Blades of Avernum


Blades of Avernum
Blades of Avernum
Editor Cookbook
Version 0.3
Written by Erik Westra
Blades of Avernum is a fantasy role-playing game created by Spiderweb
Software. All copyrights for the BoA game and associated graphics are
owned by Spiderweb Software. The use of the name Blades of Avernum
in this cookbook does not imply that this cookbook is endorsed or
supported by Spiderweb software in any way.
The purpose of this cookbook is to provide “recipes” for performing various common
tasks within a Blades of Avernum scenario. It is not intended to be a replacement to the
Blades of Avernum manuals, but rather to collect together and explain the various
elements needed to perform the most common tasks within a scenario. As always, if
something is unclear or doesn’t quite cover what you want, please refer to the BoA
manual for more information.
This cookbook was written as a way of understanding and learning the BoA editor. It is
provided as-is, in the hope that others may also find it useful. If you have any
suggestions for how to improve this cookbook, or would like to submit a new recipe or
have a correction which you would like to see included in the cookbook, or even just a
comment you would like to make, please feel free to contact the author at
Erik Westra
April 2004
The following people have contributed to this cookbook.
Erik Westra
Table of Contents
Introduction......................................................................................................................... 2
Contributors ........................................................................................................................ 3
Table of Contents................................................................................................................ 4
The Recipes......................................................................................................................... 5
Entering and Leaving the Scenario ................................................................................. 6
Entering and Leaving Towns .......................................................................................... 8
Area Descriptions.......................................................................................................... 10
Doors............................................................................................................................. 11
Gates ............................................................................................................................. 12
Locked Chests, etc ........................................................................................................ 13
Traps ............................................................................................................................. 14
Teleporters .................................................................................................................... 15
Special Items................................................................................................................. 16
Ritual of Sanctification ................................................................................................. 18
Special Encounters........................................................................................................ 20
Non-Player Characters .................................................................................................. 22
Dialogue........................................................................................................................ 29
Shops............................................................................................................................. 37
Boats and Horses........................................................................................................... 42
Quests............................................................................................................................ 44
Outdoor Encounters ...................................................................................................... 47
Splitting and Reuniting the Party.................................................................................. 53
Quickfire ....................................................................................................................... 54
Hills and Heights........................................................................................................... 56
Appendices........................................................................................................................ 67
Editor Shortcuts ............................................................................................................ 68
Default Items................................................................................................................. 69
Default Creatures .......................................................................................................... 76
Default Terrain Graphics .............................................................................................. 85
Default Floor Graphics ................................................................................................. 88
The Recipes
Entering and Leaving the Scenario
Allowing the party to enter and leave your scenario is quite important. When you create
your scenario, you need to tell BoA where the players will start playing, and similarly
you need to provide some way the players can leave your scenario, or else they will be
stuck in it forever.
When your scenario starts, the party will always be in a town; you cannot start a scenario
with your party outdoors.
Setting the starting point for your scenario is a two-step process. First, you need to tell
the game which outdoor section, and whereabouts in the outdoor section, the party will be
in when they leave the starting town. Usually, this will be adjacent to the starting town.
To set the starting outdoor location, edit the outdoor section which contains the starting
town, and select the Set Starting Location command from the Outdoors menu. You
will be prompted to click on the point in the outdoor section where the party will appear
when they first leave the starting town.
Once you have set the starting outdoor location, you need to set the starting town
location. To do this, edit the starting town, and select the Set Starting Location
command from the Outdoors menu. You will be prompted to click on the point in the
town where the party will appear when they first start playing the game.
If you would like to have special actions take place when the scenario is first entered (for
example, displaying a message to get the party started), you can do this by entering some
commands into the START_SCEN_STATE node within your scenario script.
A scenario script is a text file stored in you scenario folder. The script must have the
same name as your main scenario file, with the extension '
. At a minimum, you
scenario script must contain the following text:
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
To have some special actions performed when the players first enter your scenario, place
your commands between the “beginstate START_SCEN_STATE” and “break” lines.
For example:
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
message_dialog("Welcome to my scenario!", "");
To allow the players to leave your scenario, you need to use the end_scenario()
command. For example, you might create a special encounter so that when the players
move to the end of a dock, the game asks if they want to leave:
beginstate 17;
if (get_flag(7, 2) == 0) {
scenario!", 0);
add_dialog_str(1, "Give up?", 0);
add_dialog_choice(0, "Yes");
add_dialog_choice(1, "No");
if (run_dialog(0) == 1) {
} else {
} else {
add_dialog_str(0, "Congratulations on completing
the scenario.", 0);
add_dialog_str(1, "Are you ready to leave?", 0);
add_dialog_choice(0, "Yes");
add_dialog_choice(1, "No");
if (run_dialog(0) == 1) {
} else {
Notice how you can personalise the message displayed depending on whether the party
have completed the scenario. You could, of course, have lots of different outcomes
depending on whether certain conditions were met, and personalise the message
To end the scenario, you use the end_scenario() command. If the parameter is set to 1,
then the party is considered to have completed the scenario, and the computer will add
one to their tally of completed scenarios; use end_scenario(0) to indicate that the party
are leaving without successfully completing the scenario.
Entering and Leaving Towns
There are two ways a party can enter or leave a town: the normal way, using town
entrances to move between the town and the outdoor section that contains it, and by using
a special encounter to move into or out of a town via a script.
For ordinary towns, the outdoor section will include a “town entrance”, which is a
rectangular area within the outdoors. When the party moves into this area, they are
transported to the appropriate entrance point for that town. For example, if the party enter
the town from the north end, they will be placed at the town’s northern entry point.
Simiilary, if they leave the town from the southern edge, they will be placed to the south
of the town entrance in the outdoor section.
You place a town within an outdoor section by drawing an appropriate terrain to
represent the town (for example, using the small buildings and town walls to draw a small
picture of the town as seen from afar). You then use the “Create Town Entrance” tool... specify the top-left and bottom-right corners of the town’s entrance rectangle.
Finally, you type the number of the desired town into the “Entrance to what town?”
dialog box.
Your next step is to place the entrance points within the town itself. Edit the town, and
use the “Place North Entrance”, “Place West Entrance”, “Place South Entrance” and
“Place East Entrance” tools... select the point at which the party appears when they enter the town from the given
direction. Make sure you leave enough room for the entire party; the game will not place
party members on blocked squares, or squares containing terrain which can hurt the party
such as lava or swamp.
If you want, you can change the point in the outdoor section where the party appears once
they leave town. To do this, select the Town Details command from the Town menu,
and enter the coordinates within the outdoor section into the “Exit Town Location” fields.
So much for straightforward towns. Some towns don’t directly connect with the
outdoors; for example, a dungeon might have several levels, each of which are
represented by a town, and only the top-most level actually connects with the outdoors.
To achieve this, you first have the top-most level connecting to the outdoors in the usual
way. Then, you need to use a Special Encounter to move the players down to the next
Let’s look at this in more detail. Firstly, you want to choose the point within the town
that will move the players to a new town. At this point, you will probably want to place
some steps leading down, a ladder, or whatever. Once you’ve placed your terrain, create
a special encounter which will be called when the party enter the given space. Then link
the special encounter to a town node which includes a move_to_new_town() command.
For example:
beginstate 12;
move_to_new_town(4, 12, 13);
The first parameter is the number of the town to move to, while the remaining two
numbers are the coordinates you want the party to be placed at. Obviously, if you have
some stairs going down in one town or dungeon level, you will want to allow the party to
go back up the stairs again to where they were before. To do this, place the party beside
some stairs going up in the town they are moved to; you’ll also want to place a special
encounter over those stairs moving the party back to the same place in the previous town,
so that the player can move backwards and forwards as appropriate.
Of course, you don’t have to use this just for moving up or down through levels of a
dungeon; you can use the same effect to create larger towns, linking together several
town sections into a single massive town. In this case, the special encounter at the north
end of a town section might move the players to the south end of another town section.
Area Descriptions
To help players understand where they are, and to make gamplay more interesting, it is
often helpful to describe the area being walked through. You can do this at two levels:
firstly, by naming the entire town or outdoor section. You can then give specific areas
within the town or outdoor section more detailed descriptions if you wish.
To name a town, use the Town Details command from the Town menu. To name an
outdoor section, you enter the name using the Outdoor Details command in the
Outdoors menu.
To create a more detailed description of just part of the town or outdoor section, select
the “Create Area Description” tool within the BoA editor...
...and then click on the upper-left and lower-right corners of the rectangular area where
you want the description to apply. You will then be asked to enter the area’s description,
which can be up to 30 characters long.
Each town or outdoor section can have up to eight area descriptions. To edit or remove
an existing area description, choose the Edit Area Descriptions command from either
the Town or Outdoors menus, as appropriate. You will be able to change the
description of the rectangles you have defined, as well as deleting an area description if
you wish.
When you create a new door, the door is initially unlocked. To lock a door, change the
s memory cell 0 to the strength or tool use skill level needed to unlock the door:
Door is unlocked.
Door is easily unlocked.
Medium difficulty.
High difficulty.
The door cannot be unlocked by any normal means.
To have a door locked until the party have obtained a special item, set the door'
s memory
cell 0 to 200 (so the door is locked), and set memory cell 1 to the number of the special
item required to unlock the door.
You can have a door set a stuff done flag to 1 when it is unlocked. To do this, place the
coordinates of the SDF into memory cells 2 and 3.
Similarly, you can have a door stay locked until a SDF has a non-zero value; simply set
memory cell 0 to 200 (so that the door cannot be unlocked normally), and place the
coordinates of the SDF into memory cells 2 and 3. The door will remain locked until the
given SDF has a non-zero value.
To create a magic door (a door which can only be opened using an “Unlock” spell), you
need to change the terrain script used by the door from “door” to “magicdoor”. You then
set the door'
s memory cell 0 value to the level of the "Unlock" spell needed to remove the
s magical defences.
Note that magic doors also allow you to control them using special items and stuff done
flags, using the same memory cells as described above for normal doors.
Gates are typically controlled by levers, though you can also write scripts which open or
close a gate under program control.
The simplest way to control a gate is to use the "doorlever.txt" terrain script. To use this
script, first place a lever at a suitable point in your town, then place the "doorlever"
terrain script on top of, or close to, the lever. Set memory cells 0 and 1 of this script to
the X and Y coordinates of the lever, and set memory cells 2 and 3 to the X and Y
coordinates of the gate. Voila! When the player walks onto your terrain script, the
computer will ask if the player wants to pull the lever. If the player pulls the lever, the
gate will be opened and your lever will be toggled to show that it has been pulled.
You can also store the coordinates of a stuff done flag into memory cells 4 and 5. If you
do this, the terrain script will remember whether the gate was last open or closed, and will
restore the gate to that state when the user re-enters the town.
If you don'
t want to use levers, you can manually control the opening and closing of a
gate by using the flip_terrain() command within one of your own scripts. This
command takes two parameters, the X and Y coordinates of the gate, and toggles the gate
open or closed. You can use this, for example, in a dialogue script so that the player must
ask somebody to open the gate for them.
If you use the flip_terrain() command to manually open or close a gate within a script,
you may also want to use the play_sound() command to make an appropriate sound as
the gate is opened. For example, the doorlever.txt script includes the following
the first of these makes a '
click'sound, while the second makes a rattling chain sound.
Locked Chests, etc
It is possible to lock a chest, desk, or similar container by making use of the
“lockbox.txt” script. To use this script, place a copy of the “lockbox.txt” script into your
scenario folder, and place this script onto the chest, box, or whatever it is that you want to
lock. Then set the script'
s memory cells as follows:
Place the tool skill level needed to unlock the box into memory cell 0. If this is set to
zero, the box will be unlocked. Use a value of 200 if you don'
t want the box to be
unlocked using any normal means.
If you want to have a special item which unlocks the box, store the number of the
special item into memory cell 1.
If you want the lock associated with a Stuff Done Flag, store the coordinates of the
SDF into memory cells 2 and 3. In this case, the box will be unlocked if the SDF has
a non-zero value, and if the player unlocks the box the flag will be set to 1.
To place a trap, you must have the "trap.txt" terrain script within your scenario folder.
Then place the '
trap'terrain script onto the square where you want the trap to be activated,
and set the script'
s memory cells as follows:
Store the difficulty of the trap into memory cell 0. This is the tool use skill level
needed to disarm the trap. Select a large number (eg, 200) if you want the trap never
to be disarmed.
If you want to allow a special item to disable the trap, enter the number of the special
item into memory cell 1. If the party has this special item, the trap will be disarmed.
You can associate the trap with a Stuff Done Flag by entering the coordinates of the
SDF into memory cells 2 and 3. If you do this, the trap will be disarmed if the given
SDF has a non-zero value. Similarly, if the player disarms the trap the given SDF
will be set to 1, so that the trap will still be disarmed when the player re-enters the
terrain script'
s location.
Memory cell 4 identifies the type of damage the trap does:
A fire explosion which causes (1-8 * severity) points of damage to the
character who activated the trap.
A fire explosion causing (1-8 * severity) points of damage to everyone
within four spaces.
An explosion causing (1-8 * severity) points of damage to the character
who activated the trap. If the character'
s health goes below zero, the
character is killed.
An explosion causing (1-8 * severity) points of damage to everyone
wihin four spaces. If any character'
s health goes below zero, that
character is killed.
Spawns a creature.
The severity of the trap is stored in memory cell 5. If the trap type is 4 (spawn
creature), then memory cell 5 is the number of the creature to spawn. Note that
creature numbers are listed in the C1, C2, C3 and C4 menus in the BoA editor.
Teleporters are a common feature of BoA scenarios. To place a teleporter in a town,
create an appropriate terrain graphic and place a special encounter on that space. Then,
in the town node which responds to the special encounter, add a teleport_party()
command, like this:
beginstate 12;
teleport_party(7, 12, 0);
The teleport_party() command takes three parameters: the first two are the coordinates
within the town where the party will be teleported to, while the third parameter specifies
a custom special effect used while teleporting; for most teleporters, you can simply set
this to zero.
Special Items
There are two types of items in a scenario: ordinary items, and special items. Ordinary
items appear in the character'
s inventory, while special items only appear in the "Special
Items" portion of the character info screen. In this section, we will examine how to
define and use special items in your scenario.
Each special item has a unique number, in the range 0 through 59. To define a special
item requires you to create a scenario script which contains instructions defining the
special item(s) used in the scenario. You then use script commands to give or take away
special items at appropriate points in your scenario, as well as check to see if your party
has a given special item. Finally, you can have doors or chests remain locked until the
party has a particular special item, as described in the sections on doors and locked
To start defining a special item, you must first create a scenario script. This is a text file
stored in your scenario folder, which has the same name as your main scenario file, with
the extension ".txt". At a minimum, this scenario script file should contain the following
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
You can, of course, place more into this file if it is appropriate for your scenario, but the
above is the minimum you need to be able to define a special item. Then, for each of
your special items you need to place an init_special_item() command into this file,
between the "beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;" line and the "break;" command. This
command looks like this:
init_special_item(itemNum, name, description);
where '
itemNum'is the item number of the special item, in the range 0 through 59, '
is the name of the item (29 characters max), and '
description'is a brief description of the
item (199 characters max). For example:
init_special_item(4, "Black Rod", "This rod of pure onyx is
icy cold to the touch. Merely looking on it fills you with
Once you have defined your special item, your next task is to create an appropriate script
which gives the party the special item in the appropriate situation. For example, you
might want to give the party an item in response while talking with a non-player
character (see "dialogue" below), or searching an object (see "special objects" below).
No matter what type of script you use, however, you'
ll want to use the:
change_spec_item(itemNum, howMany);
command to give the party '
howMany'copies of special item number '
. For
change_spec_item(4, 1);
will give the party special item number 4.
To remove a special item, you can either call change_spec_item() with a negative
howMany'value, or else use the:
command, which takes one special item number '
itemNum'from the party.
Finally, you can check to see how many of a particular special item the party has by using
call, which returns the number of special item number '
itemNum'the party currently has.
This means that you can do things like:
if (has_special_item(4) > 0) {
to perform an action only if the party has at least one copy of special item number 4.
Ritual of Sanctification
To allow your party to use the Ritual of Sanctification on something such as an evil altar,
you need to first have some means of teaching the ritual to your party. The Ritual of
Sanctification ability is lost when you leave a scenario, so you need to include some way
of teaching this ritual to your party within your scenario.
To teach the Ritual of Sanctification to the party, you use the set_char_trait() command,
like this:
t worry about the specifics -- the first number is simply the number of the party
member you are teaching it to, 22 is the magic number for the Ritual of Sanctification,
and the last number means that you are giving this ability to the character rather than
taking it away. Notice that we give this ability to all four party members, so that any one
of them will be able to perform this ritual.
Now that you have given the party the ability to cast the Ritual of Sanctification, you next
need to give them something to cast it on. To do this, copy the "sanctitem.txt" terrain
script into your scenario folder, and then use the Place Terrain Script tool... place this script on whatever item you wish to have sanctified.
The "sanctitem.txt" script responds to the sanctification by triggering something called a
“town node”, which is stored in your town script file. If you have not already done so,
create a text file for your town script; the script should have the name of your town,
followed by “.txt”. Then, in the “Town Details” dialog box, enter the name of the town
script (minus the “.txt”) into the “town script” field.
At a minimum, your town script should look like this:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
beginstate EXIT_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You can, of course, add more commands to your town script if appropriate.
Now, you need to create the town node which will respond to the sanctification. Firstly,
you need to assign a number to your town node – any number greater than 2 is available,
though you can’t have two town nodes with the same number in the same town node.
Let’s say that you decide to use the number 17 for your town node. In the town script,
add the following lines:
beginstate 17;
Now, between these two lines you an place whatever code you like which will respond to
the sanctification request. For example, here is a simple script which plays a suitable
sound, shows a message to the user, and sets a Stuff Done Flag to indicate that the altar
has been sanctified:
beginstate 17;
play_sound(24); // generic priest spell sound.
message_dialog("A strange humming sound fills the air.
dissipating.", "The evil spirit has left this altar for
set_flag(17, 2, 1);
You can use any Avernumscript commands you like in your town node; the sky’s the
One last point: before your town node will be called, you must tell the “sanctitem.txt”
script which node number you have used; go into the scenario editor, and set memory cell
0 to the node number you have selected.
Special Encounters
You can have a script called whenever the party enter a particular area within a town or
outdoor section. To do this, select the “Create Special Encounter” tool in the BoA
...and click on the top-left and bottom-right corners of the rectangular area where you
want the encounter to be triggered. You will be asked for the number of a special node
which will be called whenever the party enter the given area; choose a unique node
number in the range 10 to 99.
You then need to create a suitable town script file (for town encounters) or an outdoor
area script file (for outdoor encounters), if you haven’t already done so. If your
encounter is in a town, you need to create a town script file; this file should have the
name of your town, followed by “.txt”. Then, in the “Town Details” dialog box, enter the
name of the town script (minus the “.txt”) into the “town script” field.
At a minimum, your town script should look like this:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
beginstate EXIT_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You can, of course, add more commands to your town script if appropriate.
For outdoor encounters, you need to create an outdoor area script and give it some
appropriate name ending in “.txt”. Then, in the “Outdoor Area Details” dialog box, enter
the name of the outdoor area script (minus the “.txt”) into the input field labelled “Section
Outdoor area scripts are much simpler than town scripts; all you need to put in the script
Once you have created your town or outdoor area script, you need to define the node
which is called when the special encounter is activated. To do this, enter the following
into the town or area script:
beginstate <node-number>;
where <node-number> is the number of the node you selected for this encounter.
Between the “beginstate” and “break” lines, you enter the Avernumscript commands
which will be called when the party enter this area. For example, the following
commands create a custom dialog box which asks the player if they want to do something
beginstate 17;
add_dialog_str(0, "The crystal hums slightly.", 0);
add_dialog_str(1, "Smash it?", 0);
add_dialog_choice(0, "Yes");
add_dialog_choice(1, "No");
if (run_dialog(0) == 1) {
set_flag(3, 7, 1);
Notice how you create a custom dialog box by specifying the individual pieces of text
and the buttons which make it up, you display the dialog box by “running” it, and can
perform different actions depending on which choice the user selected. In this example,
we set a Stuff Done Flag to 1 if the user chooses to smash a crystal. Note that we use the
block_entry() command to stop the party from entering the space.
Of course, you have the full power of Avernumscript available to you when you tell the
computer how to respond to the special encounter. While many of your encounters will
be as simple as the one above, you can do far more complicated things with your scripts
if you wish to do so.
Non-Player Characters
The term “Non-Player Character” (or NPC for short) refers to any person or creature in
your scenario other than the player’s party members. Obviously, interacting with NPCs
forms a huge part of any scenario.
To place an NPC within a town, select the type of character you want from the C1, C2,
C3 or C4 menu. If all you want is a simple monster or townsperson, all you need to do is
select the type of creature, and then choose an appropriate starting attitude in the “Edit
Placed Creature” dialog box. These starting attitudes are:
Hostile, Type A
Hostile, Type B
Won’t attack the party, but will attack the party’s enemies.
Won’t attack either the party or the party’s enemies.
Will attack both the party and any “Hostile, Type B” creatures.
Will attack both the party and any “Hostile, Type A” creatures.
The creature won’t talk or have a name, but this is often sufficient for the minor NPCs
within your scenario.
Notice that each type of creature has a “level”, which indicates how hard the creature is
to fight or kill. To prevent your scenario from being too easy or too hard, you should try
and select monsters of about the same level as the party you expect will be playing your
scenario. You can also change the level of a predefined creature to be more in line with
the level of the party who will be playing the scenario; to do this, you need to place a
set_creature_type_level() command within the LOAD_SCEN_STATE portion of your
scenario script. For more information on this, please refer to the BoA editor
Creature Scripts
For more complicated characters, you will probably want to use one of the predefined
creature scripts provided with BoA. To use a creature script, you enter the name of the
script (minus the “.txt” extension) into the “Creature Script” field in the “Edit Placed
Creature” dialog box. You then enter values into the script’s memory cells as appropriate
for that type of script.
Let’s look at how you can use some of the most common creature scripts to bring your
NPCs to life.
Firstly, there is the “basicnpc.txt” script, which provides a very basic sort of NPC, but is
probably sufficient for most of your characters. When you use this script, you should fill
in the script’s memory cells (in the “Edit Placed Creature” dialog box) as follows:
If you want the NPC to wander at random, put the value 0 into memory cell 0.
If you want the NPC to stand still until an enemy appears, enter 1 into memory
cell 0.
If you want the NPC to remain completely still, even if an enemy is visible, set
memory cell 0 to 2.
If you want to have a Stuff Done Flag set to 1 when this NPC is killed, place the
coordinates of the desired Stuff Done Flag into memory cells 1 and 2.
If you want the NPC to be able to talk with the players, enter the number of the
starting dialogue node into memory cell 3. If this is left at zero, the NPC won’t be
able to talk.
A slightly more advanced form of non-player character can be created by using the
“guard.txt” script instead of “basicnpc.txt”. The guard works exactly the same as the
basic NPC, except that it will hunt down the party if the town is angered (eg, because the
party stole an item or attacked a friendly NPC). The memory cells are identical to the
basic NPC, except for the following additional choice:
If you want the NPC to patrol an area by walking from its starting point to a given
waypoint and then back again, set memory cell 0 to 3, and place the desired
waypoint number into memory cell 4.
Other, more advanced NPC scripts are provided in the “Sample Scripts” folder provided
with the BoA editor:
An NPC who can use the spells curse, weaken, slow, shield, bless
and haste while in combat.
an NPC who will hunt the party down and then attack one
character until he or she is dead before starting to attack the next
Similar to hunter.txt, except that it can hunt down the party from
far away.
An NPC who flees to a given waypoint when wounded.
An NPC which follows another NPC.
An NPC who alerts the other members of its group when it first
spots an enemy, so that all the NPCs in the same group will join in
the fight.
An NPC who heals wounded allies.
an NPC which will hunt the party down if it is hostile.
A guard who walks endlessly between two points. When it
encounters an enemy, it fights for one round and then runs back to
its starting point, where it alerts the other members in its group
an NPC which doesn’t move, but which spawns a number of
hostile creatures every few moves.
an NPC which spawns other monsters when it dies.
an NPC who walks endlessly between two waypoints.
If you want to use any of these scripts, copy the script file into your scenario folder, and
edit the script to see which memory cell values it requires.
Custom Creature Scripts
If one of the predefined creature scripts doesn’t do what you want, you can create your
own creature script instead. Most of the time, you can simply take one of the existing
scripts and change it to do what you want. Make sure you copy the existing script and
give it a different name, so that the original creature script is still available if you want to
use it elsewhere.
The most common thing you’ll want to use a custom creature script for is to have
something special happen when the creature is killed. To do this, decide on which of the
existing creature scripts you want to use, and copy it, giving it an appropriate name. For
example, let’s say that you have a rogue NPC captain by the name of Garth who drops a
key when he is killed by the party. Let’s base Garth’s creature script on the basicnpc
script; copy basicnpc.txt and change its name to garth.txt (you can use whatever
name you like; this is just a suggestion).
Now, edit the garth.txt creature script in your favourite text editor. Most of the stuff
in this script you can leave unchanged; however, to make something special happens
when Garth is killed, you need to replace the existing DEAD_STATE code with your
own instructions.
DEAD_STATE is a special state in the creature script called when the creature is killed
by the party. Let’s replace the assassin’s default DEAD_STATE (which sets a Stuff
Done Flag to a given value) with our own code:
beginstate DEAD_STATE;
message_dialog("Garth drops a key as he dies.", "");
change_spec_item(4, 1);
This gives the party special item #4 (the key) when Garth is killed. Obviously, you can
do far more complicated things in response to a character dying if you wish, but this
gives you the basic idea of how to have special actions occur when a creature is killed.
When you do use a custom creature script, don’t forget to enter the name of your custom
script (minus the “.txt” extension) into the “Creature Script” field in the “Edit Placed
Creature” dialog box.
Limiting where your NPCs can Go
For a number of reasons, you may want to prevent your NPCs from passing through
certain areas of your town. A simple example might be to prevent a shopkeeper from
leaving his or her shop. You can also prevent a monster from standing behind a secret
door, which would make it impossible for the party to pass through that door.
To prevent your NPCs from entering a particular space, click on the “Make Space
Blocked” tool in the BoA editor...
...and then click on the desired space(s). A small B will appear in the corner of the space,
indicating that no NPCs can enter that space. To remove a block, click on the “Clear
Space” tool...
...and then click on the space(s) you want to clear.
Names and Bubble Text
By default, your NPCs will take their names from the type of creature you selected when
you created the NPC. For example, “Priest” or “Guard”. If you want to give your NPC a
more specific name, you need to place a set_name() command into your town script’s
INIT_STATE node. For example:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
set_name(7, "Captain Greaves");
Note that the number to use in the set_name() command is the “creature number” for the
NPC, as displayed in the “Edit Placed Creature” dialog box.
One of the more interesting features of Blades of Avernum is the ability to have “text
bubbles” appear above a character to represent what they are saying. To have a text
bubble appear above your NPC, you use the text_bubble_on_char() command. This
command takes two parameters: the NPC’s “creature number,” and the text you want to
appear. For example, the command:
text_bubble_on_char(7, "Where's Me Parrot?");
will cause the text “Where’s Me Parrot?” to appear for a short time above creature
number 7.
Because text bubbles only appear for a short time, you need to make use of the
START_STATE node in your town script, which is called every turn while the party is in
this town. You can use an “if” command to only show a text bubble occasionally, like
if (get_ran(1, 0, 100) < 10)
if (get_flag(7, 3) == 0)
text_bubble_on_char(7, "Where's Me Parrot?");
text_bubble_on_char(7, "I'm happy.”);
In this case, there is a 10% chance (get_ran(1, 0, 100) < 10) a text bubble will be
displayed in any given turn. As you can see, you can also use Stuff Done Flags to control
which message is displayed depending on what else has happened in the game.
Allowing NPCs to Join the Party
In Blades of Avernum, it is possible for up to two NPCs to join the player’s party and
accompany them for a while. To allow this, you need to add an:
command to the town’s INIT_STATE node. This tells the game to allow you to add
characters to the party in this town. Then, in an appropriate place such as one of your
NPC’s dialogue nodes, you need to add an add_char_to_party() command, like this:
begintalknode 16;
state = 6;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Would you like to join our party?";
text1 = "_Sure._";
text2 = "_Sorry, your party is full_.";
code =
if (add_char_to_party(16) == FALSE) {
} else {
Notice that the add_char_to_party() command will return FALSE if the party already
has two extra characters; you can use this to change the text which is displayed, as in the
above example.
If you allow an NPC to join your party, you may want to provide a way of having the
character leave the party again. An obvious way of doing this is to set up a special
encounter at the place where the party met the character, and link this encounter to a
script like the following:
beginstate 18;
if (character_in_party(16) >= 0) {
add_dialog_string("Should I stay with you?");
add_dialog_choice(0, "Stay with us.");
add_dialog_choice(1, "Bye!");
if (run_dialog(1) == 2) {
This script checks to see if the NPC is in the party, and if so asks if he/she should stay
with the party or leave. If the player chooses to have the NPC leave, the NPC is removed
from the party using the erase_char() command, and then the NPC is recreated back in
his/her original position in the town by using the spawn_creature() command.
Changing a Character’s Attitude
In a typical scenario, an NPC may start out friendly, but then change his or her attitude
and attack the party, for example in response to a particular comment or event occurring.
For example, a dragon may initially be friendly or neutral, but will quickly turn hostile if
the party attempt to steal his treasure.
To change an NPC’s attitude, you need to make use of the set_attitude() command:
set_attitude(27, 10);
The first number is the creature number for the NPC, while the second number indicates
the character’s attitude:
Hostile A.
Hostile B.
A typical place to do this would be in a dialogue node or a special encounter.
You can also see what an NPC’s current attitude is by using the get_attitude() command.
For example:
if (get_attitude(27) == 10)
message_dialog("The dragon is not happy!", "");
This can be useful in certain circumstances, for example within a special encounter.
Dialogue is basically a two-way conversation between the party and a non-player
character within the game. To support dialogue within a town, you must create a
"dialogue script" for the town, and then fill that dialogue script with the conversation you
want to take place.
As well as simply talking with NPC'
s, you can use a dialogue script to perform other
actions such as unlocking a door, bestowing a special item on the party, buying and
selling, etc.
Before you can create a dialogue script for a town, you must create a town script, even if
your town script doesn'
t do anything. By convention, a town script is given the name of
the town with the file extension ".txt", though you can actually use any name you like.
Create the town script file within your scenario folder, and enter at least the following
text to define the town script:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
beginstate EXIT_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You can, of course, add more commands to your town script if you wish.
Now that you have created your town script, run the BoA editor and select the Town
Details command from the Town menu. Then type the name of your town script
(minus the ".txt" extension) into the "Town Script" field. This will tell BoA to use the
town script you have specified.
Once you have created the town script, you can finally start to create your town'
dialogue script. The dialogue script must have the same name as the town script, except
that instead of ".txt" at the end, your file must end in "dlg.txt". For example, if your town
is named "Hamner", your town script would be "Hamner.txt", and your town'
s dialogue
script would be named "Hamnerdlg.txt".
Create the dialogue script, and place the following at the start of the file:
After this, you should place each of the "dialogue nodes" you want to have in your town,
one after the other. A dialogue node is basically a question and its associated answer; a
typical dialogue node might look like this:
begintalknode 8;
state = 3;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Have you seen Joe?";
text1 = "_No._";
There are several things to notice about a dialogue node. Firstly, the number at the end of
the '
begintalknode'line (in this case 8) is a unique '
node number'identifying this node
within the conversation. There can be at most 200 dialogue nodes in a script, numbered
in the range 0 to 199; apart from telling the dialogue nodes apart, the node number can be
used to start the conversation at a particular point, as described in the section on nonplaying characters, above.
The lines of text following the '
begintalknode'line are indented, and provide the details of
the dialogue node. You should then have a blank line before the start of the next
begintalknode'line, to separate the individual dialogue nodes so that you can see them
Notice that the question and answer are defined as text, using quote marks to identify the
start and end of the text. So, in the above example, the question is:
Have you seen Joe?
By default, the quote marks are not displayed. Since you need to use quote marks to
identify the start and end of your text, you can'
t include quote marks as part of your
response. You can, however, trick the game into displaying quote marks by using
underscore characters ("_") to represent the quote mark. For example:
text1 = "_No._";
is actually displayed as:
So far, we have used dialogue nodes to represent a single question and its associated
answer. There is another use for dialogue nodes, however: to describe the character
being talked to. For example, a typical conversation with a guard might start with
something like the following:
begintalknode 7;
state = -1;
nextstate = 3;
question = "Town Guard";
text1 = "The guard eyes you suspiciously.
_What do you
For these '
opening'dialogue nodes, the '
state'should be set to -1, the '
question'is actually
the name of the character you are talking with, and the '
answer'text is the description of
the character that is displayed when you first start conversing with that character.
Critical to understanding dialogue scripts is to understand the idea of a "dialogue state".
Each node has a state associated with it; only those dialogue nodes which belong to the
current dialogue state will be shown at any one time; as the player selects a dialogue
s question, the answer is displayed and the conversation moves to the dialogue state
specified by the dialogue node'
It is important that you understand the idea of a dialogue state; the dialogue state is quite
separate from the dialogue node number; each state can have multiple nodes associated
with it, representing the various choices the player has at any given point in the
conversation. Furthermore, each dialogue state number must be unique within the
dialogue script; you cannot re-use dialogue state numbers for different conversations
within the same town.
Notice that the above dialogue node, which starts a conversation with a town guard, sets
the '
nextstate'value to 3. This means that all dialogue nodes which belong to dialogue
state 3 will be displayed as possible choices within the conversation. For example:
begintalknode 8;
state = 3;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Have you seen Joe?";
text1 = "_No._";
begintalknode 9;
state = 3;
nextstate = 4;
question = "Can you let me in, please?";
text1 = "_What's the password?_";
begintalknode 10;
state = 4;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Um, dunno.";
text1 = "The guard turns his back on you.";
begintalknode 11;
state = 4;
nextstate = 5;
question = "_open sesame_";
text1 = "The guard scowls.
_All right, you can come
In this example, there would be two questions available when you first start conversing
with the guard:
Have you seen Joe?
Can you let me in, please?
As you can see, the answer to the first question is simply "No", while the answer to the
second question is another question, which must be answered correctly before you can
Notice that the response is identified by a line labelled '
. You can actually have up
to eight lines of responses, labelled '
. each one of these response lines can be up to 255 characters long; be aware,
though, that if your response may be too long to show in the window, especially if several
possible choices have to be shown as well.
As well as simply answering questions, you can use dialogue nodes in much more
powerful ways. Firstly, you can specify a condition which must apply if the dialogue
node is to be shown. For example:
begintalknode 18;
state = 5;
nextstate = 6;
condition = get_flag(3, 5) == 1;
question = "Why?";
text1 = "Why not?";
You can use any Avernumscript function to decide which condition must be met if the
dialogue node is to be shown. Common conditions are:
get_flag(x, y) == z
The node will only be shown if the Stuff Done Flag at coordinate (x, y)
has the value z.
has_special_item(x) > 0
The party has at least one of special item number x.
There are a number of predefined actions which you can also include in a dialogue node.
These are identified using an '
action ='line:
You can vary the text which is displayed based upon the value of a Stuff Done
Flag, by using the "DEP_ON_SDF" action, like this:
action = DEP_ON_SDF 7 12 1;
The first two numbers are the coordinates of the Stuff Done Flag, while the third
number is the value to compare that SDF against. If the Stuff Done Flag has a
value less than or equal to the given number, text 1 and 2 will be displayed;
otherwise text3 and text4 will be shown.
You can set the value of a Stuff Done Flag using the "SET_SDF" action:
action = SET_SDF 7 12 0;
The first two numbers are the coordinates of the Stuff Done Flag, while the third
number is the value you want the SDF set to.
You can change the value of a Stuff Done Flag and vary the text displayed
depending on the value of that flag, all at once, by using the "SET_TO_1" action:
action = SET_TO_1 7 12;
The two numbers are the coordinates of the desired Stuff Done Flag. If that SDF
has the value 0, it will be set to 1 and text1 and text2 will be displayed.
Otherwise, text3 and text4 will be displayed.
You can force the party to pay for a response by using the "PAY" action:
action = PAY 7 12 1 200;
The first two numbers are the coordinates of a Stuff Done Flag, while the third
number is the value that Stuff Done Flag will be set to once the party has paid,
and the fourth number is the amount of gold the party must pay for the response.
If the given SDF already has the given value, then the party has already paid for
this response. In this case, text5 and text6 is displayed. Otherwise, the party still
has to pay for the response; if they can afford it, they are charged the given
amount, the SDF is set to the given value, and text1 and text2 are displayed. If
they can'
t afford to pay, text3 and text4 are displayed.
You can stop the conversation immediately by using the "END_TALK" action:
action = END_TALK;
You can vary the text displayed depending upon whether the party have
previously talked with this character or not. Doing this is a two-step process;
firstly, you need to include an "INTRO" action in your dialogue node, like this:
action = INTRO;
Then you need to give this character a "personality number", which identifies this
character within the game. If the party have talked in the past with a character
with the given personality number, text1, 2, 3, and 4 will be displayed.
Otherwise, text5, 6, 7, and 8 will be shown.
Personality numbers are in the range 0 to 3999, and must be unique within the
game. You enter a creature'
s personality number into the "Edit Placed Creature"
dialog box in the editor, and you must also identify the personality within the
s dialogue, by adding a:
personality = x;
line to each of the creature'
s dialogue nodes.
You can have the NPC act as an innkeeper, charging the party for a room where
they can rest up. To do this, you use the "INN" action:
action = INN 50 7 12;
The first number is the amount the innkeeper charges for a room, while the
remaining two numbers are the X and Y coordinates of the room the party is
moved to if they choose to stay at the inn. The party are healed, their spell points
are recharged, and they are teleported to the given coordinates.
The text displayed depends upon two conditions: whether the party is on
horseback, and whether the party can afford to pay. If the party can afford to pay
and is not on horseback, text1 and text2 are displayed and the conversation ends.
If the party cannot afford to pay, text3 and text4 are displayed. If the party is on
horseback, text5 is displayed.
You can have the NPC offer to identify the party'
s items by using the "ID" action:
action = ID 10;
The number is the amount the NPC charges to identify each item.
Finally, you can include arbitrary commands which will be performed when the given
dialogue node is selected, for example:
begintalknode 19;
state = 6;
nextstate = -1;
question = "I want to be your slave.";
text1 = "The lich smirks. _Very well._";
code =
set_flag(3, 2, 1);
All of the Avernumscript code between the '
code ='and '
break;'lines will be executed
when the given question is selected; in this example, the Stuff Done Flag at coordinate
(3, 2) will be set to the value 1.
Within your code, you can use the following commands to choose which parts of the
response text are displayed:
This hides all of the response text associated with this dialogue node.
This shows response text '
n'(a number in the range 1 to 8). You should
use this after a clear_string() command to make a particular response text
visible again.
This hides response text '
n'(a number in the range 1 to 8).
For example, the following commands:
would cause all the response text to be hidden, except for '
To create a shop, you need to make use of the begin_shop_mode() command. You
would normally do this within the "code" section of a dialogue node, so that a particular
response to a conversation will start the buying and/or selling process. However, you can
use the begin_shop_mode() command in any script you like, for example as part of a
special encounter in the outdoors.
Before you can buy or sell items, you need to set up a shop. To do this, you must first
create a scenario script.
A scenario script is a text file stored in you scenario folder. The script must have the
same name as your main scenario file, with the extension '
. At a minimum, you
scenario script must contain the following text:
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
You can, of course, have lots more in your scenario script; this is the minimum you need
to get started.
Each shop in your scenario must have a unique number in the range 0 to 129. Once you
have assigned a number to your shop, you can start to fill it by adding
add_item_to_shop() commands to your scenario script, between the '
START_SCEN_STATE;'line, and the '
break;'which follows it.
The add_item_to_shop() command requires three numbers; the first number is the
number of the shop, while the remaining two items identify the item to add to the shop.
To add an ordinary item to your shop, you first need to find the number of the item you
want to add. The I1, I2, I3, I4 and I5 menus in the BoA editor show the number
associated with each item. Once you know the item number, you should place an
add_item_to_shop() command into you scenario script, like this:
add_item_to_shop(1, 26, 3)
This will give three suits of leather armour (item #26) to shop number one. As you can
see, the third number is the number of this item the shop has in stock; if you give a shop
more than 500 of a particular item, that shop'
s supply will be infinite.
Note that an individual shop can have no more than 25 unique items.
As well as ordinary items, shops can sell mage and priest spells, alchemy and skills. To
add a mage spell to a shop, use one of the following add_item_to_shop commands:
add_item_to_shop(x, 2000, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2001, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2002, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2003, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2004, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2005, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2006, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2007, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2008, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2009, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2010, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2011, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2012, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2013, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2014, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2015, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2016, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2017, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2018, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 2019, y);
adds Bolt of Fire, max level y, to shop x.
adds Light, max level y, to shop x.
adds Call Beast, max level y, to shop x.
adds Spray Acid, max level y, to shop x.
adds Haste, max level y, to shop x.
adds Slow, max level y, to shop x.
adds Ice Lances, max level y, to shop x.
adds Unlock Doors, max level y, to shop x.
adds Create Illusions, max level y, to shop x.
adds Far Sight, max level y, to shop x.
adds Lightening Spray, max level y, to shop x.
adds Capture Mind, max level y, to shop x.
adds Simulacrum, max level y, to shop x.
adds Dispel Barrier, max level y, to shop x.
adds Summon Aid, max level y, to shop x.
adds Forcecage, max level y, to shop x.
adds Fireblast, max level y, to shop x.
adds Arcane Summon, max level y, to shop x.
adds Arcane Shielf, max level y, to shop x.
adds Arcane Blow, max level y, to shop x.
To add a priest spell:
add_item_to_shop(x, 3000, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3001, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3002, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3003, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3004, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3005, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3006, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3007, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3008, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3009, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3010, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3011, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3012, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3013, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3014, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3015, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3016, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3017, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3018, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 3019, y);
adds Healing, max level y, to shop x.
adds Curing, max level y, to shop x.
adds War Blessing, max level y, to shop x.
adds Terror, max level y, to shop x.
adds Repel Spirit, max level y, to shop x.
adds Smite, max level y, to shop x.
adds Summon Shade, max level y, to shop x.
adds Enduring Barrier, max level y, to shop x.
adds Unshackle Mind, max level y, to shop x.
adds Move Mountains, max level y, to shop x.
adds Mass Healing, max level y, to shop x.
adds Mass Curing, max level y, to shop x.
adds Radiant Shield, max level y, to shop x.
adds Divine Fire, max level y, to shop x.
adds Control Foes, max level y, to shop x.
adds Cloud of Blades, max level y, to shop x.
adds Return Life, max level y, to shop x.
adds Divine Retribution, max level y, to shop x.
adds Divine Restoration, max level y, to shop x.
adds Divine Host, max level y, to shop x.
To add alchemy recipes:
add_item_to_shop(x, 4000, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4001, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4002, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4003, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4004, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4005, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4006, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4007, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4008, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4009, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4010, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4011, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4012, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4013, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4014, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4015, 1);
add_item_to_shop(x, 4016, 1);
adds Healing potion recipe to shop x.
adds Curing potion recipe to shop x.
adds Hasting Potion recipe to shop x.
adds Energy Potion recipe to shop x.
adds Strength Potion recipe to shop x.
adds Graymold Salve recipe to shop x.
adds Balm of Life recipe to shop x.
adds Healing Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Hasting Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Energy Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Rogue'
s Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Strength Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Bliss Elixir recipe to shop x.
adds Restoration Brew recipe to shop x.
adds Protection Brew recipe to shop x.
adds Heroic Brew recipe to shop x.
adds Knowledge Brew recipe to shop x.
To add a skill:
add_item_to_shop(x, 5000, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5001, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5002, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5003, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5004, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5005, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5006, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5007, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5008, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5009, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5010, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5011, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5012, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5013, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5014, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5015, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5016, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5017, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5018, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5019, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5020, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5021, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5022, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5023, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5024, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5025, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5026, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5027, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5028, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5029, y);
add_item_to_shop(x, 5030, y);
adds Strength, max level y, to shop x.
adds Dexterity, max level y, to shop x.
adds Intelligence, max level y, to shop x.
adds Endurance, max level y, to shop x.
adds Melee Weapons, max level y, to shop x.
adds Pole Weapons, max level y, to shop x.
adds Bows, max level y, to shop x.
adds Thrown Missiles, max level y, to shop x.
adds Hardiness, max level y, to shop x.
adds Defense, max level y, to shop x.
adds Assassination, max level y, to shop x.
adds Mage Spells, max level y, to shop x.
adds Priest Spells, max level y, to shop x.
adds Arcane Lore, max level y, to shop x.
adds Potion Making, max level y, to shop x.
adds Tool Use, max level y, to shop x.
adds Nature Lore, max level y, to shop x.
adds First Aid, max level y, to shop x.
adds Luck, max level y, to shop x.
adds Quick Strike, max level y, to shop x.
adds Parry, max level y, to shop x.
adds Blademaster, max level y, to shop x.
adds Anatomy, max level y, to shop x.
adds Gymnastics, max level y, to shop x.
adds Pathfinder, max level y, to shop x.
adds Magery, max level y, to shop x.
adds Resistance, max level y, to shop x.
adds Magical Efficiency, max level y, to shop x.
adds Lethal Blow, max level y, to shop x.
adds Riposte, max level y, to shop x.
adds Sharpshooter, max level y, to shop x.
Once you have defined your shop in the scenario script, you now need to tell the game
when you want the party to be able to go shopping. As described above, you will often
do this as part of the "code =" section of a dialogue node, but you can also turn on
shopping at any point where a script is run.
To start shopping, use the begin_shop_mode() command, like this:
begin_shop_mode("Purdee's Resort", "The meals here are very
good but expensive", 7, 5, 3);
The first item is the name of the shop, and the second item is a brief description. The
third item (in this case, 7) is the number of the shop, while the fourth item adjusts the
price and the last item adjusts the amount the shop will pay for items.
The price adjustment value should be one of the following:
charges 60% of the regular cost.
charges 80% of the regular cost.
charges 100% of the regular cost.
charges 130% of the regular cost.
charges 180% of the regular cost.
charges 220% of the regular cost.
charges 280% of the regular cost.
The buy adjustment value should be one of the following:
this shop doesn'
t buy any items.
will pay 35% of the item'
s value.
will pay 32.5% of the item'
s value.
will pay 30% of the item'
s value.
will pay 27.5% of the items'value.
will pay 25% of the item'
s value.
will pay 22.5% of the item'
s value.
will pay 20% of the item'
s value.
Note that if you use the begin_shop_mode() command in a dialogue node, the response
text in your dialogue node will appear after the party has finished shopping.
Boats and Horses
In Blades of Avernum, boats and horses are very similar, the only real difference being
that boats travel on water while horses travel on land. Both boats and horses can be used
by the party when travelling, and a boat or a horse can either belong to the party or to
somebody else; the party can only use those boats and horses which it owns.
Boats and horses are controlled entirely through scripts. You can have a maximum of 30
boats and horses in a single scenario.
To define a boat or horse in your scenario, you first need to create a scenario script if you
haven’t already got one. A scenario script is a text file with the name of you main
scenario script, with “.bas” replaced by “.txt”. At the very least, your scenario script
should contain the following:
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You define your boats and horses by placing appropriate commands into the
START_SCEN_STATE node, like this:
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
create_horse(0, 3, 17, 14, 1);
create_boat(0, 7, 12, 36, 0);
Both the create_horse() and create_boat() commands take five parameters:
The number of the horse or boat to define. Both horses and boats are numbered in
the range 0 to 29.
The number of the town where the boat or horse should first appear.
The X and Y coordinates where you want the boat or horse to appear within the
A flag indicating the ownership of the boat or horse; this should be 1 if the party
initially own the boat/horse, and 0 if they don’t.
Once you have defined your boat or horse, the party will be able to make use of it by
walking on to the boat or horse. If the party don’t own the horse or boat, they will first
have to obtain ownership; you can do this within a script (for example a dialogue node)
by using the set_horse_property() or set_boat_property() commands. Both of these
commands take two parameters:
The number of the horse or boat to change ownership of.
1 if the party now own the boat or horse, 0 if they don’t.
You can make use of these commands to do quite sophisticated things within a dialogue
script. For example, the following dialogue node will allow the party to purchase a boat
from an NPC:
begintalknode 3;
state = 1;
nextstate = -1;
condition = get_flag(5, 3) == 0;
question = "I want to purchase your boat.";
text1 = "Smithers takes your money. _Thanks._";
text2 = "Smithers laughs. _You can't afford it!_";
code =
if (coins_amount() < 500) {
} else {
play_sound(15); // cash register sound.
set_boat_property(0, 1);
set_flag(5, 3, 1);
If the party can afford it, they are charged 500 coins to purchase the boat. If they can’t
afford it, an appropriate message is displayed instead. Finally, a Stuff Done Flag is used
to ensure that the party can’t purchase the same boat twice.
In your scenario you are likely to have a number of quests which the party can complete.
Quests can be given to a party, and can be completed, when certain conditions are met.
Each quest in your scenario has to have a unique number in the range 0 to 99. To define
a quest, you first need to create a scenario script if you haven’t already got one; a
scenario script is a text file with the same name as your main scenario file, except that the
“.bas” is replaced by “.txt”. At the very least, your scenario script should contain the
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_SCEN_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You need to define your quests by placing init_quest() commands into the
LOAD_SCEN_STATE node, like this:
beginstate LOAD_SCEN_STATE;
init_quest(1, "Kill Dragon.",
kill the dragon.");
The init_quest() command takes three parameters: the number of the quest, the quest’s
name (up to 29 characters long), and the quest’s description (up to 199 characters long).
Once you’ve defined your quest, the next step is to give the quest to the party at the
appropriate time, and to mark the quest as completed. For example:
begintalknode 12;
state = 2;
nextstate = -1;
question = "I will kill the dragon for you.";
text1 = "Excellent!";
code =
toggle_quest(1, 1);
begintalknode 26;
state = 4;
nextstate = -1;
condition = get_flag(2, 3) == 1;
question = "I killed the dragon!";
text1 = "Thanks! Your quest has been fulfilled.";
code =
toggle_quest(1, 0);
As well as just marking the quest as being completed, you may want to do things such as
give the party gold, a special item, or experience (or maybe all three!). To do this, the
following commands may be useful:
Adds the given amount to the party’s coins. If ‘amount’ is negative, the
party’s wealth is reduced by the given amount.
change_spec_item(itemNum, howMany);
Gives ‘howMany’ copies of special item ‘itemNum’ to the party.
‘howMany’ is negative, the items are removed from the party.
put_item_on_spot(x, y, itemNum);
Places an item of type ‘itemNum’ at the given position within the current
town. This allows you to have a special item appear at a particular point
once a quest has been completed.
Attempts to give an item of type ‘itemNum’ to the party. If nobody can
hold the item, it is placed at the party’s feet (indoors only).
award_party_xp(amount, level);
Award each member of the party the given number of skill points,
adjusted as if they were awarded while killing a monster of the given
Outdoor Encounters
An outdoor encounter is a group of creatures which the party can encounter while moving
through an outdoor section. The encounter usually results in a battle, though it is possible
to have an encounter consisting only of friendly characters who do things like display a
message when the party meets them.
There are three basic types of outdoor encounters:
Groups of monsters that spawn randomly and hunt down the player’s party.
These are called “Wandering Encounters.”
Encounters which are triggered by a script, usually a special encounter. We will
call this type of encounter a “Programmed Encounter.”
Encounters which are spawned when the party enters the outdoor section, and do
not respawn. These are called “Preset Encounters.”
Wandering Encounters
Wandering encounters are groups of monsters which spawn randomly to chase the party
through the outdoors. To create a wandering encounter, you first have to set the points in
you outdoor section where the wandering monsters can spawn. Do this by clicking on the
“Set Spawn Point” tool...
...and click on the four points in your outdoor section where you want the wandering
monsters to spawn. Then you create the party of wandering monsters by selecting the
Outdoor Wandering Monsters command from the Outdoors menu.
The dialog box which appears allows you to enter up to four different wandering
monsters per outdoor section. Each group of monsters can have up to four different types
of hostile creatures, and up to three types of friendly creatures who fight on the party’s
side (though it doesn’t make sense to have friendly creatures tagging along with a group
of wandering monsters).
When the group of monsters is wandering through the outdoors, the game will show the
first hostile creature’s icon for the group. Thus, you should use this slot for the most
common, or main, type of creature in the group.
The “move type” field lets you specify how the wandering monsters travel after they have
been spawned; the most common values for wandering monsters are:
Seeks the party.
Moves randomly
Seeks the party, but doesn’t travel more than 8 spaces from where it starts.
Moves randomly, but doesn’t travel more than 8 spaces from where it
You can also use the “Random Move Chance” field to set a percentage chance that the
wandering group of monsters will move in a completely random direction. This only
makes sense if the monsters are seeking the party.
There are more advanced options as well, for example to set a Stuff Done Flag when the
encounter is killed, or to run a script in response to the party fleeing the encounter, but
these are beyond the scope of what you need for a typical group of wandering monsters.
Programmed Encounters
Programmed encounters never occur just by themselves; you need to activate them by
including an appropriate command in a script. For example, you might have a specail
encounter in the outdoors which, depending on the state of the game, triggers a
programmed encounter.
The BoA editor confusingly calls this type of encounter a “special” encounter, even
though the same name is used for scripts which are called in response to the party
stepping on a particular part of a town or outdoor area. To avoid this confusion, we will
use the term “Programmed Encounter” instead.
You can have at most four programmed encounters in each outdoor section. You set up
your programmed encounters by selecting the Outdoor Special Encounters
command from the Outdoors menu. As with wandering encounters, you can enter up to
four types of hostile creatures and three types of friendly creatures who fight on the
party’s side.
For programmed encounters, you should turn on both the “Party can’t evade” and the
“Encounter is forced” option, as you want the encounter to always happen when the
programmed encounter is triggered. For programmed encounters, the following move
types are supported:
Hunts down the party.
Doesn’t move.
Moves at random.
Follows the road which it is placed on.
Runs away from the party.
seeks the party, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces away from where it starts.
Moves at random, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces from where it starts.
Follows the road it is placed on, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces from where
it starts.
Runs away from the party, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces away from
where it starts.
You can also use the “Random Move Chance” field to set a percentage chance that the
group of monsters will move in a completely random direction. This only makes sense if
the monsters are not already moving at random.
The other options in the “Outdoor Special Encounter” dialog box may be useful for doing
things like triggering scripts when the encounter is defeated, setting Stuff Done Flags,
Once you have defined your programmed encounter, you need to add an instruction to
your script to trigger the encounter. A common way to do this would be to set up a
special encounter in response to the party entering a particular part of the outdoor area.
Then, in your outdoor area script, you add a command to trigger the programmed
encounter when appropriate, like this:
beginstate 28;
message_dialog("Wolves attack your party.", "");
The create_out_spec_enc() command takes the number of the programmed encounter (in
the range 0 to 3) and places that programmed encounter next to the party so that it is
triggered. You can also use the place_out_spec_enc() command to place the special
encounter at a particular point in the outdoors, like this:
place_out_spec_enc(0, 17, 4);
The first value is the number of the programmed encounter (0-3), while the remaining
two numbers are the coordinates within the outdoor section on which that programmed
encounter should be placed.
When you create a programmed encounter, you can optionally set up a custom terrain
where the fight takes place. This can be useful, for example, if the party is trying to pass
a fortified camp or barricade; when the party approach, the fight can take place on terrain
which looks like a campground or barricaded area. To use a custom terrain for an
encounter, you must first create a town in which the fight takes place. Make sure the
town has a size of 48 x 48 spaces, and fill the town with whatever details would make a
good setting for the fight.
When the game uses a custom town for an encounter, it places the party and any friendly
creatures as close to the coordinate (22, 23) as possible, and it places the hostile creatures
near coordinate (22, 16). Make sure you design your terrain appropiately, and leave
enough open space for the party and all creatures to fit.
Once you have created your “fight town”, you next need to tell the computer to use it for
the encounter. To do this, you need to create an “encounter is met” state in your outdoor
area script, like this:
beginstate 53;
In this case, town 17 would be used as the setting for the fight. The number of this state
should be entered into the “Script State when Met” field in the “Edit Outdoor Encounter”
dialog, so that this state is called when the encounter is met.
Preset Encounters
These are encounters which only occur once or are not indended to be fought, for
example an ambush which the party walks into, or a group of friendly guards who patrol
an area. There can be a maximum of eight preset encounters in each outdoor section.
To create a preset encounter, use the Outdoor Preset Encounters command in the
editor’s Outdoors menu. As with the other encounter types, you can enter up to four
types of hostile creatures and three types of friendly creatures who fight on the party’s
If you want, you can use the “Party can’t evade” option to prevent the party from using
their Nature Lore skill to avoid the encounter. You shouldn’t use the “Encounter is
forced” option for this type of encounter.
For programmed encounters, the following move types are supported:
Hunts down the party.
Doesn’t move.
Moves at random.
Follows the road which it is placed on.
Runs away from the party.
seeks the party, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces away from where it starts.
Moves at random, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces from where it starts.
Follows the road it is placed on, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces from where
it starts.
Runs away from the party, but won’t travel more than 8 spaces away from
where it starts.
You can also use the “Random Move Chance” field to set a percentage chance that the
group will move in a completely random direction. This only makes sense if the group is
not already moving at random.
The other options in the “Outdoor Preset Encounter” dialog box may be useful for doing
things like triggering scripts when the encounter is defeated, setting Stuff Done Flags,
By default, a preset encounter is automatically reset whenever the party enters the
outdoor area. If you want to have a preset encounter only happen once, you can make
use of a Stuff Done Flag to remember whether the party has defeated this encounter. To
do this, enter the same SDF coordinates into both the “Stuff Done Flag To Eliminate the
Encounter” and the “Stuff Done Flag Set to 1 when Defeated” fields. This will have the
effect of setting the given SDF to 1 when the party defeats the encounter, and so prevent
the encounter from appearing again once that SDF has been set.
Finally, if you want the encounter to not be hostile, for example to represent a friendly
party of guards who patrol an area, you have to make use of some tricks to make this
happen. Firstly, the encounter must have a “Hostile 1” creature specified, or else the
encounter won’t appear in the game, so place your guard (or whatever) creatures into the
“Hostile 1” slot, even though the encounter is friendly. Then, you need to create a script
to prevent the encounter from trying to fight the party: enter the number of an outdoor
node into the “Script State when Met” field, and in your outdoor section script create a
node which looks like this:
beginstate 34;
The outdoor_enc_result() command takes a number which indicates how the encounter
should behave:
The encounter should fight the party as normal.
The encounter is friendly, and will continue to exist.
The encounter is friendly. The group will disappear, but can reappear later if
The encounter is friendly. The group will disappear, and will set the “Stuff
Done Flag Set to 1 when Defeated” flag for this encounter to 1, so that the
encounter will never reappear.
Obviously, you can include more sophisticated commands in your script, for example to
only attack if the party has a particular special item.
Splitting and Reuniting the Party
At times in a scenario, you might want to have just one member of a party go ahead,
separate from the others, to perform some task. This is typically done using a teleporter
which only accepts one member of the party, or a narrow passage which only one party
member can squeeze through. Once the task has been completed, the character rejoins
the rest of the party and the game continues.
There are two limitations with splitting the party:
1. You can only split the party when in a town.
2. The party member who goes ahead must not be able to leave town until he or she
rejoins the rest of the party.
Whatever mechanism you use in the game to split the party, you need to use a script
command to actually split, and then rejoin, the party. To split the party, you typically use
the try_to_split_party() command within a special encounter, like this:
beginstate 41;
try_to_split_party(17, 12, 1);
This command takes three parameters: the X and Y coordinates of the point where the
separated character will be teleported to, and a flag indicating whether to play a teleport
sound (1) or not (0) when the character is teleported.
When this command is executed, the player will be asked to select a character who will
go ahead. That character will be moved to the given coordinate within the town, and if
the “teleport sound” flag is 1, the teleportation sound will be played.
Once the party has been split, you use the reunite_party() command to reunite the party.
You would typically use this command within a special encounter which the character
steps on to rejoin the rest of the party. For example:
beginstate 42;
The party will be reunited at the point where they were split up.
To place quickfire within a town or dungeon, you must make use of the
put_field_on_space() command, like this:
put_field_on_space(x, y, 6);
where ‘x’ and ‘y’ are the coordinates of the point where you want the quickfire to be
placed, and ‘6’ is the code for quickfire.
Unfortunately, you cannot place quickfire in a town or dungeon without using a script
command like this. You will most likely want to place the command inside a town script
for your town or dungeon; if you don’t yet have a town script for the town or dungeon,
create a text file with the name of the town followed by “.txt”. Then, in the “Town
Details” dialog box, enter the name of the town script (minus the “.txt”) into the “town
script” field.
The town script should contain at least the following entries:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
beginstate EXIT_STATE;
beginstate START_STATE;
You can, of course, add more commands to your town script if you wish.
If you want the quickfire to be in the town all the time (eg, behind a magic barrier), you
can place this command in the INIT_STATE section of the town script, like this:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
put_field_on_space(23, 7, 6);
You can, of course, be far more sophisticated than this. Because you have the full power
of Avernumscript available to you, you can do things like have the quickfire only appear
if a certain condition is met, like this:
beginstate INIT_STATE;
if (get_flag(7, 3) == 0)
put_field_on_space(23, 7, 6);
You can have the quickfire appear when the party walk onto a particular space by making
use of a special encounter. Simply create a special encounter node within your town
script, like this:
beginstate 17;
message_dialog("Quickfire explodes behind you!", "");
put_field_on_space(23, 7, 6);
Then select the “Create Special Encounter” tool in the BoA editor...
...and click on the top-left and bottom-right corners of the rectangular area where you
want the quickfire to be triggered. Enter the number of the special node you created, and
the quickfire will be triggered when the party enter that area.
If you want to have a lever which, when pulled, triggers the quickfire, you could place
the lever in the dungeon, and set up a special encounter which triggers when the party
walk onto the lever. You special node could then look something like this:
beginstate 4;
if (run_dialog(0) == 1) {
message_dialog("Oh no! Quickfire!", "");
put_field_on_space(23, 7, 6);
Note that the reset_dialog_preset_options(2) command sets up the dialog box to prompt
the player to pull the lever. If they pull the lever, the quickfire will be unleashed.
Finally, you could use dialogue nodes so that, for example, when the party says
something which angers a powerful mage, the dialog node’s “code” section includes
commands to hide the mage and fill the room with quickfire, like this:
begintalknode 40;
state = 8;
nextstate = -1;
question = "Spit on the mage's outstretched hand.";
text1 = "The mage scowls. _How dare you!_";
code =
put_field_on_space(23,7, 6);
Hills and Heights
One of the main things that distinguishes Blades of Avernum (and the entire Avernum
series) from the earlier Exile series is the fact that the player sees the world in simulated
3D. That is, stairs, sloping floors and hills, etc, are all portrayed semi-realistically on
screen. When designing your scenario, this means that you can give your towns,
dungeons and outdoor areas that third dimension of height – but the ability to do so
comes at a price: you have to use heights sensibly, or the party will disappear behind a
hill or cliff and can’t be seen by the player. Let’s examine this problem first, before we
look at how you can add heights to your scenario.
The Line of Sight Problem
There’s nothing more frustrating for the player than having his or her party walk down
some stairs and be hidden behind a cliff as they try and fight a bunch of monsters – which
is why it’s important that you, as a scenario designer, avoid the line of sight problem
when using height in your scenarios.
By the way, this problem occurs in the scenario “Valley of Dying Things” which comes with
BoA, so even the best scenario designers get it wrong sometimes. That’s no excuse, though,
for not trying your best to avoid this problem.
Technically speaking, Blades of Avernum uses something called “Isometric Projection”
to display the BoA world in three dimensions. Unlike true 3D graphics, where objects
get smaller the further away they are, isometric projection means that the objects stay the
same size no matter how close or far away from the view they are. This makes the game
much easier for the people who wrote BoA, as they only had to create one image for each
creature, terrain element, object, etc. From your point of view, though, isometric
projection imposes a critical limitation on your scenario: the world can only ever be seen
from one angle, and so you need to avoid using height in such a way that the player can’t
see important things such as monsters or items from this angle. This is what I mean by
the “line of sight” problem.
Let’s examine this in more detail. Here’s a typical BoA scene:
Notice how the player’s viewpoint is always going from south-east to north-west (that is,
the bottom-right corner of the map towards the top-left corner). Objects that are northwest of the party appear above the party in the game window, while objects that are
south-east appear below the party, and so on. Also notice how the southern and eastern
slopes of the hill takes up a lot more screen space than the northern and western slopes –
this is because of the way hills are displayed in the BoA game, by “pushing” the ground
up towards the top of the screen.
Let’s see how this can cause problems if your scenario is not designed correctly. Here’s
another BoA scene:
This clearly shows the line-of-sight problem. Because the party started out at a higher
level, and has moved north and west towards a lower level, the player’s line of sight is
blocked. You can just make out the monster attacking the front-most fighter, but if the
figher was to move further down the sloping passageway, he would be completely
Because of the way the game displays heights, the player will always be able to see
things better if they are placed south, south-east, or east of a hill or other raised area,
compared with things placed north, north-west or west of a raised area. In the picture
above, the downward-sloping passageway the figher is travelling along is north of the
higher raised area at the bottom of the screen, which is why the figher becomes obscured.
Of course, this is only a problem is the lower area is adjacent or nearly adjacent to the
higher area. If the downward-sloping passageway in the above dungeon had been placed
a space or two further north, the player would have been able to see it without a problem,
as there would have been enough room for the game to display the lower area without the
higher area obscuring it.
Now that you know the pitfalls, let’s look at how you can go about adding hills and other
height differences to your scenario.
Automatic Hills
The BoA editor contains an “automatic hills” feature which makes it easy to add things
like hills and sloping passageways to your scenario. To use it, click on the “switch
mode” button...
...or press the spacebar until the BoA editor is in “edit heights” mode. In this mode, a
number will be displayed in the top-right corner of each space in the town or outdoor
section being edited, like this:
These numbers represent the height of each space, in the range 0 to 99. For towns, the
default height of the ground is set to 5, while for outdoor sections the default height is 9;
bigger numbers represent higher ground, while smaller numbers represent lower ground.
To increase the height of a space, simply click on it while in “edit height” mode; to
decrease the height of a space, hold down the command (“apple”) key while clicking on
that space.
When you are in the “edit height” mode, the bottom-right corner of the BoA editor
window will show you things like the current drawing mode (“HEIGHT”), the
coordinates of the space shown in the centre of the window, and whether automatic hills
are turned on or off. To turn on automatic hills, click on the “automatic hills” button:
With this option turned on, the computer will change the terrain of your ground to show
hills and slopes as you change the height of a space. For example, if you are in “edit
heights” mode with automatic hills turned on and you click on a space to increase the
height of that space, the computer will automatically place terrain around that space to
make it a hill, like this:
The hills terrain (ie, sloping floors and hillsides) will automatically be added or removed
as you change the height of each cell.
Automatic hill mode can be very convenient if all you want to do is create a few low hills
to add visual interest to a town or outdoor area. Unfortunately there are some “gotchas”
with using automatic hill mode which make it far less useful than you might think:
When you use automatic hill mode, the computer will helpfully “smooth out”
your terrain, destroying any sudden changes in height you may have created, such
as cliffs or vertically-edged pits. This “smoothing out” happens everywhere in the
current town or outdoor section, not just in the places where you are changing
height, so if you have any sudden changes in height at all in your town or outdoor
section, then you should avoid using automatic hill mode altogether.
If two adjacent spaces in your town or outdoor section differ in height by more
than one step, the computer will be unable to create the hill terrain that you would
The computer will automatically select the type of slope based on what it thinks
you want the terrain to look like. Thus, you might end up with barren hills poking
out of grassy flatlands, or cave floor where you would expect a bare dirt path to
For these reasons, you may want to learn how to create hills manually, as this gives you
far more control as well as avoiding the above pitfalls. The procedure for creating hills
by hand will be described in the next section.
Manual Hills
When creating hills by hand, you can do everything that the automatic hills feature will
do for you, as well as having complete control over how and where the hills and sloping
passageways, etc, will appear.
To create hills by hand, make sure that you have turned off the “automatic hills” feature.
If this feature is on, click on the “automatic hills” button... turn it off again. You can then use the various hill terrain elements to create your
hills by hand. Here are what some of the hill terrain elements look like:
To create hills and other slopes by hand is a two-step process. Firstly, you need to decide
on how the terrain should look, and place the appropriate terrain elements to make the
hills and slopes look the way you want. Then, once you’ve placed the terrain elements,
you then adjust the height of the spaces within your town or outdoor section so that the
terrain elements line up correctly.
Let’s start by examining the types of terrain elements you can use to create hills, slopes,
sloping passageways, etc. There are three basic types of slopes you can create:
Grass-covered slopes.
Bare dirt slopes.
Cave floor or rocky slopes.
For each of these types of slopes, there are terrain elements which correspond to the
given terrain sloping in various directions, as well as a copy of the terrain with roads
running over it:
As well as actual slopes, you can also use the staircase terrain elements as part of a slope:
These can be useful, for example, where a path or walkway goes up or down a slope.
Notice how, in the BoA editor’s icons for each of these terrain elements, the bottom end
of the slope is darker than the top end. The icons are a bit confusing at first, but you’ll
soon get the hang of what they mean.
Once you have placed the various terrain elements, your town or outdoor section should
look something like the following within the BoA editor:
If you were to load this into the BoA game itself, your terrain would now look something
like this:
Notice how the terrain itself is correct, but the heights are all wrong. You now need to
adjust the heights so that the terrain elements line up to make the hills and other slopes
you want. To achieve this, use the “edit heights” mode of the BoA editor to set the height
of each space as appropriate. As well as clicking on a space to increase the height, and
holding down the command (“apple”) key while clicking on a space to decrease the
height, you can use the “set height” button... set the height of any rectangular area to the same value.
When setting the heights, make sure that adjacent spaces do not vary in height by more
than 1 – unless, that is, you want to have a cliff between the two adjacent cells.
In the above example, you would want to set the heights to something like the following:
There’s an important lesson to be learned from this picture: the terrain elements used to
represent slopes and staircases go up from the specified height. For example, the first
flight of steps has a height of 5, matching the height of the path which leads up to it. The
second flight of steps has a height of 6, so that it will line up with the top of the first flight
of steps.
If you were to load the above terrain into the BoA game, it would look like this:
You should always load your town or outdoor section into the BoA game to see how it
looks – when you draw hills by hand, it’s easy to miss a few heights, but it’s also easy to
fix mistakes as soon as you spot them. With practice, you’ll find that creating hills and
other slopes by hand is almost as easy as creating them using the “automatic hills”
feature, but with a lot more flexibility and none of the drawbacks.
Whenever there is a difference in height between two adjacent spaces, the computer will
draw a cliff between those two spaces unless there is a slope terrain element which covers
up the cliff. So, for example, if you removed the slopes in the above terrain, the result
would look like this:
If you are creating cliffs within a town or dungeon, you can tell the computer what the
cliff should look like by entering an appropriate number into the “Cliff Sheet” field
within the “Town Details” dialog box. The various cliff sheet numbers are listed within
the dialog box, so simply enter an appropriate sheet number and the cliff will be
displayed appropriately.
For outdoor sections, your options are much more limited, as the computer selects an
appropriate cliff style based on whether the outdoor section is underground or on the
surface. You can change this by clicking on the “On Surface” checkbox within the
“Outdoor Details” dialog box, but that’s the only sort of customisation you can do for
cliffs in outdoor sections.
Finally, remember that you can have cliffs of any height you desire. Of course, if the
party attempt to jump off a cliff, the higher the cliff the greater the damage done to the
Editor Shortcuts
Move around the current town or outdoor section.
Move as far as possible in the given direction.
Move the selected object (item, creature or terrain script).
Activate the “Delete Object” tool.
Paint a rectangle with the current terrain.
Activate the “Select/Edit Object” tool.
Toggle between floor, terrain and height modes.
Default Items
The following pages show all the standard items found in the Blades of Avernum game.
The items can be selected using the I1, I2, I3, I4, and I5 menus in the BoA editor, where
the items are listed in numerical order.
For more information about the characteristics of each item, please refer to the
“corescendata2.txt” file, which you will find in your Blades of Avernum Files
folder. The different codes used to define the item properties in the corescendata2.txt
file are explained in the BoA Editor documentation, in the chapter on custom item types.
Default Creatures
The following pages show the various creatures (both non-player characters and
monsters) built into the BoA game. The first list groups the creatures by level, while the
second list shows a picture of each creature and lists the creatures in ID number order.
The various creatures are colour-coded to show their default attitude to the party:
Friendly creatures have black text.
Neutral creatures have blue text.
Hostile creatures have red text.
Creatures by Level
Level 1 Creatures
Level 3 Creatures
Level 6 Creatures
Beggar (#3)
Vahnatai Child (#148)
Cat (#80)
Chicken (#189)
Child (#86)
Dog (#186)
Lizard (#67)
Goblin (#21)
Merchant (#1)
Merchant (#2)
Cow (#188)
Mauve Slime (#198)
Serpent (#62)
Skeleton (#42)
Unicorn (#231)
Wolf (#191)
Level 2 Creatures
Level 4 Creatures
Cockroach (#200)
Hordling (#145)
Large Roach (#201)
Mung Slime (#233)
Nephar archer (#29)
Nephil shaman (#25)
Nephil warrior (#23)
Slime Zombie (#232)
Spirit (#46)
Vapor rat (#54)
Townsman (#74)
Townsman (#76)
Townsman (#78)
Townswoman (#75)
Townswoman (#77)
Townswoman (#79)
Cave cow (#68)
Sheep (#190)
Amber Slime (#195)
Bat (#56)
Brigand (#7)
Brigand Archer (#9)
Emerald Slime (#197)
Giant rat (#53)
Kobold (#129)
Ochre Slime (#196)
Thug (#73)
Acolyte (#10)
Apprentice mage (#14)
Official (#81)
Chitrach Larva (#160)
Giant lizard (#51)
Goblin Fighter (#134)
Spore Beast (#171)
Zombie (#43)
Level 5 Creatures
Official (#18)
Cave slime (#50)
Evil acolyte (#88)
Ghoul (#44)
Giant spider (#69)
Nephar (#27)
Nephil (#22)
Nephil archer (#24)
Shade (#120)
Level 7 Creatures
Soldier (#6)
Ghast (#45)
Ghost (#48)
Giant Roach (#202)
Lava bat (#57)
Nephar shaman (#30)
Nephar warrior (#28)
Nephil chieftain (#26)
Viscous Goo (#143)
Worg (#192)
Level 8 Creatures
Level 12 Creatures
Level 18 Creatures
Archer (#8)
Asp (#63)
Basilisk (#84)
Bear (#193)
Fire lizard (#52)
Mung rat (#72)
Mung Roach (#203)
Wight (#47)
Monk (#133)
Priest (#11)
Good Witch (#82)
Black shade (#91)
Evil priest (#13)
Living statue (#66)
Null Bug (#169)
Rogue Archer (#124)
Rogue Mage (#125)
Rogue Warrior (#123)
Royal Slime (#199)
Slith mage (#37)
Slith priest (#36)
Troglodyte Shaman (#208)
Troglodyte Warrior (#207)
Sorcerer (#106)
Empire Archer (#132)
Evil high priest (#89)
Guardian (#99)
Hill Giant Fighter (#213)
Hill Giant Shaman (#214)
Slith high priest (#85)
Spectre (#138)
Vahnavoi (#140)
Level 9 Creatures
Big Roach (#205)
Baby Hydra (#164)
Imp (#59)
Nephar chieftain (#31)
Ogre (#32)
Troglodyte (#206)
Level 10 Creatures
Captain (#5)
Pixie (#65)
Chitrach (#159)
Greater Shade (#121)
Gremlin (#130)
Guardian Roach (#204)
Poison fungus (#55)
Salamander (#166)
Slith (#34)
Witch (#17)
Level 11 Creatures
Talking spider (#70)
Aranea (#71)
Ice Lizard (#141)
Ice Slime (#142)
Wyrm (#183)
Level 13 Creatures
Mage (#15)
Slith warrior (#35)
Ursag (#229)
Level 14 Creatures
Dryad (#226)
Assassin (#19)
Ruby Skeleton (#136)
Level 15 Creatures
Bladesman (#131)
Hill Giant (#212)
Hydra (#161)
Troglodyte Defender (#210)
Level 16 Creatures
Ice Pudding (#168)
Quickghast (#137)
Troglodyte Khazi (#209)
Level 20 Creatures
Vahnatai (#146)
Vahnatai (#147)
Deva (#165)
Cave giant (#39)
Centaur (#102)
Elder aranea (#83)
Foul Rat (#176)
Gazer (#93)
Giant shaman (#40)
Hraithe (#139)
Ogre mage (#33)
Shambler (#144)
Slith chief (#38)
Ur-Basilisk (#90)
Vengeful Shade (#122)
Level 21 Creatures
Doomguard (#158)
Fire Golem (#217)
Golem of Blades (#216)
Ice Golem (#218)
Level 22 Creatures
Unicorn (#94)
Flame Hydra (#162)
Hill Giant Chief (#215)
Ice Drake (#167)
Mung demon (#95)
Spawned Fungus (#185)
Level 23 Creatures
Level 28 Creatures
Level 35 Creatures
Rabid bat (#98)
Giant Slug (#170)
Naga (#173)
Skeletal Warrior (#127)
Augmented Giant (#135)
Level 30 Creatures
Vahnatai Keeper (#153)
Vahnatai Keeper (#154)
Drake Lord (#227)
Level 24 Creatures
Eye beast (#64)
Ice Hydra (#163)
Jeweled Golem (#219)
Slith Archmage (#182)
Vampire (#87)
Level 25 Creatures
Elite Soldier (#20)
High priest (#12)
Wizard (#16)
Demon (#60)
Drake (#58)
Giant chief (#41)
Gorgon (#230)
Infiltrator (#184)
Mad Monk (#187)
Slith Avatar (#100)
Spine Beast (#228)
Troglodyte Lord (#211)
Level 26 Creatures
Demon Golem (#220)
Guard (#4)
Centaur Chief (#103)
Dark Wyrm (#225)
Efreet (#174)
Fetid Zombie (#128)
Fierce Shade (#177)
Granite Golem (#92)
Mind Crystal (#222)
Power Crystal (#221)
Rakshasa (#172)
Royal guard (#96)
Royal mage (#97)
Level 33 Creatures
Vahnatai Shaper (#151)
Vahnatai Shaper (#152)
Vahnatai Warrior (#149)
Vahnatai Warrior (#150)
Mutant Lizard (#126)
Level 34 Creatures
Alien Beast (#223)
Level 36 Creatures
Level 40 Creatures
Soul Crystal (#157)
Vahnatai Blade (#155)
Triad mage (#105)
Divine Shade (#178)
Empire Dervish (#175)
Haakai (#61)
Lich (#49)
Pack Leader (#224)
Level 45 Creatures
Vahnatai Lord (#156)
Level 50 Creatures
Erika (#104)
Dragon (#101)
Creatures by ID Number
Default Terrain Graphics
The following two pages show how the various terrain icons in the editor’s terrain
elements list translate into actual graphics within the BoA game. The BoA editor
includes a simple description of each terrain icon, but the icons are still confusing and
rather overwhelming to a new user. Finding something like a bookcase or secret door is
extremely difficult until you know what all these icons mean – which is where these
charts come in. The terrain graphics are listed in the same order as they appear in the
ediitor; the small box in the corner shows the icon as it appears in the editor, while the
larger box shows the same piece of terrain as it appears in the game itself.
Please note that these charts only show the default terrain graphics; by changing the
values entered into the “appearance settings” section of the “Edit Town Details” dialog
box, you can have different sets of graphics used for things such as walls and cliffs.
However, this chart should still be useful as a starting point for building a town, even if
you do use customised graphics.
Default Floor Graphics
The following table shows the default types of floor graphics available in Blades of