Can Money Buy Happiness? The Serpent`s Snare of the Kala Sarpa


Can Money Buy Happiness? The Serpent`s Snare of the Kala Sarpa
Can Money Buy Happiness?
The Serpent's Snare of the Kala Sarpa Yoga
Joni Patry
hristina Onassis and her daughter Athina exemplifi the kamas of the Kala Sarpa Yoga.
Kala Salpa Yoga is rrot recorded in any classical text. Kala means "time" and sa{pa m€ans "serpent".
Therefore Kala Sarpa means the undulation of time,
the hidden forces creeping stealthily thrcugh life. The
planetary combinarion denoted under this name produces its unhappy results mysteriously, without any
other astrological indications @ehari). Rahu and Ketu
are described as shadowy planets because they cause
the eclipses ofthe Sun and Moon. Kala Sarpa Yoga is
produced when all seven planets, ftom Sun through Saturn. are enclosed within the two nodes of the Moon
(Rahu and Ketu). For an eclipse ofthe Sun and Moon
to occur. the new or full moon must conioin the Moon's
nodes within a specihc number ofdegrees. These shadows developed the powerful m1'ths and meanings bestowed on th€ nodes, m)4hs of struggles with demons,
serpents, and forces ofdarkness and light (FlaheQ).
In the Hindu myth regaxding the [odes, a serpent slithered into the line between the Sun and Moon
to partake of the nectar of immorality being given to
the gods, planets, and luminaries. When the thiefwas
discovered, Lord Vishnu threw a disk splitting him in
half, but he had already swallowed the nectar. This was
the creation of the serpent's or dragon's head (Rahu)
and the serpent's or dragon's tail (Ketu). Rahu is the
head consumed by the thinking mind. The mind separated from the senses creates illusions, and Rahu is the
indicator of worldly illusions. Ketu is the quality of
knowing without the thinking mind. lt is the perception of spiritual insights tllat lead to enlightenment
(Flaherty). Symbolically the two together may be seen
as our own shadows.
The Moon's orbit around the eadh intersects the
ecliptic a1 two points. These two points are the nodes
of the Moon. The north node of the Moon (Rahu) is
where the Moon crosses fiom south to north, called the
ascending node. This symbolizes the birth into material manifestation. The south node (Ketu) is the point
of intersection ofthe ecliptic where the Moon crosses
from north to soutb, or the descending node, symbolizing our leaving the material plane for the spiritual realn
So Rahu takes us into the world and Ketu takes us out of
the physicalworld. Allthis represents the cycles ofbirth
and death into and out of this world. The Kala Sarpa
Yoga is the mark ofa life witl a certain destiny and fate,
syrn bo lizing ourennapmenl in lhis phlsical plane. These
shado$ planets conrol us though our desire body. Our
desires are our karmas. Our destiny is our release ftom
these chains this wo d cast upon us. It's like ihe serpent's
bite. The poisonous venom intoxicates us into this world.
Rahu takes under its spell with the illusions ofthis
world, the promise of happiness: "lf only I could have
more ofthe things that give me pleasure". But ofcourse
this only leads to insatiable desires. We can never have
enough. This is the venonous bite ofRahu. Ketu stdps
us ofthe objects ofour desires, revealing that nothing in
this world gives us securiry and permanence. It is essentially connected with the process of enlightenment, the
realization that ultimately it's all an illusion. Nothing of
this mate al world lasts, therefore it is all an illusion or
maya. Ketu is the bringer of enlightenment through the
realization of this futh. Ketu is the rclease ftom this
world. To have all the planets contained within the nodal
axis is to be engulfed in the karmas (samstaras or past
life "impressions") repr€sented by the houses Rahu and
Ketu occupy. Rahu is our entrapment and Ketu is our
final liberation liom the karmas ofthe soul.
The problems associated with Kala Sarpa Yoga
are caused by houses ruled by the planet which Rahu
and Ketu conjoins, or the houses ruled by on€ or both of
the dispositors of Rahu and Ketu, or the houses occupied by Rahu and Ketu. One or more of these houses
will be connected to the karmas the yoga causes
(D€Fouw). The lives ofChdstina Onassis and her daughter Atiina play out the karmas of lives which have been
marked by Kala Sarpa Yoga. This is their destiny. They
were blessed, or should I say cursed, with enormous
material fortune, but it never seemed to give them happiness or fulfillment. Their possession of all rhat the
world could offer mateially left them without unconditional love, which is something that can't b€ bought.
Everything in their lives .was conditioned by money and
the greed it produces. This is what Rahu inspires. The
realizalion ofthis comes liom Ketu. In both charts there
i5lhe Kala Sarpa Yoga \\ ith Satum conioined witi Kefu.
Chrislina's is in rhe Fifih House (children1. and in
Athina's it's in the Second House (moner.
Let us delve into the life ofChristina via her chart.
She has a Taurus Ascendant. Satum as yogakaraka in
the Fifth House does not deny children, only delays and
limits the numbet ofchildren. She was thirtv-five when
she had her only daughter Athina in 1985. Satum as the
Christina Onassis
Dec. i I, t950
3:00 PM EST
New York, NY
ir rhe Fifth signi{ies greal fortune
lhrough the father, Aristotle Onassis. Since Sarum is tied
to the Ketu\Rahu axis, the encasement ofthe Kala Sarpa
Yoga, the happiness bestowed by Satum tumed into the
culprit ofher uniappiness. Ultimately. rhe sarne resuh
manifested lor the daughrer (Fiffh House). The dispositor
of Ketu and Satum is Mercury. Mercury rules the Second House ofmoney and resides in the Eighth House of
inheritances. Here again are the effects ofthe Kala Sarpa
as indicator ofkarma. The perception ofwhat is real is
being awakened here. The ruler of the Fifth House is
Mercury and it resides in the Eighth House with Venus.
This combination forms both a powerful Raja yoga and
a Dhana Yoga. Venus rules the First House and Mercury
rules the Fifth and Second houses. The Eighth House,
being the house of inheritance, reveals from this yoga
the wealth and fortune Christina inherited liom her f;ther Mercury as ruler ofthe Fifth (children) further indicates the same inheritance going to her daughter This
M€rcury in the Eighth House (ruler ofthe Second and
Fifth) is in the nakshatra Purvashadha. The deitv for thr's
asterism is Apas, who rules water, seas ant ships.
Chdstina's inheritance was a shipping industry. Venus
as ruler ofthe Sirth House (enemies) caused some contention and fights over this inheritance. Christina also
had difficulty in her manied life, due to the malefic Sun
in the Seventh House. Satum and Rahq both malefics,
were both parl ofrhis fated Kala Sarpa yoga aspecting
the Serenth House. Chrisrina was married dree timei
by her Menty-eighth birthday. and married her fourth
husband. the father ofAthina, in I984.
Ninth House ruler
Su *oz
Athina Onassis Roussel
Jan. 29, 1985
2:50 AM CET
Nzuilly-Sur-Seine. France
The Sun rules the Fourth House, and, because of
its affliction from Rahu and Satum, denotes trouble with
family, home and the mother The Moon, which is karaka
lor rbe morher. is with Mars. This aggravates the relationship with rhe morher. This combinarion ofthe Moon
wilh Mars is known as Chandra Mangala yoga. This
yoga gives wealth and a great business;ense.
ACUA Journal 5.2
ment in the Ninth House adequat€ly describes her father (Ninth House). Mars is exalted in Capricom, further conferring her father's rule and success in business.
Additionally, her Ninth House is hemmed in by the
benehcs, a Shubha Kartari Yoga from Jupiter in the Tenlh
and Venus and Mercury in the Eighth, indicating the
wealth and fortune he acquired.
Page 9
rect) in her Second House (money) conjuncting natal
Uranus and opposing Mercury, ruler ofthe Second House
and Fiffh House (dharma) and the dispositor of Satum
and Ketu, which link it to the powerful fateful yoga.
These are all indications of a sudden financial gain.
When transiting Jupiter triggers the nodal axis, (especially in the Kala Sarpa Yoga) this activates the desti
nies represented by the Nodes, by the houses they repre-
The Moon rules the Third House (brothers), and
is with Mars, ruler ofthe Twelfth House (losses). Mars,
which is also karaka ofbrothers, can indicate the loss of
a brother, especially since both Maxs and Rahu aspect
the Third House. Sh€ lost her brother Alexander to a
plane crash in 1973.
As to when rhe )ogas manilest their promises in
our lives, we must look to the dashas and transits to see
when th€y will be activated. [t was durhg her Mars
Mahadasha (1965-1972) that she experienced family
break-ups and problems with her father. At the onset of
this mahadasha, transiting Mars was al about 16 degrees
ofleo in her Fourth House. For these seven yezus there
was trouble in her home, family, and for her mother
She experienced the break-up of her parents. In 1968
her father maried her rival Jacqueline Kennedy. Natal
Mam's aspect to the Fourth House further explains this.
Her Rahu Mahadasha had exteme highs and
lows. This is where the Kala Sarpa Yoga will manifest
the sAongest, since Rahu's pedod accentuates this axis.
This is the time where th€ kamas of fate seem to tak€
ov€r. Here is wher€ she crashes and bums. At the onset,
April 1972, transiting Rahu was at about 8 degrees of
Capricom, which places it in her Ninth House conjunct
her Moon\Mars, aspecting the Thi.d House. During th€
time ofRahu Dasha, Rahu Bhukti is when she lost her
brolher. Transiting Rahu on natal Mars ftaraka ofbrothers) and natal Moon, ruler of the Third House (brothers), aspects the Third House. Also natal Rahu aspects
the Third House. Mars as the ruler ofthe Twelfth House
(losses) and indicator of accidents is activated thfough
this Rahu Dasha.
The following year her mother died. On March
15, 1975, she lost her father, making her the richest
woman i[ the world. All this Aanspired under Rahu
Dasha Uupiter Bhukti. Jupiter rules her Eighth House of
death and inheritance, and the Eleventh House of great
gains. At this time transiting Jupiter was at 6 degrees
Pisces, right on her natal Rahu. Transiting Satum was
exactly stationed at l8 degrees Gemini (stationary di-
sent. Jupiter is the match that ignites the fire ofhibulation. During her Rahu Daha\ Venus Bhukti in 1984 she
married her fourth husband, father ofher beloved daughter Athina. Venus is the karaka ofmaniage. At the time
of her daughter's birth, l-29-1985, transiting Jupiter
(karaka ofchildren) was in the Ninth House aspecting
the Fifth House ofchildren. It was conjunct Mars, whose
dispositer is Satum in the Fillh House.
Christina Onassis died Aagically of acute pulmonaxy edema olr ll-19-1988, less than one month before her 38th birthday. She was in Rahu Dash4 Moon
Bhukti, which is a time ofmental inslability. Transiting
Satum was in the Eighth House at 7 degrees Sagittarius.
Satum had just passed over Venus, the ruler of the Ascendant (physical body) and the Sixth House (health).
The maraka houses, Seven and Two, werc aspected by
transiting Satum, Jupiler, and Rahu. (Satum-7 deg.ees
Sagittarius, Jupiter-8 degrees Taurus, Rahu-I7 degees
Aquarius). Tnnsiting Neptune was exactly on her Mercury at I 5 degees Sagittarius in the Eighth House, portmying the mystery of Kala Sarp4 the serpent's bite of
drugs being involved.
Athina has the same Kala Sarpa Yoga her mother
had, with Ketu conjoined with Satum. Cbristina's is in
the Fifth\Eleventh axis, pointing towad the karrna of
the child's inheritance, and this fate is repeated or inherited in the same kamas in Athina's Second\Eighth
House axis. Ironically, this axis is about money (Second
House) and inheritance (Eighth House). This huge inheritance will control her life, bringing deep karmic lessons about money. This is her Kala Sarpa Yog4 which
will engulfher consciousness in the entanglement ofthe
material world. Her Libra Ascendant is incredibly like
her mother's chart with Taurus rising; Satum is the
yogakaraka. In both cases it is Satum that is tied to the
Kala Sarpa Yoga with Ketu. Athina's fortune came ftom
her mother, as Satum rules the Fourth House (mother)
and the Fifth House ofpoorva punya (dharma, karma),
Since Satum is conjunct Ketu in the Second there is
loss associated with the mother (Satum as ruler of t}re
Fouth with Ketu, the karaka of loss). This loss is in-
ACYA Journal 5.2
volved with Second House matte$, which also concem
early childhood. She was three years old when her mother
died. Ketu gives great insights into reality; above all,
this soul can see clearly the fate that this fortune has set
for her. She wonders ifshe is loved for her money or for
who she really is. She has stated in a recent interview
"she wishes she didn't have all that money, because it
causes so much fighting." The ruler ofher Ascendalt,
Venus, is in the Sixth House conjunct Mars. They are in
a planetary war or )uppa by being at th€ same degree (2
degrees Pisces). This is a powerful raja and dhanayoga.
It will bdng wealth and purpose but with much coltention ard fighting, just by its placement in the S ixth House.
Mars is a deadly manka for Libra rising (ruling both the
Second and Seventh houses). Clearly this Mars\ Venus
will create enemies (Sixth House) over money (Second
House). Mars, ruler of the Second House, in the Sixth
conjoined with Venus, ruler of the Ascendant and the
Eighth, is about inheritances. Mars and Venus are the
dispositors ofthe nodal axis, revealing the culprit ofthe
difficulties, the karmas the Kala Sarpa Yoga brings The
Sixth House is the third fiom the Fourth, indicating the
mother's siblings. This placement in the Sixth House
indicates fights over money and inheritances ftom the
matemal aunts and uncles. ln the same recent interview,
this fact was revealed. The relatives werc upset that
Athina has been kept away ftom her Greek heritage and
cannot speak the language. As she grows older she will
gain more contol ovel these issues, as the Sixth House
is an upachaya. Her strength heie is that Venus is exalted, giving her grace, charm and artistic ability She
will charm her enemies, disaming them.
Satum's conjunction with Ketu relates the Fourth
House (ruled by Satum) to the time serpent yoga. The
three planets in the Fourth house are disposited by Satum. This means that these planets indicate events out of
Athina's conhol because of Satum ard its link to the
Nodes. Her Fourth House brings together many combinations. Jupiter here denotes vast property and gives the
opportunity for a good educalion, achieving degrees,
especially since it is conjoined with Mercury ruler of
the Ninth and TwelRh houses. She will go to prestigious
schools in foreign countries (Twelfth House). Th€ Sun
as the ruler of the Eleventh House brings great w€alth
tbrough real estate, being piaced in the Fourth House.
Jupiter's debilitation here and as ruler ofthe Third (siblings) and the Sixth (enemies) will bring contention and
fights from siblings involving tlle father. Jupiter is con-
ioined wirh Mercury. ruler of lhe N inth House (father).
ind Jupiter is aspected by the malefics Sarum. Sun. and
Athina's Moon is in the nakshatra Bharani, which
reflects a tendency toward jealousy, or having others
iealous ollou. This is a probability when you hare this
much monev. Mars is the Voon's disposilor. pointing
toward the Sixth House placement of MaIs. Mars is the
karaka of broth€rs, and in this case involves jealousy
from siblings. Athina lives with her father and his wife
(stepmotht) and h€r half siblings. There is at this point
an unresolved contention regarding her inheritance that
will be resolved when she comes ofage.
The timing mechanism of the dashas and transits in Athina's chafi reveal possible events, as the Kala
Sarpa Yoga activates the nodal aris or their dispositors,
revialing fated events, awakening the serpent. Athina
started life in Venus Mahadasha. At age three, when her
mother died (ll-19-1988), she was in Venus Dasha,
Moon Bhukti. Venus as ruler of the Ascendant and the
Eighth House, exalted in the Sixth, brings out a mixed
reJult. Its allliction fiom Mars and Ketu can bring gains
through losses. Two months later, after her mother's
death, she went into Mars Bhukti (l-2-1989). This activated the potent Venus\Mars yoga in the Sixth House.
This VenusMars yoga is tied into the Nodes, because
Venus and Mars arc lhe dispositors activating the Kala
Sarpa Yoga, the harbingers of fate. Through this loss
she is to be the sole recipient of her mother's fortune
when she comes of age. The culrnination of this yoga
brought out fighting with the relatives and father over
the inherited money. A look at the transits from this time
indicates strong issues with the father Transiting Mars,
Saturn, and Rahu all aspect the Ninth House With tkee
malefics aspecting the Ninth House, Atltina went to live
with her falher during this time. A stunning parallel between Athina's chart and her mother's is that both had
transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Rahu at the time oftheir
inheritances. Athina's was in the Eighth House ofdeath
and inheritances; Chistina's was in the Eleventh. Both
houses deal with money. In both cases Jupiter ignites
th€ powerful Kala sarpa Yoga and the fated cilcumstances that Rahu produces.
At the present time she is in Venus Dasha\Satum
Bhukti, and the question as to her hheritance has risen
to attention again. Her Satum in the Second House
(money) rules the Fourth House (family matters) and is
disposited by Mars in the Sixth House (enemies). This
gives rise to inlighting with relatives (Sixth House) about
money. Satum must be watched for his potential to bring
problems around a karmic destiny involving money that
€ntraps her because of its involvement with the Nodes
and the Kala Sarpa Yoga. It seems as if this yoga was
inierited as well!
Behati, Bepin. Fundamehtals of Vedic Astrolog/ (Salt Lake
City, Passage Press, I 992).
DeFouw, Hafi & Svoboda, Robert. Zrgrt on Life (London,
Penguin tukana, I 996).
Flahery, Dennis. "Mythic Measurements of the Moon's
Nodes," in,.rst/o/ogy3 Special Meas re ents (Sl. P^vl,
Llewellyn Publications, I 993).
Christina's and Athina's lives are marked by ti- Joni Patry hae BA in psycholog)from the Uni.rersity ofTexas
als and tribulations with a fated karmic destiny. Their in Austin and she directs the Dallas Metaphysical Center
lives are classic examples ofthe well-wom saying that where she teaches all le.,,els ofastrolog). She has been a pro"money can't buy happiness." Although it is Rahu who fessio al Westen astrologer for ot'er 20 years. Joni is a cerentmps us in the materialworld, it is Ketu who gives us tifed I/edic asttologer of the Americall Coutvil of l/edic Asthe inner perception as to the suffering that this illusior trolog| (AC\/A). She is a ndtiorutl lectxret, and has published
can bring- Here is a classic example of the snare that many orticles in national astrologicaljournals. She gives conRahu\ Ketu and the Kala Sarpa Yoga create. Christina's sultatiotlt in person or by phone, with clients all orer lhe
and Athina's lives exemplift the effecs ofthe Kala Sarpa nalion. Joni is an ACI/A opproved tutor and has an entire
Yoga within the material world. I will remember well cxfticulum lo certify her students. Joni Patry can be reached
what Kala Sarpa Yoga did to these individuals when- at (214)352-2488 or e-mailed at
ever I get caught up in the illusions of this world of
materialiry, for I too have Kala Sarpa Yoga,