red dragon rising - Perry Stone Ministries
red dragon rising - Perry Stone Ministries
JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 33 · NUMBER 4 IMPORTANT ANSWERS ABOUT THE NEXT PHASE OF MINISTRY P. 16 WHAT WILL THEY SAY ABOUT YOU? P. 3 A GREAT REPORT: THE MANTLE REMAINS P. 12 I BELIEVE GOD SPARED MY MOTHER P. 4 A SPECIAL MOMENT I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER P. 18 RED DRAGON RISING THE COMING MR. XI: P. 6 JULY– SEPTEMBER 2011 VOLUME 33 · NUMBER 4 PRESIDENT & EDITOR Perry Stone, Jr. SECRETARY/TREASURER Pamela J. Stone DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Charlie Ellis THE APOCALYPSE PREDICTS that a “Seal of Satan” will be forced upon everyone on BOARD OF DIRECTORS will unlock one of the greatest Biblical Frank Booke Ralph Carroll Grant Dunnam, Sr. Wayne Penn Frankie Powell Richard Towe mysteries, the famous 666 or Mark of PHOTOGRAPHY earth in the future! In his newest book, number eight of the series Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled, Perry Stone the Beast. In this 148-page book, Perry Melanie Stone explains how the national debt crisis, GRAPHIC DESIGN & ILLUSTRATION high unemployment, food and water Michael Dutton shortages will be three triggers that introduce the Biblical Antichrist. Perry also shows the impact and prophetic insight of the recent Middle East uprisings and how China, the “Great Red Dragon,” will be the leading king of the East prior to and during the tribulation. Learn how a future Chinese leader may have a parallel to Revelation 13! This book is filled with new insight and gives you important information COPY EDITING Melanie Stone PRINTING Modern Way Printing Ooltewah, TN OFFICE Voice of Evangelism P.O. Box 3595 Cleveland, TN 37320 Phone (423) 478-3456 Fax (423) 478-1392 on how things will transpire. Perry reveals the Islamic link to the mark, name and number of the Beast. He also exposes and updates the hidden agenda about why some in the government have tried to force a mandatory health care system on America. The book includes Perry’s eight significant suggestions you must do when living in the last days. This NEW book is not available in any bookstore, only through the ministry! Item: BK-PBF8 Price: $15 Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled Book 8 Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. BUSINESS HOURS Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST The Voice of Evangelism is directed by Perry Stone, Jr. The Voice of Evangelism magazine is published six times a year to enlighten the body of Christ. Editor’s Commentary BY PERRY STONE WHAT WILL THEY SAY ABOUT YOU? “Leave me as I am. For he who grants me to endure the fire will enable me also to remain on the pyre unmoved, without the security you desire from nails.” He prayed aloud, the fire was lit, and his flesh was consumed. The chronicler of his martyrdom said it was “not as burning flesh, but as bread baking or as gold and silver refined in a furnace.” His dying confession was known by everyone and is still told to this day! Your testimony before you die is a reflection of how you lived. When you die, words spoken are a reflection of Years ago, a friend told me that the perception others had of you. In the Bible, one king there are two things people will named Jehoram ruled eight years in Jerusalem and was so always remember about you wicked that he died with an incurable disease in his bowels - your entrance and your exit. (II Chron. 21:1-18). One phrase stands out that is not Most people have a very simple, found anywhere else in the Bible: “…and departed without non-dramatic entrance into the being desired” (II Chron. 21:20). One translation says he world, but many conclude their departed without being wanted (AMP), and another says, race with global recognition, “He departed with no one’s regret” (NAS). For example, leaving a legacy. Billy Graham will be such a man. Others do you think any Jew who survived the Holocaust missed jump out of the gate leading the pack, leaping over all Hitler after his death? What about the Kurds who survived hurdles, but towards the end of their ministry or life, their Saddam Hussein gassing their people — were they weeping faith or integrity begins to wane, and they end up alone in when the “butcher of Bagdad” was hung? The surviving an apartment with no personal care and nobody recalling victims of 9-11 are most likely elated with the death of memorable stories about their final days. Have you ever Osama Ben Laden. considered what will be said about you when you depart this life? When Moses passed away, Israel mourned for thirty Can you image someone living such a wicked life that people rejoice in their death? On the other side, there are people who have passed away and living ministers are days (Deut. 34:8), and the Bible’s closing comment about still preaching their sermons and telling their stories: Moses said, “And there arose not a prophet since in Israel Smith Wigglesworth, Oral Roberts, Vance Havner, Charles like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face” (Deut. Greenaway, C.M. Ward, and others. We are still reminded 34:10). When Joshua replaced the famed prophet as Israel’s of their faith that was passed on, just as Paul said to leader, it was said that Joshua “left nothing undone of all Timothy, “The faith that is in you, which dwelt first in that the Lord commanded…” (Josh. 11:15). Paul’s final your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I words before his beheading summed up his ministry: “I am persuaded is in you also” (II Tim. 1:5-6). We all learn have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have to follow examples that are influenced by other people’s kept the faith” (II Tim. 4:7). words and actions. According to church tradition, Polycarp, the Bishop In this light, I will say again that I am grateful for having of the church at Smyrna, was mentored by the Apostle a grandfather and father who were true examples of the John. This great leader became a Christian as a child, Christian faith and will always be remembered by those but was martyred by the Romans at age 86. After fleeing who knew them. This issue contains several special articles persecution, he experienced a vision and told friends he that I thought you would enjoy reading, related to my dad must die by being burned. After standing trial, soldiers and his departure. I want to honor him in one more issue of grabbed him and nailed him to a stake. His friends tried to the VOE. After all, his influence continues to live on and we prevent his martyrdom, but Polycarp stopped them, saying, miss him dearly. VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 3 Pam’s Corner I Believe God Spared My Mother Each year around the spring, my mother Stella Taylor travels from Tuscaloosa, Alabama and spends several weeks to several months with us at our home in Cleveland. Mom has always been a very hard working woman, and spends hours each day spring cleaning, helping in the garden, and simply hanging out with us and we greatly enjoy having her with us. She is also a great cook and helps cook meals which the kids and Perry really appreciate! This year, mother stayed with me through most of the month of May. She had discussed returning home earlier, but I encouraged her to extend her stay. On the evening of April 27, we turned on the Weather Channel to discover a massive tornado (in fact several) were heading directly for Tuscaloosa, together, like a nuclear explosion had hit the city. We were worried about one of mom’s closest friends we call Aunt Bobbie. Imagine our shock to discover that the tornado had leveled Aunt Bobbie’s house, throwing her about 50 yards, where a wall then fell on top of her! We learned that a young man, hearing her cry out, actually lifted the wall to get to her. She lived but received several injuries and was treated in the local hospital. Now here is the clincher: Whenever a major storm of rain or wind comes to Tuscaloosa, my mother would always go to Aunt Bobbie’s house. If the storm was a possible tornado, mom would get into the bathtub, as most people do, covering herself for protection. Normally, mom would have been at Alabama, were mom lived and I was raised. Within a few hours, pictures from the scene were flashed on the Weather Channel, and the devastation was unbelievable. I saw buildings were I had shopped and eaten and places I had personally visited over the years, stripped to their foundation with cars, trees and buildings mingled with Aunt Bobbie’s the moment the tornado struck. I believe it is quite possible that she would have been killed or greatly injured when the F-4 tornado swept the house off its foundation. However, mom was in Cleveland where we also experienced a series of tornadoes that took nine lives and destroyed or damaged over 300 homes. We gathered in the basement of our house and could hear the hail and powerful winds outside. Thankfully, we were all well. I believe this is a lesson on how important it is to listen to the still small voice of the Lord when it is time to travel or make a change. If mom had returned earlier, no one knows the possible outcome. However, thank God she was safe! ARTICLE BY PAM STONE Perry Stone, Ron Phillips & T.L. Lowery This special DVD has four Manna-fest TV programs where Perry interviewed Pastor Ron Phillips and Dr. T.L. Lowery about the Holy Spirit. Ron is a Spirit-filled southern Baptist pastor with great Biblical and historical insight into proof that speaking in tongues and the gifts of the Spirit did not cease with the last Apostle or with the completion of the New Testament canon. It also includes a guest appearance by T.L. Lowery, a spiritual general of the faith! This is important truth for you and your family to hear and act upon! Item: DV138 Price: $15 Holy Spirit Manna-fest Series (DVD Single) Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS THIS! OCTOBER 18 – 22 9 SERVICES IN 5 DAYS ABBA’S HOUSE t 5208 HIXSON PIKE t HIXSON, TN PERRY STONE BETH STEPHENS JENTEZEN FRANKLIN SARAH DELANE DAMON THOMPSON FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT PERRYSTONE.ORG OR CALL 423.478.3456 t HOSTED BY INTERNATIONAL EVANGELIST PERRY STONE Prophecy Update THE COMING MR. XI B Y PERR Y S T ONE “And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth...” – Rev. 12:3-4 (NKJV) T wo books in the Bible, Daniel and Revelation, are filled with apocalyptic symbolism. Ancient symbolism was used to identify nations and even certain world leaders, both past and future. In Daniel chapter 7, the prophet identified major prophetic empires as a lion, (Babylon) a bear (Media-Persia), and a leopard (Greece). In John’s vision he saw rising up from the sea a beast that was a combination of all three animals from Daniel in one body — a body of a leopard, with feet of a bear and heads like a lion (Rev. 13:1-2). These three empires, Babylon, Media-Persia and Greece, cover the modern day lands of Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and areas of Greece and Turkey as the main territories. Some scholars have noted that, in Daniel 7, the three animal kingdoms of the lion, bear and leopard have a parallel with the symbols of certain contemporary nations. For example, the British seal and emblem of the British Empire is a lion. In Daniel 7, there were two wings of an eagle that were plucked off the Lion’s back, the lion was made to stand like a man, and a man’s heart was given to it (Dan. 7:4). America began as a British colony but separated from the lion of Britain and stood alone as a nation among nations. Eventually, the next major empire to impact the world was the Soviet Union, whose revolution in 1917 introduced communism to the world. The bear became a symbol of Russia and the Soviet empire. Following the bear was the leopard, which some have linked to Nazi Germany and the Third Reich. One of the main apocalyptic symbols in Revelation is a great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns (Rev. 12:3). The Greek word for “dragon” is drakon and only appears here in the book of Revelation (Rev. 12:3-4,7,9,13,16-17; 13:2,4,11; 16:13; 20:2). The word actually refers to a large serpent, perhaps similar to the huge anacondas. In reality it was a seven headed serpent, and is identified as Satan himself (Rev. 12). In ancient culture the dragon was supposed to dwell in waste places and in wilderness areas (Is. 13:22). According to Adam Clark’s Commentary on Revelation 12, this dragon was an emblem of pagan Rome and noted that, according to ancient writers, the dragon standards of the Romans were painted red. The first standard of the entire Roman legion was an eagle, the standard and traditional emblem of Imperial Rome. Dragon symbols were later brought into the battle. The red dragon emblem is interesting, especially as it relates to one of the most powerful nations that has been quickly rising on the world stage in the end times. VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 7 That nation is China, whose emblem has been a dragon for centuries. China and the Kings of the East The dragon is a legendary creature found in the mythology and folklore of many East Asian countries, including China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and others. In the Bible a coalition of the “kings of the east” will unite an army and march from the east towards Iraq, cross the dead Euphrates River, and bring an army of “two hundred thousand thousand” or 200 million (Rev. 9:14-16; 16:12-16). An army this size has never been united in the history of the world — in John’s day there may have been a total of 100 million people in the entre Roman Empire. China has a population of over 1.3 billion with over 20% of the world’s population under their control. China’s government has a law that limits the number of children at one per household. Of course this law is geared for the poor and not the rich, since the wealthy often have more than one child because they can afford to pay the penalties. Families often abort a daughter and desire a son, as the son can carry on the family name, provide for the family and lead in ancestor worship. There are 119 boys for every 100 girls born in China. By 2020 there may be 30 to 40 million more boys than girls in China, which will cause a crisis since there will not be enough women to marry. These kings of the east will be marching for war, and some suggest they will be present at the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16). The Chinese Dragon The emblem of a dragon being linked with China began as a symbol of the Emperor of China during the 8 Yaun dynasty. The dragon emblem was later placed upon flags. In Chinese imagery the dragon has large scales and is a snake-like creature with four claws, which were a symbol of power in Chinese history. It was associated with weather and rain, which is interesting related to the symbolism in Revelation 12. In the narrative, the dragon spews water from its mouth to cause a flood against the remnant of the Jews dwelling in the wilderness. In the 1970s the term “descendents of the dragon” was used by many Chinese people as their animal symbol. China is in the ancient orient, an area of the world identified for centuries as “The East.” The Biblical phrase “kings of the East” is interesting when we look at the New Testament Greek word for VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 “East.” It is not only one of the four directions on a compass, but the Greek word is anatole and refers to rising light or the dawn. It is a word used for sunlight. The name Japan in Japanese is Nippon or Nihon, and literally means “the sun’s origin.” Japan’s flag has a white background with a large red circle that represents the sun, which in Japanese is called Nisshoki. The land of the East, including China, Japan, North and South Vietnam, North and South Korea, are possibly the unit of the kings of the East who will make their trek to the Middle East. One critic wrote me and said, “How is this possible when there are no roads and only massive mountains separating the area?” The answer would simply be the “silk road,” which was and is a series of interconnected trade routes across the Asian continent connecting eastern, southern, and western Asia with the Mediterranean, North Africa and Europe. These roads have been used again in recent years. In fact, a man from Pakistan sent me news articles about a major road China was building that was large enough to haul large military equipment and a massive number of people. The road was leading to the Middle East! The distance from Peking, China to Baghdad, Iraq is 3,906 miles. However, China is supportive of radical Islamic nations and provides military equipment, the creation of bunkers, and support for governments including Iran! The support is based not upon religion, but on oil and gas available through Iran. In fact, China is growing so fast they will need a massive increase in oil in the coming years. China’s need for energy will increase 150% by the year 2020. By 2030, China will need the same amount of oil being consumed in the United States. At the present time, the U.S. uses 400 million gallons a day and 6.6 billion a year. Imagine the need for oil among these kings of the East, which are moving from bicycles to cars and other more industrial forms of transportation. Coalition Fighting Coalition The nations of the world will eventually form coalitions based upon regions, religion, and ethnic groups for survival. This is clear as the Antichrist will have his unit of ten kings under his control, and the Kings of the East are an Asian coalition. We also know that the European Union has 27 member nations with more planning to join, uniting with one currency, one passport, and a single unit without borders for trade. Even OPEC is an organization of oil exporting nations, and there are discussions of a western coalition called the North American Union, which could merge the US, Canada and Mexico. Once the Antichrist forges his ten king coalition, he will become “great toward the south, and toward the east and toward the Pleasant Land” (Dan. 8:9). Many Islamic nations are east of Israel, including Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. However to the extreme east is the land of the Asian tigers — China, Japan, North and South Vietnam — not including the massive Hindu nation of India. When the Antichrist seizes Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia we read that “tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him” (Dan. 11:43-44). Eventually, the Kings of the East will march across the dry riverbed of the once productive Euphrates River to the land of the beast and prepare for the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16). In apocalyptic symbolism, the meaning of the dragon is explained in Revelation 12:9, which says, “So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Since the founding of communism, the color red has been used. The explanation for the color red is that, during the first socialist revolution under Lenin, the Bolshevik militiamen were referred to as “white guard” socialists. Shortly after Joseph Stalin came into power, he purged the Soviet government of all other parties besides his own (the NKVD). Stalin identified his socialist party as the “Red Guard” communists. The communist party flag was also red and in China the communist propaganda book given to the youth to promote communism was called the “Red Book.” The flag of the former Soviet Union was a hammer and sickle on a red background. Socialists used the color red as far back as 1848 and during World War II were identified by wearing red arm bands on their right arms. Early in the tribulation there will be a red horse rider taking peace from the earth, killing with a great sword (Rev. 6:4). Because communism is identified with red, and this red horse rider takes peace and uses a sword (war), some suggest this is an imagery of communist nations that will rise again early in the tribulation, initiating war and death. I have heard ministers say that communism has collapsed, but the current Chinese government is one of the greatest human rights abusers and persecutors of Christians, as well as people who protest the government. Vietnam and North Korea are also communist strongholds. The Soviet Union and its former satellite countries became open to democracy; however, the Asian region maintains a stronghold in communist doctrine and practice. This great dragon (Satan) of the apocalypse is red. Why red, and not any other color? In the Bible colors have meanings. White normally alludes to righteousness (Rev. 19:8). The color purple is kingly or royal, and blue refers to heaven (Exod. 35:23, 25, 35). Red (or scarlet) is often a picture of the blood, redemption, or the covenant (Rahab placed a scarlet cord in the window and was spared from destruction at Jericho in Joshus 2:21). Red can allude to Satan’s great anger and wrath (Rev. 12:12), the link to the red dragon emblems from Imperial Rome. Consider communism - VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 9 true communists are also atheists, because their god is the government. Consider the numbers of people slain by communist regimes. Out of 61 million people killed in the Soviet Union under communism, Joseph Stalin was responsible for 43 million of these, with 39 million dying in labor camps in the gulag and transit. An estimated 1 million have been murdered in China under previous regimes and countless thousands have been slain in Vietnam, Cambodia and Korea. Estimates indicate that communists have killed about 110 million people from 1900 to the present. Since the dragon, or Satan, is identified with the color red, it is clear that communism was, and is, one of the belief systems of the dragon. In this light, and the fact that the three letters of the beast are chi, xi and stigma, consider an interesting fact with the name Xi. The Man Named Xi Just as the animal symbolism marking ancient empires can have certain parallels among contemporary nations, the Bible also alludes to prophetic names in the original Hebrew and Greek languages that may have little bearing on the actual prophetic fulfillment, but are quite interesting. For example, the days of Noah are going to be repeated prior to the return of Christ (Matt. 24:37-38). This includes eating, drinking, building, planting, and being given in marriage (Matt. 24:38; Luke 17:27-28). Many other insights concerning the parallels to the end times are concealed in the story of Noah and the flood. We are told that “violence filled the earth” (Gen. 6:11). The Hebrew word for “violence” is chamac, and the root is the word hamas. Today the name Hamas Supporters hold up pictures of their loved ones, alleged victims of injustices, as they wait outside the trial of Chinese human rights activist Wang Lihong at Wenyuhe People's Court in Beijing on August 12, 2011. Lihong went on trial in Beijing on August 11, witnesses said, nearly four months after she was arrested as part of a widespread crackdown on dissent. 10 VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 is the name of the political and military wing of the fanatical Islamic organization that is continually initiating violence against Israel and the Jews living there! The prophet Zechariah saw a vision of a woman being carried in a lead basket to the plains of Shinar, the flat land of the ancient tower of Babel (Gen. 11) and the location of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon (Dan. 1:2). This woman in the basket is called “wickedness” (Zech 5:8) and was carried to the land of Shinar, where we read, “So I said to the angel who talked with me, ‘Where are they carrying the basket?’ And he said to me, ‘To build a house for it in the land of Shinar; when it is ready, the basket will be set there on its base.’ ” (Zech. 5:10-11, NKJV). Thus there will be a house of wickedness in the future in Shinar, the land known today as Iraq. In apocalyptic literature, a woman (such as the harlot in Revelation 17) can often refer to a counterfeit religious system or a false religion. The wickedness will be set in a “base.” In this passage, the Hebrew word for “base” is mekunah, and refers to a specific location. We have established that the Antichrist will have an Islamic background and will rise from the Middle East. Islamic tradition places the appearing of their awaited one (the Mahdi) to be in Iraq, either in Karballa or Samaria (depending upon the Sunni or Shiite traditions). Since this final dictator will behead resisters (Rev. 20:4) and use a sword to conquer, he will gain millions of Islamic followers that are classified as fanatics. Al Qaeda is one such Islamic organization that has global exposure and just won’t go away, recently increasing in membership and followers. This unit of scattered terrorists and fanatics is spread out in nations in and around the Mediterranean. It is rather ironic that the name Al-Qaeda means “the base.” Wickedness personified (Al Qaeda) means the BASE! One of the Shiite clerics who returned from Iraq after being exiled in Iran is Muqtada al-Sadar, the founder and head of a huge militia organization of Shiite Muslims called the Mahdi army, headquartered in Iraq. In the book of Ezekiel, we read about a coalition of Islamic nations invading Israel in a war that, according to Rabbis, Muslims, and Christians, is the battle indicating the time of the end. The prophet announced that the Lord was against “Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal” (Ezek. 38:2-3). There are many opinions regarding whom Gog is. However in the Eastern European nations, including the Russian confederation, there are men whose surname is Gog. God could be the name of a strong demonic prince spirit (Eph. 6:12) that rules over the region north of Israel, or may actually be the name of a commander that will direct the battle, leading the Islamic hordes with a northern coalition. This brings us back to the Mark of the Beast and the three Greek letters that are used to count the number of the beast. The second Greek letter is the letter xi. This is the fifteenth letter in the Greek alphabet and has a numerical equivalent of 60. It is interesting to note that in China, there are men whose name is Xi. One such man, who some U.S. observers suggest could become the future leader of China, is named Xi Jining, who now serves as the Vice President of China. According to Chinese history, Xi was an ancient Manchurian people. There have been discussions within China that, when this man turns 60 years old, he will become the new Chinese leader. Xi Jinping has led an important 11 member commission and oversees the 2.3 million People’s Liberation Army. His name means sunrise in Chinese. Could the name of this man be a prophetic preview of things to come in Revelation 13? Notice the odd parallels. There is a dragon and the mythological dragon has been noted as an emblem of China and former Chinese dynasties. China remains a communist nation and the color identifying communism is red, the same color of the second of the four main horses of the Apocalypse and the color of the great red dragon. China, with over 1.3 billion people, is not only the most aggressive and prosperous nation in economic growth and development, but will no doubt lead the Kings of the East toward the land of the beast, when they cross the Euphrates River toward Israel. The number of the beast, linking to his name, contains the Greek letter Xi, which is the same name of a powerful leader in China! There is no doubt that the great sleeping giant of China will take the place of the United States in military, technology and economic power in time to come. Note: This article is an excerpt from Perry’s NEW book, Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled Book Eight — the Seal of Satan & the Coming Mark of the Beast. Order the book now using the envelope, go to our website, or contact our office. It is NOT available in book stores and only available through the VOE ministry! VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 11 Special Message A Great Report: The Mantle Remains BY MARK CASTO It was on a Monday, three days after the birth of our second son, when I found out that Fred Stone was nearing the finish line of his time on earth. It was a desire of mine to have Brother Fred Stone lay hands upon me and release an impartation of the gifts of the Spirit (Rom. 1:11). I texted Perry and asked if it would be in order to go to the nursing home and visit Fred. Within the hour, I was standing in a small room with this noted Servant of God. As I stood looking at his frail frame, I knew that one of God’s generals would soon make his journey home. I also knew that while his physical body would eventually return to earth, Fred’s message and ministry anointing must be passed on to the next generation. After telling his dad I was in the room, Perry asked me to come beside the bed and pray a special prayer for his father. While we were praying, Perry suddenly asked me to kneel over at the left side of Fred’s bed. As I bent over the bed, I immediately felt the presence and anointing of God fill the room. Perry proceeded to tell me what was about to occur. Fred was going to lay his hand upon me and ask God for a special release on my life, just as Rufus Dunford had when Perry was eighteen years old and Rufus was laying on a hospital bed in his home before his departure. Fred had no strength to lift his hands, so I lay my head near his chest and Perry slowly lifted Fred’s hand to my head. As Perry and I began to pray, I knew that Fred understood what was occurring, as the power of God began to surge through his left hand as it was vibrating on my head. I felt a sudden heat travel through my body and knew that eapons! W e iv t c u r t tan’s Des essages Breaking Sa CD series includes the m isc 1) (D dio This two au k in a Battle you Hate” en “Stuc ic of a Brok m e id p E e h T se and “ ). When the 2 c is (D ” t r Hea preached re e w s e g a two mess people were s s le t n u o c , live et free, both s d n a d re e v deli ltar ching and a a re p e h t g ur durin lieve you, yo e b e W . s e servic will also be y il m fa d n a , friends ord pierces w is h t n e h blessed w s break the lp e h d n a it ir your sp dage! yoke of bon 6 5 4 3 . 8 7 4 . 3 RS C A L L 4 2 E D R O D R A C CR E DI T ice: 12 the en Please see velope’s sh ipping cha : 2CDe 3Bre7a0kers (2-CD It em Bondag The late the s rt to calcu A lb um) Pr hipping for $ ipp Plus s h ing & h a your order. nd ling a special anointing was being tangibly manifest. Later that day I discovered Fred was left handed and when he had prayed for the sick, the anointing would always flow through his left hand. I was unaware of this when I stood on his left side. This was truly an honor and a memorable experience for my ministry and life. While Fred prayed the Holy Spirit revealed that the prophetic word would increase with visions and dreams and I would begin have new experiences in the Spirit. It was also prayed that I would have a special grace to pray for the sick as Fred had done for so many years! The following weekend I traveled to MacClenny, FL., to preach at First Assembly with pastor Joshua Potts. In the days leading up to these services, my spirit was stirred as I was eager to see the difference in the level of anointing in the ministry, as I literally could sense a new and fresh gift. The anointing was stronger on the preaching of the Word and the gifts of the Spirit flowed freely, including the word of knowledge and discerning of spirits (I Cor. 12:7-10). In this meeting, I witnessed a cancerous growth on a woman’s shoulder fall to the floor, as she was completely healed by God’s power. We also watched the power of God heal a 76-year-old woman who had broken her leg five days before the meetings. She was standing and worshipping the remainder of the week with no pain, swelling or bruising whatsoever. This confirmed in my spirit that the transfer had taken place and the mantle Fred carried was being transferred to the next generation, just as the example we read about in II Kings 2. I can truly say as months have passed that, just as Perry sensed a new and different level of anointing after the prayer encounter with his Uncle Rufus Dunford, I have felt and sensed a new anointing and operation of the gifts since that moment with his dad. I traveled with Dr. T.L. Lowery for three years and continually heard this prophet of the Lord speak of impartation and imparting before departing this life. If a man or woman of God does not leave a deposit of the Word, faith, or anointing to the next generation, they do an injustice to their own ministry. Moses imparted to Joshua and Joshua to the elders, but upon Joshua’s death he named no successor. Soon the people forgot the power and miracles of God and were led into bondage (Josh. 2:710). Thank the Lord Brother Fred Stone understood the importance of leaving a legacy and an impartation. We will carry the mantle on! LdEGod B U O R T O INteTnts” in privateinaanbout U O Y G N I IS GETT rmur in their not to compla hat you H T U O uld “muto teach them portance of w o M w le R p YOUcient Israel, thaenpdesoent difficu!ltPieesrry reveals rthdeinimg to your words. cco her In an eir words e you a ne anot heard th dership and o bless and judg their lea how God will say and $7 Pricseh:ipping & handling Plus : CDou1M0u7rmured in It em ing le) ause Y B e c e nts (CD S Yo ur T OR D D R A C T I CR ED ER 456 3 . 8 7 4 . 3 S CALL 42 shipping chart to elope’s r your order. e t h e e nv fo Please selate the shipping calcu Special Message Something Important I Need to Share with You BY PERRY STONE MINISTRY PARTNERS and more. However, the ministry those who have followed our is paying for the shipping cost ministry for many years are on the TV packages. At the keenly aware that, in order to end of the year, we have spent operate the global ministry at as much as $400,000 on post- VOE, we are quite dependent age to mail products across upon the sale of our teaching America. The ministry also products to provide income pays for the toll-free number, for a large percentage of the which also costs thousands of ministry operations, including dollars monthly. over $3 million of yearly air Despite these costs, the time. The spiritual results of Voice of Evangelism offers our the program from American products at low and affordable Christians, prisoners, and costs because we want an af- people from foreign nations fordable offer that will bless are so vast that we are often people from all backgrounds. overwhelmed by testimonies Over the years certain costs from weekly viewers from have increased, but we have every denomination and even kept the offer donation about non-churched people, who the same. never miss a program. One of the unique features Our partners are also aware that we send our ma- of our monthly Manna-fest terials free to those in prison, television offer is that we sell if they request it, and the the resource package at a very ministry pays all of the post- low cost compared to others. age, since we believe the Lord For example, a single book is pleased in our ministering and single audio CD is usu- to those in prison (see Matt. ally offered for a gift of $25 or 25:34-36). We also provide 14 VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 thousands of dollars to help week. However, I must be the needy through various very honest with you. With ministries, including our the three major projects that Samaritan Fund, and sup- I am 100% confident the Lord port missionaries, mission has placed upon my heart to crusades, and orphanages complete (the Study Bible, the overseas each month. The OCI gathering place, and the VOE magazine is sent to those future youth camp) I have, for who request it for a one-time the first time in 34 years of fee, after which there is no ministry, felt a level of burden renewal cost! that I have never encountered I hope you can see that our work is not about money, before. Someone actually said to but ministry. I am very grate- me recently, “Just go off TV ful for the support of so many and forget the youth project, partners who the Lord speaks that way you won’t have the to and instructs them to send financial burden.” I reminded in special financial gifts to them the television ministry help us reach hundreds of (Manna-fest) was named by thousands of people each the Lord himself in a prayer they ited? Did u are v in n u r o o invited he fire y ey self- l purpose for t blaming the h t e r a , a e your life is the re u may b come in Satan? What r mentally? Yo n the burn! ls ia r t od or iscer When ally, o g le) e with G ime to d , spiritu originat ith physically ery trial. It is t D10rn4the Burn? (CD Sin C : m e t w fi I You Disce dealing rson for your $7 Can e p g Pricsehip: ping & handling n o r w s lu P age is mess w h t , s e c e la ren t confe ccording to th ers s a p m o g ntent! A he dan ages fr g mess nd relevant co sage reveals t s of “eating” in w ie v e s lt la cently r he resu This me owerfu After re cted for its p “eat eagle!” ristians, and t o le h was se s, it is illegal t ainst other C Word. 10 5Eagle (CD Single) g e a ’s s d g o o m: aCl D in M G e t n I r Eat n of u o to t p s u g tian ing It's Il le of Chris stead of feed $7 g in Pricsehip: ping & handlin people s Plu CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. meeting and the youth project however this past year the the trash can or if it serves its Lord will help us, but I need was God’s idea and not mine. I income has dropped. also must answer to the Lord if I fail to do his will (Matt. 7:21). Since age 18, I have not mailed donor request letters purpose to inform and bless. some relief in my spirit in the Here are the present facts: This also suggests that over months ahead, enabling me to ì Most of our television air half of our readers do not be- concentrate on the Word and time contracts come due from lieve we need any assistance the needs of people who are September through December to proceed into the future. attending our conferences! ì The architects are work- After praying about this For those friends and each month to ask for finan- ing on the OCI plans now and issue, I sensed the Holy Spirit partners we have heard from, cial help. Yet, if we continue will finalize them soon saying, “You cannot receive thank you so much and I pray ì Many missionaries until you ask and you need to God will bring forth an unex- ducting conferences, selling depend on VOE after their ask.” Therefore, here is what pected blessing to those who resource material and operat- support has been reduced by I am asking. With the open participate in this request! It ing in the normal flow, it will churches doors of opportunity blowing is my goal to dedicate the OCI in our current pattern of con- open wide before us, would facility debt free and as soon to complete these projects, we never hear from about 60% you consider a special one- as we accomplish this, we and I don’t have forever to of those receiving the VOE time seed offering in 2011 can look to the youth camp. I complete these assignments! magazine. We are uncertain to help the VOE lift the many look forward to hearing from The VOE has been blessed, if the magazine is going into burdens? I am certain the YOU! take YEARS to raise the funds I recently discovered that VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 15 Q&A IMPORTANT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT THE NEXT PHASE OF MINISTRY legal perspective. However, Campmeeting there are no plans to begin in July.” It will a regular Sunday church also have a room service, since Cleveland is that can hold 400 filled with very good churches people for banquets that conduct Sunday services. and luncheons, a Our youth services will meet full kitchen, and will on Tuesdays at 7 pm and the be a great place for barn prayer meetings will be conferences. The facility Thursdays at 8 pm. I plan to also will serve as the continue traveling as long as meeting place for worship physically possible to conduct services for the youth camps conferences, camp meetings in the summer. and special services in new continue preaching prophecy and West Coast in the future. or will you eventually Question: What are the plans for such a large facility, BY PERRY STONE and is it worth the money that will be spent? Question: I hear you only difference is there will talk about the VOE (Voice be one main facility for a of Evangelism) and the OCI gathering place that is not (Omega Center International). on the current VOE property, I once heard you say that since our current office anything with two visions is does not have the space we division, so with what sounds need for that. However, both like two different ministry properties border each other visions, doesn’t it create at the OCI “ranch” located division or confusion? behind the VOE. Answer: Not at all. Question: I heard you The easiest way to explain say that the OCI facility being the new outreach for youth built will be filed as a church. and fresh emphasis on the Does this mean you will stop next prophetic generation evangelizing and stay in is that this assignment is one place to pastor a new just another branch on the church? VOE fruit tree! One of our Answer: The facility board members who is a CPA and the future youth camp explained it well when he said, needs to be filed with “The VOE is the international the IRS as a church for part of the ministry and the a number of reasons, OCI facility will be the regional some practical aspect of the ministry.” The and others from a 16 VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 Question: Will you areas, including the Midwest Answer: It will be the just minister to the next generation? Answer: I don’t see where it is an either-or situation. First, I didn’t call weekly meeting place for myself to research and preach OCI, and will also have a the prophetic word. This was café where young people can a calling from the Lord and come and fellowship during this calling is irrevocable weekday evenings. Once a (Rom. 11:29). It’s important month, we hope to have a for me to be a spiritual father major conference attended to this generation and impart by leaders and churches the insight and revelation from throughout the region. that the Lord has given me We plan to conduct a yearly to the next generation. There Partner’s Homecoming is a core group interested in early June and a major in understanding prophetic “Southern Gospel patterns, and there must be some raised up among them to carry on the message that the King is coming. children he believed he would go in the Rapture and made no plans for his death, including providing Question: What no insurance. This was not role do you see your children wisdom. We are told to occupy Jonathan and Amanda playing until Christ returns (Luke in the OCI ministry? 19:13). The word occupy does Answer: At this point not mean to take up space, I'M ALWAYS HUMBLED and amazed with God's goodness to allow us to participate in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Our generation has a unique opportunity to be used by God like never before; we have an opportunity to take root in the land of Israel and restore the King's oil. For your gift of $159.00 (plus $5.00 s/h), you can take root in the Holy Land by adopting an olive tree in the Perry Stone Olive Grove. Our grove is located near the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. From the harvest of these trees we are producing anointing oil, The King's Oil, (made according to Biblical guidelines) that is blessing the world. You can partner with me to bless Israel when she needs it most and be a part of the restoration of the King's oil! Your name will be attached to your adopted tree, and you will receive a Certificate of Authenticity that is suitable for framing. Historically, olive trees have the ability to live for thousands of years. Adopt a tree today for your family and take root in the Promised Land! I cannot answer this as like a piece of furniture that Jonathan is interested in occupies a room. The word computers and music and means to do business until You can adopt your tree by calling this number: Amanda has a powerful he comes. When the Lord 888-EL-ISRAEL (888-354-7723) spiritual inclination but is returns, the servants found still quite young. However, working (or “doing”) are the they both seem to be excited blessed (Matt. 24:46). about seeing the project and Since no man knows the ministry develop. I would day or the hour of Christ’s be greatly honored to see return (Matt. 24:36), we must either child, or especially live a life with the expectancy both, participate in the future that Christ may come today ministry. I am certain the Lord but plan as though it may be has a plan. many years away. There is no Question: How can contradiction in preaching the you preach that the Lord is signs and events indicating we coming soon and yet make are in the end times, yet no such long term plans? Isn’t one knows how long it will be this a waste? until it climaxes in the Lord’s Answer: Recently an return. We plan to be “doing” older gentleman until we hear the trumpet or Item: OIL Price: $10 went home to be the voice of the Lord calling The King’s Oil (Anointing Oil) Plus shipping & handling with the Lord. He us home! CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 had always told his Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. ARTICLE BY PERRY STONE VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 17 A Special Moment I Will Always Remember By Jason T. Armstrong Thursday, March 10, 2011 was a day that marked my life, family, ministry and heritage. On Tuesday of that week, Mark Casto said that we were asked to come to Life Care and have Brother Fred Stone lay hands upon us and pray for us for an impartation. Having an understanding of Biblical impartation and how it can affect one’s life, my spirit was expectant. I knew this was a moment that would change things for my family and the ministry to which God had called us. As I drove up the hill toward the nursing home, I could feel my faith and expectancy level rising and could actually fell a sense of reverence in the atmosphere. Upon entering the room, I sat on the couch with Mark and we began to pray. Again the room was suddenly charged with the awesome peace and presence of the Lord. As we were praying, Bishop Tim Hill entered the room to visit and encourage the Stone family. He began singing old time songs to Brother Fred. As we joined in singing songs and hymns, the atmosphere became electric. I began to think to myself, “This is it — the moment of impartation.” 18 After singing, various visitors came in and out of the room to see Fred. At times the room was packed with 20 or more people. With many visitors, I didn’t sense it was proper or the right time to have Fred to lay his hands upon me and pray. I left that evening disappointed in my heart but with great faith in my spirit. Looking VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 back at that moment, I believe the Lord gave me an increased measure of faith in my spirit when I left the room. Mark and I left together to prepare for our regular Tuesday night service at the Extreme ministry in Cleveland. Perry mentioned that he would be back later that evening to spend the night by his father’s bedside and asked if we could return at night when there were no visitors. Without hesitation we said yes. God really poured out his Spirit at the Extreme that night and lives were impacted. We were unaware that no visitors were allowed into the nursing home after a certain time, and as the service went late I was unable to personally visit Fred and request special prayer. Doubt’s final door of opportunity came Wednesday when I had returned to work. Due to my schedule, I knew I was going to be able to visit the nursing home. As Thursday morning dawned I if it was okay to visit Fred and they said yes. Diana said to lean over the bed and just talk to him as I normally would (they say the last thing to go from a person is their sense of hearing). I leaned over his bed, called his name, gave him a word and vowed to him and the Lord that the message he carried about the blood of Jesus and his mighty acts would never fall to the ground. I left him knowing I would carry that message to the next generation. As these words were spoken Fred began trying to raise his head off the pillow and his lips began to quiver as he tried to speak. I don’t know if he saw was going on and looked at me and said, “You got it, it’s all over you!” In the famous story of the impartation of Elijah’s anointing to his servant Elisha, proof that a mantle was passed on was seen instantly. The last miracle Elijah preformed (smiting the Jordan in II Kings 2:7) was the first miracle Elijah performed after receiving the mantle (II Kings 2:14). Since the day of Brother Stone’s passing, I have experienced a great increase in hearing the Lord’s voice. Words of wisdom and knowledge and a spirit of discernment have greatly increased and have been flowing sharper and clearer. Just as the As Thursday morning dawned I heard a strong phrase in my spirit, “If you see me when I go,” a phrase Elijah said to Elisha before he was taken to heaven (I Kings 2:10). heard a strong phrase in my spirit, “If you see me when I go,” a phrase Elijah said to Elisha before he was taken to heaven (I Kings 2:10). At first I thought this was a conformation for a message I was studying for a Hebraic roots class. That day, my wife and I had plans to go to lunch, but as the time got closer I kept hearing, “If you see me when I go…” Suddenly, I felt an urgency and burden in my spirit. I told my wife that I needed to cancel our lunch plans because I felt heavily impressed to go see Brother Fred. My wife encouraged me, as she always does, to obey the Lord. Not knowing who was in Fred’s room or if it would be okay to visit, I went to his room and met his daughter Diana, his wife Juanita, and a family friend. I asked something, but in a short moment after this, Diana said, “He’s gone!” She looked at me and said, “He must have been holding on for one more person, and that person must have been you!” When she said this, I recalled the words the Lord gave me, “If you see me when I go!” Right then the presence of the Lord overwhelmed me and I sat down in a chair with a sudden rush of feelings and emotions that erupted inside of me. I felt joy, power, reverence, and at the same time I was weeping. Perry arrived within five minutes. I was still in the room and was overwhelmed with an awesome presence of God that had come to receive the spirit of his humble servant, Fred Stone. Without knowing anything, Perry realized in the Spirit what Apostle Paul told Timothy that he laid hands upon him and imparted spiritual gifts (II Tim. 1:6), I believe that this moment was a faith moment in which the Lord honored simple faith and allowed the same anointing of this man of God to remain upon those who believed God was able and willing to impart this blessing. Any impartation of gifts and power from God has its place, but for me it is more than an increase of the gifts of the Spirit. It is about a mandate to carry on a message and lifestyle of prayer, along with spiritual and moral integrity. How is this possible? Here is what the Bible says about it: “With man it is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26); then “Be it unto thee according to your faith” (Matt. 9:29). VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 19 Inside the Ministry “THE SHAPING OF STONE” ARTICLE The August 2011 issue of Charisma Magazine had several articles, two written by Strang Communications founder Steven Strang, that featured insight into the life and ministry of Perry Stone. The main article, “The Shaping of Stone,” gives you insight into the call of Perry and a brief review of the VOE ministry. The second feature was a Q & A interview answering prophetic questions, and the third article was an excerpt from the book Unleashing the Beast, which is available through VOE ministry. There were 110,000 copies distributed with a possible reading audience of 220,000 people, not including those reading online. We at VOE appreciate Steven Strang taking time to share with his readers insight concerning the ministry, and we believe there will be many families who will become familiar with Perry and VOE. ECONOMIC GROWTH IN CLEVELAND The state of Tennessee is a right to work state and is giving tax breaks to corporations moving here. Within a 35-mile radius of Cleveland, construction is occurring at a new Maytag plant, a German company that makes components for solar cells, an Amazon distribution center, a new airport, and a Volkswagen auto plant! It seems that Cleveland (and much of Tennessee) has not seen the level of economic depression as other parts of the nation, with the exception that many homes at auctions are being discounted up to 40%. Bradley County has about 300 churches, and many of the Christians have financially supported world missions and evangelism, including feeding the needy and supporting churches and orphanages around the world. We believe much of the prosperity can be based upon the past financial giving of Christians from various denominations. The seed sown for souls has brought favor to the people. Cleveland also has several denomination headquarters and major world ministries, along with a customer service center for the Sky Angel satellite ministry. We have observed that in many of the cities and states where the liberal way of thinking has ruled the roost, there is great economic crisis, Aerial view of the new Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, TN as well as high crime rates. The more morally conservative states seem to be performing far better than the regions known for their liberal morality. There is a great danger linked to many of the decisions being made that are contrary to God’s covenant. Perry calls this “legalizing abomination,” or passing legislation that will anger God and lift the hedge of protection and the hand of blessing from a region. We do pray that all believers will have a backbone of iron to stand against the wickedness that is spreading like a death cloud from coast to coast, and never be hesitant to voice their opinions publicly. 20 VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 THE SEAL OF SATAN BOOK Book eight of the series Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled has been written, printed and is now available at VOE. The book deals with the “Seal of Satan,” which will be the future Mark of the Beast. Some of the main chapter topics are: ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì ì Apocalyptic Predictions: The Impossible is now Possible First the World Must go Global The Trigger That Will Initiate the Antichrist System Technology for the Mark of the Beast The Health Care Tracking Device God’s Judgment on the Seal of Satan The Mark and the Symbols: An Islamic View Red Dragon Rising & The Coming Mr. XI Eight Suggestions for Preparing for the Last Days In this book Perry shows events that are being set up by the Middle East uprisings, including global debt, oil prices, and food disruptions. This book also goes into NEW details about possible reasons why the U.S. government wants to control health care in America. This is updated information with new research and fresh insight all in one book. Have you ever wondered why God would allow a person to be “doomed” for accepting a mark to purchase goods and food? This book explores and explains this and other controversial and frequently asked questions. Order online at, call (423)478-3456, or use the enclosed envelope. You can purchase this book by itself, or the Manna-fest offer which includes the book plus a single audio CD. This book is NOT available in bookstores or any other outlet, only through the VOE office or at the regional Manna-fest conferences. If you have the other seven books, add this one to the series! ISRAEL AROUND THE CORNER The arrival of the fall months indicates that our annual Israel trip is just around the corner. We have around 200 people joining us. The first phase is a Partner’s only tour and the main tour joins us on a Monday night at Tiberias. Please pray the weather will be great and we will have a smooth transition and favor with all of the equipment the television team is required to carry. Normally at this time it is too late to join the group, but you can contact the travel agency to see if there is available space or an extension on the time to join. These Keys and Principles Work! One of the greatest burdens that parents carry is for their unsaved loved ones, especially children. Satan deceives us into thinking there is nothing we can do to change the situation. On this audio CD, Perry gives proven keys that have worked for believers, which will help you unlock the door of God’s power and conviction in your family. This CD is a faith-building resource tool! Item: CD103 Price: $7 Keys to Winning Your Family to the Lord Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN! We will be entering the fall months which are a favorite time of year, since it not only begins the college football season (which Pam and Perry both enjoy), but the beautiful mountains are an inviting sight to friends and partners to join us at Hixson, Tennessee! Our annual fall “Main Event” will be October 18 – 22. This year, the ministry is hosting an array of gifted and anointed speakers, including Jentezen Franklin, Beth Stephens, Damon Thompson, Sarah DeLane and on Saturday morning a first of its kind “Preach-a-Mania” tag team with Perry Stone, Craig Mosgrove and Mark Casto. We also host the Daughters of Rachel, Elijah’s Mantle, and Ladies luncheons, as well as the Partners dinner at this event. Hotel information is on the website under “Conferences” and we suggest that you make plans to enjoy all nine services at this ultimate refreshing! Perry will be releasing one of the most unusual and eye-opening revelations the Lord has given him in several years. He also has received a strong prophetic word for America and believes attending this powerful event will greatly benefit you and your family. Monday night is the prayer meeting and the first service with Perry beings on Tuesday night. Services run through Saturday evening at 4:30. Perry will preach the five night services and will be the “hit man” for the Saturday morning tag team service. This is our MAIN EVENT for the entire year. You need this refreshing, the warm fellowship and the heavenly worship, but most of all, the eye-opening Word that will be imparted at this event! Go online for hotel information, or call our office for more details at (423) 478-3456. VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 21 Inside the Ministry PRAY FOR AMERICA The nation at this moment is in serious crisis and under a spirit of confusion and division. May we suggest that we all pray that the nation would humble itself before God, turn from its wicked ways, and release God’s healing hand? There are too many fires, floods and damaging storms to simply be a weather cycle. Perhaps it is time to pay attention to the warnings in the Scripture. YOU ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND IN CLEVELAND Each Tuesday at 7:00 pm, young people and adults join together at the meeting place on Old Tasso Road for a time of great ministry in the word and and to receive a touch from the Holy Spirit. Normally, Mark Casto preaches the word, and Perry sometimes joins in the ministry to mentor the youth and participate in services. We see young couples and adults attending each week as they enjoy the Word and participate in the present and future plans of OCI (Omega Center International). In the fall we intend to begin an arts/drama team with the children and youth, and there will be seasonal conferences planned. Each Thursday at 8 pm, we have a “Fire at the Barn” prayer gathering where 25 to 60 people gather for high level intercession. If you live in or around Cleveland, you are invited to attend the services. 22 VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 THE STONE REPORT One way to keep updated on the ministry and our new products is through the Stone Report, a short video on our website at Perry and Pam try to update the website articles about every 3 to 4 weeks, and you can also view the Manna-fest telecast online each week. Remember that when you purchase resource material, it is one way that the VOE is able to continue the outreaches. We also need steady monthly giving to fulfill the major assignments for the ministry. Your giving also provides opportunities for world evangelism through missions, aid to the poor, orphans and widows, and other forms of help that some would not receive without VOE reaching out its hands. Thank you for considering the ministry in your monthly giving! 2011–2012 Itinerary SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011 Champions Life Christian Church with Pastor Walter Hallam 10715 Garland Road Dallas, TX 75218 Phone: (214) 324-5415 Website: Service Times: Friday at 7:00 pm Saturday & Sunday at 10:00 am & 6:00 pm SEPTEMBER 28, 2011 Free Chapel Worship Center with Pastor Jentezen Franklin 3001 McEver Road Ext. SW Gainesville, GA 30504 Phone: (770) 532-4793 Website: Service Time: Wednesday at 7:00 pm NOVEMBER 06, 2011 Abundant Life Christian Center with Pastor Walter Hallam 601 Delaney Road La Marque, TX 77568 Phone: (409) 935-1606 Website: Service Time: Sunday at 10:00 am MARCH 2-4, 2012 The Assembly of West Monroe with Pastor Shane Warren 715 Cypress Street West Monroe, LA 71291 Phone: (318) 387-1500 Website: MARCH 7-8, 2012 Abba’s House “Fresh Oil, New Wine” Conference with Pastor Ron Phillips 5208 Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343 Phone: (423) 877-6462 Service Times: Wednesday & Thursday at 6:45 pm NOVEMBER 11-13, 2011 Church at Liberty Square with Pastor Joe Edwards Church at Liberty Square 2001 Liberty Square Drive Cartersville, GA 30121 Phone: (770) 382-9489 Website: OCTOBER 2-5, 2011 Lenexa Christian Center Annual Campmeeting with Pastor Mike Purkey 17500 W 87th Street Lenexa, KS 66219 Phone: (913) 888-1559 Website: JANUARY 17-19, 2012 Tennessee Church of God State Prayer Conference with Bishop Don Walker The New Hope Church of God 2450 Wynnfield Dunn Parkway Sevierville/Kodak, TN 37764 Phone: (423) 892-4831 Website: Service Times: Tuesday – Thursday at 7:00 pm OCTOBER 7-9, 2011 The Refreshing Center with Pastor Jerry Collins 1621 Bob White Blvd Pulaski, VA 24301 Phone: (540) 980-8880 Website: Service Times: Friday at 7:00 pm Saturday at 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday at 10:45 am & 6:00 pm JANUARY 22, 2012 Park West Church with Pastor Gerald McGinnis 7635 MIddlebrook Pike Knoxville, TN 37909 Phone: (865) 693-0144 Website: OCTOBER 14-15, 2011 World Harvest Church with Pastor Rod Parsley 4595 Gender Road Columbus, OH 43110 Phone: (614) 837-1990 Website: OCTOBER 15, 2011 TL Lowery Conference Center with Dr. TL Lowery TL Lowery Global Foundation Ministry Center 340 Paul Huff Parkway Cleveland, TN 37312 Phone: (423) 473-4562 Website: OCTOBER 18-22, 2011 Abba’s House Perry’s “Main Event” Fall Campmeeting 5208 Hixson Pike Hixson, TN 37343 Phone: (423) 877-6462 Website: NOVEMBER 3-4, 2011 Daystar “Refreshing Times” Conference with Marcus & Joni Lamb Arlington Convention Center 1200 Ballpark Way Arlington, TX 76011 Phone: (877) 805-2132 Register at Service Times: Thursday at 7:00 pm Workshop on Friday at 2:00 pm FEBRUARY 2-3, 2012 South Georgia Church of God Winter Campmeeting with Bishop Ray Garner Church of God Campground 42 Kell Road Tifton, GA 31793 Phone: (229) 386-2967 Website: Service Times: Thursday at 7:00 pm Friday at 10:30 am & 7:00 pm FEBRUARY 17-19, 2012 New Life Christian Fellowship with Bishop Paul Zink 2701 Hodges Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32224 Phone: (904) 223-6000 Website: MARCH 25-26, 2012 Church on the Rock with Pastor Mark Sarver 1049 Richmond Road Berea, KY 40403 Phone: (859) 986-1899 Website: Service Times: Sunday at 10:45 am & 6:00 pm Monday at 7:00 pm APRIL 18-22, 2012 Resurrection Life Church with Pastor Duane Vanderklok 5100 Ivanrest SW Grandville, MI 49418 Phone: (616) 534-4923 Website: Service Times: Wednesday at 6:30 pm Thursday & Friday at 10:00 am & 7:00 pm Saturday at 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday at 9:30 am, 11:30 am & 5:00 pm JANUARY 27-29, 2012 City Life Church with Pastor Tony Stewart 10948 N. Central Avenue Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 933-3991 Website: Service Times: Friday at 7:00 pm Saturday at 10:00 am & 6:00 pm Sunday at 10:00 am & 6:30 pm FEBRUARY 4-5, 2012 Unity Church of God with Pastor George Moxley 1580 Sunset Blvd Jesup, GA 31545 Phone: (912) 530-6625 Website: MARCH 14-18, 2012 First Assembly of God - Griffin with Pastor Randy Valimont 2000 West McIntosh Road Griffin, GA 30223 Phone: (770) 228-2307 Website: MAY 15-19, 2012 Annual Partners Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN with Perry Stone, Jr. Ramada Inn Smoky Mountain Convention Center 4010 Parkway Pigeon Forge, TN 37868 JUNE 3-7, 2012 Healing Place Arena with Pastor Dino Rizzo 19202 Highland Road Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Phone: (225) 753-2273 Website: Service Times: Sunday at 5:00 pm Monday – Thursday at 10:00 am & 7:00 pm JUNE 10, 2012 The Sanctuary with Pastor Clayton Watson 401 East Taylor Road DeLand, FL 32721 Phone: (386) 734-7777 Website: Service Time: Sunday at 6:00 pm For more information please visit out website at WWW.PERRYSTONE.ORG VOICE OF EVANGELISM : : JULY – SEPTEMBER 2011 23 VOICE OF EVANGELISM OUTREACH MINISTRIES P.O. BOX CLEVELAND, TN NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHATTANOOGA, TN PERMIT NO. 1114 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED This year, the Holy Spirit inspired Perry with these two messages, which he felt were a very important combination. Disc 1 is called “Breaking Satanic Covenants,” and exposes the devil’s strategy to bring your family under a covenant of premature death! Satan does this by building a Satanic “hedge” to prevent you from reaching them and getting them out of their stronghold. Disc 2, called “Breaking the Power of a Satanic Hedge,” will arm you with knowledge to defeat the enemy! Both messages were preached live. D3 69 es & Covenants (2-CD Album) Item: 2Ctan ic Hedg Breaking Sa Price: $12 & handling Plus shipping 6 5 4 .3 8 7 .4 3 2 4 L L A C S R E D R O CREDIT CARD rt to calcul Please see the envelope’s shipping cha ate the shipping for your order.