Calendar of Events - Tidewater BMW CCA


Calendar of Events - Tidewater BMW CCA
das Kummet
The Newsletter of the Tidewater Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America
September • October 2013
Even the sun appreciates our cars!
Car: 2006 BMW Z4 Roadster
Owner: Brad Purvis – Williamsburg Representative Tidewater Chapter
Location: Blue Herron Restaurant, Charles City, Virginia
Photographer: Bess Wood
Calendar of Events
AUG 30th – SEP 1st (Fri-Mon): 4th Annual BMW ZSCCA Z-Fest
Annual ZSCCA event in Greenville (Greer), SC; host hotel will be the Hilton Garden Inn in
Greenville; Advanced registration required:
CONTACT - Sam Wood 757-435-5715 or or
David Weeks 864-414-7911 (ZSCCA President and ZFest Coordinator)
4th (Wed): Blue Ridge BMW CCA – Richmond Monthly Get Together
WED 5:30 – 8:00 pm @ Champp’s; 9202 Stony Point Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804-323-6053 POC: Frank Gorse;
7th-8th Tarheel (Sat-Sun): BMW CCA HPDE @ VIR (2-day event) POC: Jo Ella John;
Calendar of events continued to pg 9
Jeff Triplett (757) 620-4171
Vice President
Sam Wood (757) 435-5715
Darin Kwasniewski (757) 484-2656
Ed DeLanis (757) 496-8720
Activities Committee
OPEN, Chair
Marc Garcia (757) 803-5658
Matt Hageman (757) 805-6664
Tripp Racioppi (757) 514-4210
Chris Triplett (757) 620-6623
Bess Wood (256) 531-6369
Membership Chairperson
Bob Eveleigh (757) 491-0955
Ben Potts (585) 794-1407
Newsletter Editor
Bess Wood (256) 531-6369
Driving School Events Chairman
Chief Instructor
Bob Brochu (757) 430-8124
Tech Session Chairman
BMW Classics Chairman
Steve Waddell (757) 539-1305
Peninsula Rep
Jim Waldeck (757) 229-0836
Williamsburg Rep
Brad Purvis (757) 869-1459
Outer Banks N.C. Rep
Jack Robey (252) 480-3356
Foodbank Chairperson
Chris Triplett (757) 620-6623
Inside This Issue
3 Editor’s Note
4 On The Road Again
5 Summer Fun Drive
8 Meet & Greet & Eat
10 Independence Drive
13 Bimmerfest
14 One of Those Days
Autumn Colors Drive
President’s Perscpective
New Members
Nominations for Officers
Registration Open
Neighbors Need Help
Tidewater Chapter: 862 as of July/August 2013
National: 69,720 as of June 2013
Address changes can be made on the BMWCCA National website (www. by hitting ‘Login’ and following instructions on site. From
there, click on the ‘Manage Account’ link on the top of the page; then click on
the ‘Change Addresses’ link.
Or write to:
640 South Main Street - Suite 201
Greenville, SC 29601
All changes done through the National office will update both your National
and Tidewater Chapter address information. If you are a member of our Yahoo
Group,, please also remember to update your
Your articles and photos are very welcomed by us. To be included in an issue
the materials must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date
of next issue. To spice up the newsletter we always need photos of chapter
events. We may also use them on the chapter website. Send your contributions to Thanks!
Visit our Chapter web pages at:
on Facebook at:
FINE PRINT NOTICE: Das Kummet is published bimonthly and remains the property of the Tidewater Chapter BMW CCA, P.O. Box 62145, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145. All information is for members and advertisers only. Ideas, suggestions, writings, and opinions are those of the contributing
authors without authentication by or liability to the BMW CCA, the Editors, or Officers of the Tidewater BMW CCA chapter. No information in das Kummet bears the status of “Factory Approved”
unless so stated and implies no endorsement or guarantees expressed. The Tidewater Chapter of
the BMW CCA is completely independent of and in no way connected with BMW NA or BMW AG.
The contents of this publication remains the property of the chapter. All BMW CCA chapters, with
permission, may quote or copy from the publication provided full credit is given to the author and
the Tidewater Chapter unless noted as “Copyrighted” and is not used for commercial purposes.
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
Editor’s Note
Our Chosen Charities
For 2013:
What’s the old saying…you’re never too old to learn something new?
Well, inasmuch as I hope my new role as Editor brings a fresh look
to the “DK” it is proving to bring some fresh air to a few of my old
and forgotten brain cells. You see, it seems I ‘asked for it’ and I got it.
Ohboyhowdyoubetcha! I’ve spent some time since my last post here,
researching, reading and learning about Mods. I requested input
from readers, sought dialogue about tweeks and tune-ups bestowed
on those loved machines and managed to rustle up a Featured Car
or two. In the process I realized that there is an entirely separate
language among our readers who deliberately stray from OEM.
Words such as: “Zeemax”, GT wing, coilovers, “Rotora BBK”, Work
vs-xx, heat soaking super chargers, and dual vanos, just for starters.
I had to do some research just to have a conversation in this realm. I
even had to ‘educate’ my spell checker. Hopefully I can continue to
boldly go and bring some of my gleanings back here so that other
OEM’ers who find themselves facing a language barrier will benefit
as well.
Foodbank of
Southeastern Virginia
You can support this effort by bringing
canned goods or money to any chapter
event. However, money provides
more meals than canned goods. Chris
Triplett leads the committee. For more
information or to volunteer, please
contact Chris Triplett, foodbank@
Physicians for Peace
Keep those ideas coming!
Yours Most Gratefully,
Bess Wood
Physicians for Peace is an international
non-profit headquartered in Norfolk,
VA dedicated to medical education in
developing nations. With the support
of international medical educators, and
global citizens like you, the work of
PFP is made possible. To find out more
please visit
Featured Car
Now on Facebook!
Join us on Facebook to stay up to date with all your club’s activities!
To become part of our Facebook group, you must have a Facebook account.
After you sign on to Facebook at, enter “Tidewater BMW
CCA Activities Page” in the search block. You should be shown our activities
page along with a link labeled. “Join Group”. Click on join group, a box will
appear that will ask you if you want to join this group, click the “Join” button.
You are then taken to our club activities page, where you can see and post
activities and pictures.
It’s time to bring back an old friend.
Each issue will offer a spot light for a
featured car. If you are proud of your
BMW, if you LOVE your BABY then tell
our readers about it. E-mail the editor
a picture and stats on your prized
possession and then watch for it to
be featured on the back cover of this
Get your BMW it’s 15 minutes
of fame as our Featured Car.
Please send photos (300 dpi or better)
and a short description to editor@
das Kummet - September • October
Most of us have faced the woes of volunteerism in some capacity. You know, those moments when “…and why do I do this…”
crosses your mind. I hope this article will answer that question for our board and committee members, and perhaps fuel a
spark for members and readers alike. I know it did for me…in a very BIG voice. So I thank you Gary Allen.
- Bess Wood
On the Road Again:
Getting By with a Little Help from New Friends
By Gary W. Allen
1972 was a big year for me. On April 22nd of
that year, I married Marie, the winsome South
Carolinian who was the lady and
partner of my dreams. In June, I
graduated from the Georgetown
Law Center and began my 34year professional career with
the Feds. On October 6th, after
agonizing between the 2002tii
and the car I finally chose, I took
delivery of the Blue Max, a 1972
Bavaria 3.0 number 3103329,
resplendent in its fjord blue paint.
Here we are, 41 years later. Most
importantly, I still have my sweet Marie, and I’m
still a lawyer, though retired from active practice,
but most importantly for this purpose, I still have
the Blue Max. For the first time in an embarrassing
number of years, it is back on the road, and the
Tidewater Chapter played an important role in this
most agreeable development. Here is a condensed
version of how this came to be.
When Marie and I retired from a combined total
of 70 years of federal service in DC and moved
to Williamsburg in 2005, the Blue Max made the
trip on a car dolly. It would run, so I occasionally
drove it short distances, but the right front brake
had stuck “on” in 2001 and after a mile or two the
ancient brake fluid would boil; getting it stopped
was a very interesting proposition. So into our new
three-car garage (a must-have for our retirement
home) it went, where it sat mostly unattended to.
Mostly, I say; in my defense, I did have its radiator
triple –cored which, together with its updated
water pump and fan clutch, finally banished the
overheating gremlins that were endemic to the
original design. Once when our oldest son visited,
we got as far as putting the car up on jacks and
removing the wheels so as to inspect the brakes.
When his visit was over, progress on this project
stopped and there it sat, drawing increasinglydisapproving looks from my bride as Garage
Clutter sprang up around it.
“This garage is a mess,” she
finally said in the spring of 2011.
“When are you going to get that
car drivable so you can move it
out of the garage and straighten
this out? It’s embarrassing.”
She had a point there; I had
recently asked a neighbor to
enter the garage while we were
away to start the sprinkler system
and his visit occasioned some
pointed ribbing (which Marie unfortunately heard)
about the dishabille he noted there.
“Give me a date,” she said. “I want a date by which
you’ll have this done.”
“January 1,” I said, with feigning confidence. This
was a good eight months in the future when I said
that, and it seemed far enough away that I thought
there was some chance I might actually get it done,
or she might forget about it. As the months went by,
I relied more and more heavily on the latter hope.
Alas, this was not to be, so about mid-Fall I ordered
new pads and four new calipers, plus a set of brake
lines. I also ordered a snazzy new set of 16-inch
wheels and Kumho Ecsta 4X tires from Tire Rack,
since the old 1980s Michelins were literally blowing
out from age as they sat stacked in the garage and
14-inch tires are now hard to come by. I took the
project as far as I could myself and then had the
car flat-bedded to a local shop for its completion,
where a new master cylinder was added to the
festivities. In the first few miles of driving it, the
clutch slave cylinder went out, so back to the shop
it went for that pair.
On The Road Again continued to pg 12
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
End of Summer Fun Drive
Saturday, September 21st
Here we go again! Yep, another fun drive through
the country! This ‘end of summer’ Saturday event
celebrates a final opportunity for you to enjoy the
warmth (hopefully) of the
season before the cool
autumn colors arrive.
We will rendezvous at
11:00 in the Harris Teeter
shopping center parking
lot; 2472 Nimmo Parkway,
VA Beach. That’s just west
of the VB Courthouse
buildings off of Princess
Anne Road.
We will also be returning
to one of the area’s finest
Greek restaurants Yanni’s! They have opened their doors for us before
das Kummet - September • October
and the food and service did not disappoint. We
look forward to yet another stellar meal! Yanni’s
Casual Greek is located in the Woodhouse Corner
Shopping Center at
the corner of General
Booth Blvd and Nimmo
Parkway in VA Beach.
If you’d like, you can
check out the menu at
their website: http://
So don’t forget to RSVP
by Thursday, September
19th, to Matt Hageman
(757.805.0664 or email: …
or, as usual, you can also
Activities Committee
We are glad that you are supporting our events - THANK YOU! It is still VERY
important to RSVP (as early as possible) of your participation to any upcoming
activities. These numbers are needed to allow our hosting restaurants to be
prepared for us. Inaccurate totals make for unhappy restaurant managers and
cause them to be reluctant to allow our group to book in the future.
Non-commercial classified ads are free
to chapter members. Ads will run in
three published issues and then may
only be continued in subsequent issues
only by contacting the Newsletter
Editor. Ads submitted are limited to
200 words per ad including name,
address, phone number and email
address if available. Items offered for
sale must be the personal property of
the submitting member or family and
not of a business.
We are always on the lookout for members that would like to be a part of the
Activities Committee. Currently, the Activities Chairman position is open. If
you are interested please contact Sam Wood for details. Meanwhile, read Das
Kummet and check our websites regularly. We, of course, welcome your ideas,
thoughts, and suggestions…as well as your ‘constructive’ criticisms! Please feel
free to contact any one of the following committee members
Sam Wood - (757) 435-5715
Bess Wood - (256) 531-6369
Chris Triplett – (757) 620-6623
Matt Hageman - (757) 805-6664
Tripp Racioppi - (804) 514-4210
Marc Garcia - (757) 803-5658
Commercial ads are available to
members and non-members. Such ads
must be accompanied by payment in
full. Rates shown below are per year
(approximately 6 issues). All ads must
be submitted in a usable digital format
or as camera ready. “Das Kummet”
reserves the right to edit or reject any
ad submitted.
Full page
…$135 per issue or $700 per yr.
Half page
…$65 per issue or $350 per yr.
The following tools are available for members use. A deposit may be required and
will be refunded upon return of the tool in working condition.
1/4 page
…$50 per issue or $225 per yr.
• 17mm Trans. Drain Socket
• Service Light Resetting Tools
- Very Useful
• Brake Bleed System - Very Useful
• Tie Rod Separator - Pickle Forks
• Coil Spring Compressors
• Remote Starter Switch
• Peake-Code/Reset Tool - all
models - can be connected under
• Clutch Alignment Tool
hood or dash
• Pilot Bearing Puller
•NEW!! SRS Air Bag Scanner
• Fan Clutch Wrench & Bar
• Electric Impact Wrench
• Lockstrip Tool
Call Bob Parsons at 587-7423 for your needs.
Biz card
…$20 per issue or $100 per yr.
We have made arrangements through Lands End for club members to order a wide variety of chapter logo items. Access by going to:
Currently: The Merchandise Chair Position is open. Please contact Sam Wood @ for details.
NAME TAGS: We have also arranged with KayCee Engraving for members to order name tags with the chapter logo. Contact Info: Kay
Cee Engraving, PO Box 625, Heathsville, VA 22473-0625 or Call (804) 580-8247. &
BMW CCA Map Grille Badges
Chapter Logo Decals/License Plate Frames: FREE at club events
Various BMW CCA Decals
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
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Casey BMW
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das Kummet - September • October
The Ultimate
Driving Machine®
Quarterly “New Member” Meet & Greet & Eat
Annual Pig & Oyster Roast
Saturday, October 5th
These NMMGE (pronounced “nim-gee”) events
have become a very well attended, fun time!
This next one should prove to be even more fun –
because we’ve combined it with another GREAT
Annual Event – the Pig & Oyster Roast! So Saturday,
October 5th should be on YOUR calendar!
Marc Garcia has been doing a GREAT job planning
and coordinating fun drives for New Members!
We’re pretty sure he has another one up his
sleeve…or at least on his GPS! New Members (and
seasoned ones that want to join in the drive) will
rendezvous on Saturday, October 5th, at 10:30 in
the Harris Teeter shopping center parking lot; 2472
Nimmo Parkway, VA Beach. That’s just west of the
VB Courthouse buildings off of Princess Anne Road.
Marc will lead us through some area twisties on
the way to the BBQ! So don’t forget to RSVP prior
to October 3rd to let Marc know you’re going to
join us for the drive: (757.803.5658 or marcg007@ and/or to the Activities Committee at
Likewise, Chris and Jeff Triplett are getting ready
for another fun time together at their quiet,
community respite at 625 Johnson Street in VA
Beach – just off of Little Neck and North Lynnhaven
Roads. If you’re interested, bring your swim suit;
it might be warm enough for a dip in the pool! We
usually have a bushel or so of fresh Eastern Shore
oysters, cooked several different ways…or even
raw if you prefer! There is also (usually) a pork
shoulder, loin, butt, or some other tasty meat for
those that aren’t so inclined to enjoy the treasures
from the Bay! Maybe we can get Bob P. and SamI-Am to bring their competition BBQ sauces…
and, perhaps, one of you will want to bring YOUR
favorite sauce! To join the challenge – just bring it!
So don’t forget to also RSVP prior to October 3rd to
let Chris know you’re going to join us for the BBQ:
(757.620.6623 or
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
Calendar of Events
We have events for most every interest in motor sports. If you don’t see something you like, contact a Chapter Officer with
suggestions for new events. Our goal is simple - Provide BMW owners and their families with a wide variety of events,
encourage greater participation by spouses and young drivers and schedule “fun” events to relax and unwind from the daily
pace at work.
Some events are announced at the last minute on our Facebook Activities Committee page. Please sign up to join these groups
if you have not already done so. Instructions appear on this page.
Listed below are chapter events scheduled for the next few months. Events shown in italics are held by other organizations that
our members regularly attend and may be of interest to you. High Performance Driving Events (HPDE), racing and additional
autocross opportunities, are available in the “Track Junkies” section of our website -
Calendar of events continued from cover
9th-15th (Mon-Sun): 2013 BMW Championship
Golf Tournament – Conway Farms, Chicago, IL
For more information, check the link:
POC: Kelsey Knapp (847-724-4600) or
14th (Sat): Board and Activities Meeting –
General Membership Welcome
Panera Bread, 300 Constitution Drive Virginia
Beach, Virginia 23462 09:00 – 11:00 AM
CONTACT – Darin Kwasniewski 757-304-1512 or
14th (Sat): ///M-PAC East – Camden Yards;
Supporting the “Wounded Warriors Project”; $20/car collected @
gate; Gates open @ 11:00 (7:45 for Autocross)
POC: Tony Jones, Hampton Roads BMW ///M Group;
(757) 217-6518
NCC BMW CCA Autocross Sessions Available:
8:00-12:00 and 12:30-3:30; $25 members, $35
Non-Members per session; All-Day Session: $40
Members, $60 Non-Members
21st (Sat): End-of-Summer Fun Drive –
Southside. Rendezvous @ 11:00 A.M.; Shopping
Center parking Lot, 2472 Nimmo Parkway, VB
RSVP Required NOT LATER THAN Thursday (SEP
19th) Lunch: Yanni’s Casual Greek; Woodhouse
Corner (General Booth Blvd & Nimmo Pkwy) 2101
McComas Way, VA Beach; 757.689.2533; http://
CONTACT: Matt Hageman, 757.805.0664 or
27th (Fri): NCC BMW CCA HPDE Driving School
@ Jefferson Circuit, Summit Point, WV (27th – 29th,
3-day Event) $190/day
2nd-5th (Wed-Sat): American LeMans Series VIR
Grand Course; Tarheel & NCC Corral
POC: Jo Ella John:
2nd (Wed): Blue Ridge BMW CCA – Richmond
Monthly Get Together
5:30 – 8:00 pm @ Champp’s; 9202 Stony Point
Parkway, Richmond, VA 23235
Phone: 804-323-6053
POC: Frank Gorse:
14th-15th (Sat-Sun): Classics on the Green – New
Kent Winery The Central Virginia British Car Club
will host the annual event; pre-registration required
for show
das Kummet - September • October
2013 Independence Day Drive
In the invitation article for this drive Robin made
reference to ‘after all the fireworks’ come join us
for this drive. Well, the jubilation, excitement, and
enthusiasm on the faces and in the hearts of those
who joined us for this drive would have out shined
the best firework display. Many familiar faces and
a couple of new ones joined us for a drive planned
and hosted by Larry and Robin Williams. This was
their first endeavor at an event for our Chapter
but hopefully they will honor us with their talents
again in the future. This was a most excellent time
for all. The event was the 2013 Independence Day
Drive on Saturday, July 6, 2013. They led a caravan
of approximately 15 BMWs through
Southeastern Virginia which ended up being about
a 2 hour drive. Our final destination was the Blue
Herron Restaurant in Charles City, VA. About 27
hungry BMW drivers and passengers joined us for
“The weather was great and so was the food. It was
a good time all around.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the drive;
and we look forward to hosting another drive in the
not so distant future.” Larry and Robin Williams
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
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das Kummet - September • October
On The Road Again continued from pg 4
As a result of this relatively frenetic activity after
years of benign neglect, the Blue Max was again
drivable and the garage finally got cleaned and
straightened. That was the good news. The bad
news was, the Driving Experience was a shadow of
its former self. The engine bucked and stumbled
badly above about 3000 RPM. The unmistakable
smell of oil dripping on the hot exhaust manifold
from the valve cover gasket wafted straight into the
cabin. The steering was imprecise, and the shift
mechanism was so worn that, in any gear position,
you could literally move the gear shift knob in
about a 6 inch circle without any effect. So while it
was nice to be able to drive it again, and while it
was gratifying that in the years since it had been on
the public roads the Max now drew far more public
attention, the nod for my recreational motoring
normally went to my Suzuki Intruder 1400.
I had been a Club member on and off since the
days when it was BMW (no space) CCA and
somewhere in the events recounted above, I had
rejoined. I signed up for e-mail communiqués from
the Tidewater Chapter and as a result became
aware that, on a Sunday morning one weekend in
the early Fall of 2012, a Chapter drive would be
commencing in the greater Williamsburg area.
Marie was out of town and my dance card was
pretty open that weekend, but I did not feel strongly
enough about it to preregister. When that Sunday
morning came and I headed out the door for early
church, and on the spur of the moment I decided
to take the Bavaria so I would at least have the
option of going to the assembly point afterwards.
When the moment of truth came, I steered the
faithful Max out of the church parking lot toward
our little Williamsburg beltway and headed for the
designated join-up point.
What happened when I got there was truly a
transformational moment. I found the parking lot;
the layout of the place was such that I couldn’t really
see the other cars and they couldn’t see me until I
had actually turned in and come around some trees
or bushes. As I did so, I saw perhaps eight cars
already gathered, with their drivers and passengers
standing and chatting. They turned to look at this
newest arrival.
broke into spontaneous applause. I was truly
I was greeted and welcomed in like fashion and
knew I had made the right decision. Sam and
Bess and the others were most gracious, and who
among us does not like answering questions about
our Bimmers? And hey, signing the standard legal
release form makes any tort lawyer feel right at
We then headed out for a spirited (but safe) crosscountry drive and the Bavaria and its driver did
not embarrass ourselves too badly despite our
respective conditions. At the conclusion of the
drive, Sam made sure to introduce me to fellow
member Joe Braeutigam, a service-team honcho
at Casey BMW, and I decided to cross another
threshold. I asked Joe if he would be interested in
working with me to start selectively addressing
some of the Max’s more pressing needs and he
readily agreed.
The end result of that discussion was the Max’s
six-month sojourn in Joe’s care while we wintered
over in Orlando this year. A senior mechanic with
the skills and interest in the older stuff worked on
it as he had the time, and I made it clear that as
long as the Max was protected from significant
meteorological events, he could have it as long
as he wanted it. I decided to address the issues
which were most annoying to me, and as a result,
the Max now enjoys a rehabilitated/aligned front
end and reconstructed shift linkage, new (classic)
ignition parts and plugs, valves in adjustment and
sealed with a new valve cover gasket, various new
lubricant seals, and a stunning under-hood cleanup
that was Joe’s welcome-back Spring surprise. The
bill for all this was most reasonable.
It has a few issues to go; the Webers still stumble
under light load, the trunk lid springs are broken
and the lining is unglued, the a/c is dead and the
door gaskets whistle with the windows up, and so
on. Down the road I will get to these, but the Max
will always be just a presentable, mostly-unrestored
“driver” whose value is its corporate heritage and
its status as a beloved family member. For now it is
back in heavy rotation and is a wonderful respite
from the trusty Toyotas and venerable 170k Chevy
And upon seeing the venerable Blue Max, they
On The Road Again continued to pg 18
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
2013 Bimmerfest
By Tony Jones
This is the 3rd year that I have gone to Bimmerfest
and every year it has grown larger and more
organized. It always amazes me the number of
customized cars and rare beauties that show up.
This event is unlike any other BMW event out
there, apart from the one they host in California of
course. Going to Bimmerfest you will see all types
of years and model cars from the classic 2002 up
to the newest show room models. You will also see
different types of paint colors, vinyl wraps and
Plasti dip colors. A lot of top vendors are also on
display; Turner Motorsports, VAC, and COBB just to
name a few. Bimmerfest is an awesome way for the
BMW community to get together and do what they
do best, talk shop and compare cars. If you want to
get ideas for your next project then Bimmerfest is
the place to do it.
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©2009 Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. All Rights Reserved.
das Kummet - September • October
One of THOSE Days
By Sam Wood
Have you ever had “one of
THOSE days” … when you
felt like Ice Age’s Scrat?
Well, don’t feel alone. All
of us have ‘those’ moments
from time to time; not just
with our cars, either! However…comma, since this
IS a car club newsletter, I’ll try to keep it in theme.
Most Americans seem to be enamored by other
people’s trajedy…or at least, their misfortune. Don’t
know why; just is. We’ve often been on the road in
our Ultimate Driving Machines, enjoying the tunes,
other passengers…or just the silent smoothness of
the ride…when we happen upon someone else’s
driving error. Usually it’s a rear-ender-fenderbender or other type of assident. Of course, until
we get to the scene of the crime, er, uh, crash, we
are stressfully wondering WHY has all this traffic
backed up so badly and kept me from my urgent
destiny! We may even start thinking that the State
Bird needs to be changed to the highway gawker!
Nevertheless, as we pass the cause of the backup,
we will likely think to ourselves “Thank goodness
that isn’t me!” We may even stir our internal scene
investigator, wondering just how the heck did that
happen. Then we’ll zoom on down the road, now
that traffic has miraculously resumed the usual
motion at 10 MPH (or more) over the posted speed
limit. It’s almost amazing how quickly we resume
our driving mindset, forgetting the scene now
mentally filed into the recent past, likely to be
forgotten within the day if not the next few hours.
That is…UNLESS you are the unfortunate person on
the opposite end of that perspective.
That person may be wondering, “Why doesn’t
anyone stop to help me?”
That person may be thinking about the delay in
THEIR day…I’ll never get to work on time now; my
boyfriend won’t belive this…much less forgive
me; who’s going to pickup the kids from daycare;
I hope I can still get to the hospital in time…and,
I’m sure, all of you can think of other sad, but very
real situations that have been spoiled by someone’s
error, even if it was your own.
Let’s all try to think more considerately of other’s
misfortune. Yes, it’s nice to know this event wasn’t
a sore spot in OUR day. However, perhaps this sore
spot in someone else’s day can become a bright
spot in the day for BOTH of you. Think about it…you
could be on the receiving end one day.
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
Sunday, November 3rd
This year’s Annual Autumn Colors Drive will travel
through southern Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, and
perhaps even into North Carolina! Rain or shine…
or even snow (yeah right!)…we’re headed out for a
‘planned’ colorful event.
Hilltop Shopping Center West, in the Pleasant
Grove area of Chesapeake. So don’t forget to
RSVP by Thursday, October 31st, to Sam-I-Am
(757.435.5715 or … or
So plan to gather on Sunday
morning, November 3rd, at 11:00
am, at the Hardee’s in Deep Creek,
109 George Washington Highway
(U.S. HWY 17), Chesapeake, VA
(757.485.9663). This should be a
fun (and perhaps spirited) drive
through the countryside, enjoying
many of the rural views in the area.
If all goes well, we should end
up with yet another ‘foreign’ treat
for lunch, stopping at Simply
Tai Cuisine, 236 Carmichael
Way, #322 (757.204.4623),
das Kummet - September • October
President’s Perspective
As you might have read in “Editor’s Note” in the last
edition of the Das Kummet, we have now completed
the transition from me as your newsletter editor
to Bess Wood. I stepped into the role as interim
editor just until we found a replacement. Well,
that took two years but I am pleased that we have
found someone who wants to continually improve
the publication providing increased value for you
the reader. On behalf of the club, thank you Bess
and we look forward to seeing how the publication
Also in that article, there is an invitation for our
members to participate in shaping the newsletter
with your ideas on design, beneficial information
for the club and your feature stories. I can’t think
of a better way for members to get the content the
way they want than to participate in the process.
So please make sure you share those ideas and
We still have several open positions within our
club that remain open including: Activities Chair,
Membership Coordinator, and Tech Coordinator
to name a few. Remember if you are interested
in filling one of the open positions in our club
leadership, please seek out anyone on the Board
or Activities Committee and we will be happy to
discuss these opportunities with you.
As always, make sure to check out the activities
calendar or website for the next event and always
enjoy the ride to your next destination.
Until the next time!
Jeff Triplett
Believe it or not, it’s time again for you to think
about who you want in the club leadership
positions for 2014. On our website you will see a
position description for each role and within this
edition, a nomination form where you can write in
your choice for each office. Please take time to do
this and get your nominations in by the advertised
deadline. Ballots will be printed in the NovemberDecember edition so voting can be completed by
January 1.
Welcome New Members
We would like to give a warm Tidewater welcome to our newest members. Remember our membership is the
lifeline of our Club and we invite you to join us at our upcoming events and Club meetings. We look forward
to your ideas and participation.You can reach our membership chair at
We invite you to attend our board/activities meetings as well. Please see our calendar for dates and location
of events and meetings.
Carol Ashman
Eric Folkestad
Michael O’Leary
Chris Baedon
Tiffany Freman
Elias Rollie-Harvens
Oscar Brown
Michael Horth
Robert Stradford
Zida Cartwright
Marc Lisner
C. Myron Ware
Aubrey Charles
Maximilian Meese
Roy Weber
Chris Dassler
Curtis Olds
Tristan Wood
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
das Kummet - September • October
3040 High St. (Corner of High & Airline), Portsmouth
 All Repairs & Service
 Latest Factory Diagnostic
 BMW & Mercedes Benz
 Quick Turn-Around
 Genuine & OEM Parts
 A/C Service, Tires, Alignment
 Monday – Friday, 9AM to 6PM
 The Only BOSCH Service Center
Outside Norfolk & VA Beach.
Owner & Operator: Jon Mack
Newport News
Are You Going Up There
VA Beach
Or Way Out Here
When You Could Come To Us?
6 Month
No Interest
On The Road Again continued from pg 12
minivan that are my daily drivers. It garners
thumbs-ups from other drivers and friendly
questions from parking-lot passers-by. “You
bought it new??”, they always say. I especially
enjoy that part.
The odometer on the Max broke a decade or
two ago at 124,173 miles and I have no present
intention of fixing it since I don’t really care how
many miles it has. Plus which, I figure that this
way both the Max and I can contend that despite
our long history together, neither of us is getting
any older.
Sometimes even long relationships need a boost;
just ask your spouse. And in the case of the Blue
Max and me, the Tidewater Chapter was just
what the doctor ordered.
So thanks to my bride for getting me off the
dime, to Sam, Bess and Joe, and to you all for
finally making it happen.
Major parts brands for BMW and other import cars.
11246 Jefferson Ave., Newport News 757.599.3360
1300 East Little Creek Road 757.440.0004
606 First Colonial Rd., Virginia Beach 757.425.7100
or on the web at
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
Nominations for Officers for 2014
Participation in the Tidewater BMW CCA can be greatly worthwhile. New friends, lots of fun and sharing an
enthusiasm for the ultimate driving experience are just a few of the benefits.
Elections for the Board of Governors of the Tidewater Chapter will be held this January and we need your help to
continue our plans to make the Tidewater Chapter the best ever. If you are interested in running for a Board position or
know someone who would be great for the club, please nominate yourself – or them – for one of these positions.
PRESIDENT VICE-­‐PRESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY ACTIVITIES CHAIRMAN Position descriptions can be found on our website or contact any current officer to learn more.
All members and associate members in good standing (paid up) are invited to nominate – self nominating encouraged –
officer candidates for the Tidewater Chapter BMW CCA program year 2014.
The Rules:
Officers are elected for a one year term.
A Nominee must sign the nomination form to show he/she accepts the nomination.
All Nominees must be a member in good standing.
Nominations must be returned to the nominating Committee by October 10th 2013.
Tidewater BMWCCA 2014 Nominating Form
Return to: (Deadline 10/10/2013)
Tidewater BMW CCA – Nomination Committee
P.O. Box 62145
Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145
Nominee Name:_______________________________________ Membership #_____________________________
Contact Info: (address, phone, email) ______________________________________________________________
Self-Nominated: _______________________________________________________________________________
Nominated By:_________________________________________ Membership #____________________________
Nominator Contact Info:__________________________________________________________________________
Nominee Signature:______________________________________________________________________________
I accept this nomination
das Kummet - September • October
We specialize in affordable service & repair of BMWs, other European and Asian
imports plus domestic cars. We can also provide & install performance parts.
Our customers know we possess the ability to do all these things and more. So should you!
A/C service – Alignments – Suspension – Brakes – Tires – Exhaust – Repair Parts
Complete Diagnostic Service – Quick Oil Services – Timing Belts – Tune-Ups – Towing
Authorized Tire Rack and Discount Tire Direct Dealer
FREE Tech Inspections for Tidewater BMW CCA Members
8:00 – 5:00 Mon.-Fri.
1800 Park Ave., Chesapeake, VA 23324
(757) 545.9394
Conveniently located off I-64 & Battlefield Blvd
Owner: Mike Robinson
Specializing in BMW
& Mercedes Benz
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
John Kopp
2445 Castleton Commerce Way
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
das Kummet - September • October
Dan Tiedemann
ATTENTION: Here is a reminder of how our Classifieds section works. To have your ad appear here on this page go to the Tidewater Web Page
and click on the Classifieds button. Follow the instructions for the Classified Input Form. If your ad had been appearing here and was more than
180 days old, it has been removed. If you would like for it to repost here, please go to the Web Page and follow the instructions for submitting a
new ad. Thanks!
Classified Input Form is the tool where you can quickly enter your classifieds into the website. For obvious reasons we limit our non-commercial
classified ads to Tidewater BMW CCA Chapter members only (membership verification will be performed). Your ad will run approximately 180
days then an extension request must be made. Any questions or requests should be directed to the Webmeister.
NOTE: When your item sells it is imperative that you contact the webmeister to remove your ad. Notifying the webmeister will also
automatically delete your ad from the next printed edition of Das Kummet.
1985 735i E23 - One owner since six months old
(the car not me). $5000 spent on new parts in
last two years. New suspension parts, bushings
rod ends, bars, coils, struts, etc done on bottom
of car. New fuel tank. New wheels and tires.
100K Miles. Rubber parts for windows. Complete
ignition set, new but not installed. Maroon leather
interior in VG condition, wood VG, transmission
working fine, dark gray paint good. No damage,
never hit. Needs TLC. Also have project 1973
Series I XJ6. I’m never going to get to these.
$2850, pretty firm. Phone: 757 442 6663 (Entered
29 Jan 2013. Renewed: June 2013 B. Wood.)
2001 330i - Owned about eight years. Blue
metallic paint in very good condition, tan
leather in very good condition. 82K miles. High
performance coils, cold air induction, 5 spd. New
window lift motors and harnesses. No issues.
Low speed, T-Bone collision six years ago, new
hood, air bags deployed. No structural damage.
George Parker, E-Mail: $7950.
Phone: 757 442 6663 (Entered: January 29, 2013.
Renewed: June 2013 B. Wood.)
1980 BMW 633 CSi - Graphit metallic exterior,
black interior. 4 speed. 93,xxx miles. I have owned
this car for the past 5 years. Service history since
I’ve had it. Many new parts including: wheels, tires,
paint, rear head rests, Bilsteins, idler arm, center
track rod, tie rod ends, catalytic converter, oxygen
sensor, center & rear exhaust, CV boots
replaced/repacked, intake elbow & bellows,
thermostat, heater blower, brake hoses, silicon
wires, belts & hoses, all window switches
replaced, new front bumper ends, kidney grill, and
front turn lenses, sunroof motor & cables,
battery, guibo, transmission mount, sheepskins,
leather wheel wrap, shift knob, coco mats, dash
cover,& more! Over $16K invested. Check
NADA Classice guide. A nice “20 footer” drivable.
Still needs some interior other restoration, but
nice for one of these. $7,500 OBO.
Phone: 757-340-2662 (Renewed June 2013 B.
No Ads At This Time
No Ads At This Time
No Ads At This Time
Registration Open:
BMW Corral At October ALMS Race
Registration is now open for the BMW CCA corral
and hospitality area at the October 2–5 ALMS race
at Virginia International Raceway, hosted by the
Tarheel and National Capital Chapters. Members
in the region can look forward to a great place
to watch the race, good food, and fun with fellow
enthusiasts. And hotel blocks are available at
special rates.
tent access. Hospitality access includes coffee,
bagels, a full catered lunch, sodas, and water, and
snacks throughout each day in a covered area with
trackside seating.
Make plans to cheer on BMW Team RLL with fellow
Club members as the American Le Mans Series
storms around the historic VIR full course!
One- and two-day corral parking passes are
being offered, along with optional hospitality-
September • October 2013
- das Kummet
Neighbors Need Help
2013 ALMS VIR Grand Course
have the race on the TV so you won’t miss anything!
However, up until then, if you’re available, we’d sure
appreciate your help our neighbors.
Contact Brenda Dunlevy, Tarheel Activities Director,
(, and/or JoElla John,
Tarheel Driving Schools and Racing Events Chair,
( to find out exactly how
you can help, participate, and get a close-up view to
enjoy this GREAT racing event!
Yes, our neighbors need YOUR help. The BMW
CCA Tarheel Chapter (yep, our
southern neighbors) AND the
BMW CCA National Capital
Chapter (yes, northerners,
too) are coordinating a joint
corral at the American LeMans
Series racing event at Virginia
International Raceway the week of
October 2nd through the 5th. You
can check out the ALMS at: http://
Anyway, if you’re a race fan (or
not), here is a GREAT opportunity
for you to not only get front row
viewing for one of America’s
(and BMW’s) great racing events,
but to have YOUR car parked in
an elite viewing area for all to
see! I’m sure that the chapters
will have food and beverages
available…but you’ll have to
make arrangements with them. This event happens
throughout the week and into the weekend.
Weekday, morning, afternoon, and evening help is
We also realize that Saturday, October 5th is our
Annual Pig & Oyster Roast. I’m pretty sure we’ll
das Kummet - September • October
BMW Car Club
of America
Tidewater Chapter
Tidewater Chapter BMW Car Club of America
P.O. Box 62145
Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145
Inside this issue....
Calendar of Events • One The Road Again • Editor’s Note • End Of Summer Drive
President’s Perspective • Meet/Greet/Eat • New Members • One of Those Days
Autumn Color Drive • Neighbors Need Help • Classifieds
This Issue’s Featured Car belongs to Brad Drake who at present is diligently keeping us all safe from
harm in far off lands (seas).
His car: Began as a ’93 325is with modifications that include a Euro 99M3, and a ’92 318. Since
having his first ‘love’ back in 2004 (which met with an icy demise) he had been diligently searching for
another ‘perfect’ ride. Deciding his ideal car did not exist he set out to build it, and once he did, of
course the track bug bit and he continued his masterpiece. End Result: For now – a daily driver with
LOTS of umph that quietly awaits back home for it’s masters next modification.
Mods: Zeemax Slimline body kit, Carbon hood and trunk, Lowrise GT wing, Ground Control Track
School coilovers, Work VS-XX wheels, ’99 euro S5ob32 with 321hp, dual vanos, Brembo 850 CSi
calipers, and Hawk DTC 60 track pads just to name a few.
Thanks Brad for being the first to have your car Featured! Happy Seas and Fair Winds.