The UAE Psychologist
The UAE Psychologist
NEWSLETTER Vol. 1(2), May 2012 News Headlines Professor of Psychology Appointed New Dean of FHSS Page 3 Inside This Issue: Editorial p. 2 News Items p. 3-9 Mental Health p. 10 - 18 I/O Psychology p. 19 -21 Psychology Education Psychiatric Hospital Opens Doors For Training Masters Students Page 4 In the UAE Social Psychology p. 24 - 29 UAEU Student Column p. 30 - 31 Avicenna’s Contributions to Psychology Psychology Conferences Governing the Practice of Psychology Page 8 - 9 p. 22 - 23 p. 32 - 33 p. 34 UAE Psychologist Database p. 35 Psychological services in the UAE Announcements p. 36 p. 40 - 41 2 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Editorial PhD PhD Amber ,Haque, Psychology in this part of the world suffers from an image problem and we know it! Some of the common misconceptions about psychology are that “it is merely common sense,” or that “it is not very useful to the society,” or even that “it is not scientific.” As psychologists, we know that these misconceptions are not true, but what have we done to address these criticisms? What can we do to make psychology more useful in this part of the world and how can we make psychology a more respected discipline, something that will attract more young people to join and be proud of? We already know that psy- chology is at the heart of all human actions and is essential for other more revered sciences, including medicine and engineering. Medical doctors are trained to comprehend and appreciate human predicaments and the social milieu of their patients. We look for doctors who can understand us better and are skilled in integrating both the somatic and psychological in treating their patients. Two relatively new specialties, Medical Psychology and Health Psychology are testimonies to the growing significance of psychology for the medical sciences. Engineers struggle to design and operate their systems and technologies to best serve human needs, both physically and psychologically. Ergonomics and engineering psychology together serve the purpose of improving relationships between people and machines. Human factors experts strive to design systems that accommodate information processing abilities of the brain and human resource experts try hard to select the right person for the job and to find ways of improving work performance. Even computer experts collaborate with psychologists to develop computer assisted psychological assessments and therapies. The modern military depends on psychologists for testing, treating and training troops in different environments and positive psychologists nurture human talent to make normal life more fulfilling. There are 56 divisions of psychology within the American Psychological Association addressing almost all kinds of human challenges. Psychology is indeed, the basis of everything, or in other words, everything boils down to psychology! This issue of the newsletter is a reflection of some activities UAE psychologists are currently engaged in, contributing to the growth of the nation. Many psychologists are serving in universities training the future generation of nationals to become competent practitioners, researchers and academicians. Research psychologists are finding ways to reduce traffic accidents, …Cont’d on p. 3 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Professor of Psychology Appointed New Dean of FHSS Professor Mohamed A. Albaili was recently appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, UAE University. Dean Albaili is an Emirati national who received his bachelor’s in psychology from UAEU in 1981, Masters of Science in Educational Psychology from Indiana University in 1984 and PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1988. Previously he served in various academic and administrative positions at FHSS, published books, and received many research grants in his area of expertise, i.e. test development and standardization in Arabic language. Among many other professional positions in the country, he is also serving as Vice President for the Emirates Association for the Gifted. Ψ Editorial, ...Cont’d ...curb substance abuse develop psychological tests based on local norms, train counselors to solve social and family problems, etc. Some psychologists are working in hospitals, rehabilitation and mental health centers and some are trying to sharpen the skills of professionals in the business industry. A group of dedicated psychologists are also busy trying to assist the government to regulate the profession of psychology in order to improve the quality of services and protect the public. Psychologists are also busy helping victims of the Libyan and Syrian crises. A reflection of these activities and an assortment of articles on similar topics are included in this issue for your reading pleasure. A database of UAE psychologists and some important announcements are also included. The response to our first issue of the Newsletter published in December 2011 was very positive and we hope to continue our efforts to keep publishing once per semester or twice a year. If you have any suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Ψ Amber Haque, PhD Newsletter Editor Email: Website: http:// Mohamed A. Albaili, PhD Note: This newsletter is published by the Department of Psychology and Counseling, UAE University, Al Ain and the Emirates Psychological Association, Dubai. We reserve the right to edit as necessary. Opinions expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of publishers. Please send inquiries and contributions to the editor on this email address: Editorial Team: Editor Amber Haque Layout and Design Azimeh Namavar (Clinical Psych Student) Copy Editor Erica Aisha Charves 3 4 The TheUAE UAEPsychologist, Psychologist,Vol. Vol.1(2), 1(2),May May2012 2012 New Psychiatric Hospital Opens doors for Training Masters Students In a recent meeting between the representatives of the Department of Psychology and Counseling UAEU and Behavior Sciences Pavilion (BSP) at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City (SKMC) in Abu Dhabi, the two institutions agreed to offer internship training to clinical psychology masters students at SKMH. Currently 14 full-time psychologists are working at BSP and serving the needs of inpatients and outpatients. An MOU will be signed between the two institutions after formal approval from SEHA. Ψ Left to right: Drs. Fadwa Almughairbi, Amber Haque, Tareq Darwish, Maha Al Aamri, Maisa Jabr, Isis Badawi The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Psychological Services for Syrian Refugees In a follow-up service to PTSD training of professionals in Libya during last six months, members of the Department of Psychology and Counseling UAEU are volunteering efforts to serve the victims of Syrian crisis. A team of psychologists with assistance from the Al Ain Red Crescent Society are traveling to Jordan and/or Turkey to serve the psychological needs of Syrian refugees. Ψ For more information and/or to volunteer with the group, please contact: Dr. Mohammad Adnan Al Ghorani: Department Faculty and ETA discuss suicide prevention solutions among Indian workers In response to recent suicide cases reported in local newspapers, some Department faculty met with representatives from the ETA-ASCON Group to find ways of helping workers in need. Current resources to help troubled workers, qualification of helping professionals, workshops for counselors, volunteer taskforce, professional seminars and collaboration with fellow professionals were discussed. ETA is a contracting firm based in UAE for the last 35 years and employs more than 70,000 employees. The Department of Psychology and Counseling and the ETA Group also organized a seminar last year on Mental Health in the Workplace. Ψ To start with any possible networking interest, please contact Dr. Shaima Ahammed at: 5 6 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 DHA Psychology SME Panel: 2008 & Today es required. (3) Develop standard definitions of professional titles as well as accountability, delegation and supervision within a professional practice framework. RESPONSIBILITY: (1) Review and provide recommendations on the new processes. (2) Provide recommendations on the economic effects of the new healthcare professional guidelines in the market Dr. Raymond H. Hamden is Director of the Human Relations Institute, Dubai. He hold Life Membership in several American and international professional associations as APS, ISPP, ICP, ACFEI, and is elected member of American Academy of Forensic Sciences. In 2008, the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) established the Healthcare Professional Guidelines Review Panel. For the PSYCHOLOGY SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT (SME) PANEL, the Terms of Reference were documented as follows: PURPOSE: The mandate of the panel is to: (1) Review and provide a multi -disciplinary input into the new developed professional licensing rules and guidelines before the approval and implementation into the new process, (2) Review the online comments in regard to the new rules and implement chang- Pleasure in achievement is fostered with contribution to community. The DHA Psychology Subject Matter Expert Panel has demonstrated the essence of such satisfaction. The selected team members participated in the fulfillment of the mandate– to set the laws, ethics, and scope of practice for psychology in the Emirate of Dubai. The direct drive of Dr. Annie Crookes was developed with Dr. Hussain Ali Maseeh (Panel CoChair), Dr. Fadwa M.B. AlMughairbi, Dr. Layla Abdul Wahub Asamarai, and Dr. Jassim Marzouqi. Their summation of materials contributed to the creation the Licensing and Regulation for Practice of Psychology for the Dubai Health Authority (20 March 2009) that would apply to the international professional community of the Emirate of Dubai. With great synergy, Dr. Deema Sihweil, Dr. Tara Wyne, and Dr Alia Al Serkal, mastered the global documents of psychology societies to produce the Ethical Code and Professional Conduct of Psychologists for the Dubai Health Authority (20 March 2009). The uniqueness of the document generated has been a model for the DHA Code of Conduct. Dr. George J Kaliaden, Dr. Naisi Sedigheh, and Dr. Suad Mohamed Al Marzooqi joined forces to compile the Scope of Professional Practice in Psychology and Allied Specialty Areas for the Dubai Health Authority (20 March 2009). The participating observers contributed and shared in the tasks at hand. Shayma Al Fardan and Mohammad Al Hammadi were active in the direct assistance to each subgroup topic. Dr. Basma Al Harara was helpful in an overview of materials. While pursing his graduate program, Maqsoud Kruse submitted relevant materials to the mandate of this panel. Everyone added to the Glossary of Terms for the Laws for Psychology Practice, Ethical Code and Professional Conduct of Psychologists, and Scope of Practice for Psychology. In appreciation for their guidance and confidence, this panel thankfully recognizes Dr. Essa M Kazim (Director DHA The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Regulation Project), Kholood Shabib Al Marzooqi (Health Professional Regulation Manager), Tamara Muir (Manager Health Professional Licensing DHRA), Ayesha Ali Hamad Falasi (Acting Head of Licensing), and JeanNoel David, DHRA. With more than 500 hundred person-hours (group, subgroup, and individual) of introducing, consuming and developing, creating the concepts of each mandate and supplemental documents, this panel employs the active work of the UAE University and the Emirates Psychological Association (EPA) to co- ordinate academic and professional forces. Only a few times in life does an opportunity come when we as psychologists can make a monumental mark for the administration of the professional. The Dubai Government has the responsibility to protect its citizens and visitors by setting enforceable laws, ethics, and scope of practice for each profession. We the panelists are proud have been selected with the conviction and assurance of the DHA and the Dubai Government to define and develop the creative task of the three mandates for the profession of psychology and this community. This first version of the DHA Psychology SME Panel documents was presented to the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) on 20 March 2009. Inquiries concerning the substance or interpretation of the Ethical Code and Professional Conduct of Psychologists, Licensing and Regulation for Practice of Psychology, Scope of Professional Practice in Psychology and Allied Specialty Areas along with the Glossary of Terms and the recommendations are to be addressed to the director of the DHA. Ψ SUSTAIN Psychology in the UAE Dr. Layla Abdulwahub Asamarai has implemented the Psychology SME Panel factors in the independent Department of Psychology at Rashid Hospital, Dubai. She took the work of this panel to be realized within the government facility. This is an excellent example of “taking psychology as a profession seriously”. of expertise. There is only room for cooperation and mutual support of government, academia, industry, private practices, whether Emiratis or ex-patriates. There is only room for energy and endurance to devote to the field of research, study, and application in all specialties of this health care areas Licensing of Psychology may be moved from Dubai Health Authority to Dubai Community Authority. This should be a collaboration known to all licensed and licensed eligible individuals and organizations. Communications and professional support would foster smooth transi- We chose Psychology as our profession and with this comes obligation to continue education and contribute to our profession and the specialties for which we reach excellence. This can best be achieved with effective communications among all, to better understand and support, and gain mutual cooperation. tion for everyone lending support from all and negating unnecessary resistance. For the field of psychology and its qualified licensed professionals to sustain the integrity of the various areas of expertise, the United Arab Emirates University and the Emirates Psychological Association [open to all scholars and practitioners of all nationalities] must maintain respective organizational strength. All psychology professionals and students can join the EPA and support the UAEU to foster the mandate of the DHA Psychology SME Panel. Ψ 7 8 The TheUAE UAEPsychologist, Psychologist,Vol. Vol.1(2), 1(2),May May2012 2012 Spirit of the Law Governing the Practice of Psychology The Government of Dubai (DHA) and the United Arab Emirates government (Ministry of Health) are dedicated to protect its citizens and its visitors from harm and charlatans and uackery.The government is obligated to impose and enact application and examination of ALL persons administering any form of health care process, MUST BE LICENSED. THEREFORE, it is UNLAWFUL to provide health care, for-fee or notfor free, if not licensed. It is equally UNLAWFUL TO MAKE RE- FERRALS TO NON-LICENSED individuals or organizations. THEREFORE, it is UNLAWFUL to make referrals to anyone who is NOT licensed, working from a location that compromises the integrity of the patient/client and places the professional in vulnerable state. Individuals must be licensed or license eligible IN THE STATE OR COUNTRY from which the recognized professional degree and experience originates. The term psychologist is a legal term not an academic term. Only licensed persons can call themselves such with except set by law. Further to this matter, the prefix “psych…”, title “counselor”, suffix “” can only be used by licensed professionals. a candidate for licensure. First, qualifying the candidate through discovery of their background– legally and professionally. Second, administering professional examination– written, verbal, or both. To apply for license, individuals must have a “legal” record demonstrating GOOD MORAL CHARACTER in the state or country from which they legally resided last. MEDIA: publishers, newsprint, broadcast, or any form of dissemination to the public, should NOT utilize any form of information or material from persons or organizations making false claims, are illegal, or both. THEREFORE, it is UNLAWFUL to make reference to anyone or an organization NOT duly licensed by law of jurisdiction. Anyone with actual knowledge of any form of unlawful act(s) or unlawful practices by anyone, licensed or un-licensed, should report such matters to the proper government authorities immediately; and not fear repercussion from government or the defendant(s). Anyone or any organization found guilty of these unlawful acts, MUST BE PROSECUTED. The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 For the Archives of Psychology as a Profession, DUBAI HEALTH AUTHORITY HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL GUIDELINES REVIEW PANEL PSYCHOLOGY SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT PANEL TERMS OF REFERENCE. MEMBERS: CHAIR: Dr. Raymond H. Hamden, Human Relations Institute Dr. Suad Mohamed Al Marzooqi , UAE University Dr. Hussain Ali Maseeh, (Panel Co Chair) Community Development Authority Dr. Tara Wyne, Human Relations Institute VOTING MEMBERS: (alphabetical order) PARTICIPATING OBSERVERS MEMBERS Shayma Al Fardan, Rashid Hospital Dr. Alia Al-Serkal, Du Telecommunications Mohammad Al Hammadi, Dubai Police Dr. Annie Crookes, Middlesex University Dubai Maqsoud Kruse, UAE Armed Forces Dr. Deema Sihweil, Human Relations Institute Dr. Basma Al Harara, DHA Dr. Fadwa M.B. Al-Mughairbi, UAE University Dr. George J Kaliaden, Prime Medical Center Dr. Jassim Marzouqi, Emirates Psychology Association Dr. Layla Abdul Wahub Asamarai, Rashid Hospital Dr. Naisi Sedigheh, Mideast Polyclinic Dubai DHA Overviewers Mrs. Kholood Shabib Al Marzooqi, Health Professional Regulation Manager DHA Mrs. Tamara Muir, Manager Health Professional Licensing DHRA Mrs. Ayesha Ali Hamad Falasi, Acting Head of Licensing DOH/MS Photo of members [partial] of DHA Psychology SME Panel Back Row: Suad Mohamed Al Marzooqi, Naisi Sedigheh, Deema Sihweil, Annie Crookes, Fadwa M.B. Al-Mughairbi, Alia Al-Serkal. Front Row: George J Kaliaden, Raymond H. Hamden, Jassim Marzouqi. 9 10 The TheUAE UAEPsychologist, Psychologist,Vol. Vol.1(2), 1(2),May May2012 Preventing a Silent Crisis called Suicide A Call for a Comprehensive Professional Response As I set out to write this brief post, there is a very disturbing sense of unease building up from somewhere deep within me. I realize this has to do with a news highlight that was reported in the beginning of this year, sometime around the second week of January, 2012. As I read through the headlines then, a report on "Dubai family commits suicide– Five year old daughter smothered to death as mother survives" caught my eye. As it has always been with reports on suicide, it triggered a wave of distressing questions and thoughts in my mind. Despite knowing the futility of discussing such news, it took me to a lot of comments and dialogues on online forums with my friends and colleagues, as we pointlessly asked each other questions: Why does it happen? Why did they have to take the life of an innocent child? How can we help prevent this in the future? And why do we call ourselves “mental health professionals” as we helplessly watch our fellow human beings brutally taking their own lives? I have to admit that behind all the anguish that continues to reverberate within me is a tinge of guilt that stems from all these unsettled questions. Whenever there is a suicide in this society, it tells us there are people out there who need help, support and psychological intervention. Then we question if something could have prevented such selfinflicted deaths. If our defense mechanisms are working well, chances are that one has already dismissed the above mentioned report as a rare, freak, or one-time incident. Perhaps, more conveniently we’re telling ourselves that “well, it only happens among one particular expatriate community.” It’s time to get the facts right. In 2010, the number of suicides in Dubai alone was 110. In 2008 this was 147. While reports consistently note the very low suicide rate of 0.9 per 100,000 among nationals, it surely indicates a high risk of suicidal ideation in thed population. On a more distressing note, the 2010 UAE Global School Based Student Health Survey carried out collaboratively by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) indicated that 15.5 % of school children had seriously considered attempting suicide within a 12 month period. In the same survey, the percentage of children who actually attempted suicide one or more times in a period of 12 months was 12.6%. Please The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 note, these statistics are about children. Quite in denial of these statistics, I’m left with the question, what does suicidal ideation have to do with children? Personally, I doubt it if WHO/ MOH Report on suicides in the nation get serious attention from the mental health professionals. So what is my goal with this post? As much as I’m aware of the potential risks that thoughtless suicide awareness raising programs can have in triggering suicidal-ideation, the question is – “To what extent is the mentalhealth profession addressing the problem of suicide in this 11 nation?” Although there have been a handful of random and disjointed efforts now and then, more needs to be done and much needs to be learned from the promising efforts taken elsewhere in combating suicide. Here are some possible steps that could be taken to address the growing menace: A strong task force to spearhead suicide preventive efforts Country’s mental health professional consider suicide prevention as a national mental health priority Academic/research efforts to address suicide as a multi-dimensional problem, with psychological, bio- logical, sociological and philosophical aspects. Collaborative efforts incorporating a broader spectrum of governmental agencies, community centers and people bringing together disciplines and perspectives that can be integrated into mental health policies. At the Department of Psychology and Counseling, we have initiated discussions on what we can call “groundwork” to establish a national level taskforce of mental health professionals. At its best, this post may be considered a call towards that end to all mental health professionals in the country to join efforts. Indeed as someone has said, “To save a life is to act divine”. Ψ Shaima Ahammed, PhD Department of Psychology and Counseling UAE University, Al Ain References: Dervic, K. et al (2011).Suicide rates in the national and expatriate population in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. International Journal of Social Psychiatry. doi: 10.1177/0020764011430038. For details please see: http:// gshs/2005_United_Arab_Emirat es_GSHS_Country_Report.pdf and gshs/UAE_2010_FS.pdf. 12 2012 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May The Role of Psychologists in Promoting Mental Health in the UAE Isis Badawi, PhD Head of Psychology Behavioral Sciences Pavilion Shaikh Khalifa Medical City, Abu Dhabi The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. In this positive sense, mental health is the foundation for individual well-being and the effective functioning of a community” (WHO fact sheet 220, September 2010). This definition is closely aligned with the famous hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow. These needs identify the elements necessary to achieve the state of well-being noted in the above definition. In Maslow’s hierarchy, the basic needs of food, shelter, health, and safety must be met before the individual can proceed in life. The needs for affection, esteem and belonging are necessary before the person can achieve his/her full potential. In all these stages, psychologists have a role to play. The process of supporting healthy individuals and effective communities starts at conception and lasts until death. At every stage, psychology has a role in promoting wellness, supporting healthy development, and encouraging cooperation between the individual, family and society at large. In the UAE, most of us are fortunate to have our basic needs met. It is the more intangible needs of positive self esteem, freedom of self expression, emotional connection, a sense of belonging, opportunities for growth and self actualization that might not be fully realized. The unique advancements in the UAE over the past four decades have encouraged an influx of expatriates, a convergence of cultures, a multitude of technological advances and a rapid pace of change that has put pressure on long held cultural beliefs, stretched societal norms and challenged the adaptability of individuals and society at large. According to the WHO, in addition to biological and geopolitical variables, factors that contribute to poor mental health include “rapid social change, stressful work conditions, gender discrimination, social exclusion, and unhealthy lifestyle.” The UAE is not immune to these challenges. It is also not immune to the worldwide challenge of meeting the needs of those who suffer from mental illness, or emotional and psychological problems among its citizens. The WHO estimates that worldwide there are 450 million people living with mental illness and many more people with mental or emotional problems. Studies report that up to 80 percent will never receive the treatment they need. The UAE, like any nation, has its share of people living with the challenge of mental illness. As many psychologists across the globe have seen firsthand, the lack of information and stigma are the primary reasons that prevent many from seeking help for children or adults who need mental health care. One way to break down this barrier is to educate organizations, parents and teachers about mental and emotional health and other issues related to raising happy healthy children, reducing family and work stress, and reducing the burden of fami- The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 “We, as psychologists living and working in the UAE, have a responsibility towards our community and our profession to do what we can to contribute to the promotion of mental and emotional health. Our role is twofold: to address mechanisms of prevention and promotion of wellness on the one hand, and to advocate on behalf of the mentally ill and to provide education and support to reduce stigma and encourage treatment on the other.” lies caring for a mentally ill family member. We, as psychologists living and working in the UAE, have a responsibility towards our community and our profession to do what we can to contribute to the promotion of mental and emotional health. Our role is twofold: to address mechanisms of prevention and promotion of wellness on the one hand, and to advocate on behalf of the mentally ill and to provide education and support to reduce stigma and encourage treatment on the other. In today’s environment, that means engaging with the media, as they are a critical source of information and education for the public. We need to participate in mental health campaigns to share our knowledge with a wide section of the population. We must therefore target our message to the topics that promote wellness, correct misconceptions about mental illness and its treatment, and debunk myths that maintain stigma. These messages would be most effective when they are concise, consistent, and culturally relevant. We each have a responsibility to know our subject matter and to present messages within our areas of expertise. Over the past several years, psychologists all around the UAE have been active in engaging the public through mental health awareness campaigns in schools, work settings, malls, as well as presentations on television shows. Most recently, in Abu Dhabi, there has been an effort to participate in TV programs concerned with health issues in conjunction with monthly public lectures on various topics of interest. These have been met with enthusiasm and requests for more targeted programs for various sectors of society. It is hoped that as these monthly lectures gain more acceptance, that more positive attitude changes will ensue. Ψ 13 14 The TheUAE UAEPsychologist, Psychologist,Vol. Vol.1(2), 1(2),May May2012 The National Rehabilitation Centre The National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) is the national addiction response center mandated for addictions treatment, rehabilitation, research, prevention, human capacity building, policy and legislative development and advocacy, serving the community at large. It was the brainchild of by H.H. the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan and was established in 2002 with the directive of H.H. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan through the Office of the President now the Ministry of Presidential Affairs. Although substance misuse and addiction goes counter to the culture and Islamic values, like most countries in the world addiction problems exists in the UAE and since its establishment the NRC has treated more than 700 patients and judging from the calls its telephone helpline receives from the public this may represent a small proportion of people with addiction problems in the country. Whilst there are no exact prevalence estimates the research arm of NRC is actively engaged in work to establish the figures. The health education and prevention side of the NRC is active in carrying out evidenced based prevention and early intervention programs focusing on schools, families and workplace. H.E. Dr Hamad Abdulla Al Ghaferi is the director general and heads a staff establishment of 134. Professor Tarek Gawad the medical director of the NRC heads the multidisciplinary clinical team providing the full spectrum of care ranging from acute, short and medium care recovery to ambulatory care and long term rehabilitation. The NRC is equipped to comprehensively address addictions and addiction related disorders. The NRC currently anchors 60 inpatient treatment beds and has a further 10 in Emirates House a facility functioning as a transit towards reintegration into society. The multidisciplinary clinical team is made up of psychiatrists, physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers and counsellors. The clinical team is supported by a laboratory team of scientists and pharmacists. Phase II of the NRC includes a purpose built 250 bed treatment facility that is due to open in 2014. Recruiting a workforce for this phase will be a challenge and the NRC is looking towards universities, colleges and schools for help with this. Psychologists play a key role The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 in the clinical work of the NRC both in assessment and treatment. The team is headed by Dr Mohamed Al Sayed, consultant clinical psychologists and includes Professor Sami Abdulkawi consultant clinical psychologist and 7 psychologists many of whom are graduates from United Arab Emirates University. The treatment at the NRC is based on the “biopsychosocial-spiritual” model. Following physical care and medically assisted withdrawal (detoxification) of substance for physically dependent patients, much of the interventions falls under the banner of “psychosocial interventions”. The patient population that the NRC serves include those with addiction and co-morbid psychiatric disorders. The treatment approach is an evidenced based integrated psychological and pharmacological approach used in leading centres internationally adapted to suit the culture of the UAE. The psychology team provides psychometric assessments and addiction related assessments including neuropsychological testing and both individual and group therapy. These interventions broadly falling under the banner of Cognitive Behavioral H.E. Dr. Hamad Abdulla Al Ghaferi Director General of NRC, Abu Dhabi Therapy (CBT), Psychodynamic therapy, Humanistic counselling and Family Therapy. Addictions specific treatment includes Motivational Interviewing, Relapse Prevention and Contingency Management. Research The research section of the NRC headed by Dr Ahmed El Kashef has a broad agenda including epidemiological research, health system and outcome research, translational and intervention research. This would include research at a behavioral and molecular level. In 2010 the NRC and the Workshop at National Rehabilitation Center, Abu Dhabi 15 Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of UAEU signed a memorandum of understanding for research collaboration, human capacity building, program development and patient referral. The NRC also has a collaborative program with the United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) focusing on setting the stage for the NRC to serve as the reference center for addiction response both nationally and regionally. The first phase is to develop a national strategy emerging from the situation assessment study performed currently. There is the potential for both undergraduate and post graduate students at the University interested in this area to get involved in the research work and training at the NRC as part of their degrees. The potential for research work in psychology is immense. Prevention Dr Hisham Elarabi heads the prevention, health education and training section a major priority areas for the NRC. Preventing alcohol and drug use in the UAE by developing and reinforcing resilience and protective factors while identifying and addressing risk factors. This is coupled by creating the supporting environment through social mobilization and awareness increasing awareness and promoting positive health behaviors in one of the long-term objectives of the NRC. Campaigns such as “Facts” “Isolation” and school based programs such as “Unplugged” are examples of ongoing activities in this area. ...cont’d on p. 32 16 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 16 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Positive Psychology: The Science of Mental Wellness By Maqsoud Kruse, MPsych It all started with a simple discussion: “Self-help stuff doesn’t really work, it’s all about making money out of the people!” My colleagues argue this subject whenever we talk about what works and what doesn’t work in the different services provided in the UAE. Indeed, the market for self-help programmes, live seminars, books, CDs and DVDs are reflecting a rapid growth in what Starker calls a “fast food version of psychotherapy,” (Starker, 1990, p.187). Despite its growth, it is not without problems (Grant, 2001). As someone interested in the field of personal development and mental wellbeing, I wanted to know if there is an existing alternative approach that is based and grounded in science. Positive Psychology presents itself to be that alternative. The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 The movement began a few months after Dr. Martin Seligman was elected President of the American Psychological Association in 1994 (Seligman, 1994). He believes that before World War II, psychology had three distinct missions: curing mental illness, making the lives of all people more productive and fulfilling, in addition to identifying and nurturing high talent (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). However, due to two major economic events, which took place in late 1940s (after World War II), Psychology became a science largely devoted to healing. It concentrated on repairing damage using a disease model of human functioning (Seligman, 1994; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Seligman proposed that the message of the Positive Psychology movement is to remind our field that it has been deformed. He believes that Psychology is not just the study of disease, weakness, and damage; it also is the study of strength and virtue. He argues that treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right. In his view, Psychology is not just about illness or health; it is about work, education, insight, love, growth, and play (See: Seligman, 1994; Seligman, 1995; Seligman, Schulman, DeRubeis, & Hollon, 1999; Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Thus, Positive Psychology does not rely on wishful thinking, self-deception or handwaving; instead it tries to adapt what is best in the scientific method to the unique problems that human behavior presents in all its complexity (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). The focus of research is the non-clinical population, or what is supposed to be a normal population, to demonstrate the de- velopmental and preventive role that should be played to improve our understanding of the functional side of human performance and human psychology rather than emphasizing impairment and intervention on immediate reaction to “fix” the problem. Seligman’s prediction about the science and practice of psychology in the 21st century is that a psychology of positive human functioning will arise that achieves a scientific understanding and effective interventions to build thriving individuals, families, and communities (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). He further predicts that Positive Psychology in this new century will come to understand and build those factors that allow individuals, communities, and societies to flourish. Such a science will not need to start afresh. It requires, for the most part, just a refocusing of scientific energy. Ψ Seligman, M. (1994). What you can change and what you can't. New York: Knopf. References Gillham, J.E., & Seligman, M.E.P. (1999). Footsteps on the road to positive psychology. Behaviour Research and Therapy , 37, S163-S173. Grant, A. M. (2001). Towards a Psychology of Coaching: The Impact of Coaching on Metacognitioin, Mental Health and Goal Attainment. [Online] Doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University, Sydney. Available: http:// AMG_PhD_2001.pdf 17 Seligman, M.E.P. (1995). The effectiveness of psychotherapy: The Consumer Reports study. American Psychologist, 50 (12), 965-974. Seligman, M.E.P., Schulman, P., DeRubeis, R.J., & Hollon, S.D. (1999). The prevention of depression and anxiety. Prevention and Treatment, 2. Seligman, M., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An Introduction. American Psychologist, 55, 5-14. Starker, Steven (1990). Self-help books: Ubiquitous agents of health care. Medical Psychotherapy: An International Journal, Vol 3, 187-194. 18 2012 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May EMDR An Evolving Therapy By Devi Nandakumar, M.A., M. Phil. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) developed as a therapy by Dr. Francine Shapiro in 1987 initially focused on the people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). As the name implies, eye movements are psychological orientations followed by EMDR, like psychodynamic therapy, behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy, experiential therapy, hypnotic therapy and client centered therapy. Hence, EMDR is a fine example of an eclectic model. The underlying principle of EMDR is that when an individual undergoes a traumatic or stressful situation, normally some form of self-healing takes place in the individual, if there is enough support and resources. Sometimes this natural process of self healing fails. Through EMDR a client is well equipped with adaptive learning patterns for the future, learns to desensitize the present distressing factors and to unlearn the negative experiences of the past. EMDR can be administered to adults as well as the child population with specific guidelines and protocols followed for each population respectively. Efficiency of a therapist plays a very vital role in just one of the processes involved in the whole complex procedure. Dr. Shapiro noticed that eye movement decreases disturbing thoughts coming to one’s mind. This laid the foundation for her to develop EMDR as a therapy. In simple words, information processing takes place in EMDR therapy. The three-pronged approach of EMDR addresses the past, the present and the future . In EMDR, a therapist assists the client to transform negative experiences or disturbing thoughts to adaptive learning experiences. In fact, the Adaptive Information Processing Model is based on the observations from EMDR treatment effects. When we go through the eight phases of EMDR treatment, it reflects the many major the complete process of EMDR; in each phase of the therapy a clinician’s sensitivity and flexibility is tested. Furthermore, utmost care needs to be taken for client–therapist relationship. The whole process of EMDR targets boosting self esteem and self efficacy of clients. It is neither a single session therapy, nor can it be administered to all clients. The client should be made aware of the treatment plan and a clinician should be sure that he/she has enough positive resources for dealing with disturbing memories which may arise, blocking the whole treatment process. Based on the research done to date, EMDR as a therapy has enormous potential and it is well established to facilitate the client’s self healing process. Replying to queries in the New York Times newspaper (dated March 2nd 2012), Dr. Shapiro states that EMDR therapy is recommended as an effective treatment of PTSD ...Cont’d on p. 38 The Role of Psychometric Testing The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 19 in Tackling the UAE’s HR Challenges Over the last fifteen years, employers have made a quantum leap forward in the way they recruit and assess candidates. Selection methods and processes used by the majority of graduate employers have changed beyond all recognition, with online psychometrics helping organizations achieve huge cost and time savings. Advancing technology has played a major role in this progress, and in driving the rapid growth we have seen in the UAE. As the region adapts to the many changes this growth has brought, large organizations are embracing the latest online assessments in their quest for cost effective solutions to their HR challenges. In the 1990s, psychologists relied on paper based application forms that candidates filled in by hand and sent back in the mail. This process was time consuming for candidates and employers, as well as costly to administrate. It was around the year 2000 that progressive organizations such as KPMG and British Airways started making real headway with the introduction of dynamic, interactive online systems. Candidates enter information on the company’s website, then participate in online psychometric assessments and ability tests. These tests might measure the candidate’s fit 20 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 20 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 with the organizational culture, the suitability of their personality and behavior preferences to a role or assess key skills such as verbal and numerical reasoning. Today it has become common practice for large organizations around the world to use these methods, but challenges are still being faced when using psychometric tests in the UAE. Tom Verboven, Managing Consultant at Cubiks UAE explains, “Many of the assessments used in the region have been developed in Europe and the USA, so they are normed and validated in a western cultural environment. This can cause problems when using them in the UAE as often they are not entirely appropriate for use with nonwestern cultures.” Cubiks, an international assessment and development consultancy is working to develop solutions that are specifically for the region in order to help overcome this issue. The company has been focusing on culturally adapting its tools, and will soon be releasing an Arabic version of its flagship personality assessment, PAPI (Personality and Preference Inventory). PAPI Arabic is not only an Arabic translation of the assessment, it includes cultural adaptations for Arab countries and regional norms are forthcoming. As many organizations working in the UAE employ people from various countries, Cubiks also offers the ability to create norms specifically for an organization, ensuring that PAPI Arabic is relevant for every context. Tom says that Cubiks’ ability to respond to demands and develop new solutions for the region stems from its extensive experience working with UAE employers and the fact that it understands the key challenges they face. “A major issue for recruiters in the region is dealing with the high volume of candidates, particularly those applying for unsuitable roles. Numerous organizations have worked with Cubiks to implement online psychometric assessments and ability tests. These help screen applicants at the start of the recruitment process, deselecting unsuitable people and finding the best candi- dates to progress to the next stages. “Retaining staff is also a problem for many organisations in the UAE. The latest online recruitment systems from Cubiks include assessments such as Etray, an inbox simulation exercise and Situational Judgement Questions based on real life scenarios for the organization. Cubiks bespokes these assessments to reflect actual scenarios from the recruiting organization, giving candidates a preview of what a role will entail. This means that successful candidates know what to expect when they are selected for the job, so they are less likely to resign because a position doesn’t suit them.” By implementing these kinds of processes, businesses have in some cases reduced the recruitment time cycle from nine to five months and have benefitted from cost reductions of up to $1.5 million per year. By thoroughly assessing candidates, organizations ensure that the individuals they recruit fit with the role requirements as well as their wider business culture and so have the best chances of success in their job. As companies based in the UAE grow, so does the demand for psychometric assessments to be used for recruiting and managing their expanding workforces. The variety of HR practices implemented by multinational companies in the region, combined with rapidly advancing technology means that the UAE is the perfect incubator for the continued development of people management methods and processes. Ψ Ehsan Fahmi Analyst, Middle East and Africa Cubiks Limited (Dubai Branch) Cubiks is an international assessment and development consultancy that combines business psychological services with an advanced portfolio of online assessment products. The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 An Industrial Psychologist abroad The UAE edition Angela de Jong, PhD Three years ago I shook the African soil off my high heels and put my sandaled feet nonchalantly in the Arabian Desert’s sand. I arrived in Abu Dhabi with two bags, an inexhaustible sense of adventure, a big sense of humor and a new job offering end- less opportunities. Settling into the new role was surprisingly easy; colleagues were friendly, the orientation staff was helpful and the work itself was stimulating. However, as time progressed I noticed some challenges. It became rather evident that the role of an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist back home was somewhat different from what was required of the role in my new location. In my opinion, an I/O Psychologist’s main function is to strike a healthy balance between contributing to an organization’s success by improving performance, but also ensuring and promoting the well-being of the employees. Other definitions I’ve found read: to apply principles of psychology to human resources, administration, management, sales, and marketing problems; or the application or extension of psychological facts and principles to the problems concerning human beings operating within the context of business and industry. No matter how one defines the function, the fact remains that in pursuing this balance I/O Psychologists need to employ scientific principles and research-based designs to generate organizational knowledge. This knowledge can, and should be, applied to the entire Human Resources life cycle, starting with manpower planning, recruitment, psychometric testing, selection, orientation, learning and development, performance management, succession planning, and eventually retirement. Other aspects may include projects related to organizational development, change management, policy planning, labor law and ergonomics. The challenges that crossed my desk as an I/ O Psychologist appointed as an assessment manager, included aspects such as: Finding psychometric tests that were appropriate, affordable and easily administered to employees functioning within a multi-cultural work environment. …Cont’d on p. 39 21 22 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 22 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Psychology Education in the UAE of which help to develop a transferable skill base for the many subjects and careers students may choose. Annie Crookes, PhD Academic Head, School of Life Sciences Heriot-Watt University Dubai Campus This positive interest reflected also in the growing media presence of psychology locally, is let down by a comparative lack of opportunity at bachelors and more significantly post graduate level. Although there are varied employment opportunities for psychologists in the UAE, training is still lacking and most psychologists both national and international who work in the Emirates have qualified, at least partially, abroad. Psychology as a taught subject certainly exists to some extent at all educational levels from GCSE level (English curriculum, grade 11) to International Baccalaureate, A-level , CBSE (Indian system) and others at the high school stage. As such there is an ever growing interest among young people in studying psychology and pursuing careers relevant to the field. Indeed, where it is taught, some schools list psychology as one of the most popular subjects taken by students. Although many institutions may offer an elective course in psychology (including the prestigious NYU-AD), some may even make an introduction to psychology compulsory. Very few institutions teach psychology as a ‘major’ (American system) or ‘single honors ’ (British system). Indeed, the UAE University is unique among the government sponsored institutions with its well-established psychology school, including counseling, clinical and neuroscience areas,. Similarly, across the myriad private international universities, only Middlesex University Dubai and Heriot-Watt University Dubai offer degrees in psychology. Others, such as American University of Sharjah have highly regarded psychology departments with active research faculty but offer only a minor in psychology to their students. Clearly there is still some reticence over the career opportunities for graduates of psychology in the local region. Certainly, from a career point of view, studying psychology at any level has many benefits, as it is a subject grounded in both science and practical application. It involves skills in critical thinking, problem solving and written communication– all The situation is even worse at post graduate level where only the UAEU currently offers a psychology program leading to an entry level license to practice (MSc clinical psychology). Middlesex and Heriot-Watt both offer MSc de- Education in the Emirates is a broad mix of curricula and teaching models from government sponsored to private and even distance based learning centers. As such the nature of psychology education in the country is similarly varied. The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 grees in applied areas of psychology (MSc Applied psychology and MSc Business psychology). Both of these can be used as a stepping stone into psychology training or to positively enhance the knowledge base for other careers but do not in themselves lead directly to professional practice in psychology. The only other opportunity for students wishing to study psychology or counseling while remaining in the Emirates is to look for distance learning programs . However this is a risky option which may not be accepted for licensure down the line or at the very least will require much time and effort from the individual to complete the requirements. Perhaps the main obstruction to the development of a post graduate psychology training for professional practice is the lack of internship opportunities. Particularly important for clinical and counseling psychology, the comparatively small size and recent history of the UAE mean that work experience can be hard to come by. In other countries government services, mental health charities and rehabilitative services among others have developed over time providing pockets of relevant work experience for graduate trainees. As yet, such a complex range of services is not available or required by the population of UAE. In time this is likely to change which may mean future development of programs may be more viable. However, another major problem exists in the multi-cultural and multi-lingual nature of the society here, particularly in the major cities. So, while English speaking universities may provide psychology programs for students, work experience opportunities may be restricted to UAE nationals, Arabic speaking or based on specific contexts (for example, certain charity organizations may be in need of psychologists with particular language/gender/cultural background). Overall, psychology is a growing field in the Emirates and as job opportunities and mental health provisions continue to develop so does provision for psychology education. Currently, there are some clear limitations, particularly at the post graduate level and students may still find themselves looking abroad for programs tailored to their specific interests. Yet, certainly at lower levels, there is already the chance for students to engage in this highly academic and skill based subject. Ψ 23 24 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 24 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 The Psychology of Car Car accidents can occur because of miscalculations and errors of judgments by skillful drivers who normally abide by traffic regulations. Accidents may also occur because the driver chose not to follow the law because of certain beliefs, attitudes and values imposed by peer pressure or inspired by role models. The first type of accidents are within the normal range in UAE, while the second type of car accidents led to horrific statistics: while the ratio of cars to the population in UAE is less than the ratio of car to the population in UK and USA, the ratio of traffic accident fatalities to the population in UAE is six times that in US and ten time that in UK. Car accidents occur because of the choices made and the resultant actions have overloaded the cognitive and motor capabilities of the driver. Recent research has shown that some beliefs, attitudes and values concerning driving styles are widespread among young drivers in the UAE. Tailgating- approaching cars from behind at high speed, flashing lights to budge cars out of the way, changing lanes quickly and cutting off cars- is seen as respected behaviour. Abiding by the speed limit, maintaining a clear distance behind cars in front, and putting on seatbelts are often considered unmanly or cowardly- or practices followed only by ‘unskilled drivers.’ These beliefs and values are the product of group pressure and the need to ‘conform’. Psychology studies of conformity were pioneered by Solomon Ash in an ingenious experimental work back in 1950s and are part of the field of experimental social psychology. Some of the reckless and aggressive driving practices mentioned above seem to be a manifestation of ‘territoriality,’ which is an innate tendency to claim territory and emphasize the person’s space ownership. Territoriality is shared by all living species and is essential for survival. Perhaps that is why some drivers do not use the light signal to indicate directions because one does not have to inform others about his future directions in his own space. Also, a study has shown that the fanci- The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 25 Accidents er the car the more territory is claimed. Territoriality was extensively studied by biologists and psychologists using animals and humans alike. To say that territoriality is innate and essential for survival does not mean that all its manifestations are correct and legitimate. When a perfectly responsible driver makes a wrong judgement or miscalculation, or when a reckless driver makes a rash choice, such as speeding, tailgating, jumping the traffic red light, etc. a situation is created where demands for safety go beyond human cognitive and motor capabilities. Yet, the individual could make another type of rash choice but with equally hazardous consequence: drive under the influence of alcohol, drugs or certain medicines or when fatigued or sleepy. In such a situation, the demands of safety are normal but the level of the human cognitive and motor functioning is reduced below the requirements of safe driving. The effect is usually disastrous. It is obvious that in all these examples the human factor is at play, not the vehicle nor the road. Human cognitive functions are amazingly effective and efficient, but they have limitations. Of relevance here is the speed of the driver’s reactions to events in the road environment or what is known by scientists as ‘reaction time’ which has extensively been studied by experimental psychologists (e.g. Donders). Reaction time is the total of the times required for sensation, perception, discrimination, choice and response plus the time needed for motor execution of a response to an event in the surrounding environment. Several factors affect reaction time: gender, age, the level of physiological stimulation, sleepiness, fatigue, distractions, the number of relevant stimuli and expectancy. Reaction time varies under different conditions but has lower limits. Human responses cannot go beyond that limit. If because of recklessness or a miscalculation a situation was created where avoiding a crash requires reaction time shorter than humanly possible, a disaster will certainly be looming. Also driving safely requires focused, selective, divided and sustained attention, depending on the requirements of the situation. It requires accurate detection of changes in the road environment. Signal detection was also extensively studied by psychologist and a prominent theory, ‘Signal Detection Theory’ was developed based on extensive experimental studies. In everyday life and in the road environment in particular, relevant changes must be detected and responded to correctly and in good time. Studies by experimental and cognitive psychologists of signal detection culminated in a vast body of knowledge about the variables involved when an individual has to detect changes in the environment, identify and classify these events as relevant (signals) or irrelevant (noise), choose the right response and respond in due time . This, too, is a limited human cognitive capacity which cannot cope with most of the situations created by reckless driving practices or misjudgements. Ψ Taha Amir, PhD The author is professor in Department of Psychology and Counselling UAEU and has conducted funded researches on car accidents in the UAE. 26 2012 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May Confronting Stereot What Can We Do? Following the National Career Exhibition in Sharjah in March this year, The National published several articles examining why only 43,000 Emiratis fill the 2.2 million private sector jobs in the UAE, which is plagued by 14% unemployment for citizens. These articles cover interviews with Emirati professionals who suggest that negative stereotypes fuel a tendency in the private sector to resist hiring Emiratis. 1, 2 Whether from personal interaction, the media, or other sources, we create and maintain sets of expectations about what groups of people are like. Sometimes these expectations carry a ‘grain of truth,’ other times they are more dissociated from reality. Either way, once formed these expectations – known as stereotypes – change the way we perceive the world around us. When we hold a stereotype about a particular group, it impacts the way we interact with members of that group. If we expect poor work from members of a certain group, we may give them fewer or less important responsibilities. Stereotypes also influence the way we evaluate behaviors performed by members of the group, whether or not that as- sessment is accurate. Putting these pieces together, we see that stereotypes have the power to elicit behavior and change the way we interpret that behavior. In this way, stereotypes are selfperpetuating. By eliciting the behavior we expect, we ‘prove’ our expectation true. Such consequences are not conscious or deliberate; instead they are the unintended byproduct of a cognitive system which evolved to balance accuracy with efficiency. The fact is, although they may lead us astray, stereotypes, as any categorization The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 types of Emiratis: processes, are functional for daily interaction. As globalization increases, we are confronted by more and more “types” of people with different customs, backgrounds, and belief systems. Too much diversity is overwhelming to the cognitive system, but having some knowledge about what “types” of people are like can help us interpret the interactions we have with people who come from different backgrounds. If that is the case, we should want our stereotypes to be as accurate as possible, and when they are inaccurate, we may want them to change. Interacting with people who do not conform to our stereotypic expectations may be one way to modify our stereotypes. Mey Alleem, a successful Emirati engineer, told The National, "I pursued this career because it's a challenging thing, especially for a woman. I like challenges…. I If our stereotype is wrong, it needs to be gently nudged in the right direction until our minds can no longer resist the evidence. To help make this option a reality, at all societal levels, individuals should make a deliberate attempt to interact with people who are different from them. This allows the opportunity to encounter people who deviate from stereotypes. While interacting with people from different backgrounds, we should embrace what psychologists call a Angela Maitner, PhD wanted to prove we were better than that and could lead."3 Although Mey is also proving that Emiratis can lead, her example may be too striking to alter an overall stereotype of Emiratis in the workplace. Instead, individuals who are extremely deviant from our stereotypic expectations are often fenced off from the group – taken as a rare counterexample whose behav- “multicultural ideology.” It is beneficial to recognize differences that exist between groups in society – to allow categorization – so long as we also respect those differences. Research shows that holding this view of diversity provides the cognitive benefit of getting to simplify a complex social world through categorization, but ensures that resulting stereotypes are more accurate. It does so without increasing prejudice, thereby reducing tension 27 ior tells us nothing about the group as a whole. Individuals who can be subcategorized are also fenced off. If an Emirati is foreign-educated or raised, for example, we may automatically and unconsciously consider their behavior a product of their environment and not their nationality. So again, in our minds their success tells us nothing of Emiratis in general. If stereotypes have the power to prove themselves right, and if they are resistant to change even in the face of counterexamples, how can they be controlled? Herein lies the real challenge to Emirati identity and perhaps part of the problem of unemployment among UAE nationals. Put simply, the strongest way to confront stereotypes is to present a large number of mildly counter-stereotypic exemplars – we need to see people who surprise, but don’t overwhelm us. between groups and creating a more supportive environment for stereotype change. Second, every individual must recognize that their behavior is perceived by outsiders as a reflection on the group. This is especially the case in a diverse society where the mind categorizes in order to function. Individuals who act counter to a stereotype weaken it. Those who support it, strengthen it. ...Cont’d on p. 39 28 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 28 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 The Culture of Volunteerism in The UAE Reflections on a Study of Emirati Youth Robert Putnam wrote (1995) that interpersonal interactions between individuals in a society driven by civic associations could result in “social capital,” or that the members of that society place in their expectations of cooperation with one another. Yet in UAE formal volunteering, an example of such civic engagement defined as the act of giving time through a registered organization or community association, has reportedly risen in recent years. The popularity of volunteerism in UAE may come as no surprise to those who know that Emiratis have given their time to civic associations since the beginning of the country’s foundation, and before this Emiratis report that earlier generations helped their neighbors informally since long before the nation’s birth. Yet there are major differences between those associations and today’s new volunteerism initiatives. All or most older associations considered members’ involvement with the group the primary form of volunteerism, whereas newer organizations more often offer a chance for non-group members to “plug” into programs as they see fit, allowing for a wider audience to engage in a group’s activities even if those volunteers do not typically give their time to the group. New organizations also often go beyond money-giving opportunities, instead offering volunteers a chance to give their time to others. The UAE and its citizens have much to gain from these trends, though not without drawbacks. In a small survey last year of twenty Emirati youth who were identified by members of their The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 community as “highly engaged” in volunteerism, volunteers reported knowledge and skill acquisition as one of their biggest motivations and most significant of effects of volunteering. Volunteers learned everything from confidence, time management, communication skills, patience, and self-motivation for productivity to feeling less shy around members of the opposite gender. Volunteers emphasized that volunteering can expand one’s horizons. One young man from Dubai confessed, “For me, it’s all about the learning experience.” An Al Ain university student exclaimed that volunteering helps you learn things you’ll never learn in schools or from books because you cannot process what you don’t experience. Beyond this, volunteers emphasized their gains in happiness. As one young woman from Al Ain stated, when you help people “it’s a special happiness, you’ll never find it anywhere else.” Several others reported a feeling of religious selfactualization. Another volunteer explained: “…knowing that God rewards you for helping others may lead some Emiratis to volunteer even if this motivation is purely subconscious.” The reported effects on volunteers were not all positive, namely fear of criticism from family, friends, and society. Several of those interviewed said that one or both parents thought that giving time to the community required students to sacrifice, rather than supplement, their academic studies. Some friends questioned an activity – any activity – that re- Rebecca Donaldson quires you to labor without payment. “Why you help them but they don’t pay you?” asked the friends of a young woman from Ras al-Khaimah (RAK). Her friends went on to point out that volunteering may make people see you “as a Filipina maid.” Some volunteers, especially young women, feared repercussions if volunteering required co -ed interaction. Others reported feelings of isolation from their choice to spend their free time working. Regardless, momentum may drive volunteerism’s popularity all the way towards societal change. Throughout my interviews, volunteers continually emphasized that volunteering taught them not only how to work with others from a teamwork perspective, but also with those who are different from them in terms of gender, nationality, or race. As one student so eloquently put it, volunteering can help “delete that conflict between thoughts and cultures.” Indeed, depending on the nature and content of the volunteering, the very act can teach someone how to see the world from the eyes of another other- 29 wise marginalized perspective. A young man from Abu Dhabi stated simply that since volunteering he’s learned to think outside of himself. An Al Ain student says she better understands how to analyze other’s motives. Others finally saw that those who are different from them, especially those with special needs, are not necessarily disabled and are, in fact, quite able: painting, walking, running, winning medals. One young man who studies film at university admitted that he used to have a phobia of disabled people. Now he is thinking of producing a TV show that includes the handicapped as characters on the show in order to change society’s perception of them. While volunteering, he found himself thinking that disabled kids are more honest. “I used to be the kind of person who would judge a book by its cover,” he said. “Now I’m more accepting of people – who they are, where they come from.” He said he did not know if this came from volunteering for sure, but that afterwards he could see difference. Retaining a healthy skepticism, he stated that volunteerism could not fulfill all of society’s needs. In a realization that would make Putnam proud, he went on to say that volunteering still could “help society’s interactions with one another.” If this is true and the trend continues, volunteering may not just affect UAE’s volunteers. It may also strengthen the togetherness of the society as a whole. Ψ By Rebecca Donaldson US Fulbright Scholar (2010-11) FHSS, UAEU 30 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 30 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Student Column Woes of a Psychology Undergrad: The Struggle for Neutrality “Oh you’re studying psychology? Can you analyze my personality?” If this sounds familiar, you are indeed (or were) a psychology student. I’ve been studying for almost two years now, and the very same questions and reactions happen every time someone gets to know that I am studying psychology. Analyzing personalities is indeed a part of a psychologist’s job, but personality analysis doesn’t happen on the go. We can’t talk about it casually over tea; I can’t give it to you on a plate to go along with the falafel you just ordered. By Saad Ibrahim, Psychology Major, UAEU According to which theory would you like to be analyzed? Or what particular aspect of your personality would you like us to look into? Can you fill out these numerous personality scales while I shake my head in dismay? (Geographical Information Systems) student, to which I quickly replied, “Oh sure, I’ll analyze your personality but only if you draw me a map first.” I do realize this might be unprofessional but it keeps my irritation levels controllable. Is this what it feels to be stereotyped? We’ve studied stereotypes in the course of social psychology, and I am very aware that we all belong to a certain stereotype whether we like it or not. However, being reminded of it regularly by peers (even unintentionally) gets under your skin after a while, and it’s very hard not to become irritated. The last time I was asked these questions was by a GIS Another common belief is that psychology students go into the field because they have mental problems of their own to solve. My peers often stated, “What? Study psychology?! No thanks, I’m not crazy.” Sometimes they follow it up with, “So how are you doing now?” to which I respond with a vague expression and a wistful look towards the horizon. Again, I know this looks unprofessional but I’m just going to The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 hide behind my student status, I have yet to attain the patience and understanding of senior psychology professionals. It is indeed true that a portion of students go into the field to gain better understanding of themselves as human beings, but that does not mean they are psychopaths. How come medical students aren’t being called sadists since they slice corpses up during anatomy classes? Why don’t we see chemical engineering students being deemed potential anarchists just because they dabble with chemicals? So why does studying the mind brand those who study it as ‘crazy’? Here is another one of those comments: “You’re doing psychology? Wow. I took a couple of diplomas in NLP last summer!” These kinds of statements really get to me. All that should be said is that Neuro-Linguistic Pro- however after some investigations online I wasn’t surprised to see that other psychology students around the globe also are being viewed in pretty much the same way. Actually, just to be fair, every discipline’s students have a particular stereotype; we all have a certain idea of what an engineering student, what a mass communications student is like, what a politics student is like etc. It is just a marvel how these stereotypes persist in universities which are supposedly scintillating platforms of knowledge and awareness. As the issue of academic stereotypes isn’t 31 gramming is not considered a branch of psychology. What usually comes up with this is hypnosis. Others ask if we learn how to do hypnosis during the course of our study, it’s not enough to follow up the big sigh with a simple “No,” I also explain why hypnotism died out as a therapeutic approach and that it’s not a viable treatment option in almost all cases. If I don’t add this they will get the idea that what they see in movies is still being done in real practice. Once others know that you’re studying psychology, they deal with you with an obvious air of suspicion, as if you’re trying to get to their innermost secrets or looking for guinea pigs to apply what you’ve learned. I don’t intend to generalize here, maybe it’s just my personal experience and I shouldn’t be extrapolating it to the experiences of other psychology undergraduate students; limited to one discipline, looking at it from a student’s perspective might have shed some light on the nuances associated with the psychology student stereotype. However, it is not something that will hinder a student’s performance or general functioning. The real issue is what comes after that. These perspectives tend to persist without correction even after entering professional lives, and just like a stereotype of a particular ethnic group negatively affects the attitudes and behavior towards that group, so do stereotypes of academic disciplines and their professionals. Ψ 32 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 32 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Avicenna’s Contributions to Psychology Ibn Sina, commonly known as Avicenna in the West was from Bukhara (presently capital of Uzbekistan in Central Asia). His full name was Abu ‘Ali AlHusayn B. ‘Abd Allah Ibn Sina (980–1037) and he was known primarily as a philosopher and a physician, but he also contributed to the advancement of all sciences in his time. In the field of psychology, Ibn Sina wrote about mind, its existence, the mind–body relationship, sensa- tion, perception, etc. in his famous book ash Shifa (Healing). At the most common level, the influence of the mind on the body can be seen in voluntary movements, i.e. whenever the mind wishes to move the body, the body obeys. The second level of the influence of mind on the body is from emotions and the will. Say for instance, if a plank of wood is placed as a bridge over a chasm, one can hardly creep over it without falling because one only pictures oneself in a possible fall so vividly that the ‘‘natural power of limbs accord with it.’’ Strong emotions can actually destroy the temperament of the individual and lead to death by influencing vegetative functions. On the other hand, a strong soul could create conditions in another person as well—based on this phenomenon, he accepts the reality of hypnosis (al Wahm al-Amil). He divided human perceptions into the five external and five internal senses: (a) sensus communis or The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 the seat of all senses that integrates sense data into percepts, (b) the imaginative faculty which conserves the perceptual images, (c) the sense of imagination, which acts upon these images by combining and separating them (by intellect in humans) and is therefore the seat of practical intellect, (d) Wahm or instinct that perceives qualities like good and bad, love and hate, etc. and it forms the basis of one’s character whether or not influenced by reason, (e) intentions (ma’ni) that conserves in memory all these notions. He wrote about the potential intellect (within man) and active intellect (outside man) and that cognition cannot be mechanically produced but involves intuition at every stage. According to him, ordinary human mind is like a mirror upon which a succession of ideas reflects from the active intellect. Before the acquisition of knowledge that emanates from the active intellect the mirror was rusty but when we think, the mirror is polished and it remains to direct it to the sun (active intellect) so that it could readily reflect light. Ibn Sina also gave psychological explanations of certain somatic illnesses. He considered philosophizing as a way of making ‘‘the soul reach perfection’’. Ibn Sina always linked the physical and psychological illnesses together. He called melancholia (depression) a type of mood disorder in which the person may become suspicious and develop certain types of phobias. Anger he said heralded the transition of melancho- lia to mania. He explained that humidity inside the head can contribute to mood disorders. This happens when the amount of breath changes. Happiness increases the breath, which leads to increased moisture inside the brain but if this moisture goes beyond its limits the brain will lose control over its rational thought leading to mental disorders. He also used psychological methods to treat his patients. Ibn Sina also wrote about symptoms and treatment of love sickness (Ishq), nightmare, epilepsy, and weak memory. Excerpt from Haque, A. (2004). Psychology from an Islamic perspective: Contributions of Early Muslim Scholars to Psychology. Journal of Religion and Health. 43:4, 367-387. 33 ...cont’d from p. 15 (NRC) Education and Training Educating its own workforce to deliver the best possible treatment and care, to build capacity in Abu Dhabi and the UAE to deal with addiction and associated problems and to be a regional and international centre of excellence in training and workforce development in addictions are NRC’s aims. The Psychological Skills and Competencies Training Programme for Mental Health Professionals initiated by NRC in partnership with Maudsley International and King’s College London in 2009 was the first of its kind in the country. Its success in improving skills in a multidisciplinary workforce has led to a partnership with the UAEU to develop this programme into a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychological Skills in Mental Health. Providing placements and fellowships to undergraduates, postgraduates and trainees of different professions as an education partner with universities is very much part of the agenda of the NRC. The NRC is currently launching an experiential training geared towards developing capacities in delivering the Matrix, an ambulatory care model accredited by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in the USA. To find out more about the NRC please visit our website or phone us on +971 2 446 6660. Ψ Dr Shamil Wanigaratne Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Senior Advisor to the Director General of the NRC 34 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 34 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Psychology and Mental Health Conferences 2012 Singapore, Singapore Web: September 14 - 17, 2012 13th International EABP Congress of Body Psychotherapy Cambridge, UK Web: .uk/ November 8-11, 2012 25th Annual Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress San Diego, California, USA Web: http:// September 21-23, 2012 International Conference on Schizophrenia Chennai, India Web: November 15 - 18, 2012 53rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Web: http:// September 26-28 South-East Asia Psychology Conference Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Web: conferences/SEAP2012 September, 26 - 30, 2012 6th International Adventure Therapy Conference Czech Paradise, Czech Republic Web: October 10-13, 2012 International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology Istanbul, Turkey Web: November, 1-3, 2012 2nd Asia Pacific Behavioral and Addiction Conference with Psychotherapy Masterclass December 5-7, 2012 Division of Clinical Psychology Conference Oxford, United Kingdom Web: dcp2012 2013 March 20 - 23, 2013 First World Conference on Personality Stellenbosch, South Africa Web: April 18 - 20, 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Seattle, Washington, USA Web: July 9 - 12, 2013 The 13th European Congress of Psychology Stockholm, Sweden Web: July 22-25, 2013 7th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Lima, Peru Web: July 31 - August 4, 2013 121st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Web: convention August 15-18, 2013 3rd Asia Pacific Rim Counseling and Psychotherapy Conference Kuching, Malaysia Web: http:// November 14 - 17, 2013 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society Toronto, Ontario, Canada Web: http:// annual-meeting.html The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 UAE Practicing Psychologist Database Name of Psychologist Alia Alserkal University Degree PhD (Psychology) Andrea Tosatto Angela De Jong PhD (Psychology) D. Comm (Leadership in Performance and Change), M. Comm (I/O psychology) MA (Industrial Psychology) MSc (Occupational Psychology), Charted Psychologist Angela Wahl Bonita Das Bhatla Deema Sihweil Fatima Mohd. Abdulla J. Bruce Overmier Jeannine Deitos Jessica Rios-Habib June Fong Katerine LeMay PsyD (Clinical Psychology) MA (Psychology) PhD (Organizational Psychology) PhD (Pediatric Psychology) PhD (Pediatric Psychology) Forensic Psychology PhD (Clinical Psychology) Lama Younis Lisa Biasini Lori Carroll Maqsoud Kruse Naeema Jiwani Plamen Dimitri Raymond H. Hamden Sabine Skaf Samineh I. Shaheem Sanne Mantoni Sarah Jones Forensic Psychology & Criminology MA (Psychology) PhD (School Psychology) M. Psych (Clinical Psychology) MS (Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology) PhD (Organizational Psychology) PhD (Clinical & Forensic Psychology) MA (Psychology) PhD (Cross Cultural Psychology) MA (Organizational Psychology) MSc (Occupational Psychology) Place of Work du (Emirates Integrated Telecommunication Company), Dubai Dubai TDIC, Abu Dhabi ADCO, Abu Dhabi Freelance Business Psychologist, Abu Dhabi Human Relations Institute, Dubai Emirates Airlines, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Osteopathic Health Center Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Dubai Physiotherapy and Family Medicine Clinic, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Abu Dhabi Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai Human Relations Institute, Dubai PA Consulting Group, Dubai Human Resources & Development Dubai Airports, Dubai Note: This is a developing database of practicing psychologists who wish to add their names on this list. For additions, deletions or corrections, please email to the editor. For more information, including criteria for inclusion, please see p. 40. 35 36 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 36 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Note: This directory is a continuation of psychological and human services listings provided in the Dec. 2011 issue of the Newsletter. Psychological Services in the UAE Abu Dhabi Private practice The Abu Dhabi New Psychiatry Hospital Provides Occupational Therapy A government run facility which could be contacted for any help in Psychiatry Mr. Mohamed Taleb, Deputy Director, Sr. Occupational Therapist Tel: 02 6669625 / 050 5369943 Tel: 02 6331600 The Gulf Diagnostic Center Hospital Provides psychological and neuropsychological assessment and counseling Add: Mental health department, PO Box 30702, Tel: 02 6658090/02 4177222/ 02 6658084 (F) Web: New Medical Centre Provides psychological and neuropsychological assessment and Counseling Tel: 02 6332255 Web: The New England Center for Children Provides Applied Behaviour Analysis for Autisim Vincent Strully Jr. (CEO & Founder) Add: P.O. Box 112923 Abu Dhabi Tel: 02 6429550 / 02 6429610 (F) Web: / Email: Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian Care and Special Needs Provides educational, rehabilitation and therapeutic services to support individuals with special needs. Add: Airport Road behind Carrefour Tel: 02 6985555/02 4418099 (F) Abu Dhabi Centre for Language and Speech Disorders Tel: 02 6656222 Email: British Institute for Learning Development Abu Dhabi Tel: 02 5526078 Web: Email: Abilities Development Centre Tel: 02 6417996 Email: Dubai Al Noor Center for Children with Special Needs Tanuka Gupta (Clinical Psychologist) Add: Al Barsha, behind Mall of the Emirates PO Box 8397 Tel: 050 7947083 Web: Email: British Medical Consulting Center Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist (adults, children and adolescents) Dr. Abdul Wahab Add: Villa # 32, Jumeirah Beach Road, Jumeirah 1, Opposite Mercato Mall Tel: 04 3442633 Email: Web: Child Early Intervention Medical Center Offers services for Autism and speech therapy Dr. Hibah Shata, Managing Director/ Co-Founder Add: Dubai Health Care City, Al Razi Building Block B, Suite 2010, PO Box 505122 Tel: 04 4233667/04 4298474(F)/050 5512319 (Dr. Hiba) Email: / The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Counseling Point Dubai Clinical Psychologist Sylvan Learning in Mirdif Rema Menon, Founder and Director, Emotional / Psychological Therapist Offers Psychotherapy Servicesin English and French. Specialty in reading Add: Suite 202, Nasr Lootah Building Next to New Pakistani Consulate Bank Street – Bur Dubai Tel: 050 5642709/04 3978846/04 3978847 (F) Web: Email: Davis Dyslexia Association affiliate Provides Dyslexia Support Services in English and Africans Linda Rademan Address: JESS Arabian Ranches Tel: 04 3481687/050 4507760 Email: Dyslexia Learning Support Services Provides Dyslexia Learning Support Services in English Dr. Anita Singhal, Director, Educational Psychologist Tel: 04 3440738/050 6524325 Email: Dubai Autism Center Dr. Katerine LeMay PhD, C. Psych. Psychologist / Psychotherapist Web: Email: Dubai Foundation for Women and Children Fatma Hassan Essa, Community Awareness Director (Emotional / Psychological Therapist) Add: PO Box 97727 Tel: 04 6060331/04 6060300/04 2871221(F) Web: Email: / Infinity Clinic Speech-Language Pathologist/ Specialist in Learning Disabilities (LD) in English Alia Thobani Add: Al Wasl Road 726 Dubai Tel: 04 3948994 Email: Web: Provides services for Autism Add: PO Box 103737 Tel: 04 3986864/04 3988262(F) Web: Email: Dubai Early Childhood Development Center (DECDC) Offers comprehensive assessments for developmental disabilities. Dr. Bushra Al Mulla, Director Tel: 04 3260161 Email: Web: Private practice Provides Dyslexic Support Service in Arabic, English, and French Ruba Tabari Tel: 050 5514316 Email: Jeffrey Smith, Director Address: Street 47, Al Barajeel Oasis Tel: 04 2362227 Email: Web: mirdif Stepping Stones Center for Autistic Spectrum Disorders Designs individualized behavioral, educational, social, speech / language and occupational therapy programs for individuals diagnosed within the autism spectrum and other related disorders. Add: Dubai Health Care City, Al Razi Bldg, Block B, Suite 5001, Dubai Tel: 04 3635433/04 3635432 (F)/050 3897117 Private Practitioner and ASD Elementary SN assessment, Ed. Psych. LD/ADD/ ADHD in English Onita Nakra, Ph.D. Tel: 04 3440824/04 3557743/050 4508049" Email: Lexicon Reading Centre Private Practice Offers Services for children/adults with learning differences Autism and Clinical psychology Aisha Said, Program Director Add: Jumeirah Lakes Towers, HDS Tower 1909 Tel: 04 4447782/050 7954428 Email: Web: NMC Specialty Hospital Provides psychological and neuropsychological assessment and Counseling Tel: 04 2679999/04 2678889 Web: Email: Marissa Lobo Tel: 050 4579171 Ras Al Khaimah ABA center for special needs Provides Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy for developmental disorders. Mrs. Asha Susan Add: Ras Al Khaimah, P.O Box 29345. Tel: 07 2365542 / 07 2365057/ 055 3119743 Web: Email: / 37 38 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 38 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Sharjah ABA center for special needs Manzil Special Needs Provides a wide variety of services to individuals and their families who face the life-long challenges of developmental disabilities, autism, pervasive developmental disorder, asperger’s syndrome, ADD, ADHD, developmental delays, down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy etc. Educational Psychologist - Learning Assessments Mrs. Asha Susan Tel: 055 3119743 Web: / Specialty Centre For Child Care Ayesha Saeed Husaini, Director Off Sharjah Airport Road, PO Box 44410 Tel: 06 5347663/06 5347664/04 3982246 Email: Web: Specialty Centre For Child Care Provides special Needs assessment and therapy in Arabic and Basic English, Certified by Ministry of Health. Provides assessment and remedial services in Arabic and basic English. Ashraf El Erain (Psychologist) Consultants certified by the Ministry Address: P.0. Box 21882 Sharjah to conduct psychological and SN Located near football stadium assessments. Tel: 050 5126206 Dr. Gamal El Karim (General ManagEmail: er) P.0. Box 21882 Sharjah, Located near football stadium Tel: 06 5223517 050 525629 British Institute for Learning and Email: Development Emirates Psychological Association Provides Neuro-phys development of children / Occupational Therapy, Provides workshops and trainings to Utilizes 9 international assessimprove skills of psychologists in ments, translator available for AraArabic and English. bic Speaking Clients. Dr. Nadia Buhannad (President) Sheena Reynolds Msc., Dip COT, Address: Dar Ghaya Bldg. MowailBAOT, Learning Development Dieeh Area rector Tel: 06 5441137 / Sat-Wed (0800Add: Villa 361 (Ramaqia area, Shar1400) jah) Email: Tel: 06 5383262 Web: Web: Email: Note: If your psychological services are not listed here and you wish to be included in future issues of the Newsletter, please send us the needed information. —Editor. EMDR An Evolving Therapy, Cont’d the practice guideline of a wide range of organizations like the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 2004, the Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defence in 2010, the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies in 2009 and in other organizations worldwide. Relatively few neuropsychological studies on EMDR have been published yet. Van der Kolk (1996) conducted a study on trauma victims, who were treated with EMDR and given a SPECT brain scan, pre and post EMDR. Findings showed reduction in some of the neurological abnormalities associated with their conditions. A study by Nicosia (1994) found that examination of EMDR clients by quantitaive electroencephalography (QEEG) revealed normalization of the slower brain wave activity of the two cortical hemispheres. Going forward, there is a need for more research to be conducted on the effect of EMDR and its relation with neuroplasticity of the brain. This may highlight in the future the effectiveness of EMDR as a therapy. We hope to see similar research initiatives increase in this part of the world. Ψ The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 39 An Industrial Psychologist abroad the UAE edition, Cont’d Finding psychometric tests and simulation exercises written in Arabic for both Assessment Centre and Development Centre purposes. Finding psychometric tests with appropriate Arabic / MiddleEastern norms. Giving development feedback to employees, while not a native language speaker. Mistrust in the psychometric instrument, its reliability, the results and ultimately the value. Online tests being completed by someone else, or not completed at all. Luckily, it can be reported that many international test publishers are in the process of developing Arabic / Middle-Eastern psychometric tests and norms. Furthermore I reverted back to the invigilated paper-and -pencil format of assessment at our offices rather than using online assessments. And a large part of my role became raising awareness and education on the science underpinning psychometrics, how the results need to be interpreted, whilst simultaneously highlighting the value to hiring managers, candidates and employees partaking in development centers. I found this process thought provoking, but also very rewarding. Therefore, after having lived, worked, dreamed and played for three years in the Arabian desert, I can see deep footsteps in the sand, and it will become increasingly more difficult to shake this rich red sand off my feet one day when I need to return home. Ψ Angela de Jong, PhD Industrial Psychologist registered with the HPCSA Confronting Stereotypes of Emiratis: What Can We Do? Cont’d Individuals should also acknowledge that their own stereotypes will play a role in influencing their behavior, and thus, expecting bias (whether or not it’s really there) will make it appear. Stereotypes are considered problematic because when we hold negative expectations about a group, we may misperceive negative characteristics in individuals. But stereotypes are also an essential part of the architecture of the mind. Confronting them requires shared responsibility between target and perceiver. Targets need to recognize that stereotype-confirming behavior influences how the group as a whole is seen. Perceivers need to recognize that their judgments, at times, may be prejudgments, and make more deliberate attempts to judge others on a case-by-case basis. Working together, we can aim to both change stereotypes and reduce their misuse. Ψ References 1 Simpson, C. (04 March 2012). Emiratis missing in the workforce. The National. http:// workforce 2 Al Haddad, A. (03 March 2012). Retail has roles for every jobless Emirati. The National. uae-news/retail-has-roles-forevery-jobless-emirati 3 Simpson, C. (03 March 2012). Emiratis tell of success in private sector jobs. The National. uae-news/emiratis-tell-ofsuccess-in-private-sector-jobs Angela Maitner, PhD Department of International Studies (Psychology) American University of Sharjah 40 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 40 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Psychologist Database We are developing a database of Psychologists in the UAE! The requirement for inclusion is either a master’s or higher degree (MPhil, PhD, PsyD) in psychology from an accredited university or an official job title of a “psychologist” working in the UAE. If you are interested in being a part of this database, please send your name, credentials (terminal degree and University, employer’s name and location) to the Editor. The Clinical Psychology Master’s Program at UAEU is developing a list of potential internship sites for our students. If you are a government-approved human service agency or an organization with a Doctorate/ Masters level psychologist and you are interested in joining our internship list, please contact the Newsletter Editor. Clinical Psychology Sponsorship Program Internship Site for Masters Students The Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology at UAEU is a fee-based program and the total fee for two-year program is AED 62,600. Several students who qualified for admission could not pursue their dream because they could not afford to pay the full fees. Additionally, we want to start a merit-based scholarship for students who make it to the Dean’s List. If your organization can support the cause by assisting needy and meritorious students earn a master’s degree in clinical psychology, please donate to the CPSP. We will place the name of your organization on Clinical Psychology Program Website: http:// study_opportunities/clinical_psychology.shtml The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 Conference Announcement and Call for Papers 2nd International Conference on Psychological Sciences* Theme: Stress in Daily Life November 2012, IT Building Auditorium, UAE University The aim of this conference is to raise awareness on the effects of stress in general and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), in response to the recent developments in some Arab countries and natural disasters in other parts of the world. Languages: English and Arabic Organized by: the Department of Psychology and Counseling *Subject to final Approval by the University For exact date of the conference and other details please call: 03-7136470 Position Vacancy Psychology Lab Supervisor Minimum Qualifications: 1. The applicant must have a postgraduate degree in psychology. The minimum requirement is an MSc from a reputable university. 2. The applicant must be particularly knowledgeable in the fields of statistical psychology, experimental psychology, cognitive psychology, biological psychology, psychological tests and measurements, and research methods. 3. The applicant must have experience in using psychology laboratory equipment and apparatus. 4. The applicant must demonstrate that s/he has experience in using psychological laboratories’ hardware and software. The applicant must be able to use and maintain computer networks. If interested, please send your CV to Prof. Taha Amir: 41 42 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 42 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 UAEU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is now accepting applications for it’s Master’s Program in Clinical Psychology Spring Semester -- Academic Year 2011-2012 This master’s level degree provides professional preparation for the clinical practice of psychology, enabling individuals to analyze, diagnose, and treat psychological disorders and prepare them for doctoral-level studies. Please submit application in hard copy directly to the UAEU Admissions Office: Building 80, Maqam, Al Ain. Tel: 037134283 . For further details, please visit our website: clinical_psychology.shtml The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 43 Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology (MSc) UAEU’s Master’s of Science in Clinical Psychology (MSc) provides professional preparation for the clinical practice of psychology, enabling individuals to diagnose and treat psychological and behavioral disorders in a variety of settings. The program requires 39 semester hours of study, including six semester hours (600 clock hours) of supervised practicum experience in an approved mental health or rehabilitation setting. Full-time students may be able to graduate in less than two years. A master’s thesis is optional, and the language of instruction is English. Applicants must have some background in psychology and hold a degree from an accredited institution. If the institution is in the UAE, it must be accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Admission Criteria: • Certified and current scores in IELTS (minimum 6.0) or TOEFL (minimum 550) • Academic transcripts demonstrating a GPA of 2.5/C with GPA 3.0/ B in psychology-related courses • Completion of a minimum 24 credit hours in psychology (certain prerequisite, decided by committee on a case-by-case basis) may be required • Three letters of reference: at least one should be from a professor familiar with the applicant’s academic performance • At least one sample of academic writing in English (no fewer than five pages in total) Curriculum: Required Courses (total 33 credits) PSY 501-Advanced Clinical Psychology PSY 502-Intellectual Assessments PSY 503-Advanced Psychopathology PSY 504-Personality Tests PSY 505-Advanced Behavioral Statistics PSY 506-Psychotherapy: Theories and Techniques PSY 507-Cross Cultural Issues PSY 508-Child and Family Therapy PSY 601-Practicum I PSY 602-Practicum II PSY 603-Scientific and Professional Ethics Elective Courses (total 6 credits) PSY 511-Individual Tests (children) PSY 512-Neuropsychology PSY 513-Gender Issues PSY 514-Health Psychology PSY 611-Personality Tests 2 PSY 613-Psychopharmacology PSY 616-Master’s Thesis PSY 617-Research Design Methods Tuition and Fees (2011-12): Per credit hour tuition: AED 1,200 Per credit hour lab fees: AED 400 Total per credit tuition: AED 1,600 Application fees: AED 200 Total per-credit fees plus charges for 39 hours: AED 62,600 For details including application form check out program website: study_opportunities/ clinical_psychology.shtml Or Email to: Enquiries: (971) 03-7134773 You may contact the Program Director, Dr Amber Haque by email at: UAEU CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY MASTERS PROGRAM LECTURE SERIES Lecture Five The Clinical Psychology Virtual Library, February 15th 2012. Speaker: Mr. Ali Abdulla, Manager of Public Services, University Libraries, UAEU. Lecture Six Ontogenesis of Anxiety Disorders, March 14th 2012. Speaker: Dr. Ossama T. Osman (M.D.), Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Health Sciences, FMHS, UAEU. Lecture Seven What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy and why is it so popular? April 17th, 2012. Speaker: Dr. Shamil David Wanigaratne, D.Clin. Psych., C.Psychol., FBPsS. National Rehabilitation Center, Abu Dhabi. 44 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 44 The UAE Psychologist, Vol. 1(2), May 2012 2012 Comments from Readers “The Newsletter is indeed an impressive publication which demonstrates the scope and activities of psychology in the Emirates. …I would be delighted to discuss with you the possibility of EPA applying for national membership in IUPsyS.” – Nick Hammond, International Union of Psychological Sciences (IUPsyS), USA. “Wow! This is superb! Very well done, to you and your colleagues.” – Dr. Rory Hume, Provost, UAE University, Al Ain. “Impressive!” — Dr. Donald Baker, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of the University College, UAE University, Al Ain. “The UAE Psychology Newsletter is a wonderful contribution to professionals in this country and neighboring nations too. Appreciative of the work that you and colleagues have made, I thank you.” – Dr. Raymond Hamden, Dubai. “I would like to congratulate you, Dr. Fadwa, Dr. Husaain Al Massiah, as well as UAEU and the EPA for the launch of the UAE Psychologist Newsletter. I was pleasantly surprised when I received it from Dr. Annie Crookes and was very proud that this initiative has been taken, as this will help to join and link psychologists across the Emirates.” Alia Al Serkal, Dubai. “This Newsletter looks great! I am so happy that you have taken the initiative to start it and have shared it with my colleagues.” Angela Maitner, American University of Sharjah. “What a great initiative!” — Dr. Annie Crookes, Dubai “I read it with great interest.” – Bonita Das Bhatla, Freelance Business Psychologist, Abu Dhabi.