Wild Rivers Water Park in Irvine. More than
4,000 Mighty Rubber Ducky Derby participants
had a chance to view these beautiful automobiles.
Each car show participant received one
complimentary duck in the race and free entry
to the water park on race day. Additional ducks/
admissions were available for $10 per person.
For more information check out their web site
Editors Ramblings...
by Chris Travers
Winter is officially upon us and what are we going
to do with all of the down time that colder, damp
weather and shorter daylight hours bring? Most of
us will probably work on that long list we have in
the glove box. You know what I mean don’t you? I
know the Spray Can is planning to finish his air conditioning. Maybe he can get a few pointers from my
buddy’s custom installation on his Lincoln! For me my
list seems to keep on growing. The more I drive this
truck, the more I want to do to it or in some cases
NEED to do to it. Check this one out…
Many of us have some type of suspension upgrade.
It may be a Volare` or Camero clip, a Mustang II Mod,
Jaguar or Dakota cross member. Heck there are guys
like Rich who have modified the stock style of front
ends. Whatever we have just remember that you have modified a truck that is 50+ years old and you
need to check on it from time to time. Case in point is the front end on Bam Bam, my ’56. This Dakota
cross member has worked quite well for me for over 35,000 miles. A few weeks ago I was at BOBCO
working on a new sway bar and mount when Mikey said to me “it looks like you have some crack
in this cross member”. Holy crap I said as I walked underneath to check it out. Sure enough, 2 cracks
developed that were not pretty to look at. The cracks were stabilized and the truck is on the road,
but you can sure bet that some fabrication and
reinforcement plates will be added.
The point is to take this time and check deeper
into what makes your big boy toy work. Get
it up on a lift if you can and carefully inspect
welds, bolts, rivets and whatever else you can
see with a wire brush to scrape away any
paint scales and rust and a good flashlight. The
paint can be touched up and unless you have
a “show quality chassis” nobody except Rudy
will see it anyway! It sure beats a trip home on
the back of a flatbed.
Keep in touch....Chris
This long time club member is one of the handiest guys in
the club. Here you can see
him “several years ago”
taking training laps around
the Rose Bowl for the
Human Powered Vehicle
race at Ontario Motor Speedway. Give up?
Check out page 13 for the answer.
By Dan the Music Man
Sunday, September 9th at 6:30 am, Gib,
Marsha and Cathy and I are on our way
to what turned out to be one of the best
‘cruises’ ever. Certainly it was the best
local cruise that I had taken, and that’s
saying a lot. Like most folks I can find
fault in most things (its human nature to
look for the bad instead of enjoying what
we have) but that was not the case here.
Maybe it was the shining sun, the perfect
temperature, the cool ocean breeze,
the beautiful beaches or the admiring
faces of fellow rodders and town’s folk
as we leisurely cruised their main streets
enjoying the scenery and historical stops
along the way. Whatever the reason
this was one cruise that I wish all P.U.L.
members could have enjoyed with us.
It all started with a short trip down the 405
to Oceanside. From there we traveled
down Highway 101 towards the beach
and the Historic 101 Café for some early
morning eats and a cup of Joe. The 101
Café was established in 1928 as a twenty
seat diner, (just a U shaped counter with a
pin up gal waitress behind it). The building
has been expanded over the years but not
so much that its character was changed.
Upon arriving at the Diner we found the
parking lot loaded with folks displaying
some very special and unique rods and
A pit stop was in order before we could
head out for more cruising, so with a short
walk across the parking lot to the outside
of the adjacent building (not quite an
out house but close) we found the door
locked with a sign telling us to get the key
from the waitress. So it’s back to see the
Vargas, pin up model, waitress, to ask for
‘the’ key! She responded by handing us a
washer. That’s right a washer (hole and all)
was all we needed to open the magic gate
to the porcelain god and by now much
needed pressure relief.
We knew that next on our agenda was the
Oceanside pier for pictures of the west
coast’s longest wooden pier at nineteen
hundred and sixty feet. That was part of
the charm offered by this cruise, because
there were no rules. Cruise to where
the spirit moves you, and for as long
as you like, just end up at the Del Mar
Fairgrounds for registration, pictures and
awards at the end of the day. Most folks
did just that, they cruised most of the day,
and I’ve got to tell you, the town’s folk
along the way got one hell of a treat as
did we flying low down the highway and
under the Encinitas town sign that spans
the highway. The original Encinitas sign
spanned the highway from 1928 to 1937
with the current sign being erected 2000.
Downtown Encinitas harkens back to the
quiet, unspoiled, un-crowded beach towns
that existed prior to World War II.
From Oceanside it was on to more Kodak
moments at Carlsbad State Beach, and
past Grand View Beach, Beacon’s Beach,
Moonlight State Beach, and Swami’s
Beach, all the while enjoying picturesque
marsh lands and estuaries. Cardiff by the
Sea and Cardiff Reef, located alongside
Historic Highway 101 at the mouth of the
San Elijo Lagoon is a stop to put on your
itinerary. Fletcher Cove Beach so named
because Colonel Ed Fletcher purchased
140 acres in 1922, which included the
cliffs and coast, but what God did not
provide Colonel Fletcher did. He created
Fletcher’s Cove in 1924 to provide a manmade ocean view. Using hydraulic water
pressure he created an entrance to the
beach, the task took three months but
was successful. Colonel Fletcher went on
to build the Bank of Solana Beach, which
later became the Bank of America. These
are just some of the sites we saw on our
trip down south and if you take your time
and plan your trip then stops such as
Oceanside harbor with it’s light house and
quaint village as well as Carlsbad Village,
Del Mar Beach and Torrey Pines are a
must for their beauty and historical value.
We arrived at the Del Mar Fairgrounds
to find people eager to register, get their
pictures taken with their cars and go
cruising again. Even the great expanse
of the fairgrounds parking lot’s foreboding
asphalt stayed remarkably cool all day.
We enjoyed a cool ocean breeze while
bench racing and reminiscing with fellow
cruisers under our pop-up canopy. Musical
oldie filled the air and unlike most shows
where the cars are parked and there they
sit, we were treated to an ongoing show
as the cars and trucks rolled in and out
of the fairgrounds on their way to again
cruise Highway 101. Trophies were given
in ten categories that included the ‘Cruiser
Gidget would choose’ and the ‘Cruiser Dick
Dale would play in’. Prize monies included
five $100 prizes and one $500 dollar grand
prize awarded by entrant registration
number, no raffle tickets to buy!! $500
dollars also went to the club with the most
Perhaps next year we can P.U.L. together
down the coast and all take pleasure in
what was for us a thoroughly enjoyable
outing, seeing new vistas, and making
new acquaintances while enjoying our
trucks and just plain relaxing in beautiful
Until that time...Dan
What’s Going On...
Official club events in bold print
4 - Buena Park - Tyler Pinchot Memorial Cop Shop Show - 8039 Beach Blvd. - 7AM - 3PM INFO: / / (714) 562-3942
8 - CLUB MEETING – 7:30pm check for information
11 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
25 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
2 - John Force Holiday Car Show - 10am-4pm RAIN OR SHINE - $40 before 11/10, $45 after 11/10 all pre-registered will receive a t-shirt and FREE 0-N-Out Burger Lunch - Jeff has arranged
special parking for the club - We will leave Tom’s place 4477 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA
92807-1803 (714) 779-1677 (corner of La Palma & Lakeview 7:30am to drive in together for
parking - SPECTATOR ADMISSION, Bring a new $10 unwrapped toy for the toy drive INFO: or call (714) 921-1651 - John Force Racing,
22722 Old Canal Road, Yorba Linda, CA 92887
2 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
8 - Annual Chapter Christmas Dinner - Social Hour starts at 6:00pm - Dinner at 7:00pm
GIFT EXCHANGE...bring a wraped $20 gift for each person attending - Northwoods Inn, 14305 Firestone Blvd. La Mirada, CA 90638 - INFO: Tom Chodak (714) 871-0395
9 - Long Beach High Performance Swap Meet @Veteran’s Stadium - (800) 762-9785
16 - 8th Annual CHOC cruise - Meet at Edison field (orangewood entrance) at 10:00am then begin the
caravan to CHOC hospital at 12:00pm where we drop off unwrapped gifts for the boys and girls
Those children who are able to come out and enjoy watching the custom vehicles roll through. Last
year there were an estimated 450 vehicles in the caravan that lasted over an hour and half - THIS IS
13 - Pomona Swap Meet – (714) 538-7091
26 - OH CANADA - A tour of typical SoCal Saturday events with a group of friends from north
of the border lead by Gary Pratt. Stops will include Donut Derrelicts, The Truck Shop,
CW Moss, Reid’s Rod Shop, Boyd’s, and Farmer Boys cruise night in Brea - WE NEED A
25-27 Pomona - Grand National Roadster Show - Fairplex - INFO:
16 - Annual Dr. George Car Show - Palm Springs Cruisin Association - $25 before January 18th
INFO: Tim & Kathy Smart (760) 360-9798 - (760) 485-4169 -
MARCH 2008
8-9 - 2nd Annual Goodguys Orange County Get Together - Orange County Fair Grounds
APRIL 2008
20 - 14th Annual Orange Plaza Car Show - 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Benefiting the YMCA of Orange
Show is limited to the 425 pre-1975 Street Rods, Custom and Classic vehicles so register
early - FANTASTIC VENUE around the traffic circle/plaza area of Old Town Orange INFO:
26 - Annual Seal Beach Car Show - Date to be confirmed
27 - Edelbrock presents the 3rd annual Rev’ved up for Kidz charity car show
INFO: Debbie Baker 949-752-5115 x10 or email or visit
MAY 2008
2-4 - RT 66 Fun Run from Seligman - Kingman - Topock AZ - 900 vehicles INFO: (the info on web site may be from ‘07) PH: 928-753-5001
JUNE 2008
7 - Fender Center Rock’n for Kids - INFO: or (951) 735-2440
??? Annual Fords ‘n Friends Picnic - Ramona, CA - Sponsored by PUL San Diego Chapter
21 - 26th Annual F-100 Western Nationals - INFO
JULY 2008
20 - Cruise to the Peterson Museum - a tour through some “unique area of Los Angeles
and Hollywood with some rather interesting stops on the way - our trucks will be
part of the museum display for the day with special prefered parking on the upper level - INFO: Chris Travers -
???? - 3rd Annual Beach’n 101 Cruise - Del Mar to Oceanside Date to be confirmed but is probably the 14th
14-21 - Super Tour 6 - Well guy’s and gal’s we are already getting things in gear for next years trip. As we were telling you this
year we are thinking about going to Oregon…we’ll it’s on! The date for the 2008 trip is Sept.14-21. Our first night will be in
Bend, Oregon and we will be having a BBQ at Alflafa which is Glenn Green’s Business. We will be heading Monday to Crater
Lake then on to the coast. The first and second days are all that is planned right now but I will fill everyone in as things get
lined up. Saturday the 20th we will be going to the Flywheels car show in Macleay, Oregon which is just outside of Salem.
I hope that everyone will enjoy this trip as much as the ‘07 Super Tour 5. The only thing that we need to address as a group is
that Wes, Bob, and Glenn have asked if members of their car club can go on the tour with us driving vehicles other than Ford
Pickups. I feel it would be great to get more vehicles on the tour with us, so let me hear from you about this. Are you ready for
08? INFO: Bill Lee (951) 833-5416
27 - 9th Annual Cruisin for a Cure - INFO or (949) 752-5115 ext. 10
1st Sunday of each month - Legends - 1155 East Route 66, Glendora - 4:00pm to 7:00pm - Info: (951) 681-4605
1st & Last Sunday of each month - Million Dollar Breakfast Cruise - 7-11am - Enderle Center in Tustin - 55fry & 17th St. at Yorba - Info: John @ (949) 300-8329
1st Wednesday of each month beginning in April – Twilight Cruise Night - NHRA Museum 1101 W. McKinley Ave. - 4:00pm - 8:00pm - Info: 909-622-2133
Every Monday - Santa Ana - Hor Rod Review @Knowlwood Restaurant - 5:30pm - 8:30pm - 2107 E. 17th St. Santa Ana
Every Tuesday - Fuddruckers - Lake Forrest
Every Wednesday - Downey - Frisco’s Drive-In - Chariot’s Car Club - 5:00pm - 8:30pm (begins in March) Info: 562-254-9130
Every Thursday - Fullerton - Giovanni’s Pizza - Imperial Hwy. & Harbor - 4:30-7:30pm. - Info: 714-773-4044
Every Friday - Garden Grove - 12891 Historic Main Street - 4 - 8:30pm. - 714-394-1370 - $3.00 entry fee
Every Friday - Burbank - Bob’s Big Boy - (818) 843-9334
Every Friday - Ricky & Ronnie’s - 5:00pm - 11:00pm - 1301 W. Sepulveda Bl. Torrance (310) 326-1213
Every Friday - Redondo Beach Marina @ Ruby’s - 310-318-9506 x701 or
Every Saturday - Huntington Beach - Donut Derelicts, Magnolia & Adams in front of Adams Avenue Donuts - 6:00am - 8:30am (714) 963-2928
Every Saturday - Ford Design Center in Irvine 5 Freeway north of the “Y” - 7:00 - 9:30am -
Every Saturday - Caffine Cruisers - SE corner of Artesia & Hawthorne in Torrance - 7:00-10:00am -
Every Saturday - El Monte Airport / Ana’s Kitchen, Lambert Entrance - 626-285-7889
Sunday - Original Mike’s Dream Car Review - Nov. 11 & 25, Dec. 9 & 23 (TWICE A MONTH-DATES CHANGE)
11am-3pm - 100 South Main St. Sata Ana - CALL TO CHECK DATE! - INFO: (714) 550-7764
Every LAST Saturday - John Force Race Station - 4-8pm - 22722 Old Canal Rd., Yorba Linda, CA 92887 - (714) 921-1651 -
2nd Saturday of each month - Open House at Boyd Coddington’s - 811 East Lambert Rd. - 9am – Noon
3rd Sunday of each month - Morning cruise at Hero’s - Fullerton
For a comprehensive listing of events in Southern California and elsewhere, log on to these great web sites: ○ ○
It’s Dusty!
Who would have thought
that such a contraption was in his
past. Check out the training wheels
that are in place for his “landing”.
There must be a story behind this one.
Send along any other old photos with a story that you may
have especialy if they are of someone else...I’ll use them!
2008 Charity Car Show
Sunday April 27th
Benefiting the Center For Learning Unlimited
Open to all Street Rods, Muscle & Classic Cars, Corvettes, Trucks,
Specialty Vehicles, PT Cruisers and Motorcycles
$40 Entry fee made payable to: The Center For Learning Unlimited • Day of Show Registration will be $45
100% of the contributions will go to charity
For More Information Call: Debbie Baker 949-752-5115 x10
or email or visit
detach form here
E-mail address:
Participant Entry $40 check payable to:
The Center For Learning Unlimited
Mail to: Debbie Baker
20151 S.W. Birch #200
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Car/Truck/Specialty Vehicle/Motorcycle (circle one)
EVENT T-SHIRT Pre-Order Form - $15 each
Event T-Shirt NOT included in registration fee.
Club Affiliation:
The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Rev’ved Up 4-Kidz volunteers, or employees from The
Center for Learning Unlimited and Edelbrock Corporation, and their officers, agents, servants, directors,
employees, or volunteers, and against all liability of loss or damages that the participant and/or family, relatives,
or guests may sustain or incur as a result of claims, costs, or judgements arising from the participants
involvements in the Rev’ved Up 4-Kidz Annual Charity Car Show. Participant (s) acknowledge he/she/they have
liability insurance as required by the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles-CVC 16020 section (a-d).
Please make check for T-shirt payable to:
The Center For Learning Unlimited and
mail to the above address.
Big Foot Speaks
by Rudy Weber, Safety Coordinator
Bigfoot’s garage is opened to help club members fix their
trucks up to pass the Safety Inspection and work on other
problems, electrical, water leaks, door seals, door
alignment, etc, at no charge call for appointments.
Radiator Information: After our last meeting I talked to
the technical department at US Radiator and was told
they test all radiators at 20 lbs. They also said that a 7lb.
or 13 lb. cap will work just fine. Sway Bar: I just installed a Classic Performance Products rear stock suspension sway bar and new
Doetsch shocks on my ’56. The kit comes with everything needed. Work to be done, all the brake lines
on the axle and the spring clamps must be relocated, also the spring bumpers have to be replaced
with shorter ones. Aside from that the sway bars really work! I now have a ‘56 that drives like a sports
PS. after our road trip to Santa Maria I had to replace my steering gear box because
of a broken flange.
Spray Can Alley.....
By Larry Lopez
Hi everyone! Hope you have had fun at all the local events. There have been many this summer. If you
made it out to Cruisin’ for a Cure, you got to witness people that didn’t let a little rain stop them from
having fun. A few of the guys even took advantage of the free prostate screening. Its funny one of the
thing that I noticed this year was the amount of guys talking about taking the finger, years ago no one
would ever admit to this type of examination. It’s good to see that people are comfortable enough to
speak so openly about an important subject.
Well in case you haven’t noticed, the holidays are here, Halloween, Thanksgiving, then everyone’s
favorite Christmas! Were does the time go? I had high hopes that I would have my truck painted by
now. It seems that a number of things have come up that have prevented me from painting it. I think
I’m going to convert it into a rat rod truck? Fortunately I don’t have any major dents so if I get a coat
of hot rod black on it, it might actually look good. Every time I look at Steve’s truck, I say to myself,
my truck would look good that color. After all that, then I can finish install all the AC stuff. I hope it all
For some of you who know, I also have a 65 Galaxy. I need to get the ball rolling on that too. I have too
many projects at the moment, I have to find more time or move on to more realistic project.
As far as club things go, it hasn’t been as bad as one would think, being the club secretary. The
hardest thing is making sense of the notes I took during meeting. As you know, Jeff has way of doing
his own thing. Following directions isn’t one of them. Thanks to the help of Dale, all the club minutes
have been stored away for future reference if needed. Club elections are will be coming up soon and
with all the new members, hopefully someone else might want to take shot at the position. I wish
everyone a safe and sane holiday season.
Rods Forever...September 29 Monrovia CA
by Chris Travers
The nice thing about going to different shows is the range of new
and totally cool cars we see. This show in Monrovia did not disappoint me when it came to the new and novel. Besides the fact
that we had about 18 trucks from Pickups Limited (OC & SG Chapters), there were a ton of vehicles that I had never seen. From a
old Ford tractor to some of the nicest “over the top” low riders I
have ever seen. The Old Town area here in Monrovia was one of
those places that gave you a out of the past experience. So much
so that Disney was even filming a movie using the area as their
set complete with snow! There were plenty of great places to eat much so that I think I’ll go back just for the food!
Donuts in the Rain
What do you do on a early Saturday morning in late September? Go to the Donut Shop?
Perhaps but what if it’s raining? It never rains in California, just ask the weather man. Well
it did on this day but believe it or not, there were at least 50 people out for their morning fix,
most of whom you would probably recognize. What was my excuse? Well my buddy Jim
was down from Seattle and DROVE his ‘32 sedan along with Ron from the LA Roadsters
club. Many of you also know my friend Bob who brought out his Mini Traveler Wagon. Me,
I was weak and brought my daily driver, but there was one F-100 was there!
Did You See This?
Photos by Dan Cangro & Ron Jacobs
“P.U.L. members are invited to Original Mike’s car show this Sunday, Oct.
14th. There is no entry fee for this event. You will be entertained with live
music while sitting in the patio under the shade of the swaying palms. The
inside of the building has cars, bars, saddles and nostalgia galore, so
come on down to Mike’s (the ladies just love it there) at the corner of Main
& 1st in Santa Ana. The show starts at 11:00am & officially ends at 3:00pm.
We will try to park together so try to be there around 10:00am.”
The above was entered on our club internet site, inviting
all members to come and enjoy each others company
and of course the atmosphere and ambiance that Original
Mike’s has to offer. I think it’s safe to say that all of us
that were able to make it, the guys and the gals had a
great time. Whereas the guys enjoyed the bench racing
and checking out other guys rides and gadgets, I think
I’m safe in saying the ladies (Marsha, Randi, Donna,
Andrea and Cathy) for their part have their own style of
bench racing which surely includes a healthy dose of who
done what, when and which husband got caught doing it
wrong. (LOL)
I know Jeff, Bill, Rich, Gib, Ron and I had a few rousing
conversations about how to do this and that. There was
the occasional guffaw about where one guy hung an oil
cooler or how another did his interior but, I think it was
the girls that had the most fun and that too is all part of
having a great day. At times we got a few shots of our
own injected into the ladies conversation and all had a
good time laughing and carrying on about everything from
shopping, household equipment, husbands trucks and
habits (all of them exemplary of course).
That is the nice thing about this club; although I wish
more of you could have attended, we are never asked to
do anything we would not like to do or cannot for other
reasons participate in. There is no demand put upon us
other than to have FUN! We did just that, we had FUN
and missed all of you in the process. I hope to enjoy many
more shows and cruise with all the P.U.L. members in the
future, but until that time keep on enjoying your trucks.
By Dan the Music Man
Featuring Pre-1979 Ford Trucks
mark the date and be there
Saturday June 21, 2008
Canyon RV Park at Featherly
24001 Santa Ana Canyon Road
Anaheim, CA 92808
91 Freeway exit at Gypsum Canyon Rd.
(714) 637-0210 •
ENTRY FEE $30.00
$35 for all entries postmarked after June 1st
Please make all checks payable and send to:
Pickups Limited of Orange County
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, Ca 92803
For Vendor & Sponsor Information contact:
Steve Stillwell at
Chris Travers at
or call Ed Oe @(714) 493-0703
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________________ State: _________________ ZIP: _______________________________
Area Code: ______________ Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
E-Mail: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Year: ________________________________ Model: ________________________________________________________
Club Afiliation: _____________________________________________________________________________
PUBLICATION & LIABILITY RELEASE: I hereby consent to the use and publication of any photos in which I or my vehicle may appear, either intentionally or unintentionally in whole or in part. I
understand that all photographs are the sole property of Pickups Limited of Orange County and their assignees. Entrants and participants by execution of this entry form, release and hold
harmless Pickups Limited of Orange County, Canyon RV Park, Featherly Park, all Vendors, DJ's, Bands and Food Vendors, their officers, directors, employees, agents representatives, and
anyone connected with the presentation of the F-100 Western Nationals from any known and unknown damages, injuries, losses, judgments, or claims from any causes what-so-ever that may be
suffered by any entrants or participant to his person and property.
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _______________________________
Pickups Limited of Orange County
You and your
Name: _________________________________
City: ___________________________
Address: ________________________________
State: _____________ Zip: ________________________
Area Code: ______ Phone: ___________________
e-mail: ______________________________
F-100’s Currently Owned
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: ______________________
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: ______________________
Year: _____ Model: ______________________
Year: ______ Model: ______________________
We are collecting photos of members and their cars for our web site If you
would like your truck displayed for all the world to enjoy, please include photos and any history, specs,
or stories with your application. Please write your name on the back of any photos...better yet, you can
e-mail this information to
Pickups Limited Membership Dues: Dues are $10 per month or $110 per year if paid annually
by February 1. New members joining after January may prorate their membership fees at a rate
of $10.00 per month. There is a one time initiation fee of $40 for any new members. Please send
check or money order payable to Pickups Limited to:
Orange County Chapter
P.O. Box 4631
Anaheim, CA 92803
We have our business meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each
month at 7:30pm....LOCATION: Denny’s
Pickups Limited web site at
We often meet at another time of each month for cruising.
Call for details! Questions? Call Ed Oe at (714) 493-0703

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