Programme détaillé


Programme détaillé
Du 5 au 9 janvier prochain, l'Enjmin et NX Publishing organisent une
semaine de conférences sur le jeu video. Ces interventions auront lieu en live à
Angoulême ou en visio aux Etats-Unis et seront retransmises à la Cité des
Sciences et de l'Industrie, en partenariat avec le CNC.
Rencontre avec les acteurs majeurs de l'industrie du jeu vidéo
Organisés autour d'une dizaine de conférences (en live et en visio), ces ateliers
ont pour objectif principal de permettre la rencontre entre les étudiants et les
professionnels de l'industrie du jeu video en France et à l'international. Ces
moments privilégies d'échange donnent une occasion unique aux futurs
professionnels de s'enrichir des expériences de personnes clés du milieu
industriel et créatif du jeu vidéo. En effet, les intervenants traitent non seulement
de questions techniques et créatives précises mais évoquent également leurs
parcours respectifs, leurs visions du métier et engagent une réflexion sur les
enjeux et les évolutions de ce secteur d'activité.
Sujet : "Les moteurs psychiques des jeux video"
1. Nous recherchons les images parce que nous sommes chacun la
première machine à fabriquer des images à laquelle nous ayons eu
2. Nous y désirons deux choses : Y être immergé comme dans un rêve
: ce sont les pouvoirs d'enveloppement des images ; et en rester le
maître : ce sont les pouvoirs de transformation des images. Les
premiers sont des pouvoirs d'illusion, les seconds des pouvoirs de
maîtrise. Les deux sont absolument complémentaires.
3. Les jeux vidéo ont pour originalité de mettre en jeu avec une intensité extrême ces deux
caractéristiques, en associant en proportion variable deux types d'interactions : sensori
motrices d'un cote, émotionnelles et narratives de l'autre.
Bio :
Serge Tisseron s'est fait connaître par ses travaux originaux sur les secrets de famille, nos
relations aux images et les liens que nous entretenons avec les objets, notamment les
nouvelles technologies. Son langage simple et clair a fait de plusieurs de ses ouvrages des
best-sellers, notamment Tintin chez le psychanalyste (1985) et Secrets de famille, mode
d'emploi (1996). Il a publié une trentaine d'ouvrages personnels et participé à une
cinquantaine d'ouvrages collectifs. Ses livres sont traduits dans douze langues. Serge
Tisseron est également scénariste et dessinateur de bandes dessinées (cinq albums parus
ce jour, Ed. Calmann-Levy, Réédition Marabout poche).
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Subject : "The Ludic Century: In the Future, Everyone will be a Game
In this wide-ranging and far-reaching talk, Eric will build on his fifteen
years of experience as a game designer to talk about the wider
relevance of games to the culture at large. What are games? What is
game design? And in what ways is our culture changing to become
more game-centric? The importance of thinking in terms of complex
systems, playful technologies, and the world as a designed construction
are bringing about new ways of making meaning, and demanding new kinds of literacies for
understanding these meanings. In a talk that will include a sneak peek at his next major
unreleased game title, Eric will provide a provocative glimpse into a very playful future.
Bio :
Eric Zimmerman has been working in the game industry for fifteen years. He is the cofounder and Chief Design Officer of Gamelab, an independent game development company
based in New York City. Gamelab creates and self-publishes innovative singleplayer and
multiplayer games that are distributed online, on mobile phones, and through retail, including
the hit downloadable games Diner Dash, Miss Management, and Jojo's Fashion Show. PreGamelab titles include SiSSYFiGHT 2000 and the PC title Gearheads. Eric has taught
courses at MIT, New York University, and Parsons School of Design. He has lectured and
published extensively about game design and is the co-author with Katie Salen of Rules of
Play: Game Design Fundamentals (MIT Press, 2004), and The Game Design Reader: A
Rules of Play Anthology (MIT Press, 2006), as well as the co-editor of RE:PLAY (Peter Lang
Press, 2004).
The company :
Gamelab is a unique game company. Founded by veterans with decades of game
experience, Gamelab is eight years old and is New York City's longest-running game
development studio with offices currently in the Flatiron/Chelsea section of Manhattan. We
focus on creating innovative games for a broad audience, and have created web games,
downloadable titles, and online multiplayer games. Our hit downloadable title, Diner Dash,
was the biggest selling casual game of 2005, and our most recent downloadable game,
Jojo's Fashion Show, was nominated for Casual Game of the Year for 2007. The company
has a strong braintrust, with many on our staff teaching at universities, publishing books and
essays, and speaking at major industry conferences. Companies like Disney Imagineering,
LEGO, PBS, Mattel, LeapFrog, Nickelodeon, AOL, Hasbro, and many others have hired us
to think about new kinds of game platforms, game audiences, and gameplay experiences.
Recently, Gamelab received a first of its kind MacArthur Foundation research grant to create
software that teaches game design by letting players create and modify games. We are a
recognized, award-winning leader in the game industry. Our unusual focus on broad
audiences, online games, and gameplay experimentation position us perfectly to create the
next generation of games for new and existing audiences. More information about the
company is available on our website,
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Sujet : "3D, On-line, WIImote, après? Au delà du jeu sur écran."
Le jeu vidéo a-t-il atteint les limites du réalisme en simulant parfaitement les
sons, couleurs et formes du monde qui nous entourent ou inventant des
univers parfaits? Quelles sont les nouvelles étapes de l'interactivité de
loisirs? Une réflexion sur les objets interactifs et leurs capacités à générer de
nouvelles expériences de loisir.
Bio :
Bruno Bonnell, 50 ans, est le fondateur d'INFOGRAMES devenu en 25 ans un des leaders
du jeu vidéo mondial. Il a aussi été à l'origine d'INFONIE, premier ISP français en 1997 et de
GAME ONE la seule chaîne de télévision entièrement dédie au jeu vidéo. Depuis avril 2007,
il dirige Robopolis, société spécialisée en robotique personnelle qui distribue et conçoit des
applications robotiques, hardware et software dans les domaines domestiques, éducatifs et
La société :
ROBOPOLIS est la première société européenne de robotique personnelle. Elle distribue les
plus grandes marques de robots à usages domestiques, éducatifs ou ludiques : IRobot,
leader des aspirateurs robots, Fischer-Technics avec des robots utilisés dans
l'enseignement, ROBOTIS et le BIOLOID, ... ROBOPOLIS conçoit des applications
logicielles pour les plateformes robotiques. Basée à Lyon, la société emploie 10 personnes.
Elle a un point de vente en propre à Paris au 107 Bd Beaumarchais, 75011.
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Subject : "Advanced Build Pipelines."
As game sizes and development teams increase, making sure all
team members are able to get their content in the game simply
and robustly has never been more important - or challenging.
This lecture will talk about the various tools and techniques
needed in order to build robust and scalable code and data
pipelines, as used in modern videogames, and describe some of
the internals of our propriety build tool Imogen.
Bio :
Jason Chown has been in the games industry for over 20 years, having started writing
games for the BBC Micro as a teenager. In the last ten years has been at SCEE Studio
Liverpool, working as Technical Director on the F1 series of games (2001-2006) and, more
recently, as the author of an innovative propriety build tool, Imogen. This software is now
used by almost all SCE internal studios, including Guerrilla (Killzone), London (SingStar,
EyeToy, Home), Insomniac (Ratchet & Clank, Resistance) and Zipper (SOCOM).
The company:
The SCEE NW Studio Group is a recent amalgamation of two of SCEE's internal studios Studio Liverpool, developers of the F1 and WipEout franchises and Evolution Studios,
developers of the Motorstorm and WRC series. Both have strong track record of delivering
AAA racing games for the PlayStation consoles. Most recently, they have released WipeOut
HD and Motorstorm Pacific Rift on PS and are currently working on even more spectacular
iterations of these, along side new concepts.
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Subject : "Hardcore Games for Casual Audiences"
Jesse Schell has made a career out of taking hardcore videogame concepts, such as flight
simulators, first person shooters, and MMORPGs, and turning them into games loved by
casual players. In this talk, he will give examples from interactive theme park attractions,
MMOs for kids and family (such as Toontown Online and Pixie Hollow Online), as well as
serious games. In combination, these examples will show some underlying principles that
can expand the audience of any game.
Bio :
Jesse Schell has taught Game Design and led research projects at Carnegie Mellon's
Entertainment Technology Center ( since 2002. Jesse is also the CEO of
Pittsburgh's largest videogame studio, Schell Games (, the author of The
Art of Game Design: a book of lenses (, and the former chairman of
the International Game Developers Association ( In 2004, he was named one of
the world's Top 100 Young Innovators by Technology Review, MIT's magazine of innovation.
Before coming to Carnegie Mellon, he was the Creative Director of the Disney Virtual Reality
Studio, where he spent seven years as designer, programmer and manager on several
projects for Disney theme parks and Disney Online. Before that, he was a software engineer
at IBM and Bell Communications Research, and a writer, director, performer, juggler,
comedian, and circus artist for both Freihofer's Mime Circus and the Juggler's Guild.
The company :
Schell Games is a highly talented group of artists, programmers, and game designers led by
game industry veteran Jesse Schell. Presently, we focus on creating innovative 3D Internet
gaming experiences.
Sujet : "Produire un AAA en France aujourd'hui."
Quantic Dream travaille depuis juillet 2006 avec Sony sur un titre exclusif
PS3. Cela n'était pas arrivé en France depuis plus de 10 ans. Comment la
société a-t-elle réussi à convaincre un constructeur de travailler sur un
AAA en France ? Quel type d'organisation et quel schéma de production
ont été mis en place par le studio pour faire face à ce challenge ?
Bio :
C'est à l'age de 15 ans que Guillaume fonde sa première entreprise. C. de C. Promotions
lance un concept d'événements thématiques novateurs fusionnant défilés de mode, concerts
live et fêtes en plein air. En 1993, il co-fonde ARXEL TRIBE, société franco-slovène
spécialisée dans la création d'images de synthèse et d'effets spéciaux pour la publicité. En
1996, en collaboration avec Paulo Coelho (L'Alchimiste) et le dessinateur Moebius (L'Incal,
Tron), Arxel Tribe produit Pilgrim, son tout premier jeu vidéo (Infogrames). Le studio
remporte un succès international avec son second jeu, Ring, adapté de l'opéra éponyme de
Richard Wagner. En 2001, ARXEL TRIBE devient aussi éditeur de jeux vidéo et compte plus
de 120 collaborateurs. Le groupe est racheté par son distributeur italien CTO Spa, coté en
bourse. Guillaume de Fondaumière reste Président-Directeur General d'ARXEL TRIBE
jusqu'en mars 2003. Il rejoint Quantic Dream au poste de directeur général adjoint et produit
Fahrenheit. Aujourd'hui DG délégué, Guillaume supervise tous les aspects administratifs,
juridiques, financiers et commerciaux de l'entreprise. Producteur exécutif, il initie et supervise
les relations avec les tiers impliqués dans la production de nos jeux (éditeurs, auteurs,
acteurs) ainsi que les productions dérivées de nos propriétés intellectuelles. Il est également
Président de l'APOM, l'association des Producteurs d'oeuvres Multimédia.
La société :
David CAGE fonde QUANTIC DREAM en 1997 à Paris. Notre studio est depuis reconnu à
l'échelle internationale pour ses innovations dans les domaines de la narration interactive et
de l'émotion. Studio de production de jeux vidéo spécialise dans le développement de
propriétés intellectuelles originales, nous avons été amené à collaborer avec de grands
éditeurs tels qu'Eidos, Vivendi Universal Games, Microsoft Game Studios et Atari. Nous
sommes les créateurs des jeux OMIKRON-THE NOMAD SOUL, en collaboration avec David
Bowie, et plus récemment FAHRENHEIT (INDIGO PROPHECY en Amérique du Nord), l'un
des jeux les plus récompensés en 2005. Quantic Dream travaille actuellement à la
production d'une nouvelle propriété intellectuelle en coopération avec SONY COMPUTER
ENTERTAINMENT WORLDWIDE STUDIOS, en exclusivité sur PlaystationTM 3. Notre
studio de Motion Capture est compose d'un système optique Mx F40 de nouvelle génération,
d'un scanner 3D de haute performance et d'un studio d'enregistrement audio en 5.1. Depuis
plus de 7 ans, nous proposons nos services aux industries de la publicité, du cinéma et du
divertissement interactif. Quantic Dream dispose de fait d'une expertise sans équivalence en
matière de création d'acteurs Virtuels 3d temps réel hyper réalistes. Le studio de
divertissement que nous avons récemment fondé produit et exploite des projets de
divertissement non interactifs, dérivés sur nos créations originales.
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Subject : "Lessons Learned From the Master."
There are few people in the game industry more revered and admired
than Sid Meier. For the last seven years I have had the privilege of
working closely with him in a variety of circumstances and have had the
rare opportunity to learn first-hand about his methods and concepts. From
identifying the fun, to early prototyping and rapid iteration, to Sid's rules
and thoughts about making games, I will offer insight into some of his
techniques and values that can make you a better designer or just a
better game developer in general.
Bio :
Barry Caudill is the Executive Producer at Firaxis Games, one of the world's most renowned
game developers and home to Hall of Fame designer Sid Meier. Barry began his career in
the industry in 1998, as a game tester at Microprose Software one of the original game
publishing companies founded by Sid Meier. He then moved to Firaxis in 2002 to become the
Quality Assurance Manager and soon made his way into product development as Sid Meier's
producer on his remake of Sid Meier's Pirates. Barry went on to produce the blockbuster
titles Sid Meier's Civilization IV and Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution, and now, as
Executive Producer, he oversees the production of all Firaxis Games titles.
The company :
Firaxis GamesTM is one of the world's premier game development studios, and home of
legendary designer Sid Meier. Firaxis has developed some of the most successful and
award-winning computer and video games on the market today including: 2005 PC Game of
the Year - Sid Meier's Civilization IV®, the expansions Civilization IV: Warlords®, and
Civilization IV: Beyond The SwordTM the blockbuster Sid Meier's Civilization® III series, Sid
Meier's Pirates!® (PC, Xbox® and PSP®), Sid Meier's SimGolfTM and Sid Meier's
Railroads!TM. Firaxis legacy titles include the Sid Meier's Civil War Series!TM (Gettysburg!,
Antietam!, and South Mountain), and the Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri® series. In 2005, Firaxis
Games was acquired by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., joining its 2K publishing label.
The company released Sid Meier's Civilization® RevolutionTM for console and handheld
platforms in summer 2008.
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Subject : "Roll over Beethoven: understanding the transition from hardcore
to casual games."
In 1956, Chuck Berry ended his hit song with the following verse: "Roll over
Beethoven and dig these rhythm and blues". As the anecdote goes, Chuck
and his sister Lucy were constantly battling over their living room high-tech
appliance: their piano. Lucy insisted on playing classical music while Chuck
had a thing for modern popular music. As a consequence of this, Chuck
wrote "Roll over Beethoven" both as a joke to his sister - so she would
leave him access to the piano - but also as a hymn to the 20th century's cultural shift from
classical to pop music. We are currently witnessing a similar moment in the realm of
videogames, between the so-called "hardcore" and "casual" ways of playing. Hardcore
gamers, raised with the values set by 1970's California geeks are watching in amazement
how the hordes of regular people are taking videogames to a mainstream level. Is this the
end of gaming as we know it? How are these two ways of playing going to coexist? What are
the cultural and technological reasons that explain this current shift in gaming? Is it the first
time that this happened in history? And, more importantly, how does this affect the future of
gaming? This talk will address these and other questions not by simply exploring the more 40
years of existence of videogames but also within the context of thousands of years of
traditional, unplugged games and toys.
Bio :
Gonzalo Frasca, Ph.D., is a game designer, researcher and entrepreneur. He's co-founder
and Chief Creative Officer at Powerful Robot Games, one of the largest game studios in
South America. Frasca's research focuses on game rhetoric, the relationship between play
and game and games and politics. In 2003, Frasca co-created the first official videogame
ever commissioned for a US Presidential election. More recently, he created an unofficial
game supporting Obama: Debate Night. Frasca - who is a former journalist at CNN - is also
behind the project, which mixes videogames with news. Frasca currently
lives in Uruguay, travels quite a lot and sometimes blogs at
The company :
Powerful Robot Games was founded in 2002 by Gonzalo Frasca and Sofia Battegazzore.
Based in Uruguay, it became one of the largest game studios in South America. Its latest hit
game for Cartoon Network,, gathered over 22 million player
accounts over two years and became the network's most successful game to date. Powerful
Robot Games is also well-known for its experimental and political games, including
September 12th and various games created for political campaigns. These include
Cambiemos (for the Uruguayan elections) and The Howard Dean Game for Iowa (the first
videogame ever commissioned for a US Presidential campaign, co-created with Persuasive
Games). /
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Subject : "The omni media revolution and what it means for game
In the last five years we have witnessed explosive adoption of new digital
media content across a variety of new platforms that are reaching a truly
mass market of consumers for the first time. How did this happen? What
does it mean? Most aspects of this Omni Media revolution apply to games,
with notable examples in highly disruptive products like Facebook and the
iPhone. In this talk, the founder of industry giant Electronic Arts will discuss
the history of how we got here, where we are going, and what it means for the public,
gamers, game publishers, game developers, and students aspiring to have careers in the
game industry.
Bio :
A true pioneer with over 30 years of experience in new media, Trip Hawkins is best known as
the founder of Electronic Arts, a company whose creation and foundation wese planned ten
years before he personally incorporated the company in 1982. At EA, he originated the use
of celebrities in video games and personally designed and produced many hit games,
notably EA Sports games such as Madden Football. Prior to founding EA, Hawkins was one
of the first managers at Apple and played a key role in the development of the personal
computer. Hawkins also founded 3DO, an early pioneer in the consumer use of 3D graphics,
CD-ROM media, digital video, and client-server networks. In 2003 Hawkins founded Digital
Chocolate, a leader in mobile, casual, and social gaming that for the last three years has won
more awards for mobile games than any other publisher. Best known for cross-platform hits
like Tower Bloxx and Rollercoaster Rush, Digital Chocolate is also pioneering new social
media such as AvaPeeps and Party Island. Hawkins is the only business executive in the
Hall of Fame of the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences.
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Subject : "Video Games - Creativity tempered by business reality: Past,
Present and Future."
Despite his youthful looks, it has been 25 years since Charles wrote his first
video game - a text adventure for the Sinclair ZX81. This lecture will
consider the pragmatic approach to developing narrative-driven video
games from the perspective of an independent developer. He will talk about
how to reconcile cost with ambition, fundamental opportunities and
constraints of the medium, and how we can look back to predict future
creative and commercial opportunities.
Bio :
Charles Cecil, founder and Managing Director of Revolution Software, has been a key figure
in the Interactive Entertainment industry for over 25 years. Revolution is Europe's leading
adventure game developer. Revolution's Broken Sword series, which sells an average of a
million units per iteration, is the most successful adventure franchise to have appeared on
any games console. In 2006 Charles was awarded the status of 'Industry legend" by
Develop, Europe's leading development magazine.
The company :
Founded in 1990, Revolution Software is Europe's most successful developer of narrativedriven games. Responsible for writing a string of hugely-successful adventure games,
including the Broken Sword games which have sold over three million copies worldwide and
have earned over $100 million, the company has also developed games based on major TV
and movie franchises for companies such as Disney, Dreamworks and Celedor.
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Bio :
Peter Molyneux is one of the best-known names in the international world
of computer games. He co-founded Bullfrog Productions in 1987 and
created a new genre of computer games, the god game with the release
of Populous. Since then Peter has been responsible for a string of
massive selling games including Powermonger, Theme Park, Magic
Carpet and Dungeon Keeper. Cumulative sales of these Bullfrog games
are around ten million worldwide. In 1997 Peter left Bullfrog Productions
to form a new games development company Lionhead Studios. The company has released
five games Black & White in 2001, Fable in 2004 Black and White 2 (PC), The Movies (PC)
and Fable The Lost Chapters (PC and Xbox) in 2005. Cumulative sales are approaching the
5 million mark. Lionhead now numbers over 135 employees. In April 2006 Lionhead Studios
was sold to Microsoft Corp. The company's first release under Microsoft ownership, Fable 2
went on sale in October 2008 and shot straight to the top of UK All Formats chart in its first
week of launch.
The company :
Lionhead Studios is widely regarded as the leading videogames developer in the UK, in an
industry where the UK leads the world. Headed up by Peter Molyneux, the studio has
created some of the past decade's most exciting original IP including Fable, Black & White
and The Movies. The company has just released its first next gen game Fable 2 to rave
reviews. Work is now underway on a revolutionary new project which like all Lionhead games
pushes boundaries and redefines genres.
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