District Strategic Plan - Streetsboro City Schools
District Strategic Plan - Streetsboro City Schools
Streetsboro City School District Strategic Plan 2012-2017 1 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Board Members Kevin Denise Grimm Baba John Andrew Kelly Lesak Cindy Pennock-Hanish Jon Stacy Cindy Natko Beth Nichols Lisa Pennock-Hanish Sue Scisciani Shannon Stockard Nick Marie Lesley Michelle Andrea Christy Richard Jeffrey Karey Edward John Lisa Marlene Ryan Todd Marcini Maynard Mitchell Mrakovich Murray Nickerson Nickerson III Pritchard Ralph Rogowski Saucier Shannon Speck Spence Teitel Torrence Torrence Tuck Valenti Verdell Violi Zarlino Lead Team Tracy Donna Matthew Campbell BethAnn Dascenzo Lisa Featherstun Robert Hepburn Howitt Hunt Stephen Laird Dr. Sam Lewis Michelle Mrakovich Management Team Gina John Denise Jim Regina Mayor Glenn Donya Rick James Kelly Jennifer Tracy Tim Donna Cynthia Arlesic Arlesic Baba Boardwine Boardwine Broska Buchanan Buckley Butler Butler Cales Campbell Claypoole Dascenzo Deevers Laura Michael Reginald Selina Darren Natalie Matthew Rene Heather Jean Steve Ken Nancy Linda Kevin DeLambo DiMaio Dublin Dublin Ekron Ekron Featherstun Fifik Gawne Giunto Giunto Granville Granville Gray Grimm Karyn Aaron BethAnn Amy Lisa Joseph Ted Chuck William Michelle Gayle Stephen Carmen Bob Joanne Hall Hatzo Hepburn Howard Howitt Huber Hurd Kocisko Koleszar Kravetz Krutilla Laird Laudato Long Marcini James Karen Nekiya Linda Fredericka Brian Jeanine 2 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Focus Groups Board Office Campus Central Service Defer High School Middle School Wait Abbey Stacey Jeff Rick Terzah George Gina John Leah Zac Pam Allison Karen Tim Janis Stephanie Kathy Jennifer John Lisa Leesa Tony Jim Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Staff Abramowicz Alexander Allen Alleshouse Allred Anderson Arlesic Arlesic Babb Balaguer Beech Benci Benci Berecek Berlin Berry Betley Bodevetz Bodevetz Bontempo Boyer Boyer Braessler Mayor Glenn Matt Marcus Donya Joslin Heather Rick Haley Kelly Jennifer Sara Sue Tracy Cindy Beth Tony Angela Kristen Jennifer Cathy Donna Mike Cheryl Scott Laura Rick Jon David Laura Melanie Broska Bross Brown Buchanan Buchanan Buckley Buckley Bussey Butler Cales Campbell Campbell Campbell Carlson Carone Carone Clay Cottrell Csorba Danner Dascenzo Daulbaugh DeCavitch Deevers Delambo Delambo Dilts Duke Duke Dundon Adrienne Darren Natalie Jennie Matthew Annie Denise Rene Laurie Chris Lisa Mike Carol Heather Justin Bob Bridget Cory Renee Amy Ryan Ricki Mary Ken Nancy Megan Kevin Kim Lexi Chris Edwards Ekron Ekron Elliott Featherstun Fernandez Ferrari Fifik Fischer Fredmonsky Freeman Freeman Fruscella Gawne Gawne Gency Gency Gigax Gigax Golson Golson Graeser Grant Granville Granville Grim Grimm Guerrero Gutierrez Hall Karyn Marion John Steve Courtney BethAnn Archie Heather Jim Tim Debra Gary Monica Joseph Robert Heidi Judi Debbie Marjorie Stephanie Devon Kim Marge Allison Holly Jen John Michelle Sarah Stephen Hall Harn Jr. Harris Hatch Hatzo Hepburn Hess Hillyer Hillyer Hinkk Holbert Holcomb Holzapfel Huber Hunt Inzerillo Israelson Johnson Johnson Judd Klein Klein Klein Kocis Kocis Koroly Koroly Kravetz Lago Laird Alex Robert Pam Mary Carmen Carlton Andrew Angela Bob Nikko Lynn Ginny Mike Dayna Markos Becky Danielle Joanne Nick Sarah Shonda Eric Rob Stacey Bill Lisa Paula Bret Joey Dave Landgraf Lankey Lanning Lanterman Laudato Lawrence Lesak Levert Long Lucas MacMillan Maglionico Maglionico Mallas Mallas Malone Marcini Marcini Marcini Marcini Martin Mass Matusik Matusik Maxwell Maxwell McCabe McClafferty McCormack McMillan 3 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Focus Groups Continued Karen Emma James Jim Monique Lesley Allana Becky Jay Gina Eric Gary Michelle Bob Caroline Andrea Cindy Jon Curt Elizabeth Stacey Beverly Angela Brian Rick Sabrina Linda Bryan Jeffrey Melody McMillan Mesojedec Minyard Minyard Minyard Mitchell Miura Monahan Moore Mordue Moss Motz Mrakovich Mullaley Mullaley Murray Mustafa Natko Newill Nichols Nichols Nissel Novotny Novotny Owens Paul Pelkey Pengal Pritchard Puleo Pearl Judy Eric Melanie Tina Deb Cheryl Brian Cathy Kristal Ellie Melissa Jeff Johnny Lori Amy Steve Catherine Tyler John Pam Bob Jamie Linda Tracy Hannah Laura Mark Lisa Betty Pullman Puster Rauschkolb Reger Reoch-Fitzgerald Rhodes Richards Richesson Richesson Robinson Robitaille Rogowski Rondo Rondo Rondo Ross Ross Rouse Sanders Saucier Saucier Scheal Scheal Schettler Schneeman Schuller Shaffer Shaffer Shannon Simons Carol Len Julie Susan Marlene Ryan Shelly Von Ron Debbie Jerry Sue Tom Richard Tamika Debbie JR Lori Barb Gabriela James Karen Tawnya Traig Joseph Nekiya Stacey Linda Eve Matt Skovensky Skovensky Solly Sopko Speck Spence Spence Starkey Stenglein Stockard Stockard Stockard Stockard Taiclet Taylor-Ivory Teitel Thompson Thomson Tibbs Toro Torrence Torrence Traylor Traylor Tripak Tuck Vadaj Valenti VanReeth Vazzana Brian Tyler Betty James Sandy Taylor Mary Darlene Heather Arleigh Beth Daryl Gloria Josh Leslie Joe Kathy Bill Kathy Jeanine Lindsay Melissa Violi Violi Ward Washinski Webb Wells Werner Wheeler Whitney Wiler-Martin Williams Williams Wilson Wilson Wiseman Wolfe Wood Young Zampounis Zarlino Zenker Zenz 4 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Retreat Team Gina Arlesic Kelly Butler BethAnn Hepburn Gary Denise Baba Rene Fifik Robert Beth Scisciani Michelle Mrakovich Marlene Speck Jim Boardwine Heather Gawne Michelle Kravetz Jon Natko Linda Valenti Donya Buchanan Aaron Hatzo Joanne Marcini Jeffrey Pritchard Brian Violi Rick Buckley Courtney Hatzo Nakia Miller Tracy Schneeman Kelly Ashley Miller Nuber Hunt Motz Action Teams Extra and Co-curricular Jennifer Basich Donna Dascenzo BethAnn Hepburn John Jim Boardwine Marisa DeLambo Joseph Christine Koporc Kaitlyn Lisa Bontempo Rene Fifik Marjorie Johnson Bob Long Samantha Palania Donya Buchanan Courtney Hatzo Stephanie Judd Joanne Marcini Kayla Huber Tuma Community Engagement Rick Buckley Carmen Laudato Heather Gawne Jon Natko Lisa Howitt Eric Rauschkolb Chuck Kocisko Lindsay Zenker Communications Internal and External Denise Baba Kristen Cottrell Pam Beech Matthew Featherstun Jen Cales Kelly Hall Tracy Campbell Beth Scisciani Marlene Speck 5 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Action Teams Continued Academic Growth Gina Arlesic Michelle Mrakovich Tracy Schneeman Laura Delambo Andrea Murray Lisa Shannon Steve Hatch Elizabeth Nichols Linda Valenti Michelle Kravetz Cindy Pennock-Hanish Instructional Technology Steve Cain Andrew Lesak Mike Daulbaugh Lesley Mitchell Maureen Haska Ryan Spence Matthew Kolke Karen Torrence Jeff Allen Kevin Grimm Jordan Matusik Jessica Reker Dorian Williams John Arlesic Robert Hunt Jillian Meisinger Brian Violi Joe Wolfe Jacob Armbrecht Stephen Laird Nakia Miller Jim Washinski November Dolovacky Nick Marcini Jeffrey Pritchard Darlene Wheeler Facilities 6 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Beliefs We believe student growth and achievement are the top priorities of our school district. We believe our district will provide the highest level of personalized service. We believe embracing diversity enriches our community. We believe in a safe and inspiring learning environment. We believe all decisions will be based on students' best interests. We believe a strong partnership between staff, students, parents and community fosters student learning. Vision Statement By 2017 Streetsboro City School District will be rated in the top 100 school districts in Ohio. Mission Statement We partner with families and communities to provide a personalized education that inspires and empowers students to be lifelong learners and productive members of our global society. 7 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goals 1. Every student in Streetsboro City School District will demonstrate at least one years worth of academic growth 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. annually by 2017. We will improve extra and co-curricular options. We will develop and implement a comprehensive instructional technology plan. We will improve facilities. We will develop and implement a comprehensive community engagement plan. We will improve communications with internal and external stakeholders. We will develop a plan that will financially support the beliefs, vision and mission of Streetsboro City Schools. 8 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 1: Every student in SCS District will demonstrate at least one years worth of academic growth annually by 2017. Action 1: Professional Development Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Steps to Accomplish this Action The SEA, SSSPA, Exempt Staff and Director of Student & Academic Administrators create a long term short term Services professional development plan At the start of each school year, the PD plan will be reviewed and modified by the Director of Student & Academic admininstrators for relevancy to current data Services and educational initiatives and mandates based on summer changes. Evaluation Jan-13 Final copy of Long & Short term PD Plan for all Streetsboro staff Annually beginning August 2013 Agenda from Administrators' meeting when plans are reviewed Current information from ODE, SST8, ESCs and other educationally based support systems will be used to guide decisions regarding professional development opportunities. Director of Student & Academic Services Quarterly beginning 12-13 SY Agenda from administrators' meeting Student data (state tests, SRI, Summative Assessment, etc.) will be reviewed quarterly by administrators and staff to inform decision regarding professional development opportunities. Administrators / Staff Quarterly beginning 12-13 SY Agendas from quarterly meetings / Summary of findings Battelle For Kids value-added data will be utilized to provide training Director of Student & Academic Services / Administrators Ongoing beginning 12-13 SY Summaries of work conducted with agencies like Battelle for Kids Create a professional development summer academy Administrators May 2014 Summer Academy Action 2: Intervention Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Steps to Accomplish this Action An RTI model will be defined for use Pre-K to gr. 12 to ensure intervention and enrichment Director of Student & Academic be available to students on an individualized Services / Action Team basis Staff will undergo training in the use and Director of Student & Academic implementation of the chosen RTI model Services / Principals Evaluation End of 12-13 SY Defined and communicated process for implementing RTI PreK-12 Staff meeting agendas 13-14 SY Certificates of completion of training / Agendas 9 An Intervention Assistance Team model will be selected and followed Pre-K to grade 12 to track and commun icate intervention results to staff and parents. Full implementation of an IATprocess will be used district-wide to track student need and growth as part of the RTI model The use of current universal screening tools and the exploration of other universal screening tools will be assessed and evaluated for effectiveness Full implementation of an IAT process utilizing an RTI model will be implemented Steps to Accomplish this Action Ongoing professional development in the area of high-yield instructional practices Data from formal observations & informal walkthroughs will be collected and used to have collaborative conversations between staff and administration regarding high-yield teaching strategies Development of teacher leadership in providing peer-to-peer feedback on instructional practices in the classroom Analyze the benefits and financial implications of creating teacher leader positions to support best instructional practices, data review and overall teaching and learning feedback Differentiation across all classrooms to address individual student needs Develop a district wide assessment continuum and train staff on the continuum Formative and summative assessment data to inform instruction Director of Student & Academic Services / Action Team Director of Student & Academic Services / Principals Principals with Teacher & Tutor input End of 12-13 SY Defined and communicated process for implmeneting IAT Pre-K-12 / Staff meeting agendas 13-14 SY Certificates of completion of training / District aligned forms and defined process Ongoing beginning 12-13 SY Universal screening tools will be purchased on a district level requisitions and purchase orders Director of Student & Academic Services / Principals / Teachers / Beginning 14-15 SY Parents & Students Action 3: Instructional Practices Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Director of Student & Academic 12-13 SY Services / Principals B file evidence that process is in place in all buildings / Staff meeting agendas Evaluation PD Agendas and Exit Surveys evaluating the PD and Presenters Principals / Teachers 13-14 SY and ongoing each year based on negotiations in 2013 Meeting agendas and notes Administration Teacher leaders identified 12-13 SY Supplemental added Spring 2013 to begin 13-14 SY Roster of teacher leaders at all grade levels and departments Administration 14-15 SY Position is considered and discussed at administrative meetings - use of agenda Principals / Teachers 13-14 SY Rubrics for student placement Principals / Teachers 13-14 SY PD Agendas / Assessment Plan Principals / Teachers 14-15 SY Quarterly data meeting agendas 10 Implementation of specialized instructional and intervention strategies such as Ortin Gillingham & Wilson, reading and writing in the content areas Steps to Accomplish this Action All content areas taught and reported for each student daily, or the equivalent, K-12. Research possibility of increased common planning time for content specific, grade level, interdisciplinary, and intervention specialists scheduled four times per month with agenda driven by data, principal, and lead teachers Collaboration between grade band teachers quarterly with administrative support (grade bands are K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12) A study of course rigor and alignment to the CCSS will be conducted to evaluate necessary changes to course offerings Define a shared scheduling philosophy that prioritizes the Common Core classes (Reading/Math) and the Ohio Revised Core classes (Science & Soc. St.) that considers all populations of students Steps to Accomplish this Action Each building will identify and arrange for speakers to present on the importance of personal growth, goal setting and success Each school will form a committee to establish building initiatives on goal setting and growth opportunities to include ways to recognize growth and achievement Create a mentoring program among buildings to have students mentor other students in meetings held quarterly to encourage each other academically, socially, and behaviorally Director of Student & Academic Services / Administrators / Teachers 2012 - Ongoing Action 4: Scheduling Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Prioritized on the long-term and short-term PD plan Evaluation Principal / Teachers 12-13 SY Lesson Plans / Report Cards Principals / Guidance Common Planning 13-14 SY Meeting agendas / Notes from meetings Director of Student & Academic Services / Principals 13-14 SY PD Plan agendas Administration January 2013 If changes are supported, they will be proposed for 13-14 SY Building Schedules 13-14 SY Scheduling statement identifying the priorities of the district / Master schedules Administration / Teachers Action 5: Student Engagement Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Principals Ongoing beginning 12-13 SY Student assemblies 2x per year per building Principals / Teachers Jan-13 Defined initiatives for each building Principals / Teachers Research 13-14 SY / Fully Implement 14-15 SY Roster of mentors/mentees/schedule for visits 11 Involve students each year in analyzing their state assesment scores to determine one year's academic growth for goal setting and benchmarking Steps to Accomplish this Action The administrators will identify a lead person to be trained as the district value added specialist Teachers 12-13 SY Action 6: Data Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Schedules showing quarterly meetings with students Evaluation Administration September 2012 A name will be submitted to the superintendent Staff will be trained on value added and other points of measure focusing on their current population of students using EVAAS,the Success website, and any other sites DIVA / Principals May 2013 and quarterly thereafter Quarterly data analysis maintained in each building The teaching staff will use the data to inform decisions about instructional needs, curriculum, and pacing Teachers / Principals Each quarter beginning with 13-14 SY Quarterly data analysis maintained in each building Action 7: Curriculum Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Steps to Accomplish this Action Create curriculum maps on the Common Core and allow time for quality conversations about Director of Student & Academic the maps with grades K-2 and grades 11 & 12 Services implemented 12-13 SY and grades 3-10 implemented 13-14 SY Curriculum alignment among grade levels and Director of Student & Academic buildings at least two times per school year Services Report card revisions made K-6 to align report cards to the CCSS and Ohio Revised Administration / Teachers Standards Data analysis and review of students' OAA, OGT, OTELA, SRI, ITBS, ACT, & COGat scores and classroom summative assessments, Principals / Teachers as well as other identified assessments, and student growth quarterly Write summative assessments that identify the quality of students' efforts and mastery of Director of Student & Academic skills based on the CCSS and Ohio Revised Services Standards Evaluation K-2 & 11-12-12-13 SY / 3-10-13-14 SY Curriculum Maps 12-13 SY Meeting Agendas K-2-12-13 SY / 3-6-13-14 SY Newly written report cards K-6 12-13 SY Summary of each quarterly meeting K-2 & 11-12-12-13 SY / 3-10-13-14 SY Summative Assessments aligned with the defined assessment framework 12 The district will create an inventory database of the resources currently available in the 14-15 SY to create / 15-16 SY to Director of Student & Academic Database of current materials district and evaluate their effectiveness making maintain / Review of resources one Services / Principals district-wide decision about keeping or eliminating time each SY resources Create and implement an administrative policy Director of Student & Academic Newly written policy and 14-15 SY for adopting textbooks and programs Services administrative guidelines Create a rubric or schedule for adopting new Newly written rubric or schedule Director of Student & Academic textbooks and programs based on mandates 15-16 SY for adopting new textbooks and Services from ODE programs 12-13 SY Recommended changes Assess all secondary electives to ensure they Middle School / High School Completed assesments with implemented annually beginning are best prepared students for the 21st century Principals recommendations 13-14 SY Implement STEM program in the Middle Middle School Principal 12-13 SY Implemented School Assess STEM Instruction at SHS High School 13-14 SY Completed Provide parent education through curriculum Director of Student & Academic nights to equip parents with educational 15-16 SY Scheduled events Services support 13 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 2: We will improve extra and co-curricular options. Steps to Accomplish this Action Establish a Extra/Co-Curricular activity committee Assess satisfaction with current offerings and solicit feedback on past and future options Create a list of offerings from other school districts Action 1: Data Collection Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Superintendent September 2012 Extra/Co-Curricular Committee October 2012 Extra/Co-Curricular Committee November 2012 Action 2: Committee Work Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Steps to Accomplish this Action Form action teams from stakeholder groups to facilitate work on elementary and secondary Extra/Co-Curricular Committee March 2013 extra and co-curricular options Conduct a comprehensive survey evaluating Extra/Co-Curricular Committee / October 2012 current and potential offerings Technology Director Modify and/or revise offerings based on survey results/and lists from other school Extra/Co-Curricular Committee March 2013 districts Define possible new offerings Extra/Co-Curricular Committee March 2013 Provide program descriptions to SEA/Board of Education for consideration during the Extra/Co-Curricular Committee June 2013 negotiation process Action 3: Program Development Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Determine and find resources/partnerships to Extra/Co-Curricular Committee Ongoing help support possible new offerings Investigate the advantages of a performing arts academy for Portage County within our school Drama Club Advisor January 2013 and present an implementation plan to the Board of Education Develop quality summer enrichment Extra/Co-Curricular Committee 2013-2014 SY programming Evaluation Completed Survey Questionaire that produces measurable results Determine interests and satisfaction with offerings Evaluation Interested participants from community and staff Completed Survey Updated descriptions of offerings Updated descriptions of offerings Updated descriptions of offerings Evaluation Alternative sources of funding and/or advisors Performing arts school with staff and students Summer registrations 14 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 3: We will develop and implement a comprehensive instructional technology plan. Steps to Accomplish this Action Implement an interactive website for the school district to serve students, parents, and community stakeholders. Action 1: Assess current technology practice. Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Superintendent, Technology Department, Building September 2012 Administrators and Instructional and Support Staff. Evaluation New Website Perform a comprehensive technology audit of Completed Report and Superintendent/Third Party Vendor October 2012 instructional technology. Comparative Data Assess the positive culture of accessible technology to enhance student learning. (Lodi Superintendent/Third Party Vendor January 2013 Survey Data Survey) Superintendent, Director of Increase integration of technology in the Curriculum, Technology Increased Integration at Point of classroom curriculum to improve student January 2015 Department, Building Instruction learning. (Lodi Survey) Administrators and Instructional and Support Staff. Superintendent, Director of Create an ongoing professional development Curriculum, Technology Annual review of courses offered program in the use of current technology to January 2013 Department and Building and participation maximize the impact on student learning. Administrators Action 2: Implement an Interactive website for the school district to serve students, parents, and community stakeholders. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent, Director of Curriculum, Technology Make online home school and/or blended Department, Building September 2012 Contract with online School learning opportunties available for students. Administrators and Instructional Staff. Director of Curriculum, Expand online courses to students for Credit Technology Department, Building September 2013 Integration in course selection Flexibility. Administrators and Instructional Staff 15 Expand online course opportunities for staff and community. Director of Curriculum, Technology Department, Building Administrators and Instructional Staff September 2014 Public school works Create a system for online student registration. Technology Department September 2013 Online RegistrationAvailable Create an online fee payment system. Technology Department, Treasurer's Office September 2012 System in place Develop a single sign-on system for parents to Technology Department, SPARCC September 2013 System in place access student information. Utilize current bus mapping software to help Technology Department, and provide more accurate and timely information September 2012 Printed Routes Transportation Department to stakeholders. Action 3: Perform a comprehensive technology audit of instructional technology. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Select a vendor to perform an educational technology audit providing a comprehensive Superintendent, and Technology analysis of technology integration and September 2012 Comprehensive Audit Department utilization with a comparative data from similar districts. Survey the staff and commuity for needs and Technology Department September 2012 Survey Results expectations in the area of technology. Report the findings of the Technology Audit to Third Party Vendor October 2012 Board Presentation the Board of Education Based on the data from the Technology Audit, Superintendent, Director of create a comprehensive instructional Curriculum, Technology technology plan including infrastructure, Department, Building January 2013 Technology Plan hardware integration, software and Administrators and Instructional professional development. Staff. Identify opportunities for shared services in Superintendent/Technology the area of technology with the city of September 2015 Technology Plan Department/Mayor Streetsboro. Action 4: Create a positive culture of accessible technology to enhance student learning. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Provide secure and stable wireless Superintendent, and Technology Based on Technology Plan Wireless infrastructure across the district. Department 16 Superintendent, Director of Curriculum, Technology Based on Technology Plan Completion Department, Building Administrators and Instructional Staff. Superintendent, Director of Curriculum, Technology Establish a common vision for technology Department, Building Based on Technology Plan Completion of Technology Plan across the district. Administrators and Instructional Staff. Superintendent, Director of Research the feasability of a community Curriculum, Technology technology lab to increase availability of Feasability report to Department, Building September 2014 technology to students, staff and community Superintendent Administrators and Instructional members after traditional school hours. Staff. Create a student technology assistance Technology Department, and September 2013 Annual Review program. Building Administrators. Action 5: Increase integration of technology in the classroom curriculum to improve student learning. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent/Director of As curriculum revisions occur, transfer to the Curriculum/Technology Ongoing per Curriculum Revision Completion of each Curriculum use of online resouces as appropriate. Department/Building Cycle Revision Administrators/Instructional Staff Modify existing policies in order to permit students and staff to utilize personal technology in an educational environment. September 2012 35% of all Superintendent/Director of classrooms September 2013 50% Provide Interactive Whiteboard Technology in Curriculum/Technology of all classrooms September 2014 every classroom. Department/Building 70% of all classrooms September Administrators/Instructional Staff 2015 100% of all classrooms Superintendent/Director of Curriculum/Technology Institute the District wide use of Google Apps. Department/Building Administrators/Instructional Staff Implement a Thin Client Initiative across the Superintendent/Director of district to reduce maintenance costs and Curriculum/Technology increase the availability of classroom Department/Building technology. Administrators/Instructional Staff 100 % Integration September 2013 Utilized regularly by students and staff Based on Technology Audit Increased student access 17 Superintendent/Director of September, 2013 Hosting of Curriculum/Technology September 2015 Wireless Controler September, Department/Building 2015 Hosting of Phone Systems Administrators/Instructional Staff Action 6: Create an ongoing professional development program in the use of current technology to maximize the impact on student learning. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent/Director of Develop a short and long term professional Based on Technology Audit Curriculum/Technology development plan for both certified and District Professional Development Annual Review Department/Building classified staff. plan 2013 Administrators/Instructional Staff Superintendent/Director of District Professional Development Curriculum/Technology Implement a teacher digital academy. Plan 2013 Timeline to be 75% of staff by September 2015 Department/Building completed 2015 Administrators/Instructional Staff Increase the use of available SPARCC resources. 18 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 4: We will improve facilities. Steps to Accomplish this Action Develop a facility advisory council made up of staff, students, parents, city and community Commit to the continued involvement of the OSFC plan Support, monitor and modify as needed the OSFC Master Plan Determine priorities of the Non OSFC funded Develop a timeline for the implementation of the Master Plan Develop a timeline and implementation plan for Non OSFC funded items Steps to Accomplish this Action In conjunction with the City, seek community feedback & coordinate future site of the high school Action 1: Ohio School Facilities Planning Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Maintenance Director Summer 2012/ongoing Active Advisory Council Advisory Council / BOE ongoing Meet all necessary OSFC timelines Advisory Council / BOE July 2012/ongoing File Master Plan with OSFC Maintenance Director December 2012 List of Non OSFC Plan Advisory Council / BOE August 2012 Completed Timeline Maintenance Director/Committee 2013-2014 SY Completed Timeline Action 2: School / City Planning Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent / Mayor Fall 2012 Survey data and feedback shared with BOE / City Council Publicize, market and educate the community regarding the current status of district facilities Maintenance Director / Superintedent ongoing Documents In conjunction with the City create a list of "adopt a spot" project areas Advisory Council 2014-2015 SY Completed List Steps to Accomplish this Action Implement a district wide energy conservation plan Develop a 5 year PI Plan Action 3: Facility Action Items Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Maintenance Director June 2013 / 2013-2014 SY Completed Conservation Plan Maintenance Director / Technology Director / Superintendent December 2012 Completed PI Plan 19 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 5: We will develop and implement a comprehensive community engagement plan. Steps to Accomplish this Action Group 1: Residents without Students in Streetsboro Schools Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Establish a community engagement committee Superintendent October 2012 Completed Develop PR packets about Streetsboro City Schools for local businesses Establish consistent communication between the district and these residents Survey families with school age children attending non-Streetsboro schools as to why the children are attending else where Survey families with children between the ages of 0 and school age what their intentions are and the expectations of Streetsboro City Schools Community Engagement Committee January 2013 Completed packet Building Principals January 2013 Scheduled Communication Community Engagement Committee January 2014 Compiled Data Community Engagement Committee January 2015 Compiled Data Group 2: Streetsboro Schools to reach out to community Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Each club, sport, and school group plan an Athletic Director/Building May 2013 event for community service Principals Establish a district "Achievement Hall of Superintendent/Alumni September 2012 Fame" Association Establish a list of annual events that will Athletic Director/Building December 2012 / Reviewed engage the community Principals Annually Information Sign in front of Stevenson House Superintendent June 2015 Honor Mayor, City Council Members, and City Employees at a school event Superintendent/Athletic Director September 2012 (Football/Basketball game) Distribute PR Packets to local businesses Superintendent/Chamber May 2014 Formulate an exit survey for withdrawing Administrative Team May 2015 families Evaluation Scheduled Events Achievement HOF Induction Completed List Sign Scheduled Events Bi Annual Distribution Completed Surveys 20 Steps to Accomplish this Action Schedule school activities for living/senior center/retirement Develop a 12th grade internship program Host a holiday luncheon at the school for the community Senior Citizen night at sporting events Invite Senior Citizens to all dress rehearsals of dramatic performances Survey Senior Citizens to find out how we can increase the engagement between the schools and senior citizens Steps to Accomplish this Action In collaboration with the city, identify and welcome new residents Billboards/banners around town to promote success Identify and utilize potential shared communication mechanisms between the schools, the city government, and the community Create a program that brings city proffesionals into the schools Steps to Accomplish this Action Develop a superintendent advisory committee comprised of local businesses and community organizations Develop an annual calendar of events of all support organizations Compile lists of partnerships already built and the contact information of the contact people at the businesses/organizations Group 3: Senior Citizens Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Building Principals/Athletic September 2014 Director Director of Student and Academic Services, High School September 2015 Administrators Evaluation Scheduled Events Internship Program Building Principals September 2013 Scheduled Events Athletic Director September 2014 Scheduled Events Administrative Team September 2013 Scheduled Events and luncheon Community Engagement Committee May 2013 Survey Results Group 4: City Government Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent/Mayor May 2014 Welcome letter Community Engagement Committee May 2015 Billboards/Banners Superintendent/Mayor May 2013 Coordinated messages Superintendent/Mayor May 2013 Completed Process Group 5: Community Organizations Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Superintendent October 2012 Completed List Community Engagement Committee May 2013 List of Goals Community Engagement Committee May 2014 Completed List 21 Develop a recognition program for business partners Establish at least 1 new business/organization relationship per building each year with a goal of five new relationships for the district Superintendent May 2014 Established Program Administrative Team Ongoing Demonstration of Partnerships 22 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 6: We will improve communications with internal and external stakeholders. Steps to Accomplish this Action Establish a PR Committee Evaluate annually the web design and platform to improve ease of use for parents staff and community Collect parent email addresses to establish database for email alerts and newsletters Collect email addresses of interested community members (no children in school) to establish database for email alerts and newsletters Standardize frequency and type of school communication (newsletters, upcoming events, good news, etc.) to parents/community from each building. Develop Intranet to provide employees with a centalized location for work related information Action 1: Enhancement of District / Building website Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Superintendent September 2012 Evaluation Completed PR Committee Ongoing Completed Building Principals December 2012/ongoing Collection of at least 75% of parent email addresses PR Committee December 2013 Collection of at least 250 community email addresses PR Committee June 2013 Communication vehicles utilized on regular basis Technology Department June 2015 Launch of Intranet Technology Review/survey of webpages of all December 2012 Department/Administration staff Action 2: Establish protocol, in writing, for all employees to follow when responding to e-mail/phone contacts from both internal and external Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Establish turn-around time for responding to Administrative Team October 2012 Expectation Sheet messages for all staff Establish webpage expectations for all staff Develop text for automatic “bounce back” emails so individual who initiates contact will know when to expect a personalized response Administrative Team October 2012 Standardized bounceback email utilized Develop a standardize phone greeting Administrative Team October 2012 Standardized phone greeting utilized December 2013 Flip Chart Create FAQ information flip chart for building Board Office/Building Secretaries secretaries/initial contact people 23 Create ‘Who to Contact’ sheet for information/question not covered by FAQ Develop person who gets question/problem owns question/problem policy Steps to Accomplish this Action Establish one master calendar for internal and external use Board Office/Building Secretaries May 2014 Contact Sheet Board Office/Building Secretaries May 2014 Written Policy and Procedures Action 3: Modify master calendar for all district activities Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Internal/External Calendar Seperation Director of Technology September 2012 Establish protocol for timely updates of calendars Director of Technology/Building Administrators/Building Secretaries December 2012 Calendar update protocol Provide calendar or search function to show availability of school facilities on specific dates Director of Technology/Building Administrators December 2012 Searchable availability Provide “at-a-glance” calendar in addition to more detailed calendar Steps to Accomplish this Action Conduct a survey to determine the various types of forms used throughout the district Standardize forms used by the entire district Director of Technology/Building Administrators/Building December 2012 Secretaries Action 4: Develop district-wide forms Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Administrative Team/Building January 2013 Secretaries/Board Office Staff Administrative Team/Building September 2013 Secretaries/Board Office Staff at-a-glance calendar Evaluation Completed Survey Standardized Forms Investigate the options for completing, Technology Department January 2014 Online Forms Available submitting and updating forms online Create district wide information packet for Administrative Team/Building January 2014 Information Packet incoming parents Secretaries/Board Office Staff Develop system for reviewing and updating Building Secretaries and Board January 2015 Yearly Review Meeting forms as needed Office Staff Centralize Student Registration Board Office Staff January 2013 Centralized Registration Action 5: Create a positive culture of “buy-in” to new communication practices Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Survey district needs/wants/preferences/opinions about Technology Department January 2013 Completed Surveys communication policies and practices Establish date for full implementation of new Administrative Team May 2013 Completed implementation plan practices 24 Create posters/information sheets outlining Building Secretaries/Board Office established protocols and post in areas where May 2014 Posters and information sheets Staff staff will see regularly Develop a system where current practices are regularly reviewed and ideas for improved Administrative Team May 2015 Review Meeting Dates practices can be shared in and between buildings Action 6: Maximize the use of existing resources to improve communications with parents, staff and community Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Create list of how the following resources are being utilized for district communication: PR Committee December 2012 Completed Document Radio station, Channel 16, Flip/Digital cameras, Parent Internet Viewer Create list of additional ways to use the following resources: Radio station, Channel PR Committee February 2013 Completed Document 16, Flip/Digital cameras, Parent Internet Viewer Develop action plan to increase use of the following resources: Radio station, Channel PR Committee June 2013 Completed Document 16, Flip cameras, Parent Internet Viewer Implement action plan to increase use of the following resources: Radio station, Channel PR Committee June 2014 Programming up and running 16, Flip cameras, Parent Internet Viewer Action 7: Increase points of contact with general community Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Monthly informational meeting between Building Principals September 2012 Meetings held principals and parents Determine best outlets for disseminating Document types of information & PR Committee May 2013 information (newsletter/phone blast/e-mail) how it should be shared Establish e-mail address to receive news/info Technology Department September 2012 Active e-mail account tips (newstips@rockets.sparcc.org) Establish a point of contact (person) to receive Superintendent September 2012 Appointed person in position /review all news tips Develop school spirit shop High School Administration September 2015 Shop open and operating 25 Streetsboro City School District Strategic Planning 2012-2017 Goal # 7: We will develop a plan that will financially support the beliefs, vision and mission of Streetsboro City Schools. Action 1: Educate the community regarding the district's budget and elements that impact the financial position of the district. Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Provide the BOE updated 5 year forecast 2 Treasurer October / May Completed times per year Post 5 year forecast and notes on the district Treasurer / Treasurer Department November / June Completed website Share the 5 year forecast with the community Treasurer November / June Completed support organizations Provide current information to the public Treasurer May 2013 Completed regarding school finances consistently Establish community meetings to discuss Treasurer / Superintendent May 2013 Completed finances (State of the Schools) Develop a clear timeline of district renewal Treasurer May 2013 Completed and potential levy activities Solicit community input regarding financial Treasurer / Superintendent / December 2012 Completed issues and potential ballet items Support Organizations Base annual budget on priorities identified in Treasurer / Superintendent Annually Completed Budget the district strategic plan Pursue collaborative initiatives with the City of Streetsboro that consolidate services and Mayor / Treasurer / Superintendent Ongoing Multiple Shared Services save tax dollars Action 1: Explore alternative funding sources to enhance business partnerships Steps to Accomplish this Action Person(s) Most Responsible Timeline to Complete/Date Evaluation Seek and pursue potential grant opportunities Refine grant request process for all district support organizations aligning requests with district initiative(s) Develop business advisory group Establish Business partners through Business Advisory Group Administrative Team Ongoing 1 grant per school year Superintendent May 2014 New Application Process Treasurer / Superintendent May 2013 Established Group Treasurer / Superintendent October 2015 Established Partners 26