Issue #20 Greeter-Nov 2005 - FAME


Issue #20 Greeter-Nov 2005 - FAME
Issue 31 Newsletter for Florida Association of Meetings and Events Professionals Summer 2009
Letter From The Chair
Dear Members,
Here we are on the brink of summer already…..many in our industry are worried on how they will survive it. Not that we don’t
hear that cry very summer, but this year it is quite a different story.
We all know that business did pick up the last few months, our usual high season. Many staff were working with a nearly
normal full calendar. Of course we must put that into perspective with the many staff who were not so fortunate as well as
the many companies who suffered many program cancellations and subsequent staff cancellations. Many of us feel as if our
back is up against the wall, but we are not alone. As the summer slowdown approaches, ICs will have to turn to Plan B if they have one
or create a Plan B, C or D to get through the off season. We do realize that in the fall, business should pick up again but it will not be “business as
usual”. Excessiveness is “out” and practical economics is “in”. Meetings come in all shapes and sizes, with a wide budget spectrum, but now especially planners feel
the pressure of high levels of accountability and budget restrictions. Industry leaders will continue to schedule meetings as an effective way to educate, motivate and
reward their employees. It remains to be seen in which direction the economy will move in the coming months, that is the big question.
In our own way, FAME Board Members want to be sensitive to these difficult times for our members. We have decided to postpone membership renewal fees
usually due in the early fall until later into 2010. We will advise you when the online renewal form will be activated. Your membership will stay current until that time.
You will see in the Greeter that we have planned a couple of fun summer events so we keep in touch and stay aware of industry trends. We wish each and every
one of you good luck with your own personal endeavors. May we all look forward to better times with a strong economic recovery.
Enjoy your summer………….
Judy Rosenthal
Current Chair of the F.A.M.E. Board
F.A.M.E Directory
New Members:
Editors Letter
Coping with the Recession. It’s Monday morning and I am cleaning my house, still working on my 2008 taxes, and trying
to think up an article for the GREETER…all while watching Dr. Phil. Today’s program features couples living under the
stress of unemployment or the fear of being unemployed in the future. There are some mornings I wake up feeling
nervous, unbalanced, and lost. Like every one of you I want to fill my space, I want to be productive, make a difference
and feel balanced… oh yes, and pay my bills.
During the past few months I have been asking various IC’s how they are handling the situation and what they are doing
for the summer. Normally our season is so busy we are able to store up a few dollars to get us through the slow months
but there was a lot less work this past season. It got me thinking about how those in our industry are coping.
1465 NE 121 ST Apt. # B-513
North Miami, Florida 33161
Cell: 305-301-7110
Areas of Specialty:
Hospitality, Conventions, Buses
Here are some of the ways our IC’s are handling the slow down.
There seems to be a change in the industry where our transportation companies are now handling more Meet and
Greet at the airport so maybe it’s time to put a call into some of them and get on their staff list.
Go online and look for companies that specialize in store promotions. The pay is quite good in some cases and it’s not a
full time commitment.
If you like photography there is a web site for stock photos and you can send your photos in and each time it gets used
you get paid. Along the same lines I just received my second paycheck for writing articles for a travel web site and I am
now writing a third.
Some IC’s are going away to work in other states or countries where the tourist season is just getting started. In other
words if there is no work where you live, move to where the work is, if you can.
Whatever you do this summer I wish you all some relief and remember Confucius or some peppy person once said
“You become what you think about all day long” so think PROSPEROUS!
Best Wishes from The Editor
Beverley Citron
Page 2…
Air & Sea Requirements
Page 3...
Miami Airport Update
Page 4…
Spotlight on Palm Beach
Tours & Transportation
Introducing Our
F.A.M.E. Board
Judy Rosenthal
Chair Person
Judy Rosenthal
Larry Procaccini
Lori Chandler
Linda Conner
Educational Seminars
Joan Hearns
Marie Colongo
Public Relations
Joan Hearns
Lori Chandler
Palm Beach
Roberta Cella
Beverley Citron
Jean Bowdren
Social Committee
The Greeter
Beverley Citron
Laura Levi
Kent Harris
F.A.M.E Photographer
Adrienne Chiron
he Western Hemisphere
Travel Initiative (WHTI) is a
U.S. government program
that establishes new travel document
requirements for crossing the border
to enter or re-enter the United
States from Canada, Mexico,
Bermuda and the Caribbean by land
and sea beginning June 1. The goal of
WHTI and the new requirements,
which are already in effect for air
travel, is to facilitate entry for U.S.
citizens and legitimate foreign visitors,
while strengthening U.S. border
security. All United States, Canadian
and Bermudian citizens are subject
to the new requirements. The
proposed rules require most U.S.
citizens entering the United States at
sea or land ports of entry to have a
passport or other travel document
approved by the Department of
Homeland Security. For more
<> .
Back by Popular Demand!
Staff Stirrings Hosted by Ms. Mona Lot
Dear Ms. Mona Lot
Welcome back! Maybe you have heard friends returning from a vacation
somewhere out west or another town and comment on how polite, kind and
friendly people were. I have to ask what is going on with some of our coworkers? Many of my co-workers & leads seemed to have lost their manners?
Mona, I have seen co-workers behave very disrespectfully to each with either in
words or gestures. What are your thoughts on this?
Miami Lakes
Dear Disillusioned,
Field Staff: Be punctual, be prepared to work, look sharp, do what is asked of
you by the lead and communicate any challenges. Remember to welcome our
guests with a smile.
Leads: Give clear instructions, listen to your staff, be courteous and remember
that a miserable nervous staff member cannot perform well, be encouraging.
Both Field Staff and Leads: If a person you do not get along with is on your
team, be a professional and get over your problem. Remember the big picture
here is the client. Never let them know your frustrated or angry, no arguments
or rudeness should be displayed.
But you do have my permission to punch ‘em out after work!!! Just kidding…I
TAPPIN FEET at Paquito’s Restaurant
Mary Turner Archer
ear the beat of Tapppin Feet, at F.A.M.E.’s recent event at Paquito’s, N. Miami Beach. If you were among those
that attended the last F.A.M.E. get together, you would have surely seen the tap “Happy Feet” performance by the
Boca Tappers, of the Boca Raton Resort & Country.
Fame member, Mary Turner Archer, tap teacher of this group, proudly speaks of the amazing progress of her “Boca
Tappers”. Ranging in ages 45 to 81, all are totally alive, highly motivated, and are advancing exceedingly well. It is this kind of
experience that not only promotes physical and mental wellness, but allows one a feeling of euphoria that emanates from a
sense of accomplishment through a job well done.
So, if you are trying to find an exercise that Clicks, “Tapping” your way to fitness may just be the answer. And, maybe
someday, just like the Boca Tappers, you will find yourself saying:
Dr. Mary Archer, Tap teacher, started her terpsichorean career in New York City, and danced her way to FAME as part of
the dance team Stanford & Lynn. She has graced the stage with such headliners as: Paul Anka, Danny Thomas, Pearl Bailey,
Cab Callowey, Gregory Hines (brother and dad), just to name a few. After dancing for decades, Mary is still going strong
sharing her gift with mankind.
Taxes in June by Beverley Citron
A little advice for new IC’s. I suspect that many of you are just like me…great procrastinators that, most years, do not do
their taxes until June…or even later. Many IC’s hold off until June before completing their taxes because they are normally
rushed off their feet with work during the busy season. To placate the government we file for an extension, send in a little
money to keep them happy and let them know we are thinking of them. No excuse this past season though. With less
work I had more time and our tax return was prepared back in March. Prepared however does not mean sent. This year
it’s because, after a thorough search of my sofa and the zippered compartments of my handbags and our loose change
box, I could not gather up enough money to pay the bill! Seriously though if you are a new IC’ you are self employed and
you will need to keep track of all your expenses particularly car, mileage and phone. Then, to save yourself a big tax bill
headache when you do file, either put away, each month, your estimated taxes in an account that you will not touch or
(probably better) file quarterly and send in a portion of your estimated taxes each quarter.
Then, who knows when you do eventually get around to filing you may get a small refund!
Miami Airport Update
by Linda Conner
ummer is upon us, a traditionally slow time in our industry. So it is with
great optimism that I present this information with the hope that you will
be able to use it sooner than later.
There are a few changes at MIA, some within the last 6 months, some within
the last 6 days, as follows…
lease join A.P.B.M.F. (Audrey Payne Brown Memorial Fund) on Saturday
July 18, 2009 for a Backyard BBQ in honor of our Co Founder and Past
Chair, Audrey Payne Brown,
Monies raised from the sale of BBQ admission, raffle tickets and the rummage
sale will go to the scholarship fund in Audrey's name. Help us to help a local
university student already enrolled in the MDC Hospitality Management and
Tourism Curriculum who is in need of funds in order to complete his education
and in return, he or she will intern with us out in the field.
Concourse “C” and “D” arrivals and departures – all departures for these 2
concourses go through security in “C” and come out (arrive) through “D”. As
passengers tend to look for the nearest escalator to baggage, this means they
now usually come down at “D” to baggage claim
The construction that was going on outside concourse “H” is finished and there
now are escalators going down to baggage as well as up to “J” customs. There
are also new bathroom facilities at the bottom of this escalator on the first floor.
Of course the signage could be better…just as passengers had to figure out
where Continental baggage was when coming down by Delta, now they have
to figure out where Delta is when coming down by Continental!
The moving walk way on the third floor now travels all the way from "A" to "J"
Speaking of Delta, Northwest has now moved their operations to Delta.
Ticketing for departures is now in the South terminal at the Delta counters and
baggage claim for Northwest is at carousel 5. Not sure why they decided not to
use carousel 4 to lessen the congestion…then again I am not sure why they do
many of the things they do!
And if you don’t know what all the construction is about between the Dolphin
and Flamingo garages, that is where the people mover is supposed to come into
the airport to link up with the intermodal center.
Have a great summer and hope to see you soon.
What’s Happening in Dade:
Are you in?? Get your free Miami Bach INcard starting June 15, 2009 at any
registered pick up location to begin receiving discounts and value offers at Miami
Beach restaurants, shops, hotels, museums attractions, entertainment venues
and more. Simply look for the INcard logo at your local businesses, present
your INcard and you’ll receive exclusive offers. For more information go to:
What’s Happening in Broward:
2-For-1 Deals Available Throughout From Kayaking to Everglades Airboat Rides.
For a complete listing of all 2-for-1 offers available in Greater Fort Lauderdale
this summer, please visit
What’s Happening in Palm Beach:
B.B. King's Blues Club
It's now official: B.B. King's Blues Club will bring its dining and entertainment
concept to CityPlace this fall. Like its sister locations in Orlando, Memphis and
Nashville, the club will host nightly musical performances and offer a menu of
Southern-inspired comfort food, including barbecue and Cajun dishes. Expect
saloon-inspired décor, indoor and outdoor seating, a dance floor and two
stages. In addition to a house band, we're told patrons will be privy to national
acts — Toby Keith, Prince, Stevie Wonder and others have played at B.B. King
Blues Club locations — and an occasional appearance from the restaurant's
legendary namesake.
"F.A.M.E Night at the Historical Museum of
South Florida" JULY 16, 2009
Join F.A.M.E for this free event. The program will be entitled "African Diaspora
Culinary Delights”. Featuring dishes from the Bahamas, Haiti, Jamaica, Africa, and
South America. Cooks, chefs, and critics will discuss their culinary heritage and
how living in Miami has influenced their cooking." There will be food sampling
and cash bars.
The Historical Museum of Southern Floridais is located at
101 West Flagler Street, Miami 33130
The program begins at 6:30 pm and will end when the museum closes
around 9pm so there is plenty of time to tour this wonderful venue.
The 3rd Thursday of every month is free at the Historical Museum. Across the
courtyard is the Miami Art Museum has "Jam at M.a.m". This is another free
event members of the art museum and $10 for non members.
In the courtyard they have either a dj or live music, a cash bar, tables and chairs
for "hanging out".
Parking in the garage is $5 with validation from the museum and the garage
stays open til about 10pm. Also reachable by metrorail (get off at civic center).
Please R.S.V.P Linda Conner at 305.978.9508 or
This will be helpful so the museum will have plenty of chairs and food samples.
F.A.M.E. Inc.
c/o Judy Rosenthal
600 NE 36 Street #1704
Miami,FL 33137
Educational night out at
the S.F. Historical
Museum July 16, 2009
(see pg 3 for more info)
3rd annual Get Working
Networking Event
October 19th, 2009
Event. Location:TBD
December 18th. 2009
F.A.M.E’s Annual Holiday
Event. Location:TBD
Spotlight on John Critchett Palm Beach Tours And Transportation
n February, 2009 John Critchett was preparing for the Limousine Leadership
Group meeting that Palm Beach Tours & Transportation (PBTT), was Hosting.
The participants of Tom Mazza’s Limousine Leadership Group meet at different
facilities across the country, which is like a mini boot camp for operators to not
only share war stories, but to help each other find ways to improve their services.
The host company is responsible for setting up the accommodations,
transportation, and dining options for the other members. For someone like
Critchett, who could easily parlay his masterful skill as a Palm Beach tour guide into
a career, it’s not only an easy task, but an enjoyable one.
Large group transportation is how John Critchett cut his teeth in the industry, he was a one-man, one-vehicle operation
when he started the company in 1999, partnered with a destination management company, which provided 100 percent
of his business at the time. One of the DMC’s major clients, a large investment firm based in New York City, was unhappy
with the transportation it had received the last time it was in town, but was graciously giving the DMC a final chance.
There was no room for error. Summoning every ounce of confidence he had, Critchett asked for the contract. “They were
nervous at first because they had to pull this off without a hitch, but I convinced them to give me the contract,” he says. “I
knew what to do. Meeting planners are a difficult group to satisfy because it’s often short-term notices, and they have to
answer to a number of bosses and different egos, which is a constant challenge. So if you can do that well then you can do
anything well.” And to everyone’s relief, the job went off without a single incident, smooth as glass.
His current team, which includes Derek “DC” Chambers, operations manager; Mike Gorham, head dispatcher; and Glenn
Bromfield, groups coordinator, are all crosstrained and can do anything that Critchett can. PBTT’s fleet has also expanded
to 24 vehicles including minibuses, SUVs, shuttle vans, limousines,and sedans. When he relocated his office to West Palm
Beach he made sure that there was the availability on property of a light maintenance garage and parking for all of his fleet.
There are no secrets about how the company is managing through the recession, but John Critchett is optimistic. and is
taking the proper steps to ensure that his company is going to remain successful so it will see its 20th anniversary.
5900 Georgia Avenue • West Palm Beach, FL 33405
561.655.5515 Fax: 561.655.6626