August 11, 2013 - Stories from the Lake: A Fish Tale


August 11, 2013 - Stories from the Lake: A Fish Tale
Sermon Notes
Where Do You
Want to Go?
Order of Worship
Welcome and Greeting
How Great
Call My Name
Children’s Message
Following the Children’s Message, children
ages 4—2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Chapel
August 11, 2013
Reverend Rodney Whitfield
Every spiritual journey is different—each unique and
specific to the individual embarking upon it. Sometimes
getting started can be daunting. So here at Faith Church, we
offer a GPS to help you chart your particular course.
Stories from the Lake: A Fish Tale
Gather is to come together in groups, large and small, with a
shared mission to pursue God. When we get together to love
one another, and to serve others, God shows up – and does
amazing things.
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Practice is to put your hands to work for the kingdom. This
includes mission opportunities, serving, helping out where
needed and much more. Christian life is about more than
good thoughts and a loving attitude. It’s about living our
calling to be salt and light in the world. This means doing the
work of the kingdom.
Study is to increase our understanding of the God we gather
together to worship and serve. At the heart of our navigation
plan is the belief that the Bible is our ‘compass’ for life. We
can never fully understand God. But mysteries and questions
are not obstacles to growth; they are an invitation to
continually journey deeper in our understanding of God and
the Kingdom to which He invites us.
Jesus Lead On
Closing Song
Faith United Methodist Church
6060 Teasley Lane
Denton, TX 76210
Sending Forth
“Connecting people to God and each other
Faith Staff
Lead Pastor ................... Rev. Rodney Whitfield ...
Adult Ministries ............ Rev. Don Kirsch ..............
Caring Ministries ........... Serena Eckert.................
Youth Director .............. Chad Seagle ...................
Children’s Ministries ..... Jeni Walsh......................
Connection Ministries ... Jennifer Rader ...............
Music Ministry .............. Pat Schaider ...................
Business Manager ......... Steve Pollard..................
through the love of Jesus Christ.”
Sunday School for all ages at 9:00
Contemporary Worship at 10:30
Children are always welcome in worship at Faith.
If preferred, a nursery is available for children ages 0-4.
W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g a t F a i t h C h u r c h
*Bulletins are available on our web site:*
Back to School Blessing—August 25
Faith Youth Group—Best in Denton County!
2nd Grade Bible Presentation
This Week
Summer is really flying by isn’t it—pretty soon it will be
time to go back to school. We would like to see everyone
head back to school feeling blessed and looking forward to a
great year. So during worship on Sunday, August 25 we will
have a ‘Back to School Blessing’ focus here at Faith.
We’ll pray for our students
(and parents), teachers, bus drivers,
principals, diagnosticians, cafeteria
staff, administrators, counselors—you
get the idea ;-) Please make plans to be
here—and invite your friends, family,
neighbors and coworkers to join you.
Faith's Youth Group has been nominated to the TOP 3 Youth
Groups in the 7th Annual Best of Denton County Awards!
Help us get the word out so we can keep spreading that 'Jesus
Glow'! Go to our home page ( to vote for our
Youth Group. Voting ends August 22, 2013.
Spread the word on Facebook by going to our page and "Share"
the link on your wall so your friends and family can vote and
help spread our ‘Jesus Glow’ too!
E3 in August
The women of Faith invite you to join us on Saturday,
August 17 from 10-12 to Encourage, Enrich, and Elevate
each other in the love of Jesus Christ.
Back by popular demand, E3 this month is a session in selfdefense. Learn the fundamentals of how to avoid being a
target for potential attackers, as well as techniques for how to
escape if you find yourself in a dangerous situation. Class is
open to all women from middle schoolers to octogenarians.
We will practice what we learn, so dress appropriately.
Our instructor needs to know how many are coming, so
please RSVP for this event via your Connection Card.
Faith Celebrates 10 Years
Faith Church invites you to join us
for a fabulous 10th birthday
celebration on Sunday, Sept. 8.
The celebration begins at 9:30 and
culminates in a memorable
worship experience at 10:30.
...for such a time as this
The day will include pictures,
videos, interactive displays, great
food and even party favors.
Mark your calendars—you won’t
want to miss it!
Co-Ed Volleyball
If you are interested in playing on a Faith Co-Ed volleyball team
this fall, let us know! Games are Monday nights and the season
starts September 9. The cost is $25 per player and money is due
by August 20. Let us know you’re interested via your Connection
Card, or talk to Amy Gilliland or Jeni Kerber directly.
Collections for First Meal
First Meal serves breakfast to the homeless at First UMC Denton
each Sunday morning. The goal of First Meal is to nourish the
body, soul and spirit of those in need. If you—or your small
group, or your family— would like to get involved, or would like
more information, let us know via your Connection Card.
First Meal is always looking for donations of complete pancake
mix, syrup, canned fruit, jelly, honey, granola bars and other
non-perishable breakfast foods/snacks. Monetary donations to
purchase bacon, sausage and juice are also welcome.
In addition to food, we collect travel-sized soap, toothpaste,
toothbrushes, combs, deodorant, shampoo, & other personal
hygiene items for the attendees of First Meal.
For the next several weeks we will also be collecting clean, empty
medicine/prescription bottles. These containers will be used to
make mini, waterproof first aid kits to distribute to the guests at
First Meal on Sunday mornings. Drop off donations for First
Meal at the Mission Matters table in the Connection Center.
During worship on Sunday, August 25, we will present Bibles to
all of our incoming second graders. To ensure that all second
graders receive a Bible, please indicate on your Connection Card
if you have an incoming second grader—and give us their full
name and birth date. Thank you.
Sunday 8/11
Sunday School
Coffee with the Pastor
Worship—and Children’s Chapel
Mission Team Lunch
Worship Planning Team Mtg.
Youth Sunday Funday
10th Anniversary Team Mtg.
Promotion Sunday
Monday 8/12
Staff Meeting
DTR Small Group
Listening Tour Event
Wednesday 8/14
Romania Mission Trip Mtg.
Praise Chorus
Youth Poolside Bible Study
Listening Tour Event
Thursday 8/15
Listening Tour Event
On Sunday, August 25, we will promote
incoming kindergarteners, 2nd graders,
and 5th graders to their new Sunday
School classes.
Also—Children’s Chapel is for kids age
4 thru 2nd grade, so children going into
3rd grade will be promoted from
Children’s Chapel into worship with
their parents.
Women of the Word
Women of the Word is a women’s midweek Bible study here at
Faith. The group has been on hiatus for the summer, but plans to
kick off the fall semester on Wednesday, September 4. The group
meets from 9:15-11:00 here at the church and is open to all
women (childcare available with reservations).
This fall, Women of the Word will study the book of Isaiah.
Sometimes we look at our lives or our world and wonder what
good could possibly come out of it. That's exactly what we find in
the book of Isaiah, where the prophet raises a cry for revival in
the midst of a rotting society.
We will use The LifeGuide Bible Study: Isaiah: Trusting God in
Troubled Times by Howard Peskett. Study books are available at
Mardel's Book Stores or online at
If you’d like more info about this group/study—or want to
register for the Isaiah study, please let us know via your
Connection Card.
Sunday School Teachers Needed
Our Youth program is looking for a small handful of people to
join our Sunday School teacher rotation. The curriculum is
provided—support from staff and fellow teachers is abundantly
available—and word on the street is that the youth are ‘absolute
angels on Sunday mornings’ (quote provided by our youth
director, Chad Seagle). If you would like more information about
what teaching entails, please let us know via your Connection
Card, or talk to Chad directly.
Church office is closed on Fridays
for the summer
Friday 8/16
Saturday 8/17
Faith in Action
E3—Self Defense Class
Sunday 8/18
Sunday School
Worship—and Children’s Chapel
Cancer Support Group Mtg.
Youth Parent Mtg.
Opinions Requested
The ministry teams here at Faith are
currently making plans for the fall
semester—selecting Bible studies and
Sunday School curriculum, planning
fellowship events, considering
workshop opportunities, etc.
As part of the process, these teams
would love to know what would pique
your interest and motivate you to be
more engaged in the life of the church.
Please share your opinions with us via your Connection Card.
Do you like it when we schedule events Sunday after
church or would afternoon/evening be better?
What are you looking for in a Bible study?
Would you be more apt to attend a Bible study during the
day during the week, or in the evening, or on a Sunday?
If you don’t currently attend a Sunday School class, what
could we offer that would draw you in?
What other kinds of activities would you like to see us
offer here at Faith?
What else would you like us to know?