PaperVision Enterprise


PaperVision Enterprise
PaperVision® Enterprise
User Guide
PaperVision Enterprise Release 76
May 2013
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on
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terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically
allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording,
for any purpose without the express written permission of Digitech Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2013 Digitech Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
PaperFlow, DataFlow, OCRFlow, QCFlow, and the Digitech Systems, Inc. logo
are trademarks of Digitech Systems, Inc.
PaperVision,, and PaperVision Capture
are registered trademarks of Digitech Systems, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
PaperVision Enterprise contains text search technology provided under license
by dtSearch . All rights reserved.
PaperVision Enterprise contains technology under license
from Autonomy, Inc. All rights reserved.
PaperVision Enterprise contains portions of imaging code owned and copyrighted
by Pegasus Imaging Corporation, DBA Accusoft Pegasus, Tampa, FL. All rights reserved.
Digitech Systems, Inc.
8400 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite 500
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone: 303.493.6900
Fax: 303.493.6979
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise ............................................................ 1
Key Features .................................................................................................................... 1
PaperVision Enterprise Terminology ................................................................................. 2
Entity ................................................................................................................................ 2
Entity ID ............................................................................................................................ 2
Project .............................................................................................................................. 2
Data Groups ..................................................................................................................... 2
Detail Sets ........................................................................................................................ 2
Index Values ..................................................................................................................... 3
Documents........................................................................................................................ 3
System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 3
Minimum Requirements for Hardware and Virtual Hardware .............................................. 4
Supported Users ............................................................................................................... 4
Users (End Users)............................................................................................................. 5
Global Administrators ........................................................................................................ 5
System Administrators ...................................................................................................... 5
Workflow Administrators .................................................................................................... 5
Capture Administrators...................................................................................................... 5
Using Online Help ............................................................................................................. 5
Accessing Online Help ...................................................................................................... 6
Navigating Online Help...................................................................................................... 6
Understanding Online Help Conventions ........................................................................... 7
Printing Online Help .......................................................................................................... 7
Viewing Online Help in IE 8 ............................................................................................... 7
Downloads ........................................................................................................................ 8
PaperVision Viewer ........................................................................................................... 9
Downloading and Installing the Web Assistant................................................................... 9
Viewing Documents in the PaperVision Viewer ................................................................ 10
Performing Tasks in the PaperVison Viewer .................................................................... 10
Help Resources .............................................................................................................. 10
Technical Support ........................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2 - Getting Started .............................................................................................. 11
General Security Features............................................................................................... 11
Entry-Level Security ........................................................................................................ 11
User-Level and Group-Level Security .............................................................................. 11
Project-Level Security ..................................................................................................... 12
Document-Level Security ................................................................................................ 12
Field-Level Security......................................................................................................... 12
PaperVision Enterprise Links and Directories .................................................................. 12
Logging In ....................................................................................................................... 13
Optional Login Parameters .............................................................................................. 14
Logging Out .................................................................................................................... 15
Supported Hot Keys ........................................................................................................ 15
Common Hot Keys .......................................................................................................... 15
Available Projects ........................................................................................................... 15
Main Page ...................................................................................................................... 15
Project Search Page ....................................................................................................... 15
Add New Documents Windows ....................................................................................... 16
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Table of Contents
Worksteps Waiting in Queue Page .................................................................................. 16
Global Searches Page .................................................................................................... 16
Destruction Lists - Min Page............................................................................................ 16
Destruction Lists - Search Results Page.......................................................................... 16
Add Global Search .......................................................................................................... 17
System Settings Page ..................................................................................................... 17
Notification Page ............................................................................................................. 17
Migration Jobs Page ....................................................................................................... 17
Administration (Only administrators can access this tab) ................................................. 17
Project Search Results and Global Search Results ......................................................... 17
Document Associations Search Results .......................................................................... 18
PaperVison Viewer Window ............................................................................................ 19
Alter Index Values Window.............................................................................................. 20
Available Document Security Levels Window .................................................................. 20
Document Grant Window ................................................................................................ 20
Folder Tab ...................................................................................................................... 20
Browser-Based Viewer .................................................................................................... 20
Home Tab ....................................................................................................................... 21
Edit Tab .......................................................................................................................... 21
Additional Hot Keys ......................................................................................................... 22
Adding New Documents .................................................................................................. 22
Adding Documents from Project Search .......................................................................... 23
Adding Documents from Project Results.......................................................................... 24
Adding Documents from Global Search Results .............................................................. 25
Adding Documents from Folders Tab .............................................................................. 27
Available Projects ........................................................................................................... 28
Searching Capabilities..................................................................................................... 28
General Search Criteria................................................................................................... 29
Document Indexing ......................................................................................................... 30
Performing Project-Level Searches ................................................................................. 30
Search Screen Overview................................................................................................. 31
Document Index Field Search Criteria ............................................................................. 31
Project Search Options ................................................................................................... 32
Full-Text Search Criteria ................................................................................................. 32
Search Screen Buttons ................................................................................................... 33
Full-Text Searches .......................................................................................................... 33
Perform a Full-Text Search ............................................................................................. 33
Perform a Boolean Full-Text Search ................................................................................ 34
Perform a Natural-Language Full-Text Search ................................................................. 35
Working with Search Results........................................................................................... 36
The Search Results page displays the following items: .................................................... 36
Search Results Toolbar ................................................................................................... 38
Viewing Documents ........................................................................................................ 38
Printing Results ............................................................................................................... 38
Exporting Results ............................................................................................................ 38
Altering Indexes .............................................................................................................. 39
Deleting Documents ........................................................................................................ 39
Printing Documents ......................................................................................................... 39
Emailing Documents ....................................................................................................... 40
Exporting Document........................................................................................................ 40
Submitting Documents for Migration ................................................................................ 40
Adding New Documents .................................................................................................. 41
Scanning New Documents .............................................................................................. 42
Scanning Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 42
Applying Document-Level Security .................................................................................. 44
Applying Records Retention Locks .................................................................................. 45
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Applying Records Destruction Locks ............................................................................... 46
Copying/Pasting Document Shortcuts from Search Results to Folders............................. 47
Document Types Supported for Full-Text Extraction ........................................................ 47
Chapter 3 - Folders ........................................................................................................... 50
Expanding/Collapsing Folders ......................................................................................... 50
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Folders............................................................................. 51
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Document Shortcuts......................................................... 51
Copying/Pasting Document Shortcuts from Search Results ............................................. 51
Deleting Folders .............................................................................................................. 52
Deleting Folder Shortcuts ................................................................................................ 52
Deleting Documents and Document Shortcuts................................................................. 52
Renaming Folders ........................................................................................................... 52
Delete a Folder ............................................................................................................... 53
Creating New Folders ..................................................................................................... 53
Refreshing Folders .......................................................................................................... 53
Refreshing Documents .................................................................................................... 53
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents ...................................................................................... 54
PaperVision Viewer ......................................................................................................... 54
Downloading and Installing the Web Assistant................................................................. 55
Viewing Documents in the PaperVision Viewer ................................................................ 55
Performing Tasks in the PaperVison Viewer .................................................................... 55
PaperVision Viewer Window ........................................................................................... 56
Viewing Documents in Native Applications ...................................................................... 57
Supported File Formats ................................................................................................... 57
Archive Formats .............................................................................................................. 58
Binary Formats................................................................................................................ 58
Computer Aided Design Formats..................................................................................... 58
Database Formats........................................................................................................... 58
Graphic Formats ............................................................................................................. 59
Mail Formats ................................................................................................................... 60
Multimedia Formats......................................................................................................... 60
PDF Formats .................................................................................................................. 60
Presentation Formats ...................................................................................................... 60
Spreadsheet Formats...................................................................................................... 61
Text and Markup Formats ............................................................................................... 62
Word Processing Formats ............................................................................................... 62
Miscellaneous File Types and Items ................................................................................ 63
PaperVision Viewer Toolbar ............................................................................................ 63
Operations in the PaperVision Viewer Toolbar ................................................................. 65
Viewing Documents ........................................................................................................ 65
Browser-Based Viewer .................................................................................................... 65
Printing Regions of Documents ....................................................................................... 65
Adding New Documents .................................................................................................. 66
Scanning and Uploading New Documents ....................................................................... 67
Scanning Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 68
Scanning from the PaperVision Viewer ............................................................................ 68
Exporting Documents ...................................................................................................... 69
Opening Files in Native Applications ............................................................................... 70
Emailing Documents ....................................................................................................... 70
Creating Document Grants .............................................................................................. 70
Altering Document Index Values ..................................................................................... 72
Viewing Associated Documents ...................................................................................... 72
Finding Text .................................................................................................................... 73
Adding and Printing Textual Notes .................................................................................. 74
Navigating Documents .................................................................................................... 74
Searching Text in Documents.......................................................................................... 75
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Table of Contents
Right-Click Menu in the PaperVision Viewer .................................................................... 76
Copying Data to the Clipboard......................................................................................... 76
Resetting an Image ......................................................................................................... 76
Printing the Current Page ................................................................................................ 76
Viewing Full-Text Data .................................................................................................... 76
Viewing Full-Text Search Results .................................................................................... 76
Viewing Source File Information ...................................................................................... 77
Deleting/Moving the Page Range .................................................................................... 77
Checking a Document In/Out .......................................................................................... 78
Undoing a Check Out ...................................................................................................... 79
Viewing the Current Status .............................................................................................. 79
Viewing the Revision History ........................................................................................... 79
Applying/Removing Retention Locks ............................................................................... 80
Applying/Removing Destruction Dates............................................................................. 81
Performing Security Audits .............................................................................................. 82
Creating Workflow Instances ........................................................................................... 82
Viewing Workflow Status ................................................................................................. 82
Setting a File Password................................................................................................... 82
Extracting Selected Files ................................................................................................. 83
Options ........................................................................................................................... 83
Making a Disclosure/Enhanced Auditing.......................................................................... 83
Revision Control.............................................................................................................. 83
Scanned Document Checkout ......................................................................................... 84
Checking Out/Checking In Documents ............................................................................ 84
Revision History and Rolling Back Documents ................................................................ 85
Enhanced Auditing .......................................................................................................... 86
Security Audits ................................................................................................................ 87
Workflow Instances in Documents ................................................................................... 88
Creating a Workflow Instance.......................................................................................... 88
Viewing a Document's Workflow Status ........................................................................... 88
Options in the PaperVision Viewer .................................................................................. 89
System Settings .............................................................................................................. 89
Select Scanner................................................................................................................ 89
Scanner Settings............................................................................................................. 90
Document System Settings ............................................................................................. 90
ASCII Font ...................................................................................................................... 90
ASCII Display Options..................................................................................................... 91
Word Processing Document Display Options................................................................... 91
PDF Rendering ............................................................................................................... 91
Scan/Edit Settings........................................................................................................... 91
Scanning Options............................................................................................................ 92
Annotation/Textual Note Handling for Editing Image-Based Documents .......................... 92
Workflow Settings ........................................................................................................... 93
Header/Footer Settings ................................................................................................... 94
Annotating Documents .................................................................................................... 95
Hiding/Displaying Annotations ......................................................................................... 96
Annotating Documents .................................................................................................... 96
Using the Annotation Selector Tool ................................................................................. 96
Editing Annotations ......................................................................................................... 96
Deleting Annotations ....................................................................................................... 97
Forcing Annotation on Documents................................................................................... 97
Right-Clicking on Annotations.......................................................................................... 98
Viewing Documents with Annotations .............................................................................. 98
Changing the Document View ....................................................................................... 100
Zooming and Panning ................................................................................................... 100
Browser-Based Viewer .................................................................................................. 100
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Security Audits .............................................................................................................. 101
Supported Hot Keys ...................................................................................................... 102
Supported Native File Types in the Browser-Based Viewer............................................ 103
COLD/ERM Formats ..................................................................................................... 103
Image Formats.............................................................................................................. 103
Informational Formats ................................................................................................... 104
PDF/Postscript Formats ................................................................................................ 104
Message Formats ......................................................................................................... 104
PMicrosoft Visio Files .................................................................................................... 104
Multi-Part Files .............................................................................................................. 105
Non-Converted Files ..................................................................................................... 105
Presentation Formats .................................................................................................... 105
Spreadsheet Formats.................................................................................................... 105
Textual Documents ....................................................................................................... 105
Operations in the Browser-Based Viewer ...................................................................... 106
Viewing Documents ...................................................................................................... 106
Printing Documents ....................................................................................................... 107
Adding New Documents ................................................................................................ 107
Opening Files in Native Applications ............................................................................. 109
Document and Page Navigation .................................................................................... 110
Item Navigation ............................................................................................................. 111
Scaling, Zooming, and Rotating..................................................................................... 111
Revision Control............................................................................................................ 112
Revision History and Rolling Back Documents .............................................................. 114
Altering Document Index Values ................................................................................... 115
Emailing Documents ..................................................................................................... 115
Sharing Documents....................................................................................................... 117
Viewing Associated Documents .................................................................................... 118
Viewing Source Files Information .................................................................................. 119
Adding Textual Notes .................................................................................................... 120
Showing and Hiding Annotations ................................................................................... 121
Browser-Based Viewer Options ..................................................................................... 121
Genferal Rendering ....................................................................................................... 122
Fonts ............................................................................................................................ 122
Plain Text Font .............................................................................................................. 123
COLD Font.................................................................................................................... 123
Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 124
Supported File Formats (Full-Text) ................................................................................ 125
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue ...................................................................... 128
Understanding Basic WorkFlows ................................................................................... 128
Workflow Terminology ................................................................................................... 130
Workflow/WorkFlow Instance ........................................................................................ 130
Pre-Conditions .............................................................................................................. 130
Workstep Definition ....................................................................................................... 130
Workstep/Workstep Instance......................................................................................... 131
Tasks ............................................................................................................................ 131
Workstep Participants ................................................................................................... 131
Task/Workstep Transition .............................................................................................. 131
Post-Conditions............................................................................................................. 131
Workstep Owner ........................................................................................................... 131
Modifying Workflow Options .......................................................................................... 132
Understanding the WorkFlow View ................................................................................ 132
Features of the Workflow Window ................................................................................. 132
Taking Ownership of Worksteps .................................................................................... 133
Tasks List ..................................................................................................................... 133
My Worksteps ............................................................................................................... 134
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Table of Contents
Chapter 6 - Global Searches .......................................................................................... 135
Viewing a Global Search List......................................................................................... 136
Adding a Global Search ................................................................................................ 136
Editing a Global Search................................................................................................. 136
Deleting a Global Search .............................................................................................. 137
Running a Global Search .............................................................................................. 137
Printing Search Results ................................................................................................. 137
Printing Search Results ................................................................................................. 137
Exporting Search Results .............................................................................................. 138
Global Search Results................................................................................................... 138
The Global Search Results page displays the following items: ....................................... 138
Viewing Global Search Results ..................................................................................... 139
Viewing Documents ...................................................................................................... 139
Viewing Documents ...................................................................................................... 139
Exporting Results .......................................................................................................... 139
Altering Indexes ............................................................................................................ 140
Deleting Documents ...................................................................................................... 140
Printing Documents ....................................................................................................... 140
Emailing Documents ..................................................................................................... 141
Exporting Documents .................................................................................................... 141
Tagging Documents for Migration .................................................................................. 141
Adding New Documents ................................................................................................ 142
Scanning New Documents ............................................................................................ 143
Applying Document-Level Security ................................................................................ 145
Applying Retention Locks .............................................................................................. 146
Applying Destruction Locks ........................................................................................... 147
Copying/Pasting Documents Shortcuts from Search Results to Folders ......................... 148
Refreshing the Global Results List................................................................................. 148
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists ......................................................................................... 149
Viewing Destruction Lists .............................................................................................. 149
Confirm/Deny Document Destruction............................................................................. 149
Retention ...................................................................................................................... 150
Destruction.................................................................................................................... 151
Refreshing the Destruction List...................................................................................... 153
Chapter 8 - System Settings .......................................................................................... 154
User Options ................................................................................................................. 154
Search Settings............................................................................................................. 155
Document Viewing ........................................................................................................ 155
Display Settings ............................................................................................................ 156
Notifications .................................................................................................................. 157
Sorting Information ........................................................................................................ 158
Viewing Notifications ..................................................................................................... 158
Refreshing Notifications ................................................................................................ 158
Deleting Notifications .................................................................................................... 158
Printing the Notifications List ......................................................................................... 159
Migration Jobs .............................................................................................................. 159
Understanding Migration Jobs (Documents Tagged for Migration .................................. 159
Viewing Migration Jobs ................................................................................................. 160
Submitting Migration Jobs ............................................................................................. 160
Deleting Migration Jobs ................................................................................................. 160
Change Password ......................................................................................................... 161
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions .................................................................... 162
Q: To better understand the Maximum Results per Query and Document ..................... 162
Q: How does PaperVision Enterprise’s file caching scheme work? ................................ 163
When a user retrieves a document ................................................................................ 163
Appendix B: PVESearchURL Feature ............................................................................ 164
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Table of Contents
Index ................................................................................................................................... 176
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Any document. Anywhere. Anytime.
As the amount of recorded information increases, businesses struggle to manage content. Digitech
Systems enables businesses of any size to more effectively and securely manage, retrieve, and store
corporate information of any kind, including electronic files, paper documents, images, print streams, and
Through our Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems, PaperVision Enterprise and ImageSilo®,
Digitech Systems enables businesses to reduce document-management costs, enhance information
security and compliance with regulations, and improve process efficiency. With software and services
that deliver any document, anywhere, anytime, organizations create a sustainable competitive
We take pride in offering software that is easy to use, feature rich, and exceptionally flexible in both
architecture and integration options. All Digitech Systems products easily scale to meet the needs of very
large organizations and single desktop installations. Integration with Microsoft ® Office products is
included, and additional integrations are available for virtually any Windows ® application.
Organizations can store their information on premises and access it internally with PaperVision
Enterprise, or they can outsource their ECM system and access information anywhere, anytime over the
Internet with ImageSilo, the on-demand system from Digitech Systems. Alternatively, both ImageSilo and
PaperVision Enterprise can work together seamlessly as a hybrid system to meet a variety of business
Key Features
ImageSilo offers 24/7 online data access without requiring that you make additional investments in
hardware, software, or IT personnel. This massive on-demand service securely delivers data to any
Internet-accessible computer, anywhere in the world, at any time. ImageSilo is powered by PaperVision
Enterprise, so it inherits all the same security, collaboration, efficiency, and reporting tools.
As an outsourced ECM system, ImageSilo automatically scales to meet growing data-storage needs, and
provides extensive physical and electronic safeguards to protect the system from interruption. Digitech
Systems' engineers maintain, monitor, and manage all the software, servers, and storage. Multiple
redundant systems mitigate the potential for hardware failures affecting information availability.
PaperVision Enterprise allows organizations to securely protect and access information of any kind; the
system supports the storage of more than 250 file types in their native formats. Extensive security
configurations, optional encryption, and audit tracking and reporting keep administrators informed of system
activity and give assurance that information is safely protected.
Using the solution's desktop and browser-based installation options, organizations can design a system
that fits their environment and needs. Architectural flexibility allows the system to scale to meet the
demands of any size business.
Powerful check-in/check-out and version controls combined with intelligent search options that locate
documents by index value, keyword or phrase within full text enable organizations to efficiently manage
their business and save time.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
For a list of features and enhancements found in recent software releases, log into:
PaperVision Enterprise Terminology
To fully understand PaperVision Enterprise, the following key terms are used throughout the application:
An entity is a corporation or organization. Each entity is autonomous and administers its own projects,
users, groups, workflows, and security policies. An entity never shares elements with other entities, and
you cannot switch between entity
In general, most users (including users at large enterprise installations) use only a single entity. Only a
few special circumstances require more than one entity. For example, you might see more than one entity
in a hosting environment in which an application service provider (ASP) is hosting data for multiple
companies and each company will administrate itself and its users. The Digitech Systems ImageSilo
service is a good example of an ASP that hosts multiple entities. You might also see more than one entity
in a large enterprise made up of different departments that require the ability to administrate themselves
separately from other departments without needing to involve a central IT organization.
Depending on your configuration, you might be required to log in to your entity from the same computer
or network each time.
Entity ID
An entity ID is a unique number that identifies each entity. Each entity is autonomous; you cannot change
your entity ID after you log in and cannot work across entities.
A project is a logical grouping of documents based on a common indexing schema. For example, ABC
Company has three projects: Human Resources, Accounts Receivable, and Sales.
The Human Resources project contains Human Resources records, such as employee records and
health insurance information.
The Accounts Receivable project contains billing, purchase order, and invoice information.
The Sales project contains prospect and client information.
Each of these projects is a separate logical grouping within the ABC Company entity. Projects support up
to 200 named index fields. Project names must be unique within an entity, but you can create an
unlimited number of projects.
Data Groups
A data group is a set of documents and their index values. A data group can contain one or many
documents, and those documents can be grouped into one or many projects. A data group holds
information for only a single client, but it can contain an unlimited number of projects. Typically, a data
group only contains documents for one project, as this makes organization easier.
Detail Sets
Detail sets (also referred to as "duplicate documents") define a collection of index values that allow
multiple sets of field data to reference a single document. If documents with detail sets appear in a
search results screen in the PaperVision Enterprise Web Client, they display with a plus sign, allowing
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
you to expand all documents contained in the detail set. Detail sets can be created in PaperFlow,
PaperVisionCapture, PaperVisionMessage Manager, and PaperVision Enterprise Report Management.
The example below illustrates a search results screen with detail sets that have been expanded to show
the documents' related Check Number, Check Date, and Payee index values. The Invoice Number and
Invoice Date detail sets vary across documents.
Detail Sets
Index Values
Document index fields contain values that enable you to identify key elements of documents within a
project during the capture process. You then use these index field values to search for and retrieve
documents in retrieval programs such as PaperVision Enterprise. When you enter an index value to
perform a search for a document, the application compares the value you entered against your database
tables and retrieves documents that meet your specific criteria.
Documents contain the individual pages or images for a given set of index values. When document
grouping is enabled in, System Settings > User Options, documents are grouped per page results. The
default number of results that will display is 100 in PaperVision Enterprise.
System Requirements
The following table outlines the recommended minimum requirements for the operating system, the
browser, and monitor resolution for end-users operating PaperVision Enterprise. If any of the
recommended minimum system requirements are not met, please contact your company's system
administrator for proper installation and configuration.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows XP Pro SP3 or later (both 32- and 64-bit
operating systems supported) required for
PaperVision Enterprise
Version 4.0
Version 4.5 or later
Version 1.0 or later
Microsoft SQL
SQL Server 2005 or later
Note: Optionally,if you are installing PaperVision
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Minimum System Requirements
Enterprise from the DVD, you can also install
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition from
the same DVD.
Internet Explorer version 8 or later (PaperVison and
Browser-Based Viewer)
Mozilla FireFox latest version (PaperVision and
Browser-Based Viewer)
Google Chrome latest version (PaperVison and
Browser-Based Viewer)
Safari on iPad devices and Macs latest version
(Browser-Based Viewer)
Monitor and
SVGA Monitor (1024 x 768 or higher recommended)
Minimum Requirements for Hardware and Virtual Hardware
Gone are the days of "minimum hardware configurations" as most enterprise software is capable of
operating to a degree on practically any hardware capable of running the operating system in a usable
manner. Under most circumstances, the most basic of configurations of hardware that can be purchased
today (i.e. a current processor and 4 GB of memory for desktops and 8 GB of memory for servers) will be
plenty to run your PaperVision software.
However, each organization and their intended use of PaperVision is unique. Your intended workload
(max number of users, quantity and types of operations performed within a specific periodicity, etc.),
coupled with your security and redundancy requirements, will dictate the hardware requirements for your
implementation. PaperVision enjoys the distinct capability of being able to scale both up and out. By that,
we mean that most, if not all of the functions performed by PaperVision can be configured to take
advantage of immensely powerful hardware configurations, such as those with many processor cores and
dozens or hundreds of GB of memory (scaling up). Additionally, PaperVision was also designed to be
able to spread its processing requirements across numerous computers (scaling out).
PaperVision products are designed and tested for specific operating systems, not hardware
environments. We have numerous customers that successfully run PaperVision in virtual environments,
including VMWare and Microsoft’s Hyper-V. While this technology has come a long way over the years,
we have seen issues with common software (other than PaperVision) not operating properly or efficiently
because of the virtual environment. In those cases that we have witnessed, the issue was with the virtual
environment, not the software product. If our technical support believes that the hardware environment
(including a virtual hardware environment) is contributing to an operational or performance issue, they
may request that you assess that the issue under a different (or non-virtual ) environment.
If you do intend to use a virtual environment for your PaperVision implementation, be sure to carefully
consider the implications of running in a shared environment. Remember, you are not just sharing
processors and memory; you are also sharing network and disk resources with the other virtual
environments on the same hardware.
Supported Users
PaperVision Enterprise supports the following types of users:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Users (End Users)
By default, end users have no rights until an administrator explicitly grants them access to projects or
Global Administrators
Global administrators can control every aspect of configuration for the PaperVision Enterprise system,
including configurations for all entities. However, they cannot access the documents in a project, as a
system (entity) administrator can. Global administration is only performed in the PaperVision Enterprise
Administration Console application.
System Administrators
System administrators are entity administrators. They can administrate a single entity and have access to
all functionality in all projects for that entity. However, system administrators cannot assign the entity's
data group, full-text, migration and batch paths, for example, that a global administrator can assign.
Workflow Administrators
Workflow administrators are able to design and configure workflows within an entity. They can configure
workflow definitions for any project and view workflow history and workflow status reports, but they have
no access to documents or functions in any projects unless a system administrator explicitly grants them
access. If they do have access to view documents within a project, workflow administrators can create
workflow instances for a particular document and view its workflow status.
Capture Administrators
Capture administrators can define Capture Jobs for use with the PaperVision Capture product. Capture
administrators have no administrative capabilities in PaperVision Enterprise.
Using Online Help
For you to effectively use this Help file, you should be familiar with your computer and know how to
perform basic tasks such as launching applications; opening, saving, and closing files; using menus,
dialog boxes, and windows; and using the mouse, keyboard commands, and modifier keys. If you have
questions about performing any of these tasks, consult the documentation resources provided with your
computer. If you are a new user of PaperVision Enterprise, it is recommended to view the Getting Started
topic to familiarize yourself with PaperVision Enterprise concepts and terminology. Additionally, log into
MyDSI to learn about new features in this release of the application.
The PaperVision Enterprise Help topics contain two types of information:
Task-specific information: This procedural information is designed to help you accomplish your dayto-day tasks with PaperVision Enterprise.
Conceptual information: Overview information covers the basic concepts and interface elements
contained in the software so that you can fully understand not only what you are doing, but why you are
performing a certain task or applying a particular setting.
Note: Throughout this Help file, you will see green underlined links like the ones below that will open
related instructions that describe task-specific or supplemental information to the topic you are currently
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Use the Expand/Collapse All
button in the Help toolbar to open or close all of the related
instructions or supplemental information to the topic currently viewed.
Accessing Online Help
To obtain Help from any page within the PaperVision Enterprise application, click the upper right Help
link or press the F2 key.
Navigating Online Help
The information in this Help file is tied to the page you are accessing in the application. To view other
topics, click the appropriate button in the Contents pane.
Contents display the table of contents for the online Help. Click a book to display the pages that are
associated with each topic and then click a page to display the corresponding topic in the right pane.
Index facilitates the search for specific words or phrases or allows you to select from a list of index
keywords. Click the keyword to display the corresponding topic in the right pane.
Search allows you to locate words or phrases within the content of your topics. Type the word or
phrase to search for in the text field, press the Enter key, and select your topic from the list.
Glossary displays a list of definitions for words and short phrases related to PaperVision Enterprise
and the Digitech Systems product suite. When you select a term, its corresponding definition displays.
Expand/Collapse All will expand all of the green drop-down text within a topic. Click this button once
again to collapse all of the drop-down text. If you expand topics manually and then attempt to collapse
all of them, you might need to click this icon twice. Additionally, if you expand all drop-down text in one
topic (and not collapse the drop-down text), then proceed to another topic containing drop-down text,
you might need to click this icon twice to expand all drop-down text in the second topic.
Print icon will expand all drop-down text within a topic and display a list of printers. Choose the
appropriate printer and click Print.
This Help file employs the following types of navigation aids:
Click the green hyperlinks to open additional instructions or supplemental information within a topic
currently viewed.
Click orange hyperlinks to display another topic or link to a web site. These clickable navigational
features are underlined and display in a different color so that you can easily locate them.
Click the Related Topics button to display a list of associated topics; to open a topic in the menu,
simply click it.
Click the Previous Page and Next Page arrows in the secondary Help toolbar in the left navigation
pane to page forward and backwards in the Table of Contents.
You may also press BACKSPACE to return to your previously-viewed topic. Or, right-click within
the topic and select Back or Forward from the context menu to move backward or forward in your
browsing history.
icon in the secondary Help toolbar in the left navigation pane to
Click the Hide Navigation Pane
close the pane. To display it again, click the Contents button or press F5. Additionally, a Show
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Navigation Pane link displays the first time you open the Help files. Click it to display the navigation
Understanding Online Help Conventions
This Help file contains various conventions or styles to help you find information quickly:
Bold type style - The names of all dialog boxes, fields, and other controls are set in bold type. For
example, ”Click the Available Projects tab to search for documents in a project.”
Arrows and references - You will often see arrows (>), which map out the menu path to a feature. For
example, ”Choose System Settings > User Options to modify your display settings.”
Icons - Rather than using a graphical reference to identify every element in the user interface, steps in
this Help file refer to each element by its textual name. The icons are defined on the Getting Started
Notes and Tips - Notes cover additional information about particular features or concepts. Tips contain
suggestions to improve your workflow or to help you perform a step more efficiently.
Printing Online Help
To print a topic in online Help:
Click the Print icon in the Help toolbar. This icon expands all drop-down text in the topic and displays
the Print dialog box.
Choose the appropriate printer and click Print.
Viewing Online Help in IE 8
If you view the PaperVision Enterprise online help file in Internet Explorer 8 and certain elements of the
help file contain an inconsistent appearance (e.g., some green drop-down links are underlined and some
are not), enabling the "Display all Websites in Compatibility View" setting in Internet Explorer may
improve the help file's appearance. Alternatively, increasing the zoom level to 125% may also improve
the appearance of the help file.
To enable the Display All Websites in Compatibility View setting:
In Internet Explorer 8, select the Tools drop-down list.
Select Compatibility View Settings. The Compatibility View Settings dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Compatibility View Settings
Select the option, Display all Websites in Compatibility View.
Click Close.
The Downloads directory contains updates for PaperVision Enterprise or downloads to install other
Digitech Systems tools and software. You can install the available tools and software directly from the
web site, or you can download them and install them at a later time. You must have appropriate
permissions granted by the administrator to perform the tasks that are available in this directory.
Additionally, it is also required to have administrative rights in Windows to successfully install the
PaperVision Web Assistant.
Note: Windows® XP Pro Service Pack (SP3) is the minimum supported operating system in PaperVision
Enterprise. For more information on installing Windows XP Pro SP3, see the Microsoft TechNet web site
To install an application from the Downloads directory:
From the Downloads page, choose the application and click Install Now.
If a security dialog box displays, click Install.
In the InstallShield Wizard window, click Next.
Click Yes to accept the end-user license agreement.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Click Finish when the installer notifies you that the software is installed.
To download applications to install at a later time:
From the Downloads page, choose the application to download and click Download.
When the File Download dialog box appears, click Save.
Choose the file location.
Click Save once again.
PaperVision Viewer
The PaperVision Enterprise solution supports the native viewing of more than 250 file types. The
PaperVision Viewer creates a clean and navigable user interface and enforces applicable functional
security while enabling document-management, manipulation features, and workflow capabilities. The
first time you attempt to view a document through the PaperVison Viewer, the system displays a link for
you to download the PaperVision Enterprise Web Assistant (Web Assistant). .
Important: To install the Web Assistant, you must be using Windows XP SP3 or later. Additionally, the
viewer must be configured properly in System Settings > User Options > Use PaperVision Viewer.
Depending on document function rights granted by the administrator, using the PaperVision Viewer might
be your only option.
This functionality is supported on any Windows-based browser.
Alternatively, you can use the Browser-Based Viewer (System Settings > User Options > Use
Browser-Based Viewer) to view documents. If you opt to view documents in their native format when
using the PaperVision Viewer or Browser-Based Viewer, please be advised that documents viewed in
their native applications are not governed by the strict security features in PaperVision Enterprise.
Downloading and Installing the Web Assistant
You can install the Web Assistant from the Downloads screen. You must have the correct access to log
onto the Downloads screen. If you cannot install the Web Assistant, contact your administrator for
Note: Installing the Web Assistant requires administrative rights in Windows.
To download the Web Assistant from the Downloads screen:
From the Downloads screen, scroll to the PaperVision Enterprise Web Assistant entry, and then
click Download.
When the File Download dialog box appears, click Save.
Choose the file location.
Click Save once again.
To install the Web Assistant:
Browse to the location where you downloaded the Web Assistant.
Double-click the PaperVision Web Assistant.exe file. The InstallShield Wizard window appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 1 - Welcome to PaperVision® Enterprise
Click Next. The License Agreement window appears.
Click Yes to accept the terms of the license agreement.
After the installation has completed, click Finish.
Viewing Documents in the PaperVision Viewer
To view documents:
Expand the Available Projects directory and select the project.
Perform a search for documents in a project. The results display in the Search Results page.
To view a document, double-click it in the Search Results list. The document displays in the
PaperVision Viewer window. See the PaperVision Viewer Window topic for additional information.
Performing Tasks in the PaperVison Viewer
When you are viewing a document in the PaperVision Viewer, click a toolbar icon to perform a task, or
right-click within the PaperVision Viewer and choose a command from the context menu. The choices
that are available to you depend on the permissions granted by the administrator and on the type of
document viewed.
Help Resources
At Digitech Systems, we provide multiple resources to help find answers to your questions.
Technical Support
Contact our legendary customer support staff Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6
p.m. Central Time for answers to your questions about our products.
Direct: 402.484.7777
Toll-free: 877.374.3569
Help On the Web
MyDSI is an interactive tool for all Digitech Systems customers. Log in to MyDSI to download product
updates, license purchased software, view support contract renewals, and check the status of your
software support cases and requests.
User Forums
Join the Digitech Systems user forums to exchange answers and ideas with other users in our moderated
Knowledge Base
Search our extensive database for articles on all Digitech Systems products. This feature is accessible to
all registered Digitech Systems product licensees.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
This topic describes the screens, links, and tabs found in PaperVision Enterprise.
Additionally, PaperVision Enterprise terminology, security features, and links and
directories found in the application are summarized.
Note: If your session times out and you log in again, the application retains the most recent page you
accessed. The amount of time allotted before your session times out depends on the system
administrator's settings that have been assigned.
General Security Features
To grant autonomous security, data is separated into entities, each of which is defined by a specific entity
ID. The robust security architecture in PaperVision Enterprise grants control of nearly every aspect of
your entity's access to an entity administrator, who configures the entity's permissions and projects.
After setting up an entity's users and groups (including user and group access to specific functionality),
the administrator configures the entity's general security properties and defines all project- and
document-level security definitions from within the project configuration.
Entry-Level Security
PaperVision’s entity-level security policies grant entity administrators the ability to define entity-wide
security settings. Administrators can define general system settings, account lockout settings, login
restriction settings, and password settings.
User-Level and Group-Level Security
User- and group-level security defines which projects or documents users can view and the functionality
that is available (for example, whether users can print or email a document). Additionally, administrators
can limit which fields can be searched, viewed, and altered.
Note: Before configuring project- and document-level security definitions, it is first required that
administrators define system users and groups.
PaperVision Enterprise supports the following types of users:
Users (end users), by default ,have no permissions until an administrator explicitly grants them access
to projects or functionality.
System administrators are entity administrators. They can administrate a single entity and have
access to all functionality in all projects for that entity. However, system administrators cannot assign
the entity's data group, full-text, and migration and batch paths, for example, that a global administrator
can assign.
Workflow administrators are able to design and configure workflows within an entity. They can
configure workflow definitions for any project and view workflow history and workflow status reports, but
they have no access to documents or functions in any projects unless a system administrator explicitly
grants them access. If they do have access to view documents within a project, workflow administrators
can create workflow instances for a particular document and view its workflow status.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Global administrators can control every aspect of configuration for the PaperVision Enterprise
system, including configurations for all entities. However, they cannot access the documents in a
project, as an entity system administrator can.
Capture administrators can define Capture Jobs for use with the PaperVision Capture product.
Capture administrators have no administrative capabilities in PaperVision Enterprise.
If users require similar permissions, administrators can assign them to groups and then assign a common
set of permissions to those users at once. For example, if you are on an accounting team with five other
people and all of you require the same type of access to a project, your administrator can create an
accounting group with specific permissions and assign everyone on your team to that group.
Workflow administrators use groups to assign tasks during workflow design. For example, your workflow
administrator can assign tasks to your accounting group, and anyone from your team can complete the
One of the most important concepts about permissions is that your rights are accumulative. If you lack
access to a function on the user level, but you are assigned to a group that has been granted a higher
level of permissions than you were granted as an individual user, you acquire all permissions assigned to
that group. Conversely, if you are a member of a group with a higher level of permissions as an individual
user, you possess those higher-level permissions.
Project-Level Security
Administrators define project-level security. Project-level security permissions provide functionality-based
security at the project level, and administrators grant or deny users access to specific projects and
functionality within those projects.
Document-Level Security
Administrators define document-level security from within projects. Document-level security provides
more fine-grained settings than project-level security, enabling administrators to define users' security
access to individual documents. For example, document-level security can restrict access to certain
people based on date ranges or invoice amount ranges.
Field-Level Security
These security rights define user access to specific fields within documents. For example, certain users
or groups might be restricted from viewing document fields that contain social security numbers.
PaperVision Enterprise Links and Directories
After a successful login to an entity, the following directories and links appear in the initial page. Some of
these items may not be available, depending on your permissions granted by your administrator.
Link or Directory
Logs a user out of the application's current
Opens the Online help specific to the tab or
Available Projects
Contains documents specific to each project
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Link or Directory
Worksteps Waiting
in Queue
Contains worksteps awaiting processing if
the user is a member of a group assigned to
a workflow
Global Searches
Facilitates a document search across
multiple projects
System Settings
Modifies user options' settings; allows user to
work with migration jobs and notifications;
password changes
Accesses application updates and
downloads; facilitates the installation of other
Digitech Systems software and tools
Only users designated as administrators
have access to this directory to modify an
entity's settings
Logging In
When you log in to the application, the system authenticates you based on the user name and password
you provide. Passwords are case-sensitive. Users will have to log in with the correct Entity ID as well,
which is provided by the system administrator.
To log into PaperVision Enterprise:
Open your PaperVision Enterprise web site, which follows the format "http://<pveurl>/PVE.aspx." The
login dialog displays.
Note: If you have never logged in before, contact your system administrator for your user name and
password. By clicking Login, you acknowledge that you accept the terms of the Digitech Systems
acceptable use policy.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
PaperVision Login
Type your user name and password.
Select the appropriate language and click Login. The PaperVision Enterprise application window
PaperVision Enterprise
Optional Login Parameters
Optional login parameters are available when you log into the PaperVision Enterprise Web application.
For example, to automatically log in and select a specific project, you can type a URL address using the
following general format:
To automatically log into a specific entity, you can type:
To automatically log into the system, type the entity ID number, your user name, and then your password,
separated by the ampersand '&' symbol
Note: The 'txtPassword' parameter precedes your designated password, so type your password after
the equal '=' sign
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Logging Out
To log out of the application, click Logout
and then OK. The system displays the Login page once
again. It is recommended to log out of PaperVision Enterprise once you are finished with your current
Supported Hot Keys
PaperVision Enterprise provides support for hot keys outlined in this topic. These keyboard shortcuts
consist of one keystroke or multiple keystroke combinations that activate operations within certain
screens in the application.
Common Hot Keys
F2: Opens online help file
Alt + End: Logs out user
F5: Refreshes screen
Enter: OK
Available Projects
Tab: Moves down projects
Shift + Tab: Move up projects
First letter of project name: Selects project
Spacebar (if tabbing): Selects current project
Main Page
Alt + Shift + P: Displays/hides Available Projects
Alt + Shift + W: Displays/hides Worksteps Waiting in Queue
Alt + Shift + G: Displays available Global Searches
Alt + Shift + I: Displays Document Destruction Lists
Alt + Shift + S: Displays/hides System Settings
Alt + Shift + O: Displays Downloads
Alt + Shift + A: Opens Administration options
Project Search Page
Ctrl + Alt + A: Adds new document
Ctrl + Alt + S: Scans new document
Ctrl + X: Clears search criteria
Enter: Executes project search (Search)
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Add New Documents Windows
Ctrl + Alt + A: Add additional files
Ctrl + X: Clears all fields
Enter: Saves documents
Esc: Closes window and returns user to Project Search screen
Worksteps Waiting in Queue Page
Tab: Moves down workstep
Shift + Tab: Moves up workstep
First letter of workstep name: Selects workstep
Spacebar (if tabbing): Selects current workstep
Global Searches Page
Ctrl + X: Clears all fields
Enter: Initiates search
Destruction Lists - Min Page
Enter: Opens selected list
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refresh list
Destruction Lists - Search Results Page
Shift + P: Prints entire results list
Alt + F1: Exports selected results list item
Alt + F2: Alters selected documents' index values
Alt + Delete: Deletes selected documents
Alt + F3: Prints selected documents
Alt + F7: Sends selected documents by email
Alt + F8: Exports selected documents
Alt + F9: Tags selected documents for migration
Alt + F12: Applies security to selected documents
Ctrl + Comma: Confirms/denies document destruction
Ctrl + Period: Applies/removes retentions locks
Ctrl + Forward Slash: Applies/removes destruction dates
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes list
Ctrl + Alt + A: Selects/deselects all
Ctrl +C: Copies selected documents to Clipboard (to be pasted into a folder within corresponding
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Add Global Search
Ctrl + Alt + A: Adds new global search
Alt + F2: Edits global search
Alt + Delete: Deletes global search
Ctrl + X: Clears criteria
Enter: Saves search
Esc: Cancels search
System Settings Page
Tab: Moves down a setting
Shift + Tab: Moves up a setting
Spacebar (if tabbing): Chooses settings option
Alt + Shift + U, then press Spacebar: Displays user options
Alt + Shift + N, then press Spacebar: Displays notifications list
Alt + Shift + M, then press Spacebar: Displays migration jobs
Alt + Shift + H, then press Spacebar: Changes password
Enter: Saves user options (saves user password in Change Password page)
Notification Page
Alt + Delete: Removes selected notifications
Shift + P: Prints notifications list
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes notifications list
Migration Jobs Page
Enter: Submits selected migration jobs for processing (Submit)
Alt + Delete: Removes selected migration jobs from queue
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes list
Administration (Only administrators can access this tab)
Spacebar (if tabbing): Opens administration options
Project Search Results and Global Search Results
Esc: Returns to search criteria
Enter: Views selected item
Alt + Up Arrow : Selects first document
Down Arrow: Selects next document
Shift + Down Arrow: Selects next documents
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Up Arrow: Selects previous document
Shift + Up Arrow: Selects previous documents
Ctrl + Alt + X: Expands/collapses all duplicate documents
Ctrl + Alt + A: Selects/deselects all
Alt + Page Up: Displays previous page
Alt + Page Down: Displays next page
Shift + P: Prints entire results list
Alt + F1: Export selected results list items
Alt + F2: Alters selected documents index values
Alt + Delete: Deletes selected documents
Alt + F3: Prints selected documents
Alt + F7: Email selected documents
Alt + F8: Exports selected documents
Alt + F9: Tags selected documents for migration
Alt + F10: Adds new documents
Alt + F11: Scans new documents
Alt + F12: Applies document security to selected documents
Alt + Insert: Toggles full-text display on/off
Ctrl + Period: Applies/removes retention locks
Ctrl + Forward Slash: Applies/removes destruction dates
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes list
Ctrl + C: Copies selected documents to clipboard (to be pasted into a folder within corresponding
Document Associations Search Results
Ctrl + Alt + A: Selects/deselects all
Shift + P: Prints entire results list
Alt + F1: Exports selected results list items
Alt + F2: Alters selected documents' index values
Alt + Delete: Deletes selected documents
Alt + F3: Prints selected documents
Alt + F7: Email selected documents
Alt + F8: Exports selected documents
Alt + F9: Tags selected documents for migration
Alt + F12: Applies document security to selected documents
Ctrl + Period: Applies/removes retention locks
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Ctrl + Forward Slash: Applies/removes destruction dates
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes pager
PaperVison Viewer Window
Ctrl + F: Displays first page of the first document in the search results list
Ctrl + P: Displays first page of the previous document in the search results list
Ctrl + N: Displays first page of the next document in the search results list
Ctrl + L: Displays first page of the last document in the search results list
F: Displays first page of the current document
P: Displays previous page of current document
J: Jumps to specific page of current document
N: Displays next pager of current document
L: Displays last page of current document
W: Scales image or document to full width
H: Scales image or document to full height
Ctrl + W: Scale to Window is assigned
Spacebar: Scales images or document to fit inside window
R: Rotates images 90 degrees
Ctrl + Z: Prints current document
Ctrl + R: Prints displayed region of current image to default printer
Ctrl + Alt + A: Adds new document
Ctrl + S: Scans new document
Ctrl + U: Upload scanned documents
X: Exports current document
Ctrl + Alt + O: Open file in native application
E: Emails current document
G: Creates a document grant
I: Alters current documents' index values
D: Opens associated documents
Ctrl + T: Finds specific word or phrase in current document
F3: Finds next occurrence of text that is searched for
S: Shows/hides annotations for image
A: Edits annotations for image
Ctrl + A: Shows textual annotations for a document
F2: Opens online help file
O: Toggles overlay on/off for a COLD/ERM document
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Z: Prints current page of document to default printer
T: Toggles between displaying an image's full-text information
Esc: Returns to search results or close window
Alter Index Values Window
Enter: Saves changes
Esc: Cancels changes
Available Document Security Levels Window
Enter: Saves Changes
Esc: Cancels changes
Document Grant Window
Enter: Submits document grant
Folder Tab
Esc: Moves up one folder (level)
Ctrl + C: Copies selected documents to clipboard (to be pasted to another folder)
Ctrl + X: Cuts selected documents (to be pasted into another folder)
Shift + P: Prints entire results list
Alt + F1: Exports selected results list items
Alt + F2: Alters selected documents' index values
Alt + Delete: Deletes selected documents
Alt + F3: Prints selected documents
Alt + F7: Emails selected documents
Alt + F8: Exports selected documents
Alt + F9: Tags selected documents for migration
Alt + F10: Adds new documents
Alt + F11: Scans new documents
Alt + F12: Applies document security to selected documents
Ctrl + Period: Applies/removes retention locks
Ctrl + Forward Slash: Applies/removes destruction dates
Ctrl + Alt + R: Refreshes page
Browser-Based Viewer
The Browser-Based Viewer provides support for hot keys outlined below. These keyboard shortcuts
consist of one keystroke or multiple keystroke combinations that activate operations within the BrowserBased Viewer.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Home Tab
Ctrl + Z: Print document
Ctrl + Alt + A: Add new document
Ctrl + Alt + O: Open file in native application
Ctrl + P: Previous document
Ctrl + N: Next document
Ctrl + F: First document
Ctrl + L: Last document
P: Previous page
N: Next page
F: First page
L: Last page
J: Jump to page
R: Rotate image
Spacebar: Reset image
W: Scale to width
H: Scale to height
Alt + W: Scale to window
Ctrl + M: Minimize ribbon
Ctrl + V: Viewer options
F2: Opens online help file
Edit Tab
Ctrl + X: Check out/in document
Ctrl + U: Undo checkout
Ctrl + C: Current status
Ctrl + H: View revision status
I: Alter document index values
E: Email document
G: Share document
D: View associated documents
C: Source file information
Ctrl + T: Textural notes
S: Show/hide annotations
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Additional Hot Keys
The following hot keys are functional only if you are assigned to use operating system defaults in System
Settings > User Options in PaperVison Enterprise R74.5 and earlier:
Ctrl + F: Displays the first page of the first document in the search results list
Ctrl + P: Displays the first page of the previous document in the search results list
Ctrl + N: Displays the first page of the next document in the search results list
Ctrl + L: Displays the first page of the last document in the search results list
F: Displays the first page of the current document
P: Displays the previous page of the current document
N: Displays the next page of the current document
L: Displays the last page of the current document
Esc: Closes window
F2: Opens online help file
Adding New Documents
An infinite number of documents can be added to projects in the Project Search, Project Search Results,
Global Search Results, and Folders screens. Depending on the organization of the project (and how the
administrator set up the index field values), it may be possible to enter new index values, or choose index
values from a drop-down list. If you are granted the appropriate folder security access rights, you can
also add new documents to folders in the Folders tab.
The Folder field allows you to add new documents to a folder in the Folders tab.
The Additional Files button allows you to add multiple documents during one upload.
The Clear All Fields button removes all text within the index fields.
The Cancel button returns you to the initial Project Search page or the Project Search Results page.
Add New Documents
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Note: If applicable, document security levels may be applied. If you are adding text-type documents for
full-text searching, the system populates the full-text database.
Adding Documents from Project Search
1. In the Available Projects directory, choose the appropriate project, and then click the Add icon. The Add
New Documents page appears.
Add New Documents
Note: If you select a document in the search results and then select the Add icon, the selected
documents' index values automatically populate the new document's index criteria. This can be
overwritten by the user prior to saving.
2. In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
3. In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder (in the Folders tab). To add
the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the folder. The Choose Folder dialog box
4. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
5. In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Choose Folder
6. In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
7. To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
8. If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
9. Click OK.
10. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 5 through 9. The same index
values will be assigned to all documents added in one operation.
11. Click Save.
Adding Documents from Project Results
1. From the Project Search Results page, click the Add icon. The Add New Documents page appears.
Add New Documents
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Note: If you select a document in the search results and then select the Add icon, the selected
documents' index values automatically populate the new document's index criteria. This can be
overwritten by the user prior to saving.
2. In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
3. In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder (in the Folders tab). To add
the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the appropriate folder. The Choose Folder
dialog box appears.
4. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
5. In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document.
Choose Folder
6. In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
7. To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
8. If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
9. Click OK.
10. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 5 through 9. The same index
values will be assigned to all documents added in one operation.
11. Click Save.
Adding Documents from Global Search Results
1. From the Global Search Results screen, choose the appropriate project from the Project drop-down list
and then click the Add icon. The Add New Documents page appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Add New Documents
2. In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
3. In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder (in the Folders tab). To add
the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the appropriate folder. The Choose Folder
dialog box appears.
4. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
5. In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document
Choose Folder
6. In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
7. To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
8. If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
9. Click OK.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
10. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 5 through 9. The same index
values will be assigned to all documents added in one operation.
11. Click Save.
Adding Documents from Folders Tab
1. From the Folders tab, choose the appropriate folder in which to add the new document, and then click
the Add icon. The Add New Documents page appears.
Add New Documents
2. In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
3. In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder (in the Folders tab). To add
the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the appropriate folder. The Choose Folder
dialog box appears.
4. In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
5. In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Choose Folder
6. In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
7. To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
8. If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
9. Click OK.
10. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 5 through 9. The same index
values will be assigned to all documents added in one transaction.
11. Click Save.
Available Projects
The Available Projects directory holds all of the available projects assigned by the administrator. The
system displays the Add and Scan icons as well as the Project Search page. Access to all projects in
an entity is defined by function-level, user-level, group-level, document-level, and field-level security
rights, and only an administrator can create or delete projects.
Searching Capabilities
The search capabilities in PaperVision Enterprise allow you to perform detailed or broad document
searches within a project or across multiple projects that have multiple index field values in common. You
can also perform limiting searches on dates and numbers that allow you to specify ranges of values.
Within seconds, the server performs your search and displays a list of documents that meet your criteria.
For the system to include documents among your search results, you must have been granted documentlevel security access to those documents. The number of documents that meet your criteria displays at
the top of the list. If no documents meet the criteria you enter, the system displays a notification.
Your search results display in the sort order you designate in the Sort By field on the project search page
and in the order and grouping you specified in your user option settings found in System Settings >
Options. The number of results the system displays per page is limited to the number of documents you
specified in the Max. Results Per Query field on the user options page.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
General Search Criteria
PaperVision Enterprise provides flexible searching features to enable fast and accurate document
retrieval. To maximize your search results, you can follow the following general searching rules:
You can specify the number of documents to return in a single query through settings in System
Settings > Options.
All numeric and date fields allow you to perform "limiting searches" to limit the results to a specific
range of values. If both range limits are not filled for a particular index field, the system will search for
the value that you entered.
Index field searches are not case sensitive (e.g., a search for "smith" will find "Smith").
PaperVision Enterprise allows you to utilize the asterisk "*" wildcard to specify any number of unknown
characters. For example, searching for "T*" in a name field would locate any document that had a
name beginning with the letter "T". Furthermore, searching for "*T*" would locate any document that
included a letter "T" anywhere in the name. Finally, searching for "*T" would locate any document
whose name ended with the letter "T".
PaperVision Enterprise allows you to utilize the underscore "_" wildcard to specify a single unknown
character. For example, searching for "S_N" would locate "SON", but it would not locate "SOON".
Additionally searching for "_*" would locate any non-blank value.
PaperVision Enterprise allows you to search for a single character within a range or list by using the
bracket "[ ]" characters. For example, searching for "A[456]TEST" would locate "A4TEST, A5TEST, and
A6TEST". The same result occurs from searching for "A[4-6]TEST". You can also utilize letters within
the brackets to search for a range or list of letters (e.g., [a-f]).
You can perform multiple searches within a single index field by using and "&" and/or "^" operators. To
perform a search on a name field for names that begin with an "A" or "Z", you could simply enter
"A*^Z*". To perform a search on a name field for names that begin with "A" and end with "P", you could
enter "A*P".
To search for a document whose index field contains an ampersand, simply use two ampersands in
your search. For example, to find "Johnson & Johnson", you would search for "Johnson && Johnson".
You can perform searches on multiple fields at once. Simply enter the search criteria into the desired
fields and select the appropriate search type. "And" finds documents where all criteria have been met.
"Or" finds documents where any of the criteria has been met.
You can enter the [CURRENTDATETIME] tag as general search criteria to represent the current date
and time that the search is run. This is particularly useful in situations where documents need to be
identified that are of a certain age. A specified number of years (Y), months (M), days (D), hours (H),
minutes (N), or seconds (S) can be added to or subtracted from the current date and time. Possible
uses for the [CURRENTDATETIME] tag are as follows:
[CURRENTDATETIME] = Current Date/Time
[CURRENTDATETIME+1Y] = Current Date/Time plus 1 year
[CURRENTDATETIME-12M] = Current Date/Time minus 12 months
[CURRENTDATETIME+2D] = Current Date/Time plus 2 days
[CURRENTDATETIME-96H] = Current Date/Time minus 96 hours
[CURRENTDATETIME+900N] = Current Date/Time plus 900 minutes
[CURRENTDATETIME+120S] = Current Date/Time plus 120 seconds
Note: Long text fields cannot be sorted.
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Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Document Indexing
The following information explains how the application employs document indexing. Document index
fields contain values that enable the identification of documents' key elements within a project during the
capture process. These index field values are used to search for and retrieve documents in PaperVision
Enterprise. When you enter an index value to perform a search for a document, the application compares
the value you entered against your database table and retrieves documents that meet your specific
PaperVision Enterprise supports eight types of index fields, and each document can contain up to 200
named index fields:
Boolean: Stores values such as yes/no, on/off, and true/false.
Currency: Stores currency (monetary) values.
Date: Stores date/time values between January 1, 1753 and December 31, 9999; this type of index
field supports searches on date ranges.
Double Number: Stores numbers that require decimal places or exceed the limitations of a Number
field; the format this number is saved in is defined in the Format Type field; this type of index field
supports searches on number ranges.
Long Text: Stores textual data that exceeds 255 characters in length (up to approximately 64,000
characters in total). Because this type of field does not use database indexes, consider using the
Text(900) field type if possible. Using the Long Text field type in projects that contain huge volumes of
documents can degrade search performance.
Number: Stores whole-number values between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647; this type of index
field supports searches on number ranges. This field type supports hyphens or dashes at the beginning
of the number to indicate a negative value, but it does not support hyphens or dashes within the
number, such as dashes within a social security number (555-55-5555). Exclude these dashes from the
Text: Stores textual data up to 255 characters in length; this type of field is the most common.
Text(900): Stores textual data up to 900 characters in length. Note that migration databases support
only 255 characters, so any data that has been assigned this field type will be truncated during
migration. Note: Microsoft® Server™ supports maximum row sizes of 8060 characters. If the length of
the combined index field (excluding long-text fields) data for a document exceeds 8060 characters,
SQL Server cannot support it, and the system displays an alert.
Performing Project-Level Searches
Projects are available within the Available Projects directory. To view projects to which you have been
granted access, expand the Available Projects directory. Once you select a project within the directory,
the Search <Your Project Name> screen enables you to perform searches for documents. Two types of
search criteria may be available, depending on the administrator's configuration of this screen. The first
type includes the Document Index Field Search Criteria that facilitates index-level (metadata)
searches. The second type, Full-Text Search Criteria, is explained in more detail in the upcoming
section on Full-Text Search Criteria in this chapter.
Open the Available Project directory if it is not already open.
Select a project in which to search.
The Search: <Your Project Name> screen displays.
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Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Project Search Criteria
Note: The number of search fields in the Document Index Field Search Criteria section in your
application may be different than the fields represented in the screen shot above.
Search Screen Overview
The search screen is divided into three sections: Document Index Field Search Criteria, Project Search
Options, and Full-Text Search Criteria. Each section is explained below.
Document Index Field Search Criteria
Document index fields contain values that enable the identification of documents' key elements within a
project during the capture process. These index field values are used to search for and retrieve
documents in PaperVision Enterprise. When you enter an index value to perform a search for a
document, the application compares the value you entered against your database table and retrieves
documents that meet your specific criteria.
Document Index Field Search Criteria
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
The project’s index fields can be used to refine your searches. Depending on permissions granted by the
administrator, you might be able to define your own search criteria, or you might be required to select
your criteria from a list of existing search terms. Both options may also be available. Numeric, currency,
and date fields can be used to limit search results to a specific range of values. You can enter a single
value in the first field of the range and leave the other field blank, and the system will only search for
documents with your specified value.
Project Search Options
These criteria contain the Search Type drop-down list (click Or or And). The Sort Bydrop-down list
allows you to assign the sorting results by a specific index value in ascending [+] or descending [-] order.
Project Search Options
To sort the search results by in ascending order by company name, select COMPANY NAME [+] .
Full-Text Search Criteria
PaperVision Enterprise offers extensive full-text searching capabilities. In a full-text search, the system
searches for your full-text criteria in every text-type document stored in the current project. "Text-type"
documents include Microsoft®Word or Adobe®PDF documents, COLD documents, email messages, or
optical character recognition (OCR) images. To enable full-text search capabilities, the system populates
your full-text database each time a supported document type is added.
Full-text searches may be performed in combination with standard index-field-level searches. In other
words, you can specify your index field search criteria and then have those documents further filtered by
adding full-text search criteria. When performing a combined search, both the index field criteria and the
full-text criteria must be met for the document to be found.
The Full-Text Search Criteria section contains a Criteria field and Search Type buttons (click Boolean
Search or Natural Language).
Note: To show the Full-Text Search Criteria section, navigate to System Settings > Options and select
the Show Full Text Options check box.
You can use full-text searches to perform partial searches, for example, if you are unsure of the entire
document number.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Full-Text Search Criteria
Search Screen Buttons
The search screen buttons enable you to initiate a search or clear the search criteria already entered.
Search - The Search button initiates the search. The requested documents are displayed in the Search
Results screen. Searches are not case sensitive; for example, a search on the name "smith" locates
"smith" and "Smith". If you enter invalid search criteria, the system displays an alert.
Zero Document Alert
Clear Criteria - The Clear Criteria button removes text entries and selected options from every field.
Full-Text Searches
PaperVision Enterprise offers extensive full-text searching capabilities. In a full-text search, the system
searches for your full-text criteria in every text-type document stored in the current project. Text type
documents include Microsoft® Word or Adobe® PDF documents, COLD documents, email messages, or
optical character recognition (OCR) images. To enable full-text search capabilities, the system populates
your full-text database each time a supported document type is added.
Full-text searches may be performed in combination with standard index-field-level searches. In other
words, you can specify your index field search criteria and then have those documents further filtered by
adding full-text search criteria. When performing a combined search, both the index field criteria and the
full-text criteria must be met in order for the document to be found.
Perform a Full-Text Search
The full-text search options enable you to limit or expand your search results. Use them to perform the
following search types:
Variable Term Weighting - This option allows you to weigh some words more heavily than others in
ranking search results (e.g., apple:5 and pear:3).
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Stemming - This option extends a search to cover grammatical variations of a word. For example, a
search for "fish" would also find "fishing". A search for "applied" would also find "applying", "applies",
and "apply". You can either perform stemming for all of the words in your query by selecting this option,
or for specific words by placing a tilde (~) character at the end of the desired word(s) in your criteria
(e.g., fish~).
Phonic - This option searches for a word that sounds like the word you are searching for and begins
with the same letter. For example, a phonic search for "Smith" will also find "Smithe" and "Smythe".
You can either perform a phonic search for all of the words in your query or for specific words in your
query by placing a pound (#) character in front of your search criteria (e.g., #Smith).
Fuzzy Searching - This option finds a word even if it is misspelled. For example, a fuzzy search for
"apple" will find "appple". Fuzzy searching will locate text that may contain typographical errors or text
that was created from optical character recognition (OCR). The fuzziness value ranges between 1 and
10. A search for "alphabet" with a fuzziness value of 1 would find "alphaqet". A fuzziness value of 3
would find both "alphaqet" and "alpkaqet."
You can perform a fuzzy search in one of two ways. First, you can search for all of the words in your
query by selecting this option and entering a fuzziness value; or, you can enter the percent (%)
character in the search criteria as shown in the examples below:
ba%nana: The word must begin with "ba" and have at most one difference between it and "banana"
b%%anana: The word must begin with "b" and have at most two differences between it and
Synonym Searching uses a thesaurus to automatically expand a search to include synonyms or
related concepts. For example, a search for the word "fast" would also find "quick". You can either
perform synonym searching for all of the words in your query by selecting this option or by placing an
ampersand (&) after certain words (e.g., improve& w/5 search). You do not need to select Synonym
Searching when you use the "&" character, but you must select one or more synonym libraries.
At least one of the following options must be selected to perform synonym searching for either all
of the words in your query or certain words:
WordNet Synonyms - This option uses the WordNet thesaurus developed at Princeton
WordNet Related Words - This option uses WordNet's extensive lexical and semantic network
of the English language to include links between words other than synonym relationships,
including antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, and holonyms
User Synonyms - This option uses the server's user-defined synonyms
To perform a Full-Text search:
Enter search criteria in the Criteria Field.
Select the type of search to be performed: Boolean or Natural Language.
Select the appropriate options for this search.
Click the Search button.
Perform a Boolean Full-Text Search
A Boolean search request consists of a group of words or phrases that are linked by search operators
such as "AND" and "OR". These operators precisely indicate the relationship between the words or
phrases. Boolean searches treat two or more words that occur together as a phrase, so a search request
for "apple sauce w/10 grape juice" results in a search for apple sauce within 10 words of the phrase
grape juice.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
To narrow your search results during Boolean searches, apply the following criteria:
AND (both words must be present)
OR (at least one of the words must be present)
NOT (word is not present (use with "AND" or "OR")
w/n (words must occur no more than n words apart (for example, "w/10" creates a search for words
that are not more than 10 words apart)
* (this wildcard character matches any number of letters)
? (this wildcard character matches any single letter)
The following examples describe the types of Boolean searches you can perform in PaperVision
apple AND pear: Results in a search for documents that contain both "apple" and "pear"
*apple AND pea*: Results in a search for documents that contain any word that ends with "apple" and
any word that begins with "pea"
apple w/6 pear: Results in a search for documents that contain the word "apple" within six words of the
word "pear"
apple w/6 pea?r: Results in a search for documents that contain the word "apple" within six words any
word that begins with "pe" and ends with "r" and contains any one letter in between
apple sauce w/6 grape juice: Results in a search for documents that contain the phrase "apple sauce"
within six words of the phrase "grape juice"
apple AND NOT pear: Results in a search for documents the contain the word "apple" and not "pear"
apple AND (pear W/5 banana): Results in a search for the word ”apple” and the word ”pear” when
"pear" occurs within five words the word "banana"
To perform a full-text Boolean search:
Enter the search criteria in the Full-Text Search Criteria fields.
Select Boolean Search (and, or, not, …).
Select the appropriate full-text options.
Click Search.
Perform a Natural-Language Full-Text Search
Natural-language searches use "term weighting", which evaluates the frequency and density of a word's
occurrences in documents. The system searches for words in phrases individually (not as a full phrase)
and ranks the search results based on this term weighting. For example, perform a search for the
following text: "Get me Sam's memo on the 1999 takeover of CorpX". The system locates all documents
that contain words that match the following individual search terms: "Sam", "memo", "1999", "takeover",
and "CorpX. The system then weighs the terms. For example, if the term 1999 exists in 3,000 files and
the term Sam exists in only two files, the files that also contain the term Sam receive a higher relevancy
ranking than those that do not contain Sam.
In a natural-language search, words such as "get", "me", "on", "the", and "of" are considered "noise" and
are ignored. Other words that are ignored are "and" and "or". Administrators can define the words the
system ignores.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Note: If you are performing a combined index-field/full-text search, the system first searches for
documents that meet your full-text criteria and then searches only those documents for your index-level
search criteria.
To perform a full-text Natural Language search:
Enter the search criteria in the Full-Text Search Criteria fields.
Select Natural Language.
Select the appropriate full-text options.
Click Search.
Working with Search Results
Based on the search criteria you provide, the server performs your search and displays a list of
documents that meet your criteria. By default, the server limits the number of documents returned
according to your Max Results Per Query value in System Settings > User Options. If applicable, a
notification may inform you that additional pages of search results exist (e.g., Page 1 of 3). If document
security, retention locks, or destruction dates have been applied on documents, a corresponding icon will
display in the Status column.
Search Results
The Search Results page displays the following items:
The current project name and the number of documents are displayed per page. The number of
documents listed is limited to the number of documents specified in the Max. Results Per Query field
in the User Options page.
If applicable, you will see a notification that more search results exist (Page 1 of ?). The system must
cycle through the results in the database before it can verify the number of pages that match your
search criteria. As soon you click through to the last page of results, the "?" turns into the actual
number of pages.
Index fields display as column headers in the search results list.
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Chapter 2 - Getting Started
You will see a list of matching documents and their index values, which display in the appropriate
columns. These documents display in the sort order you designated in the Sort By field on the Project
Search page and in the order and grouping you specified in your user option settings found in System
Settings User Options.
If applicable, you can expand and collapse documents containing detail sets (also referred to as
"duplicate documents") that appear in the search results list (indicated with a plus sign).
The expandable left navigation pane allows you to view more index fields in the search results list.
Note: No document grouping is applied during full-text search results.
Icon or Link
Search Criteria
Returns to Project Search page
Expands/collapses all duplicate documents
Moves the search to the page before or
after the currently-viewed search results
page, if applicable
Select All/Deselect
Selects/deselects all documents in the
search results list
Show Full Text
Displays the first 512 characters in
matching full-text documents
Hide Full Text
Hides the first 512 characters in matching
full-text documents
If applicable, shows documents as checked out
Can also display a locked status if documents are
assigned document-level security (for administrators only)
For end-users, only documents will appear to which they
have access.
The score percentage is an indicator of the ranking of a
document based on its number of hits compared to the
document receiving the most hits. The document with the
most hits always receives a score of 100%.
For example, if a search returns four documents with hits
of 115, 77, 50, and 4, the document with 115 hits receives
a score of 100%; the remaining documents receive 67%
(77 of 115 is 67%), 43%, and 5%, respectively.
The score percentage is an indicator of the ranking of a
document based on its number of hits compared to the
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
document receiving the most hits. The document with the
most hits always receives a score of 100%.
For example, if a search returns four documents with hits
of 115, 77, 50, and 4, the document with 115 hits receives
a score of 100%; the remaining documents receive 67%
(77 of 115 is 67%), 43%, and 5%, respectively.
To quickly locate a document in a lengthy results list, click a column header to sort the columns in
ascending or descending order.
Search Results Toolbar
In addition to selecting a document to view, a variety of operations can be performed from a search
results list, including altering document index values, deleting, printing, emailing, exporting, migrating,
and adding new documents. Depending on access to specific operations controlled by your administrator,
you may be able to apply document-level security, records retention locks, and destruction dates and
times on documents. The Search Results toolbar allows you to perform operations on documents in the
Search Results list.
Search Results Toolbar
Viewing Documents
Double-click a document in the Search Results page to view it. You can use the PaperVision viewer or
the Browser-Based viewer to display the documents.
Note: Depending on the permissions granted to the user by the administrator, annotations may be forced
on for the project. This causes you to only see the document's edited portions and not the full-text data
below the annotations.
Printing Results
When printed, the search results will display in a reformatted, print-friendly version.
To print project search results:
Click the Print Results icon.
Select the appropriate printer, and then click Print.
Exporting Results
You can export one or more search results items to an XML file.
To export project search results:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Select one or more items in the search results list.
Click the Export Results icon.
Click Open to view the exported results in the XML file.
Or, click Save to save the exported results to a location in your directory.
Enter the file name, and then click Save. If you entered a file with the XML file extension on the end,
the selected items will be exported into an XML formatted text file. Otherwise, the selected items will be
exported into a tab-delimited text file.
Click Save once again.
Altering Indexes
When you alter a document's index values, the server updates the values immediately. Depending on the
way your projects are set up by the administrator, you might be able to enter new index values or choose
the new value from a drop-down list. If you are altering only specific values of multiple selections (for
example, you are modifying the dates of multiple selections but not the file names), leave the values you
are not changing at their current value. Index values can be changed within a search results list or within
the document viewer.
To alter index values:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Alter icon
Note: If you do not select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Enter the new index values, and then click Save.
Deleting Documents
Deleting documents from PaperVision Enterprise will remove the documents (and all associated versions
and annotations) from the system. Depending on the way the administrator has configured the data group
for the documents, PaperVision Enterprise may also delete the physical files from their source media.
The administrator grants you the right to delete documents, so you may not have access to this
To delete documents:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Delete icon.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Printing Documents
If annotations appear on the document, they may print on the document.
To print documents:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Print icon.
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Emailing Documents
You can send documents from any MAPI-compliant email application. The system includes the document
files and index values in the email message. If annotations are visible in a document, they may also
appear in the document when it is sent.
To send documents by email:
From the Project Search Results page, select one or more documents.
Click the Email icon.
Select the page range.
Select the format for the document.
Note: Only image-based documents can be converted (e.g. if the image is a .tif, it can be
converted to a .pdf when exported). Microsoft Word documents, however, will remain as Word
Complete your message, and then click Send.
Exporting Document
Exporting documents converts them to a specified format (if the document is comprised of images) and
writes the files to a specified location on your local drive. If the document is not comprised of images, it
will be exported in its original format. If annotations are visible in a document, they may also appear in
the document when it is exported.
To export documents:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Export icon.
From the Image Format drop-down list, select the appropriate format in which to export documents.
Note: Only image-based documents can be converted (e.g., if the image is a .tif, it can be converted to
a .pdf when exported). Microsoft Word documents, however, will remain as Word documents.
From the File Name Field drop-down list, select how the exported document will display the file name
(either as a date/time stamp or based on the documents’ index field values).
Select the output directory.
Select the pages to export, and then click Export. Annotations and document index values may be
exported with the documents.
Submitting Documents for Migration
PaperVision Enterprise facilitates the process of collecting documents from your repository into external
data groups (CD-ROMs, etc.). Migrating documents becomes particularly useful in applications where
specific sets of data are required to give to an end-user (e.g. legal projects where an attorney wishes to
extract information about a specific case and have it placed on a CD-ROM to take to trial). See the
Migration Jobs topic for more information.
To tag and submit documents for migration:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
1. Select one or more documents.
2. Click the Migrate icon.
Note: If you do not select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
3. Click OK to submit the documents for migration. A confirmation message will appear if the documents
were successfully tagged for migration.
Note: An administrator will perform the actual migration through the PaperVision Enterprise
Administrative Console, not the PaperVision Enterprise Web Client.
Adding New Documents
An infinite number of documents can be added to projects in the Project Search Results screen. You
can add multiple documents during one upload by selecting the Additional Files button. Depending on
the organization of the project and how the administrator set up the index field values, it might be
possible to enter new index values, or you may be able to choose index values from a drop-down list. If
applicable, document-level security may be applied. If text-type documents are added for full-text
searching, the system will populate the full-text database. If you are granted the appropriate folder
security access rights, you can also add new documents to folders in the Folders tab.
To add documents to projects:
Choose the appropriate project from the Project drop-down list, and then click the Add icon. The Add
New Documents page appears.
Add New Documents
Note: If you select a document in the search results and then select the Add icon, the selected
documents' index values automatically populate the new document's index criteria. This can be
overwritten by the user prior to saving.
In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab. To
add the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the appropriate folder. The Choose
Folder dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document.
Choose Folder
In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
Click OK.
10. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 5 through 9. The same
index values will be assigned to all documents added in one transaction.
11. Click Save.
Scanning New Documents
You can use the Scan2PVE feature to scan and upload single-page or multi-page documents directly
from a TWAIN-enabled scanning device into PaperVision Enterprise. This feature enables you to add,
move, or delete pages within a document and maintain version control of those documents; any
PaperVision Enterprise machine can pull double duty by serving as an ad-hoc scan station for distributed
scanning. You can also use Scan2PVE to capture documents and upload them into a new or existing
workflow process in PaperVision Enterprise WorkFlow.
Scanning Prerequisites
Before you scan documents, you must choose a scanner from Options > Select Scanner and define
your scanner settings in Options > Scanner Settings. Additionally, your system settings must be defined
in Options > System Settings.
Important: To scan documents into PaperVision Enterprise, the scanner must be connected directly to
the scanning machine (no wireless or other network connections).
When new documents are scanned, they are temporarily stored on the local computer (where they were
scanned) until you manually upload them. This is intended to optimize throughput for remote users,
allowing multiple documents to be scanned and then transferred all at once. To select or configure a
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
scanner, right-click the document, and then select Options > Select Scanner or Scanner Settings.
Optionally, you can add new documents to folders as you scan them into the system.
To scan one or more documents from the Project Search Results page:
For each document, click the Scan icon. The document viewer window appears.
In the document viewer toolbar, click the Scan
the Scan New Document dialog box appears.
icon. Pages from the feeder are scanned, and then
Scan New Document
Note: If you select a document in the search results and then select the Scan icon, the selected
documents' index values automatically populate the new document's index criteria. This can be
overwritten by the user prior to saving.
Enter the required document index field values.
In the Add to Folder field, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab. If
you do not want to add the document to a folder, proceed to step 9. To add the document to a folder,
click the ellipsis button to locate the folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Select Folder
Note: For more information on folders, see the Folders topic.
In the Select Folder dialog box, select the folder in which to add the document.
Or, you can create a new folder (proceed to the next step).
If the folder already exists and you do not want to create a new folder, proceed to step 8.
To create a new folder, select the appropriate parent folder, and then click the Create Folder button.
The Create Folder dialog box appears.
Create Folder
Enter the name of the new subfolder, and then click OK.
In the Select Folder dialog box, click OK after you have created all required folders.
In the Scan New Document dialog box, click Save.
Note: If a message displays to notify you that the files are being written to a temporary cache location,
click OK.
10. For each additional document, repeat steps 2-9.
11. After all documents have been scanned, click the Upload Scanned Documents
icon to upload
them to the server. As each document is successfully uploaded, it is removed from the temporary
cache location.
Applying Document-Level Security
PaperVision Enterprise applies extensive security measures beyond project-level security permissions.
Project-level security permissions provide functionality-based security at the project level, and
administrators grant or deny users access to specific projects and functionality within those projects.
Document-level security provides more fine-grained settings, enabling administrators to define users'
security access to individual documents. For example, document-level security can restrict access to
certain people based on date ranges or invoice amount ranges. If you do not have access to a document,
you do not see it in your results list. If you are an administrator, you see a padlock icon in the Status
column of secure documents.
Note: For more information about document-level security, see the Getting Started topic's section,
General Security Features.
To manually apply document-level security:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Secure icon.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Select the document-security level definitions to apply to the documents. Any definitions that are
currently applied to the selected documents are already selected.
Click Save. The server applies the document-level security definition to the documents.
To remove document-level security:
Select one or more documents whose document security should be removed.
Click the Secure icon.
Remove the document-security level definitions that should no longer be assigned.
Click Save. The server removes the document-level security definition from the documents.
Applying Records Retention Locks
To apply a document retention lock:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon, and the Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box appears.
Apply/Remove Retention Lock
If not already selected, select Apply Retention Lock.
If calendars are viewable, click within the Lock Date/Time field to open the drop-down calendar, and
then select the date.
If calendars are not viewable, enter the date.
Enter additional comments about the retention lock, if applicable.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock.
To remove a retention lock:
Select one or more documents whose retention locks should be removed.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box, select Remove Retention Lock.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock removal.
To edit an existing retention lock:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply Retention Lock dialog box, edit the date in the Retention Lock Date field, and/or edit the
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the changes.
Applying Records Destruction Locks
While viewing documents, system administrators and authorized users can apply, remove, and edit
destruction dates and times.
To apply a document destruction date/time:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Destruction icon, and the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box appears.
Apply/Remove Destruction Date
If not already selected, select Apply Destruction Date.
If your calendars are viewable, click within the Destruction Date/Time field to open the drop-down
calendar, and select the date.
If calendars are not viewable, enter the date.
Enter any additional comments about the destruction date/time, if applicable.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date.
To remove a destruction date/time:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Select one or more documents whose destruction dates/times should be removed.
Click the Destruction icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, select Remove Destruction Date.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date removal.
To edit an existing destruction date/time:
Select the document.
Click the Destruction icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, edit the date in the Destruction Date/Time field,
and/or edit the comments.
Click Save.
Click OK to the confirm the changes.
Copying/Pasting Document Shortcuts from Search Results to Folders
You can copy document shortcuts from a project or global search results screen and paste the document
shortcuts into a folder. You can perform these operations by right-clicking the document in the search
results screen and selecting the operation from the context menu. For more information, see the Folders
Note: You can only copy document shortcuts from a project’s search results screen to a folder in that
same project.
To copy documents from search results and paste them into a folder:
From the project or global search results screen, select one or more documents.
Right-click and select Copy Shortcut from the context menu.
Select the Folders tab, and then select a folder within the same project.
Right-click the folder, and select Paste from the context menu.
Document Types Supported for Full-Text Extraction
The full-text database engine in PaperVision Enterprise can extract full-text information from many
different document file formats. Even if the application does not support full-text extraction for a
document type, you can still upload the document and search for it using index field values; the
application will simply be unable to extract the full-text information from the document.
The full-text database engine in PaperVision Enterprise supports the following document types:
Adobe Acrobat - pdf
Adobe Flash - SWF
Ami Pro - sam
ANSI/ASCII text - txt
Digitech Systems PaperFlow™ data groups that have been processed with OCRFlow™
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Digitech Systems DataFlow™ data groups
Eudora MBX message files - mbx
GZIP - gz
HTML - htm/html
JPEG - jpg
Lotus 123
MBOX email archives including Thunderbird - mbx
MHT archives (HTML archives saved by Internet Explorer) - mht
Microsoft Access 95 through 2007 - MDB
Microsoft Excel - xls/xlsx
Microsoft Excel 2003 XML - xml
Microsoft Internet Explorer Archives - mht
Microsoft Outlook Email files - eml
Microsoft Outlook Express 5 and 6 message stores - dbx
Microsoft Outlook Message files - msg
Microsoft PowerPoint - ppt/pptx
Microsoft Rich Text Format - rtf
Microsoft Vista XML Paper Specification - xps
Microsoft Word for DOS - doc
Microsoft Word for Windows versions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 (Word 97), 9 (Word 2000), 10 (Word XP), 11 (Word
2003), 12 (Word 2007) - doc/docx
Microsoft Word 2003 XML - xml
Microsoft Works - wks
MIME messages
MP3 (metadata only) - mp3
Multimate Advantage II - dox
Multimate version 4 - doc
OpenOffice 2.x and 1.x documents, spreadsheets, and presentations - sxc, sxd, sxi, sxw, sxg, stc, sti,
stw, odt, ott, odg, otg, odp, otp, ods, ots, odf (includes OASIS Open Document Format for Office
Quattro Pro
TAR - tar
TIFF - tif
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format - tnef
Treepad - hjt
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
Unicode (UCS16, Max or Windows byte order, or UTF-8)
WMA media files (metadata only) - wma
WMV video files (metadata only) - wmv
WordPerfect versions 5 and later - wpd, wpf
WordStar versions 4, 5, 6 - ws
Write - wri
XBase (including FoxPro, dBase, etc.) - dbf
XML - xml
XSL - xsl
ZIP - zip
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 - Folders
The Folders tab in PaperVision Enterprise allows you to organize documents in your
own customized arrangement, similar to Windows Explorer. If you have been granted
the appropriate folder security access rights by your administrator, you may be able to view, create,
delete, rename, and move folders within the Folders tab. Folder operations, such as cutting, copying, and
pasting, can be performed by right-clicking on a folder, and then selecting the operation from the context
menu. With the appropriate security access rights, you also may be able to move documents into folders
and remove documents from folders. The Folders view provides you infinite flexibility to organize folders
and documents, providing you with quick and convenient access to any document. To switch to the
Folders view, select the Folders tab next to the main PaperVision Enterprise System tab.
Note: All folder operations are specific to the project in which you are working.
Documents exist simply as shortcuts in the Folders view. As you place a document into a folder, a
shortcut for that document is created to reference it into that specific folder. You can place one document
in multiple folders, which will simply create multiple shortcuts (to that specific document) into each folder.
You can perform all of the same operations on documents in the Folders view that are available in any
Search Results screen, such as printing, exporting, altering indexes, deleting, etc. Within the Folders tab,
you can delete documents from the PaperVision Enterprise system or you can simply delete the
document shortcuts.
Expanding/Collapsing Folders
You can expand or collapse a folder (indicated with a folder icon) to show or hide its subfolders and
documents. To expand or collapse a folder, right-click the folder and select Expand or Collapse from the
context menu.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 - Folders
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Folders
With the appropriate security access rights, you can cut, copy and paste folders to different locations
within the tree. All of the folder’s subfolders and documents will be transferred.
To cut and paste a folder:
Right-click the folder and select Cut from the context menu.
Open the parent folder where the selected folder will reside.
Right-click and select Paste from the context menu.
To copy and paste a folder:
Right-click the folder and select Copy from the context menu.
Open the parent folder where the selected folder will reside.
Right-click and select Paste from the context menu.
Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Document Shortcuts
You can cut, copy, and paste document shortcuts from one folder to another folder. The copy/paste
operation allows you to place a document in multiple folders, which creates multiple shortcuts (to that
specific document) in each folder.
To cut and paste document shortcuts:
Note: A folder cannot be copied and pasted into another project. Folders are project specific.
In the Folders tab, select one or more documents.
Right-click on the selected documents and choose Cut Shortcut from the context menu.
Navigate to the appropriate folder.
Right-click on the folder and select Paste from the context menu.
To copy and paste document shortcuts:
In the Folders tab, select one or more documents.
Right-click on the selected documents and choose Copy Shortcut from the context menu.
Navigate to the appropriate folder.
Right-click on the folder and select Paste from the context menu.
Copying/Pasting Document Shortcuts from Search Results
You can copy document shortcuts from a project or global search results screen and paste the document
shortcuts into a folder. You can perform these operations by right-clicking the document in the search
results screen and selecting the operation from the context menu.
To copy documents from search results and paste them into a folder:
From the project or global search results screen, select one or more documents.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 - Folders
Right-click and select Copy Shortcut from the context menu.
Select the Folders tab, and then select a folder within the same project.
Right-click the folder, and select Paste from the context menu.
Deleting Folders
When you delete a folder, the entire folder and its contents, including all subfolders, folder shortcuts, and
document shortcuts are also removed.
To delete a folder:
In the Folders tab, select the folder.
Right-click and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
To confirm the folder deletion, select Yes.
Deleting Folder Shortcuts
To delete a folder shortcut:
In the Folders tab, select the folder shortcut.
Right-click and select Delete Folder Shortcut from the context menu.
To confirm the folder shortcut deletion, select Yes.
Deleting Documents and Document Shortcuts
You can delete documents from folders (document shortcuts), or you can permanently delete documents
from the PaperVision Enterprise system.
To delete documents and document shortcuts:
In the Folders tab, select one or more documents.
Click the Delete
To remove the document shortcut from the folder, select Shortcut. If you want to permanently delete
the document from the PaperVision Enterprise system, select Document.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
icon in the toolbar. The Confirm Document Delete dialog box appears.
Renaming Folders
If you have been granted the appropriate security access right, you can rename folders.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 3 - Folders
To rename a folder:
In the Folders tab, select the folder.
Right-click and select Rename from the context menu.
Enter the new name of the folder, and then press Enter.
Delete a Folder
When you delete a folder, the entire folder and its contents, including all subfolders, folder shortcuts, and
document shortcuts are also removed.
To delete a folder:
In the Folders tab, select the folder.
Right-click and select Delete Folder from the context menu.
To confirm the folder deletion, select Yes.
Creating New Folders
When you create a new folder, both a folder entry and a shortcut entry are created. The shortcut entry is
created to link the new folder into another folder (or the base/default folder for that specific project). You
can create a new folder that resides in one folder but shortcuts to another folder (allowing you to see the
folder’s contents).
To create a new folder:
Right-click the parent folder and select Create from the context menu. The new folder appears directly
below the selected parent folder.
Enter the new folder name, and then press Enter.
Refreshing Folders
To refresh the Folder list, right-click in the Folders tree and select Refresh from the context menu.
Refreshing Documents
To refresh the document list for the selected folder, right-click in the document list and select Refresh
from the context menu.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
There are two document viewers supplied with PaperVision: the PaperVision Viewer
and the Browser-Based Document Viewer. The PaperVision Viewer enables you to
view documents from within the PaperVision application. The Browser-Based Viewer enables you to view
documents from outside the PaperVision application.
On the PaperVision Enterprise screen, click System Settings to expand the menu.
User Options Screen
Click User Options and then select the Document Viewing tab.
Complete the following fields:
Document Display Method - Select which document viewer will be used.
Show First Document - Select this option to have the first document in a search automatically
Click Save to persist the changes
PaperVision Viewer
The PaperVision Enterprise solution supports the native viewing of more than 250 file types. The
PaperVision Viewer creates a clean and navigable user interface and enforces applicable functional
security while enabling document-management, manipulation features, and workflow capabilities. The
first time you attempt to view a document through the PaperVison Viewer, the system displays a link for
you to download the PaperVision Enterprise Web Assistant (Web Assistant). .
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Important: To install the Web Assistant, you must be using Windows XP SP3 or later. Additionally, the
viewer must be configured properly in System Settings > User Options > Use PaperVision Viewer.
Depending on document function rights granted by the administrator, using the PaperVision Viewer might
be your only option.
This functionality is supported on any Windows-based browser.
Alternatively, you can use the Browser-Based Viewer (System Settings > User Options > Use
Browser-Based Viewer) to view documents. If you opt to view documents in their native format when
using the PaperVision Viewer or Browser-Based Viewer, please be advised that documents viewed in
their native applications are not governed by the strict security features in PaperVision Enterprise.
Downloading and Installing the Web Assistant
You can install the Web Assistant from the Downloads screen. You must have the correct access to log
onto the Downloads screen. If you cannot install the Web Assistant, contact your administrator for
Note: Installing the Web Assistant requires administrative rights in Windows.
To download the Web Assistant from the Downloads screen:
From the Downloads screen, scroll to the PaperVision Enterprise Web Assistant entry, and then
click Download.
When the File Download dialog box appears, click Save.
Choose the file location.
Click Save once again.
To install the Web Assistant:
Browse to the location where you downloaded the Web Assistant.
Double-click the PaperVision Web Assistant.exe file. The InstallShield Wizard window appears.
Click Next. The License Agreement window appears.
Click Yes to accept the terms of the license agreement.
After the installation has completed, click Finish.
Viewing Documents in the PaperVision Viewer
To view documents:
Expand the Available Projects directory and select the project.
Perform a search for documents in a project. The results display in the Search Results page.
To view a document, double-click it in the Search Results list. The document displays in the
PaperVision Viewer window. See the PaperVision Viewer Window topic for additional information.
Performing Tasks in the PaperVison Viewer
When you are viewing a document in the PaperVision Viewer, click a toolbar icon to perform a task, or
right-click within the PaperVision Viewer and choose a command from the context menu. The choices
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
that are available to you depend on the permissions granted by the administrator and on the type of
document viewed.
PaperVision Viewer Window
The PaperVision Viewer window displays the documents after you open them in a search results screen.
To view documents:
Perform a search for documents.
Double-click a document in the search results. The document opens in the document viewer.
PaperVision Viewer Window
This window contains the following features:
Depending on your permissions and the type of document you are viewing, you can right-click on a
document to perform various operations on the document.
The PaperVision Viewer toolbar contains viewing commands that enable you to scale, zoom, and rotate
documents. Additionally, you can perform document operations such as printing, emailing, and
To preview the functions of each toolbar button, hover the mouse over the button, and its
description will appear as a tool-tip.
The Help button opens the related online help information.
The Status bar at the bottom displays the document's associated index values.
The Annotations toolbar, when enabled, allows you to create annotations.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
The scroll bars found at the bottom and side of the viewing window allow you to move the documents
up, down, left or right within the window.
In addition to the various context-menu options, use the mouse for the following tasks:
Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag it around an area to zoom in on a particular region.
Press the CTRL key and hold the left mouse button to pan the displayed image.
Viewing Documents in Native Applications
PaperVision Enterprise supports more than 250 file formats with the PaperVision Viewer. To view
documents in their native applications, that application must be loaded on your local machine. If the
administrator allows you to view documents in their native applications, you are not restricted from
exporting, printing, or emailing the files. Viewing documents in native applications does not provide full
functionality that the document viewer provides, but several operations are accessible and are outlined in
this topic.
When viewing documents in native applications, the following functions are available:
First Doc: Displays the first page of the first document in the search results list
Previous Doc: Displays the first page of the previous document in the search results list
Next Doc: Displays the first page of the next document in the search results list
Last Doc: Displays the first page of the last document in the search results list
First Page: Displays the first page of the current document
Previous Page: Displays the previous page of the current document
Next Page: Displays the next page of the current document
Last Page: Displays the last page of the current document
Close: Closes the document viewer
Help: Opens the related Online Help file topic
To view documents in their native formats:
In the search results list, highlight the document.
Note: The browser might be set to block the external viewer. If you see a Download message in the
Information toolbar, select it and choose Download File. Before you make any changes to your system
configuration, contact your IT department.
Click Open to view the document.
Click Save to save the document to a different location.
Supported File Formats
The permissions granted by the administrator determine if users will have access to documents in native
formats. The following file formats are supported in the PaperVision Document Viewer without requiring
the installation of additional software:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Archive Formats
7-Zip version 4.57
Expert Witness Compression (EnCase)
GZIP version 2
Java Archive
Legato EMailXtender Archive
Mac Disk Copy Disk Image
Microsoft Backup File
Microsoft Cabinet format version 1.3
PKZIP versions through 9.0
Tape Archive
UNIX Compress
UUEncoding all versions
WinZip versions through 10
Note: You can extract files from password protected .RAR and 7-Zip files. In addition, the ZIP reader
supports LZMA, BZIP2, and Deflate64 compression methods.
Binary Formats
Link Library
Computer Aided Design Formats
AutoCAD drawing (DWF, DWG, and DXF files) versions 2.5 through 2009
Microsoft Visio versions, 5, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010
Note: Graphic rendering for AutoCAD Drawing R13, R14, and R15 files are supported
Database Formats
dBase III+ and IV
Microsoft Access (versions 95, 97, 2000, 2002, 2003)
Microsoft Project 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Graphic Formats
Computer Graphics Metafile
CorelDRAW versions through 9.0
DCX Fax System
Encapsulated Postscript (raster) – TIFF header
Enhanced Metafile
GIF versions 87 and 89
HD Photo (JPEG XR) with .HDP or .WDP extensions
JPEG2000 (includes .J2K, .JP2, and .JPX)
JPEG LS with .JLS extension
Lossless JPEG with .LJP extension
Lotus AMIDraw Graphics
Lotus Pic
Macintosh Raster version 2
Microsoft Office Drawing
PC PaintBrush version 3
Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
Sun Raster Image
Tagged Image File (TIFF) versions through 6.0
Truevision Targa version 2
Windows Animated Cursor
Windows Bitmap
Windows Icon Cursor
Windows Metafile version 3
WordPerfect Graphics 1 version 1
WordPerfect Graphics 2 version 2 and 7
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Note: Graphic rendering for AutoCAD Drawing R13, R14, and R15 files is supported.
Mail Formats
Documentum EMCMF
Domino XML Language (includes support for non-encrypted embedded files and embedded images in
DXL files)
Legato Extender
Lotus Notes Database versions 4, 5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 8.0
Mailbox (MBX) created by Eudora 6.2 and Thunderbird 1.0
Microsoft Entourage Database 2004
Microsoft Outlook DBX 5.0 and 6.0
Microsoft Outlook Express (EML) versions 5 (Mac) and 6 (Windows)
Microsoft Outlook Message (MSG) versions 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007
Text Mail (MIME)
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format
Multimedia Formats
Note: Multimedia files are played using the Windows Media Control Interface
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF)
Microsoft Wave Sound (WAV)
MPEG-1 Audio layer 3 versions ID3 v1 and v2
MPEG-1 Video version 2 and 3
MPEG-2 Audio
NeXT/Sun Audio
QuickTime Movie version 2, 3, 4
Windows Video (AVI) version 2.1
PDF Formats
Adobe PDF versions through 1.7 (includes password-protected PDF files)
Presentation Formats
Apple iWork Keynote versions 2, 3, '08, and '09
Applix Presents versions 4.0, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Corel Presentations versions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Extensible Formats Description Language (XFD, XFDL)
IBM Lotus Symphony Presentation 3.0
Lotus Freelance Graphics 2
Lotus Freelance Graphics versions 96, 97, 98, R9, 9.8
Macromedia Flash versions through 8.0
Microsoft PowerPoint Macintosh versions 98, 2001, v.X, 2004
Microsoft PowerPoint PC version 4
Microsoft PowerPoint Windows versions 95, 97, 2000, 2002, 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint Windows XML versions 2007, 2010
Note: Transparent shapes in Microsoft PowerPoint files are also supported.
OASIS Open Document Format versions 1 and 2
OpenOffice Impress versions 1, 1.1, 2.0
StarOffice Impress versions 6, 7, 8
Spreadsheet Formats
Apple iWork Numbers versions '08 and '09
Applix Spreadsheets versions 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
Corel Quattro Pro versions 5, 6, 7, 8
Data Interchange Format
IBM Lotus Symphony Spreadsheet 3.0
Lotus 1-2-3 versions 2, 3, 4, 5, 96, 97, R9, 9.8
Lotus 1-2-3 Charts versions 2, 3, 4, 5
Microsoft Excel Charts versions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Microsoft Excel Macintosh versions 98, 2001, v.X, 2004
Microsoft Excel Windows versions 2.2 through 2007
Microsoft Excel Windows XML versions 2007, 2010
Microsoft Office Excel Binary Format versions 2007, 2010
Note: Merged cells and those containing Unicode text in Microsoft Excel files are supported. In
addition, charts, cell color, and border formatting in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheets are also
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet versions 2, 3, 4
OASIS Open Document Format versions 1, 2
OpenOffice Calc versions 1, 1.1, 2.0
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
StarOffice Calc versions 6, 7, 8
Text and Markup Formats
HTML versions 3, 4
Note: Character set detection is supported in HTML files.
Microsoft Excel Windows XML version 2003
Microsoft Word Windows XML version 2003
Microsoft Visio XML version 2003
MIME HTML (.mht)
Rich Text Format versions 1 through 1.7
Unicode HTML
Unicode Text versions 3, 4
XHTML version 1.0
XML (generic) version 1.0
Word Processing Formats
Adobe FrameMaker Interchange Format versions 5, 5.5, 6, 7
Apple iChat Log versions 1, AV 2, AV 2.1, AV 3
Apple iWork Pages versions '08, '09
Applix Words versions 3.11, 4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
Corel WordPerfect Linux versions 6.0, 8.1
Corel WordPerfect Macintosh versions 1.02, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 3.1
Corel WordPerfect Windows versions 5, 5.1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, X3
DisplayWrite version 4
Folio Flat File version 3.1
Fujitsu Oasys version 7
Health Level7 version 2.0
IBM DCA/RFT version SC23-0758-1
IBM Lotus Symphony Documents 3.0
JustSystems Ichitaro versions 8 through 2010
Lotus AMI Pro versions 2, 3
Lotus AMI Professional Write Plus version 2.1
Lotus SmartMaster versions 96, 97
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Lotus Word Pro versions 96, 97, R9
Microsoft Windows Write versions 1, 2, 3
Microsoft Word Macintosh versions 4, 5, 6, 98, 2001, v.X, 2004
Microsoft Word PC versions 4, 5, 5.5, 6
Microsoft Word Windows versions 1.0, 2.0, 6, 7, 8, 95, 97, 2000, 2003
Microsoft Word Windows XML version 2007, 2010
Note: WordArt text in Microsoft Word 2007 is supported.
Microsoft Works versions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 2000
OASIS Open Document Format versions 1, 2
OmniOutliner versions v3, OPML, and Outline
OpenOffice Writer versions 1, 1.1, 2.0
OpenPublication Structure eBook version 2.0
Skype Log version 3
StarOffice Writer versions 6, 7, 8
WordPad versions through 2003
XML Paper Specification
XyWrite version 4.12
Yahoo! Instant Messenger
Miscellaneous File Types and Items
OpenOffice 3 tables in presentation (.ODP) files
Quantum compression format when extracting .CAB files
Self-extracting archives created with WinZip, WinRar, and AllZip
Timestamps are preserved when files are extracted; however, there is no correction for Daylight
Savings Time.
PaperVision Viewer Toolbar
Document types and page counts help determine the number of available operations in the PaperVision
Viewer toolbar. Additionally, your permissions granted by the administrator will affect the number of
available operations in the toolbar. Multi-page documents will enable the white document toolbar buttons;
single-page documents will not. Image files, such as those with . jpg, .bmp, and .tif extensions, will
enable the scaling buttons within the toolbar; documents created in a word processing program will not.
Prints the document, a selection or selected pages in the
Prints the region you have displayed
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Adds a new document to the project
Scans a document directly into PaperVision Enterprise
Uploads scanned documents into PaperVision Enterprise and
displays the number of documents that are awaiting upload
Exports the document in a variety of file formats
Opens the document in its native application
Sends the document in an email
Creates a document grant
Alters the index values of the current document
Opens all associated documents
Searches text in a full-text document
Locates the next occurrence of matching text in a full-text
Hides the annotations on an image
Shows the annotations on an image
Shows or hides the annotations toolbar (the Annotations
toolbar adds, modifies, or deletes document annotations)
Adds a textual note to an image
Displays a textual note on an image
Toggles the overlay on or off a COLD or PaperVision
Enterprise Report Management image
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Opens the online help file associated with the PaperVision
Operations in the PaperVision Viewer Toolbar
The PaperVision Viewer offers a wide array of operations that can be performed on documents.
Accessibility to specific operations is controlled by your system administrator. Document operations such
as printing, adding, editing, deleting, exporting, scanning, and uploading may be available. Depending on
your user rights, you may be able to open documents in their native applications, send them by email,
issue document grants, perform audit reviews (on individual documents), and apply records retention
locks and dates. Additionally, text searching and annotation functions might also be accessible.
Viewing Documents
In the Search Results list, double-click the document to view.
Click any of the navigational toolbar icons to look through documents or pages in a document, scale
images, or rotate images. For more information, see Navigating Documents.
Note: If you adjust your view of a document, the system applies the same adjustments to all of the
documents you are viewing. For example, if you rotate an image 90 degrees, the rest of the images will
be rotated 90 degrees.
Browser-Based Viewer
You can print documents using the toolbar command, or you can right-click within the document or image
to print from the context menu. Depending on your printer configuration, the document or image might
print to a file or to a printer.
To print a document:
Click the Print Document
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
Click OK.
To print the current page of a document:
Right-click on the document, and then select Print Current Page.
Click OK.
Printing Regions of Documents
After zooming, scaling or rotating an image or document, you can print the exact region that appears in
the document viewer.
Click the Print Displayed Region
If necessary, select the printing parameters, and then click Save.
Click OK.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Adding New Documents
In the PaperVison Viewer, documents must be added one at a time. If applicable, the system applies
document-level security levels to these documents as they are uploaded to the system. If you add texttype documents for full-text searching, the system will populate the full-text database. Optionally, you can
add new documents to folders as you add them to the system.
Note: If applicable, document security levels may be applied. If you are adding text-type documents for
full-text searching, the system populates the full-text database.
To add documents in the PaperVision Viewer:
In the PaperVision Viewer toolbar, click the Add New Document
icon. Index values for the
currently-displayed document pre-populate the Add New Document dialog box.
Add New Document
In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required document index values.
In the Add to Folder field, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab.
If you do not want to add the document to a folder, proceed to step 8.
To add the document to a folder, click the ellipsis button to locate the folder. The Select Folder
dialog box appears (proceed to the next step).
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Select Folder
In the Select Folder dialog box, select the folder in which to add the document.
Or, you can create a new folder (proceed to the next step).
If the folder already exists and you do not want to create a new folder, proceed to step 7.
To create a new folder, select the appropriate parent folder, and then click the Create Folder button.
The Create Folder dialog box appears.
Create Folder
Enter the name of the new subfolder, and then click OK.
In the Select Folder dialog box, click OK after you have created all required folders.
In the Add New Document dialog box, click the ellipsis button in the Document File field to locate the
new document.
In the Add New Document dialog box, click Save. A progress message appears briefly while the
document is uploaded.
Scanning and Uploading New Documents
You can use the Scan2PVE feature to scan and upload single- or multi-page documents directly from a
TWAIN-enabled scanning device into PaperVision Enterprise. This feature enables you to add, move, or
delete pages within a document and maintain version control of those documents; any PaperVision
Enterprise machine can pull double duty by serving as an ad hoc scan station for distributed scanning.
You can also use Scan2PVE to capture documents and upload them into a new or existing workflow
process in PaperVision Enterprise WorkFlow.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Scanning Prerequisites
Before you scan documents, you must choose a scanner from Options > Select Scanner and define
your scanner settings in Options > Scanner Settings. Additionally, your system settings must be defined
in Options > System Settings.
Important: To scan documents into PaperVision Enterprise, the scanner must be connected directly to
the scanning machine (no wireless or other network connections).
Scanning from the PaperVision Viewer
When you scan documents from the PaperVision Viewer, the system will add the documents to the
current project. During the scanning process, the documents are stored in a temporary location on the
scanning machine until users upload them. This design is intended to optimize productivity for remote
users because they can scan multiple documents and then transfer them all at once. If applicable, the
system applies any document-level security definitions.
icon. Pages from the feeder are scanned,
For each document, click the Scan New Document
and then the Scan New Document dialog box appears.
Scan New Document
Enter the required document index field values.
In the Add to Folder field, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab.
If you do not want to add the document to a folder, proceed to step 8.
To add the document to a folder, click the ellipsis button to locate the folder. The Select Folder
dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Select Folder
In the Select Folder dialog box, select the folder in which to add the document.
Or, you can create a new folder (proceed to the next step).
If the folder already exists and you do not want to create a new folder, proceed to step 7.
To create a new folder, select the appropriate parent folder, and then click the Create Folder button.
The Create Folder dialog box appears.
Create Folder
Enter the name of the new subfolder, and then click OK.
In the Select Folder dialog box, click OK.
In the Scan New Document dialog box, click Save.
Note: If a message displays to notify you that the files are being written to a temporary cache location,
click OK.
For each additional document, repeat steps 2-8.After all documents have been scanned, click the
Upload Scanned Documents
icon to upload them to the server. As each document is
successfully uploaded, it is removed from the temporary cache location.
Exporting Documents
Click the Export
In the Export dialog box, select the appropriate Image Format in which to export the documents.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
From the File Name Field drop-down list, select the format of the file name (based on date/time stamp
or one of the document’s index field values).
Select the output directory location.
Select the page ranges.
Click Export. The system exports the documents' annotations and document index values that appear
in the document viewer.
Click OK to the confirmation message.
Opening Files in Native Applications
Although PaperVision Enterprise offers document viewing capabilities for over 250 different document
and image formats, it is sometimes necessary to open a document in its native application. PaperVision
Enterprise offers the ability to open the file that you are viewing in its native application as determined by
your operating system. When documents with annotations are viewed in native applications, the
annotations are not applied to the document.
Click the Open File in Native Application
Note: If you have security access to document versioning and this document is an external document,
you have the option of checking the document out.
To open the document in its native application while checking it out, click Yes. The file opens in its
associated application.
Note: Changes to image-based documents will not affect the retrievable document until your changes
have been checked in. You can still access the document (on the same computer) to make additional
changes prior to checking it in.
Emailing Documents
To send documents by email:
While viewing the document that will be sent, click the Email
In the Email dialog box, select the page range.
Select the format in which to send image attachments, if applicable. You can send as a multi-page .pdf
or .tif file.
Click Email.
Choose the appropriate options, and then click Send.
Creating Document Grants
A document grant allows a user outside a network or company to access a document directly through a
URL address. For example, instead of faxing or emailing sensitive loan-processing information directly as
an attachment in an email, you can create a document grant. Since the administrator grants permission
to create document grants, you may not have access to this operation. You can create multiple document
grants for the same document.
Passwords and expiration dates can be applied to document grants, and document security is fully
protected during transmission. Since the document viewer plug-in is not used by those who access these
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
types of documents, the document opens through an application on the user's computer. As such,
annotations do not render in these documents.
Note: A PaperVision Enterprise license is consumed only during the active viewing of a document
grant through the provided URL. The license is not consumed for the duration of the document
To create a document grant:
Click the Create Document Grant
icon. The Create Document Grant dialog box appears.
Create Document Grant
Do one of the following:
Enter the date and time that the document grant will expire in the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" format.
Accept the default 24-hour expiration
Enter a password.
Note: It is not recommended to leave this field blank. If you leave the Password field blank, any user
who obtains the URL can view the document.
Click Create.
If the document grant information is correct, click Yes. The document grant URL displays in the
Document Grant Created dialog box.
Document Grant Created
Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL to your Clipboard.
Click OK.
Note: It is highly recommended to perform the Copy to Clipboard operation at this time since this is
the only time the URL appears. Otherwise, your administrator will have to manually delete the
document grant so the grant can be available once again. Or, you will have to wait until the document
grant expires in order to recreate the grant.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
If desired, paste the URL into the email message that will be sent.
10. Click Close.
Altering Document Index Values
Index values can be changed from a search results page or the document viewer. Depending on each
project’s configuration, you may be able to enter new index values or choose new index values from a
drop-down list. When you alter a document's index values in the document viewer, the server updates the
values immediately.
To alter index values:
In the Document Viewer toolbar, click the Alter Document Index Values
Note: If you are scanning a new document and the document viewer is open, the Alter Document
Index Values function will be disabled.
Enter the new index values in the Alter Document Index Values dialog box. Only the index values
specific to the currently-viewed document will change.
Alter Document Index Values
Click Save.
Viewing Associated Documents
If your administrator has configured document associations for the project in which you are searching,
you can view all associated documents (across multiple projects) that have been linked to the document
you are currently viewing. Associated documents can be linked by common index values, index field
names, wildcards, or other criteria defined by your administrator.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Note: If the document you are currently viewing does not have any associated documents, the icon will be
When an index field or index value (or wildcard) has been configured for a Document Association, the
following search methods are used when you execute the Associated Documents operation in the
document viewer (and Workflow window):
When an index field has been configured, the index value in the configured field for the current
document will be used to search the index field configured in the associated project (to find any
documents with the same index value).
When an index value (or wildcard) has been configured, the index value configured in the Document
Association will be used to search the index field configured in the associated project (to find any
documents with the same index value).
icon. The Document Association Search Results screen
Click the Associated Documents
appears. The project containing the associated documents displays at the top of the screen, along with
the number of associated documents. All Document Associations defined by your administrator, along
with the number of associated documents, appear in the drop-down list at the top of the screen.
Document Association Search Results
Select the appropriate Document Association from the drop-down list to view the list of its documents.
Double-click a document to view it in the document viewer.
You can perform most of the operations that are available in the Search Results screen (except the Add
and Scan operations), such as printing search results, exporting, altering index values, emailing, deleting
documents, etc.
Finding Text
In the search results list, double-click on the document. The document opens in the document viewer.
In full-text view, the system enables the Find Text and Find Next Occurrence icons.
Click Find Text.
Enter the text to search for, and then click OK. The system locates the next instance of the word and
highlights the text in the document.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Adding and Printing Textual Notes
You can add textual notes to documents to indicate their progress or share other information. Textual
notes are not full-text searchable. If a page contains a textual note, the pencil on the textual notes button
displays in green. Once textual notes are created, they cannot be modified or deleted.
To add a textual note for a document:
Click the Textual Note
icon. The Textual Note dialog box appears.
Textual Note
In the top window, enter information on the textual note, and then click the Add button. The text, user,
and date/time stamp appear in the bottom window.
Click Save.
To print a textual note:
In the document viewer toolbar, click the Textual Note
In the Textual Note dialog box, click the Print button.
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
Navigating Documents
Depending on the number of documents found in the search and the number of pages comprising each,
some of the navigational toolbar icons may be disabled.
The following toolbar icons navigate you through documents and pages:
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Returns to the first document in the search results list
Hot Key: Ctrl+F
Returns to the previous document in the search results list
Hot Key: Ctrl+P
Proceeds to the next document in the search results list
Hot Key: Ctrl+N
Advances to the last document in the search results list
Hot Key: Ctrl+L
Returns to the first page of the current document
Hot Key: F
Returns to the previous page of the current document
Hot Key: P
Jumps to the user's specified page of the current document
Hot Key: J
Proceeds to the next page of the current document
Hot Key: N
Advances to the last page of the current document
Hot Key: L
Searching Text in Documents
Depending on the type of document you are viewing, the Find Text and Find Next Occurrence
operations may be available within the PaperVision Viewer. These operations allow users to quickly
locate specific words or phrases within documents. Both operations are not case-sensitive.
To find a word or phrase:
Click the Find Text
icon. The Find Text dialog box appears.
Find Text
Enter the text, and then click OK. The first occurrence of the word or phrase (from the cursor location)
will be highlighted.
To search for the next occurrence of the same text, click the Find Next Occurrence
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Right-Click Menu in the PaperVision Viewer
Depending on security access rights granted by the administrator and the type of document open in the
PaperVision Viewer, right-clicking within the document enables specific operations that are described in
this topic.
Copying Data to the Clipboard
Document contents (other than image portions) can be copied to the clipboard to be pasted into other
Highlight the information to copy.
Or, right-click on the document, and choose Select All from the context menu.
Right-click on the document, and select Copy to Clipboard from the context menu. The information
will be copied to the clipboard.
Resetting an Image
After scaling, zooming or rotating the image, right-click on the image, and select Reset Image from the
context menu. The document returns to its original view.
Printing the Current Page
Right-click on the document, and select Print Current Page from the context menu.
Click OK.
Viewing Full-Text Data
If the image has been processed through OCR, you can view the full-text data. If the image has not been
processed with OCR, a message will notify you that no full-text data exists.
Right-click on the document, and select View Full Text from the context menu.
To return to the image view, right-click the full text, and select View Full Text once again.
Viewing Full-Text Search Results
You can view the full text search results after you perform a full text search and subsequently open a
document found in the search.
Right-click on the document, and select Full Text Search Results from the context menu.
The results display the page word/phrase, and context. Highlight one of the results, and click View. The
full text that you searched will be highlighted in the document.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Text Search Results
To display the associated page of the document, double-click the item. If you are viewing the textual
contents of the document (versus the image contents), you can highlight the words or phrase that was
The score percentage is an indicator of the ranking of a document based on its number of hits compared
to the document receiving the most hits. The document with the most hits always receives a score of
100%. For example, if a search returns four documents with hits of 115, 77, 50, and 4, the document with
115 hits receives a score of 100%; the remaining documents receive 67% (77 of 115 is 67%), 43%, and
5%, respectively.
For full-text searches, the hits value displays the number of times (hits) the text exists in the document.
Viewing Source File Information
This operation will display the original data group name and source path for a document.
Right-click on the document, and select Source File Information from the context menu.
Click OK to close the source file information window.
Deleting/Moving the Page Range
When you check out an image-based document, you can make changes to the temporary checkout file.
While the document is checked out, you have the ability to move, delete, and insert/append pages within
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
the document. When you check the document back in, the temporary checkout file is used to update the
document on the server.
To delete a page range:
Right-click on the document, and select Delete Page Range from the context menu.
Enter the starting page and ending page range.
Click Continue.
A confirmation prompt lists your selected page range. Click Yes to continue, and your pages will be
deleted from the document.
Note: Your changes will not take place in the central repository until you have checked in the document.
To move a page range:
Right-click on the document, and select Move Page Range from the context menu.
In the Source Page Range section, enter the starting page and ending page range to move.
In the Destination Page Range section, enter the starting page and ending page (if applicable) where
the pages will be moved. Click Continue.
A confirmation prompt appears. Click Yes to continue, and your pages will be moved.
Note: Your changes will not take place in the central repository until you have checked in the document.
Checking a Document In/Out
Checking out image-based documents is handled differently than non-image documents. When a nonimage document is checked out, it is simply copied to a location on the local computer and then opened
in the native application.
When an image-based document is checked out, things must be handled differently as the document
typically has multiple image files for the single document (note that multi-page TIFF’s, PDF’s, etc are
treated as non-image documents). As such, a temporary checkout file is placed on the local computer.
Until you check the document in, when you access the document from that computer, you can move,
delete, and insert/append pages within the document (which can be accessed by right-clicking on the
page). All of your changes are made to the temporary checkout file. When you check the image-based
document back in, the temporary checkout file is used to update the document on the server.
To check out a document:
Right-click on the document, and select Check Document Out from the context menu.
Choose the location to save the document and click Save. The document opens in its native
application, as specified by the operating system.
To check in a document:
Right-click on the document and select Check Document In from the context menu.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Check In window
Click New Version or New Revision. These options are defined by the administrator; one option may
be considered more substantial than the other.
A new version increments the version by a whole number (i.e. 1.000 becomes 2.000 and 2.003
becomes 3.000).
• A new revision increments the minor version of the document (i.e. 1.001 becomes 1.002).
In the File Path field, click the navigation button to locate the file containing the new document version
or revision. The original checkout location pre-populates this field.
To delete the local file after check-in, select Delete Source File after Checked In.
Enter any comments about the document and click Save.
Undoing a Check Out
Only the administrator or the original user who checked out the document can undo a check-out.
Right-click on the document, and select Undo Check Out from the context menu.
Click Yes to continue. Your changes made during the checkout will not be submitted.
Click OK to the confirmation message.
Viewing the Current Status
You can view who has checked out a document and when it was checked out.
After checking out a document, right-click on the document, and select Current Status from the
context menu. The checkout date/time, user, and name appear.
Click OK to close the status window.
Viewing the Revision History
Right-click on the document, and select View Revision History from the context menu. The Revision
History dialog box appears.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Revision History
Choose the version and click View.
Click Yes.
Click Close to close the document revision window.
To roll back a document in the revision history menu:
Right-click on the document, and select View Revision History from the context menu.
Select the roll back version.
Select Roll Back, and then click Yes. The previous document version appears, and the new version is
added to the revision history list.
Applying/Removing Retention Locks
While viewing documents in the document viewer, the administrator and authorized users can apply and
remove records retention lock dates. You can also apply and remove retention locks within the search
results screen.
Note: Users who are not granted rights to remove retention locks will not be able to apply a new lock date
that is later than the current lock date.
Right-click on the document, and select Apply/Remove Retention Lock from the context menu. The
Records Retention and Destruction dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Records Retention and Destruction - Retention Lock
Select Apply Retention Lock, and enter a valid Lock Date/Time.
Or, select Remove Retention Lock.
Click Save.
Click Yes to confirm the application/removal of the retention lock.
Applying/Removing Destruction Dates
While viewing documents, system administrators and authorized users can apply and remove records
retention destruction dates. If you apply a destruction date to a document, the document is removed from
any destruction list to which it was previously associated. You can also apply and remove destruction
dates within the search results screen.
Right-click on the document, and select Apply/Remove Destruction Date from the context menu. The
Records Retention and Destruction dialog box appears.
Records Retention and Destruction - Destruction Date
Select Apply Destruction Date, and enter a valid Destruction Date/Time.
Or, select Remove Destruction Date.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Click Save.
Click Yes to confirm the application/removal of the destruction date.
Performing Security Audits
In addition to the extensive security reporting capabilities in the Administration Console, PaperVision
Enterprise offers you the ability to perform security audits for individual documents. You must be granted
the appropriate user rights to perform a security audit. These audits provide a detailed list of who
accessed the document and the operations performed on each.
Right-click on the document, and select Security Audit from the context menu. The system displays
the document’s associated activity in the Security Audit dialog box.
To print the contents of the audit, click Print.
Select the printing parameters, and then click OK.
To export the data to an XML file, click Export.
Enter the file name for the audit, and choose the output directory and file type.
Click Save.
Click OK to the confirmation message.
To close the audit window, click Close.
Creating Workflow Instances
Only system and workflow administrators can create a workflow instance. Multiple workflow instances can
be applied to one document.
1. Right-click on the document, and select Create Workflow Instance from the context menu. The system
displays all available workflows.
2. In the Create Workflow Instance dialog box, select the workflow, and then click Create.
3. Click OK to close the confirmation message.
Viewing Workflow Status
Only system administrators or workflow administrators can view a document’s workflow status.
1. Right-click on the document, and select View WorkFlow Status from the context menu. The system
displays a drop-down list of workflow instances associated with the current document.
2. Since a document may have multiple workflow instances associated with it, you may select from the
Associated Workflow Instances drop-down list to view the information for another instance.
3. Click Close to close the workflow status window.
Setting a File Password
Some archive file types, such as ZIP files, contain additional files within their container that are often
password-protected. When you assign passwords to ZIP files or Microsoft Office files in their native
applications (e.g., Word, Excel, etc.), users will be required to enter the password to view the content of
these files from the document viewer (or application). Once a password is set, it will remain in memory
until the document viewing window (or application) is closed.
Ensure a password was applied to the document in the ZIP container or native application (e.g., Word,
Excel, etc.) before it was added to PaperVision Enterprise.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
In PaperVision Enterprise, view the password-protected archive or Microsoft Office file.
Click OK to the prompt that indicates the file is password-protected.
To view the contents of the password-protected file, right-click on the document, and select Set File
Password from the context menu.
Enter the password, and then click OK. The supplied password will be applied to the document so its
contents will be displayed.
Extracting Selected Files
Some archive file types, such as ZIP files, contain additional files within their container. These files can
be extracted to your hard drive for further use.
While viewing an archive document, highlight the files.
Right-click on the document, and select Extract Selected Files from the context menu.
Select a directory to extract into, and click OK.
Options include System Settings, Select Scanner, and Scanner Settings. For more information, see the
Options in the PaperVision Viewer or Document System Settings topic.
Making a Disclosure/Enhanced Auditing
All document operations, such as viewing, searching, printing, emailing, exporting, etc., are tracked by
PaperVision Enterprise. Additionally, administrators may enable enhanced auditing for a project. When
enhanced auditing is enabled, performing document operations may require you to enter a recipient of
the information (i.e. emailed to whom), the reason for the disclosure of information, and (optionally) notes
pertaining to the disclosure.
If you perform an operation on a document whose associated project has enhanced auditing enabled,
you will be required to select from existing disclosure information or you may be allowed to enter new
Click the appropriate icon to perform an operation. (For example, click E-mail.)
Choose the method of the disclosure (in this example, E-mail).
Select or enter the name of the recipient.
Select or enter the reason for the disclosure.
Enter any additional information in the Notes field.
Click OK.
To disclose information manually, it may be required to record a disclosure of information that is not
associated with a specific operation in the application. To track such information, right-click the
document, select Manual Disclosure, make the appropriate modifications, and click OK.
Revision Control
PaperVision Enterprise offers extensive document revision control features so you can manage multiple
versions of documents. In addition to standard document check-out and check-in operations, you can roll
documents back to previous versions and view old versions of documents.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
The process for checking out image-based documents differs from non-image documents. When you
check out non-image documents, they are simply copied to a location on the local computer and then
opened in the native application.
When you check out image-based documents, the check-out process differs since image-based
documents typically contain multiple image files for the single document (however, multi-page TIFFs,
PDFs, etc. are considered non-image documents). As such, a temporary checkout file is placed on your
local computer. While the image-based document is checked out on your local computer, you can access
the document to move, delete, and insert/append pages within the document. The changes are made to
the temporary checkout file; when you check in the document, this temporary checkout file updates the
document on the server.
To view a document's checkout status:
Right-click on the document, and select Current Status. The user who checked it out and the checkout
date appear.
Click OK to close the status window.
Scanned Document Checkout
Checking out scanned documents differs from checking out documents originating from external files,
such as Microsoft Word documents. Users are not prompted to save scanned documents; rather,
documents are marked as checked out so they cannot be modified. Documents are not removed from the
system, but when they are checked out, users can add, delete or reorder pages using the PaperVision
Viewer specifically. You cannot make changes with any other program and be able to save those
changes. Additionally, this applies to .tif files that were imported into the system and not scanned.
Checking Out/Checking In Documents
To check out a document:
Right-click the document and choose Check Document Out.
For documents, the Check Out Document dialog box will appear, so select the location where the
document should be saved.
When checking out image-based documents, they are automatically saved to the C:\Document
and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Digitech
Systems\Papervision\Checkout Queue folder.
Image-based documents are saved as a pvecheckout file and when they are checked back in, they
are automatically deleted.
• Image files can only be added and deleted, and pages can be reordered.
• Image files can only be checked back in through the PaperVision Viewer.
Type a file name for the document if necessary.
Click Save.
The document will open for editing in its native application specified by the operating system.
Make the appropriate edits, then save the document while in its native application.
To check in a document:
Right-click the document and choose Check Document In. The Check In dialog appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Check In
Note: If no revisions were made to images, a prompt will appear that asks to undo the checkout
instead of checking the document back in. Click Yes when this appears.
Click New Version or New Revision.
Note: These options are defined by the administrator; one option may be considered more substantial
than the other. New Version increments the version by a whole number. New Revision increments the
minor version of the document. See the next section on Revision History and Rolling Back
Documents for more information.
In the File Path field, click the ellipsis button to locate the file containing the new document version or
revision. The original checkout location pre-populates this field.
To delete the local file after check-in, select Delete Source File after Checked In.
Enter any comments (optional) and click Save. The new version is copied to the server and updated.
Revision History and Rolling Back Documents
When a document version is updated, the system increments the document version number by a whole
number (e.g., 1.000 becomes 2.000 and 2.003 becomes 3.000). A new revision increments the minor
version of the document (e.g., 1.001 becomes 1.002).
When a document rolls back to an earlier version, the system increments the number, even though the
contents of the document are restored to the contents of the earlier version. For example, version 3.000
does not roll back to version 2.000; instead, the system increments the version to 4.000.
To view document revision history:
Right-click the document and choose View Revision History.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Revision History
Choose the version and click View.
Click Yes.
Click Close to close the document revision window.
To roll back a document in the revision history menu:
Right-click the document and choose View Revision History.
Choose the version to roll back to, click Roll Back, and then click Yes.
The previous document version will appear.
The application adds the new version to the revision history list.
Enhanced Auditing
Administrators may enable the Enhanced Auditing feature for projects, which will require users to enter
each document's recipient, a disclosure reason and other notes if necessary. The instructions in this topic
describe how to select disclosure reasons and disclosure recipients prior to emailing, exporting or printing
a document.
To make a disclosure:
Select an operation from the document viewer toolbar, such as email, export, or print.
Before you can perform the operation, select the method, recipient, and reason from the Enhanced
Auditing dialog box.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Enhanced Auditing
Type in the recipient or reason if it is not available in the drop-down lists. Depending on the user rights
granted by the administrator, some users may not have the option to type in a disclosure reason.
Enter any notes if necessary.
Click OK. The disclosure will be recorded into a log that the administrator can access.
Security Audits
Entity administrators can perform security audits on individual documents and view a detailed operations
log on the document. To perform a security audit, right-click within the document and select Security
Audit. Click Print to print out a hard copy of the log.
Security Audit
To export the security audit into an XML file:
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Click the Export button.
In the Export Audit Info dialog, type the file name and select the appropriate export location.
Click Save. A confirmation message appears reminding you of the location where the XML file resides.
Click OK to close the message.
Workflow Instances in Documents
Users designated as system administrators or workflow administrators can use the Create Workflow
Instance and View Workflow Status tools within the PaperVision Viewer. The tool is activated by rightclicking within the document or image. One document can be applied to multiple workflow instances in
the PaperVison Viewer.
Creating a Workflow Instance
Only system administrators or workflow administrators can create a workflow instance. Multiple workflow
instances can be applied to one document.
Right-click on the document and select Create Workflow Instance from the context menu. The system
displays all available workflows in the Create Workflow Instance dialog box.
Create Workflow Instance
Select the workflow and click Create, which applies the workflow instance to the document.
Click OK to close the confirmation message.
Viewing a Document's Workflow Status
Only system administrators or workflow administrators can view a document’s workflow status.
Right-click the document and select View Workflow Status from the context menu. Since multiple
workflow instances may be applied to a document, the Associated Workflow Instances drop-down
list will filter the data based on each instance.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Workflow Status
Click Close to exit and return to the document viewer.
Options in the PaperVision Viewer
The Options command is available when you right-click on a document or image within the document
viewer, and then select Options > System Settings > Select Scanner (or Scanner Settings).
The following settings are available for both documents and images:
System Settings
System Settings include those for printing, scanning, workflow, and header/footer options.
Right-click on a document and choose Options > System Settings.
Make the appropriate modifications in each tab.
Click Save.
For more information on configuring settings in each tab, see the following topics:
Modify ASCII font and display options in the General tab.
Modify workflow options in the Workflow tab.
Modify scanning and document editing capabilities in the Scan/Edit Tab.
Modify headers and footers in the Header/Footer tab.
Select Scanner
This option allows you to configure the scanner used to scan in documents to PaperVision Enterprise.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Right-click on a document and choose Options > Select Scanner.
Select the scanner from the drop-down list and click OK.
Scanner Settings
Scanner Settings include the Image Type and Scan Resolution drop-down lists. Additional scanner
settings include options for ADF Enabled (Document Feeder) and Duplex Scanning Enabled. Options
available in the drop-down lists will vary across scanners. In addition, all TWAIN driver options available
from your scanner driver are now available in PaperVision Enterprise. For example, you can change
TWAIN driver options such as page size and color type while viewing documents in PaperVision
Right-click on a document and choose Options > Scanner Settings.
Make the appropriate modifications depending on the scanner you are using, and then click OK.
Document System Settings
System settings, including general document settings, printing, and scanning options, can be assigned in
the PaperVision Viewer. The General tab contains ASCII font and display settings and word processing
document display options. Options chosen in this tab will be saved on your local computer. To access
system settings for the PaperVision Viewer, right-click on the document and select Options > System
System Settings - General
ASCII Font: Specifies the font that is used to display ASCII documents (including COLD/ERM documents)
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Filter non-printable Characters: Specifies whether non-printable characters are filtered out of the view
when displaying ASCII documents (including COLD/ERM documents)
ASCII Display Options
ASCII Margins: Specifies the size of the left, right, top, and bottom margins in twips (1440 twips = 1 inch)
when displaying ASCII documents (including COLD/ERM documents)
ASCII Character Set: Specifies the character set used to display ASCII documents (including COLD/ERM
The ANSI Character Set is the Microsoft Windows default.
DOS Code Page should only be used if the text file was created with a DOS editor.
Word Processing Document Display Options
Display Mode: Specifies whether to display textual documents (i.e. word-processing files) to fit within the
window (Fit to Window) without full formatting, or to display the document with full formatting in Page
Layout Mode
Note: When in Fit to Window mode, font sizes can be increased and decreased for easier viewing.
Page Layout: Specifies the page layout of textual documents (i.e. word-processing files) when they are
displayed in Page Layout Mode
PDF Rendering
You can specify a dots per inch (DPI) value at which PDF files are rendered. The default value is 96 DPI, but
you can enter a value between 1 and 500. Higher values will result in larger files.
Scan/Edit Settings
Scan and Edit settings define how the system handles the scanning and editing capabilities. These
options are saved on your local computer. The Scanning Options section defines the document
scanning and indexing settings. The settings for Annotation/Textual Note Handling for Editing ImageBased Documents define how the system handles annotations when someone modifies an image-based
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
System Settings - Scan/Edit
Scanning Options
New Document File Type: Choose Single-Page TIFF to save each scanned image as an individual
image within the document. This option enables you to modify scanned documents. You cannot modify
Multi-Page PDF images within the document viewer; you must modify them in a third-party application.
Pre-Populate New Fields: Check this box to configure the system to pre-populate document index
values with the same values as the document currently being viewed.
Prompt to Add Pages: Check this box to prompt to add additional pages to the scanned document
once the scanner has scanned all of its pages, giving you the opportunity to add additional pages to the
feeder. Once a document has been scanned and indexed, it cannot be modified until it has been
uploaded and checked out.
Explicitly Save/Restore Settings: - When selected this option initiates the ActiveX control to save and
restore the scanner's TWAIN settings. Some scanners were not restoring their TWAIN setting correctly
after being entered. This setting saves the configuration and doesn't allow the scanner's driver to
overwrite the updated configuration.
Annotation/Textual Note Handling for Editing Image-Based Documents
These settings specify how annotations are to be handled when an image-based document is modified.
When a modified document is checked in, this value is used to determine whether the annotations will
remain associated with the image (useful for annotations that highlight or redact portions of the image)
or the page number (useful where annotations are simply notes).
Annotations might be deleted if the image or page that an annotation was associated with is removed
from a modified document.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
No annotation shuffling is performed when rolling back to a previous version (annotation are left
associated with their page numbers).
Workflow Settings
Depending on your permissions, you may be allowed to make modifications to your workflow options
found in the Workflow tab. Options that are modified in this tab are saved on your local computer. In
addition, any settings that your administrator defines for your entity override any modifications you make
System Settings - Workflow
Modify the following fields:
Refresh Period: The amount of time (in seconds) the system must remain idle (without the user doing
anything in the workflow screen) before automatically refreshing the Worksteps Waiting in Queue and
My Worksteps lists. Enter 0 to disable the automatic refresh feature.
Maximum Items in Lists: You can limit the total number of worksteps that display at a given time in
the Worksteps Waiting in Queue and My Worksteps lists. This number indicates the maximum
number that displays in both lists. Enter 0 to display all worksteps.
Confirm Ownership: Check this box if you want the system to display a confirmation message each
time you take ownership of a workstep. If you leave this box unchecked, no confirmation message
displays; you assume ownership without confirming.
Take Next Available Workstep: When you are a member within a group of workflow participants, you
might attempt to take ownership of a workstep that another participant has just assumed. Check this
box if you want the system to automatically assign the next available workstep to you in such a case.
Only one workflow participant can own a workstep at a time, and if you attempt to take ownership of an
owned workstep, the system denies you access to that workstep. If you leave this box unchecked, the
system displays an alert that the workstep is already owned, but it does not automatically assign the
next available workstep to you.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Header/Footer Settings
The Header/Footer tab contains font and placement settings for document headers and footers. These
settings are saved on your local computer.
System Settings - Header/Footer
In the Image Printing Header/Footer Font area:
Font Name: Displays the name of the current font
Font Size: Displays the current font size
Bold: Displays True if the header prints in bold font; displays False if the header is not bold
Italics: Displays True if the header prints in italics; displays False if the header is not in italics
Select button: Modifies the current font settings
In the Image Printing Header/Footer Data area:
Top Left: Positions the header or footer in the top left corner of the page
Top Center: Positions the header or footer in the top center of the page
Top Right: Positions the header or footer in the top right corner of the page
Bottom Left: Positions the header or footer in the bottom left corner of the page
Bottom Center: Positions the header or footer in the bottom center of the page
Bottom Right: Positions the header or footer in the bottom right corner of the page
You can select from the following types of data:
None: No value prints in the selected position
Current Date: The current date prints in the selected position
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Current Date and Time: The current date and time prints in the selected position
Current Time: The current time prints in the selected position
Index Fields: The index fields for the document print in the selected position in comma-delimited
Page Number: The document prints page numbers in the selected position
User Defined Value: A user-specified value prints in the selected position. Enter the value in the Value
Annotating Documents
PaperVision Enterprise offers a wide array of operations that can be performed on documents in the
document viewer. Accessibility to specific operations is controlled by your system administrator.
Document operations such as printing, adding, editing, deleting, exporting, scanning, and uploading may
be available. Depending on your security access rights, you may be able to open documents in their
native applications, send them by email, issue document grants, perform audit reviews (on individual
documents), and apply records retention locks and dates. Additionally, text searching and annotation
functions might also be accessible.
Note: Additional document operations are accessed by right-clicking the document and selecting the
operation from the context menu.
Depending on your security access rights, the Show/Hide Annotations tool may be available in the
document viewer. Annotations allow you to highlight important sections of documents or to hide sensitive
information from unauthorized users. If you are assigned the right to create and modify annotations, you
can completely annotate, or mark up, images within a document. Textual annotations (running notes) are
available for all document types. Annotations are stored in a separate database table that can be affected
when data groups are reloaded. Annotations are simply overlays on images, but they cannot be applied
to all document types.
Note: Depending on the entity's import settings assigned by your administrator, annotations may be lost
when data groups are reloaded into the PaperVision Enterprise system.
Administrators can define user permissions so that annotations are "forced on", which means that users
are able to perform operations on documents to which they have access, but they cannot remove, hide,
or move the annotations. For full-text documents with annotations forced on, full-text is hidden behind the
annotation, but users can still perform a full-text search on the document. In addition, if the "Force
Annotations On" security access setting is enabled and an annotation fails to display, the document will
not display, protecting the security of the annotations.
Click the Edit Annotations
icon in the Document Viewer toolbar to display the annotations
Selects annotations already present in the document
or image
Inserts text on the document or image
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Draws a straight line on the document or image
Draws multiple, connected lines on the image
Draws a rectangle to highlight or block out an area
Draws freehand elements on the document or image
Draws a solid, transparent, or translucent rectangle
around an area
Draws a solid, transparent, or translucent ellipse
around an area
Draws a solid, transparent, or translucent polygon
around an area
Hiding/Displaying Annotations
Click Show
and Hide
Annotations icons to toggle the annotations on and off.
Annotating Documents
To apply annotations to documents:
Click the Edit Annotations
Select the appropriate annotations tool to make your annotations, and use the left mouse button to
define the area containing the annotation.
Note: If you use the Multiple Connected Lines or Polygon tool, double-click the left mouse button to
end the drawing.
Click Edit Annotations
once again to save the changes.
Using the Annotation Selector Tool
Click the Annotation Selector tool
and then select the annotation.
Editing Annotations
To edit annotations:
Click the Edit Annotations
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Click the Annotation Selector
Right-click on the annotation.
In the context menu, select the appropriate option.
Click Edit Annotations
once again to save the annotation changes.
Deleting Annotations
You can delete annotations individually or all at once.
To delete one annotation:
Click the Edit Annotations
Click the Annotation Selector
Choose Delete from the context menu.
tool and then right-click the annotation to delete.
To delete all annotations:
Click the Edit Annotations
Click the Annotation Selector
Choose Delete All from the menu.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
tool, and then right-click any annotation.
Forcing Annotation on Documents
You must have administrative rights to force annotations on documents.
To force annotations on:
Log into the appropriate entity.
Click Administration > Projects and choose the project to modify.
Select Security Access, locate the user or group to modify, and click Properties. If the user does not
yet have access to the project, click Add and check the appropriate users or groups.
Select Force Annotations On. This setting requires that users view annotations on documents (useful
for enforcing redacted portions of documents). If this option is selected, users are able to perform
operations on documents to which they have access, but they cannot remove, hide, or move the
annotations. For full-text documents with annotations forced on, full-text is hidden behind the
annotation, but users can still perform a full-text search on the document. In addition, if the "Force
Annotations On" security access setting is enabled and an annotation fails to display, the document will
not display, protecting the security of the annotation.
Click Save, and then click OK.
Note: While "Force Annotations On" will be enforced within PaperVision, there are extenuating
circumstances outside of PaperVision when a determined user may be able to view a previously unannotated page, thereby exposing any information hidden underneath the annotation.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Right-Clicking on Annotations
After you apply annotations to documents, you can use the Annotation Selector tool to right-click on an
annotation to open a context menu. The context menu displays the operations and properties specific to
the selected annotation tool. Depending on the type of document or image viewed, the annotation’s
context menu will contain different options.
For example, right-clicking on a text annotation will display the following context menu:
Context Menu - Text Annotation
Most of the annotation tools contain related properties that you can customize, including the pen and
back color, as well as the movable and sizable properties. You can right-click on any annotation, and
then cut, copy, or delete the selected annotation (or all annotations) on the document. Textual properties
are applicable only to the Text Annotation tool, including the Text color, Orientation, Locked, and Text
justification properties.
Viewing Documents with Annotations
Depending on security access rights granted by the administrator, the Show/Hide Annotations tool may
be available in the PaperVision Viewer. Annotations highlight important sections of documents or to hide
sensitive information from unauthorized users.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Document without Annotations
Document with Annotations
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Changing the Document View
You can manipulate a document's view by scaling, zooming, and rotating it with the scaling toolbar
buttons. Image files with extensions such as .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .tif can be scaled and rotated in the
PaperVision Viewer.
The following toolbar icons change the display of the image in the Document Viewer window:
Displays the image at its full width
Hot Key: W
Displays the image at its full height
Hot Key: H
Scale to Window Fits the image within the window
Hot Key: CTRL + W
Rotates the image 90 degrees
Hot Key: R
Toggles the overlay on and off for a COLD/ERM document.
Hot Key: O
Zooming and Panning
The PaperVision Viewer contains a zooming feature that is initiated by dragging the mouse around an
area of the image.
To zoom in on an area:
With the left mouse button, drag around an area of the document. A bounding outline appears.
Once the area is the appropriate size, release the mouse. The zoomed area appears within the
PaperVision Viewer window.
To return to the original view, right-click the image, and select Reset Image.
To pan around a zoomed area:
Press the CTRL key and the left mouse button. The pointer appears as a hand instead of an arrow.
Move the pointer to pan around the area.
Browser-Based Viewer
When you view documents in the Browser-Based Viewer, you can view documents using Internet
Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (on iPad devices and Macs), android devices and web browsers
after you open them from a Search Results screen. The Browser-Based Viewer features an intuitive
ribbon interface with large icons representing groups of related operations, such as scaling, zooming, and
document/page navigation operations. Several file types, including TIFF, JPG, PDF, PPT(X), DOC(X),
XLS(X), VSD, etc., are supported in the Browser-Based Viewer, and you are not required to install
additional software.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Security Audits
Browser-Based Viewer
The Browser-Based Viewer includes the following features:
The Home tab provides primary document operations including printing, adding, document/page
navigation, and formatting operations for scaling, zooming, and rotating
The Edit tab provides versioning (check in/out, revision history, etc.), document management (altering
index values, document sharing, etc.), and annotation (share and email) operations
The Quick-Access Toolbar contains a set of commands that are independent of the currently displayed
page. You can customize this toolbar with operations that you most commonly use in the BrowserBased Viewer
The Help button opens the related online help information
The Status bar at the bottom displays the document's current page position (e.g., Page 1 of 1) and its
associated index values.
The Annotations toolbar, when enabled, allows you to view annotations
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
The scroll bars found at the bottom and side of the viewing window allow you to move the documents
up, down, left or right within the window
You can drag the mouse around an area to zoom in on a particular region. On an iPad, pinch the area
in which you want to zoom.
Supported Hot Keys
The Browser-Based Viewer provides support for hot keys outlined below. These keyboard shortcuts
consist of one keystroke or multiple keystroke combinations that activate operations within the BrowserBased Viewer.
Home Tab
Ctrl+Z: Print Document
Ctrl+Alt+A: Add New Document
Ctrl+Alt+O: Open File in Native Application
Ctrl+P: Previous Document
Ctrl+N: Next Document
Ctrl+F: First Document
Ctrl+L: Last Document
P: Previous Page
N: Next Page
F: First Page
L: Last Page
J: Jump to Page
R: Rotate Image
Space: Reset Image
W: Scale to Width
H: Scale to Height
Alt + W: Scale to Window
Ctrl+M: Minimize Ribbon
Ctrl+V: Viewer Options
F2: Help File
Edit Tab
Ctrl+X: Check Document Out
Ctrl+U: Undo Check Out
Ctrl+C: Current Status
Ctrl+H: View Revision History
I: Alter Document Index Values
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
E: Email
G: Share Document
D: View Associated Documents
C: Source File Information
Ctrl + T: Textual Notes
S: Show/Hide Annotations
Supported Native File Types in the Browser-Based Viewer
The permissions granted by the administrator determine whether or not users will have access to
documents in native formats. Since the Browser-Based Viewer does not use ActiveX components,
several additional browsers to Internet Explorer are also supported, including Chrome, FireFox, and
Safari (on iPad devices and Macs) and android devices. When you select the Browser-Based Viewer to
view documents, the following file formats are supported, and you are not required to install additional
COLD/ERM Formats
COLD documents (DataFlow texual documents and PVERM COLD documents)
Image Formats
BMP (Standard Windows format, including OS/2, bitmap)
CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)
CLP (Windows Clipboard)
CUR (Windows 3.x and Win95 cursor)
CUT/PAL (Dr. Halo CUT)
DCX (Intel multi-page FAX)
DIB (Microsoft Device Independent Bitmap)
DICOM/DICM/DCM (Digital Imaging & Communication in Medicine versions 3.0, 1991-2006)
DNG (Adobe Digital Negative)
GEM (GEM Paint)
GIF (Graphic Image Format)
ICO (Windows Icon)
IFF (Electronic Arts)
IMT (IMNET Groups III and IV)
JFX (Kofax Group4)
LV (Lazer View)
MSP (MS Paint)
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
PBM (Portable Bitmap)
PCD (Kodak Photo CD)
PCX (PC Paintbrush)
PGM (Portable Graymap)
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
PNM (Portable Any-Map)
PPM (Portable Pixmap)
PSB (Adobe Photoshop Big)
PSD (Adobe Photoshop)
PTOCA/PTO/MOD (Presentation Text Object Content Architecture)
SGI (Silicon Graphics Image)
TGA (Truevision Targa)
TIF/TIFF (Tagged Image File Format version 3.0-6.0)
U3D (Universal 3D version 1.0)
WBMP (Wireless Bit-Map)
WDP (HD Photo/Windows Media Photo)
WPG (WordPerfect Graphics Metafile)
XBM (X BitMap)
XPM (X PixMap)
XWD/WD (XZ Windows Dump)
Informational Formats
PDF/Postscript Formats
PDF (Adobe PDF version 1.1-1.7)
PS/EPS (Adobe PS v3)
Message Formats
PMicrosoft Visio Files
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Multi-Part Files
Non-Converted Files
Presentation Formats
Spreadsheet Formats
XML (Office Format)
Textual Documents
XML (Office Format)
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Operations in the Browser-Based Viewer
PaperVision Enterprise offers a variety of operations that can be performed on documents in the
Browser-Based Viewer. Accessibility to specific operations is controlled by your system administrator.
Document operations such as printing, adding, and sharing may be available for selection. Depending on
your user rights, you may be able to open documents in their native applications, alter document index
values, associate documents, add textual notes, and other operations. Additionally, text searching and
annotation operations may also be accessible.
Viewing Documents
The Browser-Based Viewer displays the documents after you open them in a search results screen.
Depending on your security access rights and the type of document you are viewing, you may be able to
perform various document operations. The Browser-Based Viewer toolbar contains operations that
enable document scaling, zooming, and rotating; page and document navigation; and document-related
tasks such as printing, sharing, and annotating. You must select the Use Browser-Based Viewer user
option prior to viewing documents in the Browser-Based Viewer. See the User Options topic for more
Perform a search for documents. The results display in a search results list.
Search Results
In a Search Results list, double-click the document to view, and the document opens in the BrowserBased Viewer window.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Browser-Based Viewer Window
Click a toolbar icon to perform an operation. Operations available in the toolbar depend on your
security access rights granted by the administrator and the type of document viewed. Instructions for all
operations in the Browser-Based Viewer begin are described in the remaining sections of this topic.
Printing Documents
You can print the currently-displayed page in the Browser-Based Viewer.
In the Browser-Based Viewer's General toolbar group, select the Print
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
Click OK.
Adding New Documents
Depending on the permissions granted to users by the administrator, documents can be added to
projects from the Browser-Based Viewer.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Note: If applicable, document security levels may be applied. If you are adding text-type documents for
full-text searching, the system populates the full-text database.
icon. Index values for the
In the Browser-Based Viewer's General toolbar group, select the Add
currently-displayed document pre-populate the Add New Document dialog box.
Add New Document
In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required document index values.
In the Folder field you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab.
If you do not want to add the document to a folder, proceed to step 7.
To add the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the folder. The Choose Folder
dialog box appears (proceed to the next step)
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Choose Folder
In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder in which to add the document.
• Or, you can create a new folder (proceed to the next step).
• If the folder already exists and you do not want to create a new folder, proceed to step 7.
To create a new folder, select the appropriate parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
Enter the name of the new folder, and then click OK.
In the Add New Document dialog box, click the ellipsis button in the File field to locate the new
In the Add New Document dialog box, click Save. A progress message appears briefly while the
document is uploaded.
Opening Files in Native Applications
Although PaperVision Enterprise offers document viewing capabilities for various document and image
formats, it is sometimes necessary to open a document in its native application. PaperVision Enterprise
offers the ability to open the file that you are viewing in its native application as determined by your
operating system. When documents with annotations are viewed in native applications, the annotations
are not applied to the document.
If you attempt to open an unsupported file type on an iPad or Android device, the native application must
be installed on the device. Otherwise, the document may not open outside the Browser-Based Viewer.
In the Browser-Based Viewer's General toolbar group, select the Open
Note: If you have security access to document versioning and this document is an external document,
you have the option to check out the document.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
To open the document in its native application while checking it out, click Yes. The file opens in its
associated application.
Note: Changes to image-based documents will not affect the retrievable document until your changes
have been checked in. You can still access the document (on the same computer) to make additional
changes prior to checking it in.
Or, select Cancel to open the document without checking it out. Proceed to the next step.
You can either open or save the file if you did not check out the document. Select Open or Save.
If you select Open, the file will open in its native application.
If you select Save, the Save As dialog opens, where you can select the local or network directory in
which to save the file. Proceed to the next step.
Save As
In the Save As dialog, enter the file name, and then click Save.
Document and Page Navigation
Depending on the number of documents found in the search and the number of pages comprising each,
some of the navigational toolbar icons may be disabled.
The following toolbar icons navigate you through documents and pages:
Previous: Returns to the previous document in the search results list
Next: Proceeds to the next document in the search results list
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
First: Returns to the first document in the search results list
Last: Advances to the last document in the search results list
Previous: Returns to the previous page of the current document
Next: Proceeds to the next page of the current document
First: Returns to the first page of the current document
Last: Advances to the last page of the current document
Jump: Jumps to the user's specified page of the current document
Item Navigation
Depending on the whether you have enabled the Document Grouping feature in User Options, the Item
Navigation toolbar icons may not appear in the Browser-Based Viewer's toolbar.
The following toolbar icons navigate you through grouped documents:
Previous Item: Returns to the previous item in the grouped document
Next Item: Proceeds to the next item in the grouped document
Scaling, Zooming, and Rotating
You can manipulate a document's view by scaling, zooming, and rotating it with the operations in the
Format toolbar group. Image files with extensions such as .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .tif can be scaled, rotated,
and reset in the Browser-Based Viewer. The Browser-Based viewer contains a zooming feature that is
initiated by dragging the mouse around an area of the image or pinching the area on an iPad or Android
Note: If you adjust your view of a document, the system applies the same adjustments to all of the
documents you are viewing. For example, if you rotate an image 90 degrees, the rest of the images will be
rotated 90 degrees.
The following toolbar icons change the display of the image in the Browser-Based Viewer:
Scale to Width: Displays the image at its full width
Scale to Height: Displays the image at its full height
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Scale to Window: Fits the image within the window
Rotate Image: Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise
Reset Image: Resets the image to its original size within the window
To zoom in on an area:
With the left mouse button, drag around an area of the page. A bounding outline appears.
Note: On the iPad or Android device, pinch the area you want to zoom.
Once the area is the appropriate size, release the mouse. The zoomed area appears within the
Browser-Based Viewer window.
To return to the original view, select the Reset Image icon.
Revision Control
To view a document's checkout status:
After opening the document in the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Versioning toolbar group, select the Current Status
the checkout date appear.
icon.The user who checked it out and
Current Status
Click OK to close the status window.
To check out a document:
After opening the document in the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Versioning toolbar group, select the Check Out
Cancel the check out.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
icon. You are prompted to Open, Save, or
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Open - Click Open.The document is opened in the native application for the select file.
Save - Click Save and then click open to select the folder in which the document will be saved.
Cancel - Click to cancel the Save process. The document is still checked out. You must check in the
document to allow access to it in the future.
Type a file name for the document if necessary.
Click Save.
The document will open for editing in its native application specified by the operating system.
Make the appropriate edits, then save the document while in its native application.
To check in a document:
After opening the document in the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Versioning toolbar group, select the Check In
icon. The Check In dialog appears.
Check In
Click New Version (major) or New Version (minor).
Note: These options are defined by the administrator; one option may be considered more substantial
than the other. New Version (major) increments the version by a whole number. New Version (minor)
increments the minor version of the document. See the next section on Revision History and Rolling
Back Documents for more information.
In the File Path field, click the ellipsis button to locate the file containing the new document version or
revision. The original checkout location pre-populates this field.
Optionally enter any comments (optional) and click Save. The new version is copied to the server and
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Revision History and Rolling Back Documents
When a document version (major) is updated, the system increments the document version number by a
whole number (e.g., 1.000 becomes 2.000 and 2.003 becomes 3.000). A new version (minor) increments
the minor version of the document (e.g., 1.001 becomes 1.002).
When a document rolls back to an earlier version, the system increments the number, even though the
contents of the document are restored to the contents of the earlier version. For example, version 3.000
does not roll back to version 2.000; instead, the system increments the version to 4.000.
To view a document's revision history:
After opening the document in the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Versioning toolbar group, select the Revision History
icon. The Revision History dialog
Revision History
Choose the version and click View.
Click Yes.
Click Close to close the document revision window.
To roll back a document in the revision history menu:
In the Revision History dialog, select the Roll Backbutton.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Choose the version to roll back to, click Roll Back, and then click Yes.
The previous document version will appear.
The application adds the new version to the revision history list.
Altering Document Index Values
Index values can be changed from a search results page or the document viewer. Depending on each
project’s configuration, you may be able to enter new index values or choose new index values from a
drop-down list. When you alter a document's index values in the document viewer, the server updates the
values immediately.
In the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Manage toolbar group, select the Alter
Enter the new index values in the Alter Index Values dialog box. Only the index values specific to the
currently-viewed document will change.
Alter Index Values
Click Save.
Emailing Documents
Documents can be emailed from the Browser-Based Viewer.
With a document open in the Browser-Based Viewer, click the Email
icon. One of two screen
If the selected document is an imaged based document, TIFF, JPG, etc, you are presented with
page range option as shown below:
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Email dialog with page range options
If the selected document in the Browser-Based Viewer is in a format other than a graphic format
such as PDF, or Microsoft Word format, you are presented with the Email document screen without
the page range options as shown below:
Email dialog without page range options
At the Email dialog, complete the following fields:
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
To: Enter the email address of the recipient.
Subject: Optionally enter a subject for the email.
Message: Optionally enter a message describing the document.
Note: Annotation will not be included on the image when emailing it from the Browser-Based
Click the Email button to send the document to the recipient.
Sharing Documents
When you share a document, a user outside a network or company can access the document directly
through a URL address. For example, instead of faxing or emailing sensitive loan-processing information
directly as an attachment in an email, you can share a document. Since the administrator grants
permission to share documents, you may not have access to this operation. You can share multiple
documents at a given time.
Passwords and expiration dates can be applied to shared documents, and document security is fully
protected during transmission. Since the PaperVison viewer is not used by those who access these types
of documents, the document opens through an application on the user's computer. As such, annotations
do not render in these documents.
Note: A PaperVision Enterprise license is consumed only during the active viewing of a shared document
through the provided URL. The license is not consumed for the duration of the shared document.
In the Browser-Based Viewer, click the Edit tab.
In the Manage toolbar group, select the Share
icon. The Share Document dialog box appears.
Share Document
Enter the date and time that the shared document will expire in the "yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss" format.
Or, accept the default 24-hour expiration.
Enter a password.
Note: It is not recommended to leave this field blank. If you leave the Password field blank, any user
who obtains the URL can view the document.
Click Create.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
If the shared document information is correct, click Yes. The shared document URL displays in the
Share Document dialog box.
Share Document
Click Copy to Clipboard to copy the URL to your Clipboard.
Click OK.
Note: It is highly recommended to perform the Copy to Clipboard operation at this time since this is the
only time the URL appears. Otherwise, your administrator will have to manually delete the document
share so it can be available once again. Or, you will have to wait until the document share expires in
order to recreate the share.
10. If desired, paste the URL into the email message that will be sent.
11. Click Close.
Viewing Associated Documents
If your administrator has configured document associations for the project in which you are searching,
you can view all associated documents (across multiple projects) that have been linked to the document
you are currently viewing. Associated documents can be linked by common index values, index field
names, wildcards, or other criteria defined by your administrator.
Note: If the document you are currently viewing does not have any associated documents, the icon will
be disabled.
When an index field or index value (or wildcard) has been configured for a Document Association, the
following search methods are used when you execute the Associated Documents operation in the
document viewer (and Workflow window):
When an index field has been configured, the index value in the configured field for the current
document will be used to search the index field configured in the associated project (to find any
documents with the same index value).
When an index value (or wildcard) has been configured, the index value configured in the Document
Association will be used to search the index field configured in the associated project (to find any
documents with the same index value).
In the Browser-Based Viewer, click the Associated
icon. The Document Association Search
Results screen appears. The project containing the associated documents displays at the top of the
screen, along with the number of associated documents. All Document Associations defined by your
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
administrator, along with the number of associated documents, appear in the drop-down list at the top
of the screen.
Associated Documents
Select the appropriate Document Association from the drop-down list to view its list of documents.
Double-click a document to view it in the Browser-Based Viewer.
You can perform most of the operations that are available in the Search Results screen (except the
Add and Scan operations), such as printing search results, exporting, altering index values, emailing,
deleting documents, etc.
Viewing Source Files Information
This operation will display the original data group name and source path for a document.
In the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Manage toolbar group, select the Source File
icon. The Source File Information dialog
Source File Information
Click Close.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Adding Textual Notes
You can add textual notes to documents to indicate their progress or share other information. Textual
notes are not full-text searchable. If a page contains a textual note, the pencil on the textual notes button
displays in green. Once textual notes are created, they cannot be modified or deleted.
To add a textual note for a document:
In the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Annotate toolbar group, select the Notes
icon. The Textual Note dialog box appears.
Textual Note
In the top window, enter information on the textual note, and then click the Add button. The text, user,
and date/time stamp appear in the bottom window.
Click Save.
To print a textual note:
Open the document containing the textual note.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
In the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Annotate toolbar group, select the Notes
In the Textual Note dialog box, click the Print button.
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
Showing and Hiding Annotations
Depending on your security access rights, the Show/Hide Annotations tool may be available in the
Browser-Based Viewer.
To show/hide annotations:
In the Browser-Based Viewer, select the Edit tab.
In the Annotate toolbar group, select the Show
and off.
or Hide
icon to toggle the annotations on
Browser-Based Viewer Options
Within the Browser-Based Viewer, you can select how certain types of documents are rendered once you
open them from a search results screen. Generally, you can render documents as images or in their
native applications. Font options are also available for textual documents in the Browser-Based Viewer.
Additionally, you can select the icons to display in the Quick Access Toolbar. To modify Browser-Based
viewer options, select the Viewer Options
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Edit Viewer Options - General Rendering
The following list summarizes how specific documents are rendered in the Browser-Based Viewer:
Images are displayed in their native format and are not converted to another format in the BrowserBased Viewer.
Non-converted documents, such as text, HTML, files of unknown types, and files with missing
extensions, are not converted in the Browser-Based Viewer. As a result, these types of files do not
support graphical annotations.
PDF and Postscript documents (such as PS, EPS) are not converted in the Browser-Based Viewer.
However, PDF files support existing annotations.
Multi-Part Files, such as ZIP, GZIP, and TAR, are displayed in a tree structure. If you select a file in the
container, its contents are displayed if they are supported file types.
Message documents (EML and MSG) and their attachments, are displayed in a general email layout.
When you select an attachment in a supported file format, the page navigation operations are
Genferal Rendering
The General Rendering tab provides rendering options for spreadsheet, textual, presentation, and
diagram documents in the Browser-Based Viewer. The following settings are available:
Spreadsheets - By default, spreadsheets are rendered as PNG images at 200 DPI. Alternatively, you
can render spreadsheets natively, and they will open in their respective application.
Textual Documents - By default, textual documents, such as those with the .doc, .docx, and .rtf
extensions, are rendered as PNG images at 200 DPI. Alternatively, you can render textual documents
in their native formats, and they will open in their respective applications.
Presentation Documents - By default, presentation documents are rendered as PNG images at 200
DPI. Alternatively, you can render presentation documents natively, and they will open in their
respective application. For the Page Size property, you can select the Letter, Legal, A4, or Custom
page size in inches or centimeters. For the Paper Orientation property, you can display presentation
documents in either the Portrait (vertical) or Landscape (horizontal) orientation.
Diagram Documents - By default, diagram documents are rendered as PNG images at 200 DPI.
Alternatively, you can render diagram documents natively, and they will open in their respective
The Fonts tab provides font options for textual documents in the Browser-Based Viewer. When finished
with your selections, click the Save button.
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
The following font settings are available for selection for plain text and COLD fonts:
Plain Text Font
You can select the type of font that appears on textual-based documents:
Font Name: By default, text is displayed in Courier New font, but you can select another option.
Font Size: By default, text is displayed in font size 12, but you can select another option.
Font Bold: By default, this setting is not selected. Insert a check mark to change the font appearance
to bold.
Font Italics: By default, this setting is not selected. Insert a check mark to change the font appearance
to italics.
You can select the type of font that appears on COLD documents.
Font Name: By default, text is displayed in Courier New font, but you can select another option.
Font Size: By default, text is displayed in font size 12, but you can select another option.
Font Bold: By default, this setting is not selected. Insert a check mark to change the font appearance
to bold.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
You can customize the Quick Access toolbar with operations that you commonly use in the BrowserBased Viewer. The icons displayed in this toolbar are accessible from the File or Edit tab.
Edit Viewer Options - Toolbar
The following Quick Access icons are available for selection:
Print Document
Add New Document
Open File in Native Application
Previous Document
Next Document
First Document
Last Document
Previous Item
Next Item
Previous Page
Next Page
First Page
Last Page
Jump to Page
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Rotate Image
Reset Image
Toggle Overlay (COLD/ERM)
Scale to Width
Scale to Height
Scale to Window
Check Document In
Undo Checkout
Current Status
Revision History
Alter Document Index Values
Share Document
Associated Documents
Source File Information
Textual Note
Show/Hide Annotations
Supported File Formats (Full-Text)
The full-text database engine in PaperVision Enterprise can extract full-text information from many
different document file formats. Even if the application does not support full-text extraction for a
document type, you can still upload the document and search for it using index field values; the
application will be unable to extract the full-text information from the document.
Adobe Acrobat – pdf
Adobe Flash – SWF
Ami Pro – sam
ANSI/ASCII text – txt
Digitech Systems DataFlow™ data groups
Digitech Systems PaperFlow™ data groups that have been processed with OCRFlow™
Eudora MBX message files – mbx
GZIP – gz
HTML – htm/html
JPEG – jpg
Lotus 123
MBOX email archives including Thunderbird – mbx
MHT archives (HTML archives saved by Internet Explorer) – mht
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Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
Microsoft Access 95 through 2007 – MDB
Microsoft Excel – xls/xlsx
Microsoft Excel 2003 XML – xml
Microsoft Internet Explorer Archives – mht
Microsoft Outlook Email files – eml
Microsoft Outlook Express 5 and 6 message stores – dbx
Microsoft Outlook Message files – msg
Microsoft PowerPoint – ppt/pptx
Microsoft Rich Text Format – rtf
Microsoft Vista XML Paper Specification – xps
Microsoft Word 2003 XML – xml
Microsoft Word for DOS – doc
Microsoft Word for Windows versions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 (Word 97), 9 (Word 2000), 10 (Word XP), 11 (Word
2003), 12 (Word 2007) – doc/docx
Microsoft Works – wks
MIME messages
MP3 (metadata only) - mp3
Multimate Advantage II – dox
Multimate version 4 – doc
OpenOffice 2.x and 1.x documents, spreadsheets, and presentations – sxc, sxd, sxi, sxw, sxg, stc, sti,
stw, odt, ott, odg, otg, odp, otp, ods, ots, odf (includes OASIS Open Document Format for Office
Quattro Pro
TAR – tar
TIFF – tif
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format – tnef
Treepad – hjt
Unicode (UCS16, Max or Windows byte order, or UTF-8)
WMA media files (metadata only) – wma
WMV video files (metadata only) – wmv
WordPerfect versions 5 and later – wpd, wpf
WordStar versions 4, 5, 6 – ws
Write – wri
XBase (including FoxPro, dBase, etc.) – dbf
XML – xml
XSL – xsl
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 4 - Viewing Documents
ZIP – zip
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
If you are assigned to worksteps within a workflow definition in PaperVision
Enterprise, you can access the Worksteps Waiting in Queue directory to complete
your worksteps and associated tasks. When you select a workstep from the directory, the Workflow
View opens and displays all worksteps to which you have been granted access, along with their
associated documents. Workflow definitions, pre- and post-conditions, workstep participants, and tasks
are configured and assigned by your administrator in the PaperVision Enterprise Administration Console.
To view a workstep that is waiting in your queue, click it to open the WorkFlow View.
To view a complete list of workflow terms, see the Workflow Terms section in the WorkFlow Definitions
Understanding Basic WorkFlows
To build a workflow definition, administrators include the following elements:
Defined workflow participants
Workflow definition, which serves as a template of the activities that must occur in the workflow
Start workstep, which kicks off the first workflow instance when an associated pre-condition is met
Worksteps, including the associated tasks, post-conditions, time limits, and workflow participants;
worksteps can be automated, which means the system undertakes them, or manual, which means a
user or group undertakes them.
Stop step, which serves as the last step in the workflow instance
Notes: A single document can be active in multiple workflow instances at the same time. If someone
deletes the document from the system, the workflow instance automatically transitions to the stop step,
and the application sends the workflow administrator a notice in the log file. The system tracks all
workflow instances individually for audit reports.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
The following figure illustrates an example loan-processing workflow instance:
Example of a Loan-Processing Workflow Instance
As illustrated in the loan-processing workflow instance, workflow instances follow the same basic steps:
1. The workflow instance begins.
2. If the first workstep is manual, as in the loan-processing example, the workflow participant takes
ownership of it. If the workstep is automated, the system undertakes it.
3. If the workstep is manual, the workflow participant checks off each associated task upon completion
(similar to a "To-Do" list). If the workstep is automated, the system undertakes the associated tasks.
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Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
4. As soon as at least one post-condition in the workstep is complete, the system transitions the instance to
the next workstep.
5. When the last workstep meets a post-condition, the workflow instance transitions to the stop workstep,
and the workflow instance is complete.
Workflow Terminology
The following terms are used in the Workflow component in PaperVision Enterprise. These terms adhere
to the standard terms prescribed by the Workflow Management Coalition (WFMC) or WFMC-approved
A workflow definition describes a series of activities (workstep definitions), and the order and conditions
under which they execute, that are controlled by the workflow engine to automate a business process.
Workflow/WorkFlow Instance
A workflow or workflow instance is a representation of a single enactment of a workflow definition. A
workflow definition is a description (definition), and a workflow instance is the live execution of that
definition. When a document is imported into PaperVision Enterprise, the system may, based on preconditions, spawn a workflow instance of a workflow definition. In other words, you may create a workflow
definition for a loan processing application, but the workflow instances are the live representations of
loans as they are processed through that workflow.
Note: A single document can be active in multiple workflow instances at the same time. If the document is
deleted from the system, the workflow instance will be transitioned to the end automatically with a history
entry outlining that the document was deleted.
Pre-conditions define a set of rules based on document index criteria that are used to determine if
documents should automatically spawn new workflow instances when a document is added to the system
(via importing data groups or manually adding a new document). A workflow definition can contain
multiple pre-conditions. Once a pre-condition is met for a specific workflow definition and the workflow
instance has been instantiated, no additional pre-conditions for that same workflow will be evaluated.
However, other workflow definitions’ pre-conditions will be evaluated to see if workflow instances should
be created for them. If no pre-conditions are defined for a workflow, workflow instances will have to be
manually created by administrators or users explicitly granted access to do so.
Note: Pre-conditions defined as new versions are not re-evaluated for existing documents (those already
residing in the system) when importing with the Full Reload as New Object Version option. Pre-conditions
defined as new versions are only re-evaluated during document check-in.
Workstep Definition
A workstep definition describes an activity that forms one logical step within a process defined by a
workflow definition. This activity may be automated by the workflow server (with no user intervention) or
may require the user to perform one or a series of tasks. A workstep definition includes one or more
tasks that are assigned to a single participant. While worksteps must be performed in the order defined
by the workflow definition, tasks within a workstep can be performed in any order.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
Workstep/Workstep Instance
A workstep or workstep instance is a representation of a single enactment of a workstep definition within
a workflow instance. It is the smallest unit of work scheduled by the PaperVision Enterprise WorkFlow
engine. Once a workflow instance is created, there is always exactly one active/current workstep instance
representing the workstep that the workflow is currently on. The workstep instance may be owned by a
single user who is currently working on it or it may be unowned (waiting to be taken ownership of). A
workstep instance does not have to be completed all at once. In other words, a user may perform certain
tasks on Workstep A; complete work on Workstep B; then return to complete Workstep A at a later time.
A task represents an item of work that can be performed during a workstep. Only one user can own a
workstep; all tasks to be performed within that workstep must be performed by that one user (more than
one user cannot be assigned to the tasks comprising the workstep). Tasks within a workstep do not have
to be performed in any specific order. However, the administrator can order the tasks differently for each
Tasks can include user operations or automated operations. User tasks are simply instructions telling the
user to do something. Once the user has done that task, the user can mark it as completed. Automated
tasks are operations that are carried out by the system for the user. Automated tasks include forcing a
document index field to a specific value, executing command-line instructions (to launch separate
applications or perform a system operation), and raising COM events (to allow a third-party application to
interact with the workstep). Automated tasks are executed after the previous task in the workstep is
Workstep Participants
A workstep participant indicates whether a group of users will complete the workstep or the server
(Automated) will automatically perform every task in the workstep.
Task/Workstep Transition
A workstep transition occurs when a workstep is completed and the flow of the workflow moves
(transitions) to another workstep.
Post-conditions are rules that are evaluated when a workstep instance is activated. After each task is
processed, post-conditions are used to determine whether the workstep is completed. Post-conditions
contain two pieces of information, including evaluation rules and the transition workstep. The evaluation
rules specify the tasks to be completed and/or any document index criteria that must exist in order for the
rule to be satisfied. If the rule is satisfied, then the workstep is marked as completed and then
transitioned to its transition workstep. The transition workstep specifies the next workstep; it can also
specify the end of the entire workflow or transition to another workflow entirely.
A workstep definition may contain multiple post-conditions. Each post-condition is evaluated in order (i.e.
when a workstep contains multiple post-conditions, the first post-condition that is met will initiate the
workstep transition, and the workstep will be completed.
Workstep Owner
As workstep instances are created, defined workstep participants can assume ownership of them. Once a
specific user (or the system) has assumed ownership of the workstep instance that user (or the system)
becomes the Workstep Owner. Once a workstep instance is owned, no other participants can perform
any of the tasks for that particular workstep instance. Ownership of a workstep instance can only be
revoked by an administrator
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
Modifying Workflow Options
1. Select Options > System Settings > Workflow.
2. Make the appropriate modifications.
These settings are saved to your local computer.
Depending on your permissions, you might be unable to make modifications to your workflow
Additionally, any settings defined by the administrator for the entity will override any modifications
made in this location.
3. Click Save.
Understanding the WorkFlow View
You can select any workstep in the Worksteps Waiting in Queue directory to open its associated
document(s) in the WorkFlow window. The Workflow view contains workstep tasks, worksteps owned by
the user, and worksteps waiting in queue.
WorkFlow View
Features of the Workflow Window
The following operations and features are available in the Workflow Window:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
Workstep Tasks displays tasks associated with the selected workstep. Depending on the workflow
configuration, you must complete the associated tasks to complete a workstep.
PaperVision Viewer Window displays the document associated with the current workstep instance.
Help opens the related online help information.
Options allows you to configure system settings, including workflow options.
Refresh allows you to refresh both the Worksteps Waiting in Queue and My Worksteps lists.
Workstep drop-down menu, found next to the Options and Refresh buttons, displays the user's
accessible worksteps and associated workflows.
Worksteps Waiting in Queue displays worksteps not yet owned within the selected workflow instance.
My Worksteps displays worksteps owned within the selected workflow instance.
Taking Ownership of Worksteps
The Worksteps Waiting in Queue list displays unowned worksteps within the selected workflow instance
and appears within the WorkFlow window.
Worksteps Waiting in Queue
WorkFlow Instance displays a unique number assigned to each workflow instance.
WorkFlow Started displays the time the workflow instance began.
Workstep Instance displays a unique number assigned to each workstep instance.
Workstep Started displays the date and time the workstep instance entered the workflow.
Once you take ownership of a workstep, the ownership cannot be canceled. Only an administrator can
reassign ownership of a workstep.
To take ownership of a workstep:
Double-click a workstep in the Worksteps Waiting in Queue list.
Or, right-click the workstep and choose Take Ownership.
To take ownership of multiple worksteps, press the Shift or Control key while selecting worksteps.
Depending on your workflow options, you might need to click Yes to confirm ownership. The workstep
displays in your My Worksteps list, and the system displays the appropriate document in the
PaperVison Viewer Window.
Tasks List
The Workstep Tasks list displays on the left side of the WorkFlow window and lists associated tasks
belonging to the selected workstep. Use the left mouse button to mark tasks as complete and to route
worksteps to completion.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 5 - Worksteps Waiting in Queue
Tasks Awaiting Completion
Task Completed
To complete workstep tasks:
Select the check box next to the appropriate task.
Each time you complete a task, the system evaluates whether any post-conditions have been met.
As soon as a post-condition is met, the system transitions to the next workstep.
Click Yes if a confirmation message appears (it may not appear, depending on your assigned
Workflow settings).
Otherwise, click No to return to the Workflow window.
My Worksteps
The My Worksteps list displays the worksteps you own within the selected workflow instance. Your
worksteps appear in the bottom left of the WorkFlow window.
My Worksteps
The My Worksteps list contains the following columns:
WorkFlow Instance displays a unique number the system assigns to the workflow instance.
WorkFlow Started displays the time the workflow instance began.
Workstep Instance displays a unique number the system assigns to the workstep instance.
Workstep Started displays the date and time you assumed ownership of the workstep.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
The Global Searches directory facilitates document searches across multiple
projects. If you consistently perform searches by certain criteria such as social
security number, account number or company ID, you can add a global search to streamline the search
process. Because the Page Forward or Page Backward commands are not included on the Global
Search Results page, define specific criteria so that your search produces only the most applicable
results. All users are allowed to define an unlimited number of global searches. Searches are not case
sensitive; for example, a search on the name "smith" locates both "smith" and "Smith".
Global searches that are run against certain databases are often added to these databases' log files.
Consequently, these log files can grow over time and can possibly cause these databases to perform
much more slowly. Because of this possibility, it is recommended to select only the relevant fields to
perform the global search. For example, to search only for social security numbers across projects, you
should not select irrelevant index fields for the global search; fields like company name, employee name,
department name, etc. should not be selected.
Global Search Criteria
Note: It is required to search at the project level when searching for full-text data.
After defining a Global Search, the page consists of the following elements:
Global Searches list (displays a list of existing global searches)
Global Search Criteria field
Add Search command
Edit Search command
Delete Search command
Search button
Clear Criteria button
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Viewing a Global Search List
To view all available global searches, click the Global Searches directory and a list will be returned. If no
searches have been defined, a notification indicates that no global searches exist.
Adding a Global Search
To add a new global search:
Click the Add Search
icon. The Add New Global Search window displays.
Add New Global Search
Enter the search name in the Global Search Name field.
Use the right vertical scroll bar to move up and down the list.
Move the horizontal scroll bar to view longer-named fields.
Select the appropriate projects and index fields to include in the search.
To select all projects and criteria, check the Select All box.
Click Save.
Editing a Global Search
To edit a global search:
Select the global search to edit.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Click Edit Search.
Make the appropriate modifications by selecting or removing the criteria in the list.
Click Save.
Deleting a Global Search
To delete a global search:
Select the global search to remove.
Click Delete Search, and then click OK.
Running a Global Search
To search projects globally:
From the Global Searches screen, select a predefined global search from the Global Searches list.
Enter the search criteria in the Global Search Criteria field, and then click Search.
Note: You cannot use the "&" or "^" characters in global search criteria.
Global Search Results
The search goes through the projects' appropriate index fields and returns the documents fitting the
If you enter invalid global search criteria, the system displays an alert.
If the search returns documents from multiple projects, select the appropriate on from the Project dropdown list.
Printing Search Results
In addition to selecting a document to view, a variety of operations can be performed from a search
results list, including altering document index values, deleting, printing, emailing, exporting, migrating,
and adding new documents. Depending on access to specific operations controlled by your administrator,
you may be able to apply document-level security, records retention locks, and destruction dates and
times on documents
Printing Search Results
You can print a search results list in a formatted, print-friendly version.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
To print the project search results:
Click the Print Results icon.
Select the appropriate printer, and then click Print.
Exporting Search Results
You can export one or more search results items to an XML file.
To export a selected results list item:
Select one or more items in the search results list.
Click the Export Results icon.
Click Open to view the exported results in the XML file.
Or, click Save to save the exported results to a location in your directory.
Enter the file name, and then click Save. If you entered a file with the XML file extension on the end,
the selected items will be exported into an XML formatted text file. Otherwise, the selected items will be
exported into a tab-delimited text file.
Click Save once again.
Global Search Results
The Global Search Results screen contains similar operations and hot keys as the Project Search
Results screen. Although documents can also be viewed from this screen, only the first page of results
appears within each searched project, and no Next or Previous links are available.
Global Search Results
The Global Search Results page displays the following items:
Current project name
Number of documents displayed per page (limited to the number of documents specified in the Max.
Results Per Query field in User Options)
If applicable, a notification that more search results exist
Project drop-down list (click the down arrow to view results in a different project)
Project index fields which display as column headings in the search results table
Document list that matches search criteria and index values as specified in User Options
Search Criteria link that returns to the Global Search page
If applicable, you can expand and collapse documents containing detail sets (also referred to as
"duplicate documents") that appear in the search results list (indicated with a plus sign).
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Select All link that selects all documents in the search results list (Deselect All is also available)
Status column that displays an icon when documents are checked out (administrators see a lock icon
identifying documents assigned with document-level security; non-administrators do not see the lock
and only see documents as assigned by the administrator)
The Global Search Results toolbar provides the following operations:
Viewing Global Search Results
After performing a global search for documents in a project, the results will display in the Global Search
Results page.
To perform a global search:
From the Global Searches screen, select a global search.
Enter the search criteria and click the Search icon. The system displays the first page of results within
the first searched project.
From the Project drop-down list, select the project to display.
To easily locate a document in a large results list, click a column header to sort the columns in
ascending or descending order.
Viewing Documents
Double-click a document in the Search Results page to view it. Use the included PaperVision Viewer or
your operating system's default viewer to display the documents.
Note: Depending on the permissions granted to the user by the administrator, annotations may be forced
on for the project. This causes the user to only see the document's edited portions and not the full-text
data below the annotations.
Viewing Documents
You can print search results exactly as they display on screen.
To print global search results:
From the Global Search Results page, choose the appropriate project, and then click the Print
Select the appropriate printer, and then click the Print icon.
Exporting Results
You can export global search results exactly as they display on screen. The system exports the search
results and the associated document index values in an XML file.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
To export global search results:
From the Global Search Results page, choose the appropriate project and click the Export Results
Click Open to view the exported results.
To save the results to a different location, click Save.
Browse to the location where the results should be saved.
Enter the file name.
Select the appropriate file format.
Click Save once again.
Altering Indexes
When you alter a document's index values, the server updates the values immediately. Depending on the
way your projects are set up by the administrator, you might be able to enter new index values or choose
the new value from a drop-down list. If you are altering only specific values of multiple selections (for
example, you are modifying the dates of multiple selections but not the file names), leave the values you
are not changing at their current value.
To alter index values:
From the Global Search Results page, select the documents.
Click the Alter icon.
Note: If you do not select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Enter the new index values and click Save.
Deleting Documents
Deleting documents from PaperVision Enterprise will remove the documents (and all associated versions
and annotations) from the system. Furthermore, depending on the way the administrator has the data
group for the documents configured; PaperVision Enterprise may also delete the physical files from their
source media. The administrator grants you the right to delete documents, so you may not have access
to this operation.
To delete documents:
From the Global Search Results page, select the documents, and then click the Delete icon.
Note: If you fail to select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Printing Documents
If annotations are displayed, those annotations will be printed on the document.
To print documents:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
From the Global Search Results page, select the documents and click the Print icon.
Note: If you do not select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Select the pages and printer, then click Print.
Emailing Documents
You can send documents from any MAPI-compliant email application. The system includes the document
files and index values in the email message. If annotations are visible in a document, they will also
appear in the document when it is sent.
To send documents by email:
From the Global Search Results page, select the documents, and then click the Email icon.
Note: If you fail to select a document, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Select the page range.
Select the document format.
Note: Only image-based documents can be converted (e.g. if the image is a .tif, it can be converted to
a .pdf when sent in an email.) Microsoft Word documents, however, will remain as Word documents.
Type your message, and then click Send.
Exporting Documents
Exporting documents converts them to a specified format (if the document is comprised of images) and
writes the files to a specified location on your local drive. If the document is not comprised of images, it
will be exported in its original format. If annotations are visible in a document, they will also appear in the
document when it is exported.
To export documents:
From the Global Search Results page, select one or more documents.
Click the Export icon.
From the Image Format drop-down list, select the appropriate format in which to export the
From the File Name Field drop-down list, select how the exported document will display the file name
(either as a date/time stamp or based on the documents’ index field values).
Select the output directory (Output Directory).
Select the pages to export, and then click Export. Annotations and document index values are
exported with the documents.
Tagging Documents for Migration
PaperVision Enterprise facilitates the process of collecting documents from your repository into external
data groups (CD-ROMs, etc.). Migrating documents becomes particularly useful in applications where
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
specific sets of data are required to give to an end-user (e.g. legal projects where an attorney wishes to
extract information about a specific case and have it placed on a CD-ROM to take to trial).
To tag documents for migration:
From the Global Search Results page, select one or more documents.
Click the Migrate icon.
Click OK to submit the documents for migration. A confirmation message will appear if the documents
were successfully tagged for migration.
Note: An administrator will perform the actual migration through the PaperVision Enterprise Administration
Console, not the PaperVision Enterprise Local Client. For more information about migration, see Working
with Migration Jobs.
Adding New Documents
An infinite number of documents can be added to projects. You can add multiple documents during one
upload by selecting the Additional Files button. Depending on the organization of the project and how
the administrator set up the index field values, it might be possible to enter new index values, or you may
be able to choose index values from a drop-down list. If applicable, document-level security may be
applied. If text-type documents are added for full-text searching, the system will populate the full-text
database. If you are granted the appropriate folder security access rights, you can also add new
documents to folders in the Folders tab.
To add a document:
From the Global Search Results page, choose the appropriate project from the Project drop-down
Click the Add icon. The Add New Documentspage appears.
Add New Documents
In the Document Index Fields section, enter the required index values.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
In the Folders section, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder (in the Folders tab). To
add the document to a folder, click the Browse button to locate the appropriate folder. The Choose
Folder dialog box appears.
In the Choose Folder dialog box, select the folder, and then click OK.
To add a new folder (optional), select the parent folder, and then click the New Folder button.
If you added a new folder, enter the folder name, and then press Enter to save the new folder.
Click OK.
In the Choose File dialog box, select the file, and then click Open.
10. In the Files section, click the Browse button to locate the document.
Choose Folder
11. To add more documents, click the Additional Files button and repeat steps 9 through 10. The same
index values will be assigned to all documents added in one operations.
12. Click Save.
Scanning New Documents
To scan one or more documents from a search results page:
For each document, click the Scan icon. The document viewer window appears.
In the document viewer toolbar, click the Scan New Document icon. Pages from the feeder are
scanned, and then the Scan New Document dialog box appears.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Scan New Document
Enter the required document index field values.
In the Add to Folder field, you can (optionally) add the new document to a folder in the Folders tab.
If you do not want to add the document to a folder, proceed to step 9.
To add the document to a folder, click the ellipsis button to locate the folder. The Select Folder
dialog box appears.
Select Folder
In the Select Folder dialog box, select the folder in which to add the document.
Or, you can create a new folder (proceed to the next step).
If the folder already exists and you do not want to create a new folder, proceed to step 8.
To create a new folder, select the appropriate parent folder, and then click the Create Folder button.
The Create Folder dialog box appears.
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Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Create Folder
Enter the name of the new subfolder, and then click OK.
In the Select Folder dialog box, click OK.
In the Scan New Document dialog box, click Save.
Note: If a message displays to notify you that the files are being written to a temporary cache location,
click OK.
10. For each additional document, repeat steps 2-9.
11. After all documents have been scanned, click the Upload Scanned Documents
icon to upload
them to the server. As each document is successfully uploaded, it is removed from the temporary
cache location.
Applying Document-Level Security
PaperVision Enterprise applies extensive security measures beyond project-level security rights. Projectlevel security access rights provide functionality-based security at the project level, and administrators
can grant or deny user access to specific projects and functionality within those projects.
Document-level security provides more fine-grained settings, enabling administrators to define users'
security access rights to individual documents. For example, document-level security can restrict access
to certain people based on date ranges or invoice amount ranges. If you do not have access to a
document, you will not see it in your results list. If you are an administrator or a user with the appropriate
rights, a padlock will appear in the Status column of secured documents.
To manually apply document-level security:
From the Global Search Results page, select one or more documents.
Click the Secure icon.
Select the document-security level definitions to apply to the documents. Any definitions currently
applied to the selected documents are shown as selected.
To remove a document-level security definition, clear the check box.
Click Save. The server applies the document-level security definition to the document.
To remove document-level security:
From the Global Search Results page, select the documents whose document security should be
Click Secure.
Remove the document-security level definitions that should no longer be assigned.
Click Save. The server removes the document-level security definition from the documents.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Applying Retention Locks
While viewing documents, administrators and authorized users can apply, remove, and edit records
retention lock dates.
Note: If you have not been granted security rights to remove retention locks, you will not be able to apply
a new lock date that is later than the current lock date.
To apply a document retention lock:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon. The Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box appears.
Apply/Remove Retention Lock
If not already selected, select Apply Retention Lock.
If calendars are viewable, click within the Lock Date/Time field to open the drop-down calendar, and
then select the date.
If calendars are not available, enter the date.
Enter additional comments about the retention lock, if applicable.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock.
To remove a retention lock:
Select one or more documents whose retention locks should be removed.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box, select Remove Retention Lock.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock removal.
To edit an existing retention lock:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Highlight the document(s) in the list.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply Retention Lock dialog box, edit the date in the Retention Lock Date field, and/or edit the
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the changes.
Applying Destruction Locks
While viewing documents, system administrators and authorized users can apply, remove, and edit
destruction dates and times.
To apply a document destruction date/time:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Destruction
icon. The Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box appears.
Apply/Remove Destruction Date
If not already selected, select Apply Destruction Date.
If your calendars are viewable, click within the Destruction Date/Time field to open the drop-down
calendar, and select the date.
If calendars are not viewable, enter the date.
Enter any additional comments about the destruction date/time, if applicable.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date.
To remove a destruction date/time:
Select one or more documents whose destruction dates/times should be removed.
Click the Destruction icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, select Remove Destruction Date.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 6 - Global Searches
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date removal.
To edit an existing destruction date/time:
Select the document.
Click the Destruction icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, edit the date in the Destruction Date/Time field,
and/or edit the comments.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the changes.
Copying/Pasting Documents Shortcuts from Search Results to Folders
You can copy document shortcuts from any search results screen and paste the document shortcuts into
a folder (within the same project). You can perform these operations by right-clicking the document in the
search results screen and selecting the operation from the context menu. For more information, see the
Folders topic.
To copy documents from search results and paste them into a folder:
From the Global Search Results screen, select one or more documents.
Right-click and select Copy Shortcut from the context menu.
Select the Folders tab, and then select a folder within the same project.
Right-click the folder, and select Paste from the context menu.
Refreshing the Global Results List
To refresh the Global Search Results list, click the Refresh icon.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists
If destruction dates/times have been applied to documents, you can view destruction
lists (per project) and their associated documents. Permissions to view destruction
lists are designated by the administrator, so not all users will have access this list.
To open this screen, expand the Destruction Lists directory, and then highlight the project.
Destruction Lists
The following commands are available in the toolbar:
Viewing Destruction Lists
To view the documents that comprise a records destruction list:
Highlight the appropriate destruction list.
Note: You can only view one destruction list at a time.
Click the View
the next screen.
icon, or press Enter. The documents comprising the Destruction List will appear in
Double-click a document to view it in the Document Viewer.
In addition to most of the standard operations (except the Add and Scan operations) available in the
Search Results toolbar, you can also confirm/deny document destruction and apply/remove retention
locks and destruction dates.
Destruction Lists Toolbar
Confirm/Deny Document Destruction
You can confirm or deny the destruction of one or more documents.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists
To confirm document destruction:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Confirm/Deny icon. The Confirm/Deny Document Destruction dialog box appears.
Confirm/Deny Document Destruction
Select Confirm Document Destruction.
If calendars are viewable, select the date from the drop-down calendar.
Or, enter the destruction date and time.
Enter any comments (optional).
Click Save.
To deny document destruction:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Confirm/Deny icon.
Select Deny Document Destruction.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the denial.
You can apply, remove, or edit document retention locks.
To apply a document retention lock:
Select one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon, and the Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box opens.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists
Apply/Remove Retention Lock
If not already selected, select Apply Retention Lock.
If calendars are viewable, click within the Lock Date/Time field to open the drop-down calendar, and
select the date.
Or, if calendars are not available, enter the date.
Enter comments about the retention lock, if necessary.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock.
To remove a retention lock:
Highlight one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply/Remove Retention Lock dialog box, select Remove Retention Lock.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the retention lock removal.
To edit an existing retention lock:
Highlight one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply Retention Lock dialog box, edit the date in the Retention Lock Date field, and/or edit the
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the changes.
You can apply, remove, or edit document destruction dates and times.
To apply a document destruction date/time:
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists
Highlight one or more documents.
Click the Destruction icon, and the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box opens.
Apply/Remove Destruction Date
If not already selected, select Apply Destruction Date.
Click within the Destruction Date/Time field to open the drop-down calendar, and select the date.
If calendars are not viewable, enter the date.
Enter any comments about the destruction date/time, if necessary.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date.
To remove a destruction date/time:
Highlight one or more documents.
Click the Retention icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, select Remove Destruction Date.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the destruction date removal.
To edit an existing destruction date/time:
Highlight one or more documents.
Click the Destruction icon.
In the Apply/Remove Destruction Date dialog box, edit the date in the Destruction Date/Time field,
and/or edit the comments.
Click Save.
Click OK to confirm the changes.
Note: To return to the Destruction Lists screen, press the Escape key; or, click the Destruction List
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 7 - Destruction Lists
Refreshing the Destruction List
To refresh the list, click the Refresh icon.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
The System Settings directory holds settings for user options, notifications, migration
jobs, and passwords. User options define each user's display and application settings
as well as the search results' parameters. Depending on permissions granted by the administrator, some
users may not be able to make changes in the System Settings directory. Additionally, any settings that
the administrator defines for the entity will override any modifications made in this directory.
User Options
The User Options screen contains settings that modify search results, document views display settings.
Depending on permissions assigned by the administrator, some of these options may be unavailable for
some users. Additionally, the administrator can define entity settings that will override any modifications
made in this screen. To open this screen, open System Settings > User Options.
The following tabs contain the PaperVision Enterprise user settings:
Search settings contain options for modifying the search or search results display.
Document Viewing contains options to use by either the PaperVision Enterprise Web Assistant
document viewer or the Browser-Based Viewer to view documents. Additionally, options are available
to show the first document within your search results and/or whether documents should open in a new
Display Settings contain options to modify the user interface display.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
User Options - Search
Search Settings
Search settings contain options for modifying your search results.
Max. Results Per Query: Enter the maximum number of search results to display on a search results
page in the Max. Results Per Query field. This value cannot exceed the value defined by your
Show Full Text Options: Select this option to display the complete list of full-text searching options.
Document Grouping: Document grouping enables the viewing of multiple documents with the same
index values (as if they were a single document). None applies no grouping. Oldest First positions the
oldest documents at the beginning of the grouped document. Most Recent First positions the newest
documents first.
Document Viewing
Document Viewing settings allow you to select the Browser-Based Viewer or the PaperVision Enterprise
ActiveX document viewer to view documents. Additional options allow you to display the first document
within your search results and whether documents should open in a new window.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
User Options - Document Viewing
Document Display Method: You can select the method for displaying documents. If using Microsoft
Internet Explorer 8 or later on Windows XP Pro SP3 or later, you can select the Use PaperVision
Viewer to view documents. If you choose this option, you might need to install the Web Assistant. The
document viewer is now available for other browsers.
Note: Some operations that are available in the PaperVision Viewer may not be available in the BrowserBased Viewer.
Show First Document: To display the first result among the documents that meet your search criteria
when the search completes, select this option.
Open Documents in New Window: To open documents in a new window, select this option.
Display Settings
Display Settings contain options that enable you to modify the user interface display.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
User Options - Display Settings
Icon Display: Click the option that corresponds to the toolbar display. The system displays text and
icons, text only, or icons only.
Entity ID: To display/hide your entity ID in the Login window, select Display Entity ID or Hide Entity
Hide Browser Menus: Select this option if you do not want the browser menu to appear in PaperVision
Display Calendar: To display calendars in the date fields of your search pages, check Display
Retain Tab Selection: Select this option to retain your last selected system project/screen or last
selected folder when you switch between the System and Folders tab. The selected system
project/screen as well as the selected tab and folder are retained per user session, and the selected
tab is retained per workstation.
Retain Last Project Selected: Select this option if you want the most recently-opened project to be
selected when you log in, as long as you still have security access rights to the project. If the Retain
Tab Selection option is also enabled and you most recently opened the Folders tab, the project will not
be selected when you log in (the Folders tab will be selected instead).
The Notifications screen contains system messages that alert users when certain events occur that may
require attention. Many of these notifications are specific to administrators, but some also display to nonadministrative users. The screen contains a list of notifications and the toolbar contains links to refresh,
delete, print and select all of the notifications.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
The system automatically generates notifications for the following events and
Data group loaded successfully (entity administrators)
Submittal of migration job (entity and global administrators)
Migration job finished running (submitting user, entity and global administrators)
Data purge failure (entity and global administrators)
An attempted user login to a "locked" account (entity administrators)
An attempted user login when all licenses were in use (entity administrators)
Workstep that remains unprocessed for a long period of time (user group of assigned workstep)
Sorting Information
To sort information that appears in the list, click any of the column headers to sort in ascending or
descending order. The screen will refresh itself to the new sorting view.
The column headers indicate the following information:
Date/Time (date/time the system generated the notification)
Source (activity that initiated the notification; e.g. if a user initiates the notification, the user name
Notification (notification message)
Viewing Notifications
The system displays the notifications in the System Settings > Notifications screen.
Refreshing Notifications
To refresh the notifications list, click Refresh in the System Settings > Notifications screen.
Deleting Notifications
Highlight the appropriate notifications.
Or, click Select All.
Note: If you do not select a notification, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Click Delete.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
Printing the Notifications List
Click Print.
Select the printing parameters, and then click Print.
Note: The system prints all of the notifications; you cannot select individual notifications to print.
Migration Jobs
Migration jobs are created after documents are tagged for migration within the System Settings
directory. Additionally, new migrations jobs are created as documents are tagged for new projects or if
the project's migration job has been submitted for processing. After documents are tagged for migration,
the administrator is required to submit migration jobs for processing.
Note: Only an administrator can complete the final process of a migration job.
Once migration jobs have been processed, a notification will appear in the System Settings >
Notifications screen. The migration job page contains a list of migration jobs as well as Submit, Delete
and Refresh commands.
The column headers indicate the following information:
Project: Displays the name of the project to which the documents are associated
Description: Displays the description of the migration job
# of Docs: Displays the number of documents to be migrated
Submit Time: Displays the time when job was submitted for processing; displays as Not Submitted if
job not yet submitted for processing
Finish Time: Displays the time when job was processed; migration job status is Not Yet Run if an
administrator has not yet run it
Understanding Migration Jobs (Documents Tagged for Migration
The PaperVision Enterprise migration feature enables your organization to collect documents from
various data groups in your repository and save them and any existing or modified document index fields
into a new data group. An administrator can then save this new data group to any location, including
external media.
For example, your group might need to supply an attorney with documents that apply to a specific case.
Your team can migrate only the applicable documents and burn them onto a CD or DVD so that the
attorney can access the information. The original documents are not altered, nor are they removed from
the PaperVision Enterprise.
When documents are migrated, the following conditions are applied:
Users must have appropriate permissions to tag documents for migration.
Migration jobs do not export document annotations.
Migration databases do not support the Text(900) index field type; these databases truncate index
fields at 255 characters.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
The original documents are not altered, nor are they removed from the PaperVision Enterprise.
COLD/PaperVision Enterprise Report Management documents and CAR references are not supported
for migration.
The administrator or user who submitted the migration jobs must manually delete migration jobs after
they are completed and no longer needed.
Any errors that occur during the migration process are written to a Migration Errors X.txt file in the
data group’s directory.
When migrating information, three basic steps are followed:
Documents are tagged for migration in the Search Results page.
Tagged documents are submitted as migration jobs.
An administrator runs the migration process to locate the tagged documents in their original data
The documents are then copied to a separate location, where they are formatted into a standard
PaperFlow data group. This data group can then be saved to any supported media type.
The system displays the notification in the System Settings > Notifications screen or sends an email message to alert when the migration job has been processed.
Viewing Migration Jobs
All migration jobs are listed in this screen. If no documents are tagged for migration, a notification
displays a message that no migration jobs have been created.
Submitting Migration Jobs
To submit migration jobs:
Highlight the appropriate migration jobs.
Or, click Select All.
Click Submit in the Migration Jobs dialog.
Note: If you do not select a migration job, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
Click OK to confirm, and the jobs will be added to the Submit queue for processing.
Deleting Migration Jobs
PaperVision Enterprise does not automatically delete migration jobs after an administrator processes the
migration. An administrator or the user who submitted the job for migration must manually delete the
migration job.
To delete a migration job:
From the System Settings > Migration Jobs screen, select the appropriate migration jobs.
Or, click Select All, and then click Delete.
Note: If you do not select a migration job, the system displays an alert. Click OK to close the alert.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Chapter 8 - System Settings
Click OK to confirm the deletion.
Change Password
Depending on how the administrator set up the entity, users' passwords may expire periodically or
require a minimum number of characters. Depending on each user's permissions granted by the
administrator, the Change Password feature may be disabled. If you enter an incorrect password a
predefined number of times, you might be locked out of your entity. It is recommended to refer to your
company's administrator if you have questions about your password.
You must enter your current password before entering a new password in the Change Password screen.
After entering the new password, it must be confirmed then saved. A blank password is not
recommended because it can compromise your security. After changing the password, the change is
updated immediately in the system. This page contains the Current Password, New Password and
Confirm New Password fields. To open this screen, open System Settings > Change Password.
Note: Passwords are case-sensitive.
To change your password:
Enter your current password.
Enter the new password.
Enter the new password once again to confirm it.
Click Save, and the system updates your password immediately.
If you entered a blank password (which is not recommended because it can compromise your security),
click Yes to confirm it.
Note: If you enter an invalid current or new password, the system displays an alert. Click OK to clear the
password fields.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: To better understand the Maximum Results per Query
and Document
A: PaperVision Enterprise searches for documents (excluding full-text search criteria) by following the
steps below:
PaperVision Enterprise executes the submitted index value query against the SQL database, limiting
the results to the value specified by Maximum Results per Query and sorting by the Document ID
For each document returned from that database query, PaperVision checks to ensure the requesting
user has document level access to it.
If, after stripping out documents, there are fewer than Maximum Results per Query, PaperVision
Enterprise will repeat steps 1 and 2 for the next group of documents. When the correct number of
documents are found (or no more meet the criteria), PaperVision Enterprise will continue to step 4.
PaperVision Enterprise sorts the final set of documents based on the user’s requested sort order and
PaperVision Enterprise cycles through the documents, queuing them up to be returned to the client. As
it does this, if the user has document grouping enabled, PaperVision Enterprise will compare document
index values to see if any document groups should be created.
PaperVision Enterprise searches for documents (including full-text search criteria) by following the steps
PaperVision Enterprise submits the full-text search criteria to the full-text database engine, instructing it
to return, at most, the number of documents specified by Maximum Full-Text Items configured by the
system administrator. The engine returns the Document ID values (and additional information) of any
documents that the full-text engine finds.
PaperVision Enterprise appends the submitted index value query (if any) to also require the resulting
documents to have Document ID values that are in the list of those found by the full-text engine.
PaperVision Enterprise executes the submitted index value query against the SQL database, limiting
the results to the value specified by Maximum Results per Query and sorting by the Document ID
For each document returned from that database query, PaperVision Enterprise checks to ensure the
requesting user has document level access to it.
If, after stripping out documents, there are fewer than the specified Maximum Results per Query,
PaperVision Enterprise will repeat steps 3 and 4 for the next group of documents. When the correct
number of documents are found (or no more meet the criteria), PaperVision Enterprise will continue to
step 6.
PaperVision Enterprise sorts the final set of documents based on the user’s requested sort order and
PaperVision Enterprise cycles through the documents, queuing them up to be returned to the client.
Since a full-text search was issued, no document grouping is used.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does PaperVision Enterprise’s file caching scheme work?
A: PaperVision Enterprise implements advanced caching processes to minimize the chance of a
document being accessed by an unauthorized party. When using an application server or Enterprise in your PaperVision Enterprise installation, the document store is never
exposed to outside users, nor is it exposed to the PaperVision Enterprise users.
When a user retrieves a document
The PaperVision Enterprise server caches the first page of that document to a temporary location and
then passes that information to the PaperVision document viewer.
The PaperVision Enterprise document viewer retrieves the file from the temporary location on the
server and stores it in a temporary location on the client machine.
The PaperVision Enterprise document viewer notifies the PaperVision Enterprise server that the
cached file can be removed.
The PaperVision Enterprise server removes the cached file.
Steps 1 through 4 are repeated for any additional documents or pages.
When the PaperVision Enterprise document viewer is closed, it clears out the cached files on the local
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Appendix B: PVESearchURL Feature
The PVESearchURL feature is use to locate documents in your database.
To locate documents using the PVESearchURL feature, you must include the following parameters in
your URL:
UserName = (A valid user name.)
Password = (A valid password.)
EntID = (The ID of the entity to search.)
ProjID = (The ID of the project to search.)
IndexFields = (A pipe-delimited list of the index fields to search.) *
ResultsType = (Options are 'List' to display a list of search results or 'Docs' to display specific
The following elements are optional if you use the default value or the value is blank:
Password = (If the password is blank.)
IndexValues = (A pipe-delimited list of Index Values for which you want to search.) *
IndexValuesTo = (A pipe-delimited list of the 'To' index values in a date range. The default is blank or
no range searching. If you use the default and enter a date in the 'IndexFields' or 'IndexValuesTo'
fields, the system searches for that specific date.)*
SortBy = (The name of the index field to sort the results by. The default is the first index field in
ascending order. To sort in descending order, add ' [-]' to the end of the index field.)
FTQuery = (The full text string you are searching for.)
FTOptions = (Tab Delimited(“\t”) list of full-text search options which can use the following
• BOOLEAN or NATURAL: specifies to use either a Boolean or Natural Language search.
• STEMMING: specifies that stemming is to be used on all words.
• PHONIC: specifies that a phonic search is to be performed on all words.
• FUZZY=x: specifies that a fuzzy logic search is to be performed on all words with a fuzziness setting
of “x” (where x is between 1 and 10).
• SYNONYM: specifies that a synonym search is to be performed on all words.
• WNSYNONYM: specifies that any synonym searching should use the WordNet thesaurus of
• WNRELATED: specifies that any synonym searching should use the WordNet related words list.
• USERSYNONYM: specifies that any synonym searching should use the user-defined thesaurus.
SearchTyp e= (The type of search; enter 'And' or 'Or'. The default is 'Or'.)
ShowHomeLink = (Options are 'true' or 'false'. If this value is 'true', the resulting page displays a link to
the main project page.)
Locale = (Used when executing on a translated web site. The Locale parameter must use the same
country code as the translated strings). The default is EN-US.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
Appendix B: PVESearchURL Feature
Note: IndexFields' values and 'IndexValues'/'IndexValuesTo' values are range values and are directly
related to each other. When you design your PVESearchURL string, enter your values in the same order
as your index fields.
For example, if your 'From' value is the first index field value, that value needs to come first in your
PVESearchURL string.
Here are some examples of what the URL might look like:
ame|Date|Amount&IndexValues=John Doe|10-052004|100&SortBy=Date&SearchType=And&ResultsType=Docs
You can use a valid a session ID ('SessionID') value instead of a 'UserName'/'Password' pair to search
for documents.
rojID=1&IndexFields=Name&IndexValues=John Doe&ResultsType=List
Note: These elements can optionally be passed as form fields instead of URL values.
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
change font size, 74
ACSCII Font, 89
Active X document viewer, 153
change password, 159
change views, 74
check in documents, 74
annotations, 94
new documents in Browser-Based Viewer, 105
adding new documents, 64
check out documents, 74
Clipboard, 55, 88
copying data, 55
altering indexes, 38
COLD documents
annotation tools, 97
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
annotations, 97
comopressed files, 56
documents, 94
setting for image-based documents, 90
confidence-level scoring, 35
confirm ownership, 92
viewing, 97
copy data to Clipboard, 74
document level security, 35
records destructions locks, 35
copying data to the Clipboard, 55
folders, 49
ASCII Character Set, 90
ASCII Display Options, 90
workflor instances, 74
creating folders, 49
ASCII Margins, 90
criteria, 27
ASCII settings, 89
searching, 74, 134
assigning, 94, 99
records retention locks, 37
associated documents, 71
cut/copy/paste folders, 49
authentication, 12
Available Projects, 10
data groups, 2
overview, 27
defined, 10
Brower-Based Viewer, 99
Viewer Options, 120
browser, 3, 8, 54
Internet Explorer, 3, 8, 53
Mozilla Firefox, 3
Browser-Based document viewing option, 153
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
supported types, 10
database formats, 57
documents, 38, 139
deleting documents, 38
deleting folder shortcuts, 51
deleting global searches, 136
desktop publishing, 56
destruction dates
applying, 80
destruction lists, 148
detail sets, 10, 36
diagram documents
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
disclosure information, 85
display options, 153
document, 2, 35, 157
adding to projects, 27, 35, 55, 137
annotations, 37, 55, 94, 138
apllying document security levels, 35, 137
checking in, 55, 83
checking out, 55
copying data to the Clipboard, 55
defined, 10
deleting from projects, 35, 137
dislosing information, 10, 85
emailing, 37, 55, 140
viewing (PaperVision ActiveX Document
Viewer, 55
viewing full text, 55
viewing source file, 55
document grants, 55, 63
document shortcuts (Folder view), 49
Document Viewer, 55, 56, 94
defining options, 88
installing, 8, 54
right-clicking, 74
toolbar, 62
manipulating documents, 99
navigating documents, 73
performing tasks, 63
using system defaults, 56
Document Viewer Plug-In, 7
document-level security, 10, 55, 85, 94
Downloads, 7, 12
downloading updates or tools, 7
overview, 7, 10
enhanced auditing, 55, 85
exporting, 37, 55, 138
grouping (documents), 153
index values, 55
issuing document grants, 55
opening in their native applications, 55
printing, 37, 138
printing regions, 55
searching for text, 55
submitting migration jobs, 158
supported native file formats, 56
tagging for migration, 35, 137, 157
textual notes, 55
type, 62
using the annotations toolbar, 94
viewing, 8, 37, 53, 56, 62, 138
editing, 82, 90, 94
documents, 82
elipse, 94
email, 63
documents, 35, 63
enhanced auditing, 85
entities, 12
defined, 10
working across entities, 12
entity ID, 2, 12
defined, 10
entity-level security, 10
documents, 63
images, 64
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
exporting documents, 39
Help button, 4, 10
extraction (full text), 46
overview, 5, 10
highlight annotation tool, 94
hot key, 14
FAQ, 160
documents, 136
icons, 155
text, 74
field-level security, 10, 55, 94
annotation, 94
files, 21
edit, 94
finding text in documents, 72
format, 56
Folder view
resetting, 75
adding documents, 22
resize, 99
folders, 49
rotate, 99
freehand, 95
scale, 99
full-text search criteria, 29
type, 62
full-text searching, 46
zoom, 99
supported full-text types, 46
image printing\settings, 89
viewing full text with the document viewer plugin, 55, 94
function-level security, 10, 55
Brower-Based Viewer, 120
index values, 2
functions, 10
document viewer toolbar, 35, 63, 137
assigning to new documents, 27
defined, 10
general search criteria, 28
install\applications, 7
introduction, 1
general/document system settings, 89
Global Searches, 10, 137
adding, 135
jobs, 157
defition, 27
deleting, 136
editing, 135
overview, 10
viewing, 134
keyboard shortcuts, 14
keys, 14
Knowledge Base, 9
group-level security, 10
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
opening files
in native applications (Browser-Based Viewer),
line, 95
logging in, 12
opening files in native applications, 108
logging out, 14
options in Document Viewer, 88
login paramaters, 12
General Settings, 89
Scan/Edit Settings, 90
Workflow Settings, 92
Microsoft© Office, 1, 46
owning worksteps, 132
migration jobs, 10, 157
Mozilla Firefox, 3
panning documents, 99
passwords, 153, 159
native applications, 68
PDF Rendering, 90
navigating PaperVision Enterprise, 10
keyboard shortcuts, 14
online help, 4
plug-in, 3, 7
polygon, 95
presentation documents
user interface, 10, 14
Brower-Based Viewer, 120
hot keys, 14
presentation formats, 59
notifications, 156
print, 37, 88, 138
deleting notifications, 156
overview, 156
print regions in documents, 64
printing the notifications list, 157
refreshing notifications, 156
viewing notifications, 156
Notifications window, 10, 153, 156
overview, 10, 156
documents in Browser-Based Viewer, 105
printing documents, 64
Project Search
adding documents, 22
project-level security, 11
occurance\find next, 74
online help, 4, 9
projects, 2, 27
create, 27
defined, 10
searching, 31
accessing online help, 5
Contacting Digitech Systems, 9
navigating online help, 5
quiries, 137
obtaining help from other sources, 9
printing online help, 6
using online Help conventions, 4
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
records destructions lists, 148
full-text documents. See full-text searching
records retention, 148
global searching, 137
rectangle, 95
index fields, 134, 137
refresh period, 92
limiting search results, 35, 137
refreshing folding list, 49
maintaining results across multiple projects, 35
removing destructions dates, 80
overview, 27
removing retention locks, 79
print documents, 55, 139
print search results, 35, 138
projects, 38, 139
system requirements
minimum hardware requirements, 3
sorting results by index value, 35, 137
rest\image, 75
tagging documents for migration, 140
Results per Query and Document, 160
text, 55, 74
retention locks
using wildcards, 27
viewing confidence-level scoring, 35
applying, 79
viewing document status, 35, 137
revision control
Browser-Based Viewer, 111
viewing documents, 37, 55, 94, 138
revisions, 84
viewing hits, 35
right-clicking annotations, 94
viewing search results, 35, 137, 153
Search Criteria screen, 29
rotate, 99
search results, 35, 148
scale, 99
settings, 90
searches for documents, 160
security, 10, 159
annotating documents, 94
entity-level security, 10
scanner settings, 89
features, 10
scanning new documents, 66
field-level security, 10, 55, 94
score, 36
function-level security, 10, 55
screen resolution, 4
group-level security, 10
search, 137, 153
overview, 10
adding documents to projects, 40, 55, 141
project-level security, 11
altering index values, 55, 139
user-level security, 10, 159
defining document grouping, 35, 137
send, 63
defining search criteria, 35, 137
sorting search results, 29
deleting documents, 38, 139
source file information, 55
documents, 35, 136, 137
emailing documents, 55, 140
exporting documents, 39, 55, 140
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide
system requirements, 3
spreadsheet document
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
user-level security, 10, 159
spreadsheets, 60
submit migration jobs, 157
submitting documents (for migration), 35
system requirements, 3
viewer options
system settings, 153
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
display, 153
viewing, 8, 53
document viewing, 154
annotations, 94, 97
migration jobs, 157
checkout status, 78
notifications, 156
document, 55
overview, 10, 153
documents in Browser-Based Viewer, 105
search, 153
full text, 75
user options, 153
full text search results, 75
revision history, 78
source file information, 76
workflow status, 81
techncial support, 9
terminology, 10, 129
Viewing documents, 53
text, 74
viewing folders, 49
text annotation tool, 97
Viewing workflow status, 87
texual documents
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
texual notes, 55, 63
wildcards, 27
toolbar, 37, 62, 63, 138
word processing applications, 56
toolbar options
workflow, 127, 131
Browser-Based Viewer, 120
status, 81
tools\annotations, 94
workflow instance, 87
TWAIN driver settings, 88
Workflow Window, 131
my worksteps, 132
undo\checkout, 78
task list, 132
worksteps, 133
uploading documents. See adding new documents
worksteps, 127, 132, 133
user interface, 10
Worksteps Waiting in Queue, 127
navigating, 10
oview, 10
user options
display settings, 155
document viewing, 154
zooming/panning, 74, 99
search, 153
PaperVision® Enterprise User Guide