Renaissance Sea World Orlando, Florida
Renaissance Sea World Orlando, Florida
Bridging Generations Through STEM Inspire • Connect • Create September 21•26 Renaissance Sea World Orlando, Florida w w w. n o b cc h e . o r g Inspired Inspired opportunities. opportunities. Our Ourtechnical technicalcommunity communityisisat atthe theheart heartof of3M 3M innovation. innovation. None Noneof ofour ourgroundbreaking groundbreakingproducts productswould wouldbe be possible possible without without tireless tirelessplanning, planning,development developmentand andtesting. testing.Help Help change change the the way way people peoplework workand andlive livewith withaacareer careerat at3M. 3M. Be Bepart partof ofwhat's what'snext. next. Explore Exploremore moreat ©©3M 3M2015. 2015.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved.3M 3Misisaatrademark trademarkof of3M. 3M. Main Entrance CRYSTAL OFFICE/ REGISTRATION STORAGE ATLANTIS DISCOVERY ODYSSEY NAVIGATOR ATTRACTION TICKET DESK Oceans Ballroom MEETING PLANNER OFFICE Second Floor 1 Agenda-at-a-Glance Monday, September 21 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Palani COACh Workshop 1: Professional Skills Training for Minority Graduate Students and Postdocs. Pre-Registration was Required 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Oceans Foyer Registration Tuesday, September 22 Inspiring STEM’s Future 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Anemone Morning Workout 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Oceans Foyer Registration 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Palani COACh Workshop 2: Negotiations, Communications and Leadership Workshop for Faculty. Open to current Women Faculty/Researchers. 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Oceans 9 Student Development 1: Optimizing Interactions in Orlando - Getting the Most Out of the NOBCChE Conference Wednesday, September 23 Connecting STEM Professionals 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Mako Morning Workout 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM Oceans Foyer Registration 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Oceans 4-8 Inspire.Connect.Create.- Career and Academic Expo 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans 11 Special Session 2: Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions (Sponsored by SC Johnson) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Labrid Professional Development 3: Federal Funding for Chemical Research 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans 12 Professional Development 4: Introducing the Amazing Talents of TCL (Technical Mastery, Communication and Leadership) Sponsored by Procter & Gamble) 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Oceans 1-4 NOBCChE ConneXions Reception and Student Poster Session (Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Company) Thursday, September 24 Creating STEM Opportunities 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oceans 9 Student Development 2: Meandering the Financial Maze: Apply for a Scholarship or Fellowship Award 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Labrid Professional Development 1: Social Media Bootcamp Effectively Promoting Your Brand 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Mako Morning Workout 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Oceans 9 Student Development 3: The Oral Presentations: How to Make Your’s Worth Attending 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Oceans Foyer Registration 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Oceans 10-12 Winifred Burks-Houck Luncheon 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM Oceans 10-12 Strategy for Success: NOBCChE Vision of the Future 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Damselfish Student Development 4: Interactive Resume and Cover Letter Review Oceans 9 Student Development 5: Interactive Presentation and Elevator Pitch Review Mako Special Session 1: STEM’s Impact on 21st Century Forensic Science Labrid Professional Development 2: A Dialogue in the Disciplines: How Chemists & Chemical Engineers Collaborate to Innovate 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Oceans 12 Elevator Sessions @ NOBCChE Open Mic Networking Reception (Sponsored by COACh) 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Oceans 9 Oceans 10 Technical Session 2: Biochemistry & Chemical Biology Oceans 11 Technical Session 3: Computational Chemistry Sponsored by Science Gateway Institute (Sponsored by Science Gateway Institute) Oceans 12 Technical Session 4: Green Chemistry & Engineering 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Palani A Symposium 1: Setting the Standards for Research and Innovation (Sponsored by NIST) 10:15 AM - 12:00 PM Oceans 9 Technical Session 5: Catalytic / Synthetic Chemistry & Engineering Oceans 10 Technical Session 6: Bio-inspired Materials, Polymers and Nanoscience Oceans 11 Technical Session 7: Biochemistry Oceans 12 Technical Session 8: Process and Chemical Engineering I (Sponsored by Freeport LNG) 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Oceans 5-8 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans Foyer 2 Technical Session 1: Analytical Chemical Separations and Characterization Percy Julian Luncheon STEM Weekend Registration Thursday, September 24 Creating STEM Opportunities Friday, September 25 Celebrating STEM Success 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Oceans 9 Technical Session 9: Organic Chemistry: Synthesis 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM Zander 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Oceans 10 Technical Session 10: Polymers and Nanoscience 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Oceans Foyer 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM Oceans 11 Technical Session 11: Biochemistry, Chemical Biology and Bio Engineering (Sponsored by Bayer) 1:45 PM - 3:30 PM Oceans 12 Technical Session 12: Chemistry: Pharmacology, Analytical Characterization & Inorganic Synthesis 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Palani A Professional Development 5: NCB Science Café Series: Round Robin with Government Agencies 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Palani B Special Session 3: Glow Up Eminent Undergraduate Poster Oral presentations 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Palani A Professional Development 6: Understanding Intellectual Property (Presented by U.S. Patent and Trademark Office) 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans 9 Technical Session 13: Nanoscience (Sponsored by AFTAC) Oceans 10 Oceans 11 Technical Session 14: Analytical: Chemical Characterization (Sponsored by Alabama A&M University) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Oceans 5 & 7 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Oceas 6 & 8 10:00 AM -- 12:00 PM Palani B Morning Workout STEM Weekend Registration STEM Weekend Kickoff Breakfast (Sponsored by University of Pennsylvania) STEM Weekend Participants Only STEM Festival and Science Fair Science Bowl Volunteer Training 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Palani A Professional Development 7: NCB Science Café Series: Careers in Education - Making the Transition from Graduate to Teacher 10:00 AM - 11:40 AM Oceans 12 Award Session: Henry McBay Outstanding Educator Award Session - STEM Education (Sponsored by Alabama A&M) 10:00 AM - 12:15 PM Oceans 9 Professional Technical Session 1: Recent Advancements in Government Research (Sponsored by AFTAC) 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM Oceans 10 Professional Technical Session 2: University Scientists and their Advancements in Research and Development 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch on your Own Technical Session 15: Process and Chemical Engineering II 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Oceans 11 Symposium 4: NOBCChE 2-minute Drill Research Pitch (Sponsored by Corning, Inc) 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Oceans 12 Symposium 2: Transform Your Career 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Palani B Professional Development 8: Investing in Your Future - Options Outside of 401Ks - Funding Your Tech Business” 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Atlantis B STEM Weekend Student Social 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Oceans 10 Professional Development 9: A Formula for Success Communicating Your Research to Multiple Stakeholders 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM Various 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Oceans 11 Science Bowl (Sponsored by AFTAC and ACS) 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM Oceans 5-8 Celebrating STEM Success: NOBCChE Awards Ceremony & Reception Grouper STEM Weekend Coach Orientation 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Mako STEM Weekend College Panel 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Oceans 1-4 Symposium 3: “Chat and Chew Reception”: An Evening of Professional Talks 6:45 PM - 8:00 PM Mako STEM College Scholarship Information Session Symposium 5: YOLO G. P. S. (Graduate to Professional Secrets) - A Navigation System for Students (Sponsored by GSK) Saturday, September 26 Passing the STEM Torch 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM Various Science Bowl (Sponsored by AFTAC) 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch on Your Own 2:00 PM -- 4:00 PM Various Science Bowl (Sponsored by ACS) 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Discovery STEM Award Dinner (Sponsored by ACS) STEM Weekend Underwritten by National Science Foundation 3 Student Development Agenda Monday, September 21 COACh Workshop 1: Professional Skills Training for Minority Graduate Students and Postdocs 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Palani Tuesday, September 22 Inspiring STEM’s Future Student Development 2 Meandering the Financial Maze: Applying for a Scholarship or Fellowship Award 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Oceans 9 This workshop is designed to introduce negotiations or solution findings to graduate students and postdocs. Participants will learn to develop their “best alternative to a negotiated agreement” and finding their own personal negotiation styles. Attendees will practice through a selection from case studies including developing a strong advocate, credit for research and publications, developing connectedness, obtaining resources that enable productivity, opportunity to demonstrate strong performance, the “all important” reference letter and contracting for that first or new position. Discussions will focus on issues relevant to minority women. Securing financial aid for funding a graduate or undergraduate degree can be a difficult yet rewarding process. Fortunately, the experiences of others can make applying for a scholarship or fellowship awards less of a confounding endeavor! Learn how to prepare a winning application from our esteemed panelists, who have received a variety of undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral scholarships and fellowships. Panelists will discuss their personal experiences with applying for awards, as well as offer insight into what can help make an application competitive. In addition, information will Speaker Dr. Jane Tucker, be provided on several scholarships/fellowships that President, J Tucker Associates, Adjunct Faculty to Center for Creative Leadership – Greensboro, NC NOBCChE students would be eligible to apply for. Panel Facilitator Dr. Ernestine Taylor, President, ET Consulting and Adjunct Faculty to Center for Creative Leadership – Greensboro, NC Dr. Renee Williams, BioPharma Inc Tuesday, September 22 Student Development 1 Optimizing Interactions in Orlando: Getting the Most Out of the NOBCChE Conference 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Oceans 9 As a student or postdoc, you need to maximize your limited time at the NOBCChE conference to advance your academic and career goals. Whether your interest lie in identifying a mentor, enhancing your network to collaborate with other subject matter experts, or landing a job, it’s a necessity to be equipped with tools to navigate today’s professional landscape. During this session, members of the Student Programs Committee will share insightful and practical guidance for orbiting your career and optimizing your chances of connecting with professionals to create STEM opportunities. 4 Student Development 3 The Oral Presentation: How to Make Your’s Worth Attending 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Oceans 9 In this workshop, participants will be shown the dos and don’ts of making a scientific presentation. Covering proper use of titles and captions, avoiding slide clutter, proper integration of animations, and other topics, participants will be given the chance to help identify problems with a presentation slide and offer ideas on improving the presentations in question. If time permits, discussion will also be done on the effective preparation of poster presentations. Speaker Dr. Darryl Boyd, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Wednesday, September 23 Connecting STEM Professionals Student Development 4 Interactive Resume/CV & Cover Letter Review 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Damselfish Student Development 5 Interactive Presentation Review 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans 9 In these concurrent sessions, participants will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with members of industry, government and academia in order to have their presentations, resumes or CVs evaluated. All sessions will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The Resume/CV Review session will have reviewers organized by area of employment, so that students can have their materials reviewed by someone involved in a desired field of employment. The Scientific Presentations breakout session will have a speaker-ready setup so that they can check their presentations for completeness and correctness. Elevator Sessions @ NOBCChE - Open Mic Networking Reception Sponsored by COACh 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Palani As the pace of work and activity continues to increase in today’s age, it becomes increasingly important to convey one’s opinions and results in a quick, clear and concise manner. In the Elevator Sessions, students will get the opportunity to present their research in a distilled, yet easily accessible form. Participants will get recordings of their ‘elevator speeches’ with feedback so that they have the opportunity to continue improving this necessary skill. There will also be time to build peer networks for collaboration and mentorship, so business cards are recommended. Inspire . Connect . Create . – Career & Academic Expo 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM Oceans 5-8 NOBCChE’s Annual Career and Academic Expo will be held on Wednesday September 23 from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm at the National Conference in Orlando. The Career Expo is an excellent opportunity for students to explore graduate school and employment opportunities and for professionals to network for their next position. Exhibitors include government agencies, Fortune 500 companies and major universities. Join us! See p.27 for a complete list of exhibitors and floor plan. NOBCChE ConneXions Student Poster Session & Mentor Recognition Reception Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Company 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM Oceans 1-4 Awards Sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive Company and the Biophysical Society At the ConneXions Poster Session and Reception, students will be given the opportunity to present their research conducted over the past year to attendees of the conference. Posters will be considered for various sponsored prizes based on the quality of the research as well as the quality of the presentation of the poster. In addition, some poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present the results of the research in a special oral session occurring later in the conference. Finally, Student Programs will recognize the second Mentor on the Map, a local NOBCChE member nominated for their work in mentoring and providing opportunities for underrepresented groups in the sciences, particularly at the undergraduate and high school levels. NOBCChE Exemplary Student Mentorship Honoree Bernard Batson, University of South Florida 2015 NOBCChE Mentor on the Map 5 Technical Agenda Thursday, September 24 Technical Session 1 Technical Session 3 Analytical Chemical Separations and Characterization Computational Chemistry Sponsored by Science Gateway Institute 8:00 AM QCM Virtual Sensor Arrays for Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Nicholas Speller 8:00 AM The role of His293 in Protein Arginine Methyltransferases 1 (PRMT1) Brittany Boykin 8:17 AM QCM Virtual Multisensor Array for High Dimensional Data Generation and Simplistic Analysis Optimization Stephanie Vaughan 8:17 AM Ground and excited states of three-dimensional carbon and boron clusters from P3+ and NR2 electron-propagator calculations Vincent Ortiz 8:34 AM Development of a Proximity Ligation Assay for Adiponectin Multimers Katarena Ford 8:34 AM Ionization Rate Studies of Small Atoms and Molecules Using Time Dependent Density Functional Theory AdonaySissay 8:51 AM CE-ESI-MS of Single Embryonic Cells during Early Development Uncovers Functional Metabolic Heterogeneity that Affects Cell Fates Rosemary Onjiko 8:51 AM Recent Applications of Orthogonality Constrained Density Functional Theory: Core Excitations and Charge-Transfer Wallace Derricotte 9:08 AM Characterized Wet Chemical Etching of Inasgasb with H3cit: H2o2: Hcl Etchant for the Purpose of Improved Performance of Light Emitting Diodes DeandreaLeigh Watkins 9:25 AM Electrochemically Modulated Extraction of Neodymium Shannon Anderson 9:42 AM Determination of Volatile Metabolite Residues in Human Scalp Hair for Biomedical Diagnosis and Forensic Study by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Multivariate Analysis of Structural Activity Relationship Hope Kumakli Technical Session 2 Biochemistry & Chemical Biology 8:00 AM Role of the two-domain HD-GYP Phosphodiaesterase Elizabeth Ndontsa in Cyclic-di-GMP Hydrolysis 8:17 AM Chemical Reporters of Calreticulin-Mediated Acetylation Substrates Lystranne Maynard 8:34 AM Reductive Methylation: Method Development Towards Pamlea Brady Problem Solving and Applications 8:51 AM The Proximal Tryptophan as a Potential Conduit Olive Njuma for Catalase-Peroxidase Inactivation 9:08 AM Novel Reductive Pathways for Hydroxywarfarin Metabolism Jasmine Burrell 9:25 AM Rapid Catalyst-Free Click Reactions for In Vivo Protein Labeling of Genetically Encoded Strained Alkene/Alkyne Functionalities Keturah Odoi 9:42 AM A Quantitative Study of Discordances Amongst Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Standards: Closing the Gap in Prostate Cancer Testing Erica McJimpsey 9:08 AM Photodissociation Dynamics of ICN–(Ar)n and BrCN–(Ar)n Bernice Opoku-Agyeman 9:25 AM Metal Organic Frameworks as Vehicles for Drug Delivery Kiara Taylor-Edinbyrd 9:42 AM Quantitative Microkinetics Model to Study the Coupling Mechanisms between Self-defects in Rutile TiO2 Kandis Gilliard Technical Session 4 Green Chemistry & Engineering 8:00 AM Water-soluble polyelectrolyte complexes that extinguish fire on cotton fabric when deposited as pH-cured nanocoating Merid Haile 8:17 AM The Kinetics of Glycerol Oxidation on Supported Electroless CuNiMoP Oyidia Elendu 8:34 AM Isothermal reverse water gas shift chemical looping on iron-based perovskite oxides for carbon dioxide conversion Yolanda Daza 8:51 AM PdII/PdIV Couple Mediated Oxidative C-N Coupling with H2O2 as Terminal Oxidant Elikplim Abada 9:08 AM Chloride inclusion in solution-deposited CH3NH3PbI(3-x)Clx perovskite films Trishelle Copeland-Johnson 9:25 AM Selective recognition and isolation of fluoride from water using polyamine receptors Syed Haque 9:42 AM QSPR Prediction of Efficiency of Extraction Sorbent for Analysis of Selected Phenols in Water Samples by Application of Carbon Nanotubes Marquita Watkins Titles are listed as submitted. 7 Technical Agenda Thursday, September 24 Technical Session 5 Technical Session 8 10:15 AM Organic synthesis of novel phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors activated by prostate specific antigen (PSA) for the treatment of androgen-independent prostate cancer Ronald Nelson 10:15 AM Feasibility Study for the Use of Glycerol as A Substitute For Hydrogen In a Iron-Ion/Hydrogen Redox Flow Cell James Akrasi Catalytic / Synthetic Chemistry & Engineering 10:32 AM The Interrupted Formal Homo-Nazarov Cyclization: Nucleophilic Trapping of the Oxyallyl Cation Intermediate Raynold Shenje 10:49 AM Contemporary Synthesis and Investigation of Peptidic-BODIPY Conjugates Tyrslai Williams 11:06 AM Application of asymmetric hydrovinylation towards synthesis of lignan natural products Stanley Jing 11:23 AM Total synthesis of the S-( + ) Lycoperdic acid and its epimer Richard Denton Engineering – Process and Chemical 1 Sponsored by Freeport LNG 10:32 AM Role of Glycocalyx Heparan Sulphate in Endothelial Gap Junction Channel Functionality Solomon Mensah 10:49 AM Hazard Evaluation: Scale up of Pharmaceutical Intermediates for Development and Clinical Supplies Frank Dixon 11:06 AM Synthesis of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)/Cellulose Acetate Ultrafiltration Membranes with Silver for Biofouling Resistance Silver Enyinnia 11:23 AM Sensitive Isolation of Cancer Cell Subpopulations through Immunomagnetic-Based Microfluidics Rhonda Jack 11:40 AM Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue Using Titania/Functionalized Reduced Graphite Oxide Materials Selisa Rollins Technical Session 6 Bio-inspired Materials, Polymers and Nanoscience 10:15 AM Post polymerization functionalization of novel oligomers towards an effective new class of anti-scaling agents with enhanced stability and biocompatibility. BrittanyWalker Organic Chemistry Synthesis 1:45 PM Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc-Phthalocyanine Derivatives Via O-Alkylation For Photodynamic Therapy Elizabeth Okoth 10:32 AM A Phase Diagram for Disordered Solids from Studies of Jammed Colloidal Particles using Fluorescent Imaging Techniques Eru Kyeyune-Nyombi 2:02 PM Modulating the reactivity of HF through Laurence’s hydrogen bond basicity scale Otome A.E Okoromoba 10:49 AM Enhancing the Cyanoacrylate Fuming Method for Optimal Retrieval of Latent Prints Leondra Lawson 2:19 PM Design and Synthesis of Potential CXCR4 Antagonists Theresa Gaines 11:06 AM Incorporation of Forest Derived Cellulose Nanomaterials into Polylactic Acid Lionel Cross 2:36 PM Synthesis and biological evaluation of novel Hsp90 C-terminal inhibitors as anti-cancer agents Katherine Byrd 11:23 AM Transitions of surface instabilities in elastic bilayers with low modulus contrast Anesia Auguste 2:53 PM Conjugation of Quinone Methides to DNA Ligands for Promotion of Reversible DNA Alkylation Blessing Deeyaa 11:40 AM Interfacial Adsorption of Halloysite Clay Nanotubes for Surfactant Delivery in Oil Spill Remediation Olasehinde Owoseni Technical Session 10 Polymers and Nanoscience Technical Session 7 1:45 PM Effect of Denaturants and Salts on the Thermal Behavior of Elastin-Like Peptides TaminaJohnson 10:15 AM Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Biosynthesis in Streptococcus pyogenes William Booth 2:02 PM Theoretical Investigation of Sc-doped Boron Nitride Nanotubes for Methane Detection Christopher Copeland 10:32 AM Steroid Hormone Sulfation Catalyzed by Human Sulfotransferases is Inhibited by Metabolites of Commonly Occurring Airborne Polychlorinated Biphenyls Victoria Parker 2:19 PM Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Polymorphism in Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites Gabriel Burks Biochemistry 10:49 AM Synthesis and Anticancer Properties of Ligands for Biofunctional Material Idris Wazeerud-Din 11:06 AM Synergistic Effect of Silver Nano Particles on Antibiotic Activity Erwin Stuffle 11:23 AM Characterization of Putative Peptide PTRHD1 Geordaan Burks 11:40 AM Kinetic and biophysical characterization of wild-type and a His40 mutant of the F420 cofactor dependent glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mercy Oyugi 8 Technical Session 9 2:36 PM Catalytic Redox Enhancement and Monitoring of Polysulfides on PANI Surfaces in Sodium-MoS2 Batteries Marcus Carter 2:53 PM Synthesis of nanoinks using novel precursors for advanced Direct Writing applications LaRico Treadwell 3:10 PM Study of strain localization in simulated amorphous solids in the context of shear transformation zone theory Darius Alix-Williams Titles are listed as submitted. Technical Agenda Thursday, September 24 Technical Session 11 Biochemistry, Chemical Biology and Bio Engineering Sponsored by Bayer 1:45 PM Cationic Ionic Liquid Surfactants for Improved Protein Identification Punprabhashi Vidanapathirana 2:02 PM Use of Steady State Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Binding and Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Heavy Metal Ions- Human Serum Albumin-Complexes Emmanuel Ampiah 2:19 PM Development and Validation of a New Method to Measure Activity of the Na+, K+ ATPase Using ICP-MS QQQ Cory Stiner 2:36 PM Fluorescent probe activation by hNQO1 isoenzyme-1 in 3-D cell cultures Bijeta Prasai 2:53 PM Computational Design of Tighter Protein-Ligand Interfaces Brittany Allison 3:10 PM Adiponectin May Be a Predictor of Susceptibility to Type 2 Diabetes in Sprague Dawley Offspring Exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon In Utero Daniel A. Hunter 3:27 PM Structural Characterization of the N-terminal Domain Three of Plasmodium Falciparum Copper P-ATPase Javan Kisaka Technical Session 12 Chemistry Pharmacology, Analytical Characterization & Inorganic Synthesis 1:45 PM Dirhodium(II,II) complex with potential dual-binding to DNA upon photoactivation Regina Akhimie Technical Session 13 Nanoscience Sponsored by AFTAC 3:45 PM Low Temperature Creep in Pure Metals and Alloys Kamia Smith 4:02 PM Theranostic Hybrid Graphene Oxide for Selective Biosensing and Combined Therapy of Cancer Cells Bhanu Priya Viraka Nellore 4:19 PM Bio-based Hybrid Composites with Collagen and Vegetable Oil Michael Bachan 4:36 PM The Application of Pendant Anthracene Moieties Towards the Synthesis and Manipulation of Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles Peter Frank Technical Session 14 Analytical Chemical Characterization Sponsored by Alabama A&M 3:45 PM Quantifying Aptamer-Protein Binding via Thermofluorimetric Analysis Juan Hu 4:02 PM Towards a Family of Paraphenylene Based Ruthenium (II) Polypyridal Polymers; Synthetic and Spectral Studies Jamel White 4:19 PM Recent experimental insights about the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photodissociation of CO and CO2 molecules using the time-sliced velocity-map imaging method William M. Jackson 4:36 PM Application of label-free microfluidic technologies for the enrichment, expansion and characterization of circulating tumor cells in pancreatic cancer Lianette Rivera Technical Session 15 Engineering – Process and Chemical (II) 2:02 PM Receptor Mediated Endocytosis in Cellular Uptake of Rhodamine 6G-based GUMBOS Nimisha Bhattarai 3:45 PM Analysis of Energy Efficient Process for the Capture of CO2 from Post-Combustion Coal Fired Power Plant Flue Gases Emmanuel Dada 2:19 PM Preclinical Analysis of Cetuximab-NOTA-64Cu fragments for PET imaging of EGFR positive Tumors Tolulope Aweda 4:02 PM Low Cost High Power Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) Battery Venroy Watson 2:36 PM Protein Interactions with Haptoglobin and Hemoglobin-Haptoglobin-CD163 Complexes: Insights from Molecular Modeling, Native Mass Spectrometry, and Molecular Dynamics Ololade Fatunmbi 2:53 PM Bacterial persistence: quantitative analysis of the cellular stress response at the level of translation Nick Davis 4:19 PM Fabrication of Elemental Copper by Intense Pulsed Light Processing Gabriel Draper of a Copper Nitrate Hydroxide Ink 4:36 PM Effect of water vapor on the transport and physical properties Onyekachi Oparaji of PS-b-PEO copolymer membranes 3:10 PM Charge-Storage Mechanisms for High Surface Area Carbides and Nitrides Abdoulaye Djire Post a job opening or view openings visit NOBCChE’s Career Center online at 10 Friday, September 25 Award Session Professional Technical Session 2 10:00 AM Inquiry Based Learning and Assessment in General Chemistry Angela Winstead 10:20 AM Transforming STEM Pedagogy and Institutional Teaching and Learning at North Carolina A&T Margaret Kanipes 10:00 AM Synthesis and characterization of metal binding compounds targeting Hepatitis C Virus Dawn Ward Henry McBay Outstanding Educator Award Session--STEM Education Sponsored by Alabama A&M 10:40 AM Student Learning Outcomes for an Organic Chemistry Project-Based Lab Nikita Burrows University Scientists and their Advancements in Research and Development 10:15 AM Use of Steady State Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Binding and Thermodynamic Properties of Selected Heavy Metal Ions- Human Serum Albumin-Complexes Sayo O. Fakayode 11:00 AM From Research ao Practice: Preparing a Cadre of Stem Talent Iris Wagstaff 10:30 AM Determination of Iron, Magnesium, and Copper Concentrations in Human Scalp Hair Using Microwave Assisted Sample Digestion and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy A’ja Duncan 11:20 AM i-Trek: An Innovative Approach To STEM Outreach Through Research Niaja Farve 10:45 AM Design and Application of Ionic Liquid-Based Sensors for Chemical Detection Waduge Indika Galpothdeniya Professional Technical Session 1 11:00 AM Iron and Copper-Based Electroplastic Elastomer Hydrogels Tara Meyer Sponsored by AFTAC 11:15 AM Studies of NanoGUMBOS for Potential Applications in Organic Light Emitting Devices Suzana Hamdan Recent Advancements in Government Research 10:00 AM Sensing Capabilities and Optical Properties of Thiol and Sulfur Based Polymers Darryl Boyd 10:17 AM Complex Hydrocarbon Fluid Volumetric Properties: Experimental Investigation and PC-SAFT Modeling Isaac K. Gamwo 10:34 AM Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites Enrique Jackson 10:51 AM Development of a Reference Measurement System for Urine Albumin Ashley Beasley Green 11:08 AM Engineered Surfaces for Bio-Relevant Applications Marlon Walker 11:25 AM Improved Identification Algorithms for Detection of Counterfeit Medicines by Raman Spectroscopy Latevi Lawson 11:42 AM Identifying the Effects of Size and Shape on the Physicochemical Properties of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Christopher Sims 11:30 AM Pushing towards the red: low-energy photoexcitation using dirhodium(II,II) complexes with potential solar energy conversion applications Travis White 11:45 AM A New and Novel Colorimetric Test (“Purdie Assay”) for Quantification of Total Omega-6, Total Omega-3, and Omega-6/ Omega-3 Ratio in Human Serum Mary Muriuki 12:00 PM Determination of dietary fatty acids composition of the dry fruits of Diospyros blancoi, Sclerocarya birrea and Landolphia kirkii (L. kirkii) using GC x GC-ToF-MS Titus Msagati 12:15 PM Development of an Activity Assay for the Neisseria meningitidis serogroup W Capsule Polymerase Pumtiwitt McCarthy Titles are listed as submitted. 11:59 AM Method Development for the Determination of Nicotine and Tobacco Specific Nitrosamines in Candidate Standard Reference Material 3222, Cigarette Tobacco Filler Jeanita Pritchett 11 Chemical Engineering at Michigan Membership Membership opens the door to opportunity including: Exclusive access to job and internship postings. Members-only content designed to further your career and/or academic goals. Discounted rates for the National Conference and regional events. Access to an unparalleled network of mentors and colleagues. join today! If you are already a member you will receive notification when your membership is due to expire with renewal instructions. NOBCChE Career Expo Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Booth 127 Why Michigan? • • • • • • #2 ranking (Best Engineering Schools) 2014-15 PhD degrees: 18, Master degrees: 29 22 core faculty 16 research areas 14 current NSF fellows All PhD students are funded Dr. Lola Eniola-Adefeso, Graduate Program Chair, and graduate students will be at our booth, to answer your questions. Or, email us at Technical Poster Session Doris Ramirez New FRET-based “turn on” Nanosensor for Selective ANA 001 and Sensitive Detection of Arginine using CdTe/MPA QDs as Energy Donors Jasmine Daniels Novel Functionalization of Oxide-Free Silicon Surfaces ANA 002 for ALD Growth of High k Dielectrics Kenya Thomas fMRI Analysis of Hemispheric Activation in Two NarraANA 003 tive Production Tasks Ashley Taylor Particle Lithography of Octadecyltrichlorosilane ANA 004 Nanostructures for the Deposition of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles for Electronic Sum-Frequency Generation Tamika Ragland High Throughput Sieving Electrophoresis of Proteins ANA 005 Using Silica Colloidal Crystals Lavana Greene Analysis of Trace/Macro Elements Concentrations of ANA 006 Dead Sea Water by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Bryan Wiggins Real-time Imaging with Atomic-level Spatial Resolution ANA 007 of Silicon Oxidation Courtney Grimes Using the observations of black carbon and trace ANA 008 gases in the Baltimore Washington Metropolitan Area to better quantify origins and impact on climate Krisnar Corrales Fabrication and Characterization of Ultrafiltration ANA 009 Membrane with PSf-SPEES/PES Via Phase Inversion Chatney Spencer An Investigation into Optimizing Glucose Biosensing ANA 010 Ever Velasquez Investigation for the feasibility of electrochemically ANA 011 modulated separation of dysprosium Victoria Henry Identifying Functional Group Characteristics of Atrazine ANA 012 Degrading Pseudomonas Sp. Strain Adp Biofilm Luis Jimenez Detection and extraction of viruses in large volumes ANA 013 using silica and titania fibers Clarissa A. Lopez Cuadras Study release of volatile compounds mixed with denANA 014 drimers by Infrared spectroscopy Ernesto Solis Synthesis and optical properties of naphthalenediimANA 015 ides boronic acids: A new colorimetric and fluorescent fluoride sensor Shirmir Branch Characterization of a Micro-fabricated thin-film ANA 016 spectroelectrochemical sensor for the detection of technetium Mumiye Ogunwale Detection of carbonyl compounds in E-cigarette vapor ANA 018 Raven Reed Preliminary Assessment of Volatile Organic ANA 019 Compounds in Indoor Parking Facilities in the Houston Metro Area Asya Tucker Hydrogen-bonding effects on O-H stretch overtone ANA 020 excitation for fluorinated hydroperoxides Olabode Ajenifujah Comparative Phase Study on Tungsten Carbides ANA 021 (α-WC and β-WC1-X) as an Electro-catalyst and as a Support for low Platinum loading In Direct Methanol Fuel Cells Roderquita Moore Characterization of Eastern Red Cedar chemicals with ANA 022 Biological Activity Mary Nyaema The nature of Extra Polymeric Substances (EPS) and BIO 001 their role in atrazine degradation Stanley Oyaghire Examining position-dependent effects in G-quadruplex invasion and antisense inhibition BIO 002 by small gamma-PNA oligomers Marissa Gionet-Gonzales Fabrication of Nanofibers for DNA Extraction BIO 003 Jonathan Musila Investigating the Role of the π-helix in the FMN ReducBIO 004 tase of the Alkanesulfonate Monooxygenase System Lauren Walker Biochemical analysis of JNK and other upstream regulators of FOXO3a related to oxidative stress during BIO 005 embryonic development Christopher A. Mays In Utero Exposure to 2-Aminoanthracene and the Link BIO 006 to Type-1 Diabetes Liam Cavanaugh Examination of the Hepatic Effects in Dams that BIO 007 Ingested 2-Aminoanthracene during Gestation Omowunmi F. Fakorede Examining the Hepatic Response of Sprague Dawley Pups Associated with In Utero Exposure to 2-AminoBIO 008 anthracene Justin Sanders The Effects of Humulus lupulus on SCC-25 and Human BIO 009 Gingival Fibroblasts Ashley Williams Role of cell adhesion molecule, Integrin alpha 6 BIO 010 (ITGA6) in tumor metastasis and angiogenesis Marissa Gionet-Gonzales Poly ( β-amino ester) Drug delivery of Multiple siRNA to BIO 011 Brain Cancer Stem Cells Sharnek Walker Fenton Reaction Damaging Effects on Biological MoleBIO 012 cules: A Theoretical Study Keilon Robinson The Use of Bovine Milk for the Generation of LacDiNAc (LDN) bearing N-glycans for the Chemienzymatic SynBIO 013 thesis of Schistosome-type Antigenic N-glycans. Christian Shema Mugisha Components of The Gut Microbiota and Effective ways BIO 014 of Culturing Gut Bacteria Victoria Ubanyionwu Effect of Curcumin on Endothelin-1 Mediated c-Jun BIO 015 Expression in Hippocampal Neurons Arianne Hunter A Biomimetic Diversity-Oriented Approach to BIO 016 Azaspirene via Metal Carbenoid Chemistry Tracey Taylor Novel Biomarkers For HIV-1 Disease Progression BIO 017 Kristina Garner One-Pot Multi-Enzyme Synthesis of TDP-L-Rha and BIO 018 derivatives William Bell A Mechanistic Investigation of the Origin of Reactivity and Stereoselectivity in Tandem Z-selective Cross BIO 019 Metathesis-coupled Reactions Christina Chisholm Elucidating the mechanism of pH dependent gating of BIO 020 monomeric poring OmpG Orville Pemberton Non-covalent Inhibitors: A Novel Way to Disrupt BIO 021 Beta-lactamase Activity Titles are listed as submitted. 13 Technical Poster Session Johnpatrick Rogers Synthesis of 2’-Deoxyuridine Glycol containing oligonuBIO 022 cleotides as Probes of DNA Repair Glycosylases Courtney Thomas Structural Studies of Calreticulin via Protein NMR BIO 023 Neco Wilson Acute Methylmercury Exposure Effects on MRNA BIO 024 Expression of Glutamate Receptors in NSC34 Cells Xien Thomas COMP 004 Keon Reid COMP 005 Polymorphic Blocks and Structured Connectors Exploring the Insertion Mechanism of SVS-1 β-hairpin Peptide into an Anionic Lipid Bilayer Naomi Ramesar Engineering Cascade Reactions via Supraparticle Assemblies Corey Johnson Synthesis and Binding Studies of Naphthyl-Based Tripodal Thiourea Anion Receptor Christopher Rhoades Phenotype expression of the transcription factor FlrA in BIO 026 Escherichia Coli Rachel Barham Concentrations of Selected Air Pollutants from Tire-Derived Smoke at Ghanaian Slaughterhouses Kiara Mcdaniel Development of Melanoma 3D-Organoids: A New BIO 027 Preclinical Model for the Understanding and Treatment of Melanoma Grace De Dieu Irumva Rondine Allen Inhibition of Scavenger Receptors using Novel BIO 025 PEGylated Polylysine Peptides Ivie Aifuwa Senescent stromal cells induce tension mediated BIO 028 nuclear deformation Ornella Nelson Identification of succinylation and SIRT5 as important BIO 029 regulators of heart function Keith Cobb DNA Sequences dictate the properties of the scaffolded BIO 030 silver nanoclusters Cendy Gonzalez Determining Kinetics of the Neisseria meningitidis BIO 031 serogroup W Capsule Polymerase Ophelia Ukaegbu Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of a New Fluorescent BIO 032 Acceptor for Bacterial Glycosyltransferases Danielle Mcshan Identification of non-peptidic cysteine reactive BIO 033 fragments as inhibitors of cysteine protease rhodesain Michelle Bessiake Chemoenzymatic synthesis of a heparan sulfate library BIO 034 Charnell Long The Inhibition Mechanism of C-Type Lectins COMP 006 ENVIRO 001 ENVIRO 002 ENVIRO 003 Tsdale Mehari Investigation of Influence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Human Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Viability Joshua Heads Investigation of the new improved synthesis of novel flammability inhibiting materials ENVIRO 004 ENVIRO 005 Donyeil Hoy ENVIRO 006 Isabelle Niyonshuti ENVIRO 007 Babajide Ajayi INORG 001 Lea Nyiranshuti INORG 002 Jasmen Hale INORG 003 BIO 035 Florence Reddish Optimization and analysis of genetically encoded BIO 036 calcium probes for subcellular application Pamlea Brady Reductive Methylation: Method Development Towards BIO 037 Problem Solving and Applications Monique Ewan Benzochalcodiazoles: Modifying Structure to Improve BIO 038 Function in Organic Solar Cells Brandy Vincent Ab Initio Predictions of the Structure of Tetracycline BIO 039 and it’s Chelation to Select Divalent Cations “Travel Grant Applicant” Exploring Chemical Complexity of Sea Spray Aerosols Environmental Fate and Transport of Platinum in Houston, TX Site-Specific Labeling of Proteins by Quantum Dots for Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) Measurements Plasma Assisted Solution Synthesis Of Metal Oxide Alloys TAMEisoquin, a novel tripodal fluorescent zinc sensor: Syntheses, coordination geometry, spectroscopy and metal-ion response Effect of a para-substituted pyridine on the ground and excited state properties of new ruthenium(II) polypyridine complexes Jolie Blake Ultrafast dynamics of single CdSxSe1-x nanowire lasers by femtosecond Kerr-gated Microscopy Ansonia Badgett Synthesis of Highly Fluorescent Environmentally Persistent Free Radical Surrogates Viraj Thanthirige Solvent and ligand Effect on Ultrafast and Temperature-dependent Optical Properties of Bi-icosahedral Au25 Clusters INORG 004 INORG 005 INORG 006 Sabreea Parnell Synthesis and cytotoxicity and DNA-binding studies of organorhenium complexes of flufenamic acid Julia Greenfield Structural Analysis of Bacteriophage CBA120’s Tailspike BIO 040 Proteins “Travel Grant Applicant” Chavis Stackhouse Novel Lanthanide Metal Macrocycle Frameworks As Potential Candidates For Molecular Recognition Kristen Lewis One-electron redox properties of DNA nucleobases and BIO 041 their rare tautomers Kia Williams MOFs as non-Platinum group metal electrocatalyst precursors for oxygen reduction reaction Chelesa Fearce Acetylene as a Precursor for Pyrimidine Bases on Titan Takia Wheat Reductively Coupling of Carbon Dioxide into Oxalate by Cu(I) Complex Morgann Adams Computational Analysis of Napthyl Based Compounds COMP 002 as Potential Anti-proliferative Breast Cancer Treatment Kenya Wallace Metallization of Polydimethylsiloxane via Cupric Acetate and Silver Nitrate Arnold Jele Surface Modification of Polyethyleneterephthalate COMP 003 (PET) by Ozone Chido Hambira Method Development For The Late Stage Functionalization Of The Phyllanthusmin Class of Natural Products And Derivatives COMP 001 INORG 007 INORG 008 INORG 009 INORG 010 INORG 011 MEDI 001 Titles are listed as submitted. 14 A great place to work. What’s missing is As a family company, we’re as committed to our employees as we are to our customers. That means along with investing in product development, we invest in people, too. Career opportunities to work/life programs, we make SC Johnson the kind of family you’ll want to join. 13 Technical Poster Session Mara Beltran Gastelum Synthesis and Evaluation of Nanomaterials as ElectroNANO 001 catalysts in Oxygen Reduction Reaction for Fuel Cell Applications Opeoluwa Oyeleke Silicon Oxide Coating on Thermal Energy Storage NANO 002 Material Jameel Hasan Graphene Oxide/Zinc Oxide Nanocomposites as NANO 003 Dissolved Oxygen Sensors Stacy Jones Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Quantum NANO 004 Dots with Varying Amounts of Oxidation Alicia Mcgeachy Probing the Interactions Occurring between NANO 005 Oxidized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Chartanay Bonner Selective Hydrogenation of Pyridine Derivatives using NANO 006 well-defined Nanoparticle Catalysts Diana Aguilar Molecularly Imprinted Silica-Coated Silver NANO 007 Nanoparticles for Controlled Release of Tetracycline Jean T. Negou Quantitative measurement of proteins at attomole NANO 008 levels via active microfluidic sampling and homogeneous proximity assays Ryan Taylor Investigation of Enhancement of X-Rays by NANO 009 Nanoparticles with Electron Paramagnetic Spectroscopy Solomon Gisemba Peptide Ring Closing Metathesis: Miniminizing Side NANO 010 Reactions in Arodyn Analogs Barbara Okeke Development of Doped Carbon Nanotube (CNTs) based NANO 011 Chemiresistor Gas sensors for Room Temperature Detection Monique Johnson Facile separation, sizing and quantitative analysis NANO 012 of engineered nanoparticles in an organism model using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Jalisa Holmes Design and synthesis of inhibitors of the HIF-1 pathway ORG 001 Rashanique Quarels Visible light photoredox catalysis for the nanoscale ORG 002 lithography of Au(111) surfaces using phthalimide esters A look at the thermal and mechanical properties of a novel thermoplastic polyurethane incorporated with nanoparticles Brittany Witherspoon Enantioselective Synthesis of Cyclobutanes via Chiral Transfer [2+2] Cycloadditions ORG 010 ORG 011 Jennife Jenkins ORG 012 Synthesis of Substituted Piperidines via Organocatalysis Jaclyn Gibson 1,2,3-Triazole Probe for the Detection of Cu(II) Ion ORG 013 ORG 014 Onyinye Osisioma ORG 015 Caitlan Ayala ORG 016 Mirza Saputra ORG 017 Dominique Foster Microwave-Assisted Ortho-Alkylation of 2, ORG 009 4-Dimethylaniline with 1-phenylethanol to get 2, 4-Dimethyl-6-(1-phenyl-ethyl)-phenylamine) and HPLC separation of its chiral enantiomers Dichlorination of 1,3-anti and 1,3-syn Diols with Triphosgene-Pyridine Corey Johnson Anion Binding Studies of 1,1’,1’’-(nitrilotris(propane-3, 1-diyl))tris(3-(naphthalen-1-yl)thiourea ORG 019 Kristina Deveaux ORG 020 Austin Atkinson ORG 021 Angela Broadnax ORG 022 Dominique Munson ORG 023 Jahnn Drigo ORG 024 Tijesunimi Odebode ORG 025 Monique Noel Brandon Hackett Microwave-Assisted Ortho-Alkylation of 2, 4-DimethORG 008 ylaniline with 1-phenylethanol and Study of its Drug Efficacy Direct Nucleophilic Capture of Unsymmetrical Oxyallyl Cations Under Brønsted Acid Catalysis Synthesis of symmetrical monofunctional platinum complexes using aliphatic amine ligands; Travel Grant Applicant ORG 018 Rafael Alcocer Vizcarra Synthesis Of The Fluorophore Green Fluorescent ProORG 004 tein (GFP) Analog From Phenylalanine Sandy Santiago Ruiz Synthesis And Evaluation of Piperidin-Spirohydantoins ORG 007 And A Triazine Derivatives As Anticonvulsive Agents Detection Of Reactive Intermediates in Triplet Sensitization Of Vinyl Azides Lily Gosser Rondel Thorpe Haide Imelda Rivera Synthesis of new quinazolinone derivatives as precurORG 006 sors of BODIPY Sensors Based Synthesis of a Novel Curcumin-Cisplatin Conjugate for Cancer Treatment Acarie Jenkins Lakshmi S. Tejeda Aguayo Synthesis of new derivatives of diimidazole as precurORG 003 sors for BODIPYS type sensors Rekha Chhetri Synthesis of the Phenylalanine Derived Lactones Using ORG 005 a Zinc Mediated Reaction 15 Tamalia Julien ORG 026 ORG 027 Maria I. Monreal-Leyva ORG 028 Idris Raji ORG 029 Jehnae Linkins ORG 030 Maria Cynthia Martin ORG 031 Dawanna White OTHER 001 Remote Hydroxylation of Unactivated Csp3-H Bonds 1,2,3-triazoles: Controlled Switches in Logic Gate Applications Triethoxysilylalkyl-fluorinatedphenylmethanimine self assembled monolayers as molecular rectifiers Synthesis of Preliminary Heterocyclic Salts for Cyanine Dyes Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis of Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes Microwave Synthesis and Analysis of Sulfonated Cyanine Dyes A Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of Allo-Enduracididine Selective C-H Activation Borylation ortho to Fluorine on Fluoroaromatic Systems Analog Synthesis of Green Fluorescent Protein Chromophores Dual acting histone deacetylase and cyclooxygenase inhibitors with potent anticancer activities Shear Thickening Fluids for Extra-Vehicular Activity(EVA) Space Suit Application Synthesizing Benzo- and Heteroaryl-Fused Cycloheptyl Rings via Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Formal [5+2] Cycloaddition Phosphoramidate inactivators of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) BlaC Franchell Davidson OTHER 002 Mary Nyaema On the Solutions of the Difference Equation x_(n+1)=(f(x_n))/x_(n-1) Khalil Waddell POLY 005 Cross Linkage of Poly(methyl methacrylate) and D Addressing pre-service teachers’ readiness to teach in increasingly diverse science classrooms Devin Swiner Order Up!: A Study of Sequence on Polymer Properties Simultaneous Power System and Controller Design for Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles Samuel Nkrumah-Agyeefi Novel Functionalization of mcl-Polyhydroxyalkanoates via “Click Chemsitry” A Mechanistic Study of the Photoreactivity of the β-Ketoester Chromophoric Backbone of a Prospective PHYS 001 Photoremovable Protecting Group Keshawn Legg OTHER 003 Oluwasanmi Adeodu OTHER 004 Devonna Gatlin Abubkr Abuhagr Ultrafast fluorescence dynamics of Porphyrin aggrePHYS 002 gates on Graphene oxide and Molybdenum disulfide Nanocomposites Elena Alemayehu PHYS 003 Jessica Simpson POLY 001 Omniya Alomainy POLY 002 Christian Lyle POLY 003 Alexandria Carrasquillo POLY 004 Determining nuclear level densities following beta decay Synthesis and Characterization of a Cationic Polypeptoid Library towards DNA Complexation, Delivery, and Antimicrobial activity The behavior of poly (amino acids) Containing l-Glutamate and their Copolymers with Poly (ethylene glycol) for Huntington’s disease POLY 006 POLY 007 POLY 008 William Simmons POLY 009 Optimization of ZnO interlayers in polymer tandem solar cells Preparation and Characterization of Polylactic Acid (PLA) Nano Cellulose Composites Kedar Perkins Surfactant Properties of PEGylated Lignins Onajite Shemi Influence of surface metallization and chemistry in the interactions of metallodielectric Janus colloids Roddel Remy Calorimetric Analysis of P3HT:PCBM Solar Cells: A Study on Morphology POLY 010 POLY 011 POLY 012 Genesis Lopez POLY 013 Probe PEG-Chitosan surface modifications on PLGA particles for effective drug delivery Functional ROMP Copolymers for the attenuation of neruoprotective hemoglobin Switchable drug delivery using infrared stimulus Titles are listed as submitted. ® Join the American Chemical Society today! Please visit Booth 104 to apply. Attendees who join ACS during the 42nd NOBCChE® Conference receive a generous discount towards their first year of membership. Join for multiple years and save even more! ACS is pleased to offer meeting attendees membership discounts for either one, two or three years when you pay your membership dues in full. We hope to welcome you as members of ACS. Full Rate TODAY’S RATE 1 year 2 years 3 years Regular Member 15% Discount Regular Member 20% Discount Regular Member 25% Discount $158.00 $316.00 $474.00 $134.00 $253.00 $356.00 1 year Graduate Student 20% Discount $79.00 $66.00 American Chemical Society 16 FACULTY POSITION IN THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY Tenure-track Assistant Professor The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the University of Maryland invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position, starting August, 2016. We seek candidates performing innovative research in organic chemistry, broadly defined. Scientists pursuing research directed toward contemporary application areas at the interface of organic chemistry with biology, materials or analytical chemistry are particularly encouraged to apply. The criteria for selection will be proven excellence and outstanding potential for scientific impact through original research and scholarship. Successful candidates will be expected to develop vigorous externally funded research programs and to teach undergraduate and graduate courses. A key department in the College of Computer Science, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty participate in major University and federally-funded Centers, and enjoy close interactions and collaborations with nearby government labs that include NIH, NRL, FDA, and NIST. The University of Maryland, College Park is the flagship campus of the University of Maryland System and is ideally situated in close proximity to Washington, D. C., Baltimore, and Maryland’s 270 Technology Corridor. Applications, consisting of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research plan statements (3 pages per plan), statement of educational interests, and three references, must be submitted electronically to: Qualifications: Scholars who will build highly acclaimed research programs and achieve e xcellence in education. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree, demonstrated accomplishments in independent research, and be an effective educator in the chemical sciences. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications. Deadline: Review of applications will begin October 1, 2015, but we will continue to accept applications until the positions are filled. Inquiries and/or nominations should be directed to ,Chair of the Faculty Search Committee. Professional Development Agenda Tuesday, September 22 Inspiring STEM’s future COACh Workshop 2: Negotiation, Communication and Leadership Workshop for Faculty 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Palani This seminar is designed to build understanding of mutual interest based negotiations and problem-solving, which is a useful skill in both individual and leadership contexts. The content will focus on understanding the other parties’ interests as well as negotiating for what you need to be successful. Participants will be asked to bring examples of challenging negotiations or meetings, either from the past or in the near future, and will leave with techniques to help them be more effective professionals. The content includes: • Enhancing personal presence with verbal and non-verbal use; • Developing options that enhance the possibility of reaching agreement; • Identifying a best alternative or BATNA; • What to say in the first five minutes of any negotiation; • Introduction of the concepts of anchoring and a zone of possible agreement; • Techniques for responding to difficult behavior and • Personal practice in small and large groups with coaching feedback. Participants will evaluate their personal conflict resolution styles using case studies. The cases reinforce the use of effective negotiating styles and help define patterns of negotiations when choice and stress are factors. Development of supporting data, options and packaging solutions are examined relative to the case studies. Participants will also practice their own challenging situations and receive feedback and suggestions. Several methods of responding to difficult tactics are demonstrated and discussed. Speakers Dr. Jane Tucker, J Tucker Associates and the Center for Creative Leadership – Greensboro, NC Dr. Ernestine Taylor, ET Consulting and the Center for Creative Leadership – Greensboro, NC Professional Development 2 A Dialogue in the Disciplines: How Chemists & Chemical Engineers Collaborate to Innovate 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Labrid Presented by the NSF funded Centers for Chemical Innovation Discoveries are the currency of science and the means by which knowledge is expanded. But discovering new knowledge can be a massive undertaking; working alone can lead to slow returns. The importance and utility of collaborations are often emphasized, but how does one find collaborators that can effectively expedite the pace of progress? This professional development panel discussion explores just that. Chemists, chemical engineers, and program administrators from the Centers for Chemical Innovation will share their experiences in developing relationships and fostering fruitful collaborations. Reaching across academia, industry, communication, and policy, the session seeks to showcase the deeply vested and personal partnerships that have led to results and products that could not have manifested by any individual’s sole contribution. Panelists will share the details of their collaborations, including how they met their collaborators, identified synergistic interests, overcame obstacles and challenges and finally formed the strong sustainable partnerships that exist today. Best practices, guidance, and an honest perspective on mechanisms for fostering strong scientific research and broader impact collaborative opportunities will be presented. Through exemplars and a candid dialogue, this session will facilitate an open forum for a rich discussion on innovative ways scientists are working collaboratively, across a spectrum of domains, to advance chemical science research and bridge generations through STEM. Speakers Dr. Stefan France - Georgia Institute of Technology, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Center for Chemical Evolution (CCE) Dr. Felicia Fullilove - Emory University; Former Center Professional Development 1 Social Media Bootcamp: Effectively Promoting Your Brand 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Labrid Social media has become an integral part of success in business, research, government and academia. The biggest professional challenge is how to develop a creative, sustainable and effective implementation strategy. This interactive workshop will address questions of which platform to use (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Vine, YouTube, Google+, or LinkedIn), the benefits of each, as well as the tips and techniques for time management. The data will show which industries are using social media, how success is measured and speculate on future applications. Social media is proving to not just be a toy for teenagers, but rather an effective communication tool for business and technical professionals. for Selective C-H Functionalization (CCHF) member Dr. Jennifer Hendersen - University of Minnesota; Center for Sustainable Polymers (CSP) Dr. Robert Pomeroy - University of California – San Diego; Center for Aerosol Impacts on Climate and the Environment (CAICE) Dr. Levi Thompson - University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Chemical Engineering; Center for Enabling New Technologies through Catalysis (CENTC) Speaker Eric Anderson, Scientifically Speaking, LLC. 18 Professional Development Agenda Wednesday, September 23 Thursday, September 24 Connecting STEM Professionals Creating STEM Opportunity Professional Development 3 Connecting STEM Professionals NSF Symposium: Federal Funding for Chemistry Research Professional Development 5 NCB Science Café Series – Government Round Robin 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Palani A Ladrid Representatives from the National Science Foundation (NSF) will discuss opportunities for Federal grant funding for science research and education programs. An overview of the NSF along with a special emphasis on programs and funding opportunities for international research and education will be presented. Speakers Mrs. Margaret-Anne Wampamba, NSF Division of Chemistry Dr. Tyrone Mitchell, NSF Division of Chemistry Dr. Nora Savage, NSF Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Division Professional Development 4 NCB Science Cafe Series Introducing the Amazing Talents of TCL (Technical Mastery, Communication and Leadership) Sponsored by Procter & Gamble 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Oceans 12 As a New Chemist on the Block, we would like to introduce you to the newest must have talent in Corporate America: TCL—Technical Mastery, Communication and Leadership. This presentation will provide you with informative and insightful building blocks for a successful career. The Technical Mastery block provides an overview of the importance of “being an expert” in a chemistry related field. With the Communication block, we will focus on the importance of communication and the key components to communicate effectively. Finally, the Leadership block provides the tools to be a successful leader. Speakers Mrs. Cheryl Hunn, MS Procter and Gamble This event will give conference attendees the opportunity to engage 1-on-1 with government agencies. Conference attendees will rotate between four agencies over a series of short “Q&A’s” that will last for five to eight minutes. At the end of each interval, the moderator will blow a whistle to signal the participants to move on to the next agency. At the end of the event, participants will have a list of who they would like to contact after the event. . Government agencies that will be present are: NASA, Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer program, U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture, National Institutes of Standards and Technology and Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Speakers NASA SBIR/STTR : Dr. Joseph Grant and Dr. Ramey Smith NIST : Dr. Brandi Toliver NRC : Dr. Bryan Champion NSF: Dr. Tyrone Mitchell USDA-NIFA : Dr. Jodi Williams Professional Development 6 Understanding Intellectual Property 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Palani A Intellectual property is a part of our daily lives and we use it, often without even knowing it. This session will offer a description of patents, trademarks copyrights and trade secrets with a view towards understanding the importance and use of these powerful rights for entrepreneurs, inventors, innovators, students, teachers and small business owners. The presenters will also discuss the resources that are available to assist the public and educators with introducing intellectual property as a topic that is appropriate for all ages. Many of these resources are available for FREE. Speakers Gwen Blackwell, J.D. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Ms. Marian Smith, BA Procter and Gamble Ms. Nicole Mosby, BS Procter and Gamble 19 Tanaga Boozer, J.D., MBA U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Friday, September 25 Celebrating STEM Success Professional Development 7 NCB Science Café Series – Careers in Education: Making the Transition from Graduate to Teacher Professional Development 8 A Formula for Success - Communicating Your Research to Multiple Stakeholders 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Palani A 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Are you passionate about pursuing a career in education? Do you know your options in pursuing this career? Do you know the requirements to work in an academic setting at any level? Please join panelists from various teaching capacities: community college/2yr institutions and 4yr institutions to discuss their career path in education. Speakers will also discuss the pros and cons of working at each institution and what do they view as being successful in academia. The ability to effectively communicate one’s research and interests can be critical to academic and career advancement. Whether you are at a networking event or a meeting with a major research funder like the National Science Foundation, all scientists need to become skilled communicators. In fact, many of the hiring representatives and funding decision makers will likely not have the same level of training (or interest) in your research as you do. How will you communicate the significance and societl benefits of your research? How will you authentically demonstrate your passion and commitment? How will you communicate for understanding without overwhelming your audience with technical details that may not work in your favor. How will you leave a lasting positive impression? It is important to keep in mind that while an innovative scientific research project or method may be intriuging, more often than not the decision to hire or grant an award often comes down to the most persuasive and effective communicator. Become that communicator. Hone your communication skills. Speakers Mr. Matt Bryant, M.S. Lonestar College – University Park, Houston, Texas Dr. Sonja Hunter-Montas Florida International University Mr. Bernard L. Baston, MS Univerity of South Florida. Professional Development 9 Investing in Your Future Part 1: Options Outside of the 401K 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Oceans 10 You just started your new job and received information on your employee benefits. What are the steps to being financially responsible? This workshop will discuss how to be successful financially and exploring a variety of investment opportunities for new employees to retirees. During this session, local financial advisor, Jonathan Baety, will share tips on how to find a financial planner, plan your retirement and understand your company’s benefits package Speaker Jonathan Baety, Conrad Santiago & Associates Part 2: Funding Your Tech Business Are you an innovator? NASA funds the research, development, and demonstration of innovative technologies that fulfill NASA needs and have significant potential for successful commercialization. During this session, learn more about the SBIR and STTR programs as a potential source of seed funding for the development of your technologies. Palani B Grounded on evidenced based science communication research, this interactive workshop will present: • challenges and barriers to effective communication • real world exemplars for analysis and discussion • effective strategies for reaching multiple audiences and stakeholders • opportunities and resources to enhance your communication skills • keys to leaving a lasting, positive impression Take your science communication training beyond an elevator speech. Learn how to become a better science communicator in any situation. Get the job. Get the grant. Get the career you always wanted. Speaker: Dr. Monya Ruffin, Emory University, Center for Selective Carbon – Hydrogen Functionalization Speaker Dr. Monya Ruffin, Emory University, Center for Selective Carbon – Hydrogen Functionalization Speakers Dr. Joseph Grant, NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer Programs Dr. Ramsey Smith, NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) & Small Business Technology Transfer Programs 20 Special Sessions & Symposia Tuesday, September 22 Special Session 1: STEM’s Impact on 21st Century Forensic Science 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Mako STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is considered the essential component in forensic science. The most recent results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), which measures math and science literacy of 15 year olds in 64 developed and developing countries, ranked the U.S. 35th in math and 27th in science. Is there really a need for science in future forensic science? In an effort to show the important role STEM preparation plays in the forensic profession, Dr. Murrell Godfrey (Associate Professor and Director of Forensic Chemistry at The University of Mississippi), Ms. Rashida M. Weathers (Director of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Mid-Atlantic Laboratory), and Mr. Darrell Davis (Former Director of the DEA South Central Laboratory and CEO/President of the Committee for Action Program Services – Analytical Training Laboratory (CAPS-ATL)) have assembled a dynamic collection of forensic academicians and practitioners that will give abbreviated talks on the impact STEM has in specific forensic disciplines. The speakers will later convene as a panel and field questions from the audience concerning career opportunities and the importance of quality assurance and accreditation processes. Mr. Darrell Davis Ms. Kiana Nurideen Dr. Rashida Weathers Dr. Candice Bridge STEMVersity DEA Mid-Atlantic Laboratory Dr. Murrell Godfrey University of Mississippi DEA Senior Forensic Chemist Northeast Laboratory Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Central Florida Ms. Rhesha G. Gilliland Laboratory Director of US Postal Inspection Service, Digital Evidence Unit Dr. Ashley Beasley-Green NIST Special Session 2: Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions (Sponsored by SC Johnson) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Oceans 11 See p. 26 for more information 21 Thursday, September 24 Symposium 1: Setting the Standards for Research and Innovation Sponsored by NIST 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Palani A The National Institute of Standards and Technology serves as ‘industry’s laboratory’ within the Department of Commerce. At NIST, we work to remove barriers to technical innovation, and aid commercialization of new technologies through rigorous measurement science. Our research builds the foundation for confidence in data across a broad scope of applications in chemical, physical, biological, computational, and materials science to enhance industrial competitiveness and improve the quality of life. NIST researchers are proud to serve under the leadership of Director Willie E. May, long-time member and s upporter of NOBCChE. This session will highlight some of NIST’s measurement assurance strategies that support innovation in chemical and bioengineering applications. 9:00 AM Welcome Dr. Marlon Walker NIST Moderator 10:40AM Design of a robust separation platform for routine sizing and quantitative analysis of gold nanoparticles in C. elegans Dr. Monique Johnson NIST 9:05 AM Setting the Standards for Research and Innovation Dr. Laurie Locascio NIST 11:00 AM NIST’s Efforts in Cell Line Authentication Ms. Jaime Almeida NIST 9:35 AM 11:20 AM Real Life Applications of Measurement Science in Chemistry New Methods and Sample Preparation Considerations for MS-Based Metabolomics Dr. Carlos Gonzalez NIST Dr. Christina Jones NIST 10:05 AM 11:40 AM Engineered Chemical Microenvironments Clinical Applications of Measurement Science Dr. Javier Atencia NIST Dr. Ashley Beasley-Green NIST 10:30 AM Break 22 Special Sessions & Symposia Thursday, September 24 Special Session 3: Glow Up Eminent Undergraduate Poster Oral presentations 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Palani B “Glow UP” is highlighting undergraduates for standing out with well written abstracts and good oral communications on their posters. Each student will be given 10 minutes to present their research to a group of theirs peers and receive real-time feedback from professionals. Symposium 2: Transforming Your Career 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM Oceans 12 Are you a recent graduate or postdoctoral fellow hoping to obtain permanent employment in the government, academia, or industrial sector? Are you currently an assistant professor with goals of becoming a dean? At the present time, are you employed in industry as an entry level scientist with ambitions of becoming a principal scientist? Do you feel unchallenged in your current position? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this seminar is just for you. Come listen to our panelists discuss strategies to take your career to the next level. Dr. Brandi Toliver NIST Facilitator Dr. Kemal Catalan 4iNNO Dr. Jeanita S. Pritchett NIST 23 Dr. Zakiya Wilson North Carolina A&T University Dr. Isiah Warner Louisiana State University Dr. Saundra F. DeLauder Deleware State University Symposium 3: “Chat and Chew Reception” An Evening of Professional Talks in STEM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Oceans 1-4 Come celebrate an evening of professional talks in STEM. This symposium features innovative talks from government, academia, and industry professionals. The Lloyd Ferguson Awardee will also present their research. Join us as we chat about research and chew while our minds are stimulated by expert researchers in their fields. African American Women Chemists Past Present and Future GUMBOS: Moving Ionic Liquid Chemistry into the Solid Phase Ms. Jeannette E. Brown Dr. Isiah Warner The DNA Damaging Potential of Photoactivated P25 Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Dr. Bryant Nelson Sirtuin inhibitors as anticancer agents Dr. Hening Lin A Simple Method to Predict Raw Sugar Filterability Using IC-IPAD and its Correlation to Simulated Carbonatated Press Filtration Model Programs for Creating and Sustaining Diversity in STEM through Partnership: Louisiana State University and Baton Rouge Community College Dr. Marsha Cole Dr. Gloria Thomas Friday, September 25, 2015 Symposium 4: NOBCChE “2- Minute Drill” Research Pitch Sponsored by Corning, Inc. 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Oceans 11 Symposium 5: YOLO “G. P. S. (Graduate to Professional Secrets): A Navigation System for Students Sponsored by GSK 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM NOBCChE introduces a new competitive technical session titled “The Two-minute Drill”. Students will be judged on their approach to marketing their research to industry.” Doctorate candidates will describe their hypothesis, methodology and findings in 2 minutes. Participants for this competition will be selected based on the following criteria: timely submission of abstract by the deadline, original research work, merit of the research, quality of written abstract content, progress in school and those who have a strong interest in pursuing an industrial career as stated on their submitted resume. Oceans 11 “YOLO” is a new, dynamic seminar that allows students and professionals to hear life changing (You Only Live Once) and mind-altering (You Only Learn Once) information from our wise NOBCChE elders. In this year’s seminar, attendees will learn how to navigate their education and careers with the help of a G.P.S. (Graduate to Professional Secrets) Regardless if you are on the brink of undergraduate, graduate, professional, or retirement this seminar is for you. It is a round-circle presentation and discussion that provides lessons learned over the lifetime of many, for the betterment of plenty. Robin Arlene Cole will share their wisdom of 34 years of working in industry and government on how you can maximize your credentials, take charge of your future, and stand out in the crowd with a “think outside the box” mindset. Ms. Robin Arlene Cole HSE Manager Shell Westhollow Technology Center 24 Texas Southern University National Science Foundation Houston Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Conference in Orlando, Florida. September 21 • 26, 2015 LSAMP SCHOLARS SC Johnson Sponsored Symposium: Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions Wednesday, September 23 Chemistry / Chemical Engineering Students: As a Research Development & Engineering Intern, you will have the opportunity to discover, apply, and develop new products and materials to create the next generation of consumer products. You will be required to partner with team members in Research & Development, Engineering, Manufacturing, and Marketing to create holistic consumer products that win with consumers. Project assignments might contribute to the following areas: • Research new and innovative technologies that provide a meaningful benefit for today’s consumers. • Develop superior formulations that provide consumer products with winning solutions to solve today’s challenges. • Engineer state-of-the-art processes to convert incoming materials into high quality products to meet the demand of our customers. Special Session 2 3:30-5:30 pm For more than 120 years, SC Johnson has been one of the world’s leading manufacturers of household cleaning products, home storage, air care and insect control. With iconic brands such as WINDEX®, GLADE®, OFF!®, PLEDGE®, RAID®, SCRUBBING BUBBLES®, ZIPLOC® and SHOUT®, and brands marketed outside the U.S. including AUTAN®, BAYGON®, BRISE®, and MR. MUSCLE® in more than 110 countries, SC Johnson continues to be a leader in consumer marketing innovation. The RDE Division of SC Johnson is hosting a symposium entitled “Chemistry for Sustainable Solutions” at the National conference of NOBCCHE, September 2015. The conference will work in a multidisciplinary way across the various fields and perspectives through which we can address the fundamental and related questions of sustainability. SC Johnson & Son 1525 Howe Street Racine, WI 53403 Phone: (262) 260-2000 103, 202 107 104 204 229 304 224 223 227 310 111 208 211 219 230 222 205 206 106 114 214 320 203, 302 105 220 124 109 118 231 125 207 121 218 209 210 330 318 110 215 308 221 226 126 102 328 123 306 116 314 119 212 122 127 228 324 322 108 100 113-115 326 312 213 225 27 3M AAAS ACS Air Force Technical Applications Center Argonne National Laboratory ASEE SMART Scholarship for Service Program Auburn University Brookhaven National Laboratory Carnegie Mellon University Center for Materials Research, Norfolk State University Centers for Chemical Innovation Colgate-Palmolive Cornell University Corning Inc. Drug Enforcement Administration Duke Unversity DuPont Exxon Federal Bureau of Investigation Florida International University General Mills Georgia Tech - School of Chemistry & Biochemistry GSK Indiana Ingevity IUPUI Jackson State University Johns Hopkins University Louisiana State University Loyola Univeristy Chicago MIT Morgan State NASA National Science Foundation NIST NOBCChE Northwestern University Novartis NSTA - eCYBERMISSION ORAU Procter & Gamble Princeton University Department of Chemistry Rice University SC Johnson Scripps Research Institute Texas A&M University Texas Southern University The Ohio State University University of California, Davis University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Maryland University of Massachusetts at Amherst, MassNanoTech Institute University of Michigan, Department of Chemical Engineering University of Mississippi University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of South Florida University of Tennessee Knoxville, Department of Chemistry & PEER University of Texas at Austin McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering University of Wisconsin, Madison U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Exhibitors & Sponsors We would like to extend our thanks to our underwriters and sponsors without whom the conference would not be possible. Platinum GSK Gold 3M Silver ACS DuPont Bronze Bayer Colgate NIST SC Johnson General Alabama A&M University Biophysical Society COACh Exxon Freeport LNG NASA National Science Foundation University of Connecticut University of Pennsylvania Scripps Research Institute University of Pittsburgh Award Winners Percy Julian Dr. Milton Brown Georgetown University NOBCChE Lifetime Achievement Award NOBCChE Lifetime Achievement Award Dr. Bobby Wilson Dr. Ella Kelley Dr. Marsha Cole Dr. Iris Wagstaff Texas Southern University Southern University (Posthumously) U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Education Winifred Burks-Houck Professional Leadership NOBCChE Joseph N. Cannon Award in Chemical Engineering “Mentor on the Map” NOBCChE Student Mentoring Excellence Award HBCU Pioneer Dr. Jeanita Pritchett Dr. Reginald Rogers Mr. Bernard Batson Rochester Institute of Technology University of South Florida Dr. Frederick Humphries E.I. Dupont Graduate Fellowship Award Winifred Burks-Houck Graduate Leadership Award Winifred Burks-Houck Undergraduate Leadership Award NIST HBCU Pioneer Lloyd Ferguson Young Scientist Award Henry McBay Outstanding Educator Award President Emeritus, Florida `A&M University Dr. Hongtao Yu Dr. Raynold Shenje Ms. Keturah Odoi Ms. Ashley McCray Jackson State University Georgia Institute of Technology Texas A&M University Pittsburg University NOBCChE President’s Award NOBCChE President’s Award NOBCChE President’s Award Dr. James Batteas Dr. Kim Dunbar Mr. Bernard Batson Mr. Ed Lee Texas A&M University Texas A&M University University of South Florida Air force Office of Scientific Research NOBCChE President’s Award NOBCChE President’s Award Mr. John Petraglia Dr. Willie May GSK NOBCChE President’s Award NIST 28 Distinguished Lectures & Luncheons (see times in schedule) Winifred Burks-Houck Leadership Symposium and Luncheon Winifred Burks-Houck earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Dillard University New Orleans, and a master’s degree in organic chem- istry from Atlanta University. She spent most of her career as an or-ganic chemist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory working on environmental protection projects. For NOBCChE, Burks-Houck was recognized for her efforts to actively establish the organization on the West Coast. She was the frst chair of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter from 1984 to 1990, and organized numerous educational and professional development activities for the local community. In 1991, Burks-Houck was elected national vice president of NOBCChE, a position she held until becoming president in 1993. She served for four consecutive terms until stepping down in 2001. During her tenure as president, Burks-Houck expanded the organization to include many new professional and student chapters. She also developed a strong relationship between NOBCChE and ACS that has enhanced both organizations’ outreach programs for minority chemists. The Winifred Burks-Houck Professional Leadership Symposium aims to honor Winifred A. Burks-Houck, the frst female president of NOBCChE, by highlighting the scientifc achievements, creativity, leadership, and community service of two NOBCChE-affliated professional women and a NOBCChE undergraduate and graduate student working towards a degree in chemistry, chemical engineer- ing, or a related feld. In the legacy of Winifred Burks Houck, the keynote speaker for the 6th Annual symposium is Dr. Pamela Mccauly, Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Systems at the University of Central Florida. 29 Percy Julian Lecture & Luncheon The Percy L. Julian Award for significant contributions in pure and/or applied research in science or engineering is our most prestigious award. Dr. Julian was an African-American who obtained his BS in Chemistry from DePauw University in 1920. Although he entered DePauw as a “substandard freshman,” he graduated as the class valedictorian with Phi Beta Kappa honors. His frst job was as an instructor at Fisk University. Julian left Fisk and obtained a master’s degree in chemistry from Harvard in 1928, and his Ph.D. in 1931 from the University of Vienna, Austria. It was after his return to DePauw in 1933 that Julian conducted the research that led to the synthesis of physostigmine, a drug used in the treatment of glaucoma2. Julian left DePauw in 1936 to become director of research of the Soya Products Division of the Glidden Company in Chicago. This position at Glidden made Julian the world’s frst African – American to lead a research group in a major corporation. Dr. Julian rewarded Gliden’s faith in him by producing many new commercial products from soy beans. An entrepreneur as well as a scientist, in 1953 he founded Julian Laboratories and later Julian Associates, Inc. and the Julian Research Institute. Over the course of his career he acquired over 115 patents, including one for a fre-extinguishing foam that was used on oil and gasoline fres during World War II2. Though he had over 100 patents and 200 scientifc publications, his most notable contribution was in the synthesis of steroids from soy and sweet potato products. Dr. Julian’s life and contributions were the subject of a recent biopic by NOVA/PBS entitled, “Forgotten Genius.”3 The flm was broadcast nationally on February 6, 2007 on PBS TV stations. The 2015 Percy Julian Award Winner and Lecturer is Dr. Milton Brown from Georgetown University. He is selected for his extensive work in drug discovery & development in the fields of cancer & neuroscience and the strong and passionate recommendation of his colleagues. 30 ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY Congratulations NOBCChE and Dr. Malinda Gilmore on the 2015 Annual Conference ... A Proud STEM Legacy Are you interested in solving today’s problems with tomorrow’s thinking? Learn the skills you need to get ahead in today’s tough economic environment. Check out Alabama A&M University, where we provide competitive degree programs, countless research opportunities and an environment to nurture you through the process of obtaining undergraduate or graduate degrees. ... Consider a STEM major For more information on Alabama A&M University, visit our website at or e-mail (256) 372-5266 or (866) 497-1689 Our STEM Programs ... • Accounting • Animal Bio-Health Sciences • Biology (B.S., M.S.) • Business Management/Adm. • Chemistry • Civil Engineering • Communicative Sciences & Disorders (M.S.) • Computer Science (M.S.) • Construction Management • Kinesiology (M.S.) • Logistics/Supply Chain Mgt. • Mathematics • Mechanical Engineering • Physics (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.) • Plant & Soil Science (M.S., Ph.D.) • Psychology (B.A., M.S.) • Environmental Science • Electrical Engineering • Systems and Materiel Engineering • Family & Consumer Sciences (B.S., M.S.) • Food Science (M.S., Ph.D.) • Forestry • Urban & Regional Planning (M.U.R.P.) NOBCChE 2015 Conference National Planning Committee Our heartfelt thanks goes out to the members of the National Planning Committee who gave so generously of their time, talent and treasure to ensure the success of this year’s conference. Dr. Siobhan Tarver, 2015 Conference Co-Chair Dr. Rebecca Tinsley, 2015 Conference Co-Chair Awards and Special Programs NOBCChE Executive Leadership Ms. Chandra Harrington, Chair Dr. Pamlea Brady Dr. Chantel Fuqua Ms. Kaarina Lokko Dr. Danniebelle Haase Ms. Sha’La Fletcher Dr. Malinda Gilmore, Board Chair Dr. Mel Poulson, Board Vice Chair Ms. Talitha Hampton, President Dr. Kemal Catalan, Vice President Ms. Ella Davis, Treasurer Ms. Sharon Barnes, Secretary Communications Registration & Logistics Dr. Felicia Fullilove, Chair Ms. Brittany Allison Ms. Edikan Archibong Mr. Irving Cashwell Mr. Donovan Thomas Ms. Talitha Hampton Ms. Felicia Barnes-Beard, Chair Mr. Henry Barnes Ms. Brenda Brown Dr. Renee Williams New Chems on the Block and Professional Development Technical Programs Dr. Wanida Lewis, Chair Dr. A’ja Duncan Dr. Morgen Mhike Dr. Tova Samuels Ms. Jessica Simpson Dr. Brandi Toliver Student Programs Dr. Jonathan Ashby, Chair Dr. Alicia Bowen- Cheek Dr. Darryl Boyd Dr. Garry Brown Dr. Paul Carey Dr. Eric Coleman Ms. Trishelle Copeland- Johnson Dr. Roderquita Moore, Chair Dr. Dedun Adeyemo Ms. Sharon Anderson Dr. Darryl Boyd Dr. Marsha Cole Ms. Charnel Long Dr. Ola Shadiya Dr. Brandi Toliver Dr. Iris Wagstaff Business Development NOBCChE Board of Directors Dr. Kemal Catalan, Chair Ms. Rondine Allen Dr. Sidney Bolden Ms. Paris Hamilton Dr. Judson Haynes Dr. Wanida Lewis Ms. Angela Mahaffey Ms. Ashley McCray Dr. Victor McCrary Ms. Ashley Miles Mr. Brian Mosby Dr. ChaMarra Saner Ms. Elizabeth Okoth Ms. Keturah Odoi Ms. Elisha Otome Dr. Simon Shannon Dr. Siobhan Tarver Ms. Tiana Warren Ms. Takia Wheat Ms. Tyrslai Williams Dr. Victor Atiemo-Obeng STEM Weekend Mr. Steven Thomas, Chair Ms. Elena Alemayehu Ms. Chartanay Bonner Mr. Fletcher Daniels Ms. Sha’La Fletcher Dr. Raquel Jemiso Mr. Noah O. Masika Mr. Chris Rhoades Dr. Tova Samuels Ms. Ebony Stallworth Ms. Mia Webber Ms. Neco Wilson Mr. Perry Catchings, Sr. Mr. Isom Harrison Dr. Alvin Kennedy Dr. Roderquita Moore Dr. Simon Shannon Midwest Regional Representative: Dr. Michelle Williams-Harry Northeast Regional Representative: Dr. Racquel Jemison Southeast Regional Representative: Dr. Murrell Godfrey Southwest Regional Representative: Dr. Marsha Cole West Regional Representative: Mr. Thomas Dill 32 STEM Weekend Join us from September 24th – 26th for our STEM Weekend featuring an array of activities for elementary, middle and high school students and their coaches. Many thanks to the National Science Foundation for Underwriting STEM Weekend Thursday, September 24 Friday, September 25 STEM Weekend Student Social NOBCChE STEM Weekend Kick-off Breakfast NOBCChE Science Bowl Sponsored by University of Pennsylvania STEM Weekend Participants Only Sponsored by ACS and AFTAC See agenda-at-a-glance for details 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Atlantis B 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Oceans 6 & 8 NOBCChE STEM Weekend College Scholarship Info Session 6:45 PM - 8:00 PM Mako around the nation will compete in the annual Science Dr. Samesha R. Barnes Director, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Program University of Florida Dr. Charmane V. Caldwell Director of Diversity and Inclusion FAMU-FSU College of Engineering C. Michelle Jenkins Program Specialist, Division of Chemistry National Science Foundation Bowl. In the NOBCChE Science Bowl Competition 4-player teams of students compete in a double elimination quiz bowl. What makes this competition unique is that at least 20 percent of the questions are about African-American inventors, scientists and NOBCChE STEM Festival engineers. The competition is divided into Junior 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Oceans 5 & 7 (6th – 8th grades) and Senior (9th - 12th grades) This event will features hands-on activities focused on the applications of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), as well as demonstrations and presentations to engage students, parents and the general public. Presentations are invited by scientists, science centers, planetariums, science museums, and any individual or organization that does STEM outreach. Middle school and high school students, parents, and the general public are invited to explore science and learn about local STEM resources in the community. awarded in each division and winners will be The STEM Festival will also feature the NOBCChE Science Fair where students present an independent completed research project in poster format and submit a written report. Posters are judged by STEM professionals and subject matter experts. First, second, and third place trophies are awarded in each division and winners will be recognized and honored at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday, September 26, 2015. 33 Teams of middle and high schools students from divisions. First, second, and third place trophies are recognized and honored at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday, September 26, 2015. Saturday, September 26 NOBCChE STEM Weekend Awards Dinner Sponsored by ACS 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Discovery Join us from September 24th - 26th for our STEM Weekend featuring an array of activities for elementary, middle and high school students and their coaches.NOBCChE STEM Weekend College Scholarship Info Session. Dr. Judi Brown-Clarke Diversity Director for the National Science Foundation’s Bio-Computational Evolution in Action Consortium (BEACON) Center Michigan State University R•I•T Rochester Institute of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering Institute Hall 160 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, NY 14623-5603 585-475-4510 FAX 585-475-4450 Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) Chemical Engineering: Opening for a Tenure Track Assistant Professor! Find out more, and apply online, at Search: 1247BR Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) is seeking candidates for a tenure track position in Chemical Engineering with an appointment at the assistant professor level. RIT has a strong commitment to engineering education and offers a variety of graduate degrees. The department has a five-year BS degree program that includes 48 weeks of cooperative education, and will prepare students for both industrial careers and graduate-level education. The Chemical engineering program at RIT affords a forward looking view of chemical engineering that will teach engineering principles and underlying science associated with traditional chemical engineering applications, as well as the means to apply this knowledge to modern processes exploiting phenomena on the nano-scale. Our faculty members have an extraordinary opportunity to influence the relatively new undergraduate program and an emerging graduate program. Thus, the successful candidate must be able to teach core undergraduate courses and develop electives in accordance with their area of expertise, and must be capable of teaching graduate level courses that will be necessary as the program matures. The candidate will also be expected to develop externally funded research, participate in PhD programs and advise students, be committed to engaging undergraduate students in research, and perform other professional duties to enhance external reputation. We are seeking an individual who has the ability and interest in contributing to a community committed to student-centeredness; professional development and scholarship; integrity and ethics; respect, diversity and pluralism; innovation and flexibility; and teamwork and collaboration. Why GSK ? BECAUSE WE LIVE AND BREATHE OUR VALUES What are you looking for? A company that sees what you can do, not who you are? An inclusive culture that welcomes different perspectives, experiences, and styles? A chance to add your ideas to a rich diversity of thinking? An opportunity to make a difference? Wouldn’t it be great if a company could answer all those questions for you. And, ask you to answer some of the biggest questions around like, what’s the future of healthcare? What does a truly global business look like? And how do you help millions of people worldwide to do more, feel better and live longer?